#donna x maiden
p-jtarts · 8 months
When it’s Donna’s turn to play
@cookiekitten91 I had to add the blush at the end
(Maid’s design not mine)- design down here
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geistergreen · 10 months
Hooked on The Devil's Den fic... Donna lurking in silence in the church kills me because it reminds me of that bit from the Office where Angela scares tf out of Dwight.( and I love it)
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Link, chapter 30 was the inspiration:
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The next day after Y/N was presented by any of Lords as their s/o to Mother Miranda:
Y/N, hesitantly entering the meeting
Mother Miranda: My dear Y/N, it’s so nice to see you here again. Please come in, sweet child.
Y/N, stepping back at her words: What's going on? What’s the matter? Am I going to be sacrificed today?
Mother Miranda: I brought you some treats as always.
Y/N: AS ALWAYS? You’ve tried to kill me more than six times yesterday. Are you bloody kidding me?
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atropalugosi · 9 months
I have been thinking about Alcina calling MC Donna's pet for days now so have some more silly gay shit featuring basically what went through my head upon reading that little piece of dialogue 😅
"Oh, Donna! What a pleasant surprise to see you out of that shop for a ch-" professor Dimitrescu stops dead in her sentence, a nasty scowl overtaking her 'pleasantly surprised' face upon seeing Valeria. "And why, pray tell, is your PET with you?"
"Alcina!" Donna sounds absolutely livid and scandalized, glaring harshly at her adopted sister. "What would M-"
Donna goes on to presumably scold the professor, but Valeria can't focus on it when Alcina's words echo in her brain. 'Pet'... she really wouldn't mind being Donna's pet not that she was thinking of it. But what sort of pet? The novice botanist imagines herself with puppy ears, following her boss around and tending to her every whim. It was hardly a farfetched daydream, but something about it just doesn't stick.
Then an image comes to mind; the look on Donna's face when they saw a cat during their walk. She was completely enamoured. Valeria pictures the woman looking at HER like that, smiling like she were the most precious creature on the planet. Would Donna want it, she'd be more than happy to sport kitty ears and a bell collar to boot, curled up on the botanist's lap while she has her tea. Maybe Donna would even pet her head, calling her "mia cara gattina" or-
"Let's go," Donna's voice cuts through the girl's thoughts, hand claiming her own and pulling her towards a side room.
"Sì mammina," Valeria replies without thinking.
All three women go silent as Valeria feels her entire body combust. Donna looks rather red in the face herself, staring at her in shock and appall. Alcina looks as though the redhead had just proven a point of hers.
"The porcelain and marble working rooms are soundproof by the way," the professor chimes in, causing the flower shop workers to blush further. Donna tries to compose herself, grip tightening on Valeria's hand.
"Let's... get started on your project," she practically squeaks. Valeria can do nothing but nod dumbly and follow along, doing her best not to embarrass herself or Donna further.
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She's just sittin in the corner like: wtf??
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mellythesimp · 1 year
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best friends ever!!!
like i swear really they actually like eachother. donna is like kaerie's sanest friend (except that she isn't)
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chucapybara · 1 year
reference. [a donna beneviento x maiden short]
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frustration abounds in the study of house beneviento. it is not uncommon to hear her groundskeeper and servant in such toil—donna found her to be quite the expressive woman, in truth, even if it is largely only to herself to whom she speaks, as her lady is occupied through many hours of the day tending to her dolls and sewing, mending clothing for clientele—but the nature of this particular instance brings to mind intrigue.
— (an unfinished drabble thing i wrote for a donna x maiden idea, but i never finished it, oops. i'll just drop it here anyway. more under the cut!)
though the walls are stone in the basement (barriers between herself in the workshop and you in the study), donna's hearing is impeccably attuned to all that lies within her home. with her link to her dolls, the lady beneviento often had a good sense of what was going on—though it did not quite provide the context behind your apparent ire.
"hey, what's all that ruckus about over there?" the shrill cry straight from angie's porcelain jaw echoes down the hallway. donna has half the mind to scold the doll, but finds difficulty in denying her own curious itch; and so, she allows angie to patter down to the study, listening to the clack of her animated steps.
your reply is soft, too much so for donna to catch wind of. you did not often raise your voice, and in truth, you rarely ever had any reason to do so; about as soft-spoken as she was, donna found your company pleasant. calming. you matched her energy, and even when you shared a space within a single room, there is a contentment in the silence that never quite brought discomfort.
donna takes a peek through angie's eyes, just for a moment, stilling her hands that cradled a new doll part.
there you sat, curled up on one of the chairs in the study. in your lap was your trusted journal: donna never came around to inquiring about it, wanting to preserve your sense of privacy, but now angie was clamoring up the chair's side and all but shoving herself into your lap.
you laugh at angie's insistence, and donna's heart skips. she feels your warmth through angie, even as the doll prattles on inquisitively about your work.
"sorry! i wasn't interrupting your beauty sleep, was i, miss angie?"
your voice is soft, warm: honey on the tongue, the slightest rasp twined in it. already, the mere sound of it is soothing to donna's craft-addled thoughts.
"i wouldn't be here if you didn't," angie grumbles, but she peers down at the page in your hands nonetheless. "the hell are ya workin' on?"
"a sketch," you respond simply. on the paper is the remnant of a face mildly familiar to donna, the pencil lines erased in multiples, leaving behind the echoes of your attempts at capturing the image of whoever this muse of yours was. "it just… doesn't feel right. i've been at it for an hour! no matter how i go about this, it doesn't work."
(what was that pang in her heart? why did donna's ribcage wrinkle in displeasure at the thought of you thinking of someone else, to be so vexed this way?)
"come ooon, drawing isn't that hard!" angie flaunts. donna catches the huff of protest you exhale, and she chuckles to herself. your interests and donna's overlapped: something the two of you discovered early on in your months of servitude under house beneviento. you wrote more than you sketched, so donna knew that if this page troubled you, it must have great importance to warrant such determination.
