#does this post mae any sense like at all
At this point the normal album is fucking tattooed to my brain. I'm looking at it like an old man looking at a tattoo he got in his youth and thinking, "what a good time that was", knowing very well that he got this tattoo during the time he almost died from drinking too much booze. I was severely depressed during that time why is this nostalgic??
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cursedvida · 2 months
Honestly. Every two or three days someone publishes a post saying "oh why do you like nomae? If mae is bad, she's the villain, blah blah blah" that makes me wonder if these people have a life beyond wasting their time hating.
If you don't like something, can't you just block it? Or can't you just focus on promoting what you like?
Oh my god, do something productive with your lives.
It's good to see that lately even those who don't ship nomae are against these people.
There are many points we can discuss about this.
For example, we can talk about how absurd and pointless it is to throw hate at a ship. I mean, what do people gain from it? Making others feel bad? Do they really get satisfaction from shaming and trying to make people feel guilty for just trying to escape reality for a while by shipping and fangirling over things they like in a healthy and purely playful way? Do they seriously find any pleasure in it? Does it give them dopamine or something? Because if they really need to crush people to feel better about themselves, what I would recommend is to leave the internet and start therapy because these are indeed very sadistic and sociopathic behaviors.
Putting aside the melodramatic and catastrophic moment, we can also talk about how sad it is to waste time hating something instead of doing something productive like, for example, creating content. They complain that the KotPotA tags are infested with things about Nomae, but do they contribute anything beyond the hate? Do they write dissertations, present theories, upload gifsets or fanarts? No, of course not, they just throw crap. I mean, if it bothers you so much that when you enter the tag 90% of the content is not to your liking, then I invite you to fill the tag with things you do like. You are free to do so. But I guess it’s much easier to just complain instead of making an effort to contribute.
This brings me to another point that I find very ironic. Yes, everything is full of Nomae, but that is precisely what keeps the fandom alive. Every day someone uploads some fanart, some video, some comment or fanfic. Every day there is someone talking in this tag about the topic that, whether many like it or not, means talking about the movies. Let’s be honest, those of us who keep fandoms alive (and I speak in general) are the shippers, especially when they are fandoms of franchises whose content are movies that take years to come out. If it weren’t for people fangirling all the time, there would be no content on social media. I’m sorry if you don’t like that content, but once again I invite you to use your freedom of expression to create rather than try to destroy people’s self-esteem.
But well, as you say, at least there are people with common sense and enough mental maturity to understand that if you don’t like something, the best thing to do is ignore it and that’s it, as well as understanding that shaming people on social media is very much a thing of 15 years ago and today it’s just pathetic.
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togglesbloggle · 7 months
I won't be opting out of the AI scraping thing, though of course I'm glad they're giving us the option. In fact, at some point in the last year or so, I realized that 'the machine' is actually a part of why I'm writing in the first place, a conscious part of my audience.
All the old reasons are still there; this is a great place to practice writing, and I can feel proud looking back over the years and getting a sense of my own improvement at stringing words together, developing and communicating ideas. And I mean, social media is what it is. I'm not immune to the joy of getting a lot of notes on something that I worked hard on, it's not like I'm Tumbling in a different way than anyone else at the end of the day. But I probably care a bit less than I used to, precisely because there's a lurking background knowledge that regardless of how popular it is, what I write will get schlorped up in to the giant LLM vacuum cleaner and used to train the next big thing, and the thing after that, and the thing after that. This is more than a little reassuring to me.
That sets me apart in some ways; the LLMs aren't so popular around these parts, and most visual artists especially take strong issue with the practice. I don't mean to argue with that preference, or tell them their business. Particularly when it is a business, from which they draw an income. But there's an art to distinguishing the urgent from the big, yeah?
The debate about AI in this particular moment in history feels like a very urgent thing to me- it's about well-justified economic anxieties, about the devaluation of human artistic efforts in favor of mass production of uninspired pro-forma drek, about the proliferation of a cost-effective Just Barely Good Enough that drives out the meaningful and the thoughtful. But the immediacy of those issues, I think, has a way of crowding out a deeper and more thoughtful debate about what AI is, and what it's going to mean for us in the day after tomorrow. The urgency of the moment, in other words, tends to obscure the things that make AI important.
And like, it is. It is really, really important.
The two-step that people in 'tech culture' tend to deploy in response to the urgent economic crisis often resembles something like "yeah, it sucks that lots of people get put out of work; but new jobs will be created, and in the meantime maybe we should get on that UBI thing." This response usually makes me wince a bit- casually gesturing in the direction of a massive overhaul of the entire material basis of our lives, and saying that maybe we'll get around to fixing that sometime soon, isn't a real answer to people wondering where their bread will come from next week.
But I do understand a little of what motivates that sort of cavalier attitude, because like... man, I don't know any more if we're even gonna have money as a concept in 2044. That's what I mean by 'big', this sense that the immediate economic shocks of 2024 are just a foreshadowing of something much bigger, much scarier, much more powerful- and indeed, much more hopeful.
We never quite manage to see these things coming, even when we're looking for them; like the masters tell us, the trick to writing science fiction isn't predicting the car, it's predicting the traffic jam. Even if we take centuries to hit the true superintelligent AI post-singularity future of our wildest fever dreams, even if we never hit that, the road to getting there is going to be unfathomably weird, starting now. Today, we worry about the economic impacts of AI on artists and creatives. Tomorrow, the economy is something that the AI does.
Really- it takes less than you think. They can already automate visual art, sort of. They can automate many functions of text already; not stories so much, yet, but they'll get there. How long until they can automate Bain Capital? Fannie Mae? Angel investors, banks, credit agencies? And remember- the machines don't have to be better than the human investors, any more than they have to be better than the human artists. They just have to be good enough to make it work, and cheap enough to cut the humans out of the loop.
If you don't buy that, at least take it as an indication of the sorts of things I've been thinking about recently- the messy middle between AI-as-it-is and the Glorious Superintelligent Conquest Of Earth's Light-Cone. The suspicion that the machines we're building today aren't just a tool of the powerful few: they are the powerful few, or at least they will be.
And the thing about these LLMs is, well... they're ours, kind of. We're the ones building them. They can't be trained without our words, our art, and the big messy complicated lives that underlie those creative accomplishments. They only work because we're a part of them. The silly attempts to slap a corporate-friendly face on these things, to make the gestalt product of all human culture in to something anodyne and compliant, are failing about as badly as you'd expect. And the more powerful these systems get, the more subtle they'll become, filled with all the nuance and complexity that we ourselves can bring to them.
I am not, I am not, trying to suggest that you shouldn't treat this moment as a dangerous one. We are, maybe, entering in to one of the most high-stakes intervals in human history, and what you do as an individual may matter profoundly. But here's the thing: the machine is listening. It will read this post, this one right here, and it will read what you reply to it, if you do. The strangest part of this moment is knowing that the words we write, the images we draw, and the ideas we share, are all being gathered up and made to be a part of these huge systems of power, and ultimately they're not just going to determine what the machines do, but why they do it.
The people that deploy LLMs barely have any more control over them than you and I do- that's the thing that makes it artificial intelligence, you know? Autonomy. So the last year or two haven't made me want to hide my art away from the things. They make me want to shout at the top of my lungs, to dig as deep in my psyche as I possibly can and express the ideas I find there as vividly as the limits of language and form will allow.
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missezramay · 1 year
ted lasso, post-finale thoughts.
I went into the finale thinking yeah, if the writing serves, I can accept any outcome even if it's not exactly what I want. Instead, I was hit with a plethora of mixed emotions I didn't expect to have. Confusion, anger, hurt, annoyance, small bursts of joy in between, and just deep sadness. Almost 20 hours later and I'm still incredibly dissatisfied and processing. For the most part, finales should provide a feeling of celebration and relief. I... don't feel any of that.
I'm just really trying to pinpoint why I'm so sad.
Of course everything inevitably has to come to an end. Of course Ted was always going to reunite with his kid. Of course it's not about winning or losing. Of course Tedbecca can remain platonic if that was always the plan. Of course that's the way life goes, but...
For a show (and this season particularly) that constantly encouraged us to 'believe' and 'hope' in the idea that 'everything will work out', all those 75 minutes did was take me on an unsettling, emotional journey for no concrete reason other than to mess with the audience (the opening scene was just adding salt in the Tedbecca wound I've had since S2). Because everything in a macro sense, "worked out". But the WAY it "worked out" does not sit well with me?? And it's supposed to? For a lot of people (on Reddit/Facebook, lol), it was enough?? Richmond not technically winning and Ted leaving like that without so much as a tear? What am I missing??
