#dolores kpop
gamerbearmira · 1 year
Roles‼️‼️‼️ I tried my best to match them up, I think I did pretty good. Honestly a few of them changed, but not by much. Agustín and Félix essentially just stay writing music and being backbones to the group. I mean yeah, the other members write songs, but those two kind of. Put them together.
Alma: Manager, Producer
Felix: Instrumental, Writer
Agustín: Mixer, Instrumental, Producer
Julieta: Vocal, Center
Pepa: Sub Rapper, Sub Vocal, Main Dancer
Bruno: Main Rapper, Dancer
Isabela: Visual, Dancer
Dolores: Lead Vocal, Ad libs
Luisa: Vocal, Dancer
Camilo: Lead Rapper, Sub Vocal
Mirabel: Leader, Lead Dancer, Face, Vocal
Antonio: Maknae, Dancer, Sub/Backing Vocal/Ad libs
I spent an unhealthy amount of time on these photocards but. These would've likely been from their first album release, at least the one with Antonio in it.
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As for names. Y’all know I suck at those so. My unoriginal slf could only come up with this. Honestly it’s an improvement considering my last tho 💀
Miracle Beat (Styled M1R4CLE BE4T) There's a 1, for Mirabel, the leader, and then then two 4's because there are 9 total members.
Fandom Name: Rhythmatics. Maybe.
Sub Groups. Basically just smaller groups of the main band (like MiSaMo from TWICE)
Julieta, Pepa, Isabela, Dolores, Luisa, Mirabel- Mad Girls (Styled MAD☆GRLS). Play on "Madrigals".
Bruno, Camilo, Antonio: Vibe (Styled VI3E). Their music is played in, and the 3 is for how many members.
AS FOR MUSIC. Thinking movie ost, but similar to AKMU as well. Maybe a bit of middle era Twice. As for concept. I wanna say Time/Time Travel. Like the numbers represent an era. Essentially, the concept is they all time travelled from a different decade and formed a music group in order to cover for their “strange” behavior (whether it’s literal or not is up for debate). I wanna say this takes place in modern times, cause Antonio’s is 90’s based, so it’s at least up to 2010.
Formation would look. Like this <33
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An idea was the band started in, idk, the late, 70s, early 80s?? So it roughly takes place in the early 2000s. But then some wacky time travel and space-time stuff happened. So now Alma, Agustín and Félix are kinda just in the 2000s. Julieta is from the '10s, Pepa is from the '20s, and Bruno is from the '30s. Odd thing us, they're still triplets, and Alma's still their mother. She rolls with it. Yes, they do still fet married to Agustín and Félix.
Then there's the grandchildren. Alma had found that once they hit 5, they kind of just were set in a perpetual time or decade, so when asked when they were born, their month and date would be the same, but the year changed. So like Mirabel would say something like "March 6th, 1975", because each Madrigal is set at the beginning of the decade.
If there is magic (which there might be, idk) their rooms would look different. It'd be very similar to the decade their from. Like Luisa's room would look like a 60s teenage girls room, or Antonio's would look like a little boy's room from the 90s.
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Idk. Im crazy.
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crazy-mapi · 2 months
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nahirchz · 1 year
Nada de esto es fácil cada vez estoy más perdida
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hadadeljueves · 2 years
De camino a casa pensé en ti.
es solo una forma de admitir
ante la vergüenza y el dolor
que no eres más que un rayo de luz
fuera de mi alcance.
nuestra distancia, déjame decir,
es la única culpable del ruido y
de la sangre que cubre mis ojos.
hay ganas y ansias vaciando mi estómago;
esperanza y valentía
ahogándose en mi garganta.
asi que toma el cuchillo,
corta mis manos y ya no podré desearte.
roba mi lengua y mi hambre
se ahogará junto a tu nombre.
lastima mis sentidos que
iguales a los tuyos me hacen
perder el sueño por las noches.
pero dejame mi corazón,
cuya huella tatuada a sangre viva,
no es nada menos que tu ser, tu gracia
y mi miseria junto a la envidia
de no poder ser la que camine junto a ti.
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triviaagust · 2 years
¿Por qué duele tanto?
¿Por que duele dejar ir a alguien que nunca fue para ti?
Nunca fuiste mía pero duele como si lo hubieras sido,
Cómo puedo hacer para decirte adiós,
Cómo dejo ir el amor que te tengo,
Cómo hago que tantos años mirándote en silencio dejen de importar,
Yo te ame por cinco años,
Y el vino este año, y ya eres su novia
Pero eres felíz con alguien que no Soy yo y aunque duele, está bien
Te amo
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ddanayoungvlog · 1 year
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atomictrashprince · 2 years
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Indossando Quel Sorriso ....
