#charlotte wiro
roseaesynstylae · 1 year
I like to think that Katakuri is close to his youngest siblings. Here’s some ideas.
Anglais: Looks up to Katakuri as the embodiment of coolness. He and his big brother ride their bug-bikes around Whole Cake Island when Katakuri has spare time. When his mouth is revealed, Anglais is initially really shocked and needs some time to adjust, but ultimately concludes that Katakuri’s willingness to expose it despite the risk of ridicule makes him even cooler.
Wafers: Katakuri has worked hard to ensure that she, at least, has some reason. She tends to hide behind him when she’s upset. When his mouth is revealed, she’s a little disgusted but doesn’t think it’s worth getting upset over and gets used to it with time.
Wiro: He’s a cheerful guy who does his best to make Katakuri laugh. So far, he hasn’t succeeded but he’s not going to give up. Katakuri appreciates his efforts. When his mouth is revealed, Wiro doesn’t even notice.
De-Chat: He’s very nice, easily one of the nicest in his family, and Katakuri wants him to stay that way. On De-Chat’s end, he’s one of the few who picked up that Katakuri is under an immense amount of stress. When Katakuri’s mouth is revealed, De-Chat isn’t even slightly fazed. In fact, he can sort of understand why Katakuri feels the way he does (De-Chat is half Fish-Man, taking after his father in looks. Given how Pudding was treated for her eye, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s dealt with bullying. The difference is, in my mind, that Katakuri learned from [and regretted] what happened with Pudding and took steps to make sure that didn’t happen again).
Normande: She likes to play with her older brother and, when Katakuri has the time, he does so. She often hides in his scarf. Katakuri tries hard not to think about what her conception must have been like, something everyone in the family does for the sake of their sanity. When his mouth is revealed, she doesn’t care at all.
Dolce and Dragee: Whenever they lose one of their balloons, Katakuri either gets them a new one or retrieves it for them. He tries to convince them to be more patient with Anana. When his mouth is revealed, they’re freaked out but calm down when they realize he’s still the same person.
Anana: Katakuri worries about her a lot. He wants his younger siblings to live happy lives and she’s clearly not happy. He tries to persuade her to take her violent urges out on pillows and such. She brightens up when she’s with him. When his mouth is revealed, she’s a little too fascinated by it. She asks all kinds of weird questions about it and likes to touch his teeth.
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groovycharlottes · 2 years
Wiro: Brother Anglais, have you noticed that your voice has changed?
Anglais: What? You mean how I sound like a man, and you squeal like a piglet on helium?
Wiro, in a high-pitched voice: You take that back!
Anglais: Sure, when you ask me like man.
Wiro, voice getting higher: I AM A MAN!
Anglais: Really? Cause now you sound like a mouse's parachute won't open!
Wiro: *incoherent and very high-pitched screaming*
*Every window in the Chateau shatters*
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diablademon · 8 months
I did a list of how long time there were between Charlotte siblings births.
This was made with the idea that Big Mom gave birth each and every year from she was 18 to 60 and never skipped a year. But keep in mind that she apparently gave birth 43 times in 42 years. So there was one year she gave birth two times.
First of Cracker and his sisters are only 5 months younger than Opera and his brothers. I read that children only have a chance of surving being premature birth if its been over 6 months. Because its at 6 months lungs and other organs are fully developed. But this is a show where a woman was pregnant for 22 months so everything goes in this world I guess.
Brûlée and Broyé have two different birthdays, twins being born on different dates arent that uncomman, but Broyé would have been born 9 months after Brûlée, 28 days before Nusstorte. Sounds more like Broyé would be apart of a Quadruplets with Nusstorte and his brothes than a twin of Brûlée. Most likely just a mistake on Odas part.
