#dog is a very good doggo in this one
iced-souls · 8 months
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D09 Day pt 2
Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Oh my goodness i wonder who their puzzle-master could possibly be
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ikkaku-of-heart · 2 years
I know I’ve talked about how Joras has its own special breed of Newfies but there is one other kind of dog regularly found on the island, though it’s owned most prominently by the upper class and thus only seen in Arkham or the mansions by Bangor Crater.
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They generally come in black, white, or shades of grey and are mostly used for hunting and as companions/status symbols. They too are known to protect against the Old Ones, though while Newfies are more focused on protecting their homes and loved ones, Borzois are more proactive and quick to give chase should an eldritch threat appear. Generally doctors, successful businessmen, old money families, and important society figures own one.
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describe-things · 9 months
This post is made with speech to text because my hand hurts from typing so much today. Please forgive any typos or speech to text swapping similar sounding words.
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If you are describing real people who are unknown to you, unless it is specified within the post or you are already aware, please do not assign any gendered terms to them, or any " male presenting or female presenting" terms like that. This is completely unnecessary and leads to misgendering. It is best to simply describe visible facts about the people. Hair color, length, clothes and style, pose, expression, the light or darkness of their skin, things like that. Do not assume that someone is white simply because they have light skin.
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Unless you are transcribing a text within the image, do not use meme speak within image descriptions. Do not refer to dogs as doggos for example, unless it is to specify that the dog in the image is, within the image, labeled as a doggo. Do not describe someone walking downstairs as breasted bubbly downstairs, even if it is an actor humorously walking down the stairs to imitate that sentence. Describe the facts of the movements, and then you can make the comparison for clarity.
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Anyone can write image descriptions. You do not need any special qualifications or training. As long as you are willing to take constructive criticism if you make a mistake, an image description written by someone who's new to it and honestly doing their best with good intentions is better than no image description at all.
I'm sure I'm forgetting some things, so please feel free to add on more tips and advice.
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loveandleases · 11 days
LOOVVVEEDDDD the demo and can't wait for the update! I hope you don't mind that I got two questions, but I gotta ask: what kinda hobby options do you have written down for the MC? Also, how would all the ROs, plus Chris, Jade, and Aunt Em, react if MC's cooking is five-star restaurant levels good? (I imagine Chris is kicking themselves over losing a god-tier-chef MC who cooks as a hobby)
💗 Glad you enjoyed and I don't mind at all! 1. We have writing/reading, art (drawing, painting), gaming/watching anime, cooking, photography, music (could be singing/playing instrument), exercising.
I'm going into it with the thought that depending on the hobby the MC will have the chance to spend time with RO's even in a platonic sense as well as be used to further their business. (For example: an MC who likes to exercise has the chance to run into two RO's. MC who is into art can create a logo for their business) (2 is under the cut due to length)
2. 💩 Chris - Butthurt. Which is what we want! Clarke family curse is that they can't cook right? So Chris before MC relied on fast food or their parents chef. The only real homecooked food they had was from MC or Em when they visited. It's like throwing salt on a wound. Because now they're back to fast food, easy snacks. Because Jade can't cook a damned thing. Chris is pretty sure doggo enjoys watching as Chris mumbles about wanting a hot meal from time to time.
💀 Jade - In her eyes she doesn't have time to waste on things like cooking. Why would she bother when she can just have Chris take her out to some fancy dinner? The only reason MC bothers is because they have nothing else to do obviously. (She's jelly very jealous)
😇 Em - If MC is great at cooking then Em was the one who likely taught them the basics. So for Em, it's like winning a prize. All those little dinners they have Em can have MC help. It's refreshing to be able to have someone else in the kitchen with her, it's something she hasn't had the luxury of in many years. (She's really relieved that MC and Cam won't starve. Cam could screw up warming soup, so for Em it's a blessing.)
❤️ Cam - Oh it's like he won the lottery, and it's Christmas and his birthday all at the same time. Cam is an eater, he loves food. An MC who can keep him fed is like the cherry on top for him. MC would have to tell Cam not to bother them late at night, when he's up all alone on his laptop. He just wants one snack, honest!!! He will use puppy dog eyes, don't let them deter you!
💙 G - To them it's a nice ability to have. In fact, G will be curious as to why they only get cake's on their birthday. Shouldn't they be allowed more? Do they look like someone who doesn't enjoy the delicious taste of dessert? They would want to watch MC cook from time to time, see if they can pick up some of the things they do and surprise them later with a nice home cooked meal.
💚 Kara - Finally, someone who can cook and not kill her! She's thankful all too much, this will be the one time you see her tearing up when she realizes she doesn't have to eat another cold sandwich for work. She would want to help, Kara wants to bake. She wants to be able to make cute cakes and cookies. But, she should never ever be allowed in the kitchen. She's worse than Cam.
💛 M - Won't even notice at first, even when they see MC in their kitchen. They have no idea why MC is in there, M kinda lives off easy food, until their moms send them something. Even then they kind of forget to eat. So imagine their surprise when MC has a five star meal ready for them when they finally look up from their computer. Absolutely flabbergasted. Can MC try and make recipes they've seen in anime? Is it weird for them to ask? Sorry MC, but your cooking expertise is going to be wrote about.
💜 Isaac - They aren't the worst in the kitchen, they can make some delicious stuff but Isaac sticks to what they know. They haven't had someone actually cook for them since their mother died. It would be a bitter topic at first, Isaac not wanting to seem thrilled by the notion. Then they would make the offhanded jokes that MC knows the way to their heart is through their stomach. But they would begin to truly appreciate it, and eventually want MC to try making their mothers signature dish. (The one Isaac makes when they feel lonely.)
🖤 Ardent - As a wiz in the kitchen, don't think that's going to impress him so easily. In fact, don't think that MC can make better baklava than him. It would become a competition, Ardent far too cocky for his own good thinking that there is no way MC can be better in the kitchen than him. When he finds out that he actually enjoys MC's food, he will play it off like he's allowing MC to cook for him. Like he's allowing them to do him a favor. (he will be making moans of how delicious mc's cooking is) play it off like he's sore from working out.
