#don't let any of the people i've written rpf of find my works please
forcebookish · 1 year
stop asking actors if they've read fanfiction... if they have i don't want to know, if they haven't i don't want them to start... pls......
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ddejavvu · 3 years
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I’m mei/daisy, I’m 20, and I run this blog! You may use any/all pronouns on me, and I'm always here if you need to chat :) I write sfw and nsfw, and i ask minors not to interact with anything nsfw. doing so will result in a block.
characters i write for
latest fics: Spring Fling - Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Reader / Betrayal - Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader / Love to Lie - Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x Reader (Series)
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Blog rules:
Please check the tag #faq to see if your question has been answered before asking it!
Sometimes my masterlists aren't updated frequently. I suggest after perusing those to scroll through character tags if you want to see my entire library of work. I am working on updating it.
I do not condone the reposting of my work onto other websites. My writing is my writing, if you want to post a story, write your own.
I don't do taglists. They are a lot of work on my part, and they get out of hand quickly. Please do not ask to be tagged.
To request, I need a plotline and and a character. ‘Fluff’ is not a plotline, ‘part 2’ is not a plotline, ‘sub!reader’ is not a plotline, etc. You’ll have to give me a specific event or series of events to write about if you want me to write about them. If your request is missing one of those components, it will not be written.
Please don't ask if I've stopped writing for a character just because I haven't for a few days. This puts pressure on me and comes off like a guilt trip. Unless I've officially stated that I don't write for them anymore, I still write for them.
Please do not send your request twice. There's a 99% chance that I got it the first time, and sending it twice might actually dissuade me from writing it at all. I have a lot of asks in my inbox, and when people start sending in requests twice or even three times, it clutters things up and makes it very hard for me to work with what I've got.
Please don’t ask to be mutuals! I’m not against the idea of interacting with any of you, on the contrary, I’m very happy to talk to each and every one of you, regardless of whether we follow each other or not. However, I don’t like being asked to do a follow-for-follow situation. It doesn’t usually end up benefitting either party. If you’d like to be my mutual, please don’t ask, just try interacting with me! I’m happy to engage with people who engage with me. I love making mutuals, I just want it to happen naturally, or it doesn’t feel genuine. Thank you!
Please do not send me a request that you’ve copied and pasted into other authors’ inboxes. I suggest not doing this to anyone, but I have a particularly low tolerance for it. It can create some sticky ‘plagiarism/copying’ situations, and it makes me feel like a machine, not an individual person. Please respect me and other authors by valuing us and our work, not just spamming requests for free content. If I find out that a request I’ve been sent has also been sent to other authors word for word, I will delete it immediately, and if I find out after the fact that I’ve written a blurb that someone else wrote with the exact same prompt before me, I will most likely take mine down.
Please do not request anywhere but my inbox. That is where I keep them all so that they’re organized and don’t get forgotten about, so if you message them to me or use one of my other posts as your request form, your comment will most likely be ignored. I can’t keep up with all of them unless you put them in the right place, I’m sorry.
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Requesting Rules:
cheating (on reader)
age play
rpf (Real Person Fiction; i don't write for real people! just their characters)
canon compliant war-centric fics about the marauders. I don’t have any interest in writing about the war, or any adjacent events, I’m sorry. I’m perfectly fine writing post-war fics or pre-war fics but I’m just trying to pretend it never happened and I’d appreciate it if you’d send me stuff for them that lets me do that </3
singing or dancing (done by reader) to amaze and impress everyone around them. if that's what you like, go ahead, i'm happy you're happy. but the scenario gives me massive second hand embarrassment, and I can't bring myself to write about it, sorry
songfics: i need to appreciate and understand the song on an analytical level to be able to write an entire fanfiction surrounding it, and that's something I can only manage with songs that i personally love and listen to. if you ask me to write you a songfic and i haven't even heard the song before, i won't be able to do your request justice.
reader teaching a character to do a certain hobby/sport, or a character teaching the reader that. let me explain: i don't know how to pitch a softball, so if you're going to ask me to write about teaching remus to pitch a softball, i don't know how to do that. it all comes down to me and my hobbies and my knowledge, of course, but common plotlines like being taught how to roll a blunt/smoke one, being taught how to play a sport, teaching a character to do a makeup routine, etc, are not skills that i have in my wheelhouse, and therefore plotlines that i wouldn't try to write about.
