#george karim x y/n
lewkwoodnco · 10 months
Heyy:) I just wanted to request a George x fem!reader one shot :P I totally understand if you don't want to write it or if you don't like the idea or anything but I was thinking a fic inspired by "wildest dreams" by Taylor? Just some silly teen romance vibes you know🤭 (and please no Angst or anything, I can't take that shit atm😔)
Wildest Dreams - George Karim x Reader
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A/N: going to be taking a break from the requests in my inbox to work on my 12 days of fics series! (but will get back to them after im done heheh) I might have completely butchered this ask im so sorry BUT I made it as fluffy as I think it gets (w George at least), just had to do the 77 thing i have no self-restraint, also this poem is soso beautiful one of my absolute favesss but idk whats up with the formatting :(((, wc 3.3k!
Subtle Bridges
Walking with me, you'd once pointed to the fragility and ingenuity of a spider's web. Subtle bridges, you said, On bridges some men hang. A warning that has stayed While I read history traced in blood and tears of men. I was caught in the end with a nest of books. They burned anyway, and now I bend to build an emperor's endless wall. Like a thread of longing the border runs in loops and bends, and along it we root the gravestones of nameless men. A king's metaphor, This is, history raised from ash and bone -- a symbol Of its vast futility, or of eternity. Which it is I do not know, But since leaving home some things have come clear. No one literally breaks from loss, not even here. And some ties won't give. I sometimes dream of you, and walking, in gardens where love and knowledge hang.
By Yvonne Koh
She was at the Kensel Green Cemetery with the rest of her team from Fittes, after being called down by DEPRAC because of a robbery. They had spread out over the building, looking for any sign of the missing relic or the culprit, when she heard a slow, grinding noise from inside the hall. She quietly crept in to the silhouette of a shadowy figure bent over the casket.
"Can I help you?"
The boy's head snapped up immediately, painfully slamming against the stone shelf behind him. She let out an involuntary gasp, briefly wincing at the hollow thunk.
"Didn't do it," he groaned, steadying himself against the wall. "...whatever it was that...someone did."
She squinted at him using the little light spilling in from the corridor. He couldn't have been more than a year or two older than her. Against her better judgement, she kept her voice down.
"This is a crime scene!" she hissed at him.
"I - what?"
"Who are you?"
"I'm not a thief, or a relic man. I promise."
Her eyes swept his scruffy appearance critically. "Why would I think that?"
"Ms L/N?"
She turned, momentarily speechless, barely registering the rustle of the boy stealing away into the darkness. She blinked against the brightness of Inspector Barnes' torch, glancing back to check that he really was gone.
"Everything alright?"
She paused for a moment longer, as if willing him to rematerialise in the corner he had been crouching in just a moment ago. Nothing. Her eyes narrowed. Interesting. Very interesting indeed.
"Must have been the wind."
George was staring out the kitchen window glumly, lazily stirring his mug of tea. The weather was as pleasant as it got, and Lockwood had roused them all at the crack of dawn for a breakfast picnic, to 'boost morale.' Of course, George should have known better than to hold his breath, especially when loud angry voices had started to shake him awake when he had been halfway through groggily packing their picnic basket. Now, he sipped his cold tea through thin lips, listening to the slow, steady footsteps approaching the kitchen and the wan face belonging to them.
"Let me guess. You and Lucy are no longer in the mood for a picnic?"
Lockwood sombrely shook his head. George sighed, picking up the picnic basket. Seemed like a shame to let his slaving away go to waste. And he was still very much in the mood for the strawberries and cream he had packed inside. Which is why George had been heading out for a solo breakfast picnic with enough food for three when he heard a foreign voice stop him.
"George Casper Karim."
He looked up from the doorknob in alarm. It was the girl from Kensel Green Cemetery. He hesitated, trying to gauge her expression.
"Ex-employee of Fittes Agency, fired after six months for insubordination, currently a researcher at Lockwood & Co."
"Brilliant. Astonishing, really, how you've repeated my own job history back to me."
She frowned. He relished the stab of satisfaction. He'd had a shitty morning and was likely going to have a shitty day, so really, having a go at someone was probably going to be the highlight.
"There's no need to be rude."
"I think I'd know where I've been the past couple of years, thanks very much. Forgive me for not being more impressed."
Still looking a little disgruntled, she pressed on, firmly clutching the waist-high gate. "I've got a bone to pick with you, if you don't mind."
He eyed her warily, and decided against approaching her any further. "You can pick it just fine from over there."
She looked mildly peeved, but he didn't trust her as far as he could throw her. After a few long, tense seconds, she relented, not that she was happy about it..
"So...you were right. You're no relic man."
That was quick. "Thank you. Have a nice day." He closed the distance between him and the gate in a few quick strides, pushing against it, but she pushed right back with a steely look in her eye.
"Don't know about the other bit, though."
He didn't like the look in her eye; the look of someone knowing something he didn't. His mouth went dry.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Might be more convincing if your associate hadn't mentioned a talking skull. Awfully difficult to contain a visitor without a ghost jar, wouldn't you say?"
He swore under his breath. "Fucking Lockwood can't keep his mouth shut."
"I don't expect DEPRAC takes kindly to thieves or hooligans-"
He let out a bark of laughter. "Hooligan? Me?"
"-or strange boys who break into places they shouldn't be-"
"You can't prove it was me."
"Wanna bet?"
A challenge. A dare. His mouth was already open to call her bluff when the self-satisfied smirk curling at the corner of her lip gave him pause. Lockwood wouldn't be much pleased if he gave DEPRAC another reason to steer the agency dangerously close towards closing. He wasn't like Lockwood or Lucy - he was careful, very careful. Too late George wished he had been a little more careful all those years ago in covering his tracks - but, to be fair, he had no reason to think anyone at Fittes would have been capable enough to put two and two together.
Until now.
"Look, why don't we...talk about this, like civilised people? I've got strawb - you like strawberries and cream, don't you?"
She sneered again. George was beginning to think that was just how her face looked.
"You want to bribe me with...strawberries...and cream?"
"It's not bribery. Just...a friendly chat. Agent to agent."
Which was how they ended up on a grassy hill at one of the meadows at the outskirts of London. He had never been there before, but Lockwood had remembered it as a prime spot for cosy family picnics.
"So what else do you know about me?"
She chewed a bite of scrambled eggs thoughtfully before responding.
"You're obsessed with the Problem. An obsession that made you an asset, initially."
She had heard that he was the one who had identified the visitor, Edmund Bickerstaff, but what she had had difficulty wrapping her head around was how he had managed to do it with only the vast yet imprecise volumes of the Archives at his disposal. Imagine what he could do with the carefully curated library at Fittes. She stared at him, trying to figure him out. There was a gentle breeze blowing and the slight movement made him look marginally more affable but not any more comprehensible. She let out the breath she was holding.
"You must have really screwed up for Fittes to have let you go."
He shrugged. "It was a long time coming. Fittes never really was the type of company I was interested in working at, and I was never the type of employee Fittes was interested in keeping."
"What about now? Have you ever considered leaving?"
"Why would I?"
"I've taken a glance at Lockwood & Co's financial records. You can't be making much, if anything at all."
"And go from being broke to being broke and homeless?"
"Homeless? What about your parents?"
"I visit them, occasionally, but they're a right piece of work. Last time I saw them was my grandmother's 77th birthday. I think there was a row but I can't be completely sure because I was a little, er, sloshed. The party ended, and I expect the champagne went flat, and my aunt was the last to leave. She was sitting on the floor with a merlot in her hand, and her voice was ringing through the halls. The curtains were burnt, my parents didn't talk to each other for a week, and one of my brothers had broken his hand. But I could never forget sitting in that empty dining hall, holding those sodden, scorched curtains, listening to her saying nothing lasts forever, nothing lasts forever."
The sunlight had a diffused quality to it, at least the little of it that managed to pour through the layer of clouds blocking the sky. The ashy light threw a powdery glow on George's face, and for a moment she felt as though she was in that dining hall with him, listening to those same laments. He glanced at her, and she felt a sudden, foreign uncertainty grip her heart.
"Now I feel really bad about lying."
His hand slipped, missing his mouth by a good couple of inches, nearly sending the contents of his glass down his shirt.
"Lie? What lie?"
"I kind of haven't, not really...actually spoken to any of your associates."
He chokes on his laughter, and when he throws his head back she wonders if she's ever seen anyone laugh as freely as him. It's a ridiculously enticing sight.
"Touché. Touché."
He looks at her in the eye, unabashed, with an unnaturally casual intensity. It almost feels impolite.
"So...yeah. Maybe I was suited to be a Fittes agent, once upon a time, but not anymore."
"That's a pity."
He looks at her weird, and she hastily changes the subject.
"Do you do this often?"
"What, taking strangers out for breakfast?"
"No. Bring a girl out here, feed her some strawberries and cream, maybe a Shakespearean sonnet or two..."
"I don't set much store in Shakespearean sonnets. I'm not...I'm not much of a poetry person."
There's something reserved in his face that makes her feel terrible for asking.
"I've really only read one worth remembering. Subtle bridges, you said, on bridges some men hang. Some ties won't give. I sometimes dream of you, and walking, in gardens where love and knowledge hang."
He bites into a strawberry, which stains his lips a bright red. She looks away a second too late.
After reluctantly agreeing to keep the matter of the stolen ghost jar between the two of them, she never expected to see him again. And yet, as fate would have it, they crossed paths again roughly a week later. She and one of her teammates had been assigned to a Church to handle a relatively weak Type Two, when she heard a scuffling sound from one of the rooms whose door was ajar. Her teammate froze, and she didn't feel much braver either. They approached the room cautiously, rapiers at the ready.
"Hello? Anyone there?"
The glare from their flashlights blindly darted over the room before it settled on the floor, illuminating a bleeding George looking the worse for wear, hissing at the harsh florescent light.. She visibly relaxed.
"Oh. You again."
Lockwood and Lucy exchanged a look.
"Do you two know each other?"
A silence followed. George looked to be at a loss of words and she, too, couldn't quite find the right answer.
They helped George up while Lockwood smoothly explained the situation, and how they would never dream of intentionally From the derisive eye rolls of his remaining, uninjured associate, there was clearly more to their presence than he was letting on, but she wasn't paid nearly enough to go through the trouble of finding that out. Apparently, they had already dealt with the Type Two, so she filled out her report as vague as she dared to be, while they wandered out to flag down a cab.
George lingered behind briefly, dabbing at his nose experimentally while she put the finishing touches to her file.
"We can't keep meeting like this, you know."
"Like what?"
She shook her head, surprisingly having to bite back a smile. "You're incorrigible. If you keep sneaking around for much longer I'll have to report you one of these days."
He pulled his face into an exaggerated sulk and ducked as she tried to smack him with her case report.
"Alright, alright!"
True to his word, their less-than-ideal meetings came to an end. Instead, they continued to occasionally meet at that serene, refreshingly Edenic sloping hill. She'd return from a client meeting or from scoping out a location and the front desk would have a message waiting for her, from one vaguely snippy anonymous man. Sometimes he'd be waiting at the hill with snacks, which she'd ravenously dig into, though he was less generous on the biscuit front. He tells her about the happenings of 35 Portland Row and his research and bounces his latest theory on the origins of the Problem off of her. She tells him about her week, and the bothersome, inept people she works with, and on their joint cases he's snarky towards all the right people. It makes her feel special.
On one such evening, they were lazing on a picnic blanket, and a pleasantly warm breeze was toying with their hair. George was looking at the severe, fragile branches encroaching on the powdery blue sky through heavily-lidded eyes. She was absent-mindedly fiddling with his surprisingly soft fingers, distractedly breathing in the faint, antiseptic smell of ammonia that clung to his clothes. She was thinking about how sharp he was and how quickly he picked up on details on their joint cases. No matter how many times she saw him pick apart a case with a carefully perfected elegance, she felt like a part of her would forever be in awe of his beautifully intricate mind.
"Sometimes I feel like your talents are so wasted here. Imagine what you could do with access to all of Fittes' resources."
"i don't need Fittes's resources to be a good researcher."
She watches the yellow daffodils tossing their heads back just inches in front of them through her eyelashes.
"i know you don't. It can't hurt, is all I'm saying."
"Why do you care?"
She paused. Why did she care? She cared about him, sure, but it was no different from how she cared about her teammates, her friends, but with George...it somehow felt more personal. She sighs irritably, releasing the bubble of frustration lodged in her throat all week. She just wanted what was best for him. It takes her a minute to come up with her hesitant response.
"I...don't know. I don't care. But sometimes I can't help but wonder...what if this was what you needed to uncover the root of the Problem?"
He half-laughs, but stops short at the sight of her face as she lifts her head off his chest. "You can't be serious."
"Why not?"
"Y/N...statistically speaking -"
"All I'm saying is the answer could very well be in the Fittes library and you might be the only one who'd know where to look."
She lies down again, and whispers to the trees rather than George.
"Just...something to think about."
As time went on, their relationship began to bleed into more public spheres. She dropped by Portland Row occasionally, and they even had tea at her apartment once. On this particular afternoon, they were in George's room at Portland Row. She was looking through the titles on his alarmingly tall bookcases while he was at his desk, copying some runes from a book while telling her about his latest experiment with the skull. Her eyes roved over the titles restlessly, unseeingly, in a futile attempt to distract herself from her upcoming assignment. She let George's voice wash over her, pleasingly varied in tone and comfortingly familiar, soothing the itch in her brain. After a moment or two, she realises he's stopped talking, and looks up to see him staring at her with a frown on his face.
"Er, sorry. Drifted off there for a while."
"I guessed."
He studies her with an inscrutable expression and she's been caught too off-guard to come up with anything other than the letter burning a hole in her desk.
"You alright?"
She sits on a chair next to his and rests her chin on her knee, feeling oddly wooden. After getting to know George, she had taken the comfort of being able to somewhat predict his mannerisms for granted, and the thought of heading into this blind made her nervous.
"My team's been assigned a case outside of London."
"Oh. When?"
"We leave this weekend."
He looks too stunned to ask the question weighing on both their minds.
"It's for a month."
"A month," he echoes distantly, as if not quite sure what to make of that piece of information. His face remains impassive and she waits for a reaction which never comes. "What about that celebratory dinner?"
"We leave after it."
For someone who usually always had so much to say about anything and everything, his current conversational skills were desperately wanting. Say something. Be affected, she begs internally. She needs to hear him say it. She needs the sickness in her chest to be real, to be founded.
"It'll be...different without you." The careful look on his face makes her feel like he's picking out her emotions from her face and engineering an optimal response. "I'll miss you."
It doesn't comfort her in the way she expected it would. Suddenly, she can't even bear to look at him.
"You don't have to."
Either George had decided that she needed some space or he was just as pissed as she was, because she didn't see one sign of him over the next few days. Good. She hardly noticed. The thousand times a day he crossed her mind were only out of relief, and nothing else. But as much as she pretended otherwise, by the time the celebratory dinner rolled around, his absence had taken a toll on her. She couldn't tell if she was hoping or dreading seeing him again.
She was on a balcony on the upper floor, looking miserably into the radiant foliage of the gardens below, where unfamiliar faces flitted with a lightness of heart she envied. Their shadows are tall and intertwine ceaselessly, making her dizzy. Her bags were packed, her ticket was waiting on her mantle, and all loose ends were tied up. Even her one chance at happiness for the rest of her life.
There's a rustle behind her and she turns to see George standing a considerable distance away from her. He's only marginally closer than the first time they met, properly, when he was standing outside their front door and she was pacing behind the garden gate. She wants to cry in relief. Instead, she finds it in her not to look away. Maybe it's the confusing lighting, but there's a soft edge to his face.
"I thought I saw you come up here."
She doesn't say anything; she's too happy to. And yet, a part of her is still deeply unhappy with the sight in front of her.
"Have you...tried the food?"
"...it's not as good as yours."
"You must be leaving soon."
"Tomorrow." The thought makes her want to rip her face off.
"You'll be back in a month."
She drummed her fingernails against the marble railing, carefully choosing her words.
"What if things change in a month?" What if, she wanted to say, you meet someone else who loves you better than I can?
"It's only a month."
"A whole month."
"I don't understand. Why are you so afraid?"
"Because - because you'd forget me. You'd forget me, and our memories would sink six feet under, and you'd move on and my heart would break and...you wouldn't care."
She's never felt this way about anyone before, and she doesn't know how to express how badly she needs him to stay.
"I don't want to go back to not knowing you, George."
The setting sun burns into her neck and all of a sudden, she feels unbearably hot. Her hair is plastered to her forehead and her hands feel clammy. Her face is flushed and she feels ridiculous in her dress. But he's here, and she's said it, so she lets herself dream, if only for a moment.q
"I think about you every day. One month, two months, three months...I'll wait."
TAGLIST: @avdiobliss @dangelnleif @elenianag080 @mitskiswift99 @mischivana @houseoftwistedspirits
83 notes · View notes
cameronspecial · 1 year
Welcome to my writing! Hope you find what you are looking for and if you don’t, then requests are closed. Also just comment or send me a message if you want to be a part of any of my taglists.
Rafe Cameron | 2
Drew Starkey
Zach MacLaren
Anthony Lockwood
George Karim
Evan Buckley
Tom Holland
Peter Parker
915 notes · View notes
jesslockwood · 2 months
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Non Request / Request
Anonymous: I want to request Anthony Lockwood×fem!reader. Where the reader and Anthony are rivals, but the reader secretly has a crush on him. Anthony and Kipps make a bet on who can make the reader fall in love with them faster. The winner gets 100 pounds. So Anthony tries to befriend her and charm her, but at first, he doesn't succeed because they have hated each other for a long time, and the reader thinks that he is trying to prank her. He starts going to the places she is most often in and talks to her more. Like the reader is sitting in the archives and reading when Anthony just sits at her table and starts talking to her and flirting. At first, the reader finds it annoying, but later, they start becoming very good friends. Anthony starts to fall in love with her himself. He introduces her to George and Lucy and offers her to work at his agency. They slowly start to become more than friends, then one night after a case, she patches him up, he kisses her, and tells her that he loves her. She kisses him back, and they both fall asleep together. The next day, she and Anthony go to the archives. When she goes looking for Anthony because she found what they needed she stumbles upon Anthony and Quill, talking about the bet and Quill handing Anthony money. Even though Anthony doesn't even care about the bet anymore, he takes the money. The reader sees this and immediately confronts him about it, being angry at him for lying to her and everything, Anthony tries to explain, but she doesn't believe him and gives him back the necklace he gave her when he confessed his love to her. Anthony is heartbroken and doesn't see her for a week. When Lucy and George ask him about it, he tells them what happened. Then they get mad at him for being so stupid to agree to such a bet. Two weeks later, he saves the reader from getting ghost touched in some random alley at night. He tries to tell her everything and apologise, but she doesn't want to listen. He starts pleading with her to give him 5 minutes to explain everything, even if he doesn't deserve it, and so she gives in. He explains everything and confesses to her again, telling her how desperate and sorry he is, how these 3 weeks apart have driven him crazy. At the end of his speech, they're both crying. She forgives him, and everything ends happily.
