#dq hyperfixation GO
goblinroleplay · 1 year
hes so babygirl i need to woobify him NEEOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!
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error707-thatdude · 9 months
I love ur art of dq11 pls never stop
🫶🫶 I need to make like- legitimate DQXI fanart again that isn't a Homestuck crossover LMAO Its been way too long since I've drawn the cast
The good thing about drawing Homestuck is that I think I've learned how to draw spiky hair. Meaning I can maybe do Erik justice next time I draw him.
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doggirldick · 4 years
woooow skye was a sp/n blog? lore lore lore lore-sour
okay so like my brother was into the whole superwholock thing way back from like maybe 2011?. well i don’t think he particularly into sherlock but we grew up w/ dr. who and tumblr got him into supernatural. i have always been fascinated with media involving like angels and demons so he got me hooked on it as well.
one day in 2013 we were chilling in his room and i saw that he had a bookmark with the very hungry caterpillar on it. i said to get up a picture of castiel and then i held it it next to it and said it’s the very hungry casterpillar. then at some point i opened up ms paint, slapped cas’ face on the caterpillar put some comic sans, bc that was peak tumblr humor at the time, and sent it to my brother. he thought the whole thing was hilarious ofc and posted it.
a day or two later my brother convinced me to join it too and i my first url was hungrycasterpillar and i’d post these terrible mspaint comics of the very hungry casterpillar going through each day of the book with ridiculous foods often involving other characters like the sausages were samsages. he did eventually evolve into cascoon since that’s a pokemon.
i even cosplayed cas at some point, this was before i knew i was trans ofc.
this is gonna get long but if you’d like to know the rest of the skye lore to connect to the present:
i figured out i was trans in 2014 and i was playing skyrim a lot at that point so eventually i became transdovahkiin. in 2015 steven universe was the popular thing and so my brother and i got into that. and ofc there was gravity falls and such, we were all into cartoons at this point. then he told me about this show regular show he’d seen on tumblr and they had 30 episodes on uk netflix at the time and i loved it so i watched that on loop a LOT before pirating the rest of it. i went through a few rs urls before settling on cloudy--j for like 2ish years? that was the point you found me. in the summer of 2017 i was drunk one night and thought it’d be funny to play a game i’m bad at, remembering i’d tried to get into sonic a few years ago but sucked and still had the sonic 1 rom on my laptop. i ended up hyperfixating on sonic and adored metal sonic and sonic cd especially, leading to my current url as 7-3-d. there’s a youtuber i watched a lot bc he did let’s plays of nearly every sonic game but he also did almost ever mega man game and on a whim i decided to check those out, leading to another hyperfixation in 2018 i think. i remembered i’d tried to get into kirby a few years ago and got back into that. in 2019 they announced hero for smash and i was reminded of the 700 hours i’d played dq9 as a kid. i went back and forth on mm and dq as hyperfixations and so here i am now
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hyenasnake · 5 years
I miss having friends in real life. I miss having people check up on me when they think I’m not okay. I miss people enjoying the same things I do. I miss people actually wanting to hang out with me. I miss people making dumb jokes with me. I miss people being able to go to the park or DQ with me. I miss arranging a surprise party for a friend and then running to another friend’s house with all the materials when it starts thundering. I miss being physically hugged. I miss goofing off in class.
Internet friends are great, and I love all my internet friends so much. But it’s not the same as what I used to have and what I lost. I never thought I’d say this but I wish I could go back to seventh grade so I could cherish what I had.
I know my internet friends would be shattered if I died. But people in this town? No. They wouldn’t miss me. They’d be glad the burden was lifted from them.
It was fine to be friends with me in seventh and eighth grade. But when they realized I wouldn’t change with them, they left me to die. When the ugly side of Autism started showing through, they didn’t want anything to do with me. When I hyperfixated and squealed and flapped my hands, they shunned me. They stare blankly at me and never say hi or smile anymore. They never reach out. The one person who stayed flakes every time I reach out to hang out, which I get because he’s busy with work. One person I thought of as a dear friend permanently damaged two people I cared for and I’m only just finding out.
