#dominion shoe company
if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"La grève continue dans la chaussure," La Presse. August 10, 1943. Page 8. ---- Les 400 ouvriers de l'industrie de la chaussure qui ont déclaré la grève hier matin en vue d'obtenir des vacances payées sont encore inactifs, aujourd'hui. Ces grévistes sont employés dans les ateliers de la Fix Shoe Company, de la LaSalle Slippers Co. et de la Dominion Shoe. Un représentant de la compagnie nous affirme, toutefois, qu'il n'y a pas de grève à la Dominion Shoe.
L'agent d'affaires du Syndicat des cordonniers, E. Ernest Saint-Amand, a déclaré avoir eu des entretiens dans la journée, avec deux des compagnies où les employés sont en grève. On n'a pas toutefois, conclu d'entente. Les pourparlers continuent aujourd'hui.
L'agent d'affaires précise, d'autre part, que la réception d'une lettre de l'Association des manufacturiers de chaussures, vendredi dernier, a empêché les membres de déclarer in grève générale hier matin, L'Association a accepté de donner des vacances payées.
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helloblobbyblobfish · 8 months
Hypnovember day 16: Servant/master
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This prick over here is named Chad. I'm serious. Chad King. I honestly would feel bad if the guy didn't own up to the stuck-up vibe such a name evokes.
Anyway, I'm sure you all know the story. Straight asshole jock bullies gay nerd; well, I'm another football player, but it was still close enough; bullied victim gets revenge by hypno. The classics are retold over again and again for a reason. Simple. Satisfying. Sexy. Something else that begins in s.
In my case, it was that sweet little gadget-watch my inventor uncle came up with before rising through the ranks of the company who had previously fired him for moral reasons. Uncle Jared always uses the same passwords. Opening his files and then his safe was super-easy, and with his newly found wealth, he had no problem “sharing” the secret of his success and giving me an improved version of the watch.
Now, I literally own the King family. The contract they signed wouldn't hold in a court of law, of course, but we all found it hot that we ritualized my dominion on them.
Chad especially is finding himself so happy to be spanked then fucked by daddy dearest each day before following me around as my manservent. I even had him abandon his designer clothes for cheaper preppy clothes, and he has an almost-decent British butler accent now.
The rest of the team is too focused on sucking me to care about the odd changes in their loser former leader. 
Life is good, hey? I knew you would see things my way when I showed you my uncle's gift. No way my former boyfriend isn't joining Chad’s place at my beck and call. Yeah, I knew you would agree, babe. Now go polish my shoes.
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kiyosato-yuri · 4 months
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Beauty Smith
“ I want you to get mad! I want you to win! Do you understand me? ”
Smith (Hangul: 스미스) , also often known as Beauty Smith (뷰티 스미스) is a cunning and manipulative figure who operates within the shadows of The City's underworld.
She's a ruthless organizer of illegal fights, always on the lookout for new talent to exploit for her own gain behind her boss.
Currently, Smith is leaving her old Syndicate group and now acting as a specialized N Corp. frontline fighter on Hermann's team, she is currently in opposition with Limbus Company to retrieve the Golden Boughs within the ruined Lobotomy Corporation facilities to take revenge on White Fang and Scott.
Smith is a pale middle-aged, tall woman. She has blue eyes, grayish orange short hair. Wearing the N Corp. uniform shared with Hermann's team , a dark navy-blue uniform with red-accented lines, a white, collared undershirt, and a bright red tie. Her ID tag hangs off the upper left pocket, wears black pants and shoes.
She carries around a long cane that has a hidden sword inside with her as a weapon. It also the cane she use to beat White Fang while she was still her master.
Smith embodies cruelty and malice, her very essence a stark contrast to the characters of Grey Beaver and Scott. Her dominion over others is established through a reign of hatred, a dark force that shapes her interactions and decisions.
Acquiring White Fang was a calculated move on her part, drawn to the primal ferocity and animosity already ingrained within the wolf-dog blood of a shape-shifter. Yet, rather than seeking to quell or transform this aggression, she chooses to amplify it, using hate as a tool to mold White Fang to her desires.
While still under Beauty Smith's ownership, White Fang becomes a vessel for her malevolence, channeling her deep-seated resentment into the brutality of illegal fights. It's a twisted symbiosis, where the hatred that festers within White Fang becomes both a weapon and a burden, fueled by the toxic influence of her master.
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baishouqijia · 1 year
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✧ ―   𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍. clothing.
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it goes without saying that his clothes are well-made ; an investment to signal his wealth to all those in his company. choosing to wear expensive rings over his gloves is an impractical move and further serves to say i have money, as if his pride depends on it. typically the banker only wears dark colours ― black, navy, silvers and purples but may, on very rare occasions, wear white.
underneath the standard-issue harbinger coat, his attire is likened to robes: thick fabric to protect against snezhnaya's sub-zero temperatures, high collars to hide his neck, and seldom shows flesh beyond the wrist. in terms of styles, he's more comfortable in changshan robes from liyue, but will switch up his wardrobe with traditional snezhnayan styles when the mood strikes him. the length grazes his ankle to show well-heeled shoes, adorned with the same silvers as the rest of his attire.
everything is an exchange, and bare skin is not something the regrator gives away freely. it begs the question if he sees even himself as a commodity in his venture for economic dominion . . . leading to him shrouding any aspect of himself that can be seen as valuable, or even exploited.
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thoughtsbeewild · 2 months
❤️ love these comments
I love how people around the globe are standing with you, not just the United States. Globally every human being who seeing what happened virtually. but you really can’t say that about Joe Biden, because he was not really elected by the people but the dominion system, corruption ballots that were dumped, they extended the deadline, changed so many rules and I’m guessing it’s from the elected officials in power. 2020 he had no rallies, recalling all his times at the basement plotting against the orange man. I never realized the Deep state has a ton of corrupted officials like perhaps an army of them and the hateful mainstream media manipulating images, videos, voice recording, cut and paste misinformation, who knows with AI what kind of brainwash tone they set out to get rid of the orange man. Democrats are nonstop liars, making shit up, rewording things that resulted in assassination against 45th president trying run to become 47th prez.
take this from experience working with a two face demoncratic evil director and her supervisor friend who eventually got their karma of being fired. Never knew people like that existed until working for one who had highest title in power who can easily use their title, control over authority with HR and make up all these lies about how your condescending, your evil, all this made bullshit. director had its puppets to to help try get me fired so hard, it was crazy hurtful traumatizing thing I went through. Healing takes time. and you basically had to bow down to this director because it’s your job, you need the money to survive, job market was bad aka layoffs, buisnesses closing because they can’t afford amount govt is pushing and there ridiculous rules…cough cough Joe Biden
The twisted shit this director and supervisor in power in that company was constant attacks and giving HR warning to try fire me, when I’m the most talented well liked person in company’s. These two bitches who was hired new n a highly title were jealous, inferior. People liked me, they always go to me..
It felt like man I was in a lower level from orange man shoes. but his was worst, impeachment, attacked by the media n celebrity, criminal charges, raiding his home Margo for files, trying get him go jail for stupid shit just so demonic rats can show the media whose boss, Hard core throw downs they were doing to him. Holy fuck. N last but not least assassination, that is heartbreaking. Orange man gave a nice fuck u in the words fight fight fight, with blood coming out of his ears. God knows your good human fighting evil, a lot of us is with you in spirit and in prayers for sure. Hope that we remove the current leaders in place under Joe Biden leadership and replace with fair ones who strive for success, integrity, truth and restore America in a better shape for all.
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hellsitesonlybookclub · 11 months
Around the world in 80 days, Jules Verne
Everybody knows that the great reversed triangle of land, with its base in the north and its apex in the south, which is called India, embraces fourteen hundred thousand square miles, upon which is spread unequally a population of one hundred and eighty millions of souls. The British Crown exercises a real and despotic dominion over the larger portion of this vast country, and has a governor-general stationed at Calcutta, governors at Madras, Bombay, and in Bengal, and a lieutenant-governor at Agra.
