#downpour is good but a very different flavor of good
gay-artificer · 1 year
Man i do like Downpour but it really is no Rainworld. This isn't "downpour is bad" post just a... passive thought on how Rain world really is a kinda lightning-in-a-bottle type game with the way it feels. I don't think you can intentionally capture that. Like its got something to it that can only exist as a something that emerges naturally rather than through emulation
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Chapter 4: Summer's Arrival
Narrated by Yexiao.
Narrator: Summer's coming.
Narrator: Lush green flora and fauna have taken over the mountains and meadows.
Narrator: Insects are buzzing loudly in the woods.
Narrator: Sunshine penetrates the leaves, scattering small splotches of light on the dirt path.
Narrator: The breeze carries over the humid air from far away. A loud boom of thunder tears through the silent night.
Narrator: The day dawns sunny after a downpour. The morning dew on a lotus leaf wakes a pondering dragonfly.
Narrator: The flowers are all gone.
Narrator: I start sorting out my previous sketches.
Narrator: Sketches of falling petals in the air. Different positions, different paths, different destinations.
Narrator: The loquats from the tree in the old lady's yard are ripe. The old lady brings me a whole basket.
Narrator: The loquats are very sweet. I give her the eggs my chickens laid in return.
Narrator: In early summer afternoons, my cat loves snoozing on the old lady's lap. I start working on the final version of my designs.
Narrator: I add falling petal motifs on the cape, skirt hem, and sleeves.
Narrator: The lively petals seem to billow on the wind. Worn on a windy day, the dress would look like it was trailing petals.
Choose either "Did you get inspiration from the falling flowers?" or "Were you inspired to observe the falling flowers?"
If "did you get," ...
You: Did the petals inspire you to make this design?
Narrator: I like searching for inspiration in nature.
If "were you inspired," ...
You: Did you start observing the petals because of this design?
Narrator: I only had a vague idea for this design in the beginning, and the observations helped me figure it out.
Narrator: The inspiration didn't come in an instant. The petal, too, didn't reach its destination in an instant either.
Narrator: It's getting hotter. Lotus flowers are blooming amid the round leaves floating in the pond.
Narrator: My chickens are early risers. I've added more corn to the chicken feed, and they seem appreciative.
Yexiao: How are you liking the taste today?
Baby Chick: Cluck cluck cluck...
Yexiao: G' morning, granny!
Old Lady: Good morning to you, too.
Yexiao: I'm heading into town later. Do you need anything?
Old Lady: Please bring me some flour and honey, love.
Narrator: The town is buzzing with life and interesting characters.
Narrator: But I can't stay long, gotta head home soon for the day's sketching session.
Narrator: What should I draw today?
Choose either "The summer clouds are interesting," "Kitten claws are interesting," or "Popsicles of different flavors are interesting."
If "clouds," ...
You: The summer clouds should be a fun subject.
Narrator: Summer clouds? Hmm... the clouds do change with the seasons indeed.
If "claws," ...
You: The cat's paws should be a fun subject.
Narrator: I need the cat's permission first, though.
If "popsicles," ...
You: Different ice cream flavors should be a fun subject.
Narrator: You're just craving ice cream, I bet.
Narrator: I'd love to draw the eggs my chickens laid, the cicadas singing in the thicket, the sunshine seeping through the leaves...
Narrator: So many interesting subjects, so little time. I guess I should take it easy, one after another.
Narrator: A very busy life.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
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flecks-of-stardust · 1 year
for the ask game: lemm hollow knight?
(and if it’s ok to send two characters, then maybe nsh from rain world :D ?)
[ask game referenced] [link to ask box]
it is absolutely okay to send two characters!
Sexuality Headcanon: i view lemm as a crochety old ("old") man (like late 50s-early 60s), so i think at this point he doesn't care very much. i have no idea if he's queer or not. he's not a character i think about a lot honestly? but if anything he'd be married to his collection. he definitely doesn't seem like the type to ever really want a partner, regardless of if he's aro or not. he doesn't really feel like he's aro, regardless. just grumpy. lmfao. i guess my answer is i don't know. i could probably see him being bi? but at the point we meet him in in the game i really doubt he cares.
Gender Headcanon: this man is cis, idk. he's either very cis or very trans, but either way he doesn't give two fucks about his gender and he'll chew anyone that asks out for daring to make him think about it. if he's any flavor of trans, he doesn't like scrutinizing his gender. better to save that energy for trying to translate the wanderers' journals he gets, yknow? it doesn't really matter in hallownest anyway.
A ship I have with said character: i don't ship him with anyone, nor do i really want to. he's more interesting as just relic seeker lemm imo. i guess in a way it'd be interesting to explore how romance is 'distracting' for him, particularly for stuff like lemmquirrel, but frankly i'm not interested and i highly doubt lemm is interested.
A BROTP I have with said character: does lemm look like a bro to you /lh well actually i could probably see him getting along with the seer. all you have to do to get him to be nice is to offer some inkling of information about the history of an area and he'll Completely shift his tone. he just goes into archeologist mode right away, and with some convincing i think the seer could have a good rapport with him.
A NOTP I have with said character: i have not looked at much ship content for him, but i'd say anything outside of lemmquirrel is... probably a no go? i don't even particularly enjoy lemmquirrel. more so that i just don't care; i tend to have a pretty low tolerance for romance in general, but especially with lemm i really can't see him in a relationship.
A random headcanon: i think this is common, but i'm gonna say it anyway. this man is Lost in the autism juice. it's pretty hard for him not to be when he dedicates basically all of his time to collecting and deciphering old texts with no known speakers left. do you know how mindblowingly hard it is to reconstruct languages? there's so much extrapolation involved, and if you don't have enough data you really just can't do shit about it. so the fact he's doing this all on his own is really impressive, and he's just very autistic about it.
General Opinion over said character: yeah i don't think about him very much honestly. he's interesting enough in his own right, but i don't have many thoughts about him fkjghkgf
Sexuality Headcanon: re: my pebbles post, i really don't think any of the iterators have thought much about this, but out of all of them i feel like sig would be the most likely to have one? i don't know how it would work. you could probably argue that sexuality works differently for iterators, but i don't want to work out the specifics of robot sex. but sig just has big queer energy in a way that explicitly feels allo. what flavor of it, no clue. they'd be the type to use both bi and pan in conjunction though. so probably that. both bi and pan.
Gender Headcanon: nonbinary of some sort. if based on downpour, i would say agender man with he/they, but based on my own thoughts it'd be they/them only and some ambiguous sort of gender that they don't really care to specify. do they have a gender? yeah, probably. what is it? your guess is as good as theirs.
A ship I have with said character: don't have one. i really don't care to ship the iterators ngl.
A BROTP I have with said character: (downpour lore spoilers for spearmaster) i really enjoyed the development of sig and suns' relationship in downpour tbh, though i'm a bit dubious about how canon it is. as for my own work, i actually think sig and wind get along quite well! i think they talked a lot, and were very close. sig obviously cared about moon too, but she was more of a senior, while sig and wind were closer in age.
A NOTP I have with said character: pebbles and sig. why would you do that lmao. they'd literally shred each other before even Thinking about that. also, pebbles? you think pebbles wants a relationship? pebbles????
A random headcanon: they're very gullible. it's part of their general good-natured way of going about things, but they're very trusting and genuine, so it's pretty easy to prank them. innocence weaponized this very often.
General Opinion over said character: sig my best friend my beloved. even before downpour,,,, hunter's whole campaign is. ough. i'm so dearly curious about their relationship with the rest of their local group, like what did they think about moon's collapse? they cared enough to send her help despite their can probably not being in too good of a state too. and also how are they so jokey in the face of... everything? they're so interesting, and i'd say i wish we got more explicitly canon content about them, but i think part of the beauty of rain world is allowing the players to extrapolate and theorize stuff on their own. so no real complaints there :)
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swirlwineconsulting · 3 months
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What am I supposed to smell in this wine?
Your eyes are shut tight and your nose is dipped genteelly into your glass, seconds later your head lifts and you ask “What am I supposed to be smelling here?” “What do you smell?”. Alas, what I smell and what you and your table mate(s) smell are rarely the same, and guess what? It doesn’t matter.
Your wine came with a list of tasting notes including words like: Bing and dried cherries, tropical fruits, cedar, black raspberries and melon, even wet stone, leather, pencil lead and barnyard. You spend precious time that could be spent enjoying your purchase trying to find the experience the reviewer told you to expect. Are you confused, disappointed that you couldn’t discern what you were supposed to? Let it go and let’s move on to all you really need to know to “sacar todo el jugo” as the saying goes in Spanish- “get all of the juice out” of the experience.
Like most passionate students of wine (especially those seeking certifications and advanced degrees), I spend a great deal of time sniffing through spice cabinets, ethnic grocery stores and farmers market stands, blooming flowers and fruit trees, freshly mown grass and hay, the ocean breeze, the wet pavement after summer rain (petrichor), the earthy smell of an open field after a heavy downpour (geosmin). I smell the differences between Oolong, Earl Grey and Lapsang Souchong teas; between Italian espresso roast and Cuban coffee; between uncured and smoked bacon. In other words, I stick my nose into a lot of places where it doesn’t necessarily belong-also looking for signs of faults in a wine like: locker room, dirty laundry, geranium, rotten egg, burnt rubber, cooked garlic, or skunk.  I volunteer at a local farm to smell freshly-dug earth and the growth stages in the lifespan of heirloom tomatoes. I grow seasonal veggies and herbs on my patio so that I can enjoy the scent of my Meyer lemon tree in bloom and the lingering smell of tarragon on my fingers at harvest. Many wine lovers are also great cooks who recognize the variations in aroma of a ripe vs an unripe ingredient, uncut vs sliced, raw vs cooked or a fresh vs fermented one.  I recommend that anyone looking to more fully understand the vocabulary of wine begin by learning to smell, as many of the aromatic characteristics also reveal themselves on the palate.
For example, some well-ripened cheeses smell pungently of dirty socks. Not very appetizing to those who don't enjoy Époisses from France or Dutch Limburger but make sense to those who love them. The nuance of animal fat is especially prevalent in Syrah from France's Rhône Valley. A stone-like scent and flavor (some of us diehards have even licked the stones) are the hallmarks of Sauvignon Blanc from the Loire Valley, Champagne and Chablis. Many southern French reds hint at licorice. German Riesling often smells faintly of gasoline – in a good way.
The Wine Aroma Wheel is a helpful tool for learning to describe the complexity of wines by categorizing their characteristic aromas in relation to fruits, vegetables, flowers, minerals, animals, wood, oak and yeast, etc. However, none of this is very useful to someone unfamiliar with the aromas listed. Sadly, today’s supermarkets offer little help in identifying the scents on the wheel as most fruits and vegetables, especially imported tropical fruits (mango, papaya, guava, starfruit) were picked before prime ripeness and lack smell as well as flavor. I once told someone who didn’t like papaya that they most likely hadn’t had a local, fully ripened one. How many of us have access to fresh gooseberries, green almonds, persimmons or quince whether unripe or ripened? What about boysenberries and dragonfruit? Was that lychee fresh or canned? How many have plucked a fig or olive from the tree, can differentiate between the scent of iris, jasmine or lilac? Ever ride a horse or wear Granddad’s old leather bomber jacket?  Do you smell your shitake, oyster and maitake mushrooms? See what I mean? This is not a game for everyone.
Having a common language for winetasting allows people of diverse backgrounds to communicate fluidly. Learning the basics is desirable and can add fun when sharing wine with others; but should not be stressful for the average consumer. At a recent tasting of wines from Bourgogne and Bordeaux, a heavily Aussie accented presenter swirled the glass before handing a juicy red Burgundy to me. He raised his glass to his nose as I did mine and we both said, almost in unison “Horsehair!”. The scent took us both back to the memories of saddling up a freshly brushed horse, while also hinting at the wine’s age and vineyard location.  A connection was made. A Jamaican-American wine and food writer I know often refers to Barbados cherries, Marionberries, Hibiscus or Sorrel flowers and sea urchin. Do these hold any meaning for you? If so, enjoy these bonus associations when they occur, if not move on.
Detecting aromas is not a parlor trick or for showing off. Your server at a restaurant should be able to detect most faults in the wine before pouring.  Let them examine the cork and discreetly sniff for off odors. If an off-putting aroma or bad taste slips by them, let them know, trust your judgement that the wine shouldn’t smell like a wet dog or taste like your kitchen sponge. A faulty wine is generally identifiable, so if this occurs with a bottle you open at home, cork it up and return it to the vendor, if possible. For this reason, I never tell attendees in my classes what to smell or taste; rather to “feel the sensations” of the wine. The important elements of a balanced wine are in its acidity, tannin structure, residual sugar level, alcohol by volume (ABV%), mouthfeel – assets that most people can detect - tartness, sweetness or the lack of it, the heat of alcohol and the thin or thick texture on the palate. After all, what the average drinker wants from a glass of wine is enjoyment.
If you fancy yourself “not average” by all means join me in exploring all the good and bad smells associated with wine – otherwise, as my class descriptions advise “Smell, Sip, Taste, Enjoy” and leave it at that.
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pujaperfumery1 · 2 years
Where Can We find The Best Kannauj Attar On The Internet?
Indian Attars are practically natural perfumes made using completely natural raw products. They are made using various blossoms, flavors, or natural herbs. While Kannauj is a village however there are many perfumeries who are part of this tradition. They are part of human history since the times of the Persians. Still, the majority of people in Islamic countries prefer them over artificial choices for the absence of alcohol in them.
These Attars are 100% pure as well as hence are really near to nature. Their scent is simply mesmerizing. They are not just made use of to spread a good aroma around us but additionally to unwind our minds. In our busy lifestyle, tensions and also tension have a deep effect on our minds making our lives more difficult. Attars help to counter this point.
Attars have a good scent and that is why it is also becoming part of western countries So Puja Perfumery is the best place to get kannauj attar online at an affordable price. We combine it with other essential oils in a perfumery mixture used in various traditional Indian dishes. 
Attars are proven to have many different healing properties. These fragrances are very delicate and help to maintain our minds fresh permanently. Kannauj Attar is well-known due to the fact that below is where it is still generated making use of the same old techniques. They are part of Indian heritage and also utilized by several kings and also imperial individuals in the past to soothe their minds during their everyday way of living. They do not just provide alleviation to the mind yet they likewise affect our body.
I was a large fan of western fragrances for a while, however after I was made aware of Attars which are made in my country, India, I assumed allow provide it an opportunity. They are rather costlier than other choices but I really wished to try something brand-new. And also after utilizing it just when (I selected Mitti Attar very first time), I was encouraged that there is no other way I will buy those poisonous synthetic fragrances again.
Kannauj is a gamer as well as Kannauj Attar is a really popular item in the world now. You need to try them as soon as if you can. I suggest if you require something specific for reflection, go with Jasmine or Saffron Attar. They are famous for their distinct scents.
If you require something to assist you to deal with the weather, Attars are better choices there as well due to their impacts on the body. If you live in a hot climate, opt for Mitti Attar, which is a special attar that smells like the earth after the initial rain or downpours. If you require something for the winter seasons, choose Saffron, made from among the most costly herbs in the world.
For More Info:- 
kannauj attar
mitti attar kannauj
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wrenhyperfixates · 3 years
Stay the Night
Pairing: Loki x reader Summary: Your fear of thunderstorms leads you to invite Loki to stay the night at your place. Warnings: none A/N: Happy reading :)
Tag List: @lucywrites02 @frostedgiant @lunarmoon8 @twhiddlestonsstuff @lokistan @lowkeyorlokificrecs @gaitwae​ @whatafuckingdumbass​ @castiels-majestic-wings​ @kozkaboi​ @cozy-the-overlord​ @birdgirl90​ @myraiswack​
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Disclaimer: Gif not mine
It was raining. No, that was an understatement. It was pouring; torrents of water attacked your house. You thanked the powers that may be for letting you get your leak fixed last month. You didn’t mind the rain, not really, but this was just depressing. And the strength of the storm was a little scary, too. The claps of thunder seemed to rattle the very foundation of your house, and you jumped a little every time. There was only one thing making the relentless downpour bearable. Loki.
“Darling?” he asked, concern lacing his voice. “Is there something wrong?”
You tried to relax your visibly tense body. “Yeah, I’m ok. Totally fine.”
He looked unconvinced, but kept his skepticism to himself. No need to pry, he supposed. He took your hand in his and used his thumb to rub circles on the back of it. He hoped it would help calm you. There was a time he never would have been so bold as to initiate contact, but you changed that. You’d shown him it was ok to do. With you it was, anyway.
As another boom of thunder filled the air, you squeezed Loki’s hand tighter. He gave you another concerned look. He wasn’t very fond of thunderstorms himself, and he wondered if the same thing was plaguing you. The thought reminded him of his brother, and then the Tower. He really should be getting back home, but how he so hated to leave you, his precious mortal.
You’d met him one day in the Tower. You were the receptionist on the first floor, and more often than not, Loki chose just to teleport in and out. At that time, it had only been a month since you’d gotten the job, and you’d yet to see the god. For whatever reason, he decided to use the front door that day. You stopped him as he tried to walk through the security measures without checking in.
“Excuse me, sir,” you’d said. “I’m going to need to see your Tower ID.”
“Oh, darling,” he’d said. “I do not think I need any verification. Perhaps I should introduce myself. I am Loki of Asgard.” He’d bowed and placed a kiss to the back of your hand.
“And I’m in charge of this reception desk,” you’d replied, puffing up your chest and blocking his way. He laughed a little. “And I need some ID.”
“Very well,” he’d sighed. As he searched for the little card, you let out a breath of relief. You’d never had this trouble with any of the other Avengers. He finally found it and presented it with a charming smile. “Aha! Here we are, darling. Are we all good here then?”
“Yup,” you said, swiping him through. “Have a nice day, Loki of Asgard.”
“And to you too, but I do not think I caught your name.” You gave it to him, and he’d repeated it with yet another smile. “I look forward to our next meeting.”
“Me too,” you responded with a shy grin back at him.
He made sure to always use the door after that, usually waiting until he got to the desk to pull out his ID, giving him a chance to chat with you. Your friendship quickly blossomed, and you both developed feelings for each other. Not that either of you would admit it out of fear the other wouldn’t feel the same.
Right now, he would just teleport home, since your friendly face wouldn’t be there to greet him with a smile. He didn’t really want to go, but he also didn’t want to overstay his welcome. You hadn’t given him any reason to think he had, it was just his nature to believe that was so.
“I had better take my leave before it gets too late,” he told you, making to stand up.
“No!” you shouted with an unexpected urgency. “Uh, what I mean is that you shouldn’t go out in this storm. Why don’t you stay the night here? If that’s not weird, of course.”
His heart beat a little faster as you desperately clung to his hand. Of course he could tell you that it was no trouble; with his magic, he wouldn’t have to set foot outside. But he could tell this was about something more than you were saying. Besides, who was he to turn down some more time with you?
“It is not weird at all, darling,” he replied, getting comfortable on the couch once more. “It sounds like a wonderful idea. Thank you for the offer.”
“You’re welcome.”
He brought his arms around you and hugged you to his chest, gently running his hand up and down your arm in what he hoped was a comforting gesture. From the way you relaxed against him, he supposed that it was. As the episode you were watching finished, you flipped through the channels and landed on the Food Network. The food on the screen caused an embarrassingly loud grumble in your stomach, but Loki just beamed at you.
“Are you hungry, darling?” he asked. “Perhaps I could make us a snack?”
“I’m the host,” you replied, with a shake of your head. “I should be providing the food.”
“How about we make it together then?” he suggested. “What would you like?”
“I’m craving nachos right now, if that’s fine with you.” You were met with a blank stare. “Do you not know what nachos are?” you exclaimed in disbelief.
“I am afraid I do not,” he chuckled. It never ceases to amaze you how there was always some other new Midgardian food to introduce him to. “I will gladly try them, though. You will have to take the lead on the cooking, of course.”
You nodded your head and led him to your kitchen, pulling out the ingredients you’d need. You cooked the chicken while Loki cut up the tomatoes and lettuce. You instructed Loki on how to prepare the rest of the toppings while you melted the cheese on the chips. All the delicious aromas filling the kitchen only served to make your stomach growl louder. You sheepishly giggled as the both of you loaded up the plate with everything you’d made.
“Are they ready, then?” Loki asked. “Should I try it?”
You excitedly nodded yes. He picked up a chip with all the toppings on it. He sniffed at it before closing his eyes and taking a delicate bite. His eyes shot open in excitement as the flavors exploded on his tongue. He quickly polished off the rest of the chip.
“It is delicious, darling! You are quite the talented chef, you know.”
You shifted your weight, never sure how to react to a compliment. “Thanks, Loki. You are too.”
He gestured to the plate, and you took your first bite. As you stood at the counter, chatting and eating, you almost forgot about the storm raging on outside. Well, that was until you finished the dish, and thunder sounded once more, the rain attacking with a revived fury.
“Do you wish to go to bed now?” he inquired, mistaking your masked fear as exhaustion. “I hope I have not kept you up.”
“No, not at all,” you were quick to reassure him. “Actually, I want to stay up a while longer. We could even make a pillow fort! That is if, uh, if you wanted to.”
“That sounds like a splendid idea, darling.”
You’d introduced him to the notion the first time the two of you were up late together, and he’d taken to it immediately. You’d suggested he should be the prince of the fort, but he’d insisted that you take on the role of monarch. He did the same now as you gathered the pillows, blankets, and cushions, setting to work building your haven on the floor and couch.
“Well, darling,” he said, leaning back and pulling you with him, “I think we did a pretty good job.”
“Even better than last time,” you agreed.
