#dr edward r
inferno-sys · 1 year
Wrote a little LandaRaine fic because I got into the fandom and have watched the movie almost 3 times now.
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aftout · 2 years
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crazy how you’ll catch me DEAD before I draw ANY of these characters wearing the HATS they’re supposed to have.
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Some epic drawings of Hyde all gussied up because I found some refs I thought looked just like how I wanted to draw his body type for real <3
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pedroam-bang · 1 year
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The Bourne Legacy (2012)
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h4ise · 2 years
oh yeah i forgor to share this but i thought why not i share my jnh headcanon playlist for funsies hehe
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Hey all, this is BáiYù and Sauce here with something that isn't necessarily SnaccPop related, but it's important nonetheless. For those of you who follow US politics, The Kids Online Safety Act passed the Senate yesterday and is moving forward.
This is bad news for everyone on the internet, even outside of the USA.
What is KOSA?
While it's officially known as "The Kids Online Safety Act," KOSA is an internet censorship masquerading as another "protect the children" bill, much in the same way SESTA/FOSTA claimed that it would stop illegal sex trafficking but instead hurt sex workers and their safety. KOSA was originally introduced by Sen. Edward Markey, D-Mass. and Bill Cassidy, R-La. as a way to update the 1998 Children’s Online Privacy Act, raising the age of consent for data collection to 16 among other things. You can read the original press release of KOSA here, while you can read the full updated text of the bill on the official USA Congress website.
You can read the following articles about KOSA here:
EFF: The Kids Online Safety Act is Still A Huge Danger to Our Rights Online
CyberScoop: Children’s online safety bills clear Senate hurdle despite strong civil liberties pushback
TeenVogue: The Kids Online Safety Act Would Harm LGBTQ+ Youth, Restrict Access to Information and Community
The quick TL;DR:
KOSA authorizes an individual state attorneys general to decide what might harm minors
Websites will likely preemptively remove and ban content to avoid upsetting state attorneys generals (this will likely be topics such as abortion, queerness, feminism, sexual content, and others)
In order for a platform to know which users are minors, they'll require a more invasive age and personal data verification method
Parents will be granted more surveillance tools to see what their children are doing on the web
KOSA is supported by Christofascists and those seeking to harm the LGBTQ+ community
If a website holding personally identifying information and government documents is hacked, that's a major cybersecurity breach waiting to happen
What Does This Mean?
You don't have to look far to see or hear about the violence being done to the neurodivergent and LGBTQ+ communities worldwide, who are oftentimes one and the same. Social media sites censoring discussion of these topics would stand to do even further harm to folks who lack access to local resources to understand themselves and the hardships they face; in addition, the fact that websites would likely store personally identifying information and government documents means the death of any notion of privacy.
Sex workers and those living in certain countries already are at risk of losing their ways of life, living in a reality where their online activities are closely surveilled; if KOSA officially becomes law, this will become a reality for many more people and endanger those at the fringes of society even worse than it already is.
Why This Matters Outside of The USA
I previously mentioned SESTA/FOSTA, which passed and became US law in 2018. This bill enabled many of the anti-adult content attitudes that many popular websites are taking these days as well as the tightening of restrictions laid down by payment processors. Companies and sites hosted in the USA have to follow US laws even if they're accessible worldwide, meaning that folks overseas suffer as well.
What Can You Do?
If you're a US citizen, contact your Senators and tell them that you oppose KOSA. This can be as an email, letter, or phone call that you make to your state Senator.
For resources on how to do so, view the following links:
If you live outside of the US or cannot vote, the best thing you can do is sign the petition at the Stop KOSA website, alert your US friends about what's happening, and raise some noise.
Above all else, don’t panic. By staying informed by what’s going on, you can prepare for the legal battles ahead.
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tarasmithshifts · 5 months
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𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐑. Almost 20 years! But time for me as a vampire is diffrent (i will explain that later lmao) 𝐀𝐆𝐄: as a vampire literally from 0-20 lmao 𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐒: still single butttt we are close to something lmao
「 ✦ 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓷𝓸𝓽𝓮𝓼 ✦ 」
hello? how are we feeling? I AM SO BACK? i'm super happy tell what happened, but everything will go super fast until cullens and I will move to forks
sooo let's get starteeeeeeeed
「 ✦ before forks ✦ 」
𝓽𝓲𝓶𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓮 - 𝓫𝓮𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓮 𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓴𝓼
1989 - i become a vampire
89-97 i learn how to live as one of the cullens
97-03 me and cullens live in mountains
2003 - we move to forks
1 9 8 9 - 2 0 0 3
so there is not much to write about, it was basically me learning and living in the mountains with the cullens. That’s when i decided to stay with the cullens as part of a family 🫶 we got to know each other etc. 😋
in 2003 we (finally) moved to forks! AND BEFORE WE MOVE ON:
the cullens are sooooooooooo sweet and nice i'm literally DYING to see them again when i shift back there!
alice is the sweetest & nicest person on earth. i love her <3
when we moved in, of course me and edward, alice, jasper ,emmet and rosalie needs to go to school, and that's when it all starts!
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— ୨୧₊˚ school
it's actually pretty good there - i kept myself with the cullens, we spent whooooole days with each other and it's honestly pretty funny watching everybody from this perspective. (bella moved to forks in 2005, and i will probably skip a lot of things that are not important lmaooo). in school i "met" some of bella's future friends, and i meaaaaaaaaaan they were not giving any good vibe y'know? I JUST DON'T LIKE THEM OKAYYY
alice and edward are literally the best people on earth. THEY HELPED ME SOOO MUCH. gosh. and carlisle and esme???? the cutest oh my goooood.
actually school is pretty fun. i love going to schools in my drs (like hogwarts etc.) it's pretty fun experience!
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— ୨୧₊˚ before 2005
pretty much nothing happened before 2005
ladies and gentleman, please welcome raphael pelli. bro is MAJESTIC.
basically his father is from Italy and his mother is from US, they decided to stay in USA, they lived in New York, but decided to move to forks where his mom was growing up. AND THAT'S HOW WE MET Y'ALLLLLLLLL.
and when i tell you he just freaking appeared there. literally from nowhere (i did not script how we will met, just a little bit from his backstory, just wanted to play with it and see what will happen!!!)
so one day in 2004, around may i just walked to school, as usual with edward (we were literally spending much more time with each other by then, yk, because alice was with jasper, emmet was with rosalie, we didn't want to interrupt lmao) and we saw some boys gathering around someone, when we walked pass them, i saw freaking raphael pelli. like for a milisecond. BUT WHEN I TELLL YOUUUUUU
timothee was the greatest choice for face claim i ever made LMAO
that was the first time i saw him, later i did not see him much, sometimes our eyes crossed during lunch, but that's all. BUT
yup, there is a BUT
during one of history classes he rushed in late, apologised and after few seconds of thinking he sat next to me. DUDE
and also i forgot to tell you about on thing. ABOUT SMELL. you know, it's known that vampires smell blood and shit, but i decided to do something a little bit diffrent - scripted that i do not smell just "blood" in general. for example = bella smelled like vanilla mixed with a little bit of honey. you know what i mean? i think it's better than just "a smell of blood". so,
i scripted that raphael smelled like fresh flowers on a glade. and i just sat there, in history class, thinking about that goddamn flowers. AND AFTER THE LESSON ENDED HE TURNED TO ME.
i was like "oh shit" and he went "i'm raphael" and i was still like "oh shit" so i just said "tara." BUT WHEN I TELL YOU that when i shifted i started using vivienne instead of tara. idk why, but it is soooo pretty. so i just added "but i prefer vivienne" AND GOSH
he just asked some questions like "you are living with the cullens?" (yes) "so you are also cullen?" (yes indeed) "people are talking" (people are always talking) "would you like to do the history presentation with me?" (the history teacher always gave us presentations to do in pairs, but i have always done them alone) (i always do them alone) "oh sorry" and i was like shiiiiiiiiiiiiit i fucked up, so i tried in other way (people will think you are a freak) "'why?" (no one talks to the freaky cullens. we are weird) "oh." and we just stared at each other in silence it was sooooo awkward for a second, but THEN HE SAID "i don't think you are a freak"
so we talked on our way out to the parking lot (as it was the last class of that day) you know, just some silly stuff, i asked him where is he from, why his famly moved here, how he finds himself here, he asked about my life before the cullens and I moved to forks, so obv i lied that we lived in canada, but we decided to move here as carlisle received a job offer. when we were outside and i saw edward waiting for me i just said bye and left it was soooooo awkward he just said "see ya" and went to his car IM SOOO MAD AT MYSELF THAT I DID NOT TALK TO HIM MORE THEN GOSH I WASTED THE POTENCIAL
so when i got back to car and edward was just standing there and was like "what was that" and i went "what?" and he went "y'know what" and i was like "oh that. he started talking to me in class, so i didn't want to be mean and continued" and he went "sure" BRO. EDWARD. STOP IT.
i can confirm that edward was first shipper here LMAOOOO
spoiler: i did the presentation with raphael. and we actually became friends? i mean we talked a lot during our classes, sometimes after, it was greattttttt AND HE SAID HE LIKES ME? and i was like bro HOOOOOLD UP. hold onnnnnnn. he sometimes even WAITED FOR ME after some classes to go with me to the parking lot etc. GOSH
in the next school year i decided to talk to him moreeee i mean i waited for that moment for so long LIKE LET US BE TOGETHER ALREADY GOD LMAO
once i sat with him and him only during lunch break, of course after that i think rosalie told carlisle about this and carlisle maybe he wasn't mad, no, he was just overprotective and was telling me "you know it will not work like that" "be careful you are still very young" and iiiiiiiiiiiii knooooooooooooow.
but i didn't stop talking to raphael hell no LMAO
— ୨୧₊˚ 2005
in january bella moves to forks, and one day when i'm waiting for edward on a parking lot after lessons and he comes back, i caan see something in him yk??? like something changed??? so i asked him "what happened?" he didn't respond and just opened the car door. "you know i can go inside your mind without you knowing right?" i laughed, AND HE LOOKED AT ME LIKE I WAS CRAZY OR SOMETHING LMAO
so he just told me about bella, and that she is diffrent than others.
after that in the evening i decided to shift back <3
it was super fun i will probably do some other posts about the cullens, AN ABOUT SOME MORE SITUATIONS ABOUT RAPHAEL!!!!!!! AND ABOUT THE MURDER BEFORE BELLA MOVED TO FORKS!!!!!!!!!! i wanted to give you this as fast as possible so so that's why there is not much in here! but bare with me lmao!!!!
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grandhotelabyss · 1 year
Advice/hard truths for writers?
The best piece of practical advice I know is a classic from Hemingway (qtd. here):
The most important thing I’ve learned about writing is never write too much at a time… Never pump yourself dry. Leave a little for the next day. The main thing is to know when to stop. Don’t wait till you’ve written yourself out. When you’re still going good and you come to an interesting place and you know what’s going to happen next, that’s the time to stop. Then leave it alone and don’t think about it; let your subconscious mind do the work.
Also, especially if you're young, you should read more than you write. If you're serious about writing, you'll want to write more than you read when you get old; you need, then, to lay the important books as your foundation early. I like this passage from Samuel R. Delany's "Some Advice for the Intermediate and Advanced Creative Writing Student" (collected in both Shorter Views and About Writing):
You need to read Balzac, Stendhal, Flaubert, and Zola; you need to read Austen, Thackeray, the Brontes, Dickens, George Eliot, and Hardy; you need to read Hawthorne, Melville, James, Woolf, Joyce, and Faulkner; you need to read Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Turgenev, Goncherov, Gogol, Bely, Khlebnikov, and Flaubert; you need to read Stephen Crane, Mark Twain, Edward Dahlberg, John Steinbeck, Jean Rhys, Glenway Wescott, John O'Hara, James Gould Cozzens, Angus Wilson, Patrick White, Alexander Trocchi, Iris Murdoch, Graham Greene, Evelyn Waugh, Anthony Powell, Vladimir Nabokov; you need to read Nella Larsen, Knut Hamsun, Edwin Demby, Saul Bellow, Lawrence Durrell, John Updike, John Barth, Philip Roth, Coleman Dowell, William Gaddis, William Gass, Marguerite Young, Thomas Pynchon, Paul West, Bertha Harris, Melvin Dixon, Daryll Pinckney, Darryl Ponicsan, and John Keene, Jr.; you need to read Thomas M. Disch, Joanna Russ, Richard Powers, Carroll Maso, Edmund White, Jayne Ann Phillips, Robert Gluck, and Julian Barnes—you need to read them and a whole lot more; you need to read them not so that you will know what they have written about, but so that you can begin to absorb some of the more ambitious models for what the novel can be.
Note: I haven't read every single writer on that list; there are even three I've literally never heard of; I can think of others I'd recommend in place of some he's cited; but still, his general point—that you need to read the major and minor classics—is correct.
The best piece of general advice I know, and not only about writing, comes from Dr. Johnson, The Rambler #63:
The traveller that resolutely follows a rough and winding path, will sooner reach the end of his journey, than he that is always changing his direction, and wastes the hours of day-light in looking for smoother ground and shorter passages.
I've known too many young writers over the years who sabotaged themselves by overthinking and therefore never finishing or sharing their projects; this stems, I assume, from a lack of self-trust or, more grandly, trust in the universe (the Muses, God, etc.). But what professors always tell Ph.D. students about dissertations is also true of novels, stories, poems, plays, comic books, screenplays, etc: There are only two kinds of dissertations—finished and unfinished. Relatedly, this is the age of online—an age when 20th-century institutions are collapsing, and 21st-century ones have not yet been invented. Unless you have serious connections in New York or Iowa, publish your work yourself and don't bother with the gatekeepers.