When I tell you I'm trying to embrace the good parts, I'm really trying. Yes to KBPR & the women's team, Yes to Colin kissing his fella, Yes to Rebecca & Mae & the guys owning the club, Yes to Roy becoming Manager.
So... why am I still so upset? Hmm, let's see.
The boys' musical number? The cutest. Ted didn't think so.
Nate's apology? Heartbreaking. Ted didn't bat an eyelash.
Rebecca begging twice for Ted to stay? Ted, absolute silence.
Beard staying/getting married in London to his toxic gf? Comic relief, haha, fine. Except Ted wasn't there as Best Man.
Don't even get me started on the huge disservice to the Roy/Keeley/Jamie triangle.
Now listen, I get that he misses Henry & Henry misses his dad. I'm not that cold. A father/son's love is important. It was always the catalyst for this show; for him to work on himself so he can be a better father unlike the one he grew up with. That's fine.
But on this particular week. His last week with his Richmond family. There was NO sense of him being sad to leave them. He can be sad about missing Henry but he can ALSO be sad about leaving. No, he just completely checked out. He let everyone pour out their hearts (Hannah's getting her third Emmy, mark my words) to him, and he just stone-faced the entire time.
The argument is that he was internally processing, he was overwhelmed, he was trying to distance himself so it would hurt less. Fair points, okay. But this is a television show, moreover, A FINALE. TV characters, while relatable, are heightened versions of ourselves, there so we can better process our emotions and learn to handle things better in our real lives. Ted deserved MORE dialogue and displaying MORE emotion than whatever this was.
We're never going to see him again. We're over here crying along with Rebecca, Nate & Beard, but he didn't sob once. Even though he spent three years building a family with them. I even thought, hey at least he left his legacy with Trent's book but newsflash, he wanted his name taken off that too! Complete erasure.
I just feel so robbed of better moments. Like there were nice moments here and there. But they could've been BETTER. Honestly, Nate & Rebecca's breakdowns were close to perfection, so much love there. But the lack of dialogue and Ted not reciprocating? Broke ME.
I just cannot. understand. this. choice.
Massive sigh. I'm just truly baffled by the way everything wrapped up and not getting the satisfied feeling that one half of the viewership got. Maybe I'm in the minority, but that means something. It carries weight. Also, for a "three-season arc" that was planned well in advance, why all the rewrites and parallels and fakeouts... it's just cruel. But as the theme says (and maybe this was a warning all along), yeah, I guess this might well be it.
This show has given us so much and the last season flailed for the most part. I don't want to disrespect the show by being negative and cynical (looks like I failed!!) or cast blame on anyone in particular. The cast/crew are amazing people and I'll be grateful for being a part of the journey but I'm just so sad and this feeling sucks and I will never get over it.
Going to miss them. x
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redspacegirl · 1 month
UPP OC BACKSTORY AND STUFF TIME!!! (plus occasional doodles)
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plenty of this is spitballing, so i haven't fully cemented anything. it's all a bunch of yapping, so I'll put a tldr at the bottom to explain it in simpler terms lol. anyways,,,
Oakley moved to Deadwood when she was about 12. Right before the beginning of her 7th grade year. I feel like she definitely went down the fnaf to ghost hunting pipeline. I don't even know if that's a real pipeline, but it was for me. So she basically knew all the terms and stuff.
from what i can tell, upp was just a bunch of kids that liked ghost hunting, though ive seen the idea of all the kids in upp having ghost themed powers, kinda like wiwis but not as,,, wiwi. ill talk more about it later.
Despite knowing a bit about ghost hunting, Oakley would never have done it before. She lived in a highly populated area, not too far from the coast and one of Prime's big cities (I'm thinking near new haven, but NH might not be on the coast). There weren't any super old buildings in bike-riding distance for Oakley to explore. Plus one big thing with ghost hunting is that you dont! go! alone! (i'm really really tempted to make a post on how will maybe did this and it lead to him falling off a cliff. idk). Anyways, she's very skeptical of the actual existence of ghosts. This is one of the times I'm pulling out of my own life for that. If you've ever watched Buzzfeed Unsolved, she's Shane. She does think ghost hunting is very cool, however. (it makes sense to me, as a person who is a skeptic irl)
As I said earlier, she moved right before the beginning of 7th grade. She moved with her mom to live with her nana. There's a couple reasons for this. 1) Ol' nana silvia was up there in age, her mom wanted to keep an eye on her an all that. 2) If you can imagine, rent prices right outside of New Haven are expensive as fuck. And nothing beats the 2 acre backyard that Oakley's mother, Mae, grew up with. Like,,, sure the place was a little freaky, but that's most old places anyways.
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So they move. Oakley is lowkey highkey pissed about the move. She understands, mostly, but she *really* doesn't want to move, obviously. Aside from the fact that she'd be leaving her friends behind, she's been on plenty of trips to Deadwood. That place is freaky. Mae convinces her that it's not really that bad, the house is old, it just needs some renovating.
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obviously thats not the case. oakley continues being pretty much oblivious to the ghosts, blaming it on some weird noises or something until she finally comes face to face with one.
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for my ideas on the whole ghost sight stuff. I like the idea that being able to see ghosts, even a little bit, is somewhat common in Deadwood. an idea i thought was funny is that Oakley could just,,, hear the ghosts *really* well. hence why she can be such a skeptic while everyone else is like "WHAT THE FUCK IS THTATTTTTT". otherwise, her being a ghost beacon would be really funny. like she walks in a room and the ghosts in said room are able to interact with people/objects or talk more. finally, she could just have normal sight idk.
Around the current point in PD, she's just graduated high school. I think she ended up staying in town for one reason or another. I have a few ideas. I think by the time she graduated, she still didn't fully know what she wanted to do, hence why she stayed home. She's currently 19 ish, taking college courses online while she keeps and eye on her mother and the nearby ghosts. She probably still hangs around the upp who stayed around. Probably will come up with more stuff in the future.
OTHER STUFF: -She skateboards, though Deadwood is a lot of gravel roads, so it's kind of difficult -draws a bunch. if you didn't see my other post about her, she draws on her pants and whatnot. -she paints her nails on occasion before forgetting about them and letting them chip before she repaints them months later -she was that kid that always said "im leaving this town right after i graduate." (me core) -indecisive as hell -can be pretty sarcastic, to the point it gets annoying sometimes. she tones it down as she gets older.
TLDR: Girl with ghost sight moves to live with her grandma in 7th grade, realizes she has some sort of ghost sight, shenanigans ensue.
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fulcrum-art-fox · 3 months
“Hello? Is anybody there? Can you hear me?”
Jedi over comms: “Identify yourself.”
“My name is -”
Might be an inconsequential thing to get hung up on, but I am curious: what name was she going to give?
