tagedeszorns · 1 year
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It's apparently Abbadon-day (Abbaday!), so I'm contributing.
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axiseart · 2 years
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Play with me...
[Like the ink? Visit Abaddon's tattoo artist here. ]
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kieran-0 · 2 years
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Drach'Nyen by Artur Nakhodkin
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weizhentian · 2 years
AU where Drach'nyen is a dramyen lute:
(it's said the playing of the dramyen attracts demons, so the head is carved into a sea monster)
Abaddon goes into battle playing sick tunes.
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sculptorofcrimson · 6 months
Thread/Soulmate Warhammer AU
Not really a soulmate AU, but more of "threads of fate" au.
Ra’s thread is a thin, fragile thing. The Emperor had been loath to break it, had hesitated, His claws hovering over the delicate braid. He had held it, as delicate as the umbilical cord of a newborn, and grieved as He felt what He had to do. In the end He had wrapped it in gossamer like the finest of silk, and woven it, with infinite care, into His own. 
When Drach'nyen thrust itself in, it had severed both threads.
Valdor’s thread is crimson. The Emperor had cut off at his wrist, with the only remnants wrapped around his forearm like a chain. The ends still twitch and tangle, as if waiting for a man he had lost before they even met. The Emperor took the frayed threads of the severed rope, and bound it to Him. 
Now it wraps around Valdor’s throat like a leash. (Or a noose.)
Valdor does not mind. 
(Once, only once, in mere moments before Constantin lowered the blade, he had seen the flash of recognition. The sudden unknotting of a thread of fate both had assumed severed so long ago. 
And then the mercy blow. A horrible moment of terrible pity etched across his victim’s pain-stricken face, and the sadness in those tormented eyes not for himself but for Valdor. 
And, finally, oblivion. )
Sanguinius’ thread is black. He can see it, twisting there, stretching onwards, inked across the sands of time. When he had met Horus, the Angel had stalled, a smile still stretched across his face, noting down the way his thread had wrapped itself lazily around Horus’ arms. Their threads had tumbled and tangled over one another, so deeply intertwined it was impossible to remove without severing one. 
Horus did not seem to see a thing amiss. 
Lorgar, his thread brilliant red, wrapped around the Emperor’s chest. The way he had screamed at the fury in His eyes when He had reached up and tore the thread out of His breast, snapping the thin thing in half beneath His claws. The way he had cursed Him, the remnants of the thread pooling around him like shed snakeskin, the scent of Monarchia’s ashes curdling upon his tongue.
Alpharius and Omegon’s threads, a single, thick cord that split in half, bobbing and weaving until neither could tell who was whose. It just seems to love knots, looping around itself, around others, dragging others together without abandon. 
Vulkan’s thread, thick and dark and braided, glowing softly with a gentle warmth. It trails itself around his chest, wrapping itself around all near and wide, spreading like a kind coat of flame. It is tender, such a lovely thing. It has chipped, and knotted, and frayed over the eons, but it braids on, thick and resolute. Ashes are embedded in its strings now, but their warmth is still there, just buried under the charcoal. 
Fulgrim’s thread was made of silk. A beautiful, perfect, fragile thing. It had bound itself around his hands, around Ferrus’ silver hands and his neck. The delicate silk, so pale against the silver. And how pitifully it had shattered, without a cry, without a song, only with the slithering of sick silk as he had snapped it when the Laerblade took Ferrus’ head. 
Ferrus’ thread was a chain. It wrapped around his neck and hands. It had pooled itself slowly around Fulgrim, like a lazy snake, braiding itself together into intricate knots with his silk. When Fulgrim took his head from his shoulders, the links had shattered. 
Horus’ thread, white and black. It tied itself so languishly over one of his forearms. If only he had known. If only he had seen. If only he had felt the thread tightening, tugging, unraveling as he had sped his way down a path, and never glanced back upon the road he had trodden. When it finally spun itself out of silk, it tied together in one, final blasphemy of angel feathers. Both tips of their threads had been charred together, one longer than the other.
It was Horus that undid the knot. 
He did not even see it unravel when he cut the life out of his brother. 
