redheadspark · 2 years
For your prompts!!
“ don’t doubt yourself, honey. ” & "I'm rooting for you"
For your Melody series
Can be anything, have fun with it!!
A/N: Yay for a Melody Prompt! Thanks for the request, Stella!
Summary: Clío hits a roadblock when she tries to use her ability after the near Emergence, but Druig is there to build her up again.
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Warnings: Some cute fluff
You can find my Melody Masterlist here as a reference :)
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You hated this, you downright hated this.
You were standing in the open field, in your power stance and in a set of gym clothes with your hair tied back in a high messy bun. Your hands were making fists at your sides as you were staring dead ahead at the vas's one plains, taking in a few deep breaths to get back int your mind again and concentrate. But once your opened your mouth and tried to scream, it felt more like scratching along your throat and wind pipe and a straining sensation was there.
You slammed your mouth shut and groaned. You couldn't scream anymore.
Your muscles were still sore from the Emergence, using all of your might and ability in that battle and fight on the beach against Ikaris. You weren't expecting to into a fight, only to stop Tiamut and the Emergence that would end the planet and the human race. But Ikaris was there to make it happen, and he would kill you all if he could. Seeing whom you considered as your brother wish to harm you, to stop you from saving the humans, it killed you inwardly. Yet it was worse when he harmed and attempted to kill your husband. Seeing Druig fly through the air into the ground, Ikaris shooting his beams into his body to kill him in front of yours eyes, your rational side left you and something more animalistic blossomed.
Your mouth opened, and the sound that came out of your mouth was almost gut wrenching and unbearable.
"Son of a bitch," You sighed, rubbing your throat and pacing a bit from one spot to another along the dirt beneath your feet. It felt more like a chore now to use your ability, not like before when it was natural and flowed through you. Something about that fight, about using your voice in such a feral and angry manner, it changed your ability permanently.
It was scarred, in more way than one.
"Clío?" Druig called out to you, sounding a bit uneasy to see you try and scream out in the open plains near the farmhouse. Within you mind you hated that Druig was seeing you like this: almost looking like a crazy trying to scream. But you knew that you changed, ever since you all left that beach and barely saved the world you changed. But the others did too, a shift was in each of you from what you experienced and how you fought hard. This never happened while you were on Earth.
"You need to take it easy," Druig reminded you, walking up to kiss your shoulder and rubbing your arm soothingly as you were rubbing your face in frustration, "It's not going to come back easily or anything soon,"
"It's been weeks Druig," You explained calmly, your voice sounding bitter and almost hoarse from how many times you tried to use your screams, "I should be healed by now. Why am I still weak?"
"Because you used so much of it you lose your voice, remember?" Druig reminded you, having you sigh. He was right: approaching you on the beach with a new scrapes on his skin and a gash on his cheek. You were beyond happy to see him alive, tears down your face as you two collided and kissed on the beach amongst the water. He was back in your arms and in your life, and that split moment of being alone went away with the rolling tide.
Druig held you close, whispering you were okay and he was there. You tried to tell him you were happy be was alive, but your voice was lost to the sea from using you bellows and wails so much on Ikaris. You mouthed to him, "I love you I love you I love you," Over and over against his lips, knowing he heard and felt it.
"You couldn't talk for two days after that," Druig went on some more, his fingers moved to trace your neck near your collarbone with his calloused fingers so delicately and intimately that it made you shiver, "I've never missed hearing your voice so much until that moment,"
"What if I won't be able to use it again?" You asked, sounding uneasy and unsure. Now that you couldn't use your screams, to project it and harness it, it made you feel more lost than ever. When you had your ability before, it never once crossed your mind you could loose it within a moment or a split second. All you were thinking about on the beach was killing Ikaris, Not only or how he killed Ajak and caused the death go Gilgamesh, not only for bringing pain and turmoil to your family when you were all meant to be one. Yet it was you yearning to make him pay for how he took Druig away from you and made you think Druig was gone forever. That was the last straw for you, seeing your husband ripped out of your hands.
Your lost your voice to fight for your love and for your beliefs.
"You will," Druig vowed, his voice calm and smooth as you felt him wrap one arm around your upper chest to cradle you close to him as he was still pressed behind you, "I know you will. You are still healing...and as much as you're gonna hate me telling you this...I want you to rest."
"Druig..." you groaned.
"Rest is not weakness," He reminded you calmly, "You have told me the a dozen times when I would over use my mind control. Rest is good and rest is essential. I love you too much to see you push yourself, Clío. Plus you have to heal for more than just yourself,"
HIs hand slipped down to rest on your lower belly, you placing your own hand on top of his.
It's been a week since you found out you were pregnant and you told the news to Druig. Both of your lives have changed since then, you feeling the days being more scared and filled with pockets of joy. Of course you thought it was impossible, very impossible. The initial shock was still running in your veins, and you felt your whole world was shifting towards the little life growing inside of you. There was nothing else as important as your baby, no matter how small it was at this point and how you felt so happy with the notion of your family growing.
But you couldn't picture having a family without Druig in it, walking with you and helping guide you in every step. You two were already a family from the moment you got married, and maybe before in the longer years of Earth. Druig was never going to be out of your life, and to think that he would have this baby with you seemed too good to be true. You could only picture him as the best father, and he would help make you the best mother.
“Don’t doubt yourself, honey.” Druig whispered against your head as you both were embracing one another, the dust settling around your feet as a breeze picked up, "You're still the powerful, kind, and fierce woman I fell in love with centuries ago, and you always will be. I'm rooting for you, your voice will come back. I know it will, okay?"
"Okay." You sighed, feeling Druig sneak a kiss along your jaw and cheek, "Maybe I'll slow down with this. I think your stubbornness is rubbing off on me,"
"You make it sound like it's a bad thing," Druig teased, you giggled and gripping his jaw before he could move away from you. You turned your head, kissing you soundly and felt him hold you a bit closer as you two kissed for a few moments. You could always find yourselves back in this moment of peace with one another, and although you knew that your recovery was going to be slower than you liked, Druig was going to be right there to make sure you weren't alone.
The End.
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Tagged: @ftrmrs-ally-keofield @botanicalbarnes @heartofwritiing @steve-harringtons-slut
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heartofwritiing · 2 years
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@redheadspark some druig listening to Clíos tummy! 😊 *I imagine this is during the twins but it could be melody as well!!
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redheadspark · 2 years
I was wondering if I could request either a small fic or even headcanon of Druig or Clío, Melody gets sick for the first time as a baby and one of them is kinda freaking out about it but the other is like “its fine honey, just a small head cold.” I would really like to see this with Drío please! 🥰💗
A/N: AWWWW This is beyond cute and perfect! Thank you SO much for requesting this, my dear!
Summary: Who knew the stoic and always cool mind controller would loose his mind when his infant daughter gets sick. Clío did of course.
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*This is a cute picture of actor Barry Keoghan (who plays Druig) with his son Brando, I HAD to use this since it looked perfect as an image of Druig and baby Melody.*
Warnings: Angst and fluff rolled into one.
Part of the Melody Series
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Druig never thought he would be worried.
No, petrified was a better word.
It started with sniffles and a few coughs here and there, Druig noticing it when he held her first thing in the morning. She would usually be happy to be held by her father, opening her crystal blue eyes at him and having a sense of peace on her infant face. Druig loved seeing her eyes on him the first thing in the morning, it made his day already ten times better.
But on this morning, he could see she wasn't herself. The fussiness was evident, not finding the perfect way to hold her to calm her down from the sniffles and tears as she wiggled in his hold. He saw it in her face too, contorted in uncomfortableness and uneasiness. Melody was always an easy and happy little baby, so seeing her in such a state made Druig feel petrified.
His daughter was sick, and he had no idea what to do.
"I got ya, baby girl. I got ya," Druid hummed over and over, walking back and forth along the living room floor with his daughter fussing in his arms and crying with a whimper on her lips. Clío was on the phone with the doctor, it was better to call ahead than to drive into town which seemed so far away. Druig was focusing on trying to ease his little girl, who was red in the face and wiggling so bad in his hold he was afraid he would drop her. He felt as though he was being tortured from the inside out since he didn't know what to do or how to help her. She had no temperature, they checked already when she started to fuss. But she did sound congested from how she was breathing, making Druig panic not know what to give her.
When he was back in the jungle with Clío, there were healers that were present to help anyone and everyone who got sick. Neyli, the head healer of the village for about 40 years, knew just how to ease any fevers or colds that came upon the young and old. Druig never having to lift a finger to help since she knew anything and everything when it came to natural medicine. But those were natural remedies from herbs and roots, nothing too modern unless it was intense to extreme.
Now he was here, out in the middle of nowhere, and it was his daughter who was ill.
His infant daughter.
"I know, baby. I'm so sorry, Mel. It's gonna be okay," Druig hummed to her over and over like a mantra as she was letting out a new sniffles and sneezes against his chest. He felt useless, only being able to hold her to give her some kind of comfort. She was far too young for him to do some kind of mind control, and he swore he would never do that to his child in the first place. Maybe he could cal Thena, she might know something that could help since Thena and Gilgamesh fended for themselves for some time out in rural Australia. Or maybe Sersi, she might know a thing or two about healing children since she was good with them.
If only Ajak was alive and there to help...
"Alright, I just got off the phone with Dr. Morris," Clío glided into the room over to Druig and Melody, Druig shooting his eyes to her in panic as she gave him reassuring smile and placed her hand under Melody's head and the other along his arm, "I told him what's going on with Mel and he thinks it's a head cold."
"What in the hell is a head cold?" Druig asked in worry and in a panicked tone.
"It's very common, Druig. Especially this time of year since the weather is getting colder," Clío calmly replied to him, looking down at their fussing daughter who had fat tears in her eyes, "He's going to get some antibiotics together and come here to the house within an hour,"
"An hour?!" Druig seethed, his eyes almost bulging out in shock. Clío moved instantly, framing his face in her hands to have him focus on her and her bright eyes.
