couriersevenfuckers · 4 years
Howdy! This blog is hella dead.
It probably won’t be up and running any time soon either so.
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couriersevenfuckers · 5 years
Yeah dw anon, I’m used to being stabbed in the back 😔✌️
A) it was a reply
B) they were not anon
C) You’ll be fine, hush
-Courier Seven
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couriersevenfuckers · 5 years
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It’s ok! Angie’s ( @what-is-fanart-even) is a friend of mine! And I’ve got a second part in the works, with a happy ending!
Trust me, I don’t like sad endings. I always make sure my things end happily.
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couriersevenfuckers · 5 years
What’s up?
-Courier 7
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couriersevenfuckers · 5 years
Howdy y’all!
I know I haven’t updated this blog in forever and a day, and I’m so sorry!
Problem is, the ask box is empty.
So I don’t *have* anything to give y’all.
I can’t guarantee that it’ll be done quickly, but I can say it’ll get done eventually!
So, send em in!
I’ll close the box after about ten or so.*
(I don’t wanna swamp myself, sorry dudes)
*to requests at least, y’all can still chat with me!
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couriersevenfuckers · 5 years
hey! i’ve noticed you haven’t posted in a little bit and just wanted to pop in and say i hope you’re doing well!
Ah fuck! Yea I’m ok right now! I recently got a job and have just completely run out of energy to write literally anything, so stuff is sorta on hold right now. Thanks for checking in on me, I appreciate it! I’ll try to write *something* soon ish, but I can’t promise anything.
~ Courier Seven
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couriersevenfuckers · 5 years
a male courier confessing his feelings to yes man drabble please? thank you :] (also im so glad tumblr recommended your blog because its awesome!)
I’m glad you like it! and this is gonna be pretty short since I’m trying to get back into writing. 
Male Courier Confessing to Yes-Man: 
You take a deep breath, trying to think things through. 
“Ok, what do I know? I know that, A) Yes-Man is a robot, B) I am in love with him and C) I have no idea how he feels, if he does, and if he even likes guys.” You run a hand over your face, sighing. Yes-Man was in the other room, waiting for you to tell him what you needed to. You sigh again, before muttering “Here goes nothing” and walking into the room.
“Courier! How are you, my friend?” Yes-Man asks. You just smile and sit down on the couch in front of him. Yes-Man makes a slightly confused face, before asking, “Is everything alright? You look… worried? Are the raiders bothering you again? Do I need to fight them? I will fight them! Especially for my favorite guy!” You flinch, before covering it with a small chuckle. 
“No, you scared them off last time. Thank you for that, by the way. Uhh.” You sigh, looking anywhere but at him. Yes-Man waits patiently for you to continue. You look back up at him and breathe. “Yes-Man… there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you,” You shift slightly, rubbing your things. “I uh… Fuck it. I’ve been in love with you for a while now. You don’t have to feel the same, I don’t expect you too, but I needed to tell you.” You nod, patting your things and wait. Yes-Man stays quiet for a moment before grinning and then laughs a little. 
“Is that it? I was worried you didn’t like me! I’m glad to know that the feelings I have are mutual! I suppose this makes us boyfriends now?” You stop and let out a shocked laugh before agreeing, that Yes. You two were boyfriends now. Yes-Man claps his hands together before scooping you off the couch and pressing his face into yours, the best kiss he can manage. 
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couriersevenfuckers · 5 years
Hi! Can I get some headcanons about a female courier who is short, silly and cute asking Yes Man to travel the wastes with them like a companion? And maaaybe even Yes Man eventually getting really protective over the courier and struggling with whether or not he has romantic feeling for them? (Also I just found your blog, and it great!:D)
HI! IM SHITTY AND LOST ALL MOTIVATION FOR THIS! I’m glad you like my blog tho! 
is it bad that i kinda write yes-man like papyrus? 
Yes-Man Companion Headcanons: 
He was surprised, to say the least! 
Yes-Man knew he already liked you and that you were pretty badass, despite being small and cute! 