Other than the above, I find most writing advice useless because over-generalized or else stemming from arbitrary culture-specific or field-specific biases, e.g., Orwell's extremely English and extremely journalistic strictures, not necessarily germane to the non-English or non-journalistic writer. "Don't use adverbs," they always say. Why the hell shouldn't I? It's absurd. "Show, don't tell," they insist. Fine for the aforementioned Orwell and Hemingway, but irrelevant to Edith Wharton and Thomas Mann. Freytag's Pyramid? Spare me. Every new book is a leap in the dark. Your project may be singular; you may need to make your own map as your traverse the unexplored territory.
Hard truths? There's one. I know it's a hard truth because I hesitate even to type it. It will insult our faith in egalitarianism and the rewards of earnest labor. And yet, I suspect the hard truth is this: ineffables like inspiration and genius count for a lot. If they didn't, if application were all it took, then everybody would write works of genius all day long. But even the greatest geniuses usually only got the gift of one or two all-time great work. This doesn't have to be a counsel of despair, though: you can always try to place yourself wherever you think lightning is likeliest to strike. That's what I do, anyway. Good luck!
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hier--soir · 2 months
may + june + july reads
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the strange case of dr jekyll and mr hyde by r. l. stevenson [★★★★]
"Though so profound a double-dealer, I was in no sense a hypocrite; both sides of me were in dead earnest; I was no more myself when I laid aside restraint and plunged in shame, than when I laboured, in the eye of day, at the furtherance of knowledge or the relief of sorrow and suffering."
: ̗̀➛ a london lawyer, mr utterson, investigates strange occurrences between his old friend dr henry jekyll, and the evil edward hyde.
: ̗̀➛ a horror classic! coming in at a sweet 96-pages, it was easy to smash out in an evening. and despite the brevity of the text and the fact that it's over a century old, i found it insanely compelling and indeed pretty chilling at multiple points.
: ̗̀➛ there are some ridiculously funny lines in this. i believe he named the evil character hyde just so he could drop this banger: "'If he be Mr. Hyde,' he had thought, 'I shall be Mr. Seek.'"
: ̗̀➛ henry jekyll my sweet summer child, you flew way too close to the sun with this shit.
: ̗̀➛ "You must suffer me to go my own dark way." BARS.
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babel: an arcane history by r. f. kuang [★★★★★]
"The poet runs untrammelled across the meadow. The translator dances in shackles."
: ̗̀➛ opening in the year 1828, a young boy from canton is orphaned by cholera and brought to london by a mysterious professor. he is trained in latin, ancient greek, and chinese, in preparation for the day he will attend oxford university's royal institute of translation - babel. the tower is the world's center for translation and silver-working, the magical craft that has so far brought unrivalled power to the british and supports the empire's ongoing colonisation of the world. but what happens when it is discovered that britain is pursuing an unjust war against china, and robin realises that serving babel means betraying his motherland.
: ̗̀➛ this book left me absolutely speechless. upon starting it i was immediately ashamed at how long it had taken me to pick this up considering all the hype. serious thanks to @seventeenpins for recommending this to me recently, you are the best for putting me onto this.
: ̗̀➛ beautifully crafted, incredibly intelligent, great central characters. i don't even know how to put into words what i felt about this one. and as someone who consumes a fair amount of translated literature [see: my love of ancient greek and roman classics] it tickled my interest around the biases and intricacy of translation so perfectly. you need to read it. please.
: ̗̀➛ have to include: "It should have been distressing. In truth, Robin found it was actually quite easy to put up with any degree of social unrest, as long as one got used to looking away."
: ̗̀➛ have to include #2: "So then where does that leave us? How can we conclude, except by acknowledging that an act of translation is then necessarily always an act of betrayal?"
: ̗̀➛ and absolutely cannot not include this iconic PBS diss: "He greatly enjoyed Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, though he could not say the same of the poems by her less talented husband, whom he found overly dramatic."
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paradise rot by jenny hval [★★★★]
"But my dreams are full of apples, and in the dark my body slowly transforms into fruit: tonsils shrinking to seeds and lungs to cores. I dream of white flowers blossoming under my nails, as if under ice. Then my nails break, opening up like clams and in the finger flesh there are little sticky fruit pearls."
: ̗̀➛ jo is in a strange new country for university, living in a house with no walls, a roommate with no boundaries, and a home that seems increasingly more and more alive.
: ̗̀➛ so much piss in this one folks.
: ̗̀➛ jenny hval is a norwegian musician and this was her debut novel, and it was bizarre and haunting and disgusting and made me cringe and feel squeamish at many points, and yet i read it in one fell swoop. it grips you for 120-odd pages and when you're done it feels like you've been spit out disoriented.
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mrs s by k. patrick [★★★]
"When she is not around, I invent her. When she is around, I invent her. It is not her fault."
: ̗̀➛ an australian butch lesbian travels to england to work in an elite boarding school, where she meets mrs s, the headmaster's wife. over a hot, restless summer, the two engage in an affair.
: ̗̀➛ i enjoyed this one decently enough. the writing style grew a bit tiresome, and the storyline seemed quite laissez-faire, but overall yes i enjoyed it. what can also grow tiresome for me is the woman-on-woman affair when one of them is married to a man - but maybe i've just read too much queer lit with no foreseeable happy ending lately, idk.
: ̗̀➛ the way the dialogue was structured [or perhaps, unstructured to a painful extent] was not my cup of tea at all.
: ̗̀➛ i was really tickled by her living in an annexe so close to the school nurse, who is very religious. the dynamic gave way to great passages like this: "I imagine her, at night, sending prayers my way, so sweet as to be malicious. In each of our interactions there is always the feeling that I would do better under her God. I don't mind her God, so tangible. The sexy Jesus in her bedroom. His body I too would die to have. Not just the chest but the legs, a footballer's legs, complex with muscle. Even those sad, raised palms. Brazen in their injuries. Such glamour." like hello??? incredible.
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grey dog by elliott gish [★★★★]
"You called me a dirty little beast, and I have become as dirty and beastly a woman as there ever was."
"What is that quote from Othello, what Emilia says about men? They are all but stomachs, and we all but food; They eat us hungerly, and when they are full, they belch us."
: ̗̀➛ a 'literary horror novel' set in 1901 about the unmarried and almost 30 'spinster' ada byrd who accepts a teaching post in a small isolated town. she wants to be rid of her past, one 'riddled with grief and shame', but upon witnessing strange and grisly sights, ada begins to believe that something ancient and beastly is behind all the peculiarities in this little town. her confusion deepens, and ada's grip on what is reality, delusion, or traumatic memory, begins to blur and fail.
: ̗̀➛ body horror, gore, the horrors of being a woman, witchy business, descent into madness, women longing for women.
: ̗̀➛ because the entire text is written in first person diary entries, i found that it sometimes failed to establish a creepy atmosphere. although this issue was more prominent for me in the first half, while in the second half the diary entries acted as a great insight as to how unhinged she was becoming. slay.
: ̗̀➛ imo this is simply what happens to a woman when she is raised by a heinous father and ends up an adult surrounded by too many sexy older women!
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the sleepwalkers by scarlett thomas [★★★]
"How many eyes can one storm have?"
: ̗̀➛ still reeling from the chaos of their wedding, evelyn and richard arrive on a tiny greek island for their honeymoon. it's the end of the season and a storm is brewing on the horizon. they check into the villa rosa, which has a peculiar owner named isabella, and everyone wants to talk about the famous sleepwalkers, a couple who stayed at the hotel recently and drowned.
: ̗̀➛ saw a tagline that coined this as 'patricia highsmith meets white lotus' and i'd agree. good mystery thriller with some action.
: ̗̀➛ this one was a touch slow at first [it's told in letters, dictated audio recordings, from different perspectives, etc] but ultimately gripped me and i thoroughly enjoyed the drama and mystery. newlyweds that hate each other's guts? yeah, bestie, i need to know why.
: ̗̀➛ i really got into some of the takes showing how evelyn and richard viewed each other. this really stuck with me: "I read infrequently, partly because every book change me, right down the level of my DNA. I didn't want to be changed so often. But you were able to hoover up contemporary culture without so much as a little belch afterwards. You just carried on being you."
: ̗̀➛ also let me fucking tell you, there was a line in this book that made me drop my kindle and GUFFAW in shock. page 88, HELLO. evelyn girl you kill me.
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the drift by c. j. tudor [★★★]
"These days death had been laid bare for what it really was. An ending. Often brutal, seldom fair, rarely kind."
: ̗̀➛ a thriller-esque, horror-esque book about a deadly infectious virus, and the attempted survival of three seperate groups trapped in isolated circumstances in the icy wilderness. [this one is so hard to describe sorry]
: ̗̀➛ the book is told through three different pov's. i normally despise this but i actually didn't hate it in this case, although i did have favourites.
: ̗̀➛ boyfriend asked me to read this when he finished it and then watched me from across the room the almost whole time, pretending not to be staring whenever i looked up. and he was right, it was fast-paced, had some good twists and turns, and was enjoyable, albeit very different from what i normally read.
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what have i done? an honest memoir about surviving post-natal mental illness by laura dockrill [★★★★]
"Put me out of my misery. I feel like a killer on the loose. I need to turn myself in."
"Or the one of New Mum having champagne and cake with the girls. Another doing 'date night' two weeks before her six-week check, like, 'Yes, we still have sex!' Mum is fitting back into her clothes; Mum is making papier-mâché piggy banks; drinking enough water; shaving her armpits; reading a bedtime story; going to a gig; playing peekaboo. Mum is keeping up with her favourite TV shows; reading the Booker longlist; being a good friend; making a healthy yet tasty cost-effective-probably-vegan meal; recycling; giving baby massage; sterilising. Mum is getting rid of her pregnancy knickers when they are the only knickers she truly likes; doing her taxes; walking the dog; donating to charity; freezing bananas; learning Japanese because why not? ... Oh look! Mum is abseiling down the Shard and still finding the time to express and write a blog about the whole experience."
: ̗̀➛ a memoir about a first-time mum's experience with post-partum psychosis, and her survival.
: ̗̀➛ this book was a heart-ache of a read. honest and raw and devastating and uplifting. often very very funny -- "People told Hugo, 'Don't go down the goal end, mate; it's like watching your favourite pub burn down.' Oh ha. Ha. Ha." -- i couldn't put it down.
: ̗̀➛ the end did start to feel a touch self-helpy which isn't necessarily my bag of tricks when it comes to non-fiction, but those inclusions felt warranted and fair after such an in-depth depiction of everything laura had gone through.
: ̗̀➛ serious mental health trigger warnings for this one. there is plenty of humour, but it gets very dark.
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the death of jane lawrence by caitlin starling [★★]
"She dreamed of tearing out a rotted pit inside of him where his martyrdom resided."
: ̗̀➛ in an alternate version of victorian-era britain, jane shoringfield is seeking a marriage of convenience that will allow her to continue working, with all the benefits of being a married woman, and she finds this in dr augustine lawrence. however, he has one condition - she can never visit lindridge hall, his family manor outside of town, where he himself will sleep each and every night. but on their wedding night, an accident strands jane at the door in a rainstorm, and in place of her husband she finds a terrified, paranoid man who cannot tell reality from nightmare. by morning he is himself again, but jane knows something is terribly wrong at lindridge hall.
: ̗̀➛ i picked this up looking for a fun, spooky little read, but am sad to say that i absolutely did not like it. the characters were fickle, the plot twists were unsurprising and revealed poorly, and the storyline was all over the place. sadge!
: ̗̀➛ sold itself as a gothic ghost horror, but didn't live up to that at all [for me!] heavily inspired by crimson peak, and it doesn't care if you know it.
: ̗̀➛ also - when your 'independent strong female' mc marries a guy who lies constantly and makes up bullshit and every time she confronts him he boo-hoos so she forgives him immediately cause he really is a nice man?? womp womp.
: ̗̀➛ also also - way more cocaine in this than i expected.
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my book rating system is as follows:
★ = i felt pure contempt the entire time
★★ = yeah it's a book
★★★ = i liked it!
★★★★ = good fucking book, damn
★★★★★ = blew my dick clean off and i'll throw a tantrum if everyone i know doesn't also read it and love it
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if you want to share a book you love with me, please do! i am always looking out for new recs.
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panlight · 3 months
I still can't get over Jasper being in high school. Can you imagine him, stiff and with a thousand yard stare, doing a book report in front of the class about what he did this summer. Or having to do a group project and meet up at some random kids house to record a video on the how cool chemistry is. SM really goofed up by making Jasper half feral and then shoving him into high school were kids have to do all sorts of silly and dumb assignments.
Yeah. And I don't think it adds anything? There's no narrative reason he has to be in school. Just say he's a few years older than the others, or he goes to a charter school because reasons, or he's homeschooled or whatever.
I mean I generally find the idea of them going to high school at all pretty ridiculous. It could work, maybe, if their cover story weren't so laughably weird (our 20-something parents adopted teenagers barely younger than they are! and they take us out of school on sunny days to go camping!), they weren't all publicly dating their foster siblings/legal cousins, and if they put a bit more effort into actually blending in. Also if they seemed to get anything out of it? They all seem to hate it. They don't seem to be enjoying being around their physical-age peers, or learning new slang, or keeping up with pop culture or whatever other excuse. It's just so Edward can meet Bella in school.
But Jasper is the one for whom it's the MOST ridiculous. He's the one who was leading the most adult life before he even became a vampire, and then AS a vampire was living as the second in command in a vicious vampire army for 90 years or so . . . and now he sits in high school classes? He does group projects? Writes papers on The Great Gatsby?