"He's coming with the medicine, sweetheart," Clío reassured him soothingly, "All we can do is wait, okay? But you need to take a breath before you work yourself up. Come on and breathe for me, babe,"
Druig paused and took in a forced breath, trying to calm himself down since he was still holding his daughter within his arms. Clío kept her stare at him, taking a long breath to almost show him how to breathe. Druig tried again, this time it was a bit better and calmer as he tried to re-center himself. All he could think about was panic, panic of not knowing if this head cold was serious or mild. Panic of waiting a full hour for the doctor to come with the medicine.
Panic over his little daughter, the light of his world.
"You good?" Clío asked, seeing how Druig's shoulders were a bit relaxed and his eyes were no longer rigid. He nodded his had slowly as he looked from his wife down to Melody. She was a bit calmer too, looking between her mother and father and the fussing was dying down a bit. Almost like she was mirror what her father was doing. Druig sighed, pulling her up to kiss her head over and over and keep her close.
"You need to be calm for her, Druig," Clío reminded him as she rubbed Melody's back and rang her other hand in Druig's hair, "I know you're scared, I am too. But honey, she's going to be okay. I know she will be, but Melody needs you to be calm for her so she can feel better,"
Druig could do that, he could be calm for the sake of his child. Melody was everything to him, nothing else mattered to him than the baby he was holding close and his wife who bore the same baby. Those two were his world, and when one was in pain, he was in pain. Anything he could do for either one of them to ease their worries or pain, he would do in an instant. So if he had to be calm, if he had to hold her close for the next hour while they waited for the doctor to arrive, he would do it.
He would do anything for his daughter.
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"Thank you again for coming out and for the medicine, Dr. Morris,"
"Anytime! Give the antibiotics a day or two to kick in and she'll be good as new before you know it. Just give her lots of rest and let me know how she takes to the medicine. I'll call in the morning, take care!"
Clío waved as the trucked rolled away down the paved road, Dr. Morris waving his hand out the window as he went back towards the main highway. The cool air that was signaling the evening picked up. Clío sighed in relief, feeling a bit better was she walked back into the house over to the study where she knew she left Druig and Melody.
The doctor arrived within the hour, coming a bit earlier than expected with a big bag with medicine and antibiotics for his sick patient. Druig was still holding Melody, almost protectively until he had to release her over to Dr. Morris, watching with worried eyes as the doctor examined his daughter. Clío was still cool and calm, holding Druig's hand in a sense of comfort as the prognosis was in fact a common Head Cold.
Dr. Morris too was calm, even laughing as Melody sneezed and scrunched her nose at him as he gave Melody the medicine along with the antibiotics while he checked her temperature. Druig felt a wave of relief off his shoulders, hearing it from the doctor himself that Melody was going to be okay. Perhaps he too overreact a bit, hearing that plenty of babies would be sick and get over it within a day or two with the amount of rest and medicine.
Clío poked her head into the study, seeing none other than Melody and Druig. Both fast asleep with Druig leaned back against the loveseat he was in and Melody in his hold, no longer fussing or crying but at peace. She was snoring even, which showed Clío she was in a deep sleep finally for the first time all day. There was peace along Druig's face too, his hair disheveled and the bag under his eyes were evident enough to show all he went through.
But all Clío could think about was the immense love her husband had for their daughter, for the little light of his world, that he would do anything and be anything to bring her happiness and safety. She never saw him scared to that caliber before, and it showed in his love for her and how he wished to take those woes away.
She took a picture on her phone of her husband and daughter asleep, sending it to the group chat and getting some responses moments later:
Phastos: Damn, someone had a rough night.
Clío: We got a sick little one on our hands, and a worried daddy too :)
Sersi: Oh no! Is Melody alright?
Makkari: What happened?!
Thena: How sick is Mel, Clío?
Clío: It's just a head cold, guys. She's okay now. The doctor gave her medicine and she'll be well before we know it. Her dad, however, is another story.
Kingo: Druig looks like hell.
Sprite: Way to be supportive, Kingo!
Kingo: I state the truth!
Sersi: I think he looks like a worried father. How is Druig holding up?
Clío paused from her texting, seeing Druig hum with a small smile on his face and a look of peace there etched along the smile. Such a small scare would bring the mind controller to his knees, to have him feel useless in caring for such a little one. But now that fear was gone, that worry dissolved in the air and all that was left was peace again. Clío grinned widely.
Clío: He's got his little girl safe and sound now. He'll be alright.
The End.
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Tagged: @heartofwritiing @a-lumos-in-the-nox @botanicalbarnes @basicrese
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redheadspark · 2 years
So I had a cute fluff/agnst idea for you!
What if Melody is jealous that Druig and Clio have to spend a lot of time taking care of Oliver and Finn, but its like that thing where she just doesn’t understand why and Druig and Clío have to explain to her that they just need a little more care. maybe the angsty part is she thinks they don’t love her as much anymore? (my poor baby mel) maybe one of the other eternals could find out and tell her parents? I know its a cliché scenario but I wanted to see your take on it!! 🥺🥰💕
A/N: Thank you for the request with our little Drío family, my love! I hope it's perfect for you ;)
How Much?
Summary: Melody feels out of place in the family since Clío and Druig are focusing on her brothers.
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W/C: 3,219
Warnings: Angst with some fluffiness in the end
For reference, go to The Melody Masterlist
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“Hey, I need to talk to you two.  Now,”
You and Druig gave each other weary looks, seeing 20 year old Sprite give you two a stern and determined look.  Pausing your cross stitching, you and Druig followed Sprite out to the small balcony on the main floor of your house.   You could hear it in her tone that Sprite was going to give some serious information to us, she was never one to hold back in what she would tell you or any of the Eternals for that matter.
Once we were outside, Sprite moved to close the balcony door swiftly and then she crossed her arms in front of her, her power stance that was an instant indicator that something heavy was on her mind.  Her medium length hair, flowing in the Oregon Coast wind and her dark eyes scanned the pair of you.
“Your daughter came to me last night,” She explained, looking from you to Druig, back and forth like a tennis match, “I only tell you this because I love you and I appreciate you both: She thinks you two love the boys more than her,”
You and Druig were floored, looking at her with wide eyes and stiff stances.  It felt like a mental slap in across the face.  This was not what you thought you were going to talk about with Sprite in your home while she was visiting for the week in the late spring, maybe to have some news involving the others. 
But about your 8 year old daughter?  
“What are you talking about?” Druig asked, his face was just as concerned and shocked as yours as you looked from Sprite and Druig over to Melody’s bedroom window.  Peering in front your spot, you saw into her bedroom, seeing Melody perched at her window seat reading a book.  Even seeing some of that evidence on her face, almost looking rather solemn and not cheerful.  Her long hair over her shoulder, the distinct freckles danced across her nose and chin, and the pristine blue eyes scanning her book all looked less….her.
“We talked last night before she went to bed,” Sprite explained to Druig as you looked back at her, seeing her lean against the balcony railing and giving Druig one of her neutral stares, though there was a hit of concern there too, “She’s jealous of the boys and the attention you’re giving them,”
“That can’t be true….” You tried to reason, but Sprite shook her head.
“I’m not gonna lie about Mel,” Sprite stated, “She tells me all this stuff and she’s afraid to tell you two,”
“Come on, Sprite,” Druig started with Sprite, making you see he was about to start up an argument with her since Melody was involved and mentioned.  Druig was protective of his first born and only daughter, and it didn’t matter if it was a family matter or a stranger, Druig would defend her whole heartedly.  
“Read my mind then, Druig.  Go on,” Sprite cooly replied in a challenging manner, Druig paused before he could say anything else.  You eyed her, thinking she was just saying that to pull Druig’s leg.  Sprite has done that before with not just Druig but with the others, thinking it would be funny even though she was fully human.  But there with the mention of your daughter, whom she loved dearly and considered a little sister, you knew she was serious.
Druig hummed, playing along with the game.  His eyes glowed and so did Sprite’s, you watched the silence and the interaction between your husband and younger sister.  Of course you were on pins and needles, merely not only because your children were involved, but the notion that Melody was feeling left out because of your attention on the boys.  You were trying to think in the past yourself, attempting to remember moments in the past few days or a week or two ago when Melody felt out of place or lost in the shuffle.
The boys being two years old was a worldwide of chaos.  They both were great boys, but the terrible twos were clearly evident.  Melody had it when she was that age, plenty of push back and stubbornly saying “No!” all the time.  So Finn and Oliver were just the same, Finn more rambunctious and Oliver very clingy to you made some days a bit tiresome and overwhelming.  So could see where Melody was feeling left out, and you felt your own heart breaking.
Druig’s eyes went back to blue from the glowing yellow, as did Sprite’s eyes, and you looked at him to see what he was going to day.  But his face was crestfallen, almost broken hearted himself as he stood there in silence for a moment to two.  It scared you, wondering what he saw within Sprite’s mind.  Looked from him to Sprite, you saw her face looking a bit concerned and uneasy from what she showed him.
“Druig?” You asked him in worry.  Druig took in a long breath and rubbed his face, the softness there on his face.  You walked over, taking his hand in your own and you read it instantly on his face and in how he held your hand.  
It was true: Melody was jealous and felt neglected.
“What have we done?” You whispered in a broken tone, blinked away the tears that wanted to come out.  It felt like you were stabbed, hearing that your daughter felt neglect and outcasted in comparison to her brothers.  You thought back to the talk you had with her two years ago, back in South Dakota before the boys were born.  Sitting with Melody in your lap and hearing how she was afraid that she was going to be forgotten, and you swore that you never would forget her or leave her behind.
You broke your own promise.
“Hey, no no! Clío, come on,” Sprite said in earnest as she saw you about to cry.  She walked over, looking at you with some pain on her face as she rubbed your arms, “You are an amazing mother, okay?”  
She looked over at Druig, seeing him looking just as beaten up from what she showed him with his ability, “And you’re an amazing father!  You two are such good parents, amazing ones.  Your daughter loves you, I know she loves you and you know that too.  Melody is not angry with you and she doesn’t hate you at all, you understand me?”
You sniffled and nodded your head, shaking a bit in the cool wind as Druig walked over to wrap you in his arms.  You two held each other, needing a moment to be each others anchors and support.  