Word Count: 5k
Pairing(s): Anthony Lockwood x Fem Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Fluff, Angst.
A/n: Thank you to @cameronspecial for sending this request my way! this has taken me a while because I wanted to get it right. I did switch a few things around from the request, but I hope you like it!
its a free form of payment for hard work authors put into their fics :)
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Anthony Lockwood was insufferable at times, such as today, when he and his team rudely interrupted a case your team, from Rotwell was put on. Your team supervisor Leighton, was not happy because every time you’d be on a case, it seemed he would show up, and not far behind would be Quill Kipps, and his team taking over or fighting over it. Leighton was almost so fed up he wanted to suspend you to equipment duty until they stopped causing a ruckus, according to him.
How could this be your fault? You were oblivious of to why. Leighton probably jar wanted someone to blame to make himself look good, per usual.
You personally were so fed up with Leighton and his team you considered quitting a multitude of times, but you’d have no other team to go to if you did. 
You also couldn’t believe your teammate Marco freaked out with the equipment and broke your rapier. Lockwood saved Marco’s ass from being ghost touched, but your rapier was mauled in the process.
Stupid rapier and even more stupid; Anthony Lockwood.
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Anthony had the biggest heart eyes for you for the longest time. The problem was you always acted like you hated him, and maybe that was apart of the reason he liked you, because all his charm didn’t work, and you only responded when he was sincere. 
the only thing he did however hate about you, was how you’d banter with Kipps. There way no way you liked his enemy in that way. Right?
he thought it couldn’t get any worse, until today when he was trying his hardest to flirt with you, as you were getting a new rapier, due to a guy named Marco on your team somehow managed to snap it yesterday.
“Y/n, fancy seeing you needing new equipment.” He smirks, in his most charming way he can.
You sigh, “What do you want?”
“I just wanted to see if you needed help picking out a rapier. Running Lockwood and co, I have a lot of experience.”
You blow out a small laugh, “By all means Lockwood, be more superior than me, like you always have thought you were.”
You try to push past him into the shop, but he stops you with his arm.
“Don’t even, Lockwood. You may think your charms work on everyone but not on me anymore. You cant trick me into into your pretend version of friendly charm. Don’t even pretend to like me.” You heatedly spew, before ducking under his arm and going into the store.
Not anymore? So it did work. His heart was doing flips. She liked him at one point, who’s the say she wouldn’t like him again? Maybe he had to try another tactic. He knew that no one on her team would help her in the archives, according to George. Maybe that’s the way to get figure out if she has feelings for himself. 
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You hated the way he made you feel smaller than him, that he was god’s given gift to the world. You hated the way he tried to charm you, and you having to try your best to not let his it work on you, because then you’d be every other girl that’s under his stupid spell. Well at least you had to remind yourself to hate him or else, you’d be even more head over heels for him than you already were.
Damn it you were thinking about him. Again.
You tried to put your mind on the research you were having to do at the archives, since you always seemed to get put on the mundane tasks that the rest of the team didn’t want. You guessed you didn’t mind because George would be there. He was probably the only Lockwood and co member you could stand at this point, only because you hadn’t really had a conversation with Lucy.
He would be around and you’d share conversations which was nice, because he actually had an insightful intellect on subjects. He was cool in your book, and it was nice instead of the latter of Kipps or Lockwood bothering you since this wasn’t really their choice of task for their un-respective agencies. 
Kipps once said libraries were for girls and their novels or dorks. You were a girl and probably a dork, so you didn’t really like Kipps for his opinions all that much.
George wasn’t here yet, so he couldn’t help you reach for the book on the top shelf, and your team was on a deadline so you had to try. 
Damn these shelves. They were tall, at least too tall for you. You stood on your tip toes to try and reach it,  just barely touching the book on a higher self. 
An arm wraps around yours, from the outside reaching for the book and pulls it down with you, and you start to thank them gratefully, “Thank-“ you then turn to see who it is, changing your tone to an accusatory one to say, “you.”. 
You take an annoyed breath in and turn to walk away towards you table trying to ignore him.
He seemingly follows you like a lost puppy, emphasis on lost, not puppy. You slam the book down a little too hard for your liking, and sit down before you embarrass yourself more. it is a quiet place of solitude after all, but not with not much solitude for yourself you were hoping for today.
Lockwood decides to plop down int he seat next to you, and scoots a bit closer, as if you bite, but close enough that it was making you annoyed.
You sit in silence for awhile as you read or at least, try to read the damn book in front of you on infamous poltergeists cases trying to see if yours matched up.
“Is it getting cold in here?” Lockwood asks you, his low voice giving you goosebumps up your spine.
“What?” You ask looking around. Anything cold put you on high alert even though you knew the archives were overall safe, you could never be too trusting.
“Or are you just giving me the chills?.” He flashes one of his signature smiles and you resist the urge to roll your eyes.
“Or is it just your cold dead heart in your chest?” You try to smile sweetly yet you felt triumphant at that comeback.
“I think you should make sure, just so theres no anomaly, or type two in the room.” He puts your hand on his hand on his chest, with his hand overtop.
You gulp, not sure of what to do with the contact, as you stare right into his eyes, you swear you felt his heart skip a beat.
“Pretty- pretty-“
“I know I am-“ he smirks interrupting your stuttering. 
“Icy.” You pat his chest and turn back get out of your chair to grab another book. This time for fun. 
He’s on your heels as you walk towards the classics section thats tucked into a tiny corner of the library, thats far out of the way of all the other informational books or newspapers. You wouldn’t tell Lockwood this, but you bet no one could hear you scream this far away from everything else.
You look for something to read, before turning back to see Lockwood giving you a look.
“What? You’re judging me aren’t you-“ 
“No! I mean no. I just haven’t picked up-“ he pauses and picks up Romeo and Juliet and has a genuine thoughtful smile on his face“-Shakespeare since my sister would read me lines. In another life she would have definitely have wanted to be an actress.”
That melted your insides a bit. 
He flips open to a page, and starts to almost perform it.
“O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night. As a rich jewel in an Ethiop’s ear—Beauty too rich for use, for Earth too dear. So shows a snowy dove trooping with crows. As yonder lady o’er her fellows shows. he measure done, I’ll watch her place of stand. And, touching hers, make blessèd my rude hand.”
He pauses and turns to you staring you dead in the eyes
“Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight, For I ne’er saw true beauty till this night.” 
You were in such a trance you didn’t even notice he was done preforming, because it felt like what he was saying was real, to you. You start clapping for him and he dramatically bows.
“I think you lied. I think you actually want to be the actor.” You joke.
He laughs and sits down on the floor and you sit next to him.
“In another world maybe. If the world were different in this one, I don’t know what I’d do. I’m pretty fantastic at my job-“ 
you snort at that comment.
“I don't think any of us would know what we’d want to do if our world here was different. Then again, I don’t even like what I’m doing right now. Leighton is-“
“-An arse.” 
You laugh at that comment. Even Lockwood could see it. 
“I may be an arse, but hopefully not that big of one.” He half jokes. 
“You might not be that big of one but you’re still one.”
He shovers your shoulder playfully, and opens Romeo And Juliet from the start.
“You read Juliet and I’ll read Romeo. We can fill in other characters as we go.”
You nod smiling a genuine smile for once.           
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Maybe you had been the one with the cold dead heart, because Anthony Lockwood wasn’t that bad of a guy. 
He liked a lot of the same things you did, such as the classics, and started to come to the archives more and more to your little corner. 
Kipps started to linger around the archives trying to find you, but you knew the archives library too well for him to find you, for the most part.
He did stop you before you could run off to your “Romeo” one time, putting his arm in front of you and was talking at you for ten minutes straight, until Bobby just had to show him something important. 
You really started to enjoy your time with him. What in the world was your life now? You actually liked Anthony Lockwood as a person! Oh shit did you just call him your Romeo in your head!?
Everything was going actually going smoothly being friends with Anthony Lockwood and that scared you a bit. You never really had people you were close to and cared about. Obviously you cared about your team and others and humanity you know. But somehow it was different if you were to loose him. 
Well thinking everything was going smoothly was the wrong thing to say in your head, Leighton is coming straight in hot towards you right now.
“Yes Leighton?” 
You tried not to disrespect him right now by rolling your eyes, but he slammed a book on the table. 
“I see you’ve been spending you time not researching, and having your head in the clouds!”
You see some sort of modern Harlequin romance book in the pile, which you’ve never touched or read, not that you wouldn’t, but you knew someone had to have set you up.
“You’re fired immediately… after our current case. Ive already got the paperwork, so theres no fighting this as Rotwell signed it himself.”
You now roll your eyes trying to resist the urge to cry in-front of your whole team and make a bigger scene somehow Leighton was almost at the peak of creating. 
You muster up the courage to speak. 
“Yeah I doubt that Rotwell signed it, its either foraged or a stamp of approval some secretary stamped on. And I've never read that book, but its clear to see you won’t believe me. So lets go, all the information is int he pile figure it out amongst yourselves. I’m heading to the scene with the info-“ you point to you head “Up in here. Anyone joining me and being filled in or are you going to be as stubborn as Leighton and turn bright red like a tomato?”
The group except Leighton and his second hand follows you, as they know you always had things well memorized before you would pitch it to them.
When you get to the scene, a small townhome, you use your talent of listening to sense if anything is off when you walk in the front door. You had filled in the team of what happened in the house, assuming it’s a type two, as a couple who lived here, shot a criminal who came in, and left him to die. He was well known burglar in the area, Frank Calder. 
You listen for anything, until you hear a crash in the kitchen and you eyes fly open, you unsheathe your rapier, so shiny and new as Leighton wouldn’t put you on any cases in person until today. 
You move closer to the kitchen, as a clock strikes six pm, something comes into the door way of the kitchen, and before you can strike it, an his arm grabs your wrist and pulls you in close to him, so you avoid a murder of the un-beloved in the community’s Anthony Lockwood.
“Lov- Lunge at first fright, didn’t think it was a thing till today” He jokes.
Your breathing heavy for a second as you regather yourself, putting your rapier back. He finally lets go of your wrist almost reluctantly. Not the time Y/n, focus. 
“What are you doing here?” You demanded the answer.
“We were hired. Apparently whichever team gets rid of the manifestations first get paid.“ He says.
“Well it’s a good thing I got fired because I would totally beat your team’s arses’”
He almost laughs but is trying not to.
“How’d you get fired?”
“Some jerk told Leighton I wasn’t doing work, reading romance novels instead of working, which isn’t true. I did the work… and then would read.” You smirk saying the last part for only Lockwood to hear. 
“You should join my team then, we’re in need of a fourth.”
“Just like that?” He teases, as he’s been asking you for a month to join. 
You turn to the Rotwell team
“You guys have the info I gave you but you’re on your own. I am now the company part of Lockwood and co.”
They look at each other and start to leave.
Lockwood smiles his half smile, before guiding you over to the kitchen. 
George and Lucy are there, and George fills you in the research you missed due to Leighton's interruption. The wife was killed in a cover of a “misfire” from the gun. They believe her husband was abusive, and wanted to kill her for planning to leave him and that she’s come back too. 
“Brutal.” You shiver, “Lets find out where the wife's death happened and where was the burglar killed.”
You and Lockwood go together toward the living room, while Lucy and George go to the office on the main floor.
You close your eyes and listen. You hear yelling and fighting, and then thuds… up stairs?
“Hear anything?” He asks.
“Lockwood I think it’s up stairs” you mention,” I heard her running up stairs. And big thuds following her.”
Lucy comes out to confirm what you heard. She says she heard a gun being cocked in the office and then running toward the stairs.
“Shall we go up?”
Famous last words.
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“Hold still!” You tell Lockwood and you clean him up. He hit his head pretty hard during the case, and quite a bit of blood was coming out of the gash. 
You wrap his head in a bandage, making sure the wound wasn’t bleeding badly. 
The lady that came back was not such a friendly one, as she closed the doors on the two of you in the room with the burglar poltergeist, which then lead to him slamming a metal filing cabinet towards Lockwood, who jumped out of the way and gashed his head on the corner of a table. He kept going even though he was bleeding badly which was impressive. You eventually were able to get them both contained. 
“Shirt, off.” He looks at you smirking before you roll your eyes trying not to blush.
“You just want to see what I’m packing.” He jokes.
“No, I want to see how you’re bleeding out of your shirt. I need to make sure your not bleeding internally.”
“Okay, Dr. Y/n” he goofs off, before gulping at the contact of you unbuttoning his shirt with your hands. 
He unbuttons and takes off the remaining of his shirt once it’s halfway down. 
You gulp now, trying to play first aider, rather than goggly eyed girl at him. 
You try to ignore his stare at you as you work and look around his chest and back, finding the long but not deep cut that made his crisp white button down, red. 
Once you’ve treated him, you finally look back at him, to find him staring into your eyes intently. 
“Thank you.”
You try to brush it off like it was no big deal, just to get his stare off of yours. You
“Its no big deal, Lockwood”, you start to turn away from his gaze, “I should be thanking you-“ 
He gently grabs your wrist and pulls you closer, and guides your hip to place you between his legs as he was sitting on the counter and you gulp at how close your face was to his. He then takes your chin between his thumb and finger, to gently get you to look back at him
“I mean it. Thank you.”
He sucks in a breath stating in the most cheesy manner, with a grin, “I must be a poltergeist, because I would do anything to be just reckless enough to move you closer to mine so I can ghost touch your lips.”
You slowly start smile and you move yourself closer to him, looking into his eyes, and then glancing at his lips it feels like everything in slow-motion yet so fast at the same time, as he moves in closer to your lips, and you can feel his breath on your lips, just ghosting them.
“Can I?” He asks so softly, you’re not even sure the best listener could hear him. You confirm by nodding you head an he touches your lips gently to his, and then he moves his hand to caress your cheek and you close your eyes.
The kiss was so sweet, and soft, almost if he made the wrong move you’d break like china, or George’s beloved egg cup. 
He gently pulls away, so slowly and then her rests his forehead on yours, as if he’s letting you know he's not rejecting you.
“I… I’m in love with you, Y/n… and you don’t need to say it back I just needed to let you know.”
You heart is racing, and you move to kiss him back, which is more passionate than the last. 
You break it to speak while resting your forehead on his.
“I’m in love with you, Anthony Lockwood.” You declare.
He smiles the most bright and genuine smile you’ve ever seen on his face, that was unlike his classic smirk.
He gently slides off the counter as you look into his eyes, not breaking eye contact with one another, with the two of you having the biggest grins, and they’d be brighter than a London storm’s lighting. 
He spins you one eighty degrees, to face the door, as he wraps his arms around you, tightly, but enough that he could move. 
He rests his head on your shoulder, waddling out with you, towards his bedroom.
He opens the door with one hand, the other still firm grip on you, before lifting you up bridal style, and you squeal and giggle. 
“Shhh, Y/n you’ll wake George.” He laughs, “and probably Lucy who’s all the way upstairs.”
He places you gently on his bed, and some of you hair gets in your face, so he brushes it away and it gives you shivers down your spine. He then climbs into bed next to you, and spoons you, and you look up at his face.
You stare at him for what feels like no time, but time must have passes because your eyes start to drift but you fight to stay awake.
“Go to sleep love, I’ll be with you.” He says in a groggy voice. 
You then close your eyes and sleep overcomes you.
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When you had gotten up that morning, you were tangled with Anthony, forced awake by the sound behind the door, with George and Lucy arguing of who should wake Lockwood up. 
“Lockwood.” You nudge him to let go of you o you could get up.
He moans and then mumbles something incoherent. 
“No more kisses unless you get up now.” You tease. 
Lockwood shoots up, “I’m up.” He says before leaning down to kiss you. You kiss him before covering your mouth after her breaks the kiss.
“Oh my god I need to brush my teeth.” He gets out a loud laugh before you scramble outside of the room, heading towards the bathroom. You pass Lucy and George in the hall, sheepishly you weave past them, going towards the bathroom to deal with your morning breath.
Lucy and George look at Each other, before looking at shirtless Lockwood, standing in the door way, quizzically, wondering what had happened. 
“Told you so.” George says to Lucy before Looking back at Lockwood.
“We have a Case. We need to go to the archives now, before Kipps’ team gets on it.”
Lockwood comes of off his dreamy daze and nods, and the to of them head downstairs, and Lockwood lets out a frustrated groan. 
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Lockwood and you walk side by side, and he admires you secretly, as you admire blatantly the bracelet he had given you. It was the most beautiful and dainty bracelet, the best gift anyone had ever given you. He said it had been his mothers, and then his sisters, which he didn’t touch more on, but you knew how important family was to him, especially because of the one he had made with George and Lucy and now… you.
Lockwood, links hands with yours, and you look and him and smile brighter, and you intertwine you fingers between his. 
Lucy kept trying to peak back, unnoticed, while George was stuck into studying the journal where he wrote down the details of the possible case. 
You reach the archives in no time, and Lockwood lets go of your hand, so you can run up the stairs. 
Once you’re all in the archives, Lucy is on watch duty to make sure the fittes team doesn’t overhear any information they get, and George is deep into a book. Lockwood has gone off somewhere to grab a book. 
George speaks up about how long it was taking him to find one book, “Lockwood’s taking way too long. Y/n can you go see where he is.”
You nod, and go after him in the direction he went off in.
Your spot the back of Lockwood’s head, and you start to head towards him, before you see Kipps approach him and you avoid him seeing you by hiding behind a book shelf. You didn’t hate Kipps but usually he’d talk at you for hours unless you hid. 
You’re close enough to hear him speak to Lockwood. 
“You won fair and square. Here’s your 100 pounds.” Lockwood stalls for a split second then takes it and pockets it quickly. Kipps continues to blab on, “Though I do have to ask, how’d you get Y/n to like you? Just so I know you won the bet fair and square-“
What the hell? You were a bet? You knew you shouldn’t have trusted him, you just knew it. 
“What the hell!” You come storming up toward Anthony, zeroing in on him.
“Y/n I-“ Anthony tries to speak.
“Don’t! You’re a lying bastard! All I am to you is a stupid bet and nothing more, I see it all clearly now.” You take off the bracelet and Anthony tries to protest.
“Y/n please I-I didn’t mean it I mean I just-“
“Don’t contact me ever again.” You cut him off walking away with tears streaming down your face, leaving Anthony Lockwood in the dust.
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Lockwood walks back towards the group, gripping there bracelet in his hand. He just wanted to bury himself in his bed, and not think about how badly he messed up, and hurt the best thing he's ever  had.
“Where’s Y/n?” Lucy asks, looking around.
“Yeah I haven’t seen her for about a half hour?” George agrees.
“Wasn’t she with you Lockwood?” Lucy asks.
“I’m so stupid.” Lockwood says before slumping into the nearest chair holding his head in his hand, while he rubs it, almost like he had a headache.
“What did you do?” George and Lucy say in almost unison.