Fingendo che...
Tutto vada bene...ma in realtà ,spiegare..parlare aprirsi ....a che può servire??!!
Beh credo a nulla..nessuno capire ,il dolore .. nessuno!
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itmedusaa · 2 years
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Hey, Brother
Armando Aretas
🎧- Story of My Life: One Direction
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summary: Armando’s your older brother, here’s how you meet, past and present.
themes: extreme angst and fluff. A bit of violence. But mostly found family and sibling love.
authors note: completely convinced he’d be an amazing older brother. There is a 8 year age gap between reader (20) and Armando (28). Also shout out to my older brother…I wuv you 💞😭 Also yes I know i switched a few things around. Just enjoy it. If you want a part two, lemme know!
Read Part two here
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Four Years Ago
Miami Florida University
The night on campus was quiet, the only things to be heard were the comforting trill of crickets and the soft waves of the ocean, only three miles out from the college.
Armando sat idle on his motorcycle, twelve beats away from where he’d been told you, their next victim, worked.
This entire time he’d been killing people in the name of the Aretas family, he couldn’t understand why Mike Lowery, some beat cop came last. And why his mother was resorting to taking his daughter as bait.
What made Mike so important that he deserved a fight for his life, for your life?
“Mamá, no entiendo, ¿por qué ella?” Armando says through his phone.
Isabel sighs on the other end. “Con el tiempo, hijo mío.”
“She’s just a kid.” Armando sighs, pulling out his ipad and looking at your photos again.
From what he gathered, your were a first year nursing student here at MFU, you got great grades, danced for a kpop club, and worked part time at the cafe he was currently parked out side of.
But most importantly, you were Mike Lowery’s daughter.
Which, in the grand scheme of things, shouldn’t matter.
But for some reason, to his mother, it did.
“She's a pawn,’ Isabel hisses. “Mike necesita conocer el dolor de la pérdida; this will show him.”
Armando nods, taking a deep breath, feeling the same incorrigible anger rising up in his pit again at the sound of Mikes name.
This man had stolen everything from him: his family, his dynasty…his father.
Though his didn’t understand his mother’s methods, he’d never question her madness.
This man took everything from them, it’s time he learned that same pain, and as much as he didn’t enjoy hurting innocent… you were the key to getting even.
“Lo haré mamá.” Armando said, watching you finally exit the cafe.
“Muy bien.” Isabel said, hanging up.
Armando pushed off on his bike, riding a bit down the narrow street before hanging a right and turning back around.
Out of his pocket, he pulled out a needle. Whatever was in there was strong enough to knock out a bear, so it should have no problems sending you, a small college freshman, into a deep sleep.
Swiftly, he drives forward, accelerating until he just passes you before he makes an abrupt stop, cutting your path off.
You fall back and onto your ass.
You help as you hit the pavement, lifting your small hands to access the damage that had been caused by you cradling your fall.
You hiss at your bleeding palms before looking up at Armando in sheer disgust.
The heat of your gaze causes Armando to flip up the visor on his helmet, something in your eyes giving him pause.
He wasn’t a vain person in the slightest, but something about your eyes, when he looked in the mirror, they were so similar to his own that it nearly startled him. They were the same shade of chocolate brown covered by thick, dark lashes.
His observation of you quickly dries as your curse at him. “What the hell, dude! You could have killed me!”
Armando doesn’t say anything, instead he offers you a hand.
Reluctantly, you take it.
Just as your nearly up, Armando pricks you with the needle.
Your face drops as you snatch your hand away from him.
You look down at your palm, a single trail of blood dribbling down your wrist from the spot he pricked you at.
“What the fuck,’ you wobble, turning to run down an ally.
Armando watches as you attempt to flee, he knew it wouldn’t be long before you passed out.
And as he predicted, ten steps in and you were slumped against the moist ally ground.
He picks you up, slinging you across his shoulders, carrying you towards his bike and driving off into the night.
When you awoke, you found yourself bound to a chair in a large, abandoned house. You wiggle against the binds, only scathing your wrist even more.
You scream out, panic rising in your chest as your breaths shorten.
"Help!" You scream. "Someone help me!"
"Help is on the way, princessa.' A slick voice says.
You turn and see a beautiful woman taking slow, slutry steps down the staircase towards you.
"Who the hell are you?" You croak, scooting away from her the best you can in this damn chair.
The woman, grips your chair with one hand, while running another through your curls. "Your fathers la venganza.” She hissed.
