#dq edit
gluttonyedits · 1 year
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for day 4 of @multieditors-teahouse's pride month challenge: gay Sylvando moodboard
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Been quietly figuring out which E.G.O Sherry has ... been making some adjustments, lately, since I want her to have the same amount of E.G.O as the other Sinners (so, currently she can have 7, including her default), but also I need them to make sense.
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okameeznuts · 8 months
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Found some SSBU DQ Heroes edits on my gallery 😭😭😭
I forgot the name of the artist of who drew Eight at the first photo, if you know that artist add credits in the comments or share.
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lindalofbroome · 2 years
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26 - Unknown
The entire spaceship shook as heavy machinery interlocked with the hatch. They had burned through all their fuel trying to escape the Grey Guard’s tractor beam, but to no avail. The bigger ship had been unrelenting, looming in Silence One’s shadow like an omen.
Lief and Barda sat in terrified anticipation. At any moment, the huge grey brutes from Shadow Prime would burst through the hatch and shoot them dead at best or take them hostage at worst.
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The thump of heavy boots rattled the metal floor. The whirl of a drill grew louder as it punched through the hatch door. A dot of light shone through the opening.
‘What—?’ Lief blurted out.
Suddenly, bright green gas whistled through the hole, pouring in, filling the ship. 
‘Beware!’ Barda shouted, scrambling from his seat. ‘Helmets, Lief!’ They raced to their space gear, holding their breath, their helmets clicking into place. The gas swirled around them, soaking through their clothes, their skin, but the air-filters in their helmets prevented them from breathing it in. They would be fine, right?
Lief felt like he was on fire. It started on his hands and ankles, any skin he had exposed. He felt sharp, stinging pains, racing from his extremities towards his torso, like the needle sensation he felt when his feet were numb but so much more worse. 
He raised his hands to check them, almost expecting to see a swarm of insects tearing at his flesh, but there was nothing. 
The pain receded from his hands and feet as it drew closer to his heart, and Lief was startled to realise that he could no longer feel his fingers and toes. He wiggled them in disbelief. His hands fell down, limp by his side, and he staggered to his knees. He dimly heard a clatter of equipment as Barda stumbled into the storage unit housing the rest of their gear.
‘Barda, are you—?’ Lief heard a loud thump as he fell to the floor, but he felt nothing. He could do nothing but watch as the bigger man shook his head as if to deter an annoying insect, and struggled towards Lief’s still form, but he could do nothing to stay aloft, even as the gas began to dissipate. 
‘They have paralysed us so that we still live, but cannot move,’ Barda slurred. ‘They will come for us, and then...' His voice trailed off, as if he dare not imagine. ‘Lief — I have led you to your death!’
‘It is not your fault,’ Lief replied. ‘We took to the stars together. And we are not dead yet!’
The air was losing its green tint, almost as if it never was. As Lief had the thought, there was the sound of air pressure release as the hatch opened a little. Before he could wonder how it opened, a white and blue disc about the size of his spread hand hovered in. It had a black lens at the front, and the disc spun and floated around, seeming to be looking around. Some sort of probe droid, Lief guessed.
It turned and spotted the prone figures of Lief and Barda and made an excited little chirping sound, and zipped over to examine them. Lief could see his face reflected in the glass of the lens as it pushed up to his helmet. It turned to examine Barda, who growled in response, and Lief spotted the letters “K.R.E.E.” along the edge of the droid. 
The droid then rose and seemed to do a final sweep, scanning the ship, before making a short burst of beeps. Lief assumed it called an ‘all clear’ signal.
He braced himself for the soldiers he knew must appear. The brutal warriors of the Grey Fleet that had seized the Deltora system sixteen years ago were giant, fearless and ruthless by all accounts, not just for their battle prowess but also their blind obedience to and technological advantage from their master plotting at Shadow Prime in Deltora’s fallen sister-system. 
The Shadow Army invaded the system, ploughing through Dread Thorn, Somnium A and B on their way to Aurel Major; the other planets were not in their path for the initial sweep, but suffered after they took over Del, Aurel Major’s capital city and home of Deltoran interplanetary politics. 
Lief’s parents, an engineer and a tailor, managed to smuggle Lief and Barda off-planet in a last ditch hope to expel the invaders.
