#doodles and daydreams
quickspinner · 1 year
YOU KNOW WHAT I CHANGED MY MIND I'd like to see Marinette's reaction to finding Luka's notebook and finding out he's written her name all over its pages (all surrounded by hearts of course) 👀
I was having a tough time with this one until @rierse did a little drawing for me. She was kind enough to let me use it and I've embedded it in the story here but please, please make sure you follow the link to her original post and give her the love she deserves for it!
Doodles and Daydreams
It had been one of those days again. Marinette felt like she’d been running nonstop since she got out of bed. There had been the student council meeting this morning, and then an akuma right after lunch, and then she’d barely managed to sneak past M. d’Argencourt on her way back in. 
Her mind was still going in thirty different directions as she packed up her things, and she almost forgot that she needed to talk to Juleka in her hurry to get out of the door. Marinette stopped and turned as soon as she remembered, but apparently stop-turn-step was too much for her frazzled brain to combine at that moment.
Her toe caught the carpet and she tripped up the stairs. The bag looped over her shoulder went flying, spilling books and papers and colored pencils everywhere. “Oh,” Marinette sighed in exasperation as she got up. Alya and Adrien were already out of their seats, picking up her dropped things. Marinette thanked them distractedly as she picked up the books nearest her, and then she froze as she saw a notebook lying open on the steps, right at Lila’s feet. 
The words “Marinette Couffaine” were plainly visible, along with hearts and flowers and—Marinette’s heart leapt into her throat as Lila grinned slowly, and got up to pick up the notebook, as if she were just helping Marinette out too. 
“Oh, how cute!” Lila crooned, and Marinette’s heart went from her throat to her stomach. “Marinette, you have a crush on Luka? That’s so sweet! Don’t you think so, Adrien?” She waved the open notebook in Adrien’s direction. He stared back blankly for a moment and then smiled. 
“I think it’s great. Luka’s a great guy.” 
“Oh, how sweet,” Mylene said, clasping her hands before turning to grab Ivan’s hand. “Don’t you think so? They’d make such a cute couple!”
“But I thought Marinette liked—” Kim began, before Alya shoved an elbow in his gut. “Ow!”
“Yeah, it’s great,” Ivan agreed cheerfully, oblivious. 
Alix took the notebook from Lila and looked at it, then groaned. “Come on, Marinette, you couldn’t go five minutes without a new crush? Can you please just confess this time and save us all a lot of suffering?”
Marinette’s face burned, and she leapt up the steps to snatch the notebook back from Alix. She darted a glance at Juleka, who was staring silently, her visible eye round and her hand hovering in front of her mouth. Rose had her hands clasped by her cheek, obviously lost in romantic daydreams. 
“Who’s Luka?” Kim asked, scratching his head. “Do we know him?” 
“That’s your brother, right Juleka?” Lila drawled, turning innocent eyes to look at Juleka before she laid a thoughtful finger to her lips. “I hope that doesn’t bother you. I’m sure Marinette wouldn’t make friends with you just to cozy up to your brother.” 
Juleka looked paler than usual and mumbled something incoherent.
“Well, it’s time for me to head home,” Marinette declared, her voice higher pitched than usual as she grabbed her bag and shoved the notebook inside, along with the other belongings Adrien and Alya had gathered up for her. “I’ll see you all tomorrow, hahaha! Bye!” 
She fled the classroom, ignoring Alya’s calls for her to wait. She didn’t want to talk about this with anyone right now, not even Alya. Not until she’d had a moment to herself to think.
She ran all the way to the bakery and straight up to her room. She closed the trap door and sat on it, burying her hands in her hair as she muffled a scream into her knees. 
Tikki popped out of her purse and came to pat her arm. “I’m sure it’ll be okay, Marinette. Nobody told Adrien about your crush for the longest time! I know you’re embarrassed but—”
“No, no, Tikki, you don’t understand,” Marinette moaned. She moved into a cross-legged pose and grabbed her bag, digging through it until she pulled out the dark blue notebook that had caused all the trouble. “This isn’t mine,” she said, flipping open the cover to show the name there to Tikki. “It’s Luka’s .” 
Tikki just floated there, seemingly speechless. Marinette opened the notebook. It fell to the same page in her hands as it had in the classroom.
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Artwork by @rierse
Despite her distress, Marinette couldn’t help but smile. She never would have guessed Luka was a doodler. It made sense, though, he was so used to his guitar that she could imagine he needed something to do with his hands when he couldn’t play. 
He’d clearly been working on something at first; the carefully drawn staffs on the page had music notes and various notations, but he must have gotten bored because halfway down the page his music notes turned into little hearts. Then below that was…her name. Marinette blushed, tilting the cover of the book up just a little so that nobody could see over the top of it. She was alone, of course, nobody was there to look but Tikki, who already knew, but—she felt suddenly self-conscious, looking at her name surrounded by hearts and music in Luka’s notebook. She couldn’t even attempt to convince herself that he might mean some other Marinette, since a passable imitation of her signature flowers were doodled next to the name, the centers accented in pink glitter pen. That made her giggle a little bit. 