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randoimago · 5 months
I got BG3 request in my head for sometime. Um how would Astarion, Halsin, Gale, and Shadowheart react to a s/o or a tav that has a dog that fights along side with them like a tibetan mastiff, or a Akita, or maybe some other breed that is known to be made as guard dogs and protective of their owners? Maybe the dog more or less tolerates the LIs but still keeps an sharp eye on them. (Especially Astarion XD)
Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3
Character(s): Astarion, Gale, Halsin, Shadowheart
Note(s): I have watched videos on the LIs reacting to Scratch and Astarion's reactions always kill me (and make me cry the most). I'm happy to write this for you!
WARNING: Mentions of Dog Being Injured in Combat
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Considering his interactions with Scratch, he'd also act very indifferent when it came to your dog. Sure, it's a great meatshield, but it's a stinky animal.
Astarion is constantly telling you to just leave your dog at camp, acting like it gets in the way and is a nuasance, but he just doesn't want to see it being hit by a spellcaster or shot with an arrow. If ANYTHING bad happens to this dog then he'll lose it.
Honestly offended that your dog is indifferent to him. As if he hadn't been collecting the bones of your enemies to gift to the furry mutt. Very rude.
He's more of a cat person, but he loves you so he doesn't mind your dog. Although, he can't help remarking that your dog knows he likes cats considering how your dog is very indifferent to the wizard.
Gale makes sure to give your dog some good treats and headpats when he goes to spend time with you. He knows how much you and your dog have been through and he's going to thank the doggo.
Okay, but while Gale is more of a cat person, he can very much appreciate how pretty your dog is. He insists on giving your dog baths to keep its coat shiny and not bloodstained as many battles tend to leave you all.
Oh Halsin absolutely loves your dog. It's a very strong breed and the gooddest boy/girl (besides Scratch) and he would love to cast a Speak with Animals to speak to your protector.
Your dog being indifferent towards Halsin does cause him to chuckle a bit. He promises that he'd never think of stealing you away from your precious companion and instead thanks your pupper for keeping you safe for so long.
Halsin enjoys wrapping you in one arm while his other is brushing your dog. The last thing he (and you) want are your dog having mats in their fur due to all the constant travel and battling you all somehow end up in.
Like Astarion, she is also very iffy about you bringing your dog into combat situations. She understands that your dog is very loyal and keeps you safe, but she worries about something going wrong.
You can't always prepare for when someone wants to stop talking and switch to stabbing and she'd hate for your dog to get in the way. She knows your dog is indifferent to her, but she really hopes your dog also knows that she will keep you safe while the little guy is safe at camp.
Besides that, she does try to pet your dog and give the little guy plenty of loving too. Your precious dog will get all the praise for the goblins it ripped apart for you.
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cafecourage · 6 months
Little Red Riding Hood where Reader is Little Red but also a werewolf
Love Interest and rest of chain can be assigned however
(Cause I'm always down for a fairytale au)
I did a little twist on this. Idk if this was what you wanted. I had to ask doggo experts for how doggos act around each other. I am leaving this off on a small cliff hanger because I do want to write more of this.
Twilight didn’t trust the new person in the group. Well. It’s more like he didn’t know what to think of her. She came in like a hurricane running after the Shadow like it was her prey. Then when the dust settled and she calmed down the group quickly learned of why. The short of it being that for some reason the Shadow attacked her brother and she took chase. Which then led to her to finally agree to join the chain. Much to the Ranchers chagrin. However, he knows better than to start an unnecessary fight. Twilight could be civil.
Civility could only go so far.
Little Red, as Warrior’s likes to call her, noticed Twilight’s presence and slight unease of her and ran with it. Twilight couldn’t understand just why she was always running circles around him talking about this and that. It confused him to no end when she instantly would stick to him even when he was wolfie. He had to on more then one occasion threaten to bite Little Red’s hands. She never cared or backed away from Wolfie when he showed a bit of aggression. “He is going to bite you.” Wild warned her as he watched Little Red try to play with Wolfie.
She looked up at Wild while holding Wolfie’s face, “what? No the baby is just playing.” That comment only made Twilight growl more.
“Baby? Wolfie isn’t a baby.” Wild was torn between being completely amuse and helping Twilight out as he did know about his slight distrust of Little Red.
“No no no, Champion. This is a wolf pup. He has to be like…” Her attention draws to the wolf as she observes the good boy. “Man… I have to say maybe 10? He is very small even for that age. Wolfie is like an adult dog size but he is definitely a wolf.” She boops the snoot and quickly pulled back as Twilight tries to bite her hand again. This only makes her giggle more.
“I think your wolves might be just bigger than my Hyrules.” Honestly to Wild, Wolfie was the same size as most wolves, but he just shrugs and not questions that further. Twilight couldn’t understand why you were like this, he wonders if it was just an eccentric thing. He has met a lot of weird people in his life and Little Red might be one of them. After being free from your grasp he takes it upon himself to run away for now. Only because you don’t tend to grab his face while being Twilight and thats the most annoying part of being wolfie around you.
It wasn’t until they finally came to her era that he finally understood.
The village Little Red lived in was small, but cozy. It reminded Twilight of his own home. People tended to light up when seeing Little Red. But given the size of the group following them most villagers tended to just say hi and remarks that they needed to talk to her later. “My house is a bit further.” Little red said pointing to a path that ran into the woods. “It’s just me, my brother and Grandma oh and our cat. I’ll make sure to keep her out of your stuff. But we should have room to fit everyone.” She explains as the path slowly clears up to a cottage in the wood with a small garden. There was a small pup running around in the yard playing with said cat. Who was purely annoyed at ready to pap the puppy in the head.
Little Red’s eyes brightened “Link!” She calls out gaining the Pups reaction.
She dashes towards the house as the puppy starts running towards her. They meet halfway and the puppy shifts into a young boy. “You’re back! You’re back!” This Link giggles as he gets lifted in the air by his sister and spun around.
“I am! For now.” Little red nuzzles her brother’s face as she shifts her grips on her brother to put his weight on her hip. “Boy’s this is my brother. Link these are the adventurers I’ve been traveling with.”
She turns to the group with a smile. The chain was utterly confused and silent before Wind speaks up “Did he transform into a wolf?”
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sirfrogsworth · 3 months
I will never not be enamored by gadgets.
