#draco malfory x reader
layenacreates · 2 years
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They say all good boys go to heaven
But bad boys bring heaven to you
The familiar lyrics lulled you awake into a conscious state. Reaching over to your nightstand, you paused the alarm you had set up the night before.
6 am
Okay, on a normal day it would have been a terrible idea, but you forced yourself to pick up the sheets and expose your warm skin to the nipping cold air.
Shivering you reached for your sandals and a robe to conceal the warmth that wanted to escape your body.
Today you would be joining your friend, Draco, in the astronomy tower to watch the sunrise. When Draco first suggested the unusual activity, you had laughed it off, opting to think he was pulling your leg versus actually believing he would want to spend time with you at such an ungodly hour.
He had proved you wrong by insisting saying he had never done it before and thought it would be a good idea. Downside was, if you both got caught you would push him out of the tower and then jump out yourself because no way would your parents approve of not only breaking school rules but breaking them with a boy.
You walked to your closet quietly and located your uniform before slowly pulling it over your figure. Taking special care, you glanced the room to make sure none of your roommates had been alerted of your early awakening.
Once rest assured, you took to the bathroom to brush your teeth and comb through your hair. Your nightly tussles around your bed always made random tangles show up and had the ends sticking in different directions. If you had time, you would have styled it but you decided to leave your (hair length) (hair color) hair down.
Glancing at your phone you noticed that you had just enough time to apply a bit of makeup before you met Draco. Smearing concelar around areas you found needed some extra coverage you went to work to blend it in. Afterwards you added a bit of blush, highlight, and mascra to your face to accentuate your features.
Adding a touch of pink lip gloss, you faced yourself in the mirror. Making sure you hadn’t missed anything in your routine, you gathered your makeup before discarding it in your vanity.
Before leaving your residence you made sure to grab your phone, wand, and a special gift the one and only Harry Potter had gifted you for one morning. The invisibility cloak. With the cloak you were able to roam around the halls undetected until reaching the Astronomy Tower.
Once you reached the top of the stairs, you reached overhead to remove the cloak and folded nicely into a square. Setting it aside the cloak on one of the many benches, you were able to see familiar grey eyes watching your movements.
“Hey,” you whispered softly, as you approached the tall blonde.
A small smile graced your lips as you looked up towards him, memorized by his beautiful features. Noticing a purple hue underneath his eyes, you giggled softly.
“Why are you laughing,” came his rough voice, eyeing you carefully. His eyes were alert and trained on you, exactly what you would have expected from a Slytherin. Except… his eyes held traces of bashfulness, almost like a kid who knew his secret had been found out.
“Seems like someone didn’t get enough sleep,” you remarked as you walked past him to lean against the walls of tower, overlooking Hogwarts.
“Eh, sleeping beauty,” you added with a smirk.
“I am not,” he emphasized with a raised eyebrow, “a sleeping beauty.” Turning towards him you could see the early morning light start to reflect against his face. Softly caressing his features, you could see where light met shadow to create the perfect illumination.
“But you for sure are a beauty,” you uttered quietly, whipping your head around back to watching the clouds that hung overhead, making sure your words had slurred together.
“I said you sure are moody,” you lied. Unsure if he believed you, you quickly glanced to your side to make sure that he hadn’t heard you. Eyes narrowed and lips pursed, yup, he definitely believed your lie.
“Sorry miss early bird but we can’t all look like we have been up for hours,” he sneered quietly, resting his body over on the other wall, mirroring you.
You laughed but gave no response. Instead, you opted to look out towards the east. The ink-colored sky started to fade as the sun began to rise.
“Look,” you whispered.
Watching the sun slowly peak out of the clouds reminded you of how a small animal would introduce itself to the world. At first, weary and off balanced but once it realized who was there to greet them, they became excited and ready to show off their true colors. Black ink began to transform into gold shimmer.
Watching the sun rise, you and Draco sat in silence, not wanting to shatter the peaceful aura the morning had created.
Glancing to his side, Draco watched you for as long as he could. He wanted to soak up the way the morning light made you look ethereal. The curve of your smile. The crease in your eyes. The faintest hint of blush on your cheeks. The fanning of your hair against your neck. He wanted to hold you in this moment forever.
“Draco-,” you began but stopped when you realized you had broken not only the spell that enchanted you both to make time stop but also his gaze on your face. He quickly looked away and muttered something unintelligible.
“You were staring!”
“No, I wasn’t,” came his rapid response, “you just had something on your face.
A wave of panic came over you for half a second before you realized that you had made extra sure this morning that you were presentable.
