#dq moodboard
gluttonyedits · 1 year
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for day 4 of @multieditors-teahouse's pride month challenge: gay Sylvando moodboard
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“Welcome to the vortex, absolute ground zero of my heart, pinnacle of the apex. Nothin's gonna tear my soul apart~”
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Erik Moodboard, Dragon Quest XI; Echoes of an Elusive Age.
Associated Playlist
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lapetitesayo · 5 years
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Serena's aesthetics / moodboard
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lullaby-stims · 5 years
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🍦Strawberry Cheesecake Blizzard Build-A-Bear Moodboard🍦
All images belong to their respective owners
I’ve been burnt out from this blog for a bit so I’m trying to get back into the groove with build-a-bear moodboards. Build-a-bears have such a variety of designs with a lot of colors and styles that just makes me want to sit and capture them all in moodboard form lol. 
Requests are open if you want to request something but expect these cute bears for a while.
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jimmynovac · 3 years
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this is coming a bit late but here's my December recap and faves! i'm so so excited to see what we all do this next year <3 i also encourage more people to try out these recaps/wrap-ups especially with how fucked tumblr tags are getting. support artists by reblogging! (header art cred)
RECAP; my posts—
vids: ⇻ Seventeen Going Under, Dean screencap edits: ⇻ parts one, two, and three of obstructed faces art: ⇻ spn-inspired collage comparisons: ⇻ Heaven Can Wait (1943) moodboards: ⇻ Dean as in a Wong Kar-Wai film
vids: 💌 Jimmy Novak, A Burning Hill ; @kingdumbass 💌 Billiewena, Hit Me with Your Best Shot and Kevin, Brutal ; @billiewena 💌 Miriam the angel, DQ ; @crystal-doesnt-watch-spn 💌 Jo/Cassie, Girls Girls Girls ; @lesbianjoannaharvelle 💌 Destiel and SamRuby parallels, crushcrushcrush ; @clairewolf 💌 Sam, Heard It in a Love Song ; @pinkinthenightdean 💌 Destiel, Driving Down to LA ; @angeldeljueves 💌 Destiel, On Your Wings ; @risencas
edits: 💌 Jimmy getting possessed and Dean on fire ; @carrotfricker 💌 newspaper-esque Destiel ; @lesbiansuperhell
fanart: 💌 Mary ; @remy728 💌 shifter!Dean ; @sinaesthete 💌 Bloodlust Dean ; @ultimatekiller 💌 Cas reaching Dean in hell ; @hardcoremisery 💌 Dean ; @faithlesshunter 💌 Hook Man Dean ; @justcastiel 💌 watercolor Rowena and 70s fella Cas and Marlboro Dean and Cas smoking ; @ahomeonfire
gifs: 💌 sapphics of color ; @xofemeraldstars 💌 The Night We Met & Destiel ; @lengthofropes 💌 hark the herald angels sing ; @hellfirecas
writing: 💌 "i am not abraham" ; @joebeer 💌 you can't have spn without the audience ; @nobodydean
comparisons: 💌 Hays Code castiel ; @satirenatural 💌 God is playing ; @cassiegf 💌 angels as roaches ; @beatificdyke
NEW DISCOVERIES; from before this month—
writing: ⇻ "2002" ; @joebeer ⇻ "Tessellation" ; @caschitaqua
fanart: ⇻ martyr boy Sammy ; @kimodraw ⇻ Dean praying ; @caschitaqua ⇻ bloodied Sam ; @anobviousaside ⇻ Raphael ; @cartooncas
comparisons: ⇻ rich chocolate ice cream ; @jrmycrvr
thank you all so much for your lovely work! *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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bxmyaxsthxtic · 7 years
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~Doom, Deltora Quest~ | Requested by @rithmeres |
Well, for my first aesthetic for a book character, how’d I do? I hope you like it! Deltora Quest doesn’t get enough love~
Request a moodboard or aesthetic here! <3
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lindalofbroome · 5 years
not to be dramatic but the people who make dq moodboards and aesthetics,,, you're amazing and i don't know how you do it!!
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mia-cooper · 6 years
2018: Fanfic Year in Review (Part 1)
Listing my favourite fic I've posted each month this year. (You’ll note there are only 9 fics on this list, for reasons I’ll explain below.)
Coming soon: another post where I'll pick my favourite fics posted by other writers in each month of the year, which will (hopefully) help other writers feel good and (also hopefully) give readers something new to enjoy, or remind them to revisit a favourite. (This one will be hard because of all the quality fic that’s been posted this year, but I’ll do my best!)
All I ask from you is if there’s a fic you enjoy/ed on either list, mine or someone else’s, please give it a kudos or comment, especially if you haven’t done so already. ♥
My 2018 Fic Review Roundup
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January – Queen of Swords (T)
ST:DSC, ST:MU | Mirror Burnham x Mirror Lorca, Mirror Georgiou x Mirror Lorca
Okay, so I didn’t have a whole lot of choice for this month because this was the only fic I wrote. Nonetheless, I don’t hate it. I’m grateful to Discovery for exciting my spleen over the Mirror Universe status of Gabriel Lorca (about which I am still, and will forever be, bitter) as it was the only thing that inspired me to write about anything during my post-Christmas mental wasteland.