Perospero: March 14th 19 months
Compote: October 15th 12 months
Katakuri, Daifuku, Oven: November 25th 12 months
Mondée, Amande, Hachée, Effilée: December 10th 9 months
Opera, Counter Cadenza, Cabaletta, Gala: September 29th 5 months
Cracker, Custard, Angel: February 28th -
Zuccotto: - -
Brûlée, Broyé: March 6th and December 26th 10 months or 28 days
Nusstorte, Basskarte, Dosmarche: January 23rd 23 months
Noisette: December 15th 12 months
Moscato, Mash, Cornstarch - December 16th -
Compo, Laurin: - -
Mont-d'Or: April 23rd 20 months
Mozart, Marnier: - December 20th -
High-fat, Tablet: - -
Smoothie, Citron, Cinnamon - October 16th -
Saint-Marc, Basans: - -
Melise: - -
Dacquoise: - _
Galette, Poire: October 19th 12 months
Snack, Bavarois: October 29th 9 months
Prim, Paraline: July 22nd -
Kanten, Kato, Montb: - -
Chiboust: - -
Chiffon, Lola: January 27th 22 months
Mobile, Marble, Myukuru, Maple: November 17th -
Brownie: - -
Joconde: - -
Raisin: March 23rd -
Panna: - -
Mascarpone, Joscarpone: February 27th 19 months
Yuen: October 15th 13 months
Newichi, Newji, Newsan, Newshi, Newgo, Nutmeg, Akimeg, Allmeg, Harumeg, Fuyumeg: December 2nd -
Nougat: - -
Pudding: June 25th 7 months
Flampe: February 11th 20 months
Anglais: October 19th -
Wafers: - -
Wiro: - -
De-Chat: - -
Normande:- -
Doice, Dragée: Ferbruary 21st 14 months
Anana: April 17th
526 months total from start of being pregnant with perospero (Added 9 months to before his birth) to her giving birth to Anana. ~381 of those months she was pregnant (total of 31.75 years spent pregnant) and ~145 months (~12 years) between that being not pregnant. 72% of her prime was spent being pregnant. (46% of her entire life)
Other facts: -When Big mom was 24(?) she joined Rocks Pirates. same year she gave birth to Zuccoto. -Rocks got defeated when Big Mom was 30, the year Mont-d'Or was born. -At 35 Year old Big Mom created her own pirate crew, the year when Melise was born. And as it seems her children become officers in her crew when they turn 15 means Perospero, Compote, Katakuri, Daifuku and Oven all joind the crew as officers at the same time.
I find Big Moms pirates to be very interesting and I want to know more how the development happend. When did tottoland become a candy fantasy land? Did she have to wait untill her children ate devil fruits for that to happen? Or did Streusen turn things into food? Did she leave Rocks pirate to give birth or gave birth at the ship and then left back to tottoland to leave her newborns there? Katakuri and his brothers was apparently born on a ship, but such infomation isnt mentiond for Perospero or Compote. Katakuris flashback showed him and his sibling to grow up in a city, so Big Mom didnt keep them with her.
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rollinouttahere-writes · 10 months
Well now that you've said it we're legally obligated to make it happen.
Should Doll decide that dealing with Big Mom is better than dealing with her crazy dad, there are only two other Charlotte sons within her age range that aren't Nougat.
Charlotte Anglais (14) and Charlotte Wiro (12)
Pick your poison 🙂
I would like to remind everyone that I'm still on Thriller Bark, IDK who either of these kids are
Y'all can choose, I trust your judgement
Or maybe Doll gets off easy by just getting adopted by one of the older ones? I dunno
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019 to Anana, Wiro, De-chat, Wafers and Anglais. Since they seems to not get a devil fruit yet.
Thanks for the ask, anon! That was fun to think about 💕 hope you enjoy what we came up with!
019. If they could have a superpower, what would they choose?
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Anana loves sharp things, dissecting stuff, and messing with bodies. While so far only her plushies were subjected to this treatment, it can affect humans in the future too- If possible, Anana would love a medical power like the Ope Ope no Mi. Performing instant surgeries, cutting people up and combining them in new configurations? She would have so much (unsafe) fun with it.
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Look at him, Wiro looks kind of like a little shit and smiles constantly. Generally, he's happy and he wants to make others happy too (forcibly, if necessary) so he would like a power that makes other laugh. He would probably often use it for good and for fun, but hey, he wouldn't be a Charlotte if he also didn't make it into a formidable power to fight enemies with. Don't let him get his hands on the defective Smiles when he grows up
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De-Chat is a gentle boy with soft heart but also a constantly grumpy, evil-looking face. He's well aware that his expression doesn't invite interactions, but he wants more friends, and so, his preferred power to get would be shapeshifting. Of course, being a kind soul he is, he wouldn't just use it for himself, but also to help others. All those with insecurities in his family? In his ideal world, he helps them all by making their stranger features disappear and reappear at will.
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Wafers wants to be as knowledgeable as possible. Unfortunately, even though she has learned entire encyclopedias, in her quest for getting to know everything there is, she already encountered the natural barrier that is the limitations of human memory. If she could pick her power, she would make it expand her memory capabilities infinitely, until she would never forget what she read and she would just accumulate knowledge to become the smartest in the world.
