#dont get my wrong the fire side chats are great im excited for it!!!
shadowgasps · 2 years
Just remembered we won't be getting a world's beyond number ep this week and went through the 5 stages of grief 😔😔😔
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dyxnamicart · 5 years
my stupid highschool oneshot thing
look im not a writer, (I used to be when I was fourteen, haven’t done it since then so ya know, you dont use it you lose it lmao)
Anyways this has been highly requested that I post it, im a bit mad because its not exactly how I wish their dynamic was, I’m not great at writing banter (or anything i’m an artist now plewse) but ya know Also DISCLAIMER: This is a piece of fiction, it in no way reflects real life Dan and Phil (In fact my au switches up their personalities a fair bit) and do not tag them okAY P E O P L E They dont wanna see it and I dont want them to see it (Even if this isnt a particularly shippy piece lmao people are getting very angsty as of late) I also don’t have an editor so sorry for any mistakes  Anyway here ya go heathens 
Dan didn’t notice the opposing teams jock barrelling towards him, not until his leg had swept under his own, causing him to fly through the air, ball no longer in his possession. 
In fact it all flew by in a matter of seconds. Dan didn’t really have time to process exactly what was happening until he felt the shock of pain that travelled up his wrist and down his arm as he landed heavily onto it, crying out as he rolled once or twice before coming to a stop… He couldn’t really tell. There was a whistle blow, but the bustling around him seemed dull in comparison to the loudness of the pain in his wrist. 
He hissed as he was righted, pulled up and put steadily on his feet, being ushered to the benches, it only felt like five minutes before the game was back on course, bar Dan to be left on the sides, a few claps on the back from his teammates as he let his head come down from the spinning it was doing. 
The nurse on staff did a pretty shoddy job of bandaging, but to her credit she did ask if he wanted an ambulance. If his dad knew an ambulance was called because he hurt his wrist... he didn’t even want to imagine the searing look of disappointment he would receive. 
So he just declined. 
The game was one of the final ones of the season, they were playing against the local private school, which had a surprisingly amount of suspiciously beefed up kids, though with private school money Dan wasn’t surprised they probably had some ins with the law and extra ‘help’. 
He really wanted to play in the final, in fact his coach had even been considering him for the team, not that Dan was amazing at football, but he wasn’t the worst. He was passable at best, probably why his parents weren’t here right now to witness the semi, something he supposes he should be counting his lucky stars for now he had an injury as mediocre as a sprained wrist, but now there was a nagging pull in his gut of his own disappointment. 
He waited out the game on the bench, figuring he should at least be there for his team for the results, even with a sprained wrist he didn’t want to run away without at least talking to a few of his mates afterwards. 
Phil didn’t see the tumble. 
He was perched up in the bleachers, trying to ignore the way the mild and darkening sky had began to stew whipping winds that tore right through the threads in his sweater, by sketching insurmountable things he could see. 
He didn’t usually go to games, not only was it not his scene, but he would either end up insanely bored or find his eyes following Dan Howell’s god damn limber body. But this was the semis, and he totally wasn’t here to occasionally glance at a certain panting number 91, he at least wanted to show his support for the school. It wasn’t his fault this game was boring and his sketchbook looked far more inviting. 
He only looked up when there was a big murmur and gasps coming from the crowd around him, and he couldn’t see who it was at first, but there was a boy sprawled on the ground. 
It didn’t take long to figure out it was Dan, and his eyebrows furrowed deeply, closing his sketchbook and shoving it into his bag. He ended up walking down a few rows in the bleachers, just trying to see if the daft idiot was okay, and he sat down again much closer. The nurse did an awful job at bandaging his hand, he could see that from here, and he would have to fix it after the game. Well.. he didn’t have to, of course, but he figured Howell was too much of an airhead to fix it properly and as much as the other grated on him he at least wanted him to be comfortable. 
When it came to the end of the game, Phil’s school lost, and there was a brief celebration for the other school as they paraded off the field, while Dan’s team just huddled around to talk to the coach and then walk to the locker rooms, obviously trying to act casual even if they had essentially just been eliminated from the finals. 
Looking around, a lot of the families and students were milling out, many of them disappointed by the outcome of the game.  
This was their star team, and there had been a surprisingly large turnout for the event, to have it all end this anticlimactically felt a bit wrong, if he was being honest, even if sports definitely weren’t his thing. 
Phil headed down towards the locker rooms, some of the boys were already heading out, chatting and bumping into each other as they walked. Boys were talking, over half of them shirtless. He tried to avoid looking at them, while Phil had come to terms with his sexuality internally, he wasn’t out to his school, despite the obvious digs lots of the jocks and ‘cool kids’ would make. He wasn’t exactly subtle. 
Dan hadn’t noticed him, he was sitting on a bench and chatting to a teammate, but some of the boys closer to the entrance had. 
“Ay! It’s Danny’s little bitch, what’s new Lester?” A boy Phil knew as Jason laughed, throwing an arm around his shoulders, leaning heavily on him. 
Phil grunted, and shoved him off. “I’m not anyone’s bitch. Especially not Howell’s.” 
There was an ‘oo’ that rippled through the boys, and it was safe to say that Dan had noticed him. He furrowed his eyebrows, and stood up. 
“A teacher told me to help Dan.. carry his stuff with his hand like that.” He faltered off, because that half baked excuse really did make him sound like someone’s bitch. But by this point people were beginning to lose interest and ended up either packing up to leave or going back to chatting amongst themselves about a hot girl or something Phil honestly couldn’t care less about. 
Phil walked towards Dan, throwing on a mastered look of indifference and annoyance.
“What are you doing back here?” The brunette sighed deeply, running his good hand through his hair. “As if I don’t already get clowned on enough from seeing you during actual school hours.” He said dryly. 
Phil rolled his eyes. “I saw that sad excuse for a nurse ‘wrap’ your hand. I’ve seen children under the age of 4 wrap toilet paper around themselves better.” 
Dan groaned as he fell back to his sitting position on the bench. “Good deed Lester huh? You aren’t a guardian angel you know.” 
“Are you going to turn down actual help with that wrist, Howell. Seriously.” He dropped his bag on the ground, and knelt down, ignoring the few whistles he got from the people still in the room. 
Dan rolled his eyes as he looked down at Phil, arched eyebrow and holding his injured wrist with his hand, like he didn’t trust him. “Fine.” He sighed, setting his hand down on his leg, looking down at Phil with a suspicious and unless he was imagining it, flushed face. 
Phil carefully lifted the brunettes injured hand, frowning at the small pang of guilt he felt when Dan hissed in a sharp breath, quiet, as if being a little louder would shatter his reputation in one fell swoop. 
By now the locker room had basically emptied out, Dan’s mates sauntered away, hefting their heavy gym bags over their shoulders as their voices echoed down the hallway and slowly faded into the cool night air. 
Dan and Phil sat in silence for a few moments as Phil examined the bandage. Dan seemed to relax a little, and he allowed the feeling of calm to wash over them now there was no eyes examining their every move. The indifference and hostility seemed to drain from the air.
He didn’t know if it was the late night game or the lack of people, but he felt as though he was back before highschool, back before their fall out. Before their life became a series of quips and tension seeping into the fond memories he once had for the boy in front of him. 
“Why do you play, when you end up hurting yourself like this?” His question was genuine, none of the concealed fire that was usually behind his voice when he talked to Dan. 
Phil used his other hand to unroll the bandage. He had seen the first aid kit it came from, the contents being the single bandage, two band aids and a single cotton swab. Not the most ideal for a sport like this, hands on and physical, but their school wasn’t really known for their state of the art resources. 
Dan looked unsure of whether or not he should give a witty response or answer seriously. In the end he seemed too exhausted to spit out a clever one liner. So he opted for the truth. 
“I don’t know..” Dan huffed a breath out of his nose, like he was out of practice with talking about his emotions. “The guys are cool.. people like a jock you know?” He pauses for a moment, like he was struggling with whether or not he wanted to continue. “And I kind of want my dad to be proud of me? You know my dad. I want him to think.. I’m one of the lads. One of the boys.. not a royal screw up son.” He snorted, good hand rubbing the back of his neck like he was trying to play off his words as ridiculous. 
But Phil didn’t laugh. 
“Proud of you?” He repeated, slightly quieter as he slowly started to wind the bandage around Dan’s stiff wrist. 
Dan shrugged, looking away and seemingly focusing on a spot far across the room, like he was trying to be anywhere but here, talking to a friend who had been distanced by time and change. 
But Phil remembers, he remembers his curly brown hair bouncing around when he was excited, when he was jumping around playing cops and robbers, he remembers his loud and boisterous laugh and the way his cheeks dimpled and filled with colour. He remembers a time when he knew the boy in front of him more then he knew anyone in the world. When he thought Dan was his forever friend and that nothing would ever change that. 
Guess something changed. 
“You know I’m proud of you,” He continued, not looking up from bandaging. He could feel Dan’s eyes on him now, he could feel the incredulous and doubtful eyes bore into his skin, see into his soul. He didn’t seem to have expected an actual answer in response. “I’m proud of you when I see you play piano. When I see your eyes light up and when you lose yourself in the keys. When you recite dumb Shakespearen poetry and when you are on stage commanding the spotlight, when the only person who matters is you. That’s what I’m proud of. That’s what makes me think, THIS is Dan Howell. THIS is who he is meant to be. Not a shallow jock with a sharp tongue and attitude. I’m proud of the real you.”
He clipped the bandage pin on the end of the roll, now safely locked on Dan’s wrist, and he went to pull his hand away but was stopped by a hand placed over his. 
