#dont. dont look at it too long or the anatomy wont really make sense
Mangey likes napping in the sun, Nine likes hanging around Mangey, I put them together
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Another color palette experiment :]
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decafbat · 7 months
i really like how much depth your art has, do you think you could show how you break down bodies when sketching if that makes sense? it’s something i struggle with a lot in my art! 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。
ok apologies in advance, this is probably going to be a really long and tangential rant about art that may or may not actually help you in learning how to construct bodies. im just gonna put it under a cut to save everyone from seeing this huge text wall.
i dont think its gonna be possible for you to replicate my methods here, because theyre mostly just really specific shortcuts for finding certain proportions and reference points for anatomy, which i'm fairly versed in, but not as much as i'd like to be. the shortcuts you'll need will be different from mine. im glad you think my art has depth, that is something i am trying to seek very intentionally right now, and i dont think im even close to the depth of form i am actually aiming for. so like. this makes making a tutorial kind of inherently hard. nevertheless, i threw this quick sketch together after like 3 failed attempts. (i was doing those attempts digitally, ended up giving up on that and going back to traditional because its what im most comfortable with rn)
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i didnt get all the steps i took to get here because scanning that much would be cumbersome but ill try to explain how i got here. i start with the head almost every time.
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i use a lot of symbolic/graphic shapes when drawing heads and dont stick to using forms very often besides the circle at the center of the head, which i use as the base to form these graphic shapes around. think of it like "wrapping" the ball in various textures and masses. the eyes are usually "textured" onto the head, notice how the her left eye looks narrower then her right. of course i try to make sure her bangs sit along the curve of the sphere and her ears look like they sit on opposite sides of the head. its easy to forget that part, making the head look unsymmetrical. the particular masses of leica's head would be her snout, which is just a curve extended slightly outside the diameter of the ball, and her hair, which are two strange organic shapes that are quite hard to draw, two hair sprig anime antennae things (forgive me, i forgot the word for them,) and the back of the head, which i usually need to extend slightly. its a little too extended here, needs more on the top, i fix this in the final pass. this was a quick sketch, so i didnt focus too hard on the forms of the head beyond the most essential ones for her design, but i sometimes highlight the form of cheeks with curved hatching, or try to make the eyes appear more sunken-in as they are on human faces. i dont know how to proportion the neck and torso correctly until i draw the head, so i always do it first. next, i did the torso.
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so heres why i said that you probably wont be able to replicate this approach. you do kind of just have to practice anatomy, i cant just make it make sense because im not very good at explaining this stuff, but ill try to go through what i did here. so, i generally use simplified bone shapes to find proportions and reference points, as well as more complicated shapes like those of elbows and knees. i try to study fairly often because im not satisfied with here im at with this stuff yet. of course, i dont think i'll ever be. so i'll usually start with the ribcage, add a shoulderblade out the back to find the shoulder, the armbones come out of that, the bone in the upper arm connects to the ulna with a sort of three-pronged attachment, one big knurl in the middle, which forms the thrust of the elbow, two little ones on the side. i think those are part of the ulna but i dont remember. see, you dont really have to know what exactly they do as long as you know what they look like. the ulna does some goofy rotation shit i dont understand, connects to the wrist, and then we have a hand, which, i mean, im not good enough at hands to even be telling you how to do it, but i just have a big squarish mass and some little hotdog fingers coming out of that. you can see on her left hand that ill have a big circle forming the the area on the hand where the thumb attaches... theres more depth to the hands, i think you can easily find better tutorials then i could offer. anyway, under the ribcage theres the pelvis, represented with a box. ill get into that when i talk about the legs. i wanna briefly talk about the way i add the flesh and fat to the bones.
so, i really can't give a comprehensive crash course on anatomy, but i can point you towards the morpho series, which is where i get most of this stuff from. you can get very far with the volumes Simplified Forms, Fat and Skin, and Skeleton and Bone Reference Points. moving on, i just kind of have a feel for where the masses attach by now. the important thing to remember when drawing fat characters like this is that the fat should "hang" from the bones and flesh, drooping down slightly. leicas fat hangs substantially, so she's not very wide despite her weight. this is important to her character design i feel. i almost always draw characters naked first when doing serious drawings because it will come in handy knowing where the forms of the body are when i add the clothing. by focusing on the way her body looks naked, i can modify the impression of those forms when adding clothes, and when i add them later on in this drawing, leica will take on the distinctive boxy look i try to draw her with.
if you look at the arm, youll see that the place the line of bone sits is very high compared to the whole mass of the arm, the flesh and fat of the arm "hang" from the bone, and then the upper arm squishes against the bent forearm too. even if the anatomy in the arm is indistinct, it can still look convincing when the forms act realistically against one another. the elbow has much less fat connected to it, so its more bony then the rest. this isnt actually consistent on all people so like, think about that kind of thing when designing characters, like i was talking about before, fat can sit in infinite different ways. maybe if i was doing a more objective anatomy lesson i'd draw cath, because i do have a sort of vague understanding of muscle placement that doesnt come through here, but probably would if i was drawing a scrawnier character. let me know if you want that.
a word on the breasts too: they hang a bit lower then you'd expect, keep that in mind. the attachment point is also angled, as the line shows. the line starts roughly in the middle of the torso and ends around the armpit, but the form of the breast can go underneath the armpit or even connect around the fold of fat in the back. many things to think about. i love boob shapes. ok lets finally get on with it and talk about the legs.
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so, the really specific shape of the pelvis doesnt matter that much unless youre drawing a really thin character, so its just a box here. out from the sides of the pelvis, extending out more then you'd expect, is the femur, which ends in a similar joint to the arm. this shape helps me figure out the form of the knee. two masses on each side with a bunch of complex and weirdly shaped bones forming the kneecap, which i have omitted because i dont yet know shit enough to include them. i am learning though. so, obviously the feet are just scribbles here because im just gonna put her feet in socks anyway. you really dont have to do more then you have to. a few tips i can offer here, the butt should hang a bit too when drawing fat characters, i think the butt is supposed to start just below the pelvis if i remember, but take that with a grain of salt. i also didnt really do that here but its hard to tell because she's facing mostly forward. again, i dont think i can really communicate what's going on here. morpho has a lot of great drawings explaining the shapes and muscles of the legs, all things i might focus on more when drawing a scrawnier character. for this case, i regrettably don't go too hard on the legs. also i should note that legs would usually be much longer, leica is really short so ive exaggerated the proportions to communicate that. i may change my mind on that front in the future and give her more grounded proportions. the important thing to remember with legs is just getting a nice hierarchy of forms going. bigger thigh going into smaller calf going into smaller foot. it mostly comes automatically now.
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i added the clothing, shaped up her head a bit, added a bit of fur. i put her in her classic outfit, just a sweater and jeans. i enjoy the big thick folds that come out of these clothes, and big areas of white space too. its nice. i try my best to form all the folds around the forms of the body i drew earlier. thats one case where i really really have no idea what im doing and could never explain it in words. its just some fun intuitive play with loops and lines. this is at around the stage for a sketch where i'd do inks, or if it was going to be a finished pencil drawing i'd erase out parts piece by piece and replace them with nicer and more defined lines and tones.
i guess that's all i can offer , i hope that halped.
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yakeisoda · 7 months
Hello, just wanna start this off by saying that I love your art. I've decided to ask my favourite artists for art tips as I wanna get into it, but no matter what I do it never looks right. So, any tips?
HELLO TYSM!!! ngl i dont think im the best 4 this question im also kinda in a rut rn where im not really satisfied w my art n craving more progress and improvement but im getting there somewhat but very slowly! (ive been this way for a rly long time naow) this might be long but im gna try n throw in the things ik, sorry if my thoughts r messy im not the best in articulating stuff :')
i think a good way to start off is to find out what skill you lack the most or what you want to improve the most on, say for ex: u wna focus on getting better at composition for illustrations, then a good way to improve them is to learn about the composition rules (ex: rule of 3rds, etc), look for any scenes in films/animation or photographies and storybooks , study them and recreate it! go crazy !! ive done a study on a friend's picture before, and have asked my friends if i can use their photographies as practice!
looking for inspiration will also improve ur visual library, they can help u find what u wna put in ur art ! like perhaps certain color palettes or styles, it's best to look at different mediums of art instead of focusing only on one, sometimes u can find techniques meant 4 u! (ex: of this is my friend who used to be a watercolor artist, ive observed them using watercolor techniques when they were still new to digital art! basically mix n match whatever feels good/convenient 4 u :] )
disciplining urself is also good to have more improvement! i have trouble w this the most ever since bc its hard 2 focus if no one is like there to monitor u (in my experience), if u rly wna make progress u have to squeeze in some art practice time in ur schedule, it can be around 15-30 mins or even 3 hrs, completely up to you! (rmb to take breaks!). you can give urself deadlines if that will help n maybe timers too!
my prof always said "Proper practice makes perfect", so it's also best to practice with a clear goal in mind, take notes on the things u lack and if ur watching any art tutorials/speedpaints, take notes of those too! it's good to have something specific in mind so u wont get lost n u wud know what u wna do! it helps u retain info as well so u can look back on stuff, to avoid overwhelming urself u can just focus on small bits first, ex: in anatomy, u can focus on the head area first, break it down to drawing eyes and noses, etc! then u can move onto the torso area!
USE REFS!!!! make use of pinterest or any other refs u can find, cannot stress this enuf go crazyyy w references, make a moodboard full of referencess n go crazzyy w them!! i used to not like doing this bc i just head straight in to drawing bc thats what i was used to but art college trained me 2 use refs bc they help so very much, theyre like ur guideline for what u wna make so u have a clear goal in mind, also photobashing seems like a great practice too never tried it but yes it can help when ur planning an illustration/concept art!