“She just feels lost and out of place.  Having two year old brothers is a bit much for her,” Sprite explained calmly, “And it’s not that she doesn’t love her brothers.  She would do anything for them, right?  Melody just misses you two….really misses you two,”
With the way Sprite said it and delivered it, you understood where she was coming from and what Melody was feeling inside of her.  Of course she was used to having you and Druig to herself for the first 6 years of her life, and when there are two little ones taking most of your attention…that rocked her boat rather hard.  But maybe you needed to hear it from a person outside your inner family circle, someone like Sprite whom loved Melody and had the best intentions for her since she was born.  
“Go talk to her and hear her out,” Sprite said to you two, Druig kissing your head and held your tight while you were calming down, “I can watch the boys while you guys go out for a walk and have a talk.”
You weakly smiled at Sprite, seeing how she was willing to help you two talk to Melody and have that time alone with her without worrying about the boys.  She wanted you all to talk together and make things better for her niece, which you loved Sprite all the more.  Ever since she had her ability taken away by Sersi, you saw a new change in Sprite and in how she view life around her.  You had to give her credit: Sprite was far more mature in her years compared to her physical appearance. 
Even at the age of 20, she seemed like a wise old woman at times.
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“Mel, your mom and I want to talk to you about something,” Druig explained to Melody as the three of you were walking on the deserted beach three minutes away from your home.  The calming afternoon was perfect as you three walked hand in hand, Melody being in the middle and both of her hands holding yours and Druig’s palms.  Right after Sprite talked to you two, you asked Melody to join you and Druig on a walk on the shoreline.  Of course Melody wanted to go, she loved walking on the shoreline and gathering plenty of shells or agates in her bright yellow pail.  But this time she loved simply walking with you, enjoying the cool once weather and the waves tumbling over her water boots that she would wear consistently.  
“You know you can come talk to us about anything, anything at all, right?” Druig asked her as we were slowing down near a fallen log that was massive and perched by the shore, half to it in the water and the other hand grounded on the sand.  
“I know, Da,” She replied, you looking down at her as she moved to sit on top of the log, perching right on the top as you went to sit next to her.  Druig stayed standing, watching his daughter very a deep amount of love on his face and in his eyes as you kept her own eyes on her.
“Mel,” Druig her name softy, thinking to himself before he moved to squat down in front of her, peering up at her eyes and their blue orbs staring at one another, “I think I owe you an apology,” 
Melody’s face etched in confusion as you wrapped an arm around her, “Your father and I both owe you an apology, baby,”
“Why, momma?” She asked you, not understanding as you found your voice.
“For neglecting you,” You explained, her eyes moving to you as you kept talking, “We were taking care of the boys and using all of our time on them, and we felt as though we weren’t helping you when you needed it,”
“Oh,” She said, looking a bit down as soon as you explained it, biting her lower lip as she looked at Druig to see if he agreed. Druig nodded his head, his face looked torn as you scooted closer to your daughter to wrap an arm around her shoulders.
“The last thing your mom and I want to do is to make you feel out of place.  You have always come first with us, but.....maybe it doesn’t feel like that for you nowadays, does it?” Druig asked her, keeping his voice calm and collected.  Your eyes went from him to your daughter, seeing how she was almost caving in to the talk that you two were giving her.  Her lip was blubbering and her eyes looked glassy then, you seeing her duck her head to not look at her father or mother.  Once you saw a few tears hit her overalls, you moved without a second thought.  
“Petal,” You cooed, scooping her in your lap and wrapping her in your arms.  You hated it when your own daughter cried, she was a strong little girl who knew how to hold her own.  Her heart was tender and massive, never wanting to see others in distress or in pain.  But when it was her heart that was in pain, that was damaged or feeling wounded, that was just as worse.  So you felt her tears hit your shirt as you nestled her in your embrace.
“We are so, so sorry,” You said into her brown hair, feeling her fingers touching your sleeves as you rubbed her arms with your own fingers, “You felt alone and out of place with us, and we never wanted that for you.  We love you so much, Melody.  More than anything or anyone, we love you,”
“B-b-but….you only w-w-worry about Finn and Oli,” Melody blubbered in your hold as you rocked her slightly, “You're with them all the time and you don't have time for m-me! It feels like sometimes you don’t love me as much because you’re with them all the time,”
“Sweet girl,” Druig said soothingly as he moved to squat right at her eye level, seeing her blue watery eyes behind her curtain of brown hair, “That is far from the truth. We love you far too much, it’s nearly impossible to love you any less.  But you see, your brothers are little, and they need lots of help. We’re trying to help them a little bit more right now.”
“T-they need help?” Melody asked, blinking her eyes slowly as you pushed her hair out of the way to see her father more. Druig smiled, though a tear was on his face from seeing his daughter in such a state as he reached over to cup her face in his hand.
“They’re still little ones and they’re learning a lot, and that takes time.  But if you felt as though we don’t love you anymore than we love them….my darling Petal, that is not true at all,”
“We love you so much, baby,” You reminded her soothingly and with love laced on your lips, “You were always first for us, and we’re sorry if you felt as though you weren’t.  I promised you two years ago that we wouldn’t neglect you, you remember?”
Melody nodded her head silently, Druig looked at you with a hint of hurt on his face as you inhaled and snuggled into her a bit more. That talk with Melody was a hard pill to swallow, and when you told Druig later that day on the phone, he was just as broken hearted as you were.
“I’m sorry I broke that promise to you, Melody Sersi.  That was never my intention to make you feel less or out of place within your own family and with your mom and dad, or to be jealous of your brothers.  Don’t think for one second that we love you less than Oliver and Finn, we love you just as much.  We’re going to make time for just the three of us for now on.  We’ll go on dates and outings, doing anything you want to do with just your mom and dad,” You explained carefully, her head poking up a bit and scanning your eyes with hers.
“W-what about Finn and Oli?” Melody asked, not in malice but in curiosity and wonder.
“We’ll still help them and be there for them, but the three of us can go out every once in awhile and have our time together, okay?” Druig asked her, Melody watching him now with no more tears coming down her cheeks, “You know our baby-sitter, Jane?  She can watch them when we go out.  But Melody, we don’t want you to ever feel like you can’t come to us with whatever is bothering you,”
“It doesn’t matter if we’re busy with Finn and Oli, you come to us whenever you want and with whatever you wanna tell us,” You explained to her with love in your tone.  You wanted her to know that you and Druig were always available for her, whenever she needed either one of you.  
“If you never feel like this again, you tell us right away and don’t hold it in,” Druig instructed her, his own bright eyes were almost reflective with the ocean next to him.  Melody nodded her head at her father, then slipping out of your hold to touch onto the ground and then go into his arms. Druig scooped her up smoothly, standing up with her legs around his waist and her head buried into his neck.  He sighed, holding her so close and keeping her still as they both were in front of you on the beach.  You watched, a small sense of peace there as Druig and Melody embraced one another along the cool beach shore.  They were two important beings on your life, going through a small hurdle.
Perhaps this was a good wake up call for both you and Druig in how your family dynamic was working.  But the last thing either one of you ever wanted to have one of your children feel alone, so you both knew you had to change things to help Melody.  You were thankful that Sprite told you the truth, not sugarcoating it and making it seem less than it was.  But she did that because she knew it was best, and you were grateful for her honesty and the love she had for the little girl in your husband’s arms.
“I love you so much, Petal,” Druig said into her hair as he embraced her, you watching her hair flying in the wind as one of his hand moved to cup the back of her head.  There was no other love that matched Druig’s love for his daughter, it was always organic and deep since the day she was born.  The love he had for you was both the same but vastly different to the love he had for his firstborn and only little girl.  His love for Melody was a sense of protectiveness and joy, a piece of yourself etched within her that made him love her all the more. 
You got up from the log, wrapping your own arms around your husband and daughter.  You knew Druig was just as heartbroken as you were when you got this new about Melody, so you had to give him some love and support as he was holding your child.  Both of you were equal partners in being parents, and with this hurtle that needed to be taken care of, it was going to be something you two would conquer together.  
You had, for the sake of your daughter and your family.
“How are you feeling, baby?” You asked her, seeing her rest her head on Druig’s shoulder and Druig was rubbing her back wit his knuckles.
“A bit better….but can….can we go home and have spaghetti for dinner?” Melody asked sheepishly between you two as you three were still embracing one another.  Druig chuckled wetly, kissing her hair and nodded as you grinned.
“Of course we can, Mel. As long as you help me with the meatballs,” You reassured her, seeing her face brighten up a bit, “But Mel, you know I love you?”
“I do, momma,” She replied.
“How much?” You asked, seeing her grin get big as she thew out her hands from side to side.
“This much, momma!” She hummed in answered. Instantly, you peppered her face with kisses since her face was exposed, she squealed in delight.  She tried to hide in Druig’s hold, but he also kissed her face all over and she screeched from rapid fire kissing.  Three sets of laughter and giggled were floating in the sky on the beach, your faces no longer filled with tears but filled with reassurance. This hurtle was going to be conquered, you and Druig were going to make sure of that.  So you could only hope that you could do better, not just for the sake of Melody but for the future of your family.
You help onto hope in a tight grip.
The End. 
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Tagged: @a-lumos-in-the-nox @heartofwritiing @botanicalbarnes @ftrmrs-ally-keofield @basicrese
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redheadspark · 2 years
Take Care
Summary: Druig takes Clío away for the week, seeing she needs a recharge and find herself again.
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WC: 7,225
Warnings: A hint of angst, fluff and a small SMUT scene
Part of the Melody Series
A/N: I wanted to add in a Druig and Clío centered piece without the kids (Though I love them and I will have more to add for them later!) But I figured these two needed some alone time from their babies. Plus this is for my own personal enjoyment!
There is a part in there that has a hint of smut, NO MINORS PLEASE! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
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"Come away with me,"
You looked over at Druig from your spot near the dresser, pulling on an old thin shirt over your head as Druig was simply watching you with his alluring and yet gentle eyes. You cocked a grin at him, tilting your head to show that you didn't understand.
"Away with you?" You asked, seeing him grin while you pulled your hair up in a high bun, some loose strands around your face and eyes.
"Yes," he replied as you walked over to him, seeing him perched on the edge of the bed with his sapphire eyes on you. You could see the rejuvenated look on his skin, ever since you moved to Oregon to that one house nestled in the forest, barely out of the sites of the coastal town of Lincoln City, there was a new spark in Druig. You knew he was a fan of isolation, not being in the bustling city just like you. But this coastal town was enough for you to just be present, not needing to be seen consistently but only for supplies or brief appearances. It was just like the farmhouse: the right amount of isolation and privacy.