“Nuh uh,” you nudged him, enjoying this display of embarrassment. His cheeks had grown pink against his pale skin. A rosy splash against a blank canvas.
“It’s okay,” you turned, facing the sun once more, “I know I’m pretty.”
“No one likes a narcists” he muttered, still looking way, hoping something would capture his interest to distracted him from the way his heart was swelling.
Looking back at him, you raised an eyebrow, “Except you.”
Draco whipped his head around to continue your banter, but his response fell on deaf ears. Your heart was full of emotion, your head up in the clouds. This was your happy moment. Your moment that you would think about when you were old and gray, struggling to remember mundane tasks. But you would never forget the bright eyes of your friend Draco that day as he looked at you.
Soft like satin. Grey like a wolf. Gleaming like the pearly gates of heaven themselves. Beautiful as the angels that would receive you in their perfect paradise.
Your lips turned upward.
Bad boys really do bring heaven to you.
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Hi all! So here’s the first requested fic! Yay! It took me a while because 1) I got really carried away with it and 2) I didnt know how to end it and it took a while. I still don’t really like the ending, I feel like it could be smoother and offer a better resolution but I honestly had no idea what else to do with it and I really wanted to get it out. Anyway so I hope you guys like it! Keep sending stuff in! Love y’all! (I’m posting this from my phone instead of a computer so if the format is weird let me know)
Requested by @diana-24-world
“Can you write what it would be like to be married to Draco Malfoy if Voldemort won the war.”
I don’t know if this is exactly satisfies what is requested or what you were looking for but I hope you enjoy it anyway! If you don’t like it I can try to write up something that better follows the request. Thank you!
Ps. There’s a lot of backstory....I really like back story...sorry not sorry
In this together
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No one ever expected life to be like this.
When the war started, everyone had so much hope in Dumbledore’s army. There was no way Voldemort would win.
But then it happened. Harry Potter was actually dead.
When you walked through those large doors of Hogwarts for the first time over 10 years ago now, you could have never expected that your life would have turned out like this, Voldemort controlling the whole magic world and you married to the one person no one has expected...Draco Malfoy.
Draco caught your eye in your first year. You would have never admitted it and with you being in Gryffindor and he in Slytherin any chance with him was doomed. He was never outright mean to you, which was always kind of odd seeing as you were friends with the golden trio. He would mock and criticize them but when he got to you, it was almost like he was trying not to be as harsh, trying not to hurt you but still wanted to look tough to his piers. This went on for almost two years.
Your romance started that summer before your third year. Your father recently started working with Lucius at the ministry so you found yourself suspending a lot of time close to Draco and despite how hard you both tried to deny it, something drew you two together. Draco has never experienced anything like it and it terrified him, but you took it slow and showed him that he was worthy and capable of love.
When you went back to school, you both knew you had to keep your romance a secret. Draco occasionally yelled at you in the halls as you walked with the trio, trying hard to cover up the stutter and hesitation in his voice as he called after you with some “supposed to be insulting” comment. However, he would always seek you out later in the day, pulling you into some unoccupied classroom or a dark hallway to kiss you and apologize reassuring you that he didn’t mean it and you’d always laugh and assure him that you knew he didn’t and you still loved him.
Your secret rendezvous didn’t stay a secret for very long. Professor Lupin has come in as the new D.A.D.A and turned everything on its head when one day you all arrived at class to find the desks and chair pushed aside and a wardrobe sitting in the middle of the room. Hermione, of course, was quick to answer the question of Boggart and you were quite intrigued by the lesson. You didn’t know what to expect when you stepped in front of the boggart for your turn. Anything would have been better then what you saw.
It was Draco. He stood there in front of you, that cocky ass smirk on his face, the one that made him look like he thought he was better than everyone. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion along with the rest of the class who were whispering and chattering behind you. Draco too was stunned as he watched the scene in front of him unfold, slowly pushing through the crowd to you.
You just starred, looking at the boy you loved in front of you. You weren’t scared of him how could this be your boggart. But then he opened his mouth. Vile, cruel words pushed past his lips like a flood. The boggart slowly inches closer to you as he spoke.
“Now how could you ever believe I’d love something as pathetic as you...a mudblood at heart. A traitor to the pureblood name. How could anyone love such a horrid person? You are nothing. Nothing compared to me. A disgrace to the magic world, and a burden
On all those around you...why are you even still here...”
