#don't get me started on yvonne and shit
captain-ghost · 1 year
They really said "uhhh fuck it wait we need the hottest cast we can get our hands on."
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lewkwoodnco · 6 months
Heyy:) I just wanted to request a George x fem!reader one shot :P I totally understand if you don't want to write it or if you don't like the idea or anything but I was thinking a fic inspired by "wildest dreams" by Taylor? Just some silly teen romance vibes you know🤭 (and please no Angst or anything, I can't take that shit atm😔)
Wildest Dreams - George Karim x Reader
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A/N: going to be taking a break from the requests in my inbox to work on my 12 days of fics series! (but will get back to them after im done heheh) I might have completely butchered this ask im so sorry BUT I made it as fluffy as I think it gets (w George at least), just had to do the 77 thing i have no self-restraint, also this poem is soso beautiful one of my absolute favesss but idk whats up with the formatting :(((, wc 3.3k!
Subtle Bridges
Walking with me, you'd once pointed to the fragility and ingenuity of a spider's web. Subtle bridges, you said, On bridges some men hang. A warning that has stayed While I read history traced in blood and tears of men. I was caught in the end with a nest of books. They burned anyway, and now I bend to build an emperor's endless wall. Like a thread of longing the border runs in loops and bends, and along it we root the gravestones of nameless men. A king's metaphor, This is, history raised from ash and bone -- a symbol Of its vast futility, or of eternity. Which it is I do not know, But since leaving home some things have come clear. No one literally breaks from loss, not even here. And some ties won't give. I sometimes dream of you, and walking, in gardens where love and knowledge hang.
By Yvonne Koh
She was at the Kensel Green Cemetery with the rest of her team from Fittes, after being called down by DEPRAC because of a robbery. They had spread out over the building, looking for any sign of the missing relic or the culprit, when she heard a slow, grinding noise from inside the hall. She quietly crept in to the silhouette of a shadowy figure bent over the casket.
"Can I help you?"
The boy's head snapped up immediately, painfully slamming against the stone shelf behind him. She let out an involuntary gasp, briefly wincing at the hollow thunk.
"Didn't do it," he groaned, steadying himself against the wall. "...whatever it was that...someone did."
She squinted at him using the little light spilling in from the corridor. He couldn't have been more than a year or two older than her. Against her better judgement, she kept her voice down.
"This is a crime scene!" she hissed at him.
"I - what?"
"Who are you?"
"I'm not a thief, or a relic man. I promise."
Her eyes swept his scruffy appearance critically. "Why would I think that?"
"Ms L/N?"
She turned, momentarily speechless, barely registering the rustle of the boy stealing away into the darkness. She blinked against the brightness of Inspector Barnes' torch, glancing back to check that he really was gone.
"Everything alright?"
She paused for a moment longer, as if willing him to rematerialise in the corner he had been crouching in just a moment ago. Nothing. Her eyes narrowed. Interesting. Very interesting indeed.
"Must have been the wind."
George was staring out the kitchen window glumly, lazily stirring his mug of tea. The weather was as pleasant as it got, and Lockwood had roused them all at the crack of dawn for a breakfast picnic, to 'boost morale.' Of course, George should have known better than to hold his breath, especially when loud angry voices had started to shake him awake when he had been halfway through groggily packing their picnic basket. Now, he sipped his cold tea through thin lips, listening to the slow, steady footsteps approaching the kitchen and the wan face belonging to them.
"Let me guess. You and Lucy are no longer in the mood for a picnic?"
Lockwood sombrely shook his head. George sighed, picking up the picnic basket. Seemed like a shame to let his slaving away go to waste. And he was still very much in the mood for the strawberries and cream he had packed inside. Which is why George had been heading out for a solo breakfast picnic with enough food for three when he heard a foreign voice stop him.
"George Casper Karim."
He looked up from the doorknob in alarm. It was the girl from Kensel Green Cemetery. He hesitated, trying to gauge her expression.
"Ex-employee of Fittes Agency, fired after six months for insubordination, currently a researcher at Lockwood & Co."
"Brilliant. Astonishing, really, how you've repeated my own job history back to me."
She frowned. He relished the stab of satisfaction. He'd had a shitty morning and was likely going to have a shitty day, so really, having a go at someone was probably going to be the highlight.
"There's no need to be rude."
"I think I'd know where I've been the past couple of years, thanks very much. Forgive me for not being more impressed."
Still looking a little disgruntled, she pressed on, firmly clutching the waist-high gate. "I've got a bone to pick with you, if you don't mind."
He eyed her warily, and decided against approaching her any further. "You can pick it just fine from over there."
She looked mildly peeved, but he didn't trust her as far as he could throw her. After a few long, tense seconds, she relented, not that she was happy about it..
"So...you were right. You're no relic man."
That was quick. "Thank you. Have a nice day." He closed the distance between him and the gate in a few quick strides, pushing against it, but she pushed right back with a steely look in her eye.
"Don't know about the other bit, though."
He didn't like the look in her eye; the look of someone knowing something he didn't. His mouth went dry.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Might be more convincing if your associate hadn't mentioned a talking skull. Awfully difficult to contain a visitor without a ghost jar, wouldn't you say?"
He swore under his breath. "Fucking Lockwood can't keep his mouth shut."
"I don't expect DEPRAC takes kindly to thieves or hooligans-"
He let out a bark of laughter. "Hooligan? Me?"
"-or strange boys who break into places they shouldn't be-"
"You can't prove it was me."
"Wanna bet?"
A challenge. A dare. His mouth was already open to call her bluff when the self-satisfied smirk curling at the corner of her lip gave him pause. Lockwood wouldn't be much pleased if he gave DEPRAC another reason to steer the agency dangerously close towards closing. He wasn't like Lockwood or Lucy - he was careful, very careful. Too late George wished he had been a little more careful all those years ago in covering his tracks - but, to be fair, he had no reason to think anyone at Fittes would have been capable enough to put two and two together.
Until now.
"Look, why don't we...talk about this, like civilised people? I've got strawb - you like strawberries and cream, don't you?"
She sneered again. George was beginning to think that was just how her face looked.
"You want to bribe me with...strawberries...and cream?"
"It's not bribery. Just...a friendly chat. Agent to agent."
Which was how they ended up on a grassy hill at one of the meadows at the outskirts of London. He had never been there before, but Lockwood had remembered it as a prime spot for cosy family picnics.
"So what else do you know about me?"
She chewed a bite of scrambled eggs thoughtfully before responding.
"You're obsessed with the Problem. An obsession that made you an asset, initially."
She had heard that he was the one who had identified the visitor, Edmund Bickerstaff, but what she had had difficulty wrapping her head around was how he had managed to do it with only the vast yet imprecise volumes of the Archives at his disposal. Imagine what he could do with the carefully curated library at Fittes. She stared at him, trying to figure him out. There was a gentle breeze blowing and the slight movement made him look marginally more affable but not any more comprehensible. She let out the breath she was holding.
"You must have really screwed up for Fittes to have let you go."
He shrugged. "It was a long time coming. Fittes never really was the type of company I was interested in working at, and I was never the type of employee Fittes was interested in keeping."
"What about now? Have you ever considered leaving?"
"Why would I?"
"I've taken a glance at Lockwood & Co's financial records. You can't be making much, if anything at all."
"And go from being broke to being broke and homeless?"
"Homeless? What about your parents?"