As you turned the TV back on, you found you were more interested in studying Loki’s face than watching the movie he’d picked. He was so beautiful, down to every last detail. Realizing the sheer number of times his perfect, pink lips had formed the word darling made your heart skip a beat or two. He’d been saying it since he first met you, but it was different now; softer, more caring. He thought what was actually a thrill induced shiver was a sign that you were cold, and carefully draped a blanket around your shoulders, holding you even closer than before.
“Are you truly feeling alright?” he fretted. “You are not feeling ill, are you?”
“No, Loki. Don’t worry. I’m totally and completely fi-”
Thunder cut off your sentence once more, and you whimpered, confirming his suspicions from earlier. Before you could explain the involuntary reaction away, Loki cupped your cheeks and looked deep into your eyes.
“Darling!” he exclaimed. “You are afraid of the thunder.”
“I am,” you wailed, burying your head in your hands as his arms wrapped around you. He held your head to his chest, rocking back and forth ever so slightly. “I am. This is so embarrassing.”
“Nonsense. I am rather terrified of it, too. Far too many unpleasant memories of Thor’s temper tantrums and combat training,” he grimaced. “Does it carry the same kind of horrid association for you?”
“Mhm. When I was a kid,” you said, taking a deep breath, “a bolt of lightning struck the tree in my front yard. It fell over, and the entire house was soon engulfed with flames. My family and I were all ok, but it was scary.”
“And understandably so!” he comforted you. “I am so sorry you went through something so horrid. I promise you are safe here with me, though. I will never let anything harm you.”
You lifted your head and looked into his eyes, only to bury it back in the crook of his neck at another clap of thunder. He rubbed your back again and comfortingly shushed you as you whimpered more, reassuring you that you would be alright. That he would make sure of it. All of a sudden, that was the only noise you were hearing. Well, that and the TV. Everything else went quiet. You dared to peek up, and saw Loki smiling at you, but with concern in his eyes.
“What happened?” you asked, perplexed by the sudden silence of the storm outside.
“I have cast a spell. A bubble of silence of sorts,” he replied. “It is a talent I developed for when things get really bad.”
“Thank you. It’s perfect.”
“You are welcome,” he whispered as you snuggled closer to him. He placed a kiss to your head and immediately feared he’d overstepped. “I am sorry, darling. I hope I have not made you uncomfortable.”
“On the contrary,” you said, pecking him on the lips, “I wouldn’t mind more.”
He recovered quickly from his shock and moved to kiss you again. It was sweet and gentle, yet you were drowning. Drowning in his scent, his taste, his everything. But you didn’t mind. If the air was taken from your lungs, this was a good way to go.
“I love you, Loki,” you said, a radiant smile gracing your face.
“And I you, my darling.”
As you kissed again, you thought that thunderstorms might not be that bad, after all.
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sidespromptblog · 3 years
What to Do?: Chapter 9
One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Ten
Warnings: Food mention, General Angst, Hurt/Comfort, and a difference of opinions.
Summary: Logan realizing that his first mistake was seeing the other sides as anything other than coworkers. They weren't a family. They didn't even like each other. How had he not realized sooner?
Word Count: 2,439
Roman paced anxiously in the hallway before Logan’s door, the paper in his hands had been wrinkled, smoothed out, and then wrinkled again before he had tried to smooth it out once more… this time less successfully. 
He had been more than a little surprised when Logan had come to him with a list of things he wanted Roman to pick out, normally when it came to getting anything done they had two totally different mindsets of what should be done when it came to Thomas. And once it came time to do things they would clash just as they always had, as Roman instinctively wanted Thomas to just have fun and follow his passions. Whereas Logan was the exact opposite of that, and he had always wanted Thomas to do the things he needed to do, whether they were fun or boring. Roman had always kind of hated him for that, for seemingly shooting down his every idea, for a more and more boring one that sucked the fun out of everything. 
But this new plan…
“You too huh?” Roman’s head snapped up in an instant, and locked eyes with Virgil who had his hands on his own version of a wrinkled set of papers. “Apparently Patton got one too, and the oth… the dark sides too.” 
A bolt of surprise leapt through Roman, so Logan wasn’t asking just them anymore? He was actually, well and truly, going to everyone to see what they wanted done. He could imagine that Remus must’ve been quite surprised to be asked such a thing from Logan of all people. Especially with how they had clashed just recently, or had Logan just given Janus the papers with the instruction to give it to Remus too. If that were the case… then Remus would have seen this as nothing more than homework to be done, and probably shredded it the moment that it landed in his hands. 
Or maybe not… 
Roman was smart enough to acknowledge that he didn’t exactly know his brother that well. That and Remus always tried to do what they least expected from him, as one big twist surprise ending towards them all.
He was annoying like that. 
Roman’s eyes snapped towards the door, and Virgil fidgeted in his place for some reason looking very uncomfortable at the prospect of entering. “Yeah…” He finally said, scratching the back of his head. “It definitely was kind of… interesting. I didn’t think he’d want to talk to me for a while, we didn’t exactly part well last time.” That was an understatement, he remembered yelling at Logan… and just being so angry before he had come to terms with it all. “I’m surprised that Logic even wants to see us and-” 
A snarl peeled off of Virgil’s lips, and Roman flinched in surprise.
“His name is Logan, Roman.” The anxious side snapped in an instant, his eyes dark like thunderclouds before a torrential downpour. “Not Logic. Do you understand?” He growled, suddenly looking quite on edge for someone who had just been looking so nervous in the face of Logan’s door. 
It felt a bit like whiplash. 
But even so Roman held his stance firmly, he was determined when it came to this and he wasn’t going to let one of Virgil’s temper tantrums get in the way of it. Not anymore, and not with everything that had happened recently. He was Logan’s shield, he had sworn that he would be that for him even if the logical side didn’t know it, and even if he never knew it. Roman was on his side, and he would remain on his side for as long as the logical side would have him. 
So he crossed his arms, “I think his name is whatever he chooses for it to be, Virgil.” He stressed the other side’s name, feeling only an inkling of guilt at how the anxious side stepped back for a second. “We don’t have the authority to tell him what he will or will not be called. If he wants to be called Logic, then Logic is what we’ll call him. It’s not up to you.” Roman stared at Virgil, meeting his eyes dead on and not breaking eye contact until the anxious side’s eyes darted away. “Got it?” He asked, feeling the tiniest bit of satisfaction in how he had turned the other’s words back on him. 
A beat of silence, and then…
“Thank you Creativity.” Both of the sides looked up in a hurry, their eyes locking onto the logical side who stood before them, his door previously shut tight was now wide open. He held his own stack of papers, all neatly pressed and without a single crease or line on them. “Both of you may come on in, if it so pleases you.”  
And just like that, he turned and disappeared into his room, leaving the other two sides to follow him. 
The atmosphere was… more than a little tense to say the least. 
The bedroom that had previously been Logan’s looked nothing like what it was now, to the point where it was almost night and day with the comparisons. The posters were gone, the string lights, the pictures of all of them, the bookcases, the crumpled up paper balls that had once been ideas, even the… the fanfiction that Roman used to help Logan write… it was all gone. It was like everything had just been stripped away, and a boring office cubicle had taken its place. The deep blue walls were now a pale cream color, and the lush carpet was now just bland grey tile worn with a path of someone who walked in the same place for years and years.  
Roman had thought that Logan’s room had been boring before, but this… 
This was a whole new ball game. 
And looking at the stark horror that was etched out onto Virgil’s face, he could very well tell that the anxious side was thinking the same thing that he was. 
“So…” Roman cleared his throat as his voice cracked almost immediately. “I’m.. I’m a…” He fumbled badly with his words, the shock he had just went through robbing him of what he had prepared himself to say. He’d been asked here for a specific reason, and if he failed the simplest thing he had been asked… then what good was he? “I’m sure that Thomas can do the things that you want him to. It shouldn’t be that ha-”      
Almost immediately Logan cut in, “Don’t aim too high,” The logical side suggested, rather politely. In a way that Roman could tell that what he was saying wasn’t necessarily out of malice or anything. Instead, it feels like Logan’s saying to be more helpful, almost like a coworker giving some good advice.
But Roman can only nod, the underlying message behind that advice all too clear for him. 
“I aimed too high.” It says, “And I got burned for it, so don’t do what I did. Save yourself.” 
The tension has not eased a single bit. 
And then, Logan lifts his cup up, taking a slow and steady sip from it, as if he was trying to ease the atmosphere by doing something. The warm brown liquid swirled around in Logan’s cup with the clinking of ice accompanying it, and Roman’s nose itched with the faintest smell of spices wafting off of it. He got the faintest whiff of cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and cloves. Had… had Logan completely given up coffee and switched over to having chai tea of all things? He would have expected that from someone like Patton, or even Virgil, to lessen the other’s anxiety.
But Logan?  
Roman had to bite his bottom lip at the mental image of Logan becoming one of those “dark academia” people that sat in the library and looked gloomy and so freaking cool all the time... kind of like Janus. Although Janus… Janus was more of a wine person, that much he could tell from miles away without even having to get close to that snake. 
“Don’t you normally drink coffee?” Virgil asked, wrinkling his nose at the spicey mixture in Logan’s cup, and Roman fought the urge to elbow him in the gut for his remark. “What’re you drinking?” 
Logan, to his credit, didn't even seem like he was going to get mad or anything at Virgil’s pure judgment and vitriol towards the drink of his choice. He merely took a longer sip than usual, licking the droplets that remained from his bottom lip when he pulled the cup away. He looked… calmer, before Logan would have vehemently defended his food choices against anyone who tried to question him. But at the same time, it felt more than a little wrong, Logan may have shifted towards the spicier drink, but where was his spice? Where was Logan’s sharp tangy flavor that made him so different from them? 
This Logan was like coffee now, bitter and… not at all to their taste. 
Logan just smiled that polite smile, and Roman had to force himself to smile back.
“I’ve found that drinking coffee isn’t exactly beneficial in the long run,” Logan explained, as he swirled the content of his cup around in a steady motion. “It’s been known to enhance anxiety attacks astronomically,” Virgil’s face gave a funny look for a moment, before Logan went on. “And it also lowers blood pressure too.” 
Roman swallowed down the words that he wanted to say, “That’s great Logic, good job on looking ahead.” The words felt sour and dull in his mouth, logically… Logan should have known that him drinking coffee over tea wouldn’t matter. It wouldn’t impact Thomas in any way, and it wasn’t like Logan himself would drop dead over some high blood pressure. Logan had just taken away one more thing that the logical side liked, and turned it into something else. “You did good.” 
For a split second something in Logan’s face changed abruptly, a slight widening of his eyes and a crease in his forehead and lips. 
Something changed, and then… 
The room flashed briefly, but just out of the corner of Roman’s eye, it was so brief that he almost missed it entirely but he was certain that he had seen it. 
The cubicle styling of Logan’s room, just momentarily flashing back to how it was supposed to look. With all of his space posters, hanging lights, and the organized mess that Roman had seen Logan’s room as before. It was.. It was as if the new room only existed when they looked at it, and not a moment too soon or too late for them.
The very thought alone made Roman’s stomach drop.
He had promised himself that he wouldn’t intervene if this was what Logan had truly wanted for himself, but even so… it didn’t ease the sting of pain that was accompanied by every new thing that Logan was starting to do when it came to any of them. He had thought that he could handle it, and that the pain of this somehow would be lesser than the guilt he had felt towards this whole situation. But.. 
It wasn’t. 
If anything this felt worse, he had talked himself into giving in and giving this to Logan. All of this was almost too much for him, his legs itched to run and take him out of this room so that he wouldn’t have to witness anything like this anymore. But he held himself firm, and refused to move. He forced himself to look back at Logan, at the logical side who is steadily typing away on his computer, inputting the information that both he and Virgil had brought to the other side. 
Speaking of Virgil though…
The anxious side looked like he wanted to either scream or cry at Logan, the emotions clashing like a thunderstorm on his face as his eyeshadow darkened in color for a few brief moments. Until finally Virgil sucked in a deep breath, his eyeshadow returning to its normal, usually messy state as he seemed to calm down for now. 
Reaching into his pocket Virgil pulled out a folded piece of paper, “For your… office.” Virgil caught himself on the last word, almost wanting to say something else. The cubicle looked like a prison to him, nothing at all like Logan’s old room, and he could very much see why Logan hadn’t wanted him in here before. So he says the word almost bitterly, because this whole situation feels bitter to him. There’s not one bit of sweetness to be found in it.
He only softens the slightest bit when Logan takes the paper, unfolding the picture he had drawn for the logical side. And when Logan actually pins it to his cubicle wall, his movements are careful and precise so as to not damage the art Virgil had made for him. It remains on the wall, in plain view for the logical side to look at while he’s working. Then and only then does Virgil feel an intense sense of relief sweeping through him like a hurricane. It’s one more piece of evidence for the both of them that Logan doesn’t entirely hate them, but also that things also aren’t the same between them.
At least not yet. 
“Okay…” Virgil clears his throat, before tugging on Roman’s sleeve to pull him towards the door. “We’ll leave you to your work.. Logic. Let us know if there is any other paperwork you need from us, and we’ll get it done…” Virgil paused, but for just a moment. “I promise.” 
Logan stopped in his typing, his eyes glancing up from the computer they had been otherwise glued to. A look of… something passed over the logical side’s face, before it vanished entirely. 
“Thank you…” 
It was the only two words that were whispered back, so softly that Roman had almost missed them entirely. And before he could even think to ponder the words, he was pulled out by Virgil, his head full of ideas as he remained ever more determined to give Logan things to put up in his new “office”. His mind was wild with ideas of painting, charcoal sketches, and pastel drawings that he could give to Logan to pin up. Anything to make his new room, just the slightest bit more hospitable for the side who was constantly having to be in there. And anything to let Logan know that they still cared for him, even if he was doing all of this.  
While Virgil…
Virgil felt just the slightest bit better.
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vminity21 · 3 years
sweet on you | ksj
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Pairing: baker!seokjin x female!reader
Word Count: 3,087
Genre: fluff, absolute fluff on the valentine’s day
Warning(s): other than i have the biggest sweet tooth whether it is for seokjin or a colossal of desserts but you have been warned otherwise none; Rated: pg
Summary: after every excuse you take to visit your favorite local bakery to see your favorite employee, in a sweet surprise, you learn that the baker happens to share an immense crush on you as you do him.
Credits to: @suhdays​ once again for creating the cover! Happy Valentines day!
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Seokjin kneads at the dough of what is to become the toastiest of baguettes while flour paints his arms, and his gloved hands grow achy from the continuous batches. Special orders flow numerously as the holidays inch closer, and with Valentine’s day approaching its turn, it has been long hours of consistently baking and recreating desserts for the hopeless romantics. Inwardly he knows he is guilty of such fondness for a face haunts every crevice of his mind even in the odd hours of the evening when he tosses and turns in his sleep.
The ring of the door signals another customer prompting Seokjin to slip off his current gloves to exchange for new ones, lifting his head to see none other than who makes his heart leap every single time- you. Smiling brightly in his direction, he gulps before putting on his confident face. “Welcome back! I’m glad to see the macarons didn’t scare you away,” he chuckles while you press fingertips of pure chagrin to your forehead.
“I consumed all thirty of them and I’m not sure if I should be ashamed or proud, but I surprisingly survived,”
Quiet murmurs of customers are sporadic throughout the space, yet their wandering eyes remain on the décor of the bakery, hardly noticing the sparks glimmering between you and your favorite worker. “Whoa,” Seokjin bellows, “And, I’m not sure if I should applaud you or tell you to beware. Sugar can be brutal,”
“Well, with your recipes, I’d say it’s worth the risk.” It’s a subtle flirt, yet the flattery in Seokjin’s eyes melt your heart.
“What can I get for you today?” Seokjin’s covered palms press against the freshly sanitized glass as he stares at you contently. Every chance you get, you enter this very bakery in the hopes of seeing Kim Seokjin, and every chance you get, you take home another treat that you save for your cheat day after a long week of work. Out of every local bakery, you have yet to find one that tops the way Seokjin bakes. He has a knack for ingredients and everything you have tried has been sent straight from the pearly gates of Heaven. But you are also convinced that Seokjin was God sent too because when you first discovered this place, you did not expect the immediate spark when you locked with his kind, umber eyes.
Hearts must have danced in elegant spirals around your frame while you witnessed the light movement of his hair when he turned in what seemed in slow motion to face you- plump, pink lips spread into a warm smile, teeth whiter than the whites of your eyeballs, his skin was clearer than the windows, and the way your mouth watered at the sight of his broad shoulders- you are not sure if you even breathed for a straight minute. He welcomed you with kindness and surprisingly tolerated your indecisiveness on what to purchase, but inwardly you were trying all you could to remain in his presence because something about him reveled serenity. And you wanted every part of it.
Seeing Seokjin sparked slumbers of exuberant pink paths prodding beneath your dancing shoes that are clacking in the direction of the delightful smell of marshmellows where sky tower lollipops align the world with their colorful swirls glistening beneath the brightly lit sky without a sign of melting. Vines of licorice would twist along chocolate trunks with branches growing gummy-like leaves matching the scrumptious hues of your surroundings. Rainbows of hard candies trickled along the ground to decorate the view prompting the compulsion to sink your teeth into every delicacy especially when your eyes would cast upon the pastel colors of macarons- flavors of creams protruding between the slices. You would barely miss his silhouette exploring amongst a bed of gumdrops that sat a far distance from an enormous peppermint pinwheel breezing against stalks of blue and pink clouds of cotton candy.
Visions of prancing gummy bears decorate a mountain of frozen ice cream while gingerbread men scope the milky river to avoid being caught by the currents desperate to travel the terrain as you longed to with the man lost in this wonderland of a universe. Oreo crumbs trail on either side of the stream, the smell of chocolate wafts in your direction while you continue the journey. Humming to yourself, your adventure is to endeavor the red velvet island- cream cheese frosting fluffing in an appearance of frames of pictures of more delights as well as smeared professionally into an imagined ceiling. The deep red, walls caked firmly with countless desserts poised in different areas of the domain tempted tourists passing by into taking a bite of their delectable treats.
Nearing the entrance, you would pause, recognizing him pirouetting throughout the greenery resembling grass but is edible as everything made in this dream you are infatuated by. When the pang of something grasps your attention, you searched your eyes along the sky- not noticing anything right away and when you returned your glance to where you found him, he disappeared. Halted in curiosity, you gasp at the tap on your shoulder. Crescent eyes beaming while he brushes his fingers along your gleaming lips, and that’s when your fantasy would wonder the feel of his kiss. The taste of strawberries encompassed your tongue once you would lean into him, but when something else nickered your frame, you pulled away. In awe, you observe minuscule, circular sprinkles shower the two of you in surprise. They tangle within your hair while boisterous laughter escapes both of you simultaneously- palms rising above your head while you spin, attempting to catch them as they rain. Shuffling the sprinklings within your hands, you are in love with the resilient colors brightening the atmosphere as it heightened the happiness.
The dream that has become your most cherished- golden pinecones stick to floating silvery cotton where chocolate cupcakes with thick swirls of white icing blend with red, glistening ornaments- the aroma of fresh pastries with shiny, red jelly are enticed with powdered sugar; thistles of brush dangling above while you whirl around at the enchanting view. Polka dots beautify the walls imaging fondant icing while slithers of whipped cream dazzle the rest of the desserts present. It doesn’t take long before an existence melts behind you, wrapping his arms around your frame, plopping his chin onto your shoulder. It’s the sweetness of his countenance, the plush kiss he places on the corner of your jaw; the delicate aura you are scared can magically disappear; the delicious taste of his kiss when he twirls you to capture your lips, pinning you against another wall reflecting swirls of cinnamon, fingers pressing into your waist while your hands grip his plumy tufts in desperation for more. Sprinkles clang numerously within the walls miraculously not needing a sky to downpour; lips locked and lost in time, it finalizes the fantasy where you wake up with a dazed smile.
“Please tell me you’re not contemplating macarons again,” Seokjin’s voice breaks through the cloud of thoughts bringing you back to reality while you awkwardly suppress the burn of a blush flooding your chest. “I purposely withheld your favorite flavors in hopes of you trying something new.”
“Oh, you brute, I should have known!” You laugh, seeing his shoulders shake in response to his teasing toward you, “So new? Like, new new or never had before new? I um… You know, I was actually planning on trying something new today,” you do not mean to lie, but you kind of lie.
“You had every intention on getting your usuals, and I have bamboozled you.”
“Alright, sir, two can play at this game because I can always go to Hoseok’s bakery-”
“Okay now you’re just being cruel!” Seokjin’s laugh is your favorite sound as he chuckles. Hoseok is his competition but also his best friend, and he is aware that Hoseok has been gaining much success with the recent opening of his bakery, but of course your heart belongs with Seokjin and his glorious, scrumptious delicacies warm and inviting within the glass casings.
“It is called revenge, and I shall prevail.” You wink.
Shaking his head, he quiets but only enough before he lifts his gaze to yours once again, “Speaking of anything new, I think I may have something in mind that you might like actually. I’m preparing to add another dessert to the menu, but I need someone to taste test to make sure it’s good enough to sell to the general public. Would you like to be the judge?” Seokjin leans off the glass casing still smiling at you while your eyebrows shoot up in excitement.
“Hm,” you release a purposeful ponder, “When are you wanting to showcase?”
“How about on Valentine’s day itself? I will be closing the shop early and you can come by after hours. Besides, I don’t really have anything else to do, and when I get bored, I bake.”
Boldly, you tilt your head, a knowing smile budding on your lips, “Are you asking me on a date, Seokjin?”
“I would be lying if I said I wasn’t.” Your heart flutters in reaction to his tender grin that follows his words. You have dreamed for countless months to win this man’s affections and here you are, about to experience your first date with him on Valentine’s day of all days.
