#domestic homicide
anthroxlove · 1 month
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wausaupilot · 8 months
Former Wisconsin Senate clerk resigned amid sexual misconduct investigation, report shows
Jenna Gormal, public policy director for End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin, said the state already has one of the worst rates of domestic violence homicides in the nation.
By Hope Kirwan | Wisconsin Public Radio Wisconsin saw the largest increase in domestic violence deaths in the last two decades in 2022, setting a new record for total number of homicides and suicides related to domestic violence incidents in the state. That’s according to a new report from advocacy group End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin, which has tracked domestic violence deaths since 2000. Its…
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sbrown82 · 4 months
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November 19 is International Men's Day.
76% of suicides are men
85% of homeless are men
70% of homicide victims are men
40% of domestic abuse victims are men
Men are the majority victims of violent crime
Men on average serve 64% longer in prison
Men on average are 3.4x more likely to be imprisoned than women when both committed the same crime
Regarding the last two points, the male-female sentencing gap is larger than the race sentencing gap. So if you're concerned about racial incarceration disparities, remember that black men are also men. And secondly, imprisonment is also much more likely when the crime involves a female victim.
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noctusfury · 2 months
Mildew’s Wives (RoB/HTTYD Theory)
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Hello, everyone! Welcome to another HTTYD article! Today we’ll dive into the topic concerning Mildew’s wives, which we see in the first episode of Riders of Berk. And are also mentioned in the 5th episode “In Dragons We Trust”.
Perhaps I’m the only person who is interested in this, or even remembers this since these are just background portraits of his ex-wives. But I can’t help but want to pursue this and figure it out!
If you’re interested in my other Mildew article where I dive into who inherited his farm after his outlawry, click here.
Now we know from what was said from Stoick and Gobber that Mildew was a long-standing dragon slayer with a marvelous reputation back in his younger days when dragon raids were common. As, I assume, his father before him. Interestingly enough, since it feels implied that it was in the more recent decades that Berk sent Mildew far from the village due to his unpleasant personality, it could be assumed that he might’ve been different when he was younger. 
Of course, we don’t know what or when Mildew became “the Very Unpleasant”. That being said, he’s mentioned to be very hideous and even implied to be unhygienic. So that could also be why, as he’s a cabbage farmer, owns a sheep, and doesn’t seem to take a bath at all. He also has a very hairy back, according to Gobber after he treated him.
Funnily enough, his wives also seem to be... equally unpleasant. Naturally, we know very little about his past and what he went through back then, nor about what his wives might’ve been like. (Which is a bit of a shame.) 
Of course, I find it funny that they were as hideous as he was. Though he probably married them as formal alliances with other families during his famous dragon-slaying days. Or maybe he was desperate because nobody else would marry him, due to his unpleasant nature (in many ways). Whoever they were and whatever they were like — or even if they were natives to Berk or outsiders — we’ll never know. It’s up to anyone’s interpretation.
In "In Dragons We Trust", Mildew mentions that he had three wives, who all died at some point, to which he states are “pleasant memories,” suggesting he did not like them despite being married to them. (And it may be assumed that they also didn’t like him just as much.)
Now, of course, we could assume that they died from various things: childbirth, disease, an accident, even dragon attacks. Or perhaps they died from the same thing. We don’t know.
However, there could be a much more... macabre alternative.
In the episode “In Dragons We Trust”, we see Mildew grab and use dragon claws and feet to frame the dragons in order to banish them from Berk. He then throws them away to get rid of the evidence, possibly knowing that Hiccup and the Gang would eventually find them and he’d get in trouble for it.
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Now, this looks like Nightmare claws and... Zippleback feet? But these seem to be some of his trophies he’s won from back in his younger days as a renowned warrior. 
Now I’m sure you’re curious as to why I brought up the “murder” option. It sounds more like he didn’t do any of that from what he says, as it implies that their deaths happened without him having to do anything. 
But this is a “what-if” scenario. What if he bumped off one or even all three of his ex-wives and used these tools to frame the dragons for having killed them?
Think about it. The fact that he even HAS these to begin with is rather sus. I mean, what would he even need these for, if not for what he did to his wives in the past? The claw thingy makes for a terrible backscratcher, and the dragon feet I can’t see anyone using unless they have some sort of winter-proof function that we don’t know about.
