#don't know if this has been done because I'm avoiding memes for spoilers
ahomeinthevoid · 2 years
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I knew those two seemed familiar.
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sage-nebula · 2 years
Longer thoughts on Sonic Prime, now that I've had a few days to sit on it. Under a cut because of length / those who don't care / spoilers / whatever else.
Like I said before, I thought it was fine. It's definitely not a bad show by any stretch and I think that younger kids who are perhaps new to Sonic / only know Sonic from the movies / don't know Sonic at all but want to watch a new cartoon will enjoy it. I can't fully explain why it didn't pull me in. It could be the fact that I binged all of it partly out of obligation because I felt like I had to watch it as soon as possible to avoid spoilers, so I didn't give myself time to just pace through the show normally. But I mean, I've binged other things and loved them (see: season four of The Dragon Prince), so I don't think that's exactly it. I think it's more to do with the writing, but before I talk about that I want to talk about some things I did like about it, first.
The vocal performances were, for the most part, excellent. Knuckles' VA was kind of . . . eh . . . at times, and it's very hard to separate Tails / Nine / etc from Rainbow Dash, but Devon Mack absolutely KILLED IT as Sonic, which is a big deal since Sonic is the main character of the show. I wouldn't mind Devon taking the lead on voicing Sonic in other projects, because he did a very good job. So happy for him, especially since he was a fan of Sonic before landing the gig.
The animation was very good too. I like the little animal quirks the characters were given, such as ear twitches and whatnot, and it was fun to see Sonic so expressive when he's supposed to be an expressive / emotive guy. The action sequences were easy to follow and nicely done too; it's a very fun show to look at, you can tell the animators had a good time with what they were doing.
I noticed some musical callbacks to the games at times that made me, a nerd, pretty happy. There weren't too many of them, but there were enough that it was a "oh hi there" moment when I caught them.
I like how Rouge has been handled for the most part, from her having outfits that are more legitimate outfits to her having little quirks like sleeping like the bat she is. I will say I think she should've been the captain in the pirate saga, but like, whatever, I like that even though she's clearly there so they could have more than one girl in the cast, she's still being treated with respect overall.
Miles "Nine" Prower and Rusty Rose are my beloveds. The rest of the cast I could take or leave, but those two are my morally grey, ruthless babies and I love them so much.
Now for the writing . . . I think my main issue is that, outside of Nine and Rusty, I feel like I haven't been given much reason to care. Like, yeah, Sonic is having a hard time—but Sonic is always having a hard time and he always pulls through so it's like, whatever, he'll be fine. He's been infected with a metal virus, he's been cyber corrupted, he's going to get vivisected in Scrapnik 3 next week, he's always having some kind of issue, and he always ends up fine, so I'm not too invested in that. Insert a variant of the time knife meme like "yeah yeah Sonic having a bad time we've all seen it." Like that just doesn't capture my interest much anymore. Sonic emotionally going through it, mayhaps, but physically? Nah.
But like, where Nine and Rusty have interesting stories and characterization and circumstances to me (Nine being ruthless and morally grey, Rusty potentially gaining her own agency and personhood and hopefully still killing people along the way because she deserves it and I'm here for women's wrongs), I just can't say the same about the others. The Eggman council is just—if I can be unabashedly negative here, I hate the entire concept. It's so cartoonish and stupid. Which, I know this is a cartoon, but for a dystopian universe it feels over the top ridiculous to have a fucking baby and moody teenager and whatever else, not to mention OoC for any version of Eggman to want to share power with anyone, even other versions of himself. And "Mr" and "Dr" are both prefixes (with "Dr" denoting more respect than "Mr") so to have them layered as "Mr Dr Eggman" is just so stupid and irritating—
But I digress.