Edward, Rosalie and Emmett were immediately taken in by Esme and Carlisle, they went from living with their human parents to living with Dr. and Mrs. Cullen; they've been frozen in that teenage/young adult phase of their lives the whole time, so it makes a little more sense in my head for them to go to high school (although at 20 and 6'5" Emmett is too old and too big, like . . . trying to pass him off as a sophomore or whatever just, again, seems counterintuitive to BLENDING IN), but Jasper makes zero sense. He's not in that headspace. He hasn't been since the 1860s. And THAT's not even getting into his control issues. Again, maybe if the high school thing were presented as a way for them to help them get used to being around human blood with their siblings around to monitor and support them or whatever, but even then seems like a big risk.
I think SM would answer this with "he does it for Alice" but like . . . does Alice even want to be in school? She's was on her own for awhile before meeting up with Jasper and the Cullens, too. Like Jasper, she wasn't introduced to vampirism with 'parents' there to look after and provide her like Ed, R and Em were.
They're in high school so Edward can meet Bella. That's the real reason. But that doesn't mean the rest of the 'kids' have to be there, especially the physically older ones like Jasper and Emmett.
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spaceagebachelormann · 6 months
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-> any gender x any gender
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-> i will only write cheating if it’s a character comforting r after being cheated on, not a character cheating on r
-> smut (i’m 14)
-> yandere
-> most aus, ask about the specific au before requesting an au
-> incest
-> age gaps
-> canonical gay/lesbian character x a man (if lesbian) or a woman (if gay)
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-> things about ocs
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-> sunshine x grumpy tropes, i’m horrible at this trope
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character list
keeper of the lost cities
sophie foster, dex dizznee, fitz vacker, keefe sencen, biana vacker, marella redek, maruca chebota, tam song, linh song, wylie endal, jensi babblos, stina heks, elwin hesledge
chronicles of narnia
peter pevensie, edmund pevensie, susan pevensie, lucy pevensie, caspian
percy jackson, annabeth chase, grover underwood, jason grace, piper mclean, leo valdez, hazel levesque, frank zhang, nico di angelo, will solace, reyna arellano, rachel dare, travis stoll, connor stoll, thalia grace, magnus chase, alex fierro, carter kane, sadie kane
harry potter
harry potter, ron weasley, hermione granger, neville longbottom, luna lovegood, ginny weasley, fred weasley, george weasley, sirius black, james potter, remus lupin, mary macdonald, marlene mckinnon, lily evans, dorcas meadows, regulus black, barty crouch jr, narcissa black, andromeda black, bellatrix lestrange
ride the cyclone
ocean o’connell rosenberg, noel gruber, mischa bachinski, ricky potts, jane doe/penny lamb, constance blackwood
shadow and bone
alina starkov, malyen oretsev, genya safin, zoya nazyalensky, david kostyk, tamaar & tolya, nikolai lantsov
six of crows
kaz brekker, inej ghafa, jesper fahey, nina zenik, wylan van eck, matthias helvar
the outsiders
ponyboy curtis, johnny cade, sodapop curtis, darry curtis, steve randall, twobit matthews, dallas winston, cherry valance
the hunger games
katniss everdeen, peeta mellark, finnick odair, johanna mason, cinna, effie trinket
it (2017)
bill denbrough, eddie kaspbrak, richie tozier, stan uris, beverly marsh, ben hanscom, mike hanlon
the school for good and evil
agatha, sophie, tedros, hort, hester, anadil, dot, nicola, rhian mistral, rafal mistral, clarissa dovey, leonora lesso
the land of stories
connor bailey, alex bailey, red riding hood, jack, goldilocks
scooby doo
shaggy rogers, fred jones, daphne blake, velma dinkley, thorn, dusk, luna
little women
jo march, amy march, beth march, meg march, laurie
dracula, lucy westenra, arthur holmwood, john seward, mina harker, abraham van helsing, renfield, quincey morris, jonathan harker, the brides
victor frankenstein, elizabeth lavenza, henry clerval, adam frankenstein, justine mortiz, ernest frankenstein, the bride
dr jekyll and mr hyde
henry jekyll, edward hyde, richard enfield, gabriel utterson, hastie lanyon, lucy harris
phantom of the opera
christine daaé, erik destler, raoul de chagney, meg giry, carlotta giudicelli
a good girls guide to murder
pippa fitz-amobi, ravi singh, naomi ward, cara ward, connor reynolds, jamie reynolds, nat da silva
the mighty ducks
charlie conway, adam banks, lester averman, guy germaine, connie moreau, fulton reed, dean portman, julie gaffney, ken wu, luis mendoza, dwayne robertson
monster high
frankie stein, draculaura, clawdeen wolf, cleo de nile, abbey bominable, ghoulia yelps, operetta, rochelle goyle, spectra vondergeist, elissabat, clawd wolf, deuce gorgon, heath burns, jackson jekyll, holt hyde, kieran valentine
the powerpuff girls
blossom utonium, bubbles utonium, buttercup utonium, brick jojo, boomer jojo, butch jojo
david bowie
david bowie, ziggy stardust, jareth, thomas jerome newton, celliers
sweeney todd
sweeney todd, anthony hope, mrs lovett, johanna todd
the rosewood chronicles
lottie pumpkin, ellie wolf, jamie volk, ollie moreno, raphael wilcox, anastacia alcroft leblanc, saskia san martin, lola tomkins, mickey tomkins, binah fae
corny collins, link larkin, amber von tussle, tracey turnblad, penny pingleton, seaweed j. stubbs
attack on titan
eren yeager, mikasa ackerman, armin arlert, jean kirstein, sasha braus, connie springer, annie leonhardt, bertholdt hoover, reiner braun, hange zoe, levi ackerman, erwin smith, colt grice, niccolo, yelena, onyakopon, zeke yeager
daisy jones and the six
daisy jones, billy dunne, graham dunne, karen sirko, warren rhodes, pete loving/roundtree, eddie loving/roundtree, camila dunne, simone jackson
doctor who bbc
ninth doctor, tenth doctor, rose tyler, jack harkness, mickey smith, donna noble, martha jones, clara oswald, river song, simm! master
miss peregrines home for peculiar children
jacob portman, emma bloom, millard nulling, enoch o’connor, olive elephanta, alma peregrine
miscellaneous characters
sarah williams, bernard the elf, rodrick heffley, varian, lisa frankenstein, the creature (lisa frankenstein)
UPCOMING FANDOMS : les miserables
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pen-inks · 4 months
The fuck is the gay scientists so gay for
Lanyon more like Lesbian
Edward Hyde more like Edward Homo
Victoria Frankenstein more like Victoria Frankenbi
Dr Henry Jekyll.
Jasper more like kiss her
Rachel more like R*ace*chel
Like what
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kuh-boose · 10 months
Popping this wonderful summary here with the link cause I'll forget where it is otherwise (I did not write this! Just saving it to read)
(will reblog with the rest)
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Who is Cazador Szarr?
According to the Forgotten Realms wiki for Cazador Szarr, The Szarr family was a family of Baldur's Gate who were once wealthy merchants and farmers.
I couldn’t find any information on what year the actual Szarr family was attacked, but the information I do have is, “Long before the 15th century DR, the land that would encompass Tumbledown held a grand estate that belonged to the mercantile Szarr family. Unfortunately, every member of the Szarrs was murdered by a rival house, and their holdings were burnt to the ground.” It was unknown how Cazador survived. Maybe he organized this? After the tragic incident, Tumbledown was filled with fog. In addition, the Outer City expanded over the area, and it would become a large cemetery.
Decades prior to 1482 DR, a portion of the cliffs that surrounded the area fell away. Because of this, part of the family crypts were revealed; graverobbers seized the opportunity to plunder the tombs.
Cazador is known as Cazador Szarr 'The Avid', according to a scroll titled “Vampires before Vellioth” From this information, we can see that Cazador turned from Vampire spawn, to Vampire Lord the year 1276, and about 20 years later give or take, is when he turns Astarion into a vampire spawn. Considering the game is set in 1492, this means Cazador has been a vampire lord in Baldur Gate for about 216 years. One of Cazador's slaves, Astarion reported that he was turned into a vampire spawn almost two centuries prior to 1492 DR(1292).
Cazador is the patriarch of the Szarr family, (The head of the family) he apparently didn’t want military or political power, He likes power over people. So when he speaks, Astarion (or vampire spawn) body has to react. He apparently made vampire spawn torture themselves and each other for fun. You can interact with a bust in his palace which reads to be 'Mordic SeLanmere', the most powerful vampire king. It suggests that this might be Cazador's ancestor?
After talking/killing the Gur Gandrel, Tav can talk about the night Astarion met Cazador, and you’re able to call out that it was convenient Cazador just happened to find him. Astarion will deflect and claim he probably was found because of the smell of blood. When you do ask Astarion if you should be worried about Cazador hunting you down, he says you should always be aware, but Cazador was never one to actually leave the city ever. (get a life, Cazador.)
Astarion only assumes Gandral works for Cazador, which is false. If you give Astarion up, he'll be held at the Gur camp, where everyone will be slaughtered in Act 3 by Cazador, and Astarion will go back to the Palace as a zombie.
If you don't kill the Gur Gandrel, you actually find out that his two children were part of the 7,000 spawn trapped by Cazador. Sparing Gandrel, and the rest of the 7,000 spawn will let you briefly talk to him, and his two now vampire spawn children,
Cazador has some beef with the Gur (Obviously since he steals their children) because the werewolves that fight you are ‘Fallen Gur Hunters’. At the party, we can also see the werewolves that fight you are from the Hhune family. There’s a ‘Chatterteeth’ that fights alongside Cazador, who is, like Godey, a pair of bones. I’m not sure what Cazadors affinity is for werewolves, maybe its his twilight fantasy of Edward x Jacob?
On Astarion Ancun��n
Astarion's age of death is 39, rather young for elves. His grave reads: 229 - 268 DR 498 DR. This Reddit thread gives good information.
Astarion was turned into a vampire by Cazador Szarr in the year 1292DR. Before he was a vampire, Astarion was a magistrate. A magistrate judge is a judicial officer of the district court and is appointed by majority vote of the active district judges of the court. A group of vagrants, a group called the Gur beat Astarion to deaths door when they took issue of a ruling Astarion made. It is there Cazador 'saved' him with the choice of 'life' or 'bleeding to death in the street'.
It isn’t said if Cazador made/let/stopped Astarion from continuing to be a magistrate. Since Cazador saved Astarion from the Gur, he ‘chased them off’ and turned Astarion into a vampire. I think it would be interesting if there was some sort of political move since a large opinion is that Cazador organized the attack. Perhaps there was an issue with Cazador's status?
-- My theory about Astarions family
In another comment, someone suggested Astarion might be from elsewhere instead of being born in the city. The idea he came to Baldur Gate because he wanted to pursue bigger things and become a Magistrate seems in character without having to add in his family, but you'd think he'd be concerned about his family and vise versa? Unless Astarion had bad blood with them.
At the end of the day, for his main 7 spawn, it doesn't make complete sense to have them be born and raised in Baldur Gate with a full family, since that's way too many connections. Too many distractions when they're out getting marks, and too many opportunities for Cazador to be exposed. Since there are 7,000 spawn created by Cazador, but only 7 that he 'keeps', so there has to be some sort of reason.
Were they the most beautiful? Alluring in his eyes? Or perhaps, the most charismatic, or did they have the least amount of connections that could come back to bite him? Surely, there has to have been one incident. Wouldn't that be interesting if there was at least one spawn we don't know, that used to be of the original 7, but was 'taken out' because a family kept asking too many questions?
*-- *
Cazador, on making Astarion vampire, also made him crawl out of his own grave.
“Nearly two hundred years and I never came back. Not since the night I woke up down there. I had to punch a hole in the coffin and clew my way through six feet of dirt. Then when I finally broke the surface, retching up first and congealed blood, Cazador was waiting.”
It's unclear if Cazador gave all the spawns the same treatment, but my opinion is he did this to send a direct message to Astarion. Astarions grave is in the Thorass alphabet, Showing that his last name is Ancunín. The only way to get to this grave is during a dialogue scene at the end of "The Pale Elf" quest, widely considered the 'good ending' in which the player does not let Astarion ascend. Asended Astarion will not bring you to the grave, and can not be found when in the cemetery in the city.
Astarion also mentions when talking about being turned into a vampire about how painful it was, saying, "I remember how it hurt when I turned into a vampire. My body writhed and warped while I was utterly helpless, the grip of death owned my heart as it beat its last."
In earlier patches, Astarion mentions how he begged Cazador to be turned instead. This is old though, so I wouldn’t say this is reliable.
Astarion does also say in a voiceline that:
"The mindflayers weren't my first kidnapping. A long time ago, I crossed Cazador, a powerful man in Baldur's Gate."
Astarion would bring the people for Cazador, he’d tease Astarion by asking him if he’d like to dine with him, and if Astarion said yes, he’d get a rat(girl dinner). If he said no, he’d have Astarin flayed.
There is also Astarions worst memory, when he was sealed, buried alive for a year. If you ask him about it in Act 3, he talks about how in his first decade, he found a darling boy that he couldn’t bring back to Cazador. So Astarion ran and disobeyed. Cazador caught him and sealed him up, starved him inside a dusty tomb for a year. He claims,
“A year of silence. Months of scratching my hands raw, trying to carve my way out. More months of not moving at all. Months wishing only for death.”
Astarions Brothers and Sisters, the Seven Spawn
It seems Cazador has his main seven spawn, Astarions ‘brothers and sisters’. Seems like Cazador had a real, manager-in retail type mentality and claimed they were ‘all a family’ even while he was carving scars into their flesh. To note, I’m not sure why the only scars Astarion DOES have are the ones on his back. Apparently, Astarion was ‘one of his firsts’ which signals that Astarion might be the second spawn? The rest came years later, but took a special interest in Astarion for his ‘sweet sounds’. Astartion does seem to have some sort of survivor's guilt for them. It isn't ever specified who came first, or who was the most recent.