Malcador’s thread. Grey, seemingly thin, but with an impossible, resolute strength. There it was, underpinning the Emperor's thread like a shadow, together even in death. How brightly it had burned, like candlewick, as he sat upon the Throne, eyes bulging, nerves burning, feeling the cells in his body die one by one. It had charred itself to cinders, and then to ash, and finally dust, before his lord made it back home.
And finally, the Emperor's thread. It wrapped around Himself, and only Himself, but it branched off like the leaves of Yggdrasil. It curled itself into the veins of His Custodes, it dragged together the binds of His Primarchs, it curled together like one with Malcador. Some branches were frayed, their ends charred, some had curled up into a solitary knot that no longer held another, some burnt like living, writhing sunlight caught in flesh, but some were warm. Some still dreamt, lazily winding through the fog, one out of thousands. They would bind themselves not to men, or to women, but to entire worlds, to every last beating heart upon the land. It was not a leash, or a noose, or a chain this time, it was merely a bridge, the last heart of a dead god who had once gazed upon His people. And smiled.
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Abaddon is such an everchosen equivalent bc he's a normal guy who got a bunch of tech and magic and shit to make him godlike. He even has the same sword right
More or less. Abbacus has Drach'nyen, which is made from, well, Drach'nyen, a daemon born from the first ever murder committed by humankind. It's a sword because the Emperor turned it into a sword and jammed it into one of his Custard Boys and told him to leg it into the webway. It can cut through armour and power fields and reality. Typical stronk daemon weapon stuff.
Archibald has The Slayer of Kings, which was forged by a previous Everchosen, and contains the soul of U'zhul, a powerful Khornate greater daemon. It also has the "cuts the living shit out of everything" feature. But also really likes stabbing famous people.
Archaon's artifacts are on the whole waaaay more impressive than Abaddon's, though.
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ethanarang · 4 months
DAILY FACT #2: Drach'nyen is the name of the Daemon blade wielded by The Warmaster of Chaos Himself Abbadon The Despoiler. He claimed the Blade during the 1st Black Crusade in 781.M31 deep below the the Tower of Silence on the Planet Uralan inside of the Eye of Terror. Originally a powerful Chaos Daemon formed from the first willing human murder, Drach'nyen takes many shapes and forms and only appears as a sword as that is what the Warmaster choses it to be. If you look closely you can see the damned souls of those the blade has consumed screaming from within. Together the two strive to see the imperium and their Corpse Emperor completely eradicated.
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beetlemage · 1 year
Untap, Upkeep, Draw, First Main Phase
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crew the TARDIS to turn it into a creature, equip the TARDIS with Drach'Nyen and the Hand of Vecna, cast Birthday Escape and choose the TARDIS as the bearer of the One Ring, mutate my TARDIS into King Gidorah, get Blanka off the mutate trigger, go to combat and have Gidorah-TARDIS and Blanka attack alongside my Optimus Prime targeting Blanka with Optimus Prime's bolster trigger
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i just had this dumb idea, if i recal correctly, Drach'nyen is somewhat sentint, now imagine it going yandere for someone, like Drach'nyen sees a baseline human with more potential than Abbadon and decides to go serve said human, problem is said human is a loyal imperialist wh doesn't want Drach'nyen but Drach'nyen won'tt take a no for an answer.
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lordfrezon · 1 year
Welcome back to another edition of “The Inquisition Finds Mata Nui”
I would swear these will be more regular.
But I shouldn’t lie.
Last edition here: https://www.tumblr.com/lordfrezon/713463003908030464/welcome-back-to-another-edition-of-the?source=share
Our session begins with the players (specifically Treytor) taking a call from their nominal boss, Rogue Inquisitor Dominus Elementum, nee The Element Lord of Ice.
He’s in a chipper mood.
Which, in fairness, rarely changes.
The party, however, is not as chipper, given they recently learned their boss is a Xenos scum.
Also a war criminal, but that really comes with the territory of being an Inquisitor.
But there’s no ice around them so they chat.
Dominus gives the The Lore Dump (tm).
He tells them that his creators, the Great Beings, are worthless assholes who let their planet blow up
They could have stopped the war but were too busy fretting.
