#draft dashboard review
puffin-smoke · 7 months
It is I, someone who has never driven a car, here to tell you how an Uber Driver would review random Redacted Characters + Listeners
Darlin' - Used me as a getaway driver?? Also dumped something heavy in the backseat. I don't know what it was, but I haven't been able to get the smell out. Did tip tho
Lasko - Ended up spilling a drink all over the backseat, tried to clean it up and only made it worse. The guy looked near tears when I dropped him off, but did tip and the smell of his coffee covered up whatever the last rider did
Geordi - I think the satnav was bugging out so I dropped him off at the wrong place, but he didn't tell me that when I asked. I started driving away but he was walking the same way, so we just made eye contact with eachother for five minutes straight.
Baabe - Cleaned the car for me? Somehow managed to get both smells out and gave me one of those car air freshener trees. Were they just carrying one of those on hand?
Damien - Sat in the front seat, turned off my music and kept holding the grab handles whenever I made any turns. Pretty sure he thinks I couldn't hear him, but did say that he "should start drafting up his will". Did tip
Gavin - I don't know what he spilled in the backseat. I don't want to know. But it won't come out and bleach isn't helping
Sweetheart - Used me to chase a criminal? They jumped in the front seat and yelled to "Follow that car!". Ended up in a high speed chase, and my car got wrecked. Still waiting on that company insurance they said would pay for it. Didn't catch the guy
Regulus -
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Guy - Was dressed in that local Pizza Shop's uniform? I think his bike might've broken down. Gave me garlic bread instead of a tip. Worth it
Angel - Sat up front and started singing to the music I was playing. Granted they didn't know the lyrics so it wasn't very good singing but I did appreciate it. Hung their head out of the window like a dog
Milo - His cat puked in the backseat. The air freshener tree isn't helping anymore, I need a new car
Quinn - I think he was the guy that detective was chasing? I recognise his hair. Guy spilt blood all of the front seat, put his feet on my dashboard and complained about the smell. Was tempted to drive to the police station but decided against it.
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aropride · 1 year
listened to a podcast from tumblr ceo matt mullenweg abt his plans for tumblr and such and wrote down some quotes i found Interesting . (some are not word for word bc auditory processing + memory etc but i tried to stick to what he said as much as i could)
(on being ceo of a social network) "it is as hard as being the leader of a country"
"it needs to do a good job at showing you things you want to see- so both the people you follow but maybe also exposing you to new things you don't know about yet"
"people want their own home on the web, they want it to be something reflects them, not the needs of an advertiser"
"how do we make this amazing and really give the tumblr community what they deserve, and also give the world an alternative from these closed-proprietary advertisement-driven social networks?"
"you can have custom themes, you can customize it every little bit .. what we wanna do is making it be the best of both worlds, giving you the full customization that u currently have on tumblr, that u also have on wordpress, but still provide a streamlined interface, particularly on mobile ... you kind of move in and out of that full customization"
"that's ultimately what we're about, is giving power in the hands of users"
"what people really want isnt what they say they want ... its kind of like expressed preferences vs stated preferences ... thats probably why [other social medias] dont give u total control over ur algorithm"
"i want to have a path where you can start with, call it 'just' a tumblr ... but if you want to turn that into an e-commerce store, or customize it in a different way, or build a newsletter, or a mailing list, or create a membership site- these are all things that are supported by wordpress today"
"tumblr's userbase are primarily young .. more women than men which isnt common in technology .. its a very safe place and vibrant community for lgbt+, i think its over a quarter of the userbase.. kind of a place for art and artists"
"how do we make that a path to the wordpress open source community ... excited about ..bringing a younger demographic into wordpress"
"[the amount of new users from twitter/reddit are] less than you would think in the long term"
(to reddit/twt migrants) "give us feedback! what do you miss from the old thing when you move over?"
"i'd definitely like it to be as big as twitter or instagram"
"for tumblr for example i think [AI] could make our developers a lot more productive, their coding could be checked/tested by ai, .. that'll allow us to do a lot more .. maybe our pace of development could increase."
"ai can be a huge help in assisting on moderation, if it could help flag things before people even report them, that someone could look at and review."
"the algorithm [for the feed/dashboard] is a form of ai- its really machine learning, people use the terms interchangeably- if we could make the feed a lot better, we could tweak it and really learn the things u want to see and the people u want to follow"
"it could provide some really cool tools, when u think of the generative ai stuff, whether its dall-e or midjourney. so much of what people do on tumblr is expressing art and creativity, and theres some people who are resistant to this, but im actually hearing far more artists that are like 'wow! this is another tool in my toolbox!' its not just like using it instead of doing ur work, it's helping with the first draft, or helping u come up with new ideas, or maybe accelerating part of a workflow. so i see it like a new type of paintbrush, or new colors they can use. they see it as a new way to express their creativity. to me that's also the future. .. just like any other tool, like when we moved from typewriters to word processors."
(asked if generative AI worries him) "bad actors using ai to do more bad things .. that's definitely smth that's gonna happen, that's true with any new technology. if u rob a bank before, u used to have to get away on a horse, now you can get away on a car [laugh]. so like, think of it like that. we don't say "oh, banks are gonna be robbed so much more cuz now people can drive away faster". the good guys have cars too, so the police have cars .. it becomes something that is part of society .. there's more good people than bad people"
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moonchild-in-blue · 14 days
Okay gang. Still not quite back here BUT! I have been catching up on shows and I have two long-ass reviews for both Kaos (amazing perfect spectacular 10/10) and The Umbrella Academy S4 (very derogatory. mother trucker dude, that hurt like a butt cheek on a stick). So I'm gonna release those two drafts into the wild and go back inside for a little longer.
