#donki tag
tomaturtles · 1 year
can you tell me about your ocs?
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Ok so! Here are the ones with up to date refs. Most of them are superpowered 11 year olds
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-Lilly and Yarrow are both tigers. They're cousins and the main protagonists! The story begins with Yarrow going to live with Lilly and her mom after his mother's death.
-Lilly is excitable and upbeat and sees the best in people. She's doing her best to figure out how to control her electric powers. Yarrow is grumpy and sullen and prone to self isolating. He has fire powers (but wishes he didn't).
-Sabrina is a serval and Lilly's older cousin (she's 12) in the other side of the family. She's a supporting character but she's there bc i wanted her with her cousins :) she's kind of a big sister to Lilly and Yarrow and loves teasing Lilly. Also she has water powers!
-Melon and Snap are secondary protags and Lilly's friends! Melon is Lilly's best friend, and Snap kinda makes Yarrow his best friend by force (at first).
-Melon is a blunt and strong-willed bunny who hates being told what to do, and has psychic powers she's very confident about. Snap is a chill and goofy snow leopard who strives to make people laugh, and has snow and ice powers he mostly uses for fun.
-Garin is a skunk and a little menace. He's a resourceful and fiercely independent runaway with trust issues who uses his rock and earth powers to fend for himself. He's initially an antagonist who's introduced a little later, briefly becoming Melon's bestie then her worstie and rival.
-Also he and Yarrow were childhood best friends up until An Incident after which they never saw each other again, which is. Kind of a whole thing
-Mr. Alder is a goat and the kids' school teacher. He's patient and kind and kinda mentors the kids when it comes to their powers, as he has powers of his own (he has plant powers!)
The first arc mostly focuses on Lilly and Yarrow, as Lilly is adamant to cheer him up while he just wants to be left alone and try his hardest to keep his powers in check. It also generally follows the four mains adapting to Yarrow now being there and becoming part of the friend group.
The second one introduces Garin and mostly focuses on Melon and her crime-partnership- turned-rivalry with Garin. That's followed by Yarrow and Garin finally running into each other again (Garin doesn't take his old friend hanging out with his new enemies very well).
After that i don't have a solid plot figured out yet! Just vibes and evolving character dynamics i rotate on my brain 24/7
I have more in-depth info on the main kids (still working on adding the others) on my Toyhouse!! There's more pics of them there also
I. Have more ocs fjsndjbsj but it's late so i'm leaving it at these guys for now and coming back to this with more when i can :]
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art-ro-vert · 7 months
I wasn’t checking Lokius tag for a few hours, and it is Donki now?
Are you fucking kidding me? 😂😂😂😂
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fuckedupsociety155 · 7 months
Idk where the rumor that mobius's real name is Don came from or if it's real, but seriously???? You guys went straight for donki???? When DOKI is right there????? Come on!!!!!
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just-illegal · 2 months
rttopia for the fandom drawing :0
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a dread! phone doodle but
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pienhime · 7 months
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this is like the 5th yuimisu clothes collab omg 😭
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whim-prone-pirate · 7 months
god he LOOKS like a don doesn't he
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Tagged by: @witches-and-weirdos (kudos!) Tagging: @schwarzwaldcr @atimelesslullaby @jonathancjones @rainbowxfmuses @koopzilla @hoshinomulti
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name: Mario Mario
nickname: Jumpman, Homo Nintendonus, The Great Gonzalez, Red Man Of Mustache
gender: Male
romantic orientation: Straight
preferred pet names: Baby, amore mio, cara mia, bello
relationship status: Single as a Thwomp
opinion on true love: "Love is-a out there for everyone, you just gotta be-a ready to receive it! True love comes from putting the-a other person first. If-a you got two people pourin' into the other then there ya go!"
opinion on love at first sight: "I believe it! I also believe in-a soulmates. Sometimes you just-a meet someone and you've got this-a unspoken connection. Definitely happens, and it's undeniable what those-a two can do together."