The respective spawn names are: Leon, Aureila, Yousen, Violet, Dalyria and Pale Petras
They all have the same stats. The demographic is:
Female (3/7) - 43 %
Male (4/7) - 57 %
With 1 Tiefling(Aurelia), 1 Halfling(Yousen), 3 elves(Violet, Astarion,Dalyria), and 2 humans(Pale Petras, Leon) - This is based on observation, I could be wrong!
Their eyes will be glowing red, which means they are under the influence of Cazador. This applies to all the spawn. Once Cazador is dead, their eyes stop glowing.
When Leon and Aurelia confront you at the inn (and attack you), Aurelia claims Cazador knew where Astarion was the entire time, likely watching us from the shadows.
Cazador apparently promised the 6 vampire spawn that he’d set them free. You can learn more about Pale Petras, where he wants to bring back one more person so when he is ‘free’, he will have someone to drink dry right off the bat. Dalyria doesn’t seem to humor the idea and instead wants to leave in fear of angering Cazador by being late, BUT interestingly enough, the vampire spawn are out in the day in a tavern, which means they are hunting day AND night? Considering how Astarion talks to Pale Petras, it's clear that they don’t really get along too well.
When you meet the spawn slave, after succeeding on a perception check, you notice on all 7,000 spawns, "Beneath the first and blood, you notice that every prisoner has a rune carved into their flesh." What is interesting, is it only looks like Sebastian is the only one with these marks. I looked at all the other spawn NPCS and couldn't find anything visible. The runes marked into Sebastian also look kind of fresh, so this perhaps was a recent thing? Unless I'm reading the scars wrong, but from how Astarion talked about his scars, it doesn't sound like he was given them as soon as he was turned into a vampire spawn.
As for the appearance of the other spawn, I can chalk it up to the models not being completely finished with the runes, I suppose... Either that or Tav can see under people's clothes.... kinda weird!
More on Cazador and Baldur Gate
According to Astarion, Cazador is just another ordinary noble in Baldur City. He says that Cazador is a little reclusive perhaps, but just another ‘the great and good’ of Baldur’s Gate. He apparently has a grand palace on the hills of the Gate, where he hosts the city’s high society. This makes me wonder, since there is a ballroom in Cazador’s palace if he hosts all these large high society balls. Astarion wonders if Cazador would risk exposure by doing it at the palace, signaling that Cazador at least, does care for his image.
When your character is a Baldurian, you can ask, “That giant gothic monstrosity has been inhabited by vampires this entire time?” So at least the citizens of Baldur Gate can see how out of place it is.
The Szarr Palace has a palace south tower and ramparts. He has city guards charmed guarding the entrance. It also has a garden and beautiful architecture. The Szarr palace colors are teal and red. My analysis of the building is linked.
The dialogue from Astarions origin character playthrough when he has a nightmare about Cazador:
Spoken like a true old bitch:
“First, thou shelf not drink of the blood of thinking creatures.”
“Second, thou shalt obey me in all things.”
“Third, thou shalt not leave my side unless directed.”
“Fourth, thou shalt know that thou art mine.”
Cazador keeps all the spawn underground in cages. When meeting Sebastion in the cages, you tell Sebastion he’d been down there for “One hundred and seventy years. You were one of my first, too.” This means either the “200” years is more 175 years, or he might not have gone out to get spawn for around ~15 years. It could also mean Astarion sees the 15 years as a short period of time, which would make sense.
Astarion thinks that Cazador hired the Gur to find Astarion in Act 1, and the Gur does not know what Cazador really is. If you give Astarion up and go to Cazador in the future, he will ask you if you’re the one who “took my poor Astarion under your wing, only to abandon him so cruelly?”
What’s really interesting, if you interact with Astarion in the ritual, he’s a zombie, unlike his other spawn. Could this be because he was tortured by Cazador, flayed?
When you read Cazadors mind after killing him without Astarion, it seems Cazador has nightmares of “The boy I was, the man I became, the monster that will not end. I sleep, but cannot rest, I live, but cannot die. I am eternal, and I grieve.” I say shut the fuck up, Cazador.
Obviously, Astarion meeting Cazador in the current up to date patch(9/7/2023) , he’s very demeaning. Man rolls his r’s like he’s still in the fucking renaissance. He claims Astarion is still his even if he can resist his words. He waves around his stupid little staff, but his magic is still strong enough to grab Astarion into the ascension ritual even if you roll a nat 20 to resist.
On talking to Astarion about coming home :
Cazador seems to have mortal servants walking around the palace. The Servants aren’t charmed, but they are ‘fanatics’ as Astarion claims, “Here of their own free will, and utterly devoted to Cazador.” He says, “Each one came to our door and begged to be given his ‘eternal gift’. They’re sure he’ll turn them if they serve him well enough” whatever the fuck that means.
What I can gather from this information is, that people do know that Cazador is a vampire lord, but obviously not everyone. It's like the well-kept secret that isn’t a secret because Astarion claims earlier that Cazador wouldn’t want to do the ritual at the Palace for fear of exposing himself. If anyone else has any clarification that Cazador is a known vampire, please, I'm all ears.
The servants seem to be obsessed with keeping the place clean, making sure it's ‘pure’. But that’s kind of hard considering there are BATS flying around everywhere in this palace. I can't tell if they are paid at all, either, they are just there freaked out trying to be the best they can so they can be the next vampire spawn. It also makes me wonder, why doesn't Cazador just turn these people into spawn? Is he afraid to scare staff away when they vanish because they begged at Cazadors door for vampirism? How on earth did they find this out? What on earth is Cazadors title to these people, is he a lord even if the public doesn't know he's a vampire lord?
All the text in Cazadors Palace Explained, and rooms explained
Chamberlain Dufey
In the Chaimberlain's private quarters, we find Chamberlain Dufey’s dead body in a casket. The Chamberlain is responsible for managing the household of nobles, so Dufey would have managed the household for Cazador. It's suggested by a private note left by Dufey’s Werewolf GF that he killed himself via poison, and so she Romeo and Juliet herself and killed herself as well.
You can find his diary on the bed on the floor, and we find out that Dufey killed himself because he found out about Cazador's ritual, because Cazador wanted Dufey to be the stand-in for the missing Asterion. He even calls Astarion a brat! Ironically enough, his poison is just enough to slow his heart and he isn’t actually dead, so his lover found him and killed herself in return. True poetry. Dufey hopes that once Cazador ascends, he can leave since Cazador won’t need his management anymore. This suggests that Dufey is a prisoner in one way or another. He is, a vampire spawn interestingly enough.
Cazador would throw the spawn into a ‘kennel’ when he was displeased with the vampire spawn. This is hidden by an illusion, that Astarion claims is one of his regular, cheap tricks.
Godey is a pair of bones that is under Cazador's control. He claims to be doing his job and to ‘keep him(astarion) in line.” He apparently tortured the spawn for days at a time, and Godey seemed to enjoy the screaming.
Spawn sleeping quarters
The vampire spawn seemed to live in a ‘dormitory style’ living, inside the dormitory wing. He has two rooms, “spawn dormitory” and “favorite spawn”
You can find Violet's diary, where she says the ‘garlic in Yousen's bed gave him a nasty rash’ which signals that vampires can’t handle garlic. It also shows that Violet is a little shit and makes life hell for the other spawn… a true sibling. Leon has a daughter named Victoria, but Cazador seems to ‘have a little plan for her.’
There is also a blood ledger from Dufey, who states the rules of what type of people Cazador wants to be picked up. Most notably, to focus on the lower class. He chastises them for picking up three people from wealthy families because their families of course are wondering where the as fuck they went. The goal is not to attract unwanted attention and to avoid aristocrats, even if they are out slumming in the lower city.
Favorite Spawn
The ‘favored spawn’ room is a lot more grand, with nice beds that don’t stack on a bunk bed. I wonder if Astarion was a bottom or top bunk?
It turns out when looking at the favorited spawn list, it mostly is Leon, with Violet taking only one year. When you read Leon's diary though, we find out he’s working so hard because he has a daughter named Victoria. Leon writes, “I've had to be his best hunter just so I could stay here with my daughter and keep her away from the other spawn. I don’t like the way Violet looks at her, not at all!”
So it seems that Cazador let the other spawn family stay with them unless Victoria is an outlier… But while they are ‘siblings’, they still do not get along. Either that or Violet is just a bitch. That being said, Leon also writes, “When I ask the master what he plans to do with Victoria, Cazador just gives me that wicked smile.” He writes that he is working together on a plan to disguise Victoria so she can escape. She’s a human girl running around, and her father even writes her a note to learn the ancient language book that is in the guest room so she can move around freely in the mansion. This means there was a KID running around the palace. A HUMAN KID.
You can also find a list that Victoria made, which seems focused on the number '17' for some reason.
What I’m gathering is, that Cazador is wicked and sick- of course, we knew that. But poor Leon, protecting his daughter? All of this is to say- Victoria is dead in the guest room. She’s covered by necrotic magic.
Astarion claims he has brought people to this guest room before.
In the guest room, we get to find Dalyria’s diary. It claims she was a Doctor, and Physician General to the Parliment of Baldur Gate. She claims she will always be a Doctor, despite what Cazador did to her.
She says that a “massive infusion of fresh, youthful blood may overwhelm the vampirism infection and enable my body to heal” and points out that Victoria is the pureblooded daughter of Leon. This seems to indicate that she thinks that vampirism is a blood-affected thing, and can be cured one way or another.
Leon was apparently a sorcerer before he became spawn, and warned everyone to not bite her since he booby-trapper her blood in case of an attack. So… considering she is letting out necrotic energy, I assume that Dalyria tried to bite her because she assumed Leon was lying.
When you try to Speak with Dead on her, it seems her answers don’t line up too well with the actual journal entries. She says that Dalyria lured her with the promise of food and shelter and she was bit by her, and then Dal was dragged away by Cazador, and Victoria was eventually killed by him.
A question I have is, with a daughter so young, and Leon has been on the favorite spawn list for so many years, did he have this kid when he was a vampire? She looks like she’s only 10 or younger, so he either had to have her at the Palace when she was a baby or he somehow got someone pregnant.
The Ballroom
When you enter the ballroom, the people on the floor are called guests. So I can assume there was some party, and then the werewolves were called to rip everyone up. On the body of a woman named Sanseverina, she’s carrying a note that says. *“Sansy, I've been invited to a party at the Szarr Palace tonight in their ballroom. Show the chamberlain at the door this note and he’ll let you in to join me. Wear your best dress!” - Callira (*Sansy was not indeed, wearing a dress at all.)
Callira can be found in what I assume is the cigar room dead on the floor. She holds a note from Dufay that she is requested by Cazador to play music at the party.
Using "Speak to Dead" on one of the dead party members on the floor, we find out that one of them is named "Sterlac", a Senior Clerk in the Counting House. He was invited to the party, and claims he was enjoying the party, drinking and talking. When you ask him what he was talking about, he says,
"Work... Counting House... Who controls what. Wanted names of senior staff... families... any scandals, secrets..."
He also says that at the party, the guests were politicians, minor nobles, fist officers, 'all sorts'. Cazador wanted information, he apparently asked them all a lot of questions about the power structures in the city, the weaknesses, and the type of people Cazador should look at controlling.
Cazador apparently took the most beautiful people away from the party, and they were never seen again. According to Sterlac, after Cazador left, werewolves came to the party and made the guests their little afternoon snack. From what I can gather, it does seem that Cazador has his foot in the door pretty heavily in politics, if he's using clerks for their information about staff and.... scandals.
I'm assuming this random attack of wolves is in reference to the 'grand feast' Dufay writes about in his party planner diary you'll find in Cazador's office.
What my takeaway is, that people in political power, at least of use to Cazador, know he is a vampire. But it isn't generally common knowledge, even when Tav comments on the vampire-filled manor, and Astarion jokes back that its "subtle, isn't it?"
Dufay also orders the guards on the wall to make sure they're vigilant and that the staff are silent and never speak. This shows that Cazador’s reach goes all the way to the guards. Dufay does note that “If you encounter the mater, stand still and cast down your eyes with dereference. The master likes to be respected.”
Oh. and no whistling, of course.
What is the puzzle under Cazadors Palace?
The puzzle under Cazador Palace can be entered via the cigar room. Me, and so many people have concluded this is simply an unfinished room since I tried to do just about everything to get this to work.
I back my theory up because this is the only location in Cazadors Palace that isn't marked as dangerous and allows the player to long rest and travel by waypoint etc.
Venturing further, we can find a confession from one of Cazador's captives, where they confess their transgressions. This is from someone named Dawson Kiltmaker, who claims they cheated on the city accountants' certification test. Since Dawson suspects he is going to die, he is using the journal to rid himself of sins so he can die with his soul a little lighter. He also claims that Cazador gloats, so it's confirmed that Cazador at least, fucks with the prisoners mentally. There are a lot of dead bodies so it can be assumed sometimes, Cazador just keeps people / kills them instead of turning them.
Cazadors Office Area / Family / Attic
Cazador's office is directly linked to the ballroom named the “Office Hall”
There’s a party planner on the desk that Dufay used to plan Cazador's gatherings. The ballroom functions are divided into two categories - Invited guests and involuntary guests, which are the entertainment for the latter category being considerably more sinister than the former.
So what I can assume is ... There are other vampires invited or others invited of different types of morality that use or torture the second category? Thats wild. Cazedor also planned a ‘final feast’ that Dufey had to organize, which involved invited and involuntary guests…
Cazadors desk has Starbrt Shandy, a Carafe of wine, and Cagulated blood. He also seems to keep up with the news since articles are on his desk and a book about Baldur City's history. Cazador's entire office is just… blood and wine. Dude parties non fucking stop. There is also a book on the upper city and the lower city.