I got a sprinkler timer so I wouldn't have to go out twice a day to water my new patch of sod. And I still go out and watch it turn on because my brain gets excited when it works as advertised.
That said, I don't think I was meant to take care of plant life.
I am struggling.
This all started with the idea that I could turn my backyard into a dog park. There is an app that lets you invite people to use your yard and pay a fee. But I needed to get rid of a bunch of overgrown plants and I had to close off the bottom of our deck because dogs could hide under there.
So I hired a landscape guy to remove the plants and put up a barrier around the deck. And that went as planned.
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But I also asked him to remove this weird plant in the middle of our yard because I wanted the doggos to have more space to run around.
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But this didn't quite work out as I hoped.
One rainstorm later...
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So, we got a Shaq's worth of sod and covered the mud pit.
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But I have to take care of this sod.
And I am not good at taking care of things on my own.
And I don't really know how to take care of sod.
The first issue was finding a garden hose that would reach out there. All of our hoses are very old. And I tried connecting a few of them together and that seemed to work okay. But I didn't have a sprinkler. So I bought a highly rated one on Amazon.
And it was the most powerful sprinkler in existence. Way too powerful. And setting it up required getting absolutely soaked.
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So I got a much smaller sprinkler that only covered the area with the sod. But tonight the spot where the two hoses connected started leaking like crazy. That old hose finally failed and lost structural integrity. But the single hose was not long enough to reach that area. So the only way I could water it was by using this crazy fire hose attachment that I found in the garage. It can shoot water over a 100 feet away.
Like, seriously, Dad... why did you buy this crazy thing?
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This could put out oil well fires in Kuwait.
After some sitcom-level antics of trying to attach the nozzle and getting soaked again, I finally got it working and was trying to eyeball watering that patch of sod from the other side of the yard. But it was getting dark and I couldn't really see what I was doing. And when I finished the requisite 20 minutes of watering I went to inspect the sod to make sure the water actually made it there.
And boy did it.
Friends, it was soaked.
Several puddles formed on top of the sod. Apparently that fire hose nozzle shoots out a ton of water and I drowned my little patch of sod.
I really hope I didn't kill it.
I guess I'll check on it in the morning.
This venture has turned into a money pit. It is going to take years of my yard being a dog park to break even. And I don't even know if dogs will come here. I can't even get a handyman to my house.
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johnwickb1tsch · 8 months
bittersweet ~ a yandere!John Wick x fem!reader sunshine/grump coffee shop AU... Part 2 <<Part 1
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-You are sitting on a bench in the lakeside park, reading a book and enjoying the bright winter sunshine when a cold nose presses into your hand. You look up to find a blue pitbull nuzzling you for pets. “Oh hi there, baby,” you coo, scratching his broad head without a thought. You follow the leash to the owner, and are very surprised to see Mr. Wick standing there, looking endearingly embarrassed about it all. “Sorry,” he says. “He pulled me over here.” He gives the dog a look as it leans against you, getting side scritches with a blissed-out doggo look. You have a notion that Mr. Wick might be jealous, somehow, but you push it away.
“That’s ok. What a good boy. What’s his name?”
You smirk up at him. “Original.”
He sighs, looking at you through his hair, and it pulls at your heartstrings for some reason. You pat the bench beside you, and he accepts, though he sits as far away as he can. “He likes you,” he says, looking ruefully down at the dog. “Do you have pets?”
“No,” you admit. “I travel too much.”
You can tell he’s surprised to hear this. Most people are. But you live frugally on your barista’s salary so you can go abroad for a month or so. You’re a budget traveler for sure, but you’ve been all over the world.
“Yes. I’m going to Italy this summer.”
“Sounds nice.”
“You’ve been?”
“Several times. For work.”
“What do you do?”
“I’m retired.” He doesn’t elaborate, and you leave it for now. You don’t really talk anymore, just look at the lake, and pet his dog who leans all his solid weight against your leg. You are content in the companionable silence.
You think he is too.
- It’s interesting sometimes, watching the interpersonal pageants of the regulars. When thrice divorced Victoria Fraser-Sims lays eyes on Mr. Wick for the first time in what you have come to consider his corner, she starts coming in for a lot more no-fat double-shot sugar-free vanilla lattés. All the locals are quite…aware…of Vicky’s predatory habits. A part of you wonders if you should warn Mr. Wick, but you reckon a single man who looks like him is quite used to fending off hungry cougars.
She starts by sitting near his table in her tight workout clothes, ostensibly bending over to pick up repeatedly dropped objects, affording various views of her generous cleavage and spin-class toned rear end. You know you have no right to feel so pleased that Mr. Wick seems to ignore her.
But then she ups her game, so bold as to sit down at his table with him to chat. He talks to her politely. One day, she actually succeeds in making him laugh. You hear it, loosed like an arrow that strikes you from across the room.
You have zero right to be jealous, of course, but you can’t help it. You and Mr. Wick have a thing.
Maybe just in your own head, but still.
But maybe they would be a good couple, you reason sadly, making yourself think realistically. Closer to the same age. And he does seem so lonely.
A few days later they come in the door together, seeming content, and your heart plummets to your feet. Holy shit, she actually pulled it off. They’re dating, you’re perfectly convinced.
In that moment you decide to back off. Mr. Wick is at least twenty years your elder. What the fuck would he want with an awkward little gremlin like you? It’s amazing sometimes, how well you can delude yourself. A curse of having a vivid imagination, perhaps. He’s just polite, and you are kind to him, because he seems a little broken. You resolve to behave. No more quips. No more teasing. From this day forward it shall be only, Here’s your coffee, yes sir, have a good day.
You’ve never been terribly good at keeping resolutions, but you’re going to try.
-Your determination to leave Mr. Wick alone is timed conveniently with a new hire who is around your age. He is and cute, and you get on immediately. Your flirting is fairly harmless, though you know the shop is filled with loud laughter from the two of you when your shifts coincide. Sometimes you feel Mr. Wick looking over at you after you’ve had a good chortle, and you sense he is annoyed.
Once, you catch him glaring at Brian’s back like he might like to carve the boy’s liver.
You try to quiet down, but it never really lasts. It’s been a while, since you’ve met someone who you click with so well. A comrade makes working in the service industry slightly more endurable, after all.