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olderthannetfic · 3 years
Sorry for the borderline traumadumping but I've been so fed up recently seeing posts from people who are supposedly proship ...But don't support people who like RPS/RPF. I got harassed and suibated really terribly for years and across multiple accounts for posting my RPF works of a small Youtuber fandom. The people who harassed me still once in a while make posts mentioning me, saying how happy they are that they forced me to delete, and how proud they all are of chasing off someone so disgusting, and how they hope I've not only deleted my accounts, but also died. I haven't drawn or written anything substantial in the years since then because it feels like everything I make is horrible. Even if I do create something, I cant post it because I'm terrified someone will recognize my art or writing style. These people cyberstalked me and my friends, raided our Discord, pretended to be friendly with us to get screencaps for a completely false, out of context callout, and have ruined my ability to trust anyone online. I haven't talked to anyone new or made any new friends because I'm terrified its going to be one of them just trying to find my new accounts. I live in constant fear and paranoia of one of them randomly deciding to find me again. I have been hospitalized for suicidal ideation compounded by the trauma of their harassment. I can't see the names of the Youtubers involved without feeling physically ill, lightheaded, and nearing an anxiety attack. I don't understand how anyone could do this to another person and think they're still the good guys. I'm shaking as I type up this ask, recalling all the horrible things they said to me, but antis will never realize that they are the ones who are in the wrong, so proshippers need to step up and support each other. If you're proship but you are anti-RPF, this is what you are enabling, all over shipping stuff that the youtubers involved never even knew existed. To everyone on Tumblr, PLEASE support your fellow proshippers who like RPF, even if you think it's yucky and weird.
I don't understand how anyone could do this to another person and think they're still the good guys.
Because monsters are still regular humans, and villains all think they're the hero of the story.
Yes. Fans who dislike bullying and censorship need to take a firm stance on this. I don't care about the term 'proship'. It's full of idiots. What I care about is full and unreserved:
Don't like, don't read
Your kink is not my kink, and that's okay
Ship and let ship
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toozmanykids · 4 years
Am I allowed to do a Six Sentence Sunday on Friday??? Last week's that @myoxisbroken started got me so pumped up and inspired, and I'm so excited anticipating all these exciting works in progress that y'all teased us with!
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Last week @just-the-hiddles had teased us with an OFC struggling to get the attention of our lovely Magnus Martinsson who was far too engrossed in his work to take notice of her efforts.
I have an idea! In fact my OFC may just steal your Magnus right from under your nose my dear @just-the-hiddles . You see, all of the "Sex Pollen" fics y'all have been churning out recently has gotten me fit to be tied! Holy fuck! Especially the one @frostbitten-written wrote. Blame it on the Pollen. OMG! I think that was the hottest "Sex Pollen" story I've ever read! And I have read a LOT these past two years.
So I couldn't resist getting distracted from what was supposed to be working on, and started a "Sex Pollen" fic of my own. I haven't named the OFC yet, but she encounters s beautiful Magnus Martinsson on her commute home one Friday evening. Here are my seven sentences from this WIP.
The moment she sat down, the vibrations of the train immediately caught the attention of her newly awakened inner slut. She slid her ass over a few inches to center her cunt directly on the hard metal hump that divided up the seats and purred from the heavenly stimulation. Subtly adjusting the pressure point with minute angle changes in her posture created the most pleasant feeling of warmth that began to extend up into her chest.
A whimper slipped out with each jolt that broke the gentle rumbling rhythm. A sneaky smile slipped onto her lips, yet she remained unaware of her expression, only focused inward, eyelids drooping closed, and anxiously waiting for the next flaw in the track.
She had completely forgotten about the few people still occupying this train car, including that devastating Mr. Angel-face who had a Masters Degree in Observation. His gaze hadn't left her since she sat down.
What do you think??
By the way, last week's Six Sentence Sunday gave excerpts of WIPs by some great authors who you will want to keep an eye on. I didn't get a chance to comment earlier, so I will now. And I beg you all to tag me!!! Please! Just add me to your whole enchilada tag list if your lists are still open?
@myoxisbroken teased her fic with a gif of Pine holding Jeb with a knife to her neck. Holy shit! Any fic inspired by that has got to be exciting! I can't wait to read your Jonathan Pine!!
@caffiend-queen teased us with the most evil gif of Chris Evans in a bright purple shirt that someone must have just painted onto him. I don't know what the hell he's actually doing in that gif, but the gif alone does freaky things to my... But the point of her participation was to tease the next chapter of It'll Be Good For You. This is a DELICIOUS entry in the "My Landlord is a Vampire" Challenge. SQUEAL!
@imanuglywombat teased us with delicious seductive thoughts for her Alpha/Omega WIP. *grrrrowl..... My interest is so piqued to read one with Danvers involved. Oh yes. *Wicked thirsty smile.
*SCREAMING WITH EXCITEMENT!!! Another chapter of Bottom of the Hourglass was in the works last Sunday by @nildespirandum . She teased us with six sentences of our brooding musical creature of the night getting swept away with his music. Good god, the images she conjured up in my mind left me mesmerized as well.*swoon.
@rauko-art is working on an Inuyasha fanfic with Sessoumaru!!! My kids and I just recently discovered Inuyasha this summer. It is a really fun anime set in medieval Japan filled to the brim with mythological gods and demons. The possibilities are endless. The show is so rich in story with beautifully developed characters. I highly recommend it for everyone. I CAN'T WAIT TO READ @rauko-art 's fan fic!!!
