#dont underestimate them these two can be creative for their partner
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and that’s why, in their relationship, they like to hide sweet notes or doodles for the other two in their house/car/notebook/bag ♥
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dontmindmedear · 7 years
Rare Pair Dragon Rider AU
pairings may be changed to one’s liking, but keeping them rare pairs would be preferable
individual stories and story development is free for interpretation and changeable
Seriously, this is all just a raw draft. Change it as you like
tbh I just thought this up bc I wanted Bokuto to fuck Oikawa with golden glowing Dragon eyes. Sue me
wild ones live away from humans, in peace. humans don’t hurt them, they stay away from what belongs to humans. occasionally one of them brings an egg to a breeder station on the outskirts as a present and sign of friendship. in exchange, the baby will be brought back to its wild flock if they can't seem to be integrated
living in the breeder station: most of them were born here. by the time they were able to decide whether to get paired with a rider or stay, they developed the desire to breed or take care of young ones. others didn’t want to leave their breeders side, as the breeders have a closer Relationship with them as they have with the male dragons (after all they need their absolute trust for when their instincts run wild during pregnancy)
a female that chose the rider way mostly ends up in the teaching area after obligatory military service, since they calm the young once easier, or are in the spy area.
wild ones protect their flocks. do not fight. do not tease. do not underestimate. do not walk too close. they will fight to death if they feel threatened. they rarely go close to human areas.
breeded ones need to go to the academy. mostly to get their instincts under control, away from all the females, and to have a way to get rid if their energy.
since ‘protect’ is part of their instincts, most of them stay in the military or teach younger ones how to protect. a grown a male Dragon has no problems keeping a younger one under control, especially once they earnt their respect with behaviour or actions.
the calmer ones might help out in the town with house building or street safety or work within the city.
A bonded Dragon:
loses interest in breeding. (another reason why not many bonded Dragons are female) therefore they might help to protect the breeding stations and give the females a sense of safety. (some breeding stations see it as mandatory for their breeders to have a bonded Dragon).
they can communicate telepathically with their human and can find them wherever they are. (their mark is like a gps)
their rider is the most important thing for them. nothing, neither Dragon nor human nor lovers nor hobby nor obligation, is of higher importance
Pairings: (D = Dragon, R = Rider)
OiBoku Iwa D + Noya Daichi D + Aka (due to DaiSugas Relationship, Daichi often flies with Suga and Akaashi has to change his style to match Daichi better, which leaves him hesitant and uncertain (when he and daichi fly alone, and Akaashi trusts him enough, he would often let go and spread his arms, enjoying the wind and trusting Daichi completely) SugaKuro (DaiSugas Relationship wasnt a problem for Kuroo, until their telepathy started and he got literal smutty hc. he kinda short circuited, growled and called Suga ‘HIS’ before leaving utterly embarrassed. DaiSuga talked and decided it might be better to break up after all) Kags D + Yahaba (Kags is from Oiks ranch/breeding farm and initiating class. Oiks wants to teach Yaba in managing kags, but Yahaba only smiles) Kai +Asahi D (first AsaOiBoku, but then Kai 'loses' his old dragon, so he’s given Asahi since A rider cannot get bounded to two Dragons) Tsukki + Lev D (Tsukki was really annoyed by him at first, but after seeing him failing and failing again without giving up and finally getting results, he got interested/felt himself being happy with him and somehow got motivated to train and get better as well) KyouKen D + Shirabu (know each other from the initiating classes. are like bitch besties. both have a tough image but a sweet core)
Goshiki D + Kunimi Tendou D + Daishou (‘Monster Duo’. Don't underestimate. Don't anger. Don't provoke.)
Kenma + Yamamoto D (kenma can sharpen his eyesight to "zoom in") Hinata + Tanaka D (hinata can breath fire)
the flock troublemakers refused to let the flock babies out of their sight
both Hinata and Kenma are humans with Dragon blood due to their ancestors. they are cousins
Semi + Aone D; shiba + Yams D; Inuoka D + Sakunami (shiba’s twin)
Fukunaga + Kuguri D (people assume they use telepathy since they both rarely talk)
Yaku + Kindaichi D (yaku is mothering him a lot. since Lev was too young and troublesome, the leader refused to let go of Lev yet and Yaku needed a new Dragon partner. he was switched to Aoba in the meanwhile, and eventually chose Kinchi for the next test. kinkuni wanted to stay a pair, but already realised that wouldnt be possible, so they held their eyes open for other options)
Free/without partners:
Terushima R (initially enemy)
Sakusa (veteran Dragon)
hoshiumi D
Miya Atsumu
Miya Osamu
yamagata R
kawanishi D Flock Leaders: Ennoshita+Futakuchi Makki+Konoha Ushiwaka+Mattsun (Ushiwaka would love to fly with Oiks and takes Mattsun's humour seriously. Mattsun likes that) Watari+Komi Enemies: Wakunan Johzenji (spies)
Higher-Ups/Elders: Ukai (d) got hurt in the last mission while protecting the new teachers and flock leaders,  flew down bc his rider got hurt and got himself hurt in the process. reason why this year a tight relationship between rider and dragon is seen as a bad thing Takeda (r) he limps and cannot fly for a long time anymore Nekomata (d) Ukai senior (d)   Mizoguchi (d) Irihata (r) Washijou (r) at fault for proposing the new system after UkaTake incident happened Teachers: Moniwa (raising Dragons, socialising w/ dragons, has the problem class) Kamazaki (flight training) D Washio  (Fighting, Swords) D Saeko (flame useage/control) D Narita (d, spionage) the supermarket dude (R, spionage) the tech shop dude (fighting Martial Arts) = R Sarukui (transformation) = D Kiyoko (in charge of the Dragons and their caves. no one is allowed into the restricted area without her seal) = magic seal (D) teaches them inside the caves sometimes (has crystal blue shimmering scales) Managers (general education as well as taking care of their students) Michimiya (d, general education for Dragons) Yachi is a teacher (teaches Dragon health) and doctor for Dragons/healer
people in the Kitagawa Daiichi School: (within the group they often switch partners) the groups are parted due to age (age gap up to one year) Group 1: Daichi (d) Oiks (r) Iwa (d) Suga (r) Kuroo (d) Yaku (r) Boku (d) (Akaashi is from Bo's ranch. as long as he's there, bo's fine. that's why he isn't in group 4) Akaashi (r) Group 2: Tendou (d) Aone (d) Daishou (r) Semi (r) Kyou (d) (will join group 4 later) Kenma (r) Yahaba (r) Kuguri (d) Group 3: Goshiki (d) Tsukki (r) Yams (d) Kageyama (d) Kunimi (r) Kindaichi (d) Inuoka(d) Fukunaga (r) Shibayama (r)
Sakunami (r)