“Don’t touch me,’ you bite. “And my father did nothing wrong, you’re lying.”
Isabel grips your chin, hard. You try and wiggle free but it’s no use as she pulls you close.
She turns your head from side to side, the warm evening sun causing a glint in your eyes.
“Always the eyes,’ she mumbles. “He gives all of his children his eyes.”
“What?” You question, breathlessly.
Isabel forcefully lets you go, leaving a sore spot on your chin.
Your mind reels around her words and the weight of them.
She was your father’s revenge, why? And had she been the one to shoot him all those months ago?
And all of his children. Your father only had one child, you.
Looking around the wear house and seeing all the sage and candles burnt, the circles and alters, you could tell that whoever this woman was, she was crazy and you wanted no parts.
The thought was enough to make a few screams come out of you.
You stamp your foot against the ground, “Let me go! Let me the fuck go!”
Isabel rolls her eyes at you, mumbling something in Spanish before she shouts, “Armando, ven a llevarla antes de que la mate yo mismo.”
Quickly, the man for the other night emerges.
“No,’ you scoot back in your chair as far as you could. “No.”
The man, Armando, grabs you out of your chair and drags you up the staircase.
At the top of the staircase, he slices your binds loose but still has a good hold on you.
Now, you by no means are a good fighter, but with your dad being police, you know a few things.
So as Armando unlocks a door, presumably to put you in, you stamp on his foot as hard as you can.
Armando yelps at the sensation, doubling over, giving you enough time to kick him in the legs and send him down on the ground.
As soon as he hits the floor you take off, running down the steps as fast as you can.
In the foyer, you check for the exit in front of you, but the door is locked.
Your head is buzzing, you didn’t have much time as Armando would be up soon, probably ready to kill you, and that Isabel, who knew what she’d do if she caught you.
You had to move fast, and the window behind you, seemed like your best bet.
You scurried over me to it, working frantically as you tore wooden planks off the window.
You about all got your face out the window before strong arms wrap around your waist living and pushing your back.
You scream as you hit the ground, coming face to face with a less than pleased Armando.
“Enough games!” He shouts.
You crawl backwards, afraid he’ll hit you…or worse.
“Okay!’ You whimper. “I’m sorry…I’m sorry.” You squeak as he towers over your shaking body.
You fully expect him to return the blows you’d given him earlier, but to your surprise he doesn’t. He just grabs you up again and takes you back to that same room.
Shoving you inside he gives you a parting word.
“Do that shit again, and I won’t save you.” He slams the door, leaving you alone in a windowless room, wondering how you’ll end up dead.
In all the enemies your father has had, none of them had mad it a personal mission to kidnap you…so why had they?
Fingers toiling with the dirt around you, it finally clicked.
This was a set up.
You were bait.
And just as fate would have it, you could hear what sounded like your father and Marcus crowding in the foyer downstairs.
You stood up, running towards the door and banging on it like a madwoman.
“Help! Dad! Uncle Marcus!” You shout, slamming your fist against the door.
When the door flies open, you expect to see one or both of them there, but you see Armando.
“Come on.” He grabs you. “Nice and easy.” He places a gun to your temple.
“Stop, why are you doing this?” You whimper, taking careful steps down the stairs.
“Why did your father start it, hm, princesa?” He questions, pulling you in front of your family.
“Dad!” You shout, tears pooling from your eyes.
“Let her go, Armando!’ He shouts, turning to Isabel who stands elated. “She’s a kid.”
“We were all kids once, Mike. It’s why she must have her turn.” Isabel says.
Mike shakes his head, drawing his gun at her, Marcus doing the same to Armando.
“You kill me, he kills her.” Isabel shrugs.
Marcus adds, “then I’ll kill him.”
“Then it’ll be a blood bath.”
You whimper, “please don’t hurt me.”
Armando tightens his grip on you. “Cállate.”
“I just want to go home, daddy.” You cry.
Mikes hand shakes as he hears your pleas. “I know, baby, and we will.”
Isabel smacks her lips. “Liar!” She shouts, lunging at Mike.
Mike dodges the hit, but Marcus’s gun going off starts a cataclysmic event.
Everyone who wants present before suddenly emerging from the darkness and letting off their weapons.
You scream, falling back into Armando, who lifted you off the ground with one hand while shooting with the other, as the chaos erupts around you.
“Marcus!’ Mike yells. “Get Isabel, I’ll get my daughter!”
Marcus sprints, to the best of his ability, after Isabel, while Mike makes full way towards Armando.
In a dark room, Armando drops you, pushing you into a corner.
