#dont post videos or pictures of peoples faces who are protesting
the--arch · 4 years
If you have a lot of followers and you’re not spreading information about BLM and events currently transpiring due to the movement and racism, protests, etc... please reconsider. Your silence is just as bad as racism. And remember, don’t post people’s faces who are protesting, not in videos or pictures.
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mobagehelllocal · 4 years
“dati” ver ii - kalim, vil, idia & malleus
A/N: Wah, this got so long I had to split it into two parts ;u; So here’s some information if you didn’t read ver i, and went straight for ver ii! 
 The Reader, is different from the actual MC of TWST! 
“Dati” is a pretty difficult word to translate, because it’s just one word but--it can mean so much.  For the sake of this story, you can interpret its meaning as “a long time ago”. 
Due to the general premise, the reader is female! 
The prologue for ver ii “dati” is the same prologue for ver i! 
Link to the concept design for the uniform!
Inspired by: 
“Dati” by Sam Concepcion, Tippy Dos Santos and Quest. (I encourage you to listen to it OR read the English lyrics.) 
“If You Can Dream” by the Disney Princesses. (I would link both but my posts dont appear if I do that ;u;) 
So, without further ado, let’s get into it!~ 
Other versions: ver i (riddle, leona, azul), ver ii (this)
"--as you already know. We held a school-wide meeting about the week long exchange program with the all-females private school, Garden Academy. Professors Divus Crewel and Mozus Trein accompanied our delegates to Garden Academy this morning,” Dire Crowley peered at his students through his black mask, “while Professor Mozus Trein stayed with our delegates, Professor Divus Crewel escorted the delegates from Garden Academy to Night Raven College.” 
Excited whispers broke out in the crowd. Crowley cleared his throat once, then again--before everyone settled down. The Headmaster huffed audibly at that. 
“I’ll be using this morning meeting to introduce the delegates,” Crowley turned to the left side of the stage. He motioned at Crewel who was standing back stage with a Garden Academy professor and her students. “Now then, please give a hand for--” 
In the crowd, his eyes widened. 
In turn, you were pretty excited too. You had held off telling your friend about you coming to his school because you wanted to surprise him. 
All you girls had been assigned to a particular dorm, not to sleep in--but rather, to experience. Each dorm in NRC (much like GA), had their own unique culture. So, to truly experience the college meant you all needed to immerse yourselves in the different dorms and their cultures. You had to sneakily reconfirm with him what his dorm was, to make sure you got assigned to the correct one. 
And now that you were here...
“Alright ladies,” Professor Radcliffe said kindly, “we will reconvene here at 5PM to return to the dorm Headmaster Crowley so generously set aside for us.” 
“Yes Professor.” Radcliffe eyed all of you girls, before she sighed with an exasperated smile. You were all very excited, and doing very little to hide that. 
“Okay, I know you want to go--but one last thing,” you all let out loud, false and very unladylike groans that Radcliffe ignored. “Remember to be beautiful--” 
“At heart.” you all recited, familiar with your school’s motto.
“Go on then,” Radcliffe finally said, “the dorm heads and their assistants should be waiting outside for all of you.” 
With a cheer, you all parted ways.
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Kalim‘s eyes brightened as he caught sight of you again.
“Jamil! Jamil! Look!” he tugged on the other boy’s sleeves as he pointed you out to the crowd. “So it really is [Name]!”
“They did announce her full name on the stage, Kalim.” Jamil said rather blandly, not that Kalim was affected by his exasperated tone. 
“Kalim! Jamil!” Your uniform--the pale green of House Water Lily, the House of Passion--swished around you as you came to a stop before the two boys that you hadn’t seen in ages.
“It’s been awhile.” You reached for their hands and clasped them with yours--at which both boys blushed. While Kalim gave you a goofy smile, Jamil instantly looked away. 
You had spent a couple of months as a child in the Land of Hot Sands because your parents were just beginning to expand your family owned restaurant--Tiana’s Palace--into that country. You had met Kalim, then Jamil because your parents were business partners with Kalim’s father. 
It was hard not to enjoy their friendship. Kalim--was fun loving and easy going. Jamil--was calm and attentive. When you were getting exhausted by Kalim’s energy, Jamil knew when to step in and what to say to calm him down. They were perfectly balanced, and you remembered them fondly.
Needless to say...
When it had been time for you to return to your country, there were a lot of tears. 
“Sniff... why are you leaving?” Kalim cried, “I thought we would be friends forever!”
“I--I don’t want to leave too!” you shook, snot dripped down your nose.
“Kalim... [Name] has to go back.” Jamil said slowly, but even his eyes were glassy and wet.
“Wah!” You sniffled as you wrapped both of your arms around the two boys who became so dear to you. 
“I--it’s not like we won’t meet again!” Jamil protested, as he too began to truly join in the crying fest.
“Waaah! Don’t leave [Name]!” Kalim wailed loudly. 
“B--but I can’t stay.” you sobbed. “I tried already...” 
(Behind you the adults were chuckling to themselves at the drama the kids were causing... had they not realized they could just ask them to keep in contact...?) 
(But to a child, the world seemed infinite. It didn’t seem to have an end. 
To the three of you, it truly felt like a final farewell.)
“Promise, we won’t forget each other?” you demanded as you pulled back. The two boys shared a glance through their tears and turned back to you with a determined nod.
“Promise we’ll always be friends, no matter what!” Kalim said. In turn you and Jamil nodded pretty determinedly. 
Then you and Kalim turned to Jamil--you waited for him to make a promise too. He flushed at suddenly being put on the spot, before his eyes light up and he said--
“Then we promise--to meet up again, one day? Here?” 
You and Kalim nodded vigorously at that. 
As your parents took you a way, you all wailed pretty loudly. 
“You can see them again one day.” your mother had said, confused. 
“But it doesn’t mean I won’t miss them when I can’t see them.” you said in a solemn tone. Your parents exchanged looks amused looks.
“I’m surprised you got so attached to those two.” 
“They were fun to play with.” 
“I’m sure they were sweetie. Now get some rest.” 
There was some time where you all attempted to exchange letters--since the MagiCam had yet to be developed to a point where international instant messaging was possible. 
Children were fickle creatures.
Within a few months, you all eventually found something of more interest than a friend from a distant place who you might not see again.
Your interests in each other waned away, until it became a distant, fond and somewhat embarrassing memory. 
That is until...
“Hey [Name], did you sign up for the Night Raven College exchange program?” You looked up from the recipe book that you were reading.
“Yeah I did, why?”
“Did you know the model, Vil Schoenheit goes there?”
“Who is Vil?” Your friend gasped dramatically before she rolled her eyes. “Figures you wouldn’t know who Vil Schoenheit is. Come here.” She showed you pictures of Vil’s MagiCam account. There were some photos of the school, and rarer still--photos of other people aside from Vil himself. 
Which, you know--if you had a face like that, you’d totally fill your MagiCam with just selfies. 
“Oh Sweet Evangeline,” your friend sighed dreamily, “NRC boys are definitely cuter than RSA boys--and I swear I’m challenging all the RSA stans to try saying otherwise over my dead body--” You snickered at her rant, before a certain photo caught your eye.  
“Oh is that...” 
“Oh holy Evangeline--” your friend began to wheeze. “I think these are all the Dorm Leaders for this school year--” she clicked onto the photo to open the post. Your friend was right--Vil had noted that this was this year’s NRC Dorm Leader list. 
“Malleus Draconia-- naturally. Vil Schoenheit--NATURALLY.” your friend giggled in excitement, “Oh, I guess Leona Kingscholar is repeating a year... No idea who Riddle Rosehearts, Azul Ashengrotto or Idia Shroud is--and this guy is--” 
“Kalim Al-Asim.” you whispered. If you shut your eyes, you could hear the wind whistle, the laughter of two boys, the joyous shrieking of a girl--and a magic carpet ride across the wide expanse of the sky. Your friend arched a brow at you.
“Do you know him?”
“I think I do.” you hesitated, the sound of laughter still rang in your ears. “I’m pretty sure I met him when I was a kid... when I travelled around with my family.” 
“Oooh, you should totally try and see if he remembers. He’s cute.” 
“We were kids.” you tried to explain to your friend but she only waved a dismissive hand. 
“You aren’t now. Also childhood romance trope is so cute, you gotta let me see it first hand.” your friend grabbed your phone and typed in the tagged username of Kalim Al-Asim. 
{”Hi Kalim! Do you remember me? I’m [Name] [Surname].”}
{”Like [Name] [Surname]? Like Tiana’s Place? Yes! Oh Sorceror, how’d you find me?”}
{”Well funny story...”}
And the rest was history.
Jamil took awhile to come around, but you had a video call with the two, and after naming a particular embarrassing moment--Jamil had easily been convinced that it was actually you. 
That had been a few months before the actual exchange, and you chose not to tell them about your part in it so you could surprise them once you got up on stage.
Surprise them you did.
The moment they announced your name, Kalim shouted, and Jamil had face palmed. 
It was another memory to add to the ones you held dearly. 
Now you were seated in Scarabia’s dorms, as you happily enjoyed the grand feast and parade prepared by Jamil and Kalim. 
As Kalim flopped onto the seat next to yours, he shot you a wide grin.
“Are you enjoying yourself?” 
“I am!” you hummed, “I haven’t been anywhere close to the Land of Hot Sands recently...” you put your spoon down and smiled. “The food is really good too! This is the best version of your cuisine that I have tasted. My compliments to the chef for sure! I’d love to take a peek at the recipe.” On your other side Jamil choked, and you turned to him with a confused expression. 
“Are you okay, Jamil?” you asked, concerned.
“Hahah, he was probably surprised at the praise! Jamil cooked everything after all!” 
“Woah, you did? We definitely should exchange recipes.” with a particularly red face, Jamil nodded his assent before he excused himself.
“I hope he’s okay.” 
“It’s fine! He’s having a hard time expressing it, but he’s really excited to see you.” Kalim peered at you curiously. “I am too, of course.” 
“Same.” you agreed. “It’s a little sad we lost contact.” 
“Well, finding each other now was pretty fun! So I think it was worth it.” You giggled in response.
“I’ll have to agree with you, Kalim.” 
You both turned back to the front to watch the parade when Kalim spoke up again.
“Hey [Name]?” 
“This time... let’s not lose each other, okay?” You turned back to Kalim, surprised at the change of his tone. You couldn’t help but let your expression melt into a soft one.
“Mhm! This time... let’s keep those promises.” You two shared a grin, as the parade finished off with fireworks.
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When Vil saw you hop up onto the stage, he had definitely been surprised. He hadn’t expected to see you--though now that he thought about it, it had been so out of the blue of you to ask him about whether or not he was in Pomefiore.
Then again he had been busy with other things... So he hadn’t thought too much on it. You were, after all, the type of person who brought up something from ten years in the past simply because you suddenly remembered it. He had assumed it had been something like that.
Vil stood with Rook by his side, his arms crossed as he waited for the Garden Academy students to exit the Mirror Chamber. Once you finally appeared in the crowd, your eyes instantly met his.
“Hi Vil.” you greeted--uncharacteristically nervous and shy around him, dressed in the pale purple colors of House Chrysanthemum--the House of Artistry.
At the sight of you, Vil’s lips instantly curled up into a beautiful smile.
“Well if it isn’t my number one fan.” he raised a hand and began to rub a finger against a purple mark on your cheek. “paint got to your face again.” Your tense shoulders loosened as Vil greeted you the same way he always did.
“Whoops.” Vil shook his head, and as he pulled back he noticed that your skirt and your sleeves had faint splatter marks of paint--and on your wrist--
“You need to stop writing on your wrist, dear one.” he chided gently, though used to your antics, he easily unclipped his magic pen from his breast pocket and began to cast a spell to clean you up.
“Is it that obvious? I really did try to clean up...” you complained, but you let Vil fuss over you--as he normally did. There was no stopping him until he was satisfied. When he finally pulled back, he nodded in an approving manner.
“Vil, did you like it? Was it a good surprise?” you looked up at him with curiosity shining in your eyes, and he let out a soft chuckle.
“Yes. It was a pleasant surprise. So we’ll be spending a whole two weeks together...” he mused.
You were a person he had grown up with, and the person he regarded as his dearest friend. Much like him, you had an eye for art--except while his art focused on himself as a model and actor--yours came in the form of paintings.
Your identical passion for beauty made the two of you attached at the hip. You were the one whose opinion mattered the most to him--because there was no one whose opinions he trusted more.
“Ohoho, Roi de Poison, who is this?” Rook peered curiously at you, he had never seen Vil react like this before...
Well actually he had. Whenever Vil was on his phone--but Vil never explained, and no matter how Rook tried, he never figured it out.
“This is my best friend, [Name]. We’ve been friends since our childhood.” Vil’s lips curled up, “She’s also--” Vil looked at you for a moment, and you nodded. Vil then mentioned your MagiCam account, and Rook’s eyes popped open in surprise. He knew that name--you were one of the most popular artist on MagiCam. Rook knew that you and Vil followed and liked each other’s works, but there had been no hint to the of your relationship with Vil.
He studied Vil curiously.
For someone who was never afraid to share what he did to the public’s eye, you were an incredibly well kept secret for Vil. From what he knew about you on MagiCam--you were a very private person who was never one to share your photos. Why, he knew that Idia Shroud from Ignihyde was a fan of some of your otaku related works--he had heard from the man that one of your quirks was that you chose to never appear in fan gatherings. You were incredibly mysterious.
To realize that--that person--
He eyed you curiously. You were far different from the women that Vil would often be seen hanging out with. As a model, he had a pretty extravagant social life. He hung out with people as glamorous as him and you--
Well, to put it plain and simple, you weren’t anything like that.
“So Vil, where do we go first?” you asked, Vil turned his gaze away from the analytical glint in Rook’s eyes, to smile at you.
“I’ll show you the gardens, I’m sure you’ll love them.”
After Vil had bid you ‘good bye’ as you and your classmates returned to your designated dorm, Vil looked at Rook with an annoyed expression.
“Alright Rook.” the Pomefiore Dorm Leader crossed his arms, “what is it?”
“What’s what?” the other third year raised his hands defensively.
“You kept staring at [Name] earlier with that look in your eye... I don’t like it.”
“I was just thinking... she was a very well kept secret.”
“A secret..?” Vil arched a brow. “She isn’t a secret at all. As you remember, she’s also incredibly famous on MagiCam.”
“No, I do mean, she’s a secret of yours, Roi de Poison.” Rook smiled, and Vil’s eyes narrowed in turn.
“I don’t understand.”
“You never mentioned her on MagiCam.”
“That was by her request. She wanted to build up her own audience.” Vil explained.
“Hm... that’s interesting.”
“What is?”
“I do believe...” Rook’s eyes slipped open. “That your friend is hiding something from you.
Vil didn’t like to believe what Rook told him, but he did wonder to himself how he could miss it.
You had considered each other best friends--yet he never noticed how you truly felt. The next time he caught you (because for some reason--it was as if you knew he wanted to talk to you about something important--and he had a difficult time catching you), he asked you if you could spend lunch together in private. You had happily agreed.
Once you two had sat down together in one of the gazebos in NRC’s gardens, he placed down the basket of food.
“Ah! Vil, it looks really good~” you said, happy.
“Yes, and you’ll see it’s all healthy too.” he smiled--how could he not, in your presence? As you two began to eat, you chattered on about what you’ve seen and liked about NRC so far. While he did listen--he can’t help but have his thoughts drift off to Rook’s statement.
Could you really be hiding--?