^above also applies to art styles! go crazy n experiment w them!! i think its so very fun to explore diff art styles n not stick to 1, again this depends on u but having a different range of artworks is rly fun, u can go from very pastel soft colors n style, to smth very vibrant n sharp, to smth like dark n chalky-sketchy kind of vibe if im making sense T__T, basically go wild!! go crazy!! dont let urself sit in 1 box! hop into other boxes !! or wear all of them!! or poke holes in the box n add stuff to the box or wear a circle!! trust me it looks so fun if u put different artworks uve made side by side n go wow i did that!!
also create small thumbnails 4 illustration! its really best to plan ahead art too, as i said i used to just head straight in n not plan but ive learned to absolutely enjoy planning making art! collecting refs n seeing what kind of composition goes n what colors wud work is so very fun actually! it rly helps a lot
theres also this one post i lost the link, but basically it shows how much progress u can make if u make loose sketches vs full on rendered illustrations vs a mix of both, again this depends entirely on u bc things r different for everyone! i think that post is really good for teaching abt art progress (if any1 knows where it is pls do link!), i think focusing on sketches n practice is better tho bc it helps u draw more freely n loosely! i think that speeds up ur process more as well n doesnt make u lose interest immediately compared 2 focusing on finishing 1 big rendered illust (talking from experience) but then again its different for every1 so honestly just experiment n see what feels right for u!
i wna say tho that although it is good to make sure ur drawing looks right its also good to just let yourself draw freely, i think what matters is that u understood the structures of something and as long as ur able to apply that in ur own way i think thats gud! i think drawing freely helps u draw more fluidly? like having more expression is what i mean. ive gotten into the "i have 2 make this look right" hole before n i noticed it made my art look stiff, so highlyy recommend doing gesture drawing n life studies! rmb to have fun when practicing n learning,
dont pressure urself too much! enjoy the experience :] ! messy sketches r good!! not everything has to look good or perfect! my sketchbooks from way back were just doodles, pencil sketches no color mostly, theres an occasional lined one w markers , ballpen, n some highlighters, n my drawings were either smth funny that happened w me n frens with our personas or making ocs for my faves or ocs for me in general!
ur sketchbook doesnt have to look pretty its like ur diary but its art ykno! ur thoughts in visual form for the day! (again all up to u as long as u have fun! its all different 4 everyone!)
anw tysm again!! sorry if this was all over the place HAHSAW i tried my best but these r the tips i keep in mind most of the time or the ones i hold closest to me n that i try to apply as much as i cud! if u need anything else clarified just lmk! not the best w words but hopefully it helps :'')! most of the stuff i mentioned here i also need to take into practice HAHWHAW so mb its gud 4 me to write this down so i can finally push myself to do stuff,
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Dark Headcannons for the Demon Bois, part 2.a : Physiological Adaptations and Defense Mechanisms (physical)
I continue this ideology with more horror HC's (kind of) detailing some of the physiology and physical defenses of our boys - HOWEVER there is quite a bit of science invested in this particular post, so there's a little explaining to do first.
Note: I have removed Iblis from the list for the next few rounds because we really dont know anything about her, and I've also removed Egyn because I have zero idea what kind of adaptations he has since no one's ever seen his body. Azazel is floating in kind of the same boat. We seen his clones, but not him, and we have only really seen two of his kin - from that alone its hard to tell. We haven't even seen Beelzebub except in Gehenna, and for all we know they are stuck there. Im basing all this off hypothetical and mythological sources as well as my knowledge of animal and human anatomy.
But first! (Yep, scientific Exposition Time Baby! I promise it won't be long) Something that strikes me odd is that all demons seem to be stronger physically than their non possessed counterparts, and so for the sake of not repeating myself where unessessary, we will assume this is due to increased muscular density, as a default which is the same thing that allows much smaller primates to be much stronger than ourselves.
However, be aware that there are MANY factors that influence physical strength alone - efficiency of respiration, bodily waste management (aka, kidney and liver function) and efficiency of metabolic processes (digestive system, pancreas, and again liver). I'll touch on all these things in their own right, but just to let you know, everything is interconnected.
Is, in everyday scenarios, about 7x stronger than the average human. In times of high adrenaline that can shoot up to 10, due to possessing a unique respiratory system, detailed below.
Samael has a physique designed to be an ambush predator, with a body that puts nothing to waste, but he is also built for bursts of speed and agility, both skills vital for his hunting strategy type, detailed in part one, to be effective. Standing out in a crowd may lull prey into a false sense of security, but it also draws a lot of attention from competitors, as well as parasitic predators like Chuchi and Coltars.
Samael is a demon often depicted with avian wings, and for his body to put out the strength it does and be able to at least glide requires an avian-modeled respiratory system. In other words he breathes with lungs, but has additional air sacs in his chest and abdomen to draw as much oxygen from the air as possible. For a demon optimized for bursts of speed and high agility, being able to metabolize large amounts of oxygen very quickly is vital.
More vital still though is having the kidneys and liver to be able to handle it. I suspect he would have a lobed liver akin to a rabbit, and kidneys much like a cat. Technically speaking, if he eats right, he never actually has to drink any water. His kidneys are that efficient.
Now onto the fun one: bones. High density muscles put out huge forces on the bones they are attached to. There are two ways to fix that: make the bone harder and denser, or make the bone softer and flexible with cartilage. Samael does the former. The most efficient way to have denser bones without adding weight is to make them hollow, at the sacrifice of not having much bone marrow. This works out perfectly though, since to metabolize high rates of oxygen you need specialized red blood cells with lots and lots of hemoglobin, and hollow bones allow for the production of just enough of these cells.
Now that the basics are out of the way, Samael has some other unique adaptations, including a ratcheted tendon system in his forearms, like those found in raptors. This gives him a virtually unbreakable, iron-strong grip from which escape is virtually impossible. Combine that with talon-like claws and long fingers that can really dig in, and you're screwed from the word "go".
Making that escape even more impossible is his highly flexible joints, which make twisting out of his grasp before he has a chance to bite damn near unheard of. Remember, it only takes one bite to kill. If he catches you, you're dead already.
As far as defensive abilities go, Samael hasn't got any besides evasion. So much of his body is devoted to being a specialist that there isnt any room for special physical defenses - in fact his hollow bones, while very good at handling internal stresses, are no less brittle than a birds when it comes to some external forces. A sledgehammer to the side of his thigh (impact) would absolutely shatter his femur bone, though he can land on his feet from a great height (compression) and barely bruise.
Is maybe 5x stronger than the average human, on a really good day. He has a bit of muscle, but he is a magic user, not a berserker. On his bad days he can dip below a 1.
Physically he isn't too different from a human mostly, other than having an ultra efficient heart and lungs that are 20% larger to compensate for his increased muscle density.
Except that he has very strange cells. To all appearance his body is mostly human, but one look under the microscope would tell you instantly that something is odd about this duck, because his cells have tiny crystals in them. These crystals are of unknown composition, but they are thought to assist with fluorescence, or the production of the stuff mentioned below.
Also odd about his cells is that they're filled with an almost cellulose like substance instead of normal cytoplasm. Its a bit denser and is THE most heat resistant organic substance on earth. It also makes his cells completely immune to all forms of radiation - this boy could literally survive a nuclear explosion as long as he was in a shelter where he couldn't be impacted by debris or the shockwave. Heat and radiation from it would be like a sunburn at worst.
However, he is not fireproof. While this substance is resistant to heat, it is not resistant to oxidation, so it WILL burn. Not well, and not fast, but it will burn.
Which leads me to the fact that he has some very unique organelles. Multiple types of mitochondria, Golgi bodies and ribosomes help manufacture the weirdness.
Part of that weirdness is of unknown deadliness though. When fully charged up, the light he emits contains dangerous wavelengths, and further study has yet to be done on whether and what types of radiation he may emit. It is known that his dense cytoplasmic substance can hold onto nuclear radiation, but does so very briefly.
As far as defenses go, he does actually have a pretty interesting, but accidental one, for the dense cytoplasmic substance of his cells naturally permeates into his blood plasma. This substance is extremely bitter and even potentially toxic at high enough doses. A mouthful of Lucifer's blood is enough to induce severe nausea, vomiting, cramping of the intestines (colic), and if swallowed, diarrhoea.
The strange substance of his cells also mediates the use of Elixir that is specific to himself. Elixir used for other purposes are rejects of the ones formulated just for him, and are effective at treating a wide variety of things.
On a related but unrelated note, though, the elixir has nasty side effects on humans and demons alike, often triggering the onset of various cancers and cysts, though it's not clear why this happens to some and not others. It is not known why Lucifer is seemingly immune to these side effects, but he could, potentially, be immune to cancer altogether.
Amaimon is a fucking draft horse, with a baseline strength of 9x that of a human. That's somewhere slightly above a pissed off gorilla and/or an attacking tiger, for reference. In high adrenalized mode, that number shoots up to a 12, which is about as high as biology will let anything go, courtesy square cube law.
His muscles are SO dense and heavy, in fact, that he is incapable of floating in water. He also isn't very fast for long distances. He has high stamina at low energy output, and low stamina at high energy output. He can walk for days on end, but in a dead sprint he can't go more than a kilometer at best before his muscles start to rip him apart.
Which leads to : bones. Amaimon takes a very reptilian approach to the issue of having super powerful muscles, and has fibrin and cartilage reinforced bones that bow rather than break. However, these bones have many sharp angles for muscular attachments, and as a result are very poor at resisting torsion (twisting) and high rates of compression. The last thing he wants to do is land on his feet from a great height, for he is likely to fracture his long bones.
But those are not the only bones he has - much like monitor lizards, including komodo dragons, he has ossicones embedded in his skin, forming a chain-mail mesh of steely bone just below the dermis that makes his skin very resistant to slashes and cuts, but very weak to stabbing and thrusting. Cleaving into him wont do much damage, but impaling him on a pike works great.
His organs are strange, made stranger by his blood, which has a pH value of 7.8, far more alkaline than most viruses or bacteria can survive, making him virtually immune to disease. Unfortunately that also impacts the bacteria in his gut, which as a consequence can exist nowhere else on earth.
On the flip side, his stomach secretes acid that is so caustic it dissolves bone in hours, and also destroys even the worst of pathogens. As touched upon before, he can regurgitate this acid onto attackers in self defense, even going so far as to spit it at them from a distance of two meters. It has a patently unpleasant odor too, adding to its defensive quality.
