#don't worry you'll get to see him facing front... some-a-day !!! Oh yeah also I have some Cyn doodles laying around I'll have to settle on
catocappuccino · 1 month
Dey had ran out
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(og image under cut)
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sports-on-sundays · 9 months
take care of me / Pablo Gavi
Summary: Pablo Gavi x fem!reader - Y/n isn't feeling too great, but of course her boyfriend is there to fix that. I'd probably call this a comfort fic.
Warnings: sickness, exhaustion, GIF is not mine, crying, fever delusion
Author's Note: If you enjoy this, I also have written a little Charles Leclerc fic, and feel free to request any other football or F1 imagines on your mind! (Check out my account please I'm so nice)
Also I have no idea why two of my works already have 'vomiting' in the warnings(?) But ok.
Requested?: No.
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Sometimes, you just have to cry.
You kick off your shoes, and flop onto the couch, burying your head in a pillow, staring forward into the back of the couch, facing away from the door and where you came from. Facing away from where Gavi will enter the room, when he comes home.
You feel a flood of nausea hit you, and you rub your forehead. Waves of warmth, and you get the first shiver.
Oh God, no. No, no, no, no, no. No.....
You breathe deeply, crying to calm yourself, but your feel panic set in.
If you're sick, it means you can't go to school. Which means you'll have even more work to catch up on. Which means more stress. More stress than what's already weighing on you. Which means...
Who knows what it means... It certainly can't mean anything good, though, of course.
It could mean failing classes. It could mean having to retake them, even though you don't have much money for that. And you know failing a class would feel like such a failure...
And the fact that you don't have any idea of what getting sick could lead to makes you even more stressed and nervous. You feel yourself getting more and more anxious as your body shakes and waves of heat continue to hit you, more and more, the more anxious you become. You realise that you're still wearing your professional school clothes. You unbutton the first few buttons of your white button down. These clothes are very uncomfortable, so you stand to go to change, but immediately, you legs wobble, and dizziness hits you, causing you to wobble and stumble back down onto the couch, as if some invisible force just pushed you over. You start to take off your blue skirt, and slip it off, and finish unbuttoning your shirt, taking that off too, so you're wearing the thin leggings you were wearing under your skirt and the white tank top you were wearing under your shirt. You lay back on the couch, breathing deeply, just convincing yourself that in order to put on proper clothes and to get a cold rag for your warm forehead, you have to calm down first, and then you'll be able to stand and walk enough to do that.
But how are you supposed to calm down?
Suddenly, you hear the lock of the front door click, and you know your boyfriend is coming home. You don't know if this makes you more nervous, or relieved. Nervous because you hate to worry him, and it would be terrible if he got sick, and relieved because you know he'll help you and take care of you. And show you love.
You watch as he steps inside, closes the door behind himself, and then stops in his tracks, gazing at you with wide eyes.
"Y/n! Are you okay?" he exclaims, dropping his bags before he rushes over to your side. "You look like a vampire!"
"A vampire?" you ask in confusion.
But he ignores you, pressing the back of his hand to your forehead. His eyes widen. "Lemme get a thermometer. You're... Have you been feeling sick all day?"
"Maybe... I think I was trying to ignore it, but yeah, I guess I haven't felt too great."
"Okay. Well just... Just lay down and relax now. Get comfy. I see you're getting shivers." He grabs a blanket and drapes it over you. "There. I'll get a cold cloth and fans for your face. Then check your temperature." And just like that, he's off and out of the room. Soon enough, though, he returns, and does just what he says he will. "39.7 degrees Celsius..." he says in concern. "If we can't bring this down soon, I am going to have to call the hospital."
"I hope it gets better..." you mutter softly.
"Me too, honey," he says, taking your hand in his. "Do you know how this happened? I mean, you're really sick..."
"I've just been..." You sniff. "I've been really stressed lately. I feel like my body has just been going down, down, into the ground, and maybe it's finally all..." You feel a lump in your throat start to form. "Maybe it's all finally come to crash down on me. Maybe my body really couldn't handle it anymore."
"Y/n..." he breathes, staring at you, those big brown eyes full of concern. "Why didn't... Why didn't you tell anybody?"
You shake your head. "I knew what people would say, and neither of the possible responses are things I want to hear. They'd either say it's not so hard and ignore it, or overreact and tell me to stop everything I'm doing. I don't want to stop at school. I want to get this degree. It's just really hard, and draining me of all my mental energy."
"What if you're trying too hard, though, Y/n? What if you just gave yourself a break, just a little? I know you're a hard worker, and that's good, but what if you don't have to be working this hard? What if you don't need perfection? I know you want to be perfect, Y/n, but if striving for that is going to be too much for you, what if you just learned to be happy with a passing grade, instead of a perfect grade?"
You swallow at this suggestion. "I don't know if I can do that..."
"Why can't you?" He gently rubs your hand.
"I don't know..." you sigh.
"Well, every night, you're studying so hard. You ace all your exams, tests, quizzes. Do you need to? I can help you, honey. Every night, after you've been studying too long, you know what I'll do?"
"Hm?" you grunt.
"I'll say, 'Come on, Y/n. It's time for you to stop working and start cuddling me.'"
You roll your eyes, but can't help but weakly smile at this. You continue holding hands, before after a few minutes of silence you whispering, "Pablo, I love you."
He smiles back, his brown eyes warm. "I love you too."
Suddenly, you feel an uncomfortable wave of nausea, and cover your mouth, sitting up, throwing the blanket off. Pablo seems to understand right away, and puts his arm around your back, keeping you steady as you rush to the bathroom. You lean over the toilet, and the tears come first as you anticipate the terribly feeling of vomiting. Your boyfriend holds your hair back, rubbing your back, as your lunch comes up and tears fall.
After a while, he whispers, "Do you think that's it?"
"Yeah..." you sigh, the tears starting to dry on your cheek, making them feel stiff.
"I'll get you some water," he says gently, standing up. Soon, Pablo returns with a cup of water. You use it to wash out your mouth, and he uses a damp towel to wipe your cheeks off. As he does this, he says, "I wonder if it's food poisoning or something..."
"Why would it be? I haven't eaten anything new. Or anything expired."
"You never know what could get in your food and make you sick."
"I guess..." you sigh.
"I mean, you could've just caught a virus from someone in your classes or something. That's completely possible."
"Pablo, I don't want you to catch whatever I have. That'd be terrible for you... You'd have to miss practices or games."
He shakes his head, and answers very short and simply, sounding completely sincere, "It's okay." He even shrugs a little.
"Why don't you care more about that?" you question.
"I care about you more than that. I don't know what you would have done if I hadn't come home. Maybe lay on the couch and cry. And let yourself be buried in despair, stress, and anxiety. Everyone needs reassurance sometimes, and I'm glad to be your reassurance. Just as long as you make sure to be my reassurance when I need it, too," he finishes with a little teasing smile.
"Don't worry, darling. I will. Providing that I'm not this sick..."
"Of course," he smiles, holding your hand and helping you back to the couch.
"I'm so warm..."
"Just relax. I won't leave your side."
So you do, laying down on the couch, putting the fans on full blast and cuddling up under the blanket. Pablo checks your temperature again, and reports the fever has gone down a tiny bit. You're less excited about it than Pablo, who speaks about how it will all be fine, your fever will go down and not up, and you'll feel better in no time. He says maybe whatever is making you sick partially exited your body when you threw up, and so now the fever is going down a little. You seriously doubt that for some reaosn, but decide to just trust him.
Soon enough, you're yawning, and soon find yourself drifting off to sleep.
But just when you're in that in between state, in the middle of awake and asleep, a sudden fear grips you.
You lay frozen, staring at the dark figure in the corner of the room. You can almost see it's dark hollow eyes staring into you. You feel your breathing pick up as the light in the room turns into moving, wavy, strange blends of colour. You feel your body shake as the figure starts to-
"Y/n! Hey, Y/n! Y/n!" You're shaken back to reality, and you grip your boyfriend's arm, gasping, looking into his eyes for comfort.
"What's happening?" you breathe.
"Nothing. You were probably just having a fever dream. You're okay."
"O- Oh..." you exhale shakily. "Okay."
Suddenly, you're wrapped in the loving warmth of your boyfriend as he leans down, hugging you gently. You absorb the comfort of the embrace, suddenly feeling extremely thankful for him. He kisses your warm, pink, feverish cheek, saying, "I'm here no matter what. Do you want snuggles? Would that make you rest better?"
You swallow nervously. "I don't want you to get sick..."
"Remember what I said? You come first. Would it make you feel better?" He's whispering, which calms your nerves further. You lean away from him and cough a few times, shaking your head.
Well, if he gets sick, you guess you'll be taking care of him then.
"Yeah... I guess it would make me feel better. But don't feel pressured-"
"I was the one who offered it!" he chuckles, and slowly settles in next to you, his chest soon against back. You can feel his steady breathing, which brings more calm flooding over yourself.
If he can be so relaxed, so can you.
He wraps his arms around you from behind, his head resting near yours. As you drift off again, it's much sweeter, and outlined with the soft, sweet whispering of your boyfriend. The last thing you're aware of before drifting off is his comforting voice muttering to you, "Y/n, I love you."
"I love you too," you mutter back, hardly aware of it, as your body settles down into a full, comforting, much-needed slumber.
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reidsc0nverse · 1 year
A Rose by Any Other Name (Chapter One)
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Summary: Reader has her first day at the BAU in training to take JJ's place on maternity leave. She gets comfortable around the office with the help of her father Davis Rossi and the other members of the team, especially one specific genius.
Warnings: None
AN: This is my first real try at this idea that's been collecting dust in my brain, so far this chapter doesn't have a whole lot and it's mainly intro to the character but yeah. Also reader doesn't have Rossi's last name fyi and she's taking Jordans place in season 4 but they're not the same I promise.
Series Masterlist
   Well, I knew the time was coming, just not so out of the blue.
   I was training under the Communications Liaison of the BAU today, Jennifer Jareau, due to the fact that she's leaving for maternity leave soon. 
  It was only a matter of time before my dad, him being THE David Rossi, pulled some strings to get me to that spot despite me barely finishing the academy. I mean, I rocked it, but they usually want someone of more...experience in a position as such.
But here I am, walking through the doors of the bullpen and Jennifer walking up to me with a friendly smile.
"Ah! Agent Y/L/N, glad to see you," she said cheerily, holding her hand out for me to shake it.
"You too" I say returning the gesture and trying to keep my composure and maintain the same cheeriness as her, but failing.
"Nervous?" She asks, seeing through me with ease but continuing to keep her friendliness and walking me to her office.
"No of course not" I say sarcastically with a playful smile on my face as we enter in the room filled with a vast amount of case files.
She motions for me to sit across from her at the desk and laughs softly, "Don't worry, after your first couple of cases it gets easier..ish." 
"I just hate the part of the job that involves dealing with the press" I admit, with the stuff I've heard from my dad I can understand the stigma around journalists and outside sources.
"Tell me about it, but you'll get the hang of it, it's usually just repeating yourself after a while." She replies and we continue to discuss more about the details of the job and what I'm gonna have to do in the next weeks. 
"Alright enough of this, everyone should be here by now. I'll introduce you to everyone." She says and we get up and out where three agents stand talking.
"Hey guys, I want to introduce you to someone. This is Agent Y/N Y/L/N. She'll be taking over for me while I'm on maternity leave." She says and I smile at the three that Jennifer has described to me.
I go to shake their hands, "You must be Agent Prentiss, Agent Morgan, and Dr. Reid." They all return smiles to me, "Agent Jareau has told me so much about you all."
"La mia bambina!" I hear a familiar voice say as I look over to see my dad, his arms stretched out and pulling me as he kisses my cheek. 
"Hi dad." I say sheepishly, my face burning as the agents in front of me furrow their eyebrows. 
"Dad?" Prentiss says and continues, "Does your last name come from wife number 2 or 3?" she jokes and Morgan laughs in response.
My dad waves them off and looks back to me, "Training start today?" I nod and he holds me with his arm over my shoulder. "Yeah if you can let me go I can finally start" I joke with him and he lifts his arm in response.
"Yeah Rossi, I'd like to get her started with that." Jennifer says playfully as I wave once again to the others when she brings me with her to look over a case before bringing it to the team.
"I may have forgotten to mention that part to them," She says, looking at the file in her hand. "Oh, what? That Rossi's my dad?" I ask, her nodding and I continue, "No worries, I don't think he's ever even brought up having a kid. One that he knows about at least. We haven't been that close in all honesty." I explain to her. It's really no big deal to me, he wasn't very present in my childhood but as I've gotten older, he's put in a lot of effort to be a part of my life even if it's a little late. Hence, my place at the BAU.
We spend the next hour going over cases and she guides me on how they decide where to go and whether or not the risk of more lives being lost is prominent. Once we settle on one she lets out a breath, "Alright let's take a break, I need to stop staring at all of this" she says motioning to the abundance of cases on the desk. I nod in agreement smiling and make my way to the break room for a cup of coffee.
"Agent Y/L/N, right?" I hear someone say as they walk in. I turn my head and see the tall stature of Dr. Reid.
"Yes, yeah. Hi." I say, waiting for the coffee machine to finish brewing. He walks over and waits next to me with his empty mug. "But I don't really care about formal titles, you can just call me Y/N."
"Okay, Y/N. You can call me whatever, Spencer, Reid, I don't mind." He says gently and continues, "Rossi never mentioned he had a daughter. Let alone one coming onto the team."
"Temporarily" I remind him, but it's more to myself, "but I don't know how often he really wants to talk his personal life." I say lightheartedly and the coffee finally fills up my cup and I move over to let him use the machine.
Spencer shrugs and begins to make his own, "How long have you been in the FBI?"
At this I get nervous to respond, you can be as young as 23 to get into the FBI, but the BAU needs prior experience. But of course, my dad rushed the process some. "Well, uh, I kind of just finished the academy. I'm only 24 so there hasn't been much room for familiarity."
He looks at me with a slight surprise in his face, "Really? I mean if it makes you feel any better I started here as soon as I could. So in reality, you don't need all that much prior experience in the FBI to work here."
"Aren't you like, a genius though?" I laugh, Jennifer did tell me that about him.
He laughs and nods, "Well..you know what I mean. They make exceptions."
"Yeah, I suppose"
"Are you interested in profiling?"
"I only just recently figured that out." I laugh and explain further, "Psychology has always intrigued me and that's what I majored in, so once my dad figured that out he kinda shoved me into this field." I say, doing an exaggerated push motion absentmindedly.
He smiles and nods, "I think you should go for it, after this whole liaison thing of course, I wish you luck." He says and waves as he walks out. In that moment I can feel my face flush slightly, it wasn't that big of a deal but I guess I just wasn't expecting that sort of kindness on my first day.