My drafts are a very weird cringe fail wasteland right now (this is what happens when I have a lot of time to think and no one to listen to my deranged mind). Should I hold on to them for when I get back and can answer for my crimes in real time, or do I want to cower in shame while my bastard posts run wild and free on the dashboard? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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athina-blaine · 1 year
you can't carry it with you if you want to survive (Nimona 2023) - Chapter 2 (Preview)
(Note: this is not the finalized draft; anything featured is subject to edits or deletion)
Chapter 1 (Recap) Ambrosius braced himself against the quiet, waiting for the sharp prickling of his pulse to steady. He didn’t know how long he stood there before he became aware of a dull pain in his hand.  His glasses. At some point, he’d squeezed them so tightly they’d snapped in half, the glass puncturing his skin. He stared at the thin ribbon of blood running down his hand until it had stained his white sleeve red. A deep, bitter frustration burned behind his eyes. He’d never get through reviewing his documents now. Not unless he wanted to give himself a migraine so bad it could actually kill him. The night was lost. He’d upset Ballister for nothing. His jaw tightened. Fuck it, he thought, chucking the crushed glasses across his desk.  He needed a drink.
Chapter 2 (Preview)
Raising the glass of dark liquid to his lips, Ambrosius downed it in a single smooth gulp, grimacing as it seared down his throat. Setting the glass down, he rapped the counter with his knuckles and the bartender appeared before him once more, promptly refilling his glass.
Ambrosius had never considered himself a fan of drinking. He drank, yes, but that didn’t translate into liking to drink. He’d imbibe in challenging social situations or to have fun with the right person, but he didn't drink excessively. He didn’t like the feeling of losing control.
Tonight, he had no such reservations.
As Ambrosius brought the glass back to his mouth, his shaky hand caused the liquid to spill over the edge. He watched as it trickled downwards and dipped into the groove of his thumb, staining his bandage. 
He’d have to change that now, he thought distantly as he reached over for a napkin.
After Ambrosius had decided on his course of action for the night, he’d tended to the cut on his hand, cleaning and bandaging it. He then replaced his uniform jacket with the hooded sweater he kept in the office for colder days—it was one of the few comforts he allowed himself, but he also didn’t want to dirty up his uniform jacket. If he did, the stupid thing would need to be sent out for dry cleaning.
Sighing, he took another burning sip, the dark liquor having begun to take its toll, numbing his lips and the tips of his fingers. The sounds of the bar—poor-quality speakers blasting music, sporadic conversations, the rhythmic clack of pool balls—blended into a low, static hum. The bright purple fairy lights coiled overhead cast an otherworldly glow upon his hands. It all served to blur the lines of reality as he took another searing drink.
In the midst of his haze, he was unaware of the seat next to him being taken until its occupant had leaned well into his personal space.
Ambrosius jumped and spun around, coming face to face with a pair of scarlet eyes and a grin punctuated with sharp canines.
“It’s you,” he said stupidly. 
The shapeshifter’s grin widened. 
As the initial shock of her appearance subsided, Ambrosius had to resist the urge to collapse completely over the bar, overcome with exhaustion. Of course she’d be here.
Instead, he straightened up, fixing his eyes on his drink. “I can’t say I expected to see you here.”
“Between the two of us,” she said as she settled into her own seat, “I think we both know that you’re the odd man out.” She held out her phone. “You’re kind of blowing up my feed, man.”
From the corner of his eyes, Ambrosius watched her scroll through a dashboard filled with images and videos of the ambush interview he'd endured earlier that day, along with more pictures of him at the bar at that exact moment.
Is this how a leader behaves when his policies are a joke? said one comment with several emoticons. #KingRegentAmbrosius
Can't handle a little criticism, so he drowns his sorrows, said another. So disappointing. #KingFail
That reporter was right to grill him. So glad people are finally starting to see through all this nonsense. #WakeUp #Gloreth #BringBackTheWall
The shapeshifter stashed her phone away, looking a bit sheepish, and Ambrosius could only imagine the face he must have been making. She cleared her throat.
“Sorry,” she said. “You get the idea.”
In response, he took another sip from his drink, unable to muster much more than annoyance at nosy bar patrons and gratitude that Ballister didn’t have an account.
“But, like, I imagine there is a reason you’re out here getting blitzed, right?” the girl asked, twirling a discarded straw wrapper between her fingers. “Because, frankly, I never took you for the type. You know, no drinking, no smoking, no swearing, that sort of thing.”
Wrong on all counts, he thought morosely. The haunting image of Ballister's eyes from earlier that night, anguished and miserable, briefly flashed in his mind as he quickly finished off his drink. Placing the glass back on the table, he reached out to get the bartender’s attention, feeling her gaze like a weight.
“It’s complicated,” was all he managed.
“Uh-huh,” she said as the bartender stepped away again, eyes following Ambrosius’ hand as he reached for the glass. “And what happened there?”
She gestured towards his bandage. Before he could reply, however, she held up her hand. “Wait, let me guess,” she said with a grin. “Epic. Ninja. Ambush.” 
With a shout, she waved around her straw wrapper like a sword, mimicking the sounds of a dramatic combat. Her performance had it all—betrayal, a break-up, a noble sacrifice, until she had collapsed over the bar in a faux-death, tongue trailing out of her mouth. 
His lips twitched. “Yeah,” he said. “That’s about what happened.”
Grinning, she sheathed her wrapper and bowed, and Ambrosius chuckled, a bit delirious by this point. 
Placing his glass down with a clatter, he rubbed his tired eyelids. This wasn't how he'd imagined this encounter going. “Remind me again what you said you were doing here?”
“I didn’t,” she said, crumbling up the wrapper into a small ball. With a flick, she shot it at his face, where it bounced off his nose. “You first.”
Scrunching up his nose, Ambrosius picked up the wrapper and inspected it, squeezing it until his fingertips grew pale. One of them was going to have to give in, and, frankly, he didn’t like his chances in a battle of wills. More than that, though, he figured he owed her that much. The thought brought with it a sigh.
“Bal and I had a fight,” he said, tossing away the trash. 
She glanced over at him. “What, like a fun, nemesis fight? With swords and bombs and stuff? Or like a lame shouty fight?"
“He didn’t shout.”
“Boring,” she said, digging into her ear with her pinky finger. “What did you guys fight about?”
But he shook his head, raising his glass. “Your turn.”
“Oh, come on, that’s barely an answer,” she whined. “Things that concern the boss concern me too, you know. It’s sidekick privilege.”
In lieu of an answer, he knocked back another deliberate, long sip. With a groan, she tossed her head back.
“Fine,” she said. “I mean, I don't see why I have to spell it out for you, but whatever. I just was in the area and figured you could use a check-in. This,” she made a vague gesture towards him, “doesn’t scream someone who’s got their shit handled, okay?” She crossed her arms. “There, happy?”