But British India, properly so called, only embraces seven hundred thousand square miles, and a population of from one hundred to one hundred and ten millions of inhabitants. A considerable portion of India is still free from British authority; and there are certain ferocious rajahs in the interior who are absolutely independent. The celebrated East India Company was all-powerful from 1756, when the English first gained a foothold on the spot where now stands the city of Madras, down to the time of the great Sepoy insurrection. It gradually annexed province after province, purchasing them of the native chiefs, whom it seldom paid, and appointed the governor-general and his subordinates, civil and military. But the East India Company has now passed away, leaving the British possessions in India directly under the control of the Crown. The aspect of the country, as well as the manners and distinctions of race, is daily changing.
Formerly one was obliged to travel in India by the old cumbrous methods of going on foot or on horseback, in palanquins or unwieldy coaches; now fast steamboats ply on the Indus and the Ganges, and a great railway, with branch lines joining the main line at many points on its route, traverses the peninsula from Bombay to Calcutta in three days. This railway does not run in a direct line across India. The distance between Bombay and Calcutta, as the bird flies, is only from one thousand to eleven hundred miles; but the deflections of the road increase this distance by more than a third.
The general route of the Great Indian Peninsula Railway is as follows: Leaving Bombay, it passes through Salcette, crossing to the continent opposite Tannah, goes over the chain of the Western Ghauts, runs thence north-east as far as Burhampoor, skirts the nearly independent territory of Bundelcund, ascends to Allahabad, turns thence eastwardly, meeting the Ganges at Benares, then departs from the river a little, and, descending south-eastward by Burdivan and the French town of Chandernagor, has its terminus at Calcutta.
The passengers of the “Mongolia” went ashore at half-past four p.m.; at exactly eight the train would start for Calcutta.
Mr. Fogg, after bidding good-bye to his whist partners, left the steamer, gave his servant several errands to do, urged it upon him to be at the station promptly at eight, and, with his regular step, which beat to the second, like an astronomical clock, directed his steps to the passport office. As for the wonders of Bombay—its famous city hall, its splendid library, its forts and docks, its bazaars, mosques, synagogues, its Armenian churches, and the noble pagoda on Malabar Hill, with its two polygonal towers—he cared not a straw to see them. He would not deign to examine even the masterpieces of Elephanta, or the mysterious hypogea, concealed south-east from the docks, or those fine remains of Buddhist architecture, the Kanherian grottoes of the island of Salcette.
Having transacted his business at the passport office, Phileas Fogg repaired quietly to the railway station, where he ordered dinner. Among the dishes served up to him, the landlord especially recommended a certain giblet of “native rabbit,” on which he prided himself.
Mr. Fogg accordingly tasted the dish, but, despite its spiced sauce, found it far from palatable. He rang for the landlord, and, on his appearance, said, fixing his clear eyes upon him, “Is this rabbit, sir?”
“Yes, my lord,” the rogue boldly replied, “rabbit from the jungles.”
“And this rabbit did not mew when he was killed?”
“Mew, my lord! What, a rabbit mew! I swear to you—”
“Be so good, landlord, as not to swear, but remember this: cats were formerly considered, in India, as sacred animals. That was a good time.”
“For the cats, my lord?”
“Perhaps for the travellers as well!”
After which Mr. Fogg quietly continued his dinner. Fix had gone on shore shortly after Mr. Fogg, and his first destination was the headquarters of the Bombay police. He made himself known as a London detective, told his business at Bombay, and the position of affairs relative to the supposed robber, and nervously asked if a warrant had arrived from London. It had not reached the office; indeed, there had not yet been time for it to arrive. Fix was sorely disappointed, and tried to obtain an order of arrest from the director of the Bombay police. This the director refused, as the matter concerned the London office, which alone could legally deliver the warrant. Fix did not insist, and was fain to resign himself to await the arrival of the important document; but he was determined not to lose sight of the mysterious rogue as long as he stayed in Bombay. He did not doubt for a moment, any more than Passepartout, that Phileas Fogg would remain there, at least until it was time for the warrant to arrive.
Passepartout, however, had no sooner heard his master’s orders on leaving the “Mongolia” than he saw at once that they were to leave Bombay as they had done Suez and Paris, and that the journey would be extended at least as far as Calcutta, and perhaps beyond that place. He began to ask himself if this bet that Mr. Fogg talked about was not really in good earnest, and whether his fate was not in truth forcing him, despite his love of repose, around the world in eighty days!
Having purchased the usual quota of shirts and shoes, he took a leisurely promenade about the streets, where crowds of people of many nationalities—Europeans, Persians with pointed caps, Banyas with round turbans, Sindes with square bonnets, Parsees with black mitres, and long-robed Armenians—were collected. It happened to be the day of a Parsee festival. These descendants of the sect of Zoroaster—the most thrifty, civilised, intelligent, and austere of the East Indians, among whom are counted the richest native merchants of Bombay—were celebrating a sort of religious carnival, with processions and shows, in the midst of which Indian dancing-girls, clothed in rose-coloured gauze, looped up with gold and silver, danced airily, but with perfect modesty, to the sound of viols and the clanging of tambourines. It is needless to say that Passepartout watched these curious ceremonies with staring eyes and gaping mouth, and that his countenance was that of the greenest booby imaginable.
Unhappily for his master, as well as himself, his curiosity drew him unconsciously farther off than he intended to go. At last, having seen the Parsee carnival wind away in the distance, he was turning his steps towards the station, when he happened to espy the splendid pagoda on Malabar Hill, and was seized with an irresistible desire to see its interior. He was quite ignorant that it is forbidden to Christians to enter certain Indian temples, and that even the faithful must not go in without first leaving their shoes outside the door. It may be said here that the wise policy of the British Government severely punishes a disregard of the practices of the native religions.
Passepartout, however, thinking no harm, went in like a simple tourist, and was soon lost in admiration of the splendid Brahmin ornamentation which everywhere met his eyes, when of a sudden he found himself sprawling on the sacred flagging. He looked up to behold three enraged priests, who forthwith fell upon him; tore off his shoes, and began to beat him with loud, savage exclamations. The agile Frenchman was soon upon his feet again, and lost no time in knocking down two of his long-gowned adversaries with his fists and a vigorous application of his toes; then, rushing out of the pagoda as fast as his legs could carry him, he soon escaped the third priest by mingling with the crowd in the streets.
At five minutes before eight, Passepartout, hatless, shoeless, and having in the squabble lost his package of shirts and shoes, rushed breathlessly into the station.
Fix, who had followed Mr. Fogg to the station, and saw that he was really going to leave Bombay, was there, upon the platform. He had resolved to follow the supposed robber to Calcutta, and farther, if necessary. Passepartout did not observe the detective, who stood in an obscure corner; but Fix heard him relate his adventures in a few words to Mr. Fogg.
“I hope that this will not happen again,” said Phileas Fogg coldly, as he got into the train. Poor Passepartout, quite crestfallen, followed his master without a word. Fix was on the point of entering another carriage, when an idea struck him which induced him to alter his plan.
“No, I’ll stay,” muttered he. “An offence has been committed on Indian soil. I’ve got my man.”
Just then the locomotive gave a sharp screech, and the train passed out into the darkness of the night.
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catastrophic-crisis · 2 years
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Trying to figure out how to dress Remy without cheating and doing the obvious (leather jacket). The hair, rings, and earring styles will stay. Probably the shoes too.
Assistant Remy, in addition to simply being a hater and having varied fashion taste, is perhaps not your friend. They're on the clock, and work's work even as they violate the company's dress code.
The patch on the arm, a planet pierced from the top by a sword, is reminiscent of a cross-bearing orb, which in art represents Christ's dominion over the world. When replaced with a sword, well... you get the picture.
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pxnksuited · 3 years
@wxthin-wxthout asked for a starter
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They were meeting for tea under a technicolor sky. The reds, oranges and sparse yellows fought for the last shed of dominion over the stratosphere before they yielded to the darkness of the night. The morning angel, comparable in luminescence and aptitude to Lucifer himself, Mr. Jay Gatsby, sat at the window sill and took in the afternoon glory. He tapped his glossy Oxford shoes to the soft jazz quartet that spun their little tunes to a small gathering of insouciant patrons in a comfy but tucked away alcove towards the west of the cafe.