Amaimons claws are semi retractable and grizzly-like, making them excellent tools for digging and prying things apart. They're also really good at ripping people apart, and there is no armor that can really do effective justice except for one: spiky. His skin isn't super resistant to impalement, remember, so the pricklier the better. That is assuming he cant chip away at it. Good luck with that.
Another organ to mention is his tail. It's not exactly prehensile, but it is flexible and very, very powerful. One whack across the midsection could kill a man. In fact his tail is often his first line of defense against attackers; it's so robust and armored that it's almost impossible to injure, and it hits like a truck. Good for offense or defense, or even just lazing around.
Fungi boy has an average strength of just twice that of a human. But when pushed to his limits, he can use hydraulic musculature to increase his strength to 9x that of the average human.
Speaking of which, Astaroth has some weird musculature- or lack thereof. Rather than having ordinary, dense tissue, he instead has a hydraulic system of movement akin to that of a worm or slug. Not only that, but his muscles are not his own - rather they are controlled by slime molds, with which he has a symbiotic relationship. The muscles are very little muscle tissue and a whole lot of mycellial fibers. His body is literally made of fungus, controlled by fungi and microorganisms, and is fed and defended by these things.
He is, in light of this, able to turn his body temperature on or off in any area he needs to at-will, giving his slimy friends the home they need.
He has a perfect mastery over the simple organisms he controls, and can exchange them at will. This combined with the ability to live without body heat means he is completely immune to all but the most severe of environments. As long as he has access to moisture, he can survive and thrive at sub zero temperatures and well into the triple digits. However he can not live without his slimy friends, and so can not endure drought very well. Deserts are the bane of his existence.
When it comes to defenses, Astaroth is nothing but. Toxic spores, all colours of miasma, foul smells, and even sharp needles and thorns when necessary. Nothing with a lick of sense would dare try to eat him, with the exception of microorganisms and parasites thereof - but it's not him they consume, but his symbiotes, which again he can simply discard or exchange as need be.
He is however very slow moving, typically, and doesn't really have a 'flee' or 'fight' response. Instead he freezes, exuding and oozing his more unfriendly companions to deter attack. If this should fail though, however unlikely, he is remarkably fragile and slow to heal, though virtually impossible to kill.
His only real weakness is well established: fire. It is the great sterilizer, though light is also not something he can easily defend against either. Neither are vacuums and immense air pressure. Basically if it's not within the realms of ordinary natural phenomena he has no ability to escape or defend. This gives him an edge against the younger of the Kings, but makes him powerless against the older half.
Whew! That was a lot. This post took FOREVER to make!
Questions and comments are welcome, reading with a grain of salt in mind is recommended.
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vialdovi-artstuff · 4 years
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some bad photos  and stupid ideas of team dark 
long story short-i got this idea/au where shadow/team dark are fighting against a big meanie,evil god,alien,whateever, proably mephiles ha and shadow inhibitors just break and his anatomy go funky and he transforms in some sort of ´´adult version of him ´´, he cant stay as a sonic clone all his life so his biology just go fuck you, you arent a moebian hedgehog my dude and he gets to be bigger now and flufflier, he also transform in some kind of slime/tentacle black doom look alike monster but that is before this, negative energy and fear affects him the same way the chaos emerald do, the big ass tail come from the biolizard
ok now he is adult he also has more of a fashion sense that he picked up from rouge but more minimalist and sadly he cant skate anymore since his shoes just break and he is way too tired and big to do that,dont be sad for him he can teleport anywhere he wants to lmao,he also has only part of his rings that he uses are  under his wrists
in personality he is way more mature and nihilist but in some weird groovy kind of way,he makes mistakes, take bad and good decisions as everyone, he is just a very conflicted mf but also has good intentions even if he is scary sometimes 
now with rouge and omega,they are brothers,like absolutely found family trope, think of we bare bears,they are these kind of brothers that make pranks and insult eachother but wont hesitate to to help the other even on the smallest problems or that will totally hear  them ramble about some shit at 3am , funny thing is that both rouge and shadow think of themselves as a the older one while the others are the younger,both are aware that omega is baby tho 
as for rouge outfit, i wanted to giver some really feminine comfy classy sport clothes so she can steal all the jewels she wants and be comfy about it but also cute.
now my most important hc about them ... is that the 3 of them are absolute idiots when it comes to cooking and eat like shit, like for example;rouge is just a bad cook, is either raw or burned with her,even her coffee tastes like oil,she is just inept when it comes to this 
shadow burned one of their hideouts once trying to use a microwave,there is some much things to learn about food that he gets overhelmed and nerveous.poor dude woke up tried to destroy the world,change his mind ,found his alien dad,kill him and sonic is constantly nagging him about races that food is the last thing that crossed his mind but despite all of that and the fact that he doesnt need to eat he still tries and eat everything bc he actually likes to eat so he taste any shit he finds ,rouge once found him eating a bag of salt 
omega is curious with food and since his brothers are bags of meat he thinks they absolutely need all the food in the world so he tries to cook but he doesnt have the taste sense,he tried to cook rocks once...
so that is my stupid novel about these anthro animals,idk team dark is just the best and i wish sega would do more with them...
they also squat like a pair of russian fellas while drinking some coca cola or the sonic equivalent of coca cola 
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sapphicambitions · 4 years
hey! hey! why do you hate the television format??
Ah yes, thank you for reminding me
I would like to state for the record before we begin that this is my personal reasons for not enjoying the format of television and not “why television is bad'' because im sure there's many people whose reasoning for liking TV is the same as my reasons for disliking them. please dont get mad at me if you disagree lmao
I feel like the short answer could be: “I have a degree in theatre and i prefer books” 
But really i hate the fact that the story is subject to change via outside forces.
In a well written play or book, there is a beginning, middle and end. It is a complete story that has been well thought out and woven together. Every detail is important and makes sense dramaturgically. You have your characters and your plot and nothing about that changes. We’re taught in Theatre School (TM) that the playwright is the first artist, and everything goes back to the playwright’s words. The story cannot change because of outside forces and it will not change over time. Once a book has been published, it is done. And yeah in theatre, a play can be done by many people with multiple interpretations of the story but it always goes back to the playwright’s words as they are the first artist and it is about honoring those words. Yada yada. you get it.
TV is always subject to change. Actors leave because there was drama on set or because they have other projects to work on. Writers change and the tone of the show changes. Or they go to a different network and the show changes. You never know how long the show is actually going to go so it could be cancelled in the middle of an important plot they never got to wrap up or the show could extend past the original plot idea and the seasons get more and more ridiculous as they’re just trying to come up with shit to do so they can keep the show running.
Like supernatural, which went on for far too fucking long and just kept spitting out nonsense when they could have wrapped up in season five.
Like the Vampire Diaries, where the main fucking character Elena Gilbert left the show (which was ridiculous!!) or when her little brother Jeremy was just like written out of the show and then never talked about again like what the hell
Like Timeless, which got cancelled after two seasons and left so many loose ends (they had to like, beg for a movie to wrap everything up) 
Like the Magicians, which just, like, sigh. Y’all know. I don’t want to get into it. Y’all know. 
Hell, even Parks and Rec, with Ann and Chris leaving the show. If Parks and Rec had been a book Ann would have never left!!! Never!!! 
Characters get pregnant because the actors who play them get pregnant and suddenly THAT’s the plot line of the season. (Wynonna Earp, Brooklyn 99, The Office, How I Met Your Mother, Sex and The City, Bones, Friends, The Big Bang Theory, Once Upon A Time, Charmed, The Vampire Diaries, Parks and Rec, Grey’s Anatomy, The X-Files, Yes I Looked Up This List To Prove My Point)
If an actor breaks their foot then the writers have to change the plot. Everything about the story is subject to change due to outside forces and that might be a selling point for some people but i do not vibe with it!! 
And also, you’re watching the story unfold over the course of time and something could change halfway through the season and they abandon the really cool plot they were working on to suddenly set up a way for them to kill off the main character of the show. (okay apparently i do want to get into it with the magicians).
Like call me a snob but i like a concise arch! Something that the show is working towards, the story that they’re telling and the thesis of the show, and the end goal they’re working towards. I just honestly don’t like the “stories wrap up in one season and will we get another? Maybe? Okay yes we will so let’s come up with a new big bad for the characters to fight who’s got ideas” or like if you get seven seasons into a show and they’re like “And here’s my long lost sister that ive literally never mentioned before but we needed something exciting for the plot so here she is!” like i hate that shit. I know my old roommate loooooved when TV shows pulled twists like that so im not saying it’s bad writing im saying I personally hate this style of writing. 
I just keep throwing in these disclaimers so no one gets pissy at me lmao 
I think what caused me to realize and put a name to these feelings was watching the Schitt’s Creek Finale. I love Schitt’s Creek because it feels like one concise story. The characters all grow and develop and have an arch and at the natural conclusion of that arch, the story wrapped up. I loved that shit. It was a game changer for me. Any other show would have kept going and the tone of the show would have been totally different and frankly im glad they wrapped it up when they did and as they did. It was a perfect ending. 
I haven’t really watched the Good Place but I’m told similar things about it. 
Avatar the Last Airbender which we can all agree is the greatest show ever written had a clear plotline throughout the whole series and a goal they were working towards even if they did have side plots, it was all building up to one endgame. And it was stellar. 
I also recently rewatched parks and rec which is one of my favorite shows of all time and i do truly love it but like the whole point of the show originally was that they were gonna build a park and there were times in the show that they just totally forgot about that goal to work on other storylines until they were like ANN’S LEAVING WE GOTTA BREAK GROUND. That’s annoying! And once parks and rec started getting really popular and making more money they were able to be like “let’s send them to england! France! DC! Scotland! San Francisco! Let’s bring in Michelle Obama and Joe Biden and John McCain and Madeleine Albright! Which like all of that was really cool and some of the best parts of the series but also just another example of how the show changed over time as they got more name recognition and money. 