“You …” he said, blinking. “You came here because you were worried?” 
“About me?”
“Yeah, man, who else?” she said, eyes fixed on the table. “What’s with the third degree here?”
He dragged a hand across his face, the realization hitting him hard in his inebriated state. Here he’d been, steeling himself against her presence, only to learn that she had come here out of genuine concern for him. He wanted to sink under the table and vanish through the floor.
“I’m sorry,” he said. “I haven't been treating you very nicely, have I?”
“You’re fine, man,” she said, picking at a flaking dent on the table. “We don’t have to like each other to look out for each other. The boss says you're cool, so you and me? We’re cool.”
“I do like you,” he insisted gently, and knew he deserved the subsequent scoff.
“Sure,” she said. “You look at all your friends like you're trying to figure out whether something died nearby?”
“Well,” he said, thinking back to the former fellow knights-in-training he’d associated with before Ballister. “Some of my old friends, maybe.”
“Sure, man.” She swiveled around in her chair and reclined back against the bar, her brow creased. “Whatever you say.”
Eyes returning to his glass, Ambrosius watched the swirling dark liquid distort his reflection. It wasn’t enough to just try placating her. If he wanted to appease her, he was going to have to put a little more of himself on the table.
“You want the truth?” he asked.
She shrugged, her frown having escalated into a full-blown pout. Something about it made him want to laugh, and, with a jolt, he realized it was because Ballister would pout in exactly the same way when he wanted to play Ambrosius’ emotions like an accordion.
“You sure?” he said, fighting to conceal the amusement in his voice. “It’s actually pretty stupid.”
Rolling her eyes, she swiveled back towards him. “You know that just makes me want to know more.”
Despite his efforts, his lips broke out in a grin, and he signaled the bartender over to settle his tab. He then turned to the shapeshifter and motioned her closer. She gave him a suspicious look but complied, tilting her head forward, and Ambrosius leaned close to her ear.
“The truth is,” he stage-whispered, “I'm jealous.”
“You’re what?” She leapt back. “Of who?” She pointed to her own face. “Of me?” 
Nodding, he downed the last of his drink, his grin contorting as the fiery burn seared his throat. Setting down the empty glass, he rose to his feet, and her eyes widened.
“Hey, whoa, hold the fuck up,” she said, jumping up from her chair as he turned away from the bar. “You can’t drop something like that and just walk away.”
“Actually, it’s pretty easy,” he said as he weaved through the bar patrons. He threw his grin over his shoulder. “See?” 
With a groan, the shapeshifter rushed after him. In a blur too fast for his eyes to follow, Ambrosius found his shoulders burdened with the angriest-looking monkey he’d ever seen, nearly toppling him over.
“I bet you think you’re real cute,” said the monkey. “But I’ll let you know right now that I’ve got that market cornered, pal.”
The menace in her voice, coupled with the soft fuzziness of her face, almost broke his composure entirely. His knees nearly buckled under the weight of both his suppressed laughter and the monkey as he turned towards the doorway. 
His good humor vanished, however, as he came face to face with the lens of a camera phone. The shock hit him like a bucket of ice-cold water, and even though the woman holding the phone looked embarrassed, it wasn’t enough to make her want to lower it.
Before Ambrosius could open his mouth, though, the air shattered with the ear-splitting shriek of a baboon, its large, glistening fangs spitting flecks of saliva into the woman’s face. The woman screamed and ran.
“Some people,” said the monkey, picking at its teeth. “No respect for a person’s privacy.”
Ambrosius brought a hand to his ringing ears. If he had been even slightly drowsy before, he was wide awake now.
“Thanks,” he said, dazed.
“Don't mention it,” she said, jumping off his shoulders and landing on the stairway railing as a small field mouse. She glanced back at him. “Like I said, we’re cool.”
Ambrosius watched as she scurried up the railing and disappeared from view. After a brief pause, he followed suit.
[Chapter 1 on AO3]
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pieceman · 11 months
Study Day: 001
👋 Hello world
I'm new to this hellsite and I kind of like the vibes here. Like others, I wish to start a #studyblr blog to keep me motivated through studying for the Chemical Engineering Board Exam (licensure exam). I have already graduated after all.
I'll be posting my progress here on studying and self-experiments to improve my learning methods. If I have time, some graphs might be included to visualize my progress (I like dashboards/graphs).
❔ About Me
Hathaway Pieceman
22 (as of 2023)
INTJ - Turbulent
📚 Academics
I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering. Here we are studying for the Board Exam to get our license to operate as an Engineer.
Notes to self: this a retry attempt after being derailed before
Consistency. Learn more, do more, and post more frequently. Be less serious about each post. This is the hellsite after all, not a news article or a dissertation.
Quantity over Quality. The problem is not quality but not doing the work in the first place. A first draft will always be shitty. It is inevitable.
We are in the Cult of Done not Perfect. Follow what you learned from reviewing Anki flashcards. A 100% retention rate is physically impossible if you want to learn a lot and make significant progress. Make mistakes and fix them later as you understand a subject more.
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dootznbootz · 11 months
Thank goodness tumblr allows me to make drafts. The bullshittery I produce needs a look over and peer review and editing because holy shit this bitch is incoherent.
Thankfully that same bitch is judgy af so these thoughts stay in captivity and won't affect the local ecosystem of my followers' dashboards.
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windvexer · 2 years
just scrolled through some of your account after serpentandthreads recommended you! cant say i was disappointed, i thoroughly enjoy the detailed nature of your posts. i do also have a few questions, but none are innately related to witchcraft, moreso you as a more experienced tumblr user. if you dont feel comfortable answering any of these, i totally understand!
1) when someone reblogs one of your posts and adds their own tags, can you see the added tags similarly to how you're notified when someone adds onto your post?
