#dr. chris beck x reader
bradshawwannebe · 2 years
I need everyone to know I'm slut for tall dark fictional men that look like they could break me in half and also give THE best hugs and cuddles.
And the ENTIRE cast of both Top Gun movies
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jewels2876 · 3 years
After Hours
A/N: Happy Un-Birthday to @the-ss-horniest-book-club !! And congrats on over 3k!
I decided to whip up a little Dr. Chris Beck and reader for the occasion 😉
Word Count: 732
Warnings: Hot and heavy making out - PG 13
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A few weeks after your slightly embarrassing introduction in Astronomy 301, you chanced a meeting with your hot professor. Dr. Beck called you in as your light knock sounded on his door. His grin widened slightly, but you didn’t notice as you fell into the chair in front of his desk. “Thanks so much for seeing me, sir.”
Beck shifted slightly in his chair as the formality but kept his grin. “No problem, y/n.” Beck liked the way your name tasted on his tongue. “How can I help you?”
You slumped back in the seat. “My dissertation. I have no clue where to even start. Everything sounds stupid in my head; the real meaty subjects that sound fun are also going to be so fucking hard.”
Beck bit back his tongue to retort “Not as hard as I am right now.” Instead, he cleared his throat and nodded. “We can put together a list of ideas and work from there. How does that sound?”
“It’s a plan,” you sighed. You chanced a glance at him and bit back a moan. His hair was fluffy and begged for fingers to sift through it. He wore his NASA sweatshirt again that made him appear all cuddly and snuggly. The idea of burying your face into him in that sweatshirt lived in your brain since day one; you had never faced such a delicious temptation in your life and he was getting up from his chair and moving towards you. You straightened up as he sat back on the edge of his desk and crossed his arms. You watched his biceps flex and a small groan escaped your lips.
“You okay there, TA?” His eyes twinkled as his gaze travelled over your face.
“I’m fine,” you answered with what you hoped was a straight face. He uncrossed his arms and placed a hand on either side of your seat, caging you in.
“Just fine?” he teased.
“Y-y-y-yes,” you stuttered, inhaling scents of soap, chalk, and an unrecognizable cologne.
“Well then, let’s get started on that list shall we?” Beck straightened up with a smirk and turned his back, adjusting himself as you gaped at his back.
Thirty minutes later, you stared at the sizeable list the two of you had created. “What’s jumpin’ out at you, TA?”
You held back the word “you,” and managed to spit out “Colonization of other planets.” Beck smirked at the answer.
“You angling to get me to write that for you?”
“Could you?” you joked. “It would make my life so much easier.”
Beck moved from his white board to stand over you. “But then we wouldn't have any time together.” His voice dropped low, the husky tone sending shivers down your spine. You gulped and involuntarily squeezed your thighs together.
“You... you would want more time with me?”
He nodded, caging you once again in your seat. “There's something about you I can't stop thinking about.” His head lowered so you could feel his breath on your face. “I really want to kiss you now.” All you could do was nod; his lips were soft against yours, achingly tender and you thought you would combust. He pulled back, noting your hooded eyes and puckered lips. With a feral growl he lunged forward, the kiss more forceful stealing your breath away. His tongue traced your lower lip; you sighed allowing him in. He delved into your mouth, tasting every inch. A sudden knock in the door startled both of you. You pressed your lips together and smoothed your hands over you hair as Beck adjusted himself before calling out. “Come in!”
His secretary Maria entered. “Your 4 o’clock appointment is here.”
Beck smiled and nodded. “Give is just a moment please to finish up.” Maria smiled and went back to her desk, shutting the door behind her.
Beck ran a hand through his hair. “I want to apologize for that. Are you okay with our choice for your dissertation?”
You smiled for the first time. “I'm not sorry at all that happened. And yes I think it will be fine. I'll make an appointment with Ms. Hill for next week to continue this, if that works for you?”