“--Vil? Is something wrong?” you put the utensil down, and studied your friend with a worried expression on your face. He felt a little guilty--your usual absent minded but happy expression was twisted with the furrow of your brow, and the downward slope of your lips.
“No it’s...” he hesitated a moment. He thought for a second how you were the first person to ruffle him in a long time. “I was thinking... we’re both big influencers now--in fashion and in the arts.”
“Alright, I’m listening.” you nodded.
“Why don’t we do a collaboration? While you’re still here. We have a week left.” He offered, and you furrowed your brows.
“I don’t know Vil--as alike as our fields are, our audiences can be pretty different.”
“Do you... well, do you not like sharing about me on your page?” Vil hated this. As an influencer, he was used to being loved and hated. There was a time when the comments got to him--but now, he’s able to brush it off with little problem. With you though--well, he was always going to be emotionally invested in you. So, of course you could make him feel this insecure. He hadn’t felt like this for such a long time--and it’s certainly much worse than he remembered. You looked alarmed.
“What? No, no! Of course that’s not it.” you frantically shook your head as you reached your hands out to hold his.
“Then why? I was happy that you didn’t want to mix business with our friendship... but well... something made me realize that we don’t have a relationship on MagiCam at all and...” Vil paused, and you rubbed the back of his hands gently. “And you’re so important to me [Name]. So I want to share that with my followers too.” Your cheeks turned red at that and you looked down on your laced hands.
“It’s just...” you inhaled sharply, “I... well, I know you have a certain image to uphold and--and I don’t want to be someone who would cause people to criticize you.” you pulled your hands away to gesture at yourself. Paint splattered blouse, ink on your wrist and hair--an absolute mess. “I mean look at me... and look at you. People have a hard time imagining we’re friends and--and well... I know the type of fans Beauty influencers can have. I don’t want to get criticized because I know you’ll defend me and I don’t want that to negatively affect your reputation.” Your eyes flickered away, and he could swear they were slightly wet.
Of course.
Rook was wrong.
Rook had assumed that perhaps you simply hadn’t wanted to be associated with Vil Schoenheit. While that was technically the truth--you weren’t doing it for negative reasons. You were just looking out for him--thinking about the best for his reputation.
“Like right now--I really wanted to see you, surprise you--so I impulsively joined the exchange program and couldn’t back out. I was worried about how people might see us hang out together... I’m worried about how what your fans will think...”
However, there was no way in hell that Vil Schoenheit would let you put yourself down like this.
“Okay, no.” he interrupted, and you looked up at him--confused.
“I won’t allow you to look down at yourself like that. I appreciate that you care about my reputation but--” he takes your hands in his and looks you in the eye. “[Name], you’re more important to me than that.” your eyes water up, and he kept speaking.
“Sweet one, you were always my number one fan--even before my career really took off, you were the one who cheered me on. You were so sure I could do this, even when I had my own moments of weakness. You believed in me when no one else did.” Vl scowled, “So I’ll always be on your side too, alright? It doesn’t matter to me what they all think.”
“But... you really worked hard to get to where you are.” you said weakly, “It can happen super quickly...”
“I am not Vil Schoenheit for nothing.” he said in response, “besides--you are beautiful [Name].” your blushed intensified, and you ducked your head. “Do you not believe me? I know beauty when I see it--and I know you are.”
“Vil... please stop, you’re embarrassing me.”
“No I will not. I will keep telling you this until you know this. I refuse to let someone I consider beautiful, look down on herself like this. Alright?” He reached out a hand to lift your chin. Your eyes were wet, and you bit your lip as you nodded hesitantly.
He smiled, pleased.
“Vil... I’m sorry for not... well...”
“No, I’m sorry I didn’t realize sooner. What type of best friend am I, that it took someone else pointing it out for me to realize it?” You giggled at that.
“Well, to be fair--we are best friends. I know how to hide it from you.”
“And you better stop hiding these things from me, alright?”
“Yes, of course.” you nodded, a grin finally lit up your face. Vil’s smile turned gentle.
“Now, how about we think of a collaboration project?”
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As you stepped out of the Mirror Chamber, you immediately move in the direction of a familiar blue flame.
“Hello Ortho.” When Ortho looked up, he beamed brightly.
“[Name]!” He wrapped his arms around you, which you reciprocate with an elegant smile.
“It has been awhile, has it not?” you mused, as you let go of him. You quickly smoothened the pink skirts of House Eglantine--the House of Sophistication. You turned your head from side to side and your brow raised as you realized that a certain man wasn’t here.
“Ortho, where is your brother?” Ortho gulped nervously, and behind him--one of the Ignihyde student’s gadget began to shake. Your eyes narrowed.
“Is your brother holing himself up in his room again? On such an occasion? Which requires his presence as a dorm leader?”
“Uh...” Ortho glanced away nervously before he met your gaze again. “Yes?”
“Ortho!” squeaked the gadget, “you could defend me!”
“Sorry big brother... but you also brought it onto yourself.” Ortho said quickly, and your lips twitched at that. “There’s no point in lying to [Name].”
“That’s true.” you could hear Idia squeak from the tablet at your response. “Take me to his room.”
“Alright [Name].” Ortho agreed easily.
“Ortho!” Idia wailed, “on whose side are you on?”
“For once, not yours. Sorry big brother.” Ortho eagerly looked up at you. “Will you tell me some stories?”
“I also have pictures.” you offered and Ortho cheered. You turned back to the the tablet.
“Prepare yourself Idia.”
“I’m going to die.”
Your childhood best friend mourned, and your lips quirked in amusement.
Despite it all, you had missed Idia especially because...
Your lips twitched downward for a bit, before you immediately composed yourself.
You really didn’t want to upset Idia after all.
As he heard you begin to tell Ortho some stories from your school, Idia began to frantically run around his room, and cleaned up as best as possibly could.
After all, you weren’t a part of House Eglantine just for show.
Like him, you were the daughter of an incredibly old and wealthy family from the Isle of Lamentation. In your childhood, Idia, who had always been shy--attached himself to you, when you had protected him from some bullies. Ever since, he just followed you around.
For some reason, you chose to stick around with him--despite how different the two of you were.
He was an absolute shut-in who preferred to play games and watch anime from the comfort of his bedroom.
You were a popular socialite amongst the elite of the Isle of Lamentation--known for your beauty and intelligence. You were also recognized on MagiCam for your love of travel. In fact, you were often transported all over Twisted Wonderland because tourists locations wanted to be on your account. 
Again, he really didn’t see why you stuck around.
A lot of his friends when he was younger--those seeking to befriend the Shroud Family’s heir--had given up on him when they all realized that he was difficult to communicate with.
But not you.
Ever since he attached himself to you--you had seemed to attach yourself back for no reason. You willingly called himself his best friend (and despite how different you were--he’d admit that you were the only friend he had that he could consider as a best friend--), which could hurt your social standing because of how insanely beloved you were--but you didn’t care (and of course, you’re also the type of popular kid that could never make yourself unpopular).
Don’t get Idia wrong.
He didn’t hate you.
You were patient.
You were kind.
You were understanding.
Idia definitely had a crush on you, and he didn’t know what to do with it--because he had such a hard time finding something about himself that you might be attracted to.
You were like the true hidden route to be conquered on a dating simulation game. First he would need to find a way to ensure that he were on the right path. Then next, he needed to complete a bunch of prerequisites to be able to even access this hidden route.
Your difficulty level was EX.
He had spent most of his childhood by your side--
‘but why does it feel like I know nothing about you?’ he frowned.
Truth be told, Idia had an idea on why. He had been very selfish with you. Nobody had been willing to talk to him about his interests in real life--except you. That’s why he talked to you about his games or robotics--because it’s different when someone in real life is the one doing the listening to you. In the process of that, he felt like you knew more about him than the other way around and it made him guilty.
He was guilty he didn’t hear you out often but the thing is--you never really shared. 
“--Idia.” he felt a hand press against his forehead, and he fell backwards with a screech. You put your hands on your hips as you looked down at him with an arched brow. “Well, at least I know you aren’t running a fever.” 
“You--you’re here!” He squeaked, “Already?”
“I am.” you looked around, and noted how messy his room was. Instead of commenting however, you began to move around and pick up his things. When you noticed he still hadn’t moved, you turned to him with an arched brow. “Come on Idia, I’ll help you.” 
“Ah... Okay.” He looked up at Ortho in confusion, and it seemed that he was also stunned that you hadn’t gone straight into a lecture about his responsibilities as you normally would. 
Idia considered himself a terrible friend, but he wasn’t so terrible as to not notice that you weren’t... well, at max HP. Sometimes he thought you would get angry, but you would instead sigh, and just avert your gaze. 
When you were in public (because Idia was worried okay? So he kept an eye out for you too--) you seemed to interact normally with your peers. The fans you had in NRC--were dealt with your normal grace. 
However, when you would visit Idia, you would grow quiet--and thoughtful.
It was, literally, killing him. 
Was it him? Were you mulling the idea of cancelling your support together? 
Idia sincerely didn’t know what to do if this was real. 
So one time when you were in his bedroom, you suddenly got a call. You looked down at your phone, furrowed your brows in that way that Idia hated--and left the room. 
“You should speak with her, brother.” Ortho suggested, a frown on his face. “she seemed really down recently.” 
“I mean... what do I even say?” Idia squeaked. 
“I’m not sure.” Ortho shrugged, “but I can tell your concerned brother, so just do it.” 
Idia gathered all his courage, and moved to follow you. As he turned down the hallway he heard you speak.
“--I don’t want to marry Adonis.” 
Idia immediately froze, and stood in place as he heard your one sided argument--with who he assumed--was probably one of your parents.
Alongside with being the most popular socialite of the elites in the Isle of Lamentation, you were also the most desirable waifu--ahem--he meant bachelorette.
Idia knew this because it was one of the only times you ever complained about it. Your parents were pleased with how popular you were, and the amount of marriage offers you received. You had told him that since you were pretty young, you weren’t really being forced to chose now.
“But I’m sure the pressure will be different when I grow older.”  you had sighed. Idia hadn’t known what to say--and the most he could do was put a hand on your back. 
“There... there?” he asked, with a frown. He really hadn’t known what to do. You looked up and met his eyes before laughing.
“Sorry to bother you about this Idia.” 
‘No, it’s okay! I don’t mind!’ was what he thought, but you stood up. 
“Venting helped a little. Thank you for listening.” you picked up your things and stared at a frozen Idia. “I think I’ll go home now. I’ll see you... later.” 
He should’ve tried to stop you--but he just... blanked. He should’ve tried to say something--anything to cheer you up. Heck, maybe you would’ve liked for him to ask if you wanted to game a little to get your mind off of it. 
“I’m serious mother... Adonis doesn’t respect women--I won’t...” you paused, “I won’t feel safe... I know father thinks he’s the best option but... I don’t really want to talk about this right now. I’m in Idia’s dorm...” you stopped again. 
“Mother...” your voice was shaky, and Idia’s hands fisted in his coat. “No. Stop talking about Idia like that.” Idia tensed, and turned his head. “... It’s not about that, he’s my friend. My best friend. I won’t allow you to talk about him like that.” 
Idia had an idea on what the elite of the Isle of Lamentation thought of him. They looked at him with respect because he was the heir to the Shroud Family, they also acknowledged his skills with technology... but otherwise? He was considered eccentric. 
The reason your family did not mind your relationship with him--is because it brought them a certain esteem. That their daughter was the only one who the next Shroud heir would actively communicate with. The Shrouds were still one, if not the most powerful family in the Isle after all. 
Idia flinched, and he frantically looked around for a place to hide.
“Idia?” He looked up and noticed that you were looking at him with a startled expression, before it slipped to an exhausted one.
“You heard...?”
“A bit.” he croaked out. “Is that... why you were so sad?” 
“You noticed?” He frowned at that.
“Of course I did... we’re... friends, right?” you studied him carefully, and he felt like he was in a boiler room or something--he was sweating a lot. 
“Yeah we are.” you then slid down to the ground, and tucked your skirt underneath you. You looked up at him expectantly, and he hastily sat down next to you. 
“So they’re pressuring you right now.” Idia stated.
“With Adonis.”
“Yeah...” you groaned, as you raised your hands to your temples. “they could’ve chosen anyone.. but they chose that narcissistic... arse.” 
“Who are the other offers?” Idia asked, and you mumbled out a bunch of names he recognized. Hey, he might not be active in the social sphere, but he was aware on who was who. 
“Adonis is...” Idia paused, “well in terms of social standing, I guess.” 
“Yeah. Unless someone of higher status proposes, there’s nothing I can do.” you mumbled. 
“What about me?” You whirled your head to look at Idia. “W-what--? You?” You cleared your throat, “I mean...that... I...” 
“Oh.” Idia blinked in surprise. “No! NO! Wait! I meant, why--what was your mother saying about me?” Your face flushed red, and Idia found your flustered expression cute. You rarely showed that face. 
“Oh you know, same old, same old.” you grumbled as you fanned your face with a hand. “Just... criticizing you... and all that.” 
“Well... I can guess what she said, and... she’s probably... not wrong.” You turned to him with the same ferocity that you had done earlier.
“No Idia, don’t you dare speak of yourself as that. Don’t you dare listen to the elites on Lamentation. They couldn’t be even more wrong about you.” 
“No buts.” you narrowed your eyes, and he flinched at the sight of your fury. “You are an amazing person--you’re smarter than they think and you create some pretty amazing things. Sure you could stand to go out more and make friends--but when you’re focused on your craft...” you paused, and you expression softened. Idia wondered what you were remembering. “You are so amazing. I hate how they don’t see that.” His breath hitched.
“You really mean that?”
“Of course I do! I love you--your work.” you coughed in response. The two of you went silent, before you sighed and picked yourself up. He looked up at you, and you shot him the same sad smile you had--all those years back, when the problems of today seemed like distant nightmares. 
“Thank you for listening to me, Idia.” you said, “and I’m sorry to bother you with my problems.” 
“I... I’m your friend right?”
“... Yes.” 
“So please... don’t worry about it [Name].” he looked away uncomfortably. “I may complain sometimes...”
“Okay, all the time.” he said grouchily, and you giggled--which made it all the more worth it. “...even if I complain all the time--you’re still my precious friend.” 
You smiled, leant down and pressed a kiss to his forehead.
When you pulled back, Idia was stuttering, and turning red. 
“Thank you, Idia.”
After you left Ignihyde, he sat back at his computer and began typing out an email.
For you--whose smile was so precious to him...
Idia knew that he liked you. A lot.
He probably already loved you really. 
And judging from the way you reacted--
maybe it was mutual...?
Dear Lord and Lady [Surname],
The Most Ancient and Noble House of Shroud would like to extend an offer of engagement between your daughter, [Name] [Surname] and our heir, Lord Idia Shroud...
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"Oh no.” one of the Garden Academy students, dressed in the aquamarine colors of House Sage--House of Spirituality, turned to Lilia with a frown. “We’re missing one of our fellow House Sage classmates... give us a moment, we’ll go find her.”
Lilia’s lips only curled upward.
“Would her name happen to be [Name] [Surname]?”
“Yes.” the student blinked in surprise. “That would be her.”
“Ah.” Lilia smiled. “Don’t worry, I’m sure she’s fine. I’m sure he’s gone to find her already.”
The Garden Academy students shared a glance.
The most Malleus knew was that majority of the Student Body had gone off to the Mirror Chamber for some event. He didn’t know, after all, he hadn’t been invited.
So he had decided to go on a long walk, internally unamused that he was once more forgotten when he sensed it--
Your presence.
