#don wouldve
officialmiintee · 6 months
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one piece / cora san’s kids
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capfalcon · 1 year
aaron sorkin rlly do be writing those homosexual undercurrents
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goldiipond · 11 months
thinking about how easily ray was willing to make an exception to his firm ‘i can only save emma and norman’ stance once don and gilda are actually in on the escape. the fact that, during his ‘deal’ with norman in ep 5 ‘we can bring don and gilda too’ isnt a condition norman had that ray begrudgingly agreed to but rather one that ray brought up completely unprompted.
ray has spent years coming to terms with the fact that saving everyone is impossible, years putting emma and norman over everyone else because they were the most precious people in his life and because risking a bigger escape could get everyone killed. he thought it was better for the others to live ignorant, happy lives until their shipment than to get killed on the outside. 
ray never had that same ignorant bliss the others had, emma and norman lost it after seeing conny, and while don and gilda aren’t given the full truth at first, they are given enough to have that illusion shattered for them as well. i just think a lot about how ray knows what it’s like to be trapped in that house without that happy illusion, and the moment don and gilda lose it, he can’t allow himself to push them away anymore.
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secrosss · 10 days
weekly dunmesh ep post here to say that as one of the eps that didn't follow their usual formula I loved this one to bits 😭 pacing felt just right, didn't feel that rushed to me (tho maybe that's bc I kept goin back to watch more details lol) and the canaries and yaads voices in sub are all really really good
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downforthegas · 10 months
Don't read if you like fe/tch wi/th ru/ff ru/ff/man
That one-
That o- (fuck I can't even say it)
That one- (fuck, spit it out!)
That one episode of fet/ch where... Ru/ff has to pee really badly the whole episode... but instead of... instead of having to pee... (omg I can't believe I'm typing this...)
He just has to fart really badly.
Like, he doesn't have enough time to do it in private, and he thinks he can hold it the entire episode, but his stomach starts to hurt, and he feels all bloated cause there's a lot of gas, and, and...
Maybe he's got a little bump in his tummy, and it's so sensitive, he can barely focus. You'll hear his belly gurgle in pain, but he just can't let it out, he has a show to do. Blo/ss/om is secretly reminding him to just go somewhere private, but he won't. He thinks he has this (but really his stomach is dying for a belly rub, you know how dogs are).
Halfway through, though, he can't help it and accidently rip one in front of everyone. Being held in for a long time, it's really long and deep as it rumbles out from between his cheeks. His face is bright red with embarrassment. He carries on with the rest of the show, popping bubble farts out every once-in-a-while. It's embarrassing, but he can't keep up the act anymore. Plus, the relief he gets from his tummy ache is too good. By the end of the episode, he hides in the doghouse for a while, afraid to show his face to the public until his shame dies down.
Alternatively, he holds it all in until the end, but it gets stuck in his intestines, causing him pain, as he's unable to get any gas out no matter how many times he pushes. Blo/ss/om has to rub his stomach as he lies on his back, as rank fart explode out of him. Due to being inside him for so long... they smell like death and rotten milk. The house stinks as Ru/ff's farts rumble out, but at least now he feels relief.
He jokingly says he's not going to eat so many beans before the show, get embarrassed by his own remark ("did I just say that out loud" moment), and blush while saying, "Can we pretend this episode never happened?" as Blo/ss/om giggles about the whole situation.
Oh god why did I go on for so long about that don't look at meeeeeeee
I might write a drabble of this...
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ginkashino · 2 years
Omg still losing my mind over your comic... It's So Good!!!
I was thinking, if they really remodeled the Galleon sometime between the remodel and Don joining, they re-trash the place even worse. Honestly love that for them, go through a big home remodel just to turn it into a trash pile immediately after. I'm definitely viewing this as canon now!!!
Thank you again!!! 🎺❤️💙
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At least it's gone
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siglai · 10 months
i miss chuuya 15 fish eyes header and chuuya ass shot pinned. ☹️
theyre never seeing the light of day again.
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jewfrogs · 2 years
diabolical box if don paolo replaced luke instead of flora. considering
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clownkiwi · 2 years
did anyone remember back in 2019 when tumblr (almost) unanimously hated the hell youtube cartoon and we all sent each other hate mail for even mentioning that we casually checked out the pilots bc. some of us were casually interested in what all the fuss was about
is it still a silent unbroken rule that we never talk about it??? are there still people on here who hate it with a burning passion like 3 years afterwards??? or have our feelings just. kinda mellowed out now and we're all like "meh. whatever"
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launchpadmcfuck · 2 years
everyone always says dewey killed don karnage but i think if we had gotten a season four it would be revealed that not only did don karnage live but not he’s missing the opposite leg of della because pepper had to amputate in order to get him out of the wreckage
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supercantaloupe · 2 years
man they really called us to rep orchestra for 20 minutes total and then dismissed the winds huh.