“Well, I guess I will see you this weekend,” you muse, “I have high expectations for whatever you create, Seokjin.” Turning on a heel, you shift ever so slightly to throw him a chirpy shrug. Outwardly, it is all a show of composure though your inner self is screaming in joyous bursts mirroring the fireworks going off beneath his chest.
When Valentine’s day comes, Seokjin goes all out in early hours of the morning before the shop opens, red streams curl from the walls where he carefully tapes them- red, pink, and white balloons hover along the ceiling to bring more colors and the very second, he closes for the day, he will paint the floor with a myriad of rose petals while candles flicker upon the tables sporadically. He wants to prove to you that he has been waiting for this moment for a long time and he will celebrate you every day if you let him. A bundle of dark red roses lay hidden in his office as well as a heart shaped box of what one would assume is the typical fill of chocolates, but nay, it is holding the surprise of your favorite macaron flavors, just to add to the dessert that he is elated to make. He begins his swift trek to the kitchen, collecting all the ingredients and sprawling them along the counter in preparation before the crowd sets in. And when they do, he serves the happy couples with all smiles, looking forward to whenever he gets to see you.
When the hour comes for the bakery to close, he rushes to finish up the pastry, pouring melted chocolate as the completing touch. “Perfect,” he whispers, protecting the sweets with a lid to maintain the heat. A soft knock on the door makes his heart skip a beat as he briefly flings his apron on the counter, dusting off any crumb excess off his clothes and ruffling his hair before throwing a mint in his mouth. Releasing a slow exhale, he smiles, “Operation, win her heart.”
Sauntering to the entrance, he pauses in awe. Your hair is styled flawlessly while the red, shimmery dress clings to your figure complimenting a pair of high heels. Makeup covers your face in an exceptional amount where the color of your eyes shine, once you see him- mouth ajar, eyes widening in reaction, he robotically opens the door to invite you in. The smell of roses and small hints of lemon reach your nostrils calming the anxiety quivering within your fingertips. Seokjin looks so handsome as he always does, the black turtleneck hugging his torso while the tan slacks hang slightly loose against his long legs. “You look amazing,” you murmur, him shaking his head to bring himself back to the present.
“I can say the exact same to you. You look… God, you look-”
“Proper? Trim? Elegant? …Alluring-”
“All of the above,” he says breathlessly, “But you always look so beautiful,”
Blushing at his compliment, it is hard for you to stay serious sometimes especially when you are nervous, so your eyes scan the décor of the building, “I love what you’ve done with the place,” you step forward with the click of a heel, noticing the rose petals glinting upon the mahogany colored floor.
“I was hoping you would say that.” he clears his throat, “But here, have a seat, I have the dessert ready as well as a few other surprises,” he skids a chair out for you as you descend in shock. Other surprises? He disappears but only for a few minutes before he confidently returns with a lidded case covering whatever it is, he has made just for you. His other hand hides behind his back as he effortlessly places the tray upon the table. “And walla,” he smirks, lifting the lid as your eyes enlarge at the golden brown pastries pressing against a truffle of cream, some protruding delicately on the sides as melted chocolate trickles from the pastry and onto the plate. The sight is so tasty, and you can feel your mouth watering as the smell of the treat becomes prevalent.
“What is this?” You say in uttermost anticipation as he chuckles at your readiness.
“Profiteroles,” he replies, “They are one of my absolute favorites, and I have been wanting to make them for some time but haven’t until now.”
“Try one with me,” you break eye contact with the mesmerizing profiteroles to stare into the chocolate of Seokjin’s eyes, “But after you reveal what is behind your back.”
When a hearty laugh brushes past his widened smile, you are beyond yourself when he gradually brings into your line of vision, a bundle of roses and a heart shaped box, “You are not allowed to open the box until you eat a profiterole though,” Seokjin playfully demands, “So until then, I will protect this box at all costs.”
“I promise I will not touch until you say so. You have my word,” you raise your hands in defense to add to your statement. Seokjin sits across from you, settling the gifts next to the plate. Soft music reverberates suddenly to drown the silence as you feel your heart flying- you are certain that no one has ever done anything as sweet as this for you.
“Are you ready?” He says, scooting the plate closer to you.
“Very ready,” reaching carefully, you grab the treat, knowing very well that you want to devour it whole, and when you do, the cream mingled with the chocolate melts on your tongue deliciously as you close your eyes hazy. “Oh, my word,” you breathe, wanting another one immediately. “This is delicious! You have met every expectation! Jin, customers are going to love these!” The nickname flew from your mouth so naturally and instead of verbally responding, Seokjin chortling a high pitch laugh, leans forward, reaching his thumb to swipe a spot of chocolate from the corner of your mouth. The gesture is so sweet, you can’t help but gaze at him as he returns his hand back to lay on the table. “Have you tried one yet?” You speak softly. “You should. You’re phenomenal.”
He swats the air, “I’ll have one later. Your opinion matters to me the most anyways,”
“You?” Speechless, your eyes flit between his, nothing but admiration falls from his stare. “How do you do it? How do you make my mind drift to the happiest of places? I swear you just- I can’t- it doesn’t matter where I am, I am not happy until I see you.”
Reaching across the table, he leans forward, intertwining his fingers with yours as cliché as a movie, but this is the only movie you are willing to watch where the fairytale of him is connecting with you. “That’s why I always made sure your usuals were made as soon as I arrived. I didn’t want to disappoint nor have you betray me for Hoseok. Plus, he prefers coconut macaroons, not macarons.”
“The distinction between how they are actually pronounced. Thank you for clarifying,” there is nobody that has made you laugh as much as he has. “In all seriousness though, I don’t think I’ve ever had anything to look forward to until I found you.”
“And I couldn’t focus unless I knew who you were and if I was going to see you again. That’s why I always made conversation no matter how small until time gave me enough courage to finally ask you to be here.”  
“Well, I am very glad that you asked.” Smiles linger while eyes remain connected. He has the most eloquent, gentle manly charm and you hope he will end up being your eventual forever one day.
“Come here,” In one flawless swoop, Seokjin reaches for the arm of your chair, sliding it closer to where your legs touch. Surprised laughter serenades his ears once the chair is paused, but the nearness of him sends tingles along your skin. A faint scent of cologne grips to his clothes igniting the further desire building from the crave on your lips. He leans in, you meeting halfway to close the gap in the softest brush of his kiss. Sunlight exposes through the windows to illuminate in response to the magic happening right now in this moment. Linking your arms behind his neck, he wraps his around you, tugging you closer, deepening the kiss- getting so lost in you that nothing else outside of this bakery matters- only you matter.
Feeling his smile within his kiss, you pull away but still close enough to feel his breath swiping your chin, you giggle, “So what’s in the box?”
“I guess you’ll have to see,” he presses a quick, giddy kiss. You squeezing him once ecstatically.
“Okay, but first, let me get some more sugar.” You move your palms to squish his cheeks to where his lips pucker. “I don’t know about you, but I like it brutal.” And with that, you kiss him again, letting destiny complete its story on a day you never dreamed would mean so much.
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asahipleaseloveme · 3 years
Tsukishima x reader
Warning: reader being cheated on, abusive boyfriend, swearing, slight violence
Word count: 1.3k
Author's note: This idea popped into my head and I didn't think it fit Asahi very well, so I went with the next best thing Tsukki. I tried to keep Tsukishima in character as much as I could. This is my first time writing him, so I'm not sure how good this is (I spent an hour and half working on this instead of sleeping haha). Feedback is always appreciated! Please let me know if there are any warnings I missed!
Rain began pattering against the windshield. It was soft, but the silence in the car made it seem as though it was a downpour. Your best friend, Tsukishima, always had something to say after rescuing you from yet another missed something or other by your boyfriend. But this time was different - you would have to break the silence.
"Tsukki, I-"
"Just stop, ______. I honestly don't want to hear it."
Those words were so cold coming from his mouth and it stung.
"But, Tsukki-"
"No, I don't care to hear whatever piss poor excuse you're going to come up for him. You're obviously not that important to him if he is consistently standing you up to be with other women. I don't know why you continue to do this to yourself. Are you that naive or just stupid? Are you that desperate for attention that you would just let someone walk all over you? Quit being a pushover and grow up."
Oof, that was harsh. You could feel your heart breaking on that one.
"Tsukishima, let me out."
"What, are you crazy? It's raining, I'm not letting you out. We're almost back to my place anyway."
"I said let me out. If I’m so stupid and need to grow up, then why do you hang out with me? I’m too stupid and childish to be seen with Tsukishima. Please, let me out."
You try to say this in your strongest voice. You don't want to let Tsukishima know how much he's hurt you.
"Agh, fine!" He growls. He pulls up to the next stoplight and you start to get out. "But don't call me when he won't come pick you up!"
You slam the door and walk the opposite way of where Tsukki is driving. The rain has started to fall a little harder now and it doesn't look like it's going to let up. You find yourself walking to your favorite park and sitting on one of the benches. You decide to call your boyfriend and find out what's going on. Usually, he doesn't answer your phone calls when he stands you up, but to your shock he actually answers.
"Ugh, can't this wait ______? I'm in the middle of something."
"No, actually it can't wait. Why am I not good enough for you? Why do you always stand me up to go sleep with some other girl? You won't even touch me, but you don't seem to have a problem sleeping with a different girl every week."
"Baby, I don't know why you're acting like-"
"I don't know how many times I've told you I don't like being called baby! You would think that if someone cared about you they would respect your basic wants and needs. Listen, Tadao. We're done. I don't want to see you anymore. You can go sleep with all of the women and not have to worry about this extra baggage you have following you around. Not that you really cared before."
You were getting angrier and angrier the more you talked to him. If you talked too much longer, you knew you would break down. "______, where are you? Let's talk this out." "No. Goodbye, Tadao. Please don't contact me again.”
You hung up and started bawling. You realize you have simultaneously lost your boyfriend and best friend all in the span of 20 minutes. In a way, you felt more relief over the loss of your boyfriend. It was the loss of your best friend that was putting the most strain on your heart.
You weren't sure how long you were there crying on that bench when you noticed a tall figure coming toward you. Who would be out in this weather, you thought. As the figure got closer, you realized it was Tsukishima. Your heart beat began pounding in your chest. He approached with his hands in his pockets and nonchalantly sat down next to you in the pouring rain. It was a minute before either of you said anything.
"Tsukki-" "______-" you both say at the same time. He lets you go first.
"Tsukki, you were right. Tadao is an asshole and I was just deliriously hoping he actually cared for me. But it's obvious he doesn't. I..I broke up with him. I'm sorry for getting angry at you before. I was being childish and didn’t want to actually own up to my foolishness. I just...." your sentence was broken by an unexpected kiss from Tsukishima. At first you were taken by surprise, but then you kissed him back.
"No, ____, I'm sorry. I realize that I can be extremely blunt. I'm just so tired of seeing you get toyed with and played. You deserve to be treated right. I've been silent about this for too long and today was just the last straw. Please, let's go back to my place. We'll get dried up, order some take-out, and watch your favorite movie."
You were happy and confused at the same time. You didn't think Tsukishima cared that much for you. But looking back, you realize that he has been more like a boyfriend to you. "I'd like that, Tsukki,” you say with a smile.
You arrive at Tsukki's place and he lets you shower and dry off first. He gives you some of his clothes. They look comical on you. He soaks up this image; it's one he could get used to. He can't help but laugh. It's so sincere that you start to laugh, too.
You find yourself snuggled up under his arm watching a movie when there's a knock at the door. Panic hits you as you think you know who it is.
"Tsukki, what if it's Tadao?"
Tadao knew Tsukishima was your best friend and you always ran to him after any discrepancies the two of you had. "Just go wait in the bedroom. I'll take care of this." You stare at him with wide eyes, but you do as he says. You stay close to the door in order to hear what's going on. The door creaks open and you hear the all too familiar voice of your now ex-boyfriend.
"Tsukishomi, is _____ here? She won't answer my calls." Tsukihsima cannot wait to tell him off. It’s like he’s been waiting for the moment for so long. "Tadao, why do you even care? You've never treated her right. Just leave and don't bother calling her again." "Bro, I know she has to be here. She's not at her place. Let me in so I can talk with her." "She's not here, man. And even if she was, what makes you think I'd let you in and talk with her?Just go back to your flavor of the week and worry about them. _____'s not going to worry about you anymore."
You hear a thud and a groan comes from Tsukki. You can only assume that Tadao punched him.
"Whatever man. She's a bitch and you're a bitch. You're perfect for each other."
At that, Tsukki closed the door and you came running from his room. "Tsukki, what happened?!" It looks like Tadao sucker-punched him in the jaw. "Oh, Kei! I'm so sorry, this is all my fault!"
You rushed to the freezer to find something cold to put on his face. You brought him over to the couch and laid his head in your lap and placed the ice pack on his jaw. "I'm so, so sorry. I never meant for this to happen." Tears start welling up in your eyes. You never wanted to hurt Tsukishima.
"If getting punched in the jaw means I get to lay here with you like this, I would gladly get punched every day for the rest of my life," he smirked.
You smile and realize that Tsukishima can sometimes be a smart ass, but at least he will be your smart ass.
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oddarin · 4 years
It is one of the most meaningless thing I’ve done in time - all least-to-most ranks and just characters’ fact answers (those that with no pictures) from oficial Ask Arcana gathered in one place. Have no idea what that information could be used for and if it even useful but it kept me occupied and distracted from some life shit for a while, so let it be.
who is most to least likely to enjoy the movie Frozen? Lucio, Portia, Julian, Asra, Muriel, Nadia
Out of the cast, who is the most to least likely to be the jealous type? Portia, Lucio, Muriel & Nadia (tied), Julian, Asra
would you like to rank the characters from who cries most to least ugly? like from sniveling to shoujo manga tears? Muriel, Lucio, Julian, Portia, Asra, Nadia
who is the most to least superstitious Portia, Julian, Nadia, Lucio, Asra, Muriel
most to least excited to be at a WWE event Portia, Lucio, Asra, Julian, Nadia, Muriel
From worst to best at handling children Nadia, Lucio, Muriel, Asra, Portia, Julian
From worst to best for alcohol tolerance Muriel, Asra, Lucio, Julian, Portia, Nadia
Character ranking from best at keeping secrets to loose-liped gossip? Asra, Muriel, Nadia, Lucio, Portia, Julian
best to worst dancers? Asra, Portia, Julian, Nadia, Lucio, Muriel
Most to Least likely to slap you for stealing a mcnugget Nadia, Lucio, Asra, Portia, Julian, Muriel
Least to most likely to eat something weird (read: probably shouldn't be eaten) because of a dare? Nadia, Julian, Muriel, Lucio, Portia, Asra and not even on a dare
how old are each of the revealed characters? everyone is old, but in order of least old to most old: Asra, Portia, Muriel, Julian, Lucio, Nadia
Who's the best kisser? Who's the worst? Best kisser: Faust (good snake smooches) Worst kissers: Mercedes and Melchior (too much cronch)
If the main 6 played MTG what color decks would they play? Asra: Blue Nadia: White Julian: Black (Portia made his for him) Portia: White/Green Muriel: Green Lucio: Red
How did cast look as babies? Nadia: The best baby, perfect in form and function Asra: A cute baby, always looking around Julian: Not the most handsome baby, a little gangly Portia: Round, squealing delightful baby Lucio: Red-faced screaming awful baby Muriel: Sturdy and well insulated for the long winter
Of the main six characters, which ones are capable of juggling and which ones would absolutely love doing needlepoint? capable of juggling: Portia, Asra, Muriel absolutely love doing needlepoint: Nadia, Julian incapable of juggling/ absolutely hate doing needlepoint: Lucio
what would the cast choose as their job in the mmo final Fantasy XIV? Julian: Dragoon Asra: Astrologian Lucio: Ninja, but he messes up the mudras Nadia: Machinist Portia: Summoner Muriel: Paladin
What would be the favorite attractions/rides of the cast at Disney? Julian: Pirates of the Caribbean Asra: Astro Orbiter Lucio: Tower of Terror (RIP) Muriel: Matterhorn Portia: California Screamin' Nadia: Carousel of Progress
What do the rest of the cast smell like? Nadia: Les Larmes Sacree Du Thebes by Baccarat Asra: Lord of Misrule Lush Shower Cream Julian: Leather seats in a rental car Portia: Cocoa butter and laundry soap Lucio: Fireball, Axe body spray & ass Muriel: myrrh
What board game would The Arcana gang be? Nadia: Clue Asra: Twister Julian: Sorry! Portia: Mouse Trap Lucio: Monopoly Muriel: Guess Who
Who do all the cast main in over watch? Nadia: Ana Asra: Sombra Julian: Reaper Portia: Zarya Muriel: Bastion Lucio: Genji
If everyone participated in a Winter Olympic sport, which one would they be in? Nadia: figure skate (singles) Asra: snowboarding Julian: alpine ski Portia: freestyle ski Muriel: luge Lucio: ice hockey
Main casts Starbucks orders? Julian: Black coffee and he flirts with the barista until it’s ready. Nadia: London Fog Latte. She comes in at exactly 8 every morning. Asra: Matcha latte unless there’s a new radioactive-looking Frappuccino flavor and then he gets that. Muriel: Waiting outside in the car, asks Asra to get him a water. Asra comes back with a hot chocolate and a cake pop. Muriel grumbles but accepts them every time. Lucio: Salted Caramel Mocha extra whip extra sprinkles nonfat no foam soy upside down actually coconut milk instead and then he yells at you if you get it wrong. Portia: Pink Drink and all the baristas get excited when she walks in because they love her and she always tips.
The cast as Kanye songs Nadia: Power Lucio: No Church in the Wild Asra: Love Lockdown Julian: Heartless Portia: Paranoid Muriel: Coldest Winter
Which characters would be in the fire, water, earth, and air nations? Slightly different from what you asked, but: Asra - waterbender Nadia - airbender Julian & Portia - non-benders Muriel - Earthbender Lucio - Firebender
What kind of parents are the cast at their child’s soccer game? Nadia: standing on the sidelines in sunglasses and heels biting her thumbnail and watching every move on the field because she doesnt trust the ref Asra: cheers whenever anything happens, takes as many kids as can fit in the car out for ice cream but doesn’t check with the parents Julian: chats up the other parents relentlessly and isn’t watching when his kid gets hit in the face with the ball Portia: “cmon cmon cmon cmon cmon cmon cmon AW WHAT WAS THAT” Muriel: watching from the parking lot inside the car Lucio: yelling on the phone the whole time, spills all 24 oz of his salted caramel mocha on the bench and doesn’t do anything about it
Which Disney movie is the favorite of each of the cast? Nadia: Fantasia 2000 Asra: The Emperor’s New Groove Julian: Muppet Treasure Island Portia: Muppet Treasure Island Muriel: The Fox and the Hound Lucio: Cinderella 2: Dreams Come True
what kind of youtube channel would each character have (letsplay, cooking, craft, etc)? Asra: very unstructured mostly-cooking channel that also features videos of him just eating weird things, and videos of Faust existing and being cute Nadia: beauty guru with very polished high-end editing Julian: doesn’t know how to use youtube but Portia made an account for him and uploads her shaky/blurry phone videos of his jazz performances Portia: likes and comments on all of Nadia’s videos while occasionally posting cute cat vids Muriel: does not have an internet connection Lucio: extremely loud letsplayer, mostly FPS
What would the cast be as animal crossing villagers? Muriel: Cranky Bear Julian: Smug Eagle Portia: Uchi Cat Nadia: Snooty Ostrich Asra: Lazy Wolf Lucio: Jock Goat
What Fire Emblem Fates' classes would each character be? Asra - Diviner Nadia - Priestess Julian - Adventurer Portia - Maid Muriel - Wolfskin Lucio - Berserker
if the arcana cast were naruto characters, which ones would they be Portia: Naruto Muriel: Gaara Lucio: Orochimaru Julian: Itachi Asra: Kakashi Nadia: Fancy Shikamaru
If the characters of arcana watched rupaul's drag race who would be their faves? Nadia: bebe, raja, peppermint Asra: yara, aja, adore Julian: nina bo’nina, sasha, raven Portia: chichi, bob, ginger Lucio: willam, kimora, mimi imfurst Muriel: Latrice Royale
WHAT ARE THE CHARAS PREFERRED FLAVOR OF ICE CREAM? Nadia: Lavender Lemon Asra: Rainbow Sorbet Julian: Pistachio Portia: Cookie Dough Muriel: Rocky Road Lucio: Red Velvet
Please please arcana cast as mcr songs Lucio: It’s Not a Fashion Statement, It’s a Deathwish Julian: Thank You For The Venom Asra: Welcome To The Black Parade Muriel: House of Wolves Nadia: You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison Portia: Give Em Hell Kid
What are the characters going to be for Halloween? Asra - glow-in-the-dark mermaid Nadia - [elegant ballgown interpretation of] a swan Julian - tortured vampire/werewolf hybrid Muriel - sheet ghost Portia - ninja turtle Lucio - slutty angel Faust - a very long hot dog
If you had to assign the characters from the Arcana to characters from Labyrinth who would they be? Nadia: Jareth Asra: Sara Julian: Sir Didymus Portia: Hoggle Muriel: Ludo Lucio: The Chilly Down birds
What's each character's favourite fruits? Nadia: Concord Grape Asra: Blue Raspberry Julian: Fig Portia: Banana Muriel: Lemon Lucio: Pomegranate
what's everyone's favorite season? Asra - spring Nadia - summer Julian - autumn Muriel - winter Portia - spring Lucio - summer
Who would the Arcana cast be in a cliche Noir Film? Nadia: boss with kinetic ball bearing desk ornament and brandy in the drawer Asra: first love turned old flame that you run into halfway around the world Julian: haggard scientist with an unbuttoned shirt scribbling on the walls Portia: wisecracking secretary who takes a bus a train and a ferry to work Muriel: ominous farmer that lets people use the phone after a car breaks down Lucio: raging starlet shattering a vase after being blacklisted by every studio
The Arcana cast as Michael Jackson songs? Nadia: Man in the Mirror Asra: You Are Not Alone Julian: Smooth Criminal Portia: Will You Be There Muriel: Ben Lucio: Bad
What would each character be in cats? This probably wasn’t supposed to be Cats the musical but if you think i’m gonna pass this up Nadia: None they’re all awful/ Munkustrap Asra: Mister Mistoffelees Julian: Macavity Portia: Jennyanydots Lucio: Rum Tum Tugger Muriel: Grizabella
what would their favorite emojis be? Asra: 🌚 Nadia: 🍷 Julian: 🎷 Portia: 👀 Muriel: 👁 Lucio: 💃💸😏👑
What panic at the disco songs describe each character best? Julian: Death of a Bachelor Asra: I Write Sins Not Tragedies Portia: She’s a Handsome Woman Nadia: Northern Downpour Lucio: Victorious Muriel: From a Mountain in the Middle of the Cabins
What stereotypes for a super cliché highschool do the characters fall into? Nadia: Valedictorian who has been doing independent study and hasn’t set foot in the building for the past two years Asra: Shows up late every class with loud ass Sunchips, does homework in glow in the dark gel pen Julian: Eats lunch with his teacher so they can keep talking about mitochondria Portia: Gets really hype about dances, always ends up fighting at dances Muriel: Puts away all the folding chairs that everyone left behind Lucio: Gets on the intercom to talk shit about the teacher who gave him a D+ on his plagiarized essay
What sports would the characters play? And would they be any good at those sports? Muriel: Any solitary sport. He likes track and shotput. Nadia: Swimming. She isn’t on a team, she just likes the water. Portia: Wrestling. She’s got a few championship belts. Julian: Grandma Devorak forced him to take One Sport in high school, and he chose long-distance running. Asra: Beach volleyball and snowboarding. He’s just there to have a good time. Lucio: Ice hockey, but he spends it mostly punching other players.
