#don't taunt the devil. [ memes ] ;
gemmasmithwrites · 5 years
Top 5 Reads for December
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December reading round up - I was absolutely certain I had read less than I did last month, but when going thru my @goodreads list I noticed that was definitely NOT the case. I only had 1 ARC for December, and that came late in the month. It "freed" me up to read more for myself. I read A LOT of dark romance or romantic suspense. I also read a lot of quick and dirty novellas between novels to kind of "cleanse" my mind between novels.
December stats:
22 books total
- 4 audios
- 1 ARC
- 9 novels
- 8 novellas
Thankfully, picking my top reads for the month wasn't too difficult. I only have 6 five star reads in December, and two of those books belong to a duet.
Scroll ⬇️⬇️⬇️ to see my top picks for December (as always they are listed in the order they were read)
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The Virgin Gift by Lauren Blakely - I listened to this as soon as it came out, and man was it HOT HOT HOT. Sometimes I'm not a fan of books where the heroine is a virgin, but I like how Lauren presented it in the story. Once Nina, the heroine, explained her reasoning it made a lot of sense and to me made her a much stronger character. Don't even get me started on the dirty talk from Adam, the hero. GOOD LORD!
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Midnight with the Devil by Emma Castle - I had no idea what to expect with book. Emma Chase is a "new to me" author and I got the book when I saw it was posted for free. The blurb was definitely intriguing. It kind of reminded me of the tv show Lucifier, and I was 100% ok with that. Tom Ellis is HOT AF, so I had no problem kind of picturing him as Lucifer. It wasn't as "dark" as I thought it might be, but ultimately I loved loved loved how the story turned out.
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The Devils Playground Duet by Ashley Jade - HOLY HELL, this duet. #TeamDamien FOR LIFE! This book was hot, twisty, kinda suspenseful and fucking AMAZING. I was kind of mad at myself for waiting so long to read it after it sat on my TBR taunting me. I devoured both books in two days!
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Marriage for One by Ella Maise - When I posted a cliche meme about grumpy heroes, someone commented that Jack, the hero from Marriage for One was their favorite grumpy hero. I had put off reading it because honestly I have to be in the mood for a slow burn and a lot of angst, but when I was "pressured" by the wonderful Ella, I totally caved. I started listening to the audio on my commute to and from work, but eventually downloaded the book onto my Kindle and finished reading it. One I started, I couldn't put it down.
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Chandelier by Annie Dyer - This was my lone ARC of the month and defintely a 5 star read for me. I love everything Annie writes, but this was different than her usual contemporary romance (The Severton Series, Callaghan Green Series). I started and finished reading in one day. I couldn't put it down. I don't want to give too much away (I still have to do my review) but it is part of a series, and ends with a cliffy. When it comes out in January, I highly highly recommend you pick it up and then pre-order Grenade and Emeralds immediately.
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daemonusdea · 5 years
❛  oh, now look what you’ve done, i’m bleeding.  ❜ (from Orien bc he’s awful SLFNDN)
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   Blood drips off the sword in her hand, crimson splatters in bright contrast against the white of her dress and the paleness of her skin. But amongst all this grotesquerie, the victim of her violence is still standing.
        And it pisses her off to no end, especially that the jackass is still blabbing.
     “ You know, you could just die. It’d make everything a lot easier, considering me stabbing you was kind of the whole point in that. “ Her nose scrunches with a snarl, growling out her un-enthused response. Really, he had the audacity to fucking live after that?!
   “ If you hold still and shut your mouth, I can put you out of your misery. “
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daemonusdea · 5 years
❛ do you ever feel like bad things are going to happen, and you can’t stop them ? ❜
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   “ All the time– that’s called life, Scraps. At least, that’s been true for my life. “ Bad luck and misery were no strangers, having made their home snug in her entire existence from the day she was born to her death…and even to now. It was hysterical in it’s unrelenting intensity, but she learned eventually just what lesson this was.