Also lmao i just had the thought that it doesn't really matter what community did because the point of that show was to be batshit and they succeeded spectacularly. What a good time. Just had to add that in there. 
So yeah that’s why i hate the television format because everything is subject to change from the plot to the tone to the writing to the characters and a lot of times there isn’t a clear narrative arch as they’re just coming up with nonsense to keep the show going and i just don’t vibe with that. 
So if i hate the television format why do i still watch it, you ask? You never shut about tv shows on your blog and yet here you are declaring that you hate them. What’s up with that. Well, the answer is simple. I have major FOMO. Also lmao quite honestly i just recently came to these conclusions and put words to these feelings during the quarantine so after 23 years of being pissy at tv shows all the time i honestly probably will watch less of it. I probably wont stop completely tho. Ive already said that im not gonna watch tv shows with queer characters until the show is over and its been confirmed for me that the show treats its queer characters and viewers with respect and dignity and i stand by that. (It’s the only reason why ive started to watch black sails.) im for sure never watching another cw show again. I have literally never finished a CW show because something has happened in it halfway through that pissed me off so much i never finished the series
So that’s my opinion does anyone also feel the same way? I feel like im crazy
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gustingirl · 4 years
nella recommends :)
i have been watching so many shows and movies that i felt like recommending them, especially since some of them are very underrated. i’ll continue adding as i watch new things, so here we go!
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you can find it all under the keep reading below!
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| Cells at Work | (9.5/10)
themes: educational about medicine
opinion: completely lovely and cute, kinda didn’t like the lack of names for the characters but it made sense anyways. It’s very educational about anatomy, medicine and biology, so if you dont like weird scientific names and explanations of medicine, you wont like it 
| Kakegurui | (10/10)
themes: betting and girls lol 
opinion: one of my favorites so far, all characters are so unique and even if they aren’t supposed to be good guys, you end up loving them. Plot can get kinda confusing at parts but wont last long. Also u must like at least games with bets like a casino cause it’s the base of the show. Know that it contains some weird scenes that sort of sexualizes the girls but are we surprised by now? 
| Beastars | (10/10)
themes: animals and else, look at your own risk 
opinion: this one blew my mind i swear, the animation is perfect. It felt like a movie, the dialogues were perfect, characters were relatable, i felt like sometimes it was a reference to the real world with discrimination and so, like a japanese sort of graphic zootopia lol but it’s a must 
| Gantz:O | (9.5/10)
themes: movie - cyberfuturistic 
opinion: you gotta love cybergs and blood and weird monsters to like this one. It’s a movie tho, and the end got me sort of confused. Lots of sexualizing female characters but nothing we haven’t seen before. All characters are endearing and makes u get attached fast 
| Devilman Crybaby | (8/10)
themes: graphic af and supernatural kinda 
opinion: ok i have mixed feelings about this one, i liked and cried the ending lol, plot is lowkey messy but i think it’s worth a shot. Know that it contains graphic scenes with s*x, drugs, violence and adult language. 
| A Silent Voice | (100/10)
themes: movie - drama for sure 
opinion: hands down one of the best movies, no cap. Carries a strong message, all the characters teach you something for life, you will cry a lot, let me alert you. I cried like six times but i fucking loved this movie with my whole heart, is one of my favorite ones 
| Japan Sinks | (9/10)
themes: drama - natural disasters
opinion: ok this one was good, maybe could be better tbh, many sad parts, also dialogues were weird to me like a bit senseless and there was a weird part of the story but overall it’s entertaining! 
| Altered Carbon: Resleeved | (9.5/10)
themes: movie - sci fi cyberpunk kinda +18
opinion: there are a bunch of graphic things like violence and all but overall i really loved this movie, the animation was on point, it felt like a video game tbh maybe there’s a bit of sexualization of women but she’s still badass and i really liked her 
| B: The Beginning | (7/10)
themes: half fantasy half crime
opinion: i’m not sure how i feel about this one, it was veeery entertaining, had funny things and interesting characters, only the plot felt a bit confusing at some parts but generally the anime was very good, good ending as well, and keith flick owns my heart and soul so yeah lol 
| The Promised Neverland | (1000/10)
themes: kinda horror, more like psychological suspense)
opinion: one of the best animes i’ve watched so far, i don’t even know where to start, just read this because it says it all 
| Shiki Oriori | (9/10)
themes: movie - wholesome drama ig
opinion: it’s has the whole ghibli vibe, it’s divided in three stories with similar meanings, it’s about love and life in general, don’t expect a big plot, it makes you feel things tho, i enjoyed it a lot 
| Ajin | (8/10)
themes: supernatural, action
opinion: ok i finally finished it and let me say many things. first, it was frustrating many times and kinda slow too, that’s why it took me a lot to finish it. but the plot is SO good, the characters are iconic (i’m in love with mr. tosaki) and the animation is so different to other kinds of anime. it’s hard to recommend tbh, it has its pros and cons and a lot of violence, but its good overall 
| Blame! | (8/10)
themes: movie - sci fi cyberpunk
opinion: i personally loved this movie because i enjoy these cyberpunk stories, though the plot was sort of confusing at first. the characters are not so deep and it’s truly enjoyable. overall it was good tho slow at first. 
| Ano Hana | (1000/10)
themes: PURE SADNESS, loads of mentions of death
opinion: destroyed my little heart. it was extraordinary, a bit dense at times but overall it really just kills you. it’s very well done and it’s impossible to finish it without crying at least once.
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| Hwarang | (10000/10)
themes: historical 
best ost: the divine move
opinion: wouldn’t recommend it as a first kdrama to watch since it is basically about ancient korea but if you like shinee and bts, i’m sure you will like to see minho and taehyung together, also the cast is perfect and the bromances of the show are everything 
| Strong Girl Bong Soon | (9.5/10)
themes: rom com mostly with superpowers
opinion: extremely adorable, bo young and hyung sik have such a good chemistry, i didn’t like much the funny parts but it’s bearable i guess 
| The K2 | (100000000/10 no lying)
themes: action with good villain
best ost: love you
opinion: this is my real must watch, this drama is beyond amazing, the acting is on point, the plot twists so much that i love it, action parts are kinda choreographed obvs but it’s tolerable, ji chang wook’s acting is on point btw 
| Suspicious Partner | (10/10)
themes: a bit of everything but mostly rom com
best ost: 101 reasons why i like you
opinion: gosh i love this cast so much, ji wook and bong hee’s relationship is everything, u can tell the actors also have amazing chemistry. Funny parts were well done and not annoying, and the plot twists are so good you can’t be mad, i only hated how long it was 
| The Bros | (9/10)
themes: movie - comedy mostly
opinion: it’s actually a mix of everything lmao i cried and laughed and was lowkey confused but it’s such a rollercoaster i really loved it also ma dong seok is the best actor korea has, no cap 
| Derailed | (8/10)
themes: movie - suspense and action
opinion: starring shinee’s minho, the plot is a bit confusing at first, but it is very entertaining, with adult language and maybe violent scenes but honestly it’s very good and underrated 
| Argon | (8.5/10)
themes: journalism - drama 
opinion: it’s from netlix, super short (8 eps) and is so damn good, maybe the end left me a bit underwhelmed but throughout the show it was all so damn good, i like for once that the romance wasn’t the principal issue, it’s all focused on the corruption inside the media and the press, i really recommend it 
| Psychokinesis | (9/10)
themes: movie - superheroe-ish comedy
opinion: it’s quite funny tbh, the whole superpowers thing was carried quite well (still a little bit too much sometimes) and the characters are loveable 
| Don’t Cry Mommy | (9/10)
themes: movie - drama
opinion: honest to god this was a very good movie, amazing acting and very touching story. It’s veeery sad tho, trigger warning though there are scenes about rape, i recommend searching up the plot before watching but overall the movie is very well done, i personally don’t agree with the end but i guess it’s just my way of seeing it all 
| The Sound of Magic | (1000/10)
themes: musical with magic, like a korean greatest showman but mixed up
best ost: a curse of asphalt
opinion: it’s delightful to watch, the cinematography is extraordinary and i can’t even begin telling you about the music. musicals can be done terribly wrong but this is not the case, no. it was done in such a elegant and beautiful way that it’s not even dull. ji chang wook steals the spotlight in my opinion, he knows how to make you feel things and his voice oh god. i’m his biggest fan btw
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Other shows
| Grand Hotel | (7/10)
country: spain
themes: historical
opinion: not my favorite one, since i’m not a fan of shows or movies located on 1905 but the characters are memorable, the place of women is well shown (for the time right?), tho some things are lowkey questionable as well 
| Love, Death and Robots | (9.5/10)
country: usa
themes: pretty self explanatory, also +18) 
opinion: it has so much violence and s*x scenes tbh but the animations being different in each episode it’s so cool and it only lasts 10 minutes each episode, tho i warn you about this one is super weird
| Scream MTV | (8/10)
country: usa
themes: thriller/suspense i guess
opinion: i’m so sad it only lasts 2 seasons, the show is amazing and the suspense is carried on very well 
| Unorthodox | (10/10)
countries: germany/usa
themes: judaism, based on real events
opinion: if you’re jewish, is a must watch and if you’re not jewish, and even bigger must watch. It teaches so much about the role of women in the orthodox jewish communities, and it’s based on real events 
| Girl From Nowhere | (8/10)
country: thailand
themes: suspense/supernatural kinda
opinion: this show is short but so good, each story teaches that actions have consequences and that karma arrives at some moment, it may be hard to endure some parts but it’s totally worth it. 