what dragons from books/movies/games match each character best, would you say? As for dragons, one of our writers plays Flight Rising obsessively so here’s every character as a Flight Rising breed. Asra: Fae Nadia: Imperial Lucio: Wildclaw Muriel: Guardian Julian: Skydancer Portia: Snapper
What is each character most likely to do with the mc when they're feeling 'unusually affectionate'? Nadia: feed them champagne grapes and engage them in conversation so she can watch them try to talk with their mouth full Asra: stare at them and stop acknowledging anyone or anything else Julian: preen and spoil them to the point of being a public embarrassment Portia: constant cuddly contact Muriel: follow them at a respectable distance Lucio: belt out an aria at the sight of them
What's everyone favorite manga if they read any in this world? Nadia: Rose of Versailles Asra: Yugioh Julian: Blackjack Portia: Ranma ½ Muriel: Hunter x Hunter Lucio: Berserk
how much does faust like all the characters? like, who does she like the most/least? does she like the main character at all? Faust adores the main character almost as much as she loves Asra. But if she had to choose from the rest: Most good smelling: Nadia Most fun to squeeze: Julian Most too big to eat: Muriel Most hard to hide from: Portia Most attackable: Lucio
what kind of drunk is everybody? Nadia: capable, professional drunk on the move. Never in the same room twice Asra: touchy-feely but won’t leave the couch, still somehow manages to catch on fire Julian: morphs into The Storyteller, everyone in earshot ends up caught in a dramatic reenactment of his life story waiting for him to take a breath but he never does Portia: makes 6 new friends in the bathroom line Muriel: moody, talks to no one, keeps taking everybody’s empty bottles out to the trash Lucio: the loudest, the drama, the legend, the first to dip out when the cops show up
Of the Characters: Who tells a dirty joke? Who doesn't understand it? Who is disgusted? Who laughs? Who hides a smile? Who gets annoyed? Lucio: tells a dirty joke Muriel: doesn’t understand it Julian: is disgusted Asra: laughs Portia: hides a smile Nadia: gets annoyed
What are the characters usual reactions when subbing their toes? Nadia: It Does Not Happen Asra: hops it off Julian: hissing, closes his eyes while he savors the pain Portia: (string of curses) “ok………. i’m fine” Muriel: doesn’t notice because his toes are too far away Lucio: shrieks, revenge kicks the wall, shrieks harder
what you think everyones deadly sin would be? the deadly cliches: Nadia - Pride Asra - Lust Julian - Wrath Portia - Envy Muriel - Sloth Lucio - Gluttony
On a scale of good to bad, who sings karaoke? Nadia has a silky voice with impeccable vibrato. But she only sings karaoke alone in the bath. Asra has an airy, intimate voice. He’s the worst at karaoke because he doesn’t even get up off the couch. Julian has very limited singing ability, but he will talk sing the whole way through if he has to. He’s great at duets, somehow. Portia has a throaty, powerful voice. She brings the house down with Heart and Bonnie Tyler ballads, even if she squeaks on the high notes. Muriel has a gravelly grumble that he is convinced is useless for singing and if you hand him the microphone he’ll drop it and go stand in the corner. Lucio has an overdone musical theater voice but he is tone deaf. He will shout out the high notes and power through the rest and if you try to skip his song there will be hell to pay
which social media platform which each character Prefer™ ? Asra - twitter (RTs a lot of memes and shitposts, posts incomprehensible dril-like tweets at 3am) Nadia - instagram (flawless makeup and aesthetic™) Julian - yahoo answers Portia - snapchat Muriel - what is social media Lucio - LinkedIn (you will NEVER stop getting email notifications from him)
what dnd classes would the cast be (like mage, assassin, cleric etc)? Nadia: Paladin Asra: Warlock Julian: Rogue Portia: Bard Muriel: Fighter Lucio: Barbarian
what would each characters spice girl name be Asra: Mystery Spice Nadia: Boss Spice Julian: Suffering Spice Portia: Sassy Spice Muriel: Surly Spice Lucio: Spicy Spice
how complicated is each character's personal hygiene routine? Nadia’s personal hygiene routine: an exact science and takes a practiced team of servants to execute. Julian’s personal hygiene routine: splashing his face 5-7 times and gargling with his famous mint vodka peroxide formula Asra’s personal hygiene routine: sticking his head underwater until he’s awake Portia’s personal hygiene routine: putting her hair in a bun and scrubbing herself with a cloth and bucket down by the frog pond Lucio’s personal hygiene routine: milk and caviar bath every 13 hours Muriel’s personal hygiene routine: standing in the pouring rain
What's everyone's favorite alcoholic drinks? Asra - St Germain, tequila, blue curaçao,  lime juice, hibiscus syrup (serve in a champagne flute or martini glass, garnished with a wildflower or tiny umbrella) Julian - whiskey, Kahlua, Grand Marnier, lemon juice (serve in a highball glass) Nadia - Chambord, white wine, seltzer (serve in a wine glass, chilled or on the rocks) Portia - beer & apple cider with a shot of rum (serve in a lowball glass) Muriel - Baileys, butterscotch schnapps, hot chocolate (serve warm, in your coziest mug) Lucio - Jägermeister & Goldschläger topped with overproof rum (serve as a flaming shot)
what would be each of the characters' favorite genre of music? Asra: Bossa Nova and EDM Nadia: Obscure Opera and Calming beach sounds Julian: 20 minute tracks of Quality Jazz Portia: Reggae and dad rock Muriel: New wave and white noise Lucio: Top 40 and Dark Funky Disco
who would the arcana characters be from mean girls?? Asra: the guy who asked what day it was Nadia: cady Julian: gretchen weiners Portia: janis Lucio: regina george Muriel: damian
Which Hogwarts house would each of the Main Cast belong in? Asra & Julian - Ravenclaw Nadia - Slytherin Portia & Muriel - Hufflepuff Lucio - Gryffindor
What would the characters modern!au job/career of choice be? Lucio owns and manages several nightclubs and has a trashy daytime talk show Asra does really low-budget magic shows at kids’ birthday parties by day, and DJs at one of Lucio’s clubs at night Nadia is the city mayor, an international chess champion, and concert pianist Portia works at Home Depot (used to be a waitress at Red Lobster but the tips were terrible), but she wants to be a zookeeper Julian is a doctor at an underfunded hospital with lots of drama Muriel lives off the grid in a broken-down van in the woods
Just due to mild curiosity what would be the casts favorite musicals? Asra - Legally Blonde: The Musical Nadia - Chicago Julian - Les Mis Muriel - Wicked Portia - Cats! Lucio - Phantom of the Opera / Kinky Boots (it’s a tie)
what cryptid is every character Asra = Chupacabra Julian = Mothman Nadia = Nessie Portia = Loveland Frog Muriel = Bigfoot Lucio = Jersey Devil
how would the game's characters celebrate the MC's birthday with them?? Asra would take them on a long journey without telling them where they were going (but would keep them entertained with riddles) to a scenic oasis, where he would pretend to drown so MC has to dive into the water and at the bottom is a magic flute that can summon a swarm of bees (their favorite!) Nadia would throw a tastefully brief festival in their honor. MC would be lavished with pampering (by professional pamperers) from dawn to dusk and when the clock struck midnight, they would be presented with seven bejeweled eagles (one for every day of the week) Julian would meet them for dinner in a shady tavern, bring them heaping plates of food and offer unsolicited advice for the coming year. About halfway through the meal he would have to scramble out the back door because law enforcement arrived on the scene but he’d put it an order in the kitchen to bring them something for dessert Lucio would declare the day a holiday and call it Day of the Beloved One of Lucio. They would have to sit uncomfortably still while a master artiste painted their portrait and a mile-long line of peasants laid gifts at their feet. Muriel doesn’t celebrate birthdays because time is a human construct Portia would throw a big loud party with a barbecue :D
Since it is soon, what would the characters do for Valentines day with us (the MC)? Nadia would take you on an elegant river cruise stocked with 130 varieties of tiny cake and a private crooner hired to serenade you but she would end up throwing them overboard for not hitting the high notes Asra would take you to the mall and splurge on all the stuff you both can’t afford but wait way too long to get lunch so you get into a fight and he proposes in the food court Julian would show up on the 15th after with all the candy he scored at 75% off, pretend it was on purpose that he got the day wrong, and wake you up at 3 am to come clean because the guilt was eating him alive Muriel would light some scented candles, cook up a sensual meal and throw a bearskin rug in front of the fireplace for you to enjoy alone while he escapes into the woods Portia would pack a picnic of chicken and tortilla chips, take you to the beach where you could splash around until the sun goes down and lull you to sleep on the sandy blanket with her acoustic guitar Lucio would have servants fill your room with floor to ceiling flowers while you sleep and wait impatiently for you to wake up like
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Would you roommate with any of the characters? it’s hard to decide, so here are some pros and cons Asra - pro: never home / con: leaves dishes in the sink for weeks Nadia - pro: your home will be spotless / con: it’s spotless because she orders you to clean it for her Julian - pro: medical professional / con: half of your apartment is now this
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rate the characters on how #extra they are Muriel: 4/10 Lucio: 13/10 Everyone else: 10/10
Which character could be best described as "tender"?? "Spicy"??? “tender”: Muriel “tender”/“Spicy”: Asra, Portia “Spicy”/”tender”: Julian, Nadia “Spicy”: Lucio
what the favorite Pokemon of all the characters were. Asra - Ekans, Delphox, Espeon Nadia - Noctowl, Gardevoir, Musharna Julian - Absol, Bisharp, Murkrow Portia - Chansey, Politoed, Hoothoot Muriel - Pangoro, Aggron, Wigglytuff Lucio - Houndoom, Pyroar, Skarmory
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kmlaney · 2 years
14 Days of Storybible: Day 1
I’m a day behind, but might not be in a few hours. @the-wip-project here we go!
Day 1: Weather.  What kind of weather is normal in your world? Does your world have seasons? Make up a weather event in the past that people in your world still talk about.  
Reference the map I posted here. 
Long post
This world’s flavor is a well-blended smoothie of steampunk, spaghetti western, and gothic horror elements with just a splash of folklore for added zest.
Weather in this world is varied and reflects temperate zones with four seasons. Temperatures around the lake are what humans find pleasant. Typical summer temperatures average 80F/26C and winters are 40F/4C. Heat waves can occur and are often humid and stagnant in the eastern parts up to the mountains. The western grasslands are always breezy. Between the northern mountains and the mists is colder, with winter temperatures running 7F/-14C and summers 70F/21C. South of the mountains is predominantly desert and more extreme. The eastern areas run 95F/33C in summer with highs often hotter, while winters average 46F/8C and lows are often colder. The playa in the west is even more so, with summer highs routinely soaring over 100F/38C and winter lows dipping to 10F/-12C. Despite this, the mists enclosing the lands to the south never burn off or lift, and do nothing to mitigate the temperatures.
The Tale of Maker John's Folly and The People Who Drowned in the Desert.
Everyone said Maker John was a lunatic, even the people who followed him. The difference was that to his disciples, he was their lunatic. Maker John claimed he could call down the rain from a blue sky, and in a land where rain was scarce and rivers nonexistent or ephemeral anyone who could bring water was a miracle worker regardless of what deity they followed. Maker John followed the Doctrine of the Divine Architect as well as he understood it (which the church leaders claimed later in their apology was not very well) and he truly believed he could manipulate the underpinnings of the world with prayer and equations. He may have been right. He never claimed complete control, after all, only influence.
Maker John was well-known as a rainbringer before gathering a following of around eighty people and leading them off into the hottest, most inhospitable part of the playa. He would call down the rain, he insisted, and make the salt flats bloom. It was all here in his equations and the entreaties to the Divine Architect. Even if his followers had more than minimal book-learning they’d not have understood his scribblings. But they believed him all the same. Faith is a powerful force whether it produces results or no.
The new town--named, appropriately enough, Faith--was doomed from the beginning. They had only ten days worth of water. Ten, and powers of ten, are auspicious numbers according to the Doctrine of the Divine Architect. Ten days of water, ten kinds of seed, ten kinds of livestock, and a hundred days of stores to see them through to Maker John's Paradise. They brought nothing to drill for wells. To do so would show a lack of faith in Maker John and the Divine Architect. No one lacked for faith in Faith.
Upon arrival at the place Maker John designated, he began the task of inscribing his equations in the surface of the playa, enlisting the help of his most inspired disciples to complete them by sundown. They retreated to their wagons for the night. The prayers began the following morning. But no rain came.
No rain came for nine days.
On the evening of the tenth, all water supplies exhausted and with the people looking grimly at their livestock (and perhaps even each other), wondering which among them were likely to die first, clouds gathered in the sky and big fat droplets began falling upon the thirsty ground. The rain had finally come, just as Maker John promised. Oh, the rejoicing! The droplets became a downpour, became a deluge. They filled up their barrels with good clean water and splashed in the puddles until they were soaked to the skin and covered in mud. The town of Faith went to bed that night dreaming of their soon-to-be green fields and pastures, sure in their salvation.
The rain continued the next day. And the next. And the next. 
The playa soaked up the water until it could hold no more. Still the rain came down. The muddy puddles the children and adults alike splashed in on that first night with such abandon swelled into ponds, then lakes, then seas. The hard salt and earth melted into an impassable mire that sucked down wagons and plows and trapped livestock and people alike. By the time any considered leaving it was too late. 
The rain continued for a hundred days before it stopped and the sun came out once more. 
The next closest town, Pitney, was a hundred miles east. It grew up in the canyonlands bordering the playa, in a natural gravel path called Waterford that had never in living memory flowed with water or needed a ford. The townspeople noted the clouds on the horizon but thought little of them. Maker John and his entourage came through more than a month before and nobody put the events together. Not until the first trickle of water seeped up through the gravel and turned into a flood, Iiterally washing Pitney off the map.
The first explorers brave (or foolhardy) enough to venture out into the pan had to turn back before getting far. There was water everywhere, they said, a great flat sheet of it as far as the eye could see. The light reflecting off the surface blinded all sure as the unveiled face of god. The clay beneath clung to wheels and legs and poles and even skiffs with the tenacity of greedy devils dragging sinners down to hell. Worst, for all of the water, not a drop was fit to drink. It roiled in the belly and loosened the bowels and would kill if taken in too large a quantity. Few could manage that much, for it stank of rotten eggs and offended even the most hardened soul.
In time, the playa and the sun swallowed up what had fallen and the land grew hard and hot and salty again. Explorers ventured out, and this time they found Faith. Or the remains of it, anyway. There were wagons half sunk into the salt and encrusted with crystals. Tents shining stiff and white and blinding in the brutal sun. A few bones here and there. Cattle and horses, and, yes, human as well. If the inhabitants of Faith buried their dead, there had been no one to do for the last of them. 
Of Maker John himself there was no trace. None that could be determined at least. Most presume he died in the rain with his soaking flock. Some say he failed for hubris. The Divine Architect is not so easily swayed. Others say he brought the wrong number of followers. Had he attracted a hundred disciples, then surely he would have succeeded. Still others say it was the fault of his equations; that he must have misplaced a decimal point or two or multiplied when he should have added. No one knows for sure. Maybe it was just plain old bad luck.
The ghosts of Faith still haunt the playa, especially near the bones of their settlement. Folks in those parts consider them harbingers of either rain or ruin. One never knows which until whatever they're warning of has happened. The ghosts reach out, sometimes, with hands pale as death, bloated and rubbery with rot. It's said if they touch you, you'll see the desert all a-bloom. Green and lovely, full of life. The vision Maker John promised. You'll drop everything to live in it. And you will, with all the others, another ghost trapped in Maker John's Folly with the People Who Drowned in the Desert.
9 notes · View notes
cutegirlmayra · 3 years
I know you did a prompt a while ago about Amy having a fan and Sonic told him to basically get lost. So could you do something like that but make the guy feel more entitled to Amy and she owes him her love. And when she rejects him he gets really aggressive so it justifies Sonic being more aggressive in turn? I love how your depict protective Sonic soooo cute!
So, I have MANY jealous and protective Sonamy stories XD Shifting through them, I think you meant this one? (x) For future reference, if any of you lovely Anons want to maybe just... link?... the actual prompt I would be very much appreciative since I have over 900+ lol
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(Preview prompt image provided by ArtsyAnnieRose (x) Please support the artist :)b)
As I mentioned when reviewing this Prompt on my youtube --> Pajama Blogs Ep. 1 Prompt Requests (x) Timecode: - 54:21 - I try and not do the same prompt twice, which means I like to rewrite things so that I don’t just keep making the same stories for different requests. So with this one, I’ve thought a lot about how to present it, and I think this will be fun! (Also, side note: I’m not making this cute and parody-like, I’ve changed my mind XD I have the right to do that! lol)
***TRIGGER WARNING***: (now you know it’s gonna get good.) I have subtly littered red flags throughout this story, if you have experienced stalking or manipulation strategies in your life please be aware they will be showing up in this fic. Due to the subtle nature of these traits, please be informed that I am in no way trying to downplay the danger of these situations, but showing that to the main character currently in these situations, her view of them is naïve and she sees no danger. Therefore, the gravity of the situation seems friendly and kind, but in no form am I saying these techniques are alright or acceptable. The ‘stranger’ character in this story is a creep, no matter how ‘charming’ or ‘sweet’ he may be portrayed in the innocent main character’s view. (If I write this correctly, hopefully, that message will be more clearer towards the end of the story.) I encourage any who recognize these toxic behaviors to please question your relationship with that individual and find safe, healthy relationships to pursue/keep instead. Whether your relationship with these kinds of people are platonic, friendship, or romantic in nature--please keep yourselves, families, friends, and other such loved ones safe. I will not be listing or detailing all occurrences of these moments within the story; however, with some psychology basics or google searching, you can find these common red flags or complexed manipulation strategies and how to better identify them.
Prompts are on shutdown! Do not send in any prompt requests at this time. Thank you!
Okay... let’s dive right in.
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                                                 DIVE, DIVE, DIVE.
Note: This is another unconventional, more mature-themed story that I- well...
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But my hope is that it’s still a story worth telling, so if you choose to, please enjoy.
Upon a rather dark and greying sky, as though the mentions of brief rainfall and storm weren’t apparent, many citizens in this bustling city were making their usual rounds around the mall. Carrying a thin jacket with an umbrella’s strap swinging at her side, Amy light-heartedly mused over a recent magazine’s article on the most eligible men, and read the chatty writer’s remarks on how Sonic The Hedgehog seemed to be away when the interviews for them were called.
She thought that so like Sonic, always away, but secretly just close enough to still keep tabs on what’s going on with the many locations in the world.
Eggman seemed to have a base everywhere, and while things had been pretty quiet as of late, she looked up from her magazine and once again wondered where in the wide, blue world he could be.
Was he bored? Off on another adventure? ... Napping? Eating? Was he eating enough?
She sighed with a dreamy look on her face, lost in her thoughts before a stranger flicked his wrist as he approached her, and a charging wind blasted in her direction. Blowing her back, it swiftly hit against her loosely closed umbrella, since Amy wanted to be prepared for any sudden downpour, and triggered it’s spring to further yank her back.
“Ah!” Amy tried to turn around to catch herself, the strap around her wrist forcing the sudden about-face as she grabbed her umbrella’s long steel pole to try and counter the pull.
“Woah!” the stranger that was passing her from the front suddenly stumbled at the sight and quickly rushed behind her, leaning over and grabbing where her hand was on the open umbrella as the wind suddenly stopped. His hand lingered by her side as though to brace with her and help, before noticing the wind stop and looking dumbfounded at the umbrella.