"i mean, have you tried it?" you raise an eyebrow at angie. "it can be tough, miss angie."
"that's don-don's job!"
"to make you look pretty in artworks?"
"you're getting it! but what's got your ass in such a pinch, anyway?"
you recline in the chair, stretching out your legs with a sigh. "it's…" swiveling about with quick glances, you check for something that donna can't determine. "i'm… sketching someone precious to me. i've made so many tries, but every time, i find myself unhappy with it. it's already erased before i can look at it for anything more than a minute."
that pinch again. donna clasps a hand over her heart, steadying her breath. who was this mystery person, and how—why did they captivate you so? and why did donna care so much?
when she refocuses, it is to a lapse in the conversation. you seem flustered, a light rose on your cheeks as angie crosses her arms. "if it's nagging at you so much, then just go ask her!"
"i-i can't just ask her! what if she's busy? i know it's terrifying to have to sit there and watch as someone pens a portrait of you."
"not for me it ain't! c'mooon, save yourself the trouble! it'll be easier to have the real thing right up in your face!"
her? who was her?
donna severs the link in the next moment, and when she comes to, the light weight of the doll limb in her grasp and the carving tool between her fingers becomes a grounding anchor. donna brushes a stray hair behind her ear, her brow furrowed.
she ought to ask you, if her curiosity burned this fiercely in her mind; but posing any inquiries would only let you know that she was eavesdropping through angie.
a chord of guilt strums in her chest, and donna breathes out its song in a burdened sigh.
donna is patient. your initiative matters greatly to your lady beneviento, even with your shared nature of quietude. if it truly plagues your soul, this picture you cannot quite capture with your pencil, then it is all she can do to hope that you might approach her about the matter for advice.
edit: i speedran the second part, here! enjoy!
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viioletgarden · 1 year
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hello resident evil art community!! i've been lurking for a longgg time and i'm trying to hone my art so i can post more about these ladies because i love them :>
i was really really inspired by @k-0re and @hattersarts when i started drawing for the fandom so i wanted to add credits to them!!
i'd really love to be more involved and draw more resident evil so if anyone wants to see anything in particular of these characters pls send me asks :]
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Alright my lovelies, it’s time to choose!
So…i’ve picked three different fic series ideas and I wondered which one you all might be interested in!
all are Alcina Dimitrescu x fem!reader
Further Explanation of the middle option: R is a beautiful girl from the village whom all of her life has been convinced that Lady Dimitrescu is an evil woman. Her parents, make her work at Dimitrescu Castle to hopefully gain Alcina’s favor. Unfortunately, things don’t go as planned and r ends up falling in love, blinded to Alcina’s cruel nature. One day, Alcina injures r and r almost dies, she ends up okay but with a coldness to Alcina, there’s tension where neither one wants to apologize. Until one day…
(Not the best summary ik 😭)
Further Explanation of the last option: R is a princess from a very powerful kingdom, she is sent to live with Alcina for the time being due to some complications the kingdom is having, making it no longer safe for the princess. Miranda has instructed Alcina to develop a relationship with r so they can have a romantic relationship leading to Alcina marrying r and getting more power for Miranda. (Basically everything in a summary/nutshell)
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blueredbulls · 2 years
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Donna was just watching from the porch undetected until Angie spotted her.
Maiden is clueless asf you guys...
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marilynthornhilllover · 2 months
Heyyy I don't know if you are taking request but i had this ideia for quite some time.
A Lady dimitrescu x yandere maid reader!!! Imagine dimitrescu gets a new maid from mother Miranda like the usual but the reader start to get obsessed with dimitrescu, doing the reader start to sabotage the other "favorite" maids so she could be the top one for Alcina but she still behave very shy, innocent and loyal to her.
And Alcina have a bit of suspension about the sabotages that reader is doing but she just puts a side because "her best maid wouldn't do that right?!"
Love can be a killer
Lady dimitrescu x yandere!maid!reader
Warning: talk of harming others, near death experience, murder threats, knife play, slight praise kink, talk of blood and slight torturing, rumors, talk of pyscopath behavior.
A/n: totally loved this idea!! Hope you enjoy and yes my ask box is always open!<3
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The five lords gathered in the dilapidated hall of the old cathedral inside of castle dimitrescu as their leader mother miranda took her stance while the others took their seats. The room was filled with silence as the four lords exchanged glances. Confused as to why mother miranda remained silent.
She was often the first to speak, mostly. But her silence was deafening. It would be suicide to speak up — not knowing where the bird goddess true intentions lies . The tension in the air was thick and cold as mother Miranda's eyes gazed deathly into the dark corner of the other side of the room. They all looked at her, but none daring to speak up.
" Come out child" she finally spoke up, Her response was delivered in an icy tone that forced the lords to turn their heads to where miranda was staring at. Emerging from the shadowy depths was you. Small, in their eyes tiny, fragile you. While the men chuckled, Donna and alcina were the only two who stayed quiet as you warily approached the altar.
" will there by any requests to take her?" Miranda asked, slowly moving her head to look at everyone around the room. Karl and slavatore snickered continually with eachother as Donna shared looks with alcina. Donna would definitely pick you, she needed help with her doll making but she didn't know how she'd deal with that.
She's still a bit introverted and to have company all the time for her would be truly exhausting. Alcina on the other hand was always the one to take in maids when miranda offered them up, it was a customary transaction. But she was tight on staff and didn't need new maidens — yet.
" maybe you should take her Karl, you'd make great experiments out of her" slavatore whispered audibly. They men spared you a glance before laughing again.
Children — miranda thought as she rolled her eyes. Miranda searched the room, looking between Karl and slavatore she only saw fools who'd kill you in a nick of time, Donna who'd just..... you might most likely be her master than she of you. Alcina was the perfect match, but as evil as miranda may seem she allowed alcina to choose you herself.
