bosstweedwrites · 5 months
brief snippet from the modern j&h au i've been teasing out (already shared a bit with @dongiovannitriumphant!)
Graduation was looming. Having spent years pursuing a masters in general law (with a specialization in criminal law), Gabriel had hand-written invitations to the ceremony, including two tickets with it. No response came; on the day of, as he stood in the bathroom of their shared flat (him, Hastie, and Henry), combing his hair, trimming his beard, he expressed his despair.
“They’re not coming. Mum never wanted a son---she’s happier to think her daughter dead than to acknowledge me.”
“I’m sure that’s not true. Maybe… maybe it got lost in the mail.” Henry tried to assure him.
“They would’ve called, then. Your families came to your ceremonies.”
Hastie and Henry both sighed.
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starlene · 2 years
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@dongiovannitriumphant based on the photos they’ve released, I like the vibes of this production
(a scene from Åbo Svenska Teater’s Dracula, photo by Robert Seger)
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agenderhyde · 1 year
i mentioned this to @dongiovannitriumphant already, but there’s a random woman in one of my sims saves named “raelynn utterson” and i have no idea who that is
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neroushalvaus · 2 years
can i receive the blorbo info? i feel like i dont post enough blorbo content for a while, so give me your utterson takes please
You totally can! The blorbo I mostly associate with you is Utterson and that's a blorbo we have in common so giving uttertakes will be very easy ;) Giving you more takes to compensate for the lack of blorbos.
G.J. Utterson (The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde) - before giving the joke-y takes i've given with every blorbo i would like to preface this by saying that I still sometimes think about the messages you sent to me in like 2015 about Utterson/Jekyll ship's academic basis and I think that that shows how much I respect your Utterson takes - now anyway - the man is the driest guy around but make no mistake, he is a pun master. "if he be mr hyde, i shall be mr seek"? hilarious. give this man an award. - gay - hopelessly and devotedly in love with Henry Jekyll - unreliable narrator - I've probably said this before but him and Javert would get along because they would have the worst time ever. Javert who reads despite hating the whole activity and who sometimes treats himself with a pinch snuff when he's "pleased with himself"; Utterson who enjoys theatre but just won't ever go there. I can imagine these two just sitting in a dark room and having a terrible night. - a problem solver with a really bad case of "I can fix him" syndrome - (only in the musical) him and Simon Stride are exes - Him and Richard Enfield are partners in crime. What crime? The story doesn't tell. - the walking stick kills me (not in the same way as it killed sir danvers carew.)
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vinceaddams · 4 years
obvs feel free to keep this private, but I got recommended the UFH channel by a friend of mine, haven't gotten around to watching anything from it. I trust your judgement on the content, but my friend considers it her main resource 🙃 of course, since you only watched a few videos you might not be able to answer this, but was there any specific really bad/unacademic approaches I should keep my eye out for that my friend might have adopted? we work on a historical festival together so im concern
(I was going to answer this privately but then it got really long and turned into a post I want to post.)
Oh dear! Well, It appears that the lady behind that channel only cares about the 20th century, so maaybe she’s got good stuff on the 20th century at least? I don’t know, but the 2 videos that I saw were so incredibly awful that I’m highly suspicious of all her stuff. 
The first bad thing about her channel is that her videos all have a one or two sentence caption and nothing else. (I clicked on a few more just to check) No sources listed, no links of any kind except to her merch store. I don’t recall her mentioning any particular sources for any of the things she said in the videos either, she just declared them very matter of factly. 
Good historians cite sources! Bernadette Banners’ video on the history of PPE has so many source links she ran out of room in the description box and had to put the rest of them on a page on her website.  (Oh poo, now I feel a bit bad because I love Karolina Zebrowska but she really needs to do better with leaving source links. But she does talk about doing research, talk in a more nuanced way, and doesn’t present herself as an expert or academic, unlike the UFH lady.)
Good historians also embrace nuance, and aren’t afraid to say “I don’t know” or “I was wrong”. Presenting things in a “this person did this one big thing, and then this happened, and that caused this” kind of way isn’t good because history is more like “all these things happened and as far as we can tell it appears to have influenced this, which was also connected to this other stuff that we don’t know all that much about”. History is foggy and complicated, no matter how much the general public wants it to be simple.
Her description of herself also seems a bit... misleading? In her about page on youtube it says “Amanda Hallay, a college professor specializing in fashion, costume, and cultural history.” but if you look at the CV linked on her website the only degrees she has are in creative writing and art history. I’m not saying a person can’t be really knowledgable about something without a degree, but her whole online presence is about being a “professor” who teaches this stuff so I find it weird.
