#dr christoff x reader
Jebus, Sheriff, Auditor, Tricky - S/O gets knocked up
CW: Pregnancy
Reader is AFAB but this is gender neutral.
-The moment something is even a little off he can sense it, it’s something to do with the halo. He constantly questions you. “Are you feeling alright my angel? Are you sure? My darling I hope you know you can tell me anything.”
-Get used to being bugged because he’s not gonna stop nitpicking until his mind is soothed. He’ll pick up on it the moment you miss your monthly cycle, and he’ll search for a few tests for you.
-The moment you show him a positive he just starts hysterically crying, holding you tightly against his form and praising the heavens for this divine blessing. Nevada’s saviour just got another reason to purify the world, another reason to keep fighting.
-He is going to become an absolute helicopter over you, turning himself into a bullet sponge if he needs to, keeping you out of harms way as best as he can. Settling down isn’t really easy in Nevada but whenever he feels like a place is safe enough to leave you, he’s scoping out areas that would be private and perfect for his unborn babe to grow up in.
-Nevada isn’t really a place for children, so getting supplies for them is an absolute pain, so he resorts to just hand making things. His downtime is spent with you in his lap, one hand protectively over your stomach, the other idly knitting a blanket with levitating needles.
-He nearly bursts when he feels the scrappy babe kick, constantly praising both you and the child. “Oh, this is.. Truly something else, my angel. With a parent like you, this one is going to change Nevada.. No- the world.”
-Once a safe enough house is established, he insists on building the crib by hand, carving intricate crosses and wings into the frame.
-Jeb absolutely worships you and will answer your every beck and call, if you need extra pillows, he’s on it in an instant. Absolutely nothing but the best for his partner. Saw a cockroach? He’s on his way to destroy this foul beast for scaring his darling.
-The moment your water breaks he’s ready, he’s been feverishly devouring knowledge from any source he can on delivery. It’s just the two of you, he doesn’t trust anyone else to help. He’s with you ever step of the way, telling you when to push, reminding you to breathe, and when the pain gets too much, he relents, pulling off his halo and placing it over your head. Even with the halo giving you power, it’s an exhausting effort.
-“Come now my angel, bring forth the physical embodiment of our love, the next saviour of Nevada,” And it’s over, Jebediah cradles his newborn son, carefully towelling him off and bringing him to meet his other parent. “Look my angel, he’s got your eyes.”
-Let’s not kid ourselves, if this is gonna happen, it’s 100% gonna be on accident and Sheriff is gonna be floored. “Wh’d'j'mean you’re pregnant? How?!” He’s a little dense on how this works, but he’s a man that can roll with the punches.
-“So my sweet lil pie is gonna give me a new deputy eh? I wonder how small a cowboy hat I can get the boys to find.” Yes he is genuinely going to send them out to find one, he is completely serious about this. “When d'ya think they can hold a gun? I wanna train em early.” “Honey, no-”
-He starts getting a bit distant randomly, nervous in your presence, wringing his hands, tugging at his gloves, fiddling with his hat. Worry starts to creep into your mind, is he thinking of running out on you? Surely he wouldn’t, right? … Right?
-One day he cracks, gets all red and flustered and caves, dropping to one knee. “Look sweet cheeks, we gon’ do this thing, we gon’ do it right. Marry me.” Deep down he’s a romantic, likes things done in the old traditional way, that includes getting knocked up means getting hitched.
-It’s a quiet ceremony, only a couple of people are invited, while he’d love to throw a big old wedding with all the bells and whistles, he’s a marked man and that kind of attention would bring his enemies down on him fast. But don’t think for a second he isn’t going to flaunt his new spouse around town. “Ain’t they the sweetest thing out here? I’m a lucky man, that’s for sure,”
-Once again calling on his boys to find stuff for him, bribing em with a bonus if they find real quality stuff. It’s good to be in power, people eager to please to climb the ranks.
-The baby’s room is going to be horse themed, Sheriff loves horses, and his child is going to. They do not have a choice. Horse blankets, horse plushies, horse themed clothes.
-He’s gonna get the best doctor out when his young ‘un is ready to come into the world, a couple midwives on standby to help during the process as well. He cries like a bitch when he gives you his hand to hold, you crush it like its nothing in the throes of pain. A little hand breaking is nothing compared to what you’re dealing with anyway.
-“It’s a girl, a healthy little girl,” “Y'hear that darlin?! A girl!” He silently pleads that you let go of his hand. You don’t relent until you’re handed your new baby, swaddled in a horse blanket.
-He’s another one who’s going to preplan this, being careful until both of you are completely sure this is something you can both handle. A baby future employer is a lot more work than a simple grunt. Audi tries to carefully explain that it’s likely his little flame will prefer him and the other employers.
-It’s instantaneous when it happens, he can sense it, and you can feel the heat radiating from the brewing little life form. His ghostly hands trace your stomach and he smiles. “This one is going to be powerful, whatever pathetic remnants of the rebellion that remain when they are of age will easily be stamped out under their foot.”
-Audi is ever so prideful that his favourite grunt is instantly given respect now, agents offering you their seats wherever they can, bowing their heads to you, of course those lesser beings should feel lower than you, you’re blessed with the Auditor’s offspring. You’re not some common lowlife filth, of course you’re to be waited on.
-Duty does call, he’s a busy man with a lot on his plate, but servitude to you comes first and foremost. You can get away with a lot of shit during this time, sitting on his lap during important meetings with his fellow Employers, interrupting at your every whim and he’ll submit to you, wholly devoted. The others find your grip on him slightly disturbing.
-When he personally cannot be with you, you are escorted by at least one MAG and a handful of Soldats at any given time. If you so much as get a paper cut, someone will die a slow and agonising death. You are to be protected, no matter the cost.
-The moment he suspects Hank is anywhere near your current location, the whole building goes on lockdown, you’re escorted to a bunker out of harms way, two additional MAGs joining your team because maker be damned, he’s not going to allow that monster to harm a hair on your head.
-Peaceful times with him are amazing however, his excitement and anticipation grow with each passing day. He’ll lay down with his flames gently enveloping you, enough to heat you up, he wouldn’t dare even dream of burning you. Hope you like the heat since you can’t escape it.
-During the final few days you can’t shake him at all, he’s barking orders at everyone, and shit is tense for everyone, everyone but you, of course. He wouldn’t stress out his dearly beloved. There’s a medical team on standby 24/7, and Audi’s flames seem to burn brighter, bathing the room in a red hue. He’s eager to meet Nevada’s next employer.
-Crunch time, he’s ready for it. The other Employers show up, which is kinda weird, but they are like Auditor’s siblings in a way. Still, having them hover over you at your most vulnerable is unsettling.
-“It’s uh.. on fire?” The doctor says in an apprehensive tone. “As is to be expected.” Auditor hums, taking his tiny flaming humanoid into his arms, bringing them to meet their other parent. The tiny flames that drift from them are a soft petal pink, matching their eyes. “They’re going to be a fine Employer, and Nevada will obey their every little desire.”
-The feral scientist has a very good sense of smell, something to do with his animistic tendencies. He can smell out a hormone imbalance in you, and he won’t leave you alone. “MATE SMELLS DIFFERENT. GOOD DIFFERENT, BUT DIFFERENT.”
-The twitchy bastard won’t stop sniffing you up and down, until he sticks his head between your thighs and sniffs hard again. “THERE. CLOWN SMELLS SOMETHING DIFFERENT THERE.” “Tricky that’s rude, stop it-” You chastise him, but he persists. “KNOW THE SMELL, CAN’T REMEMBER. SMELLED IT BEFORE. CAN’T REMEMBER! WHY!?!”
-He pounds at the floor and his head before it hits him. “BABIES-” He wraps his arms around your body tightly staring up at you from his kneeling position. “CLOWN SMELLS BABIES.”
-His instincts go into complete override, all lifes purpose stripped away, mind fixated on protecting his offspring and their vessel. If someone even glances your way, he will destroy them, turning them into a fine red mist before your very eyes.
-The underground bunker you call home isn’t really a good place to rear young, and despite the fact he loves this place, his only goal is to ensure your safety and his baby’s survival. “CLOWN MAKE NEW HOME, ONE SAFE FOR CLOWN’S BABIES.”
-He doesn’t 'make’ one so much as he finds a suitable place and the previous occupants 'mysteriously left and never came back.’ Still, it’s the thought that counts, right?
-With his speed he’s in and out of places in mere seconds, bringing you back a hoard of snacks and whatever soft things he can find. With his mushy brain, he doesn’t really understand that the birth he expects, one animal like in nature, isn’t whats coming, and while the nesting is nice, it definitely isn’t going to aid in a safe delivery.
-Tricky also can’t get enough of you, he’s constantly smelling you, rubbing his chin over you like a cat to coat you in his scent, how else will people know you’re his?
-When he feels that first kick his whole body shudders, and he nearly screams aloud but pauses before his outburst, quiet, the tiny one needs quiet, and for once, he is quiet. “C…Clown happy. Clown feels you, little ones, Clown is here. Clown promises he’ll never leave. Clown.. Clown loves his babies.” He breaks away from your stomach and rubs his cheek against yours. “Clown loves his mate.”
-Hope you enjoy lounging around because he’s going to keep you in his arms for as long as he can. He adores the feeling of his young shifting around, pressing his face into your stomach and mumbling in-comprehensively at them.
-The day comes where Tricky’s offspring is ready to meet the world and he panics, hard. “Clown don’t know what to do!! Clown can’t help, Clown doesn’t know how!! Clown needs… Clown finds help, Clown will be back, Clown promises.”