Miranda stared to think of what she would have to do to you if no one volunteered to own you as their own.
Alcina lifted her eyes from the ground to look at you. The fear on your face as you held your hands, shivering from either the coldness or fear it really didn't matter. You looked young but no too young that she couldn't claim you. She studied you for a moment. You looked shy and exhausted, God knows what Miranda had you doing.
Her eyes lowered at the chains around your hands and the red marks they were imprinting, how dirty your clothes were. Your shoeless feet that were filthy and bruised. You looked terrified, though that would be an understatement. Your lips quivered as your eyes met the countess soft gaze. You held it and for a moment you felt at ease, a single piece of safety even amongst the cruelest people.
" I'll take her, Miranda" all eyes snapped towards alcina's directions as they stared blankly at her. A small relieved smirk can be seen on Miranda's face but it vanishes as quickly as it appears. Alcina and Miranda's shared glance had seem to upset the men and wipe the smirk straight off their faces. But karl, karl was not having it. He immediately stands up to protest.
" but she already has a castle packed with her little play things! I need more humans for my experiment miranda you can't do this—" Karl immediately stops speaking when Miranda's eyes flashing a bright yellow as her feathered wings span open. A new found wave of shivers can be felt in the room.
" you dare to question my authority lord heisenberg?" The bird goddess steps down from her podium and onto the tiled step. He avoids her threatening gaze, knowing what has happened to others before him who lacked the knowledge and looked into her preying eyes, not aware of the destruction that came after.
" the girl belongs to alcina now, and my approval is final...... it is your tongue that will get you killed lord heisenberg, perhaps I should arrange it's removal" mother Miranda's tone was cold and sharp, she talk fiercely because she meant every word. Karl hated being talked down to, even if it was by mother miranda, but one day he will talk back. When hell freezes over.
Miranda proceeds to return to her position on the podium. She fixed her cloak and sighed silently.
You moved to Alcina's side and tried to make yourself as small as possible, like a little mouse, too afraid that if you move you'll be eaten alive.
" I called this meeting today to address—" miranda began her complains and the meeting went on for quite some time. Alcina tried her utmost best focus but the only thing she could hear was your grumbling stomach and the consistent grinding of your teeth against the flesh of your finger as you bit your nails.
Alcina grabbed your wrist and pulled your hand away from your mouth. Fear loomed in your eyes but there was a swirl of reassurance that laid in hers. She intertwined her palm with yours and for some weird reason her cold skin skill provided you with a warmth you didn't know you needed.
After the meeting was over Alcina took you home to her castle. Castle Dimitrescu. You heard Manny rumors about Countess Alcina Dimitrescu and her family secrets.... but maybe she wasn't as bad as you thought or maybe she had a dark side that she wasn't willing to shed light on yet...
She kept sneaking glances at you during the ride to the castle but she did not utter a word. There was something about you, something under all this shy, scared little girl act but she couldn't quite place her hand on it. When you both arrived at the castle a young maiden approached alcina with a long back cloak.
" welcome back my lady, I hope your trip was well" you suspiciously eyed the girl, she was around the same age as you, probably the same height or more but very beautiful. A girl like her should be modeling. She didn't even acknowledge your presence but instead continued to stare at the countess, with a glimmer that was too bright to be admiration.
Another maiden approached you with a cloak and ushered you inside of the castle. With one last spared look, you turned to look back at Alcina and the young girl and they were very close, too close, and the looks they shared as Alcina couldn't keep her hands to herself. What did that girl have that you didn't? What could she do that you couldn't...
That's where your unhealthy obsession with pleasing Alcina began.
Everyday before dawn you made it your first priority to bring the lady her morning tea, which she gladly accepts with a wide grin, always making sure to commend you.
You did your job perfectly, folded the landry, grill the meat just the way she loved it, massage her shoulders after a long day, draw her a bath, wash her hair, clean her office, braid her hair before she slept, But still the countess had her favorites..... the blonde goodie two shoe pretty girl still being amongst them. So.... you had to take her out.
It wasn't like you to hurt anyone, but she was getting in your way of being the lady's top favorite maiden and it was driving you mad. Because everything you did, she did it better. And she did sense a competition and man did she play along just perfectly.
She would spitefully bump into you in the hallways and snicker about it to her minion friends or trip you when you were carrying the landry just to see you fold it all over again. And she knew what the lady hated the most was bullying but she also knew that the lady knew she wouldn't hurt a fly. But alcina also had her eyes on you, even when you weren't looking.
She thought you were weak, the way you'd allow others to treat you, she thought you also couldn't hurt a fly. But man if she only knew what you were capable of she too would watch her step.
It was time for the lady's night wine. You knocked on the door to her chambers before you eventually heard her command you to enter. As you carefully push the door open and carry the tray you hear the lady chuckle, lifting your eyes you see that same maid girl braiding the lady's hair, her hand lingering a little longer than supposed too on her neck.
A sudden overwhelming feeling if anger washed over you. Lady Alcina was yours.... only yours... she just doesn't know it yet but you'll make it know to others. The lady barely acknowledged your presence before she waved you off to leave.
Your blood boiled as rage and jealousy filled your veins. You curtsy to the lady before you left. You opened the door and slowly turned around to see the lady with her eyes still glued on you, you flashed her a warm smile and left. Though alcina saw your smile she could see right through you, but again she couldn't place her finger on it.
You waited for the maid to come out of the lady's chambers, hiding secretly between the wall and the staircase. You watched as she bit her lips and fixed her hair after she closed the door. You scoffed watching in disgust as she walked proudly towards the staircase, her eyes betraying her she didn't notice your lingering figure behind the wall.