I shake my head slightly and walk back to where Jennifer and I previously were.
She was already back on her side of the desk and reading a file, looking up she points at my cup, "Good thinking" she smiles and I take my seat again.
"I'd hate to think about how much coffee is drank in this building." I joke.
"Probably enough to supply a small country." she laughs and goes on, "Alright so I think you're pretty much all done for now, I don't think you'll be able to join us on the case but you can just get yourself used to the team if you want."
I nod and the day goes by with loads of 'how to's' around the office and in the perks of Jennifer's job. Sooner than later I get to go home and I get my stuff packed up and walk in the elevator.
The doors start to close but before it shuts completely, I see Spencer rush towards the elevator and I hold them open for him.
"Sorry- sorry." He says awkwardly as he gets in next to me. "How was your first day?"
"It was new. That's for sure. Just a whole lot of information on what I need to do." I say, fidgeting with my hair slightly.
"I'm not sure how much I can do, but if you need anything I know anyone on the team will help" He reassures me, and i smile back. "Thanks, really. I appreciate it."
"Of course." He smiles and the elevator opens up leading to the parking lot. "I'll see you later." He says and I smile back walking to my car.
I can feel the pink in my cheeks when I sit in the front seat and drive home.
I think I'm gonna like my time here.
okay chapter two will be out sometime between today and next week I hope y'all like it so far ik it's not a lot but give it some patience lols
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
part two of yandere surgeon dabi gets jealous?
Yandere Surgeon Dabi gets jealous part 2
Part 1 can be found here.
So after Dabi finds out that you've got a brain tumor (and feeling immensely guilty for making you overwork because he wanted to "punish" you for making him "jealous", and then u ended up getting hurt), he's panicking as he calls his father, Enji Todoroki, the best oncologist in the country and also the owner of the hospital he worked at, telling him that he needs a favour.
Of course, Enji agrees to help and has Dabi send over your reports ASAP. Meanwhile Dabi is waiting in your room, holding your hand to keep himself from having a meltdown, occasionally yelling at a nurse for her incompetence whenever she came to check on you.
When you did wake up, you were surprised to see your boss by your side, eyebags under his red eyes (was he crying? Maybe.), hair dishevelled and hand still holding yours.
"Uh- Dr Dabi?" You called out, wary of him because of the disdain in his eyes (it wasn't disdain, he was mad.... at himself and at you for having this awful disease- he's just so scared, so he's masking it up by looking at you with disgust and rage).
He hesitantly dropped your hand, rubbing his eyes to relieve the itch (he didn't want you to see the tear escaping because of the news he was about to tell you) as he told you what happened.
"You... have a tumor in your brain." He said, watching your face go from surprise to disheartened to just... acceptance.
You nodded. "Yeah. It is what it is."
It is so NOT what it is.
Dabi furrowed his brows. "I'll get this tumor out of you. You'll be fine. You don't need to worry about anything. You'll be under my care, I've already contacted Dr Enji Todoroki-"
"Your dad?! Whoa! He's like- the BEST oncologist!" He did not appreciate you being impressed by Enji. "I don't think I can even afford him-"
"I'm handling all your finances. I'll take care of everything."
"Oh no, you don't need to-"
"This isn't up for discussion. Like I said, I'm taking care of it all." He snapped, before leaving the room, mumbling about getting you something to eat.
Following days that you were awake, Dabi showed you a side of his that he only ever reserved for his pediatric patients.
He was caring.
Okay he was caring towards you. To everyone else, he was insufferable. While he would help you sit up and sip some water, he'd go out and yell at the nurse for bringing you water that was a degree too cold. He fluffed up your pillows but would snarl at the nurses for not bringing you extra pillows. He'd spoon feed you meals but he almost beat up the cafeteria cook for making the absolute bland, zero nutrition food.
Dabi was stressing and de-stressing simultaneously. While he was calm and patient towards you, he was just panicking on the inside about your tumor, so he'd go hard on the hospital staff to blow off some steam. But you get the better end of the deal, you get princess treatment (that is totally not based on him trying to rid himself of guilt)
Anyways, just a few days later, Enji has come to your room to introduce himself as the lead doctor for your case, and that he was gonna do his best to remove the tumor.
"You will need surgery. Dabi, can you prepare OR 2 for 4pm today-"
"S-surgery?" You asked.
Enji and Dabi looked at each other, then back at you as they nodded.
"Yes. Um, do you have any concerns?"
You remained quite, fumbling with your thumbs. You don't wanna sound stupid in front of such an amazing surgeon.
"Y/n?" Dabi walked closer to you. "What is it?" He demanded softly.
"I-I don't want to sound ungrateful or undermine you, but I've been studying my case as well and well- what are the risks?" You asked nervously, afraid of offending either of them.
Enji smiled. "No, it's my mistake for not explaining earlier. I just thought Dabi had already informed you." He looked at his son but Dabi didn't meet his eyes. "Well, to answer you question- there are chances of amnesia and paralysis. But I can assure you-"
"What are the chances? Percentage?"You asked, throat closing up.
"70%." Oh no. "But 30% is more than enough-"
"Not for me." You mumbled. "There is- there is an option for chemo and radiotherapy, right? They have far lower risks for the complications you mentioned, right?"
Enji nodded. "Yes, but I would highly recommend you go for surgery-"
"No. Chemo and radio."
"Y/n-" Dabi called out to you. "-the tumor can be removed now. With chemo and radio, it's not confirmed if we'll be able to get rid of the tumor then. I'm scheduling you for surgery-"
"No! I said- no surgery. And that's my final decision." You huffed out, and Dabi glared at you. Enji excused himself, clearly you two needed to talk this out.
"You're a doctor- a surgeon! I don't understand why you're not opting for surgery-"
"The risk is too high!"
Dabi scoffed. "There's a 30% chance none of that will happen! We've been doing surgeries when there were less than 10% chances of survival!"
"I- I just can't take the risk, Dr Dabi. Its just too high for me." You said, eyes starting to tear up.
Dabi sighed before sitting on the chair next to your bed. "Look, I understand that you're scared but I guarantee you, none of those complications will happen. I'll be operating with Dr Enji. Don't you have faith in me?"
"I do. I know that you and Dr Enji are both- extremely skilled doctors but I just- I can't risk those complications."
Dabi furrowed his brows, losing his patience. "So what? You'd rather lose your life than have to live with amnesia? Partial paralysis? Are you stupid? You'd much rather die than be alive with complications?"
"Yes." You replied, tears falling down your face. "Yes. Is that what you wanted to hear?"
"My mother had Alzheimers." You whispered. "I had seen what it did to her, how the disease slowly enveloped her until she was nothing but a shell. She is- she couldn't even recognise herself in the mirror one day. And it's just- it's so fucking unfair. For all the sacrifices she made, for all the good times she worked so hard for, all of it went down the drain in an instant. She has no memories of any achievement, she doesn't remember marrying my father, having kids, anything. She doesn't even remember what her favourite color was, what her favourite band was- nothing. And it's all- it affected everyone of us. My father- he died. He loved her so much but my mother would panic everytime she saw him and didn't recognise him, screaming bloody murder that there was a stranger in her bed. And then one day, she- she just killed him. Just picked up a knife and stabbed the stranger standing in the kitchen. She killed her husband because she couldn't recognise him. A few months later, she died as well."
Dabi's heart sunk. You'd never opened up to him like this before, and why would you? It's Dabi who imagines you two are way closer than just on a professional level, something more than colleagues.
He swallowed as he chose his next words carefully. "I'm sorry to hear that, Y/n. However, I still insist that you get the surgery. What happened with your mother, will not happen to you. I will make sure-"
"You don't understand." You closes your eyes, brows furrowing in frustration. "I cannot afford to take that risk-"
"And why the hell not?!" He finally snapped. He's been way too patient with you but you keep pushing him.
You looked at him, shock evident on your face before you composed yourself.
"I have people dependent on me. My little brother, he'd been the most affected by my parents deaths. If I were to go through the same things as them, he'd- he'd lose it. Id rather die than to have him witness yet another family member succumb to this, and worse- wonder if he'll get this disease too." You grabbed his hand, and Dabi's eyes softened ever so slightly (though his brows were still knit together in frustration). "I don't expect you to understand or sympathise with me, but I do have memories that are far too precious. I cant lose them. And I can't have amnesia, or paralysis or anything physically limiting because I'd rather not be a burden on my brother... or anyone."
Dabi shook his head, his hand squeezing yours in affirmation. "You wouldn't be a burden, not to me. I'd take care of you, I'd take care of everything. Your brother wouldn't need to know about anything. I'd just- I'd take care of it, okay?"
You smiled sadly, before pulling your hand away. "That's very kind of you, Dr Dabi but... my decision is final. No surgery."
Dabi left your room, opting to release his anger on some new interns than blow up on you. Why are you making everything so fucking complicated?
By evening, he's calmed down and he swings by your room to check in on you, heart turning to mush as he caught you asleep. You're a lot less mad to get at when you're asleep because you don't say hurtful things like the one where you insist on endangering yourself.
And for who? Your brother? This right here- the fact that you always put everyone's need above yours is the only flaw that you have. That and you're stubbornness.
"My decision is final. No surgery."
Dabi hopes it's just the brain tumor impairing your decision making, because there's no way he's just gonna allow you to throw your life away for no reason.
The next morning, you were greeted by... Doctor Keigo Tamaki.
A psychiatrist.
Also, Dabi's best friend. (Dr Keigo claims this, Dabi doesn't.)
Apparently, Dabi sent Keigo to talk some sense into you and convince you for surgery because Keigo claims he's been told that you've been showing... "suicidal behaviour". So, Dabi wanted you to get some "much needed" therapy.
You chuckled, because clearly this is a joke. I mean, you know how Dabi is. He may have a cold hard, stick-up-his-ass exterior, but deep down you know he cares about everyone, especially his patients. And you're his patient too, so it makes sense.
Dabi continued to take care of you, monitoring your meds and still doing daily reports on the tumor to see its progression, all while trying to provide you some emotional support. But it seemed like rather he was the one in need of emotional support from you, as you continued to affirm him that you will get better one day, that you do feel better every day.
And as much as he wouldn't like to admit that you were right, the chemotherapy was indeed working. You were doing better than before.
Maybe this was one of the times Dabi didn't mind being wrong.
He smiled softly as he watched you sitting on the bed, talking animatedly with Keigo and the nurse, Dabi pretending to read your reports over for the 10th time, like he wasn't just listening to you crack the most unfunny joke.
As if Dabi wasn't smiling from ear to ear.
"Y/n? Oh- what's that?" The worry in Keigo's voice had Dabi whipping his head towards you, eyes widening at the streak of blood dripping down from your nose. Dabi yelling at the nurse to pass you the tissues before he snatched the box from her and pulled out a few tissues, bringing them to your nose and tilting your head back.
You looked at him in confusion, Dabi's face barely masking the panic as blood started pouring out of your left eye, and then the right one.
"D-dabi?" You whispered, before your eyes rolled back as seizures took over your entire body, violently jerking as Dabi began screaming orders at the nurses, snatching the anti epileptic injection and injecting you immeadiately while Keigo made sure your seizures didn't end up harming you.
The drug worked and you were sedated, Dabi's mind going at a million miles per hour as he tried to process what just happened when Keigo's voice brought him back.
"Dabi. Look." He followed Keigo's gaze towards your lower abdomen, heart stopping as he saw a giant blood spot around your crotch area. Pulling away the sheets, he saw the bloody mess and the two men shared a look before beginning to reel you towards the radiology to get a brain scan, and send blood samples to lab.
When you woke up a few hours later, Dabi was sitting in your dimly lit room, eyes red and furious and just so... tired.
With bleary eyes, you asked him. "What happened?"
Dabi just glared at you, and he looked like he was just barely containing his rage, thinking of his choice of words carefully.
"You-" Dabi pursed his lips, before breathing deeply to calm himself. "-You need the surgery."
You sighed. "We've been over this already-" but Dabi slammed the reports on the overbed table, standing up and pacing around the room as he waited for you to read them over.
As you pulled out the brain scans, you immediately recognised the problem-
"The tumor hasn't shrunk." Dabi said, still pacing.
"Well, it has shrunk a bit-"
"It isn't shrinking fast enough!" Dabi snapped. "The chemo isn't working fast enough and the side effects of those drugs are making you sicker!"
You shrugged. "Well, those effects were expected-"
"No, I didn't expect you to fucking seize and bleed through almost every hole in your body!" Dabi yelled, eyes shooting daggers at you. You remained quiet as he continued to pace around your room, running a hand through his hair frustratedly as he continued to list how every single worst side effect could possibly start to appear in your body if you do not get surgery.
"I'm booking the OR tomorrow. You'll get the surgery at 9 am-"
"No. I- I am not consenting to this surgery-"
"Did you not just hear what I said? You could die-"
"Possibly die. Possibly bleed to death. Possibly. Possibly. I'm fine with taking my chances. And it's no news to either of us that chemo is causing my health to deteriorate a bit because it usually gets worse before it gets better!" You explained.
"No. Surgery. I'm not consenting."
Dabi stormed out of your room, slamming the door on his way out, spooking the nurses enough for them to get out of his way.
Dabi continued to walk, a murderous expression on his face as he reached the OR duty board to look at the surgeries he was scheduled for tomorrow.
Why do you have to be so fucking difficult?
Don't you understand that just because you want to take risk the possibilities doesn't mean he want to as well?
That he can't risk the possibility of your dying?
"And I won't." He picked up the eraser and cleared out the whole board before beginning to reschedule all surgeries, writing your name on the very top, along with his father's.
You're getting that surgery, one way or another.
He called his father to tell him that he's scheduled to operate on you tomorrow, before calling Keigo.
The next time you woke up, your room was still dimly lit. Your body felt weaker than before, arms heavy as you realised its hard to move any of your limbs.
Was this yet another effect of chemotherapy? Or just the brain tumor doing its horrors.
Your mind flashed back to your conversation with Dr Dabi. A part of you wondered if you should just give in and get the surgery. Maybe- maybe your brother will understand-
No. You can't. You can't take the chance.
Just then, Dabi walked in, looking slightly surprised that you're conscious.
"You're awake." You opened your mouth to reply but found it hard to do so, your entire mouth felt like cotton.
As if sensing, Dabi walked closer, placing a hand on your shoulder. "Its okay, its just the anesthesia wearing off. You don't need to talk, just rest."
The confusion in your eyes must've been prominent as Dabi made an "Ah!" sound.
"Anesthesia... fron your surgery. This morning." But I didnt consent. "I know you didn't consent, but it's alright. Dr Keigo said that after his thorough evaluation, he deemed you unable to take care of yourself and make good decisions. Health related decisions. So, we decided to sign you up for surgery."