-One day, you burn yourself on the steamer wand while Mr. Wick is waiting for his order. Maybe it’s the volume of the unladylike expletive that spills from your lips, but he does not hesitate to come around the counter to check on you. It hurts like a motherfucker, and while you blink back tears you are quick to dig out ice to put on it. He even more quickly bats it into the sink, flipping the faucet on. “Cold water is better.”
Before you know it he is guiding your wrist into the stream with a gentle but exacting grip. “Hold that there,” he instructs. You can’t fathom disobeying him.
Brian stares rather dumbfoundedly at the customer behind the counter. “Um…sir? You can’t be back here.”
 “Then get her the first aid kit instead of standing there looking useless,” he snaps, and the young man jumps into action, scurrying away.
John gives a low whistle once you’ve finished with the cold water, blotting you dry at the butt end of the counter. “You got yourself good.”
“It’s not the first time,” you sigh. You’re not particularly clumsy, but it happens when you’re juggling five things at once to keep the drink orders moving.
John bandages the burn for you, frowning at the salve provided in the first aid kit that expired years ago, but deciding it will do in a pinch. His long-fingered hands are precise, but gentle, and as he touches you, you feel your brain turn to mush. You can’t remember the last time someone took care of you like this.
Maybe he’s not mad at you after all.
Later that day you appear from the back, to find a little paper pharmacy bag on the counter with your name written in concise black print. Inside there is more ointment, large Band-aids, and a little Snickers chocolate bar.
How did he know it’s your favorite?
Even though you didn’t see him come or go, you know it was Mr. Wick, and this small gesture touches you to tips of your toes.
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nessieartss · 8 months
Ok…Im sorry, weird ask but I have to know. Do Megumi’s dogs like Sukuna at all in your au? I know Yuji will do ANYTHING to pet those puppies but would Sukuna or does he just look at Yuji like he’s crazy whenever he baby talks the good doggos?
Hi! No it's not weird at all! Of course the doggos love sukuna very much! Sukuna is not a pet person but he gives exception for megumi's dogs lol. He buys them jerky, takes them out for a morning walk with megumi.
I actually have this idea of sukuna cradling one of megumi's dogs and just baby talks him like, who's a good boy, and megumi actually falls for that. Like, the pickup lines are all for nothing (yeah i wonder why) and sukuna didnt have to do anything except just baby talks his dogs. If he knew this he would've done it sooner lmao
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Hi could I request head cannons about Arven,penny and Nemona would react to a reader who’s a decedent of a kalos royal family.
Specifically with readers main Pokémon being a furfrou,I’ve always absolutely loved furfrou.the star trim is my favourite.
Furfrou’s Pokédex speaks of how it was a guard dog and trusted friend of kings and royalty,so reader having a furfrou who was specifically bred to be a royal guard dog for her would be really interesting.
Especially with how mabosstif and lycanrock would be around this highly trained,refined Pokémon,lady and the tramp vibes if you will) as we all know Paldea isn’t lacking in puppy Pokémon
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Aw yeah!! tbh I never really paid much attention to this Pokémon but I adore the star, heart, and pharaoh trims!
He knew you were born and raised in Kalos, but when you just casually mentioned being of royal descent he's like "?????? you serious???"
Of course he probably won't immediately believe you, but after you pulled up some online information regarding the deeds of a great king (aka your grandfather)....he's impressed.
But he still wonders why you'd transfer to an academy like Uva/Naranja and not some pristine "elite" school.
You simply tell him that life wasn't for you.
When you invite him over for a study session one day, Arven did a double-take when he was greeted by your Furfrou--specifically one with a Star trim.
He realizes "ohhh so you're that rich."
All is well until he jokingly says "of course, Your Majesty" when you ask him to get something.
Furfrou, being within earshot, legit thought he was mocking your royal lineage and gave him the side-eye glare the entire time.
Not to mention they disliked the scruffy dark-type dog he brought with him, literally looking Mabosstiff up and down as though to say "where's your class?"
It definitely become like a Lady & the Tramp situation between the two, with him trying to show Furfrou that it's okay to run around and have fun during picnics.
They worry about getting dirt on their fur, but you're always there to wash it off as gently as possible.
Meanwhile Mabosstiff's shaking the water off his fur, sending droplets everywhere....which doesn't amuse Furfrou in the slightest when they land on them.
You and Arven laugh about it anyways.
She's flabbergasted as you explained your royal heritage, with her 100% believing you on the spot.
"Wow!!! You certainly don't look it, but that's awesome!!"
Is even more amazed after you show her Furfrou--your longtime companion bred to be your royal guard dog.
Seeing that you gave them the Heart trim made her almost squeal in happiness. It's just amazing! She's standing in the face of royalty!!!
Ofc Furfrou's gonna eat up this praise, impressing her in battle and taking out her Pokémon with style.
When she sends out Lycanroc, they pause for a moment and look at you like "????" bc last time you both saw a Lycanroc, it was red and had a nasty temper.
But this one was tan and brown with a certain calmness to herself, battling fairly and not taking her defeat like a sore loser (very much unlike the Midnight Lycanroc), bowing respectfully to both the victor and you.
And that's all it took for the two doggos to become good friends from there on!
Tbh the only thing that irks Furfrou is Nemona's constant nagging for battles and asking you a billion questions about their line.
Being naturally trained to defend your family's honor, if she gets into your personal bubble too much or asks too many questions about your heritage, they'll just glare at her until she takes the hint.
She's mostly oblivious to this, however.
She can see somebody like Ortega owning a Furfrou if he ever went to Kalos.
But you, the new transfer student who looked like any other person, just casually has a natural Furfrou as your main Pokémon??
'That's impossible..' She thinks...until she researched different Kalosian royal families and eventually saw the one with your surname.
You and Furfrou startled the poor girl when you popped into the computer room and saw the webpage she was on, chuckling and shaking your head.
"Y'know..you could've just asked me."
"...I didn't wanna sound stupid in case I was wrong about you.." She admitted, flustered.
Although she knows your royal heritage now, she doesn't really treat you any differently.
