#dolce and dragee
mewiyev · 10 months
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attyrocious · 1 year
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op / inktober day 9: bounce
i uploaded a transparent psd of this if anyone would like to try their hand coloring it.
anyway thank god for technology bc i had to sketch this on digital and trace a print of it with a lightbox
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and then ending up cleaning so much on post digitally lol.
food is always so fun to draw though
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roseaesynstylae · 1 year
I like to think that Katakuri is close to his youngest siblings. Here’s some ideas.
Anglais: Looks up to Katakuri as the embodiment of coolness. He and his big brother ride their bug-bikes around Whole Cake Island when Katakuri has spare time. When his mouth is revealed, Anglais is initially really shocked and needs some time to adjust, but ultimately concludes that Katakuri’s willingness to expose it despite the risk of ridicule makes him even cooler.
Wafers: Katakuri has worked hard to ensure that she, at least, has some reason. She tends to hide behind him when she’s upset. When his mouth is revealed, she’s a little disgusted but doesn’t think it’s worth getting upset over and gets used to it with time.
Wiro: He’s a cheerful guy who does his best to make Katakuri laugh. So far, he hasn’t succeeded but he’s not going to give up. Katakuri appreciates his efforts. When his mouth is revealed, Wiro doesn’t even notice.
De-Chat: He’s very nice, easily one of the nicest in his family, and Katakuri wants him to stay that way. On De-Chat’s end, he’s one of the few who picked up that Katakuri is under an immense amount of stress. When Katakuri’s mouth is revealed, De-Chat isn’t even slightly fazed. In fact, he can sort of understand why Katakuri feels the way he does (De-Chat is half Fish-Man, taking after his father in looks. Given how Pudding was treated for her eye, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s dealt with bullying. The difference is, in my mind, that Katakuri learned from [and regretted] what happened with Pudding and took steps to make sure that didn’t happen again).
Normande: She likes to play with her older brother and, when Katakuri has the time, he does so. She often hides in his scarf. Katakuri tries hard not to think about what her conception must have been like, something everyone in the family does for the sake of their sanity. When his mouth is revealed, she doesn’t care at all.
Dolce and Dragee: Whenever they lose one of their balloons, Katakuri either gets them a new one or retrieves it for them. He tries to convince them to be more patient with Anana. When his mouth is revealed, they’re freaked out but calm down when they realize he’s still the same person.
Anana: Katakuri worries about her a lot. He wants his younger siblings to live happy lives and she’s clearly not happy. He tries to persuade her to take her violent urges out on pillows and such. She brightens up when she’s with him. When his mouth is revealed, she’s a little too fascinated by it. She asks all kinds of weird questions about it and likes to touch his teeth.
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groovycharlottes · 2 years
In my headcanon Custard has a big soft point for Dolce and Dragee, she has a very maternal demeanor and spoil them much more than her other younger siblings. Cracker is somewhat the same with Anana and is therefore too complacent with her violence. Angel is very fond of Dechat, moreover recently she tries to spend time with him to comfort him since Praline left.
What do you think of it?
I love it! I can definitely see Custard and Angel being sweet big sisters and Cracker being unfazed by Anana's violence. (Most of the Charlottes have a violent streak. It doesn't really faze him anymore, I'm betting.)
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birthday-hell · 2 years
Charlotte Dolce and Dragee
Happy Birthday
February 21
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Which siblings bully Wafers other than Anana?
Dolce and Dragee aren't the type to initiate bullying, but they take part on one that has already started. And although not siblings, the bandaged boy and the buckteeth girl are bullies too. Anglais bullies Wafers because she's "weak" and hasn't "contributed anything to the family" yet (he takes pride in being a messenger boy for his siblings, and thinks that those who aren't doing anything unlike him, are useless.)
De-chat isn't a bully but he doesn't interfere either. Normande is a sweetie, she defends Wafers but she's often swatted away. Wiro is kinda complicated: he's friends with Wafers, he never intentionally hurts her but his inquisitive and talkative nature sometimes cross the lines.
In short: please protect Wafers at all costs she's a sweet bean i
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Headcanons to some of the younger ones: Anglais, Wafer, Dolce and Dragge.
Gladly! Thanks for requesting some of the more underdeveloped siblings, anon, they're always so fun to figure out!
Without futher ado, here are some headcanons for the small ones, enjoy! 😊
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Anglais is, well, a juvenile delinquent. There is a lot of rebellious phase in that tiny body. His disobedience doesn't come from malice though, but rather a desire to be cool and more adult than he is.