“It was a bet all a stupid fucking… bet.”  Lockwood tries not to cry, “It’s all my fault I made a bet wth Kipps of who Y/n would… fall for first. The winner takes 100 pounds. I didn’t… I didn’t know… or think that I’d actually fall in love with her. And then I took the money even though I wanted to say to say screw the bet to Kipps, and then Y/n… she saw me take it and she was so angry and hurt, and I did that to her…” he gulps, “God she was so hurt. And I tried to explain to her, but she wouldn’t listen. And I tried to give the money to Kipps back, but he wouldn’t take it. I can’t fix anything I just… I broke it all.” 
“You’re an idiot Lockwood.” Lucy says.
“A big one at that.” George adds on.
“Just go and try and fix it because she was the best thing to happen to you. I don’t care if you have to grovel for a month, or throw pebbles at her window, or send her letters for a year. Just fix it.” Lucy tries to angrily reason with him.
Lucy may have been right, but he knew you needed space right now, but Lucy had the right idea though. He needed a gesture even if it wasn’t grand.
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It was killing them both not seeing each other for so long, and it had been three weeks since they last spoke. 
Feelings don’t disappear, they linger like the manifestations they deal with on a daily bases.
Y/n thought Anthony waiting at her front door, so you decided to take the long alley way back to the back door. It was getting closer to dawn, and you just wanted to avoid him for hopefully forever. 
What you didn’t expect however was to find was a manifestation on the way through the alleyway. The type two decided to smush you in between a pallet and the wall. 
It was coming close to you, and was reaching out to touch you, and you closed your eyes accepting your fate, until you’re freed from being stuck, and Lockwood being your hero. 
“C’mon. Before it comes back.” He extends his hand and you take it.
You’re shake off the shock, and start storming towards your front door.
“Wait, y/n please just give me five minutes of your time.” He pleads, “I’ ll leave you alone after if you want me to, please just hear me out.”
 This peaks your interest, as maybe he’ll finally take off out of your life. 
“Fine, five minutes.” You say.
“Thank you. It was a stupid bet I'm sure you know by now, but I only took the bet because… because then maybe I would finally have the courage to talk to you. And once I started talking to you, I didn’t ever want to stop. You’re truly the best thing thats ever happened to me, and I fucked up. Horribly. I know its unforgivable what I did, and I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but you’re all that I think about, going to the archives was the only thing that gave me hope in life that there are good things in this world and it's you.”
Lockwood pulls out a necklace out out go his pocket, a locket to be specific. 
“I got you this.”
You take it into your hand, and open it.
It was a locket with a photo of you and the team in it.
“You can do whatever you like with it after you know this, but I used the money on you since Kipps wouldn’t take it back, because he thought he might still have a chance with you. “ he pauses before declaring, “The money wasn’t worth anything to me. You, however, are worth everything to me.” 
Lockwood starts crying before turning to make his leave. He had used the money to buy you locket. Wow.
You stop him with your words.
“You’re not perfect Lockwood, but neither am I… but were good for each other… and I forgive you.” You say. He turns around, smiling with tears streaming down his face. And he reaches up to touch your cheek to wipe off the tears you didn’t notice running down your face. 
You smile and you both lean in to kiss each other. 
You both take each others hand and walk home shining your arms heading back to 35 Portland row.
Something you had come to realize in this moment is that there was no perfect situation, person, or deal dealt in life. The only thing is that there’s something to bet on when you find your good in life.
@waitingforthesunrise @sleep-i-ness
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wordsarelife · 9 months
lockwood & co masterlist
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fluff (f), angst (a), suggestive (s), platonic (p), injury/ blood (w)
❛ 𝐢’𝐝 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 ❜
𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐰𝐨𝐨𝐝 (34.9k)
blank space (0.7k) — normally lockwood can hide his feelings quite well. that talent seems to fade every time someone tries to flirt with his y/n (f,s)
peace (0.5k) — y/n is all that Lockwood needs, especially in the quiet moments (f,a)
sweet nothing (0.8k) — eating breakfast in bed (f)
stay, stay, stay (1.3k) — you never leave a fight unresolved (f,a)
delicate (0.5k) — some flirty banter in a near death situation (f,s)
king of my heart (1.8k) — there was always this flirty banter between you, without anything ever happening. one day you grow tired of it and leave lockwood to make a choice (f,a,s)
treacherous (1.3k) — How can it be that two people who grew up together hate each other so much? lockwood and you find out that love and hate are closer together than you had thought (f,a,s)
cruel summer (1.3k) — there’s just one bed, luckily you are the most brilliant person lockwood knows… or are you? (f,s)
you belong with me (1.6k) — you have to flirt to finish a mission. much to the dismay of lockwood you are far too good at it (f,s)
the way I loved you (pt 2 of ybwm) (1.2k) — lockwood is protective of what is his and in his own definition, you belong to him (f,a,s)
london boy (1.0k) — lockwood and you finish a study about what defines the greatness of a kiss (f,s)
it's nice to have a friend (0.3k) — you pass out after a dangerous encounter with a ghost (a,f,w)
enchanted (1.0k) — lockwood and you have been in love ever since you first met and it's been quite obvious for anyone else, but you two (f)
seven (sibling!reader) (0.5k) — a mission went badly and you and your brother console each other (f, a, p)
i did something bad (1.2k) — gathering information from a tied up and horny teenage boy should be easy enough, right? (s)
i think he knows (1.3k) — you have to admit your feelings for lockwood after your heartbeat goes through the roof at his touch (f)
change (1.4k) — lockwood realizes how much he missed of his sisters, the reader, life (a,f,p,w)
back to december (1.4k) — you had left lockwood in a night filled with regret and there was nothing you wanted more than to apologise to him (a,f,p)
the best day (0.4k) — domestic fluff with anthony lockwood (f)
the last time (1.1k) — you always try to save your friends life at the expanse of your own. this time you might've gone too far (a,p)
my tears ricochet (1.4k) — you save lockwoods life on a job but he can't save you.. but with a twist (a,w,f)
it's beginning to look a lot like christmas (0.5k) — lockwood is as cooky as usual, luckily you are used to it by now (f,s)
driving home for christmas (0.4k) — in which you come home for christmas surprisingly and lockwood can proof that his girlfriend is real (f)
the very first night (0.7k) — you celebrate your birthday for your friends only, lockwood celebrates your birthday for you (f,a,p)
lavender haze (1.2k) — despite kipps best efforts to keep you away from each other, lockwood won't stop flirting with you (f)
all american bitch (3.4k) — everbody knew that there was something wrong in the way your brother talked to you and lockwood wouldn't let you accept it any longer (f,a,s)
pretty isn’t pretty (0.8k) — he was showering you in compliments all while you felt like you weren’t pretty enough (f,a)
i forgot that you existed (0.6k) — lockwoods sibling had a bad day at school (f,p)
𝐠𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞 𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐦 (8.2k)
daylight (0.6k) — early morning cuddles with your boyfriend (f)
mastermind (2.3k) — the team has to work together with kipps, for george that means being stuck with the best friend of the blonde leader, y/n. the only person in the whole world that seemed to be smarter than him, that's why he hated her. (a,f)
love story (0.8k) — hiding a relationship becomes a challenge when your bosses are lockwood and kipps, but y/n and george always seem to manage anyway… (f)
i knew you were trouble (0.7k) — you expressed your likeness for george all the time.. seems like he finally gets it (f)
ours (0.3k) — george tries to make reader go to bed (f)
mirrorball (0.7k) — george has been struggling and you help him (a,f)
fearless (1.7k) — george admires you deeply. not only because you're his girlfriend, but because you have an extraordinary gift (f/a)
snowman (1k) — a situation in which you are trapped, causes george and you to confess (f)
teenage dream () — one part of you loved fighting ghosts and doing your jobs, the other isn’t so sure if that’s really the right thing for you (a)
𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐤𝐢𝐩𝐩𝐬 (7.8k)
i know places (1.6k) — all hell breaks loose when your brother finds out about you and quill (f,s)
paper rings (1.5k) — you & quill are basically married, but when will he finally ask? (f)
today was a fairytale (1k) — you and quill go on your first date (f,s)
gold rush (0.8k) — loving quill kipps feels like a gold rush (f,a)
santa tell me (1.2k) — you and quill had been the parents of the group for years, but nothing ever happened between the two of you. now it’s finally time to change that, or atleast your friends think it is (f)
santa clause is coming to town (0.2k) — you and quill know each other so well, you could almost finish each others sentences (f)
under the mistletoe (0.5k) — you and your boyfriend get caught under the mistletoe (f)
you need to calm down (0.4k) — you and quill wind down after a long day (f,w)
shake it off (1k) — quill and you play a prank on your brother and friends (f)
the moment i knew () — quill and you were a lot closer once, before everything suddenly changed and he was not there when you needed him most (a,f,w)
𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 (5.5k)
anthony lockwood, illicit affairs series (5.5k) — your secret relationship might not be enough for the future you have ahead of you (a,s,f) one, two, three part four (ending: afterglow) part four (ending: closure)
𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩 (0.6k)
deck the halls (0.6k) — decorating cookies at portland row (f,p)
53 works
185 notes · View notes
downbadf0rficppl · 4 months
love you
Anthony Lockwood x F!Reader
Summary: Part 2 of let me - Your nights are plagued with nightmares that feel all too real. It's all connected to the Bowers' manor. You need to solve this mystery before it drives you crazy. What will you find?
Word Count: 3.9K
Warnings: umm a lot of gore - it's inspired that one episode of guillermo del toro's cabinet of curiosities, so yeah. also they kiss. and it's slightly sad at the end. lmk if there's anything else.
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You twisted in your bed- sheets soaked with sweat, hair sticking to your forehead. Vivid images flew across your mind, confusing you with their content.
There was a woman - tall and beautiful, but angry. She was so, so angry. She gripped your hand tightly, pulling you across the floor and locking you in a room. There was a little boy in there, curled in the corner, clutching a teddy bear. 
The teddy bear was familiar - there was a picture of your mother holding an identical one somewhere in the attic of your family home. The boy was covering the teddy bear’s ears. There was screaming outside the door - two voices creating a cacophony, so disruptive that you cowered under its weight. 
In the distance, you could hear the lullaby again - the one from the manor. The little boy stood up and ran to the corner of the room, glancing back before disappearing into a secret door behind the wardrobe.
The scene changed - light streamed through the window now, casting shadows of the window pane on the wooden floor. The angry woman was now stood at the base of the stairs, her coat wrapped around her and a hat in her hands.
“Elizabeth!” she called, “Elizabeth, hurry, we can’t be late again!” 
A young girl ran down the stairs, her fingers dancing over the railing as she ran. You looked at her closely. She almost looked like you. Same hair, same eyes, same face shape. It was peculiar. A floorboard creaked behind you. You turned back to face the stairs - the little boy was sat there again, hands grasping his teddy bear. He looked woefully at his sister, who was already out the door, chattering away to their mother. You could hear her muffled voice through the shut door. You shivered.
A draft blew through the house. Loud sobbing echoed through the halls and you ran upstairs, following the sound. You turned open the door to the boy’s room, before scrambling back hand clamped over your mouth to stifle your scream.
There, lying in a pool of her own blood, was the sister. The whole family crowded around her - the father cradled her in his arms while the mother cried into her hands nearby. Their clothes were soaked with blood as they sat wailing. A constable ran up the stairs with the maid, and he stumbled back as the scene came into view. You watched as he muttered a prayer to the Lord.
“Come, Timothy.” The maid held out her hand to you. You gasped. She was the same. She was the maid from the Bowers house. What if she had followed you into your dream? Was that even possible? How could that even happen?
The sound of gentle footsteps behind you broke you out of your spiralling. Behind you was the little boy. His eyes were closed, hands tightly gripping the teddy bear. He was covered in blood. From head to toe.
You step aside as he took the maid’s hand. She led him down the stairs towards the maid’s quarters where he sat patiently on the bed waiting for her to return with a wet cloth. She came back with a tub and a pair of clean clothes for him to change into. Slowly and carefully, she wiped away all of the blood, humming her song all the while. Little Timothy cried as she cleaned him, wailing that it was all his fault. 
Confusion mounted as he cried - how could it be his fault, you thought, it’s not as if he killed his sister? The maid soothed him, whispering that it wasn’t his fault, there’s no way he could have known. 
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You felt yourself slipping out of the dream, someone’s hand on your arm, shaking you awake, calling your name. You threw yourself awake, pulling yourself out of bed, and putting distance between whoever was in your room. You stumbled, your legs not ready for the sudden movement. A familiar pair of arms caught you, pulling you back into bed. Lockwood. 
“Are you alright?” He asked, once you were settled back into bed, “I heard you screaming from across the hall.”
“I’m fine. Just a bad dream.”
Lockwood didn’t look convinced. “Was it about the last case? The one at the manor?”
“No,” you lied, looking away from his inquiring eyes, “it’s one of those ones where nothing makes sense but it’s just scary.”
“Okay. Try and get back to sleep,” Lockwood pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead, “if you can’t, you can always come and be an insomniac with me.”
You smiled at him as he left before bringing a hand up to brush your hairline. He kissed you? Lockwood wasn’t one to show physical affection, even to Ruby and George. Since moving in here, you’d only seen him be affectionate once, hugging Ruby when he was exceptionally tired. You smiled internally, lying back down and turning over. Maybe there’s a slight possibility that he feels the same.
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It had been 3 days and the nightmare was still replaying itself in your head. You and Lucy were getting ready to go into central London for a case - suited up and ready to scope out quite an old townhouse. The owners had been complaining that there was an apparition causing a disturbance in the attic.
The two of you hopped in a cab, exchanging notes on George’s research as you pulled up to 16 Cherry Tree Lane. It was a tall townhouse in a very affluent part of London. The area had a rich history and Lucy knocked on the door just as the sun started setting. 
Your footsteps echoed as you entered the empty townhouse - clearly the owners were still in the process of moving in as the home was barren. The case should be easy - one ghost that they could hear in the attic, likely a Type 1. Easy. In and out.
“Let’s just get this over with, then we can get pizza,” Lucy said, harking back to Lockwood’s promise to pick up pizza on his way back from DEPRAC.
The two of you headed up the stairs, both of you using your listening skills to try and locate the ghost. Lucy stayed on the first floor, exploring the bedrooms, while you headed up to the second floor to see if you had any luck there. You could hear faint humming - a man’s voice but still, for a moment you stood, paralysed by fear. There was no way she could have followed you here. You heard footsteps come from behind you, and someone calling your name. Lucy. You tried calling out to her but found yourself unable to yell or run to her. You were stuck.
Lucy comes upstairs to find you standing by the top of the stairs, tears streaming down your face. The ghost wasn’t near you - he seemed oblivious to either of you being there (you were right when you said he was a Type 1). Lucy blocks him from your view, placing her hands on the side of your head, bringing your focus back to her. You soon relaxed, your body releasing its tension and movement returned to your body. Your hands came up to cover hers, reassuring her that you were okay. She didn’t seem convinced.
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As you pulled up to 35 Portland Row, you were still shaking from the icy grip of the ghost. The chill seemed to linger in your bones and your body felt heavy as you walked up the steps to the house. Lucy’s worried gaze lingered on you as she opened the door, her arm steady around your shoulders, but she said nothing as you trudged into the house.
"You should rest," Lucy suggested gently, closing the door behind you. "I'll make you some tea."
You nodded gratefully, already feeling the exhaustion creep in. As you settled onto the couch, Lucy disappeared into the kitchen, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
As you dozed off on the couch, you heard the door open and Lockwood announce that he had pizza. Somewhere deep in the back of your mind, you celebrated - it had been months since you guys had been able to treat yourselves to a full pizza meal, so you were excited. But the case had really taken it out of you, so you just remained curled up on the couch.
You vaguely heard Lockwood call your name and walk into the room, but you were too tired to lift your head. You feel his hand brush over your head and a shiver runs down your spine. You hear him ask Lucy what happened, and - with a slight hesitation - she tells him. You can't be mad at her - Lockwood deserved to know the whole truth.
Eventually, he and Lucy slipped away, leaving you to the silence of the room. The scent of pizza wafted from the kitchen and your stomach growled. Mustering up the last ounces of your energy, you rose from the couch and walked over to the kitchen, where the three of them were sat. You gingerly sat in your chair, reaching out for some pepperoni pizza.
The four of you sat in a silence as Lucy and George rushed to finish their pizza and slip away. They knew what was coming.
"You should be resting," Lockwood finally said, as Lucy shut the door behind her. The worry on his face morphed into anger as you took another bite of pizza, "See this is what I mean when I say you're too reckless."
His words stung a little and you felt a flare of defiance. "I'm not a child, Anthony, I can take care of myself."
"Clearly not well enough." He retorted, pushing his plate away. He may be the big boss of Lockwood and Co, but he still left his crusts on the plate. Lockwood's voice kept rising, "You know what, you're benched until I say otherwise. If I can't trust you to keep yourself safe, I'll do it for you."
The finality in his tone makes your blood boil. "You can't just bench me!" You shouted back, standing up to match Lockwood's stance. "I'm also a part of this team, and I deserve to be treated like it."
Lockwood stepped back, his expression a mix of anger and hurt. "I'm doing this because I care about you. Can't you see that?"
But you were too angry to listen. Without another word, you stormed out of the kitchen and off to your room, slamming the door behind you - the picture frames on the wall rattled with force. The silence that followed was deafening, your heart pounding in your ears.
As you sat on the edge of your bed, the anger slowly ebbed away, replaced by a crushing sense of guilt. You knew that Lockwood wasn't doing it to be malicious, but his overprotectiveness felt suffocating. Curling up on your bed, you tried to drift off to sleep but it felt impossible. You were benched off the team and at odds with Lockwood. You didn't need to add another nightmare to that mix.
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The next day, Anthony and Lucy disappeared on another mission, while George took a trip to the British Library to put together some information for a case next week. You were supposed to stay behind at the house to clean up and take care of some artifacts, but you had other plans. 
While George got a taxi from the house, you slipped out and caught the next bus in that direction. The British Library was a familiar sanctuary, rows of dusty tomes lining the shelves, each one holding secrets waiting to be uncovered. Years before you had worked for Lockwood and Co., you did what George did - extensive research.
You settled at a computer in the far corner of the library, brow furrowed in concentration, as you flicked through some old local newspapers that mentioned the old Bower's Manor.
The pages were filled with tales of hauntings and tragedy, the ghostly echoes of past inhabitants lingering in the crumbling halls, stuff that George had already pulled out in his last case file. You traced your finger along faded photographs of the manor, trying to figure out why you felt so drawn to it. 
"There's something here," you murmured to yourself, "There must be."
You slide a worn parchment under the magnifier beside you. The photo caught your eye. It was the little boy you saw. You shifted it towards the text. 
May 26th, 1947
News from the Bowers Manor: Ms. Elizabeth Bowers, eldest daughter of Lord and Mrs. Timothy Bowers, has unfortunately passed on at the age of 15, two months after Lord Bower’s brother, Lt. Charles M. Bowers. The passing has been reported as the result of a chronic and fatal condition, but some within the house believe some other forces to be at play. 