He, unfortunately, was not as cool as he seemed, the tell tale signs only being the tremor of his hands that he kept enclosed in his lap. It had been some time since he and Nick had seen one another. Jay had gone on a brief sabbatical to Europe, drowning himself in and impressing the wealthy from the hills of the United Kingdom to the valleys of France. He found it to be all so droll and yet he engorged himself in their company, all too aware of his weakness for the camaraderie and acceptance of others.
Nick had stayed on his mind, furrowed in as the vulnerable rabbit he was. Jay of course had left without warning as he always did, the bullet wound had been damn near still fresh when he had fought the nurses for an early release, and on did the once fete king of New York City go. His mind enraptured by betrayal of a love and life so hard fought that had crumbled before his eyes. There was naught left of him in the city. He had given Wolfsheim the keys to his mansion in his madness, well aware of what it would mean.
But, he had gotten his sinful fantasy for just the summer and no longer had the need to live across from the bay. Thoughts of the green light brought bile to his throat and he could not see the once effervescent man in the mirror. He had written to Nick of course, at first apologies, then distasteful pleadings, a storm of rants, and finally calm journalising of his goings on. He never got a letter back, something which stung and yet how could he blame his friend? He had escaped the city without warning, without taking him with him. It took all that Jay had in him to stay writing the letters with all his gall to the man when he had abandoned in the city.
He did not imagine the man would fully forgive him, however he had answered his telegram for tea and it was a start. A new beginning. Nick was the only soul on earth who knew of the ghosts Gatsby hid and Jay wanted…God, he didn’t know what he wanted from the man. He had already damn near destroyed him and a family tie. He was being selfish of course, he always was when it came to Nick. He only hoped his old sport would allow him the opportunity one more time.
With each ring of the cafe’s bell Gatsby’s heart beat in time the unsteady rhythm making the tremors of his hands that much worse. Then, he saw him and his crowned brunette hair tousled in that endearing way it always was. Jay got up his chair, his blue eyes firmly etched onto Nick’s being, and then he sat, desperation and uncertainty ebbing off of him in waves.
”Old sport…Nick. It-I’m,” as though Sisyphus he reached for the words to say only to watch as it rolled down the mountain out of his grasp. “It is lovely to see you, old sport.”
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minervacasterly · 4 years
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Eleanor, by the Grace of God, Queen of the English, Duchess of the Normans & Duchess of the Aquitanians and Countess of the Angevins
“… the young heiress was fair enough to content any king … “Charming,” “welcoming” and “lively” (avenante, vailante, courtoise) are the words used by the chroniclers to portray her … Her education had not of course furnished her with the orderly intellectual baggage fit for an abbess. Though doubtless, like all the heirs of her race, she had her tutors, her real school had been a varied experience …” (Amy Ruth Kelly, Eleanor of Aquitaine and the Four Kings)
“Henry had no need of trumpets to tell him that sedition in Poitou had not been quenched by the imprisonment of Eleanor. He had suppressed the rebellion that had threatened the Angevin empire with a success so signal that it was popularly attributed to the miraculous intervention of Saint Thomas. But to the prescient Angevin the conclusion had less the character of finale than of omnious prelude. The whole uprising had revealed, not only to him, but to his enemies, the extent of a many-sided discontent that needed only coherence to be overwhelming. The queen, though in his hands, remained the object of intrigue, the inspiration of her rival foot-loose sons and of the turbulent fortune seekers who found their profit in war and rapine. The king turned over in his mind the problem of what to do with his captive … To divorce her might be tempting; the grounds were excellent –treason and two more degrees of consanguinity than had been sufficient in Louis’s case- but he could not set her free in her own estates to make some new alliance of her own. Capable as he was of reading the lessons of history, he had no mind to repeat Louis’s fatal blunder. He needed legates to suggest to him how scrupulous the King of France would be in the interest of his vassal, if once she were at liberty. To keep her in custody (forever?) might hinder new intrigues … In the court there remained alone of the famous coterie of the Plantagenets the Capetian princess Alais. In 1176 she was sixteen. No fault was found with her person. She was comely, gifted, nobly dowered, and she too had been polished for her role in the school of Marie of Champagne [Louis VII’s third wife]. Why was the Frankish princess alone of all that noble company of dames choises left unwed in the palaces of the Plantagenet king? Why had other marriages been proposed for the Count of Poitou? The world made these inquiries and the Capets pressed them home. In 1177, in extreme agitation, Louis appealed to Rome to enforce the marriage of Alais to the Count of Poitou [Richard] on pain of interdict on all the lands of Henry Fitz-Empress on both sides of the channel … Giraldus relates that Henry, confident of his prospect of getting rid of the queen through his appeal to the Pope, intended to take the Capetian princess for himself, disinherit the fierce eaglets of Poitou as the bastard of a consanguineous marriage, and rear a new progeny to possess the Angevin empire. Giraldus, never more piously enthusiastic than when exposing Henry’s vices, declares that after his separation from the queen, the king turned openly to the evil courses he had long secretly pursued. Briefly he flaunted the beautiful Clifford, and when she had vanished from the scene, he made a mistress of his precious hostage, the daughter of his overlord, the bride affianced to his son.  Did the Angevin mean to erase from his life story the chapter of his union with the disastrous Poitevin and go back to his earlier plan for a primary alliance with his overlord? It was recalled that before he had sold his birthright for Poitou and Aquitaine, he had sought a marriage with Louis’s eldest daughter, the Countess of Champagne …” (Kelly, Eleanor of Aquitaine and the Four Kings)
Henry II of England’s relationship and ultimate goal with Alice of France is still being debated. Whether or not he intended to divorce his wife (a woman who had given him plenty of sons) and who in spite of their rebellion, were of a fighting age to defend their respective dominions and perpetuate the new Plantagenet dynasty, is immaterial. Louis VII of France was against the match and so were most of the clergy. Following the death of their eldest son, the young King Henry; Eleanor and Henry II seemed to reach a peace of sorts.When Henry died, he was mourned by his subjects. Whatever his personal flaws, he had governed the country well and restored order to the anarchy caused by the civil war that erupted as a result of his cousin Stephen being chosen over his grandfather’s chosen heir, Henry II’s mother, Matilda. In spite of this, he left a strong inheritance to his surviving male heirs, among them his wife’s favorite, Richard who became the new King of England
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“… he had left his inedible stamp on all of France and the British Isles. Until his last years he had mastered every king, duke, and count who had tested him. He was perhaps the most famous man in Christendom. And his fame burned across the ages to follow. For Henry II, king of England, duke of Normandy and Aquitaine, count of Anjou, Maine, and Touraine, and lord of Ireland, had begun a dynasty that shaped the future of Europe for more than two centuries.” (Dan Jones, The Plantagenet Warrior Kings and Queens who made England)
Despite their quarrels, Eleanor was well aware of the big shoes her favorite son would have to fill. And more importantly whom he’d choose to look after England when he went seeking glory in the Holy land and elsewhere.
“Richard processed to Westminster behind ranks of bishops and abbots, barons, knights, and the solemn officers of England ... Perhaps the proudest of them all was Eleanor of Aquitaine. To see Richard crowned king of England represented the apogee of his mother’s ambition, fulfilling as it did a famous prophecy of Merlin: “The eagle of the broken covenant will rejoice in [her] third nesting.” Immediately on Henry’s death, her beloved son had released her form captivity and restored the lands and revenues that had been taken from her as punishment for the rebellion of 1173; even before he had arrived in England, Richard had sent a command that his mother, now aged sixty-six, should occupy a preeminent place in English government. She had spent the weeks preceding the coronation traveling around the country, holding court, and extracting oaths of allegiance from the great and good of the realm …” (Jones, The Plantagenet Warrior Kings and Queens who made England)
When Richard I of England died, a part of Eleanor died. But she remained resilient as ever, doing what had to be done to safeguard the new king of England (her youngest son, John “Lackland”) throne. As a result, John came to her aid when she was about to be captured by her grandson, Arthur of Brittany, son of her late second son, Geoffrey. Since war had broken out between Philip II of France and John I of England, the former believed he could gain the upper hand by showing his first ace under his sleeve in the form of Eleanor’s grandson. The teen (arguably) had a better claim than his uncle. John was the youngest of the eaglets, Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine’s brood while Arthur was the son of their second son. Angered by Eleanor’s decision to support his uncle, Arthur pushed back by laying siege to the Castle of Mirebeau, where she was staying, in Aquitaine (modern day Western France).