2) for the "submit a post" feature, how do you feel about this? should we not use it in general, or if we can- should we recommend others' posts to you, or our own for your opinion? (if you are willing to give it of course)
3) do you have any other accounts you recommend? i'm looking to build my following list so i can actually refresh my dashboard lol. no preference as to subjects, but im mainly looking for informative blogs vice casual blogs.
if you have taken the time to read and/or answer any of this, i greatly appreciate it. if you dont- its totally understandable! regardless, i hope you have a wonderful day/night !! (sorry if my message is difficult to read, i'm shit at writing lmfao)
Depending on your notification settings, yes, you will be alerted of tags. On desktop you can see tags in two places: the quick-view drop down bar (that looks like the lightning bolt), and your activity page (click on the head-and-shoulders icon, then select "Activity," which is between Followers and Drafts).
In notes, tags added to your posts will be slightly gray and always include the #. Regular content added to a reblog will be solid, not-faded text and won't include the #.
Post submission is uncommonly used and mainly seen in community-aggregate type accounts, for example if someone was maintaining a candle spell blog and people submit posts to it. Even so, Asks seem to be more commonly used.
Generally, if you want someone to check out content, on Tumblr you might post a link and @ them, like "hey this seems interesting, any thoughts?", or send an Ask inquiring as to if a person wants to review certain content.
On average however I say sending content to people is only common between people who already have some level of relationship (they reblog each other's posts, engage in the same social circles, etc).
I myself enjoy discussing ideas, but I don't think I'd want to engage in publicly "reviewing" the posts of others, especially if they're made by a third party who didn't ask to have their posts reviewed. I think I would be more comfortable having ideas sent through Asks as more of a regular discussion.
A great way to develop community discussion on ideas is to make your own posts, stating the ideas that you're interested in talking about, and asking specific open-ended questions, such as, "does anyone have thoughts on the structure of this ritual?" or "I'm trying to understand X, are there any thoughts as to why it's included in this?"
At this time I've got to get rolling on my day so unfortunately no account recs.
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klywrites · 2 years
welcome new followers!
🔸queued posts are tagged as "q"... but I don't tag all queued posts... so you will occasionally see me posting from my queue though they may not be tagged as queued
(jsyk I'm not ignoring you on my dashboard if you see me passing by)
difficult to be online these days but I scroll every now and then when I get a break and I save stuff to my drafts to review later. please self reblog because I genuinely am not here most of the time
🔸I read everything I reblog. I may not always have the spoons to comment but I usually try to, so it may take some time
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I posted 1,553 times in 2022
That's 1,553 more posts than 2021!
14 posts created (1%)
1,539 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,551 of my posts in 2022
#critical role - 616 posts
#fanart - 424 posts
#warrior nun - 187 posts
#bwa-hahaha - 139 posts
#avatrice - 117 posts
#imodna - 85 posts
#beauyasha - 49 posts
#video - 48 posts
#supergirl - 43 posts
#laudna - 41 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i seem to remember there was a really great beauyasha scene and ashley johnson was in green facepaint and a ghillie suit as henry crabgrass
My Top Posts in 2022:
Throwing this out there cuz my brain is too full of weasels to do anything else with it
I was scrolling through my Drafts to set up the next sequence in my Queue and seeing two posts next to each got me thinking: Imogen and Laudna as Root and Shaw in a Person of Interest AU.
I think it works best with Imogen as Root and Laudna as Shaw, though I did have a moment where I considered it flipped the other way around. I think then that the rest of the crew works out to be Orym as John, FCG as Bear, Chetney as Harold, Fearne as Elias, and Ashton as Fusco. Though I suppose Eshteross would make a better Harold, but then I don't know what to do with Chetney. Actually... it would kinda be funny to have Chetney as Martine, but I wouldn't want to have him squarely on the opposing team from the rest of Bell's Hells. I know Elias has danced back and forth between ally and antagonist, but I think that kinda works for Fearne, being the chaos muppet that she is. Maybe Otohan would be Martine. Or Control. Anyhoo, I hadn't really given it a ton of thought beyond Imodna as Shoot, but I figured I'd write this out to see what folks thought.
6 notes - Posted December 16, 2022
🎶 You write 16 fics, what do you get? / 20 more bunnies and a muse that's upset. / Hey work don't you call me 'cause I ain't free / I owe my soul to AO3. 🎶
13 notes - Posted December 27, 2022
So... it's been a minute. I may be coming back here, not sure yet. I spent the last 8 months bingeing literally everything Critical Role-related and then hopped over here to start collecting fanart, so I'll be reblogging a bunch of that soon. But then I realized that I've had over 500 posts sitting in Drafts purgatory for a couple years, so I'm gonna go through those first.
I'll try not to completely flood your dashboard, but I'm a bit rusty.
Wish me luck.
15 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
Not gonna lie, beyond just using the imagery of a key on a string as a misdirect, I admit that the title of this song is pretty boring, but I went back and forth on this so many times that by the time I was happy with the song I had zero fucking brainpower to be clever naming it.
23 notes - Posted December 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Simon gave us a Xmas present!
400 notes - Posted December 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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gazibasher85 · 22 days
Product upload in woocommerce website
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WooCommerce provides a simple and intuitive process to upload products. Here's a brief overview:
1. Access the Products Page:
Go to your WordPress dashboard.
Click on "Products" in the left-hand sidebar.
2. Add a New Product:
Click the "Add New" button at the top of the page.
3. Fill in Product Details:
General Tab: Enter the product name, slug, description, short description, and category.
Product Data Tab: Choose the product type (e.g., simple, variable, grouped, external).
Inventory Tab: Set stock quantity, low stock threshold, and out-of-stock status.
Shipping Tab: Configure shipping settings.
Linked Products Tab: Link related products (e.g., upsells, cross-sells).
Attributes Tab: Add custom attributes (e.g., size, color).
Product Images Tab: Upload product images.
4. Publish or Save:
Click "Publish" to make the product live or "Save Draft" to save it as a draft.
Additional Tips:
Use clear and descriptive product titles and descriptions.
Optimize product images for SEO and speed.
Consider using product tags for better organization.
Utilize WooCommerce extensions for advanced features (e.g., product variations, reviews).
0 notes
ppnsolutions · 2 months
Top 10 Ways EPM Consultants Can Improve Your Budgeting Process
Effective budgeting is essential for business success, yet many organizations struggle with inefficient processes that hinder financial performance. 
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Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) consultants can provide valuable expertise and tools to enhance budgeting processes, ensuring that organizations can make informed financial decisions and optimize resource allocation. 