Constable M. Myers reported the case to be unlike any he had seen before after he was called to the Manor early Saturday morning. He reportedly returned to the station covered in blood and shaking, before retiring home for the weekend. He has not been able to give any other statement.
You stopped reading. This was it. The story from your memory. Vision? Whatever it was. You scanned the rest of the text, looking for the name of the brother, but there was no mention of him. 
You took the next newspaper in the pile and placed it under the magnifier. Nothing. And the next. And the next. Still nothing. Finally you find one from 1957. Ten years after the original. In the corner of one of the middle pages is a small photo and an article titled, ‘The Last Bowers’. This could be it. 
October 2nd, 1957
Sgt. Timothy Bowers II, son of the late Lord and Mrs. Timothy Bowers, closed the doors to the Bower’s Manor for the last time as the keys pass on to one Mr. Khalil. The 19-year-old made the decision after the passing of his cousin, the late Ms. Sanders. The Sergeant confirmed his decision to sell at last week’s monthly town meeting, and was met with uproar. Nonetheless, it seems whatever bad luck has haunted the house and the Bowers family has finally driven the young Sergeant away.
You examined the photo and your heart dropped to your stomach. You’d seen that photo before. Framed. In your mother’s house. The revelation hit you like a thunderbolt, sending a shiver down your spine as you stared at the crumbling pages before you again. The old Bowers Manor was owned by your ancestors, and the boy from the photo - and your nightmares - was none other than your grandfather.
Images flashed through your mind, fragments of memories long buried resurfacing in vivid detail. You remembered the stories your mother told you as a child, tales of a troubled past and a family history shrouded in darkness. But you never imagined that those secrets lay within the walls of the very manor you had been investigating.
As the realization sank in, you felt your mind race with possibilities. The discovery added a new layer of complexity to the mission, one that you couldn't ignore. But it made sense. Even at Fitte’s, you weren’t supposed to work cases that were close to you - no family relations or people that you were close to. Despite Anthony's orders to stay away, you couldn’t shake the feeling that this was something you had to do.You may have been benched, but that didn't mean you were out of the game. And if that meant you had to defy Anthony’s instructions, so be it. 
You printed a copy of the two newspapers and tucked them carefully into your bag. You then ran to catch the bus home before anyone made it back. 
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As you stepped through the door of 35 Portland Row, carrying the weight of the newfound revelations about your family's history, you were met with the stern gaze of Anthony Lockwood. His expression was a mix of frustration and concern, his normally calm demeanor replaced by a crackling intensity that sends a chill down your spine.
"Where have you been?" he demanded, his voice sharp with reproach. "I thought we agreed that you were going to stay here.”
“If by agreed, you mean you told me to stay here and just expected me to agree.”
His expression didn’t change. Instead, his eyes caught one of the photocopies that was clenched in your hand. He grabbed while you were distracted and looked over it. His face hardened more if that was possible. “I thought I specifically told you to stay away from that case."
You swallowed hard, knowing that you were about to face the full force of Anthony's wrath. "I know, but I had to—"
"You had to, what?" he interrupted, his tone laced with exasperation. "Risk your life chasing after a ghost that we don’t need to? You almost got ghost-touched! Do you have any idea how dangerous that was?"
You met his gaze head-on, refusing to back down. "I had to find out the truth," you replied, your voice steady despite the turmoil brewing inside you. "About my family, about the manor—about everything."
“Your family?” Anthony's features soften slightly, a flicker of concern crossing his face. “What do you mean?”
You explained the truth. Everything you’d found out in the Library. You watched as Anthony’s shoulder slumped with every word. You knew why you got ghost-locked now, so things should be back to normal.
Anthony didn’t share the sentiment. "You can't keep doing this," he said, his voice gentler now, tinged with worry. "You're important to me, to all of us. I can't stand the thought of you putting yourself in harm's way like this."
His words caught you off guard, a pang of emotion tugging at your heart. You'd always known that Anthony cared about you, but hearing him express it so openly sent a rush of warmth flooding through you.
"Anthony," you began, reaching out to touch his arm, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you."
He met your gaze, his eyes softening as he took in your sincerity. "I know you didn't," he said quietly, his voice barely above a whisper. "But please, promise me you'll be more careful. Promise me you'll take care of yourself."
A tense silence envelops the room, broken only by the sound of your racing heart. You can feel the weight of his concern pressing down on you, mingling with your own sense of guilt and determination.
He’d stepped closer to you at some point in your conversation, to the point where his face was inches away from yours. His hand came up to caress the side of your face as he stared into your eyes. “Please take care of yourself. I don’t think I’d survive it if you got hurt. I know…-”
In a moment of impulsive clarity, you leaned forward, closing the distance between you and Anthony in one swift motion. Your lips met his in a tender, desperate kiss, cutting off his tirade mid-sentence.
For a heartbeat, the world fell away, leaving only the sensation of Anthony's lips against yours, the warmth of his embrace pulling you closer. In that fleeting instant, everything else faded into insignificance, overshadowed by the intensity of your connection.
When you finally pulled away, breathless and trembling, you were met with Anthony's wide-eyed gaze, his expression a mix of shock and disbelief. For a heartbeat, neither of you spoke, the weight of the unspoken hanging heavy in the air.
Then, slowly, tentatively, Anthony reached out to cup your cheek, his touch gentle against your skin. "What was that?" he whispered, his voice barely audible over the pounding of your heart.
You met his gaze, your own eyes filled with a mixture of uncertainty and longing. "I... I don't know," you admitted, your voice barely a whisper. "But I couldn't stand to see you upset, and... and I needed you to know."
Anthony's expression softened, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I understand," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "And... and I think I needed to know too."
The tension in the room dissipated, as you met Anthony’s gaze with sincerity shining in your eyes. 
"I promise," you said softly, "I'll take better care of myself. And I won't put myself in unnecessary danger again."
Anthony nodded, his expression softening with relief. "And I promise to trust you more," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "I know I can be too controlling at times, but I'll work on letting go and giving you the space you need."
He pulled you back into his arms and you relaxed into them. You rested your cheek on his shoulder as he held you, content to just be.
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You and Anthony stood outside the Bowers manor. The building wasn’t any less imposing the second time, and Anthony squeezed your hand in reassurance. We can do this, it said. You took a deep breath. 
You pushed open the heavy door and stepped into the decrepit hallway, the air thick and stagnant. This time, the feeling of discomfort didn’t weigh as heavily on your chest as you and Anthony made your way to the maid’s quarters.
Finally, you reached the quarters and you came face-to-face with the ghost that had been haunting your dreams for the past week. It was the maid, her spectral form flickering in and out of existence as she clung to the shadows, her eyes filled with longing and sorrow.
You and Anthony searched the room for anything that could be the source. Eventually, Lockwood found a loose floorboard hiding a silver hair comb and a few photos. He called you over, yelling at you to get a silver box, or some net. Anything that would subdue the maid. 
But as you grabbed the net, a voice cut through the silence—a voice you recognised all too well. It was your grandfather, his eyes covered by special goggles that you’d seen somewhere before. They were the same as the one’s Fairfax was wearing before Annabelle killed him. You shuddered at the thought. 
Your grandfather’s form materialised beside the maid, his face etched with pain and regret. "Please," he begged, his voice thick with emotion. "Don't do this. She's all I have left."
You hesitated, torn between the desire to end your haunting and listening to your grandfather’s plea. But deep down, you know what needs to be done. With a heavy heart, you threw the net over the source, the energy crackling through the air as the maid's form begins to fade.
In a sudden burst of anger and despair, your grandfather lunged forward, his arms reaching out as he tried to stop you. But before he could reach you, Anthony stepped in, shielding you from the blow.
As the maid's form faded into nothingness, you reached out to your grandfather, pulling him close as he sobbed in your arms. For a moment, there were no words, only the sound of his tears mingling with the echoes of the past.
But then, as the last remnants of the maid faded away, your grandfather lifted his head, his eyes filled with gratitude and sorrow. "Thank you," he whispered, his voice barely audible over the fading echoes of the manor. "For giving me the chance to say goodbye."
77 notes · View notes
ukulelevillainwrites · 7 months
who follows the rules anyway?
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9
pairing : anthony lockwood x reader
word count : 10k
warnings : drinking, drunken state
taglist : @demigoddess-of-ghosts ; @oblivious-idiot ; @neewtmas ; @bobbys-not-that-small ; @bella-rose29 ; @maraschinomerry ; @novelizt ; @fudosl ; @archiveoftara ; @cassiopeiia24 (i think i didn't forget anyone but i could be wrong)
content : I couldn’t resist some callbacks to the attic scene before fittes’ party, George wears a bowtie for all the fans of ali in a bowtie out there know that it was my frame of reference, I tried to not make it look like a direct copy of the fittes party but there are a lot of similarities
note : life got so out of hand, I sincerely apologize that it took so long but to make up for it it’s quite long and I really really like this part it’s THE part I’ve fantasized about since I started writing and I really like how the main scenes came out
Also sorry I know it’s been a long time but pt8 picks up right after the last scene of pt7
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She realized what she just said as she walked past him entering the kitchen. She turned around suddenly, bumping into him as he followed her inside.
“I’m so sorry Lockwood I’m being so rude.”
“Well, you’re not wrong but you could tell me this without stepping on my toes.”
She looked down and fair enough she was. She took a few steps back, apologizing again and she bumped into the cupboards behind her.
“Am I gonna have to stitch you up again?” Lockwood asked, amused.
“I’m so sorry.” She said again sitting down in the chair closest to her.
“You keep saying that.”
“Well, I am. I’m sorry I talked to you that way in front of Lucy, and I’m sorry I talked to you like that in the hall, and I’m sorry I came into your life yelling at you and making you angry-”
“I’m not angry.” He interrupted. “Just… frustrated.” They stayed in silence for a while staring at each other.
“I can’t figure you out.” He admitted in a lower voice.
She could have told him the same thing.
“You hate me, then you warm up to me, then you give me the cold shoulder and hate me again… what am I supposed to think?”
“I don’t hate you. I just… I can’t figure you out either. I never know what you’re thinking.”
“Well, I hired you because I think you’re good, I hate fighting, I genuinely want to help you with this whole thing, and I think it’s pretty nice when we get along. Is that clear enough?”
Not quite, she thought. What were they supposed to be? Did he consider them actual friends now or were they far from it? Did he mean it when he said that he had always been honest with her? His charming act did look awfully familiar every time he used it with clients. She didn’t know what she was supposed to think. All the questions that clouded her mind when she thought about him came rushing in.
“We’re strictly colleagues then? Or am I allowed to say that we’re friends.” She managed.
“I think friends is more fitting. I mean what kind of employer would I be sleeping in the same couch as my underling?”
She blushed furiously at the memory of his arms around her.
“Sorry I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. Did I go too far that night? I never meant to-”
“Lockwood it’s alright. It was sweet really… I didn’t expect you to watch over me like that.”
They both looked anywhere else but each other, embarrassed at the thought of that night. She didn’t regret it, quite the contrary. She still thought about it fondly.
“It was nice… I felt safe.” She added in a tone barely above a whisper.
“I know you’d do the same for me…”
She looked up at him in surprise.
“Wouldn’t you?” he asked, his frown deepening as he looked into her eyes, almost begging.
“I… I just don’t see what I did to make you so sure of it. Was it the insults or the yelling?”
He laughed.
“You saved my life twice. I didn’t think I’d have to remind you that, I rather thought you’d gloat and annoy me with it every single day.”
“You’re right I should.”
They exchanged another look, warmer and more knowing.
She got up to prepare some tea. She made his cup the way he liked it and handed to him. He smiled at her with the familiarity she liked so much. She turned around before he could notice the blush on her cheeks. She then prepared two more cups, George’s with slightly more sugar than hers and placed them on an unused corner of the Thinking Cloth. She called on George and handed him his tea. When she looked up at Lockwood his smile wasn’t as wide. The three of them settled around the table.
“Alright, let’s plan a heist.”
“Why can’t we just push it back one week? It’d give us the extra time we need to prepare.”
“The event for the launch of their new rapier line will be more crowded and it lasts an entire day. Showing up there will never be enough to keep us out of suspicion. It has to be the fundraiser tomorrow.”
Lockwood hadn’t looked up from the plans of the building. They were trying to figure out the safest route for Lucy and Norrie to reach the documents they needed while staying as far from the party as possible and they were running out of time. Lockwood had had a hard time getting them in the fundraiser. For starter he had tried reaching out to different contacts to get in. The only result he got was a newfound rage against the Organization for not inviting them in the first place. She could have guessed a million things that could have motivated Lockwood to get them into this party at all costs. She didn’t think Bunchurch would be the one. Apparently the less than prestigious agency had some agents attending the event. In fact, all agencies had some representatives attending, or almost all of them. Something about showing the growing bonds between agencies and the Silverpoint Organization. Lockwood’s renewed determination led him to go all the way down to their headquarters to demand an invite using a mix of his usual charms and some threats of bad press. He had been convincing enough to get the three of them in. He had just put the envelopes down on the Thinking Cloth with a triumphant smile when someone knocked on the door. George led Lucy in the kitchen and they all smiled widely when she told them she and Norrie would join them. All the pieces were finally coming together. Then they studied the plans of the house and realized that it wasn’t as easy as it seemed.
First of all because it was a mansion and not a house. The surface was significantly larger and the number of rooms they had to cover seemed impossible to search in just a few hours. Second of all because it was a city mansion, just north of Hyde Park, with other buildings right next to it, no garden and the front door accessible from the street. No other point of entry and neighbours on both sides. It had been fairly easy to determine which rooms to search first, compared to figuring out how the girls were supposed to get inside and out while remaining unseen.
“Wait what’s this?” Norrie asked picking up some of the research y/n had done on the party. She had spent so much time looking at those papers she couldn’t bear to look at them again.
“It’s details about the party, the agencies and companies that will be represented, the staff I managed to get information about, that kind of thing.”
“Well, if we know which catering company they’ll be hiring why don’t we use that?”
“I don’t know… Maybe get hired, be a waitress during the event and use that to slip out?”
They all stared at her, in disbelief that they didn’t make the connection sooner.
“That’s a good idea but I’m not sure we’ll have enough time to get hired.” Lucy raised a good point.
“They’re always looking for extra people at the last minute for this kind of event. They get to hire desperate people who need a job so they can pay them less. It could be worth a try.”
“Norrie, that’s brilliant.” Lockwood exclaimed, his enthusiasm renewed. “Okay, you and Lucy will get in by waitressing at the event.” He got up and started pacing around the room. “You discreetly slip out and search the rooms in that order. I’ll need you to find a folder to put the documents in. Next, one of you go up on the second floor in that room.” He pointed at what seemed to be a bedroom drawn on the top left corner of the map. “You’ll let the folder fall from that window into the alley next to the mansion. When it’s done, give us a discreet sign. One of us will fake going out to take some fresh air and retrieve the documents.”
Relief filled the room as Lockwood finished explaining the last details of his plan. He was so sure of himself, so confident and convinced that they would succeed that it was hard to be pessimistic. He made it sound so easy.
“Lucy, Norrie, you should go and see if you can get hired today. George, now that we have a plan, I’m ordering you to find something decent to wear to the event.”
George sighed, clearly not happy about having to leave his research and take on an activity he had no interest in.
“Do you have something to wear, y/n?”
“I’ll probably figure something out.” She answered, rubbing her eyes. The long days of research, planning and cases had drained all energy from her, and like George she wasn’t too eager to spend time on her feet looking for something to wear at a party she wasn’t going to have fun at. Her bed sounded more appealing than anything else.
“Am I going to have to lead you both out with the point of my rapier in your back to get you moving?”
“Are you threatening us so we go shopping?”
“Well, locking you out of the house isn’t an option because of a certain someone,” Lockwood said as his stare lingered on her a few seconds more than she thought necessary, “so I have to resort to extreme measures.” He concluded with a wink.
They looked at him in disbelief. Since when did he care so much about what they were wearing?
“We need to be camera ready, this could be Lockwood and Co.’s first very public night we need to look our best!”
She was so exhausted she hadn’t realized they now had to endure fame-struck Lockwood craving the attention of the public. He was not going to let this go. She reluctantly stood up, mouthing “fine” at him with a thin smile. She dragged George out of the kitchen before he could protest and start an argument he would lose anyway. When public image was at stake, Lockwood always had the last word.
They got home three hours later, arms tired from carrying heavy bags. George’s suit weighed a ton, so did her shoes. She thought then that the platforms might have been overkill. Especially since she still didn’t know what she was going to wear. Finding something appropriate had taken longer than expected. Not for George, who bought the first cheapest suit he could find to get this over with. He complained louder each time she tried on a dress she didn’t buy. She was as frustrated as he was, really. The weather was getting colder and for some reason all she could find were backless or sleeveless dresses in which she was already too cold just by trying them on. Between George’s complaints and her feet growing tired y/n thought about giving up more than once. They started to walk back, discussing the plan for their very busy evening the following night when George interrupted himself.
“What? What is it?”
“In the window across the street. That could fit you for tomorrow night, right?”
She looked across to see a long-sleeved black jumpsuit on the mannequin in the shop in front of them. It was simple but very elegant, with a square neckline, a tight body giving the illusion of a corset, and wider pants long enough to touch the floor. The platforms would come in handy here. Since it was George’s idea, she told him he wasn’t allowed to complain if it didn’t fit. She went inside and came back out fifteen minutes later with another heavy bag to carry home.
She couldn’t help the tremor in her hand while she applied mascara on her eyelashes. As the hours went on, y/n could feel the knot in her stomach tighten. The idea of spending the night at such a sophisticated event made her nervous. She was incredibly intimidated, especially considering the type of crowd she would have to face. Being surrounded by rich and elegant people was not something she was used to, and tonight she would have to talk to them to make sure they saw her there. It added a stinging salt to her already oozing wound. She fixed her hair for the tenth time in the past fifteen minutes, checking her reflection under every angle. She jumped and dropped her hairbrush when someone knocked on the door to the attic.
“y/n, are you alright?”
She recognized Lockwood’s voice and told him to come in. She bent down to retrieve her hairbrush and when she looked back up she saw him standing next to the mirror, wide-eyed and silent.
“Do I look this bad?”
“You… No! No, no on the contrary you look…” He blushed as he looked into her eyes.
“You look great.” He said shyly.
She didn’t think she had ever seen him so flustered. Had she not been so nervous, she might have read into his reaction. But her nerves were so unsettled that she simply smiled back at him before putting on her lipstick. She had picked a dark red to complete her elegant look for the night. She focused on the reflection of her lips. When she looked back up Lockwood was gone. She wondered if she had imagined his eyes following her every movement in the mirror. He was acting strange, but it was a very stressful night. She couldn’t even stop her hands from shaking. It was surprising coming from him, but they had never been in that situation before. Confused, she went to sit on her bed to put on her shoes. Another knock on the door interrupted her thoughts.