Group 4: they all joined a year later due to their 'mental age' (too aggro, too shy or simply unable to sit still and listen properly) Tana (d) Tora (d) Asahi (d) Noya (r) shirabu (r) too salty (dragon rider family. refuses to listen to people of a lower rank than his parents) Hinata (r) Lev (d) they had a 4th R, but he got very very ill soon and had to stop (dragophobie) every 'flock' is made up of people who applied within a certain time frame, are of similar age and who live close to each other. (the dragon mother decides who will take care of her baby, as she abondons it after laying the egg. these mothers can be wild, but friendly dragons, active dragons from active riders or breeding dragons (voluntarily. like to be pregnant or to help out))
Kuroo, Daichi, Iwa, Kags and Kuni are Dragons from Oiks ranch. Suga and Yaku are childhood friends who lived nearby, same for Kindaichi. Kuroo&Daichi are twins. they like to compete and yaku/suga have to stop them. (active Dragonrider parents) Kags and Iwa have the same Dragon mother (wild Dragon. thus if they dont get along with the others they will be sent back into the wilderness. The Dragon Rider School Licence is absolutely necessary for them), but their eggs were taken care of by different people (Oiks parents had their hands full, so they could only take in Iwa). TanaTora are also twins. Kyou’s 'father' was TanaTake's father’s brother or maybe even the same Dragon, but he was hatched on another farm. (at least that's what the breeders assumed since their mothers were wild; similar features and behaviour but no one is sure whether they were really the same Dragon) first real flock (till final exam): (there are tests to determine whether you join a flock, which one, or whether you have to wait half a year. depending on your behaviour you might lose your spot too. over the stretch of the following year, new people can join until all 10 spots are full) AOBA The Allrounder Senior Pair: Makki+Konoha Juniors: Iwa d Oik r Kuni r Kinchi d Yaba r Kyou d + 4 others KARASUNO The hotblooded/energetic ones/creativity Senior pair: Ennoshita+Futakuchi Juniors: Dai D Suga r Tana d Noya r Asa d Hina r Kags d Tsukki r Yams d Kinoshita r NEKOMA The collected ones Senior Pair: Watari+Komi Juniors: Kuroo D Kenma R Tora D Inu D Shiba R Fukunaga R Lev D Yaku R Daishou R
Kuguri D SHIRATORIZAWA The tricky ones (one main attribute) Senior Pair: Ushiwaka+Mattsun Juniors: Tendou d Semi r Shirabu r Goshiki d Aone d Bokuto d Akaashi r Hoshiumi d
Sakunami r +1 rider kai (r) different School/group and older. close to official partnership with his dragon
Story: (story starts from ~first flock to the final exams)
the senior pairs talk about which group they get, with which members, during breakfast/lunch. everyone pities enno. (no one pities futakuchi) most envy ushimatsu. they have the calm ones. (they also have Bo, but he's 'controlled' by Akaashi. Tendou isn’t really a problem. Mattsun actually is really happy about him. 'he'll make sure no one gets too serious') they talk about how lucky they are that 'the old guys' don’t get involved this year. last year's group were kinda forced into partnering with a dragon just bc they were free/thought they suited each other. WataKomi get Nekoma (aka the collected ones). Komi is thrilled to see whether they are really always collected. "But don’t overdo it, okay? we dont wanna scare them off." Watari glances at Komi and just chuckles at his motivated posture. MakkiKono get the Allrounder. everyone makes jokes of Konoha as 'the jack of all trades but master of none'. "the most important thing is to make them see it's ok not to be the best in sth. I think there are some guys though who won’t like this" *dirty grin* "we'll make sure they won’t get too serious"
Every member of the new flocks thinks they’ll get partnered up with the ones they had been partnering with since they got sorted into flocks, but then the incident with Ukai and Takeda happens and they’re informed that they have to switch. Obviously none of them is pleased about that, their mentors even try to argue against it, but order is order. Most are hesitant at first but eventually give in. Only Oikawa and Iwaizumi still refuse, bc they grew up together, Oikawa had even watched Iwaizumi hatching, and they had sworn at a young age that they would do this together. So now not being allowed to do that hurts them both deeply and they try to fight the order, which brings Iwaizumi in trouble since he might be expelled and sent into the wilderness if he keeps acting like that. Therefore, out of worry for his friend, Daichi and Iwa have a talk about what it means to switch Riders. Daichi and Iwaizumi: "You dont wanna fly with Sugawara anymore?" "Oh, I still do! I do want to fly with him." "then why do you allow someone else to ride you? why do you consider to replace him?" Daichi chuckles. "replacing? is that how it seems to you? no, iwaizumi, no. that is wrong! Im not 'replacing' Suga or anything. No one can replace Suga! He's been my best friend and partner ever since I entered this school. and nothing and no one will ever change that." "then why-" "because! taking another rider doesnt diminish or change my feelings for Suga. It wont diminish or destroy anything. Choosing a different Rider, simply means that there will be someone who will mean even more to me someday than Suga does now. and Akaashi is totally worth to be that one." "... I cannot believe that could ever happen to me. there is no way that anyone could ever mean more to me than Oikawa does to me now." More chuckling. "bc you're stubborn! you both are. you're so concentrated, focused, centered on each other that there is no way anyone could ever reach that same level of synchronized trust and compatibility. You and Oikawa have spend YEARS to create the bond you share now. you cannot expect a bond, that is as deep and strong as yours, to appear over night. you have to give it time. if you don’t allow others to come near you, if you don’t allow yourself to feel close to others, if you don’t even consider to give them a choice, then it'll never happen anyway. that's just the way it is." "..." after Iwa finally gives in he still has a hard time to adapt to others but noya breaks into his heart like a lil whirlwind (he fights with dragons and wins lmao) oiks feels betrayed and refuses to talk with Iwa, which upsets Iwa and therefore Noya. Noya has a 'talk' with Oiks during a time frame where he doesn’t have a potential partner yet (the teachers don’t know what to do with him), so he practices with Ushi who would love to have him as a 2nd rider (Mattsun is a bit miffed, but as that would mean more free time for him and more time with makki and konoha and he's really sure oiks would never accept that offer, so he's all chill about it) and helps out with the hatchlings as he's a really skilled rider. Oiks gets another view on the situation and takes some time off to go home to calm down. when he comes back he's offered to train with Asahi and Boku, as they complement each other, kinda. he's a bit confused at first, only one of them would have been ok, until he realises, that they are the only ones without a partner since both are problematic and their preferred partners are already in a partnership.   