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somuch-4-stardust · 2 years
can i uhhhh talk to the ceo of systems please. the plurality manager if u will. i have some complaints
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goldiipond · 8 months
something i really really like about ray and isabella's relationship is that ray is never expected to forgive her at the end. it makes sense that the younger kids would all forgive her after she used her position to help them in the return to gracefield because at the end of the day, she raised them in a warm and nurturing environment and did truly love them. ray didn't really get that same treatment though.
im sure ray's feelings about her at the end are complicated to say the least, he understands the horrifying position she had been in since she was 12 and probably relates to that at least a little bit. i like the way he tells her to get over it and come to the human world with them because if he couldn't use death as a way out, he definitely wasn't going to let her do it. (this would have been much more impactful if she didn't proceed to die anyway a little later on but. gently pushes that aside <3)
i don't really think ray's 'no one is holding any grudges' line necessarily means he forgave her though? the kids know that the sisters are all victims of a horribly abusive and oppressive system, and none of them are going to hold that against them even if some can't bring themselves to forgive them for whatever personal reasons. in ray's case specifically as a victim of abuse, i do not think he owes isabella anything. it was the system that forced isabella to raise children for the farm or face death, but her actions against ray specifically were her own, and he has every right to feel a little differently about her because of that.
kill the trope of characters forgiving abusive family members because 'they had no choice'/'they're still family' give me more ray 'i know you were hurt deeply by things beyond your control but that doesn't excuse the pain you caused me' tpn <3
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bootyyyyshaker900 · 2 years
cass and donnie do NOT like each other. the moment barry joined the foot donnie decided to aim for a leadership position and he succeeded quickly. casey HATES how much further he got and how much faster, and he doesnt shy from holding it over her head and bossing her around
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chwedout · 2 years
🎧 pls! 🤠💖
send me a 🎧 and i’ll shuffle my music and give u whatever song that comes up!!
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bananaman-mp3 · 2 months
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[ID: A screenshot of a reblog with the blog's url and profile picture scribbled outin red that reads: "...conditionally and only if you never disagree with them? O.o"
the tags underrneath read: "#it never stops baffling me #how fandom turned these two into some idea of love #when the story is literall Naruto obsessign over Sasuke who is not interrsted #and then beating him almost to death because Sasuke doesn't think genocide is good pooitcal move actually #like FFS pls read more mangas people" End ID]
are you serious... if naruto only loved him conditionally why did he risk everything to save him, even when everyone else was set on killing him for being a traitor to konoha?
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the guy threw his dignity away, in the eyes of everyone, to defend public enemy #1
he always called sasuke his friend, he never stated that he would only consider him a friend only if he returned as a konoha ninja.
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loves him conditionally my ass.
and like- the idea that naruto can only love people that never disagree with him is so fundamentally against his character it's almost comical. if that were true naruto wouldve simply killed nagato. he wouldn't have tried to understand him or talk him out of it the way he did, once he heard his story. he wouldn't have tried talking to obito either. or even neji, konohamaru and inari, as small as those moments look in comparison.
the obsession part would make more sense, given how much he thought about him and wanted him back, to the point even his friends and the girl who was in love with sasuke thought it was too much.
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yet the part about naruto beating sasuke up is... weird. they do realize naruto was fighting him because sasukes idea of a revolution meant to martyr himself for the sake of peace, the way his brother did, right?
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they do realize that sasuke wanted to kill him at that point too, right? that it wasn't naruto beating a defenseless sasuke, right?
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if anything, naruto was leaning on the defensive side and sasuke was the one trying to beat him up. but the were pretty fucking tied in terms of power. thats why he came close to killing sasuke (and viceversa. stop treating sasuke like a weakling.)
now, that doenst mean naruto is completely in the right to simply undermine or ignore konohas wrongdoing just because it only fuels the cycle of violence. naruto himself is victim of konohas shit system, and he has acknowledged many of the problems it caused. he promised to nagato that hed help amegakure when he became hokage.
of course you could argue that narutos methods may not be as effective for change as sasukes more aggressive plan, since systemic change is rarely if ever achievable by working within it. but im not that good with politics so i dont think im the best to talk about it, and that already goes beyond the topic here.
sasukes violent reaction to konohas mistreatment of the uchiha was completely understandable and anyone in his place wouldve don the same. lets make that clear here. i think saying he was highly justified is not a controversial take, at least here. konoha and the shinobi system ARE fucked up.
also, love that 'sasuke is not interested' bit. op, why did sasuke want to kill naruto? tell me.
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me when im not interested:
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so yeah i think that's a pretty inaccurate take on sasukes feelings towards naruto.
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