Surgery? What surger-
Even in your drug induced state, your mind was able to answer your own question. And knowing that Dabi was well aware that you never consented to it, that he just violated your autonomy-
Dabi sighed softly as he wiped the tears that slipped down your cheeks. "Y/n- Y/n, come on, now. Stop crying. The surgery went well, nothing happened to you. Dad- Dr Enji was able to remove the tumor with ease, and I was right there with you the whole time. I wouldn't have allowed any mistakes, not even from my own father." He lowered himself until his face was just a few inches away from yours. "I was right, wasn't I? About the surgery being a success, about no complications occuring. So, come on now. Stop crying. This was for your own good. And I will continue to make better decisions for you, until you can start making them for yourself again, okay?" Very daringly, Dabi raised his hand to your face to tuck away some strands of your hair behind your ear.
If you weren't so shocked, you may have recognised the silent "I love you" in all these actions.
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subfootboii · 3 months
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You decided to spend the last month of your summer vacation with Uncle Tom. You hadn't seen him since his wedding four years ago. So you called him and he suggested you both go to a private lake house. The truth is it wasn't only your uncle you missed, but also his big feet. He always liked to walk barefoot and it was his feet that awakened your love for feet.
He arrived a day earlier to tak care of everything. When you arrived he was so excited to see you after a long time, and you quickly noticed that he was barefoot. You sat chatted to catch up on everything, and you kept taking glances at his big sexy feet whenever you thought he wasn't paying attention.
The next morning you woke up excited for your first full day at the lake house. You went to the living room and found your uncle resting his feet on a foot rest and wiggling his toes
"Good morning uncle did you sleep well?"
"Goid morning nephew, yeah..."
You found it hard to focus with his slightly dirty feet and wiggling toes in front of you. It took you a minute to refocus your attention to your uncle.
"Sorry uncle I didn't hear you well, may you repeat?"
"Of course you didn't. But don't worry uncle Tom knows what's taking your attention."
You didn't understand what he meant, he looked at you and signaled for you to walk closer to him. When you reached the foot rest he signed for you to stop.
"Oh you always were captivated by uncle's feet weren't you boy. You couldn't even remove your eyes off them yesterday."
"What... no I'm not sure what you mean uncle tom!"
"Then listen well to me, you have two options you either be a good boy and admit how much you love uncle's feet, or you say nothing and we spend this vacation while I wear shoes and socks. You have a minute"
You were stunned but you couldn't fight the desire to be at his feet. You lowered your face and admitted to liking his feet.
"That's what I thought. Don't be shy boy its fine I've had many fags in school and university even at work beg for my feet. I can't blame you for liking my big alpha soles. Now get on your knees and start worshipping uncle Tom's big feet. Make me proud boy."
You dropped to your knees and started worshipping his feet you licked and sucked like the horny boy you were. A few minutes later your uncle took out his huge dick and started jerking off as he looked at you worshipping his his feet. You tried to reach out to your dick but uncle Tom's foot slapped your face.
"Don't even think of it. Such actions are for men only. You can pull your body closer and rubb your dick against the foot stool and cum your pants like the little bitch you are. Oh and I expect you to be an obedient fag for uncle, you'll treat me like a god and make sure I don't left a finger this whole month. Uncle needs to finally have some good time, and I guess you'll have good time too, in your own way at least. "
He said thet last sentence as thick strings of cum flew everywhere from his big monster cock. That made hump the foot stool harder and cum in your pants too.
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gxthicwxrm · 2 years
Steve Harrington Finds Out You Are Pregnant.
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x fem reader
Warning: pregnancy, angst, some cursing
Summary: Steve finds out his girlfriend is pregnant.
Word Count: 1,818 words
MINORS DNI! This is an 18+ account. You'll be blocked! 
Please don't translate or copy my work! You do not have my permission to copy or translate my work. Not Proofread. Feedback is always welcomed! Requests are open! Enjoy!
*not my gif*
You stare down at the stick in your head, your stomach feeling like an empty void, but also heavy like a massive rock rolling around. 
Wetting your lips, you try to let yourself think about how this happened to you. Steve has always let you know about his big dreams with the house full of kids and white picket fence. Hell, hearing him so happy about it made you yearn to give him a child, just not barely out of high school. Currently, you are sitting on your brother's bed, waiting for him to come home from work. The thought of telling your mom without your brother terrified you more than you'd like to admit. 
Suddenly, the front door clicks open followed by it shutting again causing fear to wrap its hand around your throat, squeezing, choking you. The bedroom door swings open, revealing an exhausted Jonathan.
"Hey, what are you- Y/N, are you okay? Why are you crying? Was it Steve? I'll fucking-" At hearing the mention of Steve, who you still haven't told, you stop holding back all the tears that were waiting to fall,  like a dark cloud over Hawkins. A sob crashes through you as you feel your brother's arms wrap around you.  What surprises you, is two more sets of arms wrap around you as well. Looking up through blurry eyes, you see Will and El looking at you with the same worry as your older brother. 
"Oh damn. I didn't know you two would be home too. I'm sorry." You wipe the tears off your face as Will shakes his head. 
"Don't be sorry. What's wrong? Did Steve do anything?" El questions, hand resting on your shoulder as she sits beside you. Ever since your mom took El in, you two have become close as you were the only girls. She felt like you truly were her family and to you, she is the best little sister you could ever ask for. As you take the time to look at her now, you find yourself hoping she is never in this situation. 
"I don't know how to say this. But…" Pausing, you decide to just rip the bandaid right off. You toss the test that you kept hidden in your hand onto the bed between the four of you, and your three siblings all gasp. Will's hands fly to his mouth in shock, looking between you and Jonathan, gauging his older brother’s reaction.
"Huh?" El questions, barely knowing what the plastic stick in front of her is. Your older brother just stares at the test, stunned, with tears falling over his waterline. 
"I don't even know what to say." He continues to stare at the plastic between you. 
"Does…Does Steve know?" You shake your head. Not being able to gather the courage, you've been avoiding him for the last three days, terrified that you'd slip up and tell him but also unsure as to why you won't tell him.
"I've been trying to figure out how but I'm so scared, J." Tears coat your cheeks. Will moves behind you, hugging you and El as she was still by your side. 
"It's going to be okay. Steve loves you. He loves kids. It will be okay because if he changes his mind, we will never change ours. We love you so we love this baby too." Will confesses. Your heart melts at your younger brother's words leaving you speechless as you look between the three curious faces surrounding you, all filled with love despite their worry. 
“Yeah, I have to tell him today.”
“Do you want our help?” Will questions. 
“No, thank you and I love you guys but this is something I have to do myself.” They nod, understanding.
“Well, if you change your mind, we are always here for you.” Jonathan reassures you, El chiming in with a soft ‘yeah’.
"You got to tell Mom tho. We don't love you that much." Jonathan jokes while he and your siblings get up, deciding to give you some space to process.
“Okay, but let me decide when to tell her.” You reply.
“Okay, but you have to do it soon.” His voice is stern, his features sharp and serious. Nodding, you agree.
“Tomorrow. Okay?” He nods before you ‘shoo’ them out. Closing the door behind them, you let yourself slide down the cold door.
How were you going to tell Steve?
How will he react? Would he hate you? Does he even want kids? It was something you two have never talked about. The relationship between you and Steve was still fresh, you two have only been seeing each other for ten months, even though you have been best friends. You loved each other but were still so new, way too new for a baby. It felt like there was a gaping hole in your chest when you think about telling Steve. Deciding to tell Steve tomorrow, you move to your closet and grab your pajamas to take a shower before bed. 
Today was the day you were going to tell Steve that you were pregnant. Sitting in your car staring at the doors to Family Video, your boyfriend’s job. Instantly, you regret coming to the shop to tell him, fearing that it was the wrong time. As you entertain the idea of leaving and telling him after work when you see his floof of hair pop out from between the glass doors, waving at you. Sighing, you gather your purse, throwing the test into your bag as you get out of the car and drag yourself to Steve who holds the door open for you.
“Hey, baby girl. What are you doing here?” He asks, putting his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his side. 
“Just came to see you.” Pressing a kiss against your temple, he winks at you with a soft ‘oh’. Robin waves at you from the front desk as you and Steve make your way to the back.
“Hey, you got the store?” He asks Robin who nods silently, watching as her crush, Vickie walks into the store. Turning the corner, he gently pushes you against the wall, arms resting over your head with a smirk all over his gorgeous face.
 “So, You missed me, huh?” His voice is like velvet, smooth and sultry. Leaning over you, you felt dizzy and intoxicated with him, it almost made you forget why you came here.
“S-steve, we need to t-talk.” Stuttering, you stare at his feet, terrified. His smile drops as a confused look passes over his face like a dark cloud over a sunny sky, it makes your heart break seeing his mood change so drastically.
“What? Is everything okay? Has something happened? Are you okay?” Rambling, he throws out questions at you, anxious that you were hurt. Staring at him, you try to find the words but am unable to. 
“It’s okay, baby. Whatever it is, we will get through it, I promise.” His voice is soft and genuine, trying to get what was wrong with you. Tears fall down your cheeks at his words, unable to keep it to yourself any longer.
“I’m pregnant.” Whispering, you cry, falling into his chest. Shocked, Steve hesitates as you fall into him. Quickly snapping back, he wraps his arms around you, holding you as you cry. Processing what you said, it hits Steve.
He’s going to be a father.
A dad.
Joy lights up in his chest, spreading over his whole body. He never told you, but this was always his dream for you two. He has planned his future with you since the moment you said you loved him back. You were it for him and he knew it. Loving you was something he never questioned or doubted for the last two years he's had a crush on you. You matter the most to Steve and seeing you crushed like this killed him.
"Hey, hey. It's going to be okay. Whatever we decide, we got this." He whispers in your ear, brushing your hair out of your face. 
"I'm not leaving your side. If you want to keep this baby, I am here. If you want to look at our other options, I'll still be here. I love you." Wiping your tears away, he smiles down at you causing your tears to fade and a small smile of your own to form. 
"I love you too, Stevie. I'm sorry. I just. I was so scared you'd be mad at me or that you'd hate me." 
"What? That would never happen. I would never do that to you. You mean so much to me. And if you want this baby, they will mean so much to me too…..Do you want the baby?" Timidly, he asks, wide-eyed. Thinking about it, you allow the thought that you so desperately pushed away since you got that positive test. You knew.
"Yes, but only if you are there the way you say you will be, I would love to have this baby with you, Steve." You cup his face as a wide smile cracks through his anxious demeanor. 
"Oh my god. We are gonna do this. Holy shit, we are about to be parents!" Steve holds your shoulders, jumping up and down like a kid himself. Reaching for his shoulders, you hold him firmly 
"No, we are parents, Steve." Grabbing his hands you press them against your stomach, holding your belly. Then he kneels on his knees, leaning his head against you.
"We are." He says, humming against your tummy, fingers drawing patterns into your skin. As you look down on him, running your fingers through his luscious hair, you realize that this is all the baby needs. Yours and Steve's love and determination to make it work. 
Hearing the doorbell rings upfront, you look around the corner, Steve lost in his little world, hugging your stomach. Seeing Robin talking to a customer, you laugh loudly as something hits you. 
"You have to be there to tell my mom." Steve's face shoots up, eyes darting around your face to find any signs of a joke. Realizing you were joking, he stands up holding your face.
"Then you have to tell Robin." Your smile drops. Of course, Robin would love to be an amazing aunt, but Robin tends to ramble when she gets nervous, and babies make her nervous. With a sigh, you shrug.
"Fine. It'll still be easier than telling my mom." You laugh. Steve shakes his head and he leans in, connecting your lips. 
"I love you so much, baby," Steve says, leaning his forehead against yours, nose rubbing together. 
"I love you so much too, handsome. We got this."
"We do." He agrees, pulling you close.
You both were terrified, but together you can face anything thrown at you two.
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russellsppttemplates · 10 months
We'll be just fine (Pierre Gasly
Misunderstandings take a toll on your and Pierre's marriage
Note: english is not my first language. this is another long piece that I hope will make me keep up with posting a bit more regularly, and while I'm pretty sure it's not that good, as I'm not the best at writing angst, I'm working on it so I hope this is at least not awful.
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Tw: miscommunication, drinking heavily, curse words
You walked around your bedroom, grabbing the last few things before you left the house to go out with your friends for some food and drinks, thinking of texting Pierre that you'd be going out with Anna and that she would bring you home since she was on antibiotics, bless her, so she would be the one driving, but refrained from doing so because you would come home earlier than he would anyway, his meetings lasting longer and longer these days.
The marriage had been going through a rough patch, and while you had both admitted that you'd both need to put in the work for it to go forward, Pierre felt like it wasn't going anywhere. None of the efforts were making it worse, that was for sure, but it wasn't going maybe as fast as he had hoped. He still felt some distance on your part some days, and he was cautious of your boundaries, not wanting to overwhelm you and, in part, he was happy that you were taking some time for yourself to enjoy with your friends.
In the bar you and your friends had decided to spend the night, drinks kept coming to the table while you spoke about whatever came up, "are you okay, Y/N?", Anna asked, nudging your side when the rest of the group had to make a bathroom trip, "yeah, just tired from the week", you offered, not really wanting to dwelve into your thoughts since the therapy session alone that week had been intense and full of things to sort out on your own. Drinks kept coming and while you weren't too drunk, tipsy was also a word that couldn't describe how much you had in you.
"I'll drop Y/N home, guys", Anna said to the rest of the group as they arranged their own rides since Lucie's husband had volunteered to take them home. Sitting in her car, you opened the window so you could feel the cool breeze on your face, "are you good? Do you need to stop?", Anna asked you, "I'm good, just a little bit tipsy, but no throw ups, don't worry", you said, grabbing your purse to text Pierre that you were on your way home and seeing a couple of texts and missed phone calls, "Oh, but he's worried now", you mumbled, locking your phone once you noticed you were getting in the road you lived in, "thank you so much, Anna. I hope I wasn't too bad", you mumbled as she walked with you to the front door, "you're fine, not the worst I've seen you, I have to say", she smiled, "you'll be okay?", she asked, "yes, I will", you reassured her, "I'll be good", you said as you heard the door open unexpectedly, seeing Pierre greeting Anna, thanking and wishing her a safe ride home, the whole scene seemingly slower than it probably was.
Getting inside, you heard Pierre close the door before he sighed, "I'm sorry I didn't text or call back, but when we were at the bar, the signal wasn't the best and I couldn't hear it. When I saw the notifications, I was already at the top of the road", you explained, sensing that the sigh would come with a scold from him.