Dan’s eyes were how he remembered, not in way they were for the past two years, glazed over as he tried to cram his way into a puzzle he didn’t fit into, but filled with an unfathomable tenderness and something he couldn’t quite put his finger on 
They didn’t need to exchange words, the soft smile Dan gave him spoke a thousand words, making up for time that felt lost before now. 
He stood up, finally dropping Phil’s hand and grabbing his jacket off the bench. “Come on, I’ll walk you home.” 
Their silence was welcoming as they walked down the hall towards the exit. The last few years had been full of quips and jabs, fast insults and banter that sometimes toed the line as not quite friendly. This silence, it was new, but it felt right. Dan couldn’t quite understand, but there was a shift that felt comfortable. 
Dan had known Phil a long time, longer then anyone in this god forsaken school. He was quiet and reserved and he enjoyed painting and drawing. He was creative, and he didn’t care what people thought of him. He was unapologetically himself, and that was something that he only wished he could be. 
For the longest time it was him and Phil. Dan and Phil against the world, playing Mario cart and watching shitty movies, always at each other’s houses like they belonged together. 
Then high school happened.
The desire to fit in hit Dan like a ton of bricks. While Phil was content to remain a Mario kart loving geek, Dan couldn’t stand being the butt of the joke. He couldn’t stand his dad being disappointed whenever he brought Phil home to do something nerdy. As the years went by it became a sort of crutch for him and Phil to make snide remarks at each other as they passed in the halls, glaring across the halls and that’s how it stayed. 
Don’t get him wrong, he loved to see Phil riled up. He loved to see his eyebrows furrow together and his eyes roll. His arms crossed and his posture unimpressed. If anything that was his favourite part, the way his voice flooded with heat and passion, as he stared at him with the intensity of a bonfire. He loved to tease him and play his surprisingly short temper like a fiddle.
But he wasn’t attracted to him. No way. Phil wasn’t a pretty girl. He did NOT find his eyes pretty and the way his hair sometimes fell into his eyes and his hands didn’t itch to run his hands through it. 
He was straight. He had to be. 
His heart dropped a little, and he couldn’t explain why, but he looked over at Phil, who was walking beside him. 
They were outside now, and it was raining, not too heavily but enough to get you fairly wet. Despite the fact Phil was wearing a sweater and long overalls, he could see him shiver, the fabric of the sweater probably allowed the biting wind to nip tight through it.
He shrugged off his jacket, and gently wrapped it around Phil’s shoulders, forcing them to stop momentarily. The street light cast a soft light over them, and his eyes met the other boys, and for a moment they stared at each other, Dan watching as raindrop followed the contours of Phil’s face, a drop following his cheekbone and the slope of his jaw. 
He coughed, rubbing the back of his neck again as he started walking. “Okay okay, lets get you home, Lester.” 
“Are you sure you aren’t cold?” Phil enquires inquisitively as he sped walked a bit to catch up with him. 
He shrugged. “Still running on adrenaline I guess.” It was a lie, he was slightly cold. But it felt right, and he continued to walk with him in silence. 
Phil was holding the jacket around himself as they approached his house, and they stopped just under the porch, the light flickering on to illuminate his face. 
Dan stuffed his good hand in his pocket, and he clicked his tongue as Phil went to shrug off the jacket to give back. “Nah, wash it first, don’t want your nerd germs on my clothes.” Despite the insult, he found himself smiling warmly, and Phil too just chuckled. 
“Alright, I’ll give it to you on Monday or something, Howell.” 
Dan saluted as he turned to walk away, and he could feel Phil staring through his back as he walked back into the rain. They were only a street apart, but he knew that was going to be one long walk. 
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larissaloki · 5 years
sharing is caring 3
shoutout to my beta who i wont name incase they dont want me to! 
@schwergaeneuser @msmynx @im-tops-bottom @jacksonfrost24 @seven-oomen @el-rezet @thoughtfulbreadpolice @cwar1864 @starsofyggdrasil you guys all asked to be tagged in future chapters and here you go! sorry for the long ass wait! 
Groaning, Tony opened his dark, whisky brown eyes that look up at a thankfully darkened ceiling. Soothing low lights illuminate the area but aren’t enough to hurt his eyes, allowing him to get awareness slowly and at his own pace. Whoever had the foresight to dim the lights, he will send them a massive fruit basket to show his appreciation.  
Turning his head to the side, Tony takes in more of his surroundings as he tries to figure out what on earth happened, and just where the hell he is. 
To his surprise, Tony can see what looks like a lab beyond the area he is in. While he looks, a Wakandan in a lab coat strolls by, talking to their…wrist? Confused, Tony winces as he slowly sits up, rubbing at his chest and arm as he feels his limbs protest the movement.  
Setting his feet onto the floor, he notes that his clothes from earlier, the ones he recalls wearing on his flight, have been replaced by a dark blue tunic with black, very loose linen trousers. Both are far more comfortable than they should be, and Tony wondered if they would let him keep the clothes if he asked nicely. 
“I see you are finally awake,” 
Jumping (and no he did not scream!) and craning his neck to look over his shoulder, Tony spots Shuri; recongising her from their video calls from before. 
“What happened? Last thing I remember was being on the plane…” 
Playing with the beads on her wrist, Shuri walked around the table to stand in front of the elder Omega, smiling at him, though in her eyes Tony can see a cheeky glint. An easy to miss look that makes Tony think of Peter. 
“How are you feeling? M’Baku found you in a pool of mud and water. Very lucky you were here in Wakanda when the accident occurred. Anywhere else and you would still be bruised and broken.” 
“Whoa wait, how long has it been since you guys found me?” 
Brow furrowing in confusion yet intrigue, Tony tries to stand and is happy to find that he can do so perfectly, even if he is a little groggy still. 
“Oh, about 3 hours? I’ve been improving our healing system lately!” 
Smiling brightly and obviously proud of herself, Shuri helped him move away from the table and slowly led him to a lab chair. She offered him a drink of water which Tony gratefully accepted, downing it as fast as he could without making himself sick. Putting the cup down and breathing heavily, Tony’s eyes widened in shock and no small amount of awe. 
“Three hours?!” 
Damn Wakanda really is superior huh? Tony shook his head and tucked away his questions for another time, though he would love nothing more right now than to take a look at the system Shuri was using and learn how it all works. Tony quickly brought his focus back to the main issue. 
“Does anyone know what exactly happened? What caused the accident?” 
Sitting down near him, Shuri gave him her full attention. 
“I just checked in with T’Challa before you woke up. The are looking through the ruins as we speak and T’Challa said he is cataloguing everything they find and if they spot anything weird, they will let you look over it. I also have scanning equipment to look for any electrical faults or tampering” 
Rubbing his forehead, Tony sighed heavily as he tried to think of anything that could have gone wrong. The aircraft was one that he’d built and put together mostly by himself, anything he hadn’t done himself he had Friday overlook and monitor. However, if its not the actual craft that was compromised, then that leaves the horrible option that someone had snuck something onto the plane without Tony or Friday realizing. And that honestly frightens him far more. 
From the grim look that Shuri is giving him, she knows exactly what he’s thinking. 
“Thank you Shuri, for healing me and to your brother for looking over the plane for me,” 
Waving away his thanks Shuri grins at him, her upbeat personality coming back through. “Don’t thank me, I kinda wanted an excuse to show off something to you” 
Giving her a grin of his own Tony looks back over to the area he had just been laying in. 
“I am thoroughly impressed already and cannot wait to see more inventions from you”  
Bouncing in her seat, her body practically vibrating in excitement, Shuri grabs his arm to pull him up as she stands. “let’s start the tour!” 
Without waiting for Tony to reply, Shuri drags him off to show him around her lab, introducing him to the various scientist that are currently working on one project or another. Tony loved the moving black model pedestal. The black matter moving fluidly to bring up whatever is needed, be it floor plans or models of objects. Essentially a much better version of a hologram.  
When Shuri showed him the bigger version in the middle of the floor that allows her to remotely drive a vehicle from the lab, Tony lost it and insisted on her giving him a demo of it. Like children in a toy shop, they got stuck into their own little world. 
They were so engrossed in what they where doing that they completely missed M’Baku entering with Bucky following behind, carrying a tray of food for Shuri and Tony. The duo had intercepted the original person carrying it and insisted on delivering it themselves. M’Baku brought them to a stop a few feet away, watching the now healed Stark chat away with the younger genius. 
Bucky stood a little bit awkwardly behind M’Baku, as the last time he and Stark had met face to face…bad shit happened. He didn’t want to hurt Stark, the poor omega had been hurt enough as it is; yet his concern had won out and convinced him to keep checking on Stark’s progress as he healed. M’Baku was much bolder than him though. 
They watched for a while longer as the two geniuses spoke at the speed of light, Tony screaming and eagerly testing out each invention. Firing questions and saying words that M’Baku could not keep up with nor hope to understand. Amused, M’Baku makes his way closer calling out in a sudden booming voice to catch their attention. 
“Food! That is if you two can drag yourselves away from the toys long enough to eat it,” Smirking when Tony and Shuri jump, M’Baku helps Bucky put the food on a near by counter for them. 
Rolling her eyes, Shuri gets up and helps tony before deactivating the invention they were playing with. 
“How did you get in? I thought I banned you after the 5 times you guys asking if Tony was better?” 
Looking over the plates, Shuri oohs at the variety of foods that had been prepared for them, many of which would be easier for Tony to eat if he was still feeling a little off. Behind her, Tony catches sight of Barnes and pauses briefly as he takes everything in. 