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Eleanor had been through all sorts of adventures and survived all kinds of treacherous plots and court intrigues. Her determination, wit, ambition as well as her struggle to preserve the courts of love and other knightly romantic culture through her granddaughter Blanche of Castile, are a testament to the incredible woman that she was. After that foiled attempt though, Eleanor opted for a rest that was long overdue. Like many aristocratic women of the medieval world, she took the veil and became a nun. She died three years later in 1204 and was entombed Fontevrault Abbey in the county of Anjou next to Henry II.
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flutiebear · 3 years
Gwaelin hated caves.
Dank, nasty places they were; with slimy walls and stale air, and creatures possessing entirely too many legs to be polite. Some people apparently liked to explore caves for fun, but she couldn't conceive of how; for what enjoyment could be had in squeezing through cramped, half-hewn rock, getting mud on your hem and spiders in your hair? The young princess couldn't even bear to attend the yearly dedication ceremony at Erdrick's Cavern a few leagues north of the palace; and that was a fairly well-groomed warren, with obvious paths clearly marked and free of monsters.
But it was also dark, and she'd had enough of darkness, thank thee very much. With all of Alefgard bathed in eternal gloom, Gwaelin had never felt compelled to go out seeking more of it.
Right now, though, she longed for the relative comforts of Erdrick's Cavern. Anything would be better than this: holed up under the earth, Rubiss-knows-where, with only a ferocious dragon for company; left to await her nuptials to the King of All Monsters.
The Dragonlord.
Apparently he fancied making his dominion over Alefgard politically binding by marrying its future queen—a proposition so ludicrous that Gwaelin should have found it funny, if only she weren't the punchline to the joke.
She'd had been here for weeks—months, maybe? Time had lost all meaning in the dark. She'd tried to keep track of her sleeps on the wall using the heel of her shoe; but either the rock had proved too strong or the shoe too feeble, and the point had snapped like a desiccated twig. Walking was now quite impossible. Not that she was going anywhere any time soon.
A series of vignettes on the journey home to Tantagel. Hero/Gwaelin. Uses the NES script, as needed.
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i have a request for you! reader is a royal who doesn’t care for their title and therefore doesn’t enlighten the Company of their status. however, when they run into royal guards of reader’s kingdom who refer to them with their title, the Company is flabbergasted; especially Fíli, who has fallen head over heels for our main character. (I love your writing btw! never stop!)
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Being royalty can be a real nuisance sometimes. 
Between fake friends, special treatment, ransom, and the looming knowledge that, someday, you will be forced to marry someone whom you do not love for people who don't care about you, there's no way you can be truly happy. 
Over the years you learned a great deal of different things, like how to bluff, how to break out of bindings, how to fight, and, ultimately, how to lie about who you are. 
It's really easy after all. 
The thing is, though, you've only learned these skills for the off chance that something happens to you. You're not allowed outside the castle without an escort, and all the battle training you've done has been under the watchful eye of your tutor and nanny. 
Of course, you learned how to become an excellent fighter away from their prying eyes, but it's still suffocating. 
And this is why you decided to run away! 
I know what you may be thinking; what kind of spoiled brat gives away such a cushy life for one of danger and uncertainty? 
Well, you of course!! 
You're tired of being kept in a cage; of being called, "Highness" and treated like nothing more than an accessory to the king; of having no purpose other than being a pawn to your father who will ship you off the moment a suitor comes along. You want to be who you are. A chance to grow and experience the world. A chance to fall in love on your own instead of forcing yourself to love someone you could not care less for. 
Also, your father, ultimately, did find you someone to marry, and when you asked who it was you learned that not only do you not know them, but they're also 30 years older than you.
All of these things are reasons you left. 
As soon as you escaped the palace there was panic, guards sent out everywhere to find you and bring you back, hand drawn posters put out on every street lamp and post, it was a whole fiasco. 
For a time there you were almost tempted to go back just so they would stop tormenting people over you, but when a greying old man came to you and stated that he knew who you are and that he wanted to give you the chance to go on an adventure, all thoughts of returning home flew out the window. 
You met a group of 13 dwarves and one small man that they call a hobbit. 
The wizard never told them who you are, so you didn't see much of a reason to enlighten them on your status either. 
It feels nice being treated so normally, something you aren't use to in the slightest, but it feels even nicer to make actual friends. 
Of course, there are some times where you act a bit off or bratty since you did grow up in a castle with people on your beck and call 24/7, but if they notice it nobody says anything about it. 
Thorin, Fili, and Kili, who also just so happen to be royalty themselves, were surprised by how normally you treated them. You spoke to them as if their titles meant nothing to you, joked and complimented them on various things where most would be horrified to do so, and it successfully won their favor. 
They don't know it's because you know what it's like to be in their shoes, to be treated specially and oddly just because you were born into a royal family, and you know to some extent that they have a desire to be treated as normal just like you. 
Of the three, Fili seemed to take to you the most. 
He likes the way you act so normally around him, how you actually care what happens to him and your loyalty to the company. 
At some point he actually begins to care for you a great deal more than he probably should, and once he comes to this realization, it's over for him. 
He began to do things for you that he hadn't before; like sleeping next to you, offering to accompany you when it's your turn to scout or get firewood, bringing you food in the mornings and at night, and even lending you one of his beloved knifes when the handle of yours broke after a conflict. 
When he started treating you differently, you feared at first that he found out who you are, but you soon realized that he just cares about you a lot- like a good friend should. 
Ever oblivious you are. 
You weren't exactly hiding it from them, the fact that you're basically next in line for the throne, but you didn't necessarily want them to find out either. 
It's actually right around the time when you began to think your kingdom gave up their search for you that things took a turn for the 'worse'. 
You were all staying in a town for the night, renting out some rooms at a lodging. You and Bilbo get to have your own room since you're not dwarves for one, but the next morning as you all set out to leave and are all well-rested, something happens. 
You're walking with Fili down the stairs of the place you all stayed, joking and laughing with each other while you follow the rest outside of the building when the dwarves in front of you both suddenly stop walking altogether. 
A soft 'oof' leaves you when you bump into Bifir since he abruptly ceased all movement, and when you look ahead to see what the fuss is about, your heart stops. 
"Halt!" Yells one of the 10 guards standing in a semi-circle around all of you. 
They wear both the colors and the emblem of your kingdom, so clearly they are here for you, but how the hell did they find you. 
Unconsciously you shrink back and half hide behind the door, glad to see that they haven't seen you yet. 
"What's the meaning of this?" Thorin asks angrily, reaching for his sword as he glares up at the armed men standing over them. 
"We have received word that the missing Y/N L/N has been spotted in this area traveling with a group of strange peoples." The guard states with a blank face, looking down at Thorin suspiciously. 
Uh oh, you're screwed. 
Fili looks up at you sharply, and duck behind the pillar quickly and crouch down, making yourself as small as possible. 
He's gonna sell you out and you're gonna be brought back to that horrible palace, chained up in your room for the rest of your life. 
"I have no recollection of coming across anyone of that name. Are they some sort of criminal?" 
Your eyes go wide when Thorin pretends not to know you, and you feel your heart fill with joy and appreciation. 
"Criminal? No. Try missing heir to the L/N dominion." The guard replies, seemingly less suspicious despite Thorin not really giving him any reason to believe him. "The Royal Highness has been missing for months, and the king and their intended are growing weary." 
"Was this Y/N kidnapped?" You hear Thorin inquire further, feeling sick to your stomach that all of your secrets are being aired out like this while you can't so much as get in a peep.
"Nobody knows for certain, though there has been a lot of speculation for both sides."
"It sounds like you've got a lot on your plate, kind sir. I hope your search goes well." Thorin states politely. 
The guard nods his head and states nicely, "Thank you."
"May I ask what you plan to do when you find them?" The dwarf presses a bit further, though he keeps his face neutral. 
There's a moment of silence, though your can't see exactly what's going on, when the guard replies with what you already know, "Take them to the palace where they can be wed to the Lord of our neighboring kingdom. 
"Fitting. If we hear anything we will send for you right away." 
"Then we will take our leave." The guard states, nodding at Thorin gratefully before marching off with the others who follow behind him. 