-Help arrives in the form of- “Why the fuck did you bring HIM?!” From your seated position you see Tricky dragging HANK of all people by his throat. “Clown didn’t know who else to ask!! Clown isn’t very popular. Now Hank help Clown’s mate or Clown will bash your skull in.”
-This is the opposite of Hank’s job, he is utterly unqualified for this shit, but with the clown foaming at the mouth staring down at him, he aids as best he can. Tricky growls as Hank takes blankets from his pile, but quietens down when he realises the madman is trying to stem the bleeding.
-It’s slow and hard work, after hours of labouring pains, it finally ends. Once, twice, and again, three tiny babies are born and Tricky loses his shit, violently shaking, he looks like he’s about to explode with joy. A labour of love and devotion, he handles them with a delicacy.
-“Look at Clown’s babies,” He smells them all, nothing quite like fresh baby scent. “look at what Clown and mate made,” He brings them over to you, ignoring his usual play toy and just embracing his family. “Clown didn’t think he’d ever get it so good.”
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abstract-crossverse · 2 years
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POV: you're in a polycule with these two
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creatorthegod · 1 year
Yandere Madness combat x Tricky! Reader
Hello everyone I have a poll up to decide what character to wright for and I just wanted to do Tricky, but don't worry the winner of the poll will still get a story and some stories have have multiple parts, also is you chose a character for the poll and did no win don't worry I will do other stories with the characters.
Below here has some smut in it
Everyday was the same go to work,get some of the project done, get called to the director's office, stay there for the rest of the day, go home and if it was friday watch Slaughter Time. I enter the large building grunts greeting me as I walk by, as I enter the lab I notice that Christoff what not here yet, I only manage to sit down for a few seconds before a grunt tells me the the director needs me, I stand up and start walking, each step making me more nervous than before until I was at the office door, I take a deep breath before pushing open the door. Inside sitting at the chair was Phobos and in front of him was his desk "Y-you wanted t-to see me s-sir" I stuttered out, I could feel the sweat coming down on my face, "Yes Dr. (y/n) why don't you have a seat" his voice had a slight teasing tone, as I look around I find no chair "u-um sir w-where should I sit" I ask him and I could see a smirk growing on his face as pats his leg, a slight blush appears on my face"A-are you sure s-sir I am a bit on the...heavier side" I look down at my body, I was a little bit overweight but Christoff said he loved that about me, a growl cuts off my thoughts as I looked back at Phobos, I let out a small meep before hurriedly going over to his side, sitting on his legs and lap, he then pulled me in so my head was on his chest, I could feel the heat on my face as he continued to work all while grabbing at my fat and petting my hair.
time skip
My face was burning red, I was faced away from Phobos, his cock inside me it seemed he just wanted me to sit there and be quiet, I let out a few whimpers as his cock rubbed against my g-spot, "s-sir" I say as a tiny wimper, he then hums in acknowledgment his hands still holding on my body "I-i should go and make sure C-Christoff is doing good on the p-project" Phobos grip then tightened as he then thrusts up, I let out a moan as I feel the stimulation "Don't speak of him in my presents" Phobos growls as he continues to thrust until I was bent over and he was standing behind me, he continued and I felt my breathing become erratic and I came on Phobos and soon he came in me "If I put little godlings in you, you will finally realize who you belong to" my face was as red as it could be, he pulls out and I put my clothing back on "W-well I will see you tomorrow s-sir" I say walking out of the room, I slightly rub my ass as I walk back to the lab I then notice the clock 'Is it really time to leave" I say to myself as I walk in to pick up my things, I spot Christoff as he walks up to me "Where were you" he asks " Oh the director wanted to see me" "for the whole day?" "I guess so" I reply grabbing my things before heading out with him, he then notices the rubbing " Are you ok?" he asks with concern "Oh yes I just fell and It hurts a little" "oh well then would you like me to walk you home " I nod my head as we continued walking chatting about different things, at least today is friday.
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arisunakayama · 2 years
All readers except in “Pandora’s Box” will be gender neutral until specified.
What I will do:
Platonic/Familial underage (AND ONLY PLATONIC/FAMILIAL)
What I will NOT do
Any weird or gross fetish
CanonXCanon (Sorry, this is a reader masterlist for a reason. Maybe some other time.)
List may continue as time goes on
Hank J Wimbleton
Main 4 who’s S/O knits during their downtime
Main 4 meeting AgencyFounder!S/O
Hank with an S/O who’s a Physiatrist
Yandere!Hank X Reader X Tsun!2BDamned
Main 4 with an S/O who has insane reflex/intuition
Main Four with a really Sweet/Generous Convenience Store/CEO! S/O
Fluffy!Main Four + Tricky X Reader
Main 4 who’s S/O knits during their downtime
Main 4 meeting AgencyFounder!S/O
Yandere!Hank X Reader X Tsun!2BDamned
Main 4 with an S/O who has insane reflex/intuition
Main Four with a really Sweet/Generous Convenience Store/CEO! S/O
Fluffy!Main Four + Tricky X Reader
Main 4 who’s S/O knits during their downtime
Main 4 meeting AgencyFounder!S/O
Deimos w/ VampireGang!S/O
Main 4 with an S/O who has insane reflex/intuition
Main Four with a really Sweet/Generous Convenience Store/CEO! S/O
Fluffy!Main Four + Tricky X Reader
Main 4 who’s S/O knits during their downtime
Main 4 meeting AgencyFounder!S/O
Main 4 with an S/O who has insane reflex/intuition
Main Four with a really Sweet/Generous Convenience Store/CEO! S/O
Fluffy!Main Four + Tricky X Reader
Sanford with a Younger Brother
I Don’t Believe In Gods
Dating Phobos Headcanons
What dating The Auditor would be like
Tricky/Dr. Hoffnar
Dr. Hoffnar with his S/O Headcannon
Please Believe Me!
Fluffy!Main Four + Tricky X Reader
Tricky X Mime!Reader
Jebediah Christoff/Jebus
Coming soon
Pandora’s Box
Main 4 meeting AgencyFounder!S/O
I Don’t Believe In Gods
Main Four with a Sweet/Generous Convenience Store/CEO! S/O
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idyat · 1 month
Haiii mootie! Haiii!!! :3
Alright,,, Jeb and and and reader are remembering are flashbackimg to when they first met and and it’s during nexus times and they they’r..ee just silly and and and
Hi hi hi! :D Here's a little sumthin sumthin while you recompose yourself
Jebediah Christoff x reader
It was a stormy night
Summary: You and your lover reminisce on a rainy day
Across the nevadean wasteland, a sky even darker than it normally is looms over everything, the lighting it spews blinding the world in a bright red light. As if it wasn't apocalyptic enough already.
The sight of people running around, fighting for shelter or their bucket of blood red water is admired by a couple through the window of what used to be a lovely bedroom.
"How long do you think this one'll last?"
One of them ask as they rub their lover's bald head.
"It doesn't look like it'll stop anytime soon. We'll have to prepare for a flood."
"Will we have to leave this place? Aw, I actually liked it here."
"We can do it later."
He reajusts himself snuggly on their lap.
"I'm a little too tired to move right now."
This makes his partner raise an eyebrow. Oh? The all so hardworking and serious Jebus is slacking off? Not that they're complaining, it just means more cozy time.
A few more minutes are spent looking out the window, before his lover speaks up again.
"This is the same weather as when we first met."
He raises his head towards them.
Right, it was a stormy night a few years ago; establishement neons were glowing through the fog, cars sent water splashing from both up and down, and Dr Christoff was just done slumping to a cold and wet bus stop bench with a heavy bag full of work documents in his hand.
He sat down with a sigh, removing his glasses to rub at his aching head. It felt like the whole of Nevada was mocking him today. Between the accidental deletion of several important documents, violent intruders, failed experiments and his coworkers deciding to blame HIM to save their own asses, the weather was truly the last problem on his mind right now. Especially when the oportunity to finally go home and rest was ruined by the obligation to go and report all the incidents back at some annex administrative building or whatever.
"Hubris... Couldn't deal with their own responsibilities..."
Jebus mutters loud enough for his sweetheart to giggle at it.
"You've always loved to complain about your coworkers huh?" They tease.
"No... They were simply just exasperating sometimes."
"Exasperating" was what he kept mumbling under his breath and the rain, with no umbrella and only a small raincoat to shield himself from the cold.
Truly, it couldn't get any worse...
"Excuse me?"
Oh Jesus Christ.
A figure sat next to Christoff, holding their umbrella over his head.
"You dropped this."
He slowly turned his eyes off his hand and put his glasses back on to look at the wet papers and keycard they were presenting.
"Oh... Thank you."
As he folded the documents into his pocket, his eyes looked back, through the fogged lenses, to the face who still held the umbrella over them both. They seemed absentminded, as if waiting for something.
Eventually the bus came, and they climbed in.
It arrived at his destination, and they climbed out.
He walked, and they followed.
Christoff's eyes occasionally glanced at the person who keeps shielding him from the rain as they take the same exact route.
Perhaps it was the rain, but it felt like a cold sweat ran down his temple. With how things are in Nevada, even Nexus City could be dangerous at night, and their lack of response to the strange situation sure did not help.
"Pardon me."
They finally turn their head towards him.
"Are you going to Nextus Prints?"
They nod before speaking up.
"Apologies if I creeped you out. I should have been more polite."
"It's alright."
The heavy sigh probably didn't sound very convincing, but at this point, he didn't really care.
"Why did I do that?"
It's his turn to chuckle now.