It’s about Mirror Michael Burnham’s competitive, twisted affair with Mirror Lorca, but it’s really more about the toxic relationship between Burnham and her foster mother, Emperor Georgiou. It’s about escaping abuse and trying to find a new, better way, but not having the tools to do so. It’s about being caught between loyalties and being unable to choose. And there are some heavy Macbeth references in there, but I see Michael more in the role of Hamlet, though her fate at the end of the story is ambiguous.
February – Open Hand (M)
ST:VOY | Janeway x Chakotay
This was another dry month for the muse, so again, I had only one choice for Fic of the Month, and it was one I’d never planned on writing. @writtenndust commented in a discord chat about the role played by Janeway’s and Chakotay’s hands in a number of episodes throughout the show (these are the things we shippers analyse in crazy detail), and I suddenly couldn’t stop thinking about hand-clasping being the most contact we saw in canon between these two and how many opportunities were missed, and then I climbed inside Janeway’s head as she was debriefed post-homecoming and she got very introspective about it.
I really like this fic. I like its melancholy feel, Janeway’s self-understanding and her calm acceptance that sometimes you don’t get the fairytale ending. And I like that we do get the fairytale after all.
March – Warmth and Colour (T)
ST:TNG | Guinan x Lwaxana Troi
Once again, the only fic I published all month (are we sensing a pattern here?) This one was for @gluecookie for the Trek Rarepair Swap, and I don’t mind admitting that it took forever to get into. I absolutely love both of these characters but I’d never thought about shipping them before, and I couldn’t word for some reason, and the more I tried to find the right angle the more twisted up I got. In the end, though I’d wanted to give my recipient something meatier, I ended up with a pretty light story full of banter and a couple of slightly more serious personal revelations.
The most amazing thing about this story? My recipient not only loved it, they gifted me back with fanart they drew themselves. This is the most wonderful thing that can happen to a fanfic writer! (Incidentally, I’ve been lucky enough to have been gifted a soundtrack for The Bitter End by @cheile and a moodboard for Laced and Bound by @supernovacoffee and I couldn’t be happier about it.) And I’m actually planning a sequel to Warmth and Colour, hopefully sometime early in 2019.
April – Displaced (T)
ST:TNG, ST:DSC, ST:MU | Lorca x Garrett
What do you know, I have two fics and two drabbles to choose from this month!
This is one of the weirder fics I’ve written. It not only involves an impossible pairing (Rachel Garrett is from a different century to Gabriel Lorca), it’s set on an alternate plane of existence: both of them are dead, and they meet in some kind of limbo or spiritual waiting room. Each of them has one last chance to connect with another human being, but then each gets to make the choice between life and death.
This story is also an attempt to explain what happened to Prime Lorca, and it’s not a happy ending; there’s a sequel, In the Wrong Light, that’s a whole lot darker than this fic.
May – Abandoned (M)
ST:VOY | Janeway x Torres
Wow, May was a great month for writing – I bashed out 10 fics in 3 fandoms at a total of over 25,000 words! This was mainly thanks to the inspiring prompt memes on tumblr – a kiss + a ship and six sexy words – and consequently, most of these works veered on the nsfw side. (I have a stack more prompts to write to in 2019, as well.)
As for a favourite? I’m going to have to go with Abandoned. It’s set during Year of Hell, one of my all-time favourite Voyager episodes, and it’s hurt/comfort and angst, and it’s about love that’s unspoken and complicated but no less real for it. And I like B’Elanna being the strong one for the captain, because in canon we only really get to see Janeway being strong for her.
June – To Those Who Wait (M)
ST:VOY | Sekaya x Phoebe Janeway
This is actually a work in progress – I’ve planned another three chapters – and it fits into a larger universe of loosely-connected stories that @jhelenoftrek and I have been blathering about for over a year now and we are definitely going to get started on the series that brings them all together in 2019, aren’t we Helen?
Anyway, I’m fond of this story. It was a birthday present for Helen in which I tried to combine a number of her favourite things because she’s one of my favourite people, and it’s the only Sekaya x Phoebe Janeway story on AO3, which is kind of cool. And Phoebe is sexy and angry and mouthy, and Sekaya is gorgeous and lonely and rebellious, and Mark is weird and self-aware and ridiculously in love with Kathryn, who’s damaged and brave and brittle, and Chakotay is confident and sarcastic and big-brotherly and has no idea of the tragedy that’s in store for him and his sister.
And J/C pass like ships in the night long before they meet in canon, and their siblings have a passionate, tempestuous one-night-stand which (spoiler alert) isn’t going to fit the one-night-stand category in the end.
