#dollfie dream pretty
adolescenceknight · 2 years
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the dystopia twins are together finally! meet reason, logic's twin sister!
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moibakadesu · 1 year
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tipsy-scales · 9 months
Trying this curly wig on 2B! It’s a deviation from her usual hairstyle but between you & me, I don’t really like her actual hair 🥴 So to me this is like a…creative interpretation. I’ll stick with it for a while!
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anna-neko · 1 year
blah blah blah, 2022 review... only the GOOD STUFF lets go!
kick-off the year with NewYears card: lovingly created by ya local Vault Dweller, only the choicest locally~sourced organic dank meme etc etc etc
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JANUARY played photographer. Also braided stars & pearls into my hair
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it helps to have an adorbs partner-in-dressing up. She does my eyeliner, I document her cute outfits
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APRIL worked at PAX East, Vaulty had couple adventures. Peaked in my "will never be this cool ever again!!" moment when Fallout cosplayers specifically came to find me (because Vault-boy)
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MAY played with dolls, unfortunately a massive hdd crash ate the rest of this wonderful shoot
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staffed an anime con, wore Very Outfit (ended con a day early by havin to visit first aid.... Shout-out to those amazing volunteers)
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played photographer again, to same pretty friends
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more playing with dolls. Made some bebi-gay's day by knowing this "old series" apparently (let them take photo w/ Himemiya & ChuChu)
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SEPTEMBER went to see a play; we didn't coordinate our outfits ahead of time, we are Just That Awesome
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OCTOBER DnDads cosplay brainrot. Peaked in my "will never be this cool ever again!!" but now in interwebz cred
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DECEMBER *hastily flipping thru notes* ... hmm... strung some Words into a Magnificent Sentence to be placed into someone else's fanfic (according to my phone, was furiously messaging at freakin 5am when the idea smashed me upside the head like slice of lemon wrapped round a large gold brick)
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dolly-birdi · 2 months
Genuine question: assuming money is no object, if your favorite doll company made a doll of your absolute FAVORITE character, would you want to buy it because of the character alone?
(This doesn't include original characters created by the same company like a monster high draculaura being made by mattel)
For me, I don't think I would if I didn't also find the doll pretty and accurate to their appearance, but then again none of my fav characters have gotten dolls made of them. I know this is a big point of contention for Dollfie Dream fans feeling like the dolls don't resemble their favs at all, like Frieren and Miku.
Alternatively, would you be willing to buy a doll of a character that you don't know, or even dislike, if you thought it looked good?
I'm interested in seeing what other people think, so feel free to tag or relpy!
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Doll parts
Just remembered today, because someone was looking for hands, and I happened to have a pair I was willing to part with.
So Luts. Let me tell you how amazing it is to order parts from Luts. Not just bodies or heads, but feet, hands, AND lower legs. They're available for all of their bodies - series 1 through 8. All available on their website. I purchased my series 5 body used, but it came with heel legs only. So I ordered lower legs with flat and heel feet, and a ton of optional hands. After the dutiful "the resin isn't going to match" warning, Luts filled my order - no muss, no fuss.
Getting optional hands and feet can be anywhere for delightfully easy (Luts) to an exercise in sheer frustration (Peakwoods). Some companies refuse to sell certain parts unless you have a COA with YOUR name on it (Fairyland). Some companies sell some parts but have cut back (Iplehouse still sells hands and feet, but they no longer offer blushing or the ability to order resin rings separately). Also, several companies, including Iplehouse and SartoriaJ, refuse to sell heads and bodies separately. It's the whole doll or bust.
Peakwoods just doesn't sell optional hands or feet. You can't buy them separately. It doesn't matter if you already own the doll, and you bought it from them. You want hands or feet - you have to order a full doll. Migidoll has separate order periods for optional hands and feet, and you can NOT order them when you order a doll. Since I like all the optional parts, and there's a decent chance the resin color might not match between batches, I find this exceptionally irritating.
For a while, Raccoondoll refused to sell optional hands, period. They are starting to change this. (Iplehouse hands fit fine.)
Dream Valley will sell any part you want... but expect a 9-month wait. And you might have to remind them once or twice.
Volks Super Dollfie dolls are great when you order new. They are a total pain in the ass when you have a used doll, and you want different hands or feet. Availability on Volks's website is spotty (those sandal toe feet give me the heebie jeebies). I have been told that SD10 heel feet are a "grail" item that is nearly impossible to get. Heel feet? Really? Angel of Dream feet fit perfectly, if anyone is curious. And AoD is fast and affordable.