        She unfurls the sharp metal of her false fingers gently over her red hair, paying close attention to her own movements, lest she scratch or skewer poor Nicole. “ Sometimes you try your hardest, but it all slips through your hands anyways like shitty, annoying sand. And it sucks to have to sit there and watch it all blow away right in front of your eyes, but there’s nothing you can do. That’s just how it is. “ 
     A sigh releases slowly from her nose, lips pursed in contemplation. That was not the end of her speech, however.
   “ But, as long as you aren’t dead, it’s not the end of the world. You pick up what you’ve got and you keep going. There’s nothing else you can do, unless wallowing in your own pissy pity party for ages on end is a fun pastime in your mind. Life’s not gonna wait for you– you gotta get up and tell it to shove it up it’s own ass, got it? “
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daemonusdea · 5 years
❛ let me take you for a drink this week. ❜
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   “ Oh? “ Zero leans in heavily, head tilting in favour of his. Always so confrontational, ready to push the bounds to set people on edge. This moment is full of this intention, hoping to tease him in spite of his quite confident approach…though she’s genuinely interested.
        “ If you’re buying, I’m not gonna say no. Free alcohol is free alcohol…You feelin’ bad for me or something? “ She may have had a bad few days, her lovely disgruntled face marred with scuffs and dirt– most not even due to her aggressive nature; merely a series of unfortunate events at the plant nursery thanks to her own grace-lacking clumsiness. She heaves a sigh from deep in her chest, slumping down a little. “ If you’re gonna do it, I’d prefer it sooner rather than later…before more shit decides to hit the even shittier fan. “
     A hand creeps and grasps onto his collar, pulling him down just a little closer, eyes glinting and brow raising. “ You calling this a date, though? “
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daemonusdea · 6 years
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► Name ➔  ❝ Zero. Just...Zero. ❞ ► Are you single ➔ ❝ Yep. ❞ ► Are you happy ➔  ❝ Nope. ❞ ► Are you angry? ➔  ❝  Only about 99.99% of the time.  ❞ ► Are your parents still married ➔  ❝ Pretty sure my mom never even knew my dad’s name. ❞
► Birth Place ➔ ❝ A poor, shit-sack village on the outskirts of the Land of Shut Up. ❞ ► Hair Color ➔ ❝ White. ❞ ► Eye Color ➔ ❝ I was told they were rose-- pink. Whatever. ❞ ► Birthday ➔ ❝ Hell if I know. ❞ ► Mood ➔ ❝ Irritated. ❞ ► Gender ➔ ❝ Pissed off with a side of tits. ❞ ► Summer or winter ➔ ❝ Who even cares? They come and go every damn year. They’re both boring...But I guess summer’s less annoying, don’t have to freeze my ass off then. ❞ ► Morning or afternoon ➔ ❝ Uh...morning? ❞
► Are you in love ➔ ❝ Oh, we’re telling jokes now? ❞ ► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ ❝ Okay that’s pretty funny. Hell no, there’s attraction at first sight, love doesn’t exist. ❞ ► Who ended your last relationship ➔ ❝ I wouldn’t call it a relationship...but I guess I ended it when I killed him. ❞ ► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔  ❝ I’ve stabbed a few of them. Pretty heartbreaking when you realize you’re dying. ❞ ► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ ❝ The hell does that mean? ❞ ( Yes. ) ► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ ❝ Gross.  ❞ ► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ ❝ I’m sure there’s lots of people out there thinking happy thoughts about stabbing me, with a dreamy look on their faces. ❞ ► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ ❝ I’d need to have one, first. ❞
► Love or lust ➔ ❝ Ugh. I guess lust. ❞ ► Lemonade or iced tea ➔ ❝ Doesn’t matter. ❞ ► Cats or Dogs ➔ ❝ They’re both annoying. ❞ ( She likes both, tending towards cats. ) ► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ ❝ No friends. ❞ ► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ ❝ You mean with other people? Ew. Both by myself is just fine. ❞ ► Day or night ➔ ❝ Night, there’s less annoyances then. ❞ ( And the stars are nice. )