"I visit them, occasionally, but they're a right piece of work. Last time I saw them was my grandmother's 77th birthday. I think there was a row but I can't be completely sure because I was a little, er, sloshed. The party ended, and I expect the champagne went flat, and my aunt was the last to leave. She was sitting on the floor with a merlot in her hand, and her voice was ringing through the halls. The curtains were burnt, my parents didn't talk to each other for a week, and one of my brothers had broken his hand. But I could never forget sitting in that empty dining hall, holding those sodden, scorched curtains, listening to her saying nothing lasts forever, nothing lasts forever."
The sunlight had a diffused quality to it, at least the little of it that managed to pour through the layer of clouds blocking the sky. The ashy light threw a powdery glow on George's face, and for a moment she felt as though she was in that dining hall with him, listening to those same laments. He glanced at her, and she felt a sudden, foreign uncertainty grip her heart.
"Now I feel really bad about lying."
His hand slipped, missing his mouth by a good couple of inches, nearly sending the contents of his glass down his shirt.
"Lie? What lie?"
"I kind of haven't, not really...actually spoken to any of your associates."
He chokes on his laughter, and when he throws his head back she wonders if she's ever seen anyone laugh as freely as him. It's a ridiculously enticing sight.
"Touché. Touché."
He looks at her in the eye, unabashed, with an unnaturally casual intensity. It almost feels impolite.
"So...yeah. Maybe I was suited to be a Fittes agent, once upon a time, but not anymore."
"That's a pity."
He looks at her weird, and she hastily changes the subject.
"Do you do this often?"
"What, taking strangers out for breakfast?"
"No. Bring a girl out here, feed her some strawberries and cream, maybe a Shakespearean sonnet or two..."
"I don't set much store in Shakespearean sonnets. I'm not...I'm not much of a poetry person."
There's something reserved in his face that makes her feel terrible for asking.
"I've really only read one worth remembering. Subtle bridges, you said, on bridges some men hang. Some ties won't give. I sometimes dream of you, and walking, in gardens where love and knowledge hang."
He bites into a strawberry, which stains his lips a bright red. She looks away a second too late.
After reluctantly agreeing to keep the matter of the stolen ghost jar between the two of them, she never expected to see him again. And yet, as fate would have it, they crossed paths again roughly a week later. She and one of her teammates had been assigned to a Church to handle a relatively weak Type Two, when she heard a scuffling sound from one of the rooms whose door was ajar. Her teammate froze, and she didn't feel much braver either. They approached the room cautiously, rapiers at the ready.
"Hello? Anyone there?"
The glare from their flashlights blindly darted over the room before it settled on the floor, illuminating a bleeding George looking the worse for wear, hissing at the harsh florescent light.. She visibly relaxed.
"Oh. You again."
Lockwood and Lucy exchanged a look.
"Do you two know each other?"
A silence followed. George looked to be at a loss of words and she, too, couldn't quite find the right answer.
They helped George up while Lockwood smoothly explained the situation, and how they would never dream of intentionally From the derisive eye rolls of his remaining, uninjured associate, there was clearly more to their presence than he was letting on, but she wasn't paid nearly enough to go through the trouble of finding that out. Apparently, they had already dealt with the Type Two, so she filled out her report as vague as she dared to be, while they wandered out to flag down a cab.
George lingered behind briefly, dabbing at his nose experimentally while she put the finishing touches to her file.
"We can't keep meeting like this, you know."
"Like what?"
She shook her head, surprisingly having to bite back a smile. "You're incorrigible. If you keep sneaking around for much longer I'll have to report you one of these days."
He pulled his face into an exaggerated sulk and ducked as she tried to smack him with her case report.
"Alright, alright!"
True to his word, their less-than-ideal meetings came to an end. Instead, they continued to occasionally meet at that serene, refreshingly Edenic sloping hill. She'd return from a client meeting or from scoping out a location and the front desk would have a message waiting for her, from one vaguely snippy anonymous man. Sometimes he'd be waiting at the hill with snacks, which she'd ravenously dig into, though he was less generous on the biscuit front. He tells her about the happenings of 35 Portland Row and his research and bounces his latest theory on the origins of the Problem off of her. She tells him about her week, and the bothersome, inept people she works with, and on their joint cases he's snarky towards all the right people. It makes her feel special.
On one such evening, they were lazing on a picnic blanket, and a pleasantly warm breeze was toying with their hair. George was looking at the severe, fragile branches encroaching on the powdery blue sky through heavily-lidded eyes. She was absent-mindedly fiddling with his surprisingly soft fingers, distractedly breathing in the faint, antiseptic smell of ammonia that clung to his clothes. She was thinking about how sharp he was and how quickly he picked up on details on their joint cases. No matter how many times she saw him pick apart a case with a carefully perfected elegance, she felt like a part of her would forever be in awe of his beautifully intricate mind.
"Sometimes I feel like your talents are so wasted here. Imagine what you could do with access to all of Fittes' resources."
"i don't need Fittes's resources to be a good researcher."
She watches the yellow daffodils tossing their heads back just inches in front of them through her eyelashes.
"i know you don't. It can't hurt, is all I'm saying."
"Why do you care?"
She paused. Why did she care? She cared about him, sure, but it was no different from how she cared about her teammates, her friends, but with George...it somehow felt more personal. She sighs irritably, releasing the bubble of frustration lodged in her throat all week. She just wanted what was best for him. It takes her a minute to come up with her hesitant response.
"I...don't know. I don't care. But sometimes I can't help but wonder...what if this was what you needed to uncover the root of the Problem?"
He half-laughs, but stops short at the sight of her face as she lifts her head off his chest. "You can't be serious."
"Why not?"
"Y/N...statistically speaking -"
"All I'm saying is the answer could very well be in the Fittes library and you might be the only one who'd know where to look."
She lies down again, and whispers to the trees rather than George.
"Just...something to think about."
As time went on, their relationship began to bleed into more public spheres. She dropped by Portland Row occasionally, and they even had tea at her apartment once. On this particular afternoon, they were in George's room at Portland Row. She was looking through the titles on his alarmingly tall bookcases while he was at his desk, copying some runes from a book while telling her about his latest experiment with the skull. Her eyes roved over the titles restlessly, unseeingly, in a futile attempt to distract herself from her upcoming assignment. She let George's voice wash over her, pleasingly varied in tone and comfortingly familiar, soothing the itch in her brain. After a moment or two, she realises he's stopped talking, and looks up to see him staring at her with a frown on his face.
"Er, sorry. Drifted off there for a while."
"I guessed."
He studies her with an inscrutable expression and she's been caught too off-guard to come up with anything other than the letter burning a hole in her desk.
"You alright?"
She sits on a chair next to his and rests her chin on her knee, feeling oddly wooden. After getting to know George, she had taken the comfort of being able to somewhat predict his mannerisms for granted, and the thought of heading into this blind made her nervous.
"My team's been assigned a case outside of London."
"Oh. When?"
"We leave this weekend."
He looks too stunned to ask the question weighing on both their minds.
"It's for a month."
"A month," he echoes distantly, as if not quite sure what to make of that piece of information. His face remains impassive and she waits for a reaction which never comes. "What about that celebratory dinner?"
"We leave after it."
For someone who usually always had so much to say about anything and everything, his current conversational skills were desperately wanting. Say something. Be affected, she begs internally. She needs to hear him say it. She needs the sickness in her chest to be real, to be founded.
"It'll be...different without you." The careful look on his face makes her feel like he's picking out her emotions from her face and engineering an optimal response. "I'll miss you."
It doesn't comfort her in the way she expected it would. Suddenly, she can't even bear to look at him.
"You don't have to."