So of course, when his favorite human asked him to join her, he said yes! (also, it was still in his programming, but he still genuinely wanted to go!)
After a while of traveling, Yes-Man realized that he genuinely cared for you and liked to help you. This was the first time he considered he may have feelings for you. He, of course, brushed it off, after all! He was a robot! They couldn’t have feelings! Especially not for a human!!  (lies) 
Yes-Man does struggle with, not only his programming but with his belief that robots could not feel. Its all he had been told since existing. 
Eventually, He decides that he doesn’t really care about if he loves you or not, he just knows he cares about you and wants to protect you. 
And that’s enough for him. 
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couriersevenfuckers · 5 years
Oyo boyo can I have headcanons for how Victor would react to his s/o being kidnapped?
*writing is harrrrd*
Victor is livid! No one takes his partner!
He rushes around, trying to find anything that could give him a hint to where you are.
Of course, he runs into the other companions they help him find you.
A group of raiders had kidnapped you for information
When Victor and the others find you, he’s ready to fight them 100%
They run in, weapons drawn and angry, ready to free you.
Thankfully, you weren’t too hurt, just a broken nose and a few bruises.
But Victor still feels guilty for not protecting you.
For the next few weeks he sticks to your side, always cautious and keeping an eye out for more raiders
It takes a little reassurance for him to allow you to go back to being a courier, but he relented after you tell him you’ll bring someone with you.
He’s just a worried mess, humans are so fragile and squishy, he just wants to keep you safe.
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couriersevenfuckers · 5 years
yes man x courier romance headcanons, maybe focusing on the first times they each realised they had feelings for the other and how they felt about it?
Good lord, I gotta get back to writing.
Ok, this is gonna be really short but I’m trying!!
Yes man felt ... something torwards you from the moment you two met. You were, nice? To him? Even Benny wasn’t this kind to him!
You, on the other hand, had a mini heart attack when you saw him. You hadn’t expected there to be anyone else in Benny’s room, let alone a security boy. Still, you never had a reason to be rude, so you treated him with the basic kindness extended to everything that didn’t try and kill you. A warm greeting, and polite chatting.
After getting the information you needed, you ask if Yes man wants to come with you. Despite his better judgement, and programming he goes with you.
After the battle of Hoover dam, leading to an independent Vegas, you and Yes man spend a lot of time together.
After that, it doesn’t take long for both of you to realize how you felt towards each other.
Yes man was... terrified. He had never felt like this before! It was new and scary and exciting!!
You, however, were familiar with this feeling. You tried to deny it, in love with a robot? Impossible! But as you spent time thinking about it, you realized that, yea. You really were in love with that big dorky robot.
Of course, you confess first, actually knowing how, but you do worry that, because of his programming, he can’t refuse you. Yes man, delighted that you felt the same, kisses you the best he can which isn’t very well, but it’s enough to calm your fears.
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couriersevenfuckers · 5 years
hey! i noticed you haven’t updated in a while, hope you’re okay!!
Yea, I’m fine, I just haven’t had much motivation lately!! School is being .... school.
Aka it’s drained me of my energy, so writing has become a lot harder. But yknow what, this might be the kick in the butt I need to get going again!!
So!! I will, at the very least *try* to get something out later this week, even if it’s a short headcanon/Drabble thing.
Thank you for checking in on me tho!! I appreciate it!! ~Courier Seven
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couriersevenfuckers · 6 years
Have I told you lately that you’re my favorite writer?
ANGIE IS THIS YOU???? CAUSE IF IT IS!!I love you and you’re amazing.
If not tho, I still love you and think you’re amazing!!
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couriersevenfuckers · 6 years
Oh my god, I realized I haven’t reblogged this yet!! Well here it is!!!! Thank you so much!!! I’m glad you enjoy my writing anon!!
So... my good lovely amazing artist, you know Couriersevenfuckers right?? I saw some asks from you over there and I wanna see what you’re version of their courier would be!!! I am a nerd who loves their writing and your art, so, if it’s alright, I’d wanna combine the two??? Feel free to ignore this if you wanna tho!!