But the fact Mildew has these tools at all is rather sus, like I said previously. Why even have them at all except to having used them to frame dragons before for previous wrongdoings?
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Plus, when he came home, he greeted the portraits callously by saying, “I’m back home, ladies!! Eh? What’s that, ya say? Nothing? Perfect!”
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After claiming those tools, he says to Fungus, “These have served us well, haven’t they, Fungus?” While he was obviously talking about the incidents with framing the dragons, it’s obvious he had these long before that, which is sus. Again, I highly doubt he uses them as winter boots and a backscratcher, so why else would he have them and why would they have served him well save for using them for murder?
Of course, I don’t know when Mildew was banished to this far-off house and farm plot, but it sounds like it was anywhere between 10-20 years ago. Heck, it could even be even longer, but Gobber said, “Why do you think we sent ya to the other side of the village?” so that kinda implies that it was within 10 or so years. No more than 20. Or maybe it might’ve been only 5 years. We just don’t know. 🤔
Anyway, I’m digressing. Point is that he’s a farmer, so he could’ve lived close to the village, or maybe he was even a resident inside the village, so maybe it might’ve been difficult to stage a murder. However, if he was living NEAR the village, then he might have the opportunity to get rid of his wives during dragon raids. Maybe even burn his own house to drive it home. Or, assuming he was still married (at least to his third and last wife), it would’ve been easy to do it at his isolated farm and especially during a dragon raid.
However, again, it’s probably unlikely, but with Mildew being Mildew, I wouldn’t put it past him. But it could be that he never did that and that those deaths are very natural. But it’s an interesting plausibility.
What do you guys think? Do you think it’s possible?
Thank you very much for reading! And I hope to see you in the next article!
Long Live the Night!
— Noctus Fury
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leechs · 1 year
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my favorite mugshawtys mwah
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Sometimes i get bad moods and think to myself. If Billy was alive do you think he could get out without people's help? (Not that they're helping but) like do you think he can leave that piece of shit behind and start a new life? get therapy, start healing, maybe go to university, find a job etc etc idk. Or do you think N*il would beat him to death in a fight? Or maybe worse Billy fuckin riot one day and he kill N*il?
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coochiequeens · 1 year
An abusive man preyed on a woman with disabilities before transitioning and now she has to use his preferred pronouns in court while begging the court to protect her from a man that tried to strangle her.
A male who identifies as a “transgender woman” has been sentenced to five years probation following a conviction for brutally abusing his physically and mentally disabled girlfriend.
Serenity Alana Mann, 34, appeared in a Montana court last week for a sentencing decision related to a case of domestic violence against his former partner. Mann had repeatedly strangled the woman, who was particularly vulnerable due to having an existing physical disability and traumatic brain injury, and threatened to harm her if she went to law enforcement.
At the sentencing hearing, the victim read a statement pleading with the court to not allow Mann to harm her.
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Referring to Mann with “she/her” pronouns, the victim said: “All that I ask is please protect me and don’t let Serenity keep her word by hurting me or even killing me.”
The victim reportedly began a relationship with Mann prior to his gender transition. 
Police first became aware of Mann’s abusive behavior towards his significant other in November of 2021. Officers were called to the property for an unrelated assault, and learned of a long-standing abusive relationship between Mann and the victim. The police spoke to the victim the next day, who reported Mann had knocked her down and placed her in a choke-hold which almost caused her to black out.
During the trial, the prosecution noted that Mann expressed a lack of remorse for his actions. Local media report that his primary defense appeared to be that he strangled the victim on a different date than was claimed. 
While the prosecution argued for Mann to receive a term in state prison, noting that strangulation was “practice for homicide,” Mann was ultimately handed a suspended sentence. Over the course of five years, Mann will only spend one consecutive week in jail every year, equaling 35 days total. Mann will also serve a 200 hours of community service over the term.
According to the Independent Record, Mann will be placed on the violent offender registry and have to alert his probation officer to any future romantic partners, as well as alert the future partners of his status on probation. He has been barred from having any direct or indirect contact with his victim.
Mann, who is 6 feet tall and 330lbs, is currently listed as a “female” in the Montana Department of Corrections directory.
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It is currently unclear if the 35 days of prison time he will serve over the course of five years will be in a women’s facility or a men’s facility. Reduxx has reached out to the Montana Department of Corrections for more details, but did not receive a reply in time for publication.