Barnes looks hopelessly nervous and scared stood behind the larger Wakandan, the red robe like clothing actually looks good on him, the blue sling around the stump where his arm used to be is done in a tasteful manner which doesn’t drag your attention overly to it. Hell, Tony can even admit that Barnes looks healthier overall, his hair looks fluffy and is longer, a small portion pulled back into a bun. Tony is not afraid to admit that Barnes looks handsome. 
Wakanda obviously agrees with him. 
“You look good Barnes” 
Freezing slightly, Bucky looks up at Tony in surprise that Tony is actually acknowledging him. Nodding his head slowly and drawing himself up to stand a bit straighter, Bucky gives Tony a small, soft and shy smile. 
“So do you” 
Huffing in amusement, Tony plucks up from fruit to eat to keep his hands and mouth busy as he feels an uncharacteristic shyness overtake him. 
“Thanks, considering I was a wreck 3 hours ago, I take that as a big compliment” 
Between them, M’Baku looks between them with growing glee at how adorably shy these two are. Yes, he knows that things were not that great between these two not so long ago, but it seems to be fixable judging by what he’s just seen. Deciding to think more on this later; and possibly make a plan to help these two fix the gap between them. M’Baku pulls out a bottle of juice that his tribe had made themselves. 
“I brought this as well, it’s meant to help with any aches. Would you like to try some?” 
Humming in thought, Tony looks the larger Alpha up and down in a considering manner. Growing up rich, Tony had gotten used to expecting many Alphas having a motive behind many of their actions. Some more sinister than others. However, this alpha seems genuine enough.  
“Sure! As they say, when in Rome do as Roman’s do huh?” Tony flashes M’Baku his most harmless yet charming smile. 
Oh, M’Baku thinks, I’m in trouble. 
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softforcal · 6 years
the reader is a nascar driver and best friends with 5sos, they’re there for her after a crash
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gif credit @ghostsofhood
(i dont know jack shit about nascar fam so here we go)
-having met the band at a party somewhere
-most of the guys there knew who you were and were all trying to pick your brain about driving and what it feels like and the danger
-going outside and stumbling across the four of them chilling out there
-you expect them to start asking you questions too but they seem to not know who you are?
-”you can grab a seat if you’d like.” one smiles, pushing over a chair
-oh, they’re Australian... that makes sense
-taking a seat and you begin talking to them
-you assume they must be famous, most of the people at the party are and those who arent are very obvious to pick out
-”so what do the four of you do? i mean, obviously you’re not here because you want a taste of the celebrity life.” you say, taking a sip of beer
-”we’re a band. i play bass. i’m Cal by the way.” he holds out a hand for you to shake and you grin
-”let me guess,” you say looking at all of them, “guitar?” you ask
-”haha, yeah, I’m Michael.”
-”okay well that makes you the singer and obviously you’re the drummer, you have the look.” you say
-”wow, four outta four.” one of the blondes laughs, “i’m Ash and that’s Luke. so we’re musicians, what do you do?”
-”im a Nascar Driver. Y/N L/N. nice to meet you guys.” you answer
-”Nascar, that’s insane, you don’t look like a race-car driver.” Michael laughs
-”what do you mean?” you grin
-”you’re a hot girl!” Michael answers
-spending the night talking to them and laughing your asses off
-you all exchange numbers
-the next day Ashton messages you about going for a drive
-showing up in your beautiful car and Ashton is shook but he should have expected that because i mean, you love race cars for a living
-you drive like a wild person and Ash is shook AF but he laughs his ass off and has the time of his life
-”isn’t it dangerous to drive like this?” he asks when you finally pull off to the side of the road to park and walk down to the beach
-”yeah but i haven’t crashed yet... so.” you shrug, “and i mean, it is my job.”
-the others hear about how exhilarating it is to drive around with you and by the end of the week all of them had been in your passenger seat
-they definitely see the allure of being a professional race car driver
-and the way you look so at ease in the drivers seat, laughing your ass off as they grab onto the door and hold on for dear life as you go up another gear... well its obvious that you are a race car driver
-you have a race coming up and send them all an invite, NASCAR loves you and it’s easy enough to get tickets for them even though the race is sold out
-at first they’re super excited
-as soon as you walk onto the track to get into your car they’re all chatting about how good you look in your track suit
-the cars line up and they can feel the adrenaline of waiting, Luke is straight up biting his nails impatiently
-the race starts and at first they’re all super excited but as it continues they start to realize how fucking dangerous it is
-a car in front of you spins out and flips, you swerve to avoid it and it just narrowly misses you
-the boys all watch in shock
-”holy fuck.” Michael groans
-you come around a curve and a car slams into your side, trying to push you out of the way
-”this is insane.” Calum groans, watching through his fingers
-you maneuver in a way to get the person off your side and they end up skidding out from being too aggressive
-you pull ahead and its obvious you’re going to win
-they knew you were good at your job but actually watching it is a whole different story
-you car speeds over the finish line and Ashton lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, “fuck, that was intense.”
-the race finishes up and the guys head down to the area you told them to go so security could let them into see you
-you’re sitting in a lounge, still in the track suit
-”you guys made it!” you grin, “what did you think about the race?”
-”it was mental. i can’t believe this is your job.” Michael says, hugging you.
-they can all see you’re practically glowing. 
-they know exactly how you feel
-its like when they get off stage
-”lets celebrate your big win.” Ashton suggests
-”deal, but i’m driving.” you grin
-as if they could convince you otherwise
-you continue to be friends while they work on their new album and you chill around in between races
-each race you narrowly miss potentially savagely getting slammed or flipped and each time the guys hide their eyes or hold their breaths
-”i can’t believe it’s just a normal risk for her.” Luke sighs one day after you’d skidded but managed to get your wheels traction again and finished second
-after that one you can tell something is up with them because when they come down to see you they all look kind of wrecked.
-”whats wrong with you guys?” you ask pulling them each into a hug
-”its just really dangerous.” Cal sighs
-”we get scared for you.” Luke agrees
-”i’ll be fine. i’m a great driver.” you assure them
-and they want to believe you but they can’t because you don’t really have any control over whether or not you crash
-but they keep their mouths shut
-the day of the next race they all sit there anxiously
-Cal had looked it up and found out that this race was, as commentators put it, “going to be quite difficult for Y/N to pull off.” something about the track being “unforgiving” which made no sense to the group of Aussies who didn’t know jack shit about Nascar
-but they’re all worried as they watch you get into the car and the timer tick down
-the sound of wheels and engines erupts as all the cars take off
-their eyes follow your every movement
-its obvious that you’re the one to beat and cars are coming up next to you and swerving to tap into you but you manage to dodge every move
-but they can sense the impending doom
-they don’t know how but they can
-Ashton leans forward while Calum brings his hands up to his mouth, Luke bites his nails and Michael bites his lip
-the sound of the car ramming into you is deafening
-the skid of tires
-and then your car is flipping 
-and cars are dodging the huge metal structure 
-the car comes to a stop and the crowd is silent
-”fuck fuck fuck fuck.” Ashton mutters
-the medical team comes out 
-the car is upside down but the door opens and it feels like the entire crowd lets out a breath
-you manage to crawl out, but it looks like your leg is hurt because you’re limping away from the wreck that’s now on fire
-”thank fuck.” Michael groans
-Luke is the one who grabs them all, “we have to go.” he states as they all leave the stands and head down to the VIP off limits area
-the security guards know them by now and all offer small smiles, “she’s a fighter.” one says as they let the guys through 
-one of the workers stops the guys outside the medical room, “you can’t go in there.”
-”is Y/N okay?” Michael asks, “is she-”
-”how bad is it?” Ashton interrupts
-”she’s stable, we’re sending her to the hospital-” the worker tries to explain.
-its tough to get all the info but they finally manage to bully it out of someone and then they’re racing to the hospital
-the nurses there inform them that you’re in surgery because your leg was kind of messed up but you’ll be out soon
-”is one of you her boyfriend?” the nurse asks
-”no, we’re just friends.” Luke answers
-they’re let into your room and each take a seat while they wait for you to wake up
-”she looks so broken.” Luke says, frowning
-you groan when you begin to wake up and suddenly they’re all there, except Ash who runs to grab a nurse
-”Y/N how do you feel?” Michael asks
-”like i was in a car crash, how do you think?” you say, coughing
-they all grin and Cal gets you some water
-so, all things considered, the crash wasn't actually that bad
-just a broken leg and a minor concussion but you’re fine
-and you bet your ass these four are going to take care of you
-also... the broken leg is your right one so you can’t drive
-being the biggest back seat driver ever. like, as they’re driving you back to your place and Ashton is driving the speed limit you’re groaning from the back, “god, seriously? just go a tiny bit faster Ash.”
-”stop being such an adrenaline junkie.” Ashton laughs from the front seat
-they are in for a whole lot of pain because we’re talking 6-8 weeks with this cast on and you can’t drive anywhere
-”come on Ash, all i’m saying is slightly over the speed limit.” you groan
-Luke carries you into your place
-”so what movie do you want to watch first?”
-”you guys really don’t have to stay and take care of me, i’m not a baby.”
-but of course they do. at least one of them is over like every day
-they all give in a little to your racecar driver ways and take you driving
-Luke is the first one to break and go a little over the speed limit
-but of course it’s not good enough
-”i can’t believe you’re not scared of being in a car.” Luke says
-”i practically live in a car.” you answer, “besides, as soon as i have this cast off i need to get back behind the wheel again.”