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Honestly, Anglais just wants to be cool, so he didn't think much about what power he wants yet, only fantasized about how great it would be to have any powers. Still, if it was his pick, his first choice of superpower would be superspeed and the second superstrength: one to make him go as fast as possible on his motorbike, and the second one to make him throw some dope punches. And both to make him look really, really cool.
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Which siblings bully Wafers other than Anana?
Dolce and Dragee aren't the type to initiate bullying, but they take part on one that has already started. And although not siblings, the bandaged boy and the buckteeth girl are bullies too. Anglais bullies Wafers because she's "weak" and hasn't "contributed anything to the family" yet (he takes pride in being a messenger boy for his siblings, and thinks that those who aren't doing anything unlike him, are useless.)
De-chat isn't a bully but he doesn't interfere either. Normande is a sweetie, she defends Wafers but she's often swatted away. Wiro is kinda complicated: he's friends with Wafers, he never intentionally hurts her but his inquisitive and talkative nature sometimes cross the lines.
In short: please protect Wafers at all costs she's a sweet bean i
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candymakcr · 4 years
                     CHARLOTTE FAMILY BIRTHDAYS.
Nusstorte - 23. January.
Basskarte -  23. January. 
Dosmarche -  23. January. 
Chiffon - 27. January.   
Lola - 27. January.  
Flampe - 11. February.
Linlin / Big Mom - 15. February.
Dolce - 21. February.
Dragée - 21. February.
Mascarpone - 27. February.
Joscarpone - 27. February.
Cracker - 28. February.
Custard -  28. February.
Angel -  28. February.
Brûlée - 6. March.
Broyé - 6. March.
Perospero - 14. March.
Raisin - 23. March.
Mont-d'Or - 23. April.
Anana - 27. April.
Pudding - 25. June.
Prim - 22. July.
Praline - 22. July.
Opera - 29. September.
Counter  - 29. September.
Cadenza -  29. September.
Cabaletta -  29. September.
Gala  -  29. September.
Smoothie - 12. October.
Citron -  12. October.
Cinnamon - 12. October.
Compote - 15. October.
Yuen - 15. October.
Galette - 19. October.
Poire - 19. October.
Anglais - 19. October.
Snack - 29. October.
Bavarois - 29. October.
Mobile - 17. November.
Marble - 17. November.
Myukuru - 17. November.
Maple - 17. November.
Katakuri - 25. November.
Daifuku -  25. November.
Oven -  25. November.
Newichi - 2. December.
Newji - 2. December.
Newsan - 2. December.
Newshi - 2. December.
Newgo - 2. December.
Nutmeg - 2. December.
Akimeg - 2. December.
Allmeg - 2. December.
Harumeg - 2. December.
Fuyumeg - 2. December.
Mondée - 10. December.
Amande -  10. December. 
Hachée -  10. December.
Effilée -  10. December.
Noisette - 15. December.
Mascato - 16. December.
Mash -  16. December.
Cornstarch -  16. December.
Mozart - 20. December.
Mariner  - 20. December.
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twiggycute · 7 years
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sticker book by puppygooop featuring Usagi ❤ liked on Polyvore
Topshop high waisted destroyed shorts / Panties lingerie / Green coin purse / NOVICA white coin purse / Casio resin watch / Bracelet, $8.85 / Stretch jewelry / Button jewelry / Charlotte Russe rainbow charm necklace / Pin earrings / Loungefly pin jewelry / Silicon iphone case / Dolce Gabbana tech accessory, $375 / Pusheen accessory / Office accessory / Gel pen / Usagi office accessory / Pink office accessory / Lunch Bags for Little Kids - Zoo Lunchies | Skip Hop / Hello Kitty Stereo CD Boombox / Build-A-Bear Workshop-United States: / Minty Handling Game, $33 / Munchkin Wind Up Swimming Penguin Bath Toy, Pink / A5 wiro greyboard sketchbook, $5.89 / Fragola fruttato Clicca Bento Box & Lock | pranzo al sacco dal..., $17 / Disney Tsum Tsum Tsum Tsum Blind Bag 10 Pack Series 3, $24 / 日本直郵代購muji無印良品溫柔時光懷念日本人最愛的零食金平糖-淘寶網, $3.16 / Build-A-Bear Workshop-United States: Sanrio® Tiny Clip - Keroppi® / ミニ(S) TSUM TSUM(ツムツム) ダンボ, $6.57
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n3rdy-girl-ftw · 7 years
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silhouettes in the moonlight // #148 by jar-of-hearts-xx featuring OPI ❤ liked on Polyvore
