#draco’s a lil offended alright
daddiesdrarryy · 7 months
Harry: Okay, when are you gonna tell Pansy that we’re going to live together?
Draco: Soon! I just couldn’t before. You saw how upset Ron got when you told him! I couldn’t do that to Pansy, she’s my best friend!
Harry: Well, Ron’s my best friend
Draco *gasps*: I’m not your best friend?
Harry: You just said——of course you’re my best friend
Draco *smiles*: Love you!
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hp-hcs · 1 year
(Fine, I’ll do it my damn self: part 1 of my silly lil mlm stories <3)
Gay Awakening (Chapter One) — smitten! mattheo riddle x male! reader
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TWs: tobacco & alcohol use, internalized homophobia, homophobic slurs (once)
hella ooc mattheo. congrats, ur his gay awakening, and he’s an absolutely smitten lil gay mess for you but yk he’s trying
“Hey, dude. Who’s that?” Theodore asked, bumping Mattheo’s arm to get his attention, then pointing his fork in your direction. You were sitting at the very end of the table’s bench, wearing an oversized black muggle hoodie with your green tie loose and haphazardly slung around your neck. You were animatedly talking with, out of all people, a Hufflepuff. The Hufflepuff girl sitting at the Slytherin table either seemed to be completely unaware of the looks she was receiving, or she was steadfastly ignoring them. Your laugh cut through the room, the Hufflepuff cracking up with you.
“American transfer students,” Malfoy sneered. “They clearly don’t know the rules yet.”
“Oh, shut up, Draco,” Pansy rolled her eyes, resting her chin on her hand and looking at the Hufflepuff for a moment too long.
Draco scoffed, clearly offended. “Whatever. They’re probably faggots anyway.”
Pansy whirled around with a furious expression. Mattheo himself flinched slightly at the slur, which caused Blaise to look at him questioningly. Once Mattheo had waved Blaise’s unspoken question off, Zabini shrugged, leaning over and muttering in his ear, “Ten galleons says she brings up Potter.”
“-and everyone knows that you have a crush on Harry Motherfucking Potter, so maybe you should take your bigotry and shove it right up your-”
“Pansy?” you questioned, awkwardly standing across from her. “Here, ‘m supposed t’ give this to you.”
You leaned across the table to drop a folded up note in front of her, allowing Mattheo to catch a faint whiff of your cologne. You looked back down at the floor shyly, hurrying back to your spot at the end of the table.
“He’s hot,” Theo shrugged, taking a bite of his toast. “I call dibs.”
“You can’t call dibs on the guy who just asked Pansy out, dipshit.”
“Actually, it’s a note from the ‘puff,” Pansy interjected, twisting her wrist around to show off the neat cursive written in a purple glitter gel pen. “She wants to go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend, dipshit.”
“Yeah, dipshit,” Mattheo teased Theodore. “Plus, I think Malfoy already called dibs on him, so tough luck.”
Theo blew a raspberry at him, only a slight distraction from where Mattheo’s comment had fueled another Pansy-rant and left Draco sinking low in his seat as if he wanted to disappear.
“Alright, Zabini, you’re up. What classic novel is a satirical adaptation of R. M. Ballantyne’s The Coral Island?”
“Why the fuck would I know that, Berkshire?”
“Blaise forfeits! Sudden death round is down to just us, Riddle,” Theo crowed excitedly, watching as the score quill of the charmed muggle trivia game scratched Blaise’s name off of the paper score sheet, drawing a condescending frowny face next to it.
Enzo laughed, flipping over the little hourglass timer. “If anyone can answer in the next thirty seconds, they automatically win the game.”
“No idea,” Mattheo shrugged. Theodore spun his rings around on his fingers before shrugging too.
“The Lord of the Flies,” your quiet voice pipes up. The game players all look over in your direction from where you’ve just entered the common room—coming back from the library, it looked like, if the stack of books in your hands explained anything.
“What?” Draco asked, raising an eyebrow and sneering.