1. Implementing Advanced Budgeting Tools
EPM consultants can introduce advanced budgeting tools that automate and streamline the budgeting process. Tools such as Board International’s platform integrate financial data, enhance forecasting accuracy, and provide real-time insights. 
These tools replace cumbersome spreadsheets and manual processes, reducing errors and saving time.
2. Optimizing Budgeting Workflows
Consultants analyze existing budgeting workflows to identify inefficiencies and bottlenecks. By reengineering these workflows, they can streamline data collection, approval processes, and reporting. 
This optimization leads to faster budget cycles and more accurate financial forecasts.
3. Enhancing Data Integration
EPM consultants ensure seamless integration of financial data from various sources into a unified budgeting system. 
This integration eliminates data silos and inconsistencies, providing a single source of truth for budget planning and analysis.
With integrated data, organizations can perform more accurate and comprehensive budget forecasting.
4. Improving Forecasting Accuracy
Accurate forecasting is critical for effective budgeting. EPM consultants utilize sophisticated modeling and analytics tools to enhance forecasting accuracy. 
By analyzing historical data, market trends, and economic indicators, they help organizations create more reliable budget forecasts that reflect real-world conditions.
5. Facilitating Real-Time Reporting
Consultants implement real-time reporting capabilities that allow organizations to monitor budget performance continuously. 
Real-time dashboards and reporting tools provide up-to-date insights into budget variances, expenditures, and financial metrics, enabling timely decision-making and course corrections.
6. Automating Budget Reconciliation
Budget reconciliation can be a tedious and error-prone task. EPM consultants automate this process, reducing manual effort and increasing accuracy. 
Automated reconciliation tools ensure that budget figures are consistent with actual financial data, minimizing discrepancies and improving financial transparency.
7. Enhancing Collaboration and Communication
Effective budgeting requires collaboration across departments. EPM consultants implement collaborative budgeting platforms that facilitate communication and coordination between teams. 
These platforms allow multiple stakeholders to contribute to the budgeting process, review budget drafts, and provide feedback, leading to more accurate and comprehensive budgets.
8. Customizing Budgeting Solutions
Every organization has unique budgeting needs. EPM consultants customize budgeting solutions to align with specific business requirements. 
Whether it’s tailoring budgeting templates, integrating with existing ERP systems, or configuring workflows, consultants ensure that the solution meets the organization’s unique needs.
9. Training and Support
Consultants provide training and support to ensure that staff members can effectively use new budgeting tools and processes. 
This training empowers employees to leverage the full capabilities of EPM solutions, enhancing their ability to manage and monitor budgets efficiently.
10. Continuous Improvement and Adaptation
The business environment is constantly evolving, and so are budgeting needs.
EPM consultants offer ongoing support and updates to adapt budgeting processes to changing conditions. 
They continuously monitor performance, gather feedback, and implement improvements to keep the budgeting process aligned with organizational goals.
Engaging EPM consultants can significantly improve your budgeting process, making it more efficient, accurate, and adaptable. 
From implementing advanced tools and optimizing workflows to enhancing collaboration and providing ongoing support,
EPM consultants offer valuable expertise that can transform how your organization manages its finances.
For more information on how EPM consultants can revolutionize your budgeting process, visit PPN Solutions.
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comlyauctioneers · 2 months
How to Inspect and Verify a Car Bought from an Online Auction
Buying a car from an online draft auction can be a thrilling experience, but it also comes with a unique set of challenges. Unlike purchasing from a traditional dealership, you often don't have the opportunity to see the vehicle in person before placing a bid. Therefore, it's crucial to know how to inspect and verify a car once you've won the auction to ensure you get what you paid for.
Review the auction listing carefully
Before you even place a bid, thoroughly review the auction listing. Look for detailed descriptions, clear photos, and any disclosed issues. Note the vehicle's VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) and any other identifying information. If the listing lacks detail or clarity, reach out to the seller for more information. This will be your first line of defense in ensuring the car meets your expectations.
Check the vehicle history report
Once you've won the auction, obtain a vehicle history report using the VIN. Services like Carfax and AutoCheck can provide comprehensive reports that include:
Accident history - Information on any reported accidents or damages.
Title status - Verification that the title is clean and not salvaged or rebuilt.
Ownership records - Details about the number of previous owners and the duration of ownership.
Service records - Maintenance and service history, if available.
Odometer readings - Verification of mileage to ensure there has been no tampering.
This report will give you an initial indication of the car's condition and history.
Arrange for a professional inspection
If possible, arrange for a professional inspection before finalizing the purchase. This is particularly important for high-value vehicles or if you have any doubts about the car's condition. A certified mechanic can provide a thorough evaluation, checking for:
Mechanical issues - Engine, transmission, brakes, suspension, and other crucial systems.
Electrical systems - Lights, windows, infotainment systems, and other electronic components.
Structural integrity - Frame, body, and undercarriage for any signs of damage or rust.
Fluid levels - Oil, coolant, brake fluid, and other essential fluids.
Tire condition - Tread depth, alignment, and overall wear and tear.
This inspection can help you identify any hidden problems that weren't disclosed in the auction listing.
Verify the title and ownership
Ensure the title is clear and free of any liens or encumbrances. The seller should provide you with a clean title, free of any legal claims from previous owners or creditors. Check the title for:
Accuracy - Make sure the VIN, make, model, and year match the car you purchased.
Ownership transfer - The title should be signed over to you, and all necessary sections should be completed accurately.
If there are any discrepancies, contact the seller immediately to resolve them before proceeding.
Examine the exterior and interior
Once you have the car in your possession, conduct a thorough inspection of both the exterior and interior. Look for the following:
Paint and bodywork - Check for any signs of repainting, dents, scratches, or rust.
Lights and lenses - Ensure all lights and lenses are intact and functioning.
Windows and mirrors - Inspect for cracks, chips, or other damage.
Tires and wheels - Verify that tires have adequate tread and that wheels are in good condition.
Seats and upholstery - Look for tears, stains, or excessive wear.
Dashboard and controls - Ensure all controls, gauges, and displays are working properly.
Carpets and mats - Check for cleanliness and any signs of water damage.
Odor - Be aware of any unusual smells that could indicate underlying issues like mold or smoke damage.