"What are you going there for?"
After a few minutes of akward silence, walking in the oddly silent city, their voice rang up again.
"Fixing my coworkers mistakes."
"Ah. That explains why you look so grumpy."
A cheeky smile made its way onto their face, just big enough for Christoff to notice it and turn his eye, first at them then away, perhaps in a bit of embarrassement.
"Grumpy...my little grumpy man."
Their hand affectionately pulls at Jebus' cheek.
"You'd be mad too if you worked with fools."
"I told you."
"Oh, hush now."
Jebediah didn't realize how it happened, maybe because he didn't pay much attention, maybe because he didn't care much, but he was now conversing with the stranger. Conversing as in listening to them ramble on about whatever.
He looks up at the umbrella. Isn't their arm tired by now?
He looks down at his briefcase. God he hopes nothing inside got wet. At least the stranger was there to make sure that didn't happen for the last ten or thirty minutes or so.
He looks at their face, and they make eye contact.
They smile.
He looks away in embarrassement.
They make eye contact, the thunder illuminating the savior's angel and revealing all their traits. From the smallest shine to the slightest bump.
He smiles.
Finally, after a walk that felt way too long, but not necessarily unpleasant, they reach the dimly illuminated "Nextus Prints".
"Oh...I've been talking a lot haven't I?"
They stop in front of the bulding, face suddenly laced with worry.
"No worries."
He didn't admit to not actually disliking it. It helped distract him from his frustrations and their voice was nice to listen to.
Once in front of the desk, they stepped aside for him to go at the counter first.
"Oh, I think the rain is starting to stop."
Jebus opens his tired eyes to check for himself.
"Ah, it is. Looks like we won't have to move tonight then."
They grab him by the waist.
"I wanted to cuddle a bit anyways."
Jebus is laid on top of them as they spread their body over the bed, not without a blush from the savior.
As Jebediah finished giving out his reports, he saw the stranger resting their arms on the windowsill, looking out to the flooding city. He would have notified them, but frankly, they looked rather peaceful, he didn't want to disturb them. So, while waiting for the receptionist to be fully done with his own business, he simply stood close. Not close enough to seem strange or alarming, just enough to be able to see their face lit up by the electric glow of lampshades and neons, then by the storm, both of them alone in the administrative building.
He suddenly remembered the wet paper in his pocket. Crap, he forgot to give that one away. How annoying...
Unfortunately, the person at the counter was already gone, so he moved in front of it, waiting for them to come back. He turned around, resting his lower back against the desk as he rubbed his forehead and sighed for what was probably the fiftieth tile that night, before realizing the stranger was now looking at him. Must have made some noise without noticing.
"My apologies, I've been having a bad day."
"It's alright, I think I could tell anyway."
A few more moments of silence passed.
"Thank you for the umbrella, by the way."
They turned back to him, eyebrows raised, before smiling.
"Of course."
For the first time since they first saw eachother, Jebediah smiled back at the stranger. It was discreet and polite, but enough for their own to widen slightly as they turned back to the window.
"It seems like the rain is dying down. You won't need me anymore."
He bent down a little, and they were right.
Eventually, his name was called, and he went to fix up whatever was needed.
After that, another name was called, and the stranger at the window walked up and past him.
A few minutes later, they walked out of the bulding, and to their surprise saw the old man standing right outside, lightly resting against the moist wall.
"I like the rain, if that was your question."
He says as to answer their silence.
They look around a little, then at Jebediah.
He could hear the smile in their voice, but as he tried to get a look at it, they'd had already dissapeared.
He stood in the silence of the dying storm for a few moments, before making his way home as well.
As he did, the name that was called out at the desk echoed through his mind. He quickly tried to shake it off.
It's not like that random stranger will be somebody important anytime soon...
The events of that night echo through the head he rests against his lover's torso. Simply mentioning something can bring back a lot of nostalgia, can it? The thought is the last to pass his mind, as he closes his eyes and finally falls into slumber, holding the one he carries dear in his heart close to his body.
Agagaga the ending is rushed sorry
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amunisence · 1 year
Secret Admirer (Phobos x Reader)
Consider this a late Valentine's Day post. I've been working on this on and off since last year and decided to finish it up for February. Enjoy!
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As a Science Tower intern, you love the opportunity to work on Project Nexus. This is despite the Director's high expectations. Due to your coworkers' gossip and overall stress from your tasks, your impressions of Director Phobos were negative before you had even met him. His reputation had truly preceded him.
It was your third day at the Science Tower when you first encountered the Director. You were being shown around the building by your superior, Dr. Christoff, as much as he could before returning to his tight schedule. This was out of courtesy since getting lost was rather common for you at that time (didn't help that everything looked the same to you)
"What are you doing?" a low commanding voice thundered from behind eliciting a small "Eep!" from you. You peeked over your shoulder to the tall grand figure that spoke just moments ago. You whipped your body around and scurried backwards away from the seething giant.
Christoff, to your surprise, was unphased, "I was simply giving the new intern a tour of the facility since the layout can be confusing for newcomers. Is that an issue, Director Phobos?"
That is Director Phobos?! You had seen the statues, but you had no idea the Director was this grand- he actuallywears the cape?!
"I can take it from here, Jebediah. Carry on."
You pondered what that meant as Dr. Christoff turned away from Director Phobos and walked off with clenched fists.
"You need not be afraid--it is only natural for such an awe-inspiring facility to intimidate a lowly intern such as yourself," the corners of his mouth tugged into a wide toothy grin, "That is why I shall personally give you a tour," Phobos said gesturing to himself pridefully, "Only a fool would refuse such a privilege."
You immediately caught on that Director Phobos thought very highly of himself. As if his regal cape wasn't enough, his manner of speaking more than accentuated his ego.
While you wanted to politely turn down his request, you're bright enough to figure out your tour with Dr. Christoff has been put on hold indefinitely. You needed someone to show you around. With a forced smile, you agree to allow the Director to give you the tour.
"Splendid! Wise choice," Director Phobos beamed. He proceeded to take you on a very long-winded yet memorable tour. Shockingly, you found yourself enjoying it. The Director would elaborate on the importance of certain sections (some you were sure you weren't allowed in anyway). You couldn't help but giggle at times when he would demand your coworkers to focus on their tasks despite causing a scene wherever he went. You found the stories he told made certain locations easier to remember; though you wondered if you even had the clearance to hear them.
After the tour to your own shock, your heart would start to pound relentlessly whenever the Director was nearby. For some reason, the special attention that he gave you that day left an impression on you. A very inconvenient one at that. These newfound feelings were difficult to manage alongside your work. That's why you decided to write Director Phobos an anonymous letter expressing these feelings and how they developed in hopes that it would help you move on. 
The first obstacle was getting this letter to the Director. You can't just waltz up to his office and slide a letter under his door right in front of security cameras! After all, who knows what could happen to you if he's displeased by your confession (especially from an intern).You even addressed it "God Emperor Phobos" in hopes of getting brownie points if he found out it was from you. Therefore, this task required a different approach.
For one week, you paid attention to any potential opportunities to slip your letter amongst his files without being detected. Before you knew it, the perfect one presented itself to you. After one particularly long and grueling meeting, the Director took Dr. Christoff aside and chastised him. While everyone else was preoccupied with leaving, you took a casual stroll past the Director's seat. You managed to slip your letter into his thick folder of paperwork undetected and escaped to the hallway. You breathed out while clutching your frantic heartbeat. You were positive your chest was about to burst any moment, but you had to continue as if nothing happened.
Phobos shut the door to his office. "How dare he." He about ended Dr. Christoff's life right where he stood back at the meeting. "Opposition to MY perfect vision?! Preposterous." Not only was he irritable from lackluster results on sleepwalkers, but now he had to snuff out a new growing "doubt" amidst his staff. In another fit of rage, he forced his bulky folder onto his desk with a substantial thud. An envelope slipped out from sheer force and landed before Phobos's feet. He knelt down and irritability nicked it off the ground. He didn't recognize the envelope. In fact, he didn't even remember having any mail that day. Assuming it was work related, Phobos grumbled and sat down at his desk.
"Hm?" he hummed in confusion as he glanced at the front of the envelope. There was nothing on it except for "God Emperor Phobos" written neatly in the center. It was rather informal looking to be work related. Phobos ripped open the envelope and slid out its contents. He unfolded the single piece of paper and found a hand written letter.
"To God Emperor Phobos,
My initial impressions of you were unreasonable, unapproachable, and insufferable. I have now, however, expanded my horizons and see there is so much more to you. Your zeal for the project is very admirable and motivating. Your grand presence fills whatever room you're in. The way you are able to give purpose to the most insignificant of us has given me a sort of pride I have never felt before.
Due to recent events, I have found myself thinking about you rather frequently. When you aren't occupying my thoughts, my heart pounds at the sight of you. Forgive me, I know it's silly to say such things in my position.
I do hope my words haven't troubled you or caused any issues. I've written this letter in hopes of moving on from these inappropriate feelings.
Your Secret Admirer"
Phobos sighed out as he finished reading the letter with one hand partially covering his face. At first, he didn't know what to make of it. One thing he knew for sure though was that his anger had oddly vanished after reading it. Perhaps I read it too fast. He thought and reread the letter figuring its contents hadn't sunk in properly. Then it happened--he smiled. Genuinely. Nothing like the prideful grin he usually wears. He also couldn't help but laugh at the innocence of the letter's contents but in an endearing way--not from a stance of superiority. Phobos even felt his own heart skip a beat from his secret admirer's confession.