-Luke doesn’t say anything about it but of course as soon as he leaves your place he sends a group text to the others because part of him thought that would be the end of you racing
-i feel like Cal and Ash wouldn’t be surprised
-but now that it’s being talked about it’s kinda like ‘are we going to keep going even though its terrifying because next time the crash might not be so benign’ 
-its a tough decision because they all want to support you... but, they’re still having nightmares about watching your car flip, especially Luke
-they try to come up with safe things to do to make your heart get pumping with adrenaline
-we’re talking full on getting shopping carts and running around deserted parking lots with you in the shopping cart (yes. Amnesia style fam.)
-and it’s fun and you have a laugh, but it’s nothing like being in a car
-watching bad race-car movies together at your place
-can you imagine these boys watching “talladega nights”? it would be wild
-but they steer away from the drama race car movies like Rush because they do not want to see another car crash, even if it’s on tv, any time soon
-Cal comes over to your place one day to find you just sitting in the front seat of your car
-having a real heart to heart about how much you miss driving
-”what would you do if something happened on stage and the people around you didn’t want you to preform anymore.” “Y/N we’re not saying you should stop driving-” “but you’re thinking it.”
-boi can’t argue there
-Cal gets into the passenger seat and is just like “it was bad. when your car flipped. it looked really bad. we weren’t sure... we didn’t know if you would be okay. it’s just tough for us.”
-but Cal gets it.
-he’s the one that drives you to get your cast off the day it’s done
-when you come out of the doctors office he holds out his car keys and you you grin as you take them, pressing a kiss against his cheek before jumping into the drivers seat
-only going a little bit over the speed limit
-he notices and appreciates it
-Cal continues going to your races. Ashton too
-Luke and Michael are a bit more reserved about it, opting for just a ‘she finished the race’ text from one of the other guys at first
-but finally Michael comes
-and Luke is pacing at home, the race starting in an hour, and he gives in, coming to the track
-its tough for them to watch. but they want to be supportive. because at the end of the day, if anything bad does happen, at least they’ll be right there to pick up your broken pieces
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lostinthelightss · 4 years
literal chaos fire (ch.6)
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amazing banner by @downn-in-flames​ / down-in-flames@FFT
find it elsewhere: fft | ao3 | ff.net | hpff learn more: chaos universe link to other chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 link to missing moments: 5.5, 7.5, 8.5, 15.5
pairing: Lily Luna Potter / OC genre: AU, Humor, Romance rating: mature audiences
Victoire Weasley is a masters student in infectious diseases handling a devastating break up with her girlfriend of two years. Lily Potter is a first year law student navigating a figurative minefield that is the star quarterback’s unrequited affection. Molly Weasley is pursuing her bachelors in engineering while pining over her best friend - who doesn’t seem to realize it.
Three women, three vastly different lives, all coming together with group chats, family dinners, and a whole lot of chaos.
chapter summary:
VickyBaby: look, we love you...
mollydramatic: but your laugh sounds like a cross between a dying hyena and a crocodile trying to swallow a deer whole
psychiclilz: WHAT?!??!
mollydramatic: yeah, it's not cute
VickyBaby: sometimes you also snort VickyBaby: which would be cute but it sounds like the deer is trying to cry for help
‘literal chaos fire' (psychiclilz, mollydramatic, VickyBaby) 9:28am
mollydramatic: omg, are you as excited as i am? mollydramatic: please tell us everything ASAP mollydramatic: even if ur still in his bed ;)
psychiclilz: it's just dinner psychiclilz: and it's not until 6
mollydramatic: this is most exciting part of my life right now mollydramatic: since my love life is woefully nonexistent
VickyBaby: mood
psychiclilz: you guys need a life
mollydramatic: @VickyBaby she's right mollydramatic: we should go out to dinner together mollydramatic: how does the three broomsticks sound?
psychiclilz: oh, piss off
VickyBaby: ooh, ive been meaning to try their chicken cacciatore
mollydramatic: ive heard their cheesecake is to die for
psychiclilz: if i promise to tell you everything that happens psychiclilz: will you promise not to crash this date?
VickyBaby: oooh its a date now!
psychiclilz: you are the bane of my existence 
psychiclilz: Attachment - 1 Image psychiclilz: is this alright?
VickyBaby: i thought i was the bane of your existence VickyBaby: and now you're asking for my help?
mollydramatic: you come to me, on the day of my math assignment, to ask for my help
psychiclilz: nice try, brando psychiclilz: just please help me
mollydramatic: you look hot
VickyBaby: i agree VickyBaby: also please let me borrow that skirt VickyBaby: it would go great with my fishnets
mollydramatic: give her enough time to wash it mollydramatic: who knows what will get on it tonight? ;)
(micky, vicky) 5:42pm
vicky: would you be able to snag rose's car and drive us over to the three broomsticks?
micky: ixnay on the car, rose and malfoy are out rn micky: but also wouldn't she kill us if we actually ended up crashing her date?
vicky: yeah, but thats the fun of it vicky: she'll have to wrestle with her moral obligation as a lawyer-in-training vicky: and the rage monster she'll turn into if she finds out
micky: have you never seen how to get away with murder?
vicky: no, i dont want ur trash tv
vicky: you watch the bachelor
‘literal chaos fire' (psychiclilz, mollydramatic, VickyBaby) 6:31pm
mollydramatic: @psychiclilz we want the deets mollydramatic: how's it going so far?
VickyBaby: if you need to text us 911 and we'll call with an emergency
mollydramatic: if it needs to sound real, ill get roxy to push me down the stairs mollydramatic: it's honestly not bad
VickyBaby: ... VickyBaby: what the fuck, NO
VickyBaby: okay so its going well? VickyBaby: because i actually will push mollz down the stairs if i need to
mollydramatic: its really not that bad, ive done it way too many times
VickyBaby: WHY?
mollydramatic: stair surfing on mattresses isn't as fun as it is on tv
mollydramatic: HELLO!??!?! mollydramatic: @psychiclilz
VickyBaby: @psychiclilz answer us plz or ill call the cops
psychiclilz: oh my fucking god, its going fine psychiclilz: dont fall down the stairs psychiclilz: and dont call the fucking cops! psychiclilz: message me about this again and i wont tell you anything
(micky, vicky) 7:26pm
mollydramatic: $20 they bang
vicky: hell no, thats such a bad deal vicky: theyre obvi gonna bang at some point vicky: $20 they bang tonight
micky: fine, but if they last even until just 12:01 its victory for me
vicky: ur on
‘literal chaos fire' (psychiclilz, mollydramatic, VickyBaby) 9:34pm
psychiclilz: ...
VickyBaby: did you bang? are you in his bed right now?
psychiclilz: no psychiclilz: it was actually a really nice night psychiclilz: dinner was good, he's actually really easy to talk to psychiclilz: but then he drove me home...
mollydramatic: hand job in the car
VickyBaby: blow job in the car
psychiclilz: NO, perverts psychiclilz: he walked me all the way to my front door
VickyBaby: FUCK YES, YOU OWE ME $20
psychiclilz: NO psychiclilz: will you let me finish my thoughts here? psychiclilz: WAIT, WTF, YOU WERE BETTING ON ME?
VickyBaby: no?
psychiclilz: w/e not the issue psychiclilz: we're at my door and he tucked a lock of my hair behind my ear psychiclilz: ... 
mollydramatic: and? mollydramatic: AND?!?!?
VickyBaby: oh my god, i just remembered why i hate you
psychiclilz: and then he left?
VickyBaby: hi, i would like to formally ask VickyBaby: what the fuck?
mollydramatic: i second that motion
psychiclilz: idk! psychiclilz: i thought it went well, but then he shook my hand and left
mollydramatic: OHHHH MY GOOODDDDD
mollydramatic: WTF IS WRONG WITH HIM?!?? mollydramatic: is he DUMB?
psychiclilz: idk, maybe he realized that it wasnt worth it? psychiclilz: this is what i was worried about psychiclilz: he was just looking for a quick fuck psychiclilz: not someone to wine and dine
VickyBaby: damn, i was so sure he was legit VickyBaby: whatd scorp say
psychiclilz: nothing, havent told him
VickyBaby: well he's the guy's best friend, maybe you should ask?
psychiclilz: no, i dont want him to feel trapped between us psychiclilz: besides, its not a big deal
mollydramatic: are you kidding me? mollydramatic: he's been asking after you since summer mollydramatic: are you sure maybe you were sending him some bad vibes? mollydramatic: some ‘dont you dare kiss me' vibes?
psychiclilz: argh psychiclilz: i dont think so?
VickyBaby: what were ur exact words before he shook your hand? *gag*
psychiclilz: um, "i had a really nice time tonight" psychiclilz: and then he tucked my hair behind my ear and i think i giggled?
VickyBaby: oh no
mollydramatic: that'll do it
psychiclilz: what? psychiclilz: what did i do?!?!
VickyBaby: look, we love you...
mollydramatic: but your laugh sounds like a cross between a dying hyena and a crocodile trying to swallow a deer whole
psychiclilz: WHAT?!??!
mollydramatic: yeah, it's not cute
VickyBaby: sometimes you also snort VickyBaby: which would be cute but it sounds like the deer is trying to cry for help
psychiclilz: WHY IS THIS JUST COMING UP NOW??? psychiclilz: ugh, i probably repulsed him psychiclilz: he's never gonna wanna talk to me again psychiclilz: im so embarrassed
mollydramatic: its probably not that bad?
VickyBaby: she *giggled*
mollydramatic: yeah, no, ur fucked
(Lily Potter, Scorpius Malfoy) 10:03pm
Lily: i never want to see him again Lily: if you know what's good for you, you wont fight me on it
Scorpius: what? what happened???