July – Trigger (E)
ST:VOY | Janeway x Chakotay
Another fic prompted by tumblr memes, and one I’d been wanting to write for quite a while. It’s not my only Equinox-inspired fic (another of my favourite episodes) and probably won’t be my last. I wanted to explore Janeway’s loss of control in this one – her anger and bitterness and rage, and the way she takes them out on the people she loves – and I wanted more of Chakotay supporting her publicly but in private, not backing down one whit.
And I wanted really hot sex. Hopefully I achieved that.
(August and September are fic-free because I was posting The Epic. I’ll come back to that one.)
October – Nothing Like a Dame (T)
ST:VOY | Paris x Torres
Ah, fictober, how I loved you. For those who don’t already know, I decided to embark on fictober at approximately 8pm on September 30, despite having a thousand other things I should have been committing to. Just to make it trickier, I also decided I would write a missing-scene ficlet to every single daily prompt, and I’d keep it canon-consistent and in order of episode airing. As you can imagine, this was quite a challenge, and resulted in me producing almost 29,000 words in a single month.
Of these 31 ficlets, I think this one is my favourite. The two protagonists aren’t even really main characters on the show – they’re mindwiped alter egos in a World War II holodeck program – but they’re still relatable both to the show’s characters and to the world today. What ‘Brigitte’ experiences as a collaborateur horizontale is the kind of thing women go through in every war, and what ‘Bobby’ learns from her is a lesson a lot of men in power today could stand to learn.
It’s also given me an idea for a Killing Game-based fic series, so stay tuned for that, sometime in 2027, probably.
(November is fic-free because I hate the only fic I posted that month so much I deleted it from AO3)
December – Desperate Measures (E)
ST:VOY | Janeway x Chakotay, Janeway x other male, Chakotay x Seven, Kim x Seven
I mean, I had to include The Epic. And strictly speaking I’ve been writing it for well over a year, but it counts. At over 70,000 words so far – my longest fic to date – it absobloodylutely counts.
This is an Endgame-fixing post-DQ action adventure featuring angst, romance, conspiracy, drama and smut. Perfect for the holiday season, right? (And no promises, but I’ll do my level best to finish it before the end of January!)
Coming soon: My favourite fics by other people for every month of 2018
Happy reading (and reviewing)!
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vixxlovesyou · 7 years
a great emoji for a gr8u person the heck i love your blog so much ? question of the eternity: how to be as funny as this user ? also how to find my angle like you and how to look great in lq and in hq and dq and all q it’s question time with you bye. but seriously you seem so nice and i have found out ( through research ahem ) you’re the Mutual™. if i were to explain what that means it can be literally summed up as another question: how re you the literal embodiemnt of perfection ?? megvix is an otp idk about scat megvi but like.......peachy vibes.....moving on  anyways your selfies manage to bless my dash each time like i may not be on everytime you post them but i just know my dash got blessed at that very moment to be honest. best at moodboards i’m sorry i don’t make the rules here. also did i mention youre one of the funnier people on this site ? like not being a beautiful liar but you have an original sense of humor and wow it matches my sense of humor and i literally find everything funny but almost all your posts get me laughing out loud and strange looks from the family lol thanks for that. i hope we talk one day you’re a great mutual. i genuinely hope you feel bright today and days to come and i wish you happiness only ~
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valkyrjura · 8 years
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Laufey/ Nál
Norse Goddess/Mythological Moodboard:
Laufey “isle of leaves” or Nál “needle” is the elemental Goddess/jötunn (Gygrer) associated with leaves, twigs, chronic fatigue, motherhood, frailty and perception. She is the consort to Fárbauti “one who strikes” the jötunn of danger. Laufey is also mother to the Gods  Loki, Helblindi and Býleistr. It is said that Fárbauti’s strike of anguish caused a bolt of lightening to hit the leaves and pine needles of Laufey (personified) causing a rampant wildfire- the conception of Loki. 
Within Gylfaginning and Skáldskaparmál of Snorri Sturlson’s Prose Edda, we are given that Loki is referenced as Laufeyjarson “Laufey’s son”, matronymic conjugation before later in the works does it mentions his patronymic, “Fárbauti’s son”. Within the poetic we thus see both her names interchangeable, as here they are animistic aspects of landscape/element to the Nordic and Teutonic peoples. Jötnar were to have inhabited desolate places such as icy, windy or mountainous regions, ie island perhaps. However, within earlier works of Sorlathattra, Laufey receives the name Nál for her physical attributes and thin needle-like appearance.  
(Further readings on Laufey if interested):
http://www.northernpaganism.org/rokkatru/jotunbok/laufeys-son.html (UPG/CPG)
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justanoutlawfic · 4 years
moodboard: dragon queen
Any specific theme? I’ve made tons of DQ moodboards, I don’t want to make another regular one.
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“I'm ready for combat...I say I don't want that, but what if I do?”
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Jasper Moodboard, Dragon Quest 11; Echoes of an Elusive Age
Associated Playlist
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gayreginamills · 8 years
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moodboard; dragon queen modern day au
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