The Dais is the elevator down into the dungeon, Astarion had no idea it was there. He said Cazador brought his victims there, so it can be assumed that Astartion at least dragged the person to Cazador's office before they were brought to the second room down the elevator… Imagine how scary that would be.
There's a bust of Shyressa Runemaster as well, a vampire in 1360 DR. It should be noted, there's so many bottles of wine in this fucking estate. Does NOBODY drink water???
Cazador's Niece
In the attic, we actually get entries from Cazador's family from the year 1477. Amanita Szarr, Cazadors ‘niece’ claims she didn’t know that Cazador was a vampire. She claims she had no idea that her family were vampires, so it confirms that the Szarr family at least has some nonvampires and a long line of vampires.
She grew up on the country estate near Anga Vled was raised by servants, and hardly ever visited the city palace in Baldurs Gate. It noted she hated visiting, and that the Palace straddles the wall between the Upper and Lower City. In the year 1477 when she was 13, Cazador personally summoned her, and she was brought by carriage. Dufey greets her and brings her to the ballroom, and It is here that Cazador forcibly turns her into a vampire in the torture room above the ballroom. She was imprisoned in the attic by someone named Bolvart for trying to resist being a vampire, and she eventually succumbed and drank human blood. They kept her in the attic starving for an entire year and eventually sent up a bound captive, which she killed. So Amanita decided to stay up in the attic for the rest of her life calling herself Lady Incognita.
Amanita later wrote a book describing blood diseases claiming that there is something that can infect vampires with a brief illness. It's called “Red Thrombosis and Thandals Paroxsym”. Vampires should be able to recognize this before they even bite people if they are trained. Do you hear that, Astarion lovers? It's time to write Astarion is sick fanfiction. Or.. maybe, Cazador is fucking ill and everyone points and laughs.
So even those who survived the Szarr massacre still get hunted down by Cazador to become vampires it seems. Cazador leaves no stone unturned, but it makes me wonder how many other surviving members there had to have been. Obviously, Cazador has siblings if he has a niece.
Cazadors Corner
Going down into Cazador’s dungeon, there is a list with thousands of names from Baldur City, which can be assumed the sibling's victims.
There is Cazador's journal, which records the movements and actions of his spawn. He seems REALLY interested in Astarions, noting his every order, failure, and punishment.
He says, “Astarion failed to return from his hunt this night. Godey Informed. He will have the pliers ready when the boy shows himself again.”
Cazador starts to say how upset he is that Astarion is missing and that he wants to make Astarion scream. So then, Cazador starts to torture his siblings to find Astarion since he’s been missing for days. He then notes that when Astarion interacts with his siblings in Wyrms Crossing, Astarion is able to stand in the sunlight and bolds that he’s able to disobey Cazador. Dude is fucking upset writing in his diary. This obviously won't appear if you don't ever interact with Pale Petras and Dal.
In another book, Cazador writes about how he’s concerned about Lord Gortash because of his new steel watch, wondering if they’d mess with his vampire spawn and how he operates….
Cazador has a letter he writes to Mrel Alkam, who I suppose leads their own vampire circle in another region called “Athkatla” which is apparently more homogeneous than Baldurs Gate. He tells Alkam to enjoy his success while he has it because he plans to surpass him. He also says that he’s been long content with being a major city’s vampire lord. This signals that Cazador is not the only vampire lord out there, of course, but he’s feeling inferior.
Cazador essentially is writing this hatemail like, You might think you’re so cool and special with your vampires, but just you wait, I'm about to become cooler AND more popular. (For the record, Cazador slept in a twin-sized bed, so he was getting NO bitches.)
Looking into Athkatla further, we can find that this is the "City of Coin" , a location in BG2. There is a whole vampire coven in Athkatla, which players are able to interact with in BG2.
Under Cazadors corner, you can also find a scroll written by Lady Incognita that it was Donnela Szarr, Vellioth's original Vampire master, explaining how she was the one that opened the halls that Cazador uses as his dungeon. Apparently, they were built by mining dwarves who were exiles from Bhaerynden and seemed to be more of an outpost abandoned with time. Donnela questions, what was being mined here? It's questioned by Lady Incognita that it's unusual the halls were never discovered under Baldur's Gate, and they could have been deliberately hidden.
Cazadors previous vampire master, Vellioth
Vellioth - A skull with a scroll clamped in its teeth. This is Cazador's previous master, a cruel man.
His first lesson: “Is to always dominate. Allow none to be your equal.”
“Vellioth recalls when Cazador reached out to a former friend. His punishment was to watch as Vellioth drained his friend dry.”
His second lesson: “Power comes from solitude. To share with others is to be weak, and to be weak is to fail… and die.”
"Vellioth recalls when Cazador rebelled against him. Cazador suffered eleven years of impalement… because he failed."
(For the record, this is fucking horrific. It's such a hard juxtaposition AND parallel between him and Astarion.)
His third lesson: “Act not in haste. A near immortal has time to plan, time to act when others will pay the price of action.”
“Vellioth recalls Cazador, his lesson learned, killing him in the Rite of Perfect Slaughter. How they both laughed! Vellioth recalls Cazador boiling the flesh from his skull and then, to mock him, clamping his Schooling Scroll in Vellioth's jaws.”
(I couldn't find any information about the Rite of Perfect Slaughter)
As for Vellioth, he is known as Vellioth the Martinet. A Martinet is a strict disciplinarian, especially in the armed forces. He ruled from 1204 - 1276(72 years). A lot shorter run than most, but overall rather average considering. Vellioth’s master was Donnela Szarr the Architect, which makes me wonder if Vellioth was actually his family. There are only two Szarr names on the list of vampire lords, including Cazador and Donnela.
Here are the recent 5 stats:
Cazador Szarr - 216 years
Vellioth - 72 years
Donnela Szarr - 66 years
Hideous Gathwycke - 119 years
Failbleur the Fleeting - 0 years
The average amount of years in Cazador's recent 5 history of Vampire Lords is about 94.6 hours, with Cazador holding the highest number. When calculating the numbers for all listed, the average is 80 years, with Cazador taking the gold medal for longest in ruling.
My general opinion on why Cazador is most obsessed with Astarion is not only looks, but because I wonder if he also sees himself in Astarion- Cazador rebelled and pulled against Vellioth, so maybe he punished Astarion as Vellioth punished him for being bad.
Astarion will note that Cazador can’t be original for once and stole his own rules from Vellioth.
I think it's really interesting to see this side of the story, because when you ascend Astarion it feels like he kind of becomes the next Cazador, and this shows that Cazador was also in the same vicious cycle of abuse. Not that anything Cazador did was ever acceptable, but it's an interesting angle.
You do have choices to break this cycle or continue it. If you convince Astarion to not go through with it, he will thank you for believing in him.
On letting Astarion Ascend, he will sadly continue the cycle of abuse it kind of feels, not letting you break up with him at the end of the game. He laughs and calls you stupid, and says,
“You’re mine, remember?”
It's a sad reminder- Cazador is a cruel, vicious, and unredeemable person, but was also once a person, likely with some sort of light in his eyes... only to be shut down by abuse from his master, which makes his character so interesting.
Astarions Victims
From the four older captives that Astarion has brought, there is Sebastian, Wensleydale, Hapdim, and Gondlemead. Only Sebastion can speak. For…. research purposes, they do not react to being attacked.
For the children, it seems Cazador specifically ordered Astarion to capture them. This can only be assumed because they are the children of the Gur. When you kill Cazador, before leaving, you'll be confronted by Ulma, a leader of the Gur tribe. They are upset that Astarion stole their children, but seeked Astarion out when they find out he fled and somehow betrayed Cazador in hopes they could recruit Astartion.
There also does seem to be a back entrance to the dungeon from the sewer. Who knows how often that was used since there is a scene with a girl who was meeting up with a ‘silver-haired’ man who told her there was going to be a party when you reach Act 3.
Why didn't Astarion bite Cazador?
I wish I had a good theory for this, but I really don't. So, the only thing I have that could be something is Astarion mentions:
"In theory, the next step is to drink their blood. Once you've done that, you're free and a true vampire."
But he follows up by saying that it doesn't happen because vampires are the true natural enemies of another vampire. I read something someone said that maybe the vampire has to be willing to let the spawn bite him, but that doesn't make sense since Cazador didn't seem all that willing to be stabbed to death. If the tadpole can protect him from Cazador's grip, it should be able to allow him to bypass that stipulation.
So, at the end of the day, I think we can assume this is some plot hole. Either that or Astarion is thinking about it the next day after he rejected ascension and realizes, 'Wait fuck!'
(kuhboose's lil interjection: it's possible it has to be a willing exchange, or that to Astarion it's ascension or nothing, since he'll be free of Cazador either way. Biting Caz might also be an uncomfortable thought for him.)
Some discussion in the comments I thought was interesting:
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cariantha · 1 year
A Kiss on the Hand (Part 3️⃣)
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Book: Open Heart Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Sawyer Brooks) Rating: General Warning: None Category: Hurt/Comfort; Angsty Fluff Word count: 2.9K Series Summary: After realizing just how much they mean to each other, Ethan and Sawyer express their love through a sweet hand gesture. A/N: Artwork by the incredible @/artbyainna on Instagram. This is a three-part series. Part three inspired by 400 Trillion by Justin Jesso and Like I Need You by Culture Code & Elle Vee.
Part One: Soulmates / Part Two: Always Three Times
Part Three: I Know What You Mean
It felt like a scene from a movie, where the character stands still as the world around them moves in fast motion. Sawyer was that character. Frozen in place as the emergency room swirled around at light speed. 
Megan, the nurse who received the dispatch from EMTs, darted down the hall to inform Dr. Edwards, the Head of Trauma. Other nurses jumped into action preparing the available trauma room for the inbound patient. And remaining staff members turned their heads and gasped as Ethan's name traveled between the exam curtains. 
Dr. Edwards soon appeared leading a team of gowned and gloved residents to the ambulance bay. As he strode past, he instructed the desk supervisor to page the Chief of Medicine. Jackie was among the group. She noticed the look of shock on Sawyer’s face as she rushed by and pointed at her. 
“Hey, Brooks, you good?” she called.
At her friend’s voice, Sawyer snapped to attention and lied with a nod. She shook the haze from her head and followed Jackie to the ambulance bay, grabbing a paper gown and a pair of gloves on the way.
She stood behind the others who waited in suspense, poised to spring into action as soon as the ambulance arrived. Sawyer barely managed to unfold and glide her arms into the gown. Her hands trembled violently, making it impossible for her to hold them still long enough to put on her gloves.
The crash of a metal door slamming against the wall startled her. When she looked over her shoulder, she saw Naveen hurrying in their direction. He shook his head in disapproval when he spotted Sawyer.
Meeting her watery, pleading gaze, Naveen took the gloves from her shaking hands and pulled the paper cover down and off. After tossing them into a nearby receptacle, he took her hands and held them between his own.
“As hard as it might be, Sawyer, we are both going to sit this one out and let the others take care of him. Okay?” He patted her hands, then looped her arm through his and held on tight. Naveen, though wise and level-headed, seemingly needed her support as much as she needed his. 
After waiting for what felt like an eternity, the sound of a siren and flashing red lights announced the arrival of Aid Car 23. The trauma team dashed out into the rain, returning seconds later with a gurney and an EMT calling out vital signs. Sawyer only saw the blur of a bloodied face as Ethan was wheeled past. His jacket and shirt had been cut open, and someone was using an Ambu bag to ventilate him, squeezing it over his mouth every few seconds.
No longer needed, the EMT stepped back. Sawyer threw her arm out to stop her.
“Holly, do you know what happened? How he got hurt?”
“They were at the scene of a car accident on the bridge. A woman was trapped in her car, and Dr. R was trying to stabilize her until the fire department got there to extricate. Nick said a large truck sped toward them. When the driver finally decided to hit the brakes, he hydroplaned and slammed into them. One of the officers said the truck driver was on his goddamn phone and not paying attention.”
Sawyer’s hand covered her mouth as she tried to process the information. “Oh my god … is … is Nick okay?”  
“Yeah, he’s fine. He had gone back to the rig for supplies and wasn’t hit. He was able to call for back-up.”
“And the person trapped in the car?” Naveen inquired. “Are they on their way?”
Holly shook her head no. “Nick said she was already in critical condition before the second impact. She was pronounced on scene.”
Another dispatch came in on Holly’s radio and she excused herself. 
Sawyer turned to Naveen. Unable to keep her composure any longer, she collapsed into his open arms. “I begged him not to go,” she cried into her grand-mentor’s shoulder.
Naveen softly patted her on the back, then pulled away to look her in the eyes.
“Sawyer, you know better than anyone … Once Ethan sets his mind to something, it’s difficult to convince him otherwise. Especially if it means saving lives.”
Wrapping his arm around her shoulders, he led them to just outside the trauma room, where they watched the team assess Ethan's injuries through a sliding glass door.
Inside the small room, there was organized chaos. 
“Hemopneumothorax,” Edwards called out. “Prep for a thoracostomy and get Dr. Emery down here for a neuro consult. Stat.”
A minute later, he inserted a tube into Ethan’s chest wall. The vitals on the patient monitor began to improve, but Ethan was not out of the woods yet.  
“Dr. Edwards, he’s awake!” one of the residents trumpeted a few moments later. 
Ethan had opened his eyes. Confused, he surveyed the room as Dr. Edwards informed him that he had been in an accident. 
The rest of his body immobile, Ethan’s eyes darted around the room, scanning every face. 
“Soe?” he mumbled underneath the oxygen mask. 
“Ethan, you’re at Edenbrook…” Dr. Edwards continued explaining. 
“Soe?” he managed, his trembling voice a bit louder this time.
