#dont fucking speak for a creator on their behalf because you dont fucking know them
bee-ina-boat · 1 year
someone: hey dont be mean to others on my behalf! be kind!
their fans for some reason:
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creppersfunpalooza · 3 months
( @allergic-to-four-leaf-clovers )
*important disclaimer* i actually know very little about the following characters other than what the creator has directly told me. i’m going purely based on vibes.
COMING IN AT 5TH PLACE, WE HAVE RAYAN!! i love scars, man, i really do, and i also love soppy cats. so why is he so low, you may ask? because i do NOT 💥 think he should be mean to his fiance. come on my guy… be nice… spread peace and love!!!! peace and love!!!!!!!! put in some effort come on!!! put in the work!!!!! i know you can do it buddy you just gotta try!!!!!! pretty pretty please… anyways i do really like his design, its very simple while still conveying stuff about his character. like i dont know what he’s been through but clearly he’s been through a lot. but STILL 💥 BE NICE. 💥 TO YOUR. 💥 FIANCE 💥💥💥💥💥💥.
NEXT UP IN 4TH PLACE IS MADIR!!! i really do like madir!!! i know barely anything about him but once more i rlly like the details you mentioned about him. like he seems mildly unsettling and i love that for him. like you could probably find him in the woods just sort of hanging out. he’s a source of trauma but i honestly do not mind because at least HE 💥 would probably be nice to his fiancé. if he had one. i actually can’t speak on his behalf thats purely speculation.
IN 3RD, FOSTER!!!!! i don’t exactly know why i just think they’re neat. also hi in case you couldn’t tell i really like scars on characters 💖💖💖 love them they do something to my brain. and foster’s got a ton. i loove what you’ve told me about their backstory and they just seem so neat!!! i hope they’re healing now. even though. they’re probably not. because nobody is Allowed To Be Happy Ever. as a general rule for character making. anyways chewing on them and moving on.
it needs i need to put an ad here or else i’m getting fired. that’s what it means. SO HELLO!! DO YOU HAVE A WISH? DO YOU WANT A GOD THAT ACTUALLY LISTENS? THEN CONSIDER JOINING THE CHURCH OF OCELLUS!!!
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(sponsored by the Church of Ocellus. The Church of Ocellus does not claim responsibility for any bodily injury or harm to come from this ad. Sacrificial ritual tutorials not included. Please check out your local place of worship for more details before committing any acts of mutilation.)
COMING IN 2ND… AARIN!!! boy oh boy my love of supernatural entities is surely not warping my bias here!!! they seem really cool honestly, even besides the whole angel thing. like woah…. you don’t wanna be a tool used for destruction? too bad! you’re gonna be used to burn down a house! lmao!!!! also i absolutely love aarin’s design. their scars(?) are so fucking cool i love the swirlies. auuygghh so normal about angel guys….. so so normal……….
AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST, IN 1ST PLACE…. ZURIEL!!! LET ME JUST SAY ITS DESIGN IS SO SO SO SO COOL I CANT GET OVER IT IT JUST LOOKS SO AWESOME. I love the gradients on the claws and the shape of the halo. once again, surely my bias and love for supernatural creatures is in no way warping my opinion!! it’s my favorite. also rare but appreciated and loved it/it’s pronouns representation.
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sharpilu · 5 months
there's been a weird development in art community culture i've noticed lately. i think it spawned on tiktok? likely due to the mass amounts of leftist extremists on there.
either way, i'm referring to the strange amount of entitlement people have started to have over other peoples art. believe it or not, you don't get to choose what people draw! and if you dont want to see the things they draw, block them. no one is forcing you to look at their art if you don't want too.
the reason i attribute this to leftist extremists is because i always see it with people harassing or just simply getting mad at artists for not drawing certain underrepresented or minority groups. usually black people or plus-sized people, from what i've observed.
so i'll say it again, you do not have the right to another persons artwork. it isn't yours. get over it.
you will not see yourself in every corner of the internet, and that isn't a problem. not everyone will like everything and not everyone will get along, that's just natural. it doesn't make someone racist or fatphobic or ableist or whatever to simply not draw a certain type of person.