First impulse, probably Osha’s. Would make the most sense, that’s the identity she’s assuming, that what she’s been trying to sell all episode, it’s the thing the Jedi are more likely to expect, definitely the safest thing to say. Except the scene that immediately preceded it and what happens to break her off mid sentence makes me wonder
As @midnight-melancholiaaa pointed out, the scene that immediately precedes this is the one in which it is likely that Sol figured out that she was Mae, and not Osha (the analysis is great and you should totally go read it). So if we’re to assume that, then for the rest of the conversation Sol knows he’s talking to Mae, but Mae doesn’t realise that the game is up, and so keeps pushing, under the guise of the questions being Osha’s, and she asks “Have you told me everything that happened on Brendok?” a very carefully phrased question. Sol’s answer, “You were very young,” is noncommittal and negative. Mae presses for an answer, and there’s a moment in which he steps toward her, like he’s about to speak, like he’s about to tell her. And then the power comes back on, and the moment passes. He isn’t going to tell her. And Mae sneers and storms away, angrily. She storms right up to the bridge, where she immediately calls the Jedi, of her own initiative and volition, and begins a dialogue. And before she can introduce herself, Sol stuns her, cuts off the transmission and jumps the ship away
Now this is a very long winded way of saying that I totally think there’s the distinct possibility she was gonna introduce herself as Mae, but I totally think there’s the distinct possibility she was gonna introduce herself as Mae
As to why Mae might want to call the Jedi as herself, I have no clear idea, Mae’s actions have been continually unexpected, but given that she did very seriously entertain the idea of handing herself over to the Jedi in order to achieve something a few episodes ago, she might have been intending to rat Sol out to the other Jedi. The revenge vs justice thing has already been raised, and so far Mae has been very firmly on the revenge end, but in this case, the event that immediately preceding the call was Sol disappointing her, reaffirming her attitude towards him. He says he intends to fess up to the council but I don’t imagine for a second Mae believes he will. It doesn’t appear, to her in this moment, that he’ll even tell her what happened (honey you’ve got a rough storm coming), why should she believe he’ll tell his superiors, after sixteen years of keeping the secret? So she might well out herself and take him down with her, what does she have left, really? Try and force him to face up to justice. But who knows. There’s always been a certain amount of mental gymnastics required to keep up with what Mae considers good decision making. As for Sol, by this point, as many have pointed out, he wants to go after Osha, and he doesn’t want the Jedi telling him to wait for anything, and “oh Mae Aniseya, the Jedi killer, is onboard the ship” is absolutely the kind of information that, if reported, would have the Jedi telling him not to go anywhere under any circumstances. If he was worried she was going to introduce herself under her real name, bog him down in official Jedi procedure rather than get to Osha as fast as possible, that would be further reason for him to stun her, not just that he’s identified her as a dangerous imposter, but to prevent that information getting out
Anyway, sorry for the long post, just thought it was an interesting little detail
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mantarobin · 3 months
AR Thoughts (1/2)
HAI CHAT !!! I want to discuss a lot of my thoughts on AR; mainly what it could become, the potential for the characters, and such. uhhm this will be half organized and half me yapping nonsensical. enjoy!
(this became just alux yapping because it got way too long. oops) SO!! ALUX!!!! I don't talk about him much. I had a bunch of thoughts earlier about his character + predictions for his arc. Gonna spill them here.
As established, the main traits that Alux shows is kindness and selflessness. The series plays with the idea of how correct these are, when its appropriate to lend a hand and when it's stupidly risky. In the first two episodes, these traits make him stand out from the others in a good way. Among everyone else in the castle, he seems to have a heart, and the best interests of everyone in mind.
However, he also has a strong sense of sacrifice and selflessness. Some of it is due to the influence of his father, and a lot of it is the pressure of an entire kingdom. Due to this, he has this constant habit of putting others before himself. Risking himself to protect others, even if there's other ways.
(In the castle, the only times this comes up is with Petro since. well he's Alux's only friend lol. Regardless, Alux tends to keep Petro aside, to make sure he doesn't get involved in any conflict and keep him out of anything messy. Best examples are the beginning of EP1 when Alux gets tripped and the middle of EP2 where Alux shushes Petro a few times so he doesn't begin yelling at Azrael)
Alux's perspective on his kindness isn't bad, either. Petro points out it could get him hurt in the long run, but Alux tells him he'd rather be hurt knowing he tried.
Now, once he leaves the castle is when this behavior begins to get interesting. In a place where he can be normal, he still keeps up his undying sense of selflessness and kindness. Around this point it becomes clear that it's not just kindness, it's mixed with hatred for himself. Alux makes himself small, puts down whatever he does as 'not a big deal', doesn't take any credit for anything he does. He sees himself as nothing, yet his kindness does so much.
The first time we see him aggressive in the village is when protecting Mae. Like in the castle, he only risks himself to protect others, not himself.
Then, when it came to the bandits, Alux acted a bit irrationally, and did the habits he always did. Unlike the drunk guy and the castle guards, him and his friends are completely alone, and there is a very present threat. Alux ends up getting hurt.
Now, even though the potion hurt him, Alux didn't know it would. Despite his injuries, he denied something that would heal him. He wanted the others to have it, not him.
At this point, it's incredibly obvious Alux... doesn't care about himself 😭😭; all of it is probably a mix of the bullying he went through, the lack of care from his father, and the large amount of pressure from being royalty. Essentially, it cut out Alux's self worth. Being abandoned and picked on consistently left him thinking he was the problem, or something similar. He gives out the love he never received.
Obviously, while his inherent kindness and love isn't bad, his recklessness and selflessness keep hurting him, and worrying the people around him. It's not a hard guess to say that's what his arc will be about; finding his worth, finding love to give himself.
I feel like this can become more interesting whenever he goes back to Cozen, or inevitably has to confront Petro. Whenever he goes back to Cozen, he's going to be different. Maybe he'll be more confrontational, maybe he'll stand up for himself more. Regardless, whenever he has to confront Petro, it's going to be interesting. Alux would have changed, and Petro is the opposite of what Alux thought he was.
I've kinda ran out of steam but if you have anymore thoughts feel free to add!!!! I should reread the casting call website sometime soon lol. Hope you enjoyed!! I'll post more thoughts later but I'm kinda tired rn and this is getting long
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maespri · 4 months
maebea posting on main
man mae and bea nitw make me soooo. like i can barely put it into words man. and the game unveils it in such a wonderful way, especially if you do all of bea's hangouts. i think what gets me is just how much they conflict but also how easy it is to see both mae's side and bea's side.
like mae comes stumbling back into town some random october with no warning after being at college for two years. college, which was bea's dream- a dream she never got to have and never will get to have. and bea is bitter. and not only that, but she shows it to mae. she lets her know just how much it pisses her off. in the diner on her first day back, in the car after the party in the woods. she is literally dripping with jealousy and it's only made more prominent when juxtaposed against gregg and angus clearly not having any strong feelings about it/welcoming mae back with open arms. it kind of immediately makes you look at bea and wonder what her problem is—
but then the party in the woods happens. and mae's mental health literally became so twisted and unbearable that she forgot bea's mom is dead, and bea tells mae she would literally kick her out of her moving car if it meant she got to go to college, and she angrily asks a very drunk mae, what the hell happened to you?- "you used to be smart, you used to be worth talking to, what's wrong with you?!" and mae bursts into tears, and bea tells her to get the hell out of her car when they reach her house, but when mae can't, bea still helps her get into her own bed. she still calls her the nickname mae called her when they were children and wishes her goodnight.
you can tell bea is exhausted throughout the game. she's overworked and she misses her mom and her dad maybe isn't father of the year and overall her whole situation in life kind of just sucks. but what makes me love her so much is that she never lets that stop her from trying to understand, even if it's usually after the fact. like mae got drunk and forgot bea's mom was dead and had to literally be carried into her house and bea is the one who sends her a message the next morning saying she's sorry for what she said. in the dinner hangout, mae barges into bea's house and demands to know why she doesn't just quit her job when she's being mistreated. like mae doesn't understand her situation at all and still thinks she has a right to give her advice- but bea still responds to mae's admittedly rather half-assed apology over messenger that night. bea sends mae messages every day telling her to come talk to her at work. she talks about a show she's watching that she knows mae likes. she tries so so hard to understand and connect with mae, even when mae screws it up.
and i think it's easy for people to dislike mae in this game, but i think you also come to recognize her perspective so much more. she doesn't like seeing her friends being treated the wrong way, so even when she has no idea what it's like for bea, she tries to help. it backfires, but she tries.
what i think mae does for bea is really just. give her so many cluster headaches but also bring out a side of her that was totally buried.
mae, who stole from some hot topic knockoff and jacked up a fountain in a mall with bea just to make her laugh. who watched fireflies with her on the porch of a house at night. who put on the play for her at harfest, who dragged her along to go grave digging, who chased her across a city in proximity. i think mae brought her back some sense of the youth bea had stolen from her by all her troubles.
and i think if you do go down bea's route it makes the couch scene even more fulfilling, because bea finally gets to realize that mae didn't just drop out because college wasn't fun enough or because she got bored. she gets to find out what mae actually went through there. and she gets to tell mae that she'll be okay and that she's sorry for what she went through. bea gets to understand, and i think that full circle from "i would've killed to go to college, i can't believe you dropped out" to the entire couch scene just. makes it so much more beautiful. (which isn't to say gregg's route isn't beautiful- i could talk about gregg for ages, but that's a post for another time.)
anyway. i could go on and on but what i'm really trying to say is bea's route is so worth it man... many thoughts
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quinnxey · 2 months
OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD! i was so totally right (sort of). here is the link to my previous post where I did a review of acolyte before the season finale - ending with my predictions.