You stay in that same place crouched to the ground and huddled against the side of the pillar for a little while, and it's not until you feel a hand on your shoulder that you look up and see multiple confused faces peering down at you. 
You offer an awkward smile and say, "Well, that was crazy wasn't it?" 
"You're royalty?" Thorin asks, looking down at you with confused and curious eyes. 
"You're betrothed?" Fili breathes, his eyebrows furrowed. 
You nod your head slowly, pushing yourself to your feet before slowly mumbling, "Yes, and technically yes." 
A moment of silence passes by where everyone just stares in awe before Thorin says hesitantly, "If those guards find you, they will take you back by force?" 
This time you only nod, glancing off to the side nervously. 
"We're already behind schedule... we will discuss this later tonight." Thorin tells you decisively, reaching up to pat your arm lightly before turning and leaving the building. 
You stare after him in surprise, and it isn't until Fili mumbles your name that you snap out of it and go to follow. 
For the majority of the day you ride by yourself, for everyone seems to be acting more oddly around you.
It's not like anything has changed, they just know a little more about you, but still they act like everything is different now. 
The better part of your ride is spent in silence, and it's not until Fili's pony falls into step with your horse that your isolation ends. 
"You never told us." He begins, looking up at you curiously. 
"No, I didn't." You confirm, sighing quietly. 
That's a bit harder to answer, but you try anyways, "Because...I didn't know if your uncle would let me come if he knew and I didn't want to be treated differently either. All my life I've had to abide by a certain set of rules and mannerisms, I've had to be taught how to spot fakes and to survive incase someone were to kidnap me for real... for once, just once, I wanted to live my life without somebody treating me specially because of who runs through my veins." 
He of all people should understand this, but your heart aches at the thought that he may just find you to be a selfish brat. 
"Why... did you leave?" He asks instead of acknowledging your answer. 
"I know there are many who have it worse than I, truly I can't even call it bad, but when I learned that I would be married off to somebody I've never met that is 30 my senior... I couldn't take it anymore. The fate tied to me is one that I would seldom wish on anyone, and so I left. I don't give a damn for that place, for they don't give one for me." 
A silence passes by that makes you uncomfortable, but you don't look down to see if he's watching you. You don't want to see the face he's making, no doubt one of disbelief or anger over how petulant and selfish you are. 
"I suppose I would've left to." 
You look down at him sharply at that, your eyes a bit wide since that is not what you were expecting in the slightest. 
"I understand. And when I say that I mean I actually understand. Truly." He looks up at you and offers a small smile, "People have expectations of you, and when you express that you never asked for all this responsibility you're seen as nothing more than a bratty child who doesn't understand what they have. When they find out who you are they will go to any lengths to be in your good favor. You never know who likes you for you or for your title. 
Slowly you nod your head. 
Really, what did you expect? Of course he would get it, he's living through it just as you are! Only he isn't running away from anything at the moment. 
"Yes, it's exactly like that." You hum, offering the dwarf a smile, "I don't know why I thought you wouldn't understand. You're probably one of the only ones who does." 
'Well, my uncle and Kili too, but yes..." He trails off, then adds, "So, you're an heir." 
This makes you scoff, but your face remains pleasant. "Unfortunately." 
"Do you... plan on going back?" He sounds more. nervous now, and you make note of that. 
"Not really, unless my intended is breathtakingly beautiful." You reply with a smirk, glancing down at the blond dwarf again. 
He clears his throat and asks just as anxiously, "Really...?" 
"Of course not! I want to be free to love whoever I want." You tell him, shaking your head while you speak, "I want to be with someone who I am both attracted to and happy with." 
Fili doesn't respond to that right away, but when he does speak his voice still remains hesitant, "What do you consider... attractive? Who would make you happy?" 
"Like qualities?" Before you do what your mind is telling you to, you need a bit of confirmation on his meaning. 
He only nods. 
"Hm... well, if I'm to start with what qualities make me happy, I would say kindness is very important. They would also have to be strong and fierce, loyal beyond belief, a warrior is always nice, a family man, and, certainly, they must be in love with me too." You begin, nodding along with yourself while a smile falls upon your lips. 
"And... my other question?" 
"Oh, right! I've always been rather fond of blonds, you should know. Thick hair, blue eyes, a brilliant smile- oh! They must have dimples. That's nonnegotiable..." You trail off and glance down at him, seeing that he's looking at you with wide, surprised eyes, "I've also a thing for shorter men, I don't know why for the life of me. Strength isn't a physical trait but I find that attractive, too." 
He's looking up at you with an awed expression on his face, and it successfully makes you smile. 
"And... there's one more thing." 
He gulps and asks shakily, "W-What's that?" 
"Mustache braids. They've got to be the most attractive thing a man can have! I'm most certain its a sign of an excellent kisser." Obviously it's cheesy, but you don't much care since you get to see his adorably red face. 
"I-It sounds like you already have someone in mind." He stutters, reaching up to rub the back of his braided head. 
"Yes, tell Bilbo I'll be looking for him once he grows out his hair will you-" You joke, watching as his eyes widen for a second before he smiles brightly and starts to laugh. 
"Oh! I'll be sure to tell him!" He exclaims, chuckling some more with the biggest and happiest smile on his face. 
"Also tell him that I'd care for him whether he holds the crown in his future or not. Those things don't really matter to me." 
"I can do that." 
You look ahead, the biggest smile ever on your face as well, "One more thing." 
"Tell him that I hope he doesn't look at me differently now that he knows who I really am." 
Fili doesn't reply right away to that, but when he does his voice is soft, "I know that he won't, because he loves you dearly and wouldn't care for your status whether you're a monarch to be or a struggling person scrambling to get by." 
"Wow, he sure has a way with words." You muse, reaching down to pat the top of his head while your other hand clutches the reins of your horse a bit tighter. 
"There's more where that came from." 
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typezerostudios · 4 years
Aupkana, Goddess of the Harvest
Aupkana is the Queen of Fall, the Herald of Winter, and the Matriarch of the Fields.
She manifests in whatever form best suits domain she visits, taking the form of a middle aged humanoid that is best fitted to those she appears before.  Her hair is always brown, woven through with red and gold highlights to symbolize the turning of the seasons.  She wears simple, homespun dresses, and carries simple farmer tools, such as a hoe, gardening pot, or on rare occasions, a scythe.   She wears no shoes, and plants grow, flower, and wilt wherever she steps.
Her domain encompasses any form of agriculture, from the fields of grain favored by humans, to the mushroom farms so often found in dwarven fortresses.  Any organized growth of sustenance falls under her purview. Hunting, fishing, and foraging do not fall under her domain, though animal husbandry is also within her dominion, as domesticated animals require food be grown for them as well.
Her appearance signals the end of the growing season, heralding the harvest and warning of winters impending encroachment.  Crops surge to ripeness in her presence, even as leaves wilt.  Though she is always greeted warmly, her presence warns of hard times ahead, and the wise and experience turn their attention to their fields, rather than revel in her company.  As the harvest season draws to a close, her appearance rapidly ages, until she is a wizened old woman hunched over with age when the first frost appears.
Aupkana calls no pantheon home, moving among the deities of any culture that grows crops to sustain itself. Most often she is worshipped by dwarves and humans, their urban populations demanding a large harvest to sustain them, but nearly every culture pays reverence to her to one degree or another. From a single fruit tree jealously guarded to entire countrysides converted into fertile fields, as long as one tends to their crops, she will listen to their prayers.
Most of Aupkana’s worshipers are simple farmers, for their livelihood is wholly dependent on her benevolence.  She is most often held in high regard by agriculture centric cultures.  Her clerics rarely settle in one place, instead traveling to various towns and villages to spread her blessings.  A rare few maintain temples in major cities, reminding the urban population who they rely on to sustain their way of life.
Aupkana most often associates with nature deities, such as Grivinia, though her focus is most often found to dwell upon her worshipers.  She appears before her followers with astonishing regularity, though it is rarely in her full glory.  Most do not even realize they have met a goddess, and brush off whatever small blessing she bestows upon them as simple luck or coincidence.