At the dusk of his birthday, Lief’s father had handed him a belt of seven empty medallions. He instantly recognised it as the legendary Belt of Deltora, a story told to him since the cradle. 
Long ago in ancient times, a rainbow meteor shower appeared in the sky of each and every planet. During the event, while the ancient population gazed to their skies in fear or awe, a small meteorite hurtled towards the planet’s surface. It was big enough to not burn up, but small enough to not drastically shift the global ecosystem. 
It impacted six land masses with an explosion of particles, sending a shockwave out on all the planets; all except Aurel Major, whose meteorite landed in the ocean. But the people of Aurel Major are the most curious and adventurous of the original Seven by nature, so perhaps it was destiny for they would be the only ones bothered — excited — to explore the marine depths to investigate the strange occurrence. 
Each of the Seven first populations came to discover a crater, and nestled in the centre was the remains of the meteorite. One brave soul ventured towards the steaming space rock, feeling the heat on their skin from a distance. And then the rock cracked and fell away, revealing a sparkling gemstone. 
Each Gem became a talisman for the Seven, and offered magical power to the people. But it was guarded jealously by each, and kept secret for a long time.
That is, until Adin of Del.
When the Shadow Army first entered the Deltora System centuries ago, there was an engineer who dreamed of seven Gems, united by a strong but beautiful belt. He dreamed that someone wearing the jewelled belt would be key to saving their galaxy.
He awoke and set to work, drawing up the design for the Belt embedded in his mind, and created a device that would channel the Gem’s powers into something greater and unfathomable. When it was complete, he ventured out to the neighbouring planets without telling a soul at home.
He was the first person to explore the solar system beyond their own planet’s orbit. Several of the Seven had developed space travel, including Aurel Major, and the rest were not ready or simply were uninterested in such ventures. But none had strayed far from home. The people of Del, in particular, were thirsting for space travel, but Aurel Major had many moons that were mostly unexplored due to their unique perils. The Councillors of Del, the planet’s highest authority, had decreed space travel forbidden in the name of safety and preservation, after the thirteenth expedition to Silence One were lost to the mysterious Wenn creatures, leaving behind vague reports of droning sounds. 
So, not only was Adin the engineer venturing into the unknown with nothing but his wits and skills, he could not return for fear of punishment.
But against all odds, he retrieved all seven Gems — including his home’s Topaz — and united the galaxy against the Shadow Army, and their alliance and combined power was enough to overcome the enemy. 
That was the story, anyway.
Lief had never known a world like the ones they told in the stories. He half-expected they were lies told to foster some hope and wonder in the Del children, to encourage them to keep Faith, to believe in the power of the Topaz and its siblings in the Belt.
His home had always been overrun with the Greys, their hulking builds patrolling the streets. His people had always been suffering. His family had always been struggling. 
He was tired and he had enough.
So when his parents offered him the chance to fight back, he had jumped eagerly at it. But now, here he was, lying paralysed on the floor.
Was their quest doomed from the start?
The hatch door opened once more, the rushing of air pulling him from his thoughts. He braced himself for the familiar figure of the enemy soldiers, waiting to make their claim on their ship, their possessions, their persons.
Lief was disappointed.
He was greeted by the sight of a small grey figure, with the spiked  breastplate and helmet of a soldier. Where was the towering alien he had seen countless times at home, stomping through the streets like they owned them? Where were the thick, muscled forearms and the double-thumbed hands? Where was the heavy belt of weapons, of ray guns and slings with blister ammunition?
The figure walked inside, heavy boots rattling the metal floor plates, striding purposefully towards them. What was this? Were there other types of Greys that they didn’t know about, perhaps?
‘This will be useful, Filli,’ a voice said, modulated by the helmet. With a shock, Lief saw that there was a fluffy, purple ball on the grey shoulder. It had big eyes filled with curiosity, but also mischief. This, it seemed, was Filli as it chittered in response to its name. The figure leaned down and detached Lief’s helmet. ‘How lucky that we came this way today. If we had left it until tomorrow, the ship would be long gone.’
The probe droid that had been hovering around Lief and Barda made a cheery beeping, rocking a bit in the air as if dancing. The Grey turned to it, holding up Lief’s helmet. ‘See what I have found, Kree! A fine new helmet for us.’ They turned to go, the Filli creature chittering.
It was then that Lief realised who they were.