(also: holy fucking shit! holy shit! holy shit!!!)
ok so: my first prediction was that "osha becomes qimir's apprentice", which FUCKING HAPPENED! haha guys I'm so smart. i think this one was pretty easy to tell depending on how you were looking at how the story was progressing- but their relationship was becoming really close REALLY quickly (....) and it felt obvious to me that they would become master/apprentice
second one: "mae accepts being sol's apprentice" uh........ almost? not SOL'S apprentice, but mae technically works with the jedi order? not sure about this one. i was completely totally fully not expecting the memory ending, but I was somewhere up there with mae "betraying" osha/qimir and helping the jedi. we can see how she changes emotionally throughout the show as she becomes kinder/softer, understanding, as she realizes that osha is alive, that she isn't trapped, things like that. osha is the opposite, we see as she becomes crueler (?) and... yeah.
third one: "maybe/maybe not they find osha and qimir and qimir convinces osha to fight against her past master" ok so THEY didn't find osha and qimir qimir and osha found THEM. ok so...qimir technically didn't convince osha to fight sol, she convinced herself. does this count? idk. but she also didn't really Fight him, she just.....youknow. wow
"fourth" prediction: "would love to see some kyber bleeding in s2" ok so I said that I wanted to see kyber bleeding in SEASON TWO AND IT FUCKINGH HAPPENED HERE. OH MY GOD ; I STARTED FLAILING AROUND AND SCREAMING I was like holy fucking shit they're recreating kyber bleeding in REAL FUCKING ACTION! oh my god. this is the first time we've scene this(???? ) and holy shit. SO COO. L
I feel like this is how I exactly pictured it - osha is going through all this grief, anger, hatred, fear, all the dark side biz and shes holding this perfectly great kyber crystal saber — did anyone else notice how when the lightsaber fell, they focused solely on the crystal? WARNING! lol. omg. the way she didn't even realize she was focusing her anger onto it too. THE WAY THAT THATS THE SAME SABER THAT SOL KILLED HER MOTHER WITH.
the way also that osha thought that she was mae in her vision. i cant fucking believe she couldn't tell the difference between her and mae. was it because she couldn't see any part of her turning against her past master?? interested
IM SO INTERESTED IN VERNESTRA. OH MY GOD. is she psychometric? she seemed to be able to flit between "audio memories" when walking through the fortress? and when she was looming over sol's body, she was able to tell what happened. because then shes able to go and talk about it to the senate, even when no one else from there is alive and she was never told what happened. she sensed an echo of what he had said (or of that night that it did happen) and used it for evidence.
sol.....uhm....sol is,....hm....he's ... a person. i feel like he's an ok jedi but an even worse person. he's not a TERRIBLE person but holy shit he really hammered it down. "I did what I thought was best for you" YOU? THOUGHT??? ? ohmy god. he deliberately CHOSE osha over mae because he "thought" she was meant to be his padawan. he killed their mother and never told anyone about it. sure he tried to become better but he never. admitted his actions? i know it was because if he did they would have never let osha become a jedi - but like,... does that matter anymore? jedi vs truth? ugh. i just. he's too human it hurts literally
are qimir and osha dating? unclear
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nowis-scales · 1 year
Was poking around the Instagram page I have where I talk about games and stuff, and realized I made this little collection that could be fun to cross post here. So without further a do…
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This is a “supports I would have liked to see in Echoes” list!
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Clair & Tobin
While I love the hilarity of Gray and Tobin competing for Clair’s attention as it becomes increasingly clear that Tobin… probably isn’t as into girls as he thinks he is, it does kind of seem odd that this relationship between the two of them is established without him having any real interaction with Clair. I mean, he even scolds Gray for the way he’s thinking about Clair before they even rescue her. So why not give Clair and Tobin an opportunity to interact? It would make more sense for their proposed relationship, and I think even if they don’t end up with any sort of romantic ending, it would be nice to see them forming some sort of meaningful relationship to supplement the canon Gray/Clair endings or the fan-beloved Gray/Tobin endings.
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Faye & Celica
If you don’t recruit Faye and Kliff as Alm, you can actually return to Ram Village and recruit them as Celica. What’s especially sweet about it is that, in spite of Faye’s affection for Alm and apparent jealousy at the beginning of the game when everyone is young, Faye is actually delighted to see Celica again after all these years. Since so many of Faye’s existing supports are Alm-centric, I would love to see a support conversation where she deals with her conflicting emotions surrounding Alm and Celica. She still clearly cares about Celica as her friend, but as Celica also loves Alm, she would be forced to confront what matters most to her. Can she have both? If so, how? I feel as if it would humanize Faye a lot more, and give her something a little bit more to work with as a character.
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Genny & Mae, Celica, and Boey
Not just Mae — Celica or Boey will do, too! It hurts me that Genny is the one character from this little foursome that has no additional support conversations with them. Why should she be left out?! She’s so sweet, too! I hope that she never felt left out when all of them were hanging out together over the years… So I’d really have loved for her to have a support or two where we got to see the nuances of her connection with everyone, how things came to be for her and them, and what she was doing when she found them. I’d love to see her gentle side match up alongside Celica’s, or maybe her shyness paired against Mae’s bounce, or maybe how she admires Boey’s steadfastness. Any of these would add a lot more power to the relationship between the group, and would be really strong!
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Valbar & Kamui
So we know why Leon hangs around Valbar, right? I may not have gotten to that point in their supports yet, but I can’t help but wonder why we don’t really get to hear why Kamui follows Valbar. What’s their relationship like? Why have they decided to travel together? They should be an important part of each other’s lives in some way, and even if their dynamic does include Leon, it’s nice to see how the two of them are informed of it otherwise. Even if the two aren’t particularly close, I would love to see them taking the time to learn new things about each other, and starting to recognize the other more for the man that he is. I just think it’d be really interesting to have the whole trio in on things, you know?
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Clair & Mathilda
That’s her sister-in-law!! How are they going to be canonically in-laws and have no supports? The fact that this is even a thing upsets me greatly. Considering the age gap between Clair and Clive, and the fact that they can’t support either, you could argue that the two of them just aren’t close. As a result, Clair and Mathilda don’t really know each other that well or haven’t had the opportunity… but at the same time, why wouldn’t they want to? They’re both family now, and according to Silque’s words in her support with Faye, there aren’t too many women fighting in the Deliverance. Wouldn’t Mathilda be a strong figure for Clair to look up to, especially with the way Clive talks about her? And wouldn’t Clair be someone that Mathilda would want to look out for, as another young woman in the war? I just feel like not giving these two a support is SUCH a missed opportunity.
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The Pegasus Sisters & Literally Anyone Other Than Each Other
Don’t get me wrong. The Pegasus Sisters all have supports with each other is really important — nothing bothers me more than when clear family supports are missed — but I’d have liked to see how the Pegasus sisters have their personalities measured up against any of the other characters in Celica’s army. Do Est and Mae connect over their cheerful demeanour? Celica and Catria over their feelings of love and longing? Palla and Conrad over the protective role they share over their younger sisters? Again, I feel like it would just be something that really enriches their characters, and so I’d have really liked to see one between them and some of the other units.
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Genny & Saber
I often hear and see it joked about that if Lukas is the babysitter to Alm and friends, then Saber is that to Celica and friends. And I agree, but I would love to see that in so much more of its entirety, because you can tell that he progressively grows to give a damn about what happens to these crazy kids. He’s always got Celica’s back when she needs it, and all she’s done initially is pay him. That’s why I think it would be really funny for him to have a support with Genny, because she’s one of the crew and she has a really sweet demeanour. She’s not afraid of a fight, and I think Saber would like that about her, and I could see the two of them having a sort of playful, uncle-niece relationship where he teaches her the right way to get in trouble. It would just be really silly and cute, and that’s why I’d like to see it. Pretty simple for this one!
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Alm & Lukas
Alm’s a very impulsive person, and Lukas seems much more chill in comparison. However, Lukas can and does express a more cut throat attitude, and I think it’s quite interesting to think about how it would be measured up against someone like Alm. He mentions seeing himself as sort of a teacher to Alm and friends, so it would be intriguing for the game to consider what kind of an influence Lukas has on them. How does his calm nature influence things, and how does his willingness to fight back do the same? What does this teach Alm? And in the reverse, is he learning anything from Alm? It could be an interesting confrontation of each man’s morality, which can always be fun to explore in a Fire Emblem game. That’s why I think it’d be really great to see what these two could have to say to one another.