Though the Great Upheaval disrupted the world, it only intensified the fervor of her adherents, the harsher world making a good harvest vital to their survival.  This increase in worship has led to several bountiful harvests across the world, lessening the hardship many experienced, allowing them to rebuild.  Though she grants her blessing now, the pendulum will inevitably swing the other way, and many fear a dearth of droughts and famines will come soon.
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tss-grimmverse · 4 years
Chapter 10- Lily
Would you like to meet someone new today...?
New to the story? Want to start at the beginning? Here’s the AO3 link and the Wattpad link.
An excerpt from Chapter 10:
It was after 2AM when Virgil finally heard the scrape of a key in a lock.
He’d long since changed out of his vampire costume, all enthusiasm for celebrating Halloween having faded into worry. The candy bowl sat abandoned on the table, still half full, even after Virgil practically dumped Milky Ways into the bags of the few trick-or-treaters they’d gotten after Logan left.
Nic raised his tired head, tail still thumping enthusiastically, and slid off the couch to meet the door as it opened. Virgil let out a long sigh of relief when Logan stalked in, looking no worse for wear than when he’d left.
The half-faery rubbed the dog’s head as he toed off his shoes, and startled when he noticed Virgil.
“You did not need to wait up,” he commented, dropping his keys in their basket on the counter separating foyer from kitchen.
“You really expected me to sleep?” Virgil asked sardonically. “What did you find?”
Logan’s teeth flashed as he sneered, but the expression faded as he took off his coat.
“Nothing. Absolutely nothing of note.”
Virgil raised an eyebrow. “Trollshit.”
“Not even that.” Logan’s lips twitched in a brief smile. “Come, Nic, it is past your bedtime.”
Virgil uncurled from the couch and followed, grumbling as his joints protested sitting still for so long. Once Nic was settled in his crate, Virgil planted himself on the edge of the half-faery’s bed.
“Don’t leave me in the dark again,” he said sharply. “What’s going on?” He wasn’t trying to be rude, but he was tired, and keyed up, and done with surprises.
Logan sat in his desk chair.
“We broke into the theater easily enough; Hunter is skilled at such things,” he began.
“‘We’? Who’s Hunter?”
“The person on the phone,” Logan explained. “He too is a changeling, with the ability to sense and track faery magics, and to discern what manner of faery left them behind.”
Hear that, Virgil? Instead of you, Logan brought along a useful changeling.
“Is he a Grimm?”
Logan shook his head. “Unaffiliated. Like me, he has worked for various Grimm chapters and Smile murders, but he prefers his own company.”
Virgil snorted, jealousy thrumming through his veins. “Sounds like I’d like him.”
“You might. Perhaps I will introduce you if the opportunity arises.”
Logan, as usual, was either unwilling or unable to detect Virgil’s sarcasm.
“The new gap was deserted,” Logan continued. “We encountered only a single faery after we went through: a Fireesin who was all too willing to talk.”
“They always are,” Virgil commented, thinking back to Arcadia and the Fireesin he’d seen there: ugly, hunched creatures, with patches of coarse brown hair all over their bodies. They were solitaries; friendly, usually not very bright, and Court Fae often used them as messengers.
“This one claimed allegiance to the Cassedega Autumn Court, and said the gap was created because his Monarch felt the area needed one.” Logan’s lips twitched into a fierce smile. “I froze the ground to make him nervous, and he was quick to explain how his Court believed the human city of DeLand to be unclaimed.”
Virgil huffed a laugh. “I’ll bet he was nervous. Is it unclaimed?’
“Yes, actually.” Logan’s voice dropped. “DeLand has always had a strong human religious presence, which Court Fae in particular find distasteful. It is one of the reasons I chose to settle here. I wanted as far away from Court squabbles as possible, and to live under no monarch’s dominion.”
“So…what will happen if this Autumn Monarch tries to claim the area?” Virgil asked.
Logan shrugged. “It is impossible to say. The Court obviously wishes to expand their influence without the need to challenge a stronger Monarch. A weak Court should pose little threat to us, or to the humans of DeLand. The solitaries may resist, or they may not care. At worst, we may have to listen to the pixies complain for the next few months.”
Virgil narrowed his eyes. “So why were you so frustrated when you came in?”
“Because it is too easy!”
The whole chapter can be found over on AO3 or Wattpad. And as always, leave comments if you want :)
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neeliepsrecs · 5 years
The HP Fanfic Fan Poll Awards Round 5: Fall-Winter 2013
Awards hosted here
DRARRY (Draco Malfoy x Harry Potter)
Best Drabble: First Place: "Tots and Toys" by dracogotgame Second Place: "Diana" by bleedingangel84 Third Place: "The Golden Snitch" by rzzmg
Best Drama-Angst: First Place: "When the Songbird Stopped Singing" by nherizu Second Place: "Les Enfants Terribles" by thusspakekate Third Place: "A Piercing Comfort" by talithan
Best Dark Fic: First Place: "I Love You" by curlee_cue Second Place: "Whose Was That Gentle Voice?" by writcraft Third Place: "The Deepest Pits of Despair" by cadkitten
Best Comedy: First Place: "The Twelve Days of Draco" by birdsofshore Second Place: "Draco Malfoy and the Accidental Armchair" by pervyunitwins Third Place: "Tick Tock" by fireflavored
Best Romance: First Place: "When the Songbird Stopped Singing" by nherizu Second Place - TIE: "By The Numbers" by mindabbles &  "A Song, Incomplete" by rurounihime Third Place: "Sharing Different Heartbeats" by talithan
Best Slash Smut: First Place: "Unhook the Stars" by jad Second Place: "Burning the Ground" by traintracks Third Place: "Something I Don't Want to Stop" by traintracks
Best Threesome+ Smut: First Place: "At the Edge of the Crossroads and Leaning" by traintracks Second Place: "Stakes" by yeaka Third Place - TIE: "Got It So Good" by blissed_bess & "Without a Piece of Your Heart" by snarkyscorp
Best Alternate Universe: First Place: "Give Me A Quiet Mind" by wellhalesbells Second Place: "To Be Back Again in the Rest of the Room" by lamerezouille Third Place: "Here's the Pencil, Make It Work" by ignatiustrout
Best Legacy Story: First Place: "Turn" by saras_girl Second Place: "Redeem Me" by samayel Third Place: "Gold Tinted Spectacles" by beren
HARRON (Harry Potter x Ron Weasley)
Best Drabble: "The Best Man" by The Dauntless Ravenclaw
Best Drama-Angst: "Something Old" by The Enigmatic Crow
Best Romance: "Right Here Where You Need Me" by Hogwartsowl
Best Legacy Story: "The Morning After" by Matroushka
HINNY (Harry Potter x Ginny Weasley)
Best Drabble: "Bruises" by mihnn
Best Drama-Angst: "Invisible" by phoenixstrike1
Best Dark Fic: "The Darkness Takes Me" by xonceinadream
Best Het Smut: "Bruises" by mihnn
Best Threesome+ Smut: "Invisible" by phoenixstrike1
JILY (James Potter x Lily Evans)
Best Drama-Angst: "The Reverse Method" by mihnn
Best Comedy: "The Reverse Method" by mihnn
Best Romance: "The Reverse Method" by mihnn
Best Het Smut: "Little Moments" by leontinebowie
Best Alternate Universe: "Bloody ShangriLa" by jamesthestagwhore
Best Legacy Story: First Place: "Wind and Waves" by HeroOfTheCastleOfMarble Second Place: "Snow" by corny cloth Third Place: "Tired" by Instant of Insanity
ROMIONE (Ron Weasley x Hermione Granger)
Best Drabble: "Casual Sex" by mihnn
Best Drama-Angst: "For Better or Worse" by ToBeOrNotToBeAGryffindor
Best Comedy: "Over and Under" by mihnn
Best Het Smut: "You've Got the Right Stuff, Baby" by tamlane
Best Alternate Universe: "Catch My Fall" by lire_casander