Either George had decided that she needed some space or he was just as pissed as she was, because she didn't see one sign of him over the next few days. Good. She hardly noticed. The thousand times a day he crossed her mind were only out of relief, and nothing else. But as much as she pretended otherwise, by the time the celebratory dinner rolled around, his absence had taken a toll on her. She couldn't tell if she was hoping or dreading seeing him again.
She was on a balcony on the upper floor, looking miserably into the radiant foliage of the gardens below, where unfamiliar faces flitted with a lightness of heart she envied. Their shadows are tall and intertwine ceaselessly, making her dizzy. Her bags were packed, her ticket was waiting on her mantle, and all loose ends were tied up. Even her one chance at happiness for the rest of her life.
There's a rustle behind her and she turns to see George standing a considerable distance away from her. He's only marginally closer than the first time they met, properly, when he was standing outside their front door and she was pacing behind the garden gate. She wants to cry in relief. Instead, she finds it in her not to look away. Maybe it's the confusing lighting, but there's a soft edge to his face.
"I thought I saw you come up here."
She doesn't say anything; she's too happy to. And yet, a part of her is still deeply unhappy with the sight in front of her.
"Have you...tried the food?"
"...it's not as good as yours."
"You must be leaving soon."
"Tomorrow." The thought makes her want to rip her face off.
"You'll be back in a month."
She drummed her fingernails against the marble railing, carefully choosing her words.
"What if things change in a month?" What if, she wanted to say, you meet someone else who loves you better than I can?
"It's only a month."
"A whole month."
"I don't understand. Why are you so afraid?"
"Because - because you'd forget me. You'd forget me, and our memories would sink six feet under, and you'd move on and my heart would break and...you wouldn't care."
She's never felt this way about anyone before, and she doesn't know how to express how badly she needs him to stay.
"I don't want to go back to not knowing you, George."
The setting sun burns into her neck and all of a sudden, she feels unbearably hot. Her hair is plastered to her forehead and her hands feel clammy. Her face is flushed and she feels ridiculous in her dress. But he's here, and she's said it, so she lets herself dream, if only for a moment.q
"I think about you every day. One month, two months, three months...I'll wait."
TAGLIST: @avdiobliss @dangelnleif @elenianag080 @mitskiswift99 @mischivana @houseoftwistedspirits
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artzychic27 · 4 months
Mr. Garvey Taking Roll In The Akuma Class
Mr. Garvey: Alright, listen up, French kids! I'm ya'll's substitute teacher, Mr. Garvey. I taught school for twenty years in the inner city, so don't even think about messing with me. Ya'll feel me?
Akuma Class: *Nodding*
Mr. Garvey: Okay. Let's take roll here. *Reads the list* "Ay-Drayan."
Akuma Class: ...
Mr. Garvey: Where's Ay-Drayan at? No Ay-Drayan?
Adrien: Do you mean 'Adrien,' sir?
Mr. Garvey: Oh, so that's how it's gonna be. Ya'll wanna play. Okay. I got my eye on you, Ay-Drayan. *Reads the list* "Chalo-ay"... Where is Chalo-ay at? There's no Chalo-ey here today?
Chloé: Uh, my name is Chloé. You should know this-
Mr. Garvey: Girl! You outta your mind? "Chloé," you wanna go to war? We can go to war, girl! I'm for real! I'm for real... So, check yourself... "Yvonne!"
Ivan: ...
Mr. Garvey: Is there an Yvonne?... if one of ya'll says a silly-ass name, this whole class is about to feel my wrath.
Ivan: It's 'Ivan,' sir.
Mr. Garvey: Son of a bitch!... Say your name right.
Ivan: Ivan.
Mr. Garvey: Say it right.
Ivan: Ivan.
Mr. Garvey: Correctly!
Ivan: ... Yvonne.
Mr. Garvey: That's better! Thank you! Now... "All-Yay." Where are you? Where is All-Yay right now?... You better be sick, dead, or mute, All-Yay.
Alya: Here. God, man.
Mr. Garvey: ... Why didn't you answer me the first time I said it? You know, I'm just wondering, I said it like, four times. So, why did you say it, the first time I said, "All-Yay."
Alya: ... Because, it's pronounced, 'Alya.'
Mr. Garvey: Son of a bitch! *Sweeps his belongings off the desk* You done messed up, All-Yay! Take your tacky-ass jeans down to Day-moke-less' office, right now! And tell him what you did!
Alya: ... Who?
Mr. Garvey: Day-moke-less!
Alya: 'Damocles?'
Mr. Garvey: Get out of my goddamn classroom 'fore I bust your legs! *Alya hurriedly leaves* Insubordinate... And Churlish. *Reads the list* "Joo-Lay-Ka."
Juleka: Present.
Mr. Garvey: Thank you! "Marie-Anette!" Where's Marie-Anette? 'Cause I swear-
Marinette: *Raises her hand* Here, sir.
Mr. Garvey: Thank you! Answer the first damn time! Now, is there a "Myley-Nay" here?
Myléne: ... Present.
Mr. Garvey: Okay, we're getting somewhere. *Reads the list* Is "May-X" here?
Max: How do you... Here, sir.
Mr. Garvey: What? Whatchu gonna say?
Max: Nothing, sir.
Mr. Garvey: Yeah. Yeah, that's what I thought. "Ah-Leex."
Alix: *Raises her hand*
Mr. Garvey: Alright. Alright... "Nay-Tan-Y'all."
Nathaniel: ...
Mr. Garvey: Nay-Tan-Ya'll, I swear to God! I'm gonna start taking tables! Come on! Keep playing jokes! Be a big man!
Nathaniel: Fine, here.
Mr. Garvey: ... You getting smart with me? You getting smart with me?! Nah. Nah, you take yo ass in those purple jeans down to Day-moke-less' office!
Nathaniel: It's Damocles.
Mr. Garvey: Boy-
*Nathaniel quickly leaves*
Mr. Garvey: Fuckin' redheads, man... Lil devil spawn try'na take my damn soul when I ain't looking... "Nine-oh."
Nino: Here.
Mr. Garvey: Better! Thank you! "Ro-Sey!"
Rose: ... *Raises her hand* Here.
Mr. Garvey: "Keema."
Kim: I... He... Here, sir.
Mr. Garvey: Tried to mess with me, Keema? Better not, boy! I dealt with scarier shit than you! "Say-Brine-Ah."
Sabrina: Present, sir.
Mr. Garvey: So far, so good... "Lie-Lay."
Lila: It's 'Lila,' sir.
Mr. Garvey: FUCK! *Breaks his clipboard over his knee* Lie-Lay, you better run!
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k00299539 · 3 months
Animation Brief 01 - Week 2 - Parallax Background
Above: Snufkin just chillin
Putting together a full parallaxed background was the biggest individual step in our "World Building" brief, which is why I kept putting it off. I was told by Yvonne that the work had to be produced physically before being digitally composited, for someone who hates painting this was bad news.
I guess like always, the first step was research and gathering reference. I chose Tove Jansson as my artist-to-emulate which proved a bit of a headache in itself. Jansson was prolific and diverse, working with different styles in different mediums regularly in her seven decades long career. A lot of my favourite works of hers are simple black ink on white paper illustrations. But mimicking that style would've gone against the spirit of the project.
I decided to buy a beginners set of gouache paint for a tenner and try to emulate her painted work, the likes of which can be seen on the covers for her children's books. I'd never used gouache before so I don't really know what I was thinking, other than that I knew I was sick of acrylic. Anyway, the first step was a sketch.
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Above: Yeah not much going on...