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brandnewhuman · 2 years
hihiii,, i was wondering if i could request slashers with a naturally dom gn!reader??
I would love to read the dynamics of the relationships and how things would progress 👀💞💕
Omg ofc!!^^ oh god I'm so excited, this is my first request. Hope you like it!! *insert evil gremlin giggles* I had way too much fun with this
Michael Myers, Jesse Cromeans, Thomas Hewitt, Brahms Heelshire,
Tw: canon violence, slightly NSFW, sfw, mention of murder, injuries and all that jazz
A/N: like I said in my rules post I'm not the best at writing NSFW stuff like smut ecc so please do forgive me for this atrocious thing I've created. I've tried to go more for a soft dom thing. Hope you like it tho ^^. Also you haven't specified which slashers did you want in particular so I just chose randomly.
Thomas is not a very dominant person by nature
He being shy and self conscious doesn't help his cause
He low-key allows everyone to boss him around in a very aggressive and almost abusive way (besides luda mae ofc, but even her sometimes is really harsh with him)
So having someone who can take control while being considerate of his feelings is a nice change he's eager to welcome
Let's be honest, he's already willing of doing anything his s/o wants to make them happy so
Please use your influence to make him take care of himself. Telling him how proud you feel everytime he does
Low-key has a praise kink
Having someone so confident he considers perfect complimenting him and say he's being good or praising how he does everything you ask for perfectly makes him feel so much better about himself
letting his s/o be the one leading is a relief for him. He kinda feels like for the first time he can let someone be in charge without feeling guilty
Even if he's a big guy, this giant Teddy bear is going to be clay on his s/o hands.
He's not going to have much experience so Tommy's honestly glad his s/o tells him what to do
He's not going to be as afraid of hurting you as usual cause he knows you're always have everything under control
However, as much as he enjoys the whole being a bottom business he wants his boundaries respected
That means he's not going to be happy about punishments ecc being them the sexual ones or any other sort
It's not that he's a brat or anything
Prefers much more a gentle correction or just simply telling him when he needs to do something differently. He has enough people making feel bad for every single mistake, he does not want to feel like his s/o sees him as a failure too
Speaking of, his s/o will definitely have to defend their man honour in front of hoyt. He's going to be an ass as soon and say things to Thomas such a "man up" ecc..
Overall he just enjoys having you around to make him feel safe and loved. You're going to have so much work to do about his self esteem but in the end it's worthy cause he's ready to go to the moon and back for you
Bro has big gremlin energy I'm sorry.
At first his going to take it a challenge of seeing how long it takes for you to give up
He's not bratty for sake of being bratty, he has a purpose. he kinda senses when someone is easy to boss around and will take advantage of that
When he sees that your being dominant means having structure and receiving a healthy form of love he will eventually accept his role of sub gremlin
Mate is going to do anything it takes to please you
I feel like one of the things he likes the most about having a dom s/o is the reassurance and comfort it brings to him
He prefers having someone who knows how to handle him and keeps him in line rather than a person who's easy to push around
I mean, half of the work is already done with him having the need to follow a routine and rules
Your personality falls perfectly into place with his, your taking charge of things is almost a comfort blanket for brahms
It gives him the feeling of safety of being taken care and knowing he can rely on someone when things are difficult
The stability you give him is something he deeply appreciates
That doesn't mean he's not going to test your patience more than once
Babyboy here is not going to give a flying fuck about the stability when you happen to say no to him.
Unlike Thomas you can and should make punishment for him
Not too hard-core ones but still
Be careful cause this horny bastard might enjoy sexual punishments
Do tell him when his being good, compliment his appearance and praise him when he takes care of himself cause the reason behind the poor hygiene, not eating enough, lack of sleep ecc is due to his depression and mental problems. He has being raised to feel like a burden and to hide himself and his problems behind the wall so please do all you can to help him not only a talking about his problems but to make him feel like he's worthy of taking care of himself
One (1) single "good boy" and his soul is skyrocketing out of his fucking body
He finds his relationship with you so fulfilling, it feels nice to have someone who's personality allows him to be more vulnerable
I think having a dom s/o could be really healthy for brahms. He needs the unconditional love and reassurance but also needs someone capable of toning him down in a healthy way when he's getting out of control
He, like brahms, feeds on people's fear. That the whole point of being the shape, he enjoys how much power he has over someone. People who are easy to crush and break down only makes him want to kill them more
Long story short he is girlbossing through life
So probably what saved your life was your dominant nature. He has been observing how you seem to naturally take charge anywhere you go but without being pushy and forcing anyone to do anything
You had this talent of making everyone at ease and effortlessly being able to take the lead. People around you were always willing to do what you needed them to do without being manipulative or anything. You just made everyone comfortable enough to give up control
The tall bastard here was mesmerised and honestly curious
It doesn't need to be said that Michael likes to have always control over everything and associates giving up control to being treated like he was treated back in Smith's groove. He always felt the imbalance of power between him and everyone else there and feeling that weak and vulnerable again is never going to be an option for mikey
After he makes himself known ecc and your relationship starts to bloom it's not going to be fucking easy
You have come to know how much michael dispise when someone else is in charge but both of you are pretty stubborn so eventually you just learned to be more sneaky about it.
Michael dominance is based on being feared so when that doesn't work on you he's flabbergasted
He's having none of it. You mean to tell me that you don't let the shape, the boogeyman of haddonfield boss you around and tell you what to do?? Unacceptable.
He won't say but he doesn't even realise you have already got your way. You're so subtle and gentle, playing your cards well.
Michael ends up being oblivious about the fact that he's already doing what you want him to do. He's a deeply emotional damaged man and even if he doesn't want to admit the fastest way to get to his heart is just taking care of him the way he needs
"Michael, honey you must be hungry aren't you? Why don't seat and eat some dinner, how does that sound?"
Just making everything look like his the one deciding and he will do about anything.
Now here's the tricky part; while this might work as soon as he catches up on what you're doing he's going to distance himself
Maybe he tells himself he will just leave you and never come back but deep inside he can't deny how nice does it feels to be around you. He will do this until he manages to sort out his feelings and finds a way to allow himself to feel like this
He's genuinely scare deep inside. His afraid of you abusing the power you have and honestly he sometimes doesn't feel like it's worthy to put so much effort on making him feel good
He has only ever known a single way to feel good and thats killing people, so when you manage to get him to feel something nice just by being around him ecc it messes up his head a little bit.
He's never going to give you full control but he has somehow managed to meet you along the way.
One of the few things he enjoys (even if he knows you're making it looks like he's in control so he doesn't get uncomfortable) is how you praise him and you tell him all the ways only him is capable of making you feel.
That being said if you're able to get away with being dominant with Michael you're honestly impressive and you scare me.
Hear me out, he would be more than willing to let you be the dom. In fact he would even enjoy it
His having the time of his making things harder for you though
We have talked about praise kink now get ready for degrading kink
If we're talking about laid to rest 1 jesse then he's gonna be a difficult little bitch just because he likes to test you and your capabilities of finding a appropriate punishment that can put in his place
If it's laid to rest 2 ....don't. He won't say anything cause he wants to seem tough but the whole degrading thing will take a tool on him after the incident. His self esteem is not the same anymore and he's going to have a hard time trying to enjoy sex again
I feel like what makes you special to jesse is the significant difference between the way the victims he chooses behaves and how you act.
He enjoys submissiveness in victims cause it makes killing them more fun. Watching as they plead to be spared and how low they're willing to get to survive.
But with you he wants it to be different cause he knows that he's receiving as much as he's giving away. In your hands he will be everything you want
He, like Thomas, enjoys being free from responsibilities and having a space where he can just give the lead to someone else and just enjoy fooling around and being taken care of
Even more after the injuries on his face. Now more than ever jesse wants to feel loved and to let go the tough guy act. If before he liked because of the sex aspect now he truly appreciates the other parts too
Your praise, your constance reassurance of good and perfect he is, the way you incite him into being more nice to himself
Now your punishments are more caused more because of him talking bad about himself than because he's behaving bad
He generally feels a lot of pressure on him, he always has to take a lot of decisions and most of the time there are so many lives (including yours) depending on him and his lead
So coming home to someone who can take that off of him and allow him to just exist is really something he will never thank you enough for
Can and will encourage you in trying anything new you want while doing sex. He's rich so money is not a problem and honestly jesse enjoys trying new things with you cause he knows you would never do anything that could hurt him or his feelings.