"Oh Secret Admirer, you flatter me and have made my day. But who are you? I simply must know." 
Phobos continued to ponder this into the next day. He had trouble focusing on the most trivial of things as if the letter had put him under a spell. In what little downtime he had, Phobos wracked his brain for any clues to who his secret admirer could be.
Phobos broke out of his trance and found you in front of his desk with a fresh cup of coffee.
"Ar-Are you alright, sir?"
"Yes, yes, I was just... you know..." He didn't finish his sentence which felt odd to you.
"Well, I have your coffee. I'll just set it here." While placing the mug on a coaster near his stationary, you couldn't help but be flustered under his gaze. The letter hadn't helped like you hoped it would. Not only does your heart rate still increase in his presence, but now your face gets absolutely flushed. As your own eyes happened to glance over his desk, you stopped for but a moment. Your temporary paralysis was caused by the sight of your letter on the Director Phobos's desk. As brief a pause as it was, your whole demeanor had changed in a single moment.
A single moment that Phobos had unfortunately observed: your stiffened composure, your startled expression, and your hushed gasp. You quickly moved away from his desk and attempted to leave in an effort to preserve what little dignity you had left.
"How has your internship been so far?" Phobos asked you casually.
You think for only a few seconds before saying, "Like any job, it can be stressful, but I feel like I'm given a purpose here. Project Nexus has given me a sort of pride I-"
"-have never felt before. Is that correct?"
To your horror, Phobos, letter in hand, had used your own words against you. Everything inside you wanted to apologize profusely for the letter. However, you stayed silent bracing yourself for the worst with your head down in flustered embarrassment.
"You know, it was peculiar. When my disgruntled self returned to my office yesterday, I came across this letter haphazardly tucked into the folder from the last meeting I attended. When I read this letter, it turned out to be a confession from a secret admirer. At first, I was stunned. My anger had vanished, and I felt... elated," he paused and stood up.
"This letter had both flattered me and improved my mood. I was so tickled and delighted by this note that I decided right then that I needed to find my secret admirer and offer my gratitude." Phobos moved out from behind his desk and slowly approached your blushing figure. He placed a finger beneath your jaw and gently tugged your chin to face him. "Thank you."
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cereswritingpoint · 1 year
Hey! Welcome.
Since you've come this far, let me introduce myself!
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Hello, I'm Ceres! I'm in my early 20s and I've chosen to bring my writing to Tumblr. Yes! I usually write (and read) in my free time. And, when I'm not writing, I like to listen to music and also read about academic (nerd) articles.
Newgrounds, JJK, TokRev, Junji Ito, Madness Combat, Soul Eater, CSM, AOT, Assassination Classroom, HxH, JJBA, Death Note, Cowboy Bebop, Evangelion: Death (True)².
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Sibling!Reader x Character (Only PLATONIC);
Female!Reader, Male!Reader (going to try), NB!Reader;
Reader x Character (Romantic OR Platonic);
(Going to try) angst;
Dark/Suggestive content;
(Going to try) Yandere!Character;
Gore, violence;
Note: I will put TW in any delicate topic.
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Underage characters;
R*pe or any other type of assault;
Religious themes;
Heavy angst;
Domestic violence (verbally, physically, emotionally and mentally);
Loli stuff or characters acting like a child.
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From Madness Combat: Series:
Hank J. Wimbleton, Deimos, Sanford, 2BDamned, Tricky, Jebus, Auditor.
From Project Nexus:
Dr. Christoff, The Employers, Director Phobos, Dr. Hofnarr, Dr, Skinner.
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Well, that's all for now! Thank you for the attention, and I hope you have a great day! <3
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distressedwalnut · 3 years
Hi sorry do you think you can do some hoffnar or jebidiah x reader stuff? Nothing to special maybe some kiss kiss here and there, maybe some snuggles. its fine if you cant or if you have to many requests as is 😊
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Why not both I love both these men so of course I'll draw them lmao!
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Characters: phobos,tricky,dr. Hofnarr, jebus, and dr. Christoff
Notes:i legit didnt have time to finish this part and part 4 before my birthday ended but its not stopping me!!!!
Also jebus/dr. Christoffs parts are platonic. Im sorry.
He most likely found out from some employees talking to each other
"Birthday? Why would a mortal even care of that? Its like any other day" proceeds to immediately care about it and plan
And let me tell you this god complex papyrus will treat you like royalty!
Makes you take the day off and wont let you lift a finger
You ask for something he will order someone to give it to you
Unless its affection from him then he would drop everything without other people knowing, he still has a reputation to keep
You will get the richest chocolate cake
"Happy birthday love of my life" he mumbles. "What was that last part?" "You heard NOTHING" he proceeds to get flustered under the wrappings, you definitely heard it 😊
Dr. Hofnarr
I imagine he always knew by how you act during the start of the month. (Or end of the previous month if you was born on the 1st)
Just to make sure on what specific day he does ask as casually as he could
Once he gets the proper date he does try and plan
But it does distract him from his work and gets in trouble over it by jeb
Once the day comes he immediately surprises you with a cake! With those joke candles that relights themselves every time you blow them out
He also gave you a cute music box as a gift
It plays your favorite song 😊
He also does your work for you despite your protests, he does not want you to work on your special day
He may pull a all nighter and fall asleep on his desk because of this
You probably should make him some coffee the next morning
Yknow those super over the top sweet 16 birthday parties in tv shows? Thats basically what he does for you
Except its apocalypse style
Dis mf would legit toss confetti around singing happy birthday to you
He cant get you a cake....but he somehow gots COOKIEZ
if you knew him when he was dr. Hofnarr he would most likely try and dance with you as the old music box plays
Don't expect it to be graceful he probably will step on your feet by accident from his twitching and fast pacing
"Clown sorry!"
Dr. Christoff
It depends on how long you knew him
Like if you knew each other since you was kids then he always knew your birthday
If you met at work and knew eachother for maybe several years then he got curious and ask because you never celebrated your birthday
He does make some sort of effort like a casual happy birthday
He frankly didnt have time to get you a present but certainly gave you a slice of cake or some other desert
He does not take all your work away like hofnarr but will help you with it so it will be done faster
May or may not pull a big friendship speech out of nowhere
Dis man legit gave you a halo wrist band as a gift
So you can defend yourself and not die
Cuz my god you went through several life threatening situations per week
On purpose
"Can you please stop running head 1st into bandit camps now?" Jeb asked annoyed "not a chance" was your answer.
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rotshop · 3 years
if i were any stronger of a man i would b writing hof + jeb + s/o angst soooo much .
[ tw body horror + experimentation under the cut, reader is a wild goddamn animal / monster , blood mention ]
i just think reader deserves to be pretty nice and kind, not the most stand-outish person (especially among all the more eccentric personalities in nexus) but you're respected enough for your advancements and for being pretty ok to work with. You're a breath of normality and a sort of lingering sense of 'hey, we're still just a bunch of people,' for most. Anyway you're also besties w/ hof and jeb lol. You three might not work super closely together project wise but it's not uncommon to see the three of you together. You give each other advice on your respective works-in-progress and just try and calm down a little while talking about whatever comes to mind.
Maybe what happens to you is an accident, something as simple as a miscalculation overlooked by sleep-deprived eyes, an unfortunate catch of your feet and a trip. Maybe it's brought on after a slow decline, normality crumbling to something else- something more 'eccentric,' more mad, as you delve into the world of self-experimentation, walking further and further down a path not ventured.
Maybe it just happens. Maybe they try their best to prevent it. End of the day, the results still the same.
Your sudden disappearance and locked office-door could've been explained away with you being sick or away on business you'd forgotten to mention. It could've, if it weren't for the new project file sitting right next to Gestalt's on the very same day you'd taken your leave, if it didn't have such little information (that was legible, at least, even with Hofnarr's high access there were still blocks and blocks of blacked out text) aside from one 'Dr. [name],' that sits with an explanation that's not for their eyes to see. Maybe that's the snapping point for Jeb- the thing that makes him storm to Phobos' office without stopping for any guard who asks him to. Maybe all Hof can do is sit and stare, doing his best to avoid the inevitable conclusion with an ever-weakening smile and shaking hands with nails that dig into his arms desperately for some sort of clutch.
Maybe there's a sense of finality when they finally see you. An overwhelming numbness that cancels out any real shock or fear at the torn skin and long, sharpened claws. There's nothing at the large teeth that're stuck bared, at the collar that sits tight around your neck, the dried blood that clutches onto your flesh and stains the floor under you with sticky crimson, or the spikes that pierce your body here and there. There's little left of you, the distant shreds of a white coat (the clips still on it, card long since been snapped off in fear you would learn and escape with it) and some matted, grimy hair that mirrors yours.
Maybe there's a question that's falling past Hof's lips before he can think twice about it at the miserable state you're in. Maybe there's a moment of hesitation in whatever on-site guard bears witness to it, clicking their tongue distastefully before stepping aside wordlessly as the door opens. Maybe the two of them find themselves walking towards you despite how you're pushing yourself up off the floor (you struggle with it- one of your arms giving underneath your weight before you can finally get yourself up, arms and legs still shaking with the energy you just don't have), backing away slowly with some low, threatening sound that shakes uncertainly. Maybe they only stop in front of you, Hof closer while Jeb's a few steps further. Maybe there's a pause of you staring down at him motionlessly, not making any move to swipe at him or sink your teeth into him mercilessly. Maybe he's wrapping his arms around your neck, pulling you close as best as he can with the height difference as he winces some little 'I missed you,' through the beginnings of tears. Maybe you're frozen in confusion and shock as Jeb walks over to join the two of you, one arm around Hoff while the other hand rests on your arm in an attempt to mirror the action. Maybe there's a choked sound leaving your throat as you nuzzle into them, carefully pulling them closer with your own arms wrapped loosely around the two of them.