“You know he likes you, Marinette,” Tikki reminded her, pointing to some familiar words at the bottom of the page. Clear as a music note, sincere as a melody… Tikki sighed at the memory, and Marinette smiled self-consciously. 
There were other little doodles, too. There was a picture of Sass, his Kitty Section mask (the lightning bolt done in that same pink glitter pen), and…a little face with pigtails. More flowers. The ladybug doodle made her pulse jump, but she reasoned he had been thinking about heroes, since Sass was there too. It didn’t mean anything. 
And there in the middle of the page, Marinette Couffaine , written with little hearts around it.
Marinette hid her face in the book and groaned. “What am I going to do?” she whispered. She had found the notebook under her chaise, and had meant to give it to Juleka at school to return to Luka, but of course she couldn’t manage even something that simple without the universe deciding to screw with her. 
Her phone pinged, and Marinette set the notebook aside to pull it out and tell Alya to leave her alone.
The message wasn’t from Alya, though. It was from Luka. 
Hi Marinette. Juleka told me what happened. I’m so sorry. Can we talk? 
Marinette bit her lip, and fidgeted as she thought it over. Finally, she texted back, I think that would be a good idea. Can I come over in a bit?  
Luka was pacing the living room, chewing on a thumbnail, when Marinette came down the Liberty’s stairs. Marinette thought she had never seen him so nervous. Juleka was nowhere to be seen, but the door to their cabin was closed. 
“Marinette, I’m so sorry,” he began as soon as he saw her, and whatever embarrassment she still felt over the whole thing was instantly buried under concern for him. He was pale and his hair was mussed. “I never meant—” 
“Luka, it wasn’t your fault,” Marinette interrupted. “You left it in my room and I put it in my bag so Juleka could bring it back to you. It’s not your fault I’m clumsy. It was just bad luck. And then Lila had to go and grab it and wave it around in front of everybody. I’m really sorry.” 
“It is my fault,” Luka insisted. “I shouldn’t have been so careless with it. And I shouldn’t—” He stopped, putting a hand over his face. 
“Shouldn’t be a normal teenager?” Marinette asked teasingly, slipping her arm through his and tugging him over to the couch. “Luka, after all the embarrassing things I’ve done in the name of a crush, I’m the last person to judge you.” 
Luka sighed as he let her coax him to sit with her. “Still, it’s different when it’s about you . I mean, when you see someone writing those things about you. Especially when everybody sees.” He bit his thumbnail again and grimaced. “I started painting my nails so I would quit doing that,” he muttered, rubbing his finger over the chipped polish on the abused thumbnail. 
Marinette took his hand and tried to think of some way to make him feel better. She pulled the notebook out of her bag and set it on the couch between them. “Really, I’m not mad. Except that you never told me you could draw,” she teased. “You did a pretty good job on the flowers.”
She was delighted to see his cheeks tint pink and his eyes come up to meet hers at last. “I’ve had a bit of practice,” he admitted with a shamefaced grin. “And you wear them on practically everything, so…” Luka shrugged, ducking his head a little further. “I’ve seen them a lot,” he finished lamely, and then groaned and buried his face in his hands. Now that he was reassured that she wasn’t angry at him, embarrassment seemed to be taking over. 
“Just kill me,” he muttered, with something so like a whine that Marinette had to giggle. 
“How many times have I said that to you,” she teased, bumping his shoulder with hers. “And you never did. Now you can suffer.” 
Luka laughed and dropped his hands from his face, only to put them both in his hair and ruffle it vigorously, tugging at it a bit before he finally let them drop in his lap. Marinette bit her lip; his cheeks were still pink and his ears were flaming . It was kind of adorable. 
“Any more questions?” he asked, with a sigh.
“The pink?” she asked shyly, and Luka shrugged, looking away though he grinned.
“Rose is always leaving stuff on the boat. I’ve got a few of her pens that got mixed up in my things, and I never remember to give them back. They’ve actually come in handy in class a couple times when I wanted to mark an important note.”  He drew a slow breath in, and let it out, fingertips tapping together between his knees. “I’m really sorry if it made you uncomfortable,” he said in a rush. “I—I mean, you know, how I feel about you. And this,” he gestured with the notebook and then tossed it aside. “It’s just daydreams. I obviously never meant for you to see any of that, and—” 
Marinette put a hand on his arm, cutting him off. “Luka, don’t apologize for your private thoughts. I’m sorry that me seeing them has made you feel bad.” Even if he was kind of adorable, unusually flustered and…vulnerable. She felt a pang of conscience; Luka put so much of himself out there, and it must be absolutely mortifying for the things he chose to keep to himself to be exposed like this. 
“They, um.” She cleared her throat and twined her fingers together in her lap. “They all thought I did it. Wrote that stuff, I mean. My, um. My name like that. With yours. We don’t have to tell anyone it was you.” 