“We're treating you for a hemopneumothorax, and it looks like you took a nasty blow to the head.”
“Soe?” he asked again and again, each time a little more agitated than before. 
The staff all looked at each other with concern before Ethan closed his eyes and drifted off again. 
“Dammit! Where’s neuro?” Dr. Edwards vented.
Harper arrived a couple minutes later with Bryce, who was on her service for the week. One of the other residents provided a quick rundown of the case so far, including the fact that Ethan had been alert but incoherent. The neurosurgeon carefully inspected the laceration at his hairline and ordered a CT scan. 
“Ethan, can you open your eyes for me?” she asked, getting her penlight ready.
Ethan slowly fluttered his eyes open.
“Good. Do you know who I am?” 
She shone a light into his eyes and checked the dilation of his pupils.
“Hi there, friend. Do you know where you are?”
She asked him a couple other simple questions to which he gave correct, but slow one-word responses.
“You did good, Ethan,” she laid her hand on his shoulder. Turning to Bryce and Jackie, she spoke softly, “Get him to CT right away.” 
Ethan scratched at her hand, trying to get her attention. When she looked at him, he moved the mask away from his mouth.
“Where’s … Soe?” he tried again, hoping his friend would understand. 
“Soe?” Harper repeated. 
The others in the rooms shrugged their shoulders and shook their heads.
But not Bryce. On the other side of the glass door, he saw Sawyer nervously chewing on her thumb nail. He met her anxious gaze and smiled as he immediately understood.
Bryce was familiar with the moniker. He had heard it before when working out with his friends at the hospital gym. 
He stepped forward so that Ethan could see his face. “She’s here, buddy. She’s right outside in the hall with Naveen,” Bryce answered, putting the mask back in place. 
They saw relief wash over his features before he closed his eyes once again.
A short time later, the residents prepared to take Ethan up to surgery, and Dr. Edwards and Harper updated the chief.
“...X-rays confirmed he has several broken ribs, which caused the hemopneumothorax. We’re taking him up to surgery to repair the damaged tissue. Tanaka’s already scrubbing in,” Dr. Edwards reported.
“He also has a small brain bleed that requires decompression. I should be able to resolve it with a simple burr hole procedure,” the neurosurgeon added. 
Harper put her hand on Sawyer's arm and gave it a light squeeze. “He was alert and responding to my questions. He was asking for you,” she said with a polite smile. Looking back to Naveen, “He’s in good hands. Tanaka and I will page you after the procedures.”
As the attendings took their leave, Jackie and another resident wheeled Ethan toward the elevator. With a tilt of her head, Jackie gave her friend permission to walk with them. Sawyer caught up and took his hand in hers. 
“Ethan, it’s me. It’s Sawyer,” she said as his eyes cracked open. “Hi, I’m here. And I’ll be here when you get out of surgery. I’ll be here the whole time.” 
As they waited for the elevator to arrive, Sawyer bent down and kissed his hand three times.
“You know what I mean, right?” she searched his eyes for understanding. 
Ethan gave a slight nod and whispered, "Yes."
A lone tear escaped from the corner of his eye. Sawyer quickly swiped it away with her thumb and kissed his temple.
When the elevator chimed, Naveen pulled her back. “Come dear, let’s go back to my office and call his father. We can wait there for further updates.”
It was just past 8 a.m. when Ethan was finally transferred to the intensive care unit. Throughout the day, Alan, Naveen and Sawyer received updates from Harper and Dr. Tanaka. The surgeries had been successful, and so far there had been no complications, but the next twenty-four hours would be critical. 
As day turned to night, Naveen offered to drive Alan back to Ethan’s apartment. The older men insisted Sawyer go home and get some rest, but she refused, wanting to be there when he woke up. 
Finally alone with him, Sawyer stood at Ethan’s bedside, drawing lines up and down his arm with her finger. 
“Hey you … it’s time to wake up now … even if just for a few minutes."
"I know you’re probably exhausted, and that you need the rest, but I really need to hear your voice and know that you’re okay."
"So … I’m sorry not sorry for what I’m about to do … and that’s to be a colossal pain in your ass. I’m going to stand here, and talk your ear off, until you wake up and tell me to shut up,” she let herself smile.
Sawyer took a moment to look him over. He looked so out of place lying in a hospital bed. He was meant to be the one standing next to it.
“You know … I wasn’t just kissing your ass when I told you I was your biggest fan. I meant it. I own three copies of Diagnostic Principles. I have a Google drive full of research papers and journal articles that you’ve authored. I even have a playlist of conference talks and podcasts,” she shook her head in self-amusement.
“Your approach to patient care … your forward-thinking techniques … the unbelievable diagnoses … all of it inspired me to become a doctor.”
She cupped her hand over his as if to soften the blow she was about to deliver.
“Though I have to confess … During my first week at Edenbrook … the saying ‘never meet your heroes’ came to mind several times. Geez, you were such an asshole,” she revealed.
“I also thought you were the most attractive man alive, but an asshole nonetheless.”
“Then … you let me see another side of yourself … I still don’t know why … but I’m grateful because I got to know the real you. I got to see you as Dolores’ friend … and Tadpole’s godfather … and Naveen’s adopted son … and then as my friend. And what I learned was that you are actually quite softhearted under all that armor. You are also generous … and loyal … honest … passionate … and protective … Oh, and don’t even get me started on that snarky sense of humor. Nobody makes me laugh the way you do.”
She exhaled a deep breath, gently squeezing his hand before continuing. 
“Despite your best efforts to prevent it … I fell for you, Ethan. And not just head over heels … it was more like a ‘leapt from a steep cliff, rolled down the side of a mountain, bounced off every boulder, splashed into the ocean, and drowned in you’ kind of fall.” 
“Hey, I saw that! I saw you roll your eyes underneath your eyelids," she chuckled.
Sawyer moved to sit on the edge of the bed, trying not to jostle him. She leaned forward and stroked his cheek ever-so-slightly.
“Do you remember that TED Talk where they mentioned that we have a one-in-four-hundred-trillion chance of being born?” 
She took a quick peek out the window, looking up at the night sky. 
“I can’t help thinking about that … against those odds, we never really stood a chance of ever meeting. But somehow … I stumbled upon your book … and my application to Edenbrook landed on your desk … and we were in that lobby at the same time.”
She bowed her head and wrung her fingers. 
“Our … our fight yesterday … that’s basically the root of it. We’ve overcome these impossible odds and found each other. And … and I’m so scared of all the ways that I might lose you.”
“Then you add another, going out in that storm and getting hit by a truck!” she cried out, taking his hand again and holding it in her lap.
“You and I both know the past two years have been far from perfect … but that’s us. That’s our brand. And I wouldn’t change a thing. If it was all that we’ve been through, or nothing, I would want it all … because I need you,” Sawyer’s voice cracked as tears rained down her cheeks.
“I need you, Ethan,” she wept. “I know you would say that I don’t, but I do. I would have thrown in the towel so many times if it weren’t for you believing in me. Fighting for me. And I’m not just talking about my career … you were there on my darkest days. You wouldn’t let me give up, and you never gave up on me. I could never, ever express how much that has meant to me … how much you mean to me … but I want to try. So you really need to wake up soon.”
Carefully leaning over him, she placed a barely there kiss on his forehead. 
“Babe … please … come back to me,” she whispered.
Sawyer dozed off in the armchair with her knees tucked under her chin. Sometime during the night, a thoughtful ICU nurse draped a blanket over her.  
“Soe,” said a low raspy voice.
It sounded like her family nickname. Ethan learned of it when he met Sawyer’s siblings, following the attack. Lately, he had been using the pet name more and more often to call her when they were alone together. Thinking she either dreamt it or misheard one of the nurses talking outside, she shifted a little and tried to fall back asleep.
“Soe … Sawyer?” 
There was no mistaking it that time. She opened her eyes to find Ethan looking at her, his hand outstretched beckoning her to come close.
She threw off the blanket and sprung to her feet, grabbing his hand and giving it a tender squeeze.
“Hiiiii,” her eyes welled with tears once again.
“Hi,” he stared back.
Sawyer looked at his bruised and battered face, and the bandage wrapped around his head. "How are you feeling?" she asked. "Do you remember what happened?"
The corners of his mouth turned up in a slight smile, “I feel like I got hit by a truck,” he half-joked.
“Give me one sec … Harper will want to know you’re awake.” Sawyer poked her head outside to inform one of the nurses and then returned to his side. 
He tapped the bed, inviting Sawyer to join him. Perched on the edge, she could no longer hold back the tears of relief that streamed down her cheeks as they gazed into each other's eyes.
Ethan slowly lifted her hand to his mouth, kissing it three times. 
“I know what you mean when you do that.” 
“I surmised as much. When did you figure it out?” he wondered. 
“You let it slip the night you got drunk,” she smiled, recalling the sweet moment.
“I see.”
Sawyer looked down at their clasped hands, Ethan's eyes following suit. They each steeled themselves to speak. To say those three little words.
It was Sawyer that worked up the nerve first.
“God, Ethan, I was so scared,” her voice shook. “I was scared that I was going to lose you and never be able to tell you how I feel. I’ve felt this way for a while, but I didn’t want to scare you away, or pressure you.”
She carried on, barely taking a breath.
“Had I figured it out sooner … had I realized you felt the same … I would have reciprocated. I would have said it back … out loud … and told you every day. So I’m going to do it now, and I don’t care if you–”
She was taken aback when Ethan pulled his hand away and pinched her lips shut to silence her rambling.
“I love you, Sawyer,” he voiced with a grin.
With a hint of laughter, she cried in relief.
Swatting his leg, “You just had to steal my thunder and say it first, didn’t you?” she laughed through her tears. 
“Well, technically, I already had,” Ethan smugly shrugged his shoulders.
Sawyer shook her head and brought his hand to her lips.
“I love you, Ethan." One kiss.
"I love you too." Two kisses.
"I love you so much.” Three kisses.
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lonestarflight · 8 months
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"The Skylab 4 Command Module splashes down in the Pacific Ocean southwest of San Diego, California at 10:17 am. The Command Module bobs in an apex-down configuration (stable two) in the calm water of the Pacific Ocean 176 miles southwest of San Diego, California, following a successful splashdown and 84-day mission in Earth orbit."
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"A smiling William R. Pogue pauses in hatchway of Skylab 4 command module during recovery activities today aboard the USS New Orleans at the completion of man's longest space journey to date. Pogue splashed down with astronauts Gerald P. Carr and Dr. Edward G. Gibson, 84 days after the trio was launched by a Saturn IB rocket from Kennedy Space Center. Circling the globe 1, 214 times aboard the sophisticated Skylab space station during the nearly three-month flight, the astronauts demonstrated man's ability to live and work in space for extended periods."
Date: February 8, 1974
NASA ID: S74-17741, S74-17742, S74-17133, KSC-74PC-32
25 notes · View notes
comfort-clubhouse · 11 months
NEW Comfort Characters List!!!