“The Lord of the Flies,” you repeated. “William Golding. Fantastic book.”
Malfoy huffed. “And who are you, exactly?”
“Y/n L/n,” you introduced yourself, nodding politely in their direction before wordlessly disappearing up the dorm room stairs.
Mattheo stared after you alongside his friends, none of them immediately noticing the charmed quill writing your name down on the score card as the winner.
“C’n I bum a smoke?” your sleepy voice called softly from behind Mattheo. He turned around from his spot on the otherwise unoccupied balcony to see you rubbing your eyes, a fuzzy green blanket draped around your shoulders. He cleared his throat and nodded, fishing a fresh cigarette out of the pack and holding it out to you. His heart rate stuttered for a moment when your fingers brushed against his.
“Thanks,” you muttered, using a wandless incantation to light it. Mattheo leaned back against the railing, taking a drag from his half-finished cigarette and blowing the smoke out thoughtfully.
“Why’re you up? It’s a little late for that, don’t you think?”
Maybe it was his well-meaning-but-patronizing phrasing or the confidence-imbued late night cigarette, but you clicked your tongue once and said in a short, clipped tone, “Oh, shut the fuck up, you hypocrite.”
Mattheo barked out a surprised laugh, choking on his lungful of smoke and falling into a coughing fit.
“Language, L/n,” he teased.
“English, Riddle,” you snickered back.
He grinned at you, blushing a nice pink color as you both smoked in a comfortable silence for a moment.
“My roommate brought some girl back from the party he went to,” you say after a while. “Didn’t want to deal with all that.”
“Ah,” Mattheo nodded slowly. “Boys seem to lose all of their brain cells as soon as they come within a ten-foot radius of a hot girl.”
You snort. “Not all of us.”
“Yeah?” he questioned, in a way he hoped came off as nonchalant, even though he was internally freaking out. “No lucky lady piquing your interest?”
“This may shock you, but believe it or not, I’m not actually into girls at all,” you snort again, dropping the cigarette butt and grinding it into the ground with the toe of your sneaker.
“Really?” he asked in a high voice before loudly clearing his throat. “I mean- really? That’s cool. Uh, m-me too.”
“Yeah?” you glanced up at him curiously. “Huh. I wouldn’t’a guessed.”
“Can I kiss you, Y/n?” Mattheo blurted out, immediately snapping his mouth shut and mentally facepalming.
“Sure,” you shrugged.
“I said sure.”
The poor boy was frozen in place, gaping at you. Taking pity on him, you made the first move—tugging on his tie to pull him down to your level.
His hand found the back of your neck, gripping it while kissing you softly—much more gently than you would’ve expected.
When you broke apart, he looked like he’d just been enlightened. Like he might've actually shouted eureka! and run off.
“Holy shit,” he breathed. “I’ve never kissed a guy before- holy shit.” He laughs freely, cupping your face to kiss you again.
“So what now, Archimedes?” At his confused expression you elaborated, “Muggle reference, sorry.”
He nodded slowly, his fingers automatically winding their way into the hair at the nape of your neck. “Well… you could sleep with me tonight,” he offered after a moment. “Y’know, so you don’t have to deal with your roommate.”
“Oh, um, I’m not really that type of guy, Mattheo…” you trailed off.
“Oh!” His eyes widened in panic. “I didn’t mean to imply- I mean, not that I wouldn’t love- I meant we could just literally sleep in the same bed!”
You giggled, a bit relieved. “I’d like that.”
He took a deep breath, smiling hesitantly at you. “No funny business, promise. All at your discretion.”
He held out his hand to you, and you took it immediately, leaning into his side.
“So about that fight between Malfoy and Pansy…”
Chapter Two
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mfingenius · 5 years
I love your stuff so so much!! Could you write a trans!draco maybe? Like possibly he’s not not feeling good about himself so Harry helps him a lil bit? Or he’s dead named and feeling bad? I’m a sucker for hurt/comfort !!
