#donquixote donflamingo
artcayt · 1 year
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Doffy... I guess :) 👍
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vogelspinne · 3 months
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Doflamingo, but he’s not a pirate captain on his way to becoming a warlord, hands-stained by his brother’s blood. Corazon, but he’s not a marine undercover marching to his death. Just two brothers, if only for a moment, remembering what it’s like to be young and carefree.
Collab with Ritsukotheloner over on twitter for a collab event who wrote a heart-wrenchingly sweet fic around the same concept, give it a read!
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whatevsman16 · 2 years
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novice-comics · 1 year
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Look, a picture I made for last year's Mermay and never finished
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iniarya-lux · 2 years
Já faz um tempo que venho flutuando sobre a personalidade distorcida do Donflamimgo e sinto muita vontade de escrever sobre o personagem.
Bom, hoje é o dia.
Além do mais ele vai ser o primeiro persona que escreverei aqui
[It's been a while since I've been floating around Donflamimgo's twisted personality and I really want to write about the character.]
[Well, today is the day.]
[Besides, he's going to be the first persona I'll write here]
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Alguns Headcanons de Donquixote Donflamimgo:
Esse post não é uma análise profissional da persona do personagem, é apenas a minha opinião perspectiva do personagem como uma apreciadora da obra One piece!
Boa leitura🍃
[This post is not a professional analysis of the character's persona, it's just my opinion from the perspective of the character as a fan of the One piece work!]
[Good reading🍃]
Se o Doffy é cruel todo mundo sabe, ele não poupa ninguém, usa quem precisar para seu próprio benefício, manipulando e enganando.
[If Doffy is cruel, everyone knows, he doesn't spare anyone, he uses whoever needs it for his own benefit, manipulating and deceiving.]
De fato ninguém é 100% bom e nem 100% ruim, mas acredito que se nele residir algum resquício de bondade para matar a sede de algum necessitado pela sua "misericórdia", seria como cuspe, nojento, gosmento, te dando a breve ilusão de saciar sua ânsia, quando na verdade o fluido secaria rapidamente.
[In fact, no one is 100% good or 100% bad, but I believe that if there is any trace of goodness in them to quench the thirst of someone in need for their "mercy", it would be like spit, disgusting, gooey, giving you the brief illusion of sating your craving, when in fact the fluid would dry up quickly.]
Não sei ao certo, mas me parece que desde que ele "precisou" matar o Corazon, sendo ele o último membro da sua família sanguínea, ele decaiu ainda mais. Obviamente porque o Corazon intercedia de alguma forma em seus planos, porém isso foi sentido também por mim pelo fato de que o Corazon era o último membro oficial da sua família e seu braço direito. Sinto que essa perda o atingiu, tanto porque o Corazon teria um uso importante para ele, tanto porque era seu irmão mais novo e braço direito na família Donquixote.
[I don't know for sure, but it seems to me that since he "needed" to kill Corazon, being the last member of his blood family, he has fallen further. Obviously because Corazon somehow intervened in his plans, but this was also felt by me because Corazon was the last official member of his family and his right-hand man. I feel this loss hit him, both because Corazon would have an important use for him, and because he was his younger brother and right-hand man in the Donquixote family.]
Senti esse declínio em relação a mudança do visual do personagem, tudo bem que ele envelheceu com o tempo, é compreensível determinada mudança de estética, mas isso não me impede de pensar que querendo ou não a morte do irmão o atingiu e isso piorou ainda mais o seu lado maquiavélico, além de sua aparência.
[I felt this decline in relation to the change in the character's look, it's okay that he aged over time, it's understandable a certain change in aesthetics, but that doesn't stop me from thinking that whether he wanted to or not, his brother's death hit him and that made his Machiavellian side even worse, in addition to his appearance.]
Acredito que depois de ter perdido tudo na infância, o Corazon era o último "trunfo" que lhe restava, mesmo sendo sádico e um vilão cruel, ele compartilha um laço de confiança com sua família atual, e ter sido traído por um membro tão próximo, - ainda mais com sua personalidade narcisista - isso deve tê-lo frustado grandemente.
[I believe that after having lost everything in childhood, Corazon was the last "trump card" he had left, even though he was sadistic and a cruel villain, he shares a bond of trust with his current family, and having been betrayed by such a close member - even more so with his narcissistic personality - must have frustrated him greatly.]
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sokumotanaka · 2 months
"My name is donquixote donflamingo. "
King Riku: that's a dumbass name"
And that's how he died
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your-fav-has-npd · 1 year
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Donflamingo Donquixote from One Piece has NPD!
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talesofsonicasura · 2 years
Enjoy the Silence
Based on this.
Donquixote 'Corazon' Rosinante being a disaster dad with three different flavors of LoZ Link! We all know every iteration Hyrule's hero is a gremlin in their own way. It's only fair and funny for them to have a taste of their own.