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outhereinnevada · 3 years
Bro can i get uhhhhhhhh fricking angst with hoffnar as hes becoming tricky and y/n trying to help him? You can decide what happens when he becomes tricky
Oh boy, time for the angsty tears to come rollin' down. TO VALHALLA!
Disaster in the Making - Hoffnar/Tricky x Reader
"Hoffnar, are you sure this is a good idea?"
"Don't worry my dear, I'm sure this will work...I'm sure of it."
Dr. Hoffnar was testing new theories and practices to make his masterpiece, the Improbability Drive. You were his assistant and had grown particularly fond of him of the past few years working with him.
"I just don't think we should be messing with reality and playing god like this. This is could lead to disaster."
"You worry too much s/o! With the right calculations, this device will be completely safe to use."
Your worried expression lightened a little, Hoffnar took your hand into his as a sign of reassurance. You sighed.
"If you're sure dear, then I'll trust you. You've proven to me and Christoff time and time again that your genius always pulls through in the end."
If only that were true to this case.
The facility was in shambles, the walls and ceiling were collapsing. A recent experiment with the Improbability Drive had gone horribly wrong.
You had volunteered to test it out for them. They had managed to find a way to get into The Other Place without dying. With a safety harness strapped around you, you started exploring The Other Place when suddenly the lab was raided by Nexus Agents, a stray bullet hit the pulley wire that was meant to bring you back and it left you stranded in The Other Place.
He tried to do everything he could to reel you back in, but it was too late. You were gone, as the power shutdown to put the facility in lockdown, the entrance to The Other Place closed.
Once the Nexus Agents were dealt with, Hoffnar dropped to his knees in disbelief. The love of his life was gone, never to return. Christoff attempt to comfort him, but nothing could ever replace you.
Meanwhile in The Other Place, you had eventually landed in the side of Hell, you tried looking for a way out, but it was fruitless. You had spent many years in Hell at this point though it only felt like a few months.
Surviving off mere scraps, you wandered for ages before coming upon a bright red, glowing wall. It was lightly cracked, you slammed your fist against it with a satisfactory result. Continuing to break the wall, you made a sizable hole that you could fit through.
"Finally, I'm able to get out of this place."
The injuries you sustained wandering through Hell started to ache a bit as you went through the hole in the wall.
Getting through to the other side, you faceplanted onto a cold lab floor, the clatter of your bag full of weapons and food caught the attention of a certain someone still inside the facility.
"Hello? Who's there?"
Quick footsteps were heard coming down the halls before the rusted metal door opened to reveal a very dishevelled Hoffnar in...a clown costume?
"s/o? Is that...really you?"
His voice was incredibly unsteady, going from high-pitched to the normal voice you knew.
You got up quickly and embraced him, you'd waited so long to see him again. His arms hesitantly but surely wrapped around you as well.
"I-I can't believe it, you're...alive. After all these years s/o."
"Years? How long have I been gone for?"
He looked you in the eyes before sighing.
"Too long my dear...too long...Me and Christoff thought you weren't ever gonna come back."
The tears threatened to fall from his eyes, you gently brushed them away with your hand.
"Oh Hoffnar, every waking moment I was in there, I thought of you. I'm not leaving you again."
You took his hand into yours as a sign of reassurance, just like he did years ago. He led you out of the lab and to his home, a small but functioning house.
When you were walking to the house with him, you couldn't help but notice the occasional shaking from him.
"Hoffnar, are you alright dear? You're shaking a little."
He flinched, he really didn't want to tell you, but alas, he gave in.
"The Improbability Drive. I-I put a portable version of it that I made into me. I thought I had died, but it brought me back."
You clutched Hoffnar's hand tighter and brought him closer to you.
"It's fine, as long as you're here, I don't care. Just know that I'm here to help you Hoffnar."
His heart fluttered knowing you were there to support him, but at the same time he could feel his mind slowly slipping away.
The time you had spent with Hoffnar, you had noticed overtime that he would crack a lot more jokes around you and just generally be really playful at times.
He started to get really into the clown getup, hell, he even started make his own little performances with the stagename "Tricky" around Nevada. You came along to a few of those, you enjoyed them. If he was happy, so were you.
He eventually dropped his old name and stuck with Tricky and decided to go with his trademark clown voice, though you would still call him Hoffnar if things were serious.
He started to become a little distant when he was called in by the Sheriff to try and take of the problem with a certain individual. Hank J. Wimbleton. The massive killing spree Hank was on caught the attention of the Sheriff who called upon certain people to try and take Hank down, Tricky was one of them.
"Don't worry s/o! I'll return, no problem!"
You smiled at his cheerful expression and waved farewell to the clown.
"Come home safe Tricky! I'll be eagerly awaiting your return!"
It had been a couple of days now and Tricky still hadn't come home, your anxiety ate at you. Did he kill Hank like he was tasked to? Did he die? You couldn't handle the thought of your significant other perishing, but he had the Improbability Drive, surely he would be fine.
You noticed that the sky got incredibly dark after a couple days, no sun, just a glaring red horizon.
You sat wrapped in a blanket on the couch when you heard the door open, you quickly turned to see who it was. Your heart dropped, it was Tricky, but his skin was a rotten green colour, he wore a mask over his face, a bloody stop sign rested in his hand, if you looked close enough, you could see his exposed jaw.
"Tricky? Wh-What happened to you?"
He looked to floor in disgust and shame.
"Clown couldn't beat Hank, ended up becoming a zombie, but Clown is eager for another fight!"
His entire body was shaking and he spoke in third person all of a sudden, you figured this had something to do with the Improbability Drive.
"Tricky, for now, Let's just rest. I missed you and I don't want to lose you again..."
The undead clown sat down with you and tried to keep himself as still as possible. He held you gently, nuzzling into you.
"Clown will not let you be alone again...That is a promise."
I choked up a few times while writing this. Hope this satisfies your angst desire anon!
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Hank, Tricky, Jebus - Dadness combat
-Admittedly this isn’t a role he’s made for, he’s going to make a lot of mistakes, but he’s going to learn from them fast. He’s going to need a lot of love, support and patience, but thankfully you’ve got plenty to spare for your mountain of a lover.
-Often he’ll just hover over your sleeping daughter, watching her shifting in her sleep and being in complete awe that something so small, so delicate and fragile had come from two hardened guns for hire. He’s not super emotional but when she grabs his finger during her rest he has to take his goggles off to silently cry.
-Given his usual insomnia he’s more than happy to perform nighttime feedings so his exhausted partner can get some much needed rest. He loves bonding with his little gal anyway.
-He doesn’t mind the gross stuff, even if she projectile vomits down his favourite jacket he’ll just clean it up with the patience of a saint. Not to say he enjoys cleaning dirty diapers and the like, but he does what he must.
-Sometimes you’ll wake up to a cold and empty bed, but if you take a trip to the living room, you’ll see him stretched out on the sofa, baby sleeping contently on her father’s chest.
-One day while he’s cleaning his gun and you’re taking stock of ammo, it happens. Through all her little babbling, your daughter looks at Hank and- “Dada.” He spins on his feet instantly, looking rapidly between you and her. He sets his gun down and joins you, sitting cross legged in front of her. “Yes….Dada.”
-Hank’s hands rapidly shake as she answers back, her arms outstretched for a hug. “Dada!” He scoops her up eagerly, also pulling you in to his embrace. Her first word was him, and he’d never known such joy.
-When she gets sick he’ll practically threaten 2B to make her better again, despite the fact you reassure him it’s just a case of the sniffles. “Well I don’t really have medicine for a child, you’re going to need to see if you can salvage some yourself.” Doc ain’t being cold on purpose, he just doesn’t want to hurt your baby by accidentally giving her too much.
-Mission acquired, Hank suits up, parting from you both with a kiss, and he’s out the door and speeding down the road in the blink of an eye. He’s back before long, a single bottle of children’s medicine in hand. Dad Hank to the rescue.
-He’s there for her first steps, watching with loving pride as she wobbles and stumbles around, his hands ghosting around her little frame, ready to catch her should she fall. He calls you in and you both get to experience another of life’s joys.
-Despite their father’s instability, the trio are perfectly normal little babies, but they’re an absolute handful to take care of, even with the two of you. It’s mentally and physically exhausting, but you endure it all.
-His clowny side defiantly comes out more, bright colours interest babies and he’s more than happy to oblige their interests. Que him on his knees making a teddy bear dance to hear his lil ones giggle.
-He is going to make sure their first word is ‘clown’ given how much he says it. “Clown loves his babies, Clown love love loves his babies!”
-He scent marks them the same way he does you, rubbing his chin onto each of them over and over. Its such a trivial thing, no one else really has as much of a keen sense of smell as he does, but it comforts him all the same. He also loves the smell of babies, you’ll catch him sniffing them often.
-Tricky doesn’t care about the mess they make either, he’s seen worse, he’s no doubt made worse. Since pairing off with you, he’s been far more conscious of the mess he makes, and tries his best to be less messy, from cleaning up blood to cleaning up messy diapers. Oh how the mighty fall.
-Whenever you’ve been out and come home, you’ll always find him in the little ones’ room, usually curled around them protectively as the four of them nap. You have to wake him gently and tell him to actually lie down in your bed, not on the floor, while you put the triplets in their bed. “They fell asleep on Clown. Clown couldn’t wake them, Clown’s not that cruel.”