Beck smiled back and extended his hand as you stood. You took his hand, but he was quick to raise your hand to his lips. “Until next time.”
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sebbystanimagines · 7 years
Chris Beck Masterlist
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Romeo and Juliet
Hermaion (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7)
Drawing Chris on Ares 3 (Part 1) (Part 2)
Having a crush on Beck
Catching you as you faint
meeting on earth
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peppermintsparker · 3 years
start tonight | c.beck
summary loving chris beck would always be your greatest adventure warnings heavy fucking angst, a lil explicit language, fluff, happy ending yay! not proof read and not edited but are we surprised its me lmao authors note this was shamelessly inspired by the glee cast version of total eclipse of the heart. why? because i <3 jonathan groff, that's why.
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Silence filled the apartment as the two of you stared at each other. Christopher Beck was pissed, and he couldn't distinguish the fine line between being pissed at you, or pissed at the fact that just as everything was falling into place, he finally got a spot on a mission to Mars -- something he had been working towards his entire life.
You understood this, of course you did, but you worked an incredibly boring 9-5 office job whilst he was the one with big dreams. It's not that you wanted to crush them either, but Beck was the light of your life and you definitely didn't want to experience life a billion miles from the one man who made everything worth it.
"I know this is your dream, and I don't want to be the type of partner to crush dreams, but I just don't understand why you can't just stay!" you yelled, tears spilling hot and sticky at your cheeks as you tried to control your emotions. "Please, just this once, stay!"
once upon a time i was falling in love, but now i'm only falling apart
"Because, in case you hadn't noticed, I'm finally going to achieve the one fucking thing I've been working towards my entire life!" Beck yelled back, and you could see the fury in his eyes. "I'm not like you! I don't want to settle down, I want adventure. Fuck, I want to go to Mars!"
You let out a choked gasp, and upon seeing your reaction Beck wished that he could take it all back. He didn't mean a single word of what he said, of course he wanted to settle down and build a family with you, but he wanted to achieve his dreams first. Nobody could fault him for that, but his words were hurtful. He knew that.
Sitting down on the blue chair behind you, you could see the cogs whirling in Beck's brain as he tried to figure out how to apologise. But deep down, you knew he was right. His dreams were so extraordinary, which made sense considering Beck was the most extraordinary person you had ever met, and yours were just so...normal and bland.
"Just go."
Beck was confused, unsure if he was hearing you right. "What?"
Tiredness settled deep in your bones as you curled in on yourself, finding your voice again. "Accept it. Go to NASA HQ today. Tell them you'll do it. Go be the extraordinary person I know you are."
After more reassurance it was okay, Beck rushed out of the apartment whilst you watched some shitty daytime television show, and even though you loved him, you couldn't help but wonder if the relationship was going anywhere, or if the love was worth fighting for. Sometimes, you realised, all the love in the world cannot sweeten a soured relationship.
One month after Beck had left, you found the engagement ring in his sock drawer. You had been looking for a pair of comfy socks, and happened upon the small white box containing the prettiest piece of jewellery you had ever seen. You knew it was an engagement ring, and judging by just how gorgeous it actually was, Beck must have spent a pretty penny on ensuring that everything was perfect.
The longer you stood there just staring at it, the louder his words repeated themselves in your head and you didn't want to stay in that apartment any longer. You carefully took the ring out of its silk lined box before you crossed the room to the desk, pulling out a page from your notebook and writing your lover a letter.
The suitcase was next to be packed and once you were satisfied you had everything you would need, you left the letter on the bed with the engagement ring gently placed on top of it. "Goodbye, Christopher Beck." you smiled, picking up your suitcase and leaving the apartment with a heavy heart. As you climbed into your car and drove out of town, you refused to shed a tear.
It was eight hundred and eighty days before the Ares 3 mission came to a close, and as Beck landed safely on Earth all he could think about was apologising, and proposing, to you. The relationship had been left on sour terms when he left, and after facing the loss of one of his best friends, he learnt just how fragile life truly was.