Best Legacy Story: First Place: "Leaning Slightly to the Left" by The Steppy One Second Place: "Today" by tmblue Third Place: "Making Memories" by ermynee322
SNARRY (Harry Potter x Severus Snape)
Best Drabble: First Place: "Private Party" by torino10154 Second Place: "All Natural" by alisanne Third Place: "The Charming Prince" by pekeleke
Best Drama-Angst: First Place: "Standing on the Shoreline" by citiesandsigns Second Place: "Three Firsts and One Forever" by suitesamba Third Place: "The Importance of a Day" by emynn
Best Dark Fic: "Fifty Shades of Truth" by starcrossedgirl
Best Comedy: "The Hole Truth" by bk7brokemybrain
Best Romance: First Place: "Standing on the Shoreline" by citiesandsigns Second Place: "The Beginning Of A Journey" by roozetter Third Place: "Spanking Interrupted" by blissed_bess
Best Slash Smut: "Fly By Night" by twisting_vine_x
Best Alternate Universe: First Place: "Disinherited" by emilywaters76 Second Place: "Something Good Will Come" by deirdre_aithne Third Place: "A Snowball's Chance" by sheankelor
Best Legacy Story: "Rapture" by mia_ugly
SNERMIONE (Severus Snape x Hermione Granger)
Best Drabble: First Place: "Eight Months in Stockholm" by tychesong Second Place: "Fifty Shades of Turkey" by toblass Third Place: "It's Elemental, My Dear Granger" by savine_snape
Best Drama-Angst: First Place: "Pet Project" by caeria Second Place: "Resonare Mortis" by laralee88 Third Place: "Anima Mea" by proulxes
Best Dark Fic: First Place: "No Dominion Greater" by rivertempest Second Place: "Fair Weather From The North" by dickgloucester Third Place: "The Toil of the Just" by sarablade
Best Comedy: First Place: "Appetizers" by aurette Second Place: "Ye Gentlewizard's Guide to Courtshippe & Metrimonie" by gingertart50 Third Place: "The One Where Snape's Bits Smell Like Cheese" by scumblackentropy
Best Romance: First Place: "The Awakening" by crmediagal Second Place: "With Careful Magic Caught Inside" by of_anoesis Third Place: "Within the Wilderness, an Orchid Blooms" by georgesgurl117
Best Het Smut: First Place: "Lay Me Low" by teddyradiator Second Place: "Shrinking Potions, Silk Scarves, and A Dollhouse" by onecelestialbeing Third Place: "Fairy GodHermione" by cybrokat
Best Threesome+ Smut: First Place: "Getting Past Broken" by tychesong Second Place: "Out of the Shadows Came a Rose" by gingertart Third Place: "Triple Viktory" by pern_dragon
Best Alternate Universe: First Place: "Prisoner 5273" by snapefan520 Second Place: "Divide of Time" by Anubis Ankh Third Place: "Arithmantic Equations as a Second Language" by absolute_tash
Best Legacy Story: First Place: "Post Tenebras, Lux" by loten Second Place: "Chasing the Sun" by loten Third Place: "A Walking Shadow" by Ariadne AWS
Best Drabble:
"Revenge: A Bittersweet Reward" by madam_minnie
Best Drama-Angst: First Place: "Delightful Blackmail" by Duco Lacuna Second Place: "Proxy" by deslea Third Place: "Wither" by xThe Painted Lady
Best Dark Fic: First Place: "The Road Unplanned" by caitriona_3 Second Place: "There Is Nothing More Satisfying" by scarletladyy Third Place: "Revenge: A Bittersweet Reward" by madam_minnie
Best Comedy: "Of Rippling Muscles and Taut Buttocks" by savva
Best Romance: "Persuasion" by linlawless
Best Het Smut: "Competing Business" by laurielove
Best Slash Smut: First Place: "English Delight" by torino10154 Second Place: "The Training of a Weasley" by Lilith Connor Third Place: "Plastic" by yeaka
Best Threesome+ Smut: "Four Things Lucius Should Not Have Said (And One Thing He Should Have Said But Didn't)" by WhatWldMrsWeasleyDo
Best Alternate Universe: "Danse Macabre, or: Learning to Light a Fire" by
Best Legacy Story: First Place: "By the Book" by scrace Second Place: "Penfriends" by mizsphinx Third Place: "Sharps, Sharks and Sheds" by Nathaniel Cardeu
Best Drabble: "Christmas: Sirius' Christmas" by keria1123
Best Drama-Angst: First Place: "Le Songe" by carmentakoshi Second Place: "The Coldest Time" by mustntgetmy Third Place: "Little White Lie" by themessrs
Best Dark Fic: "Snow in April" by faieance
Best Comedy: "Days of Cats and Cabbages" by smallbrownfrog
Best Romance: First Place: "The Night Is A Bridge Between Yesterday And Tomorrow" by huldrejenta Second Place: "Adagio" by sable_tyger Third Place - TIE: "Adam's Rib" by rhye & "Of Cinema and Sticky Notes" by bluepeony
Best Het Smut: "The Secret Incantation" by pauraque
Best Slash Smut: First Place: "Size Matters" by rewrites24 Second Place: "Then and Now" by writcraft Third Place: "Sunday" by yeaka
Best Threesome+ Smut: "Insatiable" by rewrites24
Best Alternate Universe: First Place - TIE: "An Occlument Heart" by beautifulyes & "Paying the Ferryman" by queenkerosene Second Place: "Time Is A Fine Invention" by bluepeony Third Place: "Highland Fling" by picascribit
Best Legacy Story: First Place: "Without Fear" by remuslives23 Second Place: "Drawing the Line" by chokolattejedi Third Place: "All Narrow Jealousies" by marseverlasting
Best Drabble: "Nice Shoes, Sweetheart" by tamlane
Best Drama-Angst: First Place: "Sugar Wanna Kill Me Yet" by traintracks Second Place: "Marked in Indelible Ink" by the_minx_17 Third Place: "The Art of Insinuation" by dexstarr
Best Dark Fic: "Fixation" by lunarblair
Best Romance: "Possibly, Maybe" by curlee_cue
Best Het Smut: First Place: "Quibbler Exclusive" by torino10154 Second Place: "When It Alteration Finds" by traintracks Third Place: "A Man of Worldly Knowledge and Impeccable Taste" by tamlane
Best Femmeslash Smut: "The Intricacies of Ownership" by dexstarr
Best Slash Smut: First Place: "Sugar Wanna Kill Me Yet" by traintracks Second Place: "Possibly, Maybe" by curlee_cue Third Place: "When It Alteration Finds" by traintracks
Best Drabble: First Place: "left a ringing in my ears" by openended Second Place: "Alone in Company" by pretty_panther Third Place: "Making A Memory" by mmadfan
Best Drama-Angst: First Place: "Hearts Obsession" by imera Second Place: "Knock, Breathe, Shine, and Seek to Mend" by traintracks Third Place - TIE: "Dull as Dirt, Brilliant as the Stars" by anguis_1 & "Secret at the Grave" by leigh_adams
Best Dark Fic: First Place: "The Experiment" by sabethea Second Place: "A Well Bred Warlock: A Guide to Wooing, Courting and Every Day Behavior for the Pureblood Wizard" by selmak Third Place: "Of Death And Rebirth" by bluemermaid
Best Comedy: "The Muggles Have a Word for Them" by kellychambliss
Best Romance: First Place: "Heart Full of Black" by m3535 Second Place: "Leaf by Leaf" by atdelphi Third Place: "Written in the Stars" by torino10154
Best Het Smut: First Place: "What We Thought We Knew" by thusspakekate Second Place: "The Waiting Game" by scarletladyy Third Place - TIE: "Change of Heart" by ragdoll & "Something Promising" by rzzmg
Best Femmeslash Smut: First Place: "A Child That Knows Poems By Heart" by pauraque Second Place: "They Searched for Blue" by traintracks Third Place: "A Cliff in July" by miss_morland
Best Slash Smut: First Place: "On the other side of the mirror" by leashy_bebes Second Place: "You Hold Him in the Palm of Your Hand" by tryslora Third Place: "Colour to a Sunset Sky" by writcraft
Best Threesome+ Smut: First Place: "A Girl Can Dream" by geneva2010 Second Place: "Center of Attention" by thusspakekate Third Place: "Masquerade" by pauraque
Best Alternate Universe: "Romance of the Age" by o_mayari
Best Legacy Story: First Place: "This Time Around" by Disneydoll0424 Second Place: "The End of Love" by with_rhyme Third Place: "A Story of Warnings and the Ignoring Thereof" by therealsnape
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beautifultypewriter · 5 years
Hotel Key ~ Robb Stark
Requested: No
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol
Word Count: 1,467
Pairing: Robb Stark x fem!reader
Summary: Modern AU. Based on the song Hotel Key by Old Dominion. Robb and the reader meet up at a bar by the beach and spend one night with each other.