Test drive the vehicle
A test drive is essential to verify the car's performance and identify any potential issues. Pay attention to:
Engine performance - Listen for unusual noises and check for smooth acceleration.
Transmission - Ensure it shifts smoothly and without hesitation.
Brakes - Test for responsiveness and absence of squeaking or grinding.
Steering and suspension - Check for smooth handling and any unusual vibrations.
Climate control - Test the heating, cooling, and ventilation systems.
A test drive can reveal issues that might not be apparent during a stationary inspection.
Check for recalls
Use the VIN to check for any open recalls on the vehicle. You can do this through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) website or the manufacturer's website. If there are any recalls, contact a dealership to have them addressed.
Negotiate repairs or price adjustments
If your inspection uncovers any issues, communicate with the seller to negotiate repairs or a price adjustment. Most reputable sellers will be willing to address significant problems or adjust the price accordingly. Ensure all agreements are documented in writing.
Secure a warranty or service contract
If possible, secure a warranty or service contract to protect against future repairs. Some auction sites offer limited warranties on certain vehicles, while others may allow you to purchase an extended warranty. This can provide peace of mind, especially for higher-risk purchases.
Document everything
Keep thorough records of all communications, inspections, and agreements related to the purchase. This documentation can be invaluable if any disputes arise later on. Save emails, text messages, and any inspection reports or contracts.
Transfer registration and insurance
Once you're satisfied with the vehicle's condition, transfer the registration and update your insurance policy. Ensure you have all necessary paperwork from the seller, including the signed title, bill of sale, and any emissions or safety inspection certificates required by your state.
Buying a car from an online auction can be a cost-effective and convenient way to acquire a vehicle, but it requires due diligence to ensure you get what you expect. If you are looking for an online car auction in Pennsylvania, Comly Auctioneers & Appraisers is the best option. Contact them via email or by calling 215-634-2500.
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dhanusagar · 5 months
Earn Money Online!!!
how earn money online?
how to earn money online for students?
how to make money online for beginners ?
Certainly! Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to start earning from the top 5 freelancing platforms mentioned earlier:
1. Upwork:
Step 1: Sign Up and Create a Profile
Go to the Upwork website (www.upwork.com) and sign up for a freelancer account.
Complete your profile by providing detailed information about your skills, expertise, work experience, and portfolio.
Add a professional profile picture and write a compelling overview highlighting your digital marketing skills and services.
Step 2: Search and Apply for Projects
Browse through the available projects in the “Find Work” section based on your expertise and interests.
Use filters to narrow down your search by category, skills, budget, and project type.
Read project descriptions carefully, and if you find a suitable project, submit a proposal outlining your qualifications, relevant experience, and approach to the project.
Step 3: Communicate with Clients
Keep an eye on your inbox for messages and invitations from clients.
Respond promptly to client inquiries, clarify project requirements, and discuss details such as deadlines, deliverables, and payment terms.
Maintain clear and professional communication throughout the project to ensure client satisfaction.
Step 4: Deliver High-Quality Work
Once you’re awarded a project, work diligently to deliver high-quality results within the agreed-upon timeframe.
Keep the client updated on your progress, share drafts or previews if applicable, and address any feedback or revisions promptly.
Aim to exceed client expectations and deliver exceptional value to build a positive reputation on the platform.
Step 5: Get Paid
Upon completing the project milestones or deliverables, submit your work for client review and approval.
Once the client approves the work, you can submit your invoice through Upwork’s payment system.
Receive payment securely through Upwork’s platform, and track your earnings in your account dashboard.
2. Freelancer:
Step 1: Registration and Profile Setup
Visit the Freelancer website (www.freelancer.com) and sign up for a freelancer account.
Complete your profile by providing detailed information about your skills, expertise, work history, and portfolio.
Verify your identity and add a profile picture to increase credibility.
Step 2: Browse Projects and Submit Bids
Explore the available projects in the “Browse Projects” section and filter by category, skills, and project type.
Review project descriptions and client requirements carefully, and if interested, submit a compelling bid outlining your qualifications and proposed approach to the project.
Monitor your bid activity and respond promptly to any messages or invitations from clients.
Step 3: Communication and Collaboration
Communicate with clients through Freelancer’s messaging system to discuss project details, clarify requirements, and negotiate terms.
Maintain clear and professional communication throughout the project, providing updates on your progress and addressing any client feedback or questions.
Step 4: Project Delivery and Feedback
Once awarded a project, work diligently to deliver high-quality results within the specified timeframe.
Submit your work for client review and approval, and be open to making revisions or adjustments as needed to meet client expectations.
Encourage clients to leave feedback and ratings on your profile upon project completion to build your reputation and credibility on the platform.
Step 5: Payment and Withdrawal
Once the client approves the work, you can submit your invoice through Freelancer’s payment system.
Receive payment securely through Freelancer’s platform, and withdraw your earnings to your preferred payment method.
3. Fiverr:
Step 1: Account Creation and Profile Setup
Visit the Fiverr website (www.fiverr.com) and sign up for a freelancer account.
Complete your profile by providing detailed information about your digital marketing skills, expertise, and services offered.
Create gigs (service listings) for your digital marketing services, including clear descriptions, packages, and pricing.
Step 2: Create Compelling Gigs
Create gigs that stand out and offer value to potential buyers. Use descriptive titles, clear descriptions, and attractive visuals to showcase your services.
Highlight your expertise, unique selling points, and any additional features or benefits you offer to clients.
Set competitive pricing for your services based on market rates and your level of expertise.
Step 3: Promote Your Gigs
Share your gig links on social media, forums, and industry groups to attract potential buyers.
Optimize your gig titles, descriptions, and tags with relevant keywords to improve visibility in Fiverr’s search results.
Offer promotional deals or discounts to attract new clients and encourage repeat business.
Step 4: Communicate with Buyers
Respond promptly to messages and inquiries from potential buyers, and provide helpful information or clarification about your services.
Communicate clearly and professionally with buyers throughout the order process, addressing any questions, concerns, or requests for revisions.
Step 5: Deliver High-Quality Work
Once an order is placed, work diligently to deliver high-quality results within the specified timeframe.