He looks up to Cadenza a lot, as an older brother who also has a history of delinquency. If you asked Anglais who he wants to be like when he's older, that's what he'd answer. A cool 'bad guy' that saves the girl in the end.
Despite the posture of a tough rebel, Anglais is actually quite a vulnerable and sensitive child. He has lots of allergies, he's easily scared, and he has quite some insecurities, especially regarding his height. Thus, his rebellion is more of a mask than anything else, and deep down, he has a good heart, too. Most of his older siblings know this, and this is why he ended up 1st among the favorite younger brothers in Flampe's poll. They just find his disobedience adorable more than annoying, tbh.
The thing he rides on is a homie that Big Mom gave to him after he whined for a motorcycle enough. It's made from a rolled up carpet with metal enhancements, and the soul that's put into it belonged to enough of a badass that Anglais approved of this solution and even became friends with the homie over time.
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Wafers is very responsible for her age and kind of a snitch but also the primary reason for why her younger siblings still didn't accidently stab each other. She looks up to Mont D'or most of her older siblings, loves Mobile a bunch, and in the future she wants to become a teacher, if possible.
Wafers reads lots, has plenty random book knowledge, and tends to overuse it. You can expect her to randomly spout obscure facts and pride herself in having read entire encyclopedias and memorized dictionaries.
She lowkey thinks she's better than the younger siblings and sometimes can even stun oldest brothers and sisters by playing smart, and then actually being right most of the time. She's a bit shy around new people, though.
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Dolce and Dragee are confused even more often than the decuplets by the other siblings. They have a tendency to even speak in unison at times, their personalities are so damn similar, and you can't even trust the pants colors to distinguish them, as they switch them sometimes. They even made up their own language to talk to each other in code, and only they understand it.
While usually childish, balloon-loving and happy, Dolce and Dragee also love dark humor and might sometimes say concerning stuff. They find it funny to scare others too, and have been known to act kind of like these creepy The Shining twins when Mama and older siblings aren't around to scold them for frightening other small ones.
If someone fights back against this, though, they'll back down immediately. In the end, they're gentle, and not really sinister. Also, do not separate them. They're very close and without the other around, they quickly become overly silent, shy, and generally miserable.
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the-bejeesus · 5 years
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        The 45th and 46th sons and 83rd and 84th children of the Charlotte Family, Charlotte Dolce and Charlotte Dragée are the absolute youngest children Charlotte Linlin has. Dolce is the one in purple pants and is the older son, and Dragée is the one in green pants and is the younger son. They are very fond of balloons and can float around with them because of their light weight.
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bottlepiecemuses · 7 years
Chatterbox + Charlotte Anana
What can I say about my little sister in law?She loves to stab things from toys to even her family. She doesn’t get along with Dragee and Dolce, due to the fact that she pops their balloons whenever she is given knives. Mama encourages this behavior, despite everyone asking her not to. However, on the other hand she does seem to be the budding artist, and I hope she puts her interest in that in the future. 
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ao3-onepiece · 7 years
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tUGGrd
by Awareness_Bringer
One-shot example of Sand Man Luffy. Sorry, but I decided to stop at one due to lack of imagination for new scenarios. But please, take what I'm suggesting to heart.
Words: 1441, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: One Piece
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Monkey D. Luffy, Charlotte Smoothie, Charlotte Pudding, Charlotte Anana, Charlotte Dolce, Charlotte Dragee, Charlotte Anglais
Relationships: Monkey D. Luffy/Charlotte Smoothie
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Different Powers, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Different Devil Fruit Monkey D. Luffy
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tUGGrd
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mewiyev · 2 years
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merry christmas from the charlotte family
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roseaesynstylae · 1 year
I like the idea of Katakuri being close to the youngest members of the Charlotte Family. I mean, the youngest (Anglais, Wafers, Wiro, De-Chat, Normande, Dolce, Dragee, Anana) and I'm not counting Flampe. They climb all over him, play with him, and he dotes on them. When his mouth is revealed, they thinks it's cool (maybe a little too much so in Anana's case). In fact, I love Katakuri being nice and soft with children.
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I wonder if some of siblings with twins, triplets, and others get along well. We know the monster triplet seems close to each other, decuplets get along well, just some silly siblings fights, sometimes, Smoothie with Citron and Cinnamon, they just argue when she used her devil fruit power on their subordinates to take the energy to her attacks, Chiffon still loves Lola even after leaving the family. But I wonder how is Cracker with Custard and Angel, Brulee with Broye, and Opera in his group of quintuplets.