A scavenger.
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zahroreadsthings · 2 years
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withickmire · 10 months
[...]Things were found or made--and what [Jasmine] could not find or make, [she] did without.
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sarunohadaki · 1 year
Holy shit it's been a year,
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I might be coming back
oh my god hello everyone. Since I've last posted on Tumblr, I've moved fandoms to genshin and become A Little Obsessed:tm: but also Holy shit I hate twitter and though the fanart is pretty, I don't really know what's next for me in terms of posting anywhere...
I guess we'll see what happens. I always get quite self-conscious about posting into the void, so.. uh.. I'll try my best!!! 😤
Mute/block/unfollow/etc. as needed 💕
My askbox is still open because nobody's ruined it for everyone yet lmao
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mg549 · 1 year
final post on the matter: the whole “good guy with a gun” argument is overdone nra bullshit like. do you seriously think theres no better way than to make it so EVERYONE can kill anyone at any time. instead of. making it so that... less people can shoot ppl. like. ppl pretending legislation will not fix anything are so ignorant imo like. the countries with established gun control laws: 
like how can you be like it doesnt work. how do you explain other countries not having the same gun violence problems. how do you explain school shootings as an american phenom and be unable to correlate that to the fucking nra propaganda and legislation and bs lone ranger superhero individualistic culture. like the reason the propaganda works so well is bc they have the very easy to swallow message of “the world is scary and out to get you but if you have this gun you can save yourself and everyone and Be A True Hero” and in a time where ppl feel increasingly little control over their own lives it makes them feel important and revolutionary. even when in reality 99% of gun owners have never had to use their gun in a random situation. it also acts like the only way to stop someone with a gun is with another gun. which simply is just not the case. it also reveals such an underlying bloodlust ingrained from that conquistadoran colonizer mindset of “the world is mine and anyone against me is free game to kill”
and then theres the whole faux-leftist talking point thats been floating around lately like “gun control is just going to give the government all the guns and we’ll have nothing to defend ourselves with” like. 1. cops shoot ppl regardless of if they actually even have a gun or not. do you genuinely believe you’de have time to draw aim and fire before they react. and theyre already wearing bulletproof vests like. even if you did kill a cop youre going to jail forever after that youre not going to be the head of the glorious revolution like stop playing murder dressup pretend be real. and 2. the main point which is rly the most obvious answer. I AM ALSO FOR THE DEMILITARIZATION OF THE POLICE. i do not dream of violence!!! i do not want for blood!!! armed civilians are not going to lead to the cops getting LESS guns. LIKE.......... I DON’T THINK COPS SHOULD HAVE GUNS EITHER. WHY are some ppl’s takes so deeply ingrained in the idea that violence is not only necessary but should be actively pursued like. and none of them are actually organizing any revolutions either bc theyre all so wrapped up in their chosen one most communist twitter user ever fantasy. and when asked to defend their points theyre jst like “well im from the conservative south and-” and yeah me too bud. your experience was not universal. any actual counterpoints? how many dead children will you let there be or is it all just a “necessary sacrifice” to keep living your fantasy?
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princess-schala · 1 year
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DMs with @janus-zea1
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eggsby · 6 months
feeling terrible but u know what will fix me rn … ice cream
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wyrmoftheweb · 11 months
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i think it would be really funny and fucked up if this made barda immortal. imagine outliving your husband and your wife and their son you were sworn to protect because the little shit didn't want you to die so he fed you immortality juice
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willowfey · 1 year
i had weird dreams about traveling through dimensions on halloween to old familiar streets of my hometown but having everything be different because i was slightly off in my calculations so the colours were distorted and the houses were rearranged but the smell was still the same. then i woke up with visceral memories clouding my head of going to get my braces tightened each month and getting the colour changed according to the season/holiday.
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lindalofbroome · 2 years
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13 - Judgement
‘Doran’s words are wild, I know,’ said Josef softly. ‘It was said that his last, hopeless dragon hunt had sent him mad with grief. There are many references to it, later in the Annals. The thought of it always grieved Ranesh and me very much. Doran was a great man.’
‘Indeed he was,’ said Lief, looking down at the hastily written words. His stomach was churning as he imagined the desperation of the man who had written them. ‘And he was not mad, Josef. Unless being the only one to see the truth is a kind of madness.’