how ‘romantic’ are they?: Although he's impulsive at heart Mario will plan out ways to woo someone once he sets his sights on them. Cooking for them, serenading, gift-giving are just a few. He'll even plan out an elaborate evening so that he can confess his feelings at the end. Of course, he can read a room though. If it's a dud then he'll back off. He's impulsive, not pushy.
ideal physical traits: Mario would love a tree if it had a good personality. But, being blonde doesn't hurt. Some level of physical prowess is great as well, since he's gonna wanna do things together that may involve getting active.
ideal personality traits: Easy-going, sense of humor, optimistic, selfless
unattractive physical traits: Bad hygeine is a no-go. Mario's a plumber so after a job he's scrubbing himself clean. He expects someone who showers regularly since you're dating him(a plumber) so your lavatory shouldn't ever be broken.
unattractive personality traits: Mean-spirited, mean, negative people cannot pass with Mario. He'll try to uplift those around him but that has it's limits. Especially in a romantic relationship.
ideal date: Spending a night counting the stars, going on a picnic, traveling somewhere new(local or abroad, he can accommodate), taste-testing new food spots, anything that involves a new experiences. Being together is all that matters.
do they have a type?: Singers
average relationship length: I headcanon he was with Pauline for at least two years. Mario is in it for the long haul. Answer: Two plus years is the average length.
preferred non-sexual intimacy: Hugs are the way to go! Mario hugs everybody he even remotely likes whether it's romantic or not. Kissing is there too. Mario also loves carrying people, don't ask why, he just does it a lot. Though I'm sure you could guess.
opinion of public affection: "I'm-a gonna show everyone you're mine so of course! I'm not afraid."
past relationships?: Pauline! Or as she's known now, Mayor Pauline of New Donk City. They sorta drifted apart when Mario & Luigi left New Donk to be in the Mushroom Kingdom. Although the transition(between cities) was unwilling, Mario & Pauline's relationship ended amicably. He didn't ghost her or anything like that. Anytime she(Pauline) was caught up in the messes Mario was involved with coughs Donky Kong coughs he would move mountains to save her. So, Mario was dedicated to her. He'll show the same level of affection to any & all he should be dating.
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tenebsolis · 11 months
I gotta ask since it was on the tags for your Sinclair art, what are your Fear (TMA) headcanons for the other 11? Ishy seems Vast to me but for the rest idk
i made another post abt this but it got sniped so im making a new one 😭 putting them under cut
this is what ive got:
yi sang - the end? pooossibly the lonely as well maybe.
faust - the stranger or the eye? (the end would fit thematically as well but I find stranger faust silly bc imagine her in a circus costume)
donki - the spiral (i feel this is self explanatory)
ryoshu - the slaughter (this also)
meursault - the buried???? idk why i associate meursault with the buried tbh a jail cell makes me think of a coffin and a coffin the buried you see where imgoing
hong lu - i have genuinely no clue helpmeMaybe the stranger…. maybe the dark as well?
heathcliff - the desolation…(loss loss loss pain suffering anger loss loss)
ishmael- the lonely…. i feel like she was cut out for it because she’s already very distant from everyone else + the water associations….. but you’re so right about the vast too now that I’m considering it
rodya - i also cant really figure out one for rodya maybe the desolation? because of the destruction of potential perhaps(and maybe the loss also)
sinclair - the flesh trust me this makes sense. his fear of body modifications and prosthetics tie directly to the whole body dysmorphia bit of the flesh
outis - the stranger. she is so uncanny valley and off putting and we know nothing about her she is so so so cut out for the stranger. also again imagine her in a circus outfit
gregor - the web and the corruption… poor poor guy
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gelertrook · 3 months
<><><>🐾 Finally! An intro post! 🐾 <><><>
Rook 🐾 23 y/o 🐾 AuDHD and Anxiety 🐾 TransMasc/Agender, Bi, Poly
In an open relationship (@loser-xx)
I have two cats and I adore all animals!