It surprises you, considering you've noticed how many people changed their entire perception of you when they find out. Tbh that's the main reason you moved out of Kalos and came to Paldea--for a fresh start where very few folks knew your past.
So...it's a nice change of pace.
Knowing Penny, she'll keep it a secret unless you're ready to tell your other friends.
She's just grateful you're not a descendant of the Paldean King
Although she doesn't own any dog Pokémon, her Eeveelutions (some of whom are like canines, in a way) were ecstatic to meet your Furfrou!
Out of all of them, they definitely get along best with Espeon and Sylveon for sure.
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nenilein · 6 months
I’m sorry but do u guys seriously think bots voted for ulala? Am I understanding that claim correctly? I’m not even trying to fight or argue it’s just blowing my mind that ulala won fair and square and accusations started flying all over the place. I love her my followers love her we all voted for her that’s how polls work I’m in shock
The total vote count on the poll doubled within 10 minutes. I know that because I'd taken a screenshot of the poll to send to friends 10 minutes before it happened. And I wasn't the only one who observed it. If you followed any of the other polls in the contest you would have seen that I even made fun of how destructively beaten some of my favorite characters of all time were. Teddie from persona 4, my favorite character ever, is currently losing badly to a dog and I say GOOD. If people like the doggo, that is fine.
And plot twist, I love Ulala too. I voted for her on several of the previous rounds and was sad by how quickly she got knocked out of the first bracket. I think she absolutely deserves a win. I am just not favor of abusive language being used to accomplish that. And I know botting when I see botting. I am not saying you did it, but somebody among your followers definitely did, and maybe you should reflect on how you encouraged that behavior.
I'm a game collector, love the Dreamcast to pieces and I've been pining to get original physicals of both Space Channel 5 games for literal years now, and I still will be trying, but I'd be lying if I said that this behavior hasn't put a very sour taste in my mouth. At very least I'll probably not tag any fanwork I make for the franchise under the fandom tag, because this is apparently not the sort of community I want to interact with.
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wario-speedwagon · 5 months
The Blackjack Essay I thought up at like 3am because Blackjack is a great character if you really think about it hard enough
I had some Blackjack Thoughts yesterday night (cuz I woke up in the middle of the night and I always soothe myself back to sleep by brainrotting over characters or made up scenarios). Cuz yknow, okay:
So Blackjack is the soul, and he's a soul that was blackened by regret yeah? And not just that, but he takes the form of a his childhood dog rather than of himself (which is interesting, more on that later). I think we can agree that, while we never get to know in meaningful detail what the living Jack Kennedy was TRULY like, soulless Corpse!Jack is probably closer to his original living self in personality than the Blackjack we saw at the end of DSAF 3 True Ending, or rather, in most of what we see of Blackjack's coded/capitalized lines (more on that later too). Corpse!Jack is more chill (in a feral way of course) in that he moves on from things like grudges or regrets, which in the good routes manifests in him being able to keep going despite how emotionally hard it should be to e.g. leave his family once and for all, or to forgive his sister's murderer in favor of seeing the good in him. It's not a perfectly moral aspect, as there are things he probably should be hung up on (cough cough Dave), and Blackjack sure is. (We love some moral greyness in this household.) And then of course, in the evil route, it manifests in Corpse!Jack having a very easy time befriending and emulating his siblings' murderers and even killing his siblings himself. Obviously Blackjack could never conceive of acting in any of these ways, and he definitely lets evil Jack know.
So. I am of the headcanon that, all the trauma of Jack's death and the events leading up to it, all of his regrets from it, Blackjack took it all with him, leaving Corpse!Jack with little to none of it left. For better or for worse, Corpse!Jack does not carry the same emotional baggage from his personal tragedy that Blackjack is completely lost in. And then my point about Blackjack taking on the form of a dog instead of himself... and him not really acting like his old self compared to at least TrueRoute!Jack. At least most of the time, as we'll see soon. Because in the True Routes, Dee and eventually Peter are able to recognize True!Jack as their old brother pretty easily even despite the circumstances, but Blackjack? He's unrecognizable to all of them except eventually Corpse!Jack himself. According to her, Blackjack warned Dee about Evil!Jack's true nature in DSAF 2 (when you're doing a route with her as Legacy!Jack), and she didn't realize who he was, she only saw a Shadow Doggo; and of course at the end of DSAF 3, even after revealing who Blackjack is, Peter and Dee sure don't treat Blackjack like their dear old brother the way they regard Corpse!Jack. He's just a stranger to them now, and of course he is, because he's little like how he used to be in life, how Corpse!Jack still is in life. And after a faux eternity of being a Shadow Doggo operating behind the scenes with every opportunity to reveal himself, I'm of the opinion that he wants it to be this way, that he be forgotten in his failures while someone else takes his old role for him and does it well.
And it's because he is so steeped in his hatred born from his regret, that it completely warped his way of thinking to focus on revenge against Henry, or also his hyperfocus on Evil!Jack's wrongdoings. But while that's what most people see him for in his entirety (in both canon and fandom), as it's the front he nearly always puts on, people often forget one really important scene from him that may be the only glimpse of his more authentic self, one that isn't steeped in regret or any emotions stemming from it based on it. Do you remember the little speech Blackjack gives to Corpse!Jack after the True ending in DSAF 2 after the Happiest Day? He talks about him being "proud of us" (hinting at his and Corpse!Jack's link), but then ponders the possibility of redemption and decides, if it is possible, then he is glad that Corpse!Jack has been redeemed. So still excluding himself from that redemption despite just prior finding solace in what Corpse!Jack has done on both their behalf. It's like he sees Corpse!Jack more as himself than, yknow, himself (and you can imagine that this same truth probably also leads to why he despises Evil!Jack so much). And all of this must be very good for his self-esteem /s
Very notably, this one scene is the only dialogue of his that is not Caps locked or coded, and a recurring theme among souls is that caps locked dialogue is always steeped in more powerful (often but not exclusively negative) emotions, while regular lowercase text seems to show much more human authenticity. We see it in Jacob before vs. after he calms down and comes to terms with his death, we see it in Dee always being lowercase, as she seems to always be her honest self, we even see it in Fredbear, as he is always grandly talking in all caps as the powerful entity he is except in his promise with Jack's corpse where he is entirely lowercase and talks much more sincerely like a real person to him out of honest humility. So anyway, this one scene with Blackjack in my opinion is the only scene we really get to see Jack's real personality shine through in him, a personality we see much more readily in Corpse!Jack.
