murderballadeer · 6 months
maybe if i stick with my fake made up banjo technique i can convince people i invented a new style instead of just failing spectacularly at learning clawhammer
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doggirlerin · 1 year
Things I like to play on my 7 and 8 string guitars: Tesseract, Spiritbox, Deftones, Hacktivist, stuff that tends to be more focused on rhythm and complexity but is a little slower
Things I like to play on my 6 string: fucking METALCORE BAYBEY if you're gonna play some shit like All That Remains or Killswitch Engage your wrist better be ready for some high tempo chugging, bitch!
(mine often isn't. probably I shouldn't have picked up my guitar and hit play on a 200+ BPM song. my muscles are sore.)
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stevenssticks · 10 months
I have the most vivid dream of current James choking me while fingering me. Just him holding you down when you squirm andjxjxs. LIKE HAVE YOU SEEN HIS HANDS?!?! He's just perfect
he really does have the nicest hands. and his downpicking speed we all know what that’s good for…
like he would have two fingers shoved inside you. wet noises coming from your pussy are obscene. james has made you cum twice already, and you’re squirming and crying on his fingers. you try to move away from him, so overwhelmed. but james brings his other hand up to your throat,
“uh uh, baby. you’re doing so good. don’t run away from it. you can take it.”
james moves his fingers faster, hand tightening and loosening on your neck in intervals. giving you a moment to breathe before tightening again.
“cum for me. cmon, cream on my fingers, you’ve been so good for me, you got it. that’s it.. there it is.” you’re pulsing around him, letting out weak, breathless whines when james grants you permission to breathe, until your vision goes white and you actually do pass out from the intensity of it all.
when you come to, james is holding you close, having already cleaned you up. kissing your face as you get your bearings.
“okay, baby?” james kisses your cheek again. scratching your scalp and examining you, making sure he didn’t go too hard. you mumble your satisfaction to him, smiling into his chest and kissing his pec, sucking a little mark there before cozying up further in his arms.
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hypnoneghoul · 6 months
wait do you have videos of the downpicking vs the alternative picking? ive never really looked that hard into how they do it and now i want to know what you mean
here!!! dew goes only down, which is technically the correct way, and aether goes both up and down so he's doing half of the movement dew does
alternate picking is more ergonomic but it does sound differently. phantom now plays it like dew, and honestly it's not that hard to play it only downstrokes. it's fast but not that fast
im not saying aether is a worse player but... yk what i mean. hopefully
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bubbledtee · 1 year
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please. till the room gets steamy and hot that we almost suffocate. till the bedframe gives out and the headboard breaks. till the neighbors are pounding at our door.
need him sooooooo bad
god im so insane for him. the headbang is so sexy and oh my god the downpicking I'm so horny goodbye
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threecheersslxt · 8 months
Just tried playing Master Of Puppets using all downpicking HOW TF DO JAMES AND KIRK NOT HAVE CARPAL TUNNEL ITS SORCERY
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autisticmetalhead2 · 11 months
Happy 60th to James Hetfield, an absolute legend at downpicking who inspired me to pick up a guitar in the first place. Got the pic below off Metallicas instagram.
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sin-ketchup · 1 year
2.- Joy Division - Unknown Pleasures
Que hay que decir de este disco que no se haya dicho antes. Aunque para muchos sea una marca de poleras, para mí es una debilidad personal. Fácilmente pudo ser de aquellos discos que escuché hasta el cansancio cuando tenía 18 años y empecé a escuchar música con ganas, incluso tenía un parche de este disco pero con gatos pegado en mi mochila (actualmente en una chaqueta que rara vez uso),
El trabajo de Peter Hook en este disco es especialmente bueno, desde la increíble línea de Disorder hasta la memorable She's lost control, hacen que cualquiera se motive a tomar un bajo y empezar a darle downpicking con fuerza.