The apartment was empty upon his return, and he assumed that you wouldn't be at work, or visiting family as they lived halfway across the world, so where had you gone. It was on his search of the bedroom the two of you shared did he see the ring, and the note. "My dearest Beck," he began, "by the time that you discover this note, I may be far away from here."
He stopped reading, feeling tears burn at his eyes. "Without a doubt, loving you was the greatest adventure I have ever been on. You are an extraordinarily kind person with dreams far beyond I could ever imagine. My greatest dream was that I would get to love you and when that dream came true, it felt like I was living in technicolour. But I couldn't stop thinking about what could happen if you continued loving me. I didn't want to be the reason that your dreams never came true.
"Oh baby," Beck sighed, wiping his tears before he continued on reading. "Loving you was great. Until it started to feel like we were in a powder keg and giving off sparks, and I didn't know what to do because it felt like I was just living in the dark. So, I had to go. I'm sorry. Thank you for loving me through it all."
Christopher Beck was a lot of things, but he was not one to give things up so easily. As he racked his brain thinking of every single possible place you could have possibly spent the past two and a half years, and it was when he saw the cottage pinned to your corkboard above the desk did he realise where you would be. Tucking the ring into his pocket, he got back into his car and drove for three hours before he finally reached you.
Climbing out of his car, he was first greeted by the sight of a black cat lounging in the sun whilst a Golden Retriever lapped from a water bowl on the front porch as you sat reading on the swing, completely unaware of the man watching. "Y/n?" his voice soft, causing you to look up from your book. "You don't have to talk. I just needed to apologise. My words were hurtful and I have spent the past two and a half years thinking about how I could make it up to you. I am so very sorry."
Marking your page in the book, in the same way Beck always hated, you left it on the porch swing as you stood up. Unsure of your intentions, Beck prepared himself for every single possible outcome, but when you hugged him it definitely came as a bit of a shock. "Thank you for staying alive." you whispered, feeling the tears burn at your cheeks. "I heard about what had happened to Mark Watney, and I cannot begin to imagine how scary it must have been for everyone. But you're here, and you're safe. So thank you for staying alive. Thank you for coming home."
"I'd always come back to you. I may get to go to space, but loving you will always be my favourite adventure." Beck's voice was soft, and the kiss he pressed to your lips was even softer. Neither of you wanted to exist in a world where you didn't love each other, and suddenly remembering the ring in his pocket, Beck got down on one knee.
"I know there's no one in the Universe as magical and wonderful as you, and I know that together we can make it to the end of the line. So, will you make our adventure a forever one and marry me?"
You nodded, unable to form words, and allowed the man in front of you to gently slide the ring onto your finger, and seeing it in a different light made everything seem so ethereal. This love was yours, and together you would make it to the end of the line.
forever's gonna start tonight.
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goaskbarnes · 4 years
Since you said you write for any character... would you be willing to write a Chris beck x reader where he comes into your coffee shop please?
Welcome Dr Beck
Pairing: Chris Beck x Barista!Reader
Warnings: Fluff with our spaceman 🥰
Yes thank you! I’m always open to writing characters.
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Gasp. There he was, Dr Chris Beck in the flesh and he was about to enter your coffee shop. His wallet was already in his hand, he enters with that dazzling smile you’ve seen in interviews and you greet him.
“Good mornin’ Dr Beck. What can I get you?” You nervously play with the string on your apron, ignoring the hip bumps your co-worker was giving you from behind the counter.
“Uh, I heard your special was pretty good here. Can I get one of those?” He’s still smiling and he’s almost sweeping you off your feet.
And he makes you nervous, you can’t help the next line that comes out of your mouth before you can stop it. “Yeah, pretty special indeed.” You add with a wink. He shoots you a wink and pulls the change out of his wallet while you go ahead and make his special.
The frothing of the milk later and it’s ready. Beck passes you a note and tells you to keep the change.