And now to finally return to my point about Blackjack taking on the form of a dog instead of as himself. So lets combine all these previous points: 1) He is blackened by Regret; 2) He is in a nearly constant state of negative/powerful emotions stemming from his regret as indicated by all his his caps/code text; 3) he is still capable, if rarely, of showing his more human personality; 4) Dee and Peter seem to much more readily recognize Corpse!Jack as their brother than Blackjack; 5) Blackjack is proud of True!Jack's good actions in DSAF 2 and implies that only he (but not himself) is deserving of redemption; (and heck, let's also throw in) 6) the fact that he chooses not to hide in an unrecognizable form and seems to estrange himself from his siblings to let Corpse!Jack fulfill his role as Jack for them in his place
What I'm getting at (finally) is that I think Trauma Fucked Him Up™; I think it completely fucked up his self-esteem replacing it with deep-rooted self-hatred and shame. It might be that he simply cannot bear to resemble himself, not after all he's done (leaving his sister's party to bury their dog and drink away his sorrows, which left her to die, lowkey (highkey?) betraying both of his siblings' trust, and then failing in his attempt to right his mistakes by dying instead and making things worse, at least from Blackjack's POV who didn't have any sort of promise to turn his death into a chance at redemption).
Except, he can hopefully make his death into some sort of chance for redemption thanks to his powers born from sheer regret-fuelled hatred by trapping and seemingly torturing Henry. At least, this is how he chooses to cope with all of his feelings in a way that feels productive. But of course, they don't solve the root of his regret, or the root of his low self-worth, as he is really just indulging in and marinating in his negative emotions for a theoretical eternity. And during all this, he is also watching over Corpse!Jack in all of his parallel timelines, seeing both the best and worst versions of himself (literally). He sees his neutral/evil route selves indulging in the worst vices imaginable without care, and he must see himself in them anyway, because Corpse!Jack did inherit his vices after all, naturally including his drinking problem for a start, except now he's actually acting on them much more freely without a soul to restrain him either. He is forced to see the worst of himself played out in reality, and he's the one who feels shame for them. (Now Corpse!Jack also experiences things like self-hate and regret for his actions, but again, he seems to move on from these feelings fairly easily, coping with them instead with a "no fucks left to give" attitude, the kind of attitude someone who knows he doesn't have a future would have. A soul does not have that luxury.)
Meanwhile, though, Blackjack is also forced to see the best of himself in True!Jack; the Jack that actually worked his ass off to right his, or rather their mistakes. And also the Jack to actually be present in their siblings' lives as their brother Jack, the one that actually acts like their brother Jack, like his old self, while Blackjack seems to have either forgotten how or lost interest in doing so. It's easy to forget because DSAF is fiction, but experiencing something like what Jack has experienced is gonna leave severe trauma, and severe trauma is gonna change you pretty fundamentally whether you like it or not. Except being soulless, based on his actions and reactions, Corpse!Jack seems to have escaped much of this trauma while Blackjack is practically characterized by it. I wouldn't say Corpse!Jack is entirely unaffected by any trauma by any means (even Evil!Jack loses his shit when seeing Dee's scarf), but again, he sure seems to move on from it by shoving his negative feelings aside for later or even outright ignoring them, while Blackjack copes by feeling them and acting on them all the time. They both cope with the same issues in completely opposite unhealthy extremes.
So while Corpse!Jack is seemingly not affected enough by what happened, Blackjack is unrecognizable to himself, to anyone who could recognize him (including even Corpse!Jack himself, as Corpse!Jack doesn't realize who Blackjack is till the very end), so Blackjack takes more comfort taking on a form that isn't himself. (Instead, he takes on the form of the only family he got to send off with closure, the only family member whose death doesn't inspire some sort of Regret, hm?) He even doesn't take on his own name, preferring Blackjack over just Jack. Despite holding some contempt toward him, he still allows Corpse!Jack to keep their original name.
And he clearly does have mixed feelings toward Corpse!Jack, even toward True!Jack, as he is "proud" of him at the end of True DSAF 2, but then also spiteful toward him in True DSAF 3, and honestly that's pretty understandable, as True!Jack has done the work and reaped the rewards for redeeming himself and getting to be family with Dee and Peter again, essentially living as Jack for him, but Blackjack, despite his uninvolvement in reality or the Flipside where his family are, he is the one who faces the trauma and emotional burden of what happened to him, and it's not like Blackjack hasn't done anything either (even if what he did was misguided and ultimately harmful). It would be hard not to hold some contempt for a version of you that can move on so easily from your worst regrets and who can get to live your life where you left off for you in your name. And he's happy, and he deserves to be happy, and you aren't, and you don't deserve to be. You don't even deserve to be yourself, you've decided without realizing, because he's doing it much better than you ever could anymore anyway. He's the one who can actually save them all, he's the one who's worthy of redemption, but you? You're the only one who can make Henry face what he deserves, and by god you're gonna do it even if it costs your entire self, it's not like it's worth much anymore.
All of this is to say, yeah, Blackjack's character is perhaps a little disappointing in DSAF 3 due to lack of time to explore it after the reveal, but combined with his character in DSAF 2, he is a much more interesting and 3-dimensional character to explore than people realize. And also I think I might have ADHD. Might.
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blackmoonowl · 21 days
Hello fellow RJ enjoyer tumblr user blackmoonowl. As we both know, our poor mercenary shoulders several worlds' worth of stress and he doesn't often get a lot of downtime to enjoy things.
What are the little things in life that bring a smile to his face?
Sincerely, a fic writer who keeps making him board the bullet train to whumptown. Here's an older screenshot out of my faves as thanks <3 Have a great day!
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𓅓 Hello fellow MacCready enjoyer Twosides--samecoin. I happen to have an idea or two for a little messy list I threw together.
Things that MacCready would probably like!:
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❤︎ Caps, obviously. This greedy hog will expect a cut of all the caps you find. He's still a mercenary after all.
❤︎ The games on your pipboy, let him play with them and he'll be content for a while. Same goes for any comics you've collected.