Oggy and Olivia (Oggy and The Cockroaches)
Little Miss Sunshine, Little Miss Shy, Little Miss Tiny, Little Miss Splendid, Little Miss Dotty and Little Miss Hug (Little Miss)
Mr Happy, Mr Nonsense and Mr Impossible (Mr Men)
Mr Quiet, Mr Scatterbrain, Mr Funny and Little Miss Giggles (Mr Men Show)
Hello Kitty, Cinnamoroll, Keroppi, Chococat, Gudetama, Fifi, Mimmy White, Mama White, Papa White, Grandma White, Grandpa White, and Julianna Scott (Sanrio)
My Melody, Kuromi and My Sweet Piano (Sanrio and Onegai My Melody)
Pusheen (Pusheen the Cat)
Shirousa, Kurousa, Strawberryusa, Blueberryusa, Momousa, Vanilla, Aousa, Pandausa, Balletusa and Primausa (Sugarbunnies)
Miffy (Miffy)
ENA (ENA Season 1 and Dream BBQ)
Moony, Hourglass Dogs and Shepherd (ENA)
Humf, Humf's Parents, Uncle Hairy and Flora (Humf)
SCP-049 SCP-999, SCP-131 and SCP-053 (SCP)
Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Tabi, Carol, Sunday, Hex, QT, Nikusa, Solazar, Annie, Garcello, Rascal, Chris, Sarvente, Ruv, Selever, Rasazy, Pom Pom, Ash, Cassette Girl, Dr Springheel and Nikku (Friday Night Funkin)
Boy and Girl (Friday Night Funkin - Twinsomnia)
Tankman (Tankmen)
Soft Boyfriend and Soft Mouse (Friday Night Funkin - Soft)
Shinto (Friday Night Funkin - Lullaby)
Skid, Pump, Lila, Jaune, Robert, John, Streber and Bob Velseb (Spooky Month)
Hat Kid and Snatcher (A Hat In Time)
Taki (Friday Night Fever)
Charlie Dompler and Pim Pimling (Smiling Friends)
Lazlo, Edward and Gretchen (Camp Lazlo)
SpongeBob SquarePants, Patrick Star, Sandy Cheeks, Gary, Plankton, Mindy, Mr Krabs and Karen Plankton (SpongeBob)
Mario (Mario and DIC Cartoon)
Luigi (Mario, DIC Cartoon and Super Mario Movie)
Yoshi (Mario and Super Mario World Cartoon)
Peach, Daisy, Wario, Bowser Jr, Boo, King Boo, Rosalina and Luma (Mario)
Bowser (Mario and Super Mario Movie)
Count Bleck and Tippi (Super Paper Mario)
Lumalee and Giuseppe (Super Mario Movie)
Bow and Watt (Paper Mario)
Koops (Paper Mario and The Thousand Year Door)
Polterpup (Luigi's Mansion)
Hellen Gravelly and Morty (Luigi's Mansion 3)
Rabbid Rosalina (Mario + Rabbids)
King Koopa (Mario DIC Cartoon)
Oogtar (Super Mario World Cartoon)
Sonic and Tails (Sonic, Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog and Sonic Movie)
Amy Rose, Dr Eggman, Cream, Cheese, Chao, Orbot, Cubot, Vanilla, Vector and Chip (Sonic)
Sage (Sonic Forces)
Zazz and Zavok (Sonic Lost World)
Tails Doll (Sonic R)
Knuckles, Tom Wachowski, Maddie Wachowski and Dr Robotnik (Sonic Movie)
Wes Weasley (Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog)
Po and Laa-Laa (Teletubbies)
Snorky and Fleegle (Banana Splits)
Rilakkuma (Rilakkuma)
Donutella (Donutella)
Captain N and Simon Belmont (Captain N the Game Master)
Rayman (Rayman and Animated Series)
Rayman/Ramon (Captain Laserhawk)
Globox, Grand Minimus and Ales Mansay (Rayman)
Betina and Flips (Rayman the Animated Series)
Red Guy, Duck Guy, Sketchbook, Colin, Lesley, Electracey and Bread Mother (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared)
Postman Pat and Jess (Postman Pat)
Fifi Forget-Me-Not (Fifi and the Flowertots)
Spud and Lofty (Bob The Builder)
Numbuh 3, Numbuh 5, Father, Monty Uno, Mushi Sanban, Maurice, Delightful Children from Down the Lane and Interesting Twins from Beneath the Mountain (Kids Next Door)
Bambi, Thumper and Faline (Disney's Bambi)
505, White Hat, Demencia and Black Hat (Villainous)
Goliath (Gargoyles)
Chudd Chudders, The Earl, T-Bone and DangerGrid Of Doom (Skatoony)
Kirby, Meta Knight, Ribbon and Elflin (Kirby)
Tootie and Plex (Yo Gabba Gabba)
Mio and Mao (Mio Mao)
Luz Noceda, Eda Clawthorne, Willow Park, King, Raine Whispers, Collector, Emperor Belos and Lilith Clawthorne (Owl House)
Anne Boonchuy, Marcy Wu/Darcy, Sasha Waybright, Sprig Plantar, King Andrias, Lady Olivia and Hop Pop Plantar (Amphibia)
Grim Reaper and Jack O Lantern (Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy)
Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Daisy Duck, Goofy, Clarabelle Cow, Oswald the Lucky Rabbit and Ortensia the Cat (Disney)
Mugman, Devil, Baroness Von Bon Bon, Sally Stageplay, Ms Chalice and King Dice (Cuphead Show)
MX (Mario 85 and Mario's Madness)
Lucas (Mario 85 and Mario's Monday Night Massacre)
Mario.EXE, Coronation Day Peach and GB (Mario's Madness)
Pac-Man and Inky (Pac-Man)
Gingerbread Man/Gingy (Shrek)
Matt, Tord, Edd, Tom, Eduardo, Zanta Claws and Ringo (Eddsworld)
Matilda (Ellsworld)
Pocoyo and Nina (Pocoyo)
Lord X, Curse of X, Hog, NormalCD and Majin Sonic (VS Sonic.EXE)
Mao Mao, Adorabat and Badgerclops (Mao Mao - Heroes of Pure Heart)
Edd/Double D and Nazz (Ed, Edd n Eddy)
Dawko, CookieSwirlC, Jaiden Animations, RRcherrypie, RME Music Channel, Kristers Viļums, Janet HQ, FrozenPhantom, Blazeplayz/All mighty hobo, king of creepypasta, NashiroThePenguin, 🌸..POKE_TV..🌸, []Kiara cutie❤️[], Fluffle Puff, Añćä, SMG4, Xx_Amanda_xX, SSGSS Marioftw, WiiLikeToPlay, Kitty Ashley, Marciplier, .anormalhuman, Jay productions, °•[PDC_FOREVER]•°, °Just_an_autistic_idiot°, DAGAMES, CG5, CK9C, PR!NC3 P!lLL, VanossGaming, Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, jacknjellify, AnimationEpic, Katie Ryan, Welp I'm Spooky, Rosanna Pansino, Or30, WolfyChu, SweetoToons, atsuover, Nicky Tate, Sr Pelo, VanillaHamHam, PedramDoesStuff, mashed, Ashley Nichols Art, Emirichu, GinjaNinjaOwO, ☆ShadowsFluffyChestFur☆, So Yummy, ThAt1!FnFfan, .ImSea, Knight, Sonrio the Hedgehog and king_dice3245 the hedgehog (YouTubers)
Robert Englund, Charles Martinet, Wendie Malick, Frank Welker, Keith David, Makiko Ohmoto, Kevin Michael Richardson, Clancy Brown, Jeffrey Combs, Tara Strong, Grey DeLisle, Michael Rosen Marty Grabstein, Jason Alexander, Mark Hamill, Greg Eagles, Mel Winkler, Tom Kenny, Joey D'Auria, Richard Horvitz, Lex Lang, Elsie Lovelock, Harry Hill, Susan Sheridan, Paul Schoeffler, Bill Nye, Justin Fletcher, Michael Jackson, Daft Punk, Marc Thompson, Brandon Rogers, Jonathan Freeman, Gilbert Gottfried and Brendan Blaber (Celebrities)
Wanda and Dark Laser (Fairly Oddparents)
Penny Ling (Littlest Pet Shop Series)
Sayori and Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Gabriel (Ultrakill)
Raiden (Metal Gear Rising)
Garfield and Odie (Garfield)
Sam and Max (Sam & Max)
Spot (Spot The Dog)
Woolly and Tig (Woolly and Tig)
Raiden, Sub Zero and Scorpion (Mortal Kombat)
Francis (Felidae)
Dr Heinz Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb)
Katz, Courage, Le Quack, Freaky Fred, Muriel Bagge, Computer, Bunny, Kitty and Black Puddle Queen (Courage The Cowardly Dog)
Bubbles and HIM (Powerpuff Girls)
Share Bear and Wish Bear (Care Bears)
Rick Sanchez (Rick and Morty)
Zim (Invader Zim)
Komi Shouko, Najimi Osana, Komi Shuuko and Tadano Hitohito (Komi Can't Communicate)
Emily and Percy (Thomas the Tank Engine - Model)
Sunflower (Plants Vs Zombies)
Slappy (Goosebumps)
Lost Silver and Strangled Red (Friday Night Funkin - Lullaby)
Misfortune (Little Misfortune)
Hypno (Pokémon and Friday Night Funkin - Lullaby)
Jigglypuff, Pikachu, Darkrai, Mew, Buneary, Celebi, Jirachi, Riolu, Lucario, Manaphy, Latios, Latias, Piplup, Dwebble, Diancie, Wynaut, Togepi, Zorua, Minccino, Cinccino, Pawmi, Axew, Emolga, Chikorita, Torchic, Cosmog, Pachirisu, Komala, Ralts, Mudkip, Eevee, Sylveon, Altaria, Swablu, Quaxly, Misdreavus, Gengar, Audino, Iris, Alice, Alicia and Bianca (Pokémon)
Wall-E, EVE and M-O (Wall-E)
Six (Little Nightmares)
Maleficent (Disney's Sleeping Beauty)
Jaq and Gus (Disney's Cinderella - 1990s)
Pomni, Ragatha, Gangle, Jax and Caine (The Amazing Digital Circus)
The Cat (Coraline)
Optimus Prime (Transformers)
N and Cyn (Murder Drones)
Gizmo (Gremlins)
Charlie Morningstar, Angel Dust, Alastor, Nifty, Lucifer Morningstar, Rosie, Fat Nuggets, Husk, Keekee, Emily, Zestial and Velvette (Hazbin Hotel)
Blitzø, Moxxie, Millie, Stolas, Asmodeus, Fizzarolli, Paimon, Collin, Queen Bee-Zlebub, Vortex, Octavia, Oliver and Loona (Helluva Boss)
Frost Queen Cookie, Clover Cookie and Espresso Cookie, Onion Cookie, Squid Ink Cookie, Cream Puff Cookie and Parfait Cookie, Strawberry Crepe Cookie and Cherry Blossom Cookie (Cookie Run - Kingdom)
Scar and Lex Woods (Alien Vs Predator)
Giulia Marcovaldo and Luca Paguro (Luca)
Tanjiro Kamado, Nezuko Kamado and Zenitsu Agatsuma (Demon Slayer)
XR, NOS-4-A2, Zurg, and Ty Parsec (Buzz Lightyear of Star Command)
Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Jessie, Mr Potato Head and Mrs Potato Head, Slinky Dog, Buttercup, Dolly, Trixie, Bonnie Anderson, Bunny and Ducky (Toy Story)
Little Green Men (Toy Story and Buzz Lightyear of Star Command)
Peep (Peep and the Big Wide World)
Totoro (My Neighbour Totoro)
Goku, Chichi, Vegeta, Krillin, Beerus and Whis (Dragon Ball Z)
Master Crane and Lord Shen (Kung Fu Panda)
Scarecrow (Arkhamverse, The New Batman Adventures, Batman The Animated Series, Nolanverse, Fear State, Brave and The Bold, Injustice 2, Happy Halloween Scooby Doo, Harley Quinn Series and Tomorrow-Verse)
Mad Hatter, Baby Doll, The Ventriloquist, Scarface, and Alice (Batman The Animated Series)
The Joker (Batman The Animated Series and The Batman 2004 Series)
Ragdoll, Catwoman, Penguin and Riddler (The Batman 2004 Series)
Harley Quinn (Harley Quinn Series, Injustice 2 and MultiVersus)
Ghoul (Batman Beyond)
Question and Huntress (Justice League Unlimited)
Scream Queen (Batman - Brave and The Bold)
Red Hood and Green Arrow (Injustice 2)
Starfire (Teen Titans)
King Shark (Harley Quinn Series)
Jake, Mee Mow and Princess Bubblegum (Adventure Time)
Chikn Nuggit, Cheezborger, Slushi, Bezel and Cofi (Chikn Nuggit)
Dr Drakken (Kim Possible)
Elvira (Elvira, Mistress Of The Dark and Happy Halloween Scooby Doo)
Narrator (The Stanley Parable)
Medic and Sniper (Team Fortress 2)
Wheatley (Portal)
Peppino Spaghetti, The Noise, Vigilante and Fake Peppino (Pizza Tower)
Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, Flurry Heart, Princess Celestia, Apple Bloom, Granny Smith, Thorax, Discord, Ocellus and Silverstream (My Little Pony)
Apple Blossom, Strawberry Kiss, Kooky Cookie, Spilt Milk, Milk Bud, Dum Mee Mee, Sippy Sips, Choc and Chip, Buncho Bananas, Jessicake, Donatina and Peppa Mint (Shopkins)
Mr Stitchy and Clowny (PIGGY)
Screech and Seek (DOORS)
Agatha (Dark Deception)
Lambie (Doc McStuffins)
Fink, Shannon, Darrell, Professor Venomous, Lord Boxman and Red Action (O.K KO)
Pipsqueak and Grammy Norma (The Lorax)
Freddy Krueger (Nightmare On Elm Street - Original)
Jason Voorhess and Pamela Voorhess (Friday The 13th - Original)
Michael Myers (Halloween - Original)
Leatherface/Bubba Sawyer (Texas Chainsaw Massacre - Original)
Chop Top Sawyer (Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2)
Needlem0use/Sarah Henderson and Luther (Needlem0use)
Filburt Shellbach, Rocko Rama and Spunky (Rocko's Modern Life)
Pops, Eileen and Hi-Five Ghost (Regular Show)
Mirabel Madrigal, Pepa Madrigal, Antonio Madrigal and Bruno Madrigal (Encanto)
Meilin Lee (Turning Red)
Abby Park (Turning Red)
Bluey Heeler, Bingo Heeler, Chilli Heeler, Bandit Heeler, Muffin Heeler, Socks Heeler, Brandy Heeler, Radley Heeler, Frisky, Calypso, Rusty, Lila and Pom Pom (Bluey)
Lilo Pelekai, Stitch, Angel and Pleakley (Lilo and Stitch)
Rebecca Rabbit, Emily Elephant, Zuzu Zebra, Zaza Zebra and Edmond Elephant (Peppa Pig)
Brandy and Mr Whiskers (Brandy and Mr Whiskers)
Big and Small (Big and Small)
Holly Thistle and Nanny Plum (Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom)
Mort, Gia, Melman, Stefano and Alex (Madagascar)