| Avenida Brazil | (8/10)
country: brazil
themes: drama)
opinion: it’s from 2012 i believe but the story is super entertaining, many plot twists, very good cast and i may say very good soundtrack too lol 
| Everything Sucks! | (10000/10)
country: usa
themes: teen sitcom
opinion: just one word: A-FUCKING-MAZING!. This show was the best seriously, i couldn’t care less about the end, the whole show had it all: lgbtq+ representation (and very well done), biracial couples, healthy relationships between parents and children, beautiful friendships, character development very well done as well, it takes place on the fucking 90s which makes it even better. Please watch this one, you’re gonna love it 
| Las Chicas del Cable | (8/10)
country: spain
themes: historical but not so much, and feminism
opinion: ok this show had my heart, i lived for these girls and all, but the end really fucked me up, i didn’t like it one bit (my opinion tho), but i still recommend it, also Óscar and Marga own me 
| Guava Island | (9/10)
country: usa 
themes: short film, there’s music and it’s pretty
opinion: it’s a very short film starring rihanna and childish gambino, it’s so fucking good i recommend it especially for the music and the good messages it has 
| Re:Mind | (9.5/10)
country: japan
themes: suspense
opinion: this one i must say at first it’s boring and a bit disappointing but it gets soooo goood, i got so immersed in the story, the acting may not be the bestest but it’s bearable, idk i ended up loving it, also i love kyoko with my whole life 
| Awake | (1000/10)
country: usa
themes: movie, suspense
opinion: ok i have to recommend this movie because it was SO good, for starters we have hayden christensen looking hot af and being the amazing actor he is, the plot twists are so well done and the whole idea is so obscure but so good, i highly recommend it 
| Lupin | (9.5/10)
country: france
themes: crime/action
opinion: this one was very good, incredibly short (five episodes, 50 mins each), definitely entertaining, it moves smoothly but quite fast, nothing is too hard to understand. The characters are so well done, if you like those films or shows where everything is planned and goes on perfectly even when it doesn’t seem like, this is your show 
| Good Girls | (100/10)
country: usa
themes: crime/comedy
opinion: it’s been so long since the last time i got so goddamn immersed with a show, i literally couldn’t stop watching it. The comedy is carried surprisingly good taking into account that it isn’t a full comedy show, the topics are well touched and acting on point. Watch it for the plot (the plot’s name is Rio btw) 
| All My Friends Are Dead |  (9.999/10)
country: poland 
themes: movie, suspense
opinion: alright i swear this one starts off weird but it’s actually really good, the plot twists are completely well done, characters are well defined, there’s a bit of everything too. gets sexual and quite violent as well, so keep that in mind. overall, it truly surprises you tbh, also the lack of content on tumblr saddens me since i fell for Filip
| Los Simuladores | (infinite/10)
country: argentina
themes: action
opinion: i dont have much to say except this is the greatest show on television that ever existed, if you’re argentinian you will love it even more, i am literally speechless 
| El Señor de los Cielos | (8/10)
country: mexico
themes: action, drugs
opinion: i will start saying i didn’t exactly watch it entirely but i caught a lot of it from my mom watching it, especially the last seasons, overall the show is good tho a lot of plots are useless and some characters are very bland, but it’s enjoyable, ismael and el chema are mine btw dont touch them
| El Reino | (10/10)
country: argentina
themes: religion and crimes
opinion: It’s kinda hard to explain the plot without spoiling much, the plot is basically about evangelism and politics, with crimes and others. I truly loved this show, I couldn’t stop watching it. It’s short and the acting is immaculate 
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Also if you want, drop me recommendations as well! I’m here to watch new things!!
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the-space-case · 5 years
I've been wanting to do comics but I'm kinda scared, my story telling is not the best- Any advice?
If your storytelling isn’t the best, all I can really say is examine story forms and see what you like about the stories you go back to and what you hate about stories you avoid. (For example I like stories where the main character has a very real threat of death/permanent consequences and I really hate stories where dogs die lol) Look up things like the hero’s journey and story patterns like if a story starts negative and just goes up (like a fairytale) or wanders around a bit before hitting the climax and chilling out (standard). 
Start small; with comics do single-panel jokes to 4-koma to ten pages and on and on. you REALLY gotta nail ‘letting shit end’ before you start a long ass story (which will be longer than it needs to be bc you didnt plan that shit First.) It doesn’t have to be concrete but at least have a general idea of how shit goes down and important events/themes/character growth.
Also some general rules of thumb;
-you should probably have at least one establishing shot in each page. 
-have characters of varying sizes; dont let each panel have the same sized character. 
-don’t shy away from drawing the full character, too. all shots from just waist-up can get boring, but if its a shorter comic most people wont notice.
-have characters interact with the environment. Lounging on couches, knocking shit over, pulling stuff from the fridge.
-’when you know the rules feel free to break them’ AKA get tired and do what you want.
-if it makes sense its probably fine. also most people dont know jack shit about anatomy so if it looks fine it probably is. 
-if emotions are extreme; BREAK THEIR FACES.*
*This is a personal preference of mine. 
Have fun and make what you like!
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omoghouls · 5 years
💛🚽💧🌊👖❤️💦🌸💎🔉🛌😃🗻 Tin pleaseeeeee
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A aa oh my goodness absolutely nonny aaaaaa ;0;♡♡♡♡
💛 Are they bladdershy? do they have an overactive bladder or anything like that?
It's a mix! Tin's a hybrid ghoul so that already puts them at a disadvantage when it comes to health (just generally weaker in a lot of sense) so in their new vessel they have found that their bladder is overactive and they have a bit of a difficult time with it since they're still learning about allll these human-y things they have to do! Put an overactive bladder on top of that? Makes for many wet moments ;0;
🚽 Are they shy about their need? or open about it?
Surprisingly really shy! They tend to want to put others needs before theirs so they'll let others go ahead of them even if they were .5 seconds away from wetting themselves (They just hate that they're a bit weaker and wants to hold it as long as everyone else!)
💧 How big is their bladder?
Pretty average sized, not too big but not too small ;u; Though you'd think they had the bladder the size of a pee for control but the bladder of an ocean with how much they go when they eventually go
🌊 How do they react when they wet?
T e a r y mess, they get incredibly humiliated and just try to hide their redding face, 100% they will start to cry and hiccup an apology for causing such a mess-
If around oh let's say a more well known ghoul or maybe *gasp* a cardinal or Papa- they'd try to keep the tears at bay, act all clam, but, it's so obvious in their wavering voice and sniffling that they're about to cry ;0;
👖 Do they wear diapers?
In some situation :^0 they're supposed to wear pullups just in case but they're a stubborn dweeb and always wants to prove they dont need that protection! But they do- but at night they dont have a say in the matter, unless they want to clean their sheets every night :^0
❤️ Would they want comfort?
Pls comfort them- they need someone to just tell them it's okay and that it's an easy clean up (probably maybe helping them and giving them a forehead smooch 'o' ) they just become a soft and weepy ghoul
💦 How comfortable would they be peeing in weird objects? (bottles, pots, etc..)
By themselves? They'd pee in a bottle or anything if need be- but if they're around someone they would try sooo hard not to because theyd get too shy and fear it would over flow and just have a mess
🌸 Are they comfortable peeing outside?
Hella- they're thankful they still have some of their ghoulish anatomy (aka a dingle) so it's easy for them to just go outside if need be♡
💎 How do they react when desperate?
They start to get quiet the futher along their desperation gets, they dont want others to know they need to go. So they kinda start to panic a bit :^0
🔊 What are some Signs that they need to go?
Low whines and sounds as they start to uncontrollably shift and move around, denying they need to go is a big one because they wont look at the person asking (which means they are lyingggg)
🛌 Do they ever wet the bed?
Honestly- nearly evey night ;^; they just have a really hard time keeping their bed dry while they sleep- sometimes its nightmares but also just being of how weak their bladder can be, poor bab😭
😃 How willing are they to accept help when desperate?
Not initially- they'll say their fine! But 10 minutes later you've got a ghoul grasping and pulling at your sleeve, crossing their legs and gasping out that they can't hold it and need help right n o w
🗻 Favorite omo scenario with them?
👀👀 I like having them working in the library, trying to get their work done but they realllllly need to go, but they need to finish! So they're on the ladder as they put books away and either they finish and try to scurry to a washroom but is stopped by someone and has to talk to them for a long time and they wet themselves
Or or-
They fall from their ladder and land on their back, the shock of falling just causes their bladder to let go and they just start wetting then in the library ;0;
Aaaaa thank you so much nonny omg 😭💖❤❤💖❤💖❤❤🧡
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extradan · 6 years
Hey I like your art a ton and I was wondering just how long you have been drawing and working to improve as an artist.
Oh my gosh haha thank you so much for liking my art!
I have been drawing for the longest time, I think ever since kindergarten, well at least the artistic dedication! 
I used to draw my when i was in middle school, starting from fourth grade i have been drawing more and more frequently until fifth grade in which I was drawing on a daily base, back then I would also be sitting and making animations on flash, which unfortunately I dont have backups of
but from middle school, up to high school 2012, my art never improved, it was just all the same all the time, I was back then on ritalin and I decided to start my first pony blog, while updating my blog, I couldnt consider yet Tumblr being part of the effective social websites that I go on as nobody was following me and I had no one to intreact with back, tumblr would be the thing i would check once every few days, it was nothing to me but a mere another google plus, until i was sponsored by catfood-mcfly back when he was running the Herpy Derpy blog, and thats where I got recognized and I was determined to continue my activity on tumblr as an ask blog, and I have gotten to become more interactive with people, being inspired by the many of the art I have been seeing from following other people, I would adopt and experiment with what I saw mostly shines through their art, and 2012 was the year I have made the biggest change in my art throughout the months, whitin 6-8 months I have improved by a ton!  tumblr was a very resourceful to the evolution of my art! and I also made so many friends and I have as well learned to become a better person! I am a better person of who I used to be in the past, and i am still improving! there are still a lot of things I need to work about myself as a person!
Also stepping out of drawing in flash and starting doing my stuff in sai was revolutionary to my art, flash back then wasnt recognized fully as an animators program by macromedia and neither by adobe, as they saw it an all purpose program for making goptimized ames and ads, only until all browsers and webpages grew out of flash and flash officially was blocked by all browsers since you could have implanted malicious codes into flash files, only then flash recognized as an art and animation tool for creators.