Thank you so much babe! 
A few details for this fic: I’m not trans, so I really really hope that I didn’t get anything wrong, but if I did, tell me. I will not get offended, and I will correct it as soon as I can. 
Also this is my fuck you to JK rowling :D 
also also this is sort of an au where the first time they met, everyone thought Draco was a girl and he didn’t tell anyone until later that he’s not
“It’s alright, love.” Love. Harry’s nickname for him hasn’t changed, even if he has. Draco looks up at his boyfriend, uncertain, and then at the store again. It had been a tailored suit that caught his attention. “We can go in if you want.”
He’s not used to shopping at men’s stores yet. When he lived with his parents, everything of his was painfully feminine, as if his parents knew, somehow, and wanted to suffocate the side of him that didn’t sit ‘right’ with them.
Draco doesn’t need to be right for them, he needs to feel right for himself.
“I know we can.” He says. He hasn’t ever worn a suit before. His mother always deemed it inappropriate, and even after they disowned him he can still hear them in his head. 
“Do you want to?” Harry’s eyes are not demanding anything from him. Harry loved him, supported him through it all. If there’s anyone Draco can explore this with, Harry is it. He doesn’t know why he’s so scared.
“I - yeah.” He hesitates. “Yeah. Can - do you mind?”
“Of course not, love.” Harry kisses his forehead. “Come on.”
They walk into the store hand in hand.
“Good morning,” The tailor, a grey-haired woman with a sweet smile, greets them at the door. “Shopping for a suit today, gentlemen?”
Draco’s stomach flips lightly at the way she calls him that. She hasn’t ever called him anything else. It makes him feel a little bit more like he belongs.
“For my boyfriend here.” Harry smiles at him adoringly, and the woman’s smile turns sweeter still.
“Alright,” She says. “What kind of thing are you looking for, hon?”
“I don’t-“ Draco flushes. “I’ve never worn a suit before. I don’t - know.”
“Alright, don’t worry.” She says. “We’ll find you something you love.” She lowers her voice, conspiratorially. “It’s my secret power. I find the right suit for everyone.” She raises her voice again and winks. “Can’t be very hard, with your dashing looks.” 
Draco squeezes Harry’s hand, and doesn’t lose his smile for the rest of the evening.
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The Bet
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five  | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight
Draco was pissed. No. Beyond pissed. So infuriated that he didn't know what to do with himself. How long did it take for Potter to bloody get on with it? A few simple words. That's all. And somehow even the savior couldn't bloody handle that much. If they made eye contact down the hall, Potter would just simply turn away. If they were forced to be potions partners, he would only speak to him to ask for ingredients or to clarify an instruction. Merlin, even when Potter accidentally bumped into him, he just stepped over Draco's spilled books and continued on with his oh-so-charmed life.
"What. Is. He. Playing. At." Draco said through clenched teeth. Potter had just passed by them in the eighth year common room, only stopping to wave a hello to Pansy and Blaise, while conveniently ignoring Draco's desperate attempt to make eye contact.
Pansy snickered. "You're so dense."
"What?" Draco turned on her.
"Aww, Blaise. Look. Coco is frustrated. That's cute."
"Pansy, I thought I vetoed 'Coco' from the nickname list." Draco's face soured.
"You've vetoed every nickname we've given you. I'm sticking with Coco."
"It's cute," Blaise smirked.
"Don't encourage her." Draco huffed, crossing his arms and looking towards the spot where Potter disappeared.
"You really have no idea what he's doing, do you?" Pansy sighed, almost in pity.
"He's not doing anything, Pansy!"
"Oh, Coco. It's tragic, really. Although, it is a smart plan on Potters part. I'm surprised he even thought of it at all. He's usually as oblivious as you."
"I'm not oblivious."
"Hmm." Pansy and Blaise made the same unimpressed noise in unison.
"Oh, well, then do enlighten me, why don’t you?" Draco huffed once again. He needed more than two friends. They were starting to get on his nerves.