Honestly looking back on this I probably should have spent more time drafting a good composition and actually thinking through the shot I was intending to make. It's not that I didn't give it any thought, just that when you're on a tight schedule and commit to an idea, you're stuck with it. The longer I worked on this project the less I liked it, a bit more foresight at the beginning could've helped prevent that. Ah well.
The composition I went with was a combination of a couple of my landscape sketches. I decided with my "mini-me" limited to being shot from the shoulder up, a horizontal parallax would work best. Basically a simple side-scrolling shot, like holding a camera out a car window. I took the forest backdrop from Cratloe Woods, the classic Irish dry-stone wall from the farm, and I threw in some road signs (and Snufkin) for a bit of fun. The only problem was now I had to paint it...
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Above: A real Artíst's palette...
I had no idea how to use gouache. I even used the regular ass paper from my sketchook which was probably a mistake considering the number the water did on it. I started out dampening the paper a bit before going over the major areas with a wash of an approximate colour. You can really tell I worked left to right on the wall because it gets slightly less shitting as your eyes pan across it. The wall was great fun in general, basically just laying down shadows, darkening the crevices and building up the tone. I think I overworked it looking back, although that's true for the painting in general.
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Above: Cameos
Don't have much to say about these sketches, I was working fast and trying to have fun with them while keeping in Jansson's style. Also if it's not obvious I take all these photos at night when there's no natural light cause I'm stupid...
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Above: Ignore the giant pile of rubbish, I cleaned it up after I promise
At first I really wasn't happy with the treeline in my first painting so I tested out some ideas on another sheet. I liked how it turned out, and I was thinking of incorporating it into the animation, but as the trees are the furthest element in the composition, they will move the least in the parallax shot, making it a bit infeasible. I did reuse the bushes as a foreground element though.
The next step was a tedious one, scan the water-warped paintings on my shitty scanner, disassemble them in Photoshop and stitch the edges as to make them tileable. Honestly I actually enjoy this kind of tedious Photoshop work, I just hated my painting and the shot in general so having to look at them over and over wasn't exactly fun.
Anyway, having made liberal use of the offset filter in Photoshop I had all the layers cut and tileable and ready to import into After Effects. I kind of suck at After Effects so this took longer than it should have. I tried to create the parallax effect in an old school manner by parenting all the layers together and setting a keyframe on their position, and adjusting their start position individually to control the speed at which each layer scrolled. Sounds easy.
I wasn't. Apparently I can't parent properly cause it was anarchy trying to control the speed of the individual layers. Eventually I just watched a Youtube tutorial and used that guy's method, creating a new camera and parenting everything to a null object, then moving the individual layers back in z-space to create the parallax effect as the camera pans.
I'm tired as I write this and I'm unsure how intelligible it is. Here's the horses mouth explaining things if you want to watch for yourselves:
The worst part is after all that it's still just a rough composite. Even beyond the obvious absence of my mini-me, there's a lot of problems in regards to the speed of the individual layers, the foreground elements look more like they're moving on a treadmill than receding in space. A particular cardinal sin I committed was not matching the speed of the grounded elements to the ground on which they're well, grounded.
Anyway I can fix all that later, I'm just sick of looking at it for now.
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wormholxtreme · 5 months
2, 4, 7, 16, 19, & 23
Mun Meme | Accepting
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2. what is your blog or graphic aesthetic or motif? why? It's mostly whatever @ppctts makes me because I CANNOT DO ANYTHING aesthetic XD but honestly she's made me so many pretty things and it's mostly around Kaylee being a sunshine, sunflower, star child and I am so grateful to Gin that she spends any amount of time making me these pretty things. I love her so much.
4. what genre do you primarily favor answered here
7. what universe have you never considered writing in? why? uuuuh well I'm sure there are some universes/fandoms that I'm not familiar with/even realize exist so those because of my ignorance LOL but I'm gonna say for the same reason DC stuff?? It's intimidating and like yeah I'm here for comics but I just don't know DC that well and I don't wanna try to manipulate DC story lines to the already complicated Marvel shit XD
16. how have your faceclaim choices changed over time? So Happy once upon a time was Michael Weatherly in an oooooold thing I wrote, back before I really had an idea of his character beyond the little bits we get in comics. But when I decided to bring him on for the sole purpose of simping after @ppctts the queen of fcs @dr-foster suggested Jay Ryan because of IT Chapter 2 and honestly I have not looked back.
For Kay, admittedly I had a very different FC for her adult verses but that person has since been what's the nice way of saying triggering and just not a good person. I don't always change my FCs over cancel culture stuff because I believe people are allowed to make mistakes but this was beyond even my comfort level. But I'm so glad I changed Kay's adult fc to be Joanna Garcia Swisher. She's precious and adorable and it really gave me an avenue to explore this kind of character further than what I had originally thought of, plus Joanna was originally my @cheeseburgersandwarbirds FC for Carol before we stumbled upon the amazing Yvonne and I thought it was a nice call back to our gaia days XD
19. who was the first faceclaim you remember using, who? for what canon? So throw back to gaia days in 2009 I was in fact using RDJ for my Tony. It wasn't too long after the first Iron Man movie came out when my lovely Noon invited me to come write with her. But it was before I knew much about the comics. So I decided to go back and throw myself into the comics reading from the very beginning when I realized Tony was a little different in the comics than the movie. He was younger, blue-eyed, had a sort of classic rat pack charm that didn't exactly translate into the movie because they were going more for his sarcastic vibe which was fine but I realized I really enjoyed comic book Tony more and around the same time there was this show called White Collar and just Neal Caffrey had all the charm, vibe, good nature, snark, intelligence, and suave that comic Tony had and so it wasn't very long that I started using Matt Bomer as my Tony FC also back in 2009 and honestly I've never looked back.
23. What skills have you gained by roleplaying? uuuuh typing rather quickly without looking at the computer???? XDD I don't know. Maybe some patience? I've learned a lot about myself, and I've learned that not everyone is going to like you. It stings sometimes but when I get focused on the people who love and care for me it outweighs a lot of the negative that comes with RPing.
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hunteer23 · 1 year
I like Pope's family bonding with Cleo and everything but it just hurts that JJ never came to their mind like he doesn't matter he doesn't even have a house anymore but all this gets no mention in the show which sucks just like his abuse doesn't.
anon, pleASE! i've been waiting, since the moment i finished s1, for the heywards to take jj in. that's almost 3 years of overthinking!
we see after the phantom went down how heyward pulls jj in his embrance, when they all thought jb died. that's why i started thinking that we could see jj living with them in s2, bc it's obvious how he's the only one without a stable family to look after him when all that shit happens. oh well, didn't happen ..
BUT, that doesn't exacly means that they don't care about him, or that he doesn't matter. we do see him this season just sticking around at the shop with them and staying to eat, even a cute little moment with yvonne (yes that's her name) and to me that shows how common those moments seem to be with them.
to me, it was easier for them to take cleo in bc she literally has no one. although luke is technically gone, he says in s1 that he doesn't care where jj is staying. i feel like there's still a sense of pride in him if he founds out the heywards took his son in, like he's not capable of "taking care" of his own kid. even tho that's absolutely true, that seems to be something heyward wouldn't mess around with, with luke being who he is.
and sadly we know our show is not big on consistency. they were all into the DCS plot at the beginning of s1, but unfortunately we don't see that mentioned again :( which is worse, bc there's even more unaccompanied minors, but that's okay i guess!
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hatboyproject · 2 years
Audio insertion seems to be working so far, in a weird new way that hopefully doesnt cause any problems when it comes to the Big Final Compaction.