La melancolía de la interpretación de sus propias letras en el disco consagraron a la voz de Ian Curtis como la más importante de la historia del post-punk sin discusión. Hasta el día de hoy se nota la inspiración que tuvo en agrupaciones que continúan con el género como Human Tetris, Motorama, o los últimamente más populares Molchat Doma.
El año 2019 tuve el agrado de ver a New Order interpretar en vivo un par de temas de Joy Division, como de costumbre lo hacían en sus conciertos, y puedo decir que fue uno de los mejores shows a los que he asistido, aunque eso es harina de otro costal.
Deberías escuchar esto antes de morir? Deberías escuchar esto antes de morir. Un gran disco de principio a fin que justifica totalmente el impacto que tuvo y sigue teniendo en la cultura popular.
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egg2k16 · 1 year
2022 AO3 Year-End Fic Review
@praetorqueenreyna did one, n so I wanted to do one as well!
What is your AO3 account? I'm RedLlamas !
How many words did you write total in 2022? I wrote 39,493 words!
How many fics did you publish in 2022? How many multichapters vs oneshots? I wrote 14 fics! They were all oneshots, but three of them were a new series I started, the relics of fourteen duels, about modern day merthur!
What was your longest fic? Your shortest fic? My longest fic was for Open Range, Riding to Miles City, at 8,222 words! My shortest fic was for Marvel comics spideypool, Thumbing, at 1,426 words!
What was your most popular fic? Your least popular fic? My most popular was for Merlin, En garde! Prêts? Allez! . It's the beginning of my modern merthur series! My least popular was Riding to Miles City 😩 no one's watched that movie at ALL. I'm encouraging everyone here to watch it, btw 👀
What fic didn’t perform as well as you thought it would? I write for A Lot of rarepairs, so I'm never surprised whenever I post something, and it gets Very little traction. However, I have noticed that all my fics have fared...a bit worse this year, since there has been a considerable downpick of people leaving comments. I guess it has to do with newcomers not realizing that you can, in fact, leave a comment on a fic that's a month old. It's really disheartening to see, that no one really wants to interact with me after the fact. That being said, I'm surprised my Squid Game fic, i wanna be the only one you need, didn't hit as hard. It's an omegaverse fic! With the main pairing of the show, sangihun! I think it may have to do with the fact that I made Sang-woo the omega, n Gi-hun the alpha, the...first fic to do that combination, actually
What fic performed way better than you thought it would? Honestly, my first merthur fic, I Just Wanna Dream ! I got very positive responses, n that made me very happy!
What was your favorite fic you wrote from 2022? Riding to Miles City!!! I LOVE Open Range, and I LOVE Diego Luna, and I just wanna hold n squeeze him n kiss him n make him all mine – so obviously, the fic where he's starring as the romantic lead will be just filled to the brim w my pining n sexual desires in the perfect cowboy setting. I wrote that fic so fast, let me tell ya! So so excited to write it, and I even ended up being the first to write for Charley/Button! It's good, being the king, of my own little island
What was your favorite fic that somebody else wrote in 2022? I barely read fics in 2022 😭 I was so stressed out from college, on top of the fact that I got back into reading books! It was very exciting, I hadn't picked up a book since like, 2014! But, I did finally get into the habit of bookmarking fics to reread! My fave fic written in 2022 is definitely Relic by thiefless ! It's a spideystrange fic, w the focus actually being on the Cloak of Levitation! I really love outsider povs, n the fact that this is an intelligent inanimate object? w feelings?? absolutely amazing!!!
Tag your friends to have them do this year-end fic review as well!
Anyone who comes across this is welcome to play! Tagging @skatingthinandice @sequencefairy @uneventfulhouses @lurkerviolin @fagjimmymcgill @pomegranate @destroyallhumans @mothmaneatsass @punk-rock-yuppie !!!