Uniqlo wool sweater, $26 / Topshop high-waisted jeans, $52 / Charlotte Russe military boots / Fjällräven nylon backpack, $78 / BeckSöndergaard wool shawl, $105 / Cashmere glove / Yves Saint Laurent sunglasses, $400 / Perfume fragrance / Forever 21 lip treatment / OPI nail polish / A5 wiro greyboard sketchbook, $5.53 / Urbanears Bagis, $40 / CB2 Usb Key Chain
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herfashionworld · 7 years
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silhouettes in the moonlight // #148 by jar-of-hearts-xx featuring knit gloves ❤ liked on Polyvore
Uniqlo crew neck sweater, $26 / Topshop high rise jeans / Charlotte Russe army boots / Fjällräven fjallraven backpack, $78 / BeckSöndergaard wool scarve, $105 / Knit glove / Yves Saint Laurent round glasses, $400 / Perfume fragrance / Forever 21 lip treatment / Opi nail lacquer / A5 wiro greyboard sketchbook, $5.53 / Urbanears Bagis, $40 / CB2 Usb Key Chain
0 notes
roseaesynstylae · 1 year
I like the idea of Katakuri being close to the youngest members of the Charlotte Family. I mean, the youngest (Anglais, Wafers, Wiro, De-Chat, Normande, Dolce, Dragee, Anana) and I'm not counting Flampe. They climb all over him, play with him, and he dotes on them. When his mouth is revealed, they thinks it's cool (maybe a little too much so in Anana's case). In fact, I love Katakuri being nice and soft with children.
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groovycharlottes · 2 years
How do you think Wiro, Decha, Dolce and Dragées are treated their Older Sibling?
I imagine that they're all very well looked after by each of their older siblings, though they each have their own favorite older sibling:
Wiro: His favorite older sibling is Hachee, one of the Longneck quadruplets (the sister we don't actually see in the manga or anime, but we know she exists) In return, Wiro is Hachee’s favorite younger brother, and she lets him wear her hat sometimes.  I headcanon this because of an artist who used to be on Tumblr had this headcanon and drew a few comics of the two siblings interacting. (I actually reblogged a lot of their art recently that I had in my anime-sideblog. It’s the stuff by @stikf, who deactivated some time ago)
Dechat's favorite sibling is Praline, because she was the one who helped teach him how to swim when he was younger, and he thinks she's one of the most fun sisters. Praline is very fond of and protective of Dechat, protective because he’s the only Fishman sibling and they have similar heritage. Dechat was very upset when Praline left the family, but he’s hopeful that she’ll come back one day.
Dolce and Dragée look up to a lot of their older brothers, but they favor Katakuri and Cracker the most, for the former’s strength and skill, and for the latter’s humor and energy. Katakuri cares for all of his younger siblings, so of course he’s kind to the twins. Cracker cares for them too...but often gets them mixed up.
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prettynposh2 · 7 years
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School❤️👫 by julianafb featuring writing pens ❤ liked on Polyvore
RE DONE white shirt, $115 / Gucci red blazer / LE3NO red jacket / River Island skater skirt, $23 / Colorful socks / Vans black shoes, $69 / Kipling drawstring backpack, $96 / Choker necklace / Charlotte Russe id bracelet / Warner Bros bracelet / Midi ring, $9.90 / Chain necklace / Tech accessory / Cat eye glasses / Tech accessory, $765 / Hot Topic accessory / Beats by Dr Dre beats by dr dre headphone / Versace mens straight jeans, $1,030 / Gucci mens white shirt / Vans men s backpack / Uniqlo mens sneaker / Yves Saint Laurent tie / Men's sunglasses / West Coast Jewelry mens ring / Cutler and Gross men s eyeglass / Montblanc office accessory, $430 / Kate spade pencil, $29 / Paper Mate colored pen / Kate Spade latte cup / Santa Barbara Design Studio writing pen / CamelBak food storage container / Pantone coffee mug, $6.40 / Pantone coffee mug, $6.40 / Colored pencil / Vinyl Revolution vinyl sticker, $14 / Wilko Wiro Notebook Hardback A5, $1.60 / Classic Composition Notebooks / Beats Solo2 Wireless Headphones : Bluetooth | Beats By Dre / iCasso Dream Catcher Removable Vinyl Decal Sticker Skin for Apple... / Paper Towns / Polished Rotating Fidget Hand Spinner With Three Hole Fingertips..., $13
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Wiro seems like a fellow book reader so I could see him getting along with his older sister, Wafers.