Tears began silently falling from your eyes as words continued to pour from
His lips as he walked closer and closer and standing just inches from you he rose his hand ready to strike you but before he could his eyes went wide and the light flooded from them. Blood soaked his shirt and the boggart Draco gasped for air collapsing in front of you. He was dying. And even with his last breath, he spoke nothing but cruelty towards you, yet you still loved him. Collapsing by his side you screamed in agony at his dead body. It was all so real that you jumped when Professor Lupin interfered and changed the blood-soaked Draco Into a cloud of bubbles that drifted away.
You lifted your tear-filled eyes to finally meet the stunned class in front of you, Draco standing in the front, mouth agape. You got up as quick as you could a ran out of the classroom, Draco close behind.
You turned down a dark hallway and collapsed to the ground when you felt like you were far enough from everyone else. Draco soon came and fell down next to you, cradling your shaking figure in his arms.
“Shhh..shh I’m here love. I’m here. I’m ok....”  He whispered in your ear as he caresses the top of your head softly, just letting you cry into his robes for as long as you needed. He felt so stupid. You spent so much time assuring him that you still loved him and that he was worthy of your love that he didn’t even think that maybe you needed to hear the same. You always told him that the fake insults didn’t hurt, and yes you knew it wasn’t real but deep down you latched on to them and let them consume you, but never showed it. He had no idea and he hated himself for it. You were terrified of losing him..but worst of all losing him and him never having cared about you.
When your cries finally turned into soft sniffles Draco pulled away, cupping your cheeks in his hands and tilting your head up so he could look you in the eye.
“I’m so sorry...Darling...I need you to know that I’m not going anywhere. I’m right here with you until the very end. I love you sweetheart...and I always will...I have never felt like this before...not even with my own family. You make me want to be good, want to be a better person. You make me want to defy my parents and be better than they’re trying to make me....you make me a better man...I’m not going anywhere...I’m sorry love but you're stuck with me...and if you ever doubt that...if you ever feel that fear of what we just witnessed in that classroom, then I will be here to tell you it’s not true....I’m in this forever...if you’ll have me....”
He chuckled and you smiled kissing him deeply. You say there for a while just in each other presence. The teachers had been informed of the incident and knew not to worry or go looking if you didn’t show up to class, you needed time to process.
Lupin found you later and sat down with you and Draco to make sure everything ok and assured you, you didn’t fail the lesson. But that’s not what worried you. It was your classmates. The next few days were tense. The trio walked on eggshells around you but you could tell they were upset. Hermione has to keep the boys from voicing there opinions and disapproval. It took a while for everyone to accept and get used to it but it happened. Obviously, Draco didn’t suddenly start hanging out with all of you and become best friends with the trio. There was still a lot of tension there and despite your pleads, there were still quite a few fights that happened between them.
The worst of it came during your 6th year. Draco was...off. You had barely seen him all summer and when you both finally got back to school he was very closed off and even avoided you at times. You didn’t take it well when one night Harry in the dorms Harry accuses him of being a Death Eater. Hermione yelled at him quite a lot for having just said that to you when there was no evidence. You knew his parents where Death Eaters but Draco had tried so hard to NOT be like his parents, you just couldn’t believe it.
But one by one, things started happening at Hogwarts. First the necklace than the wine Ron drank. Draco was fully on avoiding you at all costs and it was taking a toll. When the trio came into the dorms one day to find you distraught and crying over him, confused because he refused to talk to you, they knew something was wrong. As much as they disapproved of Draco, they knew he’d never treat you like this...unless he had no choice.
You were the first person he came to after the fight in the bathroom with Harry. His blood covered clothes scared you half to death. He was distraught. He looked sick...like he hadn’t eaten or slept in days. You collapsed in your arms a began telling you everything. When he was done you were crying as well. You tried to reason with him, beg him to stop, and you knew he wanted to, but you also knew there was nothing either did you could do.
You were relieved when he couldn’t go through with it, heartbroken that Dumbledore was gone, but so thankful it wasn’t by Draco hand, that would have destroyed him.
You see, no one saw the real Draco, they only saw who he wanted them to see. The tough, powerful pure lips who didn’t have a heart or empathy. But you knew a different Draco. No one saw the boy who felt everything but refused to show it, burying it deep inside only letting it come out when he was alone. No one saw the boy who crumbled under the pressure to live up to his father’s impossible standards, despite every fiber in his being telling him to rebel. No one saw the boy who just wanted to be recognized and loved. The boy who just wanted to make his family proud despite what it did to him. No one saw the boy who would take a curse for you, the boy who would lay down his life for you. No one saw how deeply he could feel, and how much he cared for the ones he loved. No one saw any of it, except you.
Recovering from the events of that year took time. Especially with Voldemort on the rise and the war rising at an alarming rate. Draco wanted to run away with you, get away from everything and just be together, but you refused to leave your friends.