“Don’t make a fucking sound.” He threatens.
You whimper in a comply.
You hear your father, Mike, burst through the doors, calling your name.
You do as Armando says, though, keeping quiet, afraid anything you do or say will get you and Mike hurt…or worse.
You watch from the dark corner as your father searches the room, only seconds later Armando jumps him, landing a blow.
You watch from the sidelines as they traded blows back and forth.
And it hurt to watch your father in a fight, it did, but what hurt most? The words slipping from his mouth.
“Armando,’ he said. “I’m your father.”
Your head was buzzing, spinning.
What the fuck did he mean this man was his son? How was that even possible?
Your heart raced as you watched Armando’s face fall, confusion lacing every corner.
“You’re lying,’ he said lading another blow, bending down and dragging your father out of the room and into the burning hallway.
You weren’t sure if it was adrenaline or curiosity, but you needed to see this through, hear it for yourself.
You push to stand and creep after them.
Armando has your father at the ledge, his shirt balled up working his hands.
“Last chance,’ he croaks, eyes searching. “Who are you?”
“I just told you.”
“Lie again.” Armando growled, wrapping his hand around your fathers neck, applying pressure.
You gasped, stepping forward, but a hand cautioned you to stay hidden.
You turn, finding Marcus’s comforting eyes as he mouths, “Don’t do it.”
"He needs us," you whisper in protest, Marcus's arm staying firm on yours.
"They need this, just wait."
You relax, only a little watching the scene unfold.
"Ask your mother if you don't believe me." Mike croaks.
Armando turns, loosening his grip on Mike, and in a turn of lightning, Isabel appears, mumbling in Spanish.
"Es verdad lo que dice?" Armando questions his mother.
Isabel shrugs. "No es importante. Mátalo.' her eyes drag over to where you and Marcus stand. "Entonces ellos."
Armando shakes his head in frustration. "Es mi papá?"
Isabel's eyes darken, her words fleeing her mouth more rapidly. "
"Is he my father!" Armando shouts.
Something in the way your father laid limp in Armando's graps, the fire and smoke building around you all, and the life you once knew just yesterday crumpling around you had you desperate for the truth.
"Tell him!" You shout.
Isabel pays you no mind when she says, "yes."
Three letters.
One word.
That was all it took for your world to shatter.
You had a brother you hadn't known about, a brother who drugged and kidnapped you.
all of his children have his eyes.
A brother your father had behind you and your mother's back.
The realization made your mind splinter, picking up in your chest with each shortened breath you took.
Tears pooled in your eyes, making the scene in front of you blur and sharpen, wax and wane.
It's not until a shout and commotion caused you to dial back in, where you find Isabel pointing the barrel of her gun directly at your chest.
You're too frozen to move and put your hands up to brace yourself for the pain, for death.
But it never comes.
only the sounds of four shots ringing out and blaring in your ears, that's the only sensation you get.
You move your hands from your eyes and find Isabel falling over the balcony to her death and Armando on the floor, his shirt filling with blood as Mike, Marcus, and Rita crowd around him.
It clicks then for you, he took that bullet for you, he stepped in for you against his mother.
This family was dysfunctional as hell.
"Get over here!' your father calls out to you. "Now!"
You scurry over, tearing off your flannel and placing it on Armando's wound.
"We need to get the hell out of here!" Rita shouts.
"Go with Rita!" Mike shouts towards you.
You nod, locking hands with Rita and rushing out of the burning building.
Once outside, you look behind yourself to find Mike and Marcus dragging Armando's body and placing him on the ground, applying pressure to his wounds.
The rain clouds your vision as you draw closer to the van waiting to take you away and back home.
"Is he going to be okay?" You ask, holding your wet and naked arms.
Rita sighs, ushering you into the car. "I don't think that's something you should have to worry about.' She smiles softly. "Get some rest, kid. Okay?"
You nod and shut the door, feeling the car jerk before it pulls off and away from the chaos.
You fasten your seatbelt and lean your head back against the headrest.
Perhaps Rita was right, maybe worrying about Armando wasn't such a good idea. Maybe it was best for you to shove it down and let your dad deal with it, like he did everything.
Because you didn't think your heart could handle any more than what it was already going through. Thinking about Armando, your father, and Isabel...it would only weigh you down more.
So you decided to leave them all at that building that night, to burn up in the flames.
At least you tried to...
Four Years Later
Miami Florida University
"Please tell me you're coming to this party tonight?" Your friend, Kiesha, asked over the phone.
You chuckle, climbing the last flight of stairs to your apartment. Your father, Mike, had got it for you as gift for being in your last year of college.