Fairyland has the most expensive hands and feet of any company I've purchased from - at least double the price ($35-$60!!! for a pair of hands or feet). And they're... OK. But we're not talking Miracle Doll or Iplehouse sculpting here. Actually, for the price, the sculpting is pretty disappointing - for the female hands, anyway. The boy hands are much better.
Impldoll. Sigh. I love Impldoll, but getting them to sell optional hands is like pulling teeth. They'll either tell you the hands don't exist (I know they do, because they're IN YOUR PICTURES), or they don't know when they're going to make them (they're available on other currently available dolls and will fit). I'm just like - don't you want my money? I have money. Please take my money. All I'm asking for in exchange is hands.
So if anyone else is as obsessed with optional parts as I am - Luts is great. Just watch out for those leg pegs, man.
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Alright outing myself a bit here since i'm pretty sure a couple of my followers lurk, but in case you wanted to see him, here is Estinien. I'm still waiting for his permanent ears and he'll share a body for a while because i'm actually getting a headstart on saving up for that gorgeous Alphinaud dollfie dream. But anyway yeah. Here's he is. He's a Doll Family H Xiangyi.
PS i saw that other person's Estinien. Cool to see how others go about making character dolls like this. I wonder how many other people have made this particular fool into a doll
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amapolasdolls · 4 months
Dollbot Box Opening
Doll nudity warning!
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So my Dollbot body finally arrived. I had the head for a bit but was unable to retrieve it until recently, which made me decide to buy the body as well. Here's the head box on top of the box the body arrived in. Now let's get started on opening the box.
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I was surprised to see the body's box being the same reflective material as that of the head. Honestly, I don't know what I was expecting. The bubble wrap was packaged really neatly, and the body lay nestled between a layer of bubble wrap and plastic inside the box.
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My first impressions of the body is how soft it was; I think it's the softest of my large vinyl dolls, with Imomodoll being the hardest, Dollfie Dream in the middle, and Dollbot being the softest. It surprised me, and I was really worried about accidentally denting or staining the body. The joints are similar to other vinyl dolls, but there's still a learning curve, as I noticed my doll's joints didn't move as I twisted a part, but the part I was twisting rotated to the direction I wanted. I really like seeing different construction types like this though.
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Some side and back shots. Curvier than MDD and more detailed than female 1/4 Imomodoll bodies.
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Here's the head peg system. You take off the top part and then stick it through the neck hold and then put the top part back on, which keeps the head in place.
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Here's her all together, with her head and body on!
The body is pretty fun and it does look good, but my doll's leg kept dropping off. It felt looser than the other joints, and I don't know what's causing it, but it does mostly stay in place. I think I may need to mod this joint so it'll stop falling out. It's an issue with most of the vinyl dolls I owned, with all of them having that one weak joint. (Candy is her arms, Lance is his left hand, and Giski is his left leg)
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Some shots of the inside while we're at it.
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Here's a photo of her with my Imomodoll and my Dollfie Dream. Her head seems really big compared to the other two, while also having a curvier and shorter body.
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The eyes are also massive, for even my 20mm eyes look small with her. I don't like really large irises and I think this effect with this eye is actually a bit closer to how I would like her character however so this works out.
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And that's it for now. I really like my Dollbot and since I now have the body, I look forward to making her dress. It's going to be a long process though, since I need to properly learn how to draft, drape, and make patterns. I hope I can post more of her or her progress at least.
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minepeopls · 9 months
I’ve gotten into a little obsession that started out on Pinterest. I was pinning posts of figures of anime’s I’ve watched. I’ve always wanted to have my own collection of figures but never really had the cash or bravery to buy one. (I wouldn’t know how to explain it to my parents, who already are a bit weirded out when I watch anime. Mostly my mom.) Anywho while going deeper in to find more posts to pin, I also started seeing some post on dollfie dolls and I couldn’t stop thinking how pretty or customizable they are! Now my Pinterest bored that used to be filled with different figurens I’d love to have someday are now filled with dollfie dolls or different BJD. I mean look at this one!
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She’s so pretty and I’ve heard that you can change their hair or eyes! Which just makes it better because if you get bored of one look, you can change it for another! Plus you can dress them up and so on! Problem is I don’t know where to start, I’ve gone onto volks USA and found little options of the types to buy from. I’m going to buy one that I at least liked a lot then the others and she’s beginner friendly, Dollfie Dream Dynamite Towa (DD-f3), I don’t have much confidence in making my own one so despite her being expensive($526) at least I can change her hair and eyes for something different. If anyone sees this and knows more pls tell me!
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arielluva · 2 months
Have you seen the official Anthy doll? She's so gorgeous I mean she's... not. able to be gotten really but I was looking for references for my Anthy custom and found HER.