Lockwood was back, the same bewildered expression on his face.
“I’ve never seen you with lipstick.”
“Well, it’s not really my priority when going out to fight visitors all night.” She joked.
He kept staring insistently at her.
“What is it? Did I get some on my teeth?” She stood back up to look in the mirror again. Everything had to be perfect. She inspected every inch of her face, every tooth, every hair. Movement behind her made her look up to see Lockwood stepping closer in the reflection, reaching for something in his pocket.
“Here, I thought it would make you look even more elegant than you already are.”
He took out a red velvet pouch and revealed a pearl necklace.
“Lockwood… that’s… very thoughtful. Thank you.” She hoped the warm lights of her bedroom were enough to hide the red that had spread across her cheeks. He detached the clasp and went to stand behind her. She looked back into the mirror as he placed the necklace around her neck. She pushed her hair away, her hand softly brushing against his for a second. His gaze remained fixed on her reflection, the dark brown of his irises looking even warmer in the soft dim light. He looked back at her neck.
“They belonged to my mother.” He said as he fastened the clasp.
She looked at him in the mirror with surprise. He was smiling. A soft, delicate smile. He had rendered her speechless. For the briefest moment, the party didn’t matter, the past few months and everything that had led her there tonight weren’t as important. She was here, now, with him and everything was okay.
She blinked and turned around.
“Lockwood I can’t-”
“It’s nothing, really. Plus, you’ll fit right in tonight looking like this.” He winked, his smile back to its usual wolfish grin. “I’ll go get us a cab, George should be about ready too.”
Before she could protest, he was down the stairs, asking George if was ready, leaving her standing there, a hand resting on the necklace. She looked back at her reflection. The pearls did make her look rich and sophisticated, she admitted to herself. Lockwood had never talked to her about his family. She was incredibly flattered by this gift, and most importantly by the fact that he had opened up, even just a little. The softness of his eyes kept flashing back in her mind. She breathed in deeply, more assured than she was. He had quite an effect on her, she thought. The brush of his skin on hers, his soft breathing in her neck… If only he had stood closer, even just for an instant. She stopped her mind from going any further. The butterflies in her stomach were back and her heart was ready to jump out of her chest, but it’d have to wait. They had a party to attend and some documents to steal.
She came down the stairs to join Lockwood and George, ready to leave. George was adjusting his bowtie in the mirror in the living room. She was surprised to see him look quite dashing.
“George, promise me you’ll make an effort to socialize and be as visible as you can tonight.”
“Easy for you to say, it’ll be second nature for you to be at the center of attention!”
Lockwood laughed as he headed for the door and stopped in his tracks when she entered the room.
“Especially if I have the most gorgeous girl at the party on my arm.” He said after a pause.
She blushed furiously at the remark. He had never complimented her so much, or been so kind to her before. She tried to keep a stiff upper lip, but really she was close to falling on her knees. It was like he loved tormenting her.
They stayed staring at each other in silence, their smiles getting wider every second.
“I think I liked it better when you were fighting.” Said George in an exasperated tone.
Lockwood ignored him as he crossed the room to offer her his arm.
“Shall we?”
The ride over to the fundraiser was a silent one, though the three of them were agitated. George kept adjusting his bowtie and cleaning his glasses, y/n checked her lipstick in her pocket mirror every five minutes. Lockwood kept fidgeting, but it wasn’t really unusual for him. While they kept glancing anxiously at the road, he alternatively looked through each window like a toddler wondering if they were there yet. y/n did not share his excitement. She gripped the pearls around her neck and took a deep breath. Lockwood nudged his knee against hers to get her attention.
“It’s gonna go just fine.” He said in a low voice.
She smiled but it was rigid, almost fake. Panic was slowly strengthening its grip on her. What was she supposed to talk about with these people all night? She didn’t have Lockwood’s natural talent and ease when it came to socializing. She was terrified of saying something wrong and making a fool of herself. He rested a hand on her knee, bringing her out of her overwhelming thoughts.
“You’ll be great.”
She reached for his hand as she whispered a low ‘thank you’.
Despite his best efforts to reassure her, the crowd on the sidewalk and the animation coming from the mansion brought back her insecurities. Everyone looked so elegant and influential that she instantly felt out of place.
The look on George’s face reassured her a little bit. She wasn’t the only one desperate to go home. They got out of the cab and mingled in the crowd waiting to check their coats. y/n took a first look at the faces she would have to talk to during the night, trying to recognize anyone that would be easier to talk to. None of them looked like she could have seen them around at Fittes, or clients she could have worked with. She did notice the catering van parked in front of an alleyway next to the house, the waiters and waitresses all gathered next to it. She saw Lucy and Norrie with them, acting professional. Before she could try to get their attention and ask them if they were okay, Lockwood grabbed her arm and led her inside.
The elegance of the hall did not prepare her for the spectacular room in which the event took place. An imposing marble staircase was lit with candles, so many she couldn’t count them all, yet it was only half as much as the ones lighting up the crystal chandelier illuminating the room and taking up half the ceiling. If the Silverpoint Organization was a non-profit, they showed none of it during their receptions. The room was full of eloquent people, as she expected, most of them middle aged. Most men wore a lavender pin on their lapel, but some of them had a silver brooch in the shape of a harp instead. Women wore them too. She didn’t know what it stood for and felt foolish, dreading the interactions to come even more now. Every now and then she saw agents in the crowd. Fittes, Rotwell, Tendy’s, Bunchurch too. Unsure what to do, George and y/n looked expectantly at Lockwood.
“Why don’t you two mingle, I’ll go get us some drinks.” He said cheerfully before leaving them to fend for themselves.
They didn’t have time to protest, he was already lost in the crowd. George turned to her, suggesting that they should make a break for it while they still could. As much as she wished they could leave, she couldn’t bail on their plan now.
“I’ll make hot cocoa with extra whipped cream and those mini marshmallows you love so much!” He insisted with a pleading look.
“As much as I want to, we can’t.”
Before he could add anything that was likely to change her mind, the ringing of glasses rose through the air and soon the room fell silent. At the top of the grand staircase stood a man, stoic while he waited for the last conversations to die out.
“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.” y/n was taken aback by the authority in his voice. She mustn’t have been the only one. The first few guests at the end of the staircase had stood straighter at the words.
“I am Theodor Mullet, chairman of Mullet and Sons and your host for the night,” he continued, “I hope you are all enjoying your evening so far. The music will continue in a moment but first I wanted to thank you all for attending and for your generous donations. As you know, the Silverpoint Organization has been helping our brave agents in the small way it can for over 20 years now.” He went on to describe the actions the Organization had taken over the years, reassuring the attendees that their money would be put to good use. Even though she knew for a fact that the donations in question would be spent on the black market, a part of her couldn’t help but believe he was telling the truth. The way he stood, tall and broad with his dark hair greying on the temples and his black glasses framing his gaze made him look straightforward. He didn’t have the appearance of a lying politician like she expected, instead he looked very matter-of-fact, what you would expect of a businessman at the head of one of the largest companies in the country. As she analyzed his every feature, she noticed that he too wore a silver brooch in the shape of a harp on the lapel of his vest. She wondered what kind of association he shared with the guests she had seen with the same accessory in the crowd.
“It was all the more important to me that all agencies attend this event, as both the Silverpoint Organization and Mullet&Sons want to further our relationship with them and support them all in keeping the nation safe. The courage of those young people is truly worth all our admiration, which is why I invite you all to raise a glass to the bravery of the agents present here with us tonight. May all agencies, big or small, defeat the Problem.” He raised his glass to the audience, and all guests followed suit. Many people were now staring at her and George with a mix of respect and pity.
“I could really use a drink… Where is Lockwood?” She said, turning towards George to avoid looking at the rest of the crowd.
“I don’t know… I think I’ll go try the buffet.”
y/n was too nervous to eat anything, especially with all this unwanted attention directed towards her. It didn’t seem to matter to George who was already gone before she could tell him that. She went her separate way to look for Lockwood in the crowd. It wouldn’t have surprised her if she found him charming some prestigious guests with dazzling stories about one of their cases. He was made for this after all and he had a knack for embellishing random anecdotes, turning them into thrilling quests. She tried to break through the crowd as respectfully as she could, overhearing small talk about what a fantastic man Theodor Mullet was or vivid debates about what the Organization’s next actions should be. She grew desperate the longer she looked. Without Lockwood, she didn’t think she could manage talking about those topics for an entire evening.
Relief flooded her when she spotted him next to the bar, glasses in hand. She got closer and stopped a few feet away, frozen. Her already dreadful evening turned even worse. She watched as El gently but confidently stroked his arm, throwing their head back in an exaggerated laughter that rose above the commotion. They did always have a flare for the dramatic. Lockwood smiled politely, but she couldn’t tell if he was genuinely enjoying talking to them. She dismissed the idea immediately. El was too proud, too flashy and overall, too much and Lockwood couldn’t enjoy the company of someone like this. Or could he? He looked around the room but didn’t notice the small sign she gave him, discreetly asking if he needed help. Before she could try something else, he was drawn back into the conversation, El clinging to his arm more every passing second. The knot in her stomach tightened.
She looked over at the buffet where George was having a better time than she was, enjoying the canapes that Lucy and Norrie or some of their colleagues for the night had brought out. She tried to spot the girls to make sure everything was fine but she couldn’t find them among the waiters. When she looked back over at Lockwood, El had placed a hand on his chest, now stroking his tie. She reached them in two strides, not minding the people previously in her way.
“There you are!” She pressed a kiss on his cheek. “I’ve been looking all over for you! Thank you for getting me a drink!” She said as she reached for the second glass he had in hand, interlocking her arm with his.
She looked up to see the confused look on his face. She ignored it and stared at El with feigned surprise.
“Oh… long time no see.”
El was staring back with barely hidden disgust.
“So you two are-”
“I heard you didn’t make it into Kipps’ team…” She didn’t let them finish. “That’s too bad.”
Their eyes darkened at that mention.
“I’ve moved on to better things.”
y/n huffed as she rolled her eyes.
“I’ve been working closely with Mrs. Dufour actually.” They said with a proud smirk. “It pays really well. And I get to meet a lot of influential people… Very influential. If I were you, I’d watch my back.”
She was barely surprised at that revelation.
“I see your loyalty hasn’t changed. At least it looks like your nose just about recovered, that’s a relief.” She forced a smile. Lockwood was staring at her with confusion, not saying a word.
She started to turn away, dragging Lockwood by the hand with her, when they forcefully grabbed her arm.
“I’m sorry your late-night encounter with Rasler didn’t manage to drive you out of town. Maybe next time I’ll finish the job myself.”
Lockwood untangled his arm and came to stand between them. His features were sharper than usual, his jaw clenched in anger. Even when they had particularly bad fights, he never looked so stern.
“Oh you have your prince charming coming to your rescue now! How adorable.”
They both were about to protest when El continued.
“Please don’t make a scene, this a class A event after all.” They looked back at her. “Not that you should get used to that, y/n.”
El then turned away and headed for the bar.
“Are you okay?” Lockwood asked her, worried.
“I should be the one to ask you that. How long were you stuck talking to them?”
He instinctively offered her his arm as they walked away from the scene.
“They ambushed me right after the speech. You have some very questionable acquaintances.”
“Well, I did punch them in the face, it made the inconvenience more palatable.”
She was about to take a sip of her champagne when Lockwood stopped abruptly, making her almost spill her drink. He looked at his reflection in one of the mirrors adorning the room before turning towards her.
“y/n, have I been walking around with your lipstick on my cheek for the past ten minutes?”
She laughed, louder than she had meant, only now paying attention to the very defined dark red shape of her lips on his pale skin.
“That’s not funny I look ridiculous!”
“It’s a little bit funny.” She said gasping for air. “Admit it!”
He smiled, but the blush on his cheeks betrayed his embarrassment.
“It’ll come off easily I swear!” She said, dragging him out of the ballroom to look for a bathroom.
He kept his hand on his cheek, trying to hide the source of his shame. y/n had stopped laughing, the realization of what she had done only hitting her now. It was her turn to blush. She wasn’t thinking, she acted on instinct. But why did her instinct have to make her do this in particular?
They reached a corridor lit with golden sconces on the wall. The light was softer here, giving the space a more intimate atmosphere.
“Was the kiss really necessary?” Lockwood asked in a lower voice now that they were further from the crowd.
She forced her embarrassment down and used all the courage she could muster to look in his eyes. His smirk betrayed the seriousness of his tone. He was messing with her.
“Next time I’ll let you fend for yourself.” She answered.
“Do you have many more nemeses I should be on the lookout for?”
“No, I don’t. Unless Dufour decides to go for someone half her age.” She joked.
“I should be safe from this kind of situation then.”
She looked through every door, looking for any room that would have a sink or a vanity, anything to help save his case.
“I wouldn’t be too sure of that if I were you.” She said absentmindedly, opening yet another door. “You’re young, attractive, you own your company… How come in a place as big as this one none of these doors are bathrooms?”
“You think I’m-”
“Ah! There we are, finally!” She led him into the powder room. She looked for a tissue or anything that would help him get the lipstick stain off. The room matched the elegance of the mansion, fancy soaps and cloth towels displayed next to the sink for the comfort of the guests. She ran a hand towel under the faucet, added some soap and handed it to Lockwood. He stared at her for a few seconds, before reaching for it. He rubbed the cloth on his face, staining it red. Somehow, he made the mark bigger, spreading it across his whole cheek. She laughed as he helplessly looked up at her in the mirror.
“This is all your fault, need I remind you.”
He tried to look upset, but soon he laughed with her at the scene, mocking his own reflection.
“I look like a clown.”
She took the cloth out of his hand and told him to crouch a little so she could take care of it. He leaned slightly against the sink, enough to meet her at eye level. She gently lifted and turned his chin to clean the rest of her lipstick off. He looked at her softly while she worked. She tried to ignore him or the way the soft bathroom light made his eyes sparkle. His eyelashes looked longer somehow. Maybe it was because she was seeing them from so close.
“There.” She said softly. “It’s gone.”
She looked back into his eyes. He was already staring. He smiled softly but didn’t say anything.
“You could thank me, you know?”
“For cleaning up your mess? Do you want a medal too?” He smiled wider. She laughed.
“You jerk!” She threw the towel at him, without doing much damage as it was thrown from so close. “I could also make it worse.”
“You wouldn’t dare.” He said defiantly.
She held his stare, becoming increasingly aware of their proximity. Heat creeped up her cheeks, but she didn’t want to move. Instead, she leaned into it, inching ever so slightly closer to him. She rested her hand on the edge of the sink, her fingers meeting the warmth of the back of his hand instead. He opened his palm and wrapped his fingers around hers. He subtly parted his lips, making her look at them then back into his eyes. He did the same. His other hand came to rest on her waist. His touch was delicate and soft, yet it was enough to send shivers down her back. It reached the small of her back, bringing her slowly closer to him, his eyes still focused on hers.
The door suddenly opened, making them both jump up in surprise.
“This isn’t the bathroom!” He man said loudly in the hallway before shutting the door.
She instinctively checked her hair in the mirror. Lockwood stood straighter, clearing his throat. She looked back at him with a thin smile, hoping the dim light hid her crimson cheeks.
“Thank you… for your help.”
“Oh you’re welcome!” She stammered. “You’re very welcome.”
They stood awkwardly, not sure what to do next.
“y/n… Do you…”
“I- uh we should go.”
She exited the room, flushed and a little disoriented. Lockwood called after her, asking her to wait. She wanted to turn back, desperately so, but a voice inside her head kept her from it. They were colleagues, she reminded herself. The voice of reason that had snuck into her head the morning after they fell asleep on the couch came screaming back, listing everything that was questionable about her behaviour. She never would have dared anything like this when she was at Fittes’. Lockwood’s recklessness was rubbing off on her and her conscience wasn’t having any of it. Her crush was inappropriate and now was certainly not the time to get lost in it. She headed back towards the ballroom to make sure enough guests witnessed her presence, but Lockwood caught up with her, reaching for her hand.
“y/n wait, please. I’m sorry I shouldn’t have…”
She looked back at him, her face still flushed from the moment they had shared.
“No, it’s me. I let my feelings get the best of me. We should really head back before someone notices we’re missing.” She said as she tried to regain composure.
“Your… feelings?” He asked, intrigued. He tried to act casual, but a grin had already formed at the corner of his mouth.
She didn’t think it was possible to be more embarrassed but here she was. She looked at him with wide eyes, realizing what had slipped out of her mouth and hurried back to the reception, hoping that the night wouldn’t get any worse. She heard Lockwood run after her and she instinctively hid among the guests in response. She grabbed a glass of champagne being served by one of the waiters and swallowed it down in full gulps. If anything else didn’t go as expected, at least she would find it funny. She spotted George still standing next to the buffet. He was joined by Lockwood a few minutes later, who still scanned the crowd, she guessed he was looking for her. She turned her back to him to avoid his eyes and knocked into someone. She apologized profusely, silently cursing this night and everything that had led her there in the first place.
“y/n? What are you doing here?”
She looked up to see her old team leader standing there, glass of champagne in hand, wearing a tuxedo that somehow made him look even more intimidating than his grey uniform.
“Kipps! Hi!” She answered.
“I didn’t expect to see you here tonight!”
“Me neither if I’m honest. You’re here to represent Fittes I’m guessing?”
“Officially yes.” He said, but his voice had an edge.
“I’m actually glad to see you again. I could use your insight on something.” He added in a growingly ominous tone.
“Kipps, what’s going on?” She asked impatiently.
“Yeah Kipps, what’s going on?” said a voice behind her. She didn’t need to turn around to know that Lockwood was looking down at him with the smug look he always had when he fed into that ridiculous rivalry of theirs.
“Not now Tony, I need y/n’s advice on something.”
“Oh really? And what would that be, Kipps? Put your team members in unfathomable danger again? How many children have you traumatized this time?”
“Lockwood, please. This is important.” She had no idea what Kipps wanted her advice on, but she wasn’t ready to face Lockwood yet. She wouldn’t be for a while. She looked up at him to silently tell him to go. He looked back at her and his smile vanished. She didn’t think this would hurt him, but however ridiculous his fight with Kipps was, his pride was taking a hit having to walk away. It didn’t help that Kipps added insult to injury with snobbish remarks, not caring how childish it made him look.
She started to walk towards an empty corner of the room, grabbing another glass on her way. Kipps followed closely.
“What is this all about Kipps?”
“I’m not just here to represent Fittes.” He paused significantly, as if he enjoyed building some kind of suspense around his intentions. “I’m trying to collect more information on Dufour.”
She stayed quiet for a minute as she tried to process what all it implied. On the one hand, they had a potential new ally in this mess. On the other hand, Kipps could make their whole plan fail and this would not end well. She took another sip to calm her nerves and frowned.
“What do you mean?”
“y/n, you never needed to tell me what happened for me to understand that she fired you because you got in the way.”
A new wave of panic washed over her. She hadn’t told him the whole story, she reminded herself. And she hadn’t seen him since that awful article had been published to humiliate her. There was no way he could have come to the same conclusions.