❤︎ Hold him, he'll sink into your arms and you won't be going anywhere for a couple hours whilst he unwinds. Give him a few kisses to boot and he's a goner.
❤︎ Giving him sentimental objects of your past. He gave you the wooden toy soldier out of trust after you saved his son. Return the favor and this man falls head over heels onto his ass in love with you, again.
❤︎ For all his whining about earning caps and not standing around, MacCready loves lazy mornings. Simply lounging in bed with his arms wrapped around you, spooning you as his face lies in your shoulder. Good luck prying him off of you.
❤︎ If you are good with his son, prepare for a very emotional and happy mercenary. He might even consider a second child, one with you this time. With how things are going.. it might not not be such a bad idea.
❤︎ Loves stupid little competitions with you. Who can shoot more ferals? Who can drink more? It's one of his favorite past times to playfully challenge you.
❤︎ Your cooking. If you are somewhat decent at making food he's absolutely inhaling that shit, then asking for seconds. You'll be surprised with how such a thin guy can eat so much. He just has a very fast metabolism.
❤︎ Going out on the town. MacCready loves to drink at bars. At first he did it to drown his sorrows, letting the alcohol soothe the pain to cope. But now he loves going there with you, simply as a date.
❤︎ Also he likes Dogmeat. It's not your dog anymore, it's MacCready's dog. He loves playing fetch with the doggo when he's having some time to relax.
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solomons-finest-rum · 2 years
I SAW YOUR REQUESTS ARE OPEN! I know this is such a basic idea but I adore the idea of Alfie and his wife going to get another puppy or doggo as a sort of 'companion' for Cyril bc Y/N would definitely believe that "Cyril deserves his own companion too Alfie 🥺", I love your fics so much and thank you for the blessing of your work angel ❤️
Hi love! Thank you so so much for the very kind words! 🥰🥰🥰
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Initially Alfie wasn't really on board when it came to getting another dog, but not for the reasons you might think.
He was afraid Cyril would feel replaced by the new puppy.
Yes, he was a more caring man than he'd initially let on, but still Alfie was convinced that you fell for his whole song and dance about "no more bloody dogs an' that is final, that!" and he wouldn't have to explain.
Of course you didn't believe him, not even for a second. You knew Alfie better than anyone, but not even your reasoning could get through that tough and stubborn exterior.
Sometimes Alfie got too deep in one of his foul moods and you just had to wait it out.
He of course remained convinced that you believed his poorly constructed facade and that would be the end of that.
Unfortunately for Alfie, his wife remained something of a certified expert in dealing with his moody nature and so you devised a plan.
A plan as cunning as that husband of yours.
You already knew that with Alfie the more revealing truths of his character were the things carefully left out of the narrative and so tricking him remained the only option.
But tricking a trickster, well, that looked roughly as easy as stealing from the king of thieves.
So you took a page out of your husband's book and terrorised Ollie until he joined your little charade.
"Mrs. Solomons, I'd rather we didn't sneak around the office..." "But I am Mrs. Solomons, aren't I?" "Well, yes...?" "So what's mine is his I reckon, blah, blah, blah, 'till death do us part, all that jazz, now hold the door for me, will ya?" "Mrs. Solomons, but your husband doesn't like it!" "Cheer up Ollie, darling, I'll just be a second! Now, where does he keep the bandages?" "Mrs. Solomons, are you... Fuck! What is that?!" "That is a dog, darling, don't look so shocked... Hand me that bottle." "Mrs. Solomons, I know what dogs are and this ain't it!"
You see, the charade had to be believable.
It had to work.
So the dog had to mean something more than just a dog, you had to give it all a believable story.
As fate would have it, you overheard your neighbours gossiping about a gang holding illegal dog fights near Whitechapel.
So you recruited four biggest members of Alfie's gang and got yourself a dog.
Or two.
Or ten.
"Got" would be the term used loosely here, truth be told you stole them all and ordered the men behind the ring executed, but potato, potat-oh.
All of the poor creatures were given a good loving home, except one that looked both the scariest and the most injured.
That one you decided to keep and with Ollie's reluctant help you managed to clean up most of his wounds.
Perhaps the greatest surprise of all was Alfie's reaction.
Contrary to his usual habits he said nothing as soon as he entered the office.
He looked at you, then at the dog, then at Ollie.
You chose your best impression of a deer in the headlights for the occasion.
(Granted, Ollie got the worst of the squinting and a very menacing hum thrown in there just to let him know who's boss and that the aforementioned was very much disapproving of the impromptu gathering in his own private office, thanks very much.)
As soon as Ollie left, though, the dog was given a proper introduction and all your worries left you when you saw Alfie smile under all that beard and initial suspicion.
You figured, though, that if you were to keep your husband on your toes, you'd expect nothing less in return.
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riddle-me-ri · 7 months
Idk why but I LOVE the idea of the riddlers Having a dog that is there best friend and major weakness (I imagine most of there dynamics would be similar to Holt and cheddar from Brooklyn 99) but what do you think? How would the riddlers be with a pet dog?
a/n: ohh a few of them would be so happy…some…not so much lmao, you’ll see
Content Warning: none really, I don't think lol
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The Riddlers with a Pet Dog Headcanons
Arkhamverse Riddler: 
- No, nope, absolutely not!
- He hasn't the time or a means for a…filthy reckless dog!
- Edward can't waste time to train it or feed it or play with it (he barely feeds himself)
- He also doesn't want some mangy mutt messing with his tools or making a mess in his shop.
- That isn't to say he's never wanted to have one, ever…every little boy dreams of owning a pet, or especially a dog.
- But like many other things…Edward has just grown to be too good for certain things.
Reevesverse/Dano Riddler:
- I can see Edward easily getting overwhelmed…
- Even if the dog has a calming demeanor…just to have another living breathing thing in his vicinity (other than his rats, of course)
- Edward knows the bare minimum of taking care of a dog…but he's just unsure of the dog's personality at first. 
- If Ed isn't all in on his plan yet, with time and patience, he does become very grateful to have a loving and loyal companion. 
- The dog often protects Ed when they go out on walks and scares muggers away. 
- He doubted he would ever come to own a dog like most proper children do…but better late than never it seems. 