During the war you let the tears fall as Draco walked over to his Parents standing outside of Hogwarts with Voldemort and the other Death Eaters. His eyes were so sad, so ashamed with himself. He knew you wouldn’t join him and it broke his heart but the control his family had over him was unbearable. He was like a puppet in their show and not even you could save him from it.
Your heart tore in two as Harry’s lifeless body dangled in Hagrid’s arms. It must be a joke you thought, some part of his plan. Any minute he would wake up and save the day.. everyone waited..but nothing happened.
Voldemort had won.
The world was never the same after that. Voldemort has destroyed Hogwarts and most of Dumbledore’s army. Ron and Hermione fought to the last second but managed to get away when it was clear there was no hope. They lived off in some small house on the coast out in the middle of nowhere, where no one could find them. They made do, refusing to be apart of a world controlled by Voldemort.
Amidst the fight, Draco has managed to pull you away, dispirited your protests, and led you to safety. You stayed in hiding with him and his family for a while and a lot came to light. Despite what everyone thought, the Malfoys weren’t evil. Lucius was kind but refused to show it. He had been corrupted by a life of fear and servitude to Voldemort. Narcissa had never wanted any of this but she loved her husband and would follow him to the ends of the earth even if it meant being on the wrong side, not to mention the family she grew up in. But as much as they wanted to get away and run from this new world. They wouldn’t. They couldn’t. Lucius would continue to follow  Voldemort and work in his new ministry of magic to help slowly destroy the muggle world. Draco refuses to be a part of that. While the fear and pressure his parents may have bestowed on him was heavy, he was learning to be his own person. But, not being able to break away completely, he accepted a small job within the ministry but was determined to keep his personal life with you untainted but the dark world Voldemort had cast upon them.
Draco and you got married a year after the war. It was at the Manor and wasn’t big as most of your friends and even your family were either killed or in hiding.
Draco had bought you a small house out in the country, just far enough from the city to make it feel like it was its own world where nothing bad could happen. It wasn’t easy but you made do. Draco worked at the ministry but promised never to bring any of his work life home with him. You stayed at home mostly, and you and Draco had a hand in some rebel movements, helping to bring resources to those in hiding and help hide those who needed to be hidden. It was extremely risky for Draco, given that he was a member of the ministry, but he wanted to do some good for once, even if it meant risking everything. These were dark days, but you and Draco survived and were happy together.
Days like these, when Draco didn’t have to work, were your favorite.
You both were lying in the bed as the sun softly trickled in through the windows.
You smiled softly at his sleeping figure lying beside you moving some of his platinum blonde hair from his eyes. It was longer than usual but he refused to grow it as long as his father’s.
He stirred slightly and slowing opened his eyes adjusting to the light before looking at you, pulling you closer to his bare chest.
“Darling what are you doing up? It’s too early. On my days off we like to sleep in remember?” Draco stared groggily as he shit his tired eyes again slowing running his fingers up and down your bare arm.
“Believe me I’d love some sleep. But your child has other ideas.” You retorted scoffing softly with a smile and you ran a hand over your 7-month baby bump.
When you a Draco found out you were pregnant it was quite a shock. You were both terrified and excited. Draco, of course, thought he was going to be a terrible father seeing as he didn’t have much of a good father figure growing up.  You were quick to assure him he would be a far better father than his father ever was and their child will be the luckiest on the earth. Once those fears were resolved, you were both left with the very real fear of bringing a child into the world at its current state. This was never how you had imagined raising a child, in a world of so much fear and darkness, but you were determined to make sure this child was loved and taught how to see the light. This child was your light, it was your beacon of hope in these cruel times.
Draco smiles and brought his hand to rest on yours on your bump. It was his favorite thing he loved to feel his child and to be as close to you both as possible. You rest your head just under his chin and he kisses your head softly.
You lay like the for a while longer before Draco finally pushed himself up despite your groans of protest and got out of bed slipping on just a pair of sweatpants. He kissed your lips softly before disappearing into the kitchen to make breakfast. That was another thing that had wildly changed in his life. With everything becoming so hectic, you and Draco wanted some simplicity in your life, and despite Draco’s complaints, you convinced him that you didn’t need a house elf. You wanted your home life to be simple and just the two of you and after a while Draco adapted, he even learned how to cook..with the help of magic of course…
You soon join him in the kitchen, your red silk robe draped over your shoulders with one of Draco’s casual t-shirts and a pair of sports shorts underneath. You duck under the fresh plate of pancakes levitating onto the dining table and wrap your arms around Draco’s bare torso kissing his shoulder as he finishes making some coffee.