This is not Mann’s first time in custody after committing an act of violence against a woman.
In 2020, Mann was charged with felony assault with a weapon after a fit of road rage in which he brandished a crowbar to a female driver during a traffic altercation.
The incident, which took place in April, was reportedly caused by the other driver cutting Mann off while the two were turning out of a parking lot. The two vehicles came to a stop to engage with each other on what had happened, but culminated in Mann retrieving a crowbar from his car and screaming threats to murder the driver in the other vehicle.
At the time, Mann told officers he had a problem with his “anger” and otherwise controlling his violent impulses.
For the 2020 incident, Mann was handed a two-year deferred sentence for criminal endangerment. The sentence ended in September of 2021, just two months before Mann would be charged with strangling his partner. 
In the media coverage of Mann’s past and recent run-ins with the law, he was referred to as a “woman.”
By Anna Slatz Anna is the Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief at Reduxx, with a journalistic focus on covering crime, child predators, and women's rights. She lives in Canada, enjoys Opera, and kvetches in her spare time.
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rhirhidamiengurl666 · 5 months
It seems like that we had started a trend of not forgiving the abuser and murderer of your loved one during victim impact statements at sentencing.
It is okay to don't forgive their abuser and killer
People get mad at us for not forgiving the monster who had taken your loved one's life away and destroyed your life.
I don't have any compassion for him that he didn't show any compassion towards my sister when he had beaten her, shot her in the head and left her laying there to die.
Forgiving is giving him a pass.
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wastheheart · 20 days
Esme was so terrified of Charles finding her in Ashland, that she pretty much became a recluse. She went out of her way to not make friends and the most people she talked to were the grocer, butcher and children she taught (sometimes their parents, too).
Most people put her behaviour down to grief, but Ashland was a small town and Esme often overheard people gossiping about the odd schoolteacher who just turned up one day.
She was scared not only of someone potentially knowing Charles, but the chance her story would unravel and people would catch on to her lies. Being isolated was better than the potential of those probabilities happening, so isolated she remained.
It also made her s.uicide and disappearance that much easier, too.
When changed, Esme remained much the same with those outside of her coven. There was still the very real possibility that Charles could learn of her whereabouts, so she stayed mainly with Carlisle or Edward, never leaving the house without one or the other. It wasn't until Edward had admitted killing Charles that Esme felt the final iron ball release around her ankle.
For the first time in over a decade, Esme felt safe to start integrating back into society, and she flourished. She began making friends, running errands by herself and simply enjoyed being authentically her again.
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aronarchy · 1 year
September 7, 2014
It’s 5am and I can’t sleep. A quiet dawn is bringing the colour back to the world outside, but in here it’s still dark. I’m worried about my friend, who is beautiful, kind, smart (it feels important to note that she’s smart—some people still think “women like her” aren’t), and trying to extricate herself from an abusive relationship. He is out of the house, but not her head. This second eviction isn’t the most urgent, but until it is complete she won’t be free.
[…] Coercive control is sometimes described as if it is a mild form of domestic abuse, but this is a mistake. It is, in fact, the foundation stone on which abusive relationships are built. If a stranger hit you, you wouldn’t go home with them, much less deny it happened later—often the very modus operandi of domestic violence. Coercive control creates the psychological conditions that allow abusive relationships to exist and to escalate, often with fatal consequences—an average of seven women and two men are killed by their current or ex-partners every month in England and Wales. Coercive control is increasingly being acknowledged as a significant predictor of future violence and murder by domestic violence charities and the police (for more on warning signs visit refuge.org.uk).
Thirty percent of women have experienced this kind of relationship. I’m one of them. What I remember most about emotional abuse is that it’s like being put in a box. How you end up in there is the biggest trick—I never managed to work that one out. Maybe you think it’s a treasure box at first: you’re in there because you’re special. Soon the box starts to shrink. Every time you touch the edges there is an “argument.” So you try to make yourself fit. You curl up, become smaller, quieter, remove the excessive, offensive parts of your personality—you begin to notice lots of these. You eliminate people and interests, change your behaviour. But still the box gets smaller. You think it’s your fault. The terrible, unforgivable too-muchness of you is to blame. You don’t realise that the box is shrinking, or who is making it smaller. You don’t yet understand that you will never, ever be tiny enough to fit, or silent enough to avoid a row—because they aren’t rows. If you’re lucky—like my friend and me—you get to leave the situation. I’m not sure whether you ever completely escape the experience. Obviously coercive control is not just present in partnerships. It permeates and perpetuates all kinds of toxic domestic relationships.
