nandalikesstuff · 6 years
Heronstairs + ducks
TSC Prompts @dorianheronduck
“No, no and no!”
“Absolutely not!”
“I am not doing it and that’s final!”
The other boy stomped his foot and crossed his arms, looking away from Jem and leaving him at a loss of what to do. The sun was setting and they - well, he - had promised Charlotte they would be back from playing in the park before night had fallen, since demon activity had been high lately and they weren’t yet old enough to fight them, but now that it was time to go back Will was being extremely difficult.
“If we cross through the lake we can be at the Institute in 20 minutes. If we go around the park it will take us at least an hour and then we will be late and Charlotte will worry.”
“Let her worry then, I don’t care! I’m not going through the lake!”
His words were harsh, but Jem could hear the high-pitched tone to them, and through the small space that separated them he thought he could see Will shaking.
“What is the matter with the lake, Will?”
“Nothing, I just don’t want to go through there.”
“But Will…”
“I already said it’s nothing, God, you are annoying!”
The other boy did that sometimes, slipped and evoked the christian god instead of the angel of the nephilim. It was becoming more rare, but Jem had noticed it still happened when he got nervous. He would never say it, but he thought it meant Will was thinking of his family.
Jem’s patience had gotten to the end though.
“Well, if you are not telling me, then I have no reason to do as you say. I am going through the lake. You can take the longer path on the dark on your own. See you later, Will.”
He took a step in the direction of the lake, and then another and another, without looking back. It was a bluff, of course, but he hoped it would be enough to convince Will to trust him with whatever it was that was leaving him nervous, and surely a few steps later the other called back:
“Wait! Dammit, James, wait!”
Jem turned around, an innocent smile on his face. “Are you ready to tell me what your problem with the lake is?”
Silence stretched between them for a while longer, with Will glaring at him over the distance, but finally he relented.
“It’s the ducks.”
“…The ducks?”
That was definitely not what Jem had been expecting.
“Yes. Ducks are blood-thirsty, savage, demon beasts, they must not be trusted, specially not now the sun is setting, soon they will release their true demon forms. Stop laughing!”
“I am not laughing!” Jem defended himself, but he was smiling a bit. So it was just a simple fear of ducks, he could work with that. “Let’s do it like this, we go through the lake but as far from it as possible and we run really really fast. The ducks will never see us passing, much less catch us. What do you say?”
“I don’t know…”
“Come on, Will, I am sick and I bet I can outrun the ducks. We can do this together. Here, take my hand.”
Will still looked wary, but eventually he walked closer and took Jem’s hand, making him feel very proud not only of himself but of the other boy.
“Ok, so when I count to three: One, two, three!”
They ran faster than they had ever done even at training, crossing the lake and then the trees to the entrance of the park in minutes. When they finally stopped, Jem coughed a bit to catch his breath, but all in all it had been a very successful plan.
“See? I told you we could do it.”
“Yeah… But ducks are still savage blood-thirsty beasts. Tell you what, next time Agatha makes poultry pie we take some and bring here to throw at the ducks, I am telling you they will eat it. The cannibal demons.”
Will seemed very intent on his conviction, so who was Jem to try to dissuade him, he chuckled a bit and smiled. “Deal. Now let’s go back, all this running and this talk of pie left me starving. Come on.”
Will nodded and they made their way back to the Institute, and if Will still clinged to Jem’s hand all the way back and he could still feel the other’s pulse racing under his fingers, then Jem made a point of not mentioning anything.
If you like my work, come share a coffee with me!
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titsthedamnseason · 6 years
5, 8, 19 💜
5. where do you love to read?
on a comfy couch or chair, i dont like to read laying down
8. what was your very first baby book?
i do not recall
19. how well do you take care of your books?
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tyblackthorn · 6 years
"It was books that made me feel that perhaps I was not completely alone. They could be honest with me, and I with them." Will Herondale
thank you!!!
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jamescarstairs · 6 years
🐸 I LOVED Learn About Loss, but apparently a lot of people didn't and the sole reason I gathered for that so far is that it was too Jem centered; it didn't have any tlh characters or secondary ones from other tsc series that got to shine or a new lgbt+ character that people could fawn about. Instead we got boring characters and the usual Will mentions who are becoming old. Funny thing, I thought gotsm was about Jem's journey, but he's treated like he's just there or an inconvenience.