"It's obvious, isn't it-?" Pansy started but quickly clamped her mouth shut at Blaise's sly smile and a curt shake of the head.
"Let him figure it out," He said.
"What? No!" Draco pouted, "Pansy, please!"
"Sorry, Coco. This seems much more fun." Pansy grinned.
"He'll never get it, you know," Blaise gave out a breathy laugh.
Draco stood up quickly, stomping away, barely giving them a chance to apologize and beg him to sit back down. He only heard them laugh all the more as he headed for his dorm room.
Harry nervously bounced his leg up and down. His fingernails tapped loudly against the desk he was seated at. At some point, Ron clamped his hand over Harry's, shooting him an annoyed look. 
"What's eating you?" Ron said in a hushed voice. Professor Flitwick was giving a charms lecture. The only reason he hadn't noticed the two boys was that they were third to the last row of the room.
"Your plan isn't working." Harry murmured back. Harry had been purposefully ignoring Malfoy at every turn and it was excruciating. Once, he accidentally made Malfoy drop his books and was forced to just walk away! It took every ounce of willpower he had to walk away rather than immediately helping him.
"It's only been a few days." Ron raised his eyebrows. "You've only just started phase one."
"There are phases, now?" Harry asked incredulously. He must have been a bit too loud because Flitwick cleared his throat at them. Harry merely nodded with a quiet apology, but Flitwick seemed satisfied and continued with the lecture.
"What are you on about, 'phases'?" Harry turned back to Ron, his voice as low as it could be.
"Well, ignoring him can't be the only thing you do. That's not enough to get him to confront you." Ron said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. Harry sighed. He really was spending too much time with Hermione.
"Then what's phase two?" Harry said, a bit annoyed.
"False alarms," Ron grinned.
"You go up and act like you're about to ask him a big question, then just try to borrow his quill or notes or somethin' like that."
"That… Just seems like so much effort for barely doing anything."
"Harry, don't you trust me?" Ron tried his best to look offended.
He rolled his eyes, "Yes, Ron. But-"
"Nope! Sorry, mate. You trust me, so you have to go along with it. If it fails, you do it your way, alright?"
Harry sighed, "Fine. Fine."
Ron smiled at him and lightly clapped his back. "Good on ya. Phase two commences tomorrow. Be ready."
Harry groaned, burying his head in his arms. "Who wouldn't be ready to ask for class notes or a bloody quill?"
"That's the spirit."
Oh my god, you guys!! All your comments are so sweet. I read every single one. And sometimes the tags too. Seriously, y’all are the main reason I keep going on this lil fic <333 Also sorry this doesn’t have as much meat to it as the others lol
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sxgiittxriius · 7 years
Their Little Stars
"You betrayed me." Draco said as he sat in front of her, slouching.
"What, when?" Hermione asked as she sipped from her 'Mummy <3' cup.
"Last night."
'Mmkay' Hermione thought.
"In my dreams." Draco slightly pouted.
"Oh, what did you dream about this time?"
Silence was met in the kitchen as Hermione raised her brows. Before she asked once again, a happy shriek came bouncing from the hall to the stairs.
"Mummy!" A voice giggled out.
"In the kitchen." She called out.
"Look, look, my hair is pink."
They look towards their daughter to see her once blonde curls turn into a bright pink and a large smile on her face.
"Cassie, my love bug, look at your beautiful hair." Draco playfully weeped.
"Draco, Cassie just did accidental magic you know that right and all you care about is her hair? She's 5 and that's an age where Lyra and Scorpius didn't reach until they were 7."
"But Hermione, her hair." Draco frowned and ignored what his wife had said to played with his youngest daughter curly pink hair.
"Mum, Dad, morning."
"Scorp, Lyra did you both sleep well?" Hermione had asked as she got three cups out of the cupboard.
