#don't look at this if you like seb
high-dragon-bait · 2 years
The Extremely Petty Reason I Hate Sebastian
Please do not take this seriously. I'm not main-tagging this because I do not wanna die, and may delete this if people go insane, but I've been wanting to make a post about it for awhile and this blog is for talking about by feelings on my favorite game so here goes
It is SOLELY because of how he talks to Fenris
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Nearly all of his dialogues with Fenris are like this
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Do you see it?
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Do you see it?
This is the one that really did it for me, mostly because I misinterpreted it as being directed towards the sexual abuse Fenris faced at the hands of Danarius and it disgusted me so much I had to close the game
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I understand now that's probably not what Sebastian was talking about but it was too late. Even knowing he isn't referring to that this is such an over the line thing to say that I can't forgive it
Every interaction with Fenris that he has reads like a Evangelical missionary trying to convert someone in a vulnerable state to their cult faith and it's fucking gross. It's actually nauseating
Now, I actually think Fenris having faith is interesting. I was raised atheist myself, I can't understand faith like someone who was raised religious does. But I do understand having a complex relationship with the concept of faith, especially the idea of faith feeling appealing, but finding the people and ideas behind faith hostile to who you are. That's the kind of relationship with faith I like to imagine Fenris has
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But god I cannot stand the way Sebastian talks to him. I can't not find it predatory, and it makes Sebastian come off as so insidious that he is the only Dragon Age character I actively hate. Usually with characters I don't like I just ignore them, but Sebastian I hate. Sebastian makes me physically angry
I say it's petty because it really is JUST this. Just how he talks to Fenris, and since Fenris is my Prime Blorbo I'm soooooooo biased it's ridiculous. Also because Anders is terrible to Fenris but I can forgive that, probably because Fenris is equally as terrible back.
Sebastian acts creepy towards my fav and the game never seems to acknowledge how creepy he's being and for that I cannot stand the sight of Sebastian. I am so sorry. I know plenty of people like Sebastian and you have my utmost respect but to me the man's vibes are so rancid I may start gagging
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kay9leo · 2 months
UK vs US Slang
Inspired by: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/DR57_bCrsxs
NYC!MC: Why did you call him "Cheeky" Ominis? 🤔I'm mean, I know he has full cheeks, but how did you know?🧐
Ominis: You see MC, here in the UK ☕ when someone is being boldly rude, impudent, or disrespectful 🙄😒 in a playful way, we call it being "cheeky". Which comes from the word "Cheek", 😌 meaning "insolence" and *😠 looks at Sebastian* is also the nickname of a misbehaving boy in a centuries old story. *😌sips tea in 🇬🇧🦁*☕
NYC!MC: 🤨😐 Oh....
NYC!MC: We say "Smartass" *😠looks at Sebastian* back home cuz you're smart and you're an asshole😌🤗 *😌sips coffee in 🇺🇸 🦅* ☕
Sebastian: I said "I was sorry!" 😫
Sebastian: And my cheeks aren't that fat! 😩😭
Ominis and NYC!MC both sip their respective drink while glaring at Sebastian (who made a cheeky joke earlier about them being grave robbers and disturbing the dead after completing a quest in the catacombs)
Sebastian: 😥😓
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skitskatdacat63 · 8 months
Looking at the Austrian crown: 🥰😁😊😚😍
Drawing the Austrian crown: 😟☹️😥😢😰
Please someone save me, why did I do this to myself, look at this thing
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buglaur · 6 months
hey um not to be that guy but do you pretend to put your stardew valley sims for download when you are done with them? they look incredible
i will definitely put them up soon, and thank you 🫂
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bittwitchy · 1 year
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CS: Tom Glynn-Carney and Sebastian Stan
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ruvviks · 2 years
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prettyboy (space edition)
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fazcinatingblog · 10 months
All I want in the big bash is to see another wicketkeeper defy the laws of cricket and wear short sleeves and a floppy hat
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lesharl-eclair · 1 year
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F1: a colorised history 1/10 - text and graphics mine with thanks to Wikipedia and Reddit
text in photo below the cut :) if you spot any mistakes please let me know!
The first-ever World Championship for Drivers was concluded in just seven Grand Prix races in 1950, one of the shortest official calendars to date. Points were awarded to the top five finishers in each race on an 8–6–4–3–2 basis, and 1 point was awarded for the fastest lap of each race.  The 1950-1957 era was marked by the dominance of factory Italian and German cars, seeing the rise and fall of Alfa Romeo, the invincibility of Ferrari, and the technical genius of Mercedes, then known as Daimler-Benz. Giuseppe Farina would claim his first and only victory in a blood-red Alfa Romeo 158 in 1950, but the Alfettas struggled and eventually withdrew, making Ferrari practically invincible from 1952. The FIA (being the FIA) could not do anything about this and was in an embarrassing position as it had already announced that current regulations would last until 1954. Major manufacturers were already working to develop cars for the future regulation so there was a lack of serious competition. FIA eventually adopted Formula Two regulations for the 1952-53 seasons in an attempt to curb Ferrari dominance but this did not work very well, as Alberto Ascari won 11 of 16 races and thus the championships over these two years, remaining the last Italian driver to do so.  Daimler-Benz came to the formula in 1954, bringing with it the first desmodromic valves and direct fuel injection - their technological superiority was proven as they swept the next two seasons. This was sadly marred by a catastrophic crash at Le Mans in June, which killed driver Pierre Levegh and 82 other spectators, and prompted the constructor's exit from motorsport until 1994. The 1955 season was curtailed by tragedy, seeing the deaths of four drivers including Ascari, who crashed at Monaco before crashing again, this time fatally, during testing at Monza four days later. Following Daimler-Benz’s departure, Juan-Manuel Fangio, affectionately known as El Maestro, won two more titles with Ferrari and Maserati in 1956 and 1957, totalling five titles in this period with four different teams, and holding the highest winning percentage in F1 at 47.06% to this day.
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sebdoeswords · 1 year
I can't take posting on ao3 anymore, it makes me feel so uncomfortable. In an ideal scenario I would stop posting fic altogether, but I've made a promise to my readers that I would never abandon a fic partway through. This is something that is intrinsic to my process, something that sets me apart from other writers. My multi-chapter fics are finished before they ever get posted.
So I want to keep that promise. I think what I'll do is finish Thyme on ao3 because there's only one chapter left, and then post the rest of All of His Colours on ko-fi for free without a paywall. I've already posted the first chapter there just now, and I was able to format it in a way I like. I'll share the posts on tumblr whenever I post them just like I used to, and I'll make a masterpost with links to all chapters.
It's not a perfect solution by any means, but it's one I might be able to live with.
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Man's at it again ig 💀
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kay9leo · 2 months
At First Glance... Part VIII
Chapter 7 <<<||| Chapter 8 ||| >>> Chapter 9
...On Changes
Sebastian hated change.
It never meant good things for him.
Such as when he went from having a loving family with living parents and a healthy sister to living with Uncle Solomon and leaving Anne behind for school when her curse became too much.
From having an unbreakable trio made up of him, Anne and Ominis to him and Ominis barely on friendly terms a year after Anne left.
And now, change had even struck his friendship with MC.
During those lonely moments when he allowed himself a moment to imagine what it would be like to reunite with MC again, they were memories reimagined to new adventures, kitchen raids and games they would play once more. Comparing notes, reviewing in the Undercroft, study buddies into the dead of night. Duel partners watching each other’s back with no questions asked.