It was in the gentle caress of the wind against his face, in the rustle of the leaves, and in the soft warmth of the sun.
One moment he was incredibly unhappy, and in the next second--he felt your magic touch his.
It was like a ripple--and it soothed his entire being.
You and your magic--he wondered if you knew the extent of your effect on him.
He began to walk deep into the forest.
He paused in his step as he caught sight of you. You had sat down in a patch of sunlight in the small meadow. You were surrounded by some creatures of the forest--from bears to deers and rabbits. You looked completely serene--as you should--after all, you were one of the most powerful nature fae living. Coming from your head were horns--but nothing like his. Yours were shorter, and much more like tree branches. As you hummed idly to yourself, a few birds fluttered forward and decorated your horns with small flowers. Your smile brightened the clearing, and the birds--pleased--chirped a song that you instantly began to hum along with.
How he wished he could draw closer to you without disrupting the peace--animals didn’t do well with Malleus. They inherently knew how powerful he was--and though the same could be said about what they sensed from you--your powers were much more attuned to nature in itself. To be by your side--it would be peace for the animals.
‘ He could understand. By your side, there were no pressures to be anyone else other than himself.’  
As he stepped into the clearing, all the animals turned to look at him, and tensed. You blinked in surprise at their actions, before you turned your head to see Malleus at the far edge of the small clearing you were in.
“Mal.” you greeted, your startled expression slipped into a sweet, happy one. “It has been a long time.” Malleus inclined his head. “Won’t you come close, dear friend?” you raised a hand, beckoning him to come closer.
He eyed the animals around you warily.
“I don’t think they will enjoy that.” You let out a soft laugh at his deadpanned statement. Your laugh seemed to instantly calm most of the animals down (he could feel his tensed shoulders unknot too). You looked around you and began to speak to them.
“Now now everyone--Mal is a dear friend. I grew up with him. He’s a good person. Won’t you all please be patient with him?” The animals around you shuffled uneasily.
You looked up again and gestured for Malleus to draw closer once more. Malleus approached slowly at first, and once he realized that none of the animals would be disrupted, easily slid down beside you. One of the male deers leaned forward to sniff him--and Malleus held as still as possible. Apparently satisfied, the deer relaxed beside Malleus. Around him, the animals slipped back to their relaxed states.
“See? That wasn’t so bad.” One particularly ambitious rabbit hopped up onto your lap and peered inquisitively at Malleus. You smiled, and began to brush your fingers through the animal’s hair.
“[Name], not that I’m unhappy to see you but...” He began, “what are you doing here?”
“My school, the Garden Academy is having an exchange program with your school.” you peered up curiously at your childhood friend. “Did you not hear?”
“As per usual, I do believe people have forgotten to inform me.” he frowned slightly. “Then... this would be the event being held at the Mirror Chamber, then?” You nodded.
“The event should still be ongoing.” Malleus eyed you curiously, but you spread your arms wide in response.
“The trees told me that some creatures were excited to see me.” You said--and the animals all made noises of agreement, “so I thought to visit them already.”
“Will your classmates and teacher not worry then?” You giggled at his questions.
“I appreciate the concern Mal but.. there’s nothing here that can harm me.” you said simply, and he hummed in acknowledgement--you were right.
You were perhaps the one person Malleus could consider an equal.
You had grown up side by side--and he was more than aware of your power and capabilities.
If there was one person who knew him as well as Lilia--it was you. You had seen him at his best and his worst--you were there when he could barely control his own magical power. He hadn’t been good at dampening his own energy back then--nobody ever approached him out of fear for the amount of power he had. The only one who bothered to interact with him had been Lilia, who had been his designated caretaker and...
And you.
You had no reason to be by his side when he had been his most volatile.
But you had been there.
And you stuck by him with no hesitation.
“How about you?” You glanced at the dragon fae from the edge of your eye.
“Ah. I wasn’t invited.” he answered with a sigh, and you could see the discontent in the almost, unnoticeable, wrinkle between his brows. You--who knew him so well--could spot the tiniest giveaways to Malleus’s moods--it was a skill you were proud of.
You were someone who occupied an almost identical role to Malleus. All that differs from the two of you is the type of magic you possessed.
As a dragon fae, and a descendant of the Witch of Thorns--it was easy to predict the type of power Malleus would eventually manifest. Draconic transformation and dark magic. This made people fear him, and dislike interacting with him.
As a nature fae, and a descendant of the Spirit of the Willow--most knew that you would grow to have power attuned with nature. It explained why you could speak the language of the trees and flowers--why animals adored you. To others--people saw you as harmless.  
Perhaps in the beginning, you hadn’t really thought too much of your similarities. As years passed however--you realized how unfair the world was to Malleus.
They never saw the boy who sneezed and set Lilia’s hair on fire, they never acknowledged the man who treasured his Gao Gao Dragon toy--because it adored him as is. They didn’t allow Malleus to make mistakes, they didn’t allow Malleus to be vulnerable. They refused to see past this idea of a strong magician and the title of prince.
You reached forward and cupped his cheek. He turned to look at you quizzically.
“Then... should we have our own event?” You smiled, a tad bit more mischievous. You looked down at the animals. “Would you be willing to help out, my friends?”
The bunny in your lap twitched its nose in response, and a lot of the animals eagerly leaned closer.
“An event, like a party--to celebrate our reunion?” You glanced at Malleus to see him look on in curiosity. It seemed like the animals understood the idea of a party and began to move. You noticed the the female animals were the ones who specifically pulled you away, and when you glanced at Malleus--you noticed the the male animals began to surround him. He shot you a desperate look, but you only laughed.
“Let’s have fun!”
The male animals had weaved flowers together on top of Malleus’s head. Another animal had gotten several leaves, and put them together to form a long cape. He had no idea how the animals were doing it--but he just assumed it was because you were magic.
One of the birds flew over, and chirped loudly--which the animals took as a sort of signal. They all stopped and studied what they had done to Malleus. They began to make displeased noises, until one of the deers pushed a long stick towards Malleus. When he picked it up, he looked to the animals to see that they were all still unsatisfied. To humor them, He unclipped his pen from his breast pocket and waved it. He used the foliage that had fallen to the ground to decorate the stick--and craft it into a staff similar to his own.
“Is it good?” he asked, and the animals all vigorously gave their assent. At that, he could feel his lips curl up. The bird chirped again, and the animals snapped into action. One of the bucks nudge Malleus forward with his snout. “Ah, is it time to go back?” the birds make a pleasant chirping sound, and he allowed himself to be pushed back into the clearing.
He found himself in the clearing again--with all the male animals standing by his side. He thought briefly of what an amusing sight this probably was, until another bird chirped from the opposite side of the clearing. He raised his gaze that way, as a bunch of female birds flew in, and dropped flower petals onto the ground. The smaller animals came in first, followed by the younger fauns--and finally--
You stepped forth into the light of the clearing, and he found his breath caught in his throat. While the flowers on his form were restricted to his crown--the animals had chosen to decorate your whole form with it. Unlike the flower crown you were wearing earlier--this one had a train that fell to the ground, and billowed around you--making you all the more ethereal. Escorted on either side by the tall, elegant form of does--you resembled the idea of a Fae Queen with her animal court. As you came to a stop beside Malleus, you giggled at his surprised expression. He felt something tug on his pants, and when he looked down--he found a squirrel made exaggerated gestures towards you.
“Ah.” he looked up and met your curious gaze. “You look beautiful, [Name].” And he did mean it--for the centuries that he had known you, and the centuries he had yet to share with you--he knew that one thing would remain constant--the way you made his heart skip a beat, and the way you were beauty in everything you did.
“Thank you, Malleus. You look handsome” you blushed. That’s when you were both nudged forward by the deers, and were now much closer. One of the deers, snatched the staff in his hand. The birds fluttered around you, pulling your sleeves into place until finally--both you and Malleus were moved to a waltz pose. You stared into each other’s eyes, stunned. Malleus wondered briefly is animals were truly capable of sensing feelings he had--that even he had yet to fully comprehend.
“Shall we?” he offered, and you beamed in response. The birds began to sing, and the two of you proceeded to dance in the clearing.
“I think they enjoyed themselves, too much.”
“Did you have fun?” Malleus asked gently, and you smiled.
“I did but...” you curiously peered up at him. “Did you have fun?”
“I suppose I did.” He mused.
The other animals watched on--pleased.
Though neither of you saw it--blissfully caught up in enjoying your dance--they did. They could see the future King and Queen of Faeries.
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notyrdog · 4 years
i havent been on tumblr since i was made aware george floyd was murdered (since the protests, riots, etc) so i just wanted to say i stand with black lives matter, the protestors and rioters, everyone fighting the good fight. i donated to mff & blm & george’s family’s memorial fund, made the calls, signed the petitions, and im being active in my own community. im 100% not looking for a pat on the back or glory or anything, i dont deserve praise for standing with those who are oppressed. im just letting yall know im not just another white person staying silent during this time. for everyone being active in their own communities, be safe, be smart, prepare for the worst. dont post pictures or videos of protestors. and for the love of god white/nonblack people do not fucking start any violence. black people will face the consequences for those actions. we are there to support, not lead. i love you all so much. acab
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lunarssong · 6 years
quick little summary/title: this started out as a rant but if you scroll down to the large bold, there’s a metaphor that should hopefully help explain why terfs are so god damn awful and dangerous
me? sending an ask off-anon to a terf because im both pissed and a fucking dumbass? its more likely than youd think
in fact! im not even gonna censor the word terf! if i dont feel like dealing with their bullshit replies and rbs then i literally just fucking wont!! yeah they might send in death threats but guess the fuck what?? im leaving my anon on fuckers, because honestly that shits gonna be funny to me! and if they try to doxx me (very unlikely, but i am trans and its not riskier to mention that because its already obvious, and ive never directly made a post about terfs before, so i really dont know whats gonna happen) or something then like! im a minor! we can sue those shitheads and hopefully bring more media awareness to how god damn shitty terfs are! literally dont even start, lmao.
have the damn ask because i wanna elaborate on it
“hi there! i wish you’d delete your tumblr, because you are dangerous. you are a violent misogynist, and make me ashamed to be a feminist.
you’re gonna attack me because i’m off anon, but you’d probably call me a coward if i was on it, lmao.
anyway! stop disguising your misogyny and transphobia with shitty ass ‘feminism’. i was raised by a feminist with a feminist mom who literally can’t believe y’all exist because your ideas are SO far from actual feminism.
just say you hate trans people and go.”
tbh? its so fucking wild to me how they literally spit out misogyny, transphobia, and lesbophobia but then get all pissy when someone calls them out on it,, but then have the nerve to accuse that person of being misogynistic and lesbophobic? like,, honey. honey, what? the fuck? how much of a dumbass are you?
because like. im a pretty big dumbass! like ive walked into a mirror before because i thought it was a door! im a dumbass!
but even i know that trans women literally cannot discriminate against cis women by saying that theyre (plural, but trans women can 100% use they and thats totally valid) women! because guess the FUCK what?? theyre fucking women! if yall shitheads (terfs) wanna call that misogyny then yall cant call yourselves women either!
if yall assholes wanna call a specific group of lesbians/wlw pointing out, “hey! we experience discrimination because of an entirely irrelevant physical feature we all happen to share that has literally no actual affect on whether or not we are women/wlw” lesbophobia or speaking over minorities then wow.
wow, are yall gonna be shocked when (if) you realize what the hell yall doing that qualifies as.
oppressors literally depicting and/or committing fucking hate crimes, sometimes even as serious as murder, rape, etc. (this is referring to terfs, i should never have to point that out) is NOT comparable to an oppressed as hell minority saying that people who literally want them dead should not be in safe spaces intended for people of a community they both happen to belong to.
to put this into perspective for yall out there literally worse than garbage (terfs)! imagine this scenario.
youre in a community of women. trans women may or may not be a part of this particular community, shut the fuck up, thats irrelevant. a group of straight women pop up, and start saying that being wlw is misogynistic and harmful to women. this is bullshit. you know that immediately. why wouldn’t it be? you explain to them the obvious reasons why it is not. they ignore you.
they begin to spew utter bullshit, claiming things like “women should never marry other women. you’re ignoring the fact that a man’s place is as a woman’s wife, and basically trying to be men, which is like admitting that men are superior.” or, “as straight women, you flaunting your homosexuality,” the woman gestures to a lesbian couple who aren’t even holding hands and haven’t been touching the whole time theyve been there. one has a small rainbow heart sticker on her purse. “makes me feel threatened in my femininity. (insert plural of 4 letter slur against lesbians that i dont feel comfortable typing a single letter of) arent really women, their existence is heterophobia and misogyny. they shouldn’t be allowed in female-only spaces because they normalize masculinity.”
over time, this group of straight women grows. they call themselves feminists, claim theyre fighting for the rights of all women! unless those women happen to love other women and dont perfectly fit their (cisnormative too but terfs are awful so they like that) heteronormative idea of a woman. they protest at the very idea of saying “significant others”, “partners”, or even “wives and/or husbands” because it doesnt fit their idea of being a woman. because they think having a wife and loving women is only for men.
eventually, they start getting braver and braver. they start going to feminist rallies, and if they spot gay women, or even women they think look gay, theyll get up in their faces, threaten them, call them slurs. theyll try to record them, try to get them fired from their jobs or outed to unsupportive families. or even just expose them to the potential of assault in their day-to-day life. because theyre gay. and that doesnt affect the straight women at all, but they hate diversity and are homophobes. so they need an excuse.
sometimes theyll get their other gay-exclusive feminist friends to record them committing violent acts against wlw feminists, just to take stills from those videos out of context when the gay women defend themselves, and then go crying to the media, twisting the roles of victim and aggressor to paint a violent picture of wlw. they say that feminist rallies should be an event only for real women or allies to their cause—meaning, to them, no wlw, and certainly no mlm. they probably even try to turn all homophobia towards gay men into a sexism issue (they are sometimes tied, but not mostly). but they lose their shit when anyone tries to tell them to get out of these safe spaces for women, because by attacking wlw for literally nothing beyond existing, they are ruining the safe part.
people start to become ashamed to call themselves feminists, and are often lumped in with these homophobes. even if they themselves are gay. straight feminists who love, support, and fight for wlw begin to feel guilty for being straight. new labels for feminist ideology begin popping up, the gay-exclusive feminists strike them down and turn them into jokes.
their end goal is to reverse victories like gay marriage, remove gay representation both in the media and in history books (sometimes even arguing that famous wlw were ‘just close friends’ with their wives or girlfriends), and to send wlw right back to hiding and marrying men for fear of their lives.
all in the name of thinly veiled homophobia feminism!
but wait, you cry, that sounds nothing like feminism! it actually sounds like misogyny and homophobia!
think about who yall are the real-life equivalent of in that scenario.
need a hint because youre so brainwashed? try changing ‘gay/wlw’ to ‘trans’, ‘straight’ to ‘cis’, and ‘gay-exclusive’ to ‘terf’.
i doubt any of them will actually read through this, let alone realize their flawed perspective due to it, but hey. maybe ill sway some people who’re on the fence about how horrible terfs are.
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lenin-it-to-win-it · 7 years
“we are so (thot) married”
i was bored so i decided to write a parody of the first chapter of my good comrade @theseerofdoomisunaltered‘s magnum opus “we are so (not) married”, if i have time maybe ill do the rest but no promises bc im a lazy inconsistent bitch lmao 
hizashi was fuckin PISSEd!
he was angery and is upset bc shouta THAt dumB THOT had gone and goetten himself injured AGEIN!!!! he hadnt sleeped in 69 hours (hehe) bc he was 2 busy gettin turnt with tha bois (painkillers and mowten dew) and had goten into a fite with some villens (fourth graders) bc they sed cats were lame.
showta got carried by on a stretcher and hibachi pissed himself and not even in the kinyk way. paremdedics kept hziashi from geting close to the stretcher or the room shota is carreid into. “shit boi u fam?” a nurse asked.