Oikawa: Grew up on a Ranch for breeding Dragons, wants to take it over one day. therefore he needs a Dragon Rider License which he can only get after completing the Dragon Rider school.
He was 6~10 (probably 8?) when Iwa hatched and sees in him a younger brother who tries to act more mature than he is. They went to the school together and were in the same initiating class. theoretic riding classes, fighting lessons and later classes like taking care of the dragons they might group up with. Plus basic classes like math and writing. Then they both join the Aoba Jousai flock.
After their "final exam" they were forced into different groups, bc they care about e.o. too much (= possible disobeying of orders in case of injury or panics or loss of concentration and Coolness). Oikawa already interacted with Kags and Daichi during their time at Kitagawa and with Kindaichi at Aoba, so they didn’t try to match him up with them, but tried other setups, which he obviously hindered by refusing to cooperate properly. (OiKuni, OiYaba, OiHina as mentor!Oiks and oiakasuga friendship) 1.OiKuro (shortly, would have lasted longer if Oiks weren't so focused on Iwa) 2.OiTen (Oiks dislikes him and kinda manipulates their work together, but tendou surprisingly manages to guess their moves anyway and they work surprisingly good together. Oiks refuses to work with him after a while though)
3.(OiTana/OiTora) shortly mentioned, doesn't end well bc they can't deal with his attitude 4.OiBoku (was supposed to be a matter of showing Oikawa who holds the reign in the school hierarchy, kinda, but they end up working surprisingly very well together. Oiks is annoyed and sees this as punishment, yet makes the best out of it to prevent further provocations.) 5.OiLev (the coaches wanted to see if he can get along with all problem children. He can. He does. He refuses anyone but iwa. Iwa's talk with Daichi happens.) 6.OiAsa (Oiks is the only one who can bring his potential out, besides Noya and a few others from Karasuno. Iwa sees Noya fights with dragons and IwaNoya gets serious.) 7.Oikawa finds out about IwaNoya and he's kind of pissed at Iwa. Oiks then refuses anymore dragon pairings and starts working with the nearby hatchlings 8.OiUshi (shortly, Oikawa talks with Noya) - Oiks time out - feat. Oikawa flashback of Iwaizumi's birth OiBoku (end pair) = he looks like a starry night sky (Black scales with white dots) At first in a combo with OiAsa, like, Asahi is scared of flying mostly blind at night. (at least Oiks is mostly blind) or Boku cannot fly during the day (bc he’s too easy to notice, same as Kuroo and Daichi) Iwaizumi: Needs to attend the School for Dragons to be allowed to stay in the city and vicinity. otherwise he would be thrown out. Sees Oiks as a baby that cries when he gets a scratch (on his face) and who always needs to be protected bc he cannot do anything on his own. Oiks might have been born first, but Dragons grow faster, so he sees himself as the older one. is threatened to be thrown out of school after being separated from Oiks, which would have greater disadvantages for him than pros. they still meet at night to fly together though, until their Noya disagreement. (tho their nightly adventures lessen before the argument, bc Iwa starts to take Noya serious and Oiks ... Iwa doesn’t know how to tell him)
Dragons learn in the initial classes how to use and control their fire, how to change to human form and to get used to all kinds of smells and being touched and so on. (after they learn to use their human form they attend general education classes with the younger human classes.) During the initial lasses, Iwa interacts with Suga often and during Aoba often with Kunimi, when he isn’t paired up with Oikawa which is really rare IwaKuni (Aoba), SugaIwa (kitagawa) 1.IwaAka (Shortly) 2.IwaKen or IwaShirabu 3.SemiIwa 4.IwaNoya (final combo) = Iwa feels the need to protect him, but Noya is always so full of energy and often gets hurt by fighting dragons in human forms so Iwa kinda gets used to it (actual uses a leash on him sometimes.)
Bo is really clingy and cuddly, always all over Oiks, bc Oikawa is his last chance on not being seen as a failure, who after being startled and surprised at first (“he wasn't that clingy when i was paired with him the first time”) doesn't mind so much after a while. (occasionally it's Oiks who surprises Bo and slings his arms around Bo's neck or waist from behind or scratches soft spots under his scales (esp when they are still 3 and Oiks returns from a long ride with Asahi, leaving Bo bored with the other riders/dragons) Bo is more than happy to have a rider who returns his cuddles/signs of affection) Bo loves flying at night, but he has problems with the day (the sun hurts his eyes, “owls also fly only at night and they are perfect hunters”, someone told him its annoying how obvious his pattern is on the daysky ...) Asahi is more hesitant and always jumps and flinches when Oiks (and Bo) surprise him or cuddle with him suddenly (cuddly AsaBoku in Dragon form when Oiks is busy and returns late. Oiks still helps out with the new hatchlings at times) he enjoys the affection though and returns them (though never in public) he loves flying during the day, but is scared of the night (his rider doesn't have his night vision afterall so it's dangerous and he's afraid he could miss out on stuff) People often look down on Oiks bc he doesn't have a real partner yet (his favourite had rejected him too) and just the 2 problem children who seem more like kindergarten children when Oiks is with them (always needy of/searching for attention and approval).