So I don't care about the Eggman council, and despite spending more time with them I don't see enough depth or potential for rebel Rouge and rebel Knuckles to really care too much about them either. Putting aside my irritation at jungle Tails being called "mangey" even though he doesn't have mange (mange is an actual skin disorder in animals and he clearly doesn't have it, just call him FERAL, that's what he ACTUALLY IS), I felt the jungle episodes were just kind of a slog to get through even though watching Amy yeet the others out of the forest with her hammer was pretty funny. (although, missed opportunity calling her Thorn instead of Briar, you know, like Briar Rose.) It's not helped by the fact that we only spent two episodes there, so there's not time to give more depth to the characters—but with two episodes already feeling like a slog, more might've been worse? It's hard to say. And with the pirate episodes, again, they didn't really get my attention until Rusty showed up. That's when things got more interesting, for me. Otherwise, I just didn't feel much of a reason to care about these variants. It seems to be much less "here's how these characters naturally would have developed in these circumstances" and more "hehe hoho fun costumes yay :)" with Nine and Rusty being the exceptions to that rule.
A lot of this has to do with the fact that, I'm not the target audience for this show. Yes, I'm a Sonic fan—but this is a show that's clearly intended for a younger audience, one that's perhaps not that interested in Sonic lore, and that's fine! Not everything is going to be for me. I am not a fan of the Archie comics, for example, from what little I know of them. I'm not interested in Sonic X. I think SatAM is overrated, so on and so forth. I do enjoy the movies for what they are, but mostly because a.) I'm glad they weren't a trash fire, and b.) I am ALWAYS going to be drawn in by found family of any type for reasons relating to being raised on AoStH and also my own messed up childhood / adolescence. But I don't have to love every single piece of Sonic media just because I'm a Sonic fan. As I've said, the great thing about Sonic is that there's something for everyone. Prime isn't really for me (outside of Nine and Rusty), and that's OK. I'm cool with that.
But that said, I do think that there are places where the writing could be improved. There are places where the dialogue feels clunky (as in, "people don't talk like this"). There are names of variants I take issue with. And I think that if a bit more thought was put into WHY the characters are the way they are other than "jungle people" or "pirates" it would be better. But little kids aren't going to care about that, and little kids are the ones this show is for, so again. It's not a big deal. And at the end of the day it's not something I'm going to lose sleep over.
I will probably still watch season two, just so I can see how Nine and Rusty develop. If they weren't in the show, I probably wouldn't bother lol. But since they are, I will Do It For Them. Nine and Rusty, my beloveds.
But yeah, those are my thoughts. It's OK. Not really my thing, but I don't hate it either. Would take a whole spinoff about Nine and Rusty, though. Let Nine say fuck. Let Rusty murder. It's what they deserve.
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uh as someone who is in svsss fandom; not sure what that other person was talking about in terms of everyone “glossing over” how it ends. people know it’s bad. that’s... kind of the point, both of the entire series and that scene. spoilers for that, and the rest of svsss though I’ve done my best to keep everything vague, but you can choose to disregard this and I wouldn’t fault you for this. tl:dr svsss is definitely not for everyone and if this isn’t your thing, probably not for you. sorry in advance for the essay. it is an absolute train wreck, which is kind of the point.
that scene involves sex. that scene involves one person withdrawing consent. that scene continues despite the withdrawal of consent, and mind you it’s not what most people would call erotic by any definition.
this book is a horror that gets masked by the comedy from an unreliable narrator; what if you got isekai’d into the absolute worst of the worst online web novel, that is just porn and a revenge catharsis male power fantasy, what if you were stuck there? what if you were stuck in the role of a character created to be the source of misery, a character who actually has to suffer that horrifying punishment that is inflicted by the protagonist of this revenge fantasy by the end if you fail to change a story that’s already been written?
it’s a terrible world to be sent to because the book is deconstructing that entire genre that honestly I don’t think exists to the same extent in english, it’s a genre that is made to sell chapters via exactly that; a revenge catharsis story built on male power fantasy, with flimsy justification for porn at every turn. so this terrible situation to be in ends like that; with god awful porn tropes everywhere, of course the world ending and trying to avoid it involves sex that, if anyone involved with was real, would be horrifying.