You're right that Wiro seems like an avid book reader, anon! This could act as a common interest that'd bring him and Wafers closer...though in our view, there are a few obstacles to them truly getting along well!
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While both Wiro and Wafers can often be found with a book, their choice of favorite titles, as we see it, would be wildly different! Wiro seems to us like someone who'd be very much into fiction: adventure, action, fantasy, and sci-fi could be some of his favorite book genres. In a good book, he'd probably look for entertaining characters and enjoyable plotlines first and foremost. Wafers, on the other hand, would much rather read a belles-lettres kind of literature, as well as non-fiction and educational books. She'd primarily want a book to be stylistically high-end, well-written in terms of language, acclaimed by critics, or scholastic. Thus, while they tried to discuss their favorite books many times, Wiro and Wafers tend to not have much of a common ground in that domain, and might even bicker over what contitutes great literature!
Aside from his bookworm-in-training interests, Wiro is kind of a troublemaker, too, and Wafers does not vibe with that. She finds his pranks to be more of an annoyance than funny, and will definitely tell on him if she catches him doing something he's not supposed to. Wiro, on the other hand, likes to tease Wafers for being stuck-up and a snitch, and he sometimes crosses that thin line between humor and offense he's balancing on. So, to us, they sure have quite a way to go and both would need to be a bit more attentive to the other one's needs to really become sibling-besties 😉
Thank you for the ask! 💕
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Based on her one moment in the manga, Wafers seems like one of the few, if not the only one of the Charlotte siblings, who seems to realize that violent or "psychotic" behavior is not good. Makes me wonder what's lead her to think like this and why.
Yeah she's an interesting one! We haven't heard Wiro, Normande and Dechat talk yet, so we can't tell if they're either like Anana or Wafers too. If I can recall, what she said about Anana and the twins Dolce and Dragee's convo about killing each other is something like "We shouldn't say things like those, right Mama?"
She may be observant and smarter than the rest of her batch who just follows the bad deeds of their siblings. Maybe it has something to do with whoever is taking care of her, or maybe she's naturally a kind-hearted person. Maybe she'll grow up as someone who's open to change like Praline and Chiffon, who knows?
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Wich younger siblings wouldn't mock, or be scared, or change their behavior about Katakuri with out his scarf? I guess, Anana would like his sharp teeth, and Anglais would think his scars cool.
We weren't sure if by 'younger siblings' you meant all those younger than Katakuri or only the little ones, so we decided to go for an in-between choice!
Most older Charlottes can still remember Katakuri's mouth and the times when he didn'tyet cover it up. Only those who were tiny children when the Brulee incident happened and those even younger than that could be truly shocked by such a reveal.
As such, we decided to answer this for all the siblings starting from Mont d'Or and going down! To not make this post too long, we grouped them according to what their initial reactions would generally look like: a list below ✨
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Literally would not care and would not even comment on his mouth: Mont d'Or, Chiboust, Joconde
Would not care, but could be slightly upset at Katakuri lying to them: Smoothie, Cinnamon, Chiffon
Would be shocked but not much more than that: Saint Marc, Bavarois
Would get shocked and frightened: High Fat, Montb, Mobile, Brownie, Anglais (initially), Normande
Would pretend they didn't see it/ get awkward: Basans, Allmeg
Would find it hot or cute and could get too fascinated by it: Mozart, Praline, Kato, Raisin, Harumeg
Would be disgusted: Nutmeg, Akimeg, Fuyumeg
Would be utterly crushed and heartbroken for a while: Nougat
Would laugh or might make fun of it openly: Marnier, Tablet, Citron, Snack, Prim, Mascarpone, Joscarpone, Dolce, Dragee
Would gossip about it behind Katakuri's back: Melise, Pudding
Would be actually kind of glad? Thinking that it makes Katakuri closer to them, which would make them feel empowered: Poire, Praline, Kanten, Panna, Yuen
Would get very supportive of Katakuri, realizing he must have had reasons for hiding this from everyone and wanting to help him: Galette, Dacquoise, Maple, De-Chat
Would ask a lot of inappropriate questions (e.g. details about him ripping his mouth, wanting to touch his teeth, etc.): Anana
Would find it cool: Lola, Marble, Myukuru, Newsan, Newji, Newichi, Newshi, Newgo, Anglais (after the shock wears off), Wiro
Would think he hid this from Mama too and go tell on him: Wafers
That's it, that's our take on it! Of course, the reactions would vary, and probably some of the older siblings (especially Brulee) would quickly step in to make the impact of the reveal on Katakuri as harmless as possible.
Thank you for the ask 💕
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