You ran out and pushed her down the stairs quickly. Her loud scream echoed throughout the castle awakening all the maidens and alerting those who were still on shift. Her body rolled down every step with loud thuds and cracks, surely this will impact her for some time as you made your way up to the lady's top favorite maiden list.
With a final thud her body came to a halt and laid perfectly still on the carpet below, she wailed in pain as maidens rushed to attend to her. You slowly backed away from the scene as you saw the lady emerge from her room with a blank face, no emotion can be seen in the lady's eyes or evident on her face.
She just stood there looking at the scene as if she was watching a basketball game where as her favorite team wasn't making any scores. Her eyes shined a bright yellow and she turned to return to her room, and there in the corner of her eyes stood you.
You both held eachothers gaze for what felt like forever, none of you able to read eachother's eyes for any answers, but alcina could hear everyone's heart beat in the room. They were all pounding, but yours.... yours was not. She narrowed her eyes at you before closing the door behind herself.
A small smirk appeared on your face as you proceeded to return to your quarters. Holding both hands behind your back, you walked slowly towards your room.
That maid could have died at your hands tonight, but did you care?... not in the slightest. Matter of fact you could sail the seven seas and still wouldn't find a fuck to give. Alcina was yours and you hers, no one was to touch her, talk to her or even look at her in any sexual romantic way unless it was you.
Time went on and that blonde maid went back to her home country to recover but there was rumors that she wouldn't be coming back because of how crippled she was. Alcina had new maids come in and they were your next target. Stella, she was very young, and she was in control of bringing the lady tea in the evening.
You waited until Stella returned from the lady chambers the approached her. Her eyebrows quirked as she looked you up and down but she quickly flashed you a smile. You could tell she was a total fake who just wanted to steal Alcina away from you. You grabbed her shoulders and slammed her up against the wall, her eyes widening not from the sudden impact but from feeling the sharp cold knife you held to her throat.
You'd notice that she'd always carry a book along with her to read to the lady which she says " the lady admires".
that can't happen....
" unless you wanna end up like blondie, I suggest you stop throwing yourself at the lady because she doesn't want you, she wants me...." You whispered, pressing the knight even deeper into her flesh slightly drawing blood. You watched as she winched at the pain of the metal object tearing at her flesh.
" you're fucking crazy" she scoffed, but you only smirked. You released the knife from her throat and looked at cut that it gave her.
" That's gonna leave a scar..... don't stay away from the lady and I'll cause more damage than just a little scar" your tone of voice was cold and bitter you turned and walked away. You could feel the anger radiating off her but also the fear, you knew she wouldn't dear to try you...
Later than night as you were lotioning your feet there was a knock on your door. A maiden told you that the lady requested your presence, immediately. You wrapped your towel tighter around your body and wrapped your damp hair up in clawclip and made your way down the hall towards the lady's chambers. The night air was stiff and cold as it brushed upon your skin.
A feeling of adrenaline filled you as you knocked on the big iron door. You heard the lady's faint voice of permission to entry so you turned the knob and followed suit. Upon entry you were greeted with the warmth of the fireplace. You weren't aware that the lady's eyes were lingering on your exposed skin and wet hair.
She averted her eyes from your body as you walked up behind her.
" will you braid my hair for my draga?" She asked softly and you obediently nodded. You grabbed her brush from the night stand and gently began to comb her raven colored hair. Although you could feel the lady's gaze on you that didn't made you break character. You kept brushing her hair then began to braid it.
Alcina wanted to believe that you had nothing to do with the suspicious activities that has been happening around the castle but since you arrived it was like all hell bounds broke lose.
First a maid miraculously falls down a flight of stairs and is seriously injured, and with no one to bear witness it labeled as just an accident. Another maiden, Stella, suddenly has a knife scar on her neck and her excuse is that she was bitten by some bug, that bug has to be the devil himself because alcina didn't quite believe her alibi.
And then two other maids randomly gets food poisoned and has to go to the hospital for a rather long period of time. The point is all of them were the lady's favorite maidens. Alcina narrowed her eyes as she continued to go deeper into her thoughts as she studied you closer. She could recall miranda saying something about you being completely and utterly insane or obsessed of some sort.
But alcina couldn't quite see the vision miranda had planted. All she saw was a shy, innocent, loyal, well mannered maiden. She felt ashamed of herself for even thinking that you could be the reason for these maidens sudden downfalls, but maybe they just had it coming....
" my lady?" Alcina is quickly brought from the depths of her inner thoughts by your soft voice. Her golden eyes met yours in the mirror and you flash her a soft smile to which she returned.
" thank you y/n, my favorite maiden, you may go now" she said with a purr, you immediately smiled and bowed. You left the room smiling and giggling as if she had asked you to marry her — well not yet.... now that your the lady's favorite maiden, no one... absolutely no one will ever be allowed too close to her again, or else they too will face an downfall of their own.
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p-jtarts · 9 months
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Again, suggestive themes
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Platonic yandere step father Diluc has so huge potential... Just imagine he and his teen! step child. Like to bring a kitten from street. Something like that. My English is bad sorr
Fluffy companion
Platonic! Yandere! Step-father! Diluc Ragnvindr x GN! Teen! Step-child! Reader
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Description: You were in a bad mood. You wanted some company.
Diluc didn't like, that you had a bad mood. He tries to make up for it.
Warnings and tags: OOC. Platonic Yandere. English is my second language. Unpleasant Donna. Diluc is married (somewhat). Diluc's spouse's (Reader's biological parent) gender aren't specified. Reader's biological parent are a lousy parent. Child abandonment. Arranged marriage. Discussion of arranged marriages. Long backstory. Lumine is Traveler. Attempt at worldbuilding (arranged marriages in Mondstadt, CPS in Mondstadt). Diluc's age aren't specified. Implied blackmail, murder, robbery.
Sometimes, people of Mondstadt didn't look at you. They had to make themselves to look at you. And then, they would not.