the main romance is, as has been joked about, a solid red flag finding solace in another solid red flag. they’re both doing terribly mental health wise without much prospect of getting better but considering the circumstances it’s the healthiest dynamic they both could be in.
i’m not saying it’s a perfect story by any means, but I feel like people’s disdain for it often comes from the expectations. if you go into this with the expectation of it being like tgcf or mdzs you will be blindsided by all this, and it’s a lot to be suddenly exposed to without warning. personally I would absolutely not have enjoyed this as a romance primarily; but I still do enjoy it as a black comedy that hides the horror of what it’s deconstructing, and basically just happens to have an absolute trash fire romance in the background.
if you somehow got this far; thank you. if you don’t want to read svsss that’s fair, it really isn’t for everyone for various reasons. but if you’re willing to read it, reading it as a romance might not be for you. the protagonist and point of view for us is a very unreliable narrator and I’m not sure why entirely but this fact gets thrown out a lot when people get around to reading it.
I don't think it's necessarily unfair to say it gets glossed over at least in the sort of...idk, public-facing side of the fandom? Like I'm sure there's deeper discussions and meta and such going on within the fandom, but from the outside I've seen like 3-5 posts about the darker stuff and 100 cutesy memes of the curly haired guy being a whiny baby 😅
THAT SAID, I really like how you've broken down the premise here, and it is very interesting. I love SO MUCH about MDZS even though I don't like the sex, and I love MXTX's storytelling, so I could definitely be down to read some dark comedy-horror trope deconstruction from her. I do think that management of expectations is a big part of it: I daresay most people come into MXTX novels via MDZS or TGCF first, and both of those are certainly to large degree romances. So it kind of makes sense that then people head over to SVSSS expecting more of the same and get unpleasantly surprised. I appreciate both you and the other person I was talking to kind of breaking down the differences. I definitely do feel like, if/when I do read it, I'll be going in now with a much better sense of what to expect and how to interpret it. Thanks so much!
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theundeadelf · 2 years
I'm not tagging this because I don't really want to cause drama (lol) but I just wanted to write out a few thoughts I'm having about the current show discourse 🧛🏾‍♂️🧛🏼
This is probably a terrible idea, so here we go! Multiple book spoilers below the cut, the usual.
First of all, I'm not sure why people are surprised and angry about the likelihood of s3 being heavily based on TVL.
I do understand being worried Louis' role will be reduced, but as far as I can tell, regardless of whatever contracts he may or may not have signed, the writers seem to be planning to keep Jacob and Louis around. Plans change y'know? If the contract rumour is true, Jacob likely signed it when AMC wanted IWTV to be one season only. We now know it's divided into two. Scripts can get reworked easily - take a look at the original script for the pilot episode. It's a work of art and I mean that in a "oh hell no" kind of way 😂
What I can't understand is this: although AMC does have the right to do whatever it wants with the franchise (and some would argue it already has), Lestat is the protagonist of the Vampire Chronicles. He has been for nearly forty years. Being angry that his POV will be shown later, that his backstory will be shown, that he may get a redemption arc - all of that is in the books, the books that AMC has the rights to. I'm not saying the writers couldn't change things to make Louis the protagonist instead, but then they will basically have to rewrite the whole book series. Sure, I guess they could make Louis meet the Devil, have his body swapped, go into a coma and become the prince of vampires, but at that point he may as well be called Lestat instead. Louis de Lioncourt or Lestat de Pointe du Lac, take your pick 😅
Obviously, I know there is a history of Black characters being upstaged unjustly by white ones, that changing the protagonist from Louis to Lestat would be yet another example of that happening. The only way I can see the writers staying somewhat faithful to the books whilst avoiding this is to make them co-protagonists instead. For all we know that's what's happening - and obviously, I hope that it does! I really love this version of Louis and I want to see ten seasons of him at the very least.