“I can’t, sorry.’ You place the key code to your apartment and the door unlocks. “Lots of studying to do.” You half-lie.
“Girl, all you do is study. You know college is not actually for school.” You can practically feel her rolling her eyes.
You drop your bags on the counter, pulling out a pack of ramen noodles and starting a pot of boiling water.
“That’s easy to say for someone who’s only half majoring in, what is it, communications?” You comment.
The line goes silent for a minute before Keisha comes back.
“Wow,’ she scoffs. “I get that you’re stressing out with finals and you know, your dad being a fucking fugitive and all, but you don’t have to take it out on me.”
You run a hand through your hair, it getting tangled within your curls towards the end.
“Kiesh,’ you groan.
“Save it. Have fun studying.” She grumbles before hanging up.
“Fuck!’ You shout, turning and tossing your phone down the hallway.
Your grip at your hair and tug slightly, shutting your eyes you feel a hot tear slip out.
It had been a whole week since your father and uncle Marcus were deemed fugitives and accused of doing God knows what. It had been hard for you and Christine.
Knowing your father, you knew the allegations weren’t true, but another cover up, same as Captain Howard.
Still, you know it was bullshit meant nothing to the “adults” in charge. They saw him as guilty, and that seemed to be the end of it.
You turn, wiping away your tears and placing your ramen into the boiling pot of water.
It wasn’t the best, but it was all you could stomach these days, the fear of your family's future causing your appetite to slim.
You twirling the noodles in the water with a pair of chopsticks, watching the five minute timer chime by. It all but captivated you into a trance until a creak against the floor caught your attention.
You turn your head, peering down the hallway you had just thrown your phone. Staring into the darkness, you see a figure moving towards you slowly.
You gasp, grabbing a large knife and holding it out in front of you with shaky hands.
You would call for help, but unfortunately your phone was in harms way.
“Don’t come any closer,’ you squeak.
The figure doesn’t respond, it just trudges closer and closer to you until it’s emerged into your kitchen lighting.
At first, you have to squint real hard to make out who it is, but then, when you catch a glimpse of his eyes, so hauntingly like your own, you know who exactly it is.
Your brother, Armando.
You don't drop the knife, keeping it held high as you slowly approach him. You'd seen how vicious he was, and you weren't taking any chances with him.
Closing the space between you two, you could see that he's in full tactical gear, covered in blood.
He takes another step towards you, you step back, before collapsing onto the ground and passing out.
You rush towards his side. “What the hell!” You rip open his vest, finding all kinds of stab wounds and lacerations littering his body. “Armando!” You shake him.
He doesn’t respond, you shake him again, harder this time, and a tiny black book falls out.
You open the book and find your address on one sheet and another sheet addressed to you.
Don’t hate me, babygirl. I’ll explain everything soon, until then, you two lay low.
Be strong for me.
Love, Dad.
You could scream, you could actually fucking scream right now.
No way this motherfucker sends this other motherfucker to your house for you to nurse back to health.
You crumple up your father’s note, chucking it across the room.
Looking down at Armando, you watch the slow rise and fall of his chest as he lay unconscious.
It was obvious he was loosing blood, and you could let him bleed out and pretend you tried everything.
But then again, he saved your life before…and he didn’t even know you.
Guilt tugged in your chest at the thought.
“Fuck.” You breathed, throwing your head back.
You knew what you had to do.
You figured lifting him would be hard, he was bigger than you by a long shot and was basically deadweight.
You tapped him, shook him, slapped him…hard, but nothing woke him up.
Looks like you’d be operating on the floor.
You stood, gathering your curls in a pineapple on your head, and headed to your bathroom.
You grabbed all the first aid kit supplies you could find, fresh clothes, a blanket and pillow, before heading back out to the main part of your apartment.
You slipped on some gloves, cut open his shirt, and began working on his wounds, dressing them and putting on bandages.
Thank God for nursing school and clinicals.
It took you two bowls of ramen, a Celsius, and a whole heck of a lot of bandages and gorilla glue, but you got Armando mostly patched up.
You wiped the sweat of your forehead grabbing the pillow and blankets you’d grabbed.
You gently lifted his head placing the pillow underneath and the blanket on top of him.
Next to his body you placed the fresh clothes, Gatorade, protein bars, and a bottle of water.
When you finally stood, you felt woozy and in need of a shower and sleep yourself.
But before you crept off to take your shower, you stood over Armando, taking in his features.
His dark hair, his smooth skin, his nose, and lips. He looked like a Spanish version of your father and it was freaking you the fuck out, sending a shiver down your spine.