The "would not" part was almost the same in all cases. They would look above your head, at the ground, at the birds, at Barbatos's statue. Anywhere, but not at you. Someone would even ignore you talking to them, forcing you to repeat your words again and again. Well, perhaps, such people want you to yell to get their attention, so they could call you a disrespectful brat, complain to Master Diluc and get you in trouble.
But, before "would not" part, came a "look". And "looks" were different.
Moco's and Hillie's looks were curious. In the worst way possible. They were looking at the source of gossip, when they looked at you.
You tried to shield away their whispers, focusing on a book.
"So... Are they a part of the Ragnvindr clan or not?"
just focus on a text
"No one knows... They weren't officially adopted..."
on a text
"Really? Well, it explains what I heard about their upbringing..."
"Tell me..."
please, stop talking about me
"Discuss your poorly done work, you lazy gossips!" Adelinde was livid. "Get back to work!"
A pair of maids quickly strode off, looking with fear at the Head Housemaid. She turned towards you.
Her look was full of pity.
"[Y/N], are you okay?"
You nodded. You weren't, but you don't want to discuss it right now. Adelinde didn't believe you, but decided to drop the subject.
"[Y/N], can I ask you for a small favor? Can you go to "Floral Whisper" and get decorations? They are supposed to be ready."
You immediately put your book down.
"Of course, Miss Adelinde!"
She gave you a small smile. She held a basket towards you.
"Here. For carrying them."
You took the basket and were ready to go, when Elzer called for you.
Elzer's look was full of sorrow and guilt. His gaze didn't linger, choosing to look at the owl statue.
"[Y/N], can you, please, bring that bottle to Master Diluc?" He pointed at the bottle on his table and turned around, showing, that he won't speak to you again.
You quickly put the bottle in your basket to leave the manor, heading to Mondstadt City.
People from the Winery were, mostly, fine.
Citizens, on the other hand...
Getting decorations would be a fine task, if Flora was there. She was kind. She looked at you.
Unfortunately, she wasn't here. But Donna was.
She was the worst. And that days she will be even worse.
"Hello. I am here to get commissioned decorations."
Your voice was loud enough to be heard. Yet Donna didn't react, choosing to look at the Quinn's stall. You waited. You repeat your words again.
"Please, can I have decorations? Are they ready?"
Donna didn't answer. But she spoke.
"Such a shame, that Windblume Festivals and Ludi Harpastum lost a lot of charm during last two years. Especially for a young maiden."
She gave you a quick side-eye. A very angry side-eye. You flinched, but repeat.
"Please... The decorations..."
Donna groaned, tear off the basket from your arms, took a box with Master Diluc's name on it, that was full of small flower decorations, and dumped the contents in the basket.
"Here. Be on your way."
You clenched the basket and walked off.
It has been going on for the last two years.
Young and unmarried were borderline hating you.
You were a constant reminder, that the Uncrowned King of Mondstadt was married.
Mondstadt was beautiful that days. Well, it's not like Mondstadt wasn't beautiful in any other days. But, no one would disagree, that during Windblume Festival, capital city would become especially beautiful.
"Angel's Share" tavern has surprisingly a lot of free tables for a Windblume Festival.
Right now, on the first floor, Lumine spotted Nelson and Payne, both were sitting on their usual spots. She and Paimon were occupying a table on the second floor, and were the only ones up here. Lumine and Paimon were enjoying their berry juices, when Paimon noticed someone else.
"Look, Lumine, there is a kid down here!" Paimon pointed a finger at the first floor's corner. It was hard to look at it from duo's spot (and if Paimon didn't float a little bit higher, she also wouldn't spot the kid), so Lumine had to stand up.
In the far corner, there were a teen. They sat at one of the tables, looking before them. A basket full of flower decoration were standing on the table before them. They looked deep in thoughts. And very sad.
What was conserving, is that there also was a bottle of wine on the table.
Paimon float closer to the railing, taking a better look at the bar counter.
"Charles isn't here. Do you think they steal the bottle?"
Lumine and Paimon glanced at each other. They have never seen an underage drinker, and they knew, that people of Mondstadt are very careful with drinking age. But, everything can happen.
Lumine and Paimon hurry to the first floor.
They didn't notice, that two more people walked into the tavern.
"Hi! Happy Windblume Festival!" Paimon waved her hand, trying to get teen's attention. Lumine smiled.
"Happy Windblume Festival!"
They almost jumped, and turn their head towards them. A solemn look returned to their face.
"Oh... Hello. Happy Windblume Festival." teen looked uncomfortable. They chew their lip. "Do you... need something?"
Paimon float forward.
"Paimon's name is Paimon. And that's Lumine!"
Lumine waved.
"Nice to meet you." Traveler cast a sneaky glance at the bottle. It still was full. And wasn't open.
Teen nodded. They didn't say a word. Paimon continued.
We just saw you here alone. In a tavern..."
Teen slammed both hands against the table. Their voice trembled. It looked like they were on a verge of crying.
"I have the right to be here! I didn't do anything wrong!"
Lumine raised both of her hands.
"Calm down, please, we didn't mean anything bad!"
"Oh, is our Honorary Knight harassing kids?"
Lumine could hear a smirk in Kaeya's voice. Calvary Captain slowly approached them. Diluc was silently walking beside him. Kaeya ignored Lumine and Paimon, instead focusing on the teen.
"Sad, [Y/N]? Want to have a hug from your uncle to make you feel better?" Kaeya opened his arms, inviting [Y/N] for a hug.
"Uncle?! Kaeya? Master Diluc?" Paimon and Lumine asked in unison. Diluc didn't answer immediately. He walked closer to the teen and awkwardly pet them on the head. After that, he finally answered.
"I am married. [Y/N] are my child."
"What?!" Paimon squeaked. Her eyes sparkled with interest. "Master Diluc is married? Who managed to win his heart?"
Lumine looked as interested as Paimon.