Sebastian thought that uniting with MC mean things would go back to normal. Things will finally go back to the way they were with wands blazing, spells shot out, and friendly banter between them like they used to do before.
He didn’t expect for another change to cripple the little normality he had gain in his life when he befriended MC.
In fact, Sebastain didn’t expect for there to be so many small changes in their partnership.
Specifically in her reactions.
It seems as if that small pause, that little hiatus in their friendship was enough for MC to change while apart from each other. Changes that he felt like he couldn’t keep up with.
“These ‘Keepers’ are playing games with you. You need to press them for more information.” He huffed, angry on her part for how they kept critical information from her to mastering her magic.
“It doesn’t work like that.” MC crossed her arms with a frown. “To access each of these memories, I have to complete a trial. It’s not as easy as you think. They’re showing me the memories in a particular order. They–”
“Ugh. Either they don’t trust you or you don’t care enough about Anne to ask the difficult questions!” Sebastian glared.
He was certain that before their hiatus, their break in friendship, MC wouldn’t have shrunk in on herself when they talked about her ancient magic keeper friends. Or even sigh and say:
“I do care about Anne, but I’m tired of explaining myself. Perhaps we should part ways.”
At that he froze.
“That’s – that’s not what I meant. I –” He took in a deep breath to calm himself, to prevent that ice forming in his stomach from expanding “- we’re just not getting answers. I need answers. For Anne.”
“I know.” MC sighed as she looked at the ground and kicked a stray rock away. She then threw her head back to look at the stars. “I know.” She stated once more, letting silence fill in the air.
A silence that he found was worse than when they argued.
It suffocated him.
Sebastian didn’t know what to do. He didn’t know what to say to make it better.
MC stared at the stars, as if counseling them to determine whether she should leave him or not. She frowned and sighed.
He never seen MC sigh that much in his life.
Nor did he ever felt like he was in the greatest trial of his life as she looked back down at him with steel determined eyes. The ice in his stomach grew spikes as she opened her mouth to give him the verdict.
To determine whether he was worthy of her presence or not.
Worthy of her friendship.
The first friendship he made on his own.
“Now, shall we see why the triptych led us here?” She smirked, a mischievous light filling her eyes.
The ice in his stomach melted as a warmth filled him and spread out to all of his body. Not even the night breeze could cool it.
Sebastian smiled back before taking off with a “Let’s go, quickly. Before we’re spotted.”
He hoped that leading the two of them will give MC less time to doubt her decision on renewing their friendship.
A friendship that he found too valuable to lose over petty things.
Her friendship with him made his world truly better for it.
It wasn’t until when their quest into the mountain truly started, did he realize how much had changed between them.
“Keep a close eye out. I saw some of Ranrok’s crew moving off the path just ahead.” He alerted her, like a good partner should.
“I wonder why.” MC hummed as she ran next to him.
Once more Sebastian was grateful for the growth spurt he had this past summer before he met her this year. If it wasn’t for the couple of inches he grew, he was certain that MC would outrun him.
“Raiding, I imagine. This mountain used to safeguard local hamlet valuables.” He huffed before frowning when MC started outrunning him. I need to exercise more if I want to keep up with her. He thought as he said,
“But it’s been abandoned ever since Ranrok took hold of the coast.”
“Shite.” MC cursed a few paces ahead of him.
That was a new change. MC rarely cursed, deemed it too lowly of her to do so.
“Inlusio.” She whispered, activating the disillusionment spell. He immediately followed suit.
“I’ll be quieter than a Jobberknoll.” Sebastian whispered. He needed her to know that he’ll be a good partner.
That it wasn’t a mistake continuing her friendship with him.
“Stay back and cover for me. I’m going to petrify them and take a look around.” She mumbled in front of him.
“Fine.” He stated, unhappy with her decision.
Sebastian frowned as he watched the shimming air in front of him go forward. One by one, she oh so s l o w l y took out each globin with a Petrificus Totalus! The globins would then freeze up and fall backwards still as a statue.
In total, it took her less then ten minutes to sneak behind all of them and petrify them. Not once did a spell or a weapon flew off from a globin to harm her.
Cover her back? He thought as that same icy feeling from earlier crept in on his stomach. What does she even need me here for? I didn’t even fire one shot!
The shimmering air appeared before him again as she whispered,
“Follow me, Sebastian.”
He nodded, not that she could see him. They didn’t even finite the disillusionment spell until they were yards away from the globin camp.
“Well, that went way better than expected.” She grinned at him.
“I’ll say. You hogged the fight and took them all out MC.” He snorted with a frown. “And why so sneaky when we left? They were already down. No need to be quiet if they’re out for the count.” He glared.
“Just be happy that we didn’t have to fight Sebastian. Things aren’t quite like they used to be.” MC rolled her eyes.
“I’ll say.” Sebastian scowled.
“Whatever. Let’s keep going.” She huffed.
“Lead the way. I’ve got your back.” He stated with a waved hand pointed towards the mountain.
MC nodded.
As they continued onward towards the mountain with a light jog, Sebastian found another thing that was different now than how it was like before when they went on quests together. And it was one that made the ice in his stomach slowly grow and creep forward.
The suffocating silence.
MC kept mute the entire time they jogged, never making a quip or a one-liner like she used to before the argument that led to the Friendship Hiatus as he started calling it. The quiet was a bit unnerving. It felt as if he still was on trial when MC was staring at the stars, debating about whether or not he should join her on this quest. The small creeping icy sensation in his stomach hasn’t left yet since her fight with the goblins.
Sebastian wasn’t certain what he should or shouldn’t say now. He didn’t want to give her another reason to part ways with him, but he didn’t want this silence to linger that had only allowed the ice inside of him to grow.
Then his saving grace from the silence came in the form of his least favorite beast.
“Thestrals overhead.” He stated, in a voice that he tried to keep as blasé as possible. “Some consider them a bad omen.”
“Hmm…Not everyone does.” MC stated with a shrug of her shoulders as she glanced back at him before looking away towards their destination.
The quiet returned once more.
“I know that.” He huffed with a roll of his eyes.
“All right.” MC sighed, not even looking back at him this time.
“I’m making small talk.” He quipped. “I’m not going to trek up this mountain in silence.”
And that’s just what they did despite his displeasure with it.
It’s hard to hold a two-person conversation when one party didn’t even bother with replying. That small icy feeling in his stomach from before grew. Little by little, it crept up his esophagus with each step the two took deep into the mountain. Until he couldn’t take it anymore as he felt the chill reach his larynx and broke his silence once more with the verbal thought of:
“I bet the Thestral nest’s close by.”
MC stopped and just when he thought she was going to banter back as she opened her mouth, he saw her wand rise.
Immediately, he was on guard. Mentally preparing for another goblin fight (and one that he can hopefully participate in). Only to be let down when MC said:
Her wand pointed towards thickets growing between two tall boulders.
She ignored me. Sebastian thought as he watched the fire burn everything away.
But it didn’t melt the hollow cold feeling he felt inside of his gut.
Once more MC took the lead as Sebastian followed behind her like a loyal Hufflepuff. At this point, he didn’t know what else to say to keep the conversation flowing. Sebastian was certain that MC didn-
“I’m sorry we can both see Thestrals.” MC stated as she came to a stop. Sebastian soon followed afterwards, mouth ajar as he started at MC’s back before he made his way to stand next to her.