“But it’s too much!” You argue, trying to hand him his change back to which he declines.
“Keep it. You deserve it. And uh, next time call me Chris.” He grins turning around to push the pull door, he shoots a wink over his shoulder and furrows his brows when the door doesn’t budge.
“You have to pull it.” You giggle, pink tints his cheeks and he quickly gets out before the other customers can make a comment.
Mrs Burke, your loyal 80 year old customer laughs at his cockup. “I think you make him nervous my dear.”
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captainscanadian · 3 years
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Hitting two thousand followers on this blog was not something that I was expecting. But in order to celebrate this milestone, I have decided to open up requests for one-shots/drabbles. 
In a way, this is me trying to get back into writing a lot more on this blog, as I am aware that I have been slacking off a little when it comes to my activity. 
Feel free to send me a dialogue prompt from this list, along with a character (and an AU if you want, but that’s completely optional). NO MULTIPLES, PLEASE!
Requests can only be made off anon, so please be polite when you ask me to write something. 
I will not write anything that includes P*DO, IN*EST, NON-CON/DUB-CON.
I reserve the right to refuse requests if I don’t feel like writing it, but I will try my best to write your requests for the most part. 
I am open to writing smut, fluff or angst, as long as you specify what you want. 
The characters I will write for include: 
Steve Rogers
Bucky Barnes
Chris Beck
Carter Baizen
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sergeant-bonky · 4 years
My Sweetheart
Chris Beck x Reader
Summary: An accident in the lab forces Chris to admit his feelings. (Based off the prompt submitted to @the-ss-horniest-book-club)
Warnings: Lab accident, small bit of angst, fluff, confessed feelings. 
Word Count: 482
Authors Notes: Some sweet space baby Beck for you on this (rainy) Saturday evening. 
A scientific experiment went wrong. The wrong chemicals mixed together and it caused a glass-shattering explosion in the lab. Dr. Chris Beck was in the thick of it, causing a lot of serious injuries. 
When you found him, he was slumped back against the table, holding a onto his shoulder. Bloody wounds covered his face and it was something out of a horror movie. 
“Hey!” You kneeled in front of him. Your fingers gently grazing his jaw. He turned to look at you with a goofy smile on his lips. 
“Y-” He splutters out a cough, “Y/N, you’re here.” His eyes are drooping and you spring into action. 
“I’m here Dr. Beck! Keep your eyes open okay? Help is on the way!”
“I- I have to- god- I have to tell you somethin’.” Another cough erupts from his throat and you grab a hold of his hand, squeezing reassuringly. 
“I’m listening.” 
Chris took a deep inhale, hissing at the pain that shot through his body. He had to tell you before it was too late. 
“You’re the sweetest,” He started, tears already falling from the corners of his eyes as he looked right at you. “I have loved you since- since we started working together. You are a sweetheart and-”
“I love you too.” You blurt out just as the medics arrived. They moved you away and attended to him. You rode in the back of the ambulance, tears silently falling from your eyes. The heart monitor beeping in the background and his confession replaying in your mind. Since you started working together? That was around three years ago. He’s loved you all this time? How was it possible you missed the signs? 
You saw Chris Beck that same night. His shoulder and left arm was wrapped in a tight bandage. A nasal cannula helping him to breathe after the intense surgery he went through. You took a seat by the side of his bed and held his hand, your thumb running across the back of his hand. 
“I meant what I said, Chris.” You spoke quietly, not wanting to wake him up. “You mean the world to me and I can’t believe it took us till this point to realize it or say anything.” you chuckled lowly, “You’re someone I look up to... and before you say it, it isn’t because you’re taller than me.” 
A quiet little laugh from Chris has your eyes lifting to his face. He’s barely awake, a goofy grin on his face. 
“Come...’ere.” His voice low and raspy from lack of use and he tiredly pats the side of the bed, prompting you to join him in the bed on his right side and away from the wires. He wants to say something. You quickly shush him before he does. 