You watch as he waves his wand to open the fridge and make the pancake toppings fly to the table, all of your favorites, especially the pregnancy favorites. Chocolate, strawberries, blueberries, peanut butter, and syrup, even the pickles you craved so bad. He turned in your arms and smiled sipping his coffee. You shift and reach out to make yourself a cup but Draco is quick to stop you, swatting your hand away which earns him a nasty glare from you.
“Coffee is bad for the baby. I read about it in those books mum sent. I’ll make you some tea though darling” He says kissing your parted lips as you stare at him in disbelief.
“If you want what’s best for me, the baby, AND YOU, you’d move out of my way. Or else you will be dealing with a very cranky pregnant woman in about three hours.” You threaten. Draco couldn’t help but stifle a laugh as he shrugs. You were trying so hard to be threatening and serious, but you just looked so funny and cute. You hit his arm and groan turning to go sit at the table. Draco shakes his head smiling as he makes you the tea and brings it over setting it infant of you before sitting down as well.
You both ate and chatted here and there. It was perfect and peaceful, almost making you forget of the horrors of what lies beyond your little home in the woods. However, in this world, happiness never lasts for very long, destruction and hurting are always right around the corner waiting to strike.
Draco started to clean up and put away the dishes as you went to put on something a little more appropriate for the cold weather as you and Draco hoped to take a walk down to the lake for some fresh air. You had just finished putting on your clothes when you heard Draco groan and curse loudly in the kitchen. You walked out and furrowed your eyebrows as you saw him standing there clutching his forearm.
“Draco, darling, what's wrong?” You asked worried, walking over to him. He winced and closed his eyes singing softly.
“I don’t know…I think...I think it’s the mark..” He said looking down at the dark mark on his forearm.
You looked at him shocked and scared. He hasn’t felt anything from that mark in years, they told him he was out, that they didn’t need him anymore. They made a deal. He wasn’t a Death Eater despite what some may think.
Draco looked at you, his mind going a million miles a second. “Love, listen to me. Go in the bedroom, hide, and don’t come out no matter what. I need you to be safe…I need you both to be safe.” He said panting softly as he placed his forehead against yours and his hand on the back of your neck.
“No. I won’t leave you. Either I’m staying here or you’re coming with me.” You protested making Draco groan. He always hated how stubborn you were.
“Love I can’t. They’ll find me. No matter where I go they’ll find me.” Draco whispered, his voice cracking softly. He was a slave to this, no deal in the world would ever keep him from this reality.
Before either of you could speak again a dark shadow was cast over the house, the once blue sky outside filling with dark thunder clouds. There was a high pitched ringing that made the furniture shake slightly right before the windows shattered. Draco moved around to shield you from the glass The black clouds of smoke rushed into your home one by one taking the shape of a man until finally 3 Death Eaters were standing in front of you. Draco stood infant of you hoping that whatever they were here for they’d leave you alone.
“What do you want?” Draco spoke venom in his voice as he stood his ground pointing his wand at the men. He might have been one of them but he will always despise them, especially when they come in like this and threaten his family.
All the men were cloaked with masks and you couldn’t make out who anyone was but the man in the middle stepped forward chuckling deeply.
“Well now Draco, is that any way to talk to your guests? We just want to have a little chat.” He spoke. He sounded so sinister and you both knew there was more to this than just a ‘little chat.’ He slowly paced the small lounge area right outside of and open to the kitchen, running his fingers over furniture as he walked.
“You see Draco. We’ve stumbled on some rather interesting information and the Dark Lord was very insistent that we bring it to your attention immediately….You see, it is our understanding that there’s been a recent uprising of rebel movements. Some of Dumbledore’s army that has survived the war and others that have turned against the Dark Lord are receiving help and relief to hide or stay hidden.” HE explained, drawing out each word and sentence as if he had been put in slow motion. Goosebumps rose on your skin and Draco’s grip on your hand tighten slightly as he spoke, your stomach twisted and you knew nothing good was going to come from this.
The Death Eater stopped in front of the fireplace and stared at the portrait of you and Draco on your wedding day for a bit before continuing.
“You see we were recently able to bring in one of these rebels and at first it was quite difficult to get her to talk. It always is, you know how it is, they never want to be the one to tattle on their friends…but…when you give them no choice..say the life of there child is on the line…people tend to tell you whatever you want to know..and then some.” He chuckled and returned back to his original spot standing across the kitchen from you, playing with the wand in his hands. A lump welled in your throat and your eyes brimmed with tears as he opened his mouth to speak again.