AGREED !!!!!!! the only problem I had with LAL was that it felt shorter than the rest of the stories??? Like there was finally one that centred Jem a lot yet it was short?
and yeah you’re right I remember CC’s post where she was telling fans who are reading for Will and/or W*ssa to not read it because they get their time in TLH & GOTSM is about Jem. GHOSTS OF THE SHADOW MARKET IS ABOUT JEM CARSTAIRS OF COURSE JEM IS GOING TO BE CENTRED 
i will say one thing is that, and this is me being a salty jem stan™ so feel free to ignore this section, but I’m so Done™ and Tired™ with the fandom making GOTSM about the other characters (especially Will) when it’s a story ABOUT and FOR Jem. About is journey as a Silent Brother, how he’s navigating life through it, and the losses he experiences a long the way. If you want to read GOTSM for the other characters read their respective stories. 
Jem deserves his own series focused on him. Jem stans are only lucky that we’re getting a novella series. We probably won’t ever get a(nother) trilogy or series like Tessa, Will & Tessa/their children, Emma, Clary, have/will get etc. So to make GOTSM about the other characters it just angers me. 
send me controversial or unpopular opinions and I’ll tell you if I agree or disagree 🐸 ☕️
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aelingalathyinius · 6 years
Favorite ship: Bellarke. Favorite character: Sansa Stark :)
SORRY it took so long, i’m awful
here’s your sansa edit, the other one is coming soon (i hope)
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pallases · 6 years
Congratulations! ♢
thank you!! your url edit is finished, i can’t link it here because i’m on mobile but it should be right beneath this post on my dash. i don’t know who the dorian part of your username is referencing so i just did an edit based on the herondale family. it’s probably not what you were expecting, but i hope you like it!
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ladyofroses · 6 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
“Miss Carstairs,” he said, with a slight bow in Cordelia’s direction. “Would you favor me with this dance?”
“It’s a waltz,” said Cordelia’s mother, before Cordelia could speak. “My daughter does not know how to waltz.”
Cordelia bit her lip. She certainly knew how to dance: her mother had engaged an expert instructor to teach her the quadrille and the lancer, the stately minuet and the cotilion. But the waltz was a seductive dance, one where you could feel your partner’s body against yours, scandalous when it had first become popular.
She very much wanted to waltz with James.
↳ requested by @dorianheronduck
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manonblackbeack · 6 years
Shadowhunters questions
Rules: answer the following questions and then tag 5 followers you want to participate too :)
Thanks @dorianheronduck and @mostawesomepineapple for the tag 💙
The first character I ever fell in love with: William Owen Herondale. Do I need say why? I don't think so. He owns my heart forever.
A character that I used to love/like, but now do not: I don't think there is one. Maybe Kieran? I mean, I like him but I don't really care if he dies. (Sorry for the shippers and such, don't hate me pls)
My ultimate favorite character: Will Herondale. Seriously, this question answers itself.
My most hated character: Zara and Horace Dearborn.
My OTP: Herongraystairs/ Wessa/ Jessa, Sizzy and Jemma.
My notp: Clabastian, Heronstairs, Tessamine, Rosastairs etc. NO, I am not homophobic or whatever. I just don't like them as couples but I love them as individuals.
Saddest death: Livia Blackthorn.
Favorite series: The Infernal Devices.
Least favorite series: The Mortal Instruments.
A character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but I hate: Ariane Bridgestock. She broke Anna's heart, she is overhyped and I just don't see her importance whatsoever. I don't hate her cause that is such a big word, but dislike her with passion. Also Jocelyn Fairchild for a lot of reasons.
My ‘you’re a piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: Jonathan Morgenstern. oops, guilty . Plus Julian Blackthorn if he turns out to the dark side in QOOAD.
My ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: Kit Herondale, Ty Blackthorn, Clary Fairchild, Tessa and Jem, Dru and Tavvy ❤
My ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but I still love it’ ship: does Jemma count? Cause I know that the book says it's wrong, but I don't know how to stop. Also Herongraystairs because it's a threesome but I am not even remotely sorry.
My ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but I’m not too invested’ ship: Gwyn and Diana, Malec and Kitty (sorry)
Do it @grishae @tessacarstairs @willherondcles @heronxdale @jessamine--lovelace ❤🤗
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nandalikesstuff · 6 years
tagged by: @dorianheronduck
Are you named after someone?
Yes, but in a very nontraditional sense. I am named after the character of a novela my mom adored when she was young. The catch? This character was the villain of the novela xD
When was the last time you cried?
Uhhh a couple of weeks ago because I had an argument with a friend, we are all good now though
Do you have any kids?
Gosh no, way too young for that.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Sometimes? More online than irl because i am not good at quick replies.
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
How hot they are, I’m sorry lmao
Eye Color?
Dark brown
Scary movie or happy ending?
I am a scaredy cat that hates scary movies so happy endings.
Do you have any pets?
None at the moment
Any special talent?
Uhhhh, I can write? I mean, I’m nothing exceptional, but I’ve always liked it and it’s not something that comes easy for everyone. Oh, I also enjoy photography.
What are your hobbies?
Reading, writing, roleplaying, watching series and movies
How tall are you?