Corazon ends up in one of three Hyrule eras after his last confrontation with his brother, Donflamingo. Luckily he's saved and patched up so the man can run into his future son. All Links know about the Calm-Calm Fruit's abilities alongside the concept of Devil Fruits. They also get trained by Corazon but under different reasonings. These are the only things that each path will have in common as everything else shall be different.
Captain's Dad (Warriors)
A bleeding out Corazon is found by Impa and nursed back to health under the Sheikah Tribe's care. Not even halfway through his recovery, a simple walk ends up with him coming back more injured but also a certain blonde baby in his hands.
(The Sheikah are the first to get a taste of Corazon's shenanigans. Felt like the Shadow Folk should be the first to suffer.)
Wars' family had been killed by bandits with the baby being the last survivor. His dying mother asked Corazon to look after her son. A wish he abides by for Link grows up as Donquixote Espada Link. (Espada is sword in Spanish).
Corazon still gets into mishaps so someone's there to intervene, at least until his son turns 8. Wars asked to learn self defense around 10 years old. It becomes official training once his son decided to join the army, a year before Hyrule Warriors takes place.
Our favorite jester gets dragged into the madness when Hyrule Castle is attacked while he secretly kept watch of Link. Things only escalate further once Cia opens rifts to different eras. Corazon and Wars ends up caught in the blast together as father went to help his son who wouldn't make it in time.
The aftermath becomes clear once Lana, Impa and Sheikah arrive at Skyloft in hopes of finding the missing father-son duo. Both had unfortunately been fused together thanks to Cia's magic, the only way to separate them being through the Master Sword.
Although Corazon kept secrets of his origins from his son, something Link unfortunately begins to learn as they remain fused for awhile. It ain't gonna be fun for either of them. Things do get better in the end before Hyrule Warriors concludes.
Linked Universe wise, Wars isn't as self sacrificial like in canon. This mainly stems from his relationship with Corazon alongside experiencing his dad's thoughts when they were fused. You'll feel pretty bad too if ya can feel how concern your father is for your health and the worries that hang over.
Wars still does stupid stuff but it ain't bad enough to earn constant scolding from Proxi or Corazon. He's actually on leave as Captain since the War of Eras really questioned his resolve to serve in the military. If it's worth the pain, betrayal and horrors such a role holds.
Wind is the only reason why Wars and Corazon get involved with the Chain's mission. (Later Time too but neither knew Mask is actually Time. Mostly Wars.) Plus someone needs to use the group's braincell, might as well be the guy who constantly sets himself on fire.
Fairy Magic (Hyrule)
Corazon is saved by a Great Fairy known as Magnolia, Hyrule's mother. A nice spin to our fairy boy for Donquixote Rosinante is his biological father. I'll be exploring more into their relationship later but it's a medium burn. Also Hyrule is gonna be quite tall since Corazon is his dad. His name will be Donquixote Hadas(fae in Spanish) Link.
Like two inches taller than Time with a growth spurt or two left. Magnolia would one day sacrifice herself for her family but not before leaving behind a final gift to her husband. A staff made from her magic called Magnolia's Hearth, Corazon's main weapon.
Hyrule would one day unlock his Great Fairy nature so the man had the fountain hidden with help from the other fairies. They don't fully start traveling until Hyrule's five. He's more honest about his origins and began training his son when he turned seven.
The father-son duo are both constant travelers but plan to settle down by Magnolia's Spring once Hyrule unlocked his Great Fairy side. (Something a certain magic dorito helps along). Both usually stopping to take safety at the fairy fountains, training or foraging. Like in canon, they get dragged into events of the first LoZ game.
Corazon decides to make an infamous name for himself amongst the monsters and cults once Hyrule is cursed with the Triforce. He already had one son (Law) marked for death cause of something outta his control. It isn't gonna happen again if he has anything to say about it.
So when the Chain arrives to this era, most aren't at ease hearing about the 'Grinning Reaper'. A man feared to the point that a quiet area is seen as a death trap. Something that stems from his powers as a 'Soundless Human'. He can remove the sound of an area to even objects or people. A bomb can go off and you wouldn't know until you see the smoke(or feel the blast.)
First impressions didn't go well since the Chain end up attacking a blood covered Corazon. The liquid iron being from cultists planning to harvest his son's own. A fight stopped by the intervention of a Great Fairy!Hyrule.
Yeah, it's gonna take awhile to convince the duo to help with their cause after this particular mess. More so considering canon Wars bad experiences with Great Fairies. It's gonna be a rough one.
Smiling Seagulls (Wind)
Finally we get to Wind's side. Our favorite accident prone man washes up on Outset Island and is found by our future sailor. This takes place two years before Wind Waker. (He had a lot of difficulty dragging Corazon to his house.) Wind's full name being Donquixote Gaviota(seagull in Spanish) Link.