Lily: i dont want to talk about it...
(Scorpius Malfoy, William Flynn) 10:06pm
Scorpius: wtf did you do? Scorpius: if you hurt her, i will unleash molly and she has the wrath of all women scorned Scorpius: im pretty sure one of her death glares will set you on fire
William: what?
Scorpius: Attachment - 1 Image
William: oh... William: i thought it went well William: i swear i didnt do anything William: like i said, it wasnt even a date, idk what i did wrong?
Scorpius: im not getting in the middle of this Scorpius: but maybe keep your distance for a while Scorpius: i really dont want to be picking sides
William: yeah, alright...
0 notes
thewidowstanton · 6 years
Dangerous Steve, outdoor showman, comedy actor, Sideshow Illusions performer
Dangerous Steve is the stage name of Steve Collison, who was born in King’s Lynn but grew up near the Buckinghamshire village of Middle Claydon. He had the most extraordinary childhood and started living up to his name by doing dangerous things at a ridiculously young age. He was billed – by agents such as Bernard Woolley, TB Phillips and Temple’s Gala agency – as ‘the World’s Youngest Motorcycle Stunt Rider’. As well as touring internationally as Dangerous Steve, he has also worked with Magic Carpet Theatre – where he is company manager – for 30 years. And he regularly performs with Jon Marshall’s Sideshow Illusions and Dr Phantasma’s Amazing Ten in One Show.
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Steve is married to fellow Sideshow Illusions performer Alexandra Collison, who was my first Widow interviewee, under her maiden name of Boanas. Alex, who is a trained soprano and has an MA in performance, often plays Yvette – the Headless Lady, Miss Elastina and No-Middle Myrtle, as well as Romana the Gypsy Queen on the Ladder of Swords. They have two children, Flossie and Winnie, who are almost destined to follow in their parents’ showbusiness footsteps. Steve chats to Liz Arratoon.
The Widow Stanton: When and how did you start stunt riding? Dangerous Steve: My dad, Peter, was the butler at Claydon House stately home in Buckinghamshire. At Christmas when I was five, Sharon, my sister, was getting lots of presents and I almost started getting a bit teary because I noticed I wasn’t getting as many. Then I was taken into the other room where there was a big present. Somewhere I’m on Cine film; there’s me unwrapping a motorbike, and apparently I just stood there shaking for ages, which was very funny. I started off just riding round the estate for a while but dad wasn’t very impressed with me just haring around on a motorbike, he wanted me to do tricks and stuff like that.
As a child, to be brought up at Claydon House… I was the only one on the estate as my sister went away to boarding school as a dancer. Sometimes I just wanted to kick a football around with my friends; on the other hand I did go around the estate thinking how lucky I was and how amazing the views over the lake were on summer evenings. We used to live in the courtyard. There was a swimming pool and stuff like that, which Sir Ralph and Lady Verney never really used, so I had my own little swimming pool. They were like my grandparents. I’d go round there on Christmas day and open presents with them.
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I joined The Spirit of Britain junior motorcycle display team, which was run by a guy called Gus Scott, who used to train Eddie Kidd. I was with them from when I was five years old to seven. They were based in Luton and I toured around with them, but because I had so much space at home and they could only meet twice a week, I started practising all the tricks alone. My dad was thinking, ‘Well, he can now do all these tricks himself’, so he started taking me to do all the galas and carnivals around the country to perform on my own. Your dad sounds amazing. What sort of dad would give his kid a motorbike? Did he want to be in showbusiness himself? Yes, he did. He was very different. He managed to get an Equity card and had done some extra work and been in shows doing whatever he was asked to do. I think people are now quite interested in butlers and stately homes. My mum was very proud of me but would only watch me once I could do the tricks without falling off. I hurt myself but I never broke any bones with the motorbike. My dad was very good at starting off with quite basic things and was very strict on making sure I did things the right way. How much fun was all this for a kid? It was very exciting. I couldn’t sleep the week before a show. We’d go away in a big lorry and it was like a holiday, apart from I used to have to map-read. Some of these country fairs are in the middle of nowhere and one wrong turn, you could end up backing the lorry two miles down the road in the way of tractors… I soon got very good at map-reading because otherwise I’d get into so much trouble. I was doing tricks jumping over fire and through fire at seven or eight. Dad was very good at building props and made a tunnel of fire. Once we’d got the frame with all the fire straw in the middle of the park – we’d found a field without any sheep on it – I remember saying to him just before we lit it, ‘Dad, when we light the fire, what if I don’t want to do it?’, and he said: “You will do it. Now I’ve built it, you’ll do it.”
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Once they were built, there was no going back and I’d practise and practise and practise. As I got older, people expected more from me, so the ability went up with my age; bigger jumps, bigger fire, pyrotechnics… because it was only me, whereas some of the bigger army display teams, like the White Helmets, would fill the stage. I had a load of publicity when I was awarded The Star newspaper Best in Britain award, presented by David Essex. I was sponsored by National, the petrol firm who used Smurfs to promote their brand. Sharon joined the act. Later she became a dancer and choreographer and now runs Claydons Academy, teaching dance and drama, but then she was a Smurf! Were you paid appearance fees? Yes. Once when I had a three-week tour in Scotland, the whole family came up there because it was in the summer holidays. We all stayed in a tent and it rained for most of the time. I can remember waking up one morning floating on an airbed. I didn’t realise until I put my foot outside the sleeping bag into a load of water that the whole family was floating! I’d get paid every week and we’d accumulated quite a bit of cash. The Leeds Building Society was doing deals at the gala that if you were a child you could open a bank account with £1 and you got a money box and a bag and stuff like that. Mum and dad decided the safest thing to do with the money was to go to open up an account. I was about eight. They were expecting me to give £1 and suddenly I had this wad of cash. They must have wondered where I’d got it from and just thought I’d stolen it or found it.
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Did you ever go to school? I did. The school was very good and if ever there was a school fete or anything like that they’d always ask me to do my motorcycle stunt show. I was filmed on my motorbike for children’s TV with Anneka Rice, who once came to school. We had a mock school fete and she was lying down and I ended up jumping over her. What happened next? The motorbike act stopped when public liability insurance started getting really expensive. I was about 14. Then my dad and I toured the Crazy Brigade – a comedy fire brigade, very much Keystone Cops, very visual – round country shows and big galas. It was a comedy car act that drove on its own and fell apart, but it was more like a stunt comedy act. There was a lot of water! My dad built a human cannon and we thought, ‘Oh, we need an act for it’, especially when he’d taken a picture of it and sold it. We had ten shows booked in before we even had an act.
I used to worry; we had a prop, a comedy cannon, but no show. It blew up at the end and I went flying out of the end of it but not a great distance. I never got to the net on the other side of the arena. But we did it in the end and it was very successful. I knew Martin Burton of Zippos Circus from the galas and carnivals, rather than as a circus contact. When I was 15, in my last year at school, he kindly said I could do work experience on their theatre tour. Other people worked in the local bakery. I went to Wales and Carlisle and never went back to school.
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What does Dangerous Steve actually do? It kind of depends where I’m booked to do it. If it’s in the middle of a town centre early on a Saturday morning with a few people walking past with shopping bags, the last thing they want to do is get stopped to watch a show by some nutter in the street. I try to make my show very entertaining and try to be likeable on stage. If it’s indoors and the audience is put there for me, it’s the same show but I have to work in a different way. I do ten things; I start on my motorcycle monowheel. It builds up a big crowd straightaway. I sit inside the wheel – the engine is inside it – and it’s a very difficult bike to balance and ride. I’ve spent the last three years learning how to do a new trick on it; a double loop the loop.
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I then go on to my motorcycle sidecar, which I ride round, introduce myself, and then stand on top of the seat and juggle knives. Then I do some fire. With outdoor shows I try to make it really very appealing at the start to distract people from the funfair and the stalls by doing fire tricks and some big fireballs with fire whips and things like that…
Fire whips? Yes, they create a massive fireball. I go from there to the unsupported ladder, so I’m up high, talking to people telling them what they’re about to see, and if they don’t want to see it now’s the time to leave! I’m very proud of balancing on top of a ten-foot ladder. It’s scary, as I don’t like heights! Then I then do a giant rola-bola, so I’m on a tower, on top of a beer keg on its side and on top of a board, and then I go through a fire hoop. Then I juggle a chainsaw, and do my giant unicycle, which is bigger this year, a ten-foot unicycle, and then into a blindfold motorcycle stunt. I set two chainsaws going – possibly four this year – on a frame, and I ride round blindfolded and through the frame with a steel shield on my face and a hood over my head, which I get the audience to check. And, you know, hopefully I don’t cut my head off.
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Has anything ever gone wrong? When I was learning, I broke my arm just before doing a show in a school hall. I thought, ‘That really hurt, I think I’ve damaged my arm’. In the first part of show I had to play the drums. Oh, my goodness, every time I hit the drums it was excruciating. 15 years later I finally learnt to do the trick I was trying when I broke my arm! I did a show in Scotland last year and before I went on, they announced that they were having a dog show and they’d put a big marquee in the corner of the arena, which made it quite narrow. I was driving my monowheel but I tipped over too far and the foot peg stuck into the ground and I went right over doing a somersault in the wheel, I flew out of it, got back on it, and carried on and the crowd loved it! [Laughs]
Then I got on my sidecar to juggle the knives and I went over a bump and one of the knives went into my face. I had blood running down my face. I looked at the organisers who were looking at me, like, ‘What have we booked, some cowboy?’, but actually, afterwards they loved it and they want me back. [Laughs] So it pays to hurt yourself sometimes.  