You walked away hoping your father’s explanation was coming soon because, you may have just saved his life on the conscious fact that he’d done the same for you, but he was still dangerous…and who knows what would happen to you when he wakes up.
The next morning, when you wake up, you creep out of your bedroom, peaking to see if Armando had moved at all.
To your surprise, he hadn’t.
You release a heavy sigh, walking over towards his body.
You watch his chest rise and fall, faster than last night.
At least your dad couldn’t kill you for letting his son die.
You lean in a big closer to Armando, checking out his wounds from a far.
One wound had opened it seemed like.
You turn and grab the gorilla glue and a bandage of your counter.
Completely removing one bandage, you toss it to the side, pinching the skin of his chest while prepping the glue.
You’re just about to glue his would shut again, when his arm shoots up, gripping your wrist.
You scream, falling back on your ass.
Armando’s eyes shoot open and he sits up quick in a panic.
You crawl backwards, away from him, bumping into the cabinet .
Armando groans, rubbing his sore torso and arms.
His eyes skate across the room before they find yours.
He jumps back a little. “¿Qué diablos me hiciste?”
You swallow, holding your knees. “I don’t speak Spanish.”
Armandos eyes widen then narrow. “Did you do this to me?” He says, accessing his bandages.
You hesitate to tell him the truth…would he be mad and hurt you again?
Armando must sense the hesitation. “I’m not going to hurt you,’ he groans, slowly standing up. “It’s just a question.”
You nod, backing away from him. “Yes…I did.”
Armando swipes up the bottle of water, chugging it, tossing it aside, and then going for the Gatorade. “Gracias.” He grumbles, heading towards your bathroom.
You stand, slowly following after him, still keeping some distance between you two.
Armando peers over his should, eyebrow raised. “Mike sent me, if you’re wondering.”
“I know.”
“I don’t want to be here as much as you don’t want me here.”
“I never said that.” You clarify, even though he’s not wrong.
“Don’t need to.”
You frown. “Armand—,”
He slams the door shut.
“Great.” You roll your eyes. “Just fucking great.”
You slam your head against the wall, thinking off all the ways you would tell your dad off when you saw him next. But until then, it seemed you and Armando would be roommates.
So you should try and be cordial, right?
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internatlvelvet · 6 months
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hi!! welcome to my blog x
i’m charlie, short for charlotte, 18. this blog is mostly my own posts. i have an extensive and very helpful tag system, so if you’re going to do any searching or any kind on my blog, click ‘read more’ to see it.
i speak french, english, and italian, and am learning korean as well as other languages. interests and posts include:
ANDY WARHOL AND HIS FACTORY, mainly susan bottomly. under my susan bottomly tag you will find my archive of every photo of her i’ve ever found.
MANIC STREET PREACHERS, 90s welsh rock band
THE BLOOMSBURY GROUP, an early 20th century group of writers and artists including virginia woolf, vanessa bell, duncan grant, and rupert brooke
OLD HOLLYWOOD, mainly loretta young, tyrone power, charles “buddy” rogers, and jean harlow
other actors including bruce robinson, drew barrymore, jane seymour, hugh grant, and scout taylor-compton
THE CRANBERRIES, mainly dolores o’riordan
HISTORY, mainly english medieval and tudor
LOONA—there will be the occasional kpop post but don’t be frightened lol x
thanks for stopping by!!! i’d love to be friends and am open to all interaction :) dms are open!!!!!
each person on my blog follows the rules of my tagging system… very helpful if you’re looking for a specific photo or specific kinds of photos!! i.e., nicky wire with black hair, vogue magazine scans, side profiles, etc. rules below:
anyone and everyone on my blog is tagged with the hair color and style they’re wearing in each photo. i.e.:
haseul black hair
susan long hair
drew short blonde hair
nicky red hair
dates are also categorized, both broadly and specifically…
susan bottomly 1970s
nicky wire 1990s
may 2024
main colors in the photo are also tagged, i.e….
black and white
loretta young black and white
choerry purple
people are tagged….
nicky and richey
jinsoul and choerry
vanessa and duncan
vanessa and angelica
often, magazines, photographers, etc are tagged…
photographer: billy name
elle france
us vogue
photographer: helmut newton
hair: jean louis david
makeup: way bandy
a new system i’m tagging is the way faces are positioned in the photo, and various expressions and odds and ends…
susan bottomly profile
loretta young profile
jinsoul 3/4
jinsoul 3/4 left
tyrone smile
richey edwards candid
all of these types of tags listed can be used for anyone you see here on my blog. have fun exploring!