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🐾 Druidic Pagan and Alchemist 🐾Alterhuman 🐾 Lycan, Selkie, Angel 🐾 Fiction Kin🐾
Specifically I look most like Alexander Archipelego wolf and a harbour seal. I was an Archangel/Throne (Orifiel, Guardian of the Natural Wilderness). I'm also otherhearted with rabbits and donkies. I have a lot of fickins but my main IDs right now are Aang (ATLA), The Judge/Deputy (Far Cry 5), Fire/Dewdrop Ghoul (Ghost Band), John 'Soap' McTavish (COD), and 'Dandelion' Jaskier (Witcher Multiverse).
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I have tons of interests and hobbies! I'm an artist, I love making dozens of original characters from all kinds of media's. I also play lots of video games (PS4), bake and ride horses. My favorites are Dragon Age, Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit,  Pacific Rim, Avatar: The Last Airbender, ABC Lost, Once Upon a Time, Wolfblood, Minecraft, Stardew Valley, Overwatch, Hades Game, Slasher Horror Movies, the Band Ghost and more I can't think of!
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I don't have DNI's (besides the obvious, I don't tolerate any kind of hate, bigotry or gatekeepers). I usually reblog aesthetic posts, shitposts and fanart. I do reblog NSFW/Suggestive pieces, they'll be tagged accordingly so I'm not wholly comfortable with minors following me. Be smart and be safe kids. Anyone else though, please feel free to interact! I love asks, replies, reblogs, art trades and moodboard requests. If you need me to tag anything for blacklisting purposes please let me know too! I'm usually too lazy to tag things pffft.
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pixeledwings · 1 year
Get to know a simmer
@wanderlustwhims !! thank you for tagging me, ( admittedly i got very excited haha )
Show your wallpaper:
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An adorable drawing of my d&d character, calliope, and her (then) boyfriend! by my amazingly talented friend @arynaxolotl
Last song you listened to: sharks by imagine dragons, but the portals album by melanie martinez is always on repeat in my head 😩
Currently reading: warrior cats 🐱 !! i'm a lil late to the party.
Last movie: i don’t even know? either thumbelina or stardust.
Last show: jersey shore family vacation. (SAMMI? COMING BACK??)
Craving: i really want cheese fries.
What are you wearing right now: a wrestling is gay shirt and donky kong pants.
How tall are you: 5 foot 5 exactly.
Piercings: None!
Tattoos: a few -- a matching flower bouquet with my SIL on my arm, a peridot gem to go with my friends lapis gem (in this house we stan steven universe), a hand holding planets on my inner arm, a D20 with death and live saves under it, and the love tattoo lil peep had written on his stomach, on my wrist. i want so many more.
Glasses/contacts: i need glasses, but apparently, it costs an insane amount to see normally 🤧
Last thing you ate: currently in love with these everything bagel pita chips. 
Favourite colour: pastels and straight black. there’s no inbetween. 
Current obsession: i’m really big into dolls. monster high forever & always. rainbow high has caught my attention recently!
Any pets: 3! a ball python named asmodeus, a leopard gecko named tiamat, and a black cat named meep.
Favourite fictional character: i have no idea. handsome jack is deff one of them. draculaura is another.
Last place you traveled: i went to NY for a wedding a few months ago.
this was fun !! i never really talk about myself, haha. i'm a shy and anti social creature, i am tagging you all awkwardly and lovingly
@hellgirl-ix @akitasimblr @a-sims-garden @crsentfairy
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tomaturtles · 1 year
who is the most aroace sonic character in your opinion?
HMMMM i can't pick between Sonic and Shadow. Neither of them have a single romantic bone in their body. Aroace legends
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Ten First Lines Game
Rules: Share the first 10 lines of your 10 most recent fanfictions and tag 10 people. .@ben-the-hyena .@risziarts .@pixelrushiguess .@motobug .@ibbys-hi ,@krissiedeathy .@hersheydog .@rechicken-and-waffles .@adokle .@pokemon22551
10: Sonic and Covid.