Duo failed to see an uncomfortable look on Diluc's, Kaeya's and [Y/N]'s faces.
Everyone in Teyvat know, that Mondstadt is a city of freedom. So, people would assume, that arranged marriages in Barbatos's land are forbidden.
People, who think like that, aren't mistaken, but, they also aren't completely right.
Marriages, that are arranged only for the sake of getting a hair, are banned. Here, parents can't sell their children into what can be called a slavery.
However, marriages, that arranged for establishing new business connections, for helping to Mondstadt, for making lives of both families better, are still legal. As long as parents discussed everything with their kids, there should be no problem with a consensual, mutually beneficial arranged marriage of Mondstadt's citizen.
On multiple occasions, Crepus spoke to Diluc about arranged marriages.
First time, he explained in the smallest details, in what situation he will consider arranging a marriage between Diluc and another person. Crepus also promised not to think about arranging a marriage, and doing it only as a last resort.
Second time, Crepus talked to Diluc and Kaeya at the same time. It happened few years after Kaeya was adopted into a clan. Crepus explained, that Diluc and Kaeya, despite both being part of Ragnvindr Clan, have different "fiancé" values. Diluc was more valuable, as future head of a clan. However, marriage with Kaeya will let someone have a higher title, without getting the hardest responsibilities of the clan members. Crepus gave a permission to hit anyone, who would discuss Diluc's and Kaeya's value as possible husbands.
The third time, Crepus discussed with Diluc reasons for agreeing to a marriage.
Of course, not for getting an heir. Diluc should find someone he loves, to have children with. And, Diluc should be careful about having kids in an arranged marriage. If one day, they decided to get a divorce, Diluc and his spouse won't deal with traumatized children.
Think twice, before agreeing to a marriage to help Dawn Winery. It would be better, if Diluc will deal with business problems with his own power.
It's a good reason to help Mondstadt by marrying a possible ally. And, as usual, it should be Diluc's decision.
Getting married to help someone is a noble cause. However, Diluc should be careful about who he helps.
Crepus Ragnvindr never insisted on Diluc getting married. He never tried to arrange a marriage for him or Kaeya. Master Crepus just wanted his sons to be happy.
Diluc didn't think about having a spouse.
Not before Crepus's death.
And, he wasn't thinking about getting married after Crepus died.
Perhaps, it was the end of Ragnvindr bloodline.
Diluc was sitting beside the fireplace, deep in his thoughts, when someone, who were standing behind his chair, coughed. He looked behind him. Elzer was standing here, looking exhausted and slightly guilty. Diluc raised an eyebrow.
"Elzer? Is something wrong?"
Elzer take a deep breath, before he spoke. He was speaking slowly, carefully choosing his words.
"It's complicated... Master Diluc, let me start with this... What I say next in no way, shape or form is a request, a plea or an offer." Elzer take another breath. "An old... acquaintance of mine has some problems. Many years ago he helped me with some serious task, so I have a small debt. So, to fulfill it, I agree to pass his message." Elzer looked at Diluc again. "I am simply delivering a message."
Diluc remained quiet. Elzer was always professional and collected, when he talked to him. Seeing him in that state wasn't something Diluc expected to ever see in his life. Diluc nodded to encourage Elzer.
"I understand. Please, continue."
Elzer sighed, rubbed the bridge of his nose. He even slightly lumped forward. He looked... tired.
"Will it be strange for me to say, Master Diluc, that I was hoping that you wouldn't listen to me?" Elzer asked rhetorically. The next second, Elzer spoke again.
"My old acquaintance is from Liyue. He is from one of the smaller noble families. He is facing some serious troubles." Elzer looked into the fireplace. Diluc could swear, that, for a moment, Elzer hopped, that fire would escape the fireplace and either burned him, or his mysterious acquaintance with troubles.
"He has two children. And older one messed up. Badly." Elzer, once again, spoke slowly and carefully. Diluc decided not to interrupt him. Better gave him as much time as he needs. "Twelve years ago they disappeared. Or, perhaps, they just decided to travel. Their father refused to elaborate. It's not that important. What's important, is that Older One returned a few months ago. With a spouse and a child. New made grandfather was delighted. Until the first family dinner."
Elzer rubbed his temples. This time, Diluc decided to ask a question.
"What happened?"
Elzer answered immediately. With every world, Elzer's voice became more and more irritated.
"Older One got drunk. And confessed, that they did something to... They trick their spouse into... Dear Barbatos!" Elzer was almost growling at that point. "That idiot confessed, that twelve years ago they were sabotaging protection and contraceptives, so their child would be conceived and born. They wanted their spouse to always be with them. They used the child to chain their spouse to them." Elzer became silent. Diluc waited. Elzer voice was tired.
"Their spouse weren't happy about it. They asked for divorce. And disowned [Y/N] on a spot."
"Their own child." Diluc wasn't asking. There was no need for it. Still, Elzer nodded.
"The word about the whole situation get outside the family. And now their reputation is in shambles, they are loosing their wealth. However, there is one way to fix the situation. To marry a younger one to a good family, to someone outside Liyue. That's why they asked for help."
Elzer looked at Diluc with a guilty expression.
"Master Diluc. They asked me to deliver their proposition. Fourth of their future income, partnership with Dawn Winery, base for gathering information in other nation. In return, they ask..."
Before Elzer could finish, Diluc spoke.
"For me to marry the younger one."
Elzer nodded.
"Yes. But, as I said, I only was asked to carry a message. I never promised them an answer, or an agreement."
Diluc looked at the fire.
"I understand... Never thought, that I would get such an offer."
It was a messy situation. And none of Diluc's business. He should just reject this "offer".
"The kid... How they are doing?"
Elzer shrugged.
"I can't tell for sure. "Happy" grandfather mentioned his kids and himself, but hardly spoke about [Y/N]. But, I can guess, that they aren't in a good place right now."