my tag system is ever-evolving and old posts that aren’t tagged properly are constantly being updated! if you have any questions, shoot me a message or an ask
thank you ❤️❤️❤️
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heladodevainilla · 7 months
si tuvieramos un depa/casita la imagino bastante colorida y maximalista pero siempre manteniendo lo aesthetic, también con 2 gatos y un golden retriever, seguramente las luces de la casa serían calidas y no frías, mantendriamos latas de coca en la refri, tendríamos regla de andar con unas pantuflas en la casa y no zapatos para salir, habría un sillón color verde olivo, seguramente me robaría tus camisas y suéteres, los convivios y celebraciones serían en nuestra casita, mantendriamos tés de manzanilla para los dolores y seguramente me tendrías un kit de pastillas listos aunq me regañarias por no tomar nada jajsja, en la temporada de frío nos mantendriamos viendo series o cualquier cosa en la tele mientras me quedo bien cerquita tuyo, compraría todos los ingredientes para un postre que viste en tiktok y te dieron ganas de hacerlo, tendríamos tazas con florecitas, personajes o de adornos d viejitas, te obligaría a ver los stages de mis kpop boys, me esperarías hasta tarde y te quedarías dormida jajsja, mientras cocinas te hablaría para hacerte compañía, tendríamos 2 camas pero solo usaríamos una y la otra es por si alguien viene, te obligaría hablar con la señora que es nuestra vecina
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basket-of-loquats · 2 years
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I posted 376 times in 2022
That's 133 more posts than 2021!
275 posts created (73%)
101 posts reblogged (27%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 342 of my posts in 2022
Only 9% of my posts had no tags
#loquat asks - 112 posts
#bts - 88 posts
#*loqdraws - 85 posts
#bangtan boys - 71 posts
#self rb - 63 posts
#bts art - 58 posts
#bts fanart - 51 posts
#bangtan seonyondan - 47 posts
#kpop - 45 posts
#kpop fanart - 34 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#jungkook is the boyfriend. your parents stick your nose up at his tattoos and piercings but you think hes the coolest thing youve ever seen
My Top Posts in 2022:
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[Image description: a digital painting of Jung Hoseok. The palette is blue and indigo. Hoseok stands in the center, looking deadened. He wears a white outfit from the ‘MORE’ music video. He's surrounded by abstract darkness with only a single window of light behind him. Shards of glass point at him. The word "More" is repeatedly written all around him. End ID.]
649 notes - Posted July 1, 2022
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“Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls, It tolls for thee.”
[Image description: Digital art of Goncharov and Andrey looking at each other, both seen in profile. Goncharov holds a cigarette in his hand, while Andrey has one in his mouth. Goncharov is primarily blue, Andrey is primarily red, and the background is yellow. End ID.]
736 notes - Posted November 23, 2022
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sons of gondor
[Image ID: A digital drawing of side by side portraits of Boromir and Faramir from Lord of the Rings. Both are visible from the waist up. On the left is Boromir, a middle-aged white man with red hair down to his shoulders and a scruffy facial hair. He is drawn in profile facing left, wearing a blue overcoat with silver clasps worn over embroidered red short sleeves. Below the red sleeves he wears chain mail. A brown strap is across his chest, attached to his shield on his back. Behind him is a golden frame. On the right is Faramir, a slightly younger white man with light red-brown hair that stops above his shoulders and a short beard and mustache of matching color. He is drawn in 3/4 view facing the right. He wears a brown top with the Tree of Gondor embroidered in silver. Beneath his top is a loose gray shirt. He also wears a pale green cloak with the hood down and a brown leather belt. Behind him is a pale green frame. The background is a warm yellowish paper tone. End ID.]
1,063 notes - Posted January 15, 2022
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I am lost very deep in the x files sauce
[Image ID: a digital drawing of Scully and Mulder from The X-Files. Mulder holds Scully with his arms wrapped around her as he smiles gently. Scully hugs him back, arms disappearing under his jacket, and her eyes are closed. End ID.]
1,087 notes - Posted August 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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“luisa or isabela” bro DOLORES
[Image ID: A digital drawing of Dolores Madrigal from Encanto. She can be seen from the chest up. She wears her canon movie outfit, a loosely ruffled white top with yellow trim and patterns adorning it, and a large red bow tied around her head. She also wears her red choker with a golden and red charm, and golden heart earrings. She leans slightly to the right. She is grinning slightly, and her eyebrows are quirked into a playful expression. The background is off white with a yellow border framing the drawing. End ID.]