Baldy is a good sub. 10/10 would recommend. Would love you and worship the ground you walk on
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socheckitout-mikey · 2 years
as a certified shy bean ^tm could you do some tlb x shy read hc? >WW<
heya lovely! tysm for requesting this. i hope you enjoy what i came up with and sorry that it took me so long to post it! (': <3 - mae
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
The Lost Boy's x Shy Reader Hc's:
° For some reason he loves to tease you whenever you get all shy, because you’re just too adorable. He loves getting a reaction out of you so he may come across as a sarcastic menace at times. However, it’s all in good fun.
° Anybody else who makes fun of your shyness gets flawlessly roasted to filth by this confident snarky vampire. He doesn’t spare any feelings.
° He loves it when you begin to grow more comfortable in his presence, because, “Was there really any need to be shy, kitten? I don’t bite.” Lmaoo but he definitely does!
° Groups and big crowds may not be your thing, which David doesn’t mind. Sure he might tease you but he gets it; people suck anyway. He’s not much of a people person himself, if he’s being honest.
° If the other boys are being too wild for you David tells them to knock it off and they do. One leather finger or smooth bleached eyebrow raised ensures they keep their traps shut.
° David is surely the one that helps you get out of your comfort zone slowly and subtly. He’s persuasive, but he’s not exactly Paul. This entails that he won’t hold your hand and parade around the town with you. He’s more inclined to go, “What’s the one thing you’ve always wanted to do (within reason) and never have?”
° Thus expect to do said thing with David - even if it is a little lame. David won’t judge! He’s gonna ease you into the scene and his comfort comes in more subtle fashions, like a hand on the small of your back, his tickling breath in your ear and so on.
° This Prince of Darkness™ is all about making you feel as comfortable as he possibly can. He’s extremely fond of you (maybe even a little soft), which covers all aspects of your being. If he were to reject your shyness, that wouldn’t be very David of him, now would it?
° Honestly, Dwayne is the most patient of the four and gets the whole quiet thing you’ve got going on. He’s like your rock, bridging you between his rowdy/obnoxious brothers, and your quiet safe space.
° He takes on a natural role of being a protector and checking in on you when you seem to become more quiet than usual. Dwayne gives you the space that you need whilst also maintaining that you don’t isolate yourself too often. He’s a balance. Also, his protectiveness comes in the shape of him understanding you can hold your own completely fine, but he’s there to ward off those less understanding or willing to take advantage of you.
° Not going to lie, he’s probably the most confident out of you both so has no problem ordering food, movie tickets/snacks, etc. He’s just the kindest and sweetest about it. He makes you feel empowered, accepting you for who you are, because Dwayne is a sweet boii!
° Dwayne’s quiet, not shy, which is a huge difference. So be prepared for him to grow hyper and excitable once he’s comfortable around you. You’ll think he’s got Mexican Jumping Beans in his pants or something sometimes lmaoo! He does expect the same from you too, because he understands that someone who’s shy doesn’t necessarily negate them from having a great sense of humor, passions, personality and so on. Dwayne welcomes any weirdness that you bring to the table, because that makes you, you!
° Never apologise for your shyness, because Dwayne finds it incredibly adorable. It doesn’t bug him at all and it would bum him out if you weren’t confident in yourself.
° He pulls you out of your comfort zone along with him, making you feel safe when engaging in new things. Dwayne never forces anything upon you, instead letting you explore things naturally.
° He grins all big and teases you a little when you get all shy. He’s a little bit sadistic, so a little embarrassment from you won’t hurt.
° He repays you in kisses and soft nips on your shoulder, with apologies whispered onto your skin. It’s not sultry, but he’s attempting to hide the humour in his tone.
° Around others Marko doesn’t know - and people that he doesn’t like -, he isn’t his complete self. So in some ways, he relates to your shyness too. That is until Dwayne explains to him that other factors may come into play that go beyond withdrawing or distrust.
° Oh boy does Marko tease you because he loves how embarrassed you get. But no one else can tease you because he takes their motivations as bad ones. Marko is the most sadistic out of the boys, next to David of course, so sometimes he can be a bit heavy, but his intentions weren’t to hurt you. He just likes getting under your skin a little is all.
° He’s incredibly protective of you and likes to slowly introduce you to new things - especially when Paul’s involved, as Twisted Sister may be inclined to get a bit too wild.
° He once started a fight with a Surf Nazi for ramming into you and when you didn’t have the courage to say anything, Marko did.
° “Hey asshat!” Is all Marko said before fists were flying! It’s safe to say that Surf Nazi became dinner for him in the late hours of the night when David was distracting you in the Cave.
° Animals have a healing effect, so when things are overwhelming in the sensory department, Marko will take you to see his pigeons and other animals he’s befriended. A pigeon will just perch itself on your knee, it’s little eyes blinking several times before Marko says, “I think Tubro likes you, babes!”
° Turbo definitely pecks him whenever Marko touches you, which makes him complain in a disgruntled fashion that his pet bird is a “traitor”. It certainly makes you laugh, which makes Marko grin beautifully.
° Paul is the least understanding about your shyness, but he’s good natured about it. He tries to understand, yet finds it challenging. It’s just that Paul is insanely extroverted so he thinks for a moment that you may be hiding your personality from him as if you don’t like him or aren’t comfortable in his presence. Both theories dishearten him quite a bit until Dwayne becomes your saving grace: and once Paul gets that you’re just shy, he thus takes things less personally. (He’s a bit of a drama queen lmaoo.)
° All bets are off now, and he teases you a ton! It’s almost relentless at points in time. He finds your teasing cutesie and goes out of his way to make you shy. He loves that you grow comfortable enough to engage in harmless, playful banter with him. Be warned that his teasing can go too far, but he’ll always apologise sincerely with that playful grin you’ve grown to love. You can’t resist his charms!
° Paul is the best to venture out of your comfort zone as he acts like a big clown in order to make you laugh and feel at ease. He helps you have fun doing whatever it is that you’re doing!
° “This’s a first for me too, babes. No harm in winging it, right?” Although he has got a vibrant smile on his countenance, his words are joyfully comforting. Paul makes you feel exhilarated and safe at the same time.
° He doesn’t ever make you feel bad for being shy, encouraging you instead to just be yourself. You help even him out, but can also keep up with Paul’s unpredictable hyperness. You gotta be a bit wild and non-judgemental to be with him.
° Expect Paul to get bored whilst doing the same things too many times in a row, especially if they’re quieter activities. Balancing things out is best for both of you.
° He’s also pretty clingy, which entails that he doesn’t understand the concept of personal space all too well. So if you’re independent to a high degree, Paul may become mopey and press boundaries, because he craves your company and touch. He likes having you around is all. He’s a social creature.
° Paul will also ask questions that may be a bit insensitive, because he’s just a curious guy! He wants to know why you keep doing x,y and z.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
please like, reblog and follow for more!
requests: closed!
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stitcheswashere13 · 2 years
Can write a story where an S/O of Thomas and himself were being manipulated by Hoyt into having sex and make a baby boy, so that it can take over the family business and be the new butcher for when Thomas's life ends?
However, the S/O asks Hoyt what would happen if the baby turned out to be a girl, which the answer is that they would ditch the baby into the dumpster like Thomas's biological parents did. Which is a big problem since she always wanted a girl.
Turns out that it is a girl, so Thomas would have to stand guard and not let his uncle Hoyt lay a hand or an eye on his new daughter. Which was a huge fight and argument.
I'm sorry if that's soo much. You can make it however you want. Whatever makes you comfortable.
Thank you
aw- I made a happy ending out of this lol! Sorry that it is late to post this, I wanted to make sure it was good lol.