There was a silence as Amy felt the stranger was almost holding her, and turned to him with blinks, “Heh-heh... umm... Thank you.” her body was bent as she tried to use her heels against the pavement to counter-force the sudden rush of heavy wind, but with it’s immediate halt, she stepped forward and away from the strange, intimate moment to close her umbrella.
He stood more straighter, fixing himself up too before smiling kindly to her, “Does this happen to you often? Sudden, emmmm...” He swirled his palm-facing upwards hands around as he held the long, hummed note. “Bursts of photo-aesthetic air through your hair?”
Amy chuckled lightly, briefly looking back at him before continuing to fix her umbrella, worried it may be broken as the spring wasn’t going down well enough. Realizing it was probably jammed, she blew up some air to her bangs, figuring the worst, “Yeah, real convenient for a photoshoot. Maybe the photographer will settle for a water effect?” she gestured humorously up to the clouds, “All I need is a chair,” she teased, “Thanks again for the help. Really! You came out of nowhere!”
“Much like wind.” He joked back, putting his hands in his pockets, tilting his head to her. “You... wouldn’t mind if I take in the view of that shot, would you?”
“Huh?” she didn’t quite understand what he was making reference to.
He smiled as if realizing she didn’t get it and shook his head, “Nothing, nevermind. I’m clearly wasting your time,” he took out his own umbrella, looked at her a moment, then back to it. His long, brown and heavy jacket then flopped back to his side as he offered her it, “No offense, but I did just meet you. I would offer you my umbrella, but I’m worried I may never see it again. However, I have a solution,” He opened the umbrella and then gestured his hand to a restaurant near him. “So that we’re not strangers anymore, and I can trust you with something so dearly precious to me as an old, fifty cent umbrella I literally picked up from a second-hand store... might I entreat you to a meal?”
Amy smiled, relieved he was being so gentlemanly. “I wouldn’t mind at all!” she cheerily perked up, looking at her umbrella and tossing it in a garbage can. “I’m Amy,” She took his hand, curtseying. “Amy Rose.”
She did notice he was probably older than her, but he did a little bow and she realized she hadn’t notice his real height until his eyes matched her level. He held his eyes with her sights... and she wondered why he was pausing so long, “I know...” He finally whispered out, tilting his umbrella over her head, “You’re pretty famous, you know. Anyone would be lucky to help you out in a pinch. I’m Oscar, I work around here.”
Guiding her into the outdoor restaurant, he sat her at one of the white tables with it’s own umbrella on it and closed his, settling down on the opposite side of her. “Well, then! Do you mind this spot?”
“Oh, it’s my favorite, actually!” Amy chimed, knowing the location very well.
“Really?” He seemed a little less intrigued at that than Amy would have normally supposed someone would, but then after putting his umbrella away, leaned forward as though very attentive and putting his fingers together, his elbows on the wooden round table of white and letting his nose press down against his hands. He had gotten comfortable, and Amy, thinking this was his way of showing interest in what she meant, continued to sweetly respond.
“This is so funny, but I come here almost every Thursday and Friday for the new deals at my favorite store! I usually order the same thing too,... I really love ice cream.” Amy felt a strange new energy at meeting someone for the first time, and continued to feel refresh at this new-found friendship.
“Ice cream? No way! That’s my favorite too!” Oscar parted his fingers as though excited to hear this. “I have a sweet tooth. I know, I know, so silly of a man like me.”
“Oh, no! Not at all!” Amy waved her hands out, “What’s your favorite kind?”
“Well,...” He thought a moment, before smiling back to her and holding a wink, “I have an idea, you tell me yours first. I bet it’s probably very different.”
“I’m a simple girl, Vanilla is mostly my cup of tea. But... whenever I’m feeling adventurous, I go for it! Scoops of Vanilla and Chocolate with some random new flavor of mint or cookie flavored and then I top it with all sorts of stuff!”
He coughed as though shocked, “...That’s literally my favorite too!”
“What!?” Amy was excited to hear this, “I thought I was the only one that eccentric!”
“I know! That’s why I thought your answer would be completely different!” As Oscar continued to review Amy’s interests, he kept nodding along and reaffirming that they shared many similar interest and hobbies before the waiter appeared. “I love to chase certain thrills and excitements. I’m sure, being an adventurer, I figured that may be the reason why you place yourself in such perilous circumstances as well.”
“Your orders, lady? Sir?” The waiter asked, trying to kindly cut in as Oscar pulled out his wallet.
“Strawberry sunday with a hint of vanilla, you?” he looked back to her.
“Ha! That’s my Thursday order!” she giggled into her hand, “Same here, please!”
He shook his head, a little theatrically, “It’s almost like... where have you been all my life?”
“I mean, I know, right!? And you work around here! That’s so weird that I’ve never seen you before... where-”
“Ah, there’s really nothing interesting about me. I’m much more fascinated in the adventures you take. What with your friends always weighing you down and everything.” He basically ignored the waiter as he tried to ask any follow-up questions, and Amy just looked between the two and then smiled politely to the waiter, showing that that was all they were going to have.
“Weighing me down..? Oh no, without Sonic and the others, I couldn’t do anything as big as saving the world! We all need each other, you know?” She happily confirmed before he spoke again, sighing.
“I guess they would have you think that way, huh?” a offhanded comment that made Amy’s eyebrows furrow, but she just continued to speak about the wonderful traits and abilities of her friends, in which case, he kept shaking his head as though she was wrong.
“What?” She finally asked, “You don’t seem to like Sonic, Tails, or Knuckles...”
“I just think you could do with some different friends.” He shrugged, “Some that wouldn’t constantly leave you behind or undergrade your merit.” In that moment, the waiter came back to place down their orders.
“U-undergrade..?” She looked down a moment, “N-no, no one’s holding me back or anything. I choose how I help out, I can’t always keep up with Sonic and the others so-” she stopped a second and shook her head, getting frustrated, “I-I mean, I can go with them whenever I want!” she retorted, and noticing her shift in demeanor, he took some ice cream and then held out his hand.
“Oh no, no, no. I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to imply you couldn’t keep up. I meant that you’re invaluable and they don’t treat you as such. But don’t worry, I’m here now, and I’ll show you how a true heroine should be treated. This meal is on me.” he gestured to her ice cream, “After this, I’ll show you some places that you probably haven’t been to before.”
“O-oh... T-That does sounds exciting!”
For a few weeks after that, Amy began to hang out with Oscar frequently. They would text back and forth, and she couldn’t help but smile when he always called her beautiful and made her feel so special. However, although the places they first went to weren’t so bad... he started showing her back alleyways with clubs and other ‘themed’ places that made her slightly uneasy.
She knew he was older than her, but would decline any invitation if he stated, “But I know a guy, he’ll let you in.” and continued to protest and remind him of her age.
That being said, the parks were lovely though!
He would often bring her little gifts and flowers too, stating that the next time she came with him, he’d bring some home-made food and had a habit of patting her head or brushing something off her hair if it landed on her. Though, Amy never noticed the ‘leaf’ that had fallen on her shoulder, or the ‘bug’ that was buzzing around her headband.
He also would usually lead her when they walked and talked, if they came to a corner, he would lightly put his hand to her back, until one time she mentioned his hand went just slightly lower than normal and he apologized profusely.
All was going very well, he even carried her bags and offered to take them home with her, but she insisted she would take the train and that he needn’t worry.
Finally, on a Friday when she was heading down for her sale, texting Oscar, a familiar wind picked up and almost brought up her dress.
“Oh, look out!” Oscar appeared and grabbed her dress, pushing it down. “Phew! Close one, aye?”
“W-where did you come from?” Amy adjusted her dress as he held his hands to the rim of her dress still, but when she looked up at him, he immediately released them.
“I suppose I just naturally come when you need me.” he scratched the back of his head, looking away as though shy. “I don’t know... sometimes, I can’t sit still, I get this feeling like you need me, and lo and behold!” He gestured to her, “You really do need someone looking after you twenty-four seven, huh?” he squatted down to look up at her, then his face turned to concern. “It’s a shame you don’t have anyone to look after you... especially in moments like this.”
“W-what are you talking about? I have Sonic!” Amy placed her Miles-Electric away and gestured for him to stand upright, but instead, he took her hands and placed them on his cheeks, acting cute but a lot younger than he actually was.
“But he didn’t save you, I did~” he whined, squishing her hands to his cheeks and rotating them around as she thought him slightly weird and took them away, pushing him back as he stumbled. “H-hey!”
“Oh, you! Sonic is just the same way! He can’t sit still when he senses someone needs him... hey, that reminds me of my article...” Amy remembered the magazine she was subscribed too, and looked over to see that within his usual trench coat, was a page of that article sticking out. “Ah!” She pointed to it, amazed, “You read ‘Famous Quips’ too!?!”
“Doesn’t everyone?” he seemed to speak quickly, before shoving the magazine back in deeper. “Ehem, kinda a girlie magazine... promise not to tell anyone? I don’t wanna lose my street-cred!”
She laughed, “You are like Sonic! Always acting so cool...” she shook her head and took his arm, what she had started doing since he offered it so many times, and they walked down the street.
He bought anything her eye rested on, which made her beg him to at least let her pay for food, as he mentioned a concert happening at the club he kept trying to get her to go to.
“Come on, you’ll love this band! We adore the same music too! I know a perfect spot in the back where no one will see us and the bouncer is my friend!” his voice was enthusiastic, nudging her every now and then with his elbow as she looked away and rolled her eyes. “You’re not a babe anymore, Amy! You’re gonna end up going to clubs eventually, might as well be with someone you know, right?”
“I don’t know...” Amy looked down,... and he gently stopped walking to look away from her.
“...Do you not trust me?”
“W-what?” Amy let go of his arm, “What do you mean? Of course I do!” she was very hurt by his accusation, “I mean, we’ve hung out so much, I just don’t really think clubbing is my thing...”
“You never want to do what I suggest.” He looked down, “I go to your favorite store with you and help you bargain hunt, I take you around the park... I’m just saying, the one time I want to go and do something, you keep saying no.” he folded his arms, and Amy began to panic that he was really offended by her.
“T-that’s not true, Oscar! I...” she looked away a moment, and he looked back at her.
“...Ah, I can’t stay mad at you.” He pulled her into a hug, holding her there. He took a deep breath, “I’m sorry, hey, let’s go get ice cream and talk about it later, okay? I’ll pay again.”
Her eyes shifted about, not sure what that was all about. “N-no, I’ll pay.” she tried to move away but kept an arm around her and led her on.
“I wouldn’t be considered a man if I let the woman pay!” he insisted, and ended up paying for the meal.
As it got late, he offered to carry her bags home again, and whined in a goofy way when she kept saying it was too late to have guests over, but maybe sometime.
“If you won’t see the concert with me, at least take me to your place sometime. It’s the least you could do for me.” He gave her the bags, then stroked her hair again, “You really shouldn’t be taking the train at night, you never know what sicko might be on it. You’re tough, Amy dear, but you’re still a girl and you know how you’re prone to cause problems.” he laughed, but that stung Amy’s pride a bit.
She held her bags and looked away a moment, “...Is that... how I come off to people?”
“Oh sure!” he then continued to stroke her head, “...You ... didn’t notice?”
“...That I look weak?” Amy shook her head and he instinctively removed his hand.
He held it in the air a moment, before letting it rest on Amy’s head again, as though realizing she wasn’t doing that to make him stop.
“No... the part where I... gave you a new nickname.” He smiled, tenderly and squatted down to her level again, keeping his hand on her head. “Amy dear. I think it’s cute!”
“...O-oh, I mean, I don’t really like how it could appear though.” Amy had a bead of sweat form and he abruptly got up, looking upset.
“Don’t like how it could appear!? What does that mean!?” He snapped.
She flinched at his sudden uproar, as he grabbed a bag from her, “I’ve been wanting to introduce the nickname to you all day! And that’s how you think about it!?” he looked as though he was going to either smash or rip the bag, but just looked furiously away from her, “I thought about it a lot, you know! It was suppose to mean something!”
Amy grew slightly afraid, but not taking this sudden mood-swing again, she opened her mouth to say something.
He interjected and looked dead in her face, “You really don’t trust me, do you, Amy?”
Thinking she didn’t want to hurt him, she shook her head, “I-I never said that!”
“Don’t yell at me,” he looked downhearted suddenly, even though she wasn’t raising her voice that much, not like he was.
“I’m not-”
“You are, and it’s really making me feel like you’re just... you don’t consider me a friend. I told you people usually reject me,... I was vulnerable to you!”
“Oscar, calm down a moment and-”
“You’re the one who’s not ‘calming down’ you can’t do a single thing I want to do! You’re being... selfish!” he flopped the bag down in front of her, startling her as he took off stomps and a hissy-fit.
Not able to process that sudden shift in behavior, Amy was lost to her thoughts and... slowly... proceeded to get the bag and head to the train station.
Numerous texts came flooding in that week as she hadn’t gone back to the plaza and mall, and she kept wondering how he knew she wasn’t there. They had hung out multiple times, maybe he was just expecting another hang out without actually asking this time...
Still, she felt somewhat obliged to text back: Sorry, I’ll see you Friday. This Thursday, I just felt sick.
Oscar: Do you need anything? Send me your address, I’ll bring you medicine and make you some food! I really am sorry if I scared you, I shouldn’t have done that. You’re beautiful and I’m just insecure. You know how I can be, just like you, I get really attached to people and just want to be accepted. I’m really sorry, please don’t not see me again! I promise I’ll get myself under control, we’ll do whatever you want to do this time! Honest!
Amy didn’t text back...
Oscar: The concert is next Friday, I won’t mention it again but... it would be really awesome if we could see Pop Pinkies together... I know it’s my favorite band and our favorite music is what they play so... just think about it at least, alright?
That Friday, Amy was wearing something that made her almost blend in with the crowd. Unlike her usual bubbly skip in the streets, she was hiding beneath her umbrella and coat, as though not wanting to be spotted.
A sudden burst of wind and she panicked, darting behind a corner and putting her umbrella away. “Dumb wind.” she mumbled, looking around to make sure Oscar wasn’t there...
The wind suddenly shifted as she poked her head out, “That’s odd, wind doesn’t usually change direction unless...” she turned and gasped as she saw Sonic, leaning his head towards her and looking confused.
“...Since when did you start taking the back-alley ways? Don’t you know that’s dangerous, Amy?” He blinked, furrowing his brow as he straightened up and folded his arms, “Heh, long time no-”
Amy’s mind was suddenly triggered by something Oscar had said, and she tuned out Sonic completely, her world going dark...
“I just think you could do with some different friends. Some that wouldn’t constantly leave you behind or undergrade your merit.”
“You’re tough, Amy dear, but you’re still a girl and you know how you’re prone to cause problems.“
“Is that... really how I appear to you?” Amy’s voice quaked as she spoke it, “Do I really look weak... even to you?”
Sonic was taken aback by the tears forming in her eyes, and immediately dropped the friendly banter, “Amy? What’s wrong? Weak?” he didn’t know where she got that notion from. “N-no, I-... Amy, is something wrong?” he moved forward to reach for her but pulled away, something Amy wasn’t used to as she really did--for a brief moment--think he was going to place his hand on her head.
Almost as if expecting that, she leaned her head in a strange way and then back, not sure why she did that.
He didn’t notice the action though, but she hugged herself, also remembering that after the light head pats was usually a strong and forceful embrace...
“...Amy?” she hadn’t responded to him, and now, Sonic was noticing a very clear change in Amy.
“N-no, of course you wouldn’t think that... I’m sorry, I really don’t... I don’t want to be around people right now.” she looked away, “I... I made someone feel really bad and I don’t know what to do.”
“Really? What did you do?” Sonic lifted his hand and she immediately looked at it, which made him pause. “...Umm... I was just gesturing... Amy...” His ears bent back, not sure why she looked so squarely at his hand. “Is everything okay?”
She really thought he was offering her hand, but she didn’t want to take it... not this time.
“I made a new friend, and he’s mad at me. I’m worried... if I hurt him again, he’ll really be in a bad emotional state, and it’ll be all my fault.” Amy put her umbrella up and started to walk away from Sonic, “I want to take a new route, I didn’t even want to come out today...”
“...Amy, you don’t control this new friend’s behavior, they do.” Sonic corrected her and walked beside her, focusing heavily on the signs of uncomfortability Amy was showing. “...What happened with this ‘new friend’ of yours?” He directly asked, and Amy relayed to him how she met him, then how he liked all the things she liked and agreed with everything in the beginning, how charming he was before the more time she spent with him, he seemed to change and start acting funny... but not in the good way.
“...He likes everything you like?” Sonic lowered his head a little, honing in on some things Amy briefly mentioned.
“Yeah, isn’t that crazy? He’s a guy but he totally loves sweet things and a popular girl’s magazine I enjoy.” Amy smiled, closing her eyes as though cheering up when thinking about it.
“...And he knew your order before you even made it?” Sonic folded his arms, putting two and two together.
“Yeah...” Amy suddenly slowed down in her steps, her eyes widening.
Sonic closed his eyes, matching her speed as he began to help her focus on the more important parts of her story, “And this... strange wind that passes by here... only comes at you and blows your dress up or opens your umbrella?”
She stopped.
He continued to walk, “And you say he works around here... which means he may have seen you come and go multiple times... and probably watched you ordered and heard what you liked, and saw what you read, and knew about you from the news and press... he disliked your friends and took you places and then entitled himself to being in charge over your Thursday and Friday venues... then, to really top it all off with the icing on the cake and all that jazz... he’s been insisting you go to a adult-themed club with him and throws a tissy-fit when you say no?”
Sonic stopped, his fists had already tightened into such hard balls of fury that he had to take silent deep breaths just to contain himself.
“And worst of all... he’s tried to copy me and put it in your mind that your friends don’t respect you the way we should... isolating you,” He put out a finger, “Grooming and manipulating you... Amy, you should have written this guy the moment he snapped at you... and probably sooner, but I’ll take that as you were just seeing the best sides of him... and not the dirty kind.” he didn’t turn around, but he felt Amy lingering behind him and knew if he said anymore, she may just start crying. “...Where do you think this creep is now?”
“He... He’s not a creep.” Amy lied, feeling in her heart that she just did lie, for Oscar’s sake...
Sonic tsk’ed and turned around, “How can you stand there and defend him!? Do you even know what Grooming is!?”
“...I... I don’t.” she wiped her eyes, “I don’t think I know anything...”
The manipulation had really set in on Amy, she was denying something she knew was true and didn’t know why. She was defending a man who clearly was up to no good, and yet... she cared about him still.
“Sonic... I think... I think I’m sick.” she held her stomach, the realization setting in. “You don’t think... he wanted me to take him to my house to..?”
“He wanted to what!?” Sonic lunged forward, holding his fists back and to his sides as he tried to remain level-headed, pulling away from her. “Amy, you know the truth now, it’s time to end this... ‘friendship’ you two have.”
Amy fell to her knees, “That’ll kill him!”
Sonic immediately looked behind him, Amy almost begging him not to make her do it as Sonic couldn’t stand to see her this broken and twisted up from Oscar’s scheming.
“Amy...” he wanted to say so many things..! But instead, just turned around and held a strong look, “You have to face this... but you won’t be alone.” He offered her his hand, “I won’t leave your side, and I’ll be there the whole way through. You deserve to go out and have fun without someone telling you that it can only be ‘their’ way of fun.” He looked so serious... but she felt a peace wash over her at how she knew his words were never lies or deceits for something devious. His words were for her and her well-being... not once did Sonic ever yell or enforce his way about things at all. He listened to her, even though she knew he must be raging inside at his friend’s predicament... it’s not like she purposefully got herself into this mess.
“You know how you’re prone to cause problems.“
She placed her hands up against her eyes, crying. “Am I... being a burden to my friends, Sonic?”
He immediately scooped her up into a bridal-style hold, “Which store did you want to visit today, Amy? Or do you want to just go home?”
“Please, I want to go home.” Amy held onto him as without a second word, he zoomed off.
The next few days, Sonic instructed that Amy block the number, but text messages seemed to not be the only thing Oscar knew... He called her home number, which surprised both of them, and the phone never stopped ringing.
That next Thursday, Sonic accompanied Amy everywhere she went, and they didn’t spot Oscar anywhere. But come that Friday...
Sonic was carrying some of Amy’s bags, she didn’t look fully recovered from anything, but at least she was wearing brighter colors in her coat she wore that day, and a nice sun hat as Sonic held the umbrella up for her.
He looked a little bored, but kept his eyes peeled when a sudden wind shoved him to the pavement.
“Ah! Sonic!” Amy turned around but was immediately grabbed around the waist, pulled back. “Gah!”
“I can’t believe you let him back into your life!!!”
Amy’s ears rang with Oscar’s voice, before shoving him back and falling down beside Sonic, who quickly shook off the wind blast and spun around to pick up Amy’s things, placing the bags by the store’s window.
“So, this is the wind-manipulator, eh?” Sonic rotated his shoulder out, having landed on it pretty roughly, “Look, I don’t know anything about you, and neither does Amy, really! So either get the hint and quit bothering Amy, or I’ll have to take matters into my own hands!” he hunkered down, getting ready for a fight, but... he also seemed not to be putting on airs or a show.
Sonic... although smiling a bit as he spoke to him, suddenly took a darker and more focused attention on how Oscar was holding himself.
Oscar looked to Amy, not even talking to Sonic, “I told you everything about me... What does that lying Sonic know about you!? I’m the one that’s been with you this whole time while he’s been off, probably with some other girl!”
Amy thought that ridiculous, and seeing him in a new light, she was able to at last come to fact with this pervert in front of her. “You... you were never my friend... were you, Oscar?”