And if the 1850′s-60s video is anything to go by, she presents things in a shockingly unprofessional way. She starts off by saying she thinks these fashions are ugly and ridiculous and that she has some “theories of her own” on them. @marzipanandminutiae has a post with a lot more about what was wrong with that video, and a few others I haven’t seen. She claims that hoop skirts were oppressive cages when in reality they were a liberating garment that allowed women to achieve full skirts without the heavy layered petticoats they wore previously. 
She posts a photo of a naked lady and says “Now lets start with a beautiful naked lady and cover her up with ugly and unflattering clothes. Now this sexy naked lady isn’t so sexy” I wish I was making this up but that’s almost word for word what she said. Along with a whole lot of untrue or exaggerated stuff about Victorian modesty. She says dresses with layered flounces were called “pagoda dresses”, which isn’t a term that anyone has ever used for those dresses. She says this is cut down from a longer video she uses for teaching class, and I find the thought of this being presented in a classroom quite appalling.
After spending about 95% of the video talking about womens fashion in an extremely condescending and disdainful tone of voice, she posts what appear to be the 5 biggest and most extreme examples of 19th century moustaches she could find, presenting them as if they were what every man looked like.
This part really grinds my gears, because she says “I haven’t said anything about menswear because there’s really not much to say.” She posts photos of suits from 5 different decades and says they’re basically all the same, and also basically the same as a modern suit. Excuse you, there is A LOT of difference between menswear of the 1850′s and the 1890′s. Yes the changes over the decades are more subtle, and the colours are often more subdued than in centuries past, but it is absolutely not (as she claims) “the century when men stopped doing fashion”.   I personally am not hugely interested in 19th century mens fashion, and can tentatively date things in the first few decades but after the middle of the century I can’t. But people who are interested and who study that era can tell the decades apart. Because they’re different. And there is SO MUCH to talk about! Suits for different levels of formality, accessories, waistcoats, sportswear, sleepwear, knitwear, swimsuits, loungewear, underwear, etc. are all extremely different from their modern equivalents. 
It’s perfectly fine to only study womens fashion if that’s what you’re interested in, but it is not okay to then declare that the history of mens fashion is worthless and nonexistent. Simply not being interested in a thing is no excuse for publicly shitting all over it. (I’ve seen people do this more than once. We already have so few men who do historical fashion stuff! Stop putting off newcomers who might be interested!!)
The fact that her online presence is so closed off is also highly unusual. Comments are turned off for her videos, and the only social media link she has is to a private facebook group. (There is also a link to a fb page, but it appears to have been deleted.) Turning off comments is of course the personal choice of the one posting the videos, but the fashion history side of youtube usually tends towards pretty decent comment threads, and people often have nice little discussions and learn stuff in them. Here it looks like she doesn’t want discussion, doesn’t want to be contradicted or asked for sources, doesn’t want to learn new things.
I had never even heard of this channel until I saw @marzipanandminutiae mention it, nor have I ever heard any of the many historical costumers/youtubers I follow mention it, yet somehow it has 55k followers? I don’t know the demographics that watch it (especially not with the comments turned off!) but I’d wager that videos like the 1850′s-60′s one I suffered through are mainly watched by people who like hearing things trash talked, rather than people who actually want to learn about fashion history. The same sort of people who loved that Beau Brummell twitter thread, which was also full of lies and unsourced garbage. People like to believe the past was way worse and grosser than it was because it makes them feel like we’re smarter and better now.
Lastly, the whole premise of the channel is just bad. Calling any one thing “The Ultimate Fashion History” is a bad idea. Her channel trailer says “Youtube’s number one channel for original fashion history content” “we’ve got it all, fifty thousand years of fashion history”. You can’t have one channel that’s the ultimate resource for ALL of fashion history! It’s a huge, HUGE subject, and even if she did do actual good research she’d barely be able to scratch the surface of fifty thousand years. That’s like saying one channel is the ultimate source for all of science, or all of music, or all of cooking. No one thing can come close to covering all of it. I will deign to admit that she’s at least right to call it “original”, because she has some very original lies I haven’t found anywhere else. 
Most people who study fashion history/historical sewing have one or several eras they like best and find most interesting, perhaps with occasional jaunts into other eras. This way we can focus and get a much better understanding of the eras that we find most interesting, rather than just a vague notion of everything. 
For example: I’m most interested in 18th century menswear, and so far have mainly researched and sewn 1785-95 stuff, and more recently some 1730′s. I usually focus on fashionable civilian clothing, so I don’t know as much about working class clothes, and next to nothing about military and other occupational dress. Even with this narrow area of interest, which I’ve been obsessed with for many years, I still have so much to learn! I could never make anything claiming to be the ultimate source for 18th century menswear, because I’m just one person focusing on some aspects, and there are other people out there who research other aspects of it and their work is just as important. It’s all so big and so much, even if you narrow it down to one era.
Amanda Hallay is basically holding up a bucket of saltwater and calling it the ocean.