No one knew that AsaBoku could get so scary after they overheard them. even as dragons they never were actively acting scary or threatening. In that case though everyone thought they would kill the poor guys. Oikawa’s the one who accepted them/took them in when nobody wanted the, even if he was kinda forced, but he still always praises them and showers them with his affection and they really appreciate everything he does for them. (Oiks is really surprised by their actions and forgets almost to call them back before sth bad happens. he's really ... happy? relieved? afterwards though and calms the 2 dragons who are suddenly scared they overdid it and Oiks hates them now) OiBoku make a lot of 'Riding the Dragon' jokes once they started to cross the line. it starts while Asa is still with them. It wasn’t uncommon for them to kiss e.o.’s cheeks or their hair but then Boku kisses Oiks on his mouth while Asa isn't there, to both of their surprise (he doesn't do it again, but he often finds himself wishing to do so. Oiks notices and allows him to do it, but only when they are alone, and blushes as he says so) and starts to mark him with his scent stronger than before (he actually started before that unconsciously as well, since it’s an instinct thing) Asahi is confused at first, bc the smell gets stronger only over time, but he gets the signal and wants to back off, but he also doesn't want to let go of his rider. Usually they can live with it quite well, but sometimes Bo suddenly snarls when Asahi gets too touchy-feely (matter of personal definition of “too touchy-feely”) and it's getting tense and Oiks soon realises it could become dangerous when they get too riled up. He talks with Akaashi and Noya, but none of them are familiar with their current territorial behaviour, since they never were in a situation where losing their rider was an actual option. Not like this at least. Oikawa decides it might be the best to settle down, to make his final decision… to let one of them go. He can't let the chance of things escalating and them being expelled become reality. While he's gone to talk with the seniors and leaders, Iwaizumi makes AsaBoku 'talk' about it themselves(Noya told him about Oiks predicament). Together they figure out Bo's true feelings for Oiks, which aren't the same as Asahi's. Asa is allowed to ride with him, but only during the day. At night he's Bokuto’s Rider. Cuddling and other signs of affections are allowed. (But Bo always makes sure his scent is the strongest).
[There is a cliffhanger with Oiks in front of the rider building, hesitating to enter, when Takeda walks up to him. “can i help you with sth?” Oiks only stares. Chapter end.] After a while Iwa mentions it to Oiks, he's worried, and they talk about it and Oiks feelings. he tells him to do what his feelings tell him to, but he has to make his feelings clear to the others and be true to them. Iwa promises to go back to their breeder station with him and Noya when their obligatory military time is over, which was one of Oiks greatest fears and wishes. (Iwa would then work in the area of calming wild Dragons down to let someone heal them or to calm a nervous pregnant Dragon down that doesn't trust humans during pregnancy) (Akaashi has quite a few of these talks with Bo himself, but Akaashi never tells him the meaning of his feelings bc he thought Bokuto knew already. 'he always was aware he liked me when he spoke to me or talked about me like that'. the first time it happened he was shocked and perplexed. daichi would tease him about watching the baby leave the nest. akaashi tells him to shut up and actually sniffles a bit to Daichi's amusement.) they find a new routine and when the call comes that their seniors have found a new potential rider (kai) they are shocked (Oiks forgot about it), but then they are kinda relieved yet disappointed and sad. they haven't decided who it would be, so both of them ride with the new one. Bo first, who actually behaves well (Oiks made sure he would. also, Bokuto doesn’t want to be a bother for Oikawa), but as soon as kai rides with Asa it's obvious who it would be. Oiks finds himself walking to Asahi's cave (the one for trainees without connected apartment for riders) and is embarrassed when he turns around halfway there, remembering he doesn’t have to go there anymore, and meets/runs into kai. after a quick talk (kai is very understanding about it and offers to meet up in their free time) Oikawa goes to bo's cave. they weren’t together the last night bc that felt wrong and Oikawa wasn’t really concentrating anyway. “can you believe that? I actually went to his cave earlier and ran right into kai! how embarrassing.” “you don’t have to go there anymore…” “I know that myse-” “you are mine now. only mine. and I won’t let you go anymore.” Oikawa blushes (“...un...” and you are mine now. my Dragon.) and they end up cuddling the rest of the day and fly at night (they are all experienced enough to train on their own after their last exams and don’t need classes anymore, tho they are assigned to other flocks in the meantime, whose leaders keep an eye on their development while they help out the new recruits. they will only be integrated into the military preparation classes after choosing a permanent partner though and moving to the partnered caves.) (in the military classes they have to choose a 'major' after a certain introduction time. Waka wants them in his offensive team, but Oiks chooses spionage/sneak attack, bc of bo's night advantage. (when they have to advance during the day they move with Bo in human form. most people cannot think of them as dangers with their open, amiable, funny streak and Bo being so ... noticeable/conspicuous) Iwa's not pleased with that. IwaNoya are in the offensive back up team. they are more “last defense line”-ish though) As soon as Asa moved out of his trainee cave to become Kai's permanent partner(Or a few weeks after they partnered up and started training together), OiBoku send in the request to be paired officially as well. (Oiks asks Bo why he hadn't done it prior yet, while they were watching the sun going down, and Bo answers that would have been rude towards Asahi. Oikawa’s amazed Bo can show such a matureside. that night Oiks didn’t 'ride' Bo. (at least not public) a week later they move to the caves for official pairs as well the official training can get really dangerous occasionally, bc they are allowed to use any means possible during classes and they might actually get hurt. this gets really dangerous for Noya and Bo. (whenever they come back from field training, tests or a low rank mission it's common for pairs to spend like 2 days with each other to let the adrenaline run dry. noya and bo can be seen together on the 2nd day outside of their assigned caves without their partners (there was this one time where Oiks got a scratch on his cheek by a bird they didn’t see... or that other time where a 'spear' or arrow that had scratched Iwa's side... they don’t talk about it out loud, but they dont really wanna be in the others vicinity when they come to check up during the 2nd day (sometimes when they come back early they find Oiks/iwa without a tee, the others hands pressed against the skin. they know better than to get jealous or angry. though they are more clingy when the other is gone (especially boku who has to scent mark Oiks all over again) )
Obligatory Military years:
During a spy mission OiBoku travel by foot several days before their planned attack or just as a routine. (they only fly there when they arrive at night, but even then without saddle and bo has to let Oiks off before changing back (sometimes he changes back before so he can catch Oiks in his arms. he failed once. since then Oiks always gets grumpy when he does it)
they walk through a forest, not sure whether they are on the right track, when they see a campfire (it's getting dark). they join them (they are really hostile at first but calm down after seeing how dirty and tired and so not spy like they are (the readers don’t know about oibokus major then POV of the guards around the fire) ) and talk about random stuff, talk about the next city and how to get there, 'we are completely lost', 'oh we are actually from XY, but it's soooo annoying there' (enter reasons why it's stupid (waka) and annoying (iwa) ). the others actually help them out and talk about where NOT to go (they treat them like friends after saying their city is stupid) and even say some stuff about a dragon fight and so on (they are not involved in that one themselves. they are only on patrol to make sure no one tries to sneak in. 'other patrols are here and there' they show it on a map, just in case they get lost again). this goes on for a few days with similar groups (they always have either cleaned the maps of any previous marks or use new maps or 'your colleague told me XY but we just cannot seem to find the right way').