He bit his teeth down, “Is that what he made you think?!”
“No, that’s what he made he realize!” She threw up her hammer and blasted wind at her.
She was forced to slide against the concrete, “I don’t mean to hurt you, Amy dear!” he cried out, “We’ll settle this when he isn’t around!”
“I think you’ve got it backwards, Oz!” Sonic, seeing that his hands controlled the wind, kicked it away from Amy’s direction and then spun in a rotation within the air to punch him down.
He stumbled, as though not used to physical fighting and tumbled all the way over into the street.
“I’ve known Amy much longer and deeper than you have! You’re just some creep who takes advantage of little girls!” Sonic’s fists was shaking, clearly, he didn’t want to just leave it at one blow. “Amy, get behind me!” He gestured out his hand and Amy immediately got up and moved behind him.
“I can... I think I can fight him!” She tried to state, but Sonic looked behind his shoulder and she put her head down. “I... I want to but...”
“...You still care about me, don’t you, Amy dear?”
“Quit calling me that!” Amy threw her arms down, “You used me! You weren’t my friend! I can’t believe I trusted you!”
Sonic turned to the man, “Why are you even answering him, Amy? He’s not talking to you, he’s talking to some Amy Dear girl he’s been building in his mind. You were never anything to him... it was the girl he was crafting that he was interested in.” Sonic slowly walked towards him as the man started to scoot back, clearly not able to fight Sonic The Hedgehog.
“Let’s play a new game...” Sonic suddenly lifted up a device, “Is your real name Warner Windstrom? You’ve got a bounty on your head that the cops are just dying to claim...” he pressed the button as suddenly an alarm went out, and from around the corners, police vehicles blocked his way of escape. “Oh, and that club? A typical place where your old ‘hostages’ claimed they were drugged. Trust me, pal, I’ll personally make sure you don’t get out of jail again.” Sonic let the police start moving in but Warner immediately shoved air beneath him and flew into the sky, shocking everyone as Sonic held up a arm over his eyes and moved back to Amy, shielding her as well.
She was in shock, that kind man she knew was suddenly a criminal and had previously hurt and abused other women... She didn’t know Sonic set this all up, but she probably wouldn’t have let him if she had known.
“I thought we were just gonna talk to him!” she cried out, putting her hand on his shoulder before shaking her head, “I’m defending him again... aren’t I?”
“Amy shouldn’t be with a loser like you, Sonic!” Warner cried out, “You can’t always save her! You can’t always be around to-!”
Before he could finish, a hammer slammed into his gut.
“Nice one, Amy.” Sonic complimented, as Amy stood up beside him.
She didn’t say anything, but judging from the neutral expression... and tears streaming down her eyes...
He just looked back at Warner, “I know this is a lot to take in... but trust me on this one... You’ll be alright.”
Amy summoned another hammer, “Want to give me a lift?”
“Certainly.” Sonic spun into a ball that lifted him up into the wind, then uncurled to reach out for Amy as she jumped, “Hit him hard!” he encouraged as he threw her up the rest of the length.
She pushed her dress down as he extended his arms to her, “Amy, please! You know me! I love-!”
She just growled and let out a piercing war-cry, slamming her hammer down on his face, “I’m not your friend, I’m not your anything, buzz off!!!!”
He slammed to the ground, and as the wind ceased, Sonic landed and caught her immediately, and the two watched as the police immediately took him.
He kept trying to call out to Amy but she didn’t say anything back, just ducking her head into Sonic’s shoulder.
Sonic’s eyes never left Warner’s face... but leaving the scattered bags around, he took her to the park near by and sat her down.
He waited there... as Amy was just frozen in her thoughts... unable to speak.
After some time, she got up and walked to stand beside him, “What about the bags?”
“Not concerned.” Sonic stated, then looked back to her, “You okay?”
“No,” Amy admitted, “You were right. It’s gonna take time... but I wish it would all just go away now.” she placed her hands on the side of her arms, “How... how did you know? When I was telling you about him... how did you know he was no good?”
Sonic tilted his head back and forth, then tapped his head. “When you’ve been around the block a few times... helping justice here and there... you learn a thing or two about red flags, Amy... you don’t have a lot of dating experience--or just knowing bad dudes are like that--in general! I don’t blame you... but I do think that you should be careful who your friends are.”
She scooted closer to him... then tilted her head to his shoulder.
“..Can you help me get better?”
“No,” he lightly tilted his head to hers, “But I can be with you while you figure it out.”
There was a long moment of silence as they held that comforting moment...
“Will I ever be me again?” she asked, her voice cracking slightly.
“...No,” He responded, tenderly, as though a whisper as he looked up at the rain being to slowly drop all around them. “But I can be with you as you learn to accept her.”
Amy closed her eyes, feeling the small drops of rain before it all at once, speedily came down on them.
“...Will you still love me? At the end of it all?”
“I already do.”
Rain scattered as Sonic held his eyes straight up into the clouds... the storm in his heart subsiding as Amy cried and her shoulder’s bounced beside him.
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waywardimpalawriter · 3 years
Cake Thief (Marcus Pike x F!Reader)
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Cake thief
Pairing: Marcus Pike x F!Reader
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Fluff, tooth rottening fluff, a little spice
Word count: 2,023
Summary: You’d been thinking about that last piece all day especially how crappy of a day it’s been.
Notes: Inspired by a favorite cupcake show that’s in my area and because Marcus Pike is just the sweetest.
Shit show that’s what you’d call it. The whole damn day from missing the morning goodbye kiss from Marcus to someone stealing your lunch and now soaked to the bone from an early evening downpour. Sure you could’ve waited the storm out in your car. But all you wanted now is a nice hot shower, fluffy pajama’s, Marcus’s arms wrapped around you and the last piece of decadent red velvet cake from your favorite place. 
Shuffling through the door dropping purse and keys on the end table behind the couch, carefully shrugging out of your soaked jacket to not soak the carpet and carrying it towards the small laundry space. Kicking your kitten heels off while adding to the jacket your black dress trousers, and burgundy wrap tunic blouse a favorite that you wanted off to show Marcus. But that’ll have to wait for another time as a shiver runs down your spine rain drops cooling your skin when the air conditioning kicks on. Cursing the rotten luck you’ve managed to acquire today while bending to scoop up your heels and head towards the bedroom. Nice hot shower calling your name only pausing long enough to grab up one of Marcus’s dress shirt’s and a pair of panties  before heading towards the bathroom. 
Getting the water to the perfect temperature before stripping your under garments off and stepping under the warm spray. Soft moan leaving your lips the steam enveloping you in a welcoming hug. Heating your chilled skin and chasing away the shivers, hot water soothing out the tightness in your shoulders from your crappy day. Wishing and not for the first time that Marcus would’ve beating you home. 
Foolish though you know since most nights he’s always late given the importance of his job with the FBI. Remembering your best, scratch that ex best friend snorting at you when in great detail you explained Marcus’s job. Never feeling so much anger in your life towards another human being. Sure at the time it’d been only three months into the relationship and Marcus brought his work home some nights. What hurt the most were snide little comments she’d make on how he didn’t have a real job at the FBI. Just played with art the whole time, wanna be artist she’d called him. Most of all when she started to question his true intent, that he’s damaged goods, divorced and coming out of another failed relationship. If there’s one thing you learned about DC it’s that gossip floats around like yesterdays trash. 
Finding out through the gossip channel that Matty boosted about how she’s just a couple more pushes away from getting her hands on Marcus. Alluding to the fact she felt you weren’t his type, not thin enough and in her opinion not pretty enough to keep a man like Marcus Pike interested. Needless to say one snowy afternoon your iced caramel macchiato happen to find itself poured down the front of Matty’s body. To this day two years later the memory still made you giggle more than it should. 
Soaping up the loofa and starting to wash your soft curves remembering the shock in those sinful brown eyes of Marcus’s when you explained what happened. How he spent the rest of the night reassuring you and maybe even himself that your the woman he wanted. Those thoughts cause a delicious shiver of a different kind to slide down your spine. Rushing through the rest of your shower hoping by the time you’ve dried off and dressed Marcus would’ve come home. 
Lost in your thoughts, shower covering most of the sounds coming from the living room as the man in question drops his keys besides yours. Relieved sigh leaving his lips at finally getting home. First real smile tugs at the corner of his mouth hearing the shower run. Sure it’s only been ten hours since he saw you last but it didn’t stop the need to hold you from stealing over him. Normally going to join but he hears the water shut off signally you’ll be joining him soon. Instead he heads towards the kitchen to pull fixings for dinner out. Spying the last slice of red velvet cake he debates with himself for the better part of five minutes before pulling the piece from the cold confines of the refrigerator. Slowly licking his lips while opening the plastic container, fragrant sweet cream cheese frosting hitting his taste buds before a single morsel.  
He wastes no time grabbing a fork to dig in moaning around the fluffy red velvet cake and metal tines of the fork. Back pressing against the counter now, eyes having closed in bliss. Not knowing you’ve come from the bathroom, his dark blue dress shirt covering your plush body. Steps halting when you find him enjoying your last slice. Part of you wanting to snatch it from his hands scolding him for taking what’s yours. However, you’ve learned to share after all and Marcus did deserve to have a sweet treat. With those thoughts combined with a very erotic idea, you glance down unbuttoning a few more to expose your cleavage. 
Hands coming to rest on your wide hips one jutting out and clearing your throat trying to hide the smirk when Marcus jumps. His eyes fly open and wide to stare at you. “Whatch ya eaten there Marcus?” Brow lifting, watching as he licks those sinful lips, Adams apple bobbing with a hard swallow. Itching to run your mouth over the tanned skin take in his scent, drowning in those warm chocolate pools still shocked wide. 
“Last piece of cake,” knowing it useless to lie. Recovering himself, trailing his eyes over your body slowly, voice deep with barely hidden arousal at seeing you in his shirt. Normally not a possessive man but there’s something about seeing you in his shirt which brings out a feral need in him. “Want a bite?” 
Capturing your bottom witnessing the heat flaring to life while trying to keep the smirk from becoming full blown. You take a step closer, “You know that’s my last piece Marcus I’d been looking forward to it all day long. Especially after the shit show of a day I had.” 
Warm smile slides over the very kissable lips, not matching the desire swimming just beneath his veins. “I’m sorry sweetheart had no idea your day sucked.” Scooping up another bite and holding it towards you, “You know I’ll always share.” 
“How sweet of you,” closing the distance between you. Mouth opening to wrap your lips around the fork while keeping eye contact with Marcus. Slowly pulling back, taking the moist cake and sweet frosting into the heated cavern of your mouth. Soft moan sounding from deep within your chest as you savor each decadent flavor bursting on your tongue. Licking your lips to catch the smallest of crumbs, “Mind if I have another bite?” 
Swallowing harshly, struck mute for a moment. “Of course baby…” swallowing his tongue on the last word with a swipe of your finger through the cream cheese frosting. Watching with peaked interest as that single digit makes its way towards your mouth. Pink tongue coming out to lick a good portion off eyes closing to savor the sweetness. Wrapping your lips around the tip to suck off what’s left. Watching transfixed by the erotic sight your presenting him. Room in those normally loose dress pants becoming a high commodity with each moan vibrating through your chest. 
“Hmm not bad,” full blown smirk gracing your lips passion filled eyes opening to stare at him. “But it’s missing something.” 
“That would be?” Intrigued by your words, Marcus reacts first. Container placed on the table beside you, reaching to wrap an arm around your waist. Pulling you flush against his chest white dress shirt wrinkling with you pressed together so intimately. “Before you answer that, have I told you how beautiful you look in my clothes?” 
Shaking your head one hand comes up to draw patterns on his tie before wrapping it around your hand to give a little tug. “No you’ve never said,” looking up through your lashes. Admiring the way his chocolate browns deepen to almost pitch with every tug on his tie. Only broken when you feel cool sticky fingers brush over your throat head tipping back to give him access. Soft lips following the sweet trail he’s painted on your skin eliciting whimpers from you throat. “Is…” swallowing hard trying to form words to speak. “Is this what you mean by sharing, Cake Thief?” 
“Cake Thief huh?” Drawing his nose up the column of your throat to that little spot just behind your ear. Nibbling softly smirk tugging at his lips hearing another whimper sound from your mouth. 
Nodding trying to keep from giving yourself away, “Yup you stole my last piece of cake.” With much difficulty you pull back from his questing lips that threaten to draw another moan from your willing body. Eyes locking then diverting when his hand comes up with another bite held carefully between thumb and forefinger. 
“Ah but how can you call me a thief when I’m sharing?” Bringing his fingers to your mouth, opening enough so he can place the divine morsel on your tongue. 
Lips closing around his forefinger to suck the last bit of frosting off. Swallowing the bite before nibbling, laving your tongue over the rough pad then sucking gently. Watching him gulp down a breath of air when you let go with a wet pop. “Hmm you have me there love but you’ll have to make it up to me somehow. Especially since someone forgot our goodbye kiss this morning.” 
Wrapping his free hand around the back of your neck, fingers gently massaging your skin, “That I will apology for and correct right now.” Slanting his mouth over yours stealing your breath with the tender kiss. Teasing the seam of your mouth till you part your lips, inviting his tongue in to tangle with yours. 
Tasting the sweet cream cheese from the warm cavern of your mouth making a deep groan ramble from his chest. Tightening the arm around your plush waist to pull you closer, counters edge bitting into his back but he could care less with you in his arms. Devouring your mouth, expertly dragging another whimper out, biting your bottom lip too sooth with the flat of his tongue causing a gasp to exist. Taking advantage and thrusting his tongue against yours. Drinking from your mouth as a thirsty man searching for water. Wanting to draw out more sounds that never fail to drive him crazy with desire. 
Your own hands shooting up to card through those soft locks. Tugging to angle his head just right taking in a bit of air, noses bumping as you take over the kiss. Returning the nip to his tongue getting a hiss in response and a tightening of his grip on your thick waist. Knowing those nimble fingers leave behind bruises only heightens your arousal and want for this man. Air or lack there of becomes needed and you pull away, resting foreheads together as you both gasp to fill your burning lungs. 
“Apology accepted,” mumbling the words against his skin. Occupying your lips with tasting his jawline, nibbling a path down to the collars edge. Brushing your nose against his ear, “There’s a way you can make it up to me for stealing my cake.” 
Hands drop down to cup your plush ass, giving a squeeze to hear you moan in his ear. Vibrating through his whole body, “And that would be?” 
“Be my canvas and let me paint you with the last of the frosting?” Biting the lobe before pulling back to stare at him. “What do ya say Cake Thief?” Mischief making your eyes dance while watching him. 
Smirking sliding over his lips, “You’ve got twenty seconds to grab the cake and run sweetheart. Because,” seeing you arch a brow at his words, higher when he pauses to ghost his lips over yours. “If I catch you I’ll be eating you instead of that cake.”    
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hallowed-nebulae · 2 years
truths and answers
[ @beastenraged huzzah]
"And why should I not know? Reincarnation is a skin worn well on both yourself and Ven. Even if the process is different for both."
It takes more effort than you'd like not to poke at your food the next morning. Nothing wrong with the food, and it's not that you're not hungry either. Just. . . an overall sense of awkwardness.
You'd been too tired to do much last night -- had mostly dragged yourself back to bed, grabbing Vanitas and the both of you flopping onto Terra with your two halves of Chirithy held in both of your arms like a plushie.Together like that, it had almost been like being whole again -- almost, almost, always almost because there’s no way to return to being Ventus when the Soul died and the only thing left behind was the Body and Heart.
You poke at your food, and everyone else sort of does the same, and it’s awkward. You almost want to say something, but also you don’t want everyone’s attention on you, so you’re kind of just stuck there. Poking at your food. Terra cooked, though, and it’s very good -- kind of thick pancakes with honey drizzled over them and some fruit to go with it, strawberries and cantaloupe and watermelon. You don’t think that strawberries grow in this Radiant Garden easily, and you don’t think that the flavors should all mesh together so well, but they do somehow, so you’re not complaining. The amount of times you actually have the chance to eat breakfast (the amount of times you’ve had to eat breakfast back Before, you mean) had always been low, so it’s nice to eat something in the morning before it gets to be the afternoon or lunchtime.
After the meal, Even leaves to go do. . . some sort of science thing, you think. He’s probably not going to go and do some evil science. He seems nice enough. Probably not going to do Evil Science. (And if he does, Vacuum speaks up, we can always stab him. Or use our Fire materia. Fire burns things well.)
In turn, with Even gone and the meal finished, Ruse begins to tap her fingertips on the top of the table -- little small clinking noise of her claws against the wood or stone or whatever it is that the tables here are made of. “So. . .” She begins. “What do you guys want to know?”
Oh, is this what’s happening? A question and answer session? That’s kind of neat, actually -- Ruse is very, very hard to read, even with your emotions-sense mako-enhanced as it is (even when you’re trying to read her emotions it’s hard, which is certainly. . . something), and so it might be neat to hear her explanations of whatever questions she gets asked, if only because it gives you more insight as to her thoughts. Or something.
Vanitas, of course, speaks up first. A tapping dun-dun-dun of the squishy part of their fingers tap, tap, tapping on the table similarly to what Ruse had just been doing. “Why’d you lie about it?” They ask, a glistening sort of light in their yellow-gold eyes. You press your cheek against your little sibling’s, and all they send you is a memory-flicker of (red eyes silver-white hair and bandana that never stays the same shade, a quiet sort of grief and sorrow, keeping words that mean something tucked close to her chest) as explanation. Huh. (You’re not sure what it means, but you’ll keep it in mind.) “Is it safer that way? Or is that all you know how to do, is lie?”
Terra straightens over in his seat, from where he sits nearby. “Vanitas.” He says, in warning, eyes narrowed. (It’s a quiet sort of warning. A “remember to be polite”. A “please, do you want to be killed?” sort of warning. A slap on the wrist, basically. Terra’s never done anything worse to any of you, and you’d like to keep it like that.)
Ruse just laughs, and everyone looks over at her. Everyone is shocked, you notice, except for Ira. Ira remains a steady, calm acceptance and contentment. (You think you’re shocked too, a little bit, but you can’t tell for sure. Hard to tell your emotions if they’re not the too-strong “cause a downpour of Unversed tearing out of your skin and thus some new scars” sort of ones. The quiet half-formed wisps of emotions that you have otherwise are not well defined and annoying to figure out, most of the time.)
“I guess I just don’t want to talk about it.” is Ruse’s answer to the question. “Don’t want people expecting things from that past self. Plus, it’s kind of an edge?” She shrugs and leans back a bit, not quite to the level of the chair being on only two feet, but getting there. “People don’t expect either a preteen or a three year old Replica to know as much as they do, so they get careless.” A smile, that’s not quite a grin, but that carries the energy of one. A thread of smugness that you can look at within all those tumbling ever-changing emotions. (You wonder if your emotions are like that.) “And I win.”
Xehanort looks thoughtful (you figure it makes sense, knowing what you do about their Mirage Arena experience and their time being seen as someone else or underestimated because of their soft cheeks and small frame), and Vanitas just watches with an almost content sort of view. Rage of course, always anger seeping away into everything from that wrong-Dark in their head that twists and fills a space that shouldn’t be filled at all. But mostly approving. (You don’t even need your emotions-sense or image-speak to tell, either -- you just know your twin that well. Perks of having a twin, you suppose.)
While Vanitas lets out an approving “hell yeah”, your dad sighs, that tired “I don’t know how I’m going to deal with this information” sigh, and drops his face into his hands. “You’re only. . . three. Of course you are.” Terra even rubs at his eyes. Ah. . . he must be tired. Emotionally at least. There’s been a lot of things happening to everyone lately, your own trip to that other worldline not even being the least of them.
Ruse squints at him, says a bit of a challenging “you going to do something about that?” You can’t stop the growl that rumbles through your throat (though you might have to thank Vincent for that); it’s stupid but you wish she would stop seeing the worst of your dad. First Angeal, now Ruse, what’s up with that? Terra’s good! He’s not even the worst parent even if he doesn’t know what he’s doing half the time! Hell, he’s a better parent because he doesn’t know what he’s doing half of the time and yet he still manages to take really good care of you and Vanitas. You don’t know what Ruse’s issue with him is but could she please not jab at him? It’s rude?? Just be hyper-polite to show your utter disgust for someone like Urban Development did in that other worldline, Ruse, it’s more effective that way.
Ruse sticks her tongue out at you, and you scrunch your face, and it almost feels like a pattern. Ruse saying something, you getting upset over the thing that’s mostly small and petty, and Ruse doing something small and petty against you in return. (Is that how friendships work? You still don’t know how friendships work, but that’s how Genesis and Sephiroth became friends at first, so you’re probably friends? Maybe. You’re pretty sure you’re friends with this worldline’s Xehanort at least, the young one you mean. Which, that boy [man??] needs more friends, so that’s good.)
Terra says something to Ruse and you miss it, but that’s okay. You can tell that it was something she wasn’t expecting that hit kind of deep in the “I can’t believe there’s someone treating me like an actual human being” way. (Sephiroth had felt like that a couple times. It was one of the things that made you decide that he definitely wasn’t that apparently-evil one that you vaguely remembered from Final Fantasy stuff. Your lack of Final Fantasy knowledge thankfully didn’t hinder you in that other worldline, but it did mean you knew a lot less there than you did in your own one, so. Win some, lose some.)
You take a few moments to look at Ruse. Really look at her. She’s still herself -- still chaotic and not quite as feral as you or Vanitas (or Cloud), still kinda snarky. Still a reincarnate, like yourself. Hmm. You wonder.