Thank you for this ask, anon, that one was super fun to figure out! 💕 We decided to go through all the twin/triplet/etc. groups in the Charlotte family and describe their relations quickly. Naturally, then ❗long post ahead❗
Enjoy! ✨
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Group 1: Katakuri/Daifuku/Oven
This three get along great and are indeed, very close to each other. Despite their personality differences, they spent a lot of time together already in childhood and even now they make sure that they find moments to cherish in each other's presence often. Katakuri feels more comfortable around these two than around most, especially since they both know his secret and never judged him for his mouth. Oven and Daifuku find him amazing, sure, but they also still treat him as their brother, not an unattainable ideal, and that allows Katakuri to somewhat relax.
Group 2: Mondee/Amande/Hachee/Effilee
Although Mondee is unstoppable in her efforts to bring these four closer together, being a bit jealous of some other twin/triplet/quadruplet sets, Amande, Hachee, and Effilee are all individualists and quite distinct personalities. Therefore, they might have a bit of a soft spot for each other, but these quadruplets only properly hang out once every three months or so; always from Mondee's initiative.
Group 3: Opera/Counter/Cadenza/Cabaletta/Gala
This group definitely likes to hang out together! They aren't super close and they don't know a lot about each other's personal problems or private life, but they do enjoy regular activities that they can do together: like brawl fights or going out for a few drinks. However, Opera is always a bit out of place in the group. Since he doesn't so much enjoy the same things the others like, they sometimes don't even bother inviting him, and they might be kind of jealous that out of all of them, he was the one who received a Devil Fruit. Gala always brings attention to it, trying not to exclude Opera, but sometimes, unfortunately, he still gets left out.
Group 4: Cracker/Custard/Angel
In their childhood, Custard and Angel got along well, but Cracker was always annoyed by the two and their constant attempts to play with his hair, put flower crowns on him, and more of that girly shit he loathed. Now, Angel changed quite a bit, toughened up, and became known as a kind of feral gal, who loves her triplets, but might sometimes scare/disgust while trying to make them tougher. In effect, Custard and Cracker grew ever so slightly closer. It helps that the girls stopped trying to girlify him, too.
Group 5: Brulee/Broye
Personality-wise, these two are polar opposites. Generally, Broye pities Brulee for not having found a husband yet, as well as for how her lifestyle usually looks like: rather than cooking and gardening she prefers partying and flirting, rather than living in an unpretentious hut, she prefers glamour. Brulee, on the other hand, is always nice to Broye and likes her, however, their relationship grew a bit awkward ever since Broye caught her staring at a wedding dress and bought her one, claiming that 'she's never going to get married anyway, so she may as well just wear it now'. Brulee knows that her twin meant well and thus wears the dress to this day (was it just us or did Brulee's first dress really look like a wedding dress); still she can't help but feel slightly hurt.
Group 6: Nusstorte/Basskarte/Dosmarche
These three see each other mostly as rivals, plain and simple. Basskarte is especially salty that the other two received Minister positions while he didn't, but even between Nusstorte and Dosmarche you can expect only constant attempts to one the other up rather than any sibling closeness.
Group 7: Moscato/Mash/Cornstarch
Moscato and Cornstarch adore each other! They're both idealists and wholesome people, so they can talk with each other for hours and feel very comfortable with each other's presence. Now, Mash is slightly excluded from this: they still like her and are always nice to her, but don't hang out with her half as often. She doesn't mind, though; she prefers Broye to those softies anyway.
Group 8: Compo/Laurin
Compo is very protective of Laurin. Despite only being minutes older than him and despite his short height, he always makes sure no one makes fun of his twin, and has a sixth sense for when the latter is uncomfortable. In return, Laurin is very grateful, and if he could ever return all the favors, he would.
Group 9: Mozart/Marnier
These two are your like, most typical ✨twinsies✨ sisters. They like to wear matching outfits sometimes, they gossip with each other lots, and generally they get along great; although, unlike some other twins on this list, they do have their own, separate lives.
Group 10: High Fat/Tablet
High Fat and Tablet probably have the worst relationship from all the siblings on this list. Even more opposite than Brulee and Broye, they disliked each other since early childhood, when Tablet relentlessly picked on High Fat, and the latter interpreted what Tablet thought was merely playful as outright cruel. As a result of their different perception on things, their antipathy only grew, and they prefer not to talk these days if it can be avoided.
Group 11: Smoothie/Citron/Cinnamon
Smoothie, Citron, and Cinnamon are each other's favorite people, full stop. They all have similar views on life, know each other's secrets, and they love their dynamic; in this dynamic, Smoothie normally takes on a role of the leader, with Cinnamon and Citron often looking for her approval and even mimicking her sometimes, but all this happens without them ever feeling consciously like there is any clear hierarchy.