“no’ mic sobbed loudly. “we;r emore like,, friends wtih benefits? as in, i beneFIT this dick up his ass ayy lmao” he lamaoed thru his tears.
the nurse kept askieng quetions but hizashy was sobbing too loudely to hear so he just said yes bc why not its good enouff 4 improv rite? the nurses let haizashi pass so he RAN into shotuas room, screming so loudly he killed like four people and a dog.
shoauta looked like he’d gotten fucked by knife dicks in all six holes at once. one of his legs was being held together with silly string and glue (aizawa was sniffing the bottel) and he was covered in blood and helo kitty bandaids. to put it simply he looked fine as fuck and mic was super fuckign horny for him but his teeers killed his boner
“mike u ignoernt slut ur so fcukin loud” aizawa moaned, taking a big hit from the glue bottle.
hizashey wanted to screm but he didnt want to get sued for murdeer again like last time so he kept his mouth shut by tenderly taking the glue bottle from aizawa and shovig it up his own ass.
“wat, arent u gonna offer me some simpathy sex?” aizawa asked raiesing an eyberow.
“maybe later” hixzashy wept sobbily. “right now im too full of emotion and ass glue to present my mic up ur bootyhole.
aizawa tenderly patted mic on the cheek with his scotch-taped cock (cock tape) and then licked the tears off his nuts. “its all good in the hood”
“All is N OT good in the hood you jelly filled fucknut!” mic screamed tearfully and angrily. “what if u are is DIED??? then the two of us could never cha-cha real smooth again!??? HOW COD U DO THIS TO MEH>???? IF U DIED,,,,,,” hizsahy cried and nutted at the same time “i’d die 2 bc my gay ass cant fuckien drive but its too far to walk 2 school so id try yo drive anyway and id crash the car and die and it would be ALL UR FOLT!!!!”
aizawa just rolled over in the hosptial bed and ripped his hospital gown open,e xposing his lush bird nest of chest hair and supple pink nips screaming out for slurpage. “ur so dramatic” he whsiepred seductively. “why dont u quit the shakespeare and start suckspeareing me off?”
hizashy wiped away his tears and got to succking. the nurse walked in as hizashi was giving aizawa some eraserHEAD if u know wat i mean. she crumbeled some paperwork into balls and threw them at mic and them stormed off.
mic fillde out the paperwork with aizawas pen(is) and tehn tenderly cradeld aizawa in his arms (carefully cupping his nuts for protecktion of course) and got on the roomba he used insted of a car bc his gay ass never learned how 2 fuckin driev. “vrroom vroom bitch” he said as they sped away at a blistering pace of .005 mph from the hospital. “the ass-magnet 9000 is in motion fuckers!”
‘take me 2 taco bell” aizawa whined. “i hav some casual craigstlist sex solicitors to meet for dinner tonite”
“NO CASUAL CRAGESLIST SEX UNTIL U RECOVER FROM UR INJURIES!” hizashi screamed. “IM GONNA TAKE CARE OF U, U BIG SALTY BABY” hizashy was super mcfuckin gay for aizwa so watching him get fucked the hell up and then just want to immedetly get back on the plow horse (so to speak) and jump into th e casual craigslist sex wasnt fun.
hziashi did a sick ollie off his roomba and knocked the door down with his throbbing erection only to promptyl start sobbing when he got a dick splinter.
“u dum fuck thats wy u shoud go thru the door like a normal person” aizawa grumbled as he sucked out the dick splinter. “for fucking out loud even that 5 dollar thottie ALL MIGHT, SYMBOL OF PEACE TM goes thru doors like a normal person.” shouta thought for amoment. “well except for the one time at that christmas party in april,,”
“well YEAH but if i didnt kick down the door dick first wat kind of pro hero wold i be?” hizashi protested
“one wihtoout dick splinters”
“ya ok tru”
hizashy threw aizawa over his shoulder like a thicc sack of poatatos and caried him 2 his lightning mcqueen racecar bed where they made the sekcs for 35 seconds before aizawa fell asleep. mic, exhausted from the hwole dick splinter fiasco, fell aslep too, resting his head on shoutas soft pillowy ass.
he woke up the next morning when nemuri broke down his door and started kicking his ass “HIZASSHI YOU STUPID BITCH HO W D ARE U GET MARRIED WITHOUT ME????”
tensei, who had been wheeled in in a weelbarrow, slapped mic in the face with one of those rubber stretchy extendy hands that he carried around for that express purpose. “YEAH YOU WHORE I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A BRIDESMAID DAMMIT I ALREADY HAD MY OUTFIT ALL PICKED OUT I WAS GONNA WEAR THIS DANK ASS SONIC THE HEDGEHOG COSPLAY AND U FUCKERS R O B B ED ME OF MY HAPPINESS”
“wat in the fresh hell are u talkign about?” hizash asked confusedly.
tensei whipped out his rose gold iphone 69 and hsowed hiszashi a news report that said “THEY GAY BITCH” followed by a picture of mic and aizawa doin the scooby dooby doo on the hospital bed.
“Everyones shook af  by the news that screme mcmeme, also known as president michael, and iceicezawa are married!” the report said. there was a picture of one of the paramedics mic had accidently murdered with his screaming. before dying she had apparently tweeted to the news and told them that mic had said YEAH when she asked if he was married to the patient shoota and so now everyone in the world new they were gay and thogth they were married!!!
some ppl like tensei and nemuri were happy (about the marriege anyway, in general tensei wasnt happy bc his twitter had got hacked and the entire internet could see his turbo-nudes and his ingeniDONG) but there were some bitch ass hos that were not plesed with this developement.
for example endevor had posted in the yuotube comments of a video entirely unrelated to the marraige thing “these daM hOME OF SEXAULS keep ruinging eeverything with their GAY AJENDA!!!! my son looked at a Gay once and hes fuckin gay now, thx oBamA!!111! THIS IS THE FUTERE LIBERALS WANT!11! present mic?? more like present CUCK!!1!”
hizashi dropped the phone. how was he gonna explain this to the internet? how was he gonna explain this to shouta?!?????
tune in next week for more fuckery, i can probably get this done in three chapters lol, if not three then DEFINITELY six, it sure would be wild if it ended up being nine chapters huh lamao
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womenofcolor15 · 4 years
LeBron James, Teammate Malcolm Jenkins & More CHECK Drew Brees Over Protest Comments & Still Mentioning ‘Disrespecting The Flag’
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LeBron James, Malcolm Jenkins, Richard Sherman and several more athletes are condemning NFL QB Drew Brees over comments he made about Colin Kaepernick’s National Anthem protest. He said he will never agree with someone “disrespecting the flag,” totally missing the whole point of the peaceful protest launched years ago. Peep the outraged reactions - some from his own teammates - inside…
  If he doesn’t agree or see the reason why people are pissed off, then why the hell did drew brees kneel 3 years ago pic.twitter.com/K5Xw3Qp4Ba
— edwardo #blacklivesmatter (@greycartoons) June 3, 2020
  Drew Brees STILL doesn’t get it. Or, he gets it and still doesn’t give a damn.
The New Orleans Saints quarterback – who the league touts as their poster boy – emphasized his stance on how he feels about Colin Kaepernick’s peaceful protest he launched in 2016. Kaepernick took a knee during the National Anthem before the first game of the season to protest police brutality. That's it! Kneeling has NEVER been about the flag! Ever. And Kaepernick has explained this NUMEROUS times.
During an interview with Yahoo Finance, he was asked his thoughts about "players kneeling again when the NFL season starts” in response to the killing of George Floyd.  
”I will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America or our country,” he responded. “Let me just tell you what I see or what I feel when the national anthem is played or when I look at the flag of the United States. I envision my two grandfathers who fought for this country during World War II. One in the Army and one in the Marine corps both risking their lives to protect our country and to try to make our country and this world a better place.”
He continued:
”So every time I stand with my hand over my heart, looking at that flag and singing the national anthem, that's what I think about. And in many cases, it brings me to tears thinking about all those who have sacrificed -- not just those in the military, but for that matter, those fought in the '60s and all that has been endured by so many people up until this point."
"Is everything right with our country right now? No, it's not. We still have a long way to go. But I think what you do by standing there and showing respect to the flag with your hand over your heart is it shows unity. It shows we are all in this together, we can all do better and that we are all part of the solution."
Peep the clip below:
Highlight: @readdanwrite asks @drewbrees what the star NFL quarterback thinks about "players kneeling again when the NFL season starts."@drewbrees: “I will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America or our country.”
Full exchange: pic.twitter.com/MpCkFyOMed
— Yahoo Finance (@YahooFinance) June 3, 2020
The fact he intentionally chose to not even acknowledge the death of George Foyd or any unarmed black person at the hands of racist cops or racism in general, says everything that one needs to know.  It also says plenty that he still is determined to co-opt the arrative about why Colin Kaepernick knelt during the anthem.  He has said countless times this has nothing to do with the flag, and other military professionals - both active and veterans & both black and white - have said they support Colin's actions and in no way take offense.  They have said this is exactly why they fought for the USA, to defend Colin's right to do exactly what he was doing.   
Drew Brees then posted this message of "unity" on his Instagram account:
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                  Words to unite.. A mentor of mine once told me that if you listen closely, the sound of children playing is the same no matter where you are in the world. The laughing, shouting, screaming, giggling… No matter what language you speak, no matter what your race, color, religion… the exact same.  At some point we all change… The reasons… Our environment, experiences, education...The voices and influences around us.  If you are reading this, you are probably one of those whose voice and influence is very powerful in the life of a young person. So when you ask what difference you can make in this world… It’s exactly that. Raise, teach, but most importantly model to young people what it is to love all and respect all. There is a saying in every locker room I have been in… Don’t just talk about it, be about it.  Acknowledge the problem, and accept the fact that we all have a responsibility to make it better. “Your actions speak so loudly I can’t hear what you’re saying”
A post shared by Drew Brees (@drewbrees) on Jun 3, 2020 at 6:47am PDT
Again, the kumbaya statement that is just performative, but not actually saying anything except for an empty call to unity.  Why call for unity if you can't point out why we are not unified in the first place?
Below is a picture of Drew with his wife, Trump and Melania:
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Drew Brees’ comments sparked outrage in the sports world, which resulted in several athletes checking him for his ridiculous comments.
Los Angeles Lakers baller LeBron James criticized the Saints QB for MISSING the point of Kaepernick’s protest, which has been explained in depth countless times over the years.
WOW MAN!! . Is it still surprising at this point. Sure isn’t! You literally still don’t understand why Kap was kneeling on one knee?? Has absolute nothing to do with the disrespect of and our soldiers (men and women) who keep our land free. My father-in-law was one of those https://t.co/pvUWPmh4s8
— LeBron James (@KingJames) June 3, 2020
"WOW MAN!! Is it still surprising at this point. Sure isn’t! You literally still don’t understand why Kap was kneeling on one knee?? Has absolute nothing to do with the disrespect of [U.S. flag emoji] and our soldiers (men and women) who keep our land free. My father-in-law was one of those," King James tweeted.
men who fought as well for this country. I asked him question about it and thank him all the time for his commitement. He never found Kap peaceful protest offensive because he and I both know what’s right is right and what’s wrong is wrong! God bless you.
— LeBron James (@KingJames) June 3, 2020
"Men who fought as well for this country. I asked him question about it and thank him all the time for his commitment. He never found Kap peaceful protest offensive because he and I both know what’s right is right and what’s wrong is wrong! God bless you," LeBron continued.
Some of Drew's teammates called him out as well....
Saints safety Malcolm Jenkins (who joined Kaepernick's peaceful protest when it first launched) BLASTED Drew in an Instagram video: "I considered you a friend, I looked up to you, you're someone I had a great deal of respect for, but sometimes you should shut the f**k up."
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                  As I was trying to muster up the energy and find the words to address Drew Brees’s comments I recorded this video. Before I could post it, Drew reached out to me to discuss his point of view. All in all, I’m still posting this video because it’s important for anyone who wants to consider themself an ally to know how these words and actions affect those who you want to help. Drew’s words during his interview were extremely painful to hear and I hope he rectifies them with real action.
A post shared by Malcolm Jenkins (@malcolmjenkins27) on Jun 3, 2020 at 2:42pm PDT
Saints wide receiver Michael Thomas posted a "sick" emoji in response to a reporter's tweet that read, "How can anyone watch George Floyd get murdered and their first response when asked about it is ResPEcC tHe fLAg."
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Mike also tweeted, "He don't know no better," referring to Drew.
He don’t know no better.
— Michael Thomas (@Cantguardmike) June 3, 2020
And this: "We don’t care if you don’t agree and whoever else how about that."
Check it:
  We are literally TELLING him. Yeah, YOUR grandfather came back from the war and was treated equally. MY grandfather sat in the back of buses after he fought.
— Freaux Deaux (@neorevolut1on) June 3, 2020
  Saints running back Alvin Kamara posted a tweet that didn't mention Drew's name, but his one-word reaction was clearly a response to his comments:
— Alvin Kamara (@A_kamara6) June 3, 2020
49ers cornerback Richard Sherman served up a mini history lesson as he responded to Drews' comments:
He’s beyond lost. Guarantee you there were black men fighting along side your grandfather but this doesn’t seem to be about that. That uncomfortable conversation you are trying to avoid by injecting military into a conversation about brutality and equality is part of the problem https://t.co/ON81UsOWPw pic.twitter.com/HH3EVTIH8p
— Richard Sherman (@RSherman_25) June 3, 2020
"He’s beyond lost. Guarantee you there were black men fighting along side your grandfather but this doesn’t seem to be about that. That uncomfortable conversation you are trying to avoid by injecting military into a conversation about brutality and equality is part of the problem," he tweeted.
Philadelphia Eagles cornerback Darius Slay responded to Drew's comments:
Damn drew hurt me with that one !!
— Darius Slay (@bigplay24slay) June 3, 2020
"Damn, Drew hurt me with that one!!," he tweeted.
Las Vegas Raiders running back Josh Jacobs retweeted the interview and in the caption he posted a facepalm emoji with the words, "This ain't it."
.... This ain’t it https://t.co/XOew9MW6gu
— Josh Jacobs (@iAM_JoshJacobs) June 3, 2020
Drew Brees' comments said NOTHING to acknowledge the pain, strife and injustice the black community faces, despite leading a team full of black men every season. He only stated why he is against kneeling - a peaceful protest - during the National Anthem, despite this argument being had ad nauseam with several military - both active and veterans. Those military professionals have made it known Colin Kaepernick’s protest is exactly why they fight/fought for our freedoms and it’s not disrespectful to them.
  i could type a long text about how kneeling during the anthem was never about “disrespecting the flag” but ima just say fuck drew brees & the NFL too. they ain’t wit us.
— black (@6LACK) June 3, 2020
  Why can't people like Drew Brees understand this? Short answer? Well, you KNOW the answer.