“I mean, you noticed a lot earlier than me how strange she was acting. After that article came out, I kept an eye on her when I could. There was more and more chatter among supervisors about her. Many clients had started complaining and it was reaching higher level executives. It was pretty obvious where all of this was heading.” He said in a sly tone. She finished her glass. Maybe he had.  
“She’s getting fired and tries to find a job with the Organization!” He concluded, congratulating his deduction skills. At least he wasn’t onto them. She was about to ask what kind of advice he expected her to give him when he started monologuing again. He visibly hadn’t told anyone about this and was getting too enthusiastic finally sharing his theories.
“I’ve already talked to a few guests about this, subtly mind you. I try to stay discreet on this whole thing. I managed to talk to one of the members of the Organization and left him with plenty to think about.” He said with a grin.
“What do you… I mean, what kind of advice are you looking for exactly?”
“Well let’s just say that the few anecdotes I shared tonight might jeopardize some of Dufour’s opportunities.” He winked at her. “I didn’t really need your advice, I just wanted to tell you that what she did is unforgivable, and she had no right to take you off my team. I’m just making sure she pays her dues.”
Apparently in Dufour’s case karma had a name and it was Quill F. Kipps. She smiled and the alcohol made her laugh much more than anticipated. She held onto him as she threw her head back in a fit of laughter, tears starting to prickle the corner of her eyes.
“That’s really sweet of you Kipps, thank you.” She said when her breathing evened out.
“I was proud to have you on my team y/n.” He said, raising his glass. She grabbed another one on a tray a waiter was passing around to clink a glass with his.
“You know,” She said, taking another sip, “I was always so intimidated by you. I was constantly trying to impress you.”
“Well, you did.”
Even though they hadn’t worked together in months, his recognition still made her feel queasy. Or maybe she was drunker than she realized. She looked away, searching for her reflection to make sure she wasn’t as red as she felt she was. Instead, she saw Lockwood watching the whole scene.
“Would you like to dance, maybe?” Kipps asked behind her.
She looked back at him, unable to refuse after what he had done for her. They headed towards the dancing crowd and when she looked back, Lockwood was gone. She tried to focus on her steps and not let him distract her movements. Her head was dangerously dizzy and if it was not for Kipps’ arm around her waist she would have fallen down twice already.
The song felt like it was going on forever, her feet were killing her and a headache started to hurt her temples. After another spin, she spotted Norrie’s red hair from afar, tray in hand and a wide smile on her face. She locked eyes with her and winked before heading back towards the buffet. Did Lucy manage to get the documents? She tried to look around to see if George or Lockwood had the folder. There were so many faces to look at. She lost her balance and tripped, saved by her dancing partner’s quick reflexes.
“y/n are you okay? You should drink some water.” He said as he led her towards the bar. He helped her sit down and brought her a glass, checking if she was alright. He never let go of her hand the whole time.
“I’m fine, I think I just had too much champagne.”
She barely had the time to take a sip of water when a familiar voice resonated behind her.
“What the hell did you do to her?”
She felt Lockwood place his arm behind her back, his touch just as warm as it had been a few hours earlier. His other hand reached her chin, making her look up at him with sleepy eyes.
“Did he make you drink too much?” He asked her in a softer tone, worry filling his voice.
“This is ridiculous!” Kipps answered.
“You shut up!”
“Come on Tony, throwing a tantrum because I danced with your girlfriend, seriously?”
“Lockwood! I’m okay, I swear.” She intervened. “Kipps you’ve been great tonight. Thank you for everything, but don’t ruin it now.” She squeezed his hand before letting go. She turned back towards Lockwood. “Maybe we should go now? The first guests seem to be leaving too.”
He hadn’t stopped glaring towards Kipps. When he looked back down at her, he sighed before agreeing.
“Why don’t you go look for George? I’ll be with you in a minute.”
He seemed surprised at her words, like he couldn’t conceive letting her alone with Kipps any longer. He pressed his hand against her back before heading towards the hall. She stood back up, struggling with the height of her heals. Kipps helped her up, holding her still as she tried to find her balance.
“Thank you for everything, Kipps. I never thought you would help me get revenge on Dufour and I have to say that I greatly appreciate it.”
“I tried being the bigger person but it didn’t work out too well for me.”
She teased him once more about the childish fight he had with Lockwood, not convinced that he could ever be the bigger person. They laughed, and she felt truly happy at the comradery they shared. She offered to meet him some time for coffee. He agreed and told her she should probably get back to her boss to avoid any trouble at home. She answered that he was annoying as they hugged goodbye and he ruffled her hair in exchange. With a smile, she headed towards the entrance where Lockwood was already waiting with her coat in hand.
As soon as they got in the car, Lockwood pulled a folder out of his jacket. His smile was radiant as he went over the numbers. They were more than enough to put the Organization in trouble, and hopefully Dufour with it too. As enthusiastic as he was, they were too exhausted to be receptive. George swore he would never set foot in this kind of event ever again while y/n struggled to stay awake.
“I’d rather fight thirteen limbless than talk to another member of that stupid organization.” He exclaimed, shuffling in his seat, disturbing her as she rested her head against the window. There was no time for her to fall asleep, as the cab was already slowing down in front of the house.
George practically jumped out of the car, eager to go to bed to “put this horrible night behind him”. She didn’t know what happened that made him so irritable, but she was sure she had missed something while she was talking to Kipps. Lockwood stepped out next, waiting beside the door to help her out. It was out of necessity more than chivalry since her knees buckled when she stood up. Never leaving her side, he helped her up the stairs into the hall. She started walking or rather stumbling towards the stairs when Lockwood stopped her in her tracks.
“You should drink at least two full glasses of water before sleeping.”
She didn’t answer and simply pouted like a child.
“Fine, if you can walk up to the attic on your own, I won’t make you drink water.”
She gave him an exaggerated smile and immediately tripped over the first step. He put his arm around her and led her towards the kitchen.
She rested against the countertop while he poured her a glass from the tap. She drank it all and he filled it up again. She smiled lazily. She couldn’t keep her eyes off him. He stared back, making sure she drank it all. The stood there for a few minutes in a comfortable silence, wordlessly getting lost in each other’s eyes.
“Thank you for taking care of me.” She said while tilting her head to the side.
It was a bad call. She couldn’t even move her head without being a fall risk.
He caught her just in time, as he always had this evening, and held her closer to start the long climb to the attic. She rested her face against his chest, nestling and taking comfort in his reassuring scent.
“Oh no…” She muttered under her breath.
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m putting make-up all over your shirt.” Her voice was sad but she made no move to try and stop it.
“It’s not the first time you put your make-up all over me tonight, darling. I think I’ll be alright.”
After the first flight of stairs, she slouched even more against him. Instead of taking the way up to the attic, he led her towards the opposite end of the hallway in his room. She didn’t register until he laid her down on his bed. The blanket she felt underneath her fingertips wasn’t the same texture as the one she had gotten used to.
“Lockwood I can’t sleep in your bed.” She mumbled, her face pressed into a pillow.
“Of course you can. You’re half asleep already.”
“Yeah but-”
“I’ll go sleep in your bed for tonight.”
She muttered an “okay” barely audible, drifting in and out of consciousness.
“I think that’s enough drinking and dancing for a while.” He said as he pressed a soft kiss against her temple.
“Hardly, I didn’t even get to dance with you!” Her eyelids started to close. “You’re the only one I wanted to dance with.”
She closed her eyes and fell asleep instantly, not noticing when Lockwood exited the room quietly.
She woke up to the sound of hammers from the construction across the street. The sun burned her eyes and a painful headache pressed her forehead when she tightly closed her eyelids. She reached for the closest pillow and buried her head under it, hoping to draw out the hurtful sound and the blinding light. It didn’t do much, but it had the perk of surrounding her with a familiar comforting scent. She didn’t know how long she stayed like this. She remembered this wasn’t her room and she was surprised that no one had come in yet. She turned on her side and opened her eyes carefully. The first thing she saw was a glass of water resting on the bedside table. The second was Lockwood’s clothes from last night hanging on the back of his chair. She stared at them for a while, wondering if he had been comfortable enough to change in the same room she was passed out in. While she was sleeping in his bed, nonetheless. She tried the best she could to sit up. Drinking on an empty stomach had not done her any favor. There wasn’t much chance she would get anything done today. She drank the glass left for her and rose up with great difficulty.
Everything hurt. She made her way down the stairs, and by the time she reached the kitchen someone had made her a plate with warm toast. It was sitting on the table at the seat she usually took but there was no one around to greet her. She forced herself to eat even though her stomach wasn’t cooperative and drank as much water as she could, hoping it would help getting over her hangover. The house was quiet. It was a nice change from the noises that had woken her up but it was unsettling not hearing any sign of life. Usually when she thought she was alone she would still hear Lockwood training in the basement or George mutter something under his breath while researching a case. It was rare that the both of them left at the same time. She wondered where they could have gone as she made her way back up the stairs. She passed the library and the turning of pages made her turn around. Lockwood was sitting in his armchair, flipping through his magazine the way he usually did in the late hours of the night after a case. He was impeccable as always and she felt acutely self-conscious standing there at the beginning of the afternoon with messy hair and probably runny make-up all over her face. If he looked up from his magazine she didn’t pay him any attention and ran upstairs to try and look more presentable, no matter how awful she felt.
“Are you feeling better?” He asked when she came back down, not looking up from what he was reading. She took the sit next to him.
“As good as I can.” She answered, massaging her temples.
He pushed forward a glass of water on the table between them.
“Where’s George?” She asked between two sips.
“I sent him to deliver the documents to DEPRAC. I thought he was better suited to leave it anonymously with a semblance of discretion. If Barnes ever saw me there, we could never get away with it.”
“Smart.” She had avoided his eyes the entire time. The entire night was blurry, but the alcohol had not erased the specific memories she was trying to ignore. They stayed in an uncomfortable silence until he finished his magazine, eventually closing it and putting it back on the table between them. The ghost-jar was back into the fireplace, covered in ashes with burn marks here and there. She wondered when George had found the time to keep experimenting on it with how busy they had been these past few weeks. Instead of making its usual horrible faces it simply stared at her. It looked over at Lockwood who didn’t seem to pay him no mind, then back at her with that same insistent stare. It made her even more uncomfortable than the heavy silence filling the room. When she got up to get away from it, it smiled. A crude and devilish smile. What a horrid wretched thing. She was too distracted to realize that Lockwood had followed her into the hall.
“y/n, about last night…”
Before she could turn around, the entire chain of events flashed before her eyes. What part did he want to talk about: her drunken state, the night she spent in his bed, the lipstick mark she left on his cheek or the way she almost kissed him? She couldn’t pick which would be more embarrassing. She didn’t want to talk about any of it either. She didn’t even want to think about it, though this part was harder than it looked. Heat rose to her cheeks at the memory of his hand around her waist in that first-floor bathroom. After behaving so recklessly, a conversation like this was bound to happen. They might as well get it over with.
“I just wanted to say…”
When she finally mustered the courage to look him in the eye, the doorbell rang.
“I’ll get it!” She said, hurrying to open the door.
It was Kipps, coming to see if she was feeling better.
“I’m doing alright! Thanks for checking in.”
“I brought you some chocolate chip cookies from a bakery near my flat. Thought they could help.”
“That’s sweet of you Kipps but we’re a doughnut family here.” Lockwood said before snatching the bag out of his hands, coming behind her to wave Kipps away. Kipps ignored him and turned his attention back to her.
“If you’re feeling okay maybe we could grab that cup of coffee you talked about last night?”
“Thanks but I’m still feeling a bit sick, I’d love to go out when I’m fully recovered though!”
“Sure, give me a call when you’re free. Take care, alright?”
“I will, thank you.”
She waved back at him as he left and slowly closed the door behind her. Lockwood was standing silently at the bottom of the stairs.
“You asked Kipps to get coffee after what happened last night?”
“Yes, he’s been a real friend to me. He’s helping me with Dufour without me asking.”
“What do you mean he’s helping you? Have you been cooperating with him behind our backs?”
“Of course not! I just found out he’s been giving her bad press.”
“So, it wasn’t a date then?”
“Are you jealous of Quill Kipps?” She asked with a laugh.
“How dare you say something like that under my roof!”
They both smiled at the situation, easing the tension that was there a few minutes earlier.
“But seriously, y/n. I wanted to apologize about last night. I never meant to make anything weird or-”
“Can we just say that we both acted dumb?”
He took a few seconds to consider her offer.
“Well, you started it.” He grinned.
She looked at him defiantly. She would not take the fall for this, even though her unrequited crush was definitely to blame.
“Didn’t you call me darling last night?”
He blushed at the mention, only saved by the front door opening and letting George in, followed closely by Inspector Barnes. The intrusion of the DEPRAC representative took them aback. They stared mutely back and forth between George and the inspector, waiting for an explanation. The man stared back at them, a familiar folder in hand. Without saying a word, Lockwood led him to the living room. y/n closed the door before joining them. Barnes stood in the middle of the room, glaring between them, holding up the folder and pointing it accusingly at Lockwood.
“I don’t want to know how you could have gotten your hand on these documents.”
“I’ve never seen that folder before in my life.” Lockwood replied, feigning innocence.
“Shut it! I don’t care how you did it, I know it was you. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have caught Karim here sneaking out of Scotland Yard after an ‘anonymous contribution’ was made for the case you seem to be tied to.” He glared in her direction to punctuate his words. After holding her stare in an anger-fueled silence, he looks down in resignation. “As much as I hate to admit it, this evidence makes our case stronger against the Silverpoint Organization.”
She couldn’t help a thin smile to form on her lips. She looked back at Lockwood, relieved. He was already looking back at her with a soft smile. He winked before looking back at Barnes with a proud smile.
“Don’t even dare congratulate yourselves for this. Next time you step out of line, one mistake and I revoke your license and shut down this agency for good.”
They all looked down, trying to hide their joy at hearing that their plan had worked. After a few more minutes of silent scolding, the inspector aimed for the door.
“An audit of the organization’s finances will start in a few days and we’ll probably put an end to your surveillance.” He turned back. “That does not mean that you should get back to breaking any law-”
“Does that mean that Dufour will be arrested soon?” y/n couldn’t help asking, interrupting Barnes who had an exasperated look on his face. He sighed.
“Unfortunately, like any person involved in relic dealings the only evidence that can guarantee an arrest are catching the perpetrators in the act. I’m afraid Mrs. Dufour will remain free for now.” He didn’t seem as frustrated as she was. Probably because this kind of injustice was commonplace in his line of work. Still, her highest hopes came crashing down. The rollercoaster from the joy of their success to this disillusion made her sick.
“Oh.” She simply said.
“I’ll do my best to get her complaint against you dropped. Don’t get the idea of putting yourself in any more danger to get more evidence yourself. Am I clear?”
“Perfectly clear, inspector.”
The three of them led him back to the front door. When she closed it behind him, George and Lockwood both placed an arm around her.
“We’ll figure something out.” Lockwood said. “I promise.”
“It’s alright.” She said in a flat tone. “I’ll go lie down for a while, I think I’m still sick from the champagne.”
As she went up the stairs, her mind was already reeling. If Barnes couldn’t get the evidence he needed to put Dufour away for good, she’d find a way to do it herself.
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saltwaterburns · 10 months
as our worlds move on, in this shirt, i can be you
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summary: lockwood reminisces about everything you were and everything you won't be
warnings: just sad rambles & stuff i suppose! 😁
pairing: anthony lockwood x gone!reader
a/n: Did el just?? Write angst?? While being an avid angst hater??? Could it be?? Yes. Yes it was. Whipped this baby up in half an hour while doing my bio homework. Ur welcome!!! This was written with a very specific song in mind. The reader isn't necessarily dead? Ghost touched or ghost locked, whatever your heart desires! Some of this text was taken from a tiktok caption i saw in May 😋
"My calendar's stuck on January, the month that you passed, and I haven't changed the sheets on my bed since. But it seems I still somehow find the strength to water the lilies, your lilies, because I know they were your favourite and I can't handle losing another part of you."
He stops scribbling and lets his pen drop to the table, closing his eyes from exhaustion. The hour is late, the silence around him overbearing, but his mind is amiss. His thoughts are like the wild, untameable sea, roaring out again and again and again, come back. Come back, come back, come back.
But you're not coming back. Not when he asks, not even when he asks nicely. Not when he begs, not when he cries. All he's got left of you are memories of fleeting looks, hushed giggles and gentle brushes of hands and lips against each other.
For a moment he thinks he can still smell and feel you. He thinks he can almost imagine your eyes, the mischievous sparkle in them. It's a fleeting moment if anything but it happens, his mind takes him back to when your eyes locked and that's when he realizes everything that's beautiful in the world started with you and the magic you held, the love you sprinkled like pixie dust on everyone you ever met. Then the moment passes quicker than it occurred, and he's left in a world where your touch still lingers, where your fingerprints still exist in the dust adorning his home and where the flowers beside your bed have just begun to wilt. Where the love that you carried has spread further than you could've ever imagined and made new again so many hearts you never broke.
He's left utterly alone in a world where every thing, every sensation and feeling is a constant reminder of you and who you were, who you aspired but never got to be. His mind is plagued by your essence when he wakes and it continues when he manages to somehow fall into a light sleep, his heart heavy with the knowledge that once again he shall wake with a startled gasp as the clock reaches 2 am, his hand reaching for you, only to be met with cold sheets that have long ago lost your scent and your warmth.
His gaze trails over the kitchen and falls to the umbrella holder next to the front door where your rapier, still untouched, resides. The golden hues of the kitchen light reflect back from the shiny blade, pink gemstones glimmering on the handle, and for a second he feels like as if they reflect the sparkle of his tears.
It's so you. Decorating your rapier, the one thing keeping you safe in a world filled with souls both dead and alive with cheap little gems. It's so irrevocably you that his heart leaps in his chest. This almost primal urge to tease you, ask if you want to stick some butterfly stickers onto the blade too arises in him and he gives in to it, turning to face your chair, but the words die in his throat.
He clenches his jaw, squeezing his hands into fists, letting his nails dig crescent shaped marks into his flesh. The pain sobers him up like a bucket of cold water, pushing arising tears back down his tear duct. He refuses to cry.
He refuses to cry because you aren't here to hold him, kiss away the salty tears pouring down his cheeks and muffle the sobs wrecking his body with your lips anymore. You aren't here and it finally dawns upon him. You aren't here and he's alone, just like it seems he's meant to be.
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deadsnothere · 2 years
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synopsis - Someone who's to stubborn finally asks for help but also gets a love confession in their "sleep"
request - No
Word Count - 1.1k
Speak Ali! - This was full impulse don't expect anymore out of me- (do expect more out of me) Unless i feel like it. But I might not- Who knows honestly. Please send in request!! I am only accepting Lockwood right now, sorry :(
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Lockwood barley asks for help,
And we all know it. He's an idiot who thinks he can do everything alone, no matter what. Me, George, And Lucy are always his anchors, we keep him from doing the stupidest shit, even if that means distracting him in less than ideal ways. Like aggressive flirting, just to let Lucy steal a case file. But we still get it done.