So moving to sai allowed me to build sketches and bodies easily and paint and yadda yadda and it was all great and helped boosting my art upwards
Flash limited my improvement as I wasnt drawing sketches on flash since you couldnt just lower the opacity of the layer you drew the sketch on, you would have to go through several actions to achieve that, but you would be lowering the opacity of your selected drawing and not the layer, I couldnt also paint on flash and flash ever since the stone age had those horrible vector tools that SUCKED DICK unless you do stretching and smoothing and fixing, in my opinion at least, they did improve the vector system a bit BUT IT STILL SUCKS, i prefer bitmap brushes more, which why I prefer Toon Boom harmony as a program for animators.
If you have been back in the days, you could have watched me go through a several phases! like drawing like atryl, raikissu’s shading and coloring styles, florecentmoo’s shading techniques and eye pupil style, and I uhh.. dont remember the rest, but theres have been a lot of artists out there whom I adopted artistic traits like:
theflyingtacoz, kittentoots(drunk fluttershy), w300, Santi, belaboy, dr idiot, inzergue (big impact on my current style), David (the guy who now works on mighty magiswords along with kyle), fungasm, colorlesscupcake (known as caek now), ahappypichu (a pretty powerful current impact on how i paint my art today), uhh, also “pinkie in private” which, to this day, drawing the way the draw the cheek for their characters, and some other artists I that I couldnt come up in my mind but I did adapt a trait or two from.
My current big inspirations are artists who work on OK KO and as fake as it might sound, my own fiance! yes!! they have been an inspiration for me for quite a while even back at 2012, but to how I viewed it, I never really dared to adopt anything from them because I was so out of their league, and my art was still shaping and i already had ideas that I wouldnt think would work if i mixed some of their’s, but now that my art have been developed and has a solid state of how it looks, they inspire me so much!!
Drawing ponies was probably the best practice I have ever had that thanks to that I have pushed so far in the art that I do, ponies are so simplified!! and easy to draw! it allowed me to produce more and that means that it allowed me to experience differently with each time! 
It helped me improve with a lot of stuff like gesture, facial and painting and other other minor stuff! drawing ponies was such a booster seat for me!
But unfortunately, from drawing ponies alot you wont learn how to draw humans, which understanding muscle, action line, figure and bones is so crucial for drawing, anything really! understanding how the body works is extremely fundamental and its there for you to know how to manipulate the drawings your making, of any specie, its not there to just teach you how to draw the anatomy of the human body, that will only serve as a plus.
I have learned a lot from ponies but how bodies work and draw clothes lmafo, to this day I cant draw clothes for days
in 2014 I ordered a really good book and I have polished my anatomy and human drawing skills, I yet dont know some stuff because i stopped practicing because of varios reason like relationship, access and physical health.
In the begging of the year I acquired a cintiq and it been nothing but dreadful to me, but im using it because i spent.. so much money on it.. and i have been so concerned about bringing it to my home country as well.. but it has the adventage of a screen so... 
its just, I dont have a low enough desktop or high enough chair to draw on it, its always above my shoulder no matter the angle and it puts so much weight on my shoulders, the thing is heavy too so its not something you could lean on your legs while you draw, neither it is portable, it made work much more harder and difficult and I wasnt drawing as frequesnt because my time wasnt so so enjoyable, my 2015 as well become a dreadful year to me and I was feeling guilty and shitty everyday, and it was my fault because it was all my doing and i let myself feel that way, and I had barely the stamina to work on my art ever over the year, I also lost my passion and motivation to draw and basically it dragged also to 2016, I drew a few commissions but I didnt produce much art neither, then I flew over the united states and I didnt have acess to drawing for 4 months as i was away from my equipment, my fiance had the equipment, but that means that I would have to use their computer for all the dedicated hours I use to work on my art and they would have nothing but a mere phone to entertain themselves, also our time togehter was really precious and every minute counted, so we rathered having fun other than doing work work work
2017 came and I still had the sense of drawing lost in me, I would draw whenever i would have a piece of paper available to me since I find fun in that, since im comfortable and cozy and i dont have to concentrate the entirety of my body weight on my hand and arm as i draw, but I would never draw on the cintiq unless its a miracle or if had a crazy comic idea in mind that i had and MUST HAD executed, i almost didnt draw anything in 2017, and neither in this year but the ok ko drawing i have recently created, but I found a new comfortable focus and its doing 3d, I am using my mouse to do everything and i dont have to feel my horrible chair scraping againt my butt like sandpaper, and I dont to feel like my shoulders are about to give up, I did try Tam’s 13hd and it was so much more comfortable and nice to draw on as i could put it on the bed or on my legs, but I cant afford another expensive piece of equipment, especially not in this generation of technology, wacom fucking sucks but no other brand is willing to be their competitive because tablet is not the purchase the average person would make.
Another reason why I have been so held on drawing and using the cintiq, which was probably the most major thing was it’s total, hot flaming shitty garbage diarrhea poopy stank abysmal horrible disgusting nasty dumbass smelly drivers which made every chance i had to draw a miss because i would battle myself from 30 minutes to over a hour fixing my tablet to draw a single thing, and its been like that every time i would turn my cintiq on! the situation was severe and everytime i would find a solution, it would be later suppressed, it was so harsh that i had a few months in which nothing I would do would make the drivers function, i was basically tabletless, so many, and a lot of opportunities for me to create a piece of drawing was flushed in the toilet with the rest, and so it was a deeper burden on my passion, determination and motivation to draw.
But yeah, now im doing 3d and it feels like a fresh hobby to me since I felt that im not going anywhere in and with my art (even though I yet have to learn how to draw bodies better, let alone drawing limbs, feet and CLOTHES!!)
and now the future has yet to be revealed!
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demiboypercyjackson · 8 years
dysphoria is kicking my butt rn :') so I give you the idea of trans Will on his period and Nico freaking out bc he's "not the doctor here" and he "has no idea what to do oh god will how do I make you feel better"
yes!!! this is what helps me when im menstruating too so im well-versed 😂 thank you for sending the ask!
the first time that will gets his period while he’s dating nico, it’s an absolute wreck. will is uncomfortable and seems downtrodden and sad and fiddles around with his hands around nico like he’s torn between asking a dire question and hiding beneath six feet of earth. nico doesnt understand it - they’ve been working on being up front with each other, haven’t they? so why is will so obviously hiding something?
nico confronts him in the infirmary later that night, if it can be called a confrontation at all. he tries to be soft, because he knows that though will appears confident and oftentimes very much is, he can sometimes be quick to spook when it comes to more serious and private matters. its another thing they share in common. so nico is watching his boyfriend shuffle through pills in the infirmary and organize medicines. will looks at the labels with an odd determination and restlessness in his eyes, like he’s attempting telepathy on the tiny capsules behind the prescription info.
“will,” nico sighs, pulling the son of apollo’s nervous hands out of the pill cupboard. “please, tell me what’s wrong. why have you been acting so strangely?”
will swallows hard, trying to make his face look empty. he had always been a terrible liar, however, and instead looks like he has a bit of gas. nico figured it was just one of the downsides to being the son of the god of truth - when you lied, you got the ‘i farted’ face. a tough break for sure.
“i, uh,” will coughs, a short clearing of the throat. “i just. well.”
and nico blinks. “…well?”
an odd silence fills the room, and nico shivers at the tense feeling that pervades the air. will turns his head to the side quickly, trying to avoid nico’s eyes, though he doesn’t seem to fully want to. he itches to be earnest, honest, and nico knows it. “i… i have, uh,” he swallows hard again. he meets nico’s eyes hard behind a curtain of blond hair. “i have cramps.”
“cramps?” and now nico is alarmed. will is rarely ever sick, and when he is, it is normally severe. children of apollo cannot heal children of apollo through their powers either. “where? are they serious?”
will gets that look on his face like he’s lying again. “no,” he says unconvincingly. “i mean, they’re normal.” but he is so obviously speaking truth.
“what are you hiding?” he wont lie and say he isnt hurt. but he understands. “im honest with you about my health now. please, will.”
and will groans, melting back into that loose-boned, lazy beanpole. “i’m… on the rag, neeks.”
nico blinks. “on the rag?”
“yeah, you know…. aunt red is down for a visit.”
never in his life has nico di angelo been more confused. “…artemis?”
“no, neeks, i mean…. my monthly gift from mother nature.”
“…so, demeter then?” still, only confusing comes from this.
will puts his head in his hands and groans the hopeless wail of a dying man. “im bleeding, nico! im menstruating!“ he drops his hands dramatically, looking at the ceiling in desperation, as if he was hoping to find some kind of peace hidden there. “or in my case, MANstruating.” he’s obviously frustrated and bitter, but in classic will solace fashion, he takes the time to huff out a laugh at his little joke.
nico, however, does not laugh. despite his skin taking back the healthy olive tone of his youth (well, youth-er?), he’s certain he’s blushing scarlet. “oh. that.” nico is very new to many things, one of which is how it works for someone to be trans. trans people existed in the 1930s, of course, even in italy, and have for centuries he’s learning, but up til meeting and falling for will, nico had never known. and now, with all this new information, he was playing a bit of catch up, hense why his mind hadn’t connected that will’s anatomy meant he would receive… ‘nature’s gift’. he felt a bit foolish.
sniffing once awkwardly, will scratches the back of his head. “yeah… i was, uh. looking for midol. not that it ever really helps me, but….”
nico blinks again.
“right, you wouldnt know it by brand name. its just… period medicine. helps with cramps.”
nico nods numbly. “of course, um. of- of course.”
will laughs again, with far less humor. “its strange. its horrible.”
nico somehow freezes and melts at the same time. his shoulders fall and he stares at will’s face intensely. “no.” he says with conviction.
“no, i just. i dont know. i was never really taught any of this.” nico shrugs, eyes searching the infirmary before finding will’s face again, then his stark white shoes. “i dont know how to help”
its quiet again, and that worries nico.
nico clears his throat to make noise, then says awkwardly, “will, listen. i like you a lot.” will looks up at him, meeting his eyes, and will smiles when meets nico’s eyes. he must sense him telling the truth. “you’re… you’re my…” he struggles for a word to say. he’s uncomfortable with terms like boyfriend and partner and he knows it’s because of how he grew up but he can’t help it.