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moth-fuzz · 3 months
my picking speed is slooooowly but surely increasing... I can downpick consistently up to about 180bpm and up to about 220bpm I can downpick but only in short bursts of like 30 seconds or so. All my favorite bands play in the 130-170 range so it's not a HUGE problem but still... I don't like that I am gated by physical limitations... I must grow ever stronger...
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hypnoneghoul · 6 months
dew & phantom kaisarion downpicking vs. aether alternate picking...
little guys have that special power, apparently, because me too. I think its the fag- [GUNSHOT]
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gulyas069 · 8 months
is it normal to hit your pickups with your pick when you're downpicking....?
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bubbledtee · 2 years
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yes he can downpick extremely well but the real question is does he lactate?
i need to suck the milk out of his titties now
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theart2rock · 9 months
Cirith Ungol veröffentlichen "Dark Parade" am 20. Oktober
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Die Kult-Heavy-Metal-Band Cirith Ungol wird am 20. Oktober 2023 ihr sechstes Album "Dark Parade" veröffentlichen. Metal Blade Records hat heute das Cover, die Tracklist und die erste Single veröffentlicht! Nur wenige Bands in der Geschichte des Heavy Metal-Undergrounds haben eine so bemerkenswerte, unwahrscheinliche und erhebende Geschichte wie die von Cirith Ungol. Anfang der 1970er Jahre in Ventura, Kalifornien, gegründet, schufen Cirith Ungol einen Sound, den die Welt noch nie zuvor erlebt hatte. Anstatt ihre Einflüsse passiv zu kanalisieren, wurde die Band dazu getrieben, einen insgesamt schwereren, dunkleren, apokalyptischeren Sound zu schmieden. Er war obskur und geheimnisvoll, mysteriös und exzentrisch, episch und ausladend, aber vor allem unnachgiebig, knochenbrecherisch schwer, dunkel und doomig. Cirith Ungol verschwendeten keine Zeit, um auf der geschmolzenen Welle zu reiten, die sie mit ihrem 2020er Studio-Comeback "Forever Black" ausgelöst hatten, und begannen mit dem Schreiben von Songs für "Dark Parade", sobald "Forever Black" veröffentlicht war. Dann wurden Cirith Ungol, wie jeder andere auch, von der globalen Pandemie gelähmt und kämpften sich durch Krankheit, Abgeschiedenheit, Trauer und Depression in ihrem Bestreben, dunkle, lebendige Kunst zu schaffen. Und wie die größten Krieger hielten sie durch und arbeiteten an einem Song nach dem anderen - Ablenkungen hin oder her. Das erste Stück, das sie komponierten, war das erdrückende "Relentless", das ihr Selbstvertrauen und ihre klare Vision stärkte. Der Rest des Albums entstand auf natürliche Weise, angeheizt durch persönliches Leid und die Tragödie des weltweiten Zusammenbruchs. "Die Bandmitglieder verloren nahe Verwandte und wir kämpften uns so gut es ging durch die Pandemie, die die Weltbevölkerung und die Wirtschaft verwüstete", erklärt Schlagzeuger Rob Garven. "So schrecklich es auch war, es war die perfekte Kulisse für unsere düstere Botschaft von einer Welt am Rande der Zerstörung". Nach der Fertigstellung aller acht Demos - die auf der erweiterten Ausgabe des Albums enthalten sind - begannen Cirith Ungol im Oktober 2022 mit den Aufnahmen zu "Dark Parade". Das Endergebnis ist ein unerbittlicher Triumph des Pessimismus und des Schmerzes; eine verkohlte Vision, die in den Crunch-and-Crash-Vorlagen des klassischen Doom Metal und der NWOBHM verwurzelt ist, aber mit einer zeitgemäßen Produktion und Perspektive geliefert wird. Das Album ist treibend und eindringlich und spiegelt die Liebe der Band zum Metal, den