How did you learn all your other skills? Because I’ve been involved in so many shows over the years, I kind of picked up all these skills individually. It was a bit of watching others and trial and error. My show is very different to anyone else’s on the outdoor circuit. I don’t know anyone else who does some of the tricks, but I’ve seen someone else doing others and I’ve thought, ‘Oh, that would be perfect for my show’.
Do you have a natural ability to pick things up? Probably not. It’s practice, and a lot of the things I’ve learnt to do, I was a teenager. If you’re a teenager you don’t mind falling off so much. It doesn’t hurt so much. I must admit some of the time now, when I’m trying new stuff out, I do think, ‘Am I a bit old for this?’.
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I believe there’s one motorbike stunt that I’ve done that you haven’t… [Laughs] Yes, yes. The Wall of Death! It’s a dream and an ambition one day to do it.
It was horrific but you would love it! I’m going to contact Jake Messham and try to arrange it. I should do it September because it’s always a little bit dangerous trying new tricks out just before you get really busy for the summer season.
And the Globe of Death, do you fancy that? I would love to try. I’d try anything really.
How do you divide your time? We’re trying to stay busy all year round and it is really busy. The summer is now crazy with Dangerous Steve, so every weekend and Bank Holiday and there seem to be a lot of agricultural shows in the week as well. Last August I went from Orkney to Guernsey, doing shows on the way down as well. Summer season now… outdoor shows seem to be really good, really healthy and a full season of shows, like the olden days, really. When that quietens off in September, we go into Magic Carpet theatre shows and December, we’re sold out in schools performing a theatre show.
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How did you come to join Magic Carpet so young? After Zippos the school let me go off on more work experience with Jon Marshall, who I’d worked with in the galas and carnivals when he was The Man with the X-ray Eyes. Magic Carpet is his children’s theatre company that tours schools, art centres and theatres up and down the country and occasionally we get to go abroad. The shows are very visual, good fun and exciting. It’s a comedy play. We don’t have any big message; it’s just a great way to introduce children to live theatre. They laugh all the way through and if they haven’t seen much before, they come out absolutely buzzing. Jon is very good at making it exciting and understandable. It’s a bit of a rollercoaster with highs, but we also bring them down again. We know when the dangerous bits are coming up where the kids might shout out, but no one needs to be on edge as we’ve got them under control.
Do you feel you sort of owe your career to your dad, really? Yes, very much so, dad and Jon. All through my childhood I had so much respect for my dad and so much help, hours and hours of dragging me round the country, which I enjoyed. I enjoyed where I lived at the stately home, and also the travelling around at the same time. He would be working after I’d gone to bed out in the workshop, building props for me and I’d be practising with them after school the next day, probably falling off, breaking it, and he’d be back in the workshop again mending it and telling me not to fall off again.
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Do you think your experience could happen to a child these days because of health and safety… It would be very difficult. Even now with Flossie, if she falls over, the first thing that goes through your mind when she goes to pre-school, they’re going to see a bruise and it’s going to have to go in a report and they ask how it happened. They also ask the child as well to see if the stories match, whereas when I was a child and did The Spirit of Britain, I remember we were doing some practising and I set off the wrong way round the arena, ending up colliding with another bike, fell off, the foot peg went into my foot, I ended up in hospital, and then a couple of days later it was all forgotten. I wouldn’t want Flossie to hurt herself and there are ways of learning tricks with protection, but I wouldn’t put her off doing what I did. I try not to be too pushy with her because I think slow and steady will win the race.
Not like yer dad then? [Laughs] [Laughs] To be honest she’s only four, a little bit younger than I was when I started. But she is very keen on running onstage at the end of the show and she likes to go in the blade box, with blades in it. I’ve got a motorbike and sidecar and last year in Poynton, near Manchester, she sat on the sidecar.
Did you ever imagine that this would be your life? No, but later on in school everyone was talking about what they were going to do as a career, and I did think, ‘What the hell am I going to do?’. Then I thought, ‘Well, actually, I quite like what I do now. At the age of 15 I’ve already got quite a few years’ experience behind me. I’ve learnt how to do things and how not to do things’. So it would have been a waste not to carry on, and I’m so glad I stuck at it. When you’re a teenager sometimes the grass is always greener on the other side. When I was getting towards 19, some of my mates were earning quite good money doing other things, and I was thinking, ‘Oh, should I change what I do?’, but obviously I’m so glad I didn’t. I love it more now than ever.
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Dangerous Steve will be appearing at Kimpton in Hertfordshire on 4 May, 2019 at the start of his summer season. Check his website for details.
Picture credit: Ian Spooner
Steve’s website
Twitter: @DangerousSteve1 @sideshowmagic
Follow @TheWidowStanton on Twitter
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haunted-alien · 7 years
so i did an ask reblog and @lamentedandmalcontented has requested for me to do all of them. and as they know, i never back down from a challenge. NEVER. (lmao) so let’s do this!
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most? Seen My Man(Trixie Mattel), Mr. Know It All(Young the Giant), The Calender(Panic! at the Disco), Somebody to Love(Queen), That’s Life(Frank Sinatra), Monster(Kayne West ft. Nicki Minaj)
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Michlle Obama
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17. “Wings, and no eyes, figure unheedy haste”
4: What do you think about most? death lmao
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say? “Do we need coffee creamer do you know”
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on? with
7: What’s your strangest talent? im not sure. im pretty boring lol
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you? nope
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar? i cant even remember
11: Do you have any strange phobias? not any strange ones
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose? yes....
13: What’s your religion? prefer not to say
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? probably relaxing with a cup of coffee
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? behind :)
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band? i cant answer this
17: What was the last lie you told? yeah im doing great
18: Do you believe in karma? yes
19: What does your URL mean? it is pretty self explanitory. spooky extra terrestrials 
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength? weakness: my emotions. strength: willpower 
21: Who is your celebrity crush? kate mckinnon
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping? nope
23: How do you vent your anger? internalize that shit
24: Do you have a collection of anything? gems and healing stones!
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? video chatting
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become? yes and im excited to see where i go
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love? love: mechanical keyboards and acoustic guitar. hate: racism
28: What’s your biggest “what if”? what if i just died?
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens? yes and yes
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm. right: my monitor, left: my glass of water
31: Smell the air. What do you smell? my seaside candle
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to? the inside of a heroins addicts house
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast? east coast
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender? brenden urie
35: To you, what is the meaning of life? 42
36: Define Art. complicated and subjective
37: Do you believe in luck? kind of?
38: What’s the weather like right now? cloudy with a chance of rain
39: What time is it? it is 7:33pm
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? i do drive and i have never crashed
41: What was the last book you read? a midsummer’s night dream
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline? i do
43: Do you have any nicknames? alien
44: What was the last film you saw? i believe it was moana
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? i skinned my face
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly? yes :)
47: Do you have any obsessions right now? d&d
48: What’s your sexual orientation? bisexual
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you? many times
50: Do you believe in magic? in a way
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? i try not too but i can be pretty petty
52: What is your astrological sign? scorpio
53: Do you save money or spend it? save
54: What’s the last thing you purchased? my new computer!
55: Love or lust? love
56: In a relationship? no....
57: How many relationships have you had? one
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue? no, i wish
59: Where were you yesterday? i was home
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? some pink running shoes
61: Are you wearing socks right now? yup
62: What’s your favourite animal? orangutans 
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you? sarcasm i suppose
64: Where is your best friend? at their home
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr. @maryarty @bestbewaremysting @hammertimeinthegrill420 @yourlocalvodkaaunt @thatsthat24
66: What is your heritage? Irish, Italian, and Slovakian
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM? watchin youtube i think
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name? i think that is his last name
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off? .......
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend? im honestly not sure
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? save the dog
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid? a)no, just tell the people that should know b) try to settle my life and worries c) i dont think so
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love. trust
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it? seen my man by trixie mattel
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number? 0844
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship? love, trust, humor 
77: How can I win your heart? be nice to me and like me back
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity? yes but also getting the help you need is more important
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far? talking to the pretty girl who gave a presentation on fanfiction
80: What size shoes do you wear? 9
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone? “i wanted to be cremated you twits”
82: What is your favourite word? soft
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart. beat
84: What is a saying you say a lot? “fuck” “fcuking shit”
85: What’s the last song you listened to? currently listening to told you so by paramore
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours? black, white, blue
87: What is your current desktop picture? kermit the frog
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be? kim jong un
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on? if *that person* asked if i liked them
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do? panic, wonder where the hell they came from
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power? honestly i feel like the most practical is endless money
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again? prom with *that person*
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? being locked in my room while my parents screamed at each other for hours
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be? probably lana del rey
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? london
96: Do you have any relatives in jail? yes
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car? yes many times
98: Ever been on a plane? yup
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say? please just be kind to one another and please just listen to each other. if everyone actually listened, we would be in a much better place
my goodness that was a lot! if any of you suffered through that, hi :) anyway that is them all! 
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comicteaparty · 6 years
November 1st, 2018 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on November 1st, 2018, from 5PM - 7PM PDT.  The chat focused on Littlelight Asylum by Julian Dominguez (Writer), Esther Pimentel (Artist), and Toben Racicot (Letterer).