The air was warm as you leaned against the bar, waiting patiently for the bartender to make her way down to you and take your order. The setting sun cast an orange and yellow glow across the area of the outdoor bar. Soft music filtered around the space as the bartender finally noticed you and stepped over to grab your drink. As you waited, you turned to lean back on the bar and look out at the sun glittering on the ocean just across the street. Your drink was placed behind you and you grabbed it absentmindedly as you swayed lightly to the music. Conversation flowed around you, but you paid it little mind as the song changed to something a little more upbeat. You felt someone sidle up next to you and a voice next to your ear, “Well fancy seeing you here.” You turned and smiled lazily at the man with the curly hair grinning at you. His smile widened and his eyes danced with mirth, “Thought you had a plane to catch?”
 Shaking your head, you brought your glass close to your lips, “Not until Sunday morning.” You sipped your drink as Robb nodded at you.
“Fancy some company?” You nodded as he signaled the bartender for another drink. You moved closer to him, leaning against his arm. Seeing as this was how things usually ended, you were starting early tonight. Robb didn’t seem to mind. He had been easy enough to meet that first night you came to town. He was sweet and a lot of fun and you had enjoyed dancing and drinking with him in this very bar night after night. You were in town visiting your grandmother and after seeing how bored you had been while she watched her shows, she suggested you check out the nightlife. Her suggestion brought you here and subsequently to Robb. It never went farther than dancing though. That was something you were looking to change though, since it was your last night in town and you’d likely never see him again. Robb smiled at you again as you placed your empty glass on the bar and started to sway your hips. His eyes traveled down to your moving body and you smirked as you backed up towards the dance floor. He was quick to follow, his beer clutched tightly in one hand and his other reaching out for you. You grabbed his empty hand and turned yourself under his arm, laughing as the both of you fell into a steady rhythm, moving together to the beat.  
 You let yourself have one more drink before you were leaning up to whisper in Robb’s ear, “Come with me.” He smiled as he put his empty glass down on a nearby table and let you lead him away from the music and the lights decorating the space around you. It was easy to see that you were both just a little tipsy as you moved down the empty street towards the hotel on the corner. Robb knew immediately where you were taking him and he was only too happy to pull you up to the front desk when you stepped into the hotel lobby. He released your hand as he grabbed his wallet and you took the time to look around the beachy hotel, appraising the fine décor and the other people milling about the lobby. Robb returned to you, holding a key card between his middle and pointer finger. Gingerly, you plucked the key from his grasp and spun over to the elevator. Laughing, Robb followed you quickly, stepping into the small space as the doors opened. The elevator music was nothing like the music in the bar, but that didn’t stop Robb from putting his arms around your hips and swaying you back and forth. You moved with him, slightly off beat and laughing. As soon as the doors opened, you grabbed Robb’s hand and pulled him behind you as you danced down the hall towards your room. You kept your hold on his hand as you slid the key card into the lock on the door, watching the light turn green and then turning the knob and pushing the door open. You stepped into the room and started flicking the lights on, but Robb stayed where he was in the doorway, watching you move around, still with the music’s beat in your step. Noticing that he hadn’t followed you, you turned to see him smiling at you. You stepped over to him and smirked as you reached for the Do Not Disturb sign. You held it up to him quickly before you hung it on the outside doorknob and then pulled him into the room with you. The door swung shut behind you and you smiled as you truly felt that you two were alone. You moved over to the window, kicking your shoes off as you went, and pulled the curtains shut. When you turned back around you saw that Robb had pulled his phone out of his pocket and was placing it on the dresser top, music filtering quietly from the speaker. Grinning, you turned and shimmied out of your jeans, very much aware of Robb’s eyes on you as you did so. You sat yourself on the bed, curling your legs under you as you watched Robb pull his t-shirt over his head. He grinned at you as he tossed it to the floor, next to your jeans.
 “So where’s your plane heading to on Sunday?”
 You hummed, “High Garden.” He nodded and you sighed, “I wish it was going to Dorne.”
 He cocked an eyebrow, “Dorne?”
 You smiled as you nodded, “Mmhmm. I used to spend every summer there when I was a child. It was my favorite place to be.” He nodded as you pulled your hair over your shoulder, “I’ll get back there someday. Run away to it.”
 Robb moved closer to the bed, “Here’s a nice thought; you and I run away there together. Leave behind everyone and everything and hide in that beauty.” You knew Robb was very involved in his family’s business and carried a lot of responsibility on his shoulders. You wished you could take him away from all of that and live in your peaceful world in Dorne.
 Your eyes slipped shut and you hummed to yourself, “That is a nice thought.” And even though you both knew that’s all it would ever be, a nice thought, you smiled. You jumped up from the bed, “Dance with me?”
 He nodded, “Of course.” He grabbed your hands and spun you around the small space in front of the bed. You laughed as he gripped your hips and you swayed together, moving with the music coming from his phone. Your hands slid from his shoulders down to his waist, moving along the bare skin right above his jeans. He sighed as your hand moved to unbuckle his belt and pull it from the loops. His own fingers moved to the buttons of your top, undoing them slowly.
 When you woke the next morning, you noticed that Robb was still asleep next you. Turning over, you saw that it was nearly two in the afternoon. As you turned back, you were met with Robb’s sleepy grin and squinted eyes. You giggled quietly, reaching out to run your fingers over his cheek. He grabbed your hand and placed a kiss to each of your fingertips. You smiled at him, whispering so as not to disturb the peace you both had created, “I think we were supposed to check out at 11.”
 He smiled back, “Oh well.” You giggled again and let yourself be pulled into his chest.
 It was an hour later when you both decided to pull yourselves from the warm embrace. You quickly pulled your clothes from last night on, doing the buttons of your shirt up slowly, taking the time to watch Robb as he redressed himself. When he was finished, he turned to you and leaned over to place one last kiss on your lips.
 You stepped into the hall first, Robb right behind you. He pulled the door shut, the lock clicking loudly in the quiet hallway. You stood opposite each other, staring and saying nothing. With one hand stuffed in your pocket, you looked down, your eyes catching sight of the key card in Robb’s hand. You smirked as you reached out and took the key from him. You held it up between you before slipping it into the back pocket of your jeans and winking at him. He smirked back at you as you turned away from him and made your way down the hall, back to the elevators, not intending on giving the key back to the front desk.
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New Zealand Map by National Geographic 60 x 77cm
Middledle-sized Australia, the PR China, Japan and the East Asian Tiger States are the most important trading partners of the country. The economic crisis in East Asia in 1998/99 therefore also hit New Zealand quite hard. New Zealand has had a negative trade balance for a long time, representing about eight percent of the total gross domestic product. In 2005, all New Zealand's exports amounted to 29.2 billion US dollars and all imports to 35.8 billion US dollars.
The Deadly: "Tree Tutu" and "Ongaonga" aka Tree Nettle
Read more about campervan hire New Zealand here.
How cold is the winter in New Zealand?
The area of New Zealand is almost as large as that of Germany, but with about 4.5million inhabitants it is much less populated (Germany has about 82million).
Why New Zealand is called New Zealand?
Why New Zealanders are called Kiwi New Zealanders are often called Kiwi. They even call themselves that. But not because they are hairy on the outside and green inside like the fruit. The logo of the shoe polish was a kiwi (the bird).
and remained a colony until 1907, when New Zealand became a Dominion and thus almost independent from Great Britain.
The fertile, extremely productive soils allowed agriculture to flourish and access to two large natural harbours facilitated fishing.half of the natural gas goes into the petrochemical sector and is used, for example, to produce synthetic petrol, a quarter is used to produce energy and the rest goes to private households and companies. is under the influence of a subtropical-oceanic climate. The temperature fluctuations over the year are small. The most popular destinations are Rotorua, the Waitomo Caves, the Coromandel Peninsula, the fjord country with Milford Sound, Queenstown, Auckland, the Bay of Islands, Dunedin and the Hawke's Bay region. A school year in New Zealand usually begins at the end of January, lasts until mid-December and is divided into four quarters.
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