couriersevenfuckers · 5 years
Hi! Can I get some headcanons about a female courier who is short, silly and cute asking Yes Man to travel the wastes with them like a companion? And maaaybe even Yes Man eventually getting really protective over the courier and struggling with whether or not he has romantic feeling for them? (Also I just found your blog, and it great!:D)
HI! IM SHITTY AND LOST ALL MOTIVATION FOR THIS! I’m glad you like my blog tho! 
is it bad that i kinda write yes-man like papyrus? 
Yes-Man Companion Headcanons: 
He was surprised, to say the least! 
Yes-Man knew he already liked you and that you were pretty badass, despite being small and cute! 
So of course, when his favorite human asked him to join her, he said yes! (also, it was still in his programming, but he still genuinely wanted to go!)
After a while of traveling, Yes-Man realized that he genuinely cared for you and liked to help you. This was the first time he considered he may have feelings for you. He, of course, brushed it off, after all! He was a robot! They couldn’t have feelings! Especially not for a human!!  (lies) 
Yes-Man does struggle with, not only his programming but with his belief that robots could not feel. Its all he had been told since existing. 
Eventually, He decides that he doesn’t really care about if he loves you or not, he just knows he cares about you and wants to protect you. 
And that’s enough for him. 
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rabbitreader09 · 2 years
Oh dear god… not only have i lost the request for this but also i lost the entire thing that i wrote… anyways this was requested by @donutholesarewhole WHO TUMBLR WONT LET ME TAG FOR WHATEVER REASON
Yandere! Vincent x reader x Yandere! Victor Headcanons
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They had always liked you… the way you smiled, the way you moved, you lit up a room once you entered it and it was beautiful, both of them became absolutely obsessed with seeing it, so much they didn’t want anyone else to see it…
Vincent always tried isolating you, every time you came to visit hed offer for you to stay just a little longer until it was ‘too late’ and he’d pressure you to stay the night, Victor stalked you, not just when you went outside, no, he monitored everything about you life without your knowledge, that was also how he could get rid of any disturbance quickly and easily.
The two of them worked around you to make sure nobody could get too close, and boy were they good at it. Until at least, you started to catch on.
Their behavior always creeped you out a little, but at some point you just… broke. You told them that you were uncomfortable with how they treated you and that maybe you guys should start talking less, which was alarming new to the both of them, they couldn’t risk you leaving, this world is too dangerous for you to wander without them.
Vincent once again managed to get you to stay for the night, and while he was thinking about how they will fix their problem, Victor was already jumping to actions, he simply got some rope from the storage compartment, went into your room and started tying you up, since he wasn’t being very gentle it woke you up almost immediately, without much hesitation do you began to fight and scream but he didn’t care, he easily overpowered you and tied you down until you could barely move.
Your struggle obviously reached Vincent as well who quickly rushed to see what was happening, though calmed down when he saw what had happened. You expected him to help you but instead he just quietly apologized to you before leaving.
From that day forward, you were now a prisoner in the mansion, they decided to lock you up in Vincent’s room since it was the biggest with some stuff you could kill time with. They also came to the realization how much they loved knowing you were always in one spot close to them with no one there to touch you so neither of them regretted back they did.
But despite everything the both disagreed on a lot of stuff, even though being best friends they had drastically different opinions on how to treat you, especially when it came to any sort of punishment, Vincent saw Victors as ‘too extreme’ while Victor found Vincents ‘too mild’. When it’d be time to punish you for misbehavior, Vincent would suggest locking you in a cage for a day or two while Victor would suggest they’d shower you in boiling water to teach you a lesson, it was very rare they could agree on something.
They’d probably both sleep in Vincent’s bed with you since it was spacious and they weren’t about to take turns cuddling, Vincent enjoyed trapping you against his body while Victor preferred spooning, at somehow they could make both work at the same time.
Even with your now very one-sided relationship they still tried spending time with you, somewhere they missed the times you would chat care freely, the times when you actually liked them, so even if you don’t want to, they’d try and repeat these things, wether it be watching a movie or reading you a book.
If you accept your situation, things might go close to normal and they will treat you good. But if you don’t well… Victor will most likely grow extremely sadistic and threatening, using pain and other methods of intimidation to get you to do what he wants, Vincent will become cold and heartless, no longer being sweet and gentle but commanding and if he has to, violent. So this is really pick your poison.
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