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Littlelight Asylum by Julian Dominguez (Writer), Esther Pimentel (Artist), and Toben Racicot (Letterer)~! (http://littlelightasylum.spiderforest.com/)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
i think for me, my favorite scene is hands down when cthulhu shows up and lays the smack down. this might be biased from really liking to see cthulhu get around. but i also just kept being like "this squid kid reminds me of cthulhu" and then my assumptions were vindicated
Yup XD
I also liked seeing Eve get excited for the Crimson Archer
That was pretty cool. I also liked just earlier when Eternal Flame was still the dork.(edited)
Yup, gotta imagine Eve squee face.
yeah i liked the timing for it too. cause eve stonewalled for so long but then gotta have that little quieter squee when the actual hero showed up.
although i also liked when lilith was all squee but then immediately turned on the tsundere "its not like i like this at all" XD
I like her personality. Vaguely Spock-like. She's sensible.
Eve, that is.
Also, MASSIVE bonus points for "drum roll". That was too good.
On a more subtle note though, I also liked that Eve hid the video games, AND that her gaming stash had both of the other characters' favorite games. Sometimes you wonder why/how some characters get along, and it's subtle details like that that grounds the relationship for me, by showing that they have more in common than it may seem.
keii: That's an excellent point. She's a good friend.
Though how could you not get along with Hollow.
i liked that moment too because i think it demonstrates both eve's intelligence and that for monster kids, taking away their stuff is really not that easy. so it was a moment that kind of did some subtle and excellent world building as well.
I think Eve is the only one who can portal though.
the person who took the stuff wasn't expecting it at all
(And there's just this dude living in there, that was funny...)
true but i dont doubt the others could find a way to hide their games. like lilith seems like shes 100% use magic....that would ultimately mess up in some fashion. hollow might be screwed unless he decides to bury his games in the backyard.
granted i wouldve thought headmistress light wouldve realized eve kind of has some op powers for someone her age
Fair. I do think Light is happy so long as there's no destruction of property going on.
Though if the average monster kid is good at sneaking stuff around, I would think others would be more aware/skeptical
I'm still trying to figure out my feelings about Lilith. She seems pretty self-absorbed.
She kinda seems like the meanie who hangs out with the good kids because she does get lonely, and no one else will tolerate her
tbf tho their tolerance isnt the highest. since the first scenario they basically said "nope lilith has to clean up her own mess" until it wasnt possible for them to leave it alone
im interested in what shaped lilith's personality to be as it is
I found it interesting that she seemed to genuinely like Sona as a character, as opposed to just "I like her because her game is fun." Sona seemed like she had a decent personality (or maybe that's just my assumption based on "typical video game main characters" )
nah sona had a nice personality cause she was all positive in the brief moment we see her. very opposite of lilith. so it makes me wonder if lilith has had a bit of a troubled childhood. like i mean dont get me wrong, shes mean. but given shes also a kid you always have to wonder how genuine it is and how much of it is putting on airs and acting in a way she thinks is expected of her.
cause i know her profile even mentions shes half demon or something. so she could be thinking "no im a demon gotta do the evil"
Hey there, just popping in to say hello since I'm a bit occupied with something else atm
if I can make it later I'll jump into the chat proper
(I do want to say briefly that this story has some appealing character designs)
It could be something like, she doesn't get along with the Less Evil of her parents (could be the demon, could be the other one), so she's latching onto evil being desirable. But that's a total stab in the dark at this point in time
true. could be opposite in that the witch parent is more evil. or they could both be evil
QUESTION 2. The cast of the comic is colorful to say the least. Did any of the characters in particular strike you as interesting? If so, who and why? Why do you think Lilith is at the orphanage when she implies she has parents? Who are her parents and where are they? What about Eve and Hollow? Do you think they’re actually orphans or are there mitigating circumstances to why they’re at the orphanage? What do you think Eve’s implied connection to Cthulhu is? What about Hollow? Any theories that turn what we believe about Hollow on their head? Do you think the three main children will manage to stay friends despite their differences, or will one of them cause a rift?
I do think an "the friends have a fight, but realize it was silly and reunite to defeat a foe that they could not have defeated individually" episode is likely, though it's still early on and can't really say what might cause such a scenario
i could argue thats sort of their whole relationship tho. the whole friends fight but reunite
cause even the first issue basically kind of does this
But I mean something more... extreme
The first one seemed like a daily occurrence kinda thing
But like, something that makes them think, "great, I'll never talk to the other two again"
actually what i hope happens is that lilith is the great ill never talk to the other two again
has a solo adventure but comes back
and eve and hollow are were like "what do you mean our fight and friendship breakup? we thought you were just being you"
If that happens, I would like to see it contribute to Lilith's character growth long term, even if very subtle
Sorry, had to deal with little one here. Just to finish my earlier thought...
Lilith seems to have this need to prove herself to someone, so there's that, but she's not great at considering the consequences. Like even being forced to clean up the kitchen. It's an interesting counterpoint to Eve... and I guess since my personality's more like Eve, I have little issues.
I think Lilith was probably left at the orphanage by a relative who just couldn't deal any more... her parents were maybe going to come back to said relative's place at some time. Now Lil's trying to get their attention, maybe?
maybe. i feel like something deeper is going on. cause normally if you couldn't deal with a child youre watching you just ship them back to their parents. not send them to an orphanage.
not to mention lilith is a bag of trouble
and if i was the headmistress and knew lilith had parents who didnt abandon her forever, i wouldve been like "oh whoops back to your parents you go"
although nobody might know where the parents are
maybe lilith's witch parent is as bad as magic
are trapped in a video game
Yeah, I figured maybe it was a "no forwarding address" kind of thing. Possibly because one of them is wanted, and they don't want their ties to the kids to be an issue.
Heh, that'd be amusing, if Lilith's witch parent had the same trouble with spells. Came by it honestly.
As to parent/kid ties, I feel like Eve is maybe a reincarnation of Cthulu or something. Which is why she can channel subconsciously?
or the secret child. cause i mean of course cthulhu would abandon a kid. not out of evil but cthulhu has evil cthulhu stuff to do. no time to be raising kids. but ya know, can make time to show up and say "dont you tocuh my kid weird demon fellow"
but reincarnation works too
never considered that
or maybe eve just is cthulhu
the only one
and that was just an astral projection of her power or something fancy like that
Yeah, monster adults be busy and all. Speaking of, I wonder if the other beings are kind of in their own dimension somewhere? Or if there are pockets in the real world? I mean, seemed like a normal town not too far away.
Eve is a chibi-cthulhu.
it could just be both cause this seems like one of them tricky magic worlds where every answer is probably plausible O_O
i want to know why hollow can breathe fire on a side note. like is this werewolf lore i dont know about XD
They live in video games.
Hollow eats a lot of spicy peppers.
I'm not aware of fire-breathing werewolf lores, but now that I think about it, it'd be really cool(edited)
to see a howling wolf exhale a long stream of fire into the moon
Maybe it comes from the human side. Born of one of those fire eaters in the carnivals and a werewolf.
Unlikely but not impossible: could be a loose reference to the eclipse dog that tried to eat the sun (and failed)
Hm, not one I know of.
QUESTION 3. The world of the comic is interesting to say the least. How do you think Littlelight Asylum manages to stay under the radar given its unique composition of occupants? Do you think we’ll see Mel again? Further, do you think Mel will manage to expose Littlelight Asylum for what it is, or will Mel’s efforts wind up in vain? How abundant do you think monsters are compared to humans anyway? What do you think would happen if normal humans found out about the orphanage? Will it turn out okay, badly, or do you think they have safety nets in place? Lastly, why do you think Headmistress Light continues the orphanage when it causes her many headaches and risks a lot?
ive never heard of that one either but i dont mark it off as impossible either. it was just a weird detail that made me curious about hollow. granted tbf hes a wolf all the time so this def is a diff sort of werewolf
Different rules and all... demons live in hats.
I think calling the place an "Asylum" is a good way to keep random visitors from showing up. Just saying.
Monsters must be more prevalent than one thinks though, if they're having relationships with humans? And if Mel has enough data to identify them as such?
I'm not sure about safety nets, btw. The best solution they had seemed to be get on the bus.
well that orphanage alone was pretty populated from what it seemed. and having an orphanage implies that either 1) the population is large because generally you only have an orphanage that community raising isnt a viable option or 2) orphans in the monster world are extremely, extremely common and probably more orphans than kids with parents
thats a great point about asylum tho
that its used as a detterent
thats brilliant and i never considered that
True, about the implications. It could also be that it's the only place on the entire Earth for them.
I wonder if anyone tries to send an actual human orphan to the place. Are they listed in the yellow pages?
if they are actually using the asylum thing as a deterrent for humans, probably not
About Headmistress Light... she may have inherited the place? It is sort of named after her.
yeah her profile says as much
Probably not. Unless you get a tax writeoff or something.
that the place was her father's
Ahh, I didn't recall the profiles.
i assume she actually just cares about kids and knows that as monsters its not like they have anywhere else to go. cause you cant exactly send them to regular orphanages cause they might not understand the concept of not getting caught by a human lynch mob that well
Yeah, I kinda feel the same. She also checked out the costumes before going into the town.
i do think were inevitably going to see mel again. mel had too much potential as an antagonist
and i also think mel would be a good character way to show the human side of things
and how the humans might perceive monsters
and maybe actually show those preventitive measures
Yeah, that does seem likely. I wonder what her damage is? Like, just give the weird monsters a chocolate and they'll leave you alone. You can then do all your plotting in secret.
Mel has her own issues, basically. ^^
I liked the explanation for why they went to her house even though they knew she was annoyed with them, btw.
Also, very topical for this time of year.
yes. not even purposely timed XD
tbh tho i kind of also hope they turn mel into an ally
like show mel look we can go into the video games
and mel is like "ok this is cool i will help you now"
Help them what though? Hide out? They've been pretty good at that.