- Lauren Laverne
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ongreenergrasses · 6 months
i really am so fortunate
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when writing/reading dabi fic there is a level of suspension of disbelief I need to employ, because in my heart I know that if that boy was getting good hole on the regular, he wouldn't be acting Like That to quite that degree
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boricuacherry-blog · 7 months
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Saleha Huuda was born in Ghana but moved to the U.S. at a young age. She was attending the University of Florida in Gainesville and majoring in family, youth and community services. She was also passionate about competitive cheerleading, having become a member of UF's club cheerleading team and Urban Essence, a female dance group.
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Picture: Cassandra Kimbrough, Drayton's accomplice, who only got two years in prison
Police believe he killed her because she was starting to see somebody else and he was jealous.
Antonio Drayton had met Saleha two years before, but was also dating another woman, unbeknownst to Saleha - a 42-year-old mother named Cassadra Kimbrough, who tried to change her name after helping Drayton with the crime.
Police were able to determine that Antonio was the loud, aggressive man that was often at Saleha's apartment. In June 2010, the police were called after one of these fights. Antonio had broken in, and robbed, beat and choked Saleha. She refused to press charges, and the case was eventually dropped. Antonio later said he was drunk when it happened.
Saleha's friends said that even though Saleha had ended things with Antonio, they still spent time together, and had regular fights.
Saleha had even gotten her first mugshot trying to fight a girl she found him cheating with. She realized she didn't like the person she was becoming over him.
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In a police interrogation after Saleha's murder, Drayton admitted he was entertaining multiple women while Saleha was under the impression that she was his girlfriend. She didn't know about his cheating [at least not at first]. He told investigators he was always juggling many women. But that Cass "knew everything."
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Cassandra had even been around Saleha, acting like just a motherly figure to Drayton, when really the whole time she was also sleeping with him. "Cass knows everything that goes on," he said. "And she plays the friendly part. Or whatever. I do my thing, she don't say nothing. It's like, Cass comes to the house and nobody knows. She's just a friend to me - that's all they see."
Asked by investigators if he had ever hit Saleha, he said: "No. I didn't, we done got in some fights. I slammed her," continuing:
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violetsandshrikes · 2 years
On July 10th 2022, Tirany Lee Savage (35) as well as her son (Dayton Cowdrey, 13) and mother (Kim Lynnette Ebright, 58) were killed by her husband, who also took his own life.
Two weeks before this event (June 24th), she had filed for a personal protection order against her husband, claiming that he was having an affair and had threatened her life.
"I filed for divorce today after dealing with my husband's affair. He became verbally violent & keeps throwing his fist like he is going to hit me & calling me a cunt, whore, piece of shit & told me I will need a PPO because I have no idea what I just started."
"He has mental health issues (he quit taking his meds) & recently purchased a firearm & that is concerning to me. He keeps saying he is going to blow his brains out & I do not want my safety or my sons safety in jeopardy."
"I asked him to be civil for a divorce and asked him to leave house and he refuses. I left and have been getting texts accusing me of being with other people and he has now been texting my friends threatening them because he thinks they told me to leave him, He is slamming things around the house and calling me names, telling me he won't leave and he wants money."
Judge Troy B. Daniel denied the request on June 27. In his ruling, Daniel said there was "Insufficient evidence of a showing of immediate and irreparable injury, loss or damage. Petitioner can request a restraining order in divorce case."
In a press conference on Thursday, Roscommon County Undersheriff Ben Lowe said that his deputies had previously responded to the home for other incidents. (source)
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theusarticles · 2 years
Former Minneapolis police officer who helped restrain George Floyd sentenced to 3 ½ years in prison | CNN
Former Minneapolis police officer who helped restrain George Floyd sentenced to 3 ½ years in prison | CNN
CNN  —  A former Minneapolis police officer who assisted in the fatal restraint of George Floyd was sentenced to 3 ½ years in prison Friday for his role in the killing. J. Alexander Kueng pleaded guilty to aiding and abetting second-degree manslaughter on the day his state trial was to begin last October, agreeing to the plea in exchange for the state dropping a count of aiding and abetting…
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