And as for Lestat's possible redemption arc..... Look, I will be the first person to say that AMC handled episode 5 extremely poorly (understatement of the century there). I can vaguely see why it was *necessary* for the very specific plot the show set up, because they had to bridge the gap between "show Lestat is somewhat nicer than the book Lestat (to Louis)" and "Louis and Claudia need to murder him at the end." But the lack of trigger warnings was absurd, and all it really succeeded at was splintering the fandom forever. It was done, I think, for shock value, because they'd backed themselves into a corner, and it was incredibly gratifying to see that Sam had similar worries.
I do think a "redemption arc" is still possible. I'm just not sure if it'll be believable for everyone.
I don't think it'll be at Armand's expense - look, I do think expecting Armand to be the hero to Lestat's villain is wishful thinking. I don't say that to demonise him. Outside of the odd meme, I don't think Armand's some mastermind editing all of Louis' thoughts and memories to make Lestat look bad (something's definitely off about the situation in Dubai though). However, the 514 year old vampire is not a good guy, I promise you. He wasn't good in the books, nobody is good in the books, and I think people should manage their expectations accordingly - that way, if characters end up being *better* or *well-adjusted* in the show it's a pleasant surprise.
And this is what I mean - what does a redemption arc even look like for a vampire? What would a Lestat redemption arc even look like? At the end of the day, he still has to drink blood and he still inflicted horrific violence on the man he was in love with. Sure, you can drink blood without killing people. You can argue that vampires cannot be held to the same standards as humans, and that over hundreds of years there may be the possibility for forgiveness.
But honestly I'm not convinced we'll get all that. Lestat is Lestat, he's never going to be good. What I do think we'll get is - like Sam said - "a massive dose of humble pie." He's stuck in a landfill. He's feeding off rats to survive. We'll see his backstory where his boyfriend and mother leave him, and he was turned into a vampire by a deranged creature obsessed with blond boys and men. We may see everything with Akasha. He'll be bodyswapped with a human and beg Louis to turn him back. He'll fall into a coma. He'll become the prince of vampires and long for the days when nobody saw him that way, for the times he saw Macbeth with Louis and Claudia and they lived in New Orleans together.
I guess the showrunners like a challenge?
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perfume-knives · 2 years
Love Letter to the Fandom
I did not expect Season 4 to be good.
Season 3 had already lost my trust in the handling of the plot and characters, and especially Villaneve. I had a sick, odd feeling in my stomach last June when they started filming, and I stopped posting on this Tumblr and unfollowed a lot of accounts. Partly this was to avoid spoilers and BTS, but it was also because I knew that listening to the hopes and speculations about this season would drive me mad.
The thing is that the hiatus was too long. As a fandom, we had two years to dream and create the type of journey that we wanted our protagonists to have. I wrote a fanfiction that was in response to my dissatisfaction with Season 3, that defied the notion that Eve and Villanelle couldn't be the protagonists of a show, on screen, in the same room. These characters became part of my personal identity, as I know is the case for a lot of other artists out there.
At the finale, I cried not because they killed Villanelle, but because I was insulted at the laziness and the cliche, the rush and the lack of imagination. They badly mishandled something that we held very close to our hearts.
When I wrote my fic, I put an incredible amount of effort into doing justice to the characters. I set values - that it would be canon to a tee, that it would honor character habits and behaviors while pushing them to grow, that it would address plot holes. I made room for action, romance, terror, joy, sex, violence and mystery. I put a lot of research into everything I wrote.
It feels entirely unjust that as an amateur writer who had never even written a fanfiction before, I took greater care with the story and the characters than the show itself did. I'm sure a lot of fic writers feel that way. It's insulting to both the fandom's intelligence and dedication to end the series the way they did. I don't think I need to comment on the quality of the writing.
So here we are, folks: what happened, happened. We have been gravely insulted. But we have too much love for Eve and Villanelle for Season 4, as crushing as it was, to erase that. We have created something really beautiful in all the stories that have been told and the justice that has been done to these characters offscreen. Nothing that happened on that screen can take away what we hold in our hearts. The art, the photography, the writing, the jokes and memes, and the friendships that we have made are so much deeper, so much richer than anything that we were just shown.
