#dragonborn/clavicus vile
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Critical hit
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h3raklion · 2 years
~low quality Skyrim memes~ 31st edition
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
Henwen: *walking through whiterun with Barbas and Clavicus Vile* okay just try to keep your feet on the ground as you walk.
Clavicus: *looking like an ordinary young man, horns disguised cleaverly to look like an armoured crown on his brow* you really aren’t going to let that go are you? I didn’t know those zealots of stendarr were just down the hill alright?
Barbas: *waits for a civilian to pass before speaking* We nearly got our friend here killed master.
Clavicus: Hmph, I would’ve been able to repay one of his favours by saving him if he had of been.
Barbas: That’s not how our contract works master.
Henwen: Well at least you’re pleasant company Barbas. *opens the door to his house* I’m home!
Kaidan: Gods where have you been?! I thought you were only headed to falkreath it’s been nearly 2 wee- awww hello lil puppy, whose a good boy? *crouches down and pats Barbas*
Barbas: I’m neither good nor bad but I do appreciate the head pats.
Kaidan: *reels back in fright* SWEET MERCIFUL CRAP HE TALKS!!!
Clavicus: of course he does he’s a daedra.
Kaidan: I- when did you get in here?! Who the fock are you?!
Clavicus: *opens his mouth to introduce himself in his usual grandiose way like most princes do*
Henwen: This is Barbas and this is Clavicus Vile… they, owe me a few favours. Turns out that axe and sword I found belongs to him. So they’re travelling with us to repay their debt to me… plus I also saved them from being banished by the vigilants of stendarr.
Barbas: which again, was masters fault.
Clavicus: Sh-shut up.
Kaidan: …Wendy can I speak to you in the other room? In private?
Henwen: sure? *walks off with him*
Clavicus: *looks down at barbas* Something tells me he doesn’t like us.
Barbas: No kidding.
Taliesin: *suddenly hurries upstairs* Wendy? Is he ba- *completely ignores clavicus and focuses entirely on barbas* Oh absolutely not. No dogs in the house!
Barbas: *suddenly twists and shifts his shape until he looks like a high elf with white hair and curly ram horns* better?
Taliesin: … *literally just faints*
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lord-rosenth0rne · 2 years
Florentius Baenius: Your friend! Kidnapped!
Me, a Stormcloak: Okay! Who is it!? Serana? Tolfdir?! Brynjolf?! Ralof?! Can't be Cicero, he'd tear them apart... Where do I have to go?!
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Me: ... *inhales hard* And Arkay said we were friends...?
**Because I'm too NICE (more like I want to get this quest out of my journal), I grumble my way through Sunderstone Gorge to get to this Thalmor Wizard**
Me: *opens the cage* THERE. QUEST DONE! HAPPY!?
Thalmor Wizard: *is actually a SHE and in Elenwen's voice* The hospitality of the Thalmor Embassy is at your service.
Me: *eye twitches and I proceed to embed an Ancient Falmer Arrow with my Daedric Bow into her forehead* >8[ *heads back to Fort Dawnguard to beat the hell out of Florentius to deliver that to Arkay* I EXPECT THIS OUT OF SHEOGORATH OR CLAVICUS VILE! NOT THE GOD OF DEATH!
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khajiitsly · 1 year
Degaryan Galitte (my breton mage): “We’