A few feet in front of them stood the two thestrals they saw flying above them earlier.
“It’s certainly not something I’d hoped we’d have in common.” He sadly smiled as he glanced at the thestrals before looking at her. While she still didn’t look back towards him, her eyes too busy admiring the Black Beauties (as she liked to call them, something about them reminding her of some famous horse in a muggle animal novel she read), he was happy enough to have this version of his friend back. One who would talk back to him and not let him feel as if he was all alone-
“Levioso!” MC hissed, shooting at both Thestral. The two beast levitated in the air before they were pulled into the Nab Sack she pulled out of her satchel. Soon, both beasts were packed away, presumably for safe keeping in the vivarium later.
By the time Sebastian looked at MC jaw-dropped, the Nab Sack was tucked away in her magical satchel once more. Then MC met his eyes.
“What? I gotten good at capturing them. I rather not let the poachers get them and sell these black beauties for parts.” MC glared back.
“Nothing…I just didn’t expect you to be that fast.” Sebastian smiled with his arms raised.
“Well…Poppy and I had to improve our skills.” She nervously grinned as he dropped his arms. “Neither of us want the beasts to fall into the wrong hands. Too many of them have been abused and caged as is.” MC sighed as she glanced towards the sky.
The silence filled the air once more.
“So, is it true then?” Sebastian found the words leaving his lips without much thought.
“What’s true?” MC frowned as she glanced down at him.  
“That you and Poppy found a dragon egg?” He frowned.
Sebastian hated it that he had to depend on the Hogwarts rumor mill to learn about what sort of mischief his former best friend got into. It made the small Friendship Hiatus they had feel greater than the one month they spent apart.
MC scoffed and rolled her eyes before starting a light trek into a different direction.
“Don’t believe everything you hear out of the Hogwarts rumor mill Sebastian.”
Sebastian would have accepted that as her answer if it wasn’t for the smirking lips she had as she started jogging once more.
So, MC did find a dragon egg –waitaminute!
“What have you been up to MC?” Sebastian stated as the ice in his stomach grew spikes once more.
The longest the two had ever spent apart before their hiatus was at most a day. They would either meet up at breakfast or at dinner where they would at least recap about the day they had, sharing the small adventures they had apart from each other.
Sebastian knew that he wasn’t the only one who went on quests with her; he knew that she and Natty were doing some reconnaissance work to gather evidence to bring charges against Harlow. That she and Poppy were on a two-women mission to protect the beast and take down poachers.
Heck! Even Larson and Thakker were working with MC ever since they took a break on their friendship. What the two were doing wandering the Highlands; Sebastian wasn’t certain. The only rumors he heard that those three got up to were exploring Astrology Tables.
Typical Eagles.
At least I hope they are. Just looking for just Astrology Tables means that they’re staying out of trouble…that’s MC isn’t looking for major trouble. I mean I don’t think I’ve ever seen Thakker fight at Crossed Wands…at least Larson is keeping her safe? He fought before…even if he isn’t that good. Sebastian thought as he felt his handgrip on his wand tighten as if he could send spells into the past to assist her in whatever unknown battles she’s gotten into. I know those two won’t go looking for trouble or even go near goblins…right?
“Just some community service Sebastian. Someone has to clean up…but there’s something important you need to know.” She frowned.
“What is it?” He narrowed his eyebrows, partly nervous but moreso pleased that she was willing to share deep secrets with him again.
That he was her to-go person once more.
“Come closer, can’t be too careful. Can’t know who’s listening.” She frowned as he nodded and lean his head forward.
It seemed as if the distance wasn’t enough as she got a hold of both of her shoulders and pulled his head down to her level. Her lips were by his ear, her breath tickling him.
“Just so you know, tag.” She said as she poked his abdomen. “You’re it.” She shoved him back with more force than he ever expected from her, causing him to stumble backwards. MC snickered as she looked back at him with a wink before she ran off. “Better watch my back Sallow!” She whispered-yelled, followed by giggles.
Leaving Sebastian to watch her back now as he got up.
“Hey! Get back here MC!” He grumbled, taking off after her as she giggled with an impish smile on her lips and eyes that glimmered underneath the moonlight.
The two ran for quite some time, with MC always looking back to him, greeting his eyes with a twinkle in hers and a cheeky grin.
“Better move faster than that slowpoke!” She laughed.
“I’m NOT slow. I’m just out of practice!” He huffed as he pushed his body to its limit. Between forcing himself to run at his top speed and his recent growth spurt, he was soon able grab her arm and pull her back into his arms. “GOT YOU!” He grinned.
Unfortunately, Sebastian didn’t take account for his body momentum.
What started as pulling MC into his chest for a hug turned into an accidental ground tackle. He just had enough time to turn his body around to land on his back with an OOF!
“Looks like I still win Sallow. Seems as if I’m the one who got you.” MC laughed. Her hands were on his shoulder, knees surround his waist with a sharp smirking grin on her face that would match a proudful wampus cat capturing its prey.
Sebastian felt as if his breath was taken out of him as he looked up to the girl who had him pinned down. Who defeated him in front of his peers during a class duel.
And he couldn’t help but smile before grunting as she sat on his stomach with a prideful smirk on her lips.
“Get up, you’re heavy MC.” He wheezed.
“Wow. Such charm Sallow. That’s something every girl wants to hear.” MC chuckled with playful eyes, blinking furiously as she fanned herself with her dirt-covered hand. Her smirk never left.
“You know what I mean witch.” He gasped with a glare towards her as she snickered. “Now can you get off? Please?” He rasped.
“Fine. But only because you said please you Slowpoke.” MC said as she finally got off of him.
Sebastian gasped, pleased to finally fully expand his chest for that sweet cool air.
MC’s hand suddenly appeared in his vision with her smiling head above. A smile he hasn’t received in such a long time.
“Need a hand partner?” She asked with her hand wide open.
“Considering you got me down here; I expect it partner.” He chuckled as he grabbed hold of hers. But instead of letting her help him to get up, Sebastian ended up puling MC down and back into his arms where he could give her a hug. “Now this is more like it.” He smiled.
He missed her hugs as well. Sebastian could count in one hand how many people would willingly hug him. Only two of those people would spontaneously hug him; and that included the one who was currently in his arms right now.
“If you wanted a hug, all you had to do was ask Sebastian.” MC said as Sebastian felt her smile against his chest just from her lighthearted tone.
“You better not regret those words MC when I cash in that statement.” Sebastian grinned. He didn’t even have in him to smirk. Not when her eyes met his and it felt like, just felt like everything will be alright.
How can it not be when she was staring at him like that? With the glee of a victorious duel, the awe that came to seeing something incredible during their travel and the warmth that came naturally to her whenever their eyes met. Whether it be during those late-night study sessions, sharing a meal at the kitchens, or even laughing at one of his puns that Anne said were unfunny (who cared what Anne thought? He was funny. Why else would MC laugh or even like them? Or even try to top his and get a crackle out of him as well?), Sebastian found that his favorite feature of hers was her warm eyes.
It was like coming home to a warm hearth after a working out in the fields on a cold winter day.  
“Me? Regret hugs? Never.” MC smiled.
He pulled her in for another one. If a fireplace could be hugged, he was already doing it.