There was the glow of your nightstand lamps in the room, illuminated the master bedroom you two occupied and used as your haven. The soft sounds of the rolling waves from the beach nearby were lingering as you stood in front of your husband, the father of your children, and fellow Eternal.
"What is bringing this about?" You asked him as you stood in front of him, seeing him just smile at you and he placed his hands on your hips and traced the pajama shorts you were wearing with his fingers. You in return placed your hands on his shoulders to touch near his neck and feel how warm his skin is under his black Metallica Shirt.
"I want to spend some time with you," He replied simply, searching your hazel eyes with his blue ones.
"That sounds too simple coming from you," You advise him, seeing him chuckle as you leaned into him a bit more and his arms went around your waist, pulling you in to stand in between his legs and run some of your fingers in his brown hair, "What's the catch?"
"What makes you think there is a catch?" He asked back, though you cocked your head at him.
"I know my husband far too well, as I should since I've been married to him for centuries," You explained, seeing him grin at you while his fingers were touching the bare skin on your hip, "Come on, spill."
Druig could see that you weren't going to let up until you heard all that he wanted to do. He finally looked down at your lower stomach for a brief moment, you watching him as he placed a tentative hand on your stomach that had a curve and softness to it, hints of stretch marks were also seen along the top of the pale skin with the freckles. The clear evidence of you bearing three children for him, your body keeping its natural shape and the curve of the belly wasn't going to go away. From time to time, you would look at your stomach and be reminded of what your body went through to bear and carry children.
You wouldn't take it back.
"I want to take you on a trip with just the two of us," He explained in a softer tone, his eyes still looking at your soft yet toned stomach as you watched him with fondness, "I think you need a vacation, and we need some alone time together,"
"Just us?" You asked, still sounding unconvinced as he looked back at you again. The stare he was giving you was all you needed to know that he was telling the truth, "Dru…..we..we can't."
"Why not?" He asked you, not in agitation but curiosity.
"Our children," You reminded him calmly, not second-guessing what you were saying, "Our sons are still so little, and Melody—"
"Honey," Druig stopped you from your rant, having your mouth go shut as he searched your eyes lovingly. There was something in those orbs that made you feel so exposed and so content, that you loved that look he would give you, but when he spoke again, you faltered in your stance, "You need a break."
You weren't understanding him, feeling a bit confused as he took in a long breath and finally stood up from his spot on the edge of the bed. You were face to face with him, being close enough to see the beauty marks on his face and along his jawline, and the tints of brown in his hair.
"I can see you're tired," He explained some more, rubbing your arms with your fingers as you were still looking at him in confusion, "You've taken care of our children all day long and you've never had time to have a moment for yourself."
"I have—" You were going to argue, thinking that it was rather silly for Druig to think that you were pushing yourself, but he silenced you and shook his head.
"Clío," he said your name with gentleness but also with some concern. You heard it in his voice, and you saw it in his eyes. There was never a moment that you would regret taking care of your sons and daughter, every moment was worth your drained energy and your tried body. There was no doubt your twin boys were a bit needy, but they were good all the same. You struck gold in how great of babies they were, never giving you an ounce of trouble or grief. But you still pushed, going above and beyond to make sure your boys were taken care of. You did the same with Melody when she was a baby, but with two babies instead of one…..
You were tired.
"There are days I can see you're tired, beyond tired," He explained some more, his voice in a low treble as you were still quiet and almost sagging in his hold, "There is no doubt in my mind you are a fantastic mother and you would do anything for our children. But I love you too much to let you work yourself to the bone or to complete exhaustion."
You could remember plenty of nights when you collapsed on the bed, sleep coming over you in seconds before you could talk to Druig about your day. On other days you were zoning out from time to time when Druig or Melody were chatting with you at the kitchen table, your mind wandering without even realizing it. When Druig was telling you this, you could see the clear evidence. You felt yourself leaning into him a bit more and his arms going around you naturally.
"Our kids love you," he said to you so gently, having you sigh and lean forward to rest your head against his shoulder and breathe out shallowly, releasing that tension that was haunting you and you were willing to stubbornly hold onto the notion that you were fine and content, "They love you so much, Clío. And I love you too, more than anything I love you. It's okay to take care of yourself every once in a while, and if you don't then you can't care for them."
You knew he was telling the truth, deep down he was telling you this because he loved you and was looking out for you. Druig was an excellent and fantastic father, he always was when Melody was born and he was the very same with Finn and Oliver. He stepped in when you were busy or in need of extra hands, he occupied the boys when you helped Melody with homework and still got up in the wee hours of the morning to change them. You had no doubts Druig was an equal partner with you in the department of child-rearing, but for him to see you were tired and in need of a break, that was a lot to you.
"We'll get Sersi and Sprite, or even Thena, to watch the kids. I wanna take you away for a week and help you breathe," Druig explained to you in your hold, your head lulled on his shoulder and feeling the vibrations of his voice against your nose and cheek as you inhaled slowly, "Please, let me take care of you, Clío."
Ever since you all stopped Arishem, Druig was always a pinch closer to you when it came to your protection and your sanity. Even with you being an all-powerful Eternal, able to level a mountain with one whistle or level a forest of trees with a bellowing cry, you were still vulnerable from time to time and Druig was ready to catch you if you fell. Druig was always protective of you and watched your back, from your early friendship to when you two got together until now as the mother of his children. But with Arishem, he was way more protective. Druig never let you out of his sight once, helping you through those moments when you froze up. He hated Arishem and what he was attempting to do to you and your daughter, let alone your unborn children. You thought he hated the Celestial before, but now you knew he despised him.
"Okay," You hummed, waving the small white flag within you for wanting to be able to hold your ground, hold onto your children, and keep your family in one spot and safe. Stubbornness was a funny thing, Druig was more prone to it and showing it outwardly than you were, Melody inherited it from her father too. But you let it fester every once in a while, having it grow inside of you and you never wanting to unleash it. However, Druig knew you far too well, he could read you like a book and picked up the silent signals and signs.
You both loved and hated him,
Druig kissed you against your head and into your red hair, keeping you in his arms as he silently rocked you back and forth. He's done this to you so many times, whether it was in the shower when you were bone tired and needed him to hold you up, or in the kitchen during the Mamas and The Papas and their song, "Dedicated to The One I Love", you loved behind held by him. It was one of the first gestures he has done to show he loved you. You trusted him in knowing what was best for you since he never steered you wrong or made a bad call.
"Where are you taking me, then?" You asked him, feeling him smile against your head as he hugged you a pinch tighter.
"Now that, sweetheart, is a surprise," he replied, sounding like his old self.
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Cape Lookout State Park Oregon
There was something about the Pacific Northwest that entranced you and made you remember the Amazon jungles you used to live in with Druig. The vast amount of green everywhere and anywhere you looked, breathing in the moisture in the air and under your skin, and the ancient trees that had the image of history and tall tells you had to wonder was hidden under the bark and green moss. A sense of quietness, and yet gentle noise from the creaking of the branches and trunks made you smile as you walked along the paths in the National Park. Your eyes were everywhere, the colors blossoming in front of you and around you, and being able to inhale the deeply turned soil.
Druig was walking behind you, watching you with some gentleness in his gaze while you lead the way on the trail. He loved watching you in nature, drinking in everything, and using all of your senses. You were always this way, ever since you came to Earth all those centuries ago you were getting lost in your mind when you were in a jungle or a forest. Perhaps you were a daydreamer, Kingo or Sprite poking fun at you with how you could spend hours on end sitting on the ground on the forest floor and being at peace. Yet Ajak loved that about you, reminding the others to leave you be and calling you her nature child.
This park was gorgeous to walk through, making you feel like you were going through some kind of wonderland or fairytale. You touched the barks of trees that you passed by, feeling each path of moss under your fingertips and palm. Making a quick look around, noticing no one else was on the trail you and Druig were on, you paused in your walk and took a moment to be still. Pursing your lips together softly, you gave the softest and lowest whistle that only you could hear.
The sound moved, like a heartbeat, out from your lips into the air and rustled the trees around in an uplift, like an invisible push of a hand to lift the branches and let the leaves dance to the ground. You never showed your powers to anyone else, not even in front of the children. Melody was still too young to understand who you were, who her parents were, and to think of having that talk with her when she got older would be a headache. But you missed doing these small tricks and pin drop abilities. It made you feel free, almost your organize self as you were created and made to be.
An Eternal.
You heard a camera click behind you, making you look over your shoulder and see Druig with a camera, the sense aimed right at you and a grin on his face as the last of the leaves fell. One fell on his shoulder, Druig not noticing as you smiled.
"Enjoying that Christmas present from Phastos?" You asked him as he chuckled and lowered the camera, looking at it with a glint in his eye.
"It's growin' on me," He hummed, then gesturing to you with his camera, "And I have a great muse to gaze on for great pictures,"
"Sap." You hummed, seeing his signature smirk on his face as he lifted his camera to take another picture of you smiling at him, looking over your shoulder whilst wearing your light raincoat, jeans, and hiking boots. Your hair was in a messy ponytail with barely any make-up, feeling as exposed and yet as natural as ever.
"Nah," he replied as he lowered the camera to hang around his neck on its strap, strolling over to you with his hands shoved in his jacket pockets and a glint in his bright blue eyes, "Just in love with ya, and have been for centuries,"
You giggled as he wrapped one arm around your shoulders, your arm around his waist and you two strolled together on the path, you gesturing to the forest around the pair of you as you walked in sync together, "How did you find this place anyway?"
"Eh, did some research about the parks out here. I figured we needed some green scenery, reminds me of our old home in the Amazon," He explained, "As much as I love being on that farm…I miss the jungle,"
"Me too," You agreed with him, feeling him rub your arm soothingly, "But this is just as good I think. Not completely, but it's close enough. Maybe when the boys are bigger, we can bring them here,"
"They would love it," Druig said to you, then giving you a soft stare as you both stopped in a small clearing, seeing a medium-sized meadow with wildflowers and other natural flowers scattered around the lush grass and under the hanging mossed trees, "You miss them, don't you?"