"I was worried about you! You guys don't usually stay out for this long, and this was when I assumed you were with them from your hand I recognised in their stories", Pierre began, "and you didn't tell me anything, I didn't even know where you were, and you didn't answer your phone!", he snapped, "something could've happened to you and I didn't know where you were or how you were!".
Rubbing your temples, you manage from look up at him, the frustration clear in your voice as you spoke, "I left the house with my friends, to finally spend a night where I don't have to think if I put a foot wrong with you or if I am too much trouble or if I'm not keeping the promises or the behaviour that I should", you yelled, tears brimming your eyes.
"You didn't tell me where you were going, I have a right to be worried for my wife!", Pierre pointed his finger, and you broke down, "Why do you care? It's not like I matter to you anymore", you hiccuped, letting your mouth speak what was inside.
"What?", Pierre asked, not expecting that to be your answer, listening closely while you walked to the other side of the living room.
"Why are you so bothered by this? Why do you care so much? You barely ask me anything these days, you don't ask where I'm going, or what I've been doing. You don't care wether I've had a good day or a bad day, you don't care to know how I've been... you don't care about us...", you finished, tears falling from your eyes give that your futile attempt to stop them didn't work.
Shaking his head, Pierre looked at you, "is that what you think this is? That I don't care about you? That I don't care about us? Y/N, no, absolutely no", he stated, "I thought you needed some time to yourself, that you wanted to set some boundaries and so I didn't want to pressure you, or make you feel like I was controlling you", he gulped, "I never wanted it to seem like I didn't care about you", he explained, "I care about you, mon amour. Fucking hell, I don't think I've ever loved anyone like I love you", he admitted, making you look at him, still keeping a distance between you, "Sometimes I don't feel it", you admitted back.
Sighing, you wiped your eyes one last time, feeling the waterfall finally stop, "I don't know how to deal with this, with not knowing how you truly are doing, if I can ask for something or not", you mumbled, feeling lightheaded from the alcohol and choosing to sit on the sofa, "are we condemned to this?", you asked out loud and to no one in particular, you guessed, until Pierre knelt in front of you, "you don't seem bothered by this, but I am! Every spare moment of my thoughts I have, I'm thinking about this, wether or not we can make it work, wether you care about me or about enough to not let this go. I miss you, I miss us", you let out a shuddered breath.
Pierre was lost. He truly didn't think he was behaving like that, as in his mind, he was just giving you some space and allowing you to set your boundaries, but miscommunication clearly got the best of you two, "Mon amour, I never wanted you to feel like this. I'm truly sorry for making you feel like this. I love you, I love you so much and I'll spend everyday of my life reminding you of it", he said, grabbing your hand as you looked at him, "one step at a time, we'll do this", he rubbed your hands, "we can work through this, I know we can", he stated.
"What if we loose ourselves again?", you whispered, the fear you felt contrasting with your voice's volume, "we get back to eachother. We will talk about everything, we can't leave eacother in the dark. Anything that happens, good or bad, small or big, we talk it over. We go to eachother and ask what we want to know. And it doesn't matter if we get mad at eachother, because we love eacother beyond that, and we'll get through it", he comforted, making your hands hold his, squeezing them, "we'll be just fine".
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|| Black eyed & Blue ||
Chapter 1 - Skull & Crossed Wires
Frank Castle x Female Reader/OC
Notes: I'm posting this first short chapter in my Frank Castle and female OC/reader mini series in the hope that it will spur me on to finish it! I have some other chapters written already just need to get them where I want them and write some more. 😊
Warnings: kidnapping, blood, biting, general vampire themes, fluff & smut, frank being protective, Matt makes an appearance.
Please comment and let me know what you enjoy or would like to see as the story develops and I'll see what I can do!
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Frank managed to limp his van to the nearest garage before it crapped out entirely. He had cleared it out after his latest 'road trip' back at the safe house. It wouldn't do any good if the mechanics found any of his arsenal…
He left them with the keys and said he'd check back in a couple of days. Leaving a cell number was out of the question too, he still wasn't quite comfortable leaving much of a trace even if he was now 'Pete'.
He walked up to the shop office two days later, hopeful he could throw down a few hundred and get going. A fraught looking gangly guy was having an in-depth discussion on the phone as he entered. He passively waved Frank in the direction of the garage floor, pulling the phone away from his mouth and yelling towards the doorway.
"Blue! Customer!"
Frank gave him a semi-polite nod and headed through the side door where his van was jacked up, a pair of dark blue Converse sticking out from underneath.
"Uh, right. Guess it ain't ready yet." Frank ventured.
"No shit Sherlock." A voice came from below.
"Can see why you got Shaggy on the front desk there, customer service ain't your thing huh?"
The feet peddled their way out from under the van to reveal a woman with her hair tied up out of her face with a blue bandana. She had an oil-smudged face, and chipped sky blue nail polish on her fingers. Her mouth dropped open as she pushed herself up and took in the figure of Frank standing over her.
"Oh fuck- I mean, shit! Damn! Fuck!" She winced. "I'm really sorry mister… thought you were Ray winding me up again. Sorry, I'm trying not to cuss as much but, um…"
Frank couldn't help the sly smile from spreading across his lips.
"Think you're doin' well enough. Don't you worry about it. Maybe uh, you can gimme an idea when she'll be ready?"
She got to her feet, wiping her oily hands on her dirty coveralls, which were also blue.
"Well, that's the thing. I'm still waiting for a part to come. I woulda called you to let you know but, uh, you didn't leave a number so…
"Yeah, don't have a phone." He scratched at the back of his neck uncomfortably. "Kinda hate all that tech shit y'know."
"Wow. Well, okay old man, I'm not sure exactly when it'll arrive, our supplier is vague at the best of times, I really wanna find someone better but…"
Frank couldn't help grumbling a little. He was keen to get back on the road, after all, biker gang ass wasn't gonna kick itself. "Then I guess 'i'll just keep comin' back every day till she's ready."
Blue smiled politely. "Once it's here I'll get it fixed as fast as I can but if you refuse to have a phone like us regular people I guess that's just what you'll have to do. See you tomorrow then?"
Frank nodded. "Yeah. See ya tomorrow."
The next day Frank dropped by the garage late afternoon, he'd had a particularly rough night chasing down some dregs of the Dogs of War that refused to go down easily.
"Jeez, what the heck happened to you?" Blue asked, looking up and seeing the dark bruises around his eyes as she heard him come in. "I mean, if you don't mind me asking? Those are some shiners."
"Walked into the side of the door when I got up during the night to piss. Bein' how I'm an 'old man' an all," Frank deadpanned back.
"No shit. You gotta be more careful, looks a bit like someone belted you right in the kisser!"
Frank shrugs.
"To be honest I wouldn't be too surprised if they had. Don't take this the wrong way but you've kinda got one of those punchable looking faces, mister..?"
"It's uh, Pete." Frank replies with a slight chuckle, only slightly offended. "And is that so?"
She holds out her oily hand for him to shake. "Hi Mister Pete. They call me Blue. And yeah, I mean you're real good looking and all but-" she stopped as Frank shook his head and laughed.
"Jeez, I really gotta stop running my mouth around strangers! I am so sorry…"
Frank holds up both hands giving her a smile, it had been a while since he had laughed as much. "Hey, no worries. Punchable and good lookin'? I'll take it. So, Blue, huh? No need for me to ask why I guess. "
She returns the smile, scuffing the toe of her shoe into the ground shyly. "I just like the colour."
Frank clears his throat. "So uh, there any news on that part yet?"
"Oh! Yeah, um it might be tomorrow but…"
"Might not?" Frank finishes with a slightly tense shrug.
"Yeah, really sorry about this, Pete. I'd even go as far as to offer you a free coffee in apology but our machine's bust, and even if it was working it tastes crap anyway."
"Don't worry about it. Alright well, guess I'll seeya tomorrow again."
Blue gave him a little wave. "Yeah, seeya tomorrow Old Man, hope I've got some good news for you then."
Frank just shakes his head, smiling to himself as he leaves the garage and sets off back home.
The next day, when Frank turns up, Blue's face is bright with the biggest smile, and it only got brighter as she saw what 'Pete' had in his hands.
"Hey!" She greets him animatedly and it makes him feel a little warmer inside.
Frank nods then hands her one of the carryout cups of coffee he has. "Hey, didn't know how you take it but I got some sugar and milk here too if you want, seeing as your machine is broken an all."
Blue beams, her fingers brushing briefly over his as she accepts it. "Oh, thank you so much! And no, that's great, straight up is perfect, so kind of you, thanks Pete!"
Frank shrugs. "S'nothin'."
She takes a hearty sip and then remembers what she was about to say. "Good news by the way, the part arrived this morning! I'm about to get on it right now, shouldn't take too long if you don't mind waiting?"
Frank nods, finding a space to sit nearby. "Yeah, sure, if you don't mind me watching you work."
She disappears under the van. "Actually, gives me the chance to ask what the hell you've been putting this poor van through, you gotta take more care of her if you don't want to run her into the ground."
Frank huffed. "Yeah, just been real busy, y'know, and my work takes me all kinds of places, some uh, rough terrain."
"What kind of business are you in Pete?"
He scratches the stubble under his chin. "Uh, removals, pest control, odd jobs. That kinda stuff."
"A Pete of all trades?" Blue suggests, and Frank has to laugh.
"Yeah," again he feels the rare smile stretch his face as he strokes his stubbled jaw. "Somethin' like that."
It wasn't till later, when he was on the road again rummaging through the glovebox for the map when his hand landed on the tin of sweets. He took them out, curious seeing the note stuck to the lid.
'Something to sweeten you up, old man :)
He chuckles to himself as he opens the tin and takes a candy.
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nogenderbee · 8 months
Hi bee, may I rqs oneshot Reo with childhood friends to lover trope?
So reader and Reo are childhood bestie but they both separate for years because reader's parents have a job or something to do that make reader need to follow their parents and leave Reo behind but they made promise that they will meet each other again eventhough they don't know when. Until few years later, they both meet again and surprisingly reader in the same school as Reo
Absolutely! I may or may've not had a bit too much fun with this... but hopefully you'll still like it as much as I enjoyed writing this! ^^
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♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕄𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕒𝕟 𝕗𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕤 ₊˚ˑ༄
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Reo meeting childhood friend!reader
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ no one in TagList
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You finally came back to your native city after almost 10 years. You knew there was absolutely no chance for any of your old friends remembering you so you decided to start a new life here.
You were just going through corridors of your new school as you tried finding your class. You brough the paper a bit closer to your face trying to read small letters, you didn't even noticed person coming from the opposite direction which of course lead to you two bumping into each other and loosing your balance a bit.
When you looked up you saw a boy with short purple hair and purple eyes, you were almost 100% sure it was one of your childhood friends, Reo Mikage. You wanted to ask him if it's really him right here and now but you just had to make sure he was alright first.
"Are you okey? Sorry for bumping into you..."
"Y/N? When did you came back?"
But it looks like boy you bumped into wasn't so patient, maybe he was even more excited to see you than you were to see him!
"Just three days ago... Reo? Right? You go to this school?"
"That's me. And yes, I do but looking at your plan, I don't think we're in the same clas... I can walk you to your class tho?"
He said as he handed you your plan after having quick look at it. At least you don't need to worry about finding your next class anymore!
"That'd be great! Thanks a lot!"
"Absolutely no problem."
He answered with small smile before he showed you your next class. On your way he also exchanged phone numbers with you and shared his plan with you so you two can meet whenever you'd like.
"How about I walk you home after classes? I'd be nice to catch up, wouldn't it?"
"Oh totally! Where should we meet?"
"Just wait for me in front of your last class, I will find you."
You nodded at his small suggestion. It was nice way of him saying he doesn't want you to get lost... but it's still nice to see him caring for you like it used to be!
Once final bell rang, you excitedly packed yourself. Not only because you were finally reunited with your best friend but also because you were getting reunited with your crush! You still remember your cute little crush you had when you were children. Some might think you got over it by the years but it wasn't your case... if anything it grew a lot stronger!
"Hello Y/N! Are you ready to go?"
Familiar voice woke you up from your thoughts and catched you off guard as well, leading to you being a bit more nervous. Not necessarily because you were the shy type but because the person you were daydreaming off just now woke you up fromm your exact daydreams.
"Y-Yeah! Let's go!"
But luckily for you, he didn't seemed to notice and slowly walked with you towards your place. Basically it was him guiding you to school gate but from there, you took the lead! But of course, it wasn't a quite walk as the two of you had a lot to catch up!
"I still find it impossible we met so easily you know? I mean... what are the chances I ended up in the same school as you after so many years!?"
"Heh~ Well I'm not really complaining. I know it may seem childish but I think it may be our promise doing it's thing..."
"Huh? What promise?"
Your question made small smile of Reo's turn into one of embarrassment and shyness as his cheeks became slightly more pink.
"Oh... it's fine if you don't remember. It was quite a lot of time that passed..."
He finally looked back at you, back with that small smile of his.
"I remember us promising we'll meet again, no matter how long it takes. Heh~ I even promised I'll fly over whole world just to find you."
That explanation finally hit you, you weren't even watching over your words anymore. You just enjoyed those childhood memories coming back to your head.
"Ah right, now I remember! It was around that time when I barely confessed to you about my crush! Hehe~ I can't believe you remembered it."
When you looked back at Reo you noticed him blushing and with slighly wide eyes. That sight caused you to realize what you just said... and your cheeks also became a bit more red as you thought of possible ways of getting out of this situation.
"W-Well... uhh... hehe... we... we were kids! You know how kids are... uh... silly ideas and all! Heh..."
"Heh, yes... you're right..."
The two of you walked in silence for a little while. You were just about to break it by starting some new topic but it looks like your friend was faster than you.
"Do you still... feel the same?"
He was looking away, his cheeks were burning right now! Could it be that he... felt something for you as well?
You ran away from your crush once, when you were a child. And now world decided to give you another chance and if he's not giving you hints he likes you, then you may as well change school because there's no way you're keeping it in again! Someone needs to be the brave one here!
You collected all your courage and looked straigh at him as you said your next words.
"Yes. Yes, I do."
It was easy to say your sudden eye contact made the boy next to you more flustered but he tried his best to also collect his courage. He didn't wanted you to get the wrong idea after all!
"Would you believe me if I said I do too? Since we were children actually..."
His sudden confession got you a bit surprised. Not only because he loved you as well right now but because he had a crush on you as children and you didn't notice anything!!
"Seriously!? So we both were oblivious of each others feelings for this long...?"
"I-It looks like so..."
In that moment you arrived at your place, as if world wanted to ruin this beatiful moment for both of you. Boy knew where this will go so he gently grabbed your hand, also making you look at him.
"In that case... would you let me take you to cafe? Tomorrow? After school?"