I just finished a little conversation with Miranda and added a remark for a romanced Joker in his conversation with Jacob. In vanilla, Joker asks Jacob where he proposed, and Jacob reveals that he hasn't yet... and talks of his plan.
Seems like the idea has occurred to Joker, too... but only if he & Shepard have already had the big romance scene!
I have a ton of unused audio for versions of the Miranda & Joker conversation. Initially I had the tone of the conversation start out quite mocking and hostile, really playing on the fact these two don't like each other much. But, in an effort to keep the amount of dialogue nodes to a minimum, I elected to simplify things a lot.
Yvonne Strahovsky has a wonderful voice, and I am dogshit at puppeting it. Seriously her synth is so hard to work with. I only resorted to it after combing all of Miranda's lines in both ME2 & 3 for anything I could repurpose, but nothing fit the tone I wanted. So it took me two days just to get a handful of workable lines out of her. Miranda why are you such a diva holy shit
Maybe it's because my natural accent is quite similar to Hale's, & to a slightly lesser extent, Green's - but trying to get Miranda to take my input is like trying to feed broccoli to a cat.
Oh lordt it's Traynor next
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Tarhos let his hair down as he made his way over to the bag they had brought. Yvonne would never miss a chance to have family over and the bodyguard swears some of the holidays she wants them to come over for are made up, but still... This was the first time he had ever met his boyfriend's father and it was more than a little weird to him that he'd visited Haru's mother more than her own husband.
He pulls out clothes to get changed into, but as much as he'd beg his mouth not to the question falls out, "....Why is your dad such an ass?" His voice is quiet and even then it still startled hom, "Sorry- I- I don't mean it in a bad way. He's just... weird?" Weird was an understatement, he absolutely hated the way he seemed to be so cheerful while talking down to Haru like he was still a child, but... maybe that was normal and he just didn't know. He really had no right to judge. - Tarhos @ Haru modern
"Huh? - Oh. My dad, yeah, he's … He's something. Me and him never really got along," Haru starts rather nonchalantly as he saunters over to Tarhos, sitting on their bed with a sigh. He seemed hesitant to bring up the matter, he had been on obvious edge since they arrived; a stark contrast to his usual laissez-faire attitude. All throughout dinner his hand had been wrapped up in his boyfriend's, his face like a stormcloud - the whole family seemed quiet with Ren there … Perhaps it was because he felt like a stranger, something none of them wanted to admit. The artist's lashes feel heavy as he stares at the ceiling, seeing the leftover poster still taped above - Suddenly that pit in his stomach expanded, the years showing on his face as he was reminded of how he would never be whole …
His chest burns.
"You know, most of my friends growing up thought my mom was single - he just … He was always gone, is always gone - I know its for work but, shit - " He scoffs, open tone tightening into a nasally sneer, "You missed your sisters recital how could you - I don't know dad maybe its because you're never fucking here, not like I had a role model for that shit - " Haru catches himself before he starts rambling, he can feel how pissed off he looks, the way his jaw aches, and the vice grip on his temples. How long had this been festering in the treacle pulp of his subconscious? "I just don't think I'm ever going to be enough for him," He'd never LOOK like what his father wished he did, "and I'm too much for my mom … It's always been like that - He always wanted me to be something else, a business guy like him … My Papaw though, he was the one who hung up my shitty crayon drawings. So - It - Ugh, I don't know why I'm getting into this now, its fine."
He sits up with a deep breath, "It's just awkward because he's never home. That's all."
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casspurrjoybell-28 · 7 months
Alpha's Temptation - Chapter 34 - Part 3
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*Warning Adult Content*
When we get in the car, Daemon still looks angry, closing his door harder than usual.
I fidget with my seat belt, glancing nervously over at him.
"Are you mad at me?" I ask guiltily.
Daemon sighs in frustration.
"No. Of course not."
"But you seem mad."
"I'm mad at the fact that I leave you alone for five damn minutes and some filthy bastard is already harassing you."
"I... I think he just wanted to show off his bike," I say, trying to diffuse the situation.
"He was eyeing you like a piece of God-damn meat..."
"Daemon..." I exclaim, embarrassed.
"Well it's fucking true. I swear to God... I'm this close to going back there and..."
I'm losing hold of the situation fast, so I do the most impulsive thing that comes to mind.
I grab his face and press my lips to his, silencing him with a kiss.
He stiffens at first, presumably surprised but then he gives in to it.
His mouth responds, moving greedily against mine.
Even though I initiated it, he soon overtakes me with his tongue breaching past my lips to meet my own.
I make a small noise of satisfaction at the feeling, prompting him to pull me from my seat and onto him.
We haven't kissed like this in a while.
It makes me realize how much I've been craving him, his skilled touches and how he kisses me like I'm the most desirable thing on the planet.
I wrap my arms around his neck, leaning into it.
Then our lips break apart, just slightly but his tongue still plays with mine and it shoots arousal through me.
I sigh in pleasure, turning my head to give him deeper access as he devours me.
When we finally pull away, we're both panting, my lips swollen and wet.
Still feeling needy, I lean in again for more but Daemon stops me before it can happen.
"Look, as much as I love your way of shutting me up, you're going to be late. And if you're late Lucien's gonna give us shit."
I snap out of my horny daze, realizing just what happened.
"O-Oh." I look at the time on the dashboard.
"You're right."
I quickly scramble out of his lap, getting back to my seat, still feeling a bit lightheaded.
"That's the first time you've initiated a kiss all on your own," he smirks, looking over at me.
He seems to have forgotten the entire thing with Hunter, which must mean I've succeeded. I flush.
"T-that's not true. I've kissed you on the cheek before."
"A kiss on the cheek doesn't count."
I cross my arms.
"So you don't want my cheek-kisses anymore?"
"Hey. I didn't say that."
I shake my head mock-disapprovingly at him.
"No more kisses for you, Daemy."
"Aw come on. Give me one. Just one more."
"I thought you just said I'm gonna be late for school."
We both look to the clock and see school started five minutes ago.
I let out a small snicker of amusement at the done look on Daemon's face.
I give Daemon the kiss on the cheek he was deprived of before I get out of the car, waving at him happily before I walk in the gates.
I head off to my first period with pep in my step, such a contrast to yesterday.
My classmates are going to get whiplash from my mood swings, I swear.
When I get to Math, I see that Jay has moved his seat back to mine.
That's a relief.
That means that our 'making-up' held merit.
And that we can still be friends.
"Someone's in a good mood," he remarks as I sit down next to him, not able to wipe the beaming smile off my face.
"I... uh... had a really good breakfast."
I don't want to bring up Daemon again and make things weird.
He sounds kind of sarcastic and my smile drops a little bit.
He immediately sees this, an apologetic look coming to his face.
"Shoot. Sorry. I'm working on not being salty about it."
The 'it' he refers to must be my relationship with Daemon.
"It's okay," I reassure him.
I don't wanna fight with him anymore.
"Thanks. I got a huge lecture about it from Lylah this morning, too. Yvonne like... held me down to make me listen to the whole thing."
"Really? W-what did she say?"
"Something along the lines of pulling my head out of my ass."
"Oh," I giggle, trying to smother it with my hand.
But I wouldn't have expected anything else from Lylah.
"Are you laughing, Mr. Willow?" Jay says in a joking tone.
"I was bullied by my peers. Bullied..."
I can't stop the next bout of laughter that hits me, hiding my face in my hands as Jay starts laughing too.
"Boys. Quiet," the teacher shushes us, shooting us a glare through her thick-rimmed glasses.
