#dragon's dilemmas
marv3l-drag0ns · 2 months
i need more irl friends that are close enough to hang out with.
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bbygirl-aemond · 2 months
interesting how aegon volunteered to ride out on dragon back last episode, only to be shot down by his council, and rhaenyra volunteered to ride out on dragon back this episode, only to similarly be shot down. targaryen monarchs are in an interesting catch 22 where they are simultaneously too valuable as monarchs to go out into the field and too valuable as dragon riders NOT to go out into the field; they must choose between either their utility as monarch or as dragon rider but cannot wield both privileges simultaneously without inviting disaster
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sunderwight · 2 months
Alicent's approach to motherhood is a lot like the kingsguard approach to knighthood, when you really think about it.
In ASOIAF when Jaime gets knighted as a teenager, there are strong parallels to a maiden being deflowered. The cloak, like a wedding cloak, and the blood spilled on the white, like the virgin blood spilled on a wedding bed sheet, and how Jaime is all starry-eyed and hopeful right before the whole myth of knighthood comes crashing down into cold, ugly reality, and etc.
I think Alicent has that going on but just with a different romanticized social role. Her path to honor and nobility had to involve becoming a mother and conducting herself in a certain way, because of her place in society. Even if she hadn't married a king, she'd have been married off to someone, and been expected to produce heirs and to raise them for him. Motherhood is presented as this noble pursuit for women in her society. But in the hard light of reality, it's not nearly as glamorous or morally concise of a lifestyle as it purports to be. She'll put herself between her kids and threats, just like a knight defending his liege, but we never see her actively enjoy motherhood and she clearly struggles to connect with her kids on an interpersonal level. Just like how Jaime got knighted ridiculously young, Alicent got married ridiculously young. Just like Jaime struggled between doing the morally correct thing vs doing "his duty", Alicent struggles between doing what she wants and doing what's expected of her as a mother.
It's all about the way that restrictive social roles make people miserable.
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your-gracelyn · 2 months
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peony-pearl · 1 year
time for another wave of ‘Iroh shouldn’t have gone back to the Jasmine Dragon because it was a place created on fake names and identities and living a life that was going to be a dead end for Iroh and Zuko because they had nowhere else to go at the time and by shoving Iroh back there it gave him what he WANTED but what he NEEDED was to help Zuko actively begin reparations to the world as Fire Nation Royalty, and to ensure that Zuko was healthy and thriving in his new role AND!!!!! it would have been good to see him begin to extend that patience to Azula, whose mindspace is a battlefield and in trying to show her that she could have someone who won’t leave, who won’t abandon her, who can show her she is more than what her father created, it would have only further cemented Iroh’s place as wanting to help the family heal AND!!! It would have given both Azula and Zuko a mediator, and they could finally start to come together and begin repairing their relationship now that Ozai has no hand in separating them and THEN!!!! when Iroh has seen to it that his niece and nephew are thriving and happy and healthy he can reopen his tea shop and whether it’s in the Fire Nation or Earth Kingdom or wherever I don’t care but the Jasmine Dragon in the Upper Ring of Ba Sing Se needs to remain a memory because narratively it’s a dead end and should have been tweaked for Iroh’s ending.
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lelianasbong · 3 months
i've waited ten years to get gay with everyone in this game and it's happenniiiiing 🤭🤭🤭
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hannibard · 2 months
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ourkingsteve · 2 months
I don’t know which is more truthful: that I love Alys Rivers or that I want to be Alys Rivers
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thinking about the lyrium-mad templars, the old, their memories stolen and carved away. thinking about how their brethren took them to therinfal (you would want the same care once you suffer the same) and thinking about how they took the red lyrium
it must have been a miracle at first. they remember. they recognize. for the first time in months or years they’re cognizant.
and only too late do you realize this miracle was not woven by a caring god
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penofwildfire · 25 days
Wait I can literally just draw Bonzle with my OCs. They can be friends. Revolutionary concept.
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cryptidowl · 4 months
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been playin a metric ton of Origins again so here's my miserable little Warden, also trying out a new style while i'm at it
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marv3l-drag0ns · 2 months
guys about to go full doomsday i feel awful emotionlly/mentlly and im overwhlemed and everything is awful and the disordered eating demon has its grips in me nd i need to tear myself apart from the inside out and turn into a drgon and fly away.
i cannot keep this up im going to finish my water and go 2 bed. not even gonna read before hand thats how awful i feel. at least im not as itchy.
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deeproadsdarling · 1 month
How am I supposed to commit to romancing anyone when I want to romance everyone 😩
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spotsandsocks · 3 months
Found some dragon stickers today, had to buy them but now I’m caught up in the eternal sticker conundrum- to use or not use because once you stick the sticker they’re stuck and can’t be used again in case you want to stick them somewhere else but you won’t because they’re too nice to be stuck anywhere in the first place because then they’re used - but then that denies them the purpose they were meant for… but … once they’re gone they’re gone … see conundrum
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What’s a spot to do!? Of course I may be the only one with this kind of relationship with stickers
Stickers are meant to be stuck but you can’t stick them cos then they’re stuck and you can’t stick them anymore ♾️
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candy-bun-bun · 4 months
I think it would've been cooler if they leaned into the aquatic side of Light Furies more!! I gave my own redesign of the Light Fury!
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Also making them an aquatic dragon would've made them looking sleeker a lot more logical.
Anyways I hope someone likes this -w-''
There's a whole little rant in the tags btw
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monkiinart · 1 year
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Arne bio just dropped.. I wanted to write a lot more but this is probably enough for now lol
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