The morning you and Druig were going to leave for your one-week vacation, you were a bit nervous. You've never had to leave Melody when she was a toddler for such a long time, and now you were doing it with your twin boys. You were going over the last-minute food inventory, milk rations, and diaper supplies before you heard the knock on the door. There was Thena, Sersi, Makkari, and a 19-year-old Sprite at the front door, all four of them looking excited to be with their niece and nephews for a solid week. Especially Sprite, who was in college and studying Anthropology with an emphasis in Psychology out in London.
It would be useless to give them the rundown on how to care for the kids since they've done it so many times with Melody and a few times with the boys. They all knew at this point how to care for your children, and just like Druig, they were a pinch more protective of your offspring thanks to Arishem and his near attempt in taking you away. So that left you and Druig saying goodbye to your kids, giving them each a kiss and Melody a massive hug. Melody promised she would take care of her brothers, though you knew deep down she was mostly looking forward to hanging out with Sprite and Makkari.
Driving away from them and to the Airbnb that Druig rented out for you both was hard, and although you were only a few hours away and driving up the coast of Oregon, it felt like you were going to another continent. You were thinking of the worst the first few minutes in the car, Druig holding your hand between you as he drove the car, pressing a kiss against your joined hands. Deep down, you know they were going to be okay, they were going to be safe and sound with their Aunts, and you were going to enjoy this alone time with Druig.
"Of course I do," You replied to him, "And I know you do too,"
"Aye I do," He hummed, "But they're in good hands. Perhaps Finn will give Thena and run for her money with how he behaves during meals,"
"What a troublemaker," You joked, kicking a rock with your boot, the pair of you were walking a bit longer together with your arms around each other and enjoying the peaceful forest that was around you. You were reminded of the earlier times on the planet when there was barely any blemish on the planet thanks to the humans. All that was present was nature, seeing the vivid greens of the trees and the deep blues of the oceans. The soft sounds of the wind coming through the trees tops and the power petals, it was a symphony for you when you touched ground on Earth for the first time.
It felt like you forgot to just…be present in the now with nature around you.
"Thank you, Druig," You said to him, seeing him look over at you now as you softly smiled at him, "Thanks for taking care of me, and bringing me out here to find myself again,"
Being a mother was the best thing that ever happened to you on this planet, even with the sucky circumstances and how Arishem made you able to conceive Eternal children for his sick purpose. You still thought of your three children as pure products of the devotion and love you and Druig had for one another, the closest thing to being human you could ever experience was being their mother and bringing them into the world. Yet at times you forget you were an Eternal first, still having that powerful energy inside of you and having that unique outlook of the world around you. Far before your children were a thought, you saw the world as fresh and good, filled with wonder and curiosity. It fueled you and moved you fully, now feeling it again in this forest with Druig on your arm.
Druig just stared at you gently as he then had a smile blossom on his face before he pulled you in a pinch closer. The way Druig loved you throughout your time on the planet astonished and surprised you, never hesitating or faltering in how he felt about you. Being the Eternal that seemed to be the outsider of the group, he was the one with the most heart and the biggest thirst to spare the humans from pain, apart from Sersi of course. Because of that, you fell in love with him instantly and neutrally, it was as easy as breathing for you. And for him to love you just as fiercely and wholly was easy for him too.
You were lucky to call him yours.
"I will always take care of you, my dear Clío," He hummed to you softly and soothingly, "And I'll bring you back when you're lost. Always,"
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*Lemon/ Smut scene here*
The thunderstorm came barreling through over the little area and town you were staying in, bringing a chill to the house as you were watching through the massive windows in the master bedroom. The bathroom door was ajar, and you heard the bathroom sink starting as your eyes were scanning the darkness of the night in front of you, the ocean waves rolling in and out onto the beach with the force of the storm. Another clap was heard, the lightning making the night sky blink for a brief moment and the rumbling heard over the mountains behind you. A roaring fire was in the fireplace of the master bedroom, giving the warmth and coziness that was needed for the storm that night.
It was only the third night at the Airbnb home, a gorgeous little home that overlooked the ocean on top of a hillside. Once you were settled, you and Druig just relaxed in the home with no real plans or itinerary planned out. Druig did that on purpose, letting you explore the home as he went out to get food and supplies for the week. While he was out, you were exploring the home and seeing all the amenities that were in there. You liked the modern bathroom with a rainfall shower and claw tub, the kitchen with a massive dining room table, and the soft and cozy master bed that showed the million-dollar view which included a private balcony and wonderful fireplace. There was no bad view in that house, no matter where you were looking all you could see was the ocean and the calm forest around it too. So when Druig came back with groceries, seeing you deeply asleep on the master bed with a look of contentment on your face, he didn't have the heart to wake you or move you.
You were tired, and he was giving you rest.
You spent most of your days together in peace, sleeping in when you were used to waking up at the crack of dawn to start your day, Druig making the pair of you breakfast when you were sleeping in extra long. There were plenty of hiking trails for you two to find, not to mention trekking down to the beach and walking along the cold water with your water boots at sunset. You explored the local farmer's market and grabbed organic fruits to munch on during the day, even when Druig ate most of them on the drive back to the house.
When there were days when neither of you wanted to get out of the house, you did keep busy. You dove into books that you wanted to finish and you've never had the chance to, Druig played chess on the chessboard or did some journaling that he picked up some years ago. You both liked to be busy and yet languid at the same time, with nothing to rush you or to hold you accountable. Of course, you were itching to call and see how your children were doing. But the more you thought about it, you more you were thinking that you were getting paranoid. They would call if something did happen, they were Eternals! There were three of them, and one young adult who used to be one, and for them not to handle a pair of toddlers and a 7-year-old, seemed out of the ordinary.
On the first night thought, snuggled in bed with Druig who was reading a book that he brought, you got a FaceTime call from Sprite. You immediately answered it and saw your three babies, all eating together at the table and waving at the table. You grinned widely, seeing Thena attempting to feed Oliver and Sersi feeding Finn. They saw you on the screen, Oliver babbling wildly and grabbing for you with his bright hazel eyes and Finn grinning with sauce all over his face and his wild red hair sticking out all over the place, inheriting your waves and curls. Your heart was bursting from seeing your babies, happy and content with their Aunts as Thena chuckled and cleaned up the mess on Finn's face with a cloth.
"Mom!" Melody said off-screen, Sprite moving the phone to her and showing her face to you as she waved, "We had a great day! Hi Da!"
"Hey, baby!" Druig said to her with a grin, closing his book to look at his daughter, "How's it going?"
"Great! Aunty Sprite and I went hunting for seashells at low tide, Aunty Makkari is teaching Finn and Oli how to sign, and I'm learning how to paint horses with Aunty Thena!" You listened with a wide smile at how Melody was describing her first day with her Aunts, how happy she was, and how there was no real danger around her or her brothers. You knew deep down they were okay, but you must have needed to hear it from your daughter that things were well. So after you spoke for a few more minutes and say your goodnights, you placed your phone on the nightstand and sighed in relief.
"They're okay," you hummed, hearing Druig chuckle as he pulled you into his arms to go under the covers.
"Of course they are, sweetheart." He reminded you gently, rubbing your arm, "It's only for a week."
So on this night, the third night there on your mini-vacation, you were watching the storm outside with your arms crossed in front of you. The wind was whistling outside the windows, the trees swaying in the wind, and the ocean roaring with power and mightiness.
"Alright…thanks Thena….talk to you later," Druig was ending his phone call as you looked back at him, seeing him place his phone on his side of the nightstand and then sitting on top of the white comforter, ruffling his hair and then watching you with a grin. You were in your now pajamas, just shorts and a t-shirt with a black kimono over your shoulders and your long hair in one big braid. Once you locked eyes with him, you saw almost a twinkle in his eye, even with a massive thunderstorm rolling on outside and giving off the mood of intrigue and power, there was tranquility and restfulness in that space with him.
"How are the kids?" You asked him, seeing him just smile at you and nod his head.
"They're good, just went down for the night," He explained, then patting the spot next to him as an open invitation. You walked over, hearing another clap of thunder and seeing a flash of lightning over the ocean. Watching the open view, you still walked over to your side of the bed, going on top of the comforters just like Druig and snuggling into him as his arm went around you. Rain was hitting the window door to the private balcony, you rest your head against his shoulder and wrapped your arms around his waist.
"Oliver doesn't like storms," You murmured, seeing the rainfall harder and hearing its tapping rhythm fill the room, along with the crackling fire and the soft ruffling of the comforter beneath you.
"Makkari knows how to rock him to sleep. He likes it when she does it, apart from his mother of course. He's okay," Druig reminded you, you humming to show you heard him. You grinned, pulling him a bit tighter before you had a thought float in your head softly. You tapped his ribs with your fingers, feeling him stroke his fingers along your red hair within your braid.
"Did you ever think we would have this?" You asked him, feeling him pause in his finger along your braid as you still gazed at the rainstorm outside.
"Have what?" He asked you, not in confusion but curiosity.
"This life," You replied, "Being in a house with kids and being all…domestic,"
"You make it sound boring and unconventional," Druig commented, but he paused to look down at you as you were still staring at the storm. You shook your head, seeing another flash come and go within seconds to light up the room quickly in white and a hint of blue.
"Being Eternals is already unconventional…" You trailed off, slightly grinning. But you were still thinking of the first question you asked him. You looked up at him, seeing him watch you with his alluring blue eyes.
"I love this life we have," He replied simply to you, you watching him as he went on, "I loved every moment of it, even the rough times and heartbreakin' ones too. I love those the most because you were there with me. I think this life would have been a little more lonely and bland for me if it wasn't for you,"
"Druig," You said to him, seeing him nod his head,
"No, I'm serious, Clío. Sometimes I look at you and I consider myself so lucky, so Goddamn lucky, that you wanted to be with me and no one else," He confessed to you, sounding so sincere and serious at the same time, "I'm not the easiest person to get along with and to love—"
"Stop," You urged him, sitting up to look down at him as he was still leaning back against the pillows. He stared lovingly at you, making you see the natural love in his orbs, "Druig, being with you and falling in love with you, it was the most natural thing and the most human thing I have ever done on this planet, and in this life. I don't know if we ever were together on other planets and in other lives, but in this one, I felt honored to be loved by you and to have your love in return,"
You hated it when Druig doubted himself and how important he was as an Eternal on this planet. It would happen sporadically, whether it was earlier on during the births of civilizations, or recently after dealing with the Emergence and Arishem, Druig had moments of feeling insignificant and lower than he should have. You never saw that with him, you only saw strength and resilience, bravery to stand up for what is right, and a hint of kindness that was rare to see and witness.