I immediately hush up but then Jay and I look at each other again and it's over.
She sends us out to the hall to 'think about what we've done.'
"Alright, today we will be acting out a scene," Ms. Harlow, the theater teacher claps her hands together in excitement.
"It takes place in older times. I'll set the scene for you all, a promiscuous village wench is being shamed by a wealthy gentleman. A crowd surrounds the fight."
People immediately start whispering among themselves.
"I nominate Ash to be the promiscuous village wench," Trent leers at me and scatters of laughter come from the other kids.
Jay tightens his fists, glaring angrily at him.
Ms. Harlow squints in confusion.
"W-What was that, dear? You'll have to speak louder as I'm hard of hearing."
Jay answers for him.
"Trent wants to be the wench, Ms. Harlow," he says loudly enough for her to hear and the whole class bursts out in chatter and laughter.
"Oh my. How exciting," she sings.
"What? But I..." Trent tries to protest but she's already gone off to assign other parts.
Jay has a triumphant look on his face but honestly, I'm worried.
I pull him aside, away from the ears of others.
"Jay, you shouldn't antagonize him. Who knows what he'll do to us."
"He can't do shit, Ash. Not anymore."
Jay shakes his head.
"I'm friends with one of the security guards. He's got access to the security footage. And what do you know, there's a security camera backstage. Trent was enough of an idiot to cut the rope under surveillance."
"So you found the clip of him doing it?"
I raise an eyebrow.
"Well, there's like a lot of footage to sort through so technically not yet but Trent doesn't need to know that. We've got that to protect ourselves, you especially. If he tries something tell him you have the footage of him doing it and you'll give it Alpha Lucien or the Principal. He'll believe you when he sees that there's a camera."
"I don't know, Jay. We need the actual footage for me to feel confident in that. Like, what if the security team got rid of it by now? It was a while ago."
Jay puts his hands on my shoulders, steadying me.
"Look. I've got this under control. I'm going to find it, Ash. It's only a matter of time."
"A-Alright. I trust you."
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ducknotinarow · 9 months
2k3/7 Raph Yvonne - #
|send me “#” for cell phone headcanons about our muses including
*if any information has change over time i'll make mention of it
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"Askin' 'bout Von? ehhh 'ight I guess 'hat's fine not sure what ya gonna get outta it though."
- what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone
"Same as the nickname I jus' put her in as babe in my phone, course some people took 'hat to 'hink. I was either Datin' Von. Which ew. Look nothin' wrong with Von she's pretty I guess but ehh ain't really see her 'ike 'hat shes my sister. Even when we had 'hat fight still thought of her as my sister. I know I sort stopped talkin' to her afta Leo left but wasn' nothin' against her. I was jus' bein' a major ass to everyone back 'hen. Neva did change her name in my phone though. Even if people think it's Case at times. Pft nah I don' 'ike usin' Babe for 'em." He chuckles a little recalling when Casey got jelous over the nickname.
"Yeah sure might be weird we call the other babe, only cause its a joke between us. 'Hink she was jus' tryin' mimic back that I called her toots or somethin'. She's kinda dumb 'ike 'hat as if she ever look even remotely threatenin' "
- what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone
[image description] it's a picture of him and Von actually. He's on the floor clearly to drunk to walk and Von's off to the side sitting on the floor seems like she was in the middle of laughing. It's not a very flattering photo of either of them but it is a favorite of Rapheal's. Hasn't changed it not even after he lost his eye to bishop.
"Von's basically my drinkin' buddy. Sure I drink with Case but that tends to turn to other things. With Von? Jus' us havin' a need to vent 'bout shit. Normally I gotta start cause Von too much like Don and she don't say much less given a push. Course Don and Case both hate it afta. I guess we do sorta go to hard at times, and they may have had ta chase us 'round the docks more 'han once." Raphael admits but simply shrugs his shoulders after.
 - what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone    
*Im ignoring the fact this song didn't come out till 2010 i just think it's funny
Last Friday Night (T.G.FI) Pictures of last night ended up online, I'm screwed Oh, well It's a blacked out blur, but I'm pretty sure it ruled Damn
"Cause Von is a riot when shes drunk, really come's outta her own shell ya know? Sure most time 'm drunk too but been a few times I walk over an' she got a head start? She kind of funny to see 'ike that. Even if she get mad cause she thought I was Don at first." He chuckles cause it's happened a few time and she always get upset. "Nah 'ike I said she like Don. Not very open 'bout shit. Less ya asking her a question 'han she can go on forever with explanations. But once she drinks a bit guess she aint as closed off so she opens up a bit more not so much in stuff buggin' her. But ya 'hat shit too. But she ain't as impersonal I guess the word I want?"
 - my muse’s last text to your muse 03: [text] Hey Von guess who scored some good shit?! :D
[text] Leo's bein annoying so imma go to your place cause he'll think i'm with Case instead. Be less likely he'll find me I don't wanna see fearless >:I he's beeing a dick again. 03: [text] Hey...I need a place to hide. And well we need to talk it fine if I drop by? 07:
[text] Hey uh Von? Been some time I know just
[text] I've done some real stupid shit lately need some one smart to talk to
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sothischickshe · 3 years
TV Show Ask Game - 3, 12, 42
3. have you ever quit a show before it finished? why?
Yea! But not that frequently... Like I've seen EVERY ep of glee, spn, bones, castle, tvd/originals, house, true blood, pll, empire, got, suits, nashville, the marvel netflix-verse... I'm not great at quitting shows, especially once I've invested a fair chunk of time in them (so I can be a bit fussy about what I start watching as a result).
I quit watching American gods after the second season cos that season was rubbish, and what behind the scenes stuff I heard about it didnt help its case.
I only ever got a few eps into once upon a time and I found it eye rollingly annoying and just couldn't push through to watch more. Ditto the it crowd...
I've only ever seen the very first ep of American horror story and it was RUBBISH!!!!! everyone said it got better after the pilot but ???!!!??? That was so shit, I couldn't in good conscience put myself through more. (also I'm not a huge horror fan/don't enjoy being scared, & Ryan Murphy has wronged me many a time.)
I had to stop watching chuck! I don't actually remember how far I got but I had a friend who kept telling me I'd like it and I kept trying to push through but I found elements of it v unpleasant, and the retconning annoying, and Sarah and chuck's relationship charmless, and Yvonne's American accent distractingly bad.
I've never seen the final season of roswell/High nor the penultimate season's finale I think, cos the BBC just didn't show it 😂 that one wasn't my fault ha but I think pre downloading era it was harder to commit to shows properly but also we had a much more limited selection! So there are shows like charmed or nip/tuck or desperate housewives or frasier or the l word which I was watching on real teevee as they aired & sorta accidentally quit but also don't have a huge desire to properly watch?
I quit girls pretty early on, largely bc I found the characters en masse SO unlikeable, BUT same friend who tried to convince me to keep watching chuck, convinced me to watch all of girls aaaages later & I do think she was right that it's an easier watch when you're not so close in age to the characters/can just go 'wow yea I hate young ppl' the whole time, BUT I found the tone of it overall & especially the ending SO bleak 🤯
I tried so hard to push through to keep watching 2 broke girls for kat but the laugh track and the lazy set up->offensive joke pipeline broke me
I stopped watching grey's pretty early on. It was already kind of annoying me and then... I feel like christina ricci had a bomb in her butt or something...? Did that happen...? And I was just like nope, this is TOO dumb and melodramatic, I've hit my quota, I can handle no more!!!!