“Most of the information she had to share came as no surprise to the Dark Lord…however right before we got to see the life drain from her eyes, she told us something rather interesting….It seems that these people have been receiving not only help...but help from inside the ministry…a traitor…now you can imagine the Dark Lord’s shock when he heard this. I mean we simply can not have that in his close chambers. The ministry, the people he trusted to be at his right hand. It simply cannot be.” He took a step forward slowly making sure to stare you both right in the eye. Draco shifted back until you hit the counter, not being able to move back any further.
“You know Draco…your father is a good man, always been so loyal to the Dark Lord. And in turn, we gained quite a respect for you. I mean let us not forget who the Dark Lord trusted to be the one to kill Dumbledore….even if you did marry a mudblood…He’s always had such great respect for you, thought of you..well.. like a son…So just imagine…his absolute shock to find out that the traitor within his walls….was you…” The Death Eater was now only just 2 or 3 feet infant of you. The look on his face was dark and sinister, he grinned devilishly and lifted his wand.
“Such a shame your child will have to grow up fatherless….AVAD-“
But before anything could be done you quickly grabbed Draco and apparated out of the house and the next moment found yourself in the middle of the woods but far far away from your home. Draco gasped when you appeared and you sighed softly. You’re lucky he wasn’t hurt as he hadn’t been prepared to apparate.
“I'm sorry love, but we needed to get out of there..and we need to keep moving.”You said hugging him tightly as you briefly let a few tears fall as you both knelt there in the middle of the woods. Draco her you tightly trying to come to grips with the reality that he wasn’t dead.
“It’s no use…They’ll find me…as longs I have this mark, they’ll find me…you’re not safe with me.” He said sternly looking you in the eyes and carefully wiping away your tears with his thumb.
You melted into his touch and kissed the palm of his hand softly. “I already told you Draco…I’m not going anywhere without you...We’re in this together.”
He sighed and kissed your forehead once more before standing and helping you up as well. You set off through the woods towards a secret rebel location hoping to find allies and friends to protect you and help you figure out how to get rid of the mark so Draco could finally be freed of the slavery that it forced him into.
There was no clear path ahead and you were both terrified but as long as you had your little family, you knew you could overcome anything, even Voldemort himself. 
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layenacreates · 2 years
First Day
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Hi everyone! I am Layena and this is my first official fanfic that I have ever publish! I hope you guys like it!
Summary: Your first day at Hogwarts doesn’t go as planned when you bump into a stranger who has a mouth that spews out words clearly laced with venom and self-importance. Y/N bumps into Draco and shows him she’s not one to be messed with.
The clicking of heels was all that could be heard about the halls of Hogwarts at the dawning hours. Nervously, you pulled at the hem of your skirt to try to shift it lower, anything to keep your hands occupied. You had taken special care that early morning to put together your outfit, determined to impress your future professors and administrative staff alike. A black, long-sleeved shirt neatly tucked into your pale-yellow striped skirt. The yellow in the skirt was a nod to your house, Hufflepuff. Your pride yourself with the thought that you were a Hufflepuff. Although the less flashy house, you knew in your heart it was where you belonged.
As your roamed about the halls looking for Professor Dumbledore’s office your wandering mind began to worry.
What if I can’t find his office and end up getting lost, you fumed in your head.
“I’ll be the laughingstock and I haven’t even started school”, you mumbled under your breath.
Your position was odd to say the least. Most students who became aware of their magical talents would promptly beginning their education at Hogwarts, but not you. Instead, your mother, a muggle, and your father, a pure-blood wizard, decided to keep you at home. You attended muggle school during the day while at night and honestly at any free moment, your father would teach you magic. This practice although uncommon, worked in your favor. You were able to grow up away from the magical realm, away from prying eyes, and enjoy a muggle life but had a big secret. You felt like Hannah Montana, having the best of both worlds.
It felt like you had become like Peter Parker, Percy Jackson, and Alina Starkov all in one day when your family revealed to you their secret. You were a magical being and you could use learn to use it. Who didn’t want to live out a secret life where they could do magic? Every summer, when other kids went off to camp or lazed about the house you surrounded yourself with books and learned from the ground up. You were talented and you knew that but you also knew the best way to really grow was to practice and perfect every spell and potion you read about.
Your father was pleased that you had taken such an interested in wizardry. So, he came to the decision it to enroll you into Hogwarts when your turned 15, the summer before school started. He had called you down one day to discuss how you had progressed in your studies. He had informed you that you had kept up with the learnings at Hogwarts and had even surpassed in Charms and Transfiguration. He brought the subject up lightly about how you would benefit more if your were surrounded by others your age, studying the same subjects. To this you instantly frowned. Not out of repulsion but uncertainty. You had spent years studying on your own and with your father as your only mentor. If your father was insinuating you attend Hogwarts, would it really benefit you? You study method that has been cultivated over years, could you really change it?