Hermione poured three cups of orange juice in glasses that had a Scorpius constellation, 'Cassiopeia Malfoy' and 'L.M'
Now a few months ago, Cassiopeia had the idea to start drawing her art on the white walls. From small scribbles to large lines from her room to Scorpius finding large blue swirly mess in his room. It wasn't until he shouted "Cassie" out loud and Draco came running in, shoving the door with his wand in hand.
"What happened? Why were you shouting?"
"Dad! Look at what Cassie did to my room."
"Scorp, we can get rid of her art easily. Just a bit of lil scrub here and there and we-"
"Scrubbing?! Dad that's muggle work."
"Hey, nothing wrong with scrubbing like a muggle."
"We're magic dad. You're magic. Can't you just get rid of it."
"Scorpius, I've did some bad things in my younger years of life and it gave me a huge regret."
"What did you do?"
"I made bad choices and I was very lucky for everyone forgiving me. But it wasn't easy."
"Is this some kind of a lesson?"
"Well aren't you becoming cocky."
"Daaaad." Scorpius winged.
"All I'm saying is that you should forgive Cassie. I'm sure she didn't mean it. She was just expressing her art."
"You call this art? They're just squiggly lines. Have you seen the living room? The kitchen? What will mum say when she comes home and sees her "art"?"
"Wow. You're right. Okay don't tell your mother that I cleaned with magic. She'll have my head."
"Why are you so scared of her anyways?"
"Son, you have not seen her in her angry moments and I swear I'm sure you don't want to see it."
Before Draco can clean the mess, Hermione came home to find the walls coloured, she sighed and dropped her things on the couch before going up to her daughters' room.
"Cassie? Sweetheart? Can I talk to you for a moment?"
"Mummy? Why doesn't anyone like my art?"
Cassie heard the conversation with her Daddy and brother, she frowned. Hermione could see her tears before Cassie can do a tantrum, Hermione stopped it.
"Cass, not everyone will like what you'll do in the future. But don't let that stop you for doing what you love. for now, you can keep your art work in secret, so that one day you can show it to others."
"What can I do?"
"How about tomorrow I'll get you a book that you can place your art in."
"Won't that finish easily?"
"I'll charm the pages so that it'll be endless."
"Hmm, okay"
"Well tonight how about we do some crafts?"
"Is it my turn already?"
"Of course. Last week it was scorp and now it's yours. What do you want to make this time?"
"Cups. With daddy, Scorp , you and Lyra's name."
"And yours as well?"
"Let's get to it then."
"Crafts again? Why can't we do something else." He said as the family started to gather around a small table in the living room.
"Scorpius, we each have our own things we like. Lyra and her books, you and Quidditch and Cassie with art."
"Yeah Scorp. Just because you can't draw doesn't mean you can put your hate on cassies hobbies." Lyra also included.
"I can so draw." He stated.
"Yeah little sticks."
"Now we have 10 cups. Two for each of us. Here is how it'll go. One cup you can make for yourself and the other we'll pick names from a hat and whoever has one name does a cup for that person."
"What if Scorp gets mine?"
"Hey!" Scorpius somehow felt offended.
"Lyra, I'm sure Scorp has some fantastic ideas for your cup. Okay, now we'll take turns on getting a name out of the hat, Cass can go first."
Cassie placed her hands in and took out a small piece of paper.
"What does it say?" Lyra eagerly asked.
"Who have you got sweetheart?" Draco leaned over and questioned.
Next was Lyra's turn. She opened the folded paper and it read 'Daddy'
The hat was passed in a circle, Draco got Scorpius, Hermione had Lyra and finally Scorpius ended with Cassie.
"Now we get to keep these cups forever. So don't do anything mean, be nice."
The family got into their work. Hermione finished Lyra's cup and sat back to watch everyone's face so focused into their cups. She smiled at her youngest, Cassiopeia Jean Malfoy had the likes for art, everyone had thought since she was a daddy's girl, she would live for quidditch, it was a surprise when she was into art.