-One of the babies first word is “Clown” and Tricky cries. “Clown!! Clown baby said Clown!!” His whole body vibrates and you have to take your child off him to avoid them being shaken up. “C-CLOWN!!” You now have a hyped up boyfriend bouncing off the walls.
-Teaching the trio to walk is fun, Tricky holds their tiny hands in his, keeping them upright until he slowly lets go, and your waddling babe stumbles over to you. Again, Tricky loses his shit and vibrates like mad. “CLOWN BABY WALKING!!” Pretty soon the three of them are up and walking, and suddenly they’re a lot to handle. Luckily Tricky is always there to help.
-Your little lad cries a fair bit, but there’s one thing that can always sooth his temper, Jeb’s voice. He sings frequently to your babe, its lovely to hear him. You could listen to him for a lifetime and never tired of it.
-His abilities can come in handy, especially since your son loves to crawl around and try get into places he shouldn’t, Jeb just gently uses his magic to pick him up and bring him over to a safer area.
-Jeb’s got a big ego (Or so Mr. K has said) and having a kid pushes that ego further. Nevada’s saviour takes a lot of pride in rearing a second saviour. He enjoys flaunting his family, you’re superior to those around you, you are the driving force to purify the wasteland, and he wants everyone to know it.
-Strange things happen around your babe, and it takes a little time to realise Jeb isn’t playing some long prank on you, no, it’s your son that’s making things levitate. It blows Jeb’s mind, the halo’s power has has passed down into him. This is unprecedented, something he’d never considered possible.
-He’s eager to see what else your son can do, seeing how deep the halo’s influence is, but frets at the possibility that some of the dangerous aspects of it may be active too. He doesn’t want either of you to be hurt, but this is new grounds and he wants to explore it.
-Baby’s first word is “Baba,” And its directed at you. Jeb kicks himself for being out when it actually happened, but he’s so happy that the little ankle biter is beginning to talk. He’ll be sitting up with him all night trying to get him to say “Dad,” because please he needs this. Once it happens he comes into your bedroom and wakes you up crying. “He said it angel,” He cuddles his boy to his chest. “say it again, go on, say Dad.”
-Admittedly Jebediah kinda cheats with the whole 'learning to walk’ thing, using his powers to aid your son. However your son has other ideas, and he learns to levitate before he can walk. A surprise, but a welcome one. Jeb wraps his arms around you and kisses you over and over and over.
-Baby eventually does learn to walk, but he prefers floating around, and he’s his father’s double. Anything Jeb does, baby copies. You and your lover are cuddling together on the couch, he leans over and kisses your cheek, and your bab floats over and does the same. It’s adorable.
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Main 3 + Jeb - Feline shape-shifter
It was no secret that Hank likes cats, nature’s perfect killing machines, covered with soft fur, tiny paws with small little paw pads, how they purred, but most importantly how independent they were. Like him, cats wander around and do as they wish, kill as they please. This love extended to big cats too, he’d seen a tiger once a long time ago at a zoo, such a mighty and powerful beast with gorgeous distinctive colouring and stripes.
Silent paws stalked the hunter, he who hunts becomes the prey without realising it, sleek black coat helping the feline blend with the dark world. They’ve been on his trail a while, always distant enough to where he can’t see them, but never too far as to lose him. Its easy pickings for food, the man leaves a trail of corpses in his wake, plenty of fresh meat for a carnivore.
He’s always managed to dig himself out of tough spots with brute force, but even he meets his match sometimes. A pack of agents had caught up with him after already having gone toe to toe with a MAG and barely escaping alive. With one of his arms slashed up beyond use, a cluster of bullets snugly burrowed into his chest, he can only but wait for the reaper to come again, and for Doc to drag his sorry ass out of purgatory.
And you leap from the shadows, claws extended and teeth gnashing, poised to kill and destroy. Rich blood gushes into your mouth as you crush an agent’s throat between your teeth, tossing his limp body aside as you lunge to the next target, tearing into skin like paper.
Hank can only sit propped against the wall, good hand pressing into his chest to stem the bleeding, watching as this shadow beast finishes his job for him. Goring the last of his attackers, your gaze turns to him, blood dripping from your muzzle, soaking into your jet black fur, paws guiding you to him.
He reaches out a hand, as though an open and outstretched palm would stop this feline’s fatal fangs. But he’s pleasantly surprised when instead of feeling air hit inner organs, he’s greeted with soft fur brushing against his fingers, you nudge his hand with sweet affection, silently thanking the one who’s kept you fed and entertained.
Surely blood loss was making him delirious as this panther changed into a grunt before his eyes, but then again, he’d seen weirder. You stalked off to grab some clean water and rags to tend to his wounds as best you could, not much given your lack of medical knowledge, but it’d be enough to keep him alive until you found someone more qualified.
With unsteady feet, he rose and wobbled, leaning into your side reluctantly for support, this was going to be a slow endeavour. Opting for the easier option, your fur bristled again, and now back in your panther form, you slithered between his legs, standing up so he was sitting on your back. His good hand grabbed your scruff, and those nimble black paws raced into the night.
Cruising back to HQ after a solo mission, Ford’s fingers drum the steering wheel in time with the music shaking the van. He’s high on life and his own success, but eager to get back and sleep in his bed, much comfier than the cab he’s been sleeping in, his arms around his favourite smart mouthed teammate.
A blur of orange beside the road makes him slam on the breaks, orange is a rare colour these days, usually only reserved for mingling blood of agents and A.T.P agents. Grabbing his signature hook, he kicks open the door and surveys the situation.
Ginger fur aligned with black stripes and a white underbelly, it’s damaged form breathing heavily as the smell of blood hits Sanford, his eyes trace the nasty wound dyeing the white under fluff red. Before him lays a tiger, weak, suffering, and-
Why the fuck is there a TIGER out here?
You weakly raise your head at the strange man, a warning growl rippling from your throat. The last bastard who’d gotten too close ended up mauled beyond recognition, and despite your state, you could easily do it again.
He speaks in low hushed tones, gently trying to reassure the big cat he means no harm, raising his hands up in front of him. The tiger lays its head back down, green eyes transfixed on the man as he slowly backs up to his van. You hope he’s just going to drive off and leave you alone while you rest.
Sanford grabs the med-kit from the passenger side glove box, cautiously making his way closer to the fallen cat. You growl again, too close, you swipe out and miss as he jumps back.
“Whoa there big guy,” He keeps his voice quiet and steady, despite the fear consuming him. “easy, I’m just trying to help,” Your suspicion doesn’t fade, nobody ‘just helps’ others, it’s not how life goes here. Everyone’s always wanting something. You assumed he’d come for your skin, the last asshole had, and it wasn’t much of a surprise.
Gorgeous fur, an elusive and prized item out in the land of nobodies, regal and showing wealth and power, to have slain a fucking tiger in Nevada. A third growl rumbles from you, you’re feeling weaker than before, and this man has the audacity to bother you, to take advantage of your current state. You’ll enjoy his death screams.
He shushes you softly, again stating he’s just trying to help. “Looks like someone got you good, you’re gonna need it tended to, you’ll die otherwise. I just want to help, I hope you can understand me. I don’t speak tiger, and you don’t speak human.” A nervous chuckle escaped him at that.
Contrary wise, you understood the words quite well, you just didn’t know why. You allow him to get close, baring your teeth as he slowly puts his hand on your tummy. “Looks pretty deep,” All of his movements are paced, last thing he wants is for this confused beast to take a chunk out of him.
“This is gonna hurt, but I promise you’ll be better off for it.” You snarled and lashed out as liquid pain filled your wound, claws meeting their mark barely and peeling skin from Sanford’s chest. “SHIT-”
His cut wasn’t deep, you’d just barely nicked him, enough to break skin, not enough to draw blood. “Okay,” He breathed out slowly. “Okay I get it, it hurts, I know, believe me, but it’s gonna do you a world of good.”
He continues to reassure you as he patches you up as best he can, panting heavily as the stress and heat of the red sky burns down on him. You start to feel a slight twinge of guilt at hurting him, he’d kept his promise, helping stop the bleeding and stitching you back together. Your tongue scrapes across his hand, and he meets your gaze.
“Uh-you’re welcome?” He still backs off as you get to your feet, body aching and fixed wound burning. You leap into the cab of the van, and Sanford is floored, rushing over expecting to see this now fixed tiger tearing his ride to shreds but-
“What the fuck?” He instead sees a grunt with dark stripes adorning their body settling in the passenger seat, orange fur fluttering off their body. “You’re a person?!”
He’d spotted you a few times now, thick grey fur and giant fluffy paws, but any time he’d tell the others, you’d be long gone. Sanford thought it was another stupid long running joke, and Hank was irritated Dei has promised he’d see a cat only for it to not be there.
Tired of being called a liar, Deimos set out to prove he was right, and that this big cat was no prank, no illusion, and he could say those ever so sweet words 'I told you so.’ But to catch a cat is no easy feat, aloof and elusive, always two steps ahead, nimble and flexible frame allowing escape from most traps.
Sitting in a bar and trying to string together some kind of plan, he failed to notice the stranger approaching him. “Hey there handsome, what’s with the glum face?” Dei looked up from his drink, his usual grin spreading across his face as he observed the person in front of him.
“Well aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” He gestured to the empty seat next to him, which you took. “I’m just trying to devise a plan, see there’s this cat thing roaming around, and I swear I’m not crazy, but my friends think I’m a liar. I wanna get proof, show 'em that I’m telling the truth.”