You are literally out hero both of us were so excited about this ask you have no idea. Here she is man, with a badly drawn Boone companion
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couriersevenfuckers · 6 years
OOOOH MY GOD!!! I LOVE IT!! Thank you!!!
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Another piece of Boone/courier art. @couriersevenfuckers courier lol. It was in return for something and I’m pretty proud of this
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couriersevenfuckers · 6 years
Ask box (mostly) Empty!
Howdy! I have 2 asks to do, and a draft to finish, but I’d love some more! So, feel free to send in as many asks as you’d like, considering how low I’m running. 
What I have right now: 
Boone x Female!Courier, A Lemon with more backstory than expected.  (Drafted, needs editing) 
Boone x Female!Courier who is like a little sister, but he realizes he loves her romantically. (Working on it) 
Boone x Courier Cuddles. (Gender not specified, needs to be written) 
So, Lots of love for Boone coming soon, but after that I won’t have very many ideas. Feel free to ask about anyone, like: Yes-man, Victor, Swank, Vulpes Inculta, Joshua Graham, Muggy, literally anyone.  If they have a wiki, then I’m more than happy to write them! Hell, you can even ask about my courier (please do) Courier Seven! Headcanons, stories, shippy stuff, all of it! 
Small note: Please be specific about what you want, relationship wise! Do you want it to be romantic, friendly, familial, hatred, or anything like that? And give me a small idea! “Lily x courier, romantic please” won’t get you a lot, considering I don’t know what you want. Headcanons? A Drabble? But, “Lily and courier confessing their feelings to each other. Headcanons, please!” Now, that! I can work with! It doesn’t have to be long, or even specific, but please give a little scenario. 
Well! That’s all! Go ahead and send as many asks as you like, about whatever you like! 
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couriersevenfuckers · 6 years
hey so i’m sorry if this is too vague but can i get something that’s just? like a cure drabble of a young six and raul where there’s a kind of grandparent/uncle dynamic? like they’re super close and raul is very protective of them? i just rlly love my handy ghoul grandad
It’s not too vague, although if you want something specific, feel free to send another ask!
The courier will be 16 in this, because 16 year olds can be very annoying and then very mature two seconds later. 
~Courier Seven
“Gotcha!” You shout, finally catching the baby gecko. You turn around and begin the trek back to your home base, just outside Goodsprings. When you arrive, you can already *feel* Raul’s disapproval. He didn’t understand why you insisted on having a gecko as a pet, but he couldn’t do much to stop you.
“Kid. Did you really go out… just to catch a gecko?” You hear Raul before you see him, but happily respond that, yes, yes you did. You hear him sigh as you drop the very fussy gecko into the pen. You turn on your heel and hug him, saying
“Trust me! This will go great!!” Raul hugs you back, and gives a half hearted
“Let’s hope so, because if it doesn’t I will not help you fix it.” You laugh and squeeze him before letting go, insisting that it would work! Raul sighs again and begins his way back to the house. You trail behind him happily, excited for dinner. Raul was a surprisingly good cook, although you suppose that it was because of how long he lived. You grin and decided to annoy him about that. 
“So, Raul!” immedatly, you hear him groan, “Oh hush! So, I was wondering… How old are you? 50? 100? 200?” Raul just side eyed you, and huffed. 
“You really wanna know, Kid?” You eagerly nod, excited to learn and tease him. “Fine. I am 234 years old.” You were so surprised at his answer that you stopped walking. He chuckled and kept moving, causing you to jog a little to catch up. 
“Are, Are you really 234 years old?” You asked, disbelievingly. Raul nodded, amused at your reaction. You went very quiet, thinking to yourself. 
“Then, you… you were alive before the war. Before the bombs. What was it like? Back then? Was it better?” you were hoping that it was. Then at least he could’ve been happy right? And, well… you wanted to know if life back then wasn’t  so… fucked up. The wasteland was no place to live, let alone grow up in. Raul went quiet and chuckled lowly. Then, he started to explain. 