So when Anthony Lockwood himself knocked on my door at 2 in the morning with the most exhausted look on his face, let's just say I was more than concerned.
I was changing out of my ‘work’ shirt to put on an undershirt to fall asleep in. I'd been working on a new flare design all night and the shirt I was originally going to go to bed in had ash and grease all over it. when I heard a knock on the door. There he was my roommate, Employer, and “crush”, Anthony Lockwood. “Ant, what's up?- It's 2:36 in the morning, I was about to get in bed-”
His face screamed tired, his eye bags were deeper than normal and his hands were playing with the seam of his pajama pants pocket, like he does when he's nervous.
“I-” He whispered as if he was hesitant to ask in the first place. ”I can't sleep and I always sleep best when- You're in my room…just-” The way he rubbed the back of his neck, looking down at the ground, told me he was embarrassed. “Can I just sleep in here tonight…?” Anthony looked almost as if he regretted asking, like he should've just walked away instead of knocking on the door; Which he now stood in front of, wide open.
I nodded along with his words, moving away from my door and walking to my bed. “Just close the door after you come in, sleeping with it open-” He finished the sentence with me, already knowing what I was going to say. “-‘gives me anxiety’ I know Ali.”
When he walked into the room slowly, he was looking around at the posters and metal creations that hung from the walls and ceiling. There were things like metal dragons, butterflies with dazzling colors, Firefly's with handcrafted wings and many more insects and mystical creatures. “After we complete big cases I make a little statue and I hang it around the room…It's like reminding myself how far I’ve come.” His eyes landed on me next, I was already sitting on the bed, smiling at him warmly, my eyes closed, head leaned back from exhaustion.
“Come on Ant.” I patted next to me, laying down on my back moving closer to the wall so he had room to lay down to.
His posture says he's confident, like he's not afraid to make a wrong move. But his eyes are different. They look so hesitant, so terrified of how this could look to other people.
After a case went bad yesterday, Barnes called me Anthony's lover. He's been on edge since then, Maybe it hurt a bit when he got so defensive over the fact that I was in fact not his lover. It already hurts when I know he's just a flirty person to get what he wants, that when he flirts with me it doesn't mean I'm special. Now this? At least I know he doesn't like me back, before I went and tried to ask him on a date or something.
I faced towards the wall when he climbed into the bed, pulling the soft blanket over us both. Our routine moved like it did when I went into his room to sleep. His arm hooked under my body and pulled me into his chest, which felt cool with the silk pajama shirt he had on at the moment. Our legs tangled together, his face was pressed into the nape of my neck, and our breathing matched almost perfectly. This felt so normal, so nonchalant. But this is Lockwood we're talking about! He wouldn't do this with just anyone! Would he?
Ok, no he wouldn't- But he just trusts me! We’ve been friends for years, of course he trusts me. It's obvious I’m just a friend to him, and yes maybe it's not a friend thing to cuddle up to your friend while you press your face into their neck…like I said he just trusts me! It's a simple platonic thing to do when you go to a friend you trust for help sleeping!
But it would be so nice if he didn't mean it in a friendly way..For him to hold my hand, and laugh and walk with me to go on a date, Or maybe to cook dinner for our kids or babysitting…That sounds like heaven, an unrealistic heaven. But to be fair I do already basically babysit, but it's always me and George babysitting, not me and lockwood, mainly because we're babysitting him and Lucy during cases but still I can dream.
I turned my head around just enough to see his face, eyes closed, breathing soft, and nose pushed against my neck still. I tried to turn just enough to not wake him up but also be able to see him. I'm really hoping I didn't wake him up, or that he was really asleep, because this next part would be embarrassing if I did.
I placed a hand on his face, kissing the top of his head and running my hand through his hair. “I Love You, Anthony Lockwood. You stupid self-sacrificing idiot.” I turned around all the way and moved up a bit, his face laid on my chest, and my arms wrapped around his head holding him close.
Finally comfortable enough to fall asleep. It's been so long since I got a good sleep in my own bed, maybe the feeling of his hands on my back, pushing me closer to him, really did help me sleep, Maybe it made me feel protected, like I can be vulnerable again, like i'm safe in his ar- “Did you just call me a self-sacrificing idiot?-” SHIT-
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thank you for reading to the end of this shit :D i can't promise a part two but hey i'll try.
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sandy-the-glader · 1 year
George x reader. Enemies to lover. Whatever situation you want to write, it's totally your choice. I just want to laugh. That's it.
I Like Your Lips Better When They're Not Talking
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Character: Georgie Karim x Gn!Reader
Type: Guys I don't even know
Length: 1.3k words
Summary: You and George have been at a constant war of who's the better researcher. One ups, sabotaging, etc... After a disastrous trip George lets something go even you couldn't read
Trope: Enemies to lovers
A/n: Ignore how I forgot about my requests until like a few days ago and I've been a writing machine. So yeah 💀
"You're joking." I scoffed and crossed my arms.
"You two need to get along and besides I already told our client you and George would be there." I let out a long and dramatic groan.
"Lockwood, I swear you don't pay me enough to be around him." He scoffed, wandering to the fridge for another cold beer. I'm gonna need 5 of those if I want to get through this case semi-happy.
"I pay you both just as well as you work." I heard bottles clink together as he shuffled around.
“At least get me to work with Lucy! Or even you I mean come on Lockwood we can pretend you’re George.” Lockwood scoffed and opened the beer and tossed the opener back in the fridge.
“You know that house will end up worse than the time you and Luce ended up burning down that other house in Sheean Road? You're asking for something that's ultimately going to fail.” A hand went through my hair.
What was Lockwood thinking? Usually when all four of us went on missions me and him were split up because we couldn’t work together in the slightest. He always made sure to show off his touch in front of me which he knew very well I was weaker in. Much like Lucy I was more of a listener which I think is way cooler than touch.
George had coincidentally walked into the kitchen and glared at me. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to Lockwood.
“Come on. This is one case.“ He pleaded. Yeah, one too many.
“What case?” George budded in. I mentally groaned. Lockwood locked over to the kitchen table.
"You two are going to this address." He tapped part of the thinking cloth which had a house and a time.
"What day are we going?" I sighed.
"Tonight." Lockwood winced because he knew I'd explode.
"Tonight? Lockwood, I had plans tonight. Why didn't you tell me ahead of time?" George rolled his eyes.
"Why are you never prepared?" He complained.
"Why don't you have other friends?" I argued.
"Okay, guys, let's calm down." Lockwood tried to settle the dispute. "Look just realize your romantic feelings for each other and get the job done." He teased.
"WOAH!" Me and George burst out at the same time.
"This is absolutely NOT what this is about." George flailed his arms around.
"Are you on something Lockwood because this" I motioned between me and the stupid boy with glasses. "is not happening." For once in his life he agreed.
"Exactly." Lockwood scoffed at both of us.
"Yeah sure whatever you guys say." He raised his eyebrows. "Remember. Tonight." He spoke before exiting the room. I looked back at George and I narrowed my eyes.
"Ugh gross." I winced before exiting the room. I only wish that's how I actually felt.
“Oh come on how was that my fault!? You didn’t bring enough salt bombs!” I grumbled at the stubborn boy. We barged back into 35 Portland Row. Home finally. The night was so long I never thought it would end. George slammed the door basically shaking the house.
“Don’t give me that! How was I supposed to know that we needed more? I barely knew what we were dealing with. I didn’t know they were gonna be wraiths other than phantasms!” He rolled his eyes throwing his rapier into its place by the front. I tossed my jacket onto the hanger. And tossed my rapier into the same spot.
We got attacked by a lot more than we thought we had coming. It really wasn’t his fault but I was just so upset with him. He’s been so Unbearable lately. I don’t know why he was so frustrating to work with.
The client we had said there was one ghoul they knew of and that was a phantasm then there were 2 wraiths…
"Also, you were too busy feeling the walls and easily got distracted." I shouted.
"I was trying to know what we were dealing with. I didn't give you shit about you using your listening."
"Well, I'm sorry listening is more helpful than touch."
“I specifically told you to get more. I thought you were smarter than that.” I rolled my eyes. It was pretty early into the morning and we didn’t care we were being loud. Lucy and Lockwood have learned to live with our constant bickering.
“Well, you were in charge in chains!” He threw his hands up. “My first mistake.” I rolled my eyes.
“This whole trip was a mistake.” I sighed deeply. I stormed off to the kitchen. I rummaged through the kitchen and found a beer I knew I was going to want earlier.
I sat down at the table and started to scribble doodles of George getting attacked by a wraith on the thinking cloth just to aggravate him more. It was fair because he’s drawn many of me. More than He’s drawn off Lockwood. George stormed in because he obviously wasn’t ready to end our disagreement. His eyes scanned me. Brows furrowed and I focused on the stupid doodle.
“What are you doing?" He referred to my drawing.
“What does it look like? Piss off. You really don't need the last word.” I spat. I usually tried to ignore him but I’d really had enough of his pissy personality and damn attitude.
“Asshole!” He blurted. I stood up.
"Jesus for someone so ‘smart' you’re so ignorant!” I dropped the pen back on the table. He stood with his arms crossed. And his face was red. I mean red. He was absolutely fuming.
“At least I’m smarter than you’ve ever been. You don’t think before you do things.” His jaw tensed. My eyebrows furrowed. I laughed shocked. “Oh, you think this is funny? You know you have such a horrible attitude.”
Then we were close. I don’t know who stepped forward or if we both did but we were so close. So close.
“Then fix it for me.” I grumbled.
My lip quivered out of anger. He took notice of it because he was staring at my lips.
Then It just happened. Our lips were together. I don’t know who went for it but I wasn’t complaining. All the anger washed away immediately. My hands immediately tangled into his dark curls. I pulled myself away.
"Okay. Um whoah." I blinked a few times trying to determine if that actually happened. Did we just kiss? Me and George Karim out of all people? Holy shit.
"Yeah, I don't know where that came from. I'm sorry." I'm pretty sure that was the first time I heard him say this without sass and sarcasm. "I-I didn't mean to kiss you. W-well I did but-" He stammered.
"Just kiss me again." I rolled my eyes and kissed him again. He melted into the kiss and let out a small groan as he was taken aback by the kiss. He slowly pulled away looking confused and shocked that I kissed him again.
"I thought you hated me why did you.. kiss me!?" His eyes were wide beneath his thick frames.
"Oh my god, I could ask you the same thing! But George, I don't hate you. I hate how smart you are! You always have good idea's and I just wanted to be better." I smiled sheepishly.
"You've interested me the day you got to Portland Row." He confessed. "And um... I am pretty smart aren't I?" He teased. I playfully smacked his arm.
"Oh shut up I like your lips better when they aren't talking." I teased back. He smiled ear to ear and his cheeks were flushed. Then we heard Lockwood shout from upstairs.
Lockwood had wandered downstairs to try and stop the yelling and bickering so early in the morning. We didn't have a case for the rest of the day and he wanted to sleep in. Lockwood inched closer to the kitchen door and he was almost scared they had killed each other from the quiet environment.
The door was slightly ajar and he saw them smiling at each other then they kissed. Lockwood's eyebrows rose. He almost thought this was a dream. He quickly rushed upstairs with loud footsteps.
"Lucy, you owe me 15 pounds!" He yelled extremely loud with a grin on his face.
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Heyyy, I was wondering if you could do an Anthony Lockwood x reader.. Where the reader would be cooking something and dancing in the kitchen with the radio playing. (Idk what song lol) And then Anthony would walk in and just admire her and he evantually joins in with her. And then at the end they kiss and go cuddle.... Just some tooth rooting fluff.. Lol thank you!!! Please take your time!!
Any Other Way
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Anthony Lockwood x f!Reader
Warnings: None, this is pretty much just fluff, as requested :) 💖💖💖
Summary: With George and Lucy on holiday, Lockwood and Y/N have Portland Row all to themselves for a change, which they are definitely taking advantage of.
A/N: I really hope you guys like it :) 💖💖💖 I loved the idea and it was so so fun to write :) 💖💖💖 Also sorry if updates get a little slow right now, cause I just started a new semester and I'm a little messy with timing :') 💖💖💖 but I'm trying to get through the requests and feel free to send them if you have any :) 💖💖💖
She rustled about, shuffling her feet about, an ill-attempt to tuck them under the blanket, as the sunlight fell through the curtains and into her face. After trying for a few more minutes, she gave up. Groaning softly, she rubbed at her eyes, and found it strewn over the foot of the bed, just barely touching their feet. It didn't matter anymore though, as he mumbled something she couldn't quite make out, shifting around, before pulling her into him abruptly. She bit her lip to keep from gasping in shock, he was still very much so deep in sleep, and she wanted to keep it that way. It wasn't everyday that he got mornings like this, one where he could sleep in without having to worry about ghosts or relic-men or DEPRAC chasing them down. He quieted again, the only sounds between them were his quiet breaths as his chest rose up and down. His skin was warm against hers, she smiled and brushed the part of his hair that had flopped over his face.
The kitchen was filled with the smell of toast and tea. Placing the last slices of bread into the toaster, she began to wave her arms in the air, jumping up and down. It probably wasn't very graceful or elegant, but opportunities were made to be taken. George and Lucy were visiting family and Lockwood was out like a log, so she continued to twirl around, the colours blurring into one, until she bumped into the counter. Sending the sharp edge a glare, she turned to gather a couple of plates.
She gasped, her eyes growing wide, "Oh- Lockwood".
"Good morning, darling", his grinned, leaning against the doorway, voice still rough from sleep. She tried to smooth down her hair, which was sticking up at different ends, her ill-attempt at trying to save face. As the music became more slow-paced, he closed the distance between them. Chest to chest, he looped an arm loosely around her waist, swaying her to beat. She laced her fingers together behind his neck, resting her head on his chest, letting him lead her through the motions. The beat picked up, and she giggled as he spun her around the room, just narrowly missing the delicate china cups that were arranged on the table.
As the song came to an end, she came to a realisation of how they had ended up in this position. She bit her lip, "How much of that did you see ?".
He lowered his face close to hers, his hot breath heated her skin. Her heart pounded in her chest. "All of it", he whispered, before bursting into laughter.
She frowned, smacking him across the shoulder, "You are so creepy".
"But you love me anyway", he feigned pain, holding his shoulder at an angle, pouting.
"You're lucky I do", she pursed her lips, before tugging him into a kiss, clutching the collar of his pyjama's. He dropped the act, bringing his hands to cup her face.
Breaking the kiss, he raised a brow at her, "Hey, is that my shirt ?".
"Yes ? Is that problem ?", she tilted her head, sending him a challenging look. It wasn't intentional, but in her half-asleep, half-awake state, she had grabbed the first thing that she found and slipped it on. When she eventually managed to stumble out of the room, without stepping on a creaky board or tripping over the carpet, she was just thankful to not have roused him.
He leaned against the counter with his arms crossed, "Maybe, looks better on you". His dark eyes were fixed on hers, occasionally flitting down to the crumpled shirt that hung over her mismatched shorts and tank top, slipping off one of her shoulders.
She suddenly felt self-conscious, wrapping it tighter around herself, before busying herself with the food. She stacked the golden-brown toast high on the plate, surrounded by generous helpings of butter and marmalade. Placing the mugs of tea on the table, she dusted her hands off, "I was going to make you breakfast in bed but now-".
His cool demeanour melted away, jumping up, he grabbed her hand and dragged her up the stairs, "No, no- We can get back in".
"Wait- We forgot the food", she laughed, not really even trying to stop him.
She sighed, nestling her head in his neck, "I wish we could stay here forever". He smelt of lavender and clean sheets, his arms closed around her securely, every part of her relaxed into him. The morning sunshine had turned into a more intense afternoon, the thick curtains drawn, just letting little slivers of light pass through. She traced patterns on his hand, blinking as she fought the pull of sleep.
"We can", he ran his fingers through her hair, tucking a strand behind her ear.
She frowned, pushing his arm away to sit up, "You know we can't"
"Just for today we can", he threw an arm over her, easily yanking her back down into him.
Her back collided into his chest, and she yelped. He chuckled, kissing the back of her neck, sending shivers down her spine. She shook her head, waving him away, laughing, "Who are you ? And what did you do to my Lockwood ?".
Shifting about so she faced him, she could see that the smile had faded from his face. "I'm still him, it's just that now I know my priorities", he ran a finger under her jaw to tilt her chin up, his voice quiet but full of passion.
She held her breath, as his gaze fell to her lips before coming back up to meet her eyes. "Your mouth is gonna be the death of me", she groaned, closing the gap between them. Lacing her fingers through his fluffy hair, she desperately pressed herself closer to him. His lips were soft, the faintest hint of bergamot and honey lingered on them. Her skin was hot, where his touched hers, in a way that made her heart race in anticipation. A hand gripped her neck, while the other squeezed her waist, suffocating her against him. She felt like she was running out of air, but the warmth that bloomed in her chest, only made her continue to kiss him eagerly.
She broke the kiss, hoping to turn away, so she could regain some semblance of composure. Smirking, he tightened the grip on her waist, forcing her to focus on him, "Oh I'm well aware and I intend to keep it that way". She wouldn't have it any other way.
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adhdduckie · 5 months
lockwood and co masterlist !!
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full masterlist (multi-fandom)
lockwood and co
george karim
i. I hate how much i love you- lockwood x fem!reader or quill kipps x fem!reader
(will have alt endings with kipps and lockwood)
↪ lucy and lockwood through the eyes of you. your best friend of five years prefers lucy carlyle, and no matter how hard you try, you can't find it in yourself to hate her. she's sweet and kind, and you see the way they look at each other. you didn't know the extent of how much he prefers her, though. you find solace in the one person you don't expect, quill kipps.
quill kipps
i. I hate how much i love you- lockwood x fem!reader or quill kipps x fem!reader
(will have alt endings with kipps and lockwood)
↪ lucy and lockwood through the eyes of you. your best friend of five years prefers lucy carlyle, and no matter how hard you try, you can't find it in yourself to hate her. she's sweet and kind, and you see the way they look at each other. you didn't know the extent of how much he prefers her, though. you find solace in the one person you don't expect, quill kipps.
requests are open!!
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d0wnb4df0rf1cm3n · 1 year
lockwood & co. fic recs pt. 1
Make sure you check reading restrictions for each author. Please respect the writers!