“Good. Because I’m going to be giving some whenever I want to too!” he smiled back, letting the smell of mellowsweet (that always seemed to follow her) enrapt his nose. “I missed you MC, you know?”
And somehow, MC managed to hug him back as well despite his arms locking her in his embrace.
Yeah. This is one change I can get used to. He thought as he sighed contently, loosening his hold on her for MC to hug him back properly.
“I missed you too Sebastian.” MC hummed.
It was getting colder as they continued walking into the mountain. Everything was as it should be. With MC at point, him at back, wands at ready and a quip thrown here and there.
While it wasn’t like before, where they could constantly talk or banter in previous quests due to her concerns, at least MC wasn’t going to do the entire trek in silence. Things were splendid.  
At least until it was broken when a voice yelled out further ahead:
“Kill any who trespass!”
Like a hunting dog, Sebastian was on alert and ready to kill his prey on sight as he felt his heartbeat jump and he looked back at MC with a determined smile.
“There they are. Let’s go!” Sebastian huffed as he took lead of their jog.
“Wait! We should have some sort of plan!” MC shouted, huffing as she ran behind him.
Yeah. I don’t think so. I’m not letting you have all the fun. He thought with a frowned, noting another change that occurred without his presence.
Before the Friendship Hiatus, the two of them would charge in, wands blazing, spells on the tip of their tongues. Improv was their main offence tactic. Enemies can’t prepare if they don’t know what will hit them or had time to react. The pair of them were fantastic duelists.
She was a goddess with her Ancient Magic and he, her steadfast battlemage champion.
 What did MC have to fear between the two of them?
What need was there to scout ahead and plan when all that sneakiness would only end with them petrifying their enemies instead of taking them out? That took time.
Time that they didn’t have.
So, instead of letting her ruminate on the best way to get to the high point to see what they’ll be facing, Sebastian took lead and led their two-men party charge on the camp.
“I’m through planning!” He growled as he ran through the gates and into the campsite with a raised wand, flicking it off with a: “CONFRINGO!”
Suddenly, spells, curses and objects flew in the air.
Like their times in Crossed Wand, they made a perfect team. Even if the small hiatus had slightly changed them, time wasn’t enough to change their dueling habits with Sebastian taking back and MC at point. MC threw out protegos, letting spells bounce off her shield that would be followed with his bombarda and confringo.
Everything was going great, until MC ran back and grabbed his wrist.
Suddenly, everything was a blur.
One second, he was standing at the center of camp, the next, he felt her ancient magic crash over him like a freezing ocean wave before he felt as if his body was being pulled through air. A blink later, Sebastian was at the edge, away from the axes that stuck each other where they once stood.
Where her protego wouldn’t protect him.
He felt his heart stop before it restarted again when MC called down thunder like the goddess that she was.
Sebastian had to close his eyes to fend against the blinding light as he felt the strike shake the ground underneath him. He didn’t even have time to recover as he felt a hand drag him down as an axe flew over them and strike the box behind them, barely missing their heads.
“Keep an eye out on their axes!” MC huffed. “Protego doesn’t work against whatever dark magic they’re using on their weapons.”
“Duly Noted.” He gasped as he lifted his wand once more, pointed it at a goblin and shouted, "Petrificus Totalus! "
The fight continued, with more wariness on his part such as keeping an eye out on magical axes, exploding barrels and tossed boxes. MC called down Thunder once more, knocking out another goblin as he tried to either petrify or freeze them to buy them time in between his confringos. Soon the battle had ended, and the camp was cleared of his moral enemies.
He was about to cheer at their victory when MC turned around towards him with narrowed eyes.
“What were you thinking?” She said slowly, as if he was as slow as a troll.
“I was thinking about dead globins.” He huffed, not understanding why she was upset when they won.
“You could have gotten us killed.” She stated in a tense but calm voice.
“But I didn’t.” He rolled his eyes before he noticed another foot-worn pathway in the grown. “Looks like Ranrok’s Loyalists were heading further up the path.” He frowned as he pointed said path to her.
“Let’s keep going.” MC sighed.
Probably tired from their recent globin fight. He reasoned to himself.
The caves they entered had puzzles the two had to solve before they could even go further forward. At one point, MC grabbed his hand and pulled them back behind a boulder before pushing him against the wall with both of her hands on his chest.
If his heart was beating rapidly with how handsy she was, he blamed the next voice they heard:
“Anything made from goblin silver belongs to us. Whether it’s a sword or a repository – whatever that is.” The grunted voice of a globin shouted.
“Did you hear that goblin?” MC said with a tint of fear in her voice.
“Ridiculous notion of ownership.” He growled. How can they even have a basic economy under that ideology? And what’s MC so afraid of anyways? He thought as he felt his magic buzz underneath his skin, ready to attack in response to his anger. She’s not going to get hurt – I got her back!
Then there were more goblins they had to fight to continue.
At least that note about the Ministry’s investigation about the illegal breeding of Basilisk gave them a good laugh, a good break in the tense quest he got them into. Then there were more goblins they needed to fight as one of their voices greeted them before the two of them even saw them.
“I agree. Only good wizard’s a dead wizard. Ranrok’s got that right – and I’ll be most keen to help him achieve his goals in that regard!” They heard as they saw the globin encampment in front of them.
Before he could even rush into battle, MC grabbed his arm, pulling him back with a stronger force than he was expecting from her as a coolness poured over his body.
“What now?!?” He growled as he glanced towards her eyes and paused. They weren’t her typical shade, instead, they glowed lightning blue, like her Ancient Magic.
“I’m going to zoom in first. I’ll get their attention, zoom around and leave you puck each of them down with a glacius or a petrificus totalus to buy us time to make it easier to take them all down.” She stated with a glare.
“By what do you mean you’re going to zoom in?” He frowned, already hating this plan. But he couldn’t move.
It was as if her magic was petrifying him still. He was certain of it.
Her Ancient Magic laid over him like a fine mist. Enough to hold him, but not strong enough like what an imperio would be to control him. He was certain that if he forced his own magic to push back, it would free him. Yet he knew this battle must be serious enough that MC wanted all of his attention.
Which is dumb since she always had it. He frowned as she smirked.
“Just watch. And don’t forget to watch my back.”
“I always do.” He glared.
She nodded. Then she released her grip on him, freeing him from her petrifying magic. Before he could even reach out towards her, MC took a step back, then turned towards the globin encampment. As his hand nearly touched her shoulder, a fine misty-blue cloud remain where she once was.
Sebastian looked up and felt his heart drop. MC was in the smack middle of the camp, getting all of goblins’ attention on her.
“GET HER!” Someone yelled.
MC smirked. She shot off a Petrificus Totalus towards one globin before she zoomed off, leaving a misty-blue cloud that followed the blur that he presumed was her.
None of his books that touched upon Ancient Magic ever mentioned wielders having this sort of an ability.
I really should stop being surprised by what MC says or does at this point. He thought with a shake of his head and a smile on his lips as he charged in. Especially when it comes to her Ancient Magic.
This battle, unlike their earlier one where he was blinded to the newer abilities the goblins held, Sebastian was alert. His eyes always scanning the positions of the axes, swords and most of all MC as he shot globin after globin down with her distraction.
Maybe there is something to making a quick battleplan. He thought with a smirk. The battle took less then ten minutes from his count. He made his way towards MC as the two of them took a final look around to find any remaining enemies left. Sebastian moreso.