“Get some sleep Chris. I’ll be here when you wake up and we can talk then.” 
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buckobucho · 4 years
Professor Biceps
Summary: Your lingering stares bring out the playfulness from your professor.
Pairing: Professor!Beck x Reader
Warnings: Very light teasing, Beck’s biceps! 💪 reader is an adult so ☺️
A/N: This is another one written for @the-ss-horniest-book-club ❤️
Words: 364
Y/N = Your Name
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The two things you absolutely loved most about your lectures were; the passion and love that came from your professor when he animatedly talks about space - If a student asks him to explain something, you get a whole explanation - and you really liked your professor.
Professor Beck was extremely popular, especially with the female students. Every time you’d arrive early to his class, there would always be some woman standing in front of his desk pretending they don’t understand something, even if he has explained it a hundred times. He knew what he was doing, and he wanted the best for his students.
He had the students under his spell during this lecture. His arms were waving all over the place as he explained the distance between Mars and some other planets. You noticed he was wearing a particular tight white shirt today, it pulled tightly across his chest and if the room was cold enough, his nipples would say hi to everyone.
His biceps seemed to bulge from the arms, particularly when he brought his arms up against his chest.
Professor Beck watched you. Noting how dilated your pupils became every time he did. The playfulness in him couldn’t resist doing it more often. Beck was also 100% certain you didn’t pay attention to a single word that came from his lips.
Your tongue voluntarily licked your lips. Your mind wandering to places it shouldn’t.
“Miss Y/L/N?” Beck smirked, folding those damn arms over his chest in front of your desk.
“Y- yes professor?” Your eyes had a difficult time focusing on his face. And he could tell.
“I asked you a question about Mars. Do you mean to tell me you have not been paying attention to my lesson today?”
Oops. You blushed, your face completely giving you away.
“I’ll take that as a no then. Stay behind after the class please.” He tells you, dropping his arms down by his side. You nod, and shift in your seat while you attempt and fail to listen to the rest of the lecture, which proved to be difficult when he kept flexing his arms even more than before.
Damn it, Professor!
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bisousbucky · 4 years
Pairing: Chris Beck X Reader
Summary: You and Beck have a love-hate relationship
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Warnings: Frenemies, mild teasing
A/n: this is for the @the-ss-horniest-book-club and decided to change tactics and write for Beck for a change! Hope you like 😍
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Beck sat opposite you around the large round table swinging in circles in his chair and throwing paper cups in your direction.
You would soon be home, but that couldn't come soon enough.
"Will you stop it?!" You seethed, launching the cup back in his direction.
"No." Beck teased, poking his tongue out. If you were closer, you might have tugged on it.
"You're an annoying piece of s—"
"What's wrong with your face?" Beck laughed at your facial expression. You licked your lips to stop the smirk forming.
"Nothing. I hold no responsibility over my facial expressions when you talk. That's all!"
"I can see that! You look like someone shoved a barbed wired bat up your ass."
"Guys! Attention!" Commander Lewis interrupted before you could finish that sentence.
"We'll finish this later!" You whispered yelled.
"In my bed or yours?" Beck chuckled, dodging the flying plate.
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emilylyoness · 4 years
For The Team
Pairing- Chris Beck x Reader
Words - 311
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A/N - Written for the @the-ss-horniest-book-club​ and this is my second drabble I’ve ever written! Really really hope this turned out good! :D
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“Achoo!” Another sneeze pushes through your nostrils, followed by another irritated groan from your spacemates as you all sat around the large table. Chris Beck, the man who invaded your dreams at night, sat opposite you sipping his space coffee stealing glances. “I say we just turn around and go and find Mark and just res-”
“ACHOO! ACHOO! Bless me.” your nose wrinkled up and a knowing smirk played on the corners of Beck’s lips. You’ve been in space with him for the same amount of time, sleeping in your quaters alone and he found out you were single. You also became stressed easily and it wasn’t that difficult to find out what was going on. “Anyway.” Lewis continued her strategic plan before she was interrupted by your random sneezing. “He’s alive. We know this much, we have the fuel to make the trip and-”
“ACHOO!” Chris barks out a laugh and your eyes narrow slightly, wondering what was so funny. “Damn Y/N. You got a cold or something?” Rick teases with a smirk. You shake your head and drop your gaze down to your lap when you felt every single pair of eyes on you. “No I’m just- ACHOO!”