some people only draw chubby characters, and they have the right to do that. some people only draw skinny characters, and they have the right to do that. some people only draw disabled characters, etc etc. the point is that people draw what they want to and they have the right to.
another thing is that i think alot of people, including myself, avoid drawing certain groups of people because we know those same people asking for it will harass or just get mad at us for not doing it perfectly. you may have noticed that despite currently being mostly a human/humanoid artist, i don't tend to draw any black characters.
this is because of two reasons. 1, it's mostly mcyt and i don't watch any black creators regularly at the moment, and 2, i don't want to get yelled at for learning. there is only one way to learn in art, and that is to practice, and you practice by drawing, but i don't want to draw something if it means getting harassed or yelled at over dumb shit.
i want to learn. alot of people do. i will need to learn one day as i intend to go into art as a profession. but with this behavior running rampant and encouraged, i just don't feel it's worth it. i draw because i like to make things and i like showing people what i make, and drawing something without the intention of posting it or showing it to anyone usually ends with me feeling little to nothing about it. so i can't really just practice it and not post it, because that just...doesn't work for me. i can't speak on behalf of anyone else, but i'm sure i'm not the only person like this.
my end point i guess is: if you wanna see something, do it yourself.
everyone has the right to their own art, and that includes you. fuck, if you want people to learn, make a tutorial! artists eat that shit up! getting hostile is only going to discourage people from learning, and getting hostile is only needed when the person isn't willing to learn. but starting off by being aggressive or antagonistic will only make people less willing to listen. if you want people to learn, teach.
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angelicspaceprince · 5 years
You're way too fat to cosplay as aziraphale who would want to see that? Just disgusting dont ruin our angel just to satisfy your own desire to make it seem like being fat is a good thing. Its a firm no from me and everyone else in the Good Omens fandom and most likely the creators and actors too.
So usually I’d deletethis because pfft y’all are stupid. But I have gotten 6 of these within thelast oh 5 hours or so that more or less say the same thing.
I don’t see how mecosplaying as Aziraphale would destroy a character as I’m not going to beacting any time soon and also the show has already come out so I’m not gonna bein that. You don’t have to like at the pictures of me as Aziraphale, you don’teven have to look at them really. But you also don’t have a say in what I canand can’t do with my body. If you think I’m too fat for Aziraphale, that’sfine, but you do not speak on behalf of the fandom, the authors or thoseinvolved in the screenplay. I fully doubt Mr. Gaiman gives a shit  if I cosplay as one of his characters and Ihappen to be fat because I doubt it’ll come across his radar and even then, he probably still won’t care because why would he? My plans tocosplay as Aziraphale (and hopefully if I can get my act together, Beelzebub)has nothing to do with you and definitely does not ruin the fandom if I do it.You don’t have to message me to remind me that the majority of people thinkbeing fat is bad when I already know this and am aware of this daily. I stillhave a right to do something if I think it’ll be fun and as long as no one isgetting hurt? Then fuck it I’m gonna do it. I’m responsible for my happinessand no one else’s and if anyone has a problem, then they can leave me alone tolet me be happy. I don’t want or need your opinion, or anyone’s opinion, of howI look or act. And you really do not deserve my time for a response, but Ithought I’d gift it with you this once as apparently it’s very important for meto know how disgusting I am.
When I cosplay asAziraphale, you don’t have to look or comment on my post. In fact, I’d muchprefer you didn’t.
Stop putting words into other peoples mouths and fuck off out of my inbox.
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iamtaekooked · 6 years
PSA: Hate is not okay
Hate is not okay. its not okay and people need to stop sending hate to content creators. I am not speaking on behalf on any of us, but people really need to understand the impact hate has on us.
Its a very simple rule I think: If you don’t have anything nice to say, keep it to yourself. When I get unnecessary hate flooding my inbox for no valid reason it makes me feel like shit and it hurts. Because you know what the thing is, it takes a shit ton of courage to post stuff on the internet. Specially with writing because its out there, and it makes me vulnerable because people can say whatever they like, without a filter. It’s not a direct comment on our story. Its a comment on the effort, the hardwork ,the time, the care we put into it. When someone devalues that comepletely disregarding your feelings, thats not okay. So you know when you send fanfic writers hate (ya’ll know who you are), it a very shitty thing to do. Its wrong.