Follow the gig requirements and client instructions carefully, and aim to exceed expectations with your deliverables.
Provide regular updates and communication to keep the buyer informed about the progress of their order.
Step 6: Receive Payment and Ratings
Once the buyer approves the order, you will receive payment through Fiverr’s platform, minus the platform’s service fee.
Encourage buyers to leave positive ratings and reviews on your gig page upon completion of the order, which helps build your reputation and attract more clients.
4. Guru:
Step 1: Registration and Profile Creation
Visit the Guru website (www.guru.com) and sign up for a freelancer account.
Complete your profile by providing detailed information about your skills, expertise, work experience, and portfolio.
Verify your identity and add a professional profile picture to enhance credibility.
Step 2: Browse Projects and Submit Proposals
Explore the available projects in the “Find Work” section and filter by category, skills, and project type.
Review project descriptions and client requirements carefully, and if interested, submit a well-crafted proposal outlining your qualifications and approach to the project.
Keep track of your proposal activity and respond promptly to any messages or invitations from clients.
Step 3: Communication and Collaboration
Communicate with clients through Guru’s messaging system to discuss project details, clarify requirements, and negotiate terms.
Maintain clear and professional communication throughout the project, providing regular updates on your progress and addressing any client feedback or questions.
Step 4: Project Delivery and Payment
Once awarded a project, work diligently to deliver high-quality results within the specified timeframe.
Submit your work for client review and approval, and be responsive to any feedback or revisions requested by the client.
Once the client approves the work, you can submit your invoice through Guru’s platform and receive payment securely.
5. PeoplePerHour:
Step 1: Account Setup and Profile Creation
Visit the PeoplePerHour website (www.peopleperhour.com) and sign up for a freelancer account.
Complete your profile by providing detailed information about your digital marketing skills, expertise, work history, and portfolio.
Add a professional profile picture and customize your profile to showcase your unique strengths and offerings.
Step 2: Search for Projects and Submit Proposals
Explore the available projects in the “Find Work” section and filter by category, skills, and project type.
Review project descriptions and client requirements carefully, and if interested, submit a tailored proposal outlining your qualifications and approach to the project.
Be proactive in searching for projects that match your skills and expertise, and submit proposals regularly to increase your chances of being awarded projects.
Step 3: Communication and Collaboration
Communicate with clients through PeoplePerHour’s messaging system to discuss project details, clarify requirements, and negotiate terms.
Keep the lines of communication open throughout the project, providing updates on your progress and addressing any questions or concerns raised by the client.
Establish a professional rapport with clients to build trust and confidence in your abilities as a freelancer.
Step 4: Project Delivery and Payment
Once awarded a project, work diligently to deliver high-quality results within the agreed-upon timeframe.
Submit your work for client review and approval, and be responsive to any feedback or revisions requested by the client.
Once the client approves the work, you can request payment through PeoplePerHour’s platform and receive payment securely.
By following these step-by-step processes on the top freelancing platforms, you can effectively start earning money from your digital marketing skills and services. Remember to stay proactive, deliver high-quality work, and maintain professionalism in all your interactions with clients to build a successful freelancing career.
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ifrsadvisory · 7 months
Navigating the Complexities of IFRS Advisory: A Comprehensive Overview
In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, staying abreast of the latest accounting standards is crucial for organizations seeking to maintain compliance and make informed financial decisions. The adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) has become increasingly prevalent, necessitating a thorough understanding of the associated implications and requirements. In this blog, we will delve into the various facets of IFRS advisory services and their significance for businesses.
Impact Assessment of New Accounting Standards: One of the primary functions of an IFRS advisory service is to conduct a comprehensive impact assessment of new accounting standards on an organization's financial statements. This involves evaluating the potential effects of the standards on financial reporting, including changes in revenue recognition, lease accounting, and financial instrument classification.
Implementation of New Accounting Standards: Implementing new accounting standards can be a complex and challenging process. IFRS advisory services assist organizations in effectively transitioning to the new standards by providing guidance on accounting treatments, system modifications, and staff training.
Independent External Audit Liaison: IFRS advisory services act as a liaison between organizations and external auditors, ensuring that financial statements comply with the relevant standards and regulatory requirements. This helps in facilitating a smooth audit process and mitigating the risk of audit findings.
Share-based Payment Valuations: Share-based payment valuations are a critical aspect of IFRS compliance, especially for entities with stock-based compensation plans. IFRS advisory services help in determining the fair value of share-based payments, ensuring accurate financial reporting.
Directors and Chairman's Report Preparation: Preparation of the Directors' and Chairman's reports requires careful consideration of IFRS requirements. IFRS advisory services assist in drafting these reports, ensuring compliance with relevant standards and providing transparent and insightful disclosures.
Dashboard-based Internal Management Reporting: IFRS advisory services help organizations in implementing dashboard-based internal management reporting systems, providing real-time insights into key financial metrics and facilitating informed decision-making.
IFRS-GAAP Conversions: For organizations operating in multiple jurisdictions, IFRS-GAAP conversions are often necessary. IFRS advisory services assist in converting financial statements from local GAAP to IFRS, ensuring consistency and compliance with international standards.
Consolidation of Financial Statements: IFRS advisory services help in the consolidation of financial statements for group entities, ensuring compliance with IFRS requirements for consolidation, including the consideration of complex ownership structures and intercompany transactions.
Treasury Capital Reductions: IFRS advisory services provide guidance on treasury capital reductions, ensuring compliance with relevant standards and regulations while optimizing capital structure and liquidity management.
Purchase Price Allocation: Purchase price allocation is a critical aspect of business combinations and requires careful consideration of IFRS requirements. IFRS advisory services assist organizations in determining the fair value of acquired assets and liabilities, ensuring accurate financial reporting.
IFRS Disclosure Review: IFRS advisory services conduct a thorough review of financial disclosures to ensure compliance with IFRS requirements. This includes assessing the adequacy and clarity of disclosures and identifying areas for improvement.
Employee Benefits Accounting: IFRS advisory services provide guidance on employee benefits accounting, including pensions and other post-employment benefits. This ensures compliance with IFRS requirements and accurate reporting of employee-related liabilities.