“I had a family, and a ranch. We were happy, for a while. Until things starting going bad. When the bombs dropped, there were a lot of refugees that came to us, and we helped who we could. Eventually though, there was only enough for my family, and my father decided that we must come first. They, the refugees, were pissed about that. They… well. There’s a reason I’m the only Tejada left.” You gasp quietly, looking away and feeling bad for prying. Raul notices and continues, 
“It could’ve been better kid. But hey, can’t exactly change the past. Come on, let’s eat dinner, I was waiting for you to get back.” Raul ruffles your hair and heads inside. You jump a little at the contact but brush it off, chuckling. He was right, the past didn’t matter anymore. There was nothing you could do to change it. The two of you were here now, and that’s all that mattered. 
“Wait up, Grandpa! You better not start til Grandma Lily gets here!” You call after him, jogging inside. You hear Lily laugh and say
“I arrived while you were going to get you’re new pet dearie!” You laugh and shut the door behind you, the world feeling alright again. Anyone outside would know, while you three (four counting the gecko) were no where near a normal family, you were a family nonetheless. And You know what? In this day and age, that’s all that really mattered. 
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couriersevenfuckers · 6 years
Okokok so uhhh what about touch starved reader who is in a relationship with swank (sugar daddy or not is up to you) and they really wanna be touchy and affectionate with him but they have never been with anyone who liked being touched so they don’t do anything but he notices that they always go to hold him or touch him and pull back dhakdhajhds if this is too much you can change it
@what-is-fanart-even Your man~ 
~ Courier Seven
You, realistically, knew that he wouldn’t mind. He was already pretty touchy, so why wouldn’t he be ok with cuddling? Or holding hands? Or just being generally affectionate? Of course he’d be ok with it! … Or would he? No one you’ve been with was ok with being cuddly. They all said you were clingy, and that they didn’t like it. Would Swank be the same way? 
“Baby doll, what’s wrong? You’ve been standing there for a while now.” Swank’s voice cut through your thoughts, and you stammered for an explanation. He waited for an answer, but quickly realized that you probably didn’t have one. He chuckled and pulled you into a hug. 
“Don’t worry darlin, I don’t always need an answer. But, I do have something to ask ya, and I would like one.” You hug him back, relishing in the feeling of being held, and look up at him and mutter a small “go ahead.” He smiles at you, enjoying the way you curl against him.
“Now, again, you don’t gotta give me answer, and I’d never force you to, but I would like one. You… You always seem to want to cuddle, or hold hands, or maybe hug me. But… you always pull away before ya do, and you always let me initiate the contact. If… if you don’t want me to touch you, or I ever make ya uncomfortable, Please doll. You gotta tell me. I’m no mind reader, alright? And I care about you, your comfort. I don’t ever wanna make you uncomfortable. Understand, Doll?” if you weren’t blushing before, you were definitely blushing now. You take a deep breath and break away from Swank’s hug.
“I’ve… I’ve never been with someone who enjoyed being touched. If it was just me or their personal preference, I don’t know. And I guess… I guess that I projected that onto you too. I was just so used to it that I was worried I’d overstep boundaries.” You curl your arms around yourself, not meeting his eyes. This was personal, very personal and you were worried he’d hate you for it. Unrealistic, but still a worry. Swank was quiet for a few minutes which only increased your worry. You were about to start crying when he gently lifted your chin, and pressed a soft kiss to your lips. You gasp and kiss him back just as gently. He chuckles when he pulls away, and begins to speak. 
“I get it Doll. You were scared. But, with me, you don’t ever have to worry about that again, ok? I love you. A lot. If you wanna cuddle, just ask. Hell, don’t even ask, just plop down in my lap and I’ll happily cuddle you. I want you to feel loved. To be happy. And if that means I don’t get to touch you, then that’s fine. If It means that I get to cuddle you every chance I get, then great! All I really want from you, Darling, Is for you to be happy.”  You laugh a little, fear of rejection gone, and hug Swank close. you nuzzle into his neck, saying
“If that’s all it takes, then be prepared to be cuddled often!” Swank laughs and squeezes you tight, happy to finally put your fears to rest. 
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