Instinkt zur Zerstörung und den Abscheu vor der Menschheit wider. Vom majestätischen, achtminütigen "Sailor on the Seas of Fate", das mit einem nachdenklichen Arpeggio beginnt und sich zu einer stampfenden, fast stammesmäßigen Salve aufbaut, bevor es in ein düsteres, langsames Brennen von Vergeltung und Agonie übergeht, bis hin zu den letzten drei Sätzen der "Dark Parade"-Saga (bestehend aus "Dark Parade", "Distant Shadows" und "Down Below") bietet das neueste Album von Cirith Ungol einen metallischen Soundtrack des gesellschaftlichen Verfalls und des ökologischen Zusammenbruchs, der nichts Geringeres als die totale Auslöschung vorhersagt. Die erste Singleauskopplung aus "Dark Parade" ist der Eröffnungstrack "Velocity (S.E.P.)", ein kompakter, mittelschneller Blast mit knackigen Riffs und geschickten Hooks, der als Mikrokosmos für einen Großteil des doomigen Albums dient. "Während wir mit Tim und Rob darüber sprachen, welche Art von Song wir brauchten, wurde die Entscheidung getroffen, mit den galoppierenden Chugs aufzuhören, wie es auf früheren Alben oft gemacht wurde, und stattdessen mit Downpicking-Chugs zu beginnen, wobei wir eine gewisse Verbindung zum Cirith Ungol-Sound beibehalten wollten", verrät Gitarrist Jimmy Barraza. "Der Weg zu einem Sabbath- oder Priest-Vibe ist nicht weit und geschieht unbewusst". In dem Stück geht es um Versprechen und bezahlte Schulden. Faust und Robert Johnson wussten beide, was sie bei ihrem Besuch an der Kreuzung erwartete - große Belohnung und großer Verlust. Ein bisschen Leid in Dantes Inferno wird uns immer daran erinnern, dass die irdischen Freuden, die wir suchen, immer einen Preis haben. Verkaufe deine Seele, nimm den Handel an, trage die Konsequenzen. "Es geht darum, was passiert, wenn wir das verkaufen, was uns lieb und teuer ist", so Baker. "Unsere Seele - wenn es so etwas gibt - unsere Würde, unseren Stolz und alles, was wir sonst noch haben, um den Deal zu besiegeln in einem endlosen Streben nach Geld, Macht, Ruhm und Herrschaft über andere". "Dark Parade" wird als Digipak-CD, digital und als LP in den folgenden Farbvarianten erhältlich sein: - Special Edition LP (Schuber mit Heißfolienprägung, 2xLP inkl. Demos des gesamten Albums, 12" Booklet, 2 Poster, Kunstdruck, Tragetasche - ltd. 1000) - 180g Schwarzes Vinyl (EU-exkl.) - Olivgrün marmoriertes Vinyl (EU-exkl. - ltd. 700) - Charcoal Marbled vinyl (EU excl. - ltd. 500) - Pale Grey w/ Black Smoke vinyl (EU excl. - ltd. 500) - Goldfarbenes "Black Dust"-Vinyl (Metal Blade Store EU-exkl. - ltd. 300) - Fog Marbled Vinyl (US exkl.) - Grau/ Schwarz marmoriertes Vinyl (US excl.) Tracklist: 1. Velocity (S.E.P.) 2. Relentless 3. Sailor on the Seas of Fate 4. Sacrifice 5. Looking Glass 6. Dark Parade 7. Distant Shadows 8. Down Below Cirith Ungol werden am 20. Oktober im The Roxy in West Hollywood eine spezielle Show zur Veröffentlichung ihres neuen Albums spielen und damit den ersten Live-Auftritt der Band in Los Angeles seit fünfunddreißig Jahren absolvieren. Der Auftritt wird anlässlich des 50-jährigen Jubiläums des Roxy stattfinden und die Band wird "Dark Parade" in seiner Gesamtheit spielen, gefolgt von einem kompletten Set mit klassischem Material. Zusätzlich wird das Set gefilmt und für eine zukünftige Live-Veröffentlichung aufgenommen. Record Release Show 2023: 10/20/2023 The Roxy – West Hollywood, CA Line-up: Tim Baker – Vocals Greg Lindstrom – Guitar Robert Garven – Drums Jim Barraza – Guitar Jarvis Leatherby – Bass Weblinks: www.facebook.com/cirithungolofficial twitter.com/cirithu Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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quadruple-whammy · 1 year
Metal Lickers
I understand why my brothers fell asleep to Metallica when we were road tripping 14 hours as a family.