Meanwhile, here's Dak Prescott, Dallas Cowboys star QB, speaking about the issues at hand head on:
        View this post on Instagram
                      A post shared by Dak Prescott (@_4dak) on Jun 3, 2020 at 8:34am PDT
  Photo: Getty
[Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2020/06/03/lebron-james-malcolm-jenkins-more-athletes-check-drew-brees-over-national-anthem-protes-0
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shitpostingperidot · 7 years
Dont reblog
the pridefest in my hometown is going viral not technically my hometown I guess, I'm a farm girl not even in the city limits of a town of 9000, but the nearest "big" city, the nearest place people from out of state know, even if it's just because they're football fans that place has a pride fest and it's gone viral the story is they were protested and the DC gay men's chorus came over to them after their performance (part of their "southern equality tour" through states with homophobic and transphobic laws) and sang "we shall overcome" and "make them hear you" to drown them out it was all very heartwarming probably I couldn't make it through the video I placed the background almost immediately- it's a plaza in front of the building where my sister's dance recitals were for ten years before the bullying got bad enough for a studio switch it's where her Christmas concerts with show choir were when she had a solo and puked beforehand when the local professional orchestra did a John Williams retrospective my parents got me tickets for my birthday and it was here that parking garage when they swivel the camera, that parking garage I've spent probably hundreds of hours in that parking garage between rehearsals and watching fireworks on top of it and the fact that it's impossible to get out of after a performance too close I recognized one of the protestors D/ave N/ichols, well known local tattoo artist, father of seven, and Nazi I won't provide a play by play here of what I know about him because his violent fantasies towards all manner of marginalized people are extremely upsetting There were others I didn't recognize their faces but I recognized their accents when they yelled in the chorus members' faces when they yelled over the singing "to love god is to hate sin" it's the accent of my father of my uncle of my neighbors of my teachers of my pastors the protesters were local is what I'm saying I recognized their signs, it seems they and westboro use the same graphic designer not that it'd be possible to make the words "homo sex is sin" aesthetically pleasing most of them used a print shop instead of magic markers you've gotta wonder what shop approved this, who you have to avoid there just aren't that many businesses here Knoxville's got a gay men's chorus too- smaller, more discreet, no money for tour but they went to DC for a march, they donate their ticket sales to the pride organizing body to keep pride free if they'd been singing to the protestors there'd be consequences the video, the viral one, showed faces the protestors were recognized by locals because they were locals but the choir wasn't because they aren't it's a small fucking place Knoxville may be what we consider a big city over on the farm but it's 120k people, it's tiny people don't post pictures from Knoxville pride they go, sure, but pictures have consequences i don't think the gay men's chorus did a bad thing I think they did a good thing and that doesn't erase the fact that the people they sang for at their southern equality concert have to live with these men watching them, remembering them when they go to wal mart because that's the best chain we've got here and everyone goes to it nazis included, with the children of these men in their classrooms and God in their bathrooms who might know they're gay before they do and make their lives hell, they live knowing that the cops' presence is probably all that prevented a physical attack from the tattoo artist and how fucked up that is, knowing that they aren't safe their gay spaces aren't safe pride isn't safe they can't be who they are they made a little circle around the protestors for two songs to protect passerby but that doesn't erase the overwhelming fear people have I hope the songs inspired people I hope they give people hope in the face of adversity but I couldn't watch I couldn't do it too much too close too scared I'll never get out, I'm a thousand miles away and I'm scared I'll never escape living among these people
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katsukiyurj · 8 years
proper poise
on ao3
i was stressed last night and started thinking about phichit (because honestly....what a guy) and realized he is the most theatery theater nerd to ever theater nerd. and i think we should embrace that. so i slammed it into a fic with some victuuri cuddles and called it a night around 2 am
the title is a pretty random line from popular from wicked because....it sounds nice? alliteration is cool.
this is my first yoi fic and i dont trust anything i write after midnight so it might not be my best, but i hope you enjoy nonetheless~
“ Popular! ”
Yuuri groans as the familiar ringtone wakes him from a dream that was probably really nice, but is already slipping away. Goddammit, Phichit. Today is supposed to be a rest day, which is supposed to mean sleeping in.
“Wha’s that?” Victor mumbles into his pillow as Yuuri fumbles with the phone charger.
“ I know about popular! ”
“Phichit,” Yuuri grumbles. Not that he doesn’t love waking up to Kristin Chenoweth’s voice, but he really needs to find a new ringtone. Or just make Phichit’s the default one again. He answers before the song can go on for any longer. “Mhmm?”
“ Hey, Yuuri! ” Phichit practically sings. “ How are you? ”
Yuuri sighs and sits up, running his hand over his bedhead. “I’m tired. Is something wrong?”
“ Am I not allowed to want to hear my best friend’s voice for no reason? ” Yuuri can practically hear the pout in Phichit’s voice.
“No. No you’re not. Not when I’m sleeping.”
“ Rude, Katsuki. That’s very rude. ”
Victor mumbles something incoherent and rests his chin on Yuuri’s shoulder. Yuuri smiles softly at him before saying, “Victor would say hi but I don’t think he’s awake.” He turns the phone away from his ear a bit so Victor can hear as well.
Phichit snorts. “ Lazy butts. ”
“What time is it anyway?” Yuuri squints at the clock on his desk, but he doesn’t have his glasses on, so really? What’s the point?
“ It’s just about six for me! ”
Victor inhales deeply. “Too early.”
“ Uh huh, that’s eight for you two. Shouldn’t you be up and running already? Or were you busy last night. ”
“I can hear your eyebrow wiggle, Phi,” Yuuri deadpans. “Stop that.”
“ Never! ”
Yuuri rolls his eyes. “I’m taking the day off.”
“ Says who? ”
“Says my coach.”
Victor hums in agreement and buries his face in the crook of Yuuri’s neck. Admittedly, they had  been  up incredibly late. But they had been playing with Makkachin and watching videos of themselves on YouTube. Mostly old routines and random compilation videos people had made, nearly all of them from years ago so they could judge each other and themselves for their mistakes, fashion choices, hairstyles, and that one time Yuuri wore makeup and it did not go nearly as well as Mari insisted it would. Both him and Victor agreed that eyeshadow was not a good color on him. Yuuri likes the tribute videos to Victor the best, the ones set to really cheesy music with overdone effects and iMovie transitions. The comments had been fun to read too. Yuuri hadn’t realized how easy it is to make Victor embarrassed, but apparently all it takes is five year old YouTube comments from preteens. Victor made Yuuri swear to never tell Yuri, but Yuuri has pictures of some of the expressions Victor had made and, honestly, who knows where those will end up.
“ Who says your coach gets the day off? ” Phichit asks.
Yuuri runs his fingers through Victor’s hair. “First of all, Yakov is in Russia. And second of all, even if Yakov was here, do you think it would matter?”
“ True, true ,” Phichit agrees. “The Victor Nikiforov does whatever he wants. And who ever. ”
“I’m going to hang up on you,” Yuuri threatens.
“ You wouldn’t! ” Phichit gasps.
“Good bye, Phi—”
“ Don’t leave me, I’m pregnant! ”
Victor inhales sharply and tries to muffle his laughter in Yuuri’s shoulder. Yuuri just rolls his eyes.
“ You’re the father! ” Phichit cries. “ You can’t leave! ”
Victor gives up and falls back onto his pillow, covering his face with his hands as he laughs.
“I hate both of you,” Yuuri mutters.
“I can’t believe you cheated on me with Phichit,” Victor says through his laughter.
“I swear it meant nothing,” Yuuri says flatly. “It was a one time mistake.”
“ Drunk Yuuri is a great kisser though ,” Phichit says thoughtfully.
Victor raises his eyebrows.
“Phichityousworewewouldnevertalkaboutthat!” Yuuri hisses, feeling his face burn.
Victor just smirks and wraps his arms around Yuuri’s waist. “He’s right though, you are a great kisser.”
Yuuri groans. “Let me die already.”
“Nooo,” Victor whines, nuzzling Yuuri’s neck. “I love you too much for you to die.”
“ Awww ,” Phichit coos. “ Wait a minute, you two aren’t allowed to be cute when I’m not there to witness it! Who’s going to tell Instagram? ”
“And snapchat and twitter and tumblr,” Yuuri mumbles.
“Someone needs to get him followers,” Victor teases. “His selfies alone aren’t good enough.”
“ Hey! ” Phichit protests. “ My selfies are better than yours . ”
Victor hums thoughtfully, a smile playing at the corner of his lips. “That sounds like a challenge.”
Phichit scoffs. “ If I’m challenging anyone, I’m challenging Chris. ”
Victor narrows his eyes. “You’re on, Chulanont.”
“ Bring it, Nikiforov! ”
“Please don’t make this like last time,” Yuuri whispers.
Victor furrows his eyebrows. “Last time?”
Yuuri shakes his head. The last selfie war Phichit had lasted through finals week and Yuuri had genuinely considered dropping out of college to avoid getting caught in another surprise selfie. It didn’t help that Phichit liked to blast music while he was perfecting a photo. The first few times it wasn’t bad, but after the sixth rendition of Omigod You Guys, Yuuri was kind of done. At least it had been a change from the Bend and Snap. Phichit had gone through a Legally Blonde phase that was a week or two too long for Yuuri to handle on top of finals stress.
“ It was beautiful ,” Phichit says dramatically.
“I almost died,” Yuuri reminds him. Victor gives him a confused look and Yuuri will have to ask Phichit for that photo later.
“ It was worth it, ” Phichit declares.
“This is what you’re getting us into with this selfie war,” Yuuri says to Victor. “And no doubt Chris will get involved—”
“ JJ will probably invite himself .”
“Yurio will claim he’s not participating but he’ll aggressively post selfies all day when he catches whiff of this,” Victor says with a smile. “Phichit, you are so on.”
“ Yes! ”
“ No ,” Yuuri groans. “Why do you two want to make my life hell?”
“ Because we love you .”
“And your face is too pretty not to share with the world,” Victor adds before peppering Yuuri’s face with kisses.
Yuuri laughs and gently pushes him away. Victor leans forward, making kissing noises. Yuuri blocks him and a smile with a pillow. “Stop it! We’re on the phone!”
“ Oooo now I’m interrupting, ” Phichit says. “ Probably should get on the ice soon anyway, unless some people I know. ”
Victor rolls his eyes.
“Good luck,” Yuuri says, “but you suck for waking us up.”
Phichit makes a noncommittal noise. “ Eh, whatever. Have to get up eventually .”
“Not the point.”
“ Oh, and Yuuri? ” Phichit says suddenly.
“ Don’t even think about changing my ringtone .”
Yuuri tenses. Whoops “…how did you—”
“Did you forget about our bond?!” Phichit interrupts. “I always know, Yuuri, my son. I always know.”
Yuuri rolls his eyes. “Good night, Phichit.”
“ Good morning, starshine! The earth says hello! ”
Yuuri rubs his temples. “How did I room with such a morning person. Please go back to skating and let us sleep.”
“ Only if you post cute couple selfies later .”
“You can’t bribe us int—”
Victor takes the phone from Yuuri. “We’ll do it and we’re also going to win. Bye, Phichit, have fun at practice.” He hangs up and puts Yuuri’s phone on Do Not Disturb before placing it down on the bedside table.
“Wow,” Yuuri drawls.  
“Mmm we do have the day off.” Victor lays down and tugs Yuuri into his arms. “Phichit was cutting into that.” He curls around Yuuri and hums into his hair.
Yuuri scoffs but still sinks into Victor’s embrace, enjoying the warm, fuzzy feeling he still sometimes gets around Victor. “He’s so getting a new ringtone,” Yuuri murmurs.
“What, Glinda not good enough for Phichit?” Victor asks with a laugh.
“It’s been years ,” Yuuri complains. “I can only wake up to that song so many times.”
“I didn’t realize Phichit was such a morning person,” Victor muses. “How did you live with him?”
“Phichit is an every time of day person. You haven’t really experienced him until it’s one in the morning and he’s singing the Bitch of Living.”
Victor laughs softly. “Not a fan of musicals?”
“Musicals are fine,” Yuuri promises. “But I’m not nearly as big of a fan as Phichit is.”
“Life’s a bitch,” Victor muses.
“Mhm.” Yuuri closes his eyes and sighs contentedly. Later, he’ll have to deal with a selfie war that will probably take over the entire figure skating world and find a song that Phichit will see suitable to replace Popular, but for now, all that matters is Victor and more sleep.
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understarlitskies · 6 years
The last week has seen my Facebook feed inundated with posts about gender inequality and rape culture after a shocking incident in Melbourne, Australia. But I’ve noticed how quiet men have been on the issue (unless, of course, they are invalidating the experiences of women). As if this doesn’t concern them and they are just waiting for the storm to pass. Let the angry feminists complain for a bit then let the fuss die down. How absolutely intolerable it must be for you! That even though women are harassed, assaulted, raped, and murdered every day you are forced to come face to face with it once every couple of months! You have the privilege and the luxury to ignore this issue; we don’t. I’m tired of these conversations that peter out because only one half of the population is trying to make a change, the very half of the population that is conveniently silenced and devalued. I thought perhaps the lack of action on their part is because they don’t know what to say or because they don’t understand, but I think it may have more to do with ignorance. So that there is no longer any confusion or excuses for passive bystanding, here is a list of things you can do to stop oppressing women:
·         If you’re on Tumblr, then I’ll make the grand assumption you have a basic grasp on the human language. No means no. And if a woman does not positively, unequivocally, and freely affirm that she wants sexual contact, LEAVE HER ALONE.
·         Sit down, shut up, be quiet and not only listen to women speak truth to their lived experiences within a patriarchal society, but hear them and believe them.
·         When women speak up about gender inequality, they are ridiculed, shame, distrusted, harassed. Our voices are not valued. We need you to stand with us, to speak up with us, to speak back against those who are against us.
·         You look at any single video, picture, or article online that brings light to the silenced topic of women’s oppression, and you’ll find spiteful comments that question the existence of this inequality, that legitimise rape and harassment, or that actually threaten assault. Challenge this dismissive and hateful behaviour wherever you see it and whoever you see initiating it.
·         Remain a sustained engagement in fighting for equality. Every now and then a high profile case will dominate media and cause uproars and intentions for change. But then we all slip back into the comfortable normalisation of gender-based injustice and violence. Or rather, you do. We live every day painfully conscious of how we must live our lives in order to avoid being victimised. This world is not comfortable for us. Keep the conversation going. Remain informed, aware, and vigilant.
·         Here’s a hard truth - Our bodies weren’t created simply for your viewing pleasure. I’m sick to death of going running and having men leer at me from their car, honk their horns, and cat-call. Stop sexualising and objectifying women in your behaviours, attitudes, language, and thoughts and challenge those who do.
·         We must always take into account and address the unique and compounding considerations of intersectionality (that is, the intersections between gender and race, class, religion, age, sexual orientation, etc.) as well as gender-diverse and non-binary individuals. Gender inequality is prolific and affects different women in different ways, and we need to start with an understanding of these different ways, not just relegate them to footnotes.
·         Boys will not be boys. To be predatory creatures is not in your biology. It is a choice. Take responsibility and make sure your language reflects it. Stop victim-blaming, stop saying rape ‘jokes’. Refer to Women’s Health West “Speaking publicly about preventing men’s violence against women: Curly questions and language considerations” for some handy tips on correcting your language.
·         Talk to your male friends and family. Is this an awkward conversation? An uncomfortable one? Tough. Your inability to stand up for inequality and your comfortable complicity is directly tied to our discomfort, our assault, our harassment, our death. What do you currently do to perpetuate inequality? How do you do better?
·         We don’t need you to shake your heads at the next news story about a rape and murder and think “that’s terrible”. Get angry. DO something. Advocate, speak up, protest, report, lobby. Don’t say you’re one of the ‘good ones’ if the only thing you’re doing is not raping someone. That bar is so low you could step over it.