I sincerely believe that we will all heal from this and learn to find strength in rejecting that which doesn't serve us. So take your time to grieve, to be angry, and to heal. And when you're ready, stand up with me and embrace the love.
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bobthebobking · 2 years
POKES YOU POKES YOU POKES YOUR tell me abt your wips <333 super interested in ink's awakening and ALSO,,,,, any tidbits of info you could give me about niko and link <33
for this ask meme. anyone else who sees this, feel free to send an ask if anything catches your eye! and ty hyper for my life <3
i’m gonna post a snippet about niko and link first, assuming u mean link & niko leaving new hyrule bc i love it sm and want some of it to see the light of day kdfjgnjd disclaimer that i haven’t really edited this at all :’) 
premise is that link feels restless and wants go sailing again, he and niko are around mid-late 20s and New Hyrule is becoming decently established. i have like 2300 words written in the doc for it, this is just the beginning >:)
~ ~ ~
Link thought he was safe, that he hadn't been seen. But apparently he'd lost some of his sneaking ability in the years since settling in New Hyrule, because hurried steps crunched along the shore toward him. 
"Link?? What the hell are you doing out here so late?" an incredulous whisper hissed behind him.
"I'm leaving." 
"On your own? Does Tetra know?" 
"Duh, I'm not an idiot." 
"What about Aryll?" 
". . . She'll figure it out." 
Niko stared at him, stunned, and nearly shouted, "You didn't tell Aryll!?" 
"Shh!" Link rushed to cover Niko's mouth with his hands. 
Niko slapped them away and lowered his voice to an angry hiss, "You're the only family she has and you're just leaving?”
Link huffed as he turned back to the S.S. Linebeck, "She'll be fine, Niko, she has-" 
"Link," Niko ground out through his teeth. This argument was going nowhere. Link took a breath, trying to avoid escalating this into a shouting match. 
"You can't change my mind about this, Niko." Link finally looked at his friend properly to find wide, wet eyes staring up at him beneath the angry furrow of his brow and oh, gods, if Niko cries… Link straightened his shoulders as he turned to fully face the shorter man. Much softer than he intended, Link repeated himself. "I'm leaving." 
Niko worked his jaw for a few moments, staring at Link, until-
"I'm coming with you." 
Link blinked. 
"What? No you aren't." 
"Yes I am, you big octo bastard. Someone has to make sure you don't get yourself killed. Give me 20 minutes." 
With that, Niko ran back to his house, presumably to pack his things, leaving a stunned Link on the dock.
~ ~ ~
what if.. niko and link went sailing together and fell in love... haha just kidding....... unless? KDFNGKJD they mean sm to me and its CRIMINAL that like there isn’t any content about them. niko gave link bombs theyre practically soulmates HELLO!!! in this fic they’ll have some shenanigans and close calls and a fun lil adventure exploring the sea <3 also yes they’re stealing the ss linebeck bc linebeck’s out exploring new hyrule for treasure. link’s been maintaining it in his absence n hes just like ok u know what? free ship. byeeee
gonna put the stuff about ink's awakening under a read more bc talking about it might reveal major spoilers about exit/corners, a free browser puzzle/mystery vn that you can play in its entirety HERE. I highly encourage everyone to play it bc it’s amazing and free :]
ok so the ink’s awakening stuff is basically just like.. a universe swap? bc e/c and link’s awakening have similar aspects, especially in the beginning and the general premise. ink and link both wake up in a strange bed with a pretty girl, fall in love with her, and have to go through many puzzles and near-death experiences and such in order to leave... and then 🙊🙊🙊
i really just wanted to doodle ink+aether and link+marin in each others outfits and cutscenes bc like it would just be so good! marin is so wild she would do so well in a death game vn, she’d finally be allowed to say fuck. and aether is so sweet she deserves to have a nice little island life <333 here are aether and marin’s outfit swap doodles i’ve already done, i love them so much
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i havent had the chance to do ink and link yet but here are lil doodles kdfjngkd
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the text says “well, this is awkward!”, one of the first dialogue options in e/c and it makes me laugh every time i love ink so much <333 and imagining him saying that after being shipwrecked on a remote island is even funnier KJDFNGD and link in a lil detective coat and scarf like.. how can u not want that in ur life!! link is a master puzzle solver and he would do amazingly well in exit/corners (exit/koholint hehe)
ty again for the ask!! <3333
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Tuesday 19:02 - Post-it notes
Ely: We don't know you, but there are surely people among your friends who know you.