There was no doubt in it. Kid lost everything in one moment. And, it was unclear, if they have someone, who weren't busy and can reassure them.
Crepus did mention, that helping someone through arrange marriage was a noble cause. It would be a good deed, to help a kid. By marrying their relative.
Diluc turned his head towards Elzer.
"Can you, please, arrange a meeting? I want to talk to them."
Meetings went surprisingly fine and productive. Diluc counted at least five times, when his "future father-in-law" was ready to bow before him.
It was concerning, that there was hardly any interactions between him and his "future partner". But, as Diluc can see, that all family members were focusing on salvaging what remains of their family's connections. They didn't have much time for a small talk.
The contract was made.
Marriage will end, when the family establish themselves in a different nation and will be able to have a normal income, that will let them live and not survive.
Diluc can ask for divorce anytime he wants.
Cheating is punishable with divorce.
Diluc and future generations of Ragnvindr Clan will get all support family can give them.
Diluc's property and finances were secured, he shouldn't worry about losing them during divorce.
It wasn't relationship. It won't be a fairy tale romance.
It was a business relationship. That, hopefully, would help people in bad situation.
There was no need for a wedding ceremony. They could just go to the Cathedral and have a small ceremony. Just two of them. No guests, no feast. Nothing.
They could just sigh a contract in Liyue. No guests, no feast. Nothing.
But Diluc felt bad. He wanted to let his future partner have at least a celebration.
And all went downhill.
Wedding started with a scandal.
He said his wow.
And they start screaming.
Accusing him of being a monster. Of taking advantage over their sorrow. Of being a virtue.
Soon, the whole family was screaming at each other.
Younger one refused to get married.
But the contract was signed.
And Liyue citizens value contracts. Heir of family should marry Diluc Ragnvindr.
That day, the wedding did happen.
Diluc and Older Sibling got married.
And Diluc became [Y/N]'s step-father.
It was evening.
Diluc was checking on the vineyard. His mood was sour.
His "spouse" were an unpleasant person. They spent days pitying their previous marriage, they disrespect his workers and ignored [Y/N]. The kid were eleven, their family was destroyed, their parent disowned them and second parent didn't pay attention to them. Moreover, every time Diluc tried to talk with [Y/N], his attempt would be shut down with a "Don't you dare to parent my child, Diluc!"
And now, Diluc has loosed all chances to help [Y/N].
His "spouse" wanted to help their family in establishing a new life in a new region. So, they left in the morning, right after Diluc left for a Mondstadt city. Diluc didn't have a chance to say goodbye to [Y/N].
Vineyard was quiet and peaceful. Only sounds of wind were heard...
Diluc froze. Which of his grapevines caught a cold?
Diluc looked down, after he heard rustling of the grass. Red eyes met with [e/c] ones.
[Y/N] were shivering. They looked tired and hungry.
"Sorry, Master Diluc... I don't know if I am allowed to stay in the Winery! I will leave if I..."
Diluc shushed them.
"We will go inside. Adelinde will prepare a warm bath for you. We will have dinner."
Year passed.
[Y/N] were living with Diluc. Live was more or less normal.
Diluc can't say, for sure, when exactly he started to think about [Y/N] as his own child.
Diluc didn't think twice about hosting a birthday party for them.
But, one problem remained.
[Y/N]'s biological family.
Mondstadt laws about abandoned children were simple.
Child abandonment was a crime.
However, there was also an "Exception".
If the child in question had guardians, caretakers, and their distant parents can be reached via mail, in that case, it won't be viewed as an abandonment.
Currently, only Alice's and Klee's situation was considered an "Exception".
Alice treated that arrangement seriously. She spoke to Knights, nuns, her old friends and even Diluc's staff, making sure, that her little girl won't be left unsupervised. Alice was always reachable. Jean could write a letter to her, and Alice would respond. And would return to Mondstadt, if situation calls for that.
Was it a good solution? Maybe not, but no one would dare to call her a "bad mother". She did her best to care for Klee and fulfill her responsibilities for Knights.
Diluc's and [Y/N]'s situation shouldn't be an "Exception".
Diluc has no reason to let [Y/N] stay. He could just divorce their parent, who were nowhere to be found and who refused to contact their child.
There were no reason for Diluc to keep being involved with them.
But, Diluc knew, that he was the only one, who cared about [Y/N].
Two months after [Y/N]'s twelfth birthday, Diluc filled necessary paperwork.
Now, there were two "Exceptions" in Mondstadt.
While Kaeya was keeping Lumine's and Paimon's attention on himself, Master Diluc leaned towards you.
"Are you okay?"
You nodded.
Master Diluc pat you on a head again.
"Are you sure?"
You could lie again. Like you lied to Adeline. But Master Diluc wasn't Adelinde.
"Moco and Hillie were gossiping again. Donna was rude. Grandfather and others... still didn't write."
You missed Diluc's dark glare.
"Don't pay attention to them. They aren't worth it." Diluc saw, that his words didn't work so well, and you still were upset. He should find a way to cheer you up. But he still was busy and can't spend time with you. And you barely have any friends in Mondstadt. Adults knew about your family's behavior and were suspicious of you. They thought, that your situation was your family's ploy to get into Ragnvindr Clan. And kids tend to mimic parents' behavior, so, a lot of kids and teens ignored you. Still, Diluc didn't want you to spend the whole day in the tavern on in the manor. He took a heavy coin purse, full of Mora, from his pocket, and gave it to you.
"Hey... [Y/N]. Take it. Have some fun. Play games, eat a lot of treats. At the end of the day, we will go home together. Deal?"
A faint smile appeared on your face. You took the purse.
"Thank you, Mister Diluc."
You still have troubles with calling him "dad". Well, can't have everything at the same time.
You left the tavern. The basket and the bottle remained on the table.