It was another day at Eggman's base.
9: The Death of Sonic the Hedgehog.
It had been 14 years since Eggman's takeover and The Freedom Fighters had basically destroyed the Eggman Empire but Eggman still wouldn't surrender.
8: The Crocodile Detective and the Maternal Rabbit:
It was a hot summer night on Mobius.
7: The Chaotix and the Ridiculous Scheme:
The Chaotix had accepted a Job from the Knothole City Police to take down Crime Boss Don Donky.
6: Taiream: Helpless:
The Freedom Fighters are at a party hosted by Vector. 
5: (one of) The Chaotix's adventures in babysitting.
Sonic and Sally were going to a Mina Mongoose concert.
4: Family reunion:
Matilda the Armadillo was bored. It has been 4 weeks since she had met her family and got injured.
3: Together Forever:
Vector finally confessed his feelings for Vanilla and they had been dating each other for a few months now.
2: Chameleon in Love 2:
Once upon a time a purple Ninja/Detective fell in love with and married a purple hedgehog but what happened after they said I Do?
1: Matilda's sick day:
Matilda the Armadillo was sleeping when suddenly she started feeling Hot and then she started coughing.
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mellowgoop · 1 year
Tagged by lizoweth thank you lizoweth
1. are you named after anyone?
Not really, but my legal chosen name did come to me through a book
2. when was the last time you cried?
I got teary during a lot of the donky kong scenes in the mario movie
3. do you have any kids?
soma cruz and xiao from genshin impact
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
im pretty sure
5. what's the first thing you notice about people?
whether it feels like theyve been through literally anything
6. what's your eye color?
7. scary movie or happy endings?
I'm choosing happy endings to spite scary movies. I wish I hadn't seen most of the scary movies I've seen
8. any special talents?
I'm quick with words/association. Some days I fee like a hot shot hip shootin wild west ace of punmaking
9. where were you born?
baby chamber
10. what are your hobbies?
I make youtube videos about indie games, I've been getting back into playing instruments too
11. do you have any pets?
Yeah we have a kitty at my dads house who is silly royalty
12. what sports do you play/have you played?
i used to do esports but now i just get upset when i super smash
13. how tall are you?
not 5'11"
14. favorite subject in school?
Language! I didn't really get that I enjoyed it in HS, but now I'm a PTSD Green Beret of language learning
15. dream job?
Lately I have been dreaming about being an interpreter, the dream part is working with a company that I really love (like helping some indie devs communicate or smth)
Mutuals have been taggorino'd
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entangledmuses · 1 year
Is everyone revamping their blogs? Lol. And here's me, the same blog for donkies!! XD haha.
Going through my queue and tagging the new blogs of those who have revamped x
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cosmictulips · 2 years
Some clarifications regarding asks, games, etc
I was going through my shit that I have written about and it turns out, the trend is happening because I actually never gave a full uh, conversation about it. so my apologies to anyone who may feel hurt, confused, etc. I think I may have blabbered about this sort of thing before but it turns out I have no official post about it. so here we go.
I guess I have some rules for when sending me asks and games, etc. so from now on, I'll referencing this and my feedback posts to make sure we all are on the same page.
I also want to state I am not calling anyone out in particular. this is a TREND that I have been noticing for awhile. that means enough of you do it for me to say something. this is not a one person thing. this is a MANY person thing. and there is a lot of you.
so don't take this too personally. just word to the wise lmao. and this will impact future games and asks. I'll still be answering the new moon stuff. I'm just on vacation and I can't wait to post this so fuck me I guess.
So here's my thing ~~~
game asks can be private. Your feedback is not. thank u.
Anything you do in exchange for me, if it's not in the DM's, it will be private and added to my... uh.. collection of readings. this rule is going to change though because I think I have a tag for my readings on here.
exchange readings that are done either through asks or dms there is no need to send feedback like... you would a game lol. your response and our exchanges are enough. I feel like it's redundant ngl.