You just nodded excitedly. Both of you were blushing messes in that moment but it was obvious none of you mind, after all that was the moment when you and your crush finally got together! You thought it'll only happen in you dreams and yet here you are!
He soon let go of your hand but just after he placed a soft kiss on it's back. Before walking away he said few last words...
"I can't wait for tomorrow then~"
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
Hello! Would it be possible to get some rockstar!joel and actrees!reader proposal/wedding stuff? Absolutely in loveee with the story!!
Yesssss!! I’m so excited to write this!! Thank you for the request 🫶
I Want To Marry You
Pairing: rockstar!joel x actress!reader
Author’s note: Dedicated to everyone who ever loved me enough to try again. Let’s get coffee sometime.
Summary: Joel asks you The Question [3.3k]
Warnings: mentions of anxiety, family fluff, things coming full circle, oh god I love them
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Joel's been acting weird the past few days. You're not in a fight. You're between projects right now, and he's always plunking music in the home studio. Everybody's healthy and happy. You can't pinpoint exactly why he's being jumpy or disappearing into the garage to take phone calls, but you trust him to tell you if something's happening. Still, it throws you off.
When you tell Carolina about it, she reassures you it's probably nothing. "Maybe he's going to surprise you with a romantic getaway or something like that." She suggests, and you laugh as you fiddle with Daisy's collar. She also seemed to sense the shift in the house because she's gotten especially clingy recently. 
"You have kids. You know how hard it is to get away." You say, shaking your head. 
"Yeah, but my kids are seven and three. Not seventeen and twenty-one." 
"Still! Ellie's in school, and even though Sarah has her own apartment now, I don't like going super far in case she needs one of us. That's why we stagger our schedules like we do." 
"Did your mom worry about you this much when you were twenty-one?" She asks. You laugh because she knows the answer. She knew what you were like in your early twenties, and somebody definitely should've been worrying about you.
"My mom didn't even know what borough I lived in at twenty-one." You say. "It's not a bad thing to want to be close. Do you remember when I dropped a plate and cut my foot open on the broken glass and had to take a cab to the hospital?"
"God, don't remind me." She shudders. Carolina had come home to find your tiny apartment in Hell's Kitchen empty and covered in blood. For exactly twenty seconds, she believed you'd be axe-murdered and dragged away by the killer until you called her and told her what happened, resulting in a ten-minute-long conversation about how many people in Manhattan realistically own axes. 
"All I'm saying is I don't want Sarah to be bleeding out in the back of a stranger's car if Joel or I can be there instead."
"You worry too much." She says. "But, then again, all the best moms do."
"Not their mom." You say quickly as if she’d thrown you a ticking bomb and you’re trying to pass it right back to her.
"Yeah, but you're the closest thing they have to one."
"That's true, but I don't want to put that kind of pressure on the girls. They shouldn't have to call me anything they don't want to, and I'm not going to replace their moms."
"Of course not, honey, and nobody would accuse you of doing that, but you'd be lying to yourself if you said you didn't love those girls like they're your own."
"I know." You sigh. "I just worry."
"I know you do." She says. Carolina has been there for all your worrying over the years. Worrying about how you were gonna pay rent, when your next job would come in, and whatever stupid boy you were seeing at the moment. She knows how to calm you down and take your mind off things. "Why don't you get out of the little worry hole you've dug yourself into and come with me and the girls to get our nails done? It'll be fun, and you'll get to hang out with your goddaughters." 
"Tomorrow?" She says, and you mentally flip through your calendar. 
"I think I can do tomorrow. Send me a time and place, and I'll be there." You say as the front door opens and closes. You furrow your brows and walk to the top of the stairs to see what's happening. A smiley face greets you with a wave, and you hurriedly hang up on Carolina.
"Sarah! What are you doing here, bug?" You ask as you rush down the stairs to hug her. Joel beams as he watches you embrace her for several long seconds, not pulling away until she does.
"Just missed y'all." She mumbles into your shoulder, and you kiss her temple. She's twenty minutes up the road, but it feels like a lifetime away. 
"Sarah!" Ellie yells and joins in on your hug without hesitation. The three of you dissolve into a fit of giggles, and Joel just stands there, watching the madness unfold. Joel has never been good at hiding his emotions, and you've always been good at reading him like a book. The look he gives you and the girls is full of love and pride and something deeper, something more meaningful. You raise an arm to pull him into the group hug, and he pretends to be annoyed, but he snuggles in with the three of you, kissing each of your foreheads. 
You spend the night making dinner and chocolate chip cookies with the girls and Joel (and Daisy ever so graciously cleaning up the remnants of a food fight Joel started) before curling up on the couch with them and watching a movie. It's just like every other time you've sat and watched whatever movie the girls have been dying to see, but as you rest against Joel's chest, something pricks in your brain. This feels different. He feels different. His hands run a nervous course from your shoulder to your wrist, and his head occasionally dips to kiss at the juncture of your neck. It's like he can't sit still. 
"You okay?" You whisper, glancing at him. He gives you a confused look but nods anyway.
"Why wouldn't I be?" 
"I don't know. I'm probably just anxious for no reason." You shrug. He pulls you close and kisses your temple, keeping you close as the movie continues. At the end of the night, Joel carries both the girls to bed even though he's forty-three and could've let them sleep on the couch. You didn't tell him this, of course, because who are you to pull him back from Dad Mode? So, you cautiously walk in front of him, kicking stray clothes or backpacks out of the way so he doesn't trip. Once Sarah and Ellie are safely tucked into bed, Joel scoops you up by your waist and throws you over his shoulder to carry you into your shared bedroom. 
You laugh the whole way in, and when he plops you down on the bed, you wrap your legs around his waist and keep him close. Your fingers reach up to tug the necklace out from under his shirt collar and play with the pendant as he stares at you.
"What're you thinking about?" You ask.
"Thinking bout us." He says, and you raise your eyebrows at him.
"Oh, do tell."
"We've been together a long time." 
"Sick of me already?" You ask, making him laugh, but he shakes his head and kisses you, traces of chocolate and cinnamon lingering on his lips. 
"Never." He says. "I was just thinkin' bout it." Technically, it's true. You guys have been together for a while. This year, it'll almost be four years since you walked into that office in Beverly Hills and met him. You remember thinking you would finish out the contract and never see him again. Little did you know Joel Miller would become the man making you dinner most nights and carrying you off to bed. Or that he'd throw you the best thirtieth birthday party in the history of birthday parties. Or that you'd move in with him and his daughters. Or that you'd love him more than you've ever loved anyone. 
"It's weird to think I went so long without knowing you." You mumble, your hold on him tightening like you're scared he'll fade away if you don't cling to him. He rests his forehead against yours, sensing your anxiety spiking, and you're overwhelmed by him. Your legs are still locked around his waist, and your chests are touching, the points of contact sending little butterflies fluttering through your veins. You can't see, taste, feel, or smell anything that isn't Joel.
"'M not goin' anywhere." He says, and you nod. "Ever."
"I'm gonna hold you to that, Miller." You joke, trying to ease your brain out of your spiraling and lighten the air between you two. He laughs, and the room brightens as he does. 
"Do your worst, darlin'." 
When you wake up the next morning, Joel isn't there. You reach for him and find a piece of paper on his cold pillow. How long has he been gone? How the fuck did you sleep through him rolling out of your arms? You squint in the early morning sun as you read the note.
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You sigh and grumble into your pillow. What kind of psychopath runs errands at nine in the morning? The kind of psychopath you love, that's who. You lay in the too-big bed for a few more minutes before finally getting up and checking your phone. Carolina has texted you with the address of a nail salon and told you to meet her at eleven, but other than that, your phone is radio silent. Not that you're complaining, but normally you're bombarded with notifications from when you wake up to when you go to bed. It's nice, if not a little unnerving, to not have five million people to respond to the first thing in the morning.
When you walk downstairs, you expect to see Sarah and Ellie sitting at the table and eating, but no one's there. You call for the girls, but the only person who responds is Daisy, who dances in front of you. You crouch down to pet her and give her good morning kisses. "Just us today, huh?" You ask, a little sad, but nobody is more excited about one-on-one time quite like Daisy Mae. You give Daisy breakfast before letting her run around the backyard and making yourself something to eat.
You scroll aimlessly through your phone until it's time to leave and meet Carolina and the girls at the nail salon. Elizabeth and Victoria launch themselves at you the second they catch sight of you, and you spend the better half of your appointment with a child on your lap and listening to the latest drama from Elizabeth's first-grade classroom. You have the girls help pick out what color to paint your nails, and they each land on a pretty ballet slipper pink. "Good taste, guys," you praise as you show the nail technician what color you want. "Just like your mama, huh?"
"I mean, I wasn't gonna say it," Carolina says, and you laugh. Caro, like usual, is right about needing to take some time for yourself to stop worrying. You can actually relax in the big, plush chairs and talk to the girls like nothing could be more important than what they had for breakfast. Carolina hugs you tighter than normal at the end of your appointment and says she'll see you later before ushering the girls into their car seats. You barely have time to react before she's driving away like nothing happened. 
Did you make plans with her and forget about them? It's happened before, so you wouldn't be overly surprised if it happened again. But if that's the case, why didn't she say anything? You shake your head as if it'll shake out all your racing thoughts and get in your car to drive home. When you pull into the driveway, everyone's cars are back where they belong, and you selfishly get really excited about seeing them. Except, the exact second you step through the door, Joel is putting Daisy's harness on her and has his running shoes on.
"Where are you going?" You ask, your mood dropping at seeing him ready to leave again. He looks up and smiles despite the pout on your lips.
"There you are! We were waiting on you so we could take Daisy for a walk." He says, breathless as he wrestles with your pitbull. You look past Joel and see Sarah and Ellie standing there with shoes and sunglasses on. 
"We really need four people for a dog walk?" 
"I wanted to show the girls the new route along the beach we found." He says. "Is that okay?" You nod.
"We just might look crazy, but, of course! Let me change my shoes!" You call as you take the stairs two at a time to get up to your bedroom. You decide to wear the pink tennis shoes to match your cute pink nails before ambling back downstairs and walking out the door. When you first rescued Daisy, she didn't let anyone but you hold her leash. However, after years spent with Joel and the girls, she can be walked by just about anyone as long as you're there. She's as much of your comfort dog as you are her comfort person.
Taking your hand in his, Joel walks Daisy with the other and swings your hands through the air as Sarah and Ellie walk behind you. It's a little silly, but you'll take all the affection after waking up without anyone else in the house. Slowly, the five of you make your way toward the sound of the crashing waves and the smell of salt in the air. The cliffs hang ominously above the empty beach and boardwalks, but you love it. You once told Joel when you walk out this far, it feels like you're the only person around. Something about being near the water makes you feel even better. A pop of color near the sidewalk catches your attention, and you break off from your little ragtag group to see what it is.
"Joel, come look at this." You say, leaning over the rope to look down at the wildflowers dancing on the cliffside. It's gorgeous, and the wind perfectly balances the blistering hot day, but he doesn't immediately appear at your side like he normally would. You furrow your brows and turn to see him down on one knee with a ring in his hand. Your breath catches in your throat, and you immediately cover your mouth with your hand. Joel smiles with watery eyes as he reaches for the other and pulls you close to him. 
"Did you know about this?" You look past Joel to see Ellie and Sarah standing there, Daisy's leash wrapped around Ellie's wrist as Sarah records on her phone, and they laugh. Their smiles and teary eyes are all the confirmation you need, and you look back down at Joel. "Is this why you've been acting so weird?" You ask, and he laughs.
"Yeah, this is why I've been actin' so weird," he says. His Adam's apple bobs as he says your name and your legs shake under you. "I love you, and I fall more in love with you every single day. There's not a single moment I've spent with you where I've not wondered what the fuck you see in me." He's crying now, but you can't stop the laughter from bubbling out from your chest. He squeezes your hand and takes a deep breath before continuing. "And you don't just love me, but you love my girls. You make them feel safe and cared for. You've given them somethin' I've been tryin' and failin' to give them for years, and I will spend the rest of my days tryna repay you for that."  
"Will you marry me?" He finally asks, and you sniffle. Tears stain everyone's face, and even Daisy is crying next to Ellie, and you'd laugh if you could see past the tears in your eyes. You nod and drop to your knees with Joel.
"Yes." You say as you grab his face and kiss him. "Yes. Yes. Yes. Of course, I'll marry you." You repeat over and over again as his arms lock around your waist. Sarah and Ellie cheer, suddenly no longer annoyed at your PDA, and you smile against Joel's lips. He adjusts his hold on you to give you a good look at the ring for the first time, and all your breath leaves you in a huff. It's gorgeous. A simple oval-shaped diamond on a gold band with an engraving on the inside. 
"What does this say?" You ask, and he smiles as he holds it so you can read it. You immediately start crying when you read and realize what it means. He wrote inside your engagement ring, "And one day, we'll get coffee & try again." You said it to him before you left for Ireland when your heart was broken, and you didn't know the future could ever be this soft. He slips it onto your left ring finger and gathers you in his arms, both of you still on the ground and crying like crazy people. You don't care. You hold him so tight you almost miss him whispering into your skin.
"Thank you for trying again with me." He says. Ellie, Sarah, and Daisy join in on your crying in the middle of the sidewalk huddle, and you're completely surrounded by love. After a few minutes, you calm down enough to stand and kiss Joel again, making people cheer from the beach below. When you look over the rope, down to where the wildflowers are, you can see a group of your favorite people on the beach. They must've been hidden until Joel could propose, and now they're all making their joy well known with hoots and hollers. 
Joel holds your hand as the girls lead the way down to the beach, where there's a makeshift bar and picnic set up with a giant banner reading "CONGRATULATIONS" with a little ring in the middle. "This is what the errands were this morning," Joel tells you quietly, and you smile. 
"You're pretty good at keeping secrets, Miller."
"Not really. Everyone here knew I was proposing before you did," he says, and you laugh. "Besides, I'd watch it with the Miller thing considering you're becomin' one." 
"I guess that's true." You sigh happily as Ryan ambushes you, picking you up in his arms and spinning you around. You squeal until he puts you back down and immediately demands to see your ring. Carolina comes up behind him as you show him, her eyes popping out of her head at the sight.
"Damn, Joel!" She exclaims, and Joel laughs. 
"Only the best for my bride." He says. My bride. It rings in your head like a bell, echoing through your mind like gospel. You look around at the faces of everyone you've ever loved. Your manager, Sierra, and her partner, Bianca, are talking with Lili and Peter. Sarah and Ellie are running up and down the beach with Daisy, Elizabeth, and Victoria, struggling to keep up. Hank and Lucia patiently wait their turn at the bar next to Tommy and Maria. Your beauty team, Alexa and Jenna, laugh together as they talk to a handful of other costars they've also worked with. The beach is crawling with family, both of origin and found, and you wouldn't want it any other way. 