I can’t say my uncle got me into Metallica, because he didn’t, but I think I inherited my appreciation of them from him. He taught himself to play guitar, listening to Metallica in his bedroom. I gifted him a Metallica shirt for Christmas one year. Now he primarily plays mandolin in bluegrass bands. As I listen to and enjoy Metallica I have to recognize that there has to be something in my blood that is naturally drawn to this type of music. It was in my uncle’s blood, too.
Currently, as I write this, I’m sitting in a movie theater watching the global premiere of Metallica’s latest album, 72 Seasons, while drinking a chocolate Oreo milkshake. There are at least 80 other people in here. I saw two Hellfire shirts and I’m wearing my jean vest.
To be clear, I don’t mean my brothers (and myself) fell asleep in a bad way.
I also understand why people in the 80s might’ve called metalheads a brainwashing cult.
Firstly, my friend and I joked that Metallica feels like a weighted blanket. The way the deep bass and bass drums kind of pound with your heart and there is never a break in the sound and you’re always hearing something is like when you’re wrapped up in bed with no air holes letting in the cold air. Metallica is warm. Most metal music is, but I think Metallica does this effect best, which is why I like them best.
Call me basic.
Secondly, there is a rhythmic-meditative sort of factor in the way James downpicks and Lars bangs on bass and toms and even hi-hat. Factor in Robert’s lock-in on bass and you have a nice rhythm section that can put you into a trance and, eventually, put you to sleep. It’s not dissimilar to butterfly tapping (look it up) or focusing on taking slow and equal breaths; mimicking the beat of a mother while still in the womb. There has to be some sort of cathartic reasoning to this sort of chug-chug-chug beat that Metallica and other metal artists use as their own personal therapy.
Rhythm is everything.
Lastly, this is moreso for me. It’s the familiarity of Lars’s drums and the consistent chugging of James and Kirk’s downpicking. It lets me know that I am safe, that it is a comfortable space for me to be in. When I was in middle school, I had a brief stint where each morning I would hit shuffle on Metallica’s Spotify profile (as I had not yet convinced my dad to get Spotify Premium for the family). From that, my mom awarded me Metallica’s black album for Christmas that year. I grew out of that Metallica phase relatively quickly; for lack of better words, my music taste hadn’t quite evolved or matured to them yet.
But it has now!
I hate to admit it but I can’t say Eddie Munson didn’t get me back into them. Like, I was already kind of revisiting them. But I’ll be damned if that Master of Puppets sequence in Season 4 Vol. 2 didn’t thrust me to the nearest record store to buy Master of Puppets on vinyl.
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gelmaah · 1 year
Starting a new hobby.
July blog post (2022) ⛱
Things to look out for when buying a bass guitar + a beginner's Yamaha TRBX 174 review.
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I did it!
I spent money on this!
Was it worth it?
In meantime it is.
After looking at some beginner level bass guitars, I decided to buy a brand new bass guitar of my own– the Yamaha TRBX 174 EW ('exotic wood' instead of the monochromatic finish on the standard models, only a visual difference). Apparently this line of Yamaha basses are pretty high quality despite their entry level status and has all the functions that a beginner might want:
It’s the perfect bass to learn on if you’re eager to start playing but don’t have that much money yet. The stock pickups on the Yamaha TRBX174 offer a good range of tones, from crisp trebles, to punchy mids, to smooth lows. https://www.knowyourinstrument.com/yamaha-trbx174-electric-bass-guitar-full-review/#google_vignette
But just by the aesthetics, the exotic wood finish, while has no functional differences, just looks good and I'm quite satisfied with it (gives it a bit of an acoustic vibe~).