Before I get to the next point let me just explain the difference between opinion and hate. 
By definition opinion is : 
a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
Hate is: 
feel intense or passionate dislike for
Do you see the difference between the two? 
Saying stuff like “delete your blog. No one cares” or “there are better writers out there than you with better content. You are just another wanna be popular type of writer” thats not you expressing your opinion. Its you hating on someone. An opinion looks something like this “I don’t like the way you write” or “Although I don’t like the way you write, you could do better on (insert)” thats a fucking opinion. That is you passing a judgment in an objective manner without bringing your feelings into it. Thats a positive way to critique someone without hurting their feelings and making them feel worthless. Words hold a lot of power and can kill. Literally. I don’t think I need to go into the specifics of what hate does to someone. We’ve all witnessed it.
I am not saying don’t express your feelings. Please do. But choose your words carefully.Be sensitive to the other person’s feelings because its a human you are talking to, who also happens to have emotions like you. It can be the difference between building someone up and breaking them down
So stop being hateful. If you cant be nice, dont be a dick either. No one appreciates it. I don’t, none of the writers do and you wont either when you see how wrong you are. I’ll repeat this again for those of you in the back : if you don’t have anything nice to say, then kindly shut the fuck up”
Yours truly,
-one of the million writers on Tumblr
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butterflygemini · 7 years
coming from a fandom that is Discourse Heavy like the k/pop fandom i dont think its right to stand on the side of “stop criticizing this thing we want to enjoy it!!!!!” bc generally people are not perfect and are going to mess up. like everyone has internalized shit and shit they’ve been conditioned to think, and people are going to mess up when they’re talking and writing about experiences that they know nothing about, and people (ESPECIALLY those who have experienced that shit) are allowed to criticize media when they don’t get it right. what matters most in that situation is whether or the creators of that material acknowledge that input, apologize for speaking wrongly on behalf of the people’s whose experiences they wronged, and changing and growing as a person and a creator because of that.
discourse is fucking constant and heavy in the k/pop fandom, bc idols are people and make mistakes, but the problem there doesn’t lie with the people who are rightfully getting angry and upset in those situations, it lies with the people who make those mistakes and don’t even try to challenge what they’ve been conditioned to think. thank GOD you are in a fandom that has a close relationship with its creators, and that they listen and try to change because of what people think!!
the mc/elroys are white cis probably het dudes. they have things they’ve been conditioned to feel and think about people, and they’re trying to create an inclusive piece of media to people the god damn representation that they need and deserve, and they’re doing a relatively good job, because they listen to their fans and their experiences, and try to create characters that are true to those experiences (most of the time). that does NOT mean that they have not fucked up and won’t fuck up again, but if people didn’t call them the fuck out when they do fuck up, their creations would not be the way they are today.
like i get it, i love the boys and their shit, and sometimes i get confused about discourse that pops up, if it’s not something i know anything about (like racism, transmisogyny, etc), but i just shut up and listen to the people who do have those experiences and stand behind them lmao. if it stressed you out, then like, block discourse shit or unfollow people, like theres no reason you should be seeing it if you want to keep yourself out of it, people tend to leave major discourse out of the main tags. just like, people aren’t creating problems where there are none, there’s always going to be problems, no matter how nitpicky, with white creators writing characters of color, with cis people writing trans characters, etc. t/az and their other stuff (mainly t//az lol) wouldn’t be what it is today without people recognizing the issues that come with people creating characters with experiences that they know nothing about, so just like, consider that and then unfollow some people i guess if you really wanna be that blind to it lol
theyre fun doodes and i love them with my entire being and them and their creations makes me very very very very happy, but if they wrote a nonbinary character incorrectly, would i call them the FUCK out? fucken yea? i love them i would want them to realize their wrongdoings! especially if it’s something that affected me personally!
god like you can enjoy shit and also understand that nothing is perfect, but just bc people criticize media for its issues doesnt mean its a personal attack on your faves.........like how tf do you think i have been in the kpop fandom so long if i didnt understand this...................
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