He didn’t want a repeat of that experience back at Feldcroft.
“I think that all.” MC frowned as he looked at the stairs and was certain they lead to some sort of entrance.
“This must be it.” He grinned as walked towards the staircase in front of them. “The last triptych piece must be here!”  
Finally, they would solve this puzzle and find answers to all the questions that went unspoken between them.
He ran forward only to be pulled back by his arm.
“Sebastian – wait!” MC said with a worried look in her eyes. A look that he hasn’t seen in there before.
“Wait? For what? Ugh…why are you suddenly so cautious?” He narrowed his eyebrow with a scowl.
This wasn’t like her. Why couldn’t she see?
They won that last battle! What did MC have to be afraid of with all the power she holds? He had her back! And MC was essentially a deity in human form. That’s what every book he read on Ancient Magic said! He seen it with his own eyes! He didn’t even let a globin get to her this time! Or him!
And now MC is afraid of giving all our enemies the same treatment they gave others.
“Listen to me.”
Sebastian rolled his eyes but nodded with a sigh.
“I know you’re angry and frustrated. But charging ahead now could undo all the progress we’ve made. Lodgok said–”
At the mere mention of said globin’s name, it was as if all his restrained annoyance from their previous argument came back as he spat with sharp hot anger:
“Oh, your globin friend?” He glared, feeling his own magic buzz underneath his skin.
“Stop it. That’s enough.” She huffed. “Not all goblins are like Ranrok. I am not the enemy. We want the same thing: to find answers.” She crossed her arms.
“I thought we wanted the same thing.” He frowned, not understanding where she was going with this. Not understanding why she was putting so much faith into a monstrous race that could have destroy her life like they did with Anne. That nearly killed her as well back at Feldcroft.
“We do. Listen to me. Lodgok has insights into Ranrok that we don’t.” MC narrowed her eyes as he rolled his eyes once more. “He told me that Ranrok somehow knows about the Keepers and is searching anywhere connected to each of them. THAT’S why they always seem to be one step ahead. I know what I’m doing Sebastian.” She said as she pointed towards herself.
“Do you?” He sneered as he crossed his arms.
MC closed her eyes, pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed, as if she was a teacher and he, an unruly student.
“You need to trust me,” MC said as she dropped her hand, opened her eyes and looked at him. “…or I don’t see that we can continue together.” She stated with a scowl, eyes glimmering with pain.
It was as if he was dosed in icy cold water.
I can’t let her leave me. The thought echoed in his mind as he felt the cold shivers of fear consume his body, the ice in his stomach back again, creeping up like lightning to freeze his veins and nerves.
“Fine. Fine. I’m sorry.” He sighed, dropping his arms. “I’m letting my emotions get the better of me…And I have been for a while.” He frowned as he dug his hands deep into his pockets. “I do trust you. And I don’t think I can help Anne without you.” He said as he met her eyes.
Because in the end of the day I still need your help. He thought. And I hope you will still need mine too.
“Good.” MC sighed and nodded as she looked up to the staircase. “Ranrok clearly knows more than we thought. We need to be careful and do this right. Not just go charging in.” She glanced back to look at him. “We have our work cut out for us. We need to work together if we’re going to find the final piece to the triptych.”
“Agreed.” He nodded as he waved his hand towards the stairs. “Ladies first. I got your back.”
MC nodded.
“Thank you. Let’s go.”
Sebastian hated change. It never meant good things for him.
Change always took the bit of good normality he found and left him empty.
However, this time, change struck differently as he took his head out of the pensieve.
Sebastian glanced towards MC, seeing her in a new light after that memory.
I don’t have to use dark magic. I don’t have to worry Ominis at all! He thought as his hope renewed within his very soul.
Maybe change can be a good thing.
Chapter 7 <<<||| Chapter 8 ||| >>> Chapter 9
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viiisenyas · 2 years
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Really bad thoughtful gifts.
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club-prideguin · 2 years
Spork is objectively one of my funniest ocs purely because of the sheer amount of wild statements i can make about her that are just facts.
Like oh, "spork once had to learn the true meaning of christmas" "spork has hacked into the epf database on multiple occasions with ease (see: field ops)" "spork never went to high school" "spork has had medieval-style sword training" "spork has piloted a mech before, and also knows how to use a ray-gun (see: future party)" "spork went trick or treating for the first time at the age of 17" "spork has almost died at least once" "spork has eaten flowers before, multiple times" "spork once prevented an entire island from sinking into the ocean (see: herbert's revenge)" "spork doesn't know what an orangutan is"
I could have gone on but just, like. What the fuck man. Most character of all time. She came outta my brain all funky. Shes so normal and yet so weird. And lets not forget about the drip. The striped tied with a hoodie and bunny slippers. And lets not forget about the 3d glasses that might as well be welded on at this point. Does she even have eyes behind them? Who knows. So extremely character.
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moe-broey · 6 months
I am...... getting A Little nostalgic for Stardew Valley........ but I know it is SUCH a commitment like if I get back into that shit I'm blacking out for a month. I Cannot Allow It
#GSJAGSKAHSKSJ#i miss .... my goth stay at home malewife and my goth chickens and being the wizard's pet guy#furious and devastated you get nothing for maxing out the wizard's hearts. bullshit.#i wish you could romance the wizard......... i know there's mods but i play console LMFAO#i also miss emily... peak weird woman. she is SO AWESOEM#emily and sebastian were the ones i was split between marrying and i went seb bc i felt deeply#slotted into being a 'cisguy' and. while playing as male absolutely was integral to my transition actually#like the very start of the game i was fucking ruined. grampa nooo don't die AND you respect my identity as your grandson........ WAH#but like. i just needed something queerer. like who you're with doesn't determine who you are#but. i mean. it's MY self-indulgent male fantasy and i need MORE QUEERNESS. EXPLICITLY.#also was sobbing like.... husband AND husband..... holy shit........ gay marriage IS real and so am i .....#got slightly off topic but the fact that i was split between romancing seb or emily and also was EXTREMELY#EXTREMELY EXTREMELY WANTING TO BE THE WIZARD'S PET APPRENTICE SO SO SOOOO BAF#BAD#AND I DESPERATELY WANTED TO HAVE THE OPTION TO ROMANCE HIM#says. something about me. i think.#also my whole ass shane saga. he's not my type but i do absolutely feel for him. we can be buddies. i wish the best for you.#i am primarily motivated by chickens though i am so sorry. i am A Farmer.#IN. THE LOOSEST DEFINITION OF THE FUCKING WORD BC ALL I WAS INTERESTED IN WAS CHICKENS#I HAD SOME CROPS SEASONSALLY BUT. ALL I EVER WANTED. ALL MY HEART DESIRED. CHICKENS#also men long for the mines. and the skull cavern. i was barely a fucking farmer i was dungeon crawling 80% of it.#ALSO. LINUS. I LOVED LINUS I MADE IT MY MISSION IN LIFE TO BEFRIEND LINUS#and ALSO be his pet guy. more platonic this time but like. local young man looking for older men to imprint on#MY GRAMPA JUST FUCKING DIED. AND I'M TRANGENDER. A BRAND NEW MAN. GIVE ME A BREAK!!!!!!!