“im your….” will prompts him kindly, eyes fond and patient. it makes nico sigh.
“you’re a really great guy. and i’m glad that we’re.. dating.” he takes will’s hands in his own, rubbing his thumbs over his knuckles. “if i can do anything to help you, i’ll do it.”
will giggles happily, squeezing at nico’s hands. he looks into nico’s eyes and nico realizes that the look on his face right now is so similar to the delighted grin he gets when mr spock does something silly in an episode of star trek. nico is proud to have put that smile on his boyfriend’s face, even if he can’t call him that out loud.
will shakes him out of his reverie by speaking. “even if it’s kind of gross and weird?”
nico grins back. “especially then.” he punctuates this point by leaning up on his toes to press a smooch to will’s smiling lips, then another when will relaxes into the kiss. he presses their noses together briefly before going flat footed again. he laces their fingers together like the roots of different trees tangling together over time. their relationship is new, but something about the feelings between them seems old and meaningful. nico hopes it will stay that way for a long time.
☆ im bad at endings akfjs but i hope you like!! sorry this took so long - mod will
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saintkimora · 7 years
ok, here is a full account of what happened yesterday and the new events from today. caleb if you are seeing this please respect my privacy and stop reading now 
ok so it started the other day. caleb texted me at night saying he wanted to talk to me about something serious the next day. i asked what it was about and he said he just wanted to be friends but i didnt read too much into it bc he is impulsive so i figured he would come to his senses the next day
so then yesterday happened. i had just gotten out of sociology at like 10:40am and i saw that he had texted me all these things about breaking up. then when i got to my car he called me on the phone. he then proceeded to break up with me over the phone. his reasoning was that since hes prob moving in a few weeks, he wanted to stop being boyfriends now that way when he does leave itll hurt less than it would, so like easing himself out of the relationship basically. i think its a stupid idea 
so these are the issues i had. the first was that he broke up with me over the phone, not even in person. and like i was crying over the phone and his tone was just like very cold and detached and business like and that really hurt me bc he obv knew i was crying but i didnt feel any sympathy from him whatsoever. like if he was crying i would obv be comforting him and trying to make him feel better not talking like a robot. another thing that hurt was that he gave up on the long distance relationship before we could even try it. it made me feel like i was so worthless and unimportant that he didnt even feel like putting forth the effort to make our relationship work. and the fact that he did this all over a 10 minute phone call on his way to the gym. and then like 20 min after he had the NERVE to post a video on his snap story of him at the gym saying “feeling so good *blushing smile emoji*” like that really hurt my feelings and when i told him that later he was like “oh stop making everything about you it was just how i was feeling after working out” but like? i know he obv wasnt saying that he felt so good about breaking up. but what bothered me was that like after he broke up w me, i was a mess i was literally crying all day and i couldnt do anything but cry i was so upset. and then here he is just going on with his day like its another normal tuesday. like the fact that he was capable of being so happy not even a few hours after breaking my heart made me feel like i was nothing, like it was just an errand like “oh im gonna break up with perry then go to the gym lol” and the fact that he did it over the phone just made me feel so insignificant like i was nothing to him and that really hurt. and like ive tried to be the best boyfriend i can be for him and i try to do everything he asks of me so for him to just break up with me in such a dismissive way makes it feel like he doesnt even care
so i was crying in my car, like really bad like i was BAWLING. so i went to the student counseling center and asked for a crisis meeting and i got set up w this counselor named josh. he was nice and tried to help me calm down and focus on orgo. it was nice to have someone to talk to i guess
so then i went home. he called me again to like try to explain himself but only made me feel worse. he was like “you know when i move im not gonna be able to see you everyday and cuddle with you and fall asleep on your chest anymore” and that just made me sadder and i was crying again on the phone. then later we were texting and he was like denying breaking up with me. like, you said you wanted to just be friends and you explicitly said that you didnt want to be boyfriends anymore so how is that not breaking up??? and he said “i was trying to have a conversation with you but all you did was cry.” with the period to show how serious he was. and it really hurt me when he said that bc it felt like he was mad at me and using me crying against me, like i somehow did something wrong by crying. again if he was the one crying i would not be holding it against him like that so i really wish he didnt say that bc it made me feel bad for being emotional which should not be something to feel bad about. and at the end of the call he didnt say i love you like he always does so that hurt my feelings as well
and like i took away the hearts from his contact name and changed my phone backgrounds since they were pictures of him and that just made me really sad
i skipped psych and anatomy lecture but i couldnt skip my anatomy practical. i cried when i was backing up my car to leave bc i saw the “hi <3″ that he wrote in the dirt on my back windshield a while ago and it just set me off. so i got to school and i was planning on having this be the dropped grade so i wasnt like worried but i got a 90 anyways so that was nice. the prof was like “perry whats wrong you look depressed” and i was like im just a little sad today and he was like why and i was like “bc my significant other broke up w me” (i used s/o bc idk how my prof is about those things so i didnt wanna say bf). he told me this story about how in his senior year of college he had such bad mono it was misdiagnosed as hodgkins disease so he was given 18 months to live and his gf of 4 years left him after finding out. so he told me “perry, girls are like a bus. if you miss one, another one will come along in 15 minutes. if i had daughters i would tell them the same thing about guys” so that was nice that he tried to cheer me up. then when i was leaving from the other room (bc we leave our stuff in the other room during the practical) the TA came to me from the main room and wished me luck on my finals so that was nice of him 
so then i went home. then at 10pm i met w caleb in person in his car. we talked and at first he would not let me get a word in and he just kept defending himself and what also upset me was that he thought the reason i was so upset was that he was moving and he was so defensive like “i wish i could stay here but i have no choice i cant afford to live here its too expensive” and like that is not what upset me!!! i already knew he was moving ive had time to accept it what upset me was how he broke up w me for no reason w almost no warning and did it in such a cold way. and like the way i see it is since hes leaving instead of easing ourselves out of the relationship to stop us from getting hurt when he actually leaves (which wont happen bc itll hurt regardless), i figured we should make the most of our time together and enjoy each other as much as possible since we’ll have plenty of time to get over each other AFTER he moves. so when i told him my point of view he was like “i wish i thought of it like that, im really bad at this” so that was how i resolved the issue. he was hesitant about keeping the bf label but i told im i really wanted to and i didnt see a point in taking away the label now anyways. i also told him i at least wanted to try long distance instead of giving up before it even happens. i dont remember what he said to it though lol i was too emotional. but yeah the beginning of the convo just felt like he was berating me and i started to cry again bc i dont like it when hes rude to me like that
then he told me that im so sensitive i could see a squirrel in the road and cry and i had to explain to him that i am not a sensitive and emotional person! im normally v reserved w my emotions like ive only cried maybe 3 times the past 8 years and that im just emotional when it comes to him bc i care about him so much
another thing that bothered me was that he said every relationship teaches a lesson, and from ours he learned not to rush into things. i dont get that bc yes we did rush but that wasnt really a bad thing? like he wouldve moved regardless so taking things slow wouldnt have changed that. and like since we rushed into things it will hurt more when he leaves since we are closer than we would be if we took it slow but also like, if we didnt rush we wouldnt have gotten so close and had so much fun together in the first place. so imo the benefits of getting so close so fast vastly outweighed the pain of him leaving
so everything would be great except for this next part. he told me the easing out of the relationship thing was bc he got the advice to do that from his mom and leeann. so when i got home i made a post calling leeann toxic and his mom stupid for interfering in our relationship. and like yall can tell that obv i was kidding and just exaggerating for humorous effect like i dont really think his mom is stupid or that leeann was toxic, just that their advice in the situation was bad. but caleb texted me this morning being so rude calling me disgustingly disrespectful for saying that and he said that “next time you think about doing this remember how it felt when i dumped you (so he admitted that he did dump me) - and get those tissues ready” (since ive been using a lot of tissues since i was crying so much). that really really hurt my feelings bc 1. he is once again using me crying against me and 2. it shows a total lack of sympathy for me crying, like it felt like hell yesterday i was so upset and he knows that so for him to threaten to put me through that again just shows he doesnt really care about me or my feelings. 