one day, after they leave an especially aggressive group they leave a comment about their true reason and leave. when the others processed it and follow them, they are gone.
they are sitting on a tree watching them and joking about them via telepathy ("maybe we should knock them out and wait for the next morning to send the 'alright' sign to the other troups?" "nah. then we might be too late to tell mattsun about the other group's advancement. also, they would just change the signs if they found their companions attacked later. this way we can tell the others about them. just in case. they cannot do anything without their 'weapons'/stuff anyway." "true!" Bo grins wide). then bo grabs Oiks in his arms and jumps, changing during it and carrying a laughing Oiks off in his claws (it’s too dark for the others to see more than a shadow, hear laughing, flapping wings and feel a strong wind that destroys their fires and spreads their stuff into the forest bushes. without a light or their stuff, they have to wait till the next morning to go back to their castle or join their friends which takes at least a day. more than enough time for oiboku to get back and inform their leaders.)
when they do normal runs to check up on the neighbouring country and the borders without finding dangerous information they sometimes actually wait till sunrise to run off or the mid of the day. (when they are out of sight bo stops in midair (hovering) and lets oikawa climb onto his back, which is a bit dangerous without a saddle, and in midair on top, but they don’t have the opportunity to prepare in the forests or towns. Oiks is already used to it and bo is really careful)
boku is thrilled about their success and makes some dangerous stunts to let out some energy (“it was sooooooo annoying to travel for days in human form and not flying once”) with Oiks safely in his grip
the other spy pairs are sugakuro and kentora, but they got different regions. (they change regions and areas often so that they wouldn’t be recognised and exchange information)
when they do get recognized (bo doesn’t remember them at all, but oiks would always) they tell a lie "we got a job there (random place they visited last time) and have to do runs at (another random city)." or when they ask how it went "horrible! we were attacked by bandits, lost all our products and money and had to search for a new job to afford our travel back! I’m sure our boss will be really angry! who knows?! maybe he'll even pretend he doesn’t know us?!" (when they are offered to be escorted or when the others know the person in question) oiks makes sure never to invent some random shop. always makes sure they are real ones and he actually knows them. ("strange. I have been talking with them last time and they didn’t mention new employees" " ... that's bc we aren’t really employees. yet. we'd hoped they would let us work there once we have proven our worth") ... bc of stuff like this it can happen that they are stuck in a town for a month or two and cannot get away until bo loses his patience and stages an accident or gets them fired. Even if Oikawa doesn’t want to stay there anymore, he waits for Bokuto to ruin things bc it’s easier for Oiks to repair Bo’s misdoings than his own. they check in with the others (iwa) regularly through dragon telepathy, but bo can only switch to dragon mode on special occasions and that strains him a lot. ("you know, you could have blown up a lot earlier. I've allowed you to do so." "buuuuut, he was sooooo nice!!!" "yeah, maybe, but now I have to endure your whining!" "buuuut tooruuuuu!!!" "shut up!!" bo slumps down. oiks groans. "fine. I'll buy sth nice once we are back and then we'll have a reeeaaaally long and exhausting ride!" bo's eyes sparkle and Tooru can feel himself getting excited as well.)
Oiks wears his rider mark right over his heart, so when they are working he never shows himself without a shirt (once he was seen and told a story about how he had wanted to become a dragon rider, but then his dragon died on a mission and now he hates all riders, especially his old city, so he never wants to join them again and live a calm life with his childhood friend bo). Bo though can be seen without a shirt often. (much to oiks dismay, but to the town's girls (and boys) happiness. oiks can never decide whether he's happy/proud or dissatisfied/jealous about it)
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Q & A With Real Estate Attorney: Structuring JVs, Newbie Closing Mistakes, and How to Build Your Team
Whether youre on your way to your first deal or your 50th, one thing you cant escape is the paperworkyouve got to get your deals signed, sealed, delivered. For that reason, one of the most important pieces of your team is your legal representation. You need lawyers for real estate, contracts, andeventually, as you graduate to developmentand use and zoning regulations. The Importance of Legal Representation in Real Estate In my case, one particular land use and zoning attorney single-handedly, overnight, took my business from two- and three-family properties to high rise developments. Because of thisI kid you notI ended up on the cover on my home countrys version of The Wall Street Journal, with words like glorious and tycoon used to describe me. What?!
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Imagine that. Only in America. I started my real estate company in 2016, basically just picking up smaller duplexes and triplexes. In late 2017, my father, my nephew and I set up a development subsidiary. We started with $850,000 in seed capital to pursue more aggressive opportunities. Since then, weve exploded, inching close to $80MM in the development pipeline. One of the key components to that growth strategy has been how we structure our acquisitions legally. (And not legally as in not illegal, but legally like the legal composition of the transactions paperwork.) Structuring Deals as Joint Ventures My favorite method is through joint ventures (JV). In Q1 alone, weve gone under contract for over 200,000 square feet of buildable real estate. Altogether, when built, those properties have an estimated $56MM aggregate valueall through the JV. Dmitriy Ishimbayev runs his law firm from the 85th floor of the World Trade Center. This is us here, actually discussing the structure of one particular simple JV we thought we had in the books.
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Since the deal isnt happening, Ill spill the beans. Hopefully the person who reneged will read this and feel embarrassed (since well most likely do business in the future). A piece of shovel-ready land (i.e., no approvals needed) on a corner lot by Temple University was for sale at $175,000owned free and clear. It was a decent corner lot. It didnt work as a straight buy at that price point. But it could work as a JV.