► Been caught sneaking out ➔ ❝ Uuuuh...once? ( yikes. ) ❞ ► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ ❝ ...Fuckin’ stairs... ❞ ► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ ❝ ... ❞ ► Wanted to disappear ➔ ❝ Only every day of my life. ❞
► Smile or eyes ➔ ❝ Eyes. You can tell when a fucker’s lying. ❞ ► Shorter or Taller ➔ ❝ Doesn’t matter. ❞ ► Intelligence or Attraction ➔  ❝ Choosing between a fuck-ugly smart-mouth or an attractive moron? Great options. Neither. ❞ ► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ ❝ Hook-ups are less of a pain, though still a pain in the ass to deal with... ❞
► Do you and your family get along ➔ ❝ Oh yeah we’re great pals. Had a reunion not too long ago with my sisters, my sword was pretty happy to see them. Haven’t heard from mom in a long time. Maybe she’s dead. ❞ ► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ ❝ It’s fucked a thousand ways to Sunday. ❞ ► Have you ever ran away from home ➔ ❝ I think maybe a handful of times when I was very young...that was ended pretty quickly, though. ❞ ► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ ❝ Does getting sold to a brothel count as getting kicked out? ❞
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ ❝ Bold of you to assume I have friends. I hate everyone very openly. ❞ ► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ ❝ Even bolder. ❞ ► Who is your best friend ➔ ❝ No one. ❞ ► Who knows everything about you ➔ ❝ ...No one. Not even me. ❞
Tagged by: @soaringheart​ thANK YOU BABY <3
Tagging: @sanctiichor, @reiivusu, @dekirukoto, @destructivour, @fragilefated, @xdelinquentdevil, @jjillekkot, @geometragic, @infiniitas, @estrifes, @xkuja, @fractempyreal, @ofwhitechapel​, @trashkingizunia​ , holy m o ly okay anyone else who sees this and wants to do it steal it please skhjdjkf
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daemonusdea · 7 years
Gawain cups the back of her neck and presses his lips upon her own, it is passionate so long and for long as its allowed. Though he might be bracing to get punched.
kiss the girl. – - @loyalbreed​.
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   The hand cupping the nape of her neck has her ready to snap back at whatever came next, her mouth parting to issue one of her scathing barks with ire lapping at the very confines of her skin– but the breath is taken from her as Gawain gives not a moment before catching her in a kiss.
        Her eye widens with a tensing of her shoulders, the only noise she finds she can make is a quiet moan of surprise, but questions filter into her mind at an alarming rate…Most of them being; what the fuck is happening?!
     He’s practiced no doubt, unrestrained in showing her a fiery reverence in the movement of his lips. It’s persuasive, enough to lure her into grasping his collar and rising on her feet to get closer, to slide her mouth firmer upon his in return. Just a few seconds longer before she parts, a lingering moment to softly huff breaths and ghost brushes of her bottom lip against that sensitive skin, a scant minute of peace…before catching his jaw with a swift punch. Well, it was almost romantic…
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daemonusdea · 5 years
❛ i’m sorry if you got that impression. ❜
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   The lone eye of the Intoner fixates on him steadily, a slow blink that turns to a squint in contempt of the man before her. She might almost look amused if she had any grace to mind her commonly stone-faced expressions.
        “ The impression of you being as boring and snooty as you appear to be? “ Her idea of play doesn’t come without a good stab to niceties and politeness– any good-natured attempt at civil conversation with Zero was all a lost cause, the scrutinizing twitch upwards of her brow breaking her unmoving stare.
     “ You’re doing a pretty shit job if you’re trying to convince me otherwise. Are you even trying? That’s pretty fucking stupid to apologize for something you’re not changing, you know. “
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