[Are you Harper, or did she break apart to make you?] You ask, and you’re pretty sure your face might have scrunched up but you don’t care. You’re curious, and kinda bored, and if this is a question and answer session you might as well ask things to prevent communication issues due to a lack of proper communication in the future.
“You’ll have to clarify that, sorry.” Is Ruse’s response, which, fair. And also good. Communication and clarification is good.
You hum. A melody, one that you’ve heard a couple times. One of the songs that’d played in the Shinra Building, though you don’t remember the words because you’d been paying more attention to whatever Genesis or Cloud or whoever else had been doing. The words are a bit harder to choose, but Ruse waits patiently for you to finish.
[Once there was a person named Ana.] You begin, and you ignore the way your mind shies away at saying the name. It’s not yours, hasn’t been yours in years -- but it doesn’t matter. It’s not a bad name. You just don’t like it when people think it’s yours. [But Ana broke apart,] you continue, [to become Simon and Jasn and so many others. But… ]
And here you pause again. Look down at your hands. Claws that are thin and delicate (more like a cat’s than like those of some larger beast -- ironically more similar to the claws that Vincent’s Galian Beast had had) and are currently a gray shade because of the lighting, probably. Your blood is probably not black. Black blood would be bad, for you at least (because your blood is blue-green, so if it’s black then that means you’ve got Genesis’ degeneration that they’d been working on fixing before you went back to your worldline. Degeneration would be very, very bad), so you hope your claws only look gray because of the lighting.
Right, the thing you were saying to Ruse. Clarification. [Only Simon was left. And Simon became…Ven.] You keep thinking it’d be harder to sign this stuff, but it really isn’t that different from when you’d typed it out to people back Before. [With other alters, but not the same as Before.] You clarify, not looking away from Ruse while you sign. [Because they were their own people and now they’re. . .gone.] You swallow back that beginning seeds of deep, deep sadness that’s trying to pull out of your throat. No. Stay back there and don’t emerge. You already grieved. You can be sad, but you’re not going to let your sadness cause a scene and scare everyone, that’s rude.
For the first time since you have met her, Ruse’s emotions are clear and easily-read: she is quiet, and sorrowful, and empathetic. She knows the grief, you think, even if she is surprised by your own experience of it.
“Thank you,” she says, before answering anything, and you just dip your head. It’s only fair. She’s shared something personal about herself, is sharing something personal about herself, and for someone who generally hides herself under layers and layers that sharing of personal details means that much more.
She takes a breath and begins to answer, and you focus. Pay attention. (It would be rude to forget, you think. You’d asked after all, and you wanted to know the answer.) “Well. I guess Harper broke apart to be ‘me,’ that’s the best way of putting it. I have pieces of what she likes, but I have my own likes different from hers.” Huh. That actually does sound like when alters split off from one another -- not the same of course, because reincarnation is different from a dissociative disorder that’s caused by trauma, but surprisingly similar. (Good to know. Definitely Ruse, then -- you wouldn’t mind being called Simon, it’s a name that once was yours and that you don’t mind hearing, but you know most people don’t feel like that, so. Harper isn’t Ruse, so Ruse is just Ruse. The way someone isn’t someone else, the way that clones are their own people even if they started out as a copy of someone else.
Everyone grows and changes and becomes a different person from who they started out as. You know that you’re not Simon anymore, because Simon died and you were born again instead. You’d been Simon, but that wasn’t your name or the person you were anymore. Ruse had never been Harper, not really, so you would treat her as such.)
“How do you know that you’re different from Harper in the first place?” Vanitas’ Xehanort asks, and your eyes flick over to her at the same time that Vanitas’ do. Watching. (You’d seen her breakdown last night. It hadn’t been pretty. You hope that she’s feeling a little better this morning, but you can’t be sure.) Her eyes are holding more flecks of gold than fleck of blue, this morning, and you’re not sure what it means but it’s probably important. Her Darkness and Light remains sitting at that same feeling -- a six-to-one ratio, with that one being six times as concentrated as the six, so that the Darkness and Light balances itself out in a way that reminds you of how Terra’s body balances his Light and Darkness, only if Xehanort’s Light and Darkness didn’t mix together at all.
Ruse is quiet for a few moments, tracing along her scars with one finger. It looks and feels like an absent movement -- like something she does just to do it, like something she does without thinking about it. (Like how you’ll comb your fingers through your hair again and again and again because you need something to do with your hands that isn’t signing.)
“Well, it’s kind of what I told Ven.” She tells Xehanort, carefully. “I’m me because I have my own likes that I know Harper didn’t. I’m not Harper because I have different experiences from her.” She’s looking at Xehanort, very intently. Trying to make sure that she doesn’t cause Xehanort to spiral like whatever happened last night, perhaps. “I’m different from her because I want to be.“
And here Ruse pauses for a longer time, looking at Xehanort in the same way that you remember Cloud looking at Sephiroth when reassuring the SOLDIER that he didn’t have to be a monster because of what other people said, but that Sephiroth could be one if he wanted to be, and only then.
“You know it’s okay for you to be what you want to be, instead of what someone else wants.” Ruse tells her, more quietly now. It almost feels like Ruse and Xehanort are the only ones in the room, and the rest of you are intangible beings who simply watch on as the events proceed. “People wanted me to be Riku, but I could never be. Xion could never be Sora.”
And oh, you know how that feels. Not the same effect at Ruse has gone through, surely, but you know what it’s like to be expected to be one thing and have to prove that you’re something else. (You’d looked in the box you’d been put in and found the things that you liked, made them your own, took those expectations and did your best to make it an advantage, back Before. Ruse, on the other hand, seems to have broken out of her box entirely, building a life for herself with whatever she could find outside of that. You think, not for the first time, that Ruse is very brave.)
“It’s okay to be yourself, Xehanort.” Ruse says, with a soft smile, and reaches out before pausing and retracting her arm. “You have my permission, even, if that matters.”
Xehanort says nothing -- ducks under Ira’s raised arm to hide her face in his shoulders, hidden under the upper layer of the many fabrics of those Foreteller robes in an action that reminds you a lot of how Vincent had tucked Cloud against him underneath his red cape -- but you can feel the quiet awe, the realization, and the beginning of a certainty settling in Xehanort. Good. They need to hear that, from someone who can affirm it much better than yourself. (They need to hear it from someone who notices. You care about Xehanort, and you’re sure that Vanitas does too, but you haven’t struggled with identity in that way. The two of you simply aren’t able to help Xehanort as well as Ruse can -- and that’s okay. As long as Xehanort gets the help that they ask for and need.)
Ira is looking at Ruse, very carefully. Very still. That calmness and contentment remain, though there’s a bit of curiosity there, now. (Hard to tell too too much, with a Light that’s that dense, makes looking into the emotions hard even if you’re mako-enhanced.) “Do you mean any harm to my Vessel?" He says to Ruse -- carefully, with measured words, each syllable spoken chosen specifically. You’ve seen Luxu do it a couple times before, in that brief time you and Vanitas and Terra had gotten to know everyone at Radiant Garden.
(It’s hard to tell the difference between Luxu and Braig when the two blur the lines so much, on purpose, but the one thing that gives them away is the speech patterns and body language. Braig is more open and free-speaking, casual, and always holds his shoulders and head as if he’s faintly amused. Luxu, on the other hand -- Luxu acts a lot like Ira does. Carefully-measured words, a stillness of posture, not making any small twitches or movements like most people do in favor of looking like a statue paused in whatever action it’s doing.)
Ruse blinks at him, slowly. “No?” She says. It ends up sounding confused. “I’m only trying to help.”
“I see.” Is Ira’s only reply, and he nods, continuing to look at her for a few moments before eventually turning away.
There’s a significance to Ira’s words and actions, you’re sure. Something you don’t know now but will eventually.
You shrug internally, and go back to picking little bits of dirt out from under your claws, and making sure that your materia bracer is on right and that said materia isn’t loose or dull or broken. You’ll figure out something to do later today. But for now, you’ll just. . . sit here, a little bit, and process what was said.
(You wonder if there’s any significance to Ira reminding you of Vincent. Maybe the secret is that you’ve been adopted by the Strifes.
You should see about going back to that worldline to visit at least. You want to introduce Vanitas and Terra to Cloud and Genesis and Reeve and everyone.)
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Summer Rain
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku Pairing: Shingen Takeda x MC (Mai) Written By: @lil-creatorwritings​ Requested By: anon Prompt: Shingen x MC with the word rain. SFW please.
Summers in Kai were as hot as ever. Shingen leaned over his desk, trying to ignore the heat while he worked on some documents. Since his return, there was much to plan and arrange to restore the land back to its former glory. Although the thought of ruling it together with Nobunaga didn't sit well with him, he didn't let it get to him too much.
The sound of his beloved's voice through the door made him pause. "Shingen, may I come in?"
"Of course, my goddess."
Mai entered the room, carrying a small tray with her as she sat beside him. "The maids told me that you've been here for a while and I thought you might need a break."
There was a plate of his favorite sweets sliced in halves and a cup of tea on the tray she brought. Shingen picked up a piece and ate it, savoring the flavors in his mouth. The bread was nice and soft while the chestnut filling was the right amount of sweetness for him. "It's delicious."
"Really? I'm glad you like it."
"Would you like a taste?" He picked up another piece, holding it out in front of her.
She laughed and shook her head. "I'll have to refuse for now. I need to deliver my commissions and make a trip to the textiles shop before it gets dark."
"I see. Be careful on your way out."
"I will." She smiled, giving him a kiss on the cheek before leaving the room.
Once the snacks were all gone, Shingen resumed with his writing. It was probably an hour or so when a loud rumble caught his attention, noticing the grey sky outside through the windows. Even though it was summer, there would still be days when it would unexpectedly rain over the province. He closed up all his books and stored the documents away, heading to her workroom to check if she was there. It was dark and empty when he looked inside.
"Oh, Lord Shingen." Yukimura, who came to visit them for a few days, came up to him. "Were you looking for Mai?"
"Yes. I was hoping she'd be back by now." He sighed, turning around as his vassal followed him to the exit. "I'm going to look for her in town."
Before he could step outside, an umbrella was thrust into his hands. "Take this with you, my lord. And try not to get too wet if it does rain, okay?"
"Thanks, Yuki." He smiled and gave him a pat on the shoulder. "I'll be back soon."
It was always a delight to see the town bustling with energy. People were busy setting up street lanterns to illuminate the roads while restaurants were filling up with hungry customers. Several shops were decorated with lively colors that were trying to attract potential buyers. As he turned at the next intersection, he spotted the textiles shop up ahead. In a stroke of good luck, Mai was still there when he entered the building, animatedly talking to a female shop attendant about the fabric she was holding.
The elderly shopkeeper noticed him immediately, standing up from her seat behind the counter. "Welcome, Lord Shingen! I suppose you've come here to fetch her?"
"Is it that obvious?" He laughed.
"It's written all over your face, my lord. But I think it's sweet of you." She nodded, turning her gaze towards the two women. "She's a very talented young lady."
"Yes, she is."
"And pretty as well. She's quite lucky to have you."
He could only smile. He felt that it was the opposite way around--that it was him who was lucky to have her.
Mai had spotted him as she finished her conversation, waving at him as she approached. When she stopped by the shopkeeper to pay, she shook her head and urged her to come back tomorrow for her supplies. The two thanked her and exited the shop, holding hands as they headed back to the castle. It had begun to drizzle shortly after they left.
"I'm sorry it took me so long." She frowned, moving closer to him as he opened the umbrella. "I didn't think I'd have a hard time deciding on what fabrics I should use."
"There's no need to apologize, my love. I'm glad I found you right away."
Several of the townspeople were surprised with the sudden downpour, taking shelter under the nearest spot they could find while a few decided to rush back to their homes. The umbrella was quite small for two people to share, which certainly couldn't keep them dry for long in this kind of weather. Shingen pulled her even closer, hoping to keep her warm with his own body heat. At least the lanterns were holding up well enough to illuminate the roads.
"This rain isn't letting up at all, is it?" She sighed, holding her hair back to keep it away from her face. "The castle is just up ahead though."
An idea popped in his head, one that Yukimura would most likely disagree with. "Shall we make a run for it?"
When he looked at her, she already had a grin on her face. Mai took his hand in hers and broke out into a run. He was quick to respond, matching her pace with relative ease.
He should've been worried. The rain had always been his enemy, leaving him sick if he stood in it for too long. In the beginning he would be bedridden for days with a nasty fever, his coughing fits making it difficult for him to breathe well. Often times they were severe enough to draw blood and cause chest pains that would last for hours. He had eventually learned to hide his symptoms in front of others to keep them from worrying.
Shingen didn't think that he could come to truly appreciate the experience of it. The consequences were too damaging to his precarious health if he stayed to observe its wonders.
But things were different now. There was no longer that immediate sense of dread he usually felt. In its absence, he found her bright smile. Her laughter drowned out the sound of the rain as she pulled on his hand, the look of joy on her face filling him with warmth.
If the rain had always looked like this, maybe he would come to love it just as much as he loves her.
They were soaked by the time they got to the castle entrance. A couple of maids were waiting by the doorway, handing them towels and helping them to dry off as much as they can. Yukimura came stomping from down the hallway with an irritated look on his face. "Lord Shingen! Didn’t I tell you to be careful?!"
"I'm sorry Yuki. I didn't think it would rain this hard." He held his hands up in defeat, hoping to appease his vassal as he looked at her. "Don't worry. We'll take a bath immediately, won't we?"
She caught his gaze, coughed quite loudly as her cheeks flushed red. He could see the gears in her head turning when she bit her lip. "You know, that sounds like a really good idea.."
"Good, because the two of you are taking one right now. Separately."
He shouldn't have been that disappointed. "Yuki.."
"No. No buts, my lord." Yukimura's eyebrows furrowed and ushered him along, intentionally ignoring his protest. He could only sigh and move along with his vassal. The maids giggled as they led Mai the other way.
Warmed from their bath and dinner, the two had retired to their bedroom for the day. It was still raining as they settled down together on the futon, the cool winds now a refreshing break from the summer nights.
She snuggled up to him, resting her head on his chest as she let out a yawn. "Yukimura can get scary when it comes to you. He must have been really worried."
Shingen had expected the reaction. If this had happened months before, Yukimura would have scolded him a lot more. "He worries a lot."
"I mean, it was reckless of us to run in the rain like that."
"Really? I thought it was quite fun."
"It won't be that fun if we both got sick the next morning, you know." She laughed softly, moving close to give him a kiss on the cheek. "Which is why we need to rest up."
Wrapping his arm around her waist, he pulled her even closer until their faces were inches apart. "I'll only agree if I get another kiss."
She was more than happy to give him a proper kiss this time. He eagerly kissed her back, cupping her face in his hand as she smiled at him. Laying back down on his chest, he gently caressed her back and watched as she relaxed in his arms. When he was sure that she was fast asleep, Shingen pressed a kiss on the top of her head, letting the sounds of her soft breathing and gentle rain outside slowly lull him into a comfortable sleep.
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whispersafterdusk · 4 years
Lost in Time - ch 10
On the morning of Winter Solstice Selene found Eli outside exercising; in fact, over the last three weeks that's how Eli had started her mornings.  She knew the woman wanted to get back to her pre-tube physique but she hadn't been pushing herself this hard before -- discovering her dead husband had triggered the change in her and Selene didn't know what to do about it.
'Hopefully Dr. Xu is making headway...' she found herself thinking as she headed over to the corner of the yard that Eli had taken to exercising in.  It was a fairly flat area, mostly shielded from the sun in the afternoon and evening, and would have thick grass coverage once the seasons changed; it also was outside of the stable area so there wouldn't be animal droppings to worry about either.  Maybe she could pave a small area to give Eli something solid to exercise on too?  And when spring arrived with its downpours a paved spot would keep her out of the mud as well...Selene mentally stuck it on her To Do list. ((Continued below cut))
Eli was currently doing push ups, and doing them really damn well -- far better than Selene could ever hope to do.  She didn't look up as the builder approached, and Selene waited silently and counted out 52 push ups (and who knew how many she'd already done before Selene had even come outside) before Eli finally came to a stop and shifted her legs around to sit cross-legged in the cleared area of frozen grass.
"Did you still want to go to the Solstice gathering?" Selene asked. For a long moment Eli was silent, then she simply nodded; Selene returned the nod and smiled at her.  "Yay, all right -- did you want to be the bringer of cheese or the meats?" She took a step back as Eli got up; once the woman was up and out of the shadow of the edge of the nearby stables Selene could see sweat droplets sparkling in the woman's eyelashes and a thin sheen of it over her face -- she'd need to get inside and get dried off before she froze.
"Cheese, I guess."
It wasn't enthusiastic but she'd take it.  "Ok then - I'll go get the foodstuffs while you get cleaned up.  We've got a couple hours before everything starts but usually people gather early to watch Django get the hot pot started.  It'd be a really good time for you to meet and mingle, talk to people."
"I don't know that I feel up to mingling."
"Oh.  Well, uh..."
Eli gave her a strained smile.  "Sorry.  Don't mean to make things awkward, I just..."
Selene didn't press her to continue; instead she nodded and led the way back into the house where Eli disappeared upstairs to her room and Selene turned into the kitchen.  She'd bought some nice cuts of beef and chicken and a very soft and delicious white cheese from Sophie and Emily a day ago.  After her first Solstice in Portia Selene had decided to vary what she brought each year; the first time she'd brought diced up layered carrots and last year she'd brought cornballs from her own garden which had turned a small spot of the pot into a spicy chowder. This year would be the first time she'd brought any meats.  Hopefully they were sliced thin enough that they'd cook up quickly once they were in the pot...maybe she should have checked with Django first.  Oh well.
Eli should at least be well-received for bringing the cheese; the soft white was a Portia favorite and it tended to sell out quick when Sophie had a new batch ready to go.
A quick glance in the fridge showed that the wax paper wrapped around the meats hadn't leaked, and there weren't any grease marks on the paper bag that the cheese was in - it was nice to see that she wouldn't need to put them into other containers or worry about the bags ripping on the way in to town. Selene grabbed a potato fruit fritter out of the bag next to the cheese (she liked Sophie's pies and fritters, what could she say?) and retreated to a chair, slowly munching on the fritter as she waited for Eli.
She was washing grease off her fingers when she heard Eli coming down the stairs; the Dubei woman was combing her hair off to the side as she walked, and was wearing a sweater Selene hadn't seen before - it was a burnt orange color with goldenrod colored trim along the sleeves and collar.
"That looks nice.  When did you get that one?"
Eli glanced down and smoothed down the sweater's hem.  "Couple days ago.  Carol was nice enough to tailor it a bit so it fit better across my shoulders."
"Going to need a lot of tailoring soon, huh?"  That got a faint smile from Eli; Selene grabbed the meats and cheese and led the way out of the house toward Portia's gates.  "What were celebrations like, in the Old World?  Were there a lot of holidays?"
"Saying there were 'a lot' would be a massive understatement. You could find a festival or holiday going on almost every other week," Eli answered.
"Wow... That sounds hectic, but also fun."
Eli shrugged.  "Isn't that true of any holiday?"
"True.  Oh, here-" Selene briefly spun around and walked backwards, holding out the bag with the cheese in it.  "Best cheese anywhere around."
Eli took the bag and tucked it into the crook of her elbow.  "So...how does this festival work?"
"Well, we have a giant hot pot that Django gets started with a broth base.  We wait 'til it gets boiling, then everyone starts tossing ingredients in.  Everyone is welcome to eat as much as they want and because of how big the pot is you'll find little pockets of dozens of different flavors -- and, when we're done, all the leftovers are divvied out to everyone to take home, or available to eat for free at the Round Table for the next couple of days.  After we've all eaten we have a snowball fight -- or, WOULD have a snowball fight.  What snow that's out in the fields right now isn't all that packable since it's not fresh so I'm not sure if Gale has something else planned instead. And THEN, after that, we all take pictures together."
"...'all,'" Eli repeated.  "Who does that include?"
"Everyone in Portia, if they want to," Selene giggled.  "I help build the riser platforms each year.  When we're done with the hot pot and everyone heads off to the snowball fight I, Paulie, and a couple others move the pot out and get the risers in place for when it's picture time."
"Are the pictures just...for free? For anyone?"
Selene nodded.  "Yep.  And a lot of the pictures get printed in the newspaper too so even if you don't manage to grab a copy today you can clip it from the paper later."
They were approaching the central plaza now and Selene could already smell the vegetable broth; Dawa and Paulie were standing near the massive hot pot helping Django feed logs to the fire burning beneath it.  Gale, Gust, Ginger, and Russo were already there too, and so was Carol and Martha and standing with them were the triplets, Toby, and Jack as well.  Their arrival immediately caught the attention of the children; Selene subtly moved Eli around the plaza's edge in the opposite direction.
They stopped at the benches over near the Research Center and Eli sat down, and sat the bag of cheese on the bench beside her.
"That is definitely a large hot pot."
"Yep.  No idea who first forged it but it's been in use for awhile - not sure what they used before.  Maybe just a giant cauldron or something."
They sat and waited, and watched as more of Portia's residents began to show up.  There were a lot of curious and uneasy looks tossed their way; few people seemed willing to do more than nod or wave, and Selene was pretty certain most of the friendlier gestures were aimed at her and not Eli.  Really made her wonder what Lee might have been telling others since Eli definitely hadn't done anything to warrant the weird looks she was getting.
Eventually, as more people showed up and more greetings were exchanged, Martha's attention wandered enough that Toby broke away from the group they were all standing in and as Selene suspected the boy made a beeline toward them.
He stopped just short of the bench, eying Eli for a moment or two; despite having a heavy coat on along with his backpack he had managed to also strap a wooden practice sword to his back and the handle jutted awkwardly over his left shoulder.