IFRS Consulting in Dubai: For businesses operating in Dubai, IFRS consulting services are essential for navigating the unique regulatory environment. IFRS advisory services in Dubai provide tailored solutions to meet the specific needs of organizations in the region, ensuring compliance with local regulations and international standards.
In conclusion, IFRS advisory services play a crucial role in helping organizations navigate the complexities of international accounting standards. By providing expert guidance on impact assessments, implementation, and compliance, IFRS advisory services help businesses make informed decisions and achieve their financial reporting objectives.
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simplifysol · 8 months
Review & Reputation Management Tool | Review Management Software | Simplify360
Streamline Your Online Presence with Simplify360's Review & Reputation Management Tool
Introduction: In the ever-evolving digital landscape, managing your brand's online reputation is paramount. Simplify360, a leading provider of social media intelligence and customer experience management solutions, offers a robust Review & Reputation Management Tool that empowers businesses to take control of their online image. In this review, we'll explore the features and benefits of Simplify360's Review Management Software, highlighting how it can enhance your brand's reputation in the digital realm.
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Key Features:
Centralized Review Monitoring: Simplify360's Review Management Software provides a centralized dashboard that aggregates reviews from various online platforms, including social media, review sites, and forums. This feature allows businesses to monitor and respond to customer feedback in real-time, ensuring a proactive approach to online reputation management.
Sentiment Analysis: The tool employs advanced sentiment analysis algorithms to categorize reviews as positive, negative, or neutral. This enables businesses to gauge the overall sentiment surrounding their brand and identify areas for improvement. Understanding customer sentiment is crucial for making informed decisions and implementing effective strategies.
Automated Response System: Simplify360's platform includes an automated response system that suggests and drafts responses to customer reviews. This not only saves time but also ensures consistency in communication across various channels. Customizable response templates allow businesses to maintain a personalized touch in their interactions with customers.
Competitor Benchmarking: Gain a competitive edge by benchmarking your brand's performance against competitors. Simplify360's Review & Reputation Management Tool provides insights into competitors' online reputation, allowing businesses to identify strengths and weaknesses, and adapt their strategies accordingly.
Data Analytics and Reporting: Comprehensive analytics and reporting features offer in-depth insights into review trends, customer preferences, and the impact of reputation management efforts. Visual representations of data make it easy for businesses to track progress and make data-driven decisions to enhance their online presence.
Enhanced Customer Engagement: Engage with your audience on a personal level by responding to reviews promptly. Simplify360's tool facilitates meaningful interactions, building trust and loyalty among customers.
Proactive Issue Resolution: Identify and address potential issues before they escalate. With real-time monitoring and sentiment analysis, businesses can take a proactive stance in resolving customer concerns, mitigating negative feedback, and preserving their brand image.
Improved SEO and Visibility: Positive reviews contribute to improved search engine rankings. Simplify360's platform assists in generating positive online buzz, thereby enhancing your brand's visibility and attracting potential customers.
Time and Resource Efficiency: Automate repetitive tasks such as response drafting and reporting, allowing your team to focus on strategic initiatives. This efficiency leads to a more streamlined and effective reputation management process.
Conclusion: Simplify360's Review & Reputation Management Tool is a comprehensive solution for businesses looking to fortify their online presence. With its advanced features, automated capabilities, and actionable insights, this tool empowers brands to navigate the digital landscape with confidence, ensuring a positive and enduring reputation. Elevate your reputation management strategy with Simplify360 and shape a compelling narrative for your brand in the online world.
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honestreviewsposts · 9 months
Viral Dashboard AI Review: The Ultimate Social Media Automation Platform
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What is Viral Dashboard AI?
Viral Dashboard is a revolutionary social media automation and management platform that does all the hard work for you.
With Viral Dashboard, you can:
Connect and manage as many social accounts and channels as you want, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube, WordPress, Shopify, WooCommerce, etc.
Find and discover trending content from thousands of sources across 70 industries, or create your own content using AI, content calendar, or DFY templates.
Publish and schedule content to all your social media channels with one click, or use automation triggers to automate it.
Track and analyze how your social content drives web traffic, engagement, and sales, and optimize your strategy accordingly.
Grow your brand, increase your reach, generate leads and sales, and boost your conversions with zero manual work or technical skills.
Read The Full Review Here
Features of Viral Dashboard
Viral Dashboard is packed with amazing features that make it the most advanced and sophisticated social media automation platform on the market. Here are some of the features that you will get with Viral Dashboard:
Posts Manager: View and manage all your published, scheduled, queued, drafts, and to-be approved posts in your dashboard.
Brands Manager: Manage all your brands in one place, and switch between them with ease.
Source Manager: See all the different types of accounts, channels, and social media profiles that you have connected inside your personalized dashboard.
YouTube Video Finder: Get the most popular YouTube videos for any keyword you want, and share them to social media.
GIFs, Memes, and Quotes Finder: Access an entire library of compelling visuals, GIFs, memes, and quotes to massively engage your audience on social media.
Smiley/Emoji Picker: Embed as many smileys as you want to add emotions to your content.
Hashtag Adder: Create hashtags into your posts and syphon more traffic for your brands and services with a single click.
Bitly Integration: Shorten your links with Bitly and track their performance.
Article Curation: Curate articles from across the web from thousands of different sources, and share them to social media.
A.I. Content Intelligence Technology: Know which type of content will generate money even before posting on social media.
Unlimited Topic Subscriptions: Enter any topic you want to curate for and get relevant articles to post.
Unlimited RSS Feeds: Add your own RSS feeds and start curating articles right inside your dashboard.
Built-In Smart Feed Reader: Read all your content and articles without any ads or distractions.
Bookmark Any Article: Bookmark any article you want for later, or mark it as read, so it won’t show again.
Compose Your Content: Easily craft amazing, engaging content with the composer tool and share it across multiple social media platforms with just one click.
Customize Your Content: Quick and easy check whether your content will pass Twitter and Facebook’s text ratio requirements.
Image Uploader: Upload your own images or search from millions of royalty-free images inside Viral Dashboard.
In-Depth Tutorials: Learn how to use every amazing feature that Viral Dashboard offers with free tutorials and step-by-step guides.
Priority Customer Support: Get help from the friendly support team and resolve 100% of the issues within 24 hours.
Read The Full Review Here
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