As you make your rounds with Joel on your arm, showing off your ring and trying not to cry as people tell you how happy they are for you, you wish you could show your past self this moment. The girl who packed up all her shit and moved across the world after breaking up with the love of her life. The girl who spent countless nights crying herself to sleep and going to therapy and trying to create a better life for herself. The girl who almost backed out of a coffee date three years ago because she was so scared the man on the other side of the table wouldn't like what he found. You wish she could see this and know she did the right thing. You wish she knew things ended up okay. You wish she knew she got to try again, and it changed her entire life. Wherever she is, you hope she knows she did good.
"What're you thinkin' bout?" Joel whispers in your ear as he hands you a glass of champagne. You smile and shake your head.
"Just… someone I used to know."
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nicoline1998enilocin · 10 months
I'm on my knees for your young and cute tony 😍 I would like see kinda a part two of "the love of my life" (your college student!tony stark x college student!female!reader).
I thought about they sleeping at his parent's house that day and this would be the first time they slept together. At night, tony got snacks and chocolate for them to watch a movie cuddled up in bed, but they start to make out, leading to them having sex, tony is the most romantic, shy and cute guy, but he's also kinky and have a dirty mouth too (romantic, shy and cute tony with dirty mouth and kinky? yes, I need this), they are so lost in each other, that they don't care about the noises and the possibility of his parents hearing them 😂 in the next day, they all have breakfast together and enjoy the summer day! Thanks in advance ❤️
The love of my life | Part 2
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PAIRING | College student!Tony Stark x College student!Female!Reader
SUMMARY | You and Tony are spending the night at his parents' house, but the evening takes a delightful turn when you offer to watch Fifty Shades of Grey together. What follows is the perfect first time for you and Tony, and the two of you are even more in love with each other than you already were.
WARNING(S) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Smut [ D/S dynamics (Soft!Dom Tony & Sub!Reader), grinding/dry-humping, sir-kink, breeding kink, oral (F receiving), protected sex, squirting, dirty/filthy talk, squirting, fingering, implied aftercare ], swearing.
A/N | Oh, sweet Nonnie, I can't believe you are all trying to bring out my inner hoe with young Tony, but I'm not at all mad about it! I can't wait to find out what you think of the route I took with this one 🖤
Likes, comments and reblogs will be very much appreciated 💚
Divider is made by @firefly-graphics | 18+ only banner is made by yours truly
Main Masterlist | Tony Stark Masterlist | AU Masterlist
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You and Tony are in his bedroom at his parents' house since you'll be staying the night after the barbecue his parents hosted. Since it isn't safe to drive home for a long time, his parents prepared his bedroom, and now you two are getting ready to watch a movie together.
''Any preferences for the movie you'd like to watch?'' Tony asks, and the first movie that comes to mind immediately has you rubbing your thighs together for some relief.
He's standing in front of his closet to get you something comfortable to lounge and sleep in, so he grabs you one of his band shirts and a pair of pajama pants for himself.
''How about Fifty Shades Of Grey?'' you ask innocently as you can.
''What?!'' Tony says, and in his hurry, he hits his head against one of the shelves above his head with a loud thud.
''Oh my god, are you okay?!'' you ask, the movie completely forgotten about, instead making way for worry about your boyfriend.
''Y-yeah, I'm sorry. Did you suggest we watch Fifty Shades?'' he asks, still unsure if he's heard you correctly even though he is entirely correct. That is precisely what you said.
''Well, yeah? I've never seen it, and I thought it might be nice to watch together...'' you say as you shrug your shoulders, your cheeks red at the confession that you want to watch such a dirty movie with him.
''Let's change that then. I'm just going to grab some snacks; if you want, you can change into my shirt and get comfy in bed,'' Tony offers, and you nod.
He leans in for the softest kiss you've ever felt, and your heart might explode with all your love for him.
''Can't wait to have you back again,'' you say, and he gets the cutest shy smile on his face, and you love his shy side.
''Now get me some snacks, or I'll start without you!'' you joke, and he runs to get them.
You change out of your sundress and put Tony's shirt on, which is still long enough to act like a dress, making you giggle. You stand in front of the mirror that hangs on his closet door, and when Tony walks back into his room, he spots you looking at yourself.
''Do you like what you see, Sunshine?'' he asks, standing behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you close.
''I do. But I bet I would look even better when I'm cuddling with you in bed,'' you say as you turn around in his hold.
''Hm, I'm not sure about that, but there's only one way to find out!'' he jokes, grabbing the backs of your thighs, lifting you, and carrying you to the bed after you wrap your legs around him.
''Tony! Careful!'' You squeal as he throws you on the bed, and it's a good thing he has such a soft mattress; otherwise, it would have gone entirely different.
You get comfy under the covers while looking at the snacks he brought on a serving tray: popcorn (both caramel and salty), chocolate, M&M's, Reese's Pieces, and some drinks to wash it down.
''Hmm, you really know how to treat your girl,'' you say, and you can't help but sneak a peek or two when Tony's changing into his pajamas.
''How could I not treat you like this when you're nothing but perfect for me?'' he asks, and when he turns around, you can see the love sparkle in his eyes. God, you're so completely and utterly in love with this man.
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It didn't take long into the movie for you to end up on Tony's lap, grinding onto his hardening length while your tongues fight for dominance and your hands explore each other's bodies.
His hands have found their way under your shirt and home on your ass, where he kneads softly to encourage your grinding even more, making him groan softly at the feeling.
''Fuck, Sunshine, you're gonna be the death of me if you keep this up,'' he says as you pull his shirt over his head and throw it onto the floor, but before you can go any further, he stops you.
''Are you sure about this? I mean, I want you to be comfortable and not do anything you're not ready for,'' he says as he rubs your arms slowly and lovingly.
''I'm sure, Tony. I want you, all of you,'' you tell him, and your heart skips a beat at how he looks at you. Adoration, love, it's all visible in the soft features of his face. You cup his cheek with your hand and let your thumb rub gentle circles while you get lost in his eyes.
''I love you, Sunshine,'' he says, and nothing else needs to be said; the moment was perfect. His hands slide under your t-shirt, and he moves it up and over your head, uncovering the dark green lingerie you're wearing underneath.
You can hear Tony's breath hitch in his throat as he first lays eyes on the lacey fabric that's lying perfectly on your skin, all your curves accentuated to make you look angelic. And Tony? His jaw is practically on the floor right now.
Your hands slide over his abdomen and chest until they're wrapping around his neck, and you pull him in for a deep kiss, using the moment to your advantage by sliding your tongue into his mouth right away.
You moan into his mouth as he takes control almost immediately, and he pulls you flush against his chest, needing as much skin-to-skin contact as possible.
Your mind slowly gets a little fuzzy, your inner Sub taking over with the amount of dominance Tony shows, but it only makes you wetter by the minute.
''S-Sir...'' you moan softly when he starts kissing your jaw and hearing you say that makes his cock twitch in his underwear.
''Yeah, fuck, keep calling me that like the fucking slut you are,'' he says, and you moan loud at the words, combined with his kisses along your neck and over the tops of your breasts.
His hands slide over your back and find the clasp of your bra, which he unhooks in a smooth motion while you keep grinding onto him, his rock-hard cock sliding deliciously over your clit to give you the friction you're longing for.
When your bra falls, he throws it on the floor, eager to attach his mouth to your nipples and hear your delicious whines and moans.
''Hmm, sounds like an absolute angel for me,'' he says, and you're getting closer to reaching your orgasm from grinding on him, but you can't get there yet.
''Please, sir, need to cum!'' you moan, and Tony's hand slides between your bodies, his long fingers finding your clit and applying just enough pressure to get you to fall over the edge with a loud moan of his name.
''Hmm, those panties are soaked for me. I'm going to have an amazing feast with that,'' he tells you, and his eyes darken; your own are half-lidded as you look through your lashes at him. Your brain has turned to complete mush with that first orgasm, and all you can think about is him and how good he makes you feel.
''C'mon Sunshine, sit on your hands and knees for Sir,'' he says, pulling you off his lap, manhandling you onto your knees, and yanking your panties down and off your legs.
''Holy fuck,'' he whispers to himself as he sees how the slick drips out of your soaked cunt and onto your thighs, and he can't help but slap on each of your ass cheeks simultaneously.
You let out a high shriek, which only aroused you more, precisely what Tony had hoped for.
''Such a beautiful cunt for me to wreck, Sunshine. Can't believe you've been hiding this beauty from me this entire time,'' Tony says, and without warning, he attaches his mouth to your pussy, licking a stripe from your clit to your entrance.
Your arms give out, you fall forward and present yourself even more for Tony, and he lets out a deep groan that crawls up your spine and goes straight into the fuzziness in your head.
''S-sir! Fuck- feels good!'' you moan as you try and push back against his face. His fingers find your clit once more, and he pinches and rolls it between his fingers, which makes your whine loudly, but neither of you cares about how loud you are being.
Tony keeps lapping at your cunt, his cock straining against his boxer briefs so he frees it, giving himself a little release by wrapping his free hand around the base and squeezing softly, pre-cum leaking from his reddened tip.
His tongue keeps working its way inside you, and you're already nearing your orgasm again.
''Need to cum, Sir! Please,'' you beg, and Tony isn't made of stone, so he permits you to do so.
''Cum for me, Sunshine, cum all over my fucking tongue and fingers. Need Sir's permission to cum, huh? Yeah, you do, you little slut,'' he says, and within no time, your legs start shaking as he picks up the pace, making you squirt all over his face and the bed with a loud moan.
''Sir, please-'' you say as he keeps going, drinking every last drop of your cum that he can, already addicted to your taste. When it's becoming too much, you push him away with the bit of power you have left since your limbs have turned to jelly.
You need a few minutes to regroup, and Tony happily gives you the time; the two of you have all evening.
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He gently guides you on your back and lays down beside you, your heart fluttering as he pulls you into his arms and cuddles with you while whispering sweet nothings in your ear.
After some cuddles, kisses, and sweet words, Tony's hand glides down your stomach and finds your cunt, still soaking from your orgasm. His fingers slide through your folds at a lazy pace, and you gasp from the feeling when he sees your clit again.
''Hmm, still so wet. And is that all for me? Is my needy slut still wet for Sir?'' he asks, and you can't answer because words are getting stuck in your throat because of how good you feel. Instead, you let out something between a moan and a whine.
''Gonna make you feel so good you can't think straight for a long time, Sunshine. Going to fucking ruin you for anyone, and you'll be mine forever. Yeah, you want that, huh? Wanna be Sir's little cumslut?'' he asks, and even though you probably shouldn't enjoy this as much as you are, you can't help but get even more aroused because of it.
''S-sir!'' you gasp as two of his fingers enter your entrance, curling immediately and hitting your perfect spot directly.
''Can't wait to pump you full of my cum, plug you up and let that cum stay inside until you're pregnant with my babies. Yeah, I'm going to keep you stuffed full, so you're always going to carry my babies,'' he says as he picks up the pace; you can almost taste the orgasm with how close it is, and your moans are getting desperate.
''Yeah, does my cumslut need my cum pumped inside her? And when it leaks out, she wants it stuffed back in? Fuck, CUM!'' he demands, and without a second thought, you do, again squirting but this time all over his hand and the bed.
''Jesus, such a good girl for me. Doing so perfect when you squirt for me, it's the hottest fucking thing I've ever seen,'' he says, and his cock throbs with anticipation, but he's going to wait just a little longer to touch himself, wanting to feel every single pull and squeeze of your tight cunt.
''Want Sir to stuff you with his cock, huh? Is that what my needy fucking slut needs?'' he asks, and you can't help but whine, tears forming in your eyes from all the pleasure of how good Tony makes you feel.
''Y-yes, please,'' you whisper, and within no time, Tony has grabbed a condom, opened the package, and rolled it on so he could fuck you senseless in his own words.
''I'm gonna go slow for you, Sunshine,'' he says, slowly pushing in, folding your legs and letting them wrap around his back so he has the perfect angle to slide in.
''Fuck, such a tight fucking cunt for me to use, gonna fucking wreck you, Sunshine,'' he says, and you moan softly while he stretches you out, making you feel somewhere north of heaven.
Once he's entirely in, he lets you adjust before setting an agonizingly slow pace to make sure he doesn't cum right away, but he also needs to tease you just enough to give you the most mindblowing orgasm, though that isn't too hard judging by how he fucked you dumb already.
''Gonna move now, Sunshine. God, I already fucked you completely dumb, and I hadn't even put this cock inside you yet. Can't wait to see what a dumb cumslut you're going to be on this fucking thick dick,'' he says, picking up the pace without warning.
''F-f-fuuuuuuck, Sir, yes!'' you scream out as he's pounding into you with a brutal pace, hitting your sweet spot repeatedly until you cum again, but it's not enough for Tony.
''Need one more, Sunshine,'' he says through gritted teeth, groans coming from deep within his chest, and with a few more strokes, he has you right where he wants you to be, right on the edge along with him.
He bends over and never falters his pace, capturing your lips in a soft and sweet kiss, opposite from the way he pounds you into oblivion, and it makes your head reel, but you're enjoying this so much.
''G-gonna cum!'' he almost roars, and with that, he cums inside you, and you're falling over the edge with him, again squirting from the force of your orgasm, and you're entirely spent while you're on cloud nine.
The two of you cuddle for a while until you're back on earth with him, and after, the two of you shower together to clean yourselves off, making sure the sheets are clean, too.
He plucks his shirt off the floor and pulls it over your head before capturing your lips in a sensual, loving kiss, and you've never felt better after having sex with someone.
''God should've done this way sooner,'' you whisper against him as he carries you to bed, having just pulled one of his boxer briefs onto your butt.
''I know, Sunshine. But I'm glad we finally did it. Right now felt like the perfect moment, and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way,'' he says, putting you down so you can crawl under the covers, followed by Tony.
The two of you fall into a deep sleep and only wake up once the sun shines on your faces, telling you a new day has arrived.
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''G'morning Sunshine,'' Tony says, and he places soft kisses on your face so he can gently wake you up.
''Morning Love,'' you tell him, and he gets a huge smile, making him look incredibly handsome with the sun shining down on him.
''How did you sleep? And how are you feeling?'' he asks, his hands ghosting a small trail over your thigh, leaving a path of goosebumps behind.
''Slept like a log; you wore me out last night. And other than feeling sore, I'm good. Never been better, actually,'' you tell him, and he's happy to hear it. He gives a few soft pecks on your lips before the two of you cuddle some more, and it's officially time to get up.
