#done at freddys and that was related to why/how cassie got bit
need a werewolf cassie au i think itd fix me
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puhpandas · 1 year
I genuinely do believe Gregory did had amnesia during security breach, because he actually did look panicked during beginning of the game. Imagine just waking up at a pizzaplex not knowing how or when you got here. I don’t know how they’ll introduce ggy but I do hope they place tapes in help wanted 2 of patient 46 to reveal more details about Gregory and ggy. Maybe they can even go in detail how Gregory got under control and how he got freed and his relationship towards the mimic. I think it’ll be nice as well because then Vanessa and Gregory both can just relate to eachother and comfort one another. But do you believe he was brainwashed or just in general under controlled/possessed?
definitely under control like vanessa was, like, his brain had a virus and he had no control over his actions. I think he was under control for a long time and not necessarily being moved like a puppet, but it was like he was mind controlled to be on the mimics side and willing to do what it took to help it succeed
and then for some reason, pretty much right before SB, he somehow gets freed and doesnt remember a thing about his life before right at that moment, and then he ran until he hid inside freddy.
I imagine post sb and living with vanessa and freddy after PQ ending he would start to remember bits and pieces, and remember that despite what he believed, knowing he had memory loss, he doesnt actually have a life to go back to. which is a relief that there wasnt much lost but also upsetting, knowing he was alone and that's why he was under control for so long. because he had nobody who cared enough to notice.
it would explain how he remembers Cassie! he probably starts to remember his old friends like ellis and tony and Cassie steadily and is guilty knowing tony died because of him. and now he tried so so hard to save everyone else from the mimic but arguably the only person who cared about him before GGY still gets hurt. must suck
but besides that I imagine he would be even closer to vanessa because of that fact. since they're both in the same boat. they both just wanted to save people and lock up the mimic, and they both reclaimed parts of themselves in building M.X.E.S. vanessa with making it look like an opposite of Vanny, and Gregory in naming it 'Black Rabbit', like Dr. Rabbit. also just building and coding it in general. M.X.E.S means so much more if you apply GGY since its canon vanessa and Gregory collabed in making it
anyway I desperately hope for more GGY in other games just so its (same for the mimic) not stuck as being only revealed in the books and that's it. if GGY is done correctly alongside the mimic + more patient 46 and vanny insight itll be genuinely amazing
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Efffy stoneham.
Dark feminine
Cassie Ainsworth
Light feminine
So here we have the two girls from skins well two of the girls from skins Cassie and Effie who I think our central characters for each generation and the most popular girl you see online in the sense of skins characters, and why is this? well they just have a popular and relatable , ways to especially in English culture where Effie even though she has in the first six series selective mutism actually she’s mute I believe and just uses her facial expressions and gestures, many girls feel like her the shy girls feel like her the popular girls feel like her she is wanting to grow up fast she is out parting. She is out doing stuff. She has her brother cover for her. In fact Effie is the only character that Tony is completely selfless with everybody else he is selfish with.
I think what it is about Effie is her style. Her acting is incredible that you really feel it the British culture the millennial culture and also what makes it more believable than euphoria not believable because euphoria are amazing. It just seems a lot more comfortable and at home, it was a time capsule and I am a millennial. I am 34 and I actually didn’t watch skins when I was younger. I didn’t actually watch it till about 2021. I was 31 and a lot of people say that they saw it when they were too young and it affected them and I personally cannot comment on that but the amount of girls I’ve seen saying this is Lot LOL and that’s why I guess it was very controversial for me generation two is my favourite. I love it I love JJ and then we really get to see coming into her own and show her story a bit deeper and how Tony’s accident and their sibling relationship has affected them. You see the breakdown of her parents marriage, you see the relationship with panda and and the disloyalty between that I thought love triangles are really a rare thing and not many people did them. You got roasted and myself have been in a couple. I think this is why I relate to it so much and I hang onto my teenagers so much because, I felt a different way. I felt that the confident happy me and I think that’s why people felt the familiarity with Effie even all these years later and it will be one of those things that many generations will go to watch upcoming generations will go to watch it’s timeless, basically And she uses her dark feminine energy which is in her personality just the way she was on the bus with the homeless man burning things smoking a very young age going out at a young age being phased by people looking at her there’s a scene where in general to wear the first episode if you walk into the school and everyone is staring at her and her outfit!, because nine times out of 10 they’re jealous and then in the next scene Katie wants to come up and be her friend because she feels like the only other girl and her level is this what makes Effie more relatable than a character like Katie, she doesn’t need the validation
And the boy is going ooh la la Effie and Katie answers him instead and he’s like looking as if he’s just unfed and I think that’s why a lot of girls were like her she’s on faith but at the same time she has the depth to her in the series of generation two and the end of the series one of generation two like we do in all of the skins we see the development and the character development was very well done Connection with her the lack of connection almost with her parents at her mum
And how she wanted to get out and be with the boys and play games with Freddie and a lot of girls probably want to be her and that’s why they’re so much love for her confident the lack of accountability the clothes the farm the and the boys of course
 so as you can see I’ve put Effie and I’ve put Cassie in this because I feel like they’re too opposite end of the scale but Cassie starts off innocent suite and then goes into a darker soul. I’m vice versa with F both these guys are relatable but in different different ways I feel with Cassie it’s the side of ourselves that we’re not so keen on, the side of ourselves that is introspective afraid to speak up and allows ourselves to get used by people that we love which can feel awful. This is why when panda and Effie show up and she’s with the girl and then she’s with the boy she’s allowing herself to get used again, used to, she almost felt like she didn’t deserve any better than being treated that way disrespectful who was obsessed with Michelle who was never gonna have properly because she loves Tony and Tony his best friend Cassie too but it always annoyed me because I always felt Cassie was better than said and she was sweet and kind and always wanted a bit too much as a teenager can’t get diagnosed with personality disorders but but but but because in teenagers you exhibit personality disorder trait so that’s why a lot of people with personality disorders included get called childish or immature, but Cassie was definitely exhibiting to be and trace with almost avoidant dependent and quite borderline also exhibited that and she did go through the psychotic depression due to drugs and traumas could be histrionic and may be even,
I have shown both girls colour pallets at the top of this page and how Cassie is the light feminine and Effie is the dark feminine even in clothing that’s what I mean clothing sometimes but more grungy chat a lot of chains a lot of jewellery Cassie has a lot of bows frilly little dresses, Peter Pan collar.
You even see it with the hair colour the eye colours everything we had the dark colour is the grey or black the dark hair the dark make up Cassie has has the blonde hair but the brown eyes with the pink light pink white a lot of the time and shimmer sort of colours and when she’s with her parents she is often overlooked by their relationship. The little baby doesn’t even really get much care unless it’s with Cass to look at these characters and very similar and how girls have both types of personalities relate to these girls very well you don’t often hear people say about Michelle Emily Katie panda Naomi it is mainly Cassie and Effie and I feel it is because of these two concepts, the introvert and the extrovert and the almost as well thank you guys
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