he also said i need to stop using him and leeann and his mom as “characters in your online stories” like...these arent online stories? this blog is where i vent and talk about my feelings since i dont have anyone to do that with irl and i need to get them out somewhere im not writing these posts to be mean it just feels good to put my thoughts into words instead of bottling them up and even my therapist thinks its a good thing for me to do  
so he said that but i was NOT having it. i typed up a long text in response and even i admit it was kinda mean. like in his he said “dont even talk to me for the rest of the day” so at the end of my text i said “dont talk to me ever i am perfectly fine w never talking to you again the rest of my life so bye have fun in new hampshire or whatever” and he was like “perry stop you dont mean that last part” and then he called me and once again got defensive he said he was just trying to have a convo w me and i was being aggressive for no reason. like, no??? a convo would have been texting me like “perry i know its your personal blog where you post your feelings but this post upset me and this is why” not coming at me with 4 super rude texts out of nowhere. so he was trying to play the victim and paint me as irrational and that im overreacting just like he did yesterday and i didnt like it! he was just dismissing my feelings again. so i went OFF in this phone call like wow i really snapped and it felt good tbh
like i think he was just expecting me to sit there and take it and apologize like i usually do when he gets like this but i am done doing that! so i think he was caught off guard that i stood up for myself. i was like caleb i really dont care i have the most important orgo test of the semester today you already took yesterday from me but today i am not entertaining it if you have an issue call me after my test” and i ended the convo and hung up and then he texted me “good luck on your test” like ok hi king of passive aggressiveness 
so thats it. i felt good at first but later on i felt bad so i texted him apologizing for snapping at him but i said i wont discuss the tumblr issue until we are in person. i asked if he was free tonight and he said no he wants a day or two to be separate and normally i would understand but like...hes moving in a few weeks i really dont want to waste time fighting and being in this weird place
not to be out of order but another thing that got on my nerves was when we made up last night. he said “once i move youll have more free time for things like school, work, maybe going to the gym” like once again here he is commenting on my appearance! like yes i know im scrawny and i wish i wasnt but im sick of him taking jabs at my looks like my body, acne, and eyebrows when i literally have NOTHING but nice things to say about how he looks. it makes me feel bad when he points out my flaws like that and a good boyfriend is not supposed to make me feel like that
now for the most recent development. leeann sent me this LONG fb message bc caleb told her what i posted about her. like why does he have to expose me like that! i didnt read the message i was like “yeah im not reading this but just so you know i was kidding i wasnt serious i was exaggerating lol” and she was like ok lol 
i just dont know why she thinks i care about her input on MY relationship? like youre calebs friend not mine to be frank i dont give a fuck what you think about whats best for my relationship like you dont know me so mind your business
and thats another thing. in the past caleb has gotten pissed at me for sharing our business too much (by telling my friends (who he will literally never meet since they all went away for school) and by posting on here) yet here he goes telling leeann everything! seems hypocritical to me
and heres a second thing. i have always told caleb that my blog is my personal space where i can safely vent and talk about my feelings and that he should respect my privacy by not reading my personal posts. and ive told him that if he does wanna read them then hes doing so at his own risk bc im not going to filter myself bc this is MY space not his so if he really wants to overstep his boundaries and look at my posts then he cant get mad at me for them bc HE is the one choosing to read them even after my warning! so i dont think he should be getting mad at me especially when i was in such an extreme state of mind yesterday since he put me through the worst day of my life for no reason which literally couldve been 100% avoided if he had just waited to talk to me in person instead of breaking up w me over the phone. and like now i feel like this isnt even a space place for me to express myself anymore since theres a chance of him seeing. and i tried blocking him before but he made a new blog and wont tell me the url so i cant block him smh
so yeah thats everything that happened. im kinda stressed rn w this whole leeann drama even though he shouldnt have been reading my posts in the first place. like its just so much drama and i dont like how it feels and idk why this relationship turned sour so fast and i wish he would just be nice and sweet to me again. so hopefully things get better 
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phantomlim · 8 years
Answer all 50 of them for J'Toc Pls :)
I actually didn’t read any of the asks and jumped the gun so I’m an idiot BUT if there are any questions that can be answered about J’toc I’ll do that!!!! (I’m so sorry I’m really dumb). I’ll make sure to introduce new characters I talk about!!!! I’ll keep it easy and talk about a few of them. 
Thank you so much for asking though!!!! It means a lot. 
1. Your first OC ever?
Don’t laugh, my first OC ever was a Sonic the Hedgehog fancharacter because I was like 12 and really into Sonic. Her name was Ree and she was purple, and I’ll find a picture of her.
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?
Oh..... Honestly it changes a lot. It flips through my courier Dustin, my SoSu Birch, J’Toc, or my personal OC Cherry, he’s a sweet boy.
3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else?
I think I have? It was a long time ago so I can’t remember.
4. A character you rarely talk about?
I haven’t talked about my boy Cherry a lot, but he’s one of my favourites. I’ll talk about him more.
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be.
Aghhh it’s my dream to have at least one of my OCs be someones favourite, I would be so happy. Um, either Cherry, J’Toc, or Birch.
6. Two OC’s of yous that look alike despite not being related?
I’m about to go far back, but I’m making a new OC (I have too many and I can’t stop making them) named Dogwood and he looks a lot like one of my older OC’s from when I was 15 named Jagg. 
7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories?
Birch is my SoSu for Fallout 4, Dustin is my Courier, and J’Toc is my Dragonborn, but otherwise no. I considered making a story for Cherry, but it never sounded good so I kinda gave up
8. Do you RP as any of your OCs?
Not really, but I honestly wouldn’t mind doing it.
9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?
NO. Unless it was an older one, I never would.
10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design?
I initially made Cherry to be some sort of “plant demon” or whatever, but honestly I confused myself with it so I dropped the design. I just liked how he looked. I’ll probably draw it again soon.
11. Is there any OC oof yours you could describe as a sunshine?
Dustin and Cherry! Cherry is the character that reflects my personality, because he’s outgoing, optimistic, and adventurous, and those are things I struggle with doing, but they’re things I want to do. Dustin is just a happy boy.
12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot.
Oh man, so many people I follow have great OC’s. I really love @goodsprings Courier, Eli, he’s such a handsome dude. Also, @courierhell‘s Andres is really cute, I like him a lot as well. (I’m on desktop, and I dont have the short cuts for the accent sorry!)
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
J’Toc is THE troublemaker. He doesn’t care to follow the rules, and generally follows his own rules, so he usually gets into some sort of trouble. 
14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory.
I don’t think I have an OC with a tragic backstory now that I think of it...... some of my older ones do.
15. Do you like to talk about your OC’s with other people?
YES!!!!!!!! I absolutely love talking about my OC’s with people! If anyone wants to talk about them please talk about them with me, it’s the only true way of letting me open up to you.
16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology?
Probably Cherry, considering he’s the biggest loser for plants and flowers. The others wouldn’t care too much.
17. Any OC OTPs?
No, not really. I romanced Danse in Fallout 4, so Birch is with him, and Dustin flirts a lot w/ Arcade and he has a thing for him. J’Toc doesnt like getting attached to people. 
18. Any OC crackships?
No, I really don’t like crackships and that stuff.
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (explain why)?
Cherry means a lot to me, definitely. I made him when I was struggling a lot with depression and paranoia, and I drew him a lot to help me keep my mind off things. I made him represent everything I wanted to be to kind of make the goals I had personally seem more realistic to me. He’s a big mix of the things that make me happy and the things I want to be so he means a lot to me.
20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details?
Dustin sings pretty decently. He sings to the radio as he’s traveling across the Mojave, and Arcade is quite fond of his voice. It’s soft and it sounds warm, so he doesn’t complain when Dustin breaks out into song.
J’Toc went to the Bards College in Solitude, so he’s pretty talented when it comes to music. 
21. Your most artistic OC? 
Probably J’Toc. When he’s not traveling, he’s sitting at home making music or practicing enchanting or alchemy. He finds that to be artistic.
22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize?
No, because no one really talks about my OCs
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
Birch definitely. My plan was to make him this strong, big character who’s kind of an asshole, but in the end, he’s a really friendly guy who loves helping people. 
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
Either Cherry or Birch. Cherry because of the struggles I’ve been through and he would be a great friend, but also Birch because he has a few of the same struggles as I do, so I would love to talk to him about that stuff.
25. The OC that resembles you the most.
26. Have you ever had to change your OCs design or something else about them against your will?
No. Never have, never will. My OCs are mine and no one elses.
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song.
Probaby all of them honestly. When I was 11, I made a lot of characters in my head based off of Muse songs, but as of late, not really. I think.
28. Your most dangerous OC?
J’Toc. He’s patient, but he’s really strong after learning what he’s capable. After finding out he’s the Dragonborn, its as if he learned so much more about his strength, so he’ll unleash it at you.
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going?
Cherry. His sense of adventure takes him too far.
30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection?
Cherry, definitely. He’s a softy. 
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like. 
Birch would have a trans positivity blog. It would be bright, colourful and welcoming to all who had questions about their identity. 
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why?
Not J’Toc, he’s stonefaced. Nothing really scares him. Probably Cherry because he’d do the stereotypical white person thing and investigate an abandoned house. He scares easy too.
33. Your shyest OC?
Oh god. I don’t have one I think! All of my OCs are really outgoing. Which is ironic because I’m scared of new people and it’s so hard for me to open up to people.
34. Do you have any twin characters?
No, but that sounds rad.
35. Any sibling characters? 
36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else?
Birch and Sakura are cousins. Assuming that’s what the question is asking?
37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human.
J’Toc. I kinda modeled him to look quite, non human. I always liked the idea that he could sprout multiple limbs on a whim (honestly, just to be able to play the flute and lute at the same time). He also joined the Companions so he’s a werewolf. But because he’s Dragonborn, I made him more dragonlike. I liked the idea that he could shapeshift into a dragon, but that’s something I messed around with outside of Skyrim.
38. Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer?
Birch. He’s thin and nimble, and extremely fast, so I feel like he would be the best if he learned how to dance. (Honestly, every time I typed dance I typed Danse first.)
39. Introduce any character you want.
I’ll link this question to a bio of Cherry as soon as I have the time!
40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? 
When I was 16, we had a project in English where we had to make this website about anything, I think it was about a problem in our lives? I can’t remember. I made a website about depression and anxiety, and I used Cherry to be my persona of the project. It made me feel good that I could project my feelings through him to show people what its like to struggle with anxiety and depression.
41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs?
Yes actually! A mutual of mine on Instagram drew Cherry in a new years or a follower celebration post. I would share it but it included other people’s OCs so I wont today! 
But y’know if you wanted to draw my OCs I would totally let you all you want and I would reblog all of it. 
42. Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods?
J’Toc. J’Toc has dabbled with Daedric Princes, a lot of them actually, so I feel like he would love learning more about gods in other cultures as well.
43. Do you have any certain type when you creat your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? 
All my oc’s happen to be dudes...... But when I draw, I usually like to give men curves, so really curvy men are all my oc’s. I have a few female OCs but I haven’t practiced enough female anatomy to be really good. 
44. Something you like about your OCs in general.
They’re all what I want to be in the future, so they’re my inspiration to become a better person. 
45. A character you no longer use.
All of the characters I made before I turned 14. 
46. Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly?
Probably, the only person I had to talk about my OCs with kinda abandoned me because of my opinion on characters. 
47. Has anyone ever claimed any of your OCs as their child?
Person from previous question yes. But no one talks to me about my OCs anymore. 
48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure. 
Dustin! He’s such a sweet guy. 
49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes.
Dustin, he annoys Arcade constantly with memes. 
50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want.
This is like, so much privilege. I’ll just go ahead and throw out the fact that Birch is trans and represents basically the personal struggle of figuring out my identity, but he represents how I hope I can handle it. Through acceptance and calmness. He’s managed to get as far as he needed too, and I want that too. 
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