You were bored and lonely. You were sitting on a bench, munching on a Hash Brown.
Food was delicious, but you weren't that hungry to eat for a whole day.
Most of the games weren't interesting to play by yourself.
You wish you had some company.
Something soft rubbed against your legs. You looked down and saw a fluffy ginger kitten. You always wanted to have a kitten, but your parents didn't let you, and you still were nervous near Master Diluc to ask for a kitten.
"Hi... Are you also alone?"
The kitten meowed, rubbing against your leg. You slowly reached towards kitten. He sniffed your hand, before bumping it with his forehead.
It looks like, you get a company you wanted.
The workday was finally over. Master Diluc and you were on your way home. You had your kitten with you. He was hidden. 
It was wrong to sneak in an animal. But, you wanted to keep the kitten.
"[Y/N]... Are you hiding something?" Master Diluc looked unamused. You tried to give him an innocent smile.
"No, Mister Diluc. I am not hiding anything."
Diluc skeptically looked at the suspicious bungle under your shirt. 
"Really?" Diluc flatly asked, pocking the bungle. One offended "meow" later, and a ginger kitten climbed under your shirt and sat on your shoulder. You were busted.
"Master Diluc... Cookie played with me today... I thought..." You swallowed your words under Diluc's gaze.  
"Today we will give him a bath and feed him. Tomorrow we will go to Margaret and ask for advices on kitten care." simply stated Diluc.
You looked at him with wide eyes.
"You mean... You are fine with me having a pet?" 
Diluc ruffled your hair.
"Why I should be against it? You could have asked for one long ago."
 You didn't know, what got into you. But you hugged Diluc, kitten was still on your shoulder.
 "Thank you do much, dad!"
 Diluc let your words sunk in. He put his hand on the top of your head. Diluc's lips barely moved.
 "You called me... dad." 
 You froze. You tried to get from the hug.
 "It was an accident, I didn't mean..."
 Diluc's hand pressed you against his chest in an awkward hug.
 "That accident... It will make me really happy, if you start repeating them more often."
It was middle of the night.
Diluc was patrolling Mondstadt City. Right now, he was observing, how Donna got in serious trouble.
Windblume Festival tend to lure criminals. People, who were trying to get their hands on something valuable.
Quite stupid and gullible people. Who believed an anonymous note about maiden from flower shop having some rare expensive jewelry at home.
Donna will be terrified, and her house will end up completely messed up.
Darknight Hero should probably help her.
But, she was so rude to Darknight Hero's child. 
That should be a lesson to her.
Diluc will make sure, that the rest of Mondstadt won't be damaged.
He had a busy evening.
He helped [Y/N] take care of Cookie.
He had a strict talk with maids. Reminding them, that they should do their job, and not gossip about his child. And reminding them, that he has connections, money, and he knows where their families live.
He had dinner with [Y/N]. [Y/N] called him "dad" a few more times.
 Last time, Diluc was that happy, was when he got a letter on [Y/N]'s thirteenth birthday.
From his allies from underground intelligence network. 
About a successful operation to get an intel on Fatui.
Unfortunately, they arrived a little bit late. There were casualties. 
A certain noble from Mondsdat became a widower.
To keep the network safe, that casualties should be hidden from the public.
Diluc was patrolling Mondstadt City.
And his thoughts were focused on [Y/N].
On how Mondstadt view them.
He could easily put the end to all rumors.
He could make Mondstadt citizens accept [Y/N].
He didn't do it.
It’s probably for the best that no one else tries to be friendly with them. Diluc wouldn’t want to see [Y/N] break out of that shell they were forced in, after all. As long as they are like this, he will be their only source of comfort. 
Their father.
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rosestarlightkatarina · 11 months
Writing about these women or drawing them is like choosing to have a gay panic on a daily basis
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atropalugosi · 10 months
Played through the Donna good end route on @resident-lover and had to do something with our favourite dollmaker's little flirt about drawing her during work.
So have a little post good end moment between her and my MC with as much awkwardness and gay panicking as should be expected.
"Can I draw you?" Valeria asks quickly and loudly, grasping the arm of Donna's chair with white knuckles. The botanist quirks an eyebrow at the younger woman, amused.
"You already know I don't mind, tesorina," she laughs teasingly, a sparkle in her eyes. It had been months since the two officially started dating, and things were going great, but still when Donna looked at her like that she couldn't help but feel like her next request would be stupid. Taking a deep breath, she readies herself and just rips the metaphorical bandaid off.
"Can I draw you like an Italian girl?" Valeria asks again, voice pitching embarrassingly. She watches anxiously as Donna's face blooms red and her jaw drops slightly, her eyes widening like a deer in headlights. Fuck! She shouldn't have asked that! It had just been a silly meaningless flirt the older woman had made to test the waters back then, why did Valeria think to bring it up again? She quickly pushes back and out of Donna's space, fully ready to fumble out an excuse to leave and die of embarrassment somewhere else.
"I'm sorry! Forget I said anything, I'm gonna go make us some tea or-"
"Dolcézza, wait!" Donna hurriedly responds, seeming to have gotten her bearings. She takes Valeria by the arm possessively, pulling her down so their eyes are level. "You... are asking me to pose for you," she blushes again as she squeaks out, "nude?"
The redhead nods slowly, her own cheeks heating up at the thought of her love agreeing. "Yeah- but! But only if you're comfy with that!" She says firmly, staring intently into Donna's eyes to let her know it really is okay to say 'no'. Her concern appears wasted though as a cheeky grin graces Donna's face.
"I was... sort of hoping you'd have asked again after we were interrupted the first time," she admits. Valeria's head feels about ready to explode with the way that small confession makes blood rush to her face. Donna truly was insatiable with her desire for the botanist in training. Feeling emboldened, Valeria leans in until their lips are nearly brushing and responds.
"Then let me help you undress and get ready."
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Heisenberg is moody
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