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Gist of This Deal Sellers bring the land. I bring the capital. A third partner builds. We earn an even 33 percent for each. For this specific deal, we were looking at an ARV of $1 million at $600K to build. Usually you structure these a bit differently, but in this case, it turned out everyone actually knew each other. Happy days. Lets just keep it simple, I said. And well roll over the proceeds to a larger deal. Seller agreed. All agreed.We sent the contract and were just waiting for the signature. All of a sudden, the seller wants money. The third partner texts me with the news, asking, What price point would you consider it at for a straight buy? Im not interested, I responded. It doesnt work as an acquisition, only as a JV. I didnt care what discount the would offer me, a deal is a deal. So the deal was off. It is what it is. It happens. To be honest, I was doing the deal to let my 20-year-old rockstar associate KT build his own portfolio and earn his first promote. Lesson? A deal isnt done until the ink is dry. I mentor many young investors, either through advice or smaller co-investments. And they often ask, How do you talk landowners into giving you their land?! Well, its a little more complex than that. (Im going to write about this particular growth strategyand how I do itin detail in another piece.) At the end of the day, your paperwork has to be airtight. So I figured we should get the answers straight from the horses mouth: the attorney behind the activity. Q & A With Real Estate and Business Attorney Dmitriy Ishimbayev I went back to World Trade to sit down with Dmitriy. And boy, do I have some gems to share with you. In this question and answer session, we discussed mistakes newbie investors make, how to avoid them, and what every new investor should look for before, during, and after closing.
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Whats up, D! Dmitriy Ishimbayev: Hello, Philip. Lets do this. You see a million deals on a daily basis, from single family to high rises. Whats the number one mistake you see real estate investors make contractually? I think the number one mistake real estate investors make is that they do not include the right contingencies. Or, even worse, they dont put contingencies at all. A lot of real estate dealsfrom tiny deals to complex transactionshave skeletons. And you, as an investor, should have an option to get out of the deal if the deal turns out not to be what you signed up for. When youre new to something, you really dont know what you dont know. Whats the best advice you can give young real estate investorsentrepreneurs evenas they get ready for their first deal, investment, or even business? I always tell my clients, be it entrepreneurs, real estate investors, or business owners, start building your team earlyand dont do it alone. Find people with experience in your fieldand that applies to mentors, lawyers, accountants, and other advisors. Does that mean find someone with decades of experience? Do not hire a lawyer just because he or she has 30 years of experience. Find a lawyer who has experience in what you plan to do. If youre an entrepreneur, find one who understands the fast-paced world of a startup. If youre a real estate investor, one who understands the complexity of a real estate transaction. But most importantlyas cliche as it soundsfind people who care about the success of your venture and who are interested in building a long-lasting relationship with you. What are the main issues you see come up during a closing period? In most of the deals, things come up the last minute, and you need to make sure that you have an experienced attorney who knows how to navigate the deal toward closing. Most delays happen because one party relies on the other party to do something (thinking, Well, it is not my responsibility) and loses sight of the end goal of everyonethe closing. So make sure your attorney stays on top of all the parties involved, the attorney representing the other party, lender, title company, brokers, etc. One of the issues that comes up quite often is people underestimate how long it takes to accomplish certain tasks, especially when you deal with lenders, coop boards, or municipalities. For example, to order a collateral for a simple co-op sale can take four to six weeks; getting an inspection done by the city officials can take weeks. The lesson: start early with all the paperwork and dont leave anything until the last moment. Some readers may be thinking, How do I do a JV? Whats the benefit of a real estate joint venture? JV is a great tool that allows you to be creative in how you structure a transaction. For example, in the Temple triplex deal [you mentioned earlier], each party had a unique asset or skill: one party was to contribute the land, another was to bring financing, and the third was to develop the project. Is this common and can other investors do this also? This type of JV is somewhat common for real estate transactions. The main benefits of a JV from a legal perspective are that it is very flexible and it allows to share the risks between the parties. Once you decide, however, to go the JV route, make sure you have a written JV agreement, outlining all the duties and responsibilities of all parties involved.
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What other questions do you have about joint ventures? Let me know in a comment below! https://www.biggerpockets.com/blog/real-estate-attorney-jvs-mistakes-team
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One of the most potent strategies for reaching a goal is to identify the obstacles ahead of time and to develop a plan to address each before they are encountered. We want to be optimistic, but we don’t want to be a naive optimist. The naive optimist ignores the obstacles in their way and believes that they will not confront any challenges while striving to accomplish their goal. The realistic optimist believes in their ability to accomplish their goal despite the obstacles in their way. They acknowledge and prepare for the obstacles which makes them much more likely to achieve their goal. We want to have faith in our ability to overcome obstacles, not naively believe we won’t encounter them.
Research shows that predicting how and when you might be tempted to break a resolution increases the chances that you will keep it.[i]When you are working on developing a daily discipline, ask yourself: “When am I most likely to be tempted to give in? What situation is most likely to get me sidetracked? What excuses will I give myself to procrastinate?” Once you have such a scenario mapped out in your mind, imagine yourself in that situation, what it will feel like, and what you might be thinking?  If we are struggling to form a habit, it shouldn’t be difficult to imagine what situations will cause us to slip off our path, because these situations must have occurred for us to be struggling with forming the habit now.If you enjoyed this article, please LIKE and SHARE. 
Why is imagining the situations that will cause us to fail such a useful tool for overcoming our willpower challenges? It’s because once we have identified them, we can anticipate them and develop a plan to either avoid the situation or mitigate the temptation. When you have a definite strategy in mind, imagine yourself doing it. Envision what it will feel like to succeed. The more you mentally rehearse your plan, the more likely you are to execute it successfully when the temptation confronts you.
While planning missions in the military, two things were drilled into us. The first was to keep our plans as simple as possible by avoiding unnecessary complexity. We were taught the acronym KISS, “Keep it simple, stupid.” Simple plans are easier to execute. Complexity is the enemy of execution. The second was to rehearse, rehearse, and rehearse. The simpler your plan is, and the more you rehearse it, the better you will execute your plan. Execution is critical. Plans do not produce results unless you execute them.
Gabriele Oettingen a clinical psychologist and author of Rethinking Positive Thinking: Inside the New Science of Motivation, found that regardless of the goal, weight loss, obtaining a high-paying job after college, finding your soul mate, or recovering from hip replacement surgery, being a realistic optimist dramatically increases your odds of success. Realistic optimist recognizes the pitfalls that lay in front of them and develop a plan to address them. They don’t overestimate their ability to overcome challenges through willpower alone. They shape their environment and create if-then plans to shape their behavior. Realistic optimists have meals ready to eat in their freezer, they submit more job applications, they exercise more courage to meet potential romantic partners, and they create daily routines around rehabilitation exercises.[ii]
We must believe in ourselves, but one of the worst things we can do is underestimate the challenges we must overcome or overestimate our finite and fickle abilities to overcome them. Presuming that our willpower will always be adequate to the challenge of overcoming every temptation is folly. We need to recognize the challenges before we encounter them and develop a plan, based on proven strategies, to overcome those challenges. We should seek the advice of people that have done it.