170 cm
Favorite subject?
Literature, english and history
What sports do you play/have you played?
I’ve never been specially athletic... I tried a little bit of everything at school but never pursued anything seriously. My favourite one was volley though!.
Dream job?
I’m very happy with my current job as an english teacher, if I can make a career out of it I’ll be very happy. Also a writer.
Tagging: @alasta1rcarstairs @wingardium-leave-me-alone-sa idk everyone!
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titsthedamnseason · 6 years
Juli, your new theme and icon are A+ good shit. Keep going, girlie 👌
thank youuu
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tyblackthorn · 6 years
“admires everything others do but is actually admirable”
aaah GRAZIEhow do i come across?
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jamescarstairs · 6 years
Okay, I'll try another one. Love.
thank you! i definitely should have this one lmao
“I have spent enough time by your side to know you are worthy of my love and I yours,”
Send me a word, if it’s in my wip document I’ll answer your ask with the sentence that it appears in
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aelingalathyinius · 6 years
Daenerys or Sansa?
I don’t want to bend the knee whenever dany wants me to
give me two fictional characters and i’ll tell you which one i’d rather date
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sanktaninazenik · 6 years
🌹 RULES: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people.
I was tagged by @simonlovvelace. Thank you!!!
AIR: i have small hands • i love the night sky • i watch small animals and birds when i pass them by • i drink herbal tea • i wake to see dawn • the smell of dust is comforting • i’m valued for being wise • i prefer books to music • i meditate • i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE: i don’t have straight hair • i like to wear ripped jeans • i play an organized sport • i love dogs • i am not afraid of adventure• i love to talk to strangers • i always try new foods • i enjoy road trips • summer is my favorite season • my radio is always playing
WATER: i wear bracelets on my wrists • i love the bustle of the city • i have more than one set of piercings • i read poetry • i love the sound of a thunderstorm • i want to travel the world • i sleep past midday most days (depends on the day) • i love dimly lit diners and fluorescent signs • i rewatch kids’ shows out of nostalgia • i see emotions in colors not words
EARTH: i wear glasses/contacts • i enjoy doing the laundry • i am a vegetarian • i have an excellent sense of time • my humor is very cheerful • i am a valued adviser to my friends • i believe in true love • i love the chill of mountain air • i’m always listening to music • i am highly trusted by the people in my life
AETHER: i go without makeup in my daily life • i make my own artwork • i keep on track of my tasks and time • i always know true north • i see beauty in everything • i can always smell flowers • i smile at everyone i pass by • i always fear history repeating itself • i have recovered from a mental disorder • i can love unconditionally
tagging: @claryfairchildd, @kittrook, @sonderlybooks, @dorianheronduck, @kit-lightwood, @ablondebookie (feel free to ignore this especially if you’ve already done it)
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bishopsbelova · 6 years
10 favorite female characters tag
I was tagged by @dorianheronduck - thank you!
Rules: Write 10 female characters from 10 different fandoms and tag 10 people at the end
1. Lara Croft - Tomb Raider 2. Isabelle Lightwood - The Mortal Instruments 3. Elena Fisher - Uncharted  4. Gabby Dawson --Chicago Fire 5. Laurel Lance - Arrow  6. Octavia Blake - The 100 7. Cecily Herondale - The Infernal Devices  8. Cristina Rosales - The Dark Artifices  9. Olivia Benson - SVU 10. Kate Beckett - Castle 
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sockmonstergotstyle · 6 years
I was tagged by @blackthorn-girl . Thank you Gaby! ❤️ (I know your name now hehe)
Name/ Nickname: Rebecca, but everyone calls me Becki
Star sign: Capricorn
Height: 5'6
Shuffle your music and list the first five songs:
Treat You Better by Shawn Mendez
Alive by Sia
Doubt by Twenty One Pilots
War of Hearts by Ruelle
Dance, Dance by Fall Out Boy
Ever had a poem or song written about you?
When was the last time you played guitar?
When I was like 7
Who is your celebrity crush?
Noah Centineo (hmu Boo)
What's a sound you love?
Do you believe in ghosts?
Do you believe in aliens?
Do you drive?
No, but I can start taking lessons in January
Do you like the smell of gasoline?
Why...would I have smelled....gasoline..........
Are you obsessed with anything currently?
I've been obsessed with tsc for a strong 2 years now. I'm also a huge Dan and Phil fan, but I wouldn't say I'm obsessed with em since obsessing over real people seems a bit weird to me
Do you hold grudges?
Not unless your name is Theresa Gray (I'm working on it I'll like her one day I swear)
Relationship: lmao I've never even held hands with another human
Tagging: @yeetofjotunheim @basicly-a-walking-fandom @wessablackthorn @dorianheronduck @the-dark-instruments
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