I haven’t watched any of her 20th century videos, so maybe they’re better than the older ones I watched. I don’t know. (But even if they’re actually good they still don’t have source links.) Edit: okay, nope, turns out they’re just as bad! They appear to make up the vast majority of her videos, so if she’s most interested in the 20th century then maybe she should just... make her channel more clearly 20th century focused instead of trying to paint it as a channel for all eras?
TL;DR, the main bad things about that channel are:
Lying and making ridiculous claims, not citing ANY sources. Spouting easily debunked myths.
Stating things matter of factly without any nuance, even though history is foggy and complicated.
Being extremely judgemental about historical fashions and talking about how much she hates them and thinks they’re ugly, which really isn’t appropriate for a fashion history teacher. You can hear the disgust in her voice and it’s awful and I hate it.
Comments turned off on all her videos, leaving no way to communicate or have public discussions. Unknowing viewers are left to accept her statements as fact without any outside opinions.
Claiming one channel is the ultimate channel for an incalculably enormous subject. Says it covers 50,000 years of fashion history when it’s mostly just the 20th century.
I would like to add that I am not what I would consider an expert either, and have no formal education in fashion history beyond the one college class that was part of my 2 year sewing course. I have learned mainly from books and the internet, and as I said earlier I still have a huge amount to learn. I’m sure a more knowledgable historian could put things better than I have. 
But I’m confident in stating that primary sources are needed to back up a claim! Sometimes even widely accepted beliefs turn out to be entirely unfounded myths, like that one about doctors using vibrators to treat “hysteria”. Total nonsense someone made up in 1999.
Wow this post got way longer than intended. Anyways, yes, I do not like condescending slideshow lady.
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knxggles · 3 years
white :)
at first i forgot i rb’d that post and thought you were just calling me white over an ask unprovoked and honestly i was like “yeah okay”...
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kangals · 4 years
Kooikerhondje or Duck toller?
i’ve never met a kookier, i have met a few tollers and they have uhhhh not had great temperaments. so i will say give me the kookierhondje! they look very affable and have a fun name, whats not to like
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thaegeiro · 4 years
dongiovannitriumphant replied to your post: every time i have to remember that frankenstein...
both of you can duel me in my fuckin breeches i’ll fuck u up
aw are you gonna wear calf padding while you do it 
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aleximedicusa · 4 years
dongiovannitriumphant replied to your post: listen i would be out of my depth writing him but...
i dont have input i just wanted 2 say;: handmsone
dai, your gays have arrived
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aequimanvs · 4 years
dongiovannitriumphant replied to your post: i didn’t really think about it until samuel...
zoologist voice look at that tiny bastard what a ledge
thanks for your very insightful zoological comment mr zoologist very good sir
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vicemirrored-a · 5 years
dongiovannitriumphant replied to your post: alone at home headcanons.  /  ¢ - stay-at-home...
get a fuckn dressing gown henno so indecent having his SLEEVES OUT at home
viktor i really hate to be the one to break this to you but it is not the 1800s anymore
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starlene · 2 years
I feel like @dongiovannitriumphant would not approve of this Van Helsing but might enjoy some of his antics nevertheless. He and Seward had a Moment.
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agenderhyde · 4 years
Quarantine Tag Game
tagged by @dongiovannitriumphant
Are you staying home from school/work? I was on campus until March 20th, have now been home for the past three weeks. Having all my classes online & being off campus makes it feel like school isn’t real anymore.
If you’re staying home, who is there with you? My mom & one of my brothers.
Are you a homebody? Sort of? But I’ve been getting restless not leaving the house so I might go on a walk later.
An event that you were looking forward that got cancelled? District Convention for Kpsi & Concert Band’s final concert of the year, both of which would have been last weekend (4/3-4/5).
What movies have you watched recently? I rewatched “What We Do In The Shadows” last night.
What shows are you watching?  “Third Rock From the Sun,” ‘60′s Batman, the “What We Do In The Shadows” series is coming back next week, so I’ll be watching that. 
What music are you listening to? Right now, a lot of Jewish a capella Passover songs. 
What are you reading? Also Sprach Zarathustra (but in English, for my Thesis project)
What are you doing for self-care? Not a lot, honestly. At least I’m trying to shower every couple days or so?
tagging @theatre-dadd, @romanced, @bicycleonfire, @ineedarendezvous
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stunningly-lesbian · 5 years
dongiovannitriumphant replied to your photo: Hey @dreamworks-and-petticoats its u
nope, still just a regular ghostfucker 😢😢
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bisexuhellvevo · 6 years
dongiovannitriumphant replied to your post “Hey did y’all know that polysterene is safe to eat in small...”
go to sleep
A) No
B) This was referring to events that happened a while ago when I was wide awake I’ll have you know
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anabioun · 6 years
why do you want to marry something that's called mother in old-fashioned danish
i’ll call her mommy anytime ;)
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