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tinycoffeeroom · 4 months
treat you better | carlos sainz
face claim: none ♡
request: here !
requested: Could I request a Carlos smau where another driver breaks your heart and he’s there to pick up the pieces and make you whole again? Please and thank you ❤️
cw: cheating, bad guy charles, mentions of unwell family members, cursing
a/n: charles and alex i love u guys i promise this is just for the au <3
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👤 charles_leclerc liked by fan, fan, and 78,283 others
f1gossip Trouble in paradise for Charles and Y/N? Charles Leclerc was spotted on a long walk on one of Monaco's more secluded islands with a mysterious brunette and his and Y/N's dog, Leo, this weekend. Sources say the pair were often looking to see if there were cameras around, the two of them giggling as they held hands and played with the puppy. Y/N L/N, Charles girlfriend of 2 years, is currently said to be on a trip home to see family, we wonder if the two have broken up or if Charles is back to his old ways?
fan f1gossip tagging charles is so shady i love it
fan when i catch you charles
fan no bc remember when a fan said they met y/n in her hometown and she was visiting her gran bc she's not doing too good? charles u fuckin suck bro ↳ fan wtf really???? oh i hope his tyres stick to the road next race ↳ fan kmag you know what you need to do ↳ fan we put our hopes and prayers in the paddock terror 🙏🙏
fan ok but the girls gorgeous ↳ fan THAT'S YOUR TAKEAWAY FROM THIS? ↳ fan im just saying damn
fan this is not what i meant when i said i wanted silly season to get more interesting
fan *looks around* wow i'm so surprised... not like charles has a bad rep with women or anything
fan i hope y/ns ok... my heart is hurting for her ↳ fan the paddock adore her, charles has got a big storm coming next week
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liked by kellypiquet, carmenmmundt and 25 others
y/npriv my gran is doing so much better (nothing can keep the old girl down), my hometown is still as gorgeous as always and my sister got me a cake :)
kellypiquet my girl :((( i'm so happy your grans ok 🤍 ↳ y/npriv thank u kelly bear 🤍 ↳ kellypiquet did i have to physically hold max back from going after he who shall not be named?? yes... did i consider letting go?? very much so ↳ y/npriv 😭😭 hes not voldemort babe 😭 you should have just let him go ↳ kellypiquet now is that really how you feel? ↳ y/npriv ... no but i wish i did ↳ maxverstappen1 she has to go to sleep at some point, then i shall be free ↳ y/npriv thats so ominous you strange creature (i appreciate you)
carmenmmundt me and george have been keeping your gran in our prayers angel 🩷 ↳ y/npriv i love you carm 🩷 ↳ georgerussell63 and me? ↳ y/npriv i tolerate you :)
flavy.barla esteban nearly joined max ↳ y/npriv love him dearly but este's about as intimidating as a teddy bear ↳ estebanocon ?? hey??? ↳ y/npriv sorry king xo there's a reason your nicknames estie bestie ↳ estebanocon let it DIEEEEE ↳ y/npriv never 🫶
schecoperez I am glad your gran is ok, y/n. Let me or Carola know if you need anything x ↳ y/npriv thank you checo :( give the little ones and carola a big hug from me x ♥️ schecoperez
lilyzneimer he shall d word at my hands ↳ y/npriv i fuckin love you lily
lewishamilton he will never know peace next year. ↳ lewishamilton i am however happy to hear your gran is well x ↳ y/npriv lewis 😭 thank you x
francisca.c.gomes pierre has been shouting at Him on the phone for like an hour... ↳ y/npriv 😭 ... what are they saying ↳ francisca.c.gomes a lot of french and things i don't want delicate eyes (yuki) to read... ↳ y/npriv pierre i appreciate you ↳ pierregasly i'm gonna kill him ↳ y/npriv ok maybe tone it down frenchie
lilymhe alex is setting his zoo on him ↳ y/npriv that's how you know it's serious wow ↳ alex_albon tinky's gonna boot him in the head
sebastianvettel i am very glad to hear your gran is ok, y/n, sending her and you all my love x ↳ y/npriv thank you seb :( miss you x ↳ sebastianvettel come and see us soon! the kids miss you x ↳ y/npriv you got it! x
danielricciardo he's a cunt ↳ danielricciardo and i don't mean that in a nice aussie way ↳ y/npriv DANIEL ↳ oscarpiastri no he's right, in the nasty aussie way, he's a cunt ↳ y/npriv oscar i did not raise you to talk like this ↳ oscarpiastri we are literally like 4 years apart in age... ↳ y/npriv kicking a girl when she's down WOW oscar ↳ oscarpiastri ... i am sorry mother dearest ↳ y/npriv that's better
carlossainz55 hermosa, he may be il predestinato but to me he is carne morta (dead meat) ↳ y/npriv carlos 😭 ↳ carlossainz55 also i'm glad to know your gran is well, send her my love ↳ y/npriv she already fancies you enough as it is ↳ carlossainz55 my plan is working :) ↳ y/npriv what plan? are you seducing my family members??? hiding my mum as we speak ↳ carlossainz55 something like that ;)
yukitsunoda0511 happy to see your gran is ok! and i am sorry about the other thing :((((( ↳ y/npriv yuki my angel you have nothing to be sorry about
kevinmagnussen i know what i have to do ↳ y/npriv kevin NO you're like 2 points away from a race ban!! ↳ kevinmagnussen worth it :) ↳ y/npriv nicohulkenburg pls talk some sense into your teammate ↳ nicohulkenburg unfortunately y/n i too will be joining kevin in his "defense" ↳ y/npriv haas i am so sorry
landonorris i may have done a thing... ↳ y/npriv i am terrified... ↳ landonorris i'll text you :)
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👤 landonorris, carlossainz55, francisca.c.gomes, kellypiquet, lilymhe, lilynzeimer, flavy.barla, carmenmmundt liked by carlossainz55, landonorris and 87,902 others
y/nstagram angel baby, dumb and dumber and my girls 🩷
Comments on this post have been limited
carlossainz55 ... am i dumb or dumber ↳ y/nstagram do you really want to know? 🤨 ↳ carlossainz55 for my own sanity im saying i'm dumb ↳ landonorris why am i dumber????? ↳ carlossainz55 do you really want to know? 🤨
carmenmmundt don't forget about lunch today xx ↳ y/nstagram been looking forward to it since i boarded the plane 🫶
landonorris you're welcome for the lift and the room btw 🙄 ↳ y/nstagram my saviour xx ↳ landonorris and for stealing leo for you ↳ y/nstagram I NEVER ASKED YOU TO STEAL HIM???? 😭 ↳ landonorris well i did because i'm an amazing friend and am willing to sacrifice all my bloody furniture ↳ y/nstagram you leave the baby alone, he was probably stressed :(
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(estrellita - little star) (uy, quécarechimba - ugh, that dickhead)
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👤 carlossainz55, landonorris liked by carlossainz55, landonorris and 89,028 others
y/nstagram did y'all think i would miss the first race week?? ft dumber and roomie x
fan mother has returned!!!!! ♥️ y/nstagram
fan if looks could kill, carlos would be six feet under ... charles was FUMING ↳ fan given the way his girly hid when y/n appeared i would say he has no right to be mad at all ↳ fan if the girl i cheated on rocked up to my teammates garage whilst i was with my side piece i quite frankly would walk onto the track midrace ↳ fan how do we know charles cheated? they've not said anything ↳ fan exactly. if they had been broken up surely they would have put out some sort of announcement to clear things up ????