You nodded as he explained. “Yeah, I’ve heard about that thing. Its pretty elusive. Some out here will pay good money for it to be put down, but I don’t think it’s causing harm. Well, not yet it isn’t.” Deimos scowled at that. “It’s got as much right to live as you or me, its just an animal doing what animals do.”
“Some don’t see it that way. They see it as a threat, or as a trophy.” “That’s fucked up, why would anyone wanna hurt something so exotic and rare?” You gave him a half hearted shrug. “It’s in our nature to destroy.” “Doesn’t make it justified.” A short laugh was your initial response. “Is anything that goes on these days justified?”
This time all he could answer with was a shrug, morality wasn’t something many questioned anymore. “It’s just an animal.” “Aren’t we?” This was getting too deep for his liking, he took a long swig of his drink and sighed. “You said you’d seen this cat before, any idea where it might be nesting or whatever? I just want a picture of it, just to prove I’m no liar.”
“No, I don’t know.” You lied, knowing fairly well that the lynx he sought was sitting in front of him. “Fuck. I don’t have much more free time on my hands to find it, and when I next do, no doubt it’ll have moved on, or be stuffed and mounted on someone’s wall.”
His words seemed genuine, but you’d been burned before, a nick missing from one of your ears and several bullet scars lining your back, but perhaps this one was different. He did only want a picture, or so he said, plus his scrawny frame would be easy to dispatch of should he change tactics.
You finished your drink, deciding to take a chance. “Sometimes it walks around the junkyard at night. Don’t know when, but sometimes. You should try there later.”
“Uh, thanks. I’ll be sure to do that.” And you left him alone, heading to the junkyard and shifting into your feline form. The grey fur was a great help, you blended into the world very well when you needed to, and huge fluffy paws made your footsteps feather light, primed for stealth in this hostile environment.
And so the waiting began, forelegs crossed and ears poised to pick up on any signs the man was coming. After an hour or so, he did, and the smell of warm meat hit your nose. Did he grab something for you to eat? You were rather hungry.
Jumping from your hiding spot, you could see him well before he saw you, he was spinning on the spot, trying to catch sight of you before he caught his death. “Here kitty kitty kitty,”
You figured it’d be better to make yourself known to him, rather than sneak up, looking at your feet there was a crushed up can, and you gave it a slight kick. He gasped and spun to face you, his eyes wide in apprehension, body shaking slightly with fear. “Whoa… Look at you-”
A long moment passed, both just staring at each other, expecting the other to launch into an attack, but it never came. Deimos tossed a chunk of warm meat in your direction, you bowed your head and got a good sniff of it. It didn’t smell wrong, didn’t look wrong, you assumed it was safe to eat and promptly did so.
He pulled out his phone and began recording you, tossing more chunks of meat to keep your attention. “See, I’m not a liar. I fuckin’ told you so, look at this, see?! You guys are gonna feel so fucking stupid.” So he seemed genuine, just recording and snapping pictures.
Well, why not give him something else to brag about? You stalked closer, bumping your furry head against his hand, relaxing as his fingers brushed into your thick fuzz. “Friendly one aren’t you? God damn… Oh Hank is gonna be pissed he wasn’t here.”
Jeb had caught you while gazing down the sight of his sniper, sand coloured fur with a thick dark mane, gnawing on some poor fucker’s bones. “Lions… In Nevada? How curious.” He simply assumed you’d been the descendent of one of the animals from Nexus’ zoo, after all lions aren’t native to this hellhole. But then again, it sometimes rains whales and marshmallows, so…
From that day, he’d always hope he’d catch sight of you, wild life was rare in Nevada due to excess hunting, and general assholes killing for sport. Your existence alone managed to brighten the grizzled old man’s day.
You sat on a nice flat rock, soaking in the heat of the red sky and relaxing after a successful scouring mission, no one had encroached on your private little territory, and all was well.
Unbeknown to you, Jebediah had been routinely picking off anyone who’d gotten too close for comfort. He wasn’t obsessed, he simply just wished to preserve what little natural beauty Nevada had left.
He observed you though the scope, a rare smile crossing his face as he watched your tail swish back and forward. But that smile faded into a confused grimace as he watched you transform, turning back into your grunt form and heading off the rock back home.
“What.. The.. Fuck?” Surely his eyes were playing tricks on him, animals don’t just turn into people, that’s not how the world works. Then again, his former best friend was a feral zombie clown, and he himself was going around acting like a biblical figure. Stranger things have happened.
He was enamoured by you now, he needed to find the answer, were you just an anomaly like so many others? Were you a godly being like the Employers? Something else from the another dimension? So many questions burned in his mind, and there was only one source for answers.
Taking the plunge, he’d position himself near to your favourite sunning spot and await you, a man of science at heart, he wanted-no, needed answers. It didn’t take long, your claws scraped along the rocks and you huffed in contentment, lounging around.
Jeb levitated upwards, clearing his throat and causing you to jump up. “Shhh, easy there,” His gravely voice was calming, your tail swished back and forth in anticipation. “I know that you’re… Different. I’ve seen you, from my vantage point, you’re not normal.” He scowled and shook his head. “That came out ruder than intended. The point being, I’ve seen you become human.”
Ah. Well shit. “Well, you’ve kept yourself well hidden,” You scraped your long claws on the rock, mane waving as a light breeze rolled over the cliffs. “Naturally. It’s in my job to be subtle.” His crimson eyes burned with pride, a grin pulling at his face.
“Well, you have made it adamantly clear you don’t have intentions of killing me, or else you would’ve already.” Your tail neatly folded around your paws as you sat and stared up at him. “So, what is it you want? I’ll warn you, aside from the shifting, I’m very boring.”
He hummed softly and sat down across from you. “I want to pry your brain, you’re certainly something else. Will you indulge me?” “I suppose. But like I said, I’m very boring.” You rolled onto your back, going back to soaking in the sun. “Very well. What are you? Not everyone can just change like that. Are you an experiment?”
You let out a purry laugh. “Born this way, my mother was the same, mane and all. I just call myself a shapeshifter.” Jeb rested his hand on his chin and hummed again. “I see. So this is clearly something you control. Does it hurt? Can you half shift, a half human half beast?”
“No and no.” You swatted at a pebble, the quizzing rather boring to you, but incredibly enlightening to Jeb. “Are there others like you?” Now that got your attention. “Not as far as I know, but then again, I’m not one for making my abilities known. You just found out by chance.”
He nodded and closed his eyes. “Makes sense. I’m sure that plenty of folks wouldn’t be so kind with you. Thank you for your time.” He got the sense he was outstaying his welcome. “May I come again some time?”
You shrugged. “Do as you please, I can’t tell you what to do.” Jeb got to his feet and stretched, his old bones clicking and cracking in protest. “This is your space, it feels rude to not ask.”
Exhaling sharply, you stared at him as he prepared to leave. “Again, do as you please. As long as you don’t bring trouble or hostility, I don’t care.” He bowed his head. “Well thank you again. I’ll see you again sometime. Take care, Nevadian Beast.”
And he left you alone. Curious, you found yourself beginning to develop your own questions about him. You’d have to pry his mind next time.
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Jebus x reader - Hands
If anyone had asked Jebediah about his favourite feature of yours, he’d eventually come to the conclusion it was your hands, after much debating in his head. He loved everything about you, through and through, but your hands were just something special to him.
Smaller and softer than his own hard worked ones, how just a little touch sent shivers down his spine, relaxed his aching muscles in one soft brush, tenderly cupping his face and quelling the demons haunting his head. How your nimble fingers seemed to rest perfectly between his own, as though the universe itself deemed you two to fit together. Perfect little missing puzzle piece.
May hard days working under Sheriff’s cowardly ass had left him shuffling in the door and collapsing into your lap, lavishing in your loving care, closing his tired eyes as your hands worked their magic. “Another hard day baby?” “Mmmh.”
Nothing a little TLC wouldn’t sort out, he closed his eyes as he rested his head on your legs, letting the stress of the day flush out of his system as your hands gently massaged his head, tracing over his old scars, brushing through his jet black hair.
A rare purr rippled from his throat, you were one of only three people who’d ever heard Jeb purr, one was now terrorising the streets clad only in his boxers and ratted lab coat, the other was a long distant memory, last traces of her just bloody smears on cold tiles.
He’d break away after a while, both of you busying yourselves around your domestic dwelling, but you’d both return to the couch after menial chores.
You browsed the internet on your tablet, social media still a big thing in Nevada, no one really sure who was keeping the internet going, but grateful for it all the same. Jeb on the other hand was buried in a book, he absolutely loved learning, ever the nerd at heart.
Both content in your own private little worlds, connected to each other by your hands, Jebediah absentmindedly rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb, sitting in a comfortable silence.
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Auditor, Tricky, Jebus, Crackpot - Date Night
-You’re the prize of the AAHW, climbed the ranks and bagged yourself an Employer, over everyone in Nevada, so you’re a pretty big deal. And that has its benefits, you’ve got people groveling at your feet, hoping that somehow their begging will win your heart over, and you’ll convince your lover to give them extra support.
-One of these patrons was a grunt who was running a restaurant, promising you and your lover a wonderful night on the house if he was able to get funding for renovations. The idea was charming, he went on about how before the Madness, the place used to be high class and fancy, and with a little money, it could be again.
-With that settled, you bring it up to Auditor. “Audi my darling, loving, wonderful partner,” He pulls you into his lap and brushes his cheek against yours. “Yes my dear?” You always get heavy with the praise and petnames when you’re going to ask for something, and he laps it up.
