i've been thoroughly enjoying my time with Divinity Original Sin: Enhanced Edition (all its rampant misogyny and mediocre writing aside) so i decided to check out the manual for Divinity Original Sin 2 to see what i have to look forward to and jesus fucking christ, we have lost SO MUCH in the art of the game manual, because why is this manual like completely fucking empty. like there's a sweet foreward about the development and about the Kickstarter backers and stuff and there's a safety warning and some basic information about like two new things that weren't in the first game, which ARE cool to be very clear, and then just an image of the default controls. that's it. nothing fucking else. we have lost so much. bring back proper game manuals, what is even supposed to be the fucking purpose of them if you're not even gonna bother making them interesting, like i know maybe it's not cost-effective to put in as much effort as older games bc people don't check out the manuals as much in the digital gaming age but you could try to do at least a little more than just pasting the most basic information in there like some fucking tips, some hints about what works or whatever, or like what you recommend starting with, or like at least some fucking flavor or personality please, dear god, bring back proper game manuals!
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drathe · 7 years
Dudes remember when Alix Regan Wilton posted a pic that for a moment shook the DA fans?
I think she’s working on Divinity Original Sin 2 (Sebille probably, since Seb is pretty angry elf and Alix was a voice of few DOS:EE characters)
i want dos2 so badddddddddddddddddddddd
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ofahattersmind · 10 years
Hello, all! FIRST!
Thank you all so, so much for your AMAZING support over the past couple months. It's meant heaps to me, and I appreciate every last one of you.
Apologies for the lack of anything much really on my part for the last couple days and the next couple coming up. I'm not super busy, I've just had all my spare time monopolized by my copy of DoS: EE which arrived on my doorstep the day of the release. PRIORITIES. I just like watching copious amounts of special features because I find it extremely interesting. Guess who's a nerd? Yeah, that'd be this kid.
Anyway, as a result of the download of behind the scenes awesome into my brain, I have more ideas for drawings that I'd very much like to do. That being said, I will hopefully have some fresh material for you guys soon.
Thanks again!
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