Though it could be funny if Mel can cast spells properly, so Lilith gets advice from her.
if not mel i do hope we get to see a more competent spell caster that can mentor lilith a bit. although i kind of hope all the kids get mentors. learn to become well-rounded ppl
QUESTION 4. The story is formatted in a way to offer lots of room for interesting scenarios. Are there any sorts of supernatural based scenarios you think might be interesting to see? Alternatively, is there something non-supernatural that you think it’d be interesting to watch the kids go through? Do you think we’ll see any of the antagonists from the previous scenarios again? If so, what do you think will happen? How many of the future scenarios do you think will be caused by Lilith’s magic going awry? Speaking of the supernatural though, what other sorts of cryptids or similar are you hoping to see character wise? Alternatively, is there a character you’ve seen already that you want to see more of based on their cryptid base?
to answer one of those questions, id really like to see monster schooling. cause that must be a crazy mess
I'm just trying to think of who'd be the mentors... might mix things up, have the wolves try to mentor Lilith...
I'm wondering if ghosts are a thing. Or contacting dead people. Particularly if parents are dead.
I hope the Lilith's magic going weird doesn't become a crutch... I liked how it was subverted a bit in the most recent one, where they were able to defeat the enemies.
yeah. i do hope to see some character and skill growth
cause i really want lilith's magic to be useful at points
and for her to learn to maybe read the whole thing
and not invoke curses
I feel like her learning might be a bit of a stretch. Could be interesting if they end up in classes though.
Like, are there spell casting classes?
oh you know what i could forsee as a scenario
another witch joining the orphanage
that is way better at magic
Ohh, that could be an interesting point.
Or even worse, like, gives Lilith a superiority complex.
yeah that could happen to
unless the orphanage has that already, another witch. tbf id really like to see more of the kids in general. cause there were a lot of interesting and great designs already(edited)
and it could add to the kid's dynamic as well. like seeing how they interact with the others. cause lilith might not be the only one who's kind of outcasted from the other groups
It's true. Maybe all three of the mains are kind of seen as the troublemakers by other kids too. So they end up by themselves.
Just looking at the character page again. It mentions that headmistress light has a power. Maybe she'll end up as a mentor?
Also, I wonder about Annabel there too.
yeah. annabel i hope we get to see of more too. cause she looks sort of puppet or frankenstein like perhaps? so i want to know what her story is
granted i also want to know about bel too
i especially want to know how eve and hollow feel about bel
cause i assume they know bel exists
Yeah, that would make sense.
Like, I would assume they figure he can't control Lilith any more than they can... so hmmm, what use is he?(edited)
on the opposite end they might feel hes a bad influence on lilith
Annabel could be a puppet, that might explain the pose after she fell off the ceiling, I hadn't considered that.
Maybe. Particularly if Bel's, like, reporting back to a witches council or something.
he might just be a bad influence via not always discouraging lilith's crazy. you could make that argument at least
Maybe he's really Lilith's dad in disguise.
before the chat closes out, i want to add that i agree with super in that the character designs are really fantastic. theres a real great balance of detail and simplicity and i feel like all the designs really match the character theyre for.
Dad's kind of a bumbling goof, doesn't want anyone to know. ^.^
Yeah, and I think the characters complement each other really well. Like, the more reserved sensible one, the off the wall random one, and the guy who's prone to excitement and is happy to be doing his best.
Even that second antagonist (if the ones at the start with the vines were the first), the Flame guy, he had some good motivations and things... and "eternal" wasn't just a catchphrase.
Btw, Hollow and Eve seem to share a room... does Lilith have a roommate, you think?
well bel could technically be considered her roommate
probably just bel
lilith might spell another roommate into accident death
i liked eternal flame guy. he had the kind of over the top personality that is really fun
There is always that danger.
and i also liked that until cthulhu showed up he was op and able to beat children
Extreme traits are interesting. Yeah, I liked the line "Oh, uh, are you with them" or whatever it was.
I suppose he could come back too, from the pocket dimension. Maybe he'll help to mentor them.
Anyway, should prove interesting to see what the next storyline is.
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Julian Dominguez, Esther Pimentel, and Toben Racicot, as well, for making Littlelight Asylum. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Julian Dominguez, Esther Pimentel, and Toben Racicot’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: http://littlelightasylum.spiderforest.com/
Julian’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/Boxboycomics
Esther’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/Gilly_thesilly
Toben’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/TobenRacicot
Comic Tea Party- Thursday Book Club
Next week’s Thursday Book Club will be about Anacrine Complex by Sae. For participants, you have the next week to read as much of the comic as you would like~! We hope to see you on Thursday, November 8th, from 5PM to 7PM PST for the chat in #thursday_bookclub!
Comic’s Main Site: http://pigeoncomic.com/
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ifiwerebraveenough · 6 years
let’s get personal real quick
lets get personal.
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
I hope you’re happy-blue October, 100 letters-Halsey, bad at love- Halsey, ever long-foo fighters, FFYL-QuinnXCII, high hopes- P!ATD
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
Dead: my great great grandfather, Hatch. Living: Neil Gaiman or Jk Rowling
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
“There are no flies, just flames”
4: What do you think about most?
The future
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?
“I will once I download it”
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
7: What’s your strangest talent?
I can juggle?
8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)
Girls rule, boys drool.
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?
Yes both actually.
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?
I dunno. More of an air drummer tbh
11: Do you have any strange phobias?
athazagoraphobia, coulrophobia, monophobia, philophobia
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
Once I stuck a monkey berry up my nose and my mom had to take me to the ER
13: What’s your religion?
I don’t have religion. But I’m a pantheist if that helps.
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
Reading. Or basking in the sun.
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
Behind it.
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
Band… panic! At the disco
17: What was the last lie you told?
That I didn’t have feelings about something.
18: Do you believe in karma?
What goes around comes around and karma’s a bigger bitch than I’ll ever be.
19: What does your URL mean?
It means I liked it so I picked it. Just kidding. It means there’s a world of possibilities and ifiwerebraveenough is tackle them all.
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
I’m a good person with a good heart. To both.
21: Who is your celebrity crush?
Johnny Depp or Ryan Reynolds
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
23: How do you vent your anger?
Not well lol usually screaming and cursing
24: Do you have a collection of anything?
Bouncy balls lmfao
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
Ew neither? I guess on the phone.
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
As far as progress goes, yes. But I’m not done yet. But when I am “I will love the person I have become because I fought to become her”
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
The sound of shoes on a basketball court; thunderstorms and rain on a tin roof
28: What’s your biggest “what if”?
What if I’m never truly happy?
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
Yes to both. Crazy to think we’re the only ones here…
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
right: pillow, left: my phone case
31: Smell the air. What do you smell?
my dog
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?
oh gosh... the bathrooms on bourbon street
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?
west coast
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?
Brendon Urie
35: To you, what is the meaning of life?
whatever you want it to be 
36: Define Art.
anything that makes you feel something
37: Do you believe in luck?
of course.
38: What’s the weather like right now?
hot af
39: What time is it?
9:41 pm
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
yes and yes, totalled my mom’s truck
41: What was the last book you read?
Neil Gaiman’s Neverwhere (best book ever)
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?
yes... too much
43: Do you have any nicknames?
Lrn, peanut, London, Brenda
44: What was the last film you saw?
Sweeney Todd The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
probably my broken nose
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?
47: Do you have any obsessions right now?
Black Mirror, my dog, graduation
48: What’s your sexual orientation?
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?
duh, who hasn’t
50: Do you believe in magic?
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
for a bit, yeah
52: What is your astrological sign?
53: Do you save money or spend it?
54: What’s the last thing you purchased?
55: Love or lust?
56: In a relationship?
57: How many relationships have you had?
like 5 
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
i can actually!
59: Where were you yesterday?
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
a candle
61: Are you wearing socks right now?
nope. I dont wear socks unless I have to
62: What’s your favourite animal?
stingray or elephant
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
being bold and outgoing
64: Where is your best friend?
in her room
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.
lol i don’t know them like that
66: What is your heritage?
Irish, Welsh and Native American
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?
Drinking wine and eating dinner lol
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
I like to think so
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
Fire my ass bitch. That animal can’t save itself. 
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
I would tell some close family and friends. Spend them doing fun and exciting things with the people I love, I would not “Death is but the next great adventure”
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.
Trust. I can’t have love without trust. 
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
How Far I’ll Go from Moana
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
loyalty, trust, and being able to be yourself around that person
77: How can I win your heart?
“Welcome to The Price is Right!”
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
Adopting Freya
80: What size shoes do you wear?
I dont wanna talk about it 
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
Here Lies Lauren. Leave her alone. 
82: What is your favourite word?
Fuck. Obviously. 
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.
the beating organ that keeps me alive. 
84: What is a saying you say a lot?
“okay hear me out”
85: What’s the last song you listened to?
Sunshower- Chromak
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours?
purple and blue
87: What is your current desktop picture?
Overlooking homes in Greece
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
lol that’s a rude question to ask. 
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
“Do you love me?”
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?
Deuces. Im out. 
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
The power to become invisible. or fly. No! the power to find more of them so I can a lot of powers
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
The last time I saw my Great grandmother when she was coherent and in her own house. 
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
ugh. October 2016 - March 2017
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
Brendon Urie lol or Halsey (even though I said I was straight haha)
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
Europe. Italy specifically. 
96: Do you have any relatives in jail?
why is this a question? Yes. I do. 
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?
98: Ever been on a plane?
I have. 
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?
Do better. 
0 notes