The man manages to recover, staying with Link's family until he builds himself a house. Rosinante is just too tall as he's about a half an inch shorter than 9'6. He gets a job selling wood carvings and various knickknacks.
Wind is about eight when he asks Corazon to teach him how to fight after seeing the training one day. Part of the request stems by the instinct to protect his family. Other than that, they usually bond watching seagulls or get into shenanigans. And I mean a lot of shenanigans. Half being Corazon's clumsy nature such as falling off the roof or get sent flying into a tree cause he accidentally stepped on the giant pig's hoof.
Everything is going well until Aryll gets kidnapped and the events of Wind Waker begin. Corazon ends up borrowing a dinghy to go search for his son after Wind gets sent flying by Helmaroc King. They reunite on Dragon Roost Island.
He also gets involved in the events of Phantom Hourglass and Hyrule Warriors. There is actually going to be a genuine reason why Wind can't swim in Phantom Hourglass. Kudos if you think what I'm thinking.
Out of the three paths, Corazon and Wind joining the Chain is a bit easier. Just a bit though. Basically the father-son duo end up having to help one Link find the rest of his companions due to portal shenanigans separating them.
Meanwhile Dink decides to be an ass and add some obstacles in their way. Don't know if it's canon in LU or not but Wind still has the Phantom Sword on him. A main weapon that replaces the Master Sword.
Now, for any One Piece fans thinking about a certain Doctor of Death, in all three routes Corazon is gonna have a little reunion and some much deserved payback. The Dressrosa Arc is going to be even crazier as a certain Hylian Hero is joining in.
That's all I have for now! Until next time folks, I'll see you back in Hyrule.
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semusepsu · 4 months
I keep mispronouncing it Donquixote Donflamingo instead of Doflamingo.
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nutmegpress · 5 years
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Some one piece fanarts I posted on instagram! ^^ I'm in the middle of the dressrosa arc right now. I can't believe I'm finally close to catching up x-X I've been watching nonstop for the last month and I'm totally hooked.
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shitstrawhatssay · 6 years
Baby 5: You can’t just back down the moment someone gets in your face, idiot!
Doflamingo: Yeah! Ya gotta stand up for yourself!
Corazon: Gosh darn it, you’re right, Doffy. Today’s the day I get hard!
Doflamingo: …Okay maybe we don’t phrase it like that.
Corazon: Oh no! Rule 1: No backing down! Look out, world! I’m hard and I’m coming! Whether he likes it or not, Law is gonna let me in!
Corazon: *Leaves Room.*
Baby 5: …So does he want to help Law or fuck him?
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Hee Wani give me a goodbye kiss😟❤️
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nakunakunomi · 3 years
Haaaazeeeel !!! Thank you for Smoker-san drabble, it was just so lovely UwU *happy momojito noises*. I hope it is okay to ask something else: ❤ + 🧦 for my fav ever Doflamingo ? Feel free to ignore of course (I love yor writing so much my dear and once again, congratulations <3) *smooches everywhere*
Aaahhh Momo! I am so glad you liked the little Smoker thing I did. Okay, so I actually struggle a lot with Doffy for various reasons. I hope you can forgive me for maybe butchering him a little. QwQ 
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Being together with Donquixote Doflamingo was a chore sometimes. He was demanding, rude, even to you, generally domineering and aloof when it came to romantic advances. It had taken you ages to actually get together as a couple, and even now, you felt like you were still figuring out the logistics of your relationship as you went. 
But you knew he loved you and deeply cared for you. His jealousy in some ways, and mostly his over-protectiveness (maybe fueled by a little bit of possessiveness) showed on a regular basis. It was another thing you were still maneuvering around, but you were just happy to know he cared. 
It also came with a lot of perks. Most of them were the luxurious life you were now able to lead. The fact that you were always safe when you were in his presence. But one of the perks you never really thought about until the moment you first tried it, was the fact that you could now wear his coat without any repercussions. 
It had started off as a joke, you saw the pink fluffy thing lying around and decided that you wanted to try it on. It was as soft as it looked and you felt warm and comfortable in it, mostly because it was also way too big for you, completely engulfed in pink softness.
But after a while, it also became a place of comfort. It smelled like him. And when times got dark and things got hard, you’d just put it on and sit like that for a while. It never failed to make you feel at least a little better again. 
What you didn’t realize is that the coat was laying around an awful lot lately. Almost as if left in a room somewhere near you on purpose. 
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Join my mystery drabble event - Click!
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jinbefanpage · 4 years
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finally finished this✨
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iniarya-lux · 2 years
Diamond no ace ⚾
Miyuki Kazuya
Miyuki Kazuya com S/N artista - Headcanons
One piece 👒
Donquixote Donflamingo
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erosyakov · 4 years
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He is a good man
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