Plus they didn’t see the true power of Energized Protodermis.
While Dominus was locked away along with his siblings, he was freed by a Great Being named Nisari, and then promptly enslaved by her.
Said Great Being is currently masquerading as the Lord Dogma Magna Esse, the head of the Adeptus Mechanicus on the ship.
Dominus’s plan is pretty simple, kill Nisari, kill Alice, and then he elevates the three of them to his right hand... robot, robot, and Enby.
Treytor asks the relevant question, what makes Energized Protodermis so powerful?
Dominus discusses it’s sentience, it’s ability to transform, and also how it stabilizes and nullifies warp currents.
Also drops a hint that the reason their ship is stuck is likely because someone put EP into the warp drive, preventing it from, you know, going into the warp.
This someone is quickly reasoned to be the Kestora by the party, because they’re assholes.
Dominus ends the phone call by encouraging the party to test the power of EP themselves if they don’t believe him.
The team doesn’t believe him.
They immediately call up Helrynx, tell her that they met Angonce and are gonna help her however they can.
This is a lot for Helrynx but she recovers quickly.
Emilia has Treytor teleport them back to the ship, and puts Helrynx in contact with her direct Ad Mech superior, a pretty nuts and bolts techpriest who is technically a techheretic because he thinks Mata Nui is the Omnissiah.
An idea that was put into his head by Nisari.  Also the heads of like 2/3rds of the other Ad Mech forces.
Schism, remember.
He is in holy reverence at speaking with a direct construct of the Omnissiah and barely is able to hear her over his servo skulls doing some hymns but agrees to elevate Emilia so she can do more work.
Emilia gets a promotion from Lexmechanic to Biblio Arcanis, which puts her very close to Techpriest level and lets her start requisitioning more cool crap.  Like Skitarii.
They then teleport to Alice, tell her everything Angonce and Dominus said, she agrees that shit’s fucked but they’re doing well and puts the priority on killing Dominus.
So things are going well.
Then Treytor is like “I wanna try this Energized Protodermis stuff” and teleports them all to Teridax’s lair
The place is messy as hell, likely due to Miserix trashing it, but the pool is still open.
Emilia uses her psychic powers to contact the EP Entity, it’s aloof and tells them to just jump in.
Treytor goes “Cannonball!”
They come out with a much improved biomechanical form, with the teleporter now built into them and its capabilities improved.
Their sword is also much stronger and more attuned to them and less likely to cause them to do mucho murder.
(side note: thank fucking god Treytor dropped off the Ignika before jumping in)
(side note 2: Treytor’s sword was transformed into a sister sword to Drach'nyen, a demon sword that was the stone that killed Abel.  If we ever do a sequel, the sword is going to be a big plot point)
Oswald does the same, emerging as a Toa Nuva wearing the Vahi Nuva
(side note: mistakes were made)
Emilia gets the tamest upgrade, “only” becoming a walking army.
Interestingly, Treytor’s Tesseract Knife doesn’t alter in any way.
The crew continues to not care about this.
Treytor announces the next step in their master plan: confronting Nisari.
I internally scream.
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vezimira · 3 years
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what if.........
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axiseart · 2 years
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Inkhammer #29: Uh-Oh (Drach'nyen's here)
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immanueldid · 7 years
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5 days late don’t give a fuck I lied I give a lot of fucks actually 
Except I started this what, a few hours ago and it ain’t getting done tonight so better make that six days late. Except wait my giant sharpie for filling in big swaths of black is dead and I don’t have a scanner and only a shitty shitty camera so ETERNALLY LATE.
Abaddon the Despoiler & Drach’nyen, work in progress
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ask-valerian-40k · 7 years
I’m only mean to Ra because I think he’s turning up in the next BL novel
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cursed-40k-thoughts · 5 years
Well now I've just been struck with a Chaos Abaddon/Fulgrim crackship. They're friends with benefits, but they're not even friends.
The Ezekarion desperately try to forget the “lubed up Drach’nyen incident” they walked in on one time. Falkus never wanted to know how much of the Talon of Horus Fulgrim could fit in himself, but now he knows it’s all of it and he regrets everything
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