·         Realise that inciting violence on someone who has been violent to another, is perpetuating the violent narrative.  And that scares us. You’re still not one of the “good ones” if your answer to someone assaulting a woman is to wish and/or inflict violence on them. See the circle based on a culture that normalises male violence?
·         Take a gendered lens to your life – where are women missing? From workspaces, politics, the media you consume. And be critical – are you inadvertently supporting men who harass and abuse women in the music you listen to, the books you read, the movies you watch?
·         Question toxic masculinity and take a critical eye to the way romantic relationships are presented in music, books, tv, and movies. Misogyny and inequality are learned. Take it upon yourself to unlearn them.
 I refuse to continue to placate the fragile little egos of men who refuse to bear responsibility for stopping gender inequality. Know that unless you are actively engaged in ways to help achieve equality, you are activity complicit in maintaining it. Does it sound like I’m angry? Because I am. I am furious that myself and anyone identifying as a woman is treated as a second-class citizen. If you’re a man reading this and you’re feeling a bit angry right now and feel like writing some sort of rebuttal, I STRONGLY recommend that you refrain from doing so and either begin to acknowledge and deal with your gendered privileges or remove yourself from my contacts. I am forced to deal with enough disrespectful, vulgar, sleazy, and entitled men on a daily basis and will no longer stand for it on Facebook too. If you’re uncomfortable, good. The whole world is built around accommodating your comfort and safety at the expense of women’s. This isn’t an either/or, zero-sum equation. I’m not advocating for a flipping of circumstance and the rise of a matriarchal society; I just want a society where people can feel safe and valued. And at the moment, men are standing in the way of that vision.
 “It's hard not to feel humourless, as a woman and a feminist, to recognise misogyny in so many forms, some great some small, and know you're not imagining things. It's hard to be told to lighten up because if you lighten up any more, you're going to float the f**k away” (Roxanne Gay, ‘Bad Feminist’)
 Educate Yourself
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citizentruth-blog · 6 years
I Didn't Vote or Campaign for Hillary. Please Don't Use the Separation of Immigrant Families to Try to Shame Me for It. - PEER NEWS
New Post has been published on https://citizentruth.org/i-didnt-vote-or-campaign-for-hillary-please-dont-use-the-separation-of-immigrant-families-to-try-to-shame-me-for-it/
I Didn't Vote or Campaign for Hillary. Please Don't Use the Separation of Immigrant Families to Try to Shame Me for It.
If you want to talk about my white privilege, fine. If you want to talk about what I could have done for vulnerable immigrant groups and can do going forward, I’m genuinely sorry, and with you. If you want to shame me for my vote for a third-party candidate, however, I reject your ignorance of electoral realities and your political bigotry. (Image Source: CBS News via YouTube)
I don’t often share personal experiences in my political writing, mostly because I feel like I’d be sharing stories that no one wants to hear. That still may very well be the case, but seeing as this situation was made relevant to the ongoing crisis facing the separation of immigrant families, I figured I would highlight my experience as a way of talking about the related issues.
A now-former friend on Facebook, who is a leader/organizer on behalf of a nonprofit organization, recently took to social media to ask whether any Jill Stein voters would like to apologize for their choice in the wake of said crisis. I, as someone who voted for Stein, took umbrage to this comment, if for no other reason than it seemed particularly haughty of him to begin the conversation on these terms. Granted, I could’ve (and probably should’ve) not engaged at all, but I did, and so here we are.
First, a note about my vote for Jill Stein: I am neither an ardent supporter of Stein nor am I am a Green Party fanatic. I also don’t fully know what the heck the point was of the recount she spearheaded or ultimately what exactly became of the money raised to fund recount efforts. For some of you, I suppose that just makes it worse: that I would just up and support a third-party nominee of whom I am not a follower despite being a registered Democrat. In this sense, my vote can be seen as somewhat of a betrayal.
I also should note that I supported Bernie Sanders’s presidential campaign, and voted for him in my state’s Democratic primary. By this point, I had no illusions that Bernie would capture the nomination; my home state, New Jersey, was one of the last handfuls of primaries to be held in the 2016 election season, and several media outlets were already calling the nomination in Hillary’s favor before the polls could open. Accordingly, you might see my refusal to cast my ballot for Clinton, too, as a manifestation of the “Bernie or Bust” mantra. Although technically I did vote, just not for a representative of either major political party. Nor did I write in Sanders’s name as a protest vote. Or Harambe’s, even though I’m told he would’ve loved to see the election results.
When it came down to it, though, I didn’t feel like Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party did enough to try to win my vote—simply put. To me, Clinton’s campaign was emblematic of a larger strategic flaw that characterizes the Dems: too much capitulation to centrists, too dismissive of concerns about reliance on corporate and wealthy donors, too little regard for the concerns of working-class Americans and grass-roots organizers until it comes time to donate or vote. To me, Hillary’s pitch seemed largely tone-deaf if not disingenuous, plagued by secrecy about E-mail servers and Goldman Sachs speeches as well as ill-advised comments about “deplorables,” among other things. And for those of you already raising a finger to wag about the deleterious aspects of the Republican Party and its nominee, I never even remotely considered Donald Trump or another GOP candidate for my vote. At present, that’s a line I won’t cross, in jest or otherwise.
Thus, despite her evident misunderstanding of quantitative easing, I voted for Jill Stein—not because I thought she could win or because I feared Trump could—but because I felt the values she and her campaign expressed most closely matched mine. That’s it. I imagine many Trump voters felt the same way re values—that is, they supported his economic or social platform more than him or his antics, though if that’s the case, I don’t know how much that says about their values. I’m just trying to get the idea across that people’s “support” for particular candidates can be more nuanced than today’s political discourse might otherwise suggest.
My voting mindset, therefore, was not “strategic” in the sense that I didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton specifically to block Donald Trump. In light of my state’s final tally, it would seem my vote was unnecessary in this regard, though I could not know that for sure at the time I cast my ballot. Clinton came out ahead in New Jersey by more than 13 percentage points and close to 500,000 more votes, and thanks to the Electoral College and our winner-takes-all style of deciding these matters, all 14 of the Garden State’s electoral votes went to her. Stein did not even manage a third-place showing, being bested by the likes of Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Party’s candidate.
This was the crux of my initial rebuttal about the need to apologize for my vote. While on a state-by-state basis, the notion of Johnson and Stein being “spoilers” may or may not have more validity (more on that in a bit), in my state, it did not. Regardless, to point fingers at lowly third parties deflects a lot of blame, and to borrow a term from Ralph Nader, who faced similar finger-pointing following the 2000 election, is to succumb to a high degree of “political bigotry.” In other words, it’s scapegoating perpetrated by members of major parties to distract from their need for substantive reform.
In addition to the culpable parties oft-cited by Clinton’s supporters and defenders—namely Russia, James Comey, and sexism (this last one may or may not be so true depending on the context or individual voter’s mindset, but that’s a whole different kit and caboodle)—there’s ample room to consider what role other groups played or, in theory, could have played. After all, what about the people who could vote and didn’t? What about the people who couldn’t vote but perhaps should be afforded the privilege, such as convicted felons? And what about the folks who actually voted for Donald Trump? Are they to be absolved of responsibility because they didn’t know better? If so, where is this written?
Additionally, what does it say that someone like Clinton, vastly more qualified than her opponent and, from the look and sound of things, quantifiably more capable, lost to someone in Trump to whom she had no business losing? For all the justifications for Hillary Clinton failing to capture an electoral majority—let’s not forget the fact she won the popular vote, an issue in it of itself when considering it’s not the deciding factor in presidential victories—we shouldn’t overlook some questionable decisions made by the Clinton campaign, including, perhaps most notably, how she and her campaign paid relatively low attention to important battleground states like Michigan and Wisconsin. Of course, even in Rust Belt states like Pennsylvania where Clinton campaigned heavily, she still lost, so maybe any establishment Democrat the party trotted out might’ve met with the same resistance fed by blue-collar whites flocking to Trump. Still, one can’t shake the sense Hillary approached the final throes of the campaign with a certain sense of arrogance.
To my ex-FB-friend, however, my reasoning was insufficient, and at this point, one of his colleagues, who happens to be a person of color, interceded to agree with his sentiments. As far as they were concerned, my support for Jill Stein may have influenced people in states more susceptible to a Trump win to vote for someone other than Hillary Clinton. I guess, for the sake of an analogy, my thoughts could’ve “infected” those of otherwise discerning voters to make them vote the “wrong” way. My assignment of blame to Hillary despite the forces working against her was panned as well, as was my diminishment of Stein as a spoiler. All in all, they contended, my position was one that exhibited my white privilege and made me sound—quote unquote—morally reprehensible.
As far as I am concerned, if I’m morally reprehensible—fine. You can call me a serpent demon, for all I care. The legitimacy of the arguments within is what interests me. On the subject of my potential game-changing pro-Stein influence, though it’s possible, it’s highly unlikely. In my immediate circle, I told few people unless specifically asked who I planned to vote for. I also wrote a post back in 2016 about why I planned to vote for Jill Stein and posted to Facebook, but—let’s be clear—hardly anyone reads my writing. My own mother doesn’t even read it most of the time. From her standpoint, my entries are of the TL;DR ilk, and what’s more, they tend to be devoid of pictures of cute animals or how-to makeup videos. Fair enough, Mom.
On the subject of Jill Stein as the spoiler, while it’s true that Stein’s numbers may have been larger than Trump’s margin of victory in key states, to say that all those votes would have gone to Hillary instead makes an assumption which may be accurate, or it may not. Again, however, it doesn’t change the contention that the race shouldn’t have been this close in the first place. Weeks after the 2016 election, as vote counts were yet being finalized in too-close-to-call contests, Jim Newell wrote as much in a piece for Slate. He argued:
The lesson of the Comey letter should not be that everything was just going fine until this singular event happened. Obviously Democratic candidates can pick up some tips for the future, such as a) always be sure to follow email protocol and b) keep your electronic devices as far as possible from Anthony Weiner. But they can never rule out some other Comey-equivalent October surprise. The question to ask is: Why was the Clinton campaign so susceptible to a slight shock in the first place? A campaign is resting on a very weak foundation if one vague letter from the FBI causes it to lose a huckster who sells crappy steaks at the Sharper Image.
The “Jill Stein or James Comey cost Hillary the election” narrative is akin to the narrative that Bernie Sanders did irreparable harm to the Democratic Party. You’re telling me that one man not even officially affiliated with the Democrats as a U.S. senator permanently damaged the entire party apparatus? To me, charging Sanders with potentially bringing ruin to the Dems says more about party’s infrastructural integrity (or lack thereof) than it does the intensity of his so-called “attacks” on Hillary Clinton as her primary challenger.
On the subject of my white privilege, meanwhile, well, they’re right. Let me say I don’t dispute this. I enjoy a certain amount of privilege on a daily basis and have almost certainly benefited from it over the course of my educational career and my professional life. Going back to the state-by-state basis of variation in election results, though, the biggest issue would appear to be my geographic privilege. If I lived in a state projected to be much closer based on polling data, might I have chosen differently?
Perhaps. It’s a decision I’m weighing on a smaller scale as we speak with Sen. Bob Menendez seeking re-election in New Jersey after a poor showing in the Democratic Party primary. Sure, Menendez is still the likely winner come November, but with doubts raised about the ethics of his behavior still fresh in voters’ minds, can I take his win for granted? On the other hand, if I do vote for him, what does this say about my values as a voter? Is choosing the “lesser of two evils” sufficient, considering we’ve been doing it for some time now and the state of democracy in this country doesn’t seem to be all that much better for it? These are the kinds of questions I don’t take likely.
Another issue invoked at around the same point in this discussion was whether I had done as much as I could to prevent Trump from winning. For what it’s worth, I wrote a piece separate from my pro-Jill Stein confessional right before the election about why you shouldn’t, under any circumstances, vote for Trump, but as I already acknowledged, my readership is very limited. At any rate, and as my online detractors insisted, I didn’t vote for Hillary, and what’s more, I didn’t campaign on her behalf. I could’ve “easily” made calls or knocked on doors or what-have-you for her sake at “no cost” to me, but I didn’t. As a result, according to them, I was complicit in her electoral defeat.
Could I have told people to vote for Hillary Clinton? Sure. I don’t consider myself any great person-to-person salesman, but I could’ve made an effort. Although this would present a weird sort of dissonance between my advocacy and my personal choice. Why am I instructing people not to vote for Trump and choose Clinton instead when I myself am choosing neither? Then again, I could’ve chosen to vote for Hillary, or simply lied about my choice, assuming anyone ever asked. I also could’ve tried to lobotomize myself with a fork to forget anything that happened leading up to the election. That’s the thing with hypotheticals—you can go any number of ways with them, no matter how unlikely or painful.
Eventually, it became evident that these two gentlemen were demanding that I apologize, but in a way that could make them feel better about accepting me as one of them—a liberal, a progressive, a member of the “Resistance, etc.—rather than simply apologizing to immigrant populations and people of color for “putting my white privilege above” their more immediate worries. My original critic was unequivocal in his demands: “You need to apologize.” His colleague and my second critic, reacting to my expressed feeling that relitigating the 2016 election only to quarrel among various factions on the left was of limited use and that we need to be more forward-thinking in our approach to 2018, 2020, and beyond, was likewise stern in his disapproval. As he stressed, you can’t just do something shitty, say “let’s move on,” and be done with it. I would have to admit my wrongdoing, or he and others would reserve the right to judge me negatively. Such was my “choice.”
Ultimately, my parting remarks were to reiterate my positions as stated above and to insist that people not be shamed for their vote as part of some scapegoating exercise against third-party/independent voters. I also closed by telling my second critic in particular—someone very critical of me on a personal level despite barely knowing me—that I hope his recruitment efforts as an organizer are handled with more aplomb. End of discussion, at least on my end, and click on that Unfriend button. Now you guys don’t have to fret about having to work with me—because I won’t work with you unless I have to.
The unfortunate thing about this conversation—other than that I let it happen—was that it grew so contentious despite the idea we seemed to agree on a lot of points. For one, I conceded my privilege in voting the way I did, something I have characterized as not merely being about race, but of geographical privilege as well. I would submit that admitting privilege is only a small part of the solution, however.
A more constructive recognition of inequality between people of different ethnicities, I would argue, involves advocacy for those who can’t vote, those who should be able to vote, or those who can vote, but otherwise ,find obstacles in access to the polls. On the latter note, there are numerous reforms that can be enacted or more widely used to expand the voter pool in a legitimate way. These include automatic voter registration, increased availability of the absentee ballot and early voting options, making Election Day a national holiday, and opening and staffing additional polling places in areas where election officials are unable to meet the demand of voting constituents.
Moreover, these issues can be addressed concomitantly with issues that affect all voters, including the electoral vote vs. the popular vote, ensuring the integrity of machine-based voting with paper records, gerrymandering designed purely for one party’s political advantage, the influence of Citizens United on campaign finance laws, and ranked-choice voting as an alternative to a winner-takes-all format. American elections have a lot of avenues for potential improvement, and particularly salient are those that disproportionately affect people of color.
I also conceded that I could have done more and can still do more on behalf of undocumented immigrant families, especially as it regards the separation of children from their parents, and this recognition more than anything merits an apology on my part, so to those negatively impacted by the policies of this administration, I am sorry. By this token, many of us could probably do more. Hearing of so many horror stories of young children being traumatized and parents being deliberately deceived by Border Patrol agents is disheartening, to say the least, and as powerless as many of us may feel in times like these, there are ways to contribute, even if it seems like something fairly small.