1,891 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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nahirchz · 1 year
Mi soledad me hizo comprender muchas cosas pero lamentablemente no fueron agradables al parecer la soledad me ayudó a pensar claramente cuando llego a ser difícil y doloroso
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letters-of-mochi · 10 months
Me siento tan sola, extraño tanto el vínculo que tenía con jacky... antes de que todo se tornará tóxico entre nosotras, jamás en mi vida había sentido esa chispa con una amistad.. quisiera que no hubiera pasado nada de lo malo y que siguiéramos siendo esas amigas, no haber descargado y contado mi enojo con mis papás para que no les cayera mal ella.. de verdad que te extraño, y ahora a pesar que nos hablamos para pedirnos perdón, mis papás no me dejaron re conectar el vínculo, tal vez fue lo mejor objetivamente hablando, además que te fuiste del país así que me hubiera dolido más quedarme otra vez sola :( quisiera volver al 2012 cuando hablábamos de kpop y eras la persona que más me hacía reír, fui sumamente feliz mientras duro, a pesar de que pasamos cosas bien tristes.. te extraño tanto pero se que por mi bien y tal vez el tuyo es mejor que sigamos así :/ no tengo con quien hablar de mis cosas, me he dado cuenta que te gustó bastante jjk, quisiera que pudiéramos fangirlear cada semana, eras todo lo que siempre quise en una mejor amiga y me da lastima que nuestra falta de madurez y terapia(hahaha) arruinará ese vínculo, me alegro cuando veo que pones post sobre que estás aceptando tu cuerpo, se que eso te ha causado mucho dolor, te extraño tanto, espero que si volvemos a reencarnar nos podamos encontrar y esta vez podamos ser mejores amigas para siempre 💕
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gloris-stuffs · 1 year
Aunque el tiempo a pasado, siempre me fascinó hacer trekking de forma aficionada, de hecho hasta subí el glaciar Exploradores con lluvia torrencial y un dolor de estómago que resultó ser una laceración en el intestino por comer tanto salmón y no masticar adecuadamente … aún así en la Patagonia he vivido mis vacaciones mas inolvidables, recorriendo un Chile que no tantos chilenos conoces y admirando la ruta escénica del camino con cóndores y huemules …Por eso mismo cuando vi esta foto… quedé helada, no sólo por el paisaje de la chaqueta que me pareció familiar, si no por quien la usaba: nada menos que Cha Eun Woo del grupo de Kpop Astro, idols around the world.
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Es que en Chile todos sabemos que el otrora dueño de la marca North Face, el señor Douglas Tompkins, y quien era una ecologista, estaba enamorado de la Patagonia y en su afán de proteger la naturaleza generó conmoción en políticos y chilenos de la época al adquirir tal magnitud de terrenos, que casi dejó al país divido en 2. La historia de lo que logró y como vivió, la pude ver en un documental llamado Wild Life, y que sólo hicieron reafirmar la imagen que tuve previamente luego de que viera como todo el territorio que compró lo transformó en una reserva ecológica a la que llamó Pumalin, y que en un acto hermoso fue donado por su viuda Kristine al estado de Chile, transformándose ahora en un parque nacional también protegido. (Es que su historia, es digna de película de Hollywood)
Es así que aún ya pasado muchos años desde que Tompkins no lidera la empresa, podemos seguir viendo el amor que él tenía a la naturaleza y a la Patagonia en la nueva colección de su marca (con la que sólo estoy conectada porque la usaba cuando hacía trekking), y en una situación excepcional para mi, logra conectar la Patagonia con Corea (que excéntrico y genial porque son 2 cosas que me apasionan), pues la celebridad de esta campaña en Corea es el icónico Cha Eun Woo quien se viste y luce una chaqueta preciosa con El Monte Fitz Roy de fondo, monte que se encuentra en la Patagonia entre la frontera de Chile y Argentina, con una postal de esas que vi en mis viajes maravillosos y que me alegró profundamente el día poder recordar, así que ¡Gracias !.
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ᴇꜱᴛᴏy ᴅᴇᴀᴍʙᴜʟᴀɴᴅᴏ ,ʙᴜꜱᴄáɴᴅᴏᴛᴇ ..
ʟᴀ ꜰʟᴏʀ qᴜᴇ ᴀᴄᴄɪᴅᴇɴᴛᴀʟᴍᴇɴᴛᴇ ᴅᴇᴊᴇ ᴀᴛʀáꜱ ᴇʀᴀ ᴍᴜy ʙᴏɴɪᴛᴀ.
ᴇꜱᴀ ꜰʟᴏʀ ᴇʀᴀꜱ ᴛú..⎋ ⋆。˚ 🦋〻
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