Everyone struggles with procrastination, laziness, and overcoming distractions to make progress toward their goals. The bigger the goal, the more likely we are to be intimidated by it. The more likely we’ll be to procrastinate. When a reporter asked Earnest Hemmingway how he set about writing a novel, he replied, “First you defrost the refrigerator.” While I am no Hemmingway, the task of writing a book can seem overwhelming. To prevent the enormity of the task overwhelming me, I focus on writing the next paragraph or outlining the next chapter. A beautiful book about the joys, struggles, and rewards of writing is Anne Lamott’s Bird by Bird. She describes writing as a gritty endeavor that requires courage to overcome procrastination born out of perfectionism to produce that “shitty first draft.” She says, “Perfectionism is a mean, frozen form of idealism, while messes are the artist’s true friend.”
Her book’s title reminds me to focus on taking that next small step to produce that shitty first draft. I remember the story of Anne Lamott’s brother for which the book is titled. She recounts the story in her book: “Thirty years ago my older brother, who was ten years old at the time, was trying to get a report on birds written that he’d had three months to write, which was due the next day. We were out at our family cabin in Bolinas, and he was at the kitchen table close to tears, surrounded by binder paper and pencils and unopened books on birds, immobilized by the hugeness of the task ahead. Then my father sat down beside him, put his arm around my brother’s shoulder, and said, “Bird by bird, buddy. Just take it bird by bird.” Her father’s simple advice is something we can all use as a tool to stop procrastinating and take one small step, and then another.
It is a common mistake to think that our weaknesses are unique to us. They aren’t. Many of us wrongly believe that our weakness of willpower reveals a profound flaw in our character. It doesn’t. Frailties and imperfections are common. It is part of what it means to be human. They are so common that we marvel at and celebrate those that can overcome them. Weakness is a part of the human condition. We need to understand our limitations and develop effective strategies for coping with them. We all struggle with willpower, but most of us never seek a better understanding of it. The better we understand our human frailties, the better we can manage them to overcome our willpower challenges.
The only way to beat procrastination is to overcome the mental obstacles to starting. Marla Cilley, the creator of the 5-Minute Room Rescue, found an ingenious way to help us overcome procrastination. She suggests you commit to five minutes of work. For example, tell yourself, “All I am asking for is a five-minute commitment, after that we can stop.” Of course, after starting it is much easier to keep going. This same tactic can be applied to performing a workout when you just are not feeling it. Tell yourself, “let’s get changed, grab a cup of coffee, and warm-up for five minutes, and if we still are not feeling it, we can quit.” Once you get started, it is unlikely you won’t be able to finish the workout.
We have one brain but two minds. One mind is motivated by base instincts and strong emotions, the other is logic driven and focused on our long-term goals. Emotions are powerful. Overcoming them through sheer force of will is very taxing and can deplete our willpower reserves quickly, leaving us more vulnerable to the next temptation. Shrinking the commitment, by asking for only 5-minutes of work is a very effective strategy for overcoming our feelings. The more consistently we can overcome our emotions to do what is in line with our long-term goals the more successful we will be.
Consistency is the key to making progress. John Maxwell’s Power of Five provides a great example of the power of small persistent actions. He asks what would happen if you had a large tree on your property and you committed to taking five swings at it each day? The answer is always the same; the tree will eventually fall. It doesn’t matter how large the tree is. He has written over 70 successful books using the Power of Five. We are often intimidated by the large trees in our life, but if we just committed toward doing a little each day, instead of being overwhelmed by them we would achieve incredible results.
When it comes to writing, I subscribe to Steven King’s philosophy, “Don’t wait for the muse. As I’ve said, he’s a hardheaded guy who’s not susceptible to much creative fluttering. This isn’t the Ouija board or the spirit-world we’re talking about here, but just another job like laying pipe or driving long-haul trucks. Your job is to make sure the muse knows where you’re going to be every day from nine ’til noon or seven ’til three. If he does know, I assure you that sooner or later he’ll start showing up.” I keep showing up. The worst thing we could do is judge ourselves too harshly and believe our weakness of willpower reveals a unique flaw in our character instead of what it is, ordinary human frailty.
The three most important things to understand about willpower is: (1) we need to get adequate sleep each night to begin the day with the maximum amount of willpower (2) our willpower depletes as our day progresses, and (3) the more self-control we are forced to exercise, the faster the rate of depletion. Stress and fatigue are the enemies of willpower. If you wake-up each morning tired, you’re already starting the day at a willpower disadvantage. Most people need at least 7.5 to 8.5 hours of sleep each day. Since our willpower is greatest at the beginning of each day, that would be the best time to schedule the tasks that require the most willpower. You’ll also find you have a lot fewer interruptions in the morning. The last strategy and perhaps the most important is to avoid taxing our willpower unnecessarily. We want to shape our environment to promote positive habits and discourage negative ones.
I have made writing a daily a habit, so it doesn’t require much willpower anymore. It is just a part of my day. Most times I can block out distractions and my ideas flow. Sometimes I cannot, but I keep showing up, determined and excited to make whatever little bit of progress I can make each day with the time that I can set aside. I write in the early morning hours because the rest of my day is filled with personal and professional commitments. I know that if I keep plugging away, I will eventually complete this book and the other books I have already outlined. The key to finishing is to develop the habit of starting again each day. I don’t rely on willpower to write each day; I rely on my morning schedule. I don’t struggle with the decision. I look at the clock, and when it says 4:30 AM, my mind says it is time to write. Routines reap results because they don’t rely on willpower, that fickle friend that is never there for you when you need him. Disciplined habits are our best friends. “A small daily task, if it be really daily, will beat the labors of a spasmodic Hercules.” Anthony Trollope
The more we rely on willpower as our strategy for success, the less likely we are to achieve our goals. The problem with willpower is that it depletes as the day progresses and leaves us naked to temptation. It is more useful to shape our environment to reduce temptations and distractions than to rely on willpower and grit. When we overestimate our willpower, we unnecessarily expose ourselves to people, situations, and environments that will tempt us to break our resolutions. “Research shows that people who think they have the most willpower are actually the most likely to lose control when tempted. For example, smokers who are the most optimistic about their ability to resist temptation are the most likely to relapse four months later, and overoptimistic dieters are the least likely to lose weight. Why? They fail to predict when, where, and why they will give in. They expose themselves to more temptation,” Kelly McGonigal.