There seems to be no shortage of marches and protests designed to elevate awareness of the severity of the crisis facing immigrants and asylum seekers, notably from Mexico and Central America, as well as groups devoted to advocating for and defending the most vulnerable among us that can use your contributions. RAICES (the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services) and the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) jump to mind, but there are numerous possible recipients of much-needed donations. As always, be sure to do your homework regarding the reputation of any charity you seek out.
Though it may go without saying, you can also contact the office of your senators and the representative of your district to express your desire that they support any legislation which puts an end (hint: not the House GOP bill) to the Trump administration’s “zero-tolerance policy” on illegal immigration, and to thank them for signing on in the event they do. If they don’t accede to or even acknowledge your request, keep trying. As it must be remembered, these lawmakers serve us—not the other way around.
The point I refuse to concede, however, is that I should apologize for my vote for Jill Stein in a state won by Hillary Clinton when I neither voted for nor supported Donald Trump, when both major parties have contributed to destructive immigration policies over the years, when Democrats lost an election they most likely shouldn’t have lost, and when this same losing party refuses to own its shortcomings and open the door to real reform, instead only becoming more calcified. That is, I certainly won’t apologize merely to assuage the concerns of fellow Democrats and liberals. Now is the time for a dialog, not a lecture, and certainly not the time for endless dissection of the 2016 presidential election and guilting conscientious objectors. At a point when we should be working together, I reject this means of tearing one another apart.
  With Allies Like Trump, Who Needs Enemies?
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
How the 2017 Victorias Secret Fashion Show Became an International Nightmare
With all of the challenges were currently facing, its easy to take our fundamental rights for granted: life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and an annual fashion show where the most beautiful women in the world teeter under the weight of mammoth angel wings and diamond encrusted push-up bras. While the ability to see Gigi Hadid in lingerie and heels is an essential component of our democracy, other nations dont take the right to bear wings quite so seriously. According to a string of recent reports, the Chinese government is running serious interference on the upcoming Victorias Secret Fashion Show, set to air on November 28 from Shanghai. With less than two weeks to go, shit is really starting to hit the fan.
On Wednesday, Page Six reported that the Peoples Republic of China was wreaking havoc on the mammoth event. The article painted a picture of Fyre Festival-style chaos: Were told fashion bloggers booked to cover the glitzy event are canceling their trips because the Chinese government wont give them visas; TV producers are grappling with bureaucrats over permission to shoot outside the Mercedes-Benz Arena, where its being held (If youre going to China, you want to show that you are in China! fumed an insider); and Victorias Secret staffers in China cant send out press releases because they have to be approved by government officials. The breathless reporting continues, Were told that producers charged with coordinating the coverage for various outlets are on the verge of nervous breakdowns.
TMZ has also reported that scam artists are selling tickets to the show for thousands of dollars on the Chinese equivalent to eBay, despite the fact that actual tickets to the event are available by invitation only.
Much like Blink-182 fans forced to survive on Costco hamburger buns, theres something funny about a mess of fashion bloggers and TV producers frantically trying to navigate the complicated bureaucratic landscape of modern-day Shanghai in order to deliver G-string updates to the global masses. Unfortunately for Victorias Secret, this behind-the-scenes chaos has quickly devolved into a very public nightmare, with some of the biggest names involved with the show unable to get anywhere near the Mercedes-Benz arena.
The biggest blow to the event so far has been the apparent banning of multiple models. These angels are the carb-free, lactose-averse bread and butter of the Victorias Secret Fashion Show. Without supermodels, the show simply cant go on. As of publication, four Ukrainian and Russian models had been reportedly denied visas: Julia Belyakova, Kate Grigorieva, Irina Sharipova and Dasha Khlystun. Adriana Lima is also reportedly having trouble obtaining a visa. As W magazine noted, this apparent tension is a far cry from the optimism that supermodel Alessandra Ambrosio expressed earlier this year when Victorias Secret opened its flagship store in Shanghai: Angels have landed!!!@victoriassecrettaking over#Shanghai!
One angel who will certainly not be landing is Gigi Hadid, famed social media star, dater of Zayn Malik, and baked bean fan. On Thursday, the foremost Hadid shared the bad news on her Twitter, writing, Im so bummed I wont be able to make it to China this year. Love my VS family, and will be with all my girls in spirit!! Can't wait to tune in with everyone to see the beautiful show I know it will be, and already can't wait for next year! While Hadid didnt go into details, its hard to imagine that this was a personal decision. Hadid, who has participated for the past two years, was excited for the 2017 iteration, announcing in an August Instagram, Forever and ever and ever a dream come true to be asked back to the VS Show.
Long before Hadid took to Twitter, Instagram commenters had spammed her announcement post telling the 22-year-old not to bother coming to Shanghai. This animosity can be traced back to a relatively recent scandal, in which Gigis sister Bella uploaded a video of the model squinting her eyes while posing with a Buddha cookie at a restaurant. While the younger Hadid quickly deleted the video, there was a backlash to Gigis offensive mimicry, with the model ultimately apologizing on the Chinese social media site Weibo. Sources told Page Six that Gigi was in fact banned because of the controversial clip. That might sound like a petty move from the Peoples Republic, but its not out of the ordinary.
For every artist who wants to perform in China, officials comb through their social-media and press reports to see if they have done anything deemed to be offensive to the country, A source told Page Six. Maroon 5was banned a few years ago because one band member wished the Dalai Lama happy birthday on Twitter. On Thursday, news broke that Katy Perry, who had been all set to perform at the fashion show, was denied a visa. This pop block is reportedly due to a 2015 performance in Taiwan, during which Perry wore a sunflower dressa symbol of anti-China protest. Perry also waved a Taiwanese flag during the show. Still, its not all bad news; the queen of cultural appropriation will be replaced by Harry Styles.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2isAljx
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2jPPUCE via Viral News HQ
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mavwrekmarketing · 7 years
At the end, there were only two things I cared about: the bag of heroin on my glass-topped coffee table, and the cell phone next to it. They were my two life lines. After a decade of abusing opiates, I couldnt stop using heroin. I was psychologically, physically, and emotionally dependent on it. My phone, too, was an absolute necessity. It linked me to my network which Id started building since I worked in the White House as a young, ambitious staffer. On the last day of my drug use, I stared down at the table. To my left, the baggie. To my right, the phone.
At the time, I had no idea that one of those two things would save me from the other. Now, my phone and, more specifically, its social media capabilities are an intrinsic part of my new life in recovery. Its been more than two years since I got the call on my cell, telling me there was a bed available at a public detox. I took that call, and the chance to get sober. While I was in rehab, I communicated with my family and friends. I started connecting with other people in recovery online, through Facebook and Twitter. Through social media and articles I read, I learned that addiction is a chronic brain illness. Online, people were speaking up about their experience, breaking the silence of addiction. Id found my tribe and it fit in my back pocket, or right in the palm of my hand.
Being placed on waiting lists, knowing that my window of willingness to keep fighting for help was waning by the hour, were some of the most terrifying moments in my entire life.
My phone is how I found out my friends were dying of the health problem that I had. Early in my recovery, I lost four people who were very close to me, all within 3 months. One, Nick, was an aspiring actor. He was found in his room and had died hours earlier from a fatal overdose. Another friend, Greg, died just a few short weeks after. I will never forget getting those messages, or how I realized, days later, that my friends were only four out of hundreds of people who die every day from addiction-related issues. It seemed that, everywhere I turned, someone had lost a son, a daughter, a friend, or a mother or father. Addiction, I realized, was lethal. And staying silent was our death sentence.
Ryan and Greg in April 2015. Greg died a few months after this picture was taken.
Sitting on my bed in the Pasadena sober living home where Id finally landed, I looked down at the phone in my hand. Statistics swirled in my head. Addiction affects 1 in 3 people in the United States. Only 10% of people with addiction actually got treatment for their disease. The wait time for access to public facilities typically exceeds 30 days. I myself had frantically called multiple treatment centers, only to be told that beds werent available, and likely wouldnt be for multiple weeks. Being placed on waiting lists, knowing that my window of willingness to keep fighting for help was waning by the hour, were some of the most terrifying moments in my entire life. I knew that untreated addiction was lethal. And yet, 23 million people in the United States live in long-term recovery. People made it but how to make that attainable for more people?
On the evening of October 4, 2015, I opened my Facebook app. And there, in my hands, was the livestream video that changed my life forever: the UNITE to Face Addiction rally on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. It sounds like a small thing, but watching that concert, which was attended by tens of thousands of people in recovery and included performances by sober artists that I grew up listening to on the radio, changed my perception of what was possible. That was my community my people. And they were standing up for what they believed in. They werent hiding and they werent ashamed. That was the day that I stopped being a social media bystander and got involved. Id found my purpose and once again, it was right under my nose.
The day I realized what could be: October 4, 2015. UNITE to Face Addiction.
I had a mission: to lift-up voices of people in recovery, and share the vital stories of our community.
The idea that social media can create massive cultural change isnt a new one. Because social media allows people to communicate freely and share information, it enables the creation of like-minded groups. If these groups are big enough, or driven enough, they have the potential to positively influence and shape cultural progress. Recent examples of this include the Green Revolution in Iran, Arab Spring, the Occupy movement, and #BlackLivesMatter protests. And, of course, the new grassroots movement to end the stigma of addiction. Our community, once marginalized and shamed into silence, had found a way to make its voice heard and it was loud. Feeling inspired, I logged on to Facebook messenger and found Tom Coderre, a recovery advocacy change-maker and friend of Facing Addiction, the movement whose work I admired. He immediately put me in touch with co-foundersGreg Williamsand Jim Hood and I was on my way. I had no idea where I was going, or how I would get there, but I was going. I had a mission: to lift-up voices of people in recovery, and share the vital stories of our community.
Soon, I was on the road, heading to Philadelphia for the Democratic National Convention. Hey, Id done crazier things now, I was doing them in recovery, and for a good cause. We coined the project Addiction Across America and partnered with Facing Addiction. We were driving 3,000 miles east to speak at the convention and advocate for addiction solutions. It was a 30-day road trip through the heartland of America communities hit hardest by the addiction crisis. I had nothing but $20, my phone, and a $100 Google Stream notebook when I came up with the idea. But I also had a road map from the people whod taken this journey of advocacy before me, and the stories kept coming. I published some of these stories in a digital web series. That was the beginning of what is now called the Voices Project.
It was also the beginning of my recovery advocacy. After the convention, and the 2016 election, I realized the tremendous influence that social media could have on how people talked, thought, acted, and even voted. I saw a way for us to transform the recovery movement into a campaign one so big that it couldnt be ignored or silenced. So I started a Facebook page, then added Twitterand Instagram. Up front, I decided these accounts would never be about me. The point was always to raise up the voices of others. The pages began to grow. People from all over the world found me. 5,000 followers turned into 50,000. Now, that number is over 200,000 people, combined across all three platforms. But its never been about the numbers. Each one of those followers has a face, a heartbeat. They are real to me. Theyre people. Theyre a mom in Connecticut who lost her child; an incarcerated recovering heroin addict in Richmond whos a peer leader in his cell, helping others find recovery; a brave young man in Los Angeles who would come out as a person in recovery and tell his inspiring story for the first time.
Before the Voices Project, I never thought of myself as a storyteller. But I guess its who I am and today, Im okay with that. Im a storyteller with a purpose. I didnt set out to become an advocate. I had no idea that my recovery would take me in this direction, but like so many others across this country, once I became aware of this crisis, I couldnt ignore what I saw. The injustice, prejudice, and epidemic loss of life have me mad as hell. Every day, more lives are lost; another unfair, discriminatory policy is written. So much depends on telling our stories. I cant stop. I wont. And while I dont often know what to say, I do know what to do today.
And thats where you come in. The Voices Project proves that together we can help end the addiction crisis. We can do the work that we could never accomplish alone. Together, well end the silence and show this country that we are one of the largest constituencies ever to exist. We can inspire change, save lives, heal our communities, and build a digital movement like nobodys ever seen before. This is the #VoicesProject.
Our time is now. Lets go make some history.
Ryan Hampton is an outreach lead and recovery advocate at Facing Addiction, a leading nonprofit dedicated to ending the addiction crisis in the United States. Join the Voices Project.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2nSOTcb
The post When Heroin Almost Took My Life, My Phone Saved It appeared first on MavWrek Marketing by Jason
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viralhottopics · 8 years
Every time we take an Uber were spreading its social poison | Laurie Penny
CEO Travis Kalanicks treatment of one of his drivers shows Ubers institutional sleazebaggery, seeing social responsibility as an outdated piece of apparatus
There are very few things that $5bn cant buy, but one of them is manners. This week video emerged of Travis Kalanick, the CEO and founder of ride-share app Uber, patronising and swearing at one of his own drivers, who complained that harsh company policies had forced him into bankruptcy. Some people dont like to take responsibility for their own shit, sneered Kalanick. Truer words were never spoken by a tycoon: for Uber, along with many other aggressive corporations, not taking responsibility for your own shit isnt justa philosophy, its a business model.
Uber has barely been out of the news this year, with a succession of scandals cementing the companys reputation as a byword for cod-libertarian douchebaggery. Accusations of strike-breaking during protests against Donald Trumps Muslim ban sparked a viral campaign to get customers to delete the app. A week later, a former employee went public with accusations of sexual harassment and institutional misogyny. Kalanick, who was pressured to withdraw from a position as a business adviser to Trump, is now facing legal suits across the world from drivers who insist that they would be better able to take responsibility for their lives if they could earn a living wage.
Liberal outrage has been a chorus to Ubers apparently unstoppable rise, but it has never before been a bar to its expansion: the company continues to grow, even as it registers record-breaking revenue loss around the world, much of which it puts down to the inconvenience of still having to pay its drivers.
Given what we already knew about Ubers institutional sleaziness, why is this clip so shocking? Because it reveals an uncomfortable truth about the character of our modern power elites. Part of us would prefer to imagine the svengalis of exploitative businesses as polished, scheming villains, geniuses enviably unencumbered by such old-fashioned burdens as ethics and morality.
From Trump down, these men would prefer us to picture them as competent and potent a little brash, perhaps, but thats all part of how corporate power brands itself. This is why it matters that this video exposes Kalanick, one of the worlds richest men, as a thoroughly unpleasant person. There is an ugly entitlement in the way he swears at the driver sorry, his partner, albeit one without a seat on the company board. He doesnt come across as ruthless. He comes across as rude.
Travis Kalanick argues with driver over falling fares
This is not how robber barons are supposed to behave. They are supposed to have at least some regard for appearances. Theyre supposed to deliver scripted business aphorisms and twirl well-waxed moustaches while opening orphanages for the children of workers who died of exhaustion. What were dealing with here is a new class of bastard: the bro gone pro, the freewheeling post-Randian slimeball whose insecure sense of entitlement is the foundation of his business model.
That entitlement is key. Charges of sexism against Uber are not just incidental to the way the company operates. They are symptomatic. An organisations attitude to women is a good predictor of how it will treat its workers. There is clearly an outfit that regards at least one half of the human race as rather less than sentient. One of its executives threatened to expose the personal details of a female journalist who questioned the way the business was being run. Kalanick has joked, if you can call it a joke, that he should have named his company Boob-er, because of the amount of action he gets out of it. The corporation offered French riders the perk of being driven about by attractive women.