-“Another grunt came to me today with a proposition.” “Mhh.” He kisses your neck over and over, humming in content. “I’ll deal with them, they needn’t bother you with such trivial matters,” “Actually, I rather liked his idea, and was hoping you’d lend your support.”
-“Well it depends,” He’s already on board with whatever it is, you want it, you’re gonna get it, but his mind goes to the paperwork that’s going to come with it. “It’s a restaurant, I’ve had a look at the place, and with some money and elbow grease, it could make a lovely spot for routine date nights.”
-Oh yes, say less. “Consider it done, my darling.” There’s nothing he loves more than spending downtime with you, and in a romantic place makes it all the better. “I’m eager to see what we’re working with, dress up nice, we’re going out tonight.”
-You pull on your best suit / dress, draped in the finest black silks. Audi shows up dressed in a suit as well, one of his favourites reserved just for private outings with you. He takes one of your hands in his and kisses it tenderly. “You look ethereal.”
-With an armed escort, you two arrive to the restaurant and you recognise the owner, sweating bullets because oh shit you are actually here. He welcomes you, having already made an effort to make the place look nice in hopes of impressing you. There was another grunt playing violin, very classy ambience.
-Dinner is wonderful, you’re both treated like royalty, waited on eagerly by the staff, violinist playing a sweet serenade, and a decadent slice of cake to finish it off. You sit with your fingers interlaced with Audi’s, staring lovingly into each others eyes.
-“My dear, this idea of yours was wonderful. I do believe we will be attending often.” He breaks your gaze for a moment, eyeing the owner. “Consider yourself funded, now leave us in peace.”
-“Tricky, honey love, I’m bored,” The clown was cleaning off some poor fucker’s guts off of his stop sign. “CLOWN’S MATE BORED? CLOWN COULD BE DOING SOMETHING BETTER TOO.” He puts the sign down and buries his face in your neck. His body shakes slightly as he lets out rumbling purrs.
-The drive in his brain is running at mach speed as usual, thoughts swirling around, trying to find a way to entertain you both easily. He loved just fighting, but you weren’t nearly as strong as him, and wouldn’t be able to keep up with his speed and intensity as he mowed down his playthings. No, no that wouldn’t work at all.
-A flash came into his mind, back when he was Not Tricky, the other self, loud music, flashing lights, giving in to the sounds and energy around him. “CLOWN TAKE MATE DANCING!” He was pretty sure his old haunt was still open, plus he could shake off this excess energy in a passive manner.
-“Dancing? That could be fun.” “OH YES, CLOWN LOVES TO DANCE. CLOWN’S A PARTY ANIMAL.” Plus it would spread word around that you were his, and that if anyone messed with you, they’d have to deal with a rampaging jester.
-For a change, Tricky puts more clothes on, a loose and baggy black vest, black boxers with bright neon patterns, and he finishes the ensemble with glow stick jewellery, a necklace, multiple bracelets and one around his head.
-He wastes no time in covering you in the glowing sticks too, you both look ready to rave and he jumps in excitement. “CLOWN’S MATE VERY BRIGHT. LOOKS VERY NICE, LIKE ALWAYS.” He ducks down, letting you jump onto his back, before grabbing his sign. “HOLD TIGHT, KEEP HEAD DOWN.”
-The sign tears through the earth in intense speed, your hands cling tightly to your zombie lover as he hauls you across Nevada at an incredible pace. He stops and breaks into the world above, you’re in the heart of Nevada Central, and before you stands Club Advent.
-Stepping out of the cold and into the heat of the club, you find yourself lost to the base, the bright lights, the other attendees, this is a whole different world compared to the one outside. Tricky tugs on your arm, leading you to the centre of the dance floor, surrendering himself to the music. You follow suit.
-Your bodies are close, never touching, both freely flowing with the base. All else ceases to exist, it’s just the rhythmic thumping, the lights, Tricky and you.
-You find him in his office, thumbing through some of the paperwork Sheriff pushed off onto him, he’s so focused he doesn’t hear you enter. His head jerks up in surprise when you call his name. “Oh, hello angel. Sorry, I didn’t hear you come in. I’m rather busy as you can see.” “It’s rather late to be doing that, don’t you think?” You smile faintly and nod at the clock.
-“Oh, I didn’t realise it was so late. I’m sorry,” He pushes his chair back and stands with a stretch, his spine popping all the while. “Tell you what angel, how about I take tomorrow off, and we head somewhere special?” You can see in his eyes that he’s exhausted, you aught to have a word with Sher about overworking your poor man.
-“Sounds lovely, now lets get you home.” The moment you’re through the threshold, he kicks his boots off, tosses his jacket and armour to the floor and scoops you into his arms bridal style, carrying you to your joint bed. He lays you down and spoons you, one hand around your midriff, the other lovingly rubbing between your outer thigh and hip. “I’m so lucky to have you, angel.” He mumbles softly as you both drift into unconsciousness.
-You awaken as his beard tickles you, kissing down your neck and shoulder blade. “Good morning angel,” His usual husky tone is even deeper as he rouses from sleep. “‘I’ve got something special in mind for our date, freshen up while I fix breakfast.”
-While you devour his cooking, he fixes himself up, going so far as to braid his hair and brush his beard. “Been meaning to ask,” You say between mouthfuls. “where are we going?” “Mhh, I could tell you, but that would spoil the surprise.”
-Once you’re ready to leave, he picks you up and holds you tight as he levitates. Your arms reflexively wrap around his neck and you both fly though the air. You come to a stop some time later outside of a building shielded with massive iron walls. He sets you down as the double doors slowly open, and out steps a woman with long red to pink ombre hair.
-“Well well well! If it isn’t Jebby,” She greets him with a hug and turns to you, doing the same. “And you must be the special someone he’s told me allll about. You’re much prettier in person darling!” You awkwardly look to Jeb who explains. “This is Jack, she used to work with me a long, long time ago.” “And this is Eden, my life’s work post Nexus. Come, I’m about to blow your mind.”
-Jeb interlocks his fingers with yours and offers you a smile, and you both follow Jack inside. “Hope you don’t have bad hay fever.” Inside Eden is a haven, your eyes drink in everything around you, it’s a lot to take in. Lush greenery, trees reaching towards heaven, rows upon rows of blooming flowers. There’s colour in everything you see.
-“You can help yourself to some of the fruits and flowers, so long as they’re not in someone’s yard, or otherwise gated off. Please, enjoy yourselves.” Jack busies herself elsewhere and you’re left with Jeb. “…How long were you planning on keeping this place secret?”
-Blush creeps across his face. “I’ve just never really trusted someone so much to let them see this place. This is the last slice of paradise out here, and I don’t really want it’s location getting around. Think of what would happen if the wrong crowd found it.” He trailed off, thoughts spinning into darkness, until you nudged him gently. “I was joking love.” His face gets even redder.
-You spend the entire day there, slowly making your way around, admiring all the intricate little beauties in this otherworldly realm, occasionally one of you plucking a flower and weaving it into the other’s hair. You can see why he’d want to protect it, in all of the endless grey, there was a secret garden, one where you and your lover could hide from the evils outside and get lost in each other’s company.
-You awaken as the door opens, rubbing your eyes and checking the clock on your living room wall. 6:30pm. You’d fallen asleep on the couch again. You tiredly look up at the hallway where your partner is taking off his shoes and jacket. His head snaps round and those LED green lights bore into you. “Hey Birdie.” It was an affectionate nickname you’d given him.
-He responded with your nickname in kind. “Hello Dove.” His hands reached behind his head, and there came the telltale hiss from his mask lock releasing. You always found the Anti Dissonance mask to be unsettling, but as long as it kept him safe while he was working, you could endure it. Plus it wasn’t like he wore it at home.
-“How was your day love?” You get up and greet him with a hug. “Irritating, that bastard Christoff pisses me off with his presence alone.” Your fingers glided into his hair, he always had a serious case of helmet hair while wearing that mask. “But we’re making progress with things. Nothing you need to fret about.” He hummed softly and leaned into your touch.
-“Well, how about I treat you then?” Your hands brushed down his cheeks and cupped his face, he began cooing instinctively. “Treat me?” Truth be told, you’d been wanting to give Crackpot a night of rest, you knew damn well he worked hard, and his recent promotion had him working even harder.
-“Yeah, let’s go out.” You’d been working hard to get some extra cash to splash on him, since he made more money, he’d always offer to foot the bill for everything. His own hands covered yours, savouring the warmth and intimacy. “Very well, what do you have in mind?” “You’ll find out, go change Birdie.”
-You smuggled some of his favourite treats into your bag, and once he was changed you both headed out down town. You walked hand in hand, idly chatting about what you’d done in the day, mostly just housework.
-You come to a stop outside of the cinema, Crackpot had been going on earlier about some horror film he was eager to see. Elation flooded his eyes and his hand gripped yours tighter. Tickets were mercifully cheap, and you could waste most of your money on the criminally overpriced popcorn and slushies.
-His hand rests atop yours once seated, squeezing slightly once the music lulls, and tightly as a cheap jumpscare surprises him, involuntarily dropping some popcorn from the box. You laugh at him as his face burns red in embarrassment. You make up for it by fishing out his favourite peanut bar from your bag.
-Once its all over and you’re walking home, he keeps an arm wrapped around your shoulder, keeping an eye out for that totally legit and not at all fictional slasher who’s 100% waiting to pounce on you. For someone that loves horror, he’s an absolute coward after watching it. Hope you don’t mind sleeping with the lights on.
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do NOT fall in love with the doctors of Nevada. they will ruin you
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