“Alright that’s it.” Chris stands up almost knocking the empty cup over from the force. He walks around to your side of the table and grabs your hand, ignoring the confused looks from your spacemates. “Just trust me guys. I’m taking one for the team here.” he laughs and walks you back to your sleeping quarters.
“Chris what are you- ACHOO!” you sneeze into the crook of your elbow. “We have... what another 100 days left?” he smirks, ghosting his fingers over your jaw. “Let me help you cure this sneezing of yours. I am a doctor after all and it’s my job.” he winked pushing you backwards towards the bed.
Hmm not sure who to tag? I’ll tag some mutuals and apologise if I’m a bother :) @jobean12-blog​ @bugsbucky​ @hawksmagnolia​
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jewels2876 · 4 years
A/N: Day 23 of the HBC Lucky in Love and prompt Serendipity - today is all for @the-ss-horniest-book-club​
Pairing: Chris Beck x reader, Professor AU
Word Count: 389
Warnings: 18+ Only - implied smut but let’s be safer than sorry - if you click on the Keep Reading link you agree you’re over the age of 48 - 18
Divider by the lovely @imerdwarf​
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“Good things happen in threes, right?” Dr. Beck asked the lecture hall. Several heads nodded and he grinned, continuing on. “Someone tell me the first thing today that was good for you.”
You, as the TA, blurted out. “I got laid.” The entire hall burst into laughter; your face grew warm but you held your head high. Chris grinned at you.
“Lucky woman. Okay, Ms. TA, what good thing happened after that?”
You paused, having a good idea where he was headed with this little conversation. “The line at Starbucks was non-existent, so I got my favorite drink instead of rushing and getting a cheap latte.”
“So I’m guessing the third good thing was that you made it to class on time?” Most people giggled at his assumption. “So this is the idea behind certain cosmic phenomena such as the Star of Bethelem, things happening in threes.” Chris winked at you and continued on with his lecture.
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You approached his office, leaning against the doorframe. You watched as his muscles moved and twisted under his sweater as he gathered his books and papers in his briefcase. “You gonna stand there and stare all day y/n?” he asked with a grin as he turned to face you. He lifted the bad onto his left shoulder and grabbed his jacket.
“Not if you’re ready to go.” Your eyes twinkled as his left hand brushed against yours. “Your place or mine?”
Chris pretended to look affronted. “Just gonna get right to it then? No dinner first?” You laughed as you walked alongside him.
“Fine, dinner first. Or second? I usually work up an appetite anyway,” you teased.
“Damn TA!” Chris laughed. “Is this your way of getting back at me for earlier?”
“Nah. It was my own fault for talking before thinking.” You realized belatedly you both were headed towards his car in the faculty lot. “But maybe we should…” He pulled you into a quick kiss.
“We,” he kissed you again,” Are going to eat at a semi-nice restaurant and talk before I take you to bed. Are we clear?” His smile made the corners of his eyes crinkle and you melted.
“Yes, Dr. Beck,” you agreed.
“Dr. Beck… sounds nice when you say it like that.” He opened the car door, leaning down to whisper in your ear. “Make sure you scream it later.”
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jobean12-blog · 4 years
We’ve Got Chemistry!
Pairing: Chris Beck x reader
Word Count: 414
Summary: Chris wants to help you relax after a long week at work!