Uber clearly has as little regard for the consent and dignity of its customers, its low-earning partners and the communities in which they live as it does for the consent and dignity of womankind in general. This matters because Uber is more than just a tech firm. It is a social engineering outfit masquerading as a tech firm, and it appears to regard social responsibility as an outdated piece of apparatus, a wooden coach-and-four in an age of tarmac. The last great American entrepreneur will be the person who manages to monetise placards and pitchforks.
Heres the awful truth: we have entrusted the reorganisation of our social infrastructure to the sort of people who shout at their subordinates and drivers and view women as a collection of parts. We do not owe these people our money or our admiration.
It remains to be seen whether Uber will be damaged by the activist call for riders to please, for goodness sake, stop using this service. A great many people feel they have no option but to be complicit. Uber grew in the social sludge of American cities with patchy and precarious public transport provision and high unemployment. In areas where there are few late-running trains and taxis are unaffordable, taking an Uber home is the ethical equivalent of the greasy late-night kebab: you know its bad for you, but theres a filthy, guilty pleasure in being able to meet your immediate animal needs. Your gut might make you answer for your midnight takeout, but it wont kill you.
Using a service like Uber, however, is slow social poison. We are living in a socioeconomic reality whose driving philosophy can be accurately described by a sauced-up frat-boy in the back of a taxi, and we continue to venerate its winners. How much complicity can we tolerate before we get off this dodgy ride?
Read more: http://bit.ly/2lMdRZG
from Every time we take an Uber were spreading its social poison | Laurie Penny
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womenofcolor15 · 4 years
Curfews Put In Place After Another Day Of Blazing Protests + Officials Blame ‘Outsiders’ For Violence In Several States
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Several cities spring into action putting curfews in place where raging protests over the death of George Floyd grow. There have been peaceful protests and there has been violent protests. Public officials are blaming the violence on “outsiders” traveling state-to-state to wreak havoc. More inside…
Another night of blazing protests swept the nation last night. Buildings were burned, people were shot and thousands were arrested. However, there have been plenty of peaceful protests that have been launched to demand justice for the killing of George Floyd. The Minneapolis man lost his life after a white police officer – Derek Chauvin – pressed his knee into his neck for nearly 9 minutes. George was taken to the hospital via ambulance where he was pronounced dead.
Since then, former police officer Derek Chauvin was arrested and charged with third degree murder and manslaughter. However, those charges do NOT match up to what the former police officer did. Also, the other three former police officers have NOT be charged even though new video shows three officers pinning George (who was already hancuffed) down.
Folks are demanding justice for George Floyd. By any means necessary. Demonstrations happened in more than 75 cities across the nation.
  For some reason the media doesn’t seem interested in showing these parts of the protests.#BlackLivesMatter pic.twitter.com/lVP1Il99dk
— Joshua Potash (@JoshuaPotash) May 31, 2020
  Protesters in Newark, NJ held a peaceful protest:
  The world needs to know about what happened in Newark today. A Black city, with a Black mayor (who marched with us), and many Black owned businesses. 100% peaceful demonstrations. Anger was allowed to be expressed in a healthy way and wasn’t met with force. pic.twitter.com/eyRrO0OIzN
— Brian Scully (@brian_m_scully) May 31, 2020
    New Jersey had one of most peaceful protest. Even the NJ police joined the protesters. Please share this to show how to really protest peacefully and not riot. #BlackLivesMatter #Riot2020 #GeorgeFloydProtests #newjerseyprotest pic.twitter.com/d41YjoeROY
— Christian (@Chris_Parra__) May 31, 2020
  Los Angeles protesters were peaceful (until the cops showed up):
  An endless, peaceful river in LA last night.
This is what protests look like before police show up.#BlackLivesMatter
— Joshua Potash (@JoshuaPotash) May 31, 2020
  People in Toronto gathered peacefully:
  Peaceful protests happening in Toronto Canada yesterday! #BlackLivesMatter pic.twitter.com/wAjIkRYjzg
— 5SOS UPDATES! (@5sosworldalerts) May 31, 2020
  Two demonstrations in Detroit unified:
  2 peaceful protests running into each other and merging into one in Detroit pic.twitter.com/0ddI7sJTQp
— Kayla (@CupcakeStoner) May 31, 2020
  Peaceful protests went down in Jacksonville, FL:
  Peaceful protests captured in #Jacksonville, FL yesterday. #GeorgeFloyd #injustice via @bajangrlinasouthernwrld
A post shared by TheYBF (@theybf_daily) on May 31, 2020 at 6:26am PDT
  Peaceful protests were even held overseas in solidarity:
  peaceful protest today in liverpool. we knelt for 8 minutes and 46 seconds- the time it took derek chauvin to murder george floyd. we will remember him, and the countless other black individuals killed by corrupt cops under systematic racism. #BLACK_LIVES_MATTER pic.twitter.com/J8XftdakpC
— rae (@tpwkrae) May 31, 2020
    today was beautiful, we had a peaceful protest. I had never been surrounded with so much strong energy. this needs to stop, if it takes a thousand protests, so be it. all of us need to come together and use our voices#BLACK_LIVES_MATTER#BlackLivesMatterUK pic.twitter.com/g0uf9aL7uO
—  BLM (@candyyjoon) May 31, 2020
  Unfortunately, all the protests haven’t been peaceful. An NYPD officer snatched the mask off a black man’s face and pepper sprayed him…FOR NO REASON. Check it below:
  I am heartbroken and disgusted to see one of my family members a young black man w/his hands up peacefully protesting and an NYPD officer pulls down his mask and pepper sprays him. @NYCSpeakerCoJo @BPEricAdams @FarahNLouis @JumaaneWilliams @NewYorkStateAG @NYPDShea cc: @EOsyd pic.twitter.com/tGK5XWS0bt
— Ms. Anju J. Rupchandani (@AJRupchandani) May 31, 2020
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  Several cities across the nation looked like war zones last night as people protested in the streets over the death of George Floyd:
Sometimes (arguably often times) being peaceful doesn’t work. Citizens being able to peacefully handle situations and use the current system to get the Justice it is there to afford SHOULD be the status quo. More than not, though, it isn’t. Not for everyone, especially not always for those without privilege. Until those in power operate accordingly across the board to ensure justice is served to EVERY person under the law, rage will continue. #georgefloyd #breonnataylor #ahmaudarbery #revolution
A post shared by TheYBF (@theybf_daily) on May 31, 2020 at 8:51am PDT
MOB MENTALITY via @shaunking Police brutality in America is on full display right now. From coast to coast.
A post shared by TattleTailzz (@tattle_tailzz) on May 31, 2020 at 5:55am PDT
  Columbia, SC man gets arrested during protest for almost getting ran over by Police truck. Make sure this man doesn’t get falsely charged pic.twitter.com/pSqhFXqYTU
— 803Gee (@803Mcfly) May 31, 2020
The National Guard has moved in on Minneapolis and they are shooting people with rubber bullets who don't follow their commands:
Share widely: National guard and MPD sweeping our residential street. Shooting paint canisters at us on our own front porch. Yelling “light em up” #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd #JusticeForGeorge #BlackLivesMatter pic.twitter.com/bW48imyt55
— Tanya Kerssen (@tkerssen) May 31, 2020
It got real in Richmond, Va last night:
Visuals from Richmond Virginia. One of many fires taking place. This one is on east Broad Street (credit: Kaylee Walton) ⁦@NBC12⁩ #GeorgeFloydProtests #RichmondVA pic.twitter.com/4OYhLyR7y1
— Eric Perry (@EricpNBC12) May 31, 2020
Protesters also targeted United Daughters of the Confederacy. You can see damage inside and outside of the building. @NBC12 #richmond pic.twitter.com/5JnAA6Jrq5
— Eric Perry (@EricpNBC12) May 31, 2020
A viewer sent this picture from inside the @WholeFoods on Broad. Several businesses were damaged in the last 48 hours. (sorry but they didn't have to knock this GOODT wine over...) @NBC12 pic.twitter.com/3ONfseK1zm
— Eric Perry (@EricpNBC12) May 31, 2020
One person was shot and is facing life threatening injuries. Two Virginia State Police troopers were also injured:
Big fire on East Broad Street. This is just one of many happening across #RichmondVA Police confirm one person was shot overnight (protest related) (credit: Kaylee Walton) Praying for peace ⁦@NBC12⁩ #GeorgeFloydProtests #GeorgeFloyd pic.twitter.com/ULC0hflDyy
— Eric Perry (@EricpNBC12) May 31, 2020
  Virginia State Police confirm two officers were injured overnight in Prince William County as they were called in to assist. One Trooper was hit in the head with a brick and the other in the leg with a rock. Both suffered minor injuries and is expected to be ok. @NBC12
— Eric Perry (@EricpNBC12) May 31, 2020
In NYC, a police SUV RAMMED into protesters:
NYPD definitely has some explaining to do as at least 1 police SUV rammed into a sea of protestors during yesterday’s protests in Brooklyn.
A post shared by TheYBF (@theybf_daily) on May 31, 2020 at 6:14am PDT
— Milimilanga (@fllnglouie91s) May 31, 2020
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  Several cities have now imposed curfews including, Atlanta, Seattle, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, Columbus, Pittsburgh, Denver, Salt Lake City, Nashville, Minneapolis, and Richmond, VA among others due to the raging protests. Most curfews are starting at 8pm to 6am.
      A post shared by (@ancient_future9) on May 31, 2020 at 6:18am PDT
  Many government officials believe there are "outside groups and crisis actors" coming into cities wreaking havoc.
black women tried to deescalate white men from stop inciting unnecessary violence at a protest: “when you do that they dont come after YOU they come after US” and they literally told her that it doesnt matter because “they’re gonna kill you anyways”pic.twitter.com/w6uF1DP6db
— kawira (@versacetaehyung) May 31, 2020
“We have people from across the country who have traveled many states to be here. We know that this is an organized effort,” Chief Will Smith said. “We're committed to try and identify those that are behind it. And we're doing our very level best to arrest those that are perpetrating the violence on our community, our city, and against our citizens.”
The Pittsburgh Post Gazette reports:
As protests over the death of George Floyd grow in cities across the U.S., government officials have been warning of the “outsiders” — groups of organized rioters they say are flooding into major cities not to call for justice but to cause destruction.
But the state and federal officials have offered differing assessments of who the outsiders are. They’ve blamed left-wing extremists, far-right white nationalists and even suggested the involvement of drug cartels. These leaders have offered little evidence to back up those claims, and the chaos of the protests makes verifying identities and motives exceedingly difficult.
Buffalo, NY is on curfew. They too believe there are outsiders coming in to destroy the city. NPR reports:
Mayor Byron Brown said the city was a target of an outside coordinated effort.
“Law enforcement has intelligence and has briefed us that there are people that are in this community from outside the city of Buffalo and outside of Erie County,” said Brown. “[They] are contributing to these problems. In fact, they are the ringleaders of inciting violence.”
The distinction is important.
By the way, former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick is establishing a fund to pay legal fees for George Floyd protesters in Minneapolis. Kaepernick's Know Your Rights Camp Legal Defense Initiative is working with top defense lawyers in the Minneapolis, Minnesota, area to help those in need of legal assistance, according to the group's website.
Photos: AP Photo/ Ringo H.W. Chiu/Matt Rourke
[Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2020/05/31/curfews-put-in-place-after-another-day-of-blazing-protests-officials-blame-%E2%80%98outsiders%E2%80%99-fo
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
How the 2017 Victorias Secret Fashion Show Became an International Nightmare
With all of the challenges were currently facing, its easy to take our fundamental rights for granted: life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and an annual fashion show where the most beautiful women in the world teeter under the weight of mammoth angel wings and diamond encrusted push-up bras. While the ability to see Gigi Hadid in lingerie and heels is an essential component of our democracy, other nations dont take the right to bear wings quite so seriously. According to a string of recent reports, the Chinese government is running serious interference on the upcoming Victorias Secret Fashion Show, set to air on November 28 from Shanghai. With less than two weeks to go, shit is really starting to hit the fan.
On Wednesday, Page Six reported that the Peoples Republic of China was wreaking havoc on the mammoth event. The article painted a picture of Fyre Festival-style chaos: Were told fashion bloggers booked to cover the glitzy event are canceling their trips because the Chinese government wont give them visas; TV producers are grappling with bureaucrats over permission to shoot outside the Mercedes-Benz Arena, where its being held (If youre going to China, you want to show that you are in China! fumed an insider); and Victorias Secret staffers in China cant send out press releases because they have to be approved by government officials. The breathless reporting continues, Were told that producers charged with coordinating the coverage for various outlets are on the verge of nervous breakdowns.
TMZ has also reported that scam artists are selling tickets to the show for thousands of dollars on the Chinese equivalent to eBay, despite the fact that actual tickets to the event are available by invitation only.
Much like Blink-182 fans forced to survive on Costco hamburger buns, theres something funny about a mess of fashion bloggers and TV producers frantically trying to navigate the complicated bureaucratic landscape of modern-day Shanghai in order to deliver G-string updates to the global masses. Unfortunately for Victorias Secret, this behind-the-scenes chaos has quickly devolved into a very public nightmare, with some of the biggest names involved with the show unable to get anywhere near the Mercedes-Benz arena.
The biggest blow to the event so far has been the apparent banning of multiple models. These angels are the carb-free, lactose-averse bread and butter of the Victorias Secret Fashion Show. Without supermodels, the show simply cant go on. As of publication, four Ukrainian and Russian models had been reportedly denied visas: Julia Belyakova, Kate Grigorieva, Irina Sharipova and Dasha Khlystun. Adriana Lima is also reportedly having trouble obtaining a visa. As W magazine noted, this apparent tension is a far cry from the optimism that supermodel Alessandra Ambrosio expressed earlier this year when Victorias Secret opened its flagship store in Shanghai: Angels have landed!!!@victoriassecrettaking over#Shanghai!
One angel who will certainly not be landing is Gigi Hadid, famed social media star, dater of Zayn Malik, and baked bean fan. On Thursday, the foremost Hadid shared the bad news on her Twitter, writing, Im so bummed I wont be able to make it to China this year. Love my VS family, and will be with all my girls in spirit!! Can't wait to tune in with everyone to see the beautiful show I know it will be, and already can't wait for next year! While Hadid didnt go into details, its hard to imagine that this was a personal decision. Hadid, who has participated for the past two years, was excited for the 2017 iteration, announcing in an August Instagram, Forever and ever and ever a dream come true to be asked back to the VS Show.
Long before Hadid took to Twitter, Instagram commenters had spammed her announcement post telling the 22-year-old not to bother coming to Shanghai. This animosity can be traced back to a relatively recent scandal, in which Gigis sister Bella uploaded a video of the model squinting her eyes while posing with a Buddha cookie at a restaurant. While the younger Hadid quickly deleted the video, there was a backlash to Gigis offensive mimicry, with the model ultimately apologizing on the Chinese social media site Weibo. Sources told Page Six that Gigi was in fact banned because of the controversial clip. That might sound like a petty move from the Peoples Republic, but its not out of the ordinary.
For every artist who wants to perform in China, officials comb through their social-media and press reports to see if they have done anything deemed to be offensive to the country, A source told Page Six. Maroon 5was banned a few years ago because one band member wished the Dalai Lama happy birthday on Twitter. On Thursday, news broke that Katy Perry, who had been all set to perform at the fashion show, was denied a visa. This pop block is reportedly due to a 2015 performance in Taiwan, during which Perry wore a sunflower dressa symbol of anti-China protest. Perry also waved a Taiwanese flag during the show. Still, its not all bad news; the queen of cultural appropriation will be replaced by Harry Styles.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2isAljx
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2jPPUCE via Viral News HQ
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