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lockwood & co headcanons → @justafandomgvrl Sharing a bed with them Warnings: none - it's a lot of fluff
marmalade and mischievous mornings → @gayandfairycore spending a morning in 35 portland row, regular shenanigans ensue between the four of you. Warnings: none - it's a lot of fluff
lockwood & co headcanons for valentines day → @justafandomgvrl Warnings: none - it's a lot of fluff
knock knock. who's there? → @klineinie Warnings: cockroach. it's all i can say
anthony lockwood
always → @vi-trying-to-survive Y/N overworks herself trying to solve a case and when Lockwood comes to get her to take a break, she loses consciousness. Warnings: None, this is just fluff and only fluff
my idiot → @vi-trying-to-survive Y/N, a medical practitioner’s apprentice, meets Lockwood in an unlikely way. The two quickly become close, which isn’t a problem. The problem is the fact that he has no regard for his own safety and always runs to her for help. Warnings: This is just fluff and a little angst. Also small mentions of bleeding and a stab wound
honey, i'm home → @callsign-mama The reader is caught dancing in stolen underclothes. Reader and Lockwood are not together at the beginning, but oh, they are at the end. Warnings: 18+!! You have been warned. Lockwood calls reader ‘honey’.
untitled → @teaandransackingWarnings: vulnerable Lockwood, softness, fluff, angst. General audiences.
lucy carlyle
untitled → @gay-dorito-dust Warnings: Nightmares, Mostly just fluff
dating lucy carlyle would include → @why-what-no Warnings: None
spellbound → @oblivious-idiot When one of Lockwood’s old friends joins the agency, Lucy can’t help but fall in love with her. Warnings: fluff, hurt/comfort(kinda?), kissing, mentions of cleaning wounds, Lucy realises she’s bi lol, and gets jealous of Lockwood
in the past → @frogmanfletch Lucy has a nightmare about losing you and has a chat with Lockwood in the middle of the night Warnings: Nightmares, Mostly just fluff
the c in concussion stands for cuddles → @hurtcomfortficstilltheend The aftermath of the screaming staircase case (Doubt Thou the Stars episode), Reader gets a concussion and there might be some cuddles involved. Warnings: ghost-fighting (brief), getting a concussion (feeling dizzy and confused), hurt/comfort and fluff (I know, very surprising).
sweet nothings → @oblivious-idiotWarnings: fluff, hurt/comfort, mild language
pining → @frogserotoninWarnings: so ooc, unedited, cringe
untitled → @givemea-dam-breakWarnings: mild language
george karim
love → @genieofthebooksWarnings: Mentions of illness, fluff, Reader shipping Locklyle, Reader calling George Love even though they are not together yet. Kissing. Reader is beautiful/pretty yet insecure so does not believe it. (You lot are beautiful)
a personal experiment → @callsign-mama The one where George knows more than he's letting on about how you feel about him. Warnings: 18+, SMUT/Teasing (in the sexual way)
the break of dawn → @oblivious-idiotWarnings: fluff, George receives a spicy kiss (quite literally), harmless flirting, and taking the piss (joking around) <3
i need you → @genieofthebooksWarnings: Kissing, Mentions of blood, tears, sadness.
untitled → @gay-dorito-dustWarnings: none - it's a lot of fluff
kintsugi → @bippiti when you go searching for your cousin in london, you find yourself meeting someone you wouldn’t expect Warnings: bad families (mentioned)
the little things → @genieofthebooks The Little things that make George Karim fall in love with you. Warnings: Fluff, Pining idiots, Kissing
untitled → @gay-dorito-dust Warnings: Sick Reader, Fluff
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bellaevilqueen · 8 months
Hey, I need your help. I once read an anthony lockwood x reader fic where the reader was the daughter of Agent Fittes who worked for Winkman and who was later killed in front of Lockwood and Lucy. Later, she receives a letter saying that Anthony Lockwood is responsible for her father's death. I don't know if it was on Tumblr or Wattpad, but if anyone knows what fic it is, please let me know~Bella
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jesslockwood · 4 months
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Detecting the Haunted Masterlist 
Chapter Three
Word Count: 3.2k
Pairing(s): Anthony Lockwood x Detective!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Angst
A/n: hello friends! I'm sorry I haven't posted in forever!!! its going to be a busy summer for me as its my last year in my acting program, and I have professional Shakespeare shows coming up (auditions and rehearsals) soon. I really hope to be active but im not sure how active I will be but I hope you enjoy this chapter!
Add yourself to the Taglist
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In all of Anthony’s life, he wanted people to love him. He wasn’t sure why but the praise of others and the showering of adoration towards him just gave him the feeling of being loved. Maybe it was because that’s what his life was missing, love. 
The current problem with wanting to be even just admired, was that you wouldn’t speak to him, unless absolutely necessary or with someone else in the room. He couldn’t pin point what had changed, but it put him in a grouchy mood. 
He had even snapped at George and Lucy at one point, because of it, which he felt bad about.
He just couldn’t understand why you would all of a sudden you just seem to loathe the mere presence of him. 
That was until he saw you having a conversation with none other than Quill Kipps in the library. That made Lockwood want to explode. He did his best to keep his composure, but how could he? Especially when someone he cared for was talking to his rival. 
You had laughed at something he said, before Anthony made his way over. 
“Tony! I see you have a new agent in training on your hands.” Kipps seemingly tries to antagonize him, “I thought you had enough troubles trying to keep your agency afloat, Being such a small and insignificant one.” 
Lockwood grits his teeth, and his fist goes into a ball, clenching it so tightly. 
“Anyway, my offer still stands.” He says directed towards Y/n in a overly confident tone before making his leave.
Anthony tightens his jaw even more if that was even possible to do so.
You shake your head while smiling, as Kipps leaves and Anthony notices. 
“When’d you get so chummy with Kipps?” He asks with an intensity that you can only describe as uncomfortable.
You ignore his prompted stare down, and shift over a book, and open it to start your next reading.
He keeps staring waiting for you answer.
“When did you get so controlling with who I talk to? Last time I checked you were my boss, not my boyfriend.” You say not even meeting his gaze, ignoring the way saying boyfriend made your body tingle.
He looks genuinely shocked, and hurt, when you spew the words with venom at him, wth a fiery anger, but you had to hate him, or else you’d hate everyone else around you. The problem was that hating everyone wasn't an option you wanted to explore, so your anger had to be directed towards Anthony Lockwood. That was or else it would consume you.
George walks towards the two, carefully, as if he could be the detonator to explode one of the two colleges of his on each other.
“I uh, found the paper in the archives we were looking for, Y/n.” He says before carefully setting it down on the table the two of you were working at.
George had noticed the tension in the house between Lockwood and Y/n, he knew Lucy could feel it too, as she kept trying to get Lockwood and Y/n to avoid each other as much as possible as she tried to figure out what triggered all this, for lack of a better term, teenage angst in the house. 
Well it felt like more than just teenage angst. It felt like a rage radiating off of the two directed towards each other, as if they were two old miserable manifestations bickering like an old couple while trying to murder everyone in the way that ticked them off.
Yeah that was more of the level of tension that was going on, especially when Lucy or himself got caught in the crossfire of the two. He actually didn’t hate Y/n, he had gotten to tolerate her during their times in the archives, but he couldn’t get a good reading of why she acted the way she did towards them, but mostly Lockwood. He was so curious of what was making her tick, or ticked off, pun intended.
Even Lockwood was making things feel off. He had been pissed almost every single day these past couple of weeks, and had even bursted with anger towards himself and Lucy.
George started to think of all the ways he could figure out what was wrong, and deiced to let Lucy in on his plot when he got home, to figure out what the hell these two had tasted to be so bitter to everyone.
George had come out of dreamland to find Y/n and Lockwood bickering.
“At least I talked to someone who wasn’t a stuck up prick for once!” Y/n almost yells.
“I think you’ve got it all wrong, love, you did talk to the stuck up prick, he just left with what’s left of his dignity, from the last time he was here!” Lockwood raises her one.
“Guys, Guys!” Lucy comes rushing In to break it up, “Maybe let’s try to not get kicked out of the archives? Y/n let’s uh, go get lunch, there’s this place I've been meaning to take you to.” 
Y/n gives Anthony one last glare before, picking up her jacket and heading out with Lucy.
“Well, that was awkward…” George mumbles faintly, before giving Lockwood a disappointed look before getting back to work.
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“Urgh! He such a pompous ass!” You rant to Lucy, in between shoving pizza in your mouth. 
“Lockwood can be… selfish. But it’s really more because he wants the us and the whole agency to benefit… trust me I know it all too well.” She tries to console you, and you can see the genuine hurt in her eyes from it. 
If he could hurt Lucy, and get others hurt, even killed… who knows what the guy could do to you. Maybe the Job Kipps offered you wasn’t such a bad idea. 
It especially felt good to know it would make Lockwood infuriated. Maybe this was a chance to get a back at Lockwood a bit. Not to the degree you wanted, but it was something.
You make small talk with Lucy while eating, coming up with a plan in your head of how to piss him off the most.
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To say Lockwood was pissed was a total understatement. He was enraged.
George and Lucy even seemed to tiptoed around Lockwood as of recently, and Lockwood felt nothing but isolated, and that led him to be able to sit and stew in his anger even longer. 
The both of you seemed to avoid each other physically, which made Lockwood all the more furious. The only time you’d see each other was for training, which George and Lucy had taken over most of that, and cases.
Today you had to train with your rapier again, and that was the main thing Lockwood oversaw.
“C’mon again!” He yells, as you missed one of the practice targets. 
You glare daggers into his direction, as he seemly does the same. 
“I would be a lot better if I didn’t have the constant screaming in my ear.” You mumble sarcastically.
“Sorry, I didn’t get that? Maybe you could actually try this time?” He says before smirking and leaning back to where he was sitting seeming satisfied with ticking you off.
“I’d like to see you do better.” You taunt stalking towards him, “The best I’ve seen in action was the Fittes team at a case I was working.”
He clenches his jaw, looking at you with an intense fire behind his eyes. 
“You’re more show than skill.” You smirk as his face turns even more sour. He gets up and moves right into your personal space. 
“Really? If you think I’m all show, then lets put it to the test, Love.” He pulls his rapier out and backs you into the wall.
You visibly gulp, not because of his challenge, but the sheer proximity of how close his face was to yours. 
He stares into your eyes, with his full of an emotion you couldn’t quite pinpoint. He had a anger but there was something else behind it. 
He shakes his head and scoffs, turning around walking away.
That made your whole body burn with fury. You knew he was one of the best from stories you had heard, but boy did that make you want to try harder to be better. 
“Like I said, all show.” You mumble loud enough for him to hear. 
He stops on the spot, turning around about to say something, and before he can Lucy is running down the stairs with a small stack of letters in her hand. 
“Hey, Y/n You’ve got mail.” 
You give Lockwood a victory smirk, and he gives you a glare saying ‘this isn’t over’.
“Thanks, Lucy.” You take the mail form her, before looking it over, until stopping on one letter in particular. 
“Crap…” you mumble to yourself, opening it quickly. 
Lockwood and Lucy seem intrigued to know what had gotten the rise out of you.
You skim over the letter, or well, the invitation. Your grandparents wanted to see you, and you knew that they rarely did unless it had to do with their agenda. 
You started to feel ill, hoping it was you actually getting sick to get out of it, instead of the idea of visiting them. 
“What is it?” Lockwood asks slightly worried as you lean to grab the wall. 
You want to throw the letter out, but you hand it to Lucy, “You can read it amongst yourselves, if you wish, Especially since I think I’m going to need you to accompany me.”
They give each other a look, as you head upstairs and They both follow you up quickly, if not seconds later. 
George seems intrigued to what is going on, and comes out of the sitting room area, with his usual cleaning gear on, and duster in his hand. 
Lucy starts reading aloud, “Y/n Y/l/n and Lockwood & co, You are formally invited to The Saunders Ball, this Friday. Please wear formal wear and please arrive early to meet and dine with The Saunders.”
“How in the bloody hell do you know the Saunders?!” Lockwood almost yells.
George pipes up, “And why would one of the oldest of richest families in London want dinner with with us?”
“Blood Relation, to me, unfortunately.” You say, wishing this wasn’t their reaction. 
Lucy and Lockwood sit there with their mouths ajar, while George looks like he’s going through every probability in his mind.
“Look, there’s no need to come. I can face my grandparents myself-“
“There’s no way were passing this up. It’s an opportunity for the company to find more clients.” Lockwood pipes up.
Your jaw clenches as try you to smile to pretend to be pleased that he wants to come. 
“Great. does everyone have formal wear? Or do we have to go shopping?”
Lucy shakes her head no, and you give a light smile, before grabbing her hand.
“Let’s go then, my treat.” You say before running out the door with Lucy. 
Lockwood gives one last glance at the door, before standing up.
“C’mon George, Lets go find out all we can about the Saunders.”
Lockwood wouldn’t try to dive into your history if he could help it, but he needed to know anything he could about who’s doors he was about to step into and how to best be prepared to gain new clients. 
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Lucy had told you a bit about her past life, how she didn’t come from much, and her old employer, and briefly what happened to her best friend Norrie.
“Hey Lu?” You grab her attention with the nickname you called her in your nightly talks, “Im sorry.”
“What do you mean?” She asks, looking directly at you as you walked down the street of the shops. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about all this. It’s something my Mum left in the past when she left home from my grandparents. I’ve never really lived rich my mother just came from money.” You sigh as you continue to explain, “We really lived off of my Dad’s pay, and my mother worked part time in a flower shop. It- it’s not really important what they did. But my grandparents- well they only ever summon me if they want something.”
Lucy gives a sympathetic look, with almost an understanding. 
“My grandparents hated my dad, because the took their only daughter away, to live a ‘life of poverty’ and my dad, ‘he couldn’t provide’. Ah, it’s so messed up! Then my parents had me, and all they ever wanted was me to become their ‘Perfect grandchild of the Saunders’ but I never was that, or could be that.” You ramble it all out.
“I’m sorry y/n” she replies, “For all that family rubbish. I- I know the struggle of family too well.” She mentions with an understanding you’ve never felt. 
You felt so heard. You felt so seen even though your pasts couldn’t have been more different. It was so touching.
“Thank you. For being my friend.” You blurt out, as she gives you a genuine smile. 
“C’mon let's check out this shop!” You say while dragging her in and you both giggle. 
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Lockwood was tapping his fingers against the table. He was getting George to pull article after article about your grandparents. After Fairfax, Lockwood couldn’t just walk into this blindly, especially at the reaction that Y/n had at the mere invitation of dinner with them. 
The archives seemed to have little to no information so far, other than that they were old money for being a huge lavender supply over the years and that they had a similar social circle to Fairfax; rich and socialites. Their only link to each other was Marissa Fittes and Penelope Fittes.
Lockwood sighed, as he hoped this wouldn’t turn into another Fairfax situation. At this point in time, he didn’t think he could really trust y/n anymore. 
But maybe that was the problem between himself and y/n, that she couldn’t trust him. He never had thought about it that way. He had told Lucy and George about his past, but not y/n, so maybe that’s why she didn’t share much about herself. 
Maybe it was time Lockwood let himself go of this rampant disease of the feeling of resentment. At least to a small degree, just so they all could survive dinner and the ball with one of London's most powerful and influential families. 
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It was finally the day to head to dinner and the ball with your grandparents, and you were just pretending to have it all together, but underneath you were an earthquake of nerves waiting to start to rumble. 
You were curling Lucy’s hair with an curling iron, trying to distract yourself from the whole situation. 
“That’s a beautiful necklace you have on.” You mention breaking the almost silence as the record player played a soft tune in the back of the room.
She grabs it, fiddling with it, “Thanks, Lockwood gave it to me, for the Fittes ball.” You freeze for a second, trying to hold your face still in the same way it was. 
You were partly shocked she even mentioned it, because that was the night your father had died at the hands of him.  You were Devastated but wasn’t the only emotion you were feeling, you couldn’t help but feel a pang in your chest when she said Lockwood gave it to her. You hated yourself even more for falling into this trap of his charms. 
You were trying to hold a small smile, ads you finished Lucy’s hair. Your eyes started to water slightly, and as you tried to hold your tears in, there was a knock at the door. 
“Luce, Y/n, are you two ready yet?” Lockwood asks from the other side.
“You’re done Lu.” You say before turning around before the tears started to come out and started to go get your dress on. 
“I’m coming out, Y/n just has to put her dress on.” Lucy explains.
“Okay.” He repsonds.
Lucy slips out, and you here her shoes click against the stairs as she walks down. 
You wipe away your tears and start to pull your dress on before hearing your name being called.
“Yes Lockwood?” You reply.
You start to struggled with he zipper on your dress, as Lockwood starts to speak, “I just wanted to say that I’m- Y/n/n are you okay?” He asks as you made a loud sound as you crashed into the vanity. 
“Uh yeah I just can’t- I can’t get this stupid zipper.” You sigh in defeat, “Can you come in and help me?”
“Yeah, of course.” He says as he opens the door. His breath is taken away as If his lungs were ghost touched. You were leaning against the vanity, with a beautiful red dress on. 
“I know it’s pathetic but that the last case we had this week hurt my shoulder, so you don’t have to say it.” You mention looking away, before meeting his gaze. 
Was he… admiring you? You couldn’t tell for the few seconds he looked at you, before his expression changed as he moved towards you.
“It was my fault, on that case. I should have prepared you more so don’t worry about it. I’m just glad the dresser that hit you in the shoulder didn’t hurt you more.” He said, “That was quick moving, your getting out of the way before it squashed you.“ 
That was almost a compliment and an admittance of fault. What was going on with him? He motions for you to turn around and you do. As he moves your hair out of the way, a shiver runs down your spine, and goose bumps arise on your skin. 
You try to distract yourself at the feeling of his close proximity to you by cracking a joke, “Yeah well, now I can’t zip myself up, or get out of this stupid gown. Thank you Grandma and Grandpa for this choice of attire I truly adore feeling trapped.” 
He laughs a small almost silent laugh, as he grabs the zipper and slowly zips it up. It was agonizingly slow. You couldn’t tell if he was doing this to spite you, or because he was feeling the same weird feelings that you were. 
You shook off the second thought, it had to be to make you uncomfortable. You couldn’t have second thoughts on this no matter how warm it made your body feel. 
You swear you heard him take a shaky breath in before he finished and you turned to face him. You were really close to his face, and you could see the way his eyes looked almost puppy dog like. His eyes trailed your whole face for a few seconds before he took a small step back.
“Shall we?” He extended his arm, before you both descended the stairs, heading out to the car to take you to the infamous Saunders ball. You only hoped that your grandparents didn’t pull some bullshit like they usually did with you. 
You had no idea what was in store for you and your team, and that’s what was killing you. The not knowing.
@waitingforthesunrise @sleep-i-ness @rinisfruity14 @uku-lelevillain
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wordsarelife · 8 months
hey guys i’m facing a little dilemma with my lockwood guts fic.
all american bitch will be about reader being treated poorly by kipps and lockwood trying to help her
pls i need your opinions! i will wait about two hours before the final decision is made! thank you for you help already 🫶🏻
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cameronspecial · 1 year
Open for Request
I think I might actually get back into writing for a fat second so send in request that y’all have because I need inspiration.
Now, I write for:
Lockwood & Co
Rafe Cameron
Evan Buckley
Some request guidelines:
I don’t do smut
You can specify what pronouns you want but please keep in mind that I am a cisgender heterosexual female so it might not be accurate
I will default to she/her pronouns if not specified
I only write for x reader
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