If you're going for something more classic looking, then the standard TRBX 174 models is sufficient enough, especially considering the slightly higher cost of the EW model.
There's also an option when buying through a retailer to also ship an amp and a stand for about ₩80,000 in addition to the original price of about ₩350,000. A must buy for beginners who don't have any equipment.
There is one thing though– the 'patented' A shape guitar stand.
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'기타를 거치할수 있는 A자 스탠드' ('An A shaped guitar stand that can hold the guitar up')
Every time I pick up the bass guitar, the bass always seems to be out of tune, making me have to annoyingly retune the bass each time I want to play, adding a minute or two to my routine. I found out that it's because the stand was meant for an acoustic guitar, so the bass guitar was sliding off and supporting the entire weight of the neck on the tuners–except when there was the perfect amount of space in between to prevent it from touching the wall.
'Don't be like me and buy an acoustic guitar stand for a bass guitar.' - Sun Tzu, The Art of War.
Here's a list of thing to look out for that I found during my research so that you can avoid a costly mistake and optimize your spendings as a low-commitment beginner 🔰:
Additional equipment.
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(sites like G market are good for these type of deals as they often source their stuff from music shops and create beginner friendly packages)
In addition to the amp, stand, and the bass itself, there are some essential equipment that'll make your practicing a bit easier.
Clip shaped tuner (cheap tuner that comes with production instruments, helps to tune through vibrations without using an amp)
Cable (to connect to the amp)
Strings (more strings in case they snap 😖 or get dirty)
Strap (for playing standing up)
Pick (for techniques such as downpicking and a sharper tone)
Microfibre cloth (to polish the guitar and keep it clean)
2. Type of pickups
There are two main kinds of pickups for bass guitars,
Jazz pickups, the traditional pickups used for genres such as jazz, soul, punk, metal, and rock–they offer a brighter sound on the highs.
Precision pickups, the newer pickups used for genres such as rock, punk, surf, and grunge–they offer a more deeper and dark sound on the lows.
There are also P/J pickups where both types of pickups are installed to let you mix the sounds of both depending on what you want, and is a common beginner feature to allow for versatility. This bass has it too.
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3. Scale/fret number
The standard bass is about 34", which means that the length of the neck is about that length–this means that due to the larger distance between frets, it may be more difficult to extend your fingers especially if you have small hands. That's why options such as short scale basses that are only 30" in length allow to play while adapting to your hand size. UNLESS you have unusually small hands, most learn to play on the standard bass, moving their hands across the fretboard using position changes and shifting it slightly each time you cannot reach in the same position.
The fret count (i.e. your range) is typically about 20 in a standard 4 string bass (5 strings adds a lower B string and a 6 string adds a higher C string), with some going up to 24 frets–this is mostly irrelevant as a beginner as you'd most likely be working with the first two E and A strings. However, if you have some songs that you want to learn later on that seem oddly high or low, you might want to do some more research to see if you need the extra frets or not. (more strings are unrecommended as it creates more difficulties for a beginner with muting)
4. Aesthetics
The last thing you want to consider when buying a bass guitar are the aesthetics. It's a simple question, but it just ensures that you'll enjoy playing the instrument while you're holding it and that you'll stick with it because you chose something that you wanted.
Honestly, after considering all this, I'm pretty satisfied with my purchase. I wanted a 24 fret bass because a solo I want to learn later down the line required the 24th fret and it's a nice reminder as to why I wanted to learn bass in the first place. (apply meaning to what you do~)
Since my tutors don't begin until next month (which I highly recommended if you don't want to waste any more money), I've been looking at some bass cover videos on youtube that have tabs and been following them for fun. Surprisingly, even simple bass lines such as 'another one bites the dust' looks very complicated right now.
Time to give this one a go~
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