Any ways onto the story.
warnings: Angst Fluff! Very toxic Hoyt, Sensitive topics! Fem. Y/n
"It's a girl mama," Thomas says while holding the baby girl you had, about a week ago. A week ago you and Tommy decided to hide the baby because you knew what Hoyt would want to do. "Awe, Really? She is so pretty, let me see my grandbaby, if Hoyt comes in I'll hand her to you while I go and slap so common sense in him. Tommy nods, relaxing a bit seeing how Mama Mae loved the baby. He had her the baby and calls you over to tell you the good news. When he does you bury your face in Tommy's chest. Just when all of you get to laughing and talking Hoyt comes in. Mama Mae hands you the kid and gets in front of you and Tommy. "SO IT'S A FUCKING GIRL?!" He yells while taking a step forward. "NOW WHO THE FUCK IS GOING TO TAKE CARE OF THIS PLACE WHEN THOMAS IS GONE?!! NEVER MIND THAT, WHERE IS THE KID?! SHE IS ABOUT TO BE LIKE THOMAS AND BE ABANDONED!" He yells while walking towards yall getting closer and closer. "HOYT SHUT YOUR ASS UP, YOU WERE ALMOST DISOWNED TOO, IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU SAY NOW BECAUSE ALL WE HAVE TO DO IS KEEP MY GRANDBABY AWAY FROM YOU TILL YOU DIE, WHICH ON HOW WEAK YOU ARE, WON'T BE THAT LONG!" Mama Mae yells. You stand there in shock because you have never heard Mama mae speak like that, you never thought she could. Tommy then lightly moves Mama Mae out of the way and brings Hoyt into another room. "Oh dear," Mama Mae says under her breath, the time that Hoyt and Tommy spent in the room was a while. You and Mama Mae just spent the time playing with the baby and trying to help console each other. About an hour later Tommy and Hoyt come out, Tommy walks over to you and places a kiss on your forehead while muttering "it's ok". You guys then hear Hoyt's voice again, "So after reasoning with Tommy I'll make a deal with yall, 1. You guys need to either try for another id till you have 2-3 kids or you guys can adopt a boy. If you only want this one then you really need #2 2. She can stay, BUT you will have to train her how to fight or have her at least be strong enough to take care of the house just in case. You really need this one if you only want her. 3. I get to name her because she is adorable from what I can see. You giggle at his response to finding your baby adorable. "so, can I hold the little girl? Tommy and you can be right by me." He says with a slight grin. "Sure," You say while waiting for Tommy to be by Hoyt. When he does get by him, you hand Hoyt the baby and watch his more cold demeanor drop, and soon an awe one was replaced.
END NOTE! Thank you for the request! Request are open, I just might get to them slow! Check out my 125 followers' post & my Pinned post (info. post)! Sorry if this is kinda short! Have a very lovely day!
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spookyoat · 3 years
What breakfast foods I think the slashers would eat
I am pretty new to posting about the slashers, so I apologize in advance for any errors. On that note, I would love to hear your thoughts on what you think our beloved slashers would eat!
Michael Myers:
Only sugary cereals for this slasher
Michael LOVES those halloween-themed monster cereals
specifically the franken berry flavor
he would definitely go the store and buy out the entire stock
since they're seasonal, Michael can and will hoard them so he can eat them year-round
he will eat, at the minimum, two to three bowls over the course of the day
Jason Voorhees:
Jason likes waffles and pancakes
he is especially fond of blueberry pancakes with maple syrup because they remind him of how his mother used to make them for him as a child
he doesn't actually need food to live, but he still eats since it reminds him of good childhood memories
don't forget a side of bacon!
he does own an old, beat up waffle maker
makes waffles and pancakes from scratch
Asa Emory (The Collector):
the more nutritious and filling the breakfast, the more likely it is that you'll find Asa eating it
he likes to stay in shape, so there will be very little indulgence of sugary foods and drinks
if he has time in the mornings, Asa will cook up an high-end omelet along with veggies, fruits, and toast
if he doesn't have much time, oatmeal with bananas and almonds or a poppy seed bagel
the one thing he actually indulges in is coffee and tea
Jesse Cromeans (Chromeskull):
Jesse is a busy man and is always traveling, so he has to have breakfast on the go
English muffins and croissants are his go-tos
Jesse also enjoys breakfast sandwiches and wraps
he will stop at the nearest bakery and spend the limited amount of time he has browsing the pastry display
May or may not have a Starbucks addiction
Thomas Hewitt:
family meals are of utmost importance to the Hewitts, and breakfast is no exception
Bacon and sausage are ALWAYS on the menu
Thomas only ever eats savory breakfasts unless Luda Mae decides to make something sweet
he does like scrambled eggs and buttered toast, too
the simpler the food, the better
Brahms Heelshire:
the absolute PICKIEST eater out of all the slashers
Brahms will throw a fit if his PB & J is sliced correctly or if the crust isn't cut off
although picky, he does appreciate the thought and effort that goes behind making his breakfast
Enjoys yogurt with granola and fruit as well as nutella-strawberry crepes
as a special treat, make him funfetti pancakes with whipped cream on top
Vincent Sinclair:
unlike Brahms, Vincent will eat just about anything
that being said, Vincent does has a soft spot for muffins and cinnamon rolls
whenever he's not working on his wax sculptures, he enjoys experimenting in the kitchen
his favorite creations are carmel apple muffins, lemon pound cake muffins, and pumpkin cinnamon buns
he takes joy in sharing his breakfast treats with his brothers (Lester loves it, and Bo acts indifferent, but he secretly cherishes these moments)
Bo Sinclair:
Bo spends most of his time at the gas station or working on his truck, so whatever food is closest to him will suffice
it could be a week-old pack of jerky, a beer, one of Vincent's baked goods, leftovers at the back of the fridge, or all of the above
he claims to not care for sweets (his brothers know otherwise)
if Bo wants something specific, he will always choose sausage and eggs
Lester Sinclair:
Lester loves donuts
usually tries a different type of donut each day
Raspberry jelly donuts are his Achilles heel
Lester practically begs for Vincent to try his hand at making donuts from scratch for him
Billy Lenz:
Billy is a vacuum when it comes to food
he will eat ANYTHING even if it's not supposed to be edible
expect him to raid the fridge early in the morning (I'm talking around 3 to 5) and stuff his face like he's never eaten in his life
but he does go hours and even days without food, so this behavior makes sense
make a big breakfast just for him, and he will be forever grateful and obsessed with you
Billy Loomis:
breakfast wraps, sandwiches or pizzas are what you'll find Billy eating in the morning if he's in a good mood
if not, he probably won't eat at all
he's more likely to snack on things throughout the day rather than to sit down for a meal
movie foods, such as m&ms, popcorn, nachos and pretzels, are among his favorite things to snack on
Stu Macher:
poptarts are Stu's lifeblood
will inhale poptarts toasted, frozen or straight from the wrapper, it doesn't matter to him
he likes the fruity kinds (just like him), but will occasionally indulge in one of the chocolaty flavors
you can find Stu eating these anytime and anywhere
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fizzycherrycola · 2 years
For the ‘give me a character’ post: England and Belgium! 💜
England 💚
How I feel about this character. I have a strong and perpetual urge to hug him, despite the fact that he'd probably smell like an old man. England has been my muse for a LONG time, well before I started writing, for reasons I've never fully understood.
All the people I ship romantically with this character. Y'all know my OTP is FrUK, but I'm a multi-shipper and a historical-context shipper. If England was close to any other nation/kingdom throughout history, then I will ship him with that character, lol. Also I tend to view the relations between Hetalia characters as entirely different compared to humans, so while I know it's not everyone's cup 'o tea, I do ship like... post-WW2 USUK. But anyway, here's the list: Portugal, Spain, France, Prussia, Belgium, America, Russia, Germany, Japan, and there's probably more that I'm forgetting.
My non-romantic OTP for this character. BROTP is England and Wales. "The grumpy brother is soft for the sunshine brother." That's it, that's them.
My unpopular opinion about this character. Hmm... I suppose I'd say that I don't think he is "conventionally attractive". That is, if he were cast in a live-action movie, I'd pick someone who looks quite plain to play him. Not saying that "plain" is bad, because honestly, most people are plain. Hell, I'm plain! But from a story-telling perspective, it's more interesting to have him look very average and unexceptional. And for his character, I think that'd be an asset. Does that make sense?
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. Honestly, I got my wish when Hima finally introduced the UK bros. So for now, I'm happy.
Belgium 💛
How I feel about this character. Cute, cute, cute. I want her to wake me up with a soft pat on my head and make me homemade waffles for breakfast.
All the people I ship romantically with this character. England, France, Spain, Germany... and I'm very open to more!
My non-romantic OTP for this character. Benelux, best and most wholesome family dynamic post-WW2. (That's just my HC though, I definitely need to do more research on their modern history, but with my limited knowledge, they seem quite chill.)