Group 12: Saint-Marc/Basans
In their childhood, Saint-Marc and Basans were often confused due to their similar facial features. This experience left them bitter, so now, despite not hating each other, they both really try to stand out from the other. For Saint-Marc, the armor was a method; Basans went so far as to wear fake horns, being quite happy whenever it was assumed that Melise was his real sister.
Group 13: Galette/Poire
Poire likes Galette, even with the latter's anxiety and all. Galette, in return, is always kind to Poire, however, she cannot help but be overly stressed out by her sister's often dangerous ways of life. While Mont d'Or is a calming presence for Galette, Poire heightens her worries, so she'd rather hang out with the older brother, all things considered.
Group 14: Snack/Bavarois
Similarly to the first set of quintuplets, Snack and Bavarois like to share fast food or a few drinks, but don't necessarily tell each other much about their life, or their hopes and fears. Their hang out sessions are a bit rarer than for the quintuplets, though, even if they became more frequent when Snack lost his Sweet Commander post.
Group 15: Prim/Praline
Prim always looked at Praline from above, being both smarter and stronger than her. Still, their relations were somewhat amicable until Praline's betrayal. They used to enjoy at least shopping for clothes together, but now, Prim is pissed that Praline left, without telling her, taking with her a large portion of Totto's underwater population, and leaving her behind for Mama to take out her rage on her. If they meet again, Prim will not hold back and will definitely attack Praline just like the rest of her family, if not even more viciously.
Group 16: Kanten/Kato/Montb
Those three are completely neutral in their relations. They have distinct goals in life and personalities, and don't really think of each other as 'their kind of person' but can definitely have a friendly small talk when they meet; which happens rather rarely, considering they don't really seek these meetings out.
Group 17: Chiffon/Lola
As we all know, Chiffon and Lola love each other lots! Chiffon was always very protective of her younger sister and supported her fully in pursuing her dreams; little Lola, on the other hand, would beat up anyone who even looked at her twin wrongly. Since Lola left, they missed each other plenty, but Chiffon never blamed her for leaving and was just very happy to be reunited with her eventually.
Group 18: Mobile/Marble/Myukuru/Maple
These quadruplets get along in pairs. Mobile and Maple like each other lots and hang out with each other plenty, and so do Marble and Myukuru; however, between these two groups, there's little care and more of a neutral outlook.
Group 19: Mascarpone/Joscarpone
Mascarpone and Joscarpone are essentially inseparable. They know everything each other, finish each other's sentences, share literally everything (including clothes), and could be easily confused if not for their different gender. If you tried to keep them apart even for a few days, they'd probably be very uncomfortable and feel lonelier than ever.
Group 20: Newichi/Newji/Newsan/Newshi/Newgo/Nutmeg/Akimeg/Allmeg/Harumeg/Fuyumeg
The decuplets generally all tolerate each other, but hate to be confused. Overall, the boys get along, and so do the girls, but they don't mingle beyond these groups so much, with the exception of Newshi and Harumeg, who are best friends. There is just quite a bit of rivalry between the boys and the girls; they can cooperate great in fives, but as a whole 10-person group they might struggle to communicate all that well.
Group 21: Dolce/Dragee
Basically Mascarpone and Joscarpone on steroids. These two literally speak in unison at times, have their own secret communication system, sometimes switch their clothes which makes everyone confuse them, and get completely miserable and shy whenever separated. We'll see if they grow out of it ever or not!
Aaaaand there you have it! Congrats to everyone who got through the entire post, here's your supreme Charlotte family fan medal 🎖️ hope you enjoyed! 💕
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Wich younger siblings wouldn't mock, or be scared, or change their behavior about Katakuri with out his scarf? I guess, Anana would like his sharp teeth, and Anglais would think his scars cool.
We weren't sure if by 'younger siblings' you meant all those younger than Katakuri or only the little ones, so we decided to go for an in-between choice!
Most older Charlottes can still remember Katakuri's mouth and the times when he didn'tyet cover it up. Only those who were tiny children when the Brulee incident happened and those even younger than that could be truly shocked by such a reveal.