"Hi!  Are you really three hundred years old?"
Eli blinked at the boy for a moment, then sat up a bit straighter.  "I think I'm closer to 370, but yes."
"What did you do in the Old World?  Were there adventurers?"
Selene watched as Eli's gaze moved from the boy over to where his mother was standing and chatting with Carol and Alice; after a pause Eli looked back to Toby.  "I was a ranger.  It was a type of soldier."
"Ha!" was Toby's response.  "Django said there was more to you than it looked!  Did you fight in the war?  Did you shoot robots with guns?   Was there really robots everywhere you looked? Did you use only guns or did you still use swords and stuff?  Do you know how to use a sword?"
"Toby, one at a time," Selene interrupted dryly.  Eli got bombarded enough as it was thanks to those nosy scholars.
A small smile crossed Eli's face.  "I didn't fight in the war - I was already injured and inside that tube by the time the Calamity hit.  I'm not even sure what event started it.  As for AIs - yes, we had a lot of them.  They did a lot of the work for us, but not ALL of our work.  We didn't use swords but we had some long-handled machetes as part of our camping kits and if we fought in close combat we had bangsticks.  They were these metal rods of varying length that, if you swung and hit something with it, would release a little electric shock with a loud bang, hence their names.  And, I know how to dance with a sword but not how to fight with one."
Selene had been listening quietly as Eli rattled off the answers to Toby's rapid fire questions but the last answer caught her attention.   "Dance?"
Eli nodded.  "Dubeian saber dancing.  Was a hobby I picked up when I was a teenager and carried it along while serving - I wasn't especially limber or graceful but it was still fun."
Toby pulled a face.  "Dancing?  That sounds boring."
"Maybe, to someone who hasn't ever seen it.  You started out with plastic practice props, worked your way up to wooden ones, then blunt metal, then sharpened metal, and the last 'rank' was sharpened metal with a middle, inner strip that you lit on fire."
THAT got Toby's attention.  "You danced with fire?"
"Me?  No.  I only made it up to the sharpened metal rank - live steel, as it was called.  Once I was out of school I only got the chance to study and practice when I was on leave from active duty."
"That sounds pretty neat, actually," Selene mused.  "Sounds kind of dangerous too though - a sharp edge AND fire?"
"It WAS dangerous, and that's why it was fairly challenging to work your way up the ranks.  You learned the basic moves with the plastic, then added weight and balance with the wooden ones.  From there you began picking up the advanced stuff with the heavier but blunt metal props, and you needed a perfect score from a certified instructor to move on to the sharpened ones.  When you got to the sharpened rank you had to have so many hours of supervised practice as well as a certain number of dances performed and scored by eight different instructors, all perfect scores and with no injuries or else you had to start over and put in the time and effort again.  Being as it became something I did on the side to keep myself busy when I was on leave I never had the time to put together the dances or log the hours needed."
"Are you bothering Eli?"
Selene jumped at Arlo's voice and spun around to find him standing behind her with his arms crossed and his attention squarely on Toby.  
Toby jutted his lower lip out at Arlo.  "No!  I'm learning about the Old World."
"Fine, but your mother is looking for you either way."
"Aw man..." Toby slouched off through the crowd back toward Martha who greeted him with a glare and what Selene imagined was a very short and to the point lecture on running off when she clearly wanted him to stay put.  He...did that a lot, and could probably recite any lecture by heart now.
When he was gone Eli leaned back against the bench and stretched her legs out.  "He wasn't bothering me.  Just asking questions."
"Fair enough. Martha WAS actually looking for him however."
Selene shifted around to perch on the arm of the bench, looking up at him.  "Are the scholars going to work today too?"
"Not that I know of.  Gregory and Adam are going to stay out at the sinkhole just in case they do, and also to keep guard.  Mali and the others planned to come take part in the festivities but I've no idea if the scholars will too."  Arlo glanced over a shoulder and skimmed the crowd, then returned his attention to Eli.  "I did want to mention that Lee gives a sermon every year before we eat - whatever he might say today know he's more or less said something similar every year.  This might be the one time I can honestly say it shouldn't be personal."
Eli nodded but didn't say anything in response.  After a few moments Arlo moved to sit on the bench with the bag of cheese between himself and Eli, and not too long afterward both Sam and Remington found them and stood about chatting as they waited for Django to signal that the broth was ready; it already appeared to be boiling and Selene spied what she thought were vegetable bits floating around in it.  Shouldn't be too long now.
"-Eli, I had a question about Stewart," Sam suddenly asked, abruptly changing the subject away from the weather.
"What about him?"
They'd all had a chance to talk to Stewart at least once now; the All Source AI was polite and helpful but Selene found his constantly shifting facial projection to be massively distracting.
"What are we going to do with him?"
That was a question Selene had thought about too.  Wendy, the other All Source AI they'd found, was currently in the Research Center and wouldn't be able to ever leave it now that her original power supply had been damaged beyond repair -- she'd always be tethered to the power supply they'd rigged up for her.  Stewart, on the other hand, had been specifically built to be mobile; his inner battery needed repair due to the ravages of time but he was confident they could fix it even with limited technology, and that would leave him with about three months worth of power if he was forced to go without his docking station. Could they move his docking station out of the facility and figure out how to power it up here?  It seemed like a huge waste to leave him down in the facility or for him to walk back and forth between there and town.
"I'm not sure yet," Eli answered after a lengthy pause.  "He seems convinced the reactor is still fully functional for now, so we've got a bit of time to figure something out.  But he'll have to be moved somehow -- the fuel inside a reactor has an expected lifetime and to be honest I'm surprised it's still working after all this time.  It won't last forever though, and there's no way we can make more of what fuels it."
"We were able to make a new power source for Wendy," Selene said.   She glanced toward the Research Center -- Wendy had seemed satisfied with the power output of the high voltage dual engine set up they'd put together.  "Could we move the docking station and make do like we did with her?"
Eli was silent for another long moment - Selene could only imagine the calculations going on in her head.  "--it's...possible, I guess.   But it'll need a lot of room, first and foremost - we'd need his docking station for sure, along with his memory cores and server banks, and then space enough for whatever power source we come up with to run it all.  He might need his own dedicated room entirely."
Remington's eyebrows shot into his hairline.  "He really needs that much power?  That much room?"
"Yeah, that seems-" Sam paused, then shook her head.  "Wendy didn't need that much of either.  What's the difference?"
"They're different models," Eli answered.  "They might both be All Source AIs but their duties are drastically different and they have different specs.  And I bet if we could find Wendy's original memory cores and servers her power and space requirements would shoot through the roof too."
Selene huffed out a sigh at that.  "Man...we've lost so much, haven't we?  I hope we haven't damaged Wendy on accident."
"I wouldn't worry about it," Eli replied, looking over to her.  "If she says she can manage with her current power level then she knows what she can and can't safely process."
"What would happen if we got her hooked up to more power?"
"Probably nothing.  Her memory cores aren't attached and she's not connected to anything else to warrant more power right now."
"She DID say that she couldn't teach us anything because all she did was give orders, but she's given us a few blueprints since she said that," Selene said slowly, tapping a finger against her chin as she thought - what did a memory core or server bank even look like?  "If she had her memory cores, would that make a difference in what she could teach?"
"A huge difference.  You can't teach something if you don't remember knowing it in the first place.  With her it's likely she DID know the inner functions of certain technologies but that information was stored in a separate memory core than what she's carrying onboard now.  If we separate Stewart from his servers and cores he'll lose a lot of what he knows too."
"Which seems like a poor idea," Arlo broke in.  "Having those medical texts is helpful but having something on hand that actually knows it and could teach it to others is way more valuable."
Sam shrugged. "The clinic DOES have that storage room upstairs, and also the space around it to add on another room or two - it'd make more sense to install Stewart in the clinic than it would here at the Center, since he's a medical AI.  I think it was just last year that Dr. Xu was talking to Albert about a possible expansion too."
Remington shook his head at her.  "He only did that because Phyllis wants to open her own office.  I think the plan was adding on and giving that space to her to start out with but she found a place out in South Block that she's trying to buy instead. He probably wouldn't say no to an expansion to house Stewart but I don't know that any plans or budget from before would be useful now since he wasn't factoring in an All Source AI's needs."
Selene stood up and stretched as she noticed Gale taking his place at the center of the crowd.  "Eh, leave it for another day - looks like it's about time to start."
Portia's townsfolk had all clustered around the hot pot and Selene and the others were basically at the back of the group; Gale was a little hard to hear but, as he did every year, he greeted everyone and then invited Lee to start his sermon.
Eli listened quietly as Lee detailed how, after the Calamity, the sky had darkened and sunlight had disappeared.  AIs had gone rogue, crops were failing, people were starving - humanity already pushed to the brink was getting even closer to extinction.  To hear that finally, in a moment of need, people came together to ensure survival was nice...even if the story as a whole was very bleak.  
'To think I outlived all that because of a stupid tube and science I can't understand...'
One of the first things she'd asked Stewart was why she was down there - why she was in that tube - and the AI couldn't tell her.
Not because he didn't know but because he'd been ordered not to tell anyone outside of the project involving the tubes.  And what that project was was also something he couldn't share, and no amount of administrative access he could grant her would give her access to those files.  He couldn't go against his orders or his programming and had been very apologetic but ultimately she'd gotten nowhere with that subject.
The rest of her questions had been directly answered, at least, and it painted chaotic, terrifying, and destructive final days for the facility and the people of Dubei.
First had come a bombardment from orbital railguns.  Eli hadn't even known there WERE railguns up in orbit, and if they had fired freely on Dubei she imagined no one in charge had known they were there either (or if they HAD known, why weren't there defenses in place?).  Who could have gotten railguns into orbit without anyone detecting them?  Maybe they were inside something else...hidden, so that no one would suspect. And if that were the case then it could have been any nation behind it, and while Eli knew diplomacy had been breaking down she didn't think the Generals would have kept something this potentially devastating a secret...
Then Stewart had detailed how, in the immediate aftermath of that first attack, a small group of unknown assailants had forced their way in and appeared to be there to steal top secret information from various government-funded research projects.  Stewart didn't know what files in particular they had come for but they were systematically searching floors and attempting to breach his encryptions and firewalls before they'd been subdued either by security or by circumstance; the orbital bombardment had leveled over half the city and obliterated that part of the facility that had been above ground, and the damage had caused the air filtration and circulation system to go haywire during the infiltration. Several of the underground sections were subsequently flooded with such severely polluted air, smoke, and particulates that it had caused many to suffocate (even some who had tried to get protective equipment on had been killed before it made a difference) before Stewart had been able to get the systems under control again and broadcast an order to begin evacuation once the intruders had been dealt with.  
A small silver lining to this was the suffocation had taken out some of the attackers too, though their losses paled in comparison to the number of employees that had died. There was a mad scramble by those left to try and pack and prioritize, and to the credit of the survivors a lot was able to be salvaged and taken with them as the remaining living AIs were able to carry a lot more than a human could. But it was during the rush to leave that they'd been hit with a second bombardment and Stewart lost all contact with the surface world.  In the chaos of the second attack Stewart had issued a total evacuation order: if it couldn't be immediately carried out on one's person then it had to be left behind...supplies, personal effects, the fallen, everything. Those few that were left alive to hear the order made it out through old maintenance tunnels.
And that was it.  Ever since then Stewart had been the lone guiding force within the facility and had struggled to keep it functional (especially after an earthquake struck about 73 years after the second bombardment and had destroyed even more of the facility), and make certain that the remaining stationary AI assistants like Pauline as well as Eli in her tube survived until help arrived (something Stewart admitted he had lost hope for several times over the centuries).
That was a touchy subject... Eli had been in a tube, and so had all but two of her squadron.  It had definitely hurt to know that most everyone she'd worked with AND her husband were all dead in the same room she'd spent over three hundred years "sleeping" in and that it had only been sheer dumb luck that the earthquake's damage hadn't reached far enough into the room to take her out too.  Thinking about it, even briefly, was enough to make her eyes sting and well up and she quickly squashed it down and tried to focus on the end of Lee's sermon.
Better times...  Yeah, compared to what she'd been told had happened, and what had been been endured, these times were certainly better.   Humanity had a future even if it felt like she didn't.
 Don't think about it.
At least, don't think about it until the next session with Dr. Xu.   Or, bare minimum, she should aim to make it through today without falling apart.
"-all right, time to start adding things."
Eli flinched a bit as Selene - she hadn't even noticed the woman had moved from the other end of the bench - grabbed her by the elbow and tugged her toward the enormous hot pot, giving her only a moment to pick up her sack with the cheese in it; Arlo stayed with them and had produced a small bag of eggs from somewhere - she was about to ask where he'd been hiding it when she noticed Sam pull a cluster of some leafy green herb out of the bag she seemed to carry everywhere.  She handed whatever the herbs were to Remington and then pulled out a parcel wrapped in wax paper; Sam wasted no time in approaching the pot and dumping the contents of her parcel in and Eli watched as a small shower of tiny meatballs plopped into the boiling broth.
"What'd you end up bringing?" Remington asked then.  He had a small pocket knife in hand and was carefully cutting off the string that held the bundle of herbs together; she caught a whiff of it as well as a closer look and thought it was coriander.
Eli opened her bag and pulled out the chunk of cheese inside it, and managed to smile a bit as Remington's eyes lit up at the sight of it.
"Ha, you actually managed to get your hands on some of Sophie's cheese?  That'll win you a lot of friends today I bet." He wiped the blade of the knife clean on the hem of his shirt then offered it to her, handle first.  "Here, this'll help."
The cheese was the size of her two fists put together and it cut smoothly.  She did notice a couple of approving looks as she dropped the first few pieces into the pot and watched as it melted and floated on the top almost like a cream.
"Should I try to spread it out?" she asked, glancing over to Remington; Arlo and Selene seemed to have moved on to other spots around the pot, chatting with the other townsfolk as they walked and dropped in cuts of meat and freshly cracked eggs at random intervals.
"You can, or you can claim a little spot and let others come to you," Remington answered.  He started gently twisting the coriander into small handfuls that he sprinkled over a wide area of the hot pot's surface; the boiling broth quickly sent the little green bits floating away or sinking inward.
Along with the sudden surge of various types of foodstuffs appearing in the pot there were a lot of people and a lot of separate conversations going on around her; for now she decided to slice up about a third of what she had and spread it in the same area.  As she was carefully cutting off a few more slices one of the short, hairy men appeared at her elbow with what looked like fresh fish fillets.
"Hey, look at that," was the man's greeting as he spied the cheese in her hand.  "I always end up eating all that myself when I manage to get my hands on it."
She recognized him in that he was identical to the three others like him that she'd met, but his glasses were more opaque and a different size and shape than the ones his brothers wore.  Quadruplets?  "Would you like a piece to eat?"  She cut off a decently thick bit and offered it to him; he accepted it with a grunt and smile and popped the whole thing into his mouth before beginning to carefully slip the fillets into the broth.
"-so, you're Eli.  I'm Qiwa.  You meet the rest of my brothers yet?"
"I've met Dawa, Sanwa, and I saw a third brother on the night I was introduced but I'm guessing that wasn't you.  How...uh, how many of you ARE there?"
Qiwa began to chuckle, and didn't respond until he had all the filets in the pot; after wiping his hands on his shorts (Eli couldn't fathom how he wasn't freezing) he began to point to various spots in the crowd.  There was Dawa, and Sanwa, and there was...three, four, five...
"-there's SEVEN of you?" she asked, looking down at Qiwa in amazement.  "What's in Portia's water and should I be concerned?"
That got a deep belly laugh out of Qiwa.  "Don't worry, you'll get used to it!  We at least color code ourselves."
He kept on laughing and Eli shook her head - seven identical brothers, good grief.  She cut a couple more slices of cheese and let them drop in; Qiwa headed off, still chuckling, and for a brief moment Eli was left standing more or less by herself as people milled around.   Seeing that the pot was pretty cheesy where she was standing she decided she would move around after all and carefully edged off to the left toward a  dark-haired woman who was carefully adding in what looked like dumplings but before she got too far another woman stepped in her path and cleared her throat.
"Oh, uh - hello." Her brain stalled on the woman's name; she knew she owned the bakery and she recognized her from earlier when Arlo had sent Toby scampering back to her.
"Hello.  Sorry to bother you on a holiday but could I have a word in private?"
"Sure."  Eli returned the cheese to the crumpled up bag and tossed the knife in with it as well, then tucked it under an arm and followed Martha - THAT was her name, right - as the woman headed over toward the far wall and gate that led out of Portia.
Once they were away from the crowd Martha inhaled deeply and seemed to be trying to force a smile but it didn't quite cover up how tense the woman seemed.
"You might have guessed this already or been told but I'm Toby's mother," Martha started.  "I know he ran off earlier to pester you with questions and now all he can talk about is you being a soldier and fighting robots."
Eli winced a bit.  "Sorry about that.  I didn't mean to-"
Martha waved her hands and shook her head.  "No, it's not that - I'm used to him being a nuisance and overly excitable when he gets fixated on something.  It's more that I know exactly what he's going to do next and I wanted to ask you NOT to indulge him."
Martha sighed and ran a hand over her headband and then through the hair it was just barely holding back from her face.  "His father was an adventurer, and it got him killed.  Toby is dead set on being an adventurer too, and while Django has been humoring him and teaching him some very basic swordplay I know without a doubt that he'll come asking after you to teach him how to fight as well.  And I don't want you teaching him anything, because I don't want him encouraged to go off into the wilds like his father did."
...well, that's not what she'd been expecting.  Eli mulled that over for a few breaths - it was a reasonable enough request, on the surface. "I can abide by that, sure.  Can I ask you something, though?"
"Oh good!  And, of course."
Eli shifted the cheese from one arm to the other, turning her head to skim the crowd and pick out where Toby was standing with the other children again; he had that practice sword in hand and was waving it wildly as he spoke, and the others were laughing along with him.  "I don't mean for this to sound insulting or belittling, but how confident are you that you can keep him from running off, if he's determined to follow after his da?"
Martha's expression faltered a moment and then she sighed heavily.  "Well...so far I've not had much luck..."
She trailed off and Eli nodded, more to herself than to the woman -- that was what she thought the answer was going to be.  It would seem little boys are just as headstrong now as they were three hundred years ago; it was a bit endearing but knowing how concerned Martha was just based on how she was acting now...
"I won't teach him anything if you don't want me to, but it sounds like - at least for the time being - he's not going to let go of that particular dream.  And if that's the case, maybe he SHOULD be learning how to take care of himself in a fight."  She turned her attention from the kids back to Martha.  "Since you worry he's going to run off anyway learning how to handle himself in a dangerous situation and how to deal with injuries and survival techniques would be valuable information for him.  THOSE are topics I'm well versed in, and I wouldn't mind teaching him.  But, I've got an idea for a compromise: I could bore him to tears with it in the process and see how much he likes the adventuring life then when he gets to see what all is needed for it."
Now it was Martha's turn to mull things over, glancing between Eli and Toby but seeming to be looking through them rather than at them.   "I...didn't think of it like that. I try not to think about it in general because I just don't want to lose him like I lost his father.   And, what do you mean when you say you could bore him?"
"I am definitely well-practiced in not thinking about things," Eli said quietly.  She took a breath and then flashed Martha a half-smile.   "And yeah, bore him with it.  If we make learning the skills and the act of adventuring seem like more trouble than its worth that might work better than forbidding him from doing it.  He's a kid after all: I've not met a kid who didn't push boundaries or rebel against their parents. This might be a phase you can turn him away from but if not at least he's not walking out into the wild unknown not knowing a thing about how to take care of himself.  -- and actually, I had another deterring idea.  How's his grades?"
After the hot pot gathering they'd all gone out into the fields for the largest game of "flag tag" Eli had ever participated in.  Everyone was exhausted and muddy by the end of it but they all remained in good spirits as they trudged back in to town to goof around in front of cameras (old-fashioned film cameras...another thing that had been old even in her time).
While she'd admittedly not felt like mingling or even really felt human this morning Eli found she was glad she'd let Selene drag her out.  The weird looks had mostly stopped by late afternoon and while only a handful of people had been brave enough to walk up to her she felt less...like an outsider, more or less.  And she hadn't run into that minister either so the whole day had been pretty peaceful; she had a small photo of herself with Selene, Xu, Arlo, and Dawa posing beneath the large tree that took up the center of the plaza, and her jacket smelled faintly of wood smoke as she walked back toward Selene's place.
In the morning she'd be heading back into town to meet Martha at her bakery, before Toby had to be at school.  He didn't know it yet but he was about to be offered survival and combat lessons, taught by Eli, on the condition that he had to get high scores on all his schoolwork for the next two quarters.
Martha had been tickled pink by the idea as it seemed Toby was a little terror in school too, and while the prospect of having to focus in school may not deter him initially Eli still vividly remembered her boot camp days...they'd find out how determined Toby was when she started putting him through his paces (both physical and mental - took more than just being strong to be a good ranger).
But, on the flip side of that particular coin, if he kept with it he'd be one heck of a well-trained adventurer.  At the very least that ought to relieve a bit of Martha's worry about the kid if their combined efforts couldn't turn his attention away from a future career of adventuring.
She would also need to drop by the Civil Corps building and give Remington back his pocket knife - she hadn't been able to find him after the tag game so it was currently in her own pocket (and she'd made sure to clean the cheese off before closing it).
When she got inside she borrowed a thumb tack from Selene and stuck the picture to the top edge of the headboard of her bed, then changed into the loose pants and shirt she'd designated as sleep wear and crawled under the covers.  Along with needing to talk to Martha and Toby, and return Remington's knife, she was also expected down in the facility to babysit the scholars...it was going to be a very busy day.
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