June: OK...what's that? I am...oh yeah! I'm a pet? [her post-it note says chlamydia]
Maya: Not at all
Ely: Yeah, yeah kinda.
June: What the hell? Alright, your turn
Maya: No but I suck at this! Seriously, I know so few famous female writers...
June: You do! She's a muse, an icon, she had lots of lovers, male and female
Ely: Why don't you just tell her who it is?
June: It's fine, it's just a game! And you gave her something really difficult too!
Ely: Yeah, precisely, it's a game. So if we don't play seriously, it's no fun.
Maya: OK! I know! Has there ever been a movie about me?
June: No, but a really great comic book.
Ely: Stop!
Maya: I mean, this isn't helping at all...
June: Wait, you've never read "On the sea of lies", about Anaïs Nin?
Ely: You can't help yourself, can you?
June: It's fine, she's been going for like 50 rounds, poor thing!
Ely: I'll give you a two point penalty
June: Are you serious? You know she'd be willing to sell her cat to win?
Maya: Can't be worse than my friend Jo. Seriously that girl has eaten score sheets to avoid losing a game of yahtzee before.
Ely: Amen! There are still passionate people on this earth! So, in short...it's a singer, I love her, she could potentially become minister for Culture...It's...The queen, Camélia*!
Text from Tiff: I don't know what happened with Max but come back to the apartment...He misses you.
June: Well done! Are you good? You won, will you stop sulking?
Ely: Sorry, Miss Cheater, and Miss Crowbar...I destroyed you. That wasn't at all meant to criticize, by the way!
Maya: No worries, I know
Ely: I fully understand you losing it...Even I don't know what keeps me from setting fields full of GMO on fire every day.
Maya: So...what is stopping you?
June: I'll get started on the pizza because when Ely starts talking about her association, it's endless...
Ely: Thanks for the spoiler! So with a friend from uni, we organize eco-solidarity trips across Europe.
Maya: So, holidays to save the world?
Ely: They're not holidays.
June: I can attest to that...
Ely: It's a lot of work. There are many options...You could sow potatoes in the middle of Croatia, you could collect trash on the hypertouristic beaches of the Algarve...it's a change of scenery! And it calms down destructive urges.
Maya: And where does one sign up?
Ely: What are you studying?
Maya: I'm not a student...I didn't even graduate high school, so if that's part of the criteria...
Ely: No, not at all. We're looking for all kinds of people so you don't need to worry about that. You could start with volunteer work, for example.
Maya: Yeah, totally
June: Yeah, except what Ely fails to mention every single time is that the volunteers are the ones paying for their own tickets, so...
Maya: Ah...yeah, it might not be for me then.
Ely: Honestly if you really want to, there are ways. Why not organize a money pool for your birthday?
June: Alright, let's get back to it. We're gonna stump you!
Ely: No way, I'm unbeatable.
June: Yeah, right. [she writes down "mauvaise foi", which means "bad faith" or "hypocrisy" and shows it to Maya] Alright, go!
Ely: Alright, so...is it something that has to do with me?
June: Yeah, yes.
Ely: Is it someone I know in passing or personally?
June: Oh, you know her very, very well.
Ely: OK, great, is it...?
June: OK, stop, too many questions. Your turn.
Maya: Am I alive?**
June: Yes
Ely: In our hearts
Maya: Am I a woman?
Ely: Undetermined. We will remain Switzerland about this. Wait, wait, it's too much! You haven't even guessed, you've been struggling for two rounds.
June: So I'm not a pet...am I an object?
Ely: Nope!