scuderiaferrari always good to see you in red, y/n ❤️ ↳ y/nstagram FORZA FERRARI SEMPRE!!!!!! 🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎
carlossainz55 i hate this new nickname ↳ y/nstagram what else should i call you? ↳ carlossainz55 yours ↳ fan CARLOS I SAW THAT????????
landonorris i have been demoted from bestie to roomie... this is the thanks i get... ↳ y/nstagram thanks roomie xx btw bins go out on tuesday :)
lewishamilton now you're free of your ferrari obligations, you should come across to mercedes next time ;) ↳ mercedesamgf1 we would love to see you over here y/n! ↳ mclaren um no us next?? ↳ alpinef1team no us!!! ↳ redbullracing come to the winning team :) ↳ scuderiaferrari y/n will always be a ferrari girl, back OFF 🤺🤺🤺 ♥️ carlossainz55
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charles_leclerc added y/nstagram added to their story to their story
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liked by maxverstappen1, carlossainz55 and 20 others
y/npriv that bitchass man... idk how he thought he was gonna spin that story but not on my watch
oscarpiastri did you really have to use my meme though? ↳ y/npriv yes it was funny and otherwise i was gonna call him a cheating lying bastard on main so 🤷🏻‍♀️ ↳ oscarpiastri understandable, please continue
danielricciardo lando was laughing so hard i think he bust a rib ↳ landonorris it still hurts to breathe but holy shit y/n i love u ↳ y/npriv love u too stink :) also don't forget to pick up leo's food from the shops ↳ landonorris you do know you can text me this stuff? ↳ y/npriv yeah but reminding everyone we're roomies is funny to me
maxverstappen1 walked past ferrari hospitality and fred was PISSED ↳ y/npriv 👀👀 carlossainz55 can you confirm? ↳ carlossainz55 oh, absolutely... i was worried he was going to have a heart attack or something
francisca.c.gomes ok but did he not even think to talk to you first before posting that? it's literally been months ↳ y/npriv apparently not 🙃 texted him about it and suddenly he was sorry ↳ francisca.c.gomes men 🙄 ↳ pierregasly ???? ↳ francisca.c.gomes i stand by what i said ↳ y/npriv yeah is there a problem gasly? ↳ pierregasly no problem at all ma'am, as you were
scuderiaferrari we had no knowledge charles was going to post that. we love you y/n ↳ danielricciardo FERRARI? why are you on y/ns priv? ↳ y/npriv me and the social media intern are besties xx
carlossainz55 estrellita, lets go for dinner, you deserve it ↳ y/npriv 👀 are you paying? ↳ carlossainz55 of course, i am a gentleman ↳ y/npriv pick me up in an hour :)
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liked by fan, fan and 40,718 others
f1gossip Carlos Sainz and Y/N L/N were spotted at dinner last night. The two enjoyed a meal before taking a stroll along the Monaco pier front where, as pictured, the pair were in high spirits. We're happy to see Y/N looking so happy following the revelation that her ex-boyfriend, and Carlos' current F1 teammate, had cheated on her. The two were then joined by Y/N's current roommate and F1 driver, Lando Norris, who then whisked them off to a local nightclub. We continue to send Y/N our support and hope to see more of her happy side.
fan i don't think i've ever seen y/n laugh like that, we love to see it
fan this coupled with the photos of charles and his girly arguing in the paddock 🤭🤭 we know who won the breakup
fan why do i kinda think carlos and y/n would be cute together ↳ fan woah, she's only been broken up with charles for a few months and under really shitty circumstances, she needs time to heal ↳ fan ofc ofc!!! i just mean when she's over ch*rles, the two would make a really good couple
fan happy y/n and happy carlos, my two favourite things ❤️
fan y/ncarlos fans we rise!!! ↳ fan he would treat her so right ↳ fan the entire time she dated That Man, carlos has always been so nice to her, i wonder if he secretly fancied her all along 👀 ↳ fan or maybe he's just a good guy ↳ fan that too 🤷🏻‍♀️
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📍 Australia
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liked by y/nstagram, landonorris and 890,274 others
carlossainz55 swipe across to see me and oomf Another Carlando podium! We know what you guys wanna see and we love to deliver! The car drove like a dream today, shame we couldn't get more points but it's always nice to celebrate a great race with some champagne showers!
See 98,072 other comments
fan WHO TAUGHT CARLOS WHAT OOMF WAS??? ↳ fan either lando or y/n 100% 😭
y/nstagram FORZA FERRARI SEMPRE !!! 🐎🐎🐎🐎 congrats winner 🥳 ↳ carlossainz55 i think i was right when i said you would be my good luck charm 😉 ♥️ y/nstagram ↳ fan oh they're so sick for this ↳ fan y/ncarlos'ers we're so winning
charles_leclerc congrats ↳ fan ik for a fact he was forced to comment
landonorris carlando are back baby!! ↳ landonorris also cant believe im either oomf or roomie... ↳ y/nstagram stop leaving your smelly socks in the bathroom and maybe i'll change the nickname ↳ landonorris oh that was mean
fan "shame we couldn't get more points" carlos you shady shady man
fan who else cheered when kmag pulled through and took * out of the race
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liked by carlossainz55, francisca.c.gomes and 21 others
y/npriv oh we eating good tonight
kellypiquet i'm sure we are 👀 ↳ y/npriv KELLY???
landonorris carlos is so sexy ↳ y/npriv real ↳ landonorris back off my man??? ↳ carlossainz55 i'm gonna hold your hand when i say this lando... ↳ landonorris WOOOOOOW.... i see how it is carlos
carlossainz55 gorgeous as always ↳ y/npriv you can't even see my face in that photo carlos 🤣 ↳ carlossainz55 don't need to see you to know you're gorgeous ↳ maxverstappen1 i hate to say it but that was smooth ↳ danielricciardo they don't call him the smooth operator for no reason
scuderiaferrari power (soon to be (fingers crossed)) couple ↳ carlossainz55 😉 ↳ y/npriv not from the main acc damn
francisca.c.gomes need you biblically ↳ y/npriv come here then babe xx ↳ flavy.barla lemme join ↳ y/npriv i got two hands babygirl ↳ oscarpiastri estebanocon pierregasly you gonna let her snatch both your girls? ↳ estebanocon unfortunately there was a clause when they agreed to date us and it was that y/n is wifey, we are simply the Others ↳ pierregasly ^^
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liked by carlossainz55, lilymhe and 25 others
y/npriv decided to put him out of his misery :)
carlossainz55 and who is that sexy man? ↳ y/npriv idk but he keeps speaking spanish to me even though he knows i dont understand it 🙄 ↳ carlossainz55 but do you like it? 👀 ↳ y/npriv i think you know i do x
francisca.c.gomes AND YOU DIDNT UPDATE THE GROUPCHAT??????? ↳ lilymhe FR!!!! I LITERALLY SAID TELL US AFTER YOU KISS HIM ↳ y/npriv SHUT UP RN ↳ carlossainz55 no do go on ↳ lilymhe what happens in the y/n gf's gc, stays in the y/n gf's gc
carlossainz55 estás muy guapa, vuelve a la cama cariño ❤️ (you look so pretty, come back to bed sweetheart) ↳ maxverstappen1 we have the translate function on ig you horndog ↳ y/npriv don't be mad i snatched ur man ↳ maxverstappen1 ... he'll never forget the redbull days
landonorris RUE WHEN WAS THIS?????? ↳ y/npriv hiiiii lando... um so.... 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️ ↳ landonorris GET BACK HERE U RAT EXPLAIN YOURSELF ↳ landonorris carlossainz55 WHAT ARE U DOING WITH MY ROOMIE ???? ↳ carlossainz55 i mean i could tell you but instagram does have guidelines ↳ landonorris ew ew ew that's so gross i dont even wanna know ↳ landonorris happy for you guys or whatever but ew never tell me anything remotely sexual about y/n or i will vom ↳ y/npriv lando wtf???? ↳ landonorris you're like my annoying sister i'd have to remove my skinsuit if carlos opens his fat mouth ↳ carlossainz55 hey? ↳ y/npriv you're so fuckin weird ily
danielricciardo HE SHOOTS, HE SCORES!!!! ↳ carlossainz55 you were right, they don't call me the smooth operator for no reason ↳ y/npriv you were literally giggling and kicking your feet after i kissed you ↳ carlossainz55 y/n :(((( my reputation :((((((
lilyzneimer wait do was taking the photos? ↳ y/npriv ... self timer ↳ lilyzneimer down horrifically bad wow
scuderiaferrari OH Y/NCARLOS'ERS WE WON!!!!! ↳ y/npriv admin 😭 not u too ↳ scuderiaferrari not even sorry i've been WAITING for this one!!!