I quit homeland pretty early too, although not as early as I would've liked. The cliffhangery ep endings kept hooking me, but also that in itself pissed me off!!! I don't like it when shows use that to keep you watching.... How about make your long eps actually engaging rather than rely on the last 2 mins to trick me into watching another?! I get VERY burnt out by loads of twists & turns 💤
12. have you ever watched a show just for a specific actor? did you enjoy it?
i watched the pilot ep of animal practice bc i thought i was the kind of person who would watch justin kirk in A N Y T H I N G....................turns out i was wrong!
42. what’s the longest amount of time you’ve ever watched a show in one sitting?
Ooh! so i remember when s4 of arrested development came out, me and a friend were really excited (still not sure why, cos neither of us liked s3 that much, or maybe that WAS why) and we made a plan to watch the whole season together the day it came out. i thiiiiink we did make it the whole way through? although by abt 2/3 of the way we’d achieved extreme grumpiness lol
the tv set
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serenagaywaterford · 5 years
Hi. Thanks for doing the rankings! I thought I'd also share my list: 1. Yvonne tied with Madeline (my underrated bbs) and Samira; 2. Bradley; 3. Elisabeth; 4. Ann Dowd (idk I think she's OTT sometimes?); 5. Amanda tied with Julie D.; 6. Ever tied with Nina (bless Alma); 7. OT (didn't like him at first); 8. Meloni (he's scary AF but I don't get the point of Winslow); 9. Joseph; 10. Alexis; 11. Max. :) :)
Honestly, I’d prolly rank Madeline higher but... just some of her Twitter behaviour was like, “Hmm. Oh.” I dunno why I let shit like that flavour my impression of her acting but, meh, it did. At least for now.
See, Meloni... I didn’t really care for him in SVU. (To me, I only started to enjoy SVU really when he left and Rollins joined.) but I’ve seen Meloni in other things and he’s good, like, scary good. He’s scary. (Like that weird one that I always call Death to Smoochy even tho that is an entirely different movie, not a TV show.) But he’s not enough of a THT for me to really consider him much.And, anon, I tihnk you and I lmao, we’d be strung up for putting Fiennes, Bledel and ...Max at the bottom but fuck it. We’re right and we should say it LMAO.
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raviposting · 7 years
Do you have any rare ships that don't actually make much sense but you just don't care?
Hoo boy rarepairs, ships that are Only Slightly Better than crackships bc at least these characters can meet here we go this is def not all of them but the ones I could think of: 
Laurel/Lisa/Cisco - I don’t even care how this would work with Laurel being a lawyer/vigilante and Lisa being the Glider these three are beautiful and I love them to death and honestly I tricked myself into shipping them on one of those “what do you think about this ship” asks.
Sara/Lisa - oh my god. Imagine the wedding. Please imagine the wedding. 
Jax/Zari - pretty freaking rare bc Zari hasn’t even been introduced onto the show yet lmao but honestly I’m getting pre-show feels somehow. Obv once the show actually starts I might not ship them anymore but for now. Shipping it. 
Honestly let’s all just agree that all the mains should date each other.
[insert most wlw ships from the dctv shows]  - they’re all pretty and i’m shallow. 
Sanpod -  They have a nice small following actually but for real Podrick is so sweet and he would adore Sansa, and Sansa deserves someone who would love her with all their heart and would treat her well. 
Margaery/Gilly - I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned this one before but idk man I think they’d be cool and imagine Margaery blatantly flirting with Gilly and Gilly being totally flummoxed and imagine Marg with baby Sam oh my god.
Ever since Meg messaged me yesterday for the ask game I think I really could ship Aegon and Arya lolol I see it. 
Marvel: Maybe Sam/Steve/Bucky if that’s a rarepair? I’m kind of out of touch when it comes to the Marvel fandom tbh. 
Also now that I think of it Claire, Malcolm, and Foggy would make a great BROT3/OT3 purely bc they could get together and bitch about the fact that their friends are ridiculous and they have to Go Through Shit for them. 
 PLL: Spencer/Toby/Yvonne - didn’t like the idea of Spoby with anyone else but the show really makes me like Spencer/Toby and Spencer/Yvonne. They really had chemistry, and I could see all three of them with each other and doing well. Obv this is PLL though so that didn’t happen and instead we got death. 
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casspurrjoybell-28 · 8 months
Alpha's Temptation - Chapter 25
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*Warning Adult Content*
It starts one day randomly, the day the topic of crushes comes up while Lylah, Wren, and I are hanging out at her house.
"Okay peeps. I need your opinion. I know I usually go for guys but.. Yvonne is pretty cute, don't you think?" Lylah pulls up a picture from the girl's Instagram on her phone, showing me.
"She is. You'd be cute together," I agree enthusiastically. "I feel like she likes you too."
"You think?" Lylah says excitedly, jiggling her phone in her hands. "Shit. I liked it. And it's from six weeks ago," she desperately taps at her phone for a few seconds.
"What about you, Ash?" Wren asks me suddenly, a strange look on his face.
Is he asking me if I have a crush?
I mean, there's no denying I'm attracted to a certain someone.
But still, I don't know what we are.
Can I even call it a crush when I know he would never see me like that?
The moments we share, maybe they're only special to me.
I don't want to gush all about it to my friends only for it to be my own delusion.
"I dunno, really."
"Well I know someone who's got a big fat crush," Lylah says, putting her phone down.
"Who?" Wren asks, looking anxious.
"Uh, I thought it was pretty obvious. Jay, of course."
"Jay?" I question.
"Yeah duh, Ash. He's like, totally into you, if you haven't noticed."
"Me?" I give her an incredulous look.
"Yes, you," she exclaims in disbelief, throwing her hands in the air, "Have you seen the way he looks at you?"
"I don't know," I scratch the back of my neck. "He's probably just being nice."
There's no way such a popular guy would be attracted to me.
I'm a nobody compared to him.
"Yeah and guys are just nice without other intentions. Sure. Trust me, girl, he definitely likes you."
"If that's true then I'm seriously questioning his judgment," I joke, deflecting because I refuse to accept it.
"Omg stop you're literally so nice and gorg..." Lylah playfully jabs me with her foot across the bed.
I know she's lying but I appreciate her trying to make me feel better so I don't deny it.
Compared to her and Wren, I'm as plain as a blank piece of paper.
"I'm so done with this," we suddenly hear from across the room.
Wren sits at Lylah's desk, glowering at us both.
"What?" Lylah raises a ginger eyebrow.
"I'm done."
Maybe crushes are a sore topic for him.
"Are you having erm... boy troubles?" I ask, hoping that'll get an answer out of him.
"Actually yeah, Ash," Wren crosses his arms, narrowing his eyes at me. "But you wouldn't know anything about that, would you?"
I'm taken aback by the accusatory tone in his voice.
"W-what does that mean?"
"Because you always get the guy."
"I don't understand..."
Wren groans, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"See? Do you know how annoying it is when you act like this?"
"I'm not t-trying to..."
"Why do you have to be so oblivious? For God's sake, Jay's all fucking over you constantly and you can't take a hint? Are you actually that fucking slow?"
I flinch at his harsh tone, a crushing feeling inside me.
I look down, not knowing what to say.
"That was low, Wren," Lylah glares at him, putting her arm around me.
Wren doesn't like that.
I almost wish Lylah hadn't intervened because he looks ten times angrier now.
"So you're siding with him?" his voice raises. 
"Siding? What the hell did Ash do wrong?"
Wren looks at me.