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i have!!! ive also seen the utena one too and god. i am so jealous of whoever has either of them... dollfie dream dolls are so pretty and yet. so expensive...
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tiffyfoundsomething · 2 years
I’ve been into BJD since 2001 and have been struggling to do a decent faceup in all that time. Struggling.
I have fine motor control problems and a jackhammer like tremor that makes painting difficult, and also no talent for it (let’s be honest). All this practice all these years and still not meeting the level of skill I’d like to? No talent. Not that it’s stopped me.
Generally I can make due with substandard tools but getting older I need better equipment to meet the same results.
My biggest hurdle has always been lashes and eyebrows. Fine lines. Itty hairs. You get me.
For a while I’ve been using an inexpensive nail art brush and have recently gotten some better results with it.
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That’s pretty good if I do say so myself, thank you. That’s decades of practice without talent. Practice will certainly get you closer. Finer lines than I’d ever managed before.
I just got some new nail art brushes in the mail, and they make fine lines so much easier.
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Winstonia Striping Nail Art Brushes for Long Lines, Details, Fine Designs. 3 pcs Striper Brushes Set - AMAZING TRIO - https://amzn.to/3osCBc6
I’m almost angry how easy these are compared to what I’d been working with and at the same time pretty proud of myself that I managed to get that outcome with a substandard brush. Working with lower-quality, more difficult tools does improve one’s skill I think. You get used to that and then grab something that’s better suited to what you want to do and it’s like WHAT. WHAT HOW. because it’s suddenly so much easier.
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The brush I used on the Dollfie Dream faceup posted above is on the left. The bristles are so long that I had trouble using it because I wanted to rest my pinkie for stability but that would lead to me choking the brush and accidentally grabbing the base of the bristles. I am a heathen that holds my brush like a pencil. Can’t help it.
I literally JUST tested the others and:
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Please excuse Practice Head’s evidence of previous practice.
Everyone should have a practice head. They’re great for testing materials for staining, trying out new tools and materials, attempting mods without ruining the head you want to mod.
This is the mangled remains of that first Nanuri Luts put out, but you can find legit damaged heads online, or Doll Family sells heads just for practice for like $20.
Anyway, with a little adjustment to using the new brush I got some pretty dang fine lines. The shorter bristled brush let me do curved lashes instead of stick-straight ones. This is with one of the darker colors I tend to use in a faceup and I DIDN’T end up with too-dark spidery lashes.
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Evidence of that jackhammer tremor on the lower eyebrow hairs, but those lines on the forehead are barely visible...
Of course, just finding the right brush isn’t all there is to getting fine lines. There’s the paint, how you thin it, the water you thin it with ( @glaceleau​ gave me a tip to put a little bit of soap in the water to reduce the water’s surface tension and help paint flow from the brush and that helped a LOT), practice practice practice, I got new glasses that helped my depth perception so I’m not mashing the bristles into the resin as often, etc.
These aren’t a magic faceup wand, but they sure do help.
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adolescenceknight · 2 years
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family photos before reason joins us <3
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charlottedolls · 4 months
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My customized Dollfie Dream doll. I used dollfie dream pretty base body (DD-F3), DDH-01 head, dollfie animetic eyes (V Type 22mm akane color), dollfie eyelashes (WT-18), dollfie dream wig (W-155D), I drew the eyelid and eyebrow using zoukei-mura acrylic paints and used zoukei-mura make-up pastels for the blush. The DD Outfit is the Classical Marine set mini.
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katharynthethird · 2 years
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Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve posted! I decided to take a leap and have been working on faceup commissions from some lovely people who have entrusted me to work some magic on their dolls. I even have some manicure requests! Exciting! Meantime, please check out this mini photoshoot with my Asuka, Rei and Mari. I have had a hard time finding good glasses for Mari but these will do for now. They’re all Parabox heads on azone and obitsu 1/3 bodies (so about the height of Dollfie Dream Pretty). I love long haired Rei a lot but I hope to get her a short wig and a white medical eye patch some point in the future. They’re using an American Girl desk from my youth (heavy as heck!) but I actually recently got the vintage American Girl Mac Desktop that I kinda want to use for a different photoshoot with these three. I could even photoshop some NERV computer screens onto it I bet! Also, the school bag is actual from my Azone Madoka uniform set (one day I’ll get one of the Azone Madoka dolls).
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dollsonmain · 2 years
That’s not a bad price actually.
Just my style, too.
Still no luck on the oldskin heads.
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tsubasaclones · 22 days
my mom walked past me when i was putting a sock back on my dollfie dream pretty body and she said "still headless?" like yes bestie i haven't been able to buy a head for it yet
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