But on the other side, you mused, you would be able to go and say goodbye to math.
You almost laughed out loud when you remembered your hatred of math. Precalcus hadn’t been kind to you and you received your first B in all of high school because of it. In the back of your head although it sounded nice it wasn’t enough to lead you away from everything you known. Your family and friends, could you really say goodbye?
You took a while to think about it since it wasn’t an easy decision, but you began to look at it in a way that seemed like an adventure, it was hard to refuse. You had always wanted to explore the magical realm. The stories your father had told you about Hogwarts and Diagon Alley. You were enraptured about the thought of making your own memories there with new people, who you hoped you could call friends. After enough musing and finally placing your foot down, you decided to fill out the paperwork and applied to transfer to Hogwarts.
Today you would be taking an entrance exam in but first you need to introduce yourself to Professor Dumbledore and then he said he would lead you to the Great Hall to take the tests.
As you were recalling the events that lead you to this very moment you didn’t realize the person turning the corner of the hall. Bumping into what felt like a cold wall you felt yourself being pushed back, almost stumbling on to the other floor. Luckily it wasn’t a full-on collision, which would have sent you tumbling back. Once you regain your footing you began to look up to apologize but your breath caught in your throat. Standing in front of you what you could have sworn to be the Adonis of your time. His pale complexion, bright blue eyes, and strong jawline sent your pulse racing. For a brief second you couldn’t find a fault in him as your eyes roamed his face until he spoke.
“Hey! What on earth do you think you’re doing”, he accused loudly. He brought a hand up to his jaw as if trying to erase the mark that was beginning to form. Although your attention really should have been to answer his question, you couldn’t help your eyes from following the graceful movements of his hands.
What the hell? Focus now, you silently screamed in your head.
This wasn’t like you. You normally quickly apologized, explained what happened, and then look for any opening to leave the embarrassing situation so you could properly freak out for being such a clutz. But now you wear opening staring at a stranger.
Swallowing you quickly drew in a breath and opened your mouth to speak. But the stranger had a different idea. He drew his hand from his chin a snapped a finger in your face.
“What? Did hitting your head really knock out your brain,” he whispered with a smirk.
Ayo hold up-
“And what? Did our little bump knock out your manners or you are always this sweet” you whispered back, mockery dripping with every world.
Aw fuck, you screamed silently in your head, eyes closing, I didn’t mean to say that.
How did you lose your cool?
But where in the world did this guy find the nerve to say something like that to her. Steeling yourself, you realized this was the first of many classmates you would meet considering he was wearing a Hogwarts uniform, you had to make a decent impression while also giving him a piece of your mind.
“First off it was an ACCIDENT,” you said in his face, “I was distracted while I was on my way to Dumbledore’s office. I am sorry and meant no harm.”
The smirk that previously graced his face, what a face it was, was gone and replaced with a small sneer. The sneer pulled at his face and allowed you a small glimpse of his teeth. Shiny, pearly white. Of course. Perfect.
“Maybe you don’t deserve to be here if you can’t even walk properly!”
“Maybe you need to learn a little respect”, you shouted back, your arms rising to land on your hips.
Seriously, what was with this guy and his pompous attitude? Probably a pure-blood, you thought, Dad did say to watch out for his kind since they aren’t especially nice to anyone who isn’t in their little club.
“And what?,” he grimanced, “ are you offering lessons?” As he talked he slowly started to walk towards you. A physically push to show he was adding on pressure to his words. If he thought he was scaring you..well he was clearly wrong, it only served to be able to take a better look at him.
Making your heart pump even louder in your ears. Dark grey eyes like thunderclouds threatened to wash you away the more you stared into his eyes.
Cocking his head to one side, the stranger with too perfect everything hummed and spoke, “Now that you have learned your lesson,” he pointed with his chin towards the opposite of the hall, from where you had came from, “ leave and never come back.”
Regaining your sense from his little speech, you realized what had been murmuring through his head. He thought you were scared shitless out of your mind and that the fear he was trying to drive into you would make you run away.
Hmph please, you mocked, is that all this guy’s got?
Thinking to yourself, you realized you couldn’t do much in this situation. It would look bad on you, your family, and house if you got expelled for kicking this guy’s ass. Plus you didn’t want to use violence as the first resort. So you settled for a more roundabout way to shut this Adonis-look alike up.