You get up and put on your underwear this time, followed by the striped sundress that Tony goes wild for.
Tony wears a casual summer outfit, and once you have finished your hair and decided against wearing makeup today, the two of you go down to the kitchen, where Tony's parents are already preparing breakfast.
''Mornin' lovebirds!'' Maria says your cheeks turn red, realizing they must have heard everything you did.
''Don't worry darling, it's normal,'' Howard assures you, but it doesn't make it any better, so they decide to leave it at that and not embarrass you any further.
''Tony, will you set up the outside eating area? I thought we could all enjoy a nice breakfast outside before enjoying the rest of our day,'' Maria asks, and he nods. You walk outside with him while bringing some plates and cutlery, and he tells you to sit down.
''Don't worry, Sunshine. You can sit that gorgeous butt of yours down and relax. You're a guest in our house, and I refuse to let you lift a single finger if you don't have to,'' he says, giving a small kiss before walking inside and leaving you behind with a huge grin.
''So, what do you guys think of Y/N?'' Tony asks when he walks back into the kitchen, and Maria immediately pulls him in for a hug.
''Don't you dare to let that girl go, Tony. She's the best thing that ever happened to you, and the two of you are made for each other,'' she tells him, and he nods when they pull apart.
''Don't worry, I won't. I plan on marrying her one day,'' he tells his parents, and they have the biggest smiles.
''And when that day comes, we will be right there by your sides, just like we were from the beginning,'' Howard says, and that's the last thing they say before having breakfast outside.
Howard and Maria see how much you love each other; it drips off you. They give each other a knowing look and then continue the conversation like nothing happened, and you immediately feel at ease again.
After breakfast, Howard and Maria went to do some groceries, and you and Tony decided to swim in his pool and take advantage of the beautiful day.
''I love you, Sunshine. I still feel like an idiot when I think about how many times I tried to ask you to dance, but I'm so happy I did it. You're the piece I was missing, and now that I found you, my life is complete,'' he says, and you're getting tears in your eyes.
''I love you too, My Love. I feel like the luckiest woman on this earth to call you my boyfriend, to have you by my side through everything. And I can't wait to grow old with you and start a big family together,'' you say.
The two of you are in a tight embrace for a while, not ready to let each other go yet, but when Howard and Maria are back from the shops, you both get out and help them put everything away.
You still can't believe how fortunate you are, and you feel the most happy and loved when you're with these three people. They all make life worth living, and you thank your lucky stars daily.
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moonysimp · 1 year
i've got my eye on you –pedri
pedri and gavi met y/n and they both have a crush on her, pedri decides to step aside and let his best friend go after her. but turns out things are not as simple as that.
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all pedri could think about was that girl he had just met. his friend laura had came by his house to return something she had borrowed from pedri and she had brought a friend with her. y/n was by far the prettiest girl he had laid eyes on. he had asked them to come in and have a drink with him and gavi, who was also at his house. gavi had introduced himself to y/n, and also invited her and laura to come him but the girls couldn't stay so they left. and that what all it took for pedri to have y/n constantly in his head for the rest of the day.
what he didn't know was that the same thing was happening to gavi.
"look man im pretty sure i fell in love at first sight", gavi said in the car, while pedri drove him to his place.
pedri laughed, "well that's the first time ive heard you say that"
"i know, i don't usually say this but you know the girl that was with laura today? y/n? ive been thinking about her all day" , gavi brought his hands to his face, embarrassed.
pedri's stomach sank. okay, they both thought y/n was a pretty girl, nothing was wrong with that. but he had never ever heard gavi -who was never seriously interested in any girl- speak like that about anyone.
"she is beautiful, the most beautiful girl ive seen, and she also seemed pretty sweet", gavi said looking at his best friend. "you gotta invite laura to hang out, and tell her to bring y/n"
pedri laughed again. "okay, lover boy." he tried to wipe y/n's pretty smile off his mind. gavi was interested in her, and he was like his little brother, he couldn't be in the way, no matter how much he thought of y/n. he wouldn't let his attraction to her go any further.
"im gonna ask you a favor, and it's one that you'll probably like", laura said wiggling her eyebrows and entering your room.
"what is it?", you asked smiling, knowing nothing your roomie could be planning would be good.
"i know you have to go out today to buy some food so on your way here could you please give this to pedri? he left this sweater here forever ago and now he wants it back for whatever reason", she said. "you know where his place is, i'll let him know you're the one going because i am busy."
"laura you are NOT busy", you said giving her a judgy look.
"i know but im in my pajamas and i don't want to get changed", she whined, "besides you can see your new crush."
you threw her your pillow, "oh my god i only said that he was really cute shut up!!"
"same thing darling", she winked at you, "but please i'm being serious, would you do it?"
you were actually excited to see pedri again so you couldn't say no to her.
you remembered where he lived since you had met him about a week ago, you got to his front door and knocked.
"hi, y/n", pedri said with a smile.
"hey", you replied, "i brought your sweater", you handed it to him awkwardly.
he thanked you and before he could really think it through he said, "do you want to come in and have a drink?" he knew he shouldn't, but he had been thinking about you for days and now that you were here he couldn't resist to try yo make you stay a little longer.
you said yes, maybe even a little too quickly but you were a bit nervous so you just blurted it out.
and just like that you spent all afternoon talking, to be fair time went faster when pedri was with you. even though he was quite shy for a football player, you two seemed to connect and conversation would flow easily. you told him how you had met laura and he told you how she and him were friends since they were little.
"wow i should probably get going, surely lau is wondering where i am", you chuckled.
"yeah no worries", pedri said standing up, and he accompanied you to the door. "it was... very nice talking to you", he couldn't help to say it, he had loved every minute of it, getting to know you a bit more. just as friends, of course, he kept repeating that to himself.
you blushed a little and you heart started beating faster. "i feel the same way", you smiled at him.
he opened the door for you, "see you soon, y/n"
you remembered that barcelona was going to play tomorrow so before courage left you, you leaned in and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, "good luck on the match tomorrow", you said and giving him a little smile, you turned in your heels and left.
pedri closed the door and let out a sigh. he really wished that gavi suddenly had forgotten about his crush on you because the last thing he wanted to do was stay away from you.
two weeks had passed and now laura, gavi, pedri and you were sitting together. the four of you had been all day planning fer's birthday surprise, the birthday of pedri's brother was in 3 days and even though he would spend most of the day working, pedri wanted to surprise him with a little something when he got home. and so, he had asked laura to help him organize everything, and to bring y/n along because 4 minds thought more than just 3. and of course, he really wanted to see you again.
"should we get some food? or just a cake and some drinks?", gavi asked.
"well i know we can get a bunch of free bananas from pedri, count that as the first thing ready for the party", you joked and he laughed, your eyes finding his immediately. you loved his smile. whenever you two shared a smile, or a look, you felt like everybody else disappeared from the room, only the two of you remaining present.
he felt it too, like you were the only one there with him, and his heart couldn't help to beat faster. but then reality would hit him, and he would hear gavi's voice asking you something, trying to make conversation, and he would look the other way. because it was not right.
gavi hadn't forgotten about his crush on you and in fact, he had told him that he would ask you the day of the party to go out on a date with him. so pedri had decided to step aside because his best friend liked you, and he couldn't do that him, no matter how he felt towards you.
the party was here and even when pedri invited only a couple of people, the place was crowded and he didn't know how that had happened. he went to get a drink to the kitchen and on his way back to the backyard he found gavi eagerly talking to you. he paused and stayed there, watching the two of you from a distance. gavi was probably asking you out right now. he turned and went looking for his brother.
you felt very weird. you arrived to the party with laura, and quickly found gavi with who you started talking. he introduced you to some of his teammates from the club who had attended to the party, you thought it was really sweet of him. but, you couldn't find pedri, and you found that really weird.
"im gonna find something to drink", you said to gavi.
"oh if you want i can bring it for you", he offered smiling.
"oh don't worry i'll be quick", you said and went inside the house, heading to the kitchen, you opened the door and there you found pedri. you couldn't help but to smile. "well hello, i finally found you"
"hey", god you looked gorgeous tonight, he thought. he really needed to stay away. "have you seen fer? im looking for him"
"yeah he's talking to one of your teammates", and you hadn't finished when he rushed past you, murmuring a "thanks"
the night was really different from what you had expected. from pedri being far away from you for a reason you couldn't comprehend, to gavi looking nervous and then asking you to go on a date with him, and you awkwardly telling him that you saw him as a friend and that you actually liked someone else. after the party ended, you stayed to go talk to pedri.
he was in the kitchen, yet again. "did i do something?", you asked, his behavior was hurting you, why would he act distant so suddenly?
"what do you mean?", he acted he really didn't know what you were talking about.
"you've been avoiding me all night, don't act like you haven't realized that"
he closed his eyes and swallowed hard. "it's for the better", he murmured.
"what is that supposed to mean?", you furrowed your brows, you were getting angry by all of this confusing conversation.
"did gavi left?", he asked you suddenly, completely changing the topic.
"i don't know and i don't care, pedri", you said truthfully, all you cared about was the boy in front of you.
that threw him out of balance, and he realized that you both had taken steps throughout the conversation and now were face to face. "didn't he... ask you out?", now he furrowed his eyebrows. he had stayed away from you all night because his friend was gonna shoot his shot with you.
"he did, and i said no", why would he care about that? it was obvious that you didn't have eyes for anyone else but for pedri.
his eyes widened and he couldn't help but to ask, "why?"
you gave in, you placed your hand on the side of his neck and leaned in to kiss him tenderly. he kissed you back and his hands found your waist. he felt like he was dreaming. you broke the kiss smiling and slight shaking your head, "you're the reason why"
everything clicked then, and he understood that it didn't matter if he stayed away, it didn't matter if he looked the other way, because it wouldn't change the way you felt about each other. he pulled you to him and kissed you again. this one being very different from the one moments ago. it was the kind of kiss that left you breathless, the kind that left you spinning. the type of kiss that made you feel like you were the only two people on earth.
but you weren't.
"you son of a bitch", you heard. you both separated from each other and turned to the kitchen door. gavi stood there, his jaw clenched.
part 2
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sunnyie-eve · 5 months
1 | Tutor
Series: Moon To My Sun
Paring Rodrick Heffley x Original female character Jefferson!
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1.6k
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"Millie, should I be worried about Middle School?" Rowley asks his sister as he enters the kitchen.
"I don't think you should. You'll meet some new kids but you'll also know some kids from last school year." She pats the top of his head, "I'm sure you'll be fine, hon." She gets him a smile.
"I will be because I'll have Greg." He smiles making her smile drop. She couldn't see why he was friends with Greg. He was so mean to him and was so full of himself.
"Great." She forces a smile as their parents tell them to get to school.
Millie would actually kill to go back to her middle school. She didn't go where Rowley was going because her parents sent her to a private school, but her middle school experience was great. She had the best friends till sophomore year losing them. For some reason, her parents decided to put her in public school. She had barely anyone to talk to besides two friends she made.
"Watch where you're walking four eyes." Rodrick eyes the guy walking with Millie.
"Four eyes? What are you six? And doesn't your mom wear glasses?" Millie eyes Rodrick head to toe seeing how he hasn't really changed since the last time she saw him.
"And you are?"
"Wow, Millie Jefferson, my little brother is Greg's friend. Short chubby boy." She tells him and he catches on.
"He has a sister?"
"Last time you saw me was Elementary school but whatever." She walks off with her friend.
"Hey, hey, where have you been for the past couple of years then?" Rodrick follows her.
"A private school with dorms so I only came home for the summer. My parents decided to put me back in public school." She explains while her friend walks off since he hates Rodrick.
"If-if y-you want to me give you the ropes-,"
She cuts him off, "I'm good, thanks though." She gives him a sweet kind smile.
For the first class of the day, she got seated next to Rodrick, who would keep glancing over at her. All he could do was picture her from elementary and compare her to now.
"Mr. Heffley eyes up here and not on your seat neighbor." The teacher calls him out for embarrassing him in front of the class. Millie looked over at him with a smile laughing on the inside as he dropped his head on his desk.
The day goes by pretty fast and after school, Millie knew to find her brother at the Heffley's place. As she goes to knock on the door, Rowley rushes out, "What's the rush?"
"Rodrick is scary and trying to kill Greg." He grabs his bike and heads off without her.
Millie knocks on the door so to still scare Greg, Rodrick takes off his shoes leaving them at the door to go open the front door, "Millie..." He opens it to see her.
"Can you do me a favor and not scare my little brother with you try to kill yours?" She asks him politely.
"Oh, yeah, yeah, sure." He nods his head fast, "I caught them in my room so." He adds.
"Rowley went into your room?" She says surprised, "I'll have a talk with him about going into other people's rooms. I'll leave you to kill Greg." She laughs leaving the house to go home.
At home Millie finds her brother in his room, "You went into Rodrick's room?" She asks with a smile leaning on the doorframe.
"Greg made me go with him."
"Did he make you or did you tag along?" She giggles.
"I tagged alone. We were just looking at his middle school yearbook to figure out how to be class favorites." Rowley tells her.
"You know that really doesn't mean anything, right. No one cares when time passes." She lets him know before going to her room.
The next day at school Millie was talking to a new group of girls at lunch when they started laughing about Rodrick with his friends.
"I don't even know how he's made it this far in school. His own band name is misspelled. He's ridiculously stupid." A girl named, Jessie, tells the group.
"Seriously, right. Look at him as well. Eww." Rachel makes a face.
"What do you think of him, Millie?" Linda asks looking over at her so they all do.
"He's just Rodrick. A one-of-a-kind." She tells them.
"Ew, do you like him?" Jessie asks taken back.
"I didn't say that. I just know no one is exactly like him. Yeah, he's not the smartest but he's not ridiculously stupid." She stands up for him before leaving the cafeteria.
"Yo, Rodrick." One of his friends who wasn't at the table goes over to him, "That new cute redhead has a thing for you. She just like stood up for you against Jessie, Linda, and Rachel."
"Millie did that?" He asks surprised.
"You know her name?"
"Her brother is my little brother's best friend so yeah." He explains to him, "Excuse me." Rodrick gets up and goes to look for River.
When he found her she was talking to the one and only, Chase Holt, the most popular football player in their grade.
"What are you looking at Heffley?" Chase calls him out for just standing there.
"Why are you looking at me, Holt? I know I'm good-looking. And I didn't have to get early work done to look good." Rodrick laughs.
"What did you say twig?" Chase walks towards him.
"Hey, hey." Millie rushes in between the two. "Let's not." She looks between them.
"I'll let you off this time, Heffley." Chase walks off, "Coming Millie?"
"No," She says so he walks off as she turns to Rodrick, "It seems like a lot of people don't like you." She looks up at him since he was taller than her.