*Camélia Jordana, a French singer and actress. She's of Algerian descent and has been pretty vocal in recent years about racism in France (to the point she's been accused of reverse racism).
**Maya is at this point René la Taupe, which is a meme character from like...2009? (if not before). It's an animated singing mole and I will do you and myself a favor by not linking any of its work.
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its5amandimbored · 4 years
Part one of my fowl twins memes/review/reaction Ok so I reread all the artemis fowl books and made memes on them which you can find down here (I'll be keeping the fowl twins stuff in there too, just to keep everything together)
Artemis fowl memes
Now the original reason I was rereading the books was because I was prepping up to read the fowl twins so I figured since I'm already reading it might as well keep this going and keep making memes but I also realized since
1. This is the first time I am ever reading it
2. It's the sequel/spin off to my child hood book series
I would want to talk about some parts and not just make memes. plus I've always liked just having my reactions to things, I'll usually pause a show or movie or stop reading to take a picture and talk about what I thought of whatever I thought was worth mentioning, I've done it for episodes in shows I like along with the artemis fowl movie back over in my main blog. I know I usually do memes but I hope you like this.
this should be fun since I'm going into this completely blind but yeah. I was really excited for this I absolutely adored the twins in the artemis fowl books as some of you may know, I am sad they yeeted artemis off to mars which is basically the only thing I know about this book I've been trying very hard to avoid spoilers.
Also you probably shouldn't see this until you've read the book or be prepared for spoilers. Fair warning.
Anyway on to the memes/review/reaction thing
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Wow ok we are off to a bizarre start. Myles and beckett haven't even entered the story and we already got our antagonist chopping off fingers. Also imagine you're talking to some dude who's trying to live forever and you're like "I'll help you" and he cuts off your fucking pinky out of nowhere.
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This boy has a tie made out of his dead gold fish?? I have no words.
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Love how artemis straight up went into space before anyone could stop him or bother him about it.
Also the fact that he built it in the barn. The same place he built the laser in the 8th book while he was supposed to be exercising makes me think he built this while he was supposed to be exercising, he launched himself as butler came in to yell at him
Also kind of mad. Like eoin colfer sent him on a FIVE YEAR space mission?? Like I completely understand wanting to keep the main characters out of the way at first to like avoid having them upstage or divert attention away from your new characters that you're trying to develop but I understand that in the first book or two. I thought at some point we would have some of the main characters from the original show up. I really wanted to see adult artemis, see how he's changed and developed and grown. I mean last time we saw him he went through the traumatic experience of DYING. And I really wanted to see him interact with the twins. We got him with the twins in the last book and 6th book and it was fun seeing him be a protective older brother who the twins adored but still teased mercilessly. But back then the twins were toddlers! I want to see them older, see how that's developed. Now if we get artemis there'll have to be a pretty big time skip or artemis will have to randomly just come back to earth. They could've just had artemis like move away. Like. He would've been out of the way but could've come back in another book. Even if it's just for a scene or two. And like it's not unrealistic. Artemis at the end of the book had lived 15 years, was legally 18 and was physically like 17 (foaly aged his clone up a bit by accident so he looked older) and the twins were 4, they had just turned 4 and here they just turned 11 meaning artemis would have been alive for 22 years, legally been 25, and looked 24. Legally, physically, emotionally and mentally old enough to live by himself (even if the physical, legal, emotional and mental are all different ages lol) and he probably would want to. He's kind of been traumatized by this family and his old life style it would make sense to want to leave that. I don't know. Got pretty upset at that.
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Love how this series has killed off so many characters to only immediately bring them back (holly, butler, opal, artemis, basically everyone except root) that they just spoiled their own series to go "yea we'll kill of these characters and then bring them back" on page 12
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My last two brain cells every night without fail. Wow I've never related to anything more in my life
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Myles honey. You can be a man of science and still be dramatic. Look at your brother. I alread commented on my post from the 5th book about how dramatic as shit and extra artemis is and how he stages everything, from scheming to his actual plans, like a goddamn drama movie. Even how he announced things is dramatic.
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