I’m sick of the drama. I’m sick of the lies. I just want someone to physically be there with me. I want someone to ride bikes with. I want someone to watch bad movies with me. I want someone to go to OOB with. I want someone to go to the movies with. I want someone to goof off with me in class. I want someone to text stupid Hamilton memes in a group chat. I want to sit with someone at lunch and talk about anime and manga. I want to hear how loyal and kind and goofy people think of me as. I want to be wanted. I want to be there when they’re breaking down in the middle of the night. I want to be cherished again. I don’t want to be garbage anymore.
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romijuli · 4 years
DQXI WIP LIST: or, How The Fuck Am I Ordering These Long Fics Slash Series
mostly for my own purposes, cause i KEEP FUCKING FORGETTING MY IDEAS, though i guess if you’re interested in a particular fic you might as well follow it too? everything here is something i plan on releasing slash working on, like, reasonably soon.
forest fires: want some fucking birds??? okay there’s only one bird and when he dies he fucking combusts (and then comes back to life). Status: posted whenever the FUCK i feel like it.
Alternity: Chel can and will rewrite large swathes of canon. Or; my take on the rewrite event, VERY late. Status: series of one-shots.
brightest day (WIP title): superhero au. Status: working on the first part. series of one shots
as-of-yet-untitled OC Hell: YES THIS IS MY OC WEEK STUFF PUT ON AO3. I KNOW. Status: first two chapters up. chapter fic that will probably be labeled as complete when i’m done with everything i can think of, but will ultimately be updated later anyway.
Hell Doc: what happens when my hyperfixations combine. Or; an AU in Magnum Opus’ universe where the events of A3! have been happening down the road, and some kind of nightmare polycule bullshit encompassing both the dq crew and the mankai boys (and izumi) ensues. Status: it’s here. I was gonna just relegate it to here but addy asked for reblog privileges so i guess it has its own post now? periodically updated whenever i have an idea stupid enough to warrant another ONE POINT SEVEN THOUSAND WORDS or more realistically whenever i have a tsuzuru-related meltdown. again.
Troublerouser: my child, my fucking gigantic child. and i guess its offshoot. Status: chapter 18 posted, we in act 2, time for octagonia. TAL Status: 4 posted!
Hourglass: world trip featuring the party and a very confused boy. Status: to be done after tr finishes!
Timesplitter: Act 3 Troublerouser; or, the after effects of the decision to turn back time... Status: after Hourglass!
Magnum Opus: Sylvia has an independent study where she has to direct and perform in a show without faculty intervention. Eleven is taking a playwrighting course. Chaos ensues. Status: After TS!
Raging Storms (WIP Title for Goswinary): something went wrong SOMETHING WENT WRONG Status: after the above, because i’ve lost control of my life
divine/demonic/mundane: *points at mordegon* that’s my dad and he’s evil. (i.e. darkspawn el/erik/gemma au) Status: After the above!
Faris NPC Party AU AND Act 2 Shuffle: “It wasn’t supposed to go this way!” Status: after the above. it’s gonna be a hell of a ride
Teeth and Ambitions (WIP Title): Instead of merely seething until Mordegon reveals himself and promises Jasper the recognition he seeks, Jasper just commits a regicide. With the princess presumed dead and Hendrik refusing to take the throne, now-King Jasper discovers that he still isn’t quite getting the admiration he deserves and strikes a deal with a strange spirit to aid in Erdrea’s  destruction, with a certain blue-haired thief girl by his side... Status: uhhh. someday????
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icicledream-archive · 4 years
✨💕 for any spin of ur choice!!
im gonna talk about dragon quest since that's a FRESH one and has been on my mind a lot!!
✨ what draws you towards your hyperfixation? what is interesting about it?
the character and monster designs!!!
like. ok. listen i know akira toriyama reuses the same like 8 or so designs for human characters but i love them SO MUCH. toriyama has taken many a wig from me.
also ive only played two dq games, dragon quest builders 2 and dragon quest xi (i havent finished it) and god the STORIES are GOOD
like with dqb2 i literally was just "hahaha anime minecraft this will be fun and silly :)" cut to like 9 hours in and ive been sobbing for 20 minutes. near the end of the game it has torn my heart out and started stomping on it.
💕 tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them!
dragon quest builders 2 spoilers but. her name is hellen and she is a whackolyte! -points at icon- she's a character you go to in the final story location before the final boss. i want to say more but god my thoughts are very incoherent because i love her so much and i would like to h*ld her h*nd 😳😳
runner up is hargon, antagonist of dq2 and dqb2. i just love bastards, man!! hargon is my friend :)
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