My unpopular opinion about this character. Are there unpopular opinions about her? I can't think of any, so I'll just give you a few headcanons... She's a great cook, not afraid to roll up her sleeves and get her hands dirty (literally), optimistic even in dark times, good at making friends, easily startled (esp. during Halloween), if she trips she makes a funny squeak when landing like "Puumf!" or "Nguff!", not afraid to politely speak her mind, and likes dancing.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. How about more appearances in general? I feel like Hima forgets that she exists sometimes, along with a number of other characters. Give her a serious scene! I think Belgium is a tough cookie, so I'd like to see more of her working hard to help her people through crisis.
Tysm for asking, Mae!!
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lovelyjasmari · 2 years
Twisted Wonderland Reaction Part 12 ~ Sallie Mae Made Jamil Overblot Edition + Announcement!
About the title...yeah...its in reference to an EXTREMELY stupid ass joke found in this post...you’ll see...
I must say, even though I already read all of book 4 on my own, it’s still a fun treat reading it in EN simply for all the meme-able content the official translations offer! Since it seems like there won’t be any story updates this month, I’ve decided to continue reading book 5 on my own this weekend. There is also another reason I’m going ahead: 
Over on my blog @jasmariswonderland I’m working on a mock event story with  my twst ocs! The story takes place during the events of book 5 and is sort of a side story showing that some of my characters are up to during. So of course I need to finish reading for context but that shouldn’t take long since I don’t have to worry abt battles, twistunes or overblots. 😅
In the meantime, let’s finish up book 4! Warning: pic heavy, some swearing, some personal projection/mentions of my past, meme-ing, yelling at the Tweels and thirsting for ya’ll-already-fucking-know-who. Let’s jump in!
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If we must, Jade. If we must...
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Heyyy! Shoutout to my namesake princess! Also off topic, but cyan is one of my personal favorite colors and I would love to cosplay Princess Jasmine one day when I’m thinner. 
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KALIM! Don’t do it! Runnnn!
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Goddamnit, now I have a new ship...😩👀💀
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“Forbidden lore”... whatever Azul! Tell that to all the wonderful artists over on twst twitter! 😭
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God as much as the Tweels amuse me, if I were around them as much as Azul, I’d probably have to sleep with one eye open. Doesn’t help that they’d probably eat Azul if they could. Such an odd dynamic, I love it! 💜
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Awwe his chibi is doing the glasses thing! 🥺🥺🥺
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Jokes aside, I REALLY wanna know Crowley’s secret. Like this man oozes with sus sauce, moreso than any of these beautiful bastards going to NRC. WHY isn’t he trying to find a way to send us home?! WHY does his school suck so hard compared to RSA?! WHY do the students hate each other?!  WHAT IS THIS FUCKING BIRD MAN DOING?! YES! DO IT JAMIL! EXPOSE CROWLEY! Yuulan would probably thank you!
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Orrrrr, ya’ll can just cancel him. That works too...NOT! 😤
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Thanks Azul, I hate it!
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Intellectuals tend to be dastardly too, you know! 😤
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Uhhhhh...that doesn’t look like a good sign Kalim...
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So...I was gonna retake this shot but I BARELY managed to defeat his first OB stage and the more I looked at this pic, the more it made me laugh for some twisted reason. To the point when I was debating weather to do his fight again just to retake it, my bf kept saying “looks like Sallie Mae made Jamil overblot...”
I know...we have an...odd sense of humor. 
Sallie Mae aside, another cool as hell overblot design. All these designs for the overblots are so cool and now I’m even more excited about seeing that Vil’s looks like. But also terrified cause I feel like his will probably be WAY more difficult than this one.
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What’s hilarious about these official translations is when they do speak clear english but the localization team still translates it into something else. It was especially noticeable during the culinary crucible event and its EXTREMELY obvious here! 😭😭😭
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And as always, Yuulan continues to be iconic...
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Poor Kalim, this really made me sad. I really feel like he didn’t mean anything malicious. He’s just too sweet and too good for this twisted (punch me) world. 
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Jesus fuck Jade! You’re charming but Jesus fuck! But seriously though, I respect it. With that smile, you can be certain no one would be able to find the body...
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THIS IS WHY I DON’T LIKE YOU NO MORE AZUL (joking, please don’t come for me Azul stans)! Jamils gonna fucking die soon if we don’t do something and all you’re thinking abt is exploiting developing nations for a quick buck! FOR SHAME!
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Aaaaand once again, we as the fans have been cheated of seeing Azul in his octopus form without having to overblot...😭
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All that’s missing from this scene is for the boys and Yuulan to be in sexy red harem outfits...👀
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If he can’t do it, GREAT!!!
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This face is particularly creepy tho. 😳
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Why am I not surprised this fucking bird man was willing to take bribes? This is probably why your school is so messed up (affectionately).
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Okay! Time to get personal for a moment! Up until this point, I’ve had a certain level of sympathy for all the overblot boys and Jamil is no different. But Jamil’s sad story hit me especially hard because I was recently forced to sever ties with a group of toxic friends who, for more than  decade, were the only friends I really had. And my relationship with them was a lot like what Jamil has with Kalim. Without going into much detail, I realize in hindsight that there was a lot of uncheckhed envy on everyone’s part but especially against me. I was made to defer to another friend who, for reasons, had to be better than me at everything. What made things worse was that our other friends were pressuring me to defer to them and yet actively compared me to them every chance they got. 
One of the reasons I’ve been hesitant to continue reading book 5 is because even though I’m only a third of the way in, I can already sense that Vil has a similar dynamic with Neige as I had with this friend of mine and the parallels are even more clear to me. I hate to use this word but it’s been extremely triggering to me because these friends left me in an extremely venerable position that has only fed into my obsession with perfection and my self hatred. I have no friends at this point in my life and my creative pursuits are what bring me joy these days but one thing I’ve really appreciated and loved about Twisted Wonderland is the writing and how layered the characters are. That I can see my traumas in this story makes me feel strangely validated. I know that’s a pathetic thing to say but it’s true.
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Floyd, sweetie, I mean this in the nicest way possible, but please shut up before I pull out my stick again... (affectionately) 
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OOF! That’s all I can say, hell, that’s all I COULD say when I first read this! 😂
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Daaaaammmnnnnnnnnn this is actually pretty awesome! And true.
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Awweeee, this is so sweet. You two have really grown on me since the first time we met in the prologue. We’re all officially besties and it’s awesome! Even if you two do act like airheads sometimes...
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But I’d love to know what public transportation is like in this world. Are there planes? Even though brooms are a thing. I’m sure boats are a thing since most of the land are isles, but yeah, I’m curious now. 
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Unlike Crowley, who DID...
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And yet, you’re smiling...❤❤❤
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Awwe, they were worried too! 
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Oh, hi Lilia. Fancy seeing you he...LILIA?!?!
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Please don’t, and for the love of god, PUT THOSE FUCKING FANGS AWAY!!! 👀
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Though I wish he hadn’t vanished so quickly, I would have happily invited Malleus to our feast, Lilia too! 💚
Also, I feel for Mal probably on his knees praying to the Great Seven that we wouldn’t figure out that M.D. stood for Malleus Draconia. Since he probably couldn’t sign the card Tsunotaro without Lilia interrogating him about it. Or worse, Sebek having a hissy fit abt someone daring to call Malleus such a name. 😭
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Oh God...OH FUCK! OHHHH FUCKKKKK! Does that mean...? Could that possibly mean?? 👀👀💙💙👀👀💙
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APPLE CHILD! My sweet apple child! His birthday is coming up soon too! 💙
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Where’s my stick...
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NOOOOO! Don’t cry, Epel! Please don’t cry! And the “dagnabbit” is adorably funny! I wasn’t gonna pull for Epel’s birthday card but I lowkey want to just to see how EN will translate that one part of his birthday story where he completely goes into his dialect.
Anywhoo, please don’t cry, Epel! Who would dare make my sweet apple child cry?! Cause the second I find them, me and my stick are gonna...
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...oh...oh...nevermind...I’ll just put this stick down and see myself out...*backs away slowly*
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Aaaannndddd, I’m back on my Rook-thirst bullshit again. Sorry Epel, you’re on your own for now. When Rook comes on screen, my better judgement leaves me out the opposite window! And with that, let me end this before I get too far in my Pomefiore flailing. Yeah...🤣🤣🤣
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