"You just seem selfish to me, Ash. Not even appreciating Jay when he's so obviously flirting with you. Do you not know how lucky you are?"
"Wait," Lylah interjects. "You like Jay?" she asks Wren, her eyes looking like they'll pop out of their sockets.
"Yes, obviously," Wren snaps. "I've liked him since freshman year and he's never so much as even given me a second glance. Meanwhile, he's only known you," he motions to me... "For what... a few months? And you're all he can fucking see."
"Wren, I had no idea..."
"Of course, you didn't. Neither of y'all cared enough to realize..."
"But we asked you," Lylah's face is reddened in anger. "You were the one who wouldn't be straight about what was going on with you. You think being a grump all the time would make us realize you like Jay? We thought you were having family problems. Not crush problems."
"How could I tell you that? It's pathetic..."
"I would've understood, Wren," I try to console him. "If I h-had known, I-I wouldn't have gotten closer to him. But I promise I wasn't trying to-to sabotage you."
"Ugh," Wren sighs, eyes rolling in annoyance. "Now you're making me look like the bad guy."
"I just don't want this to hurt our friendship," I already feel the familiar heat in my face, the rising of tears.
"You don't get it, Ash. You have everything. Everything I don't. It's so frustrating that I-I just want to be you sometimes."
The room goes silent.
I don't even know what to say to that.
He wants to be me?
Why would someone beautiful and perfect like him want to be me?
I don't even begin to compare to him.
I just... I can't even wrap my head around it.
Being me is never being able to sleep.
Being me is having horrific flashbacks and nightmares of a dark basement with my own blood on the floor of it.
Being me is distracting myself with TV and games and homework from the fact that I hate myself.
Being me is wanting to hurt myself.
Being me is fearing I'm going insane, taking medications I'm not sure work at all.
What's so great at being me?
There's nothing.
The only thing good about being me is the people around me.
Not myself.  
"You have no idea about anything, Wren," I say, my voice cracking. "You want to be me?" I nearly laugh out loud at how ridiculous it sounds. "If you knew what that's like, you'd take that back."
I stand up, snatching up my bag from the floor and pulling on my shoes.
"Wait, Ash..." Lylah starts, her brows creased in worry.
But I'm out of there.
I rush out the door, running out of the house before Lylah's parents try to talk to me.
It's about a fifteen walk to my house from here.
I look at the sky, noting it's starting to get dark.
I have had such a fear of the dark when I'm alone since Henry.
But I don't have anywhere else to go.
I'll just have to get home quickly.
I put in my headphones, blasting some random music in my years as I try to block out the negative emotions pouring in.
But it's impossible.
The first tear rolls down my cheek, then another.
I'm full-on sobbing by the time I get back to the house, also panting from running half the way back because the sun is going down.
Lucien's not home, fortunately.
I don't want him to take me back to that psychiatrist again.
It's not even Wren who I'm upset at.
It's me, again.
I always ruin fucking everything for myself, don't I?
I've made sure Wren is never going to want to talk to me again.
Especially not after I stole his crush away from him.
I just feel awful.
And I don't understand why Jay would like me.
I'm still not even convinced he does but if it made Wren that upset then maybe it's true.
And I know Wren doesn't know what my stepfather has instilled in me.
That I'm pathetic, worthless, disgusting and that's why it's hard for even fathom Jay is attracted to me but it's all so frustrating.
Because I can never explain myself so no one understands.
I don't know.
I don't know anything.
I'm so exhausted.
It feels like all I do is cry sometimes.
So I dry my tears, staring at my repulsing face in the mirror.
It's blotchy and red and my freckles look gross to me.
Like someone splattered dirt across my face.
Lylah's freckles don't look like this so why do mine?
Before I'm tempted to smash the mirror, I go out of the bathroom, looking temptingly at my pillow.
I have the urge to suffocate myself again.
Just a few punishing minutes then I'll stop.
I walk to the bed, about to reach for the pillow when my phone ringing jerks me out of my daze.
At first, I think it might be Wren and I don't want to pick up.
But the name on the screen surprises me and I snatch my phone up, answering the call.
"I knew it. You're upset."
I frown.
How is he on to me so quickly?
"What are you talking about? I'm not..."
"That's your crying voice. You can't hide it from me."
He's heard me cry so much he knows how I sound by heart.
"I  wasn't trying to hide anything. And how did you even know?"
Daemon's quiet for a few moments.
"It's complicated."
I don't get what he means by that.
It's like he knows when I'm not okay.
I'm still pondering if that was also the case when he came really early that one Saturday after I had that panic episode.
But Lucien turned him away, accusing Daemon of not caring about me and Daemon agreed, just before he left.
Does he still feel that way?
He's surely changed... right?
"Why have you been crying?"
"It's nothing," I say, flopping down on my bed. "Just friend drama."
"You don't want to talk about it?"
"Not really."
The sound of a loud motor sounds in the background of the call.
"Where are you?"
"The garage. With that fucker Hen..." he stops himself from saying the name. "Since he's gone, they need extra hands."
I appreciate his effort to censor the name.
I hate thinking about Henry. 
Now I recall that time when Daemon found me ditching class.
"That's right. I saw you there before. Are you, like, a mechanic?"
"I like, might be," he replies mockingly.
"Ugh stop."
A little smile twitches on my lips.
"How do you do that on top of scouting for Lucien? It sounds like a lot."
"I don't mind being busy. Gives me less time to think."
I guess I can relate to that.
"So what do you do in your free time? You like making jewelry, right?"
"Not just jewelry. I like welding things. Or carving. But it's pretty useless so I don't do it much."
"But you're so good at it. It's amazing you have a hobby like that."
"Oh yeah? Well, what's your hobby then, Omega?"
I think for a moment about what I should say.
"I like... art. Drawing or painting. Though I'm pretty bad at it."
"Send me something,"
"Like a picture of it?"
"No, mail it to me from the post office right now," he says sarcastically.
"Whatever, Daemon."
I go over to my desk, flipping through my drawing pad.
Is there anything worthy of sharing?
I settle on a wolf drawing I drew, even colored in.
It's of a white wolf and a dark-furred wolf in the forest.
Or at least that's what it's supposed to look like.
In reality, the white wolf looks more like a sheep and the other wolf looks like an abnormally long dog and the trees I drew look like toothpicks with lettuce attached to them.
But I decide to share it anyways.
Daemon's already seen me at my worst so who cares?
I take the pic and send it to him.
"Uh, did you get it?"
"Wow..." he trails off and I can practically hear him trying to hold his laughter back.
"I know it's bad."
I immediately regret it.
"No, no, I like it," his voice is light with mirth.
"Is that supposed to be you and me?"
"I... I don't know," I stammer.
But he kinda hit the nail on the head.
"I think the white wolf needs to be a lot smaller if that's you, shortcake."
"I'm not small..."
Why does he always tease me like this?
I know I'm short compared to an Alpha wolf but there's no need to point it out.   
"Yes you are. You're tiny."  
"Anyone would be tiny to you, you big oaf." 
"Did you just call me an oaf?"
We talk until late, until I can barely keep my eyes open.
I glance at the clock.
"Hey, I think I have to go. Lucien says my phone curfew is 12 am."                               
"That old man. Does he think you're a child?"
I giggle sleepily, rolling over on my bed.
"Child or not, I'm gonna fall asleep any minute."
Daemon sighs lightheartedly.
"Alright. Goodnight, Ash."
"I like it when you call me that."
"I mean, anything is fine with me. But I love when you say my name," I say drowsily, my eyes closed.
He says something else but I am too far gone to hear it.
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