Skipper, Kowalski, Rico and Private (Madagascar and Penguins of Madagascar)
Corporal (Penguins of Madagascar)
Scratch, Molly McGee and Libby Stein-Torres (Ghost and Molly McGee)
Spawn (Image Comics)
Cyan Fitzgerald (Todd McFarlane's Spawn)
Hades (Disney's Hercules)
Jafar, Iago and Genie (Disney's Aladdin)
Nasira (Disney's Aladdin in Nasira's Revenge)
Horned King (The Black Cauldron)
Kissy Missy, Boogie Bot, Bunzo Bunny, Candy Cat, Hoppy Hopscotch and Dogday (Poppy Playtime)
Moon Knight and Mr Knight (Moon Knight)
Peni Parker (Spider Man - Into the Spider Verse)
Doctor Octopus, Vulture, Electro, Shocker, Tinkerer and Aunt May (Spectacular Spider Man)
Eddie Brock/Venom (Venom)
Baby Groot and Rocket Raccoon (MCU's Guardians of the Galaxy)
Jeffrey the Land Shark (It's Jeff)
Karen McCormick (South Park)
Butters Scotch (South Park)
Penny Proud, Oscar Proud and Suga Mama (The Proud Family)
Mike/Svetlana/Manitoba Smith/Mal, Zoey Izzy, Cameron, Jasmine and Chris McLean (Total Drama)
Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, Peridot, Rainbow Quartz, Greg and Lapis Lazuli (Steven Universe)
Chiaki Nanami, Korekiyo Shinguji, Monokuma and Monomi/Usami (Danganronpa)
Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, Artemis, Luna and Diana (Sailor Moon)
Secret History Tails and Secret History Mario (Mashed)
Roy O'brien (ROY)
Loid Forger, Yor Forger, Anya Forger and Bond Forger (Spy X Family)
Pixie, Brutus, Lola and Hugo (Pixie and Brutus)
Felix and King Candy/Turbo (Wreck It Ralph)
Isabelle, Timmy Nook, Tommy Nook and Rover (Animal Crossing)
Gidget, Chloe and Daisy (Secret Life Of Pets)
Ember Lumen (Elemental)
Sun, Moon and Eclipse (Five Nights At Freddy's - Security Breach)
Foxy (Five Nights At Freddy's)
Funtime Freddy and Circus Baby (Five Nights At Freddy's - Sister Location)
Bill Cipher, Mabel Pines, Wendy Corduroy, Stan Pines and Ford Pines (Gravity Falls)
Eric Duckman and Cornfed Pig (Duckman)
Slender Man, Splendor Man, Trenderman, Jeff The Killer, Laughing Jack, Sally and Lulu (Creepypasta)
Elmo, Cookie Monster, Big Bird and Julia (Sesame Street)
Ms Piggy, Swedish Chef and Gonzo (Muppets)
Bubble and Ice Cube (Battle For Dream Island)
Four, X, Six, Lollipop and Cake (Battle For BFB)
Winner, Price Tag, PDA and Conch Shell (The Power Of Two)
Lightbulb, Paintbrush, MePad, Bow/Bot, Paper, Test Tube, Silver Spoon, Clover, Goo and Candle (Inanimate Insanity)
Tune (Object Mayhem)
Shelly (Brawl Of The Objects)
Brownie (Battle For Isle Of Sleep)
Orbulon, Ashley, Kat, Ana, 9-Volt and Penny Crygor (Warioware)
Wallace, Gromit and Feathers McGraw (Wallace and Gromit)
Wendolene Ramsbottom (Wallace and Gromit - A Close Shave)
Lady Tottington and Hutch (Wallace and Gromit - Curse of The Were-Rabbit)
Penny Fitzgerald (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Sans, Papyrus, Toriel, Mettaton, Napstablook, Asriel and Alphys (Undertale)
Ralsei and Jevil (Deltarune)
Grizzly Bear, Panda Bear and Ice Bear (We Bare Bears and We Baby Bears)
Chloe Park (We Bare Bears)
Agent Trout (We Bare Bears Movie)
Jared (We Baby Bears)
Flaky, Flippy, Sniffles, Lammy and Cub (Happy Tree Friends)
Neo Cortex, Aku Aku, Dingodile, Pasadena O'Possum, N-Gin, Lani-Loli, Kapuna-Wa and Crash Bandicoot (Crash Bandicoot)
Ochaco Uraraka, Momo Yaoyorozu, Eijirou Kirishima, Tsuyu Asui, Hawks, Mirio Togata, Present Mic, Shota Aizawa, Ms Joke, Eri, Kota Izumi, Tomura Shigaraki, Toga Himiko, Dabi, Inko Midoriya, Ordinary Woman, Spinner and Tenya Ida (My Hero Academia)
Claire Foley (Professor Layton)
Sam (Trick R Treat)
Hanazuki, Kiyoshi, Yellow Hemka, Pink Hemka, Light Blue Hemka, Blue Hemka and Raspberry Hemka (Hanazuki)
Bugs Bunny, Tweety Bird and Marvin the Martian (Looney Tunes)
Zardy (Zardy's Maze)
Flapjack (Misadventures of Flapjack)
Charles Calvin, Right Hand Man, Reginald Copperbottom, Dmitri Petrov and Ellie Rose (Henry Stickmin)
Mr Shark, Mrs Tarantula, Diane Foxington and Wolf (The Bad Guys)
Miraitowa and Someity (Tokyo 2020 Mascots)
Bing Dwen Dwen and Shuey Rhon Rhon (Beijing 2022 Mascots)
Meggy Spletzer, Tari, Melony, Karen, Axol and Mr Puzzles (SMG4)
Blackie (Nightmare Cafe)
Dr Nefarious (Ratchet and Clank)
EteleD/Henry Morris and Corrupted Mii/Austin Sanders (Wii Deleted You)
Connor and Hank Anderson (Detroit - Become Human)
Poppet, Luvli, Jeepers, Shishi, Sleepypaws, Baby Rox, Roxy, Holga, Suey, Tomba, Kissy, Fifi, Marsha and Dr Strangeglove (Moshi Monsters)
PukeyHurlC (Grossery Gang)
Mama, Nastasia and Ichigo (Cooking Mama)
Yuto (Babysitting Mama)
Moomintroll, Snorkmaiden, Snork, Moominmamma, Moominpappa, Snufkin and Joxter (Moomin)
Komasan, Komajiro and Whisper (Yo-Kai Watch)
Hatsune Miku, Kasane Teto and Kagamine Rin (Vocaloid and UTAU)
Tuffy and Tyke (Tom and Jerry)
Misty (Tom and Jerry Show - 2014)
Shaggy Rogers, Scooby Doo and Fred Jones (Scooby Doo)
Madelyn Dinkley (Scooby Doo! Abracadabra)
F, Y and P (Alphabet Lore)
Sammy Lawrence, Boris, Tom and Allison Angel (Bendy and The Ink Machine)
Bendy (Bendy and The Dark Revival)
Sulley, Mike Wazowski and Boo (Monsters Inc)
Puss in Boots, Kitty Softpaws and Perrito (Puss in Boots)
Three Diablos (Puss In Boots - The Three Diablos)
Jack Horner and Death Wolf (Puss In Boots - The Last Wish)
Toothless, Ruffnut Thornston, Tuffnut Thornston, Valka Haddock, Cloudjumper, Gobber, Hiccup Haddock III and Astrid Hofferson (How to Train Your Dragon)
Bender (Futurama)
Wednesday Addams and Enid Sinclair (Wednesday)
Molly Horren, Milly Mandara and Chloe Ventura (Milly, Molly)
Major Dr Ghastly and General Skarr (Evil Con Carne)
Unikitty and Puppycorn (Unikitty)
Viridi (Kid Icarus - Uprising)
Scrooge McDuck (Ducktales)
Della Duck, Dewey Duck, Manny The Gargoyle and Lena Sabrewing (Ducktales – 2017)
David Jones, Zoe Kusama, Cathy Turner, Samuel King, Eduardo Ramirez, Amy Young, Maddie O'Malley, Charles Dupont, Sunny and Margaret Littlewood (Criminal Case)
Tutter (Bear in the Big Blue House)
Chowder and Mung Daal (Chowder)
Shaun (Shaun The Sheep)
Timmy (Shaun The Sheep and Timmy Time)
Mittens, Otus and Apricot (Timmy Time)
Jack Skellington, Sally, Zero and Oogie Boogie (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
Emily (Corpse Bride)
Jack Sparrow, Hector Barbossa and Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)
Hank J Wimbleton, Tricky, Sanford, Deimos and Jebus (Madness Combat)
Happiness Hank (Happiness Apotheosis)
Kedamono and Popee (Popee the Perfomer)
Mama Imelda (Coco)
Frankie Stein, Dracalaura, Catty Noir, Abbey Bominable and Twyla (Monster High)
Madeline Hatter, Kitty Cheshire, Crystal Winter, Bunny Blanc and Lizzie Hearts (Ever After High)
Tessa, Mags, Eye Brawl, Dr Krankcase, Flynn and Hugo (Skylanders)
Bart Simpson, Maggie Simpson, June Bellamy, Krusty the Clown, Groundskeeper Willie, Sideshow Bob and Ned Flanders (The Simpsons)
Sebastian and Ursula (Disney's Little Mermaid)
Melody (Disney's Little Mermaid II - Return to the Sea)
Cruella De Vil and Lucky (Disney's 101 Dalmatians)
Mrs Brown (Mrs Brown's Boys)
Joe Swanson and Jasper (Family Guy)
Cleveland Brown (Family Guy and The Cleveland Show)
Tunip (Octonauts)
Chuck and Matilda (Angry Birds)
Leonard Mudbeard, Courtney, Zeta and Debbie (Angry Birds Movie)
Nikki, Max, Nerris, Ered and Gwen (Camp Camp)
Victor Creel and Mike Wheeler (Stranger Things)
Skeletor and Orko (He-Man)
Margaret the Mole and Felix the Fish (Andy's Apple Farm)
Mushu (Disney's Mulan)
Iroh, Suki, Momo and Toph (Avatar The Last Airbender)
Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Alya Cesaire, Gabriel Agreste and Nathalie Sancoeur (Miraculous Ladybug)
Evil Queen/Grimhilde, Dopey and Snow White (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
Bjorn, Splork and Kat Tut (Peggle Deluxe)
Nigel Thornberry (Wild Thornberrys)
Quasimodo, Esmeralda, Claude Frollo, Clopin Trouillefou, Hugo, Victor and Laverne (Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame)
Lumiere, Fifi and Chip (Disney's Beauty & The Beast)
Klaus (American Dad)
Pinocchio, Figaro, Honest John, Gideon and Geppetto (Disney's Pinocchio – 1940)
Winnie The Pooh, Tigger, Piglet and Eeyore (Winnie The Pooh)
Mog and Owl (Meg & Mog)
Captain Hook and Smee (Disney's Peter Pan)
Kronk, Yzma and Kuzco (Emperor's New Groove)
Trixie and Captain Cuddlepuss (Creature Comforts)
Wally Darling, Julie Joyful and Barnaby B Beagle (Welcome Home)
Rocky, Babs and Mrs Tweedy (Chicken Run)
Konata Izumi (Lucky Star)
Lucy Loud, Lynn Loud and Luan Loud (Loud House)
Rita and Spike (Flushed Away)
Nugget (Super Meat Boy Forever)
Om Nom, Om Nelle and Nibble Nom (Cut The Rope and Om Nom Stories)
Swampy and Allie (Where's My Water and Swampy's Underground Adventures)
Linus van Pelt and Woodstock (Peanuts)
Dory and Deb (Finding Nemo)
Destiny (Finding Dory)
Billy Bear, Bonnie Bear and Mr Pumpkin (Butlins Mascots)
Grogu and Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
Wally/Waldo (Where's Wally - 1991 Series)
Mr Tumble and Granddad Tumble (Something Special)
Sackboy (Little Big Planet)
Vex (Sackboy - A Big Adventure)
Parappa and Sunny (Parappa The Rapper)
Danger Mouse and Penfold (Danger Mouse)
Baymax (Big Hero 6)
Otto, Antauri and Circus of Ooze Crew (Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go)
Sid, Manny, Granny and Peaches (Ice Age)
Arnold (Hey Arnold)
Yumeko Jabami (Kakegurui)
Lucas (Lucas The Spider)
Marisa Kirisame (Touhou)
Noddy, Fuse, Naughticorns(Bling, Hoof and Cloppycorn), Pat Pat and Dinah Doll (Noddy)
Toto (Dr Panda)
Wander and Lord Dominator (Wander Over Yonder)
Alice Green, Tilly Green, Cricket Green and Bill Green (Big City Greens)
Ty The Tasmanian Tiger and Maurie (Ty the Tasmanian Tiger)
Larry the Cucumber (Veggitales)
Lady Dimitrescu and Karl Heisenberg (Resident Evil - Village)
Norrie and Peggee (Hey Duggee)
Kratos (God Of War)
Tiana, Charlotte La Bouff and Dr Facilier (Princess and The Frog)
Berry, Dreamy, Lily, Petite and Daisy (Palace Pets)
Ms Featherbon (Palace Pets - Whisker Haven)
Simon and Fionna (Fionna and Cake)
Gordi and Maria (Unicorn Wars)
Zippy and Bungle (Rainbow)
Dougal (Magic Roundabout – 1970)
Benrey, Dr Coomer and Tommy (Half Life VR)
Shellsea (Fish Hooks)
Jude (6teen)
Susie and Kimi (Rugrats – 1991)
Jenny Wakeman (My Life as a Teenage Robot)
Skulker and Walker (Danny Phantom)
Zippy (TUFF Puppy)
Rango and Beans (Rango)
Calvin McMurray/Freckle and Mordecai Heller (Lackadaisy)
Dee Dee (Dexter's Laboratory)
Master Shake (Aqua Teen Hunger Force)
Pugsley and Norma Khan (Dead End - Paranormal Park)
Stocking Anarchy (Panty and Stocking)
Ongo (Jelly Jamm)
Bubble (Fundamental Paper Education)
Darkwing Duck and Quackerjack (Darkwing Duck)
Snorky and Fleegle (The Banana Splits)
Fear, Anger and Sadness (Inside Out)
Anxiety and Embarrassment (Inside Out 2)
Naven Nuknuk and Zora Salazar (Epithet Erased)
Captain (Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists)
Astral (Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal)
Benrey and Tommy (Half Life VR)
Felix the Cat (Felix the Cat)
Kiff Timberlay (Kiff)
Vanity Smurf (The Smurfs)
Glendale (Centaurworld)
Bernie (Zig and Sharko)
Varian (Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure)
Wubbzy and Daizy (Wow! Wow! Wubbzy)
Fender Pinwheeler (Robots)
Joe Dalton (The Daltons)
Toaster (The Brave Little Toaster)
Hilda (Hilda)
Gizmo (Gremlins)
Cheshire (Alice In Wonderland - 2010)
Jiji (Kiki's Delivery Service)
Dick Dastardly and Muttley (Wacky Races & Dastardly and Muttley in Their Flying Machines)
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