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liked by francisca.c.gomes, fan and 30,892 others
f1gossip A surprise twist in the Charles and Y/N drama? Following Sainz's back to back victory in Australia and then Silverstone, Y/N and Carlos shared what looks like a loving kiss. Eagle eyed fans then spotted Charles on camera arguing with a Ferrari employee in the garages following the Y/NCarlos moment. Finally, Carlos was spotted outside where he was soon joined by Y/N, the two leaving the circuit hand in hand. It is noted Charles' new beau was nowhere to be seen.
fan Y/NCARLOS'ERS WE SO WON!!!! ♥️ 10,829 others
fan she upgraded wowow
fan charles throwing a hissy fit was so funny i was cackling watching it
fan kika in the likes... what do you know queen? ♥️ francisca.c.gomes
user not her being a homie hopper 🤢 ↳ carlossainz55 can't be a homie hopper if we're not homies :) ↳ fan CARLOS????? ↳ fan oh he ate them up ↳ fan carlos has not been fucking with ch*rles for a WHILE, even before all the drama
fan y/n's face... she looked so happy my heart is so full ❤️
fan queen y/n we trust your judgement
fan ik the entire grid is cheering rn
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📍 England
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liked by carlossainz55, landonorris and 105,018 others
y/nstagram carlando podium again!!! anything else interesting happen at Silverstone? :)
fan the carlando bears 😭 her boyfriend(?) and bestie 😭 ↳ landonorris roomie* ↳ y/nstagram you love me shut up
fan she's so unbothered im giggling
francisca.c.gomes the last slide... ↳ y/nstagram don't worry baby, he was just dropping me off for our date x ↳ carlossainz55 all i am to you is a glorified taxi driver
landonorris couldn't even post a photo of me for my podium... see how it is ↳ y/nstagram don't want your ugly mug messing up my feed ↳ y/nstagram also grey bin needs to go out on tuesday ↳ landonorris you're on bin duty this week? ↳ y/nstagram actually i'm gonna be on a boat in spain soooo ↳ landonorris i hope y'all break up ↳ fan LANDO ? ↳ y/nstagram he's joking dw he did the whole "big brother" speech with carlos, was kinda funny knowing carlos would flatten him in 2 seconds flat ↳ landonorris oh now i really hope y'all break up
fan y/n please we know you have bf carlos pics... i only ask for one thing ↳ y/nstagram i'll post some soon x ↳ fan the most unserious soft/hard launch
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👤 carlossainz55 liked by carlossainz55, lilyzneimer and 98,017 others
y/nstagram my boyfriends so hot, do you guys mind if i chew on him a lil?
carlossainz55 please don't chew me??? ↳ y/nstagram it's internet sla- never mind, ok mr sainz
fan her captions are always so real i love her
fan unhinged y/n is back, we missed you best friend ♥️ y/nstagram
scuderiaferrari HARD LAUNCH HARD LAUNCH HARD LAUNCH LETS GO Y/NCARLOS'ERS!!!! ↳ y/nstagram i love u admin ❤️ ↳ scuderiaferrari our ferrari girl, forever ❤️
landonorris i hate this ↳ fan your ex and your roomie 😔 ↳ landonorris you get it 😔 ↳ carlossainz55 stop calling me your ex 🙄 ↳ landonorris you dare deny the love we shared?
francisca.c.gomes never mind him, can i chew on you a lil? ↳ kellypiquet ^ ↳ lilymhe ^ ↳ lilyzneimer ^ ↳ flavy.barla ^ ↳ carmenmmundt ^ ↳ y/nstagram everyone grab a limb x ↳ carlossainz55 please don't chew my girlfriend
fan thank you for the pic y/n! sorry for interrupting your holiday 🥺 ↳ y/nstagram don't be silly!! it was lovely to meet you <333 dont forget to send me the link to the dress!! ↳ fan on it!! ↳ fan omg how was it meeting them? ↳ fan they're honestly so sweet, they were just holding hands and walking around and carlos was yapping away and the way y/n was looking at him 🥺 they're endgame fr ↳ fan could actually cry?? ↳ fan also when they were on the beach, carlos twirled her around and they started dancing to the music playing from a nearby bar... it was actually like a movie scene 😭😭
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👤 y/nstagram liked by y/nstagram, scuderiaferrari and 505,287 others
carlossainz55 dicen que ver una estrella fugaz da buena suerte, y tenían razón, mi estrellita ❤️ (they say seeing a shooting star is good luck, and they were right, my little star)
See 198,017 other comments
francisca.c.gomes that first picture... i love my girlfriend ↳ carlossainz55 can't even have peace on my own hard launch ↳ francisca.c.gomes you snatched y/n from her girlfriends, you will never know peace.
fan he bagged a baddie wowow
fan the caption??? oh hes in LOVE ♥️ carlossainz55
y/nstagram 🥺 carlos..i'm so grateful to have you in my life ❤️ ↳ carlossainz55 i am the one who's grateful ❤️
scuderiaferrari heyyy y/n *with rizz* ↳ carlossainz55 even my own teams admin wow... ↳ scuderiaferrari not my fault your girlfriends hot
user homie hopper ↳ carlossainz55 eat glass :) ↳ y/nstagram CARLOS ↳ scuderiaferrari we love that you're happy but please carlos this is still your official account
lilymhe y/n i could treat you so much better ↳ carlossainz55 back off i've waited years for this ↳ y/nstagram YEARS??? ↳ carlossainz55... 🏃🏻‍♂️🏃🏻‍♂️🏃🏻‍♂️ ↳ y/nstagram you're literally sat right next to me ... ↳ y/nstagram he just got up and ran away... ↳ fan this is so fucking funny sddjsdhdk ↳ landonorris danielricciardo what was that about him being a smooth operator? ↳ danielricciardo hes also fucking dumb
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a/n: hope everyone enjoys! i am working hard on part 2 of girlfriend of the enemy so we can have some happy charles <3 also 2-3 posts in one week who AM I? (i'm gonna be busy w work so i'm trying to give u guys some food in case i have to disappear)
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