Ronald Amundsen
The 1909 race to the South Pole illustrates the necessity to identify the challenges ahead of you, learn from the success of those who have gone before you, and not to rely too heavily on grit and determination to push through whatever obstacles you encounter. Two teams took-up the challenge of being the first to reach the South Pole. One group was led by British Naval Officer Robert Scott and the other lead by Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen.
Amundsen gave his people the best possible equipment, and paced their journey to ensured he gave his men plenty of time to rest along the route. Scott’s team was ill-equipped. Inadequate clothes lead to frostbite, and poor goggles lead to snow blindness. Amundsen used dogs to haul their provisions, while Scott used untried motorized sleds which quickly failed, forcing his men to carry their provisions on sleds.
At the South Pole: Wilson (left), Scott, Oates (standing); Bowers and Evans (sitting)
Scott pushed on and ultimately made it to the South Pole, albeit one month behind Amundsen’s team. Tragically, no one on Scott’s team would survive the journey back, while Amundsen’s team returned with no severe maladies. There are many reasons for the radically different outcomes, but ultimately it was Scott’s overconfidence in the grit and resilience of his team that caused him to underestimate the difficulty of their journey. His dying words illustrate this point. “Had we lived, I should have had a tale to tell of the hardihood, endurance, and courage of my companions which would have stirred the heart of every Englishman. These rough notes and our dead bodies must tell the tale.”[iii]
I don’t want to diminish their courageous act of perseverance, but merely wish to point out that it could have been avoided. Scott could have given his team a better chance of success if he had better identify the challenges and better understood the limits of human endurance. This program offers tools to make your journey more manageable, but certainly not effortless. You will have to demonstrate some grit and willpower, but much less than if you didn’t use the proper strategies. The mistake I want us to avoid making is relying too heavily on willpower.
A plan that relies too heavily on willpower is doomed to failure. We are foolish to subject ourselves to temptation needlessly. Willpower is a fickle thing that often leaves us during our time of greatest need. As Shakespeare put it, “we are devils to ourselves, when we will tempt the frailty of our powers.”[iv] We shouldn’t tempt fate by relying on willpower when an effective strategy could reduce or eliminate the need for willpower. The proven strategies contained in this program will give you the greatest odds of success. Why make your journey any more difficult than it needs to be? The best use of our willpower is the implementation of strategies to reduce our need to exercise it.
The distance between our goals and where we are is the journey before us. When we choose to spend time with people that exhibit negative attitudes and behaviors, we are deciding to put rocks in our backpack. If we are trying to eat healthier but choose to stock our pantry with junk food, we are choosing to make our journey harder. We are consciously choosing to put pebbles in our shoes. Many people say they don’t want to deprive their kids, of what exactly I don’t know, a lifetime of sugar addiction? I believe desserts should be an occasional treat, not a daily indulgence.
These rocks and pebbles won’t produce an immediate failure, but they will make failure inevitable. The extra weight will slow your progress, and the pebbles will grind away at your resolve with each step you take; until you eventually give up. When your willpower finally gives out, you’ll blame it for your lack of success, instead of your decision to expose yourself to the temptations unnecessarily. You are going to need grit and willpower, just like Amundsen’s team surely did to successfully navigate the South Pole, but they combined it with the right tools and strategies.
Save your limited willpower for the temptations you cannot avoid, instead of putting more in your path. You are going to be tempted at the office to eat the donuts, cookies, and birthday cakes on a regular basis. Our supply of willpower can vary significantly from day to day depending on how stressful our day has been. This is especially true as the day wears on, and our ability to exert willpower is depleted to almost nothing. If we get adequate sleep each night, we begin the day with a willpower reservoir that is fully restored like your cellphone battery. The more we use it throughout the day, the quicker it depletes. Ever notice that most of our bad habits occur late at night?
That is because our willpower has evaporated and all we are left with is our desire to seek instant gratification and relief from our stressful day. Shaping your environment by eliminating the temptations you will encounter in the evening is the most effective strategy you can adopt. The next most effective technique is establishing an evening ritual that supports your goals. Habits conserve our willpower because they don’t require our conscious mind to decide what to do. The decision is made automatic through repetition. Our primitive mind encounters the cue and executes the routine automatically.
Change agents often find that what appears to be a people problem is a situation problem. Instead of taking on the difficult task of changing our behavior through willpower, we can often tweak our environment and make change happen painlessly. Instead of relying on workers following proper procedures, safety engineers install guards and controls to prevent workers from taking shortcuts that put themselves at risk. They do this because they know that it is easier to tweak the environment; rather than to force 100% compliance with proper procedure as workers become overconfident and complacent.
I hope you’ll decide to become an optimistic realist. I hope I have convinced you that we cannot ignore the challenges in front of us or imagine a future in which they won’t exist. We must develop a plan that relies less on willpower and more on structuring our environment to make good habits easier and bad habits more difficult. Our environment profoundly influences our behavior, so it is only logical that we would want to shape it to promote good habits and discourage bad ones.
A realistic optimist anticipates the challenges that are outside their control so they can develop and rehearse a simple plan to address them. If you are struggling to exercise five days a week consistently, I want you to first ask yourself “why am I NOT going to train five days this week?” Then I want you to develop a plan that will allow you to overcome the excuses. Optimism is an excellent source of motivation, but naïve optimism is a recipe for failure that ends in bitter disappointment. I want you to believe in yourself, but I want that believe to be based on the world as it is, and not based on the world as you would wish it to be. I want you to be a realistic optimist.
Best wishes and best health!
[i] Kelly McGonigal, The Willpower Instinct: How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do to Get More of It, Avery; Reprint edition (December 31, 2013)
[ii] Heidi Grant, Be an Optimist Without Being a Fool, Harvard Business Review, MAY 02, 2011
[iii] John C. Maxwell, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, HarperCollins Leadership; Revised & Updated edition (September 16, 2007)
[iv] William Shakespeare, Troilus and Cressida Translation, Act 4, Scene 4
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We want to be optimistic, but we don’t want to be a naive optimist. The naive optimist ignores the obstacles in their way and believes that they will not confront any challenges while striving to accomplish their goal. One of the most potent strategies for reaching a goal is to identify the obstacles ahead of time and to develop a plan to address each before they are encountered…
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