Relaxing your body and letting a small smirk settle upon your face, you began to stalk towards the handsome stranger. In response, his smile dropped but he remained froze in place.
“Oi! You going to say something,” his eyebrows scrunched together to further confirm his confusion.
Although he was taller than you, your heels gave you an extra advantage which you would need to use to their full extent if your plan was to work.
“Well,” you drawled, his face immediately turned to yours, only a few inches away, “you got quite a mouth on you, don’t you?” To add extra fire to your flames, you licked you lips, watching as his eyes flickered down to watch the movement before you continued.
“Someone should show you what do with it,” you whispered with a wink.
Watching his face morph from confusion to shock was certainly the highlight of your day. His mouth had fallen open and his eyes had widened to reveal his astonishment.
Pulling back, you didn’t think twice before little out a roaring laugh that broke the lingering tension in the air. The sound of your amusement woke the stranger infront of you.
“I-how”, he stuttered, clearly at a loss for words.
Recovering from your outburst, you strained yourself again to level with future classmate. “Aw badge caught your tongue?”
Watching his face grow taunt, you could tell he was battling with himself to say next.
But you didn’t give him a chance.
Pulling away from his personal space, you ran a hand quickly through your hair, a motion of exhaustion.
“Well, this was fun,” you winked at the blonde, “but I’m busy.”
Seeing your exit, you quickly booked it down the long hall. The first opening that you found lead you right where you found an open door which you quickly entered. An empty classroom.
Breathing heavily, you played the scene that just occurred in you mind from every angle. His eyes, lips, cheeks, jaw, eyebrows, hair, nose, everything. You realized you had memorized his face.
A quick flash of deep pools of gray reminded you of the spark you had seen. It almost seemed like a swirl of desire and intrigue. But that couldn’t be possible? This guy seemed like he clearly hated you.
Blushing, you raised a hand to your lips. Maybe you would never feel the sensation of his lips against yours but you had managed to secure the victory of one uping him in.
A feeling of pride washed over you, hey if you could stand up to a rude person like that, these test should be easy- TESTS!
“AW FUCK,” you yelled to yourself, “I’M STILL LOST”.
Back with Draco
Turning around, Draco watched your figure disappear down the hall. Reaching a hand out, as if that would pull you back to him, he realized that his body felt numb. He realized he was still in shock from your words.
He didn’t expect you to be so bold with your words since you had seemed like a practical person when he spoke to you, clearly since you were trying to keep the peace. Peace, now he was finding, was hard to maintained as his mind reiterated your interaction.
His stupid mouth had worked faster than his brain when he had bumped into you, returning to his default settings he used his callous personality before getting a good look at you. He would make sure to be more charming when you saw him next.
Next time, he pondered while staring off in the distance, was it true? Would he see you again?
Your (hair length) (hair color) bounced as you ricocheted off of him. The dawning light had accentuated your features, making you look like an angel in disguise.
Allowing his hand to fall back down to his side, he glanced down at the space you had just occupied. Who are you?
Why did his heart somersault when you first spoke with your melodious voice? A voice that could conquer heaven and hell alike. A voice he wants to hear from dawn to dusk. When you had begun your attack he realized that you had stolen the oxygen from his lungs and enraptured him with just a few pointed words and looks. His heart had jumped into his throat, beating as if it wanted to race into your arms and plead to make him yours.
No. No. NO.
He wasn’t turned on by your display. He wasn’t envisioning your heavenly face in front of him, mere inches away with lips so inviting. He wasn’t remembering the magnetic pull that you emitted, that made him want to race around the halls until he found you and make you pay for the fire that began to emit from his heart. The said fire began in his heart as a small blaze but quickly turned into an inferno as he remembered your words. You got quite a mouth on you, don’t you? Someone should show you what do with it.
He would make you feel the same inferno hell he was feeling right now. He would leave you begging for his touch, for his lips, for him.
“I’ll find you and make you eat your words.”
Your rivalry was on.
Hope y'all like it!
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layenacreates · 2 years
Childe Sugar Daddy Childe
Underneath Your Touch Cherry Lips
First Day
12 notes · View notes
layenacreates · 2 years
Requests Open!
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Hey y’all! So this is my first time doing this but I’m in a little bit of a writers block and can’t think of any ideas for stories to write so I was thinking, why not take some requests?
Below are fandoms and characters I’m comfortable writing about. Nothing NSWF, trying to stay wholesome.
All will be character x reader!
Harry Potter: Draco
My Hero Academia: Bakugo, Hawks, Dabi
Genshin: Tartaglia
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