"If there is something I want you to know, for however long we have together on this planet, is that I choose you and only you. I will choose you every time, solely because choosing you brought me joy," You went on, reaching down to lace your fingers together to squeeze your hands tightly, "I don't care where we are and how long we have here, or if we only have these three kids and none after them. All I ever wanted was to be loved, and with that love, we have three beautiful children and my heart is beyond full. Please don't doubt that I don't want this, that I don't want you. It's only been you, I don't want anyone or anything else but you, okay?"
He was watching you the whole time when you said this, saying nothing but drinking in what you were confessing to him. You two were a bit old romantics in proclaiming your love for one another, you always have been. Druig was the first one though, you being so shy in telling him how you truly felt about him. But to him, it was as easy as breathing to tell you how much he loved you. Perhaps that was the reason for him to feel as though he shouldn't receive it in return. It took you years, even decades, to remind him to receive love and affection and not have guilt for it.
You scooted closer to him, seeing him still watch you with love and affection in his eyes after you said all that was on your heart for him to devour. You reached up to frame his face in your hands, feeling him take in a soft inhale as you were close enough to count the spec in his blue eyes. Melody had the same specks, making you smile softly at him as you searched his eyes with adoration there in your smile and hazel eyes.
"You are worthy of love, my Druig," you reminded him, tracing his cheek and the small scar on his cheek with your thumb, "I will remind you every day that you are worthy of love. You have it with our Eternal family, with the villagers you saved in the Amazon, with our three beautiful children, and especially with me. Always with me, Druig, always."
You finally kissed him, softly like he was made of glass. He kissed you back with the same amount of pressure, his hands reaching up to touch your shoulders and then your jawline as well as you pressing kiss after kiss toward him. He would be willing to go to extreme lengths for you, to be put in harm's way for you, to die for you. He was devoted to all of you from the start, and for him to think he was not worthy of you seemed outlandish and silly. A downright lie. All you could do was show him he was worthy of love, and you were going to show him that night.
One leg went over his lap, making you straddle him as you two kept kissing and roaming your hands along each other's skin. It felt like you were mapping his skin, where his beauty marks were, and where the dips were located. But you knew his body like a map, the kisses growing as the minutes were going by. He knew your body too, knowing where to touch to make you shiver, how giving you deeper kisses left you breathless, and grazing his fingers below your ribcage made you almost moan.
So many centuries together being lovers, and he still took your breath away.
You felt him trace his tongue in your mouth, making you sigh and wrap your arms around your neck and pull him a bit closer. His arms went around your lower back, holding you in a possessive manner with no signs of letting you go. You could feel your skin getting warmer, his hands moving up to push your kimono off your shoulders and your arms moving to let him. Once that first garment was off, it felt like the both of you already knew what you wanted to do with one another. You were in sync then, Druig throwing off his shirt with ease as you were doing the same, the pair of your still in your pajama pants. You were about to reach back and take off your plain white bra, needing to feel that much closer to Druig, he stopped you and made you freeze. You looked down at him, seeing him place his hands on your wrist and move them up and down your arms, drinking in the sight of you and how you looked in his lap. Your red braided hair over your shoulder and almost disheveled from the heavy petting, your breathing labored and heavy, and your hazel eyes almost black with that desire coming through you.
"Let me," he said to you, making you gulp and nod your head. You then moved, without a second thought or breaking a rhythm, to face the window and still sit in his lap. Druig inhaled sharply, seeing all of your backside and the curves of your hips that you developing from being pregnant, your spine against your smooth skin, and the light freckles along your shoulders and upper back near your neck. Once again, you faced the window and saw some more of the storm, but that was not the main focus at the moment. You could feel the gentle touch of your husband's hands, tracing your child-bearing hips and then moving to the back where the clasp of your bra was. You could feel him sitting up, his front to your back as he unhooked the two hooks there, your bra slipping down your shoulder and leaving you exposed in the room. Although you weren't facing him, it felt like you were, his fingers grasping and cascading around your skin and touching the freckles on your back.
Your eyes closed, drinking in the sensation of Druig touching you, loving on you.
"I don't care how many years as gone by, you're still breathtakin' to look at," Druig said behind you as he kissed your are shoulder, you shuttering a bit from the coolness of his lips and his chest touching your backside. When his kisses were on your shoulder, his hands were exploring your hips and body, slowly as if he had all the time in the world, "You have been since the day I saw you on the Domo. I thought of you as an angel, a siren from those folktales that brought men to their knees….you did that to me and still do,"
His hands moved from your back along your hips once more, then landed on your soft belly. You looked down, seeing his hands touching your stomach and feeling the soft, and yet distinct stretch marks. You weren't embarrassed by them, knowing it was part of the pregnancy journey that you had with your twin sons and a few were still lingering from when you were carrying Melody. But in how Druig was touching the scars, feeling the indents with the tips of his fingers and being so careful and sensual with it, you were realizing what he was doing.
He was worshipping you.
"You gave me three children," he said against your freckled shoulder, his finger being possessive with each stretch mark that was against your belly, "You went through hell, through pain and agony, letting your body change, just to give me those beautiful babies. I cannot ever thank you enough for that," His lips moved to your neck, you moaning softly as his lips touched your sensitive skin under your ear and his fingers moved upward towards your exposed breasts, "You are far too fucking beautiful for doing that for me, for us. These scars are evidence of that, of how strong you are, and how powerful you are in doing such a selfless thing,"
One hand moved over to go across your breasts cupping one in one hand and trapping the other against his foreman and holding you so close and intimately. You groaned, leaning back against him and resting your head against his shoulder as he kept kissing your neck and jawline. You felt like everything was on fire within you, long your skin and within your bones in how Druig was melting you down in a puddle. He had times of passion as a lover, making you scream out in pure pleasure and seeing stars. But in other times he was slower in his lovemaking, getting to feeling an out-of-body experience as it felt like he was devouring you whole. Any time you did this together, it felt like new.
"I can never get enough for you, Clío," He said, moaning your name as his spare hand was dragging down your soft stomach, inching closer and closer to your center between your thighs, "You are my center, my sense of being, my universe and more. I am nothing without you.." His fingers were getting closer to your crotch, touching the top of your pajamas pants there under your belly button and pressing one more kiss at the corner of your mouth to coax you to turn your head further. You did, staring lustfully at him and seeing how red his lips were and how he too had dilated eyes. He licked his lips, giving you pure devotion and love in his eyes.
His hands moved under your pajama pants, you moaning out loud before he leaned in and swallowed your moan with a kiss.
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*End of Lemon/Smut scene*
You woke up to the soft patterns of the rain in the late morning, gray clouds hovering over the coast and the beach as you were stirring in bed, a body was on top of you and between your legs while the small scent of the fireplace lingered in the room, along with sweat and sex. The embers in the fireplace were still dwindling, showing very little signs of life as you were waking up slowly and carefully, one of our hands resting in the brown locks of Druig's hair and the other along his shoulder blades.
Looking down, you saw he was nestled between your thighs, his head against your lower belly and his arms around your waist but protectively and possessively. He snored against your belly, having you grin from seeing how deeply asleep he was in such a vulnerable position. The sheets were pulled around his waist, exposing his muscled back and leaving you exposed in the process. Grabbing a spare throw that was within reach, you dropped it over your chest to stop the chill you were feeling.
Still stroking his brown hair, you gazed down at your husband and smiled sweetly, sleep still in your eyes but you were replaying all that occurred within the last several hours in that very bed. You loved every moment, how Druig brought you to pleasure with both his fingers and his mouth, how he rolled his hips into yours and you both gasped in each other's mouths in pure ecstasy, and how you both reached your peak as one, never once letting each other go. Sure, there were other times in the past that were far more lustful and wild, but last night was going to be one of the nights you would never forget.
You forgot you had these moments with him, long before the Emergence and reuniting with your family. You two had all the time in the world being together in the Amazon, apart from running a village and keeping the people safe there you two were inseparable. You liked it that way, finding time together during meals and even late into the night. There was no judgment upon you and our union, no one telling you to stop or slow down. You didn't have to hide what you did with the others or be as tame as you were with them. Not that you two were going at it like rabbits, but you were more open to loving one another. You saw the vulnerable side of him that he hid for so long, opening to you like a flower in the sunlight and never once regretting it. You were proud of him for how far he's come, and you made sure he never went back.
Throughout the centuries, your love for him deepened. In the harder times when you two butted heads, and even in the times you two cried holding one another. Your struggles were the same and treated just as such, which made your companionship thicken and grow as years passed. By the time you met with the other Eternals, you two were considered one: one in choices and decisions, one in movement and fighting skills, and one in your love. It only was pushed further when Melody came along, then later Oliver and Finn.
You heard him grumble, almost on cue as you looked down at him now. He squeezed you slightly, his nose grazing your soft belly as he hummed.
"Good morning, sweetheart," you said to him softly, taking one more push of your fingers in his brown locks before you felt him stir a bit more, "How'd you sleep?"
"HHmm," He hummed, pressing a few gentle kisses along your stomach and running his own fingers along your ribs, giving you a chill as he finally looked up at you from his spot. His disheveled hair, the coolness in his cheeks and skin near his eyes, the pristine blue that looked just like the ocean outside your home. He smiled, finally having you see that unique glint in his eye that was only saved for you and you alone.
"I haven't slept that good in such a long time," He replied, his voice groggy with sleep but also with happiness too. He then moved slowly, smoothly like a river, to finally hover over you and peer down at you with a smile, "And you? Did you sleep well, Clío?"
"Very well," You replied smoothly, reaching up to touch his face and smile widely, "Never slept better, thanks to you wearing me out," Druig chuckled, leaning down a bit to be close enough to kiss you but not just yet.