No one from the both side of the family had artistic tastes. But since Cassie started to smile as she used one of Hermione's lipstick to scribble on the bathroom floor, Hermione took the chance to change her room from a pale green to white with the walls charmed.
The charm was simply put as whenever Cassie would draw in the walls, a few days at most, her art would all transfer to a medium sized drawing book. She had told Cassie this after she came in crying that she walked in on the house elves cleaning her room and her art was gone.
She was taken back to the real world when someone stated "done". It was Lyra.
"You can give it to daddy when you finish your other cup Lyra."
In the end, it took the family four hours to finish their crafts weekend. Everyone gave the cups to each other.
Hermiones cup said 'Mummy <3', Scorpius's cup had a drawing of his constellation, curtesy from Draco. Lyra had 'Lyra Narcissa Malfoy' with books drawn stacked under her name, Draco had "My #1 Dad' and Cassie's cup had 'Cassiopeia Malfoy' with paint brushes on the bottom of her name.
Then they all showed their other cups. Draco' written on his cup was 'Daddy Malfoy', Lyra had written her initials 'L.M'
Scorpius had drawn a large golden snitch and in the middle had his name 'Scorpius Malfoy', Cassie wrote her name 'CASSIE' in capital letters and used different colours and Hermione had 'Hermione. M'
"These cups look lovely."
"Number one dad huh?" Scorpius asked as he saw his dad's cup being proudly held by a proud Draco.
"Daddy's girl."
Before Lyra could retaliate, Hermione looked up at the time and gasped.
"Oh my. Look at the time."
On the wall, the clock displayed the numbers 10:45pm.
"Let's clean up and get ready for bed."
"Can you read a story again tonight?"
"Well alright. What'll it be tonight?"
"A Hogwarts one." Lyra and Scorpius said.
"And you my little love bug?" Draco asked Cassie.
Silence was met and he asked again.
"Love bug? Cassie?"
"Looks like she's exhausted." Hermione giggled seeing her youngest sleep on her daddy's shoulder.
"I'll set her in. You go with the twins."
As the three left the living room, Draco carefully climbed the stairs to Cassie's room. On the door there's a Cassiopeia sign and underneath another sign that was written, CasSIe. It was from when she started learning how to write, he was so proud of it he wanted to put it on the fridge to show it off. He smiled as he opened her door, looking at the large flower on the wall next to the bed she had drawn disappear.
He laid her down and covered her with the blanket. Before leaving, he bent down to kiss her hair.
"My little star, I love you. "
Draco looked back to the little Malfoy sleeping peacefully on her big bed, also seeing her pink hair magically disappear to the identical blonde on his own head.
It took only 15 minutes to get each twin soundly asleep before Hermione went to her own bed.
"What story did you tell them this time?"
"One about how Harry made Dumbledore's Army and how we practised making patronuses."
"The twins will go to Hogwarts next year."
"I know."
"It's too fast."
"I'll miss them too. But they're excited to go and we'll make sure that they both write to us."
"Lyra will be in Gryffindor and Scorpius in Slytherin." Draco stated, yet his face is etched in worry.
"What are you worried about?"
"Scorp's going to go straight to Slytherin for sure. But it's Lyra I'm worried about. She has your brains and nothing of me, she practically looks like you, except for her eyes."
"You're worried she's going to Gryffindor? I was in Gryffindor."
"If she gets into Gryffindor, I'm positive she's going to befriend one of Weasley or Potter's pawns."
"What's wrong with that?"
" The Are you kidding me right now? Your Hogwarts years has been nothing but dangerous from start to finish."
"Draco. He's gone. There's no danger and Lyra will be fine."
"I trust you, Hermione. I really do. But if she does go into Gryffindor, one of their pawns is going to steal our daughter and fly into the sunset with her."
"Well aren't you thinking that far into the future...Listen to me Draco, She's only ten. Plus from eleven to thirteen years old, girls don't think about boys at that age. Now please stop this constant worrying and let's go to sleep."
"I love you." He sighed.
"I love you too." She leaned down to kiss him.
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