As such, we decided to answer this for all the siblings starting from Mont d'Or and going down! To not make this post too long, we grouped them according to what their initial reactions would generally look like: a list below ✨
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Literally would not care and would not even comment on his mouth: Mont d'Or, Chiboust, Joconde
Would not care, but could be slightly upset at Katakuri lying to them: Smoothie, Cinnamon, Chiffon
Would be shocked but not much more than that: Saint Marc, Bavarois
Would get shocked and frightened: High Fat, Montb, Mobile, Brownie, Anglais (initially), Normande
Would pretend they didn't see it/ get awkward: Basans, Allmeg
Would find it hot or cute and could get too fascinated by it: Mozart, Praline, Kato, Raisin, Harumeg
Would be disgusted: Nutmeg, Akimeg, Fuyumeg
Would be utterly crushed and heartbroken for a while: Nougat
Would laugh or might make fun of it openly: Marnier, Tablet, Citron, Snack, Prim, Mascarpone, Joscarpone, Dolce, Dragee
Would gossip about it behind Katakuri's back: Melise, Pudding
Would be actually kind of glad? Thinking that it makes Katakuri closer to them, which would make them feel empowered: Poire, Praline, Kanten, Panna, Yuen
Would get very supportive of Katakuri, realizing he must have had reasons for hiding this from everyone and wanting to help him: Galette, Dacquoise, Maple, De-Chat
Would ask a lot of inappropriate questions (e.g. details about him ripping his mouth, wanting to touch his teeth, etc.): Anana
Would find it cool: Lola, Marble, Myukuru, Newsan, Newji, Newichi, Newshi, Newgo, Anglais (after the shock wears off), Wiro
Would think he hid this from Mama too and go tell on him: Wafers
That's it, that's our take on it! Of course, the reactions would vary, and probably some of the older siblings (especially Brulee) would quickly step in to make the impact of the reveal on Katakuri as harmless as possible.
Thank you for the ask 💕
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Masterlist 2
For your convenience when finding headcanons and asks about your favorite Charlottes! In order of birth. The ones not mentioned here are ones that we didn’t publish anything about yet, but feel free to come talk to us about them too! Last updated: 30/08/2021 MASTERLIST 1 Charlotte Mont D’Or General + in marriage + tsundere headcanons Workaholic Charlottes Bedtime stories How do they handle getting sick? Holding the braincells Intelligence/leadership Mont D’Or x Robin? Mont D’Or x Reiju? Similarities with Wafers Get laid jokes In-between the generations Sexuality Views on Totto Land’s matriarchy Relation with Perospero Charlotte High Fat Favorite and least favorite siblings Charlotte Smoothie Views on Totto Land’s matriarchy Sexuality As an animal Charlotte Galette Views on Totto Land’s matriarchy Biggest secret Attitude to marriage Charlotte Praline Favorite and least favorite siblings Views on Totto Land’s matriarchy Relation with Chiffon Charlotte Montb Oddly specific aesthetics Charlotte Chiffon Views on Totto Land’s matriarchy Modern AU job As an animal Relation with Praline Charlotte Lola Favorite and least favorite siblings Oddly specific aesthetics Biggest secret Modern AU job Charlotte Myukuru Views on Totto Land’s matriarchy Charlotte Newsan Favorite and least favorite siblings Charlotte Newshi Oddly specific aesthetics Charlotte Nutmeg Oddly specific aesthetics Charlotte Akimeg Oddly specific aesthetics Charlotte Fuyumeg Favorite and least favorite siblings Charlotte Nougat Katakuri’s fanboy? Charlotte Pudding Favorite and least favorite siblings Oddly specific aesthetics Friendship with Flampe Modern AU job As an animal Charlotte Flampe Favorite and least favorite siblings Siblings that worry Katakuri Rigging the contest Minister of Honey Oddly specific aesthetics Friendship with Pudding Surprised Pikachu Flampe Attitude to marriage Modern AU job As an animal Charlotte Anglais General headcanons If they could have a superpower, what would they choose? Charlotte Wafers General headcanons Workaholic Charlottes Bedtime stories If they could have a superpower, what would they choose? Similarities with Mont D’Or Charlotte Wiro If they could have a superpower, what would they choose? Charlotte De-Chat If they could have a superpower, what would they choose? Charlotte Dolce and Dragee General headcanons Charlotte Anana Siblings that worry Katakuri If they could have a superpower, what would they choose?
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Based on her one moment in the manga, Wafers seems like one of the few, if not the only one of the Charlotte siblings, who seems to realize that violent or "psychotic" behavior is not good. Makes me wonder what's lead her to think like this and why.
Yeah she's an interesting one! We haven't heard Wiro, Normande and Dechat talk yet, so we can't tell if they're either like Anana or Wafers too. If I can recall, what she said about Anana and the twins Dolce and Dragee's convo about killing each other is something like "We shouldn't say things like those, right Mama?"
She may be observant and smarter than the rest of her batch who just follows the bad deeds of their siblings. Maybe it has something to do with whoever is taking care of her, or maybe she's naturally a kind-hearted person. Maybe she'll grow up as someone who's open to change like Praline and Chiffon, who knows?
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