Gotham Riddler: 
- Most likely to adopt/gain his pet dog from picking him up off the street. 
- Not without some arguments from his inner self about how the last thing they need to worry about is a dog. 
- Ed does all the research. What type of breed it could be, mannerisms, how to care, what to feed them, etc. 
- Of course, he also teaches the dog all sorts of tricks--he's gotta be the smartest dog in Gotham. 
- (Definitely wants his dog to be smarter than Oswald's)
- (Also tries to refrain from naming the dog Oz)
- (If he does, he'll insist its for the the Wizard from the Wizard of Oz)
BTAS Riddler: 
- Much like Gotham Riddler, he'll definitely have fun training the dog and teaching it various tricks. 
- Also most likely to build obstacle courses for the pupper as well!
- Has debated entering his dog into dog shows (likely will if he wasn't…a wanted criminal)
- Ed loves his doggo and has always wondered what it would be like to have one. 
- He's probably one of the better dog dads out of all the Riddlers
- Definitely one of those people that dogs just love automatically (and no it's not just me showing favoritism shhh)
Zero Year/Capullo Riddler: 
- At first, he is likely against owning one..
- Eddie can't be bothered to take care of something that doesn't revolve around him or benefit him. 
- Plus, like Arkham Riddler, he just doesn't want to waste his time tending to a dog. 
- If he did have any, he would likely only train them as a means of protection or to use as a distraction. 
- Ed will do the most bare minimum of care for the dogs, again likely to just use them for some overall plan. 
Gotham City Sirens Riddler:
- He's the dad that says he doesn’t want a dog, but becomes best friends with the dog. 
- Eddie will definitely train the dog to search and hunt for clues like a loyal basset hound. 
- He treats his dog much, much better than he does most people (which may not say a whole lot but…you know what I mean)
- One of those dog owners were the owner, and the dog started looking like each other and mimicking each other.
- He likely takes his dog with him everywhere, not just for the sake of clues but because he trusts no one else with them. 
Telltale Riddler: 
- Edward feels he's much too old to take care of a dog.
- However, I imagine he does have fond memories of owning dogs in his youth. 
- I can see him appreciating a dog's intelligence and loyalty to their owners. 
- His dogs were always the most well-behaved but also curious like their owner. 
- Every now and again, he does miss a couple of his dogs, especially in the rare moments he feels really lonely. 
- Edward is glad he was able to give them a decent life before he became…what he is now.
Young Justice Riddler: 
- Somewhat like Dano Riddler, he's a little overwhelmed. 
- But Eddie is also super ecstatic.
- Assuming this, Ed also had an abusive dad (or parents), he's living out a childhood dream finally having a dog. 
- Eddie doesn't let them out of his sight and definitely takes a ton of pictures. 
- He enjoys training and teaching the dog tricks like other Riddlers. Of course, his dog has to be brilliant! 
- Lives up to being a proud Dog Dad
Hush (DCAU) Riddler: 
- Didn't want a dog but became the dog's favorite 2.0
- Like Gotham, his dog is likely a stray that followed him home after walking back to his lair after a run-in with Batman. 
- Ed does take care of the stray, and a bond does surely develop. 
- The dog even sometimes comes up and tries to protect him from Batman, much to Batman and Edward's surprise. 
- When this happens, Eddie gives the doggo a big reward. 
- It just feels nice to have someone he can depend on and not judge him.
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doberbutts · 7 months
Any chance you could talk about how you're teaching Fenris to retrieve? I am also struggling so hard with that. Will probably consult with a real life professional trainer about it in the near future because it is just. So. Frustrating. Lol, but I'd love to hear what worked for you.
Recent picture of my retrieval-hating doggo for tax, lol.
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Well I don't know that I'm the best person to take advice from because retrieves are absolutely one of the hardest tasks for me to wrap my brain around, especially formal sport retrieves, and despite me trying to teach retrieves to *checks notes* EIGHT different dogs, Fenris is my first one to actually have some mild success.
I spoke at length to my friend Allie @molosseraptor about how much I suck at retrieves and she had some amazing advice for me. I cannot stress enough how good of a dog trainer she is. Any time I have asked her for advice, she not only has hit the nail directly on the head, but it has widened my understanding of whatever concept I'm struggling with that much more. Truly, if you want actual help, don't listen to me. Just go pay Allie to teach you!
Anyway. For Fenris specifically, retrieve is a behavior chain. In other words, I teach each piece of a retrieve separately, and then let it all come together at the end after he nails every piece the way I want him to. In other words, I taught a sit, a come to front, the concept of going to what I throw and picking it up, the concept of bringing it back, the concept of holding something in his mouth without chewing or dropping it, the concept of the hot/cold game, the concept of a clicker, the concept of working for treats, paw targets, and outs... before ever showing him a dumbbell.
From there it's a matter of string it together. Go get the thing > pick it up without chewing > bring it back > come to sit at front with it in your mouth > hold onto it until I tell you to out. The paw targets help show him where I want him to be. The hot/cold game tells him if I need him to tweak his positioning.
Historically I have been able to get a "go get the thing and bring it back to me and sit at front" however in nearly all of the dogs I have tried to teach this behavior chain, including Fenris, we get stuck in the sit at front portion because the dog spits the fucking dumbbell out and drops it on my toes as it sits down. Which is very not what I want and also these are weighted dumbbells ouch my poor feets.
I brought this up at Mondio last time we were there and the training director and the president both suggested instead of teaching him a chin rest (which I have never been able to do very successfully with the dog uprifht) to teach him to push slightly into me as he sits, lifting his head up to do so (and thus reducing temptation for him to drop the damn thing) and making that front nice and tight. He may bump me and we may lose a point, but I can tweak that part later. This was an almost instantaneous breakthrough and I am really glad those women are counted among my friends.
One last thing I want to mention is that, knowing he was going to be a mondio dog, I did not correct him at all for picking up various things around the house. In Mondio, the retrieve can be anything, not just a weighted dumbbell. So that means that because I didn't want him to be weird about picking stuff that Is Not Toys up, I never once told him off for picking things up. Usually he just wanders around with it in his mouth, and because he never associated this with a bad thing, he usually comes right up to me and spits it into my hand.
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