That moment felt so close, almost like a mist you could touch and feel against your skin. If only you could bottle this moment forever, to keep this feeling and this sensation in your back pocket in case you needed it again. You could since you and Druig could have this anytime you could. He could make you remember to love yourself, to care for yourself to care for others. You might have lost your way to help your family survive and grow, to mend and grow from what could have happened with Arishem. But there was Driug, always willing to bring you back and remind you of who you were and who you are meant to be. You did it for him willing and without question, and to feel him do the same for you made you love him all the more.
"I think, we should spend all day in this bed, and not go anywhere at all," You suggested to him, seeing Druig raise an eyebrow to you now as you grabbed the comforter that was barely hanging on the end of the bed.
"Do you?" He asked coyly, you nodding his head as he then motioned his head to the fireplace with the barely light embers that were trying to stay alive, "Let me get the fire goin' then, and we'll stay in bed together, all day long,"
You smiled as he rushed out of bed, still bare naked but not having a care of worry as it started to rain again outside. You heard him shuffling around, grabbing the spare firewood that was on the stack next to the fireplace and then placing it inside to ignite the fire again. The comfortable silence in the room was inviting and calm as you watched the rain hit the wide windows and door, the softness of the ocean from the storm was memorizing as you finally heard him come back to bed, placing the comforter over the pair of you and snuggling you close once more.
With a new fire warming the room up within minutes, you both feel asleep again in each other's arms and the promising notion of catching one another. You felt it in his hold, how he wanted to take care of you in more ways than one.
The End.
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Taglist: @ftrmrs-barry-keoghan @awkwardfangirl2014 @heartofwritiing @basicsofman @virtueassassin @vinvantae @sssjuico10 @tanyaherondale @wooya1224 @reallysparklychaos @spideyswebshooters @rach-12 @a-lumos-in-the-nox @hottpinkpenguin
44 notes · View notes
redheadspark · 2 years
Day By Day
Summary: Clío and Druig's life is interrupted when their family comes to find them again, not realizing what will come next in thier lives
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W/C: 3,885
Warnings: A hits of angst but mostly fluff!
A/N: This is a prequel to the Melody Series, a small piece of Druig and Clío's life before the Eternals reunite in the Amazon for the Emergence.
Part of the Melody Series
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Druig's POV
"There we go," You said in a groan, smiling as you got up from kneeling in the soil, looking with a hint of pride at the beam on the platform in front of you. You could see it was stable enough, the broken beam was on the ground next to you and already being ripped apart by two other villagers who were going to use it as firewood.  The woman next to you, the owner of the shack that you fixed, just smiled at you and clasped her hands together.
"Thank you, thank you!" She said to you, you just smiled and nodded your head.  Even after all of these centuries, you were still hesitant in taking a compliment.  You wanted to tell her it was nothing, that you were perfectly fine in doing this for her without hesitation.  But the voice in the back of your head, the voice that sounded like your wife, would remind you time after time that you were worthy of praise.  It made you smile at that moment, thinking of her as the woman walked away and over to her home in front of you, inspecting the repairs you worked on in the past hour.  You were dusting off your hands, feeling the humidity of the day already sticking to the back of your neck as another person in your village, the healer and medicine woman named Neyli.  
She was a smaller woman, in her late forties and plenty of wisdom behind her with a heart-shaped face and her dark hair in a low bun.  In fact, her father was the medicine man in the village, his mother before her, and so on.  It was almost tradition, and you have trusted her family with the healing of not just the villagers that were under your protection, but your family as well.  Her family was the only family that knew of you and your Eternal nature, your immortality, and what you could do.  You trusted her family to keep that secret from anyone else, and she's been loyal.
"I made some herbal remedy tea for Clío," She explained, giving you a small burlap bag the size of your palm, you took it carefully and breathed in the strong herbs in the pouch.  It was very strong, having you grimace a bit as she spoke some more, "For her stomach."
You shot a careful look at her, "Her stomach?"
Neyli just nodded, "She's been ill for the last week or two, hasn't she?"
You paused, thinking back to the last two weeks there in the village.  Clío wasn't herself, moving a bit slower than usual and looking more lethargic.  The easier tasks that she would do every day seemed more like a chore to her, taking the wind out of her after a here 30 minutes when she would work all day if she could.  And it wasn't just her energy, but her stomach.  For the past four days at least, Clío would be vomiting and not holding anything down.  It made you worry, sitting behind her and holding her red hair back as she would empty her stomach in either the toilet or on the jungle floor.  But Clío, being the ever optimist that you knew and fell in love with, told you that it was just a bug and that it'll pass.  You trusted her and knew she would never truly leave you in the lurch, and the Amazon Jungle was never the cleanest place on earth any who so sickness was common.  But even for an Eternal to get sick…
There were brief moments, you wish Ajak was still around.
"Thank you," You thanked her, holding the small bag in her palm, "I'm sure she appreciates you taking care of her, as do I,"
"You're welcome," She hummed, walking away without a second glance behind her.  You snorted, realizing you're not going to get anything else out of her with that topic of conversation.  Taking in a long breath and looking down at the bag in your hand, you finally looked at the smaller shack that was tucked away from the others, behind the meeting hall with a view of the jungle foliage and the smaller path that would lead to the river bank.  Maybe it was a bug and you were thinking too much into it, plus you were already trying to run a village and have been for the past 500 years.  But still, that hint of worry was creeping up behind you.  
Opening the door into your little house, you poked your head in and looked at the one bed that was against the wall, the window above the bed opened slightly to bring in the breeze and the sweet smells of the flowers, and some morning light pouring down onto the sleeping body on the bed.  Her pale skin almost glowed, having you see each freckle danced along her arms and collarbones as she slept with no disturbance on her face.  She was on her back, one arm under the pillow that was under her head and the other sprawled out next to her, almost in the direction of your side of the bed that was deserted.  But you smiled, watching her long red hair out and around her head and her long eyelashes touching her cheeks.
Your wife of 500 years, Clío.
Closing the door gently behind you to not make a sound, you walked over lightly to the bed, keeping your eyes on her sleeping body and carefully sitting on the edge of the bed next to her.  Placing the bag of herbs on the small table near her head, you leaned down and pushed some of her red hair from her eyes, seeing the individual red strands dance in the sunlight and almost give an amber glow in the room.  You could watch her for hours and still be lost in her unique and get fierce beauty: whether she was fresh out of the shower and her skin was soft and clean to the touch, or watching her dig through the soil to help plant a new row of trees along the edges of the villages, gleams of sweat against her neck and arms with a small tan threatening to come through.  She still was radiant to you, and you still considered yourself one lucky bastard that she loved you and chose you to live this immortal life with.  
"Clío.." You whispered to her, moving to trace the very tips of your fingers against her nose and her cheeks, one of the ways you loved to wake your wife.  She barely moved, humming when she heard your name as she finally opened her eyes slowly.  Her hazel eyes, seeing the individual colors swirled there in her orbs made you think of the jungle itself with browns and greens.  You never thought of another color as beautiful as her eyes, and she took in a long breath with her eyes fluttering for a moment before she zoned in on you.
"Good morning, sweetheart," You hummed, seeing a small grin on her face and her freckles scattered along her chin and forehead.  Not even the constellations looked as beautiful as the freckles on her skin, and you would count them mentally at times.  She softly smiled at you, and you felt your heart stop for a brief moment because of how gorgeous she was, even still somewhat asleep in your shared bed.
"Good morning, my Druig," She hummed back at you, leaning up to kiss you softly with sleep still on her lips.  You kissed her back instantly, never wanting to miss an opportunity to love her.  There was no drug or alcohol in the world wrong enough to make you feel drunk or light on your feet, but her lips could do the job enough.  It was strange how much of an effect she had on you, how she had a pull on you that both frightened you at the time but also felt natural at the same time.  If you only had her for the rest of your time on this planet, you would be satisfied.
"What time is it?" She asked as she pulled away with you still perched over her on the bed.
"Nearly 10:30," You replied, seeing her instantly look in a hint of panic and the sleepiness gone from her eyes and cheeks.  You moved as she did, seeing her look out the window with a hint of panic as you watched her with a hint of worry.
"I slept through morning chores again…" She groaned, hiding her face in one hand as the other was resting on the bed.  You sighed, kissing her clothed shoulder as she took in a long breath.
"You've been ill, Clío," You reminded her, seeing her rub her face with a hint of frustration as you eyes her and rubbed her arm, "I think the villagers will let you sleep if you're ill.  There wasn't much to do today since we finished most of the chores last night, remember?"
"But still," She tried, but stopped and looked from the window over to you with a grimace on her face, "I hate not being able to help,"
"I know," You reassured her, then grabbed the bag from the table to place them in her hands.  She looked down at the bag as you spoke again, "Neyli made this for you.  She says it's for your stomach," 
Clío immediately placed the bag to the side and saw the concerned look on your face as you searched her eyes.
"Should I be worried?" You asked her cautiously, watching her face for any signs of discomfort or pain.  She just shook her head, giving your a small smile as she squeezed your joined hands together on the bed between you.
"Not at all," She said soothingly, "Neyli thinks I have a bug. It should be gone within the next day or two.  She even got me a few things from the nearest town to help me out,"
"But still, it's quite rare for an Eternal to get sick, isn't it?" You asked her, not wanting to brush this topic off just yet.  Clío just grinned and nodded her head, sitting to face you on the bed and cock her head to the side.
"It is, but isn't it also rare that two Eternals are running a village out in the jungle for the past 500 years?" She challenged you back with a raised eyebrow.  You couldn't help but smile at it, knowing it was true.  Clío just kissed your cheek, seeing the stare she was giving you and she gazed back at you with love in her eyes, "Druig, it's just a stomach bug.  We do live in a jungle and people get sick here constantly, it'll pass.  I'm okay, I promise you.  You have a village to run and the last thing I want is for you to worry over me over a stomach bug,"
"Aye, but I can't help but worry about someone I love more than anything," you smoothly replied, not taking any of it back.  It was true: Clío came first to you and in everything in your life.  Ever since you two got together all those centuries ago, you looked to her and you thought of her first before yourself.  To you, Clío was someone who would make your life so blissfully happy and satisfied, and to think of not having that for a split moment scared you to your core.  So you made sure she was safe, even when she was capable of taking care of herself in a fight or a situation.  She was strong, a fierce fighter with her bellowing wails and screams.  