Luka looked at her sharply. “But—” he began, and Marinette didn’t want to hear what she knew he was going to say. 
“No, seriously, it’s fine.” She took a deep breath. “I don’t mind. If everyone knows I like you. And that I’m over Adrien now. I’m okay with that.” 
Luka stared at her. 
Marinette cleared her throat. “I mean,” she began, and her voice trembled a little. Luka grabbed her hand, and she went on quickly, “I would look a lot less stupid if we were dating. Instead of another pointless Marinette crush. Just, um. Putting that out there.” 
“Then I guess,” Luka said slowly, like he still wasn’t sure what was going on, “We better go on a date. Wednesday?” 
Marinette giggled. “Friday would be more traditional.” 
“Couffaine,” he reminded her, squeezing her hand. “Besides, I can’t wait that long. I’ll meet you at the steps?”
Marinette nodded. “You better hold my hand. You know, so people will see.”
“I can do that,” he agreed. “I think letting go might be harder though.” 
“Well, you have until Wednesday to figure out how to explain that to my parents,” Marinette giggled, and Luka laughed, a full, rich laugh that was a little higher pitched than usual. 
“This can’t be happening,” he muttered, running his free hand through his hair. 
Feeling unusually bold, Marinette leaned up and cupped his cheek, and pressed her lips to his. He made a noise that she could only call a squeak and she giggled against his lips. 
“That was not convincing,” he said breathlessly, eyes bright and focused entirely on her in a way that made her shiver. 
Marinette grinned. “You try it then.” 
He pounced on her, both hands curling behind her head, and kissed her until she was dizzy from it, before finally sitting back to look at her in wonder. 
“See?” Marinette teased, turning her face into one of his palms. “You let go after all.”
“Did I?” he asked, grinning from ear to ear. “It doesn’t feel that way.” 
They both turned to look as the door to Luka and Juleka’s bedroom creaked open. Juleka peeked out, and seeing them so close with Luka’s hands on her face, and probably both smiling like idiots, she came all the way out.
“So when’s the wedding, Marinette Couffaine?” she mumbled shyly, but with a teasing grin growing on her face..
Luka threw the notebook at her, and she dodged, cackling. The siblings flipped each other off as Juleka went up the stairs, and Luka turned back to Marinette.
“Just so we’re clear,” he said, fighting a grin. “I’m totally negotiable on the name thing.”
AO3 Works | Fiction Master Post 
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shima-draws · 5 months
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Huh...wonder what he's thinkin about...
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gotchibam · 9 months
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Hisuian Typhlosion ko-fi doodle for Unagi!
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larabar · 7 months
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putting him through it again
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juniemunie · 4 months
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whoopsie, ink didn't like that
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macncherries · 7 days
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oh...the horror..... save me fem!laios.... save me.... help..i need a big strong woman to come help me.... my t boy swag is so weak and feeble.... save me....
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 7 months
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Sun is a serial daydreamer in the Readerbot au. It’s just a fact I don’t make the rules
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miss-mossball · 22 days
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squidkid15 · 1 year
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Daydreamsssssss i love them
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dinerfries · 9 months
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classic pen!
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gotham-daydreams · 4 months
The batfam coming after reader
Reader: Alfred, pick me up im scared 😭😭
(lets ignore the fact that alfred is the one that got the batfam to do that in the first place.)
I also had to quickly doodle this one just for the hell of it
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First image: (points to Batfam on rooftop) Batfam 100% not scheming to 'bring Reader home'
Second image: Reader: "Al- pick me up pls-"
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quietbirdee · 4 months
sorry about the reblog spam i’ve just been SOOO silly over toh lately and your art is SO good adjadjhadhjahdja :3
Aww you don't have to apologize!! I love reblog spams sdlfkj so THANK YOU!!! I'm happy you like my art ;u;
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(here's a Hunter since it's been a bit since I've drawn him)
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ladyironsky · 1 year
Humans are weird- daydreaming
The aliens keep coming across humans, sitting in the weirdest positions (usually by a viewport) just completely checked out. Eyes open and moving, still breathing, just completely unaware of what's happening around them.
The human gets startled when the aliens get their attention and when the alien asks what they were doing, the human says daydreaming. Now the aliens know what dreaming is, the brain cataloging and sorting memories in a visual way while asleep, but daydreaming is a whole new ballgame.
The human then goes on to explain that they were bored and purposefully relaxed their muscles and started conjuring images in their brain for entertainment. The human then goes on to explain the different worlds they created in their heads, the stories, ideas, etc that just live in their head and they go visit when they're bored.
The aliens are completely blown away and a little freaked out.
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zichiwatchesyou · 6 months
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I drew these in class lol. The first one is during Chinese class and the second one is during history class.
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 1 year
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did i share this yet,, idk. anyway! pov ur trying to talk abt ur hobbies n passions and the cute shy prince boi is too distracted by thinking abt kissing u silly/u kissing HIM silly 100% listening he swears
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jirachuuu · 7 months
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☀️going on a summer date☀️
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