Author’s Note: This is for the HBC’s @the-ss-horniest-book-club drunk drabbles and the super fun prompt below! Always hard for me to pass these up hehe and I thought Beck would be a fun choice here! Hope you enjoy this lovely anon! Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤❤❤
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Warnings: Funny fluff, soft and sweet fluff! :) 
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When you walk into the house you’re met with soft lighting and the distinct smell of lavender, your body immediately relaxing. “Chris? Where are you babe?” You toe off your shoes and follow the lovely scent toward the bathroom. As you get closer you start to pick up on a something else…the acrid smell of something burning.
“CHRIS! Why is the bathtub on fire?” You grab the towels hanging nearby and move them away, trying to quickly think of a way to fix the situation. Chris nearly crashes into you when he flies into the bathroom, yelling, “SCIENCE!” You watch as he takes the shower head and turns the water on, dousing the flaming petals to stop them from burning.
Once you start laughing it’s hard to stop, between the now burnt smell of rose petals and Chris’ defeated look. “I’m sorry baby,”- more laughter- “when I first walked in it was so lovely, lavender and all, but then I got into the bathroom and well, you said it…SCIENCE!” He joins in with you, now smiling from ear to ear, “well do you at least feel more relaxed after laughing so much?”
He holds his arms out and you lay your head against his chest, “yes, I do, thank you.” Chris lifts your chin for a kiss, making you relax even more, “good. I’m glad. I know it was a long week and I just wanted you to get a chance to wind down when you got home.” You snuggle closer into his arms and sigh, “you’re the best Dr. Beck. Why don’t we clean this up and you can join me for some relaxation?”
Chris happily agrees and sends you off to change while he cleans up the burnt petals, drains the tub and replaces them with new ones. When you walk back into the bathroom in your soft robe, Chris has moved the candles away from the tub and the soft scent of lavender once again floats through the air, a lovely bubbly bath waiting for you.
“It’s perfect! Thank you!” You slowly untie your robe, smirking when Beck’s eyes wander over you appreciatively, “are you just going to stand there and ogle me or get in?” He quickly pulls off his shirt and gets out of his pants, settling in the warm water behind you. “This is much better than my Science experiment.” You both laugh again, sinking lower into the water and enjoying the feel of each other so close.
@addikted-2-dopamine @bugsbucky @book-dragon-13 @eurynome827 @hiddles-rose @harrysthiccthighss @jhangelface0523 @jewels2876 @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @loricameback @lorilane33 @lokilvrr @littleredstarfish @lookiamtrying @marvelgirl7 @nordlysinthewoods @nano--raptor @pinkdiamond1016 @randomfandompenguin @sallycanwait68 @this-kitten-is-smitten​ @tuiccim​ @the-wayward-robot​
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Summary: you and Chris are roommates and best friends, you've heard so much about a girl he's met online but Chris has a confession.
Pairing: Chris Beck x Reader
Warnings: Chris is a sweetheart, catfished!Chris, roommates, stupid online person.
Word count: 437
A/N: Written for @the-ss-horniest-book-club ♥️
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"Hey! When are gonna meet your online girlfriend you never shush about?" You asked after swallowing your mouthful of pizza.
Chris dabbed his lips with his napkin before speaking. "Oh, you won't." He said with sadness and anger laced in his face.
"What why not? You never shut up about her." You pressed and Chris shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "What's wrong?" Your eyebrows creased and you put your pizza crust back in the box, wiping the grease from your fingers on your thighs and taking a generous sip of your drink.
"So I have a confession..." He started. Taking a deep breath and sat up straight. You nodded your head and clasped your hands in your lap to show him he had your full undivided attention. "So when I got back home, I had a message from another person warning me that she wasn't a real person. And I just feel like the dumbest man alive because looking back... It was kinda obvious. She wouldn't video chat, or voice chat with me and I just..." Chris sighed looking down to his lap. "I feel like a loser." He said the last part quietly.
Your heart broke for him. Chris was an astronaut and he was also your best friend and roommate. He was also a complete sweetheart and he did not deserve this.