But you still were protective, and much more when she followed you into the Amazon without a second thought.  There were times you asked her if she regretted coming with you, leaving her family behind in the process of pain and anger that was festering in you.  But Clío would tell you over and over, with her beautiful smile and her beautiful soul intertwining with yours, that she chose to come with you and she was firm in her choice.
"Where you go, I go," She told you, making it simple and yet deep.
"You worry too much, you'll get wrinkles," She said with lightness, "But you'd look good with wrinkles,"
You just grinned, finally letting the conversation die out since you were perhaps thinking too much into it, "How about later today, if you're up to it, we can go riding with the horse around the river banks,"
"That sounds lovely," Clío agreed, then pressed a light kiss against your lips before she moved out of the bed and to your shared dresser to change her clothes.  You watched her undress from her pajamas and then into her day clothes with a cocky grin on your face as she kept talking, "I do want to check on Edmund's horse though.  She's pregnant and is due to give birth within the next week or two and I want to make sure we're ready for a new foal,"
"We've had foals here before," You reminded her as she was switching out a new shirt, her back to you for you to see the freckles dancing along her spine and lower back, "I'm sure this one will be fine.  We have the space for another horse,"
"I know we do," She agreed, pausing for a brief moment and looking down.  You watched her, almost seeing something was off and something seemed….amiss.  You two were attuned to one another in your moods.  You knew when Clío was stressed or worried, taking on her body language and how her face would seem lost.  And with you, Clío could see when you were stressed or thinking too hard, the pinch between your eyes was visible and your stance was stiff and rigid.  It was both a blessing and a curse when you two knew each other far too well, making it easy to help each other but making it harder to hide it.
Something was up with Clío.  
You were about to go over and talk to her, to ask her what was on her mind when something else etched in.  You froze, your mind instantly clearing out and you were hearing foreign voices.  No, they weren't foreign, they were voices you haven't heard in centuries.  It made you stand still, your eyes going yellow as you were channeling your mind and ability to weed out and navigate and move through the thoughts that were around you.  The villager's minds were very common for you to know and register, you were used to them.  So when a new voice, or several for that matter, was within a certain range, your guard went up.
"Druig…" Clío called out your name, but your mind-reading was on overdrive.  When you were finding a thought from someone in your mind, it was like you were using a beam of yellow light, pushing and barreling through the obstacles around you and searching for the source.  Your head even moved in the direction of where the mental thoughts were, not too far away and near the Amazon River.  It was then that you stopped and you heard them.
"You sure he's out here?"
"He wouldn't have gone anywhere else, Ikaris.  And Clío went with him, she must be here too."
"Leave it to Druig to live in the middle of nowhere…."
"Sweetheart, what is it?" Clío's hand was laced in yours, and although you couldn't see her and you were channeling your Eternal energy into those voices, you felt her presence nearby as an anchor for you. Yet you were still focusing on the voices that were coming closer and closer to your village, to your home.  The hairs on the back of your neck perched up, since the last time you saw any of them was in the darkness of night, fire everywhere, and bodies were on the ground.
The Eternals.
Finally, you dropped the tether of your power, the yellow beam that was holding those voices snapped and your vision was coming back to the present.  You blinked a few times, seeing Clío watch you and standing in front of you with worry in her eyes.  Taking in a small breath, you gave her a stone-cold glare and felt your spare hand gripped hard.
"They're here," You replied.  Clío didn't understand for a long moment, but as you were staring at her, she finally knew who was talking about.  Her eyes went wide for a moment, almost just as shocked as you were.  
"Are you sure?" She asked, you nodding your head stiffly.
"Very sure," you answered.  You were in pain then, remembering that night so well and how Ajak stopped you from a genocide that happened right before your eyes.  You heard their cries, their plea for mercy their last thoughts before they died.  It was like a dagger in your heart, stab after stab and body after body.  It was one of the worst nights you ever encountered on Earth.
And they all stood there, doing nothing about it.
You didn't care if it was going to interfere with their evolution or how they were progressing as a species, they were still harming one another and killing each other as if it was nothing.  It was not how you wished the humans would be with each other, and it tore your soul entirely you saw it happen in front of you with no way of stopping it.  How could you all wish to keep the humans alive from deviants when you weren't willing to keep them alive from one another?  Anger always happened for you for them not stopping the pain, stopping the murder, stopping all of it.  Blindly following a Celestial you've never met, and only relying on the word of Ajak and her communication with Arishem.  
So you walked away, not being able to take it anymore.  Luckily for you, Clío followed you with no remorse.  These last 500 years with her, with this village you two built and kept safe together, were the best 500 years of your life on Earth.  All you focused on was the safety of your people, leaving the rest of the world to fester and hurt for all you cared.  You found peace in the canopy of trees and within the earth, nothing haunting you and harboring you, or making you resort to that pain again.  There was none of that, and not only did you have a new sense of life blossoming in you, but the love you had for Clío grew stronger and deeper.  Being married by the river and seeing how she was willing to live these centuries with you made you believe in love all over again.  
But why were they back here?
"All of them?" Clío questioned.
"No, I couldn't hear Phastos, Makkari, or Ajak.  But the rest are here," You explained. 
"What do they want?" Clío asked, not in agitation or anger but concern.
"I don't know," You hummed, "I didn't read their minds clear enough to find out."
"I see," Clío hummed, thinking to herself for a long moment or two.  You then thought about what she was thinking about all of this, about your family coming back to your home.  There was one rule that you swore to her, it was that you'd never read her mind unless it was dire or an emergency.  That was a promise you held for centuries, long before you two came here.  It was why you two were so in tune with one another and open in communication, and it helped in your relationship and marriage.  
"We shouldn't keep them waiting then, should we?" Clío asked, you raised an eyebrow at her as she was about to walk out of the shack.  You almost panicked, walking over too to stop her as she looked at you with her calm stare.
"We haven't seen them in—" You started, but Clío cut you off.
"500 years," She replied calmly, "It's been some time, Druig.  But they must be here for a specific reason and we should hear them out,"
"After what happened, Clío?" You asked, trying not to sound bitter about it but it was there.  You loved them all, you truly did, but the fact that they were following the orders of an absent Celestial made your blood boil and your head spin at times.  
"Yes," Clío replied smoothly, facing you again and framing your face in her fingers.  They were cool to the touch, almost grounding you from feeling hotheaded again.  You saw her give you a kind look, nothing soft about it but kind enough to make you focus, "Druig, this is our family.  What happened back then happened, and we are no longer looking back to the past, remember?"
You nodded, saying nothing since you knew she was telling the truth. 
"We promised to take this day by day, and so far that's been working in our favor for the last 500 years we've been here.  I know deep down that they love the humans, that they love us.  Druig, they love you, and I know you love them too.  I want to be able to hear them out, to see them again, and maybe come to some resolution with our family and find that peace again," Clío went on, smoothing your cheeks with her thumbs and you leaning into that touch so easily, "I know that pain you went through, but I also know that our family out there wants the best of this world, and for us.  We should see them, hear them out and find that balance again.  What do you say?"
You sighed, knowing she was right and coming from the right place. The first night when you two were in the jungle, she held you as your cried and screamed in anger and fury with all that happened.  You were feeling all of those inflicted thoughts and feelings at once, and Clío was giving you the space to release that pain and to cry.  No one has ever let you do that before, it has only been Clío.  That trust you two had for each other was already strong and ancient, and you were feeling it now before your family would come to your home.  
For you answer, you kissed her softly and with a hint of boldness, feeling her fingers squeeze against your cheeks for a long moment before you pulled away and gave her a soft smile.  She would be the one to melt your frozen heart and have to re-think your irrational moments.  Maybe there wasn't anything to worry about or big to discuss.
"Come on, let's not keep them waiting then," Clío said to you, reaching down to place your fingers together once more and pushing the door open.  You followed, being a pinch more optimistic about it and wanting to hear from your family.  You felt like you could face them with Clío on your arm, keeping you centered as always.
But you failed to see a wad of tissue paper in the trash can near the bathroom, with one pregnancy test inside of it that was positive. 
The End.
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Tags: @basicrese @a-lumos-in-the-nox @awkwardfangirl2014 @ftrmrs-barry-keoghan @virtueassassin @spideyswebshooters @heartofwritiing @rach-12 @heliosphere8 @mothdruid @wooya1224 @tanyaherondale @sssjuico10 @vinvantae @hottpinkpenguin
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redheadspark · 2 years
Melody Masterlist 🌹
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Hello lovelies!
I decided to make a page specifically for the Druig, Clío, and Melody series!  I had no idea I would fall in love with the Dad Druig troupe!  
I have plenty of ideas floating in my mind for more prompts, but here is where you can find them all if you need to look for them again:
#Drío (Druig and Clío’s shipping name)
*OR if any of y’all have a random prompt of one shot idea for our family , please ask me! I love writing about this family but I want to see what you guys think, what you’d like to read and see too! It’s not just for me, but for you all too!!*
Ship Questionnaire - Featuring Clío and Druig Here
Sweet Melody (The prompt that started it all )
Little Beam 
Little Pumpkin
Not Alone
What If
His Vow
Let Me Help
How Much?
Take It Slow
A Village 
Melody’s Village
Animal Whisper
Be Brave
Forget Me Not
Take Care
Dynamic Duo
Day By Day
Time Will Tell
Home (18+)
Once Upon A Time…
Massive Heart
Beyond (18+)
The Final Stand
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Forgive (Alternative Timeline)
Part One
Part Two
taglist: @sssjuico10 @basicrese​ @a-lumos-in-the-nox​ @spideyswebshooters​ @bubblyyz​ @reallysparklychaos​ @alessandriapost @tanyaherondale​ @wooya1224​ @vinvantae​ @hottpinkpenguin @heartofwritiing @virtueassassin @awkwardfangirl2014 @ftrmrs-barry-keoghan @rach-12
Fan art by the amazingly talented and kind @heartofwritiing
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heartofwritiing · 2 years
I’m working on a DRÍO prequel that you might enjoy :). Love ya! ❤️❤️
(I cannot wait for this! ahh 😍)
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