Clarifications or other asks in addition to what you already asked prior must be in a separate ask from your review/feedback, etc. whatever you want to call it. I don't care if the only thing you sent me as review is that I smell like a donky's ass. if you have other questions and want them answered you SEND THEM SEPARATELY. or it gets deleted.
Unless I specifically state it in the games, you do not have to leave feedback. you're interaction with the post is fine enough lol.
I do think this stuff is stated somewhere. I don't really know. but this is it lmao. this is my thing. I notice a lot of it.
this will be updated periodically if I'm noticing more crap going on that should be cleared up uwu.
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my-travelstories · 1 month
Letzte Tage in Osaka
Osaka war ein wunderschöner Abschluss, wir haben uns an dem ersten Tag nach der Zugfahrt von Kyoto die Innenstadt angesehen und einen Abendspaziergang am Fluss gemacht. Erste Eindrücke: Osaka ist deutlich unordentlicher, freier und betrunkener als Tokio. Alles scheint etwas lockerer genommen zu werden, die Menschen rauchen auf der Straße und sind auch generell deutlich lauter als in Tokio. Als Touristen sich so durch die Massen treiben zu lassen macht aber wirklich Freude - wobei wir uns beide darauf geeinigt haben das wir hier nicht leben wollen würden - da ist Tokio doch schöner. Aber Osaka ist wirklich sehr schön, ich würde den Reiseführer also umschreiben, ein ganzes Kapitel für Osaka und nur ein paar Seiten für Kyoto. Thomas hat das erste mal seinen ersten Donki besucht (einen Ramschladen über 12 Stockwerke mit Neonlichtern an jeder Ecke) weil wir eine Kofferwaage gesucht haben. Ich hatte nämlich die gruselige Vermutung das mein Koffer viel zu schwer war - war er auch.
Den Tag darauf wollten wir uns eigentlich Osaka Castle anschauen, aber es regnete in strömen. Das war gar nicht schlimm und tatsächlich nach den sehr warmen und vor allem trockenen Tagen eine willkommene Abwechslung. Ich hatte im Reiseführer ein großes Aquarium in Osaka gefunden und da Thomas auch ein großer Fan von allen Meeresgetieren ist haben wir unseren Tag im Aquarium verbracht. Es war auch wirklich verdammt groß und lag direkt am Hafen sodass wir direkt nochmal ein kleines bisschen Meeresluft schnuppern konnten. In dem Aquarium hatten sie sogar einen Walhai im großen Becken, das war faszinierend. Es war auch schön mal keine so touristische Aktivität zu machen sondern einfach etwas was uns beiden Freude macht. Der Tag war nochmal richtiger Balsam für die Seele und hat wirklich gut getan.
Heute und am letzten Tag in Japan, ging es dann nochmal zu Osaka Castle, vor alle die umliegenden Parks haben uns total begeistert. Heute war es sehr schwül und warm, aber irgendwie genau das Wetter was ich so sehr liebe, wie im Sommer vor dem Gewitter. Ich habe heute auch noch mein erstes vierblättriges Kleeblatt gefunden, ich habe noch nie in meinem Leben eins gefunden. Das muss wohl Glück für den kommenden Abschnitt meines Jahres bedeuten! Leider war ich viel zu warm angezogen für dieses Wetter, aber keine Sorge, ich habe im Giftshop ein ganz wundervolles T-shirt bekommen :D In Osaka Castle ist ein Museum untergebracht, aber leider ist es innen komplett renoviert sodass man gar keinen Eindruck von dem alten Schloss mehr bekommen kann. Der Aufstieg lohnt sich aber, denn es gibt ganz oben eine Aussichtsplattform mit der man über ganz Osaka schauen kann.
Jetzt haben wir es uns in unserem unartiger gemütlich gemacht, die Koffer gepackt und bald gehts dann auch ins Bett, morgen wird schließlich ein verdammt langer Tag. Aber ich freue mich - wie immer bin ich nervös vor dem Flug aber ich muss auch echt sagen das ich mich sehr auf zuhause freue!
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