"Yeah, that's most people but not you, right?"
"You haven't given me a reason not to... yet." She adds with a smile.
"You know personality-wise, you haven't changed a bit since elementary school." He puts his hands into his pockets.
"Neither have you." She giggles making him smile a bit as the bell rang to go to class, "Even though you sleep or sketch in your book, are you coming to class?" She starts to walk off.
"Yeah." He follows her to class.
And as Millie said he just sketched in his book the whole class while everyone else did their work. Before going to the next class, the teacher holds Rodrick and Millie back. He tells them that she will be torturing him since she's the best student so far out of all his classes.
"Oh, one more thing Miss Jefferson." The teacher holds her back again as Rodrick leaves, "You'll be torturing him until the end of the year. I really want him to pass this class so I don't have him next year."
"That's fine by me. My little brother is always at the Heffley's because of Rodrick's little brother." She lets him know.
"That's great to hear and I wish you luck." He tells her before she leaves the room.
Once school was over, Rodrick waited for Millie to see if she wanted a ride since she had to tutor him. "We practicing today?"
"No, and you can't get a ride today." Rodrick stops his friend from getting in.
"Why not?"
"Because I'm giving someone else a ride today." He widens his eyes and then sees Millie, "Millie!" He motions for her to come over so she does.
"Wanna ride?" He asks her with a smile as his friend leaves getting it.
"I mean sure. I gotta tutor you anyways and by the way, I have to till the end of the year to make sure you pass the class." She lets him know as she gets in the passenger seat.
"The year just started." He gets in on the driver's side.
"I don't mind but I expect you to pass this damn class by the end of the year if I have to waste my time with you." She gives him a look.
"I'll try my best." He nods his head and drives them to his place.
At his place, he tells Millie to wait a second at the table while he runs up to his room to make it look decent for when they have to study there. While Millie sat at the table getting things out, Susan walked into the room.
"Millie, what are you doing here? Rowley is out playing with Greg."
"I'm tutoring Rodrick until the end of the year. Our teacher asked me to make sure he passes the class so he doesn't have to teach him again." Millie explains to her.
"School year just started but I get what he means. Plus you're super smart so I expect a slightly higher grade than what I'm used to."
"Hopefully, that's my goal. Aim better than what he normally gets, even if it's a tiny change." River laughs making Susan smile.
"I wish you luck." She leaves her as Rodrick joins her at the table.
"Where do we start?" Rodrick looks at his books.
"Well, what do you know?" She watches him just stare at his things.
"Great." She sighs, "This is gonna be a challenge. Can you tell me what Geometry is?" She asks politely as he makes a face.
"Places in the world."
Millie's jaw drops, "That's Geography, Rodrick. I said Geometry, what our class is... a math class." She speaks calmly.
"That's what class we're in? I thought it was just called math class."
"Well, yeah, but it still has a name like how last year was Algebra. Now it's Geometry and next year is Algebra 2." She tries explaining it to him.
"Math has different names? Really?"
"So do Science and History classes." She lets him know as well.
"Huh, see you're a good tutor. I'm learning things I didn't know." Rodrick laughs while Millie stares at him.
"You aren't wrong but we're supposed to focus on math right now."
"Geometry, correct." He claps his hands before opening his book and notes, "Oh, one more thing. What's the science ones?"
"Biology, Chemistry, Physics." She lists.
"And we have Chemistry?" He gives her a look.
"Correct, we do for first period." She tries not to react, "Now, can we get to the tutoring?" She asks him.
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ggomos-maribat · 2 years
The Perfect Blend
"It's coffee ice cream."
Adrien looked down at the cone in her hand. Three brown scoops. Chocolate chips embedded. "Huh, so it is."
"This is from Andre," Marinette emphasized. "It's coffee flavored. Why the fuck is my soulmate ice cream coffee flavored?!"
"Dunno. Maybe your soulmate's a caffeine junkie like you are."
They strolled on the Pont des Arts, leaving behind the long line of teenagers waiting to get their ice cream. Marinette ate her ice cream carefully. "I don't buy it. There's no one else who'd inject coffee into their veins like I do."
"Maybe you'll be surprised," said Adrien, taking a spoonful of his blueberry.
Marinette's foot caught a bump on the bridge. She flailed around, forgetting about her ice cream, and crashed into someone who was also in the process of stumbling forward. She felt a hot sticky liquid splatter on her front, while her ice cream collided with someone’s chest.
"I'm so sorry!" Both cried out, but in different languages.
Marinette looked up to see a boy whose tired eyes mirrored hers. His fitted shirt was soaked in both coffee and ice cream just like her blouse.
Adrien hummed in amusement. "So there he is."
Marinette glared at him before turning back to the stranger. She switched to English. "I'm terribly sorry, monsieur, I'm so careless."
"Me too," the stranger blurted out. "Your---your shirt---"
He hastily fished out a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to her.
"Ah, no, no, I stained your shirt as well. Please use it," Marinette declined, getting some tissues from her bag.
"No, I insist." The boy smiled sheepishly.
She bit the edge of her lip. "Take these napkins at least. Oh! And let me buy you a new coffee."
They tried their best to clean themselves up, but the stains were persistent. Marinette frowned when she saw that the ice cream drips had also come down to his pants.
"My house is nearby. I have extra clothes in there just about your size," she suggested. "We own a bakery on the first floor. Would you like to wait there? Only if you're not busy! I'd hate to disrupt your day."
The stranger beamed. "A---A change of clothes would be nice. Don't worry, I was just planning to walk around the city today."
She nodded and began leading him down the path. Adrien sidled up to her. "You got a boy to come home with you so quickly!"
She shoved him playfully, scowling.
Marinette coughed, looking up at the boy she had bumped into. "I'm Marinette, by the way. This is Adrien. I'm guessing you're vacationing in Paris?"
"Call me Tim. And yeah, I'm here mostly for business though."
"Ask him if he's single!" Adrien whispered into her ear.
She shoved him again.
"I am, actually." Tim's eyebrows raised.
Red took over Marinette's cheeks. "Wait a minute---"
"On another completely unrelated topic." Adrien smirked. "Are you, by any chance, addicted to coffee?"
"What qualifies as 'addicted'? I usually finish five cups a day but I think that's pretty normal."
Adrien gasped, eyes glittering at Marinette. Meanwhile, Marinette was shooting silent threats at him. "You're in luck!" Adrien wrapped an arm around her shoulders and patted her head. "This tiny girl can down six to seven cups a day!"
"I'm not tiny!"
"You are miniature."
"You're cute."
Tim's eyes widened at his accidental compliment. He averted his eyes nervously as Marinette's face turned hotter.
"I---I mean," Tim coughed. "I mean---uh--"
"Yo---you don't look too bad yourself," Marinette said in a small voice, playing with the hem of her blouse.
Adrien whispered in her ear again, less subtly this time. "Now ask him out."
Tim perked up. "I'm free tonight!"
"What---what a coincidence!" She squeaked out. "Me---me too!"
"Can I pick you up at seven?"
She smiled widely. "I'd love that." 
a gift for @tinybrie <3 Cross posted on AO3
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star3xian · 4 months
Everyone is gangster until the Schorsh ends up standing in the white room.
Hans: … Enough, 314 you were caught in the act of 3 severe count of reckless driving might wanna…E-explain yourself?…Schorsh??!
Günther: reckless driving? Yeah, Schorsh that's me, or how you should call me Günther, anyway how has it been Hans?
Hans: How in Baumbergs name did your cheap streamlining-looking ass get out of the museum?
Günther: just opened the gate in front of me, sucks to be them? Anyway go on and talk about the rights and whatever I have, not the first time you guys caught me being awesome.
Hans: Awesome!?! You endangered people and then lost your engine to a Modder?!? And then leave your family in the dark about your whereabouts? Do you call that awesome?
Günther: not my fault that punk was there? I mean in the end it seemed to be useless to him? Whatever… would have never endangered people in the first place made sure the tracks were never driven on? Whatever about you guys, I don't care, I mean Dad hasn't talked to me since the 70s so he can kiss my ass and what about you? I don't care you always wanted to be the better one of us four.
Hans: because dad was sick and in a bad spot, he spent most of his life as a static piece before being brought back.
Günther: suck a coupling rod Hans, I heard about his comeback but that doesn't change that he forgot about me!
Hans: no he didn't forget about you?!? He was worried when the Museum told him you ran off, he hasn't had the chance to even contact you?!? So didn't I?!! Nor Anja or Anne before she passed on. You left us in the Dark Günther! This wasn't some sort of plot against you!
Günther: whatever, you guys seem to work fine without me, so I keep it that way because I'm not going to turn back much from that lifestyle of mine! Because I'm having fun…
Hans: Nah…Your going to end up being put into a shed where you'll be stripped of your mods and then send back to the museum!
Günther: oh yeah! You and who gonna decide that? Got a group that pays and lets me go off again? You're just wasting everyone's time Hans, yours included, strange because you always seem to be booked out when you get to shine.
Hans: Well, your group won't be able to pay this time, because there is more to your case than just being reckless, you are under ownership of a museum and they have every right to request you to come back!
Günther: Nah, I told them to leave me the fuck alone, I'm not some sort of object to just display, I'm independent Hans, so should you too, humans treated me like shit for ages and now I should go back and live a life of wasting away? Nah like said suck a coupling rod if you think that Hans.
Hans sighed, he looked down at the papers before looking at Günther again, he looked at the other streamlined engine with a stern face.
Hans: well, I get the wish for independence but you never had the real choice nor any of you modders, trust me your life style only works when it's on the back of others.
Günther: And what about that punk? You seem to be friends with them so you make an expectation for that guy but when someone you clearly don't like and never liked shows up its a different story?
Hans: Tuner is none of your concern, we try to rehabilitate him, he has an unfortunate story as an engine, he only choose modding as a way to cope with whatever he had going on.
Günther: I call it bullshit, try it, you guys will never get out his drive for independence, I also want that and so I take it, humans can also kiss my ass at this point. You should wake up Hans and see that you are nothing but a tool for them, don't sell your soul to the same boring life, one day they drop you too and then what! You waste away? Or take matters into your own hands and move on as a free user of the rails?
Hans: they won't drop me because I'm important to them, anyway I don't see a reason to continue discussing with you! Whatever happens to you happens to you…
Hans got up, he would walk to the door of the white room and leave Günther behind, somehow he felt like someone was clawing at his chest, the words of the other 18 class hurt, but he had to accept them. It felt like he was powerless against the confession of Günther wanting to continue ruining his life…
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ericshoney · 5 months
Watch it ~ Chapter twenty-four
Three days had passed since Sangyeon told Ivy the news. Since then, he had also broken the news to Storm. Both girls were slightly worried about the job, having read the contract, knowing what the deal was and remembering the last time they saw the Enhypen members.
It was eight at night, the eleven males were sat around the living room, having the night off, both girls walked in, Ivy holding the contract in her hands. Sangyeon smiled, knowing she would do it.
"I see you've chosen the right path." Sangyeon mentioned.
Ivy handed the contract to Storm and walked over to Sangyeon, standing in front of him between his legs.
"I love you. I trust you." She said.
Ivy then leaned closer and whispered softly, "I want to be your Queen." Sangyeon smirked at her words and kissed her softly.
"That is already true my love. Now get going." He instructed.
Ivy smiled and walked over to Storm, she smiled at her friend and with a swift goodbye, the two left the mansion alone. The first time in months.
"You trust this isn't a trick?" Juyeon asked.
"Oh I know it's not. They're too far gone to even think of escaping." Sangyeon answered with a smirk.
Meanwhile, both girls had sped off down the street, Storm breaking every speeding law in the city. Ivy held the contract tightly, she kept thinking if they would sign it. She also had Changmin's words racking through her brain.
Just shoot them if they say no.
She knew he was mad. His first thought always being violence. That was just his personality. She had a gut feeling they would say no, be disappointed in both of them. However, Ivy didn't seem to care, the thought actually made her laugh.
Soon, with Storm's speedy driving, the two pulled up at their old warehouse. They saw the boys cars and bikes parked up and a light on inside, indicating they were in there. Ivy turned to Storm as she parked up, smirking at her friend.
"Ready to make some old friends cry~" She said.
"Hell yeah~" Storm said.
The two friends slipped guns into their back pockets, Ivy holding the contract tightly, as they walked up to the door. Storm knocked loudly on the door, and within a few minutes, it flew open, a gun pointed at her forehead.
"Wow, that's shiny." She mumbled with a small giggle.
"Hi buddy~" Ivy sang.
Both girls smiled at the youngest male. Niki was in shock, seeing the two girls he thought as sisters standing right in front of him, their personalities had changed and he could tell. He was so in shock, he dropped his gun, the weapon dropping with a bang.
"What...What brings you here?" He asked carefully.
"Oh, just a bit of....business." Storm answered, rocking on her feet.
"I...Um...no." Niki said, holding the door tightly.
"Oh sweet Niki, you don't have a choice." Ivy said with a laugh.
Both girls pulled out their guns, pointing them at Niki before he had time to grab his that he dropped. He sighed and opened the door, letting them in. Ivy patted his shoulder.
"Wise choice, bud." She praised.
"The others are chilling in the main area." He mumbled.
Niki led the pair to the others, their faces showing shock once they saw them. Ivy didn't waste any time and threw the contract at Jungwon, the young leader scanning it quickly. Once he read it, he passed it to Heeseung.
"What is this?" Jungwon called.
"Business." Storm bluntly said.
"Business, so you work for them now?" Sunoo called.
"More than that~" Ivy said with a smirk.
Jay felt his heart drop to his stomach, hearing those words. The girl he loved for years, now dating his enemy.
"I'm guessing you are as well." Heeseung mentioned, looking at Storm.
"Yeah, at least Eric cares for me." She replied, sparing a glance at Jake.
Jake froze, he couldn't believe his ears, his girl was now with Eric. He looked down, feeling broken.
"Just sign the contract and we'll be gone. The only people you'll have to deal with will be the guys." Ivy mentioned.
The seven of them each read the contract, none of them could really believe all this. They thought it was a prank to start with, but shortly realised it was real.
"Why?" Jungwon questioned.
"Sangyeon wants your territory, it's one of the last for him to take over. This contract means you still get to operate and you get half of the earnings." Ivy responded.
"And you get to live!" Storm added.
The six looked to their leader, Jungwon sighed heavily and pulled out his pen. Everyone looked shocked as he signed his name. The remaining members followed. Heeseung passed the contract over to Ivy, the girl smiling.
"Pleasure doing business with you." She said.
"The guys will be in touch." Storm said.
The two then left, leaving the seven males in shock. None of them said a word, taking in what just happened. One thing they knew was, they lost their girls forever.
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