@mermaidxatxheart 's tease for her WIP hooks me immediately with one my biggest kink. The character wakes up thinking something is "integrally wrong." *SQUEAL!!! Blackouts or amnesia or losing time are a huge guilty pleasure of mine. I have no idea where this is going, but I definitely need to hop on for this ride! Please?
(Psst....Throw in gaslighting and a little bondage or trapped to go with that amnesia and you'll put me into a trance from being so turned on. I just wanted to put that out there on case anyone was looking for ideas. *Wink)
@pagesoflauren 's teaser has me bouncing in my seat needing to dive into this fic!! OH WOW!! I need to I find a link to this!! Please please tag me! Are you up on AO3?
@threeminutesoflife used a gorgeous gif from Knives Out (2019) of Ransom all stabby with the knives sculture in the background. Omg, the gif alone has me so on the edge of my seat! I can't wait to read this fic!
Some of these fics may be DARK fictions.
ALL links above are in blue.
Be a responsible reader!
I have been trying to get more organized with tag lists. I threw this list couple weeks below mostly just of people who l thought might be interested to hear when I actually get my butt in gear and post something or write something. Let me know if you want on or off any lists, my everything list, versus included dark fics that may have noncon/dubcon, versus Tom characters only, versus no RPF aka no Real!Tom, plus a list for heads up when i reblog @nildespirandum , bc she SUCKS at self promotion and y'all are missing out if you haven't read her works yet. She is aka Misreall in AO3.
@ladyoftheteaandblood @ladyfluff @bellesque @reine-sigyn @archy3001 @pedeka @lettalady @cursedcursingviking @just-the-hiddles @yespolkadotkitty @myoxisbroken @imanuglywombat @villainousshakespeare @wolfsmom1 @vodka-and-some-sass @boredbrooder @maniploki @fadingcoast @evieplease @fandom-and-feminism @writernotwaiting
@lokislastlove @myraiswack @petitefirecracker10 @littletime67 @memenerdlover @tehgvicious @scatteringlikelight @what-just-happened-bro @the-undecided-compass
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clumsyclifford · 2 years
hiya love may i pretty please hear about 4, 8, 17, 24, 32, 43, & 74 from the writer asks? -megs 💙
hello my dear!! yes you pretty well may
4. How do you choose which fics to write? in my brain there is a revolving door of fics that i consider as being Currently Worked On, and of those, i pretty much go for whichever one i've been thinking about, or whichever one i have inspiration for. sometimes i'll get laser focused on one and just keep writing that one until i've reached a good stopping point, but a lot of the time i'll just add scenes to a few different ones as the inspiration strikes.
8. Post an out-of-context spoiler from a wip. well i don't know if this is supposed to mean like post a snippet or just like say a sentence but we all know i will never pass up the opportunity to post a snippet so here is something from the one with all the weird google searches, but no context:
At least he won’t have any moral qualms taking out the Man United fan.
17. Do you have a writing routine? i don't even know what a writing routine would entail. so...no? i just go for it. whatever happens happens
24. How do you choose whose POV to write in? answered here and i don't think i could possibly expand on that answer any more
32. Do you take fic requests? Why or why not? well.......technically yes. however, recently i have been feeling about prompt fics kind of the way the barden bellas were in the beginning of pitch perfect 2. in other words, i feel like i have lost my "sound" (or i guess a more ironically accurate phrase would be to say that i have lost the plot) when it comes to writing for prompts. combine that with the fact that i haven't written rpf in a little while and don't really get prompts/requests on my main tumblr because it's so aggressively multifandom... the point is that while i technically take fic requests/prompts, lately i don't get them unless i ask for them (which is a good thing!) and i haven't been asking for them, and i don't plan to ask for them until i find my "sound"/voice/The Plot again. so like. let me figure out what gear is missing from my ability to write prompts, sort that shit out, and get back to you.
43. Is there a trope or idea that you’d really like to write but haven’t yet? answered here with hogwarts AU, but i'm sure i can come up with another. i was about to say baseball AU but technically i did write a high school baseball AU long ago for a different fandom. omg wait and i also wrote an MLB baseball AU for a different different fandom, what the fuck. so anyway, not that. actually thinking about this has made me realize i have written a lot of the AUs that i always wanted to write. oh i think a reincarnation/meet-in-every-lifetime AU would be really cool, like that one 1d fic, hazel knows what i'm talking about, ever since i read that fic i've wanted to write something like it but i have yet to manage it. if i ever do, though, it'll be sick. i love the poetry and romance of multiple people finding each other over and over in every lifetime simply because the universe deems it so. even sexier if one person remembers every universe but no one else does. anyway! that's my answer.
74. Do you have a fic you wish got a bit more love? doesn't everyone? if you really get me started on this i could probably go forever so i'm just gonna pick one and then stop thinking about this. oh, i know which one. the cruel summer prequel, i got a radar for trouble (and you're a renegade). i'm actually really proud of that not just as a fic but as a piece of writing. like i completely understand why it got so little attention but in a dream world it would be appreciated just as much as the og cruel summer fic.
fanfiction writing asks!
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