"Chris honey. Listen to me." You kneeled in front of him, taking both of his hands in yours and continued to speak, "you're not a loser. You're genuine, lovely and you deserve someone just like you. What this person did was not your fault, they took advantage of you."
"For a whole year Y/N. I should have sensed something was up when they wouldn't talk to me on the phone a week after I 'met' them."
"See? That's because you believe in people and opt to see the best in them. That's why you're perfect Chris. Don't beat yourself up." You stroked his cheek and the tension in the air shifted when his own hand rested on top of yours.
Without thinking, you leaned forward and pressed your soft, pizza greased lips to his. Chris was shocked for a few seconds, but once he realized what was going on, he reciprocated the kiss.
You pull away after a few minutes with a goofy grin on each of your faces.
"Thanks Y/N. You're pretty special too."
You smiled, stroking the hair at the back of his neck.
"I'll take care of you Chris." You whispered, pulling him forward into a hug. "I'll never hurt you. I promise."
My teensy-weensy taglist: @jobean12-blog @finleyjayne @nano--raptor @marvelgirl7 @hawksmagnolia and tagging: @eurynome827 because Chris is her sweet space husband ♥️
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yuyungi · 5 years
I think Chris becks hugs could dissolve even the scariest of bad feelings. Anxiety depression generally bad day you can’t hide it from Chris and his hugs work wonders while mumbles sweet nothings in your ear protecting you from anything the world or your mind throws your way 🥺🪐
Oh anon 🥺 he really would 🥺 this is something I definitely need 🥺 I've thought about this quite a lot, especially when nights get rough for me. I'm glad I'm not alone in feeling and thinking like this.
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I'm gonna let my mind wonder for a minute...
Hearing the front door close snapped you out of your thoughts, you don't know how long you've been lying there on the couch but it's getting dark and your tea is stone cold now. You could hear a distant voice echoing through the place slowly getting louder, which you instantly recognised to be Chris.
When you didn't answer Chris after he called out for you and announced he bought takeout he knew something was wrong, and seeing you there on the couch only confirmed his thoughts. He was over by your side in an instant, crouching by you with a soft worried smile etched onto his face.
You briefly made eye contact with him, giving a small smile before looking away again. Chris reached out and ever so gently stroked your cheek, which made you lean into his touch and your eyes started to water.
"Baby, come here" Chris said softly before he wrapped his arms around and moved you slightly so he could lie on the couch with you. Once comfortable he kissed the top of your head and securely held you within his arms, having his thumb slowly stroke your arm knowing that helps soothe you.
You gripped onto him like he could disappear any minute now, and as if he could hear your thoughts he mumbled against your hair, "I've got you, baby. I'm not going anywhere. I love you. You're okay. I'm here baby."
After a minute or two your cries slowed down and your breathing became calmer. Chris pressed another kiss to the top of your head, and gave you one last engulfing hug before he moved slightly so he could see your face. You were looking down, not wanting him to see your face in this state. He reached up and gently grabbed your chin making you look up at him. You made eye contact again with those wonderful, caring blue eyes of his and gave him a defeated smile.
"I'm sorry you had to see that Chris" you spoke quietly as your voice was still raw from crying.
He shook his head, "Y/N, I'm here for you okay? I'm yours. I'm your shoulder to cry on, your ear to vent to, your body to hug when things get too much. You're the love of my life, what you're going through I'm always going to be by your side to help you however you need me to." He leant in and kissed you ever so lightly before pulling back and showing that charming smile you fell for years ago.
Your eyes shined with adoration at how genuine and amazing Chris was with you whenever you got like this, "I love you too, Chris."
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elaacreditava · 5 years
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Can he be any cuter? 😍
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captainscanadian · 4 years
I’m tired, but I also feel like writing. So send me headcanon/blurb requests for:
Chris Beck
Carter Baizen
Chase Collins
Nate Archibald
Sherlock Holmes (Enola Holmes Version) 
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