DELTORA QUEST 3 Dragon’s Nest Ch 6 The Upstart
literally did not know what i was gonna do for today but this quote popped into my head randomly and i thought of all the parallels with characters being told they were crazy or wrong (and judging them with scorn) and then they were right all along. rip to the people who think ahead and are stuck with people who are lagging behind </3
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00lari00 · 3 months
The Henry stickmin fan movie
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(art made by: SV Lasagna)
Introducing The Henry Stickmin Movie --
Based on one of the game's endings, Stickmin Space Resort, Henry has to defeat a new antagonist. Someone really wants to ruin his reputation for their own interest... And now the government wants to arrest him for things he didn't do. A new challenge for this stickmin. The film is expected to run 1-1 hour, so get ready to see Henry and close allies, Charles, Ellie and more go on an adventure to clear his name.
Creator: DQ Edits - Youtube - Twitter -
I'm working on this project together with him and some other incredible artists!!! I work on storyboards and scripts for this incredible film. I'm so excited to show you this!!! I've been wanting to post about this project for a long time.... Maybe I'll give some spoilers (only the ones the creator lets me talk about)... Who knows....? 👀 HEHEHEHEHEH >:D
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taeiun · 9 months
"it's 3 am wtf."
aka. sending them a random photo & saying "sorry wrong person" after
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categories: gn!reader, crack, fluff smau    warnings: one piss joke in beomgyu's part. lmk if there's anything else it's late here.
notes: im going to fight memi message in a dq parking lot for messing up hyuka's messages mORE THAN FOUR TIMES NOW OML- also ignore the time stamp in hyuka's, i edited my phone time for this lol
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^ . _ . ^ !? all photos used were saved on my phone. don't question anything i beg of you
© taeiun 2023. all rights reserved. do not copy, repost, translate, modify, or claim any of my writing as yours.
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burningvelvet · 1 year
Lord Byron writing about book-burning, queer representation, and the value of poetry . . . in 1821:
“Let us hear no more of this trash about ‘licentiousness.’ Is not ‘Anacreon’ taught in our schools? translated, praised, and edited? Are not his Odes the amatory praises of a boy? Is not Sappho's Ode on a girl? Is not this sublime and (according to Longinus) fierce love for one of her own sex? And is not Phillips's translation of it in the mouths of all your women? And are the English schools or the English women the more corrupt for all this? When you have thrown the ancients into the fire it will be time to denounce the moderns. ‘Licentiousness!’ — there is more real mischief and sapping licentiousness in a single French prose novel, in a Moravian hymn, or a German comedy, than in all the actual poetry that ever was penned, or poured forth, since the rhapsodies of Orpheus. The sentimental anatomy of Rousseau and Madame de Staël are far more formidable than any quantity of verse. They are so, because they sap the principles, by reasoning upon the passions; whereas poetry is in itself passion, and does not systematise. It assails, but does not argue; it may be wrong, but it does not assume pretensions to Optimism.”
Context: this letter was written during the Bowles-Pope Controversy, a seven-year long public debate in the English literary scene primarily between the priest, poet, and critic William Lisle Bowles and the poet, peer, and politician Lord Byron. The debate began in 1807 when Bowles published an edition of the famous writer Alexander Pope’s work which included an essay he wrote criticizing the writer’s character, morals, and how he should be remembered. Today, we would say that Bowles tried to “cancel” Alexander Pope, who had affairs without marrying, and whose works had sexual themes. Lord Byron defended Pope, who was one of his all-time favorite writers. Pope had been dead since 1744, so he was not personally involved. This debate shows that while moral standards have changed throughout the centuries, the ways people have debated about morality have remained similar.
Source of the excerpt: — Moore’s Life of Byron in one volume, 1873, p. 708 - https://books.google.com/books?id=Q3zPkPC8ECEC&pg=PA708&lpg=PA708&dq=%22Are+not+his+Odes+the+amatory+praises
Sources on the Bowles-Pope Controversy: — Chandler, James. “The Pope Controversy: Romantic Poetics and the English Canon.” Critical Inquiry, vol. 10, no. 3, 1984, pp. 481–509. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/1343304. — https://www.britannica.com/topic/Pope-Bowles-controversy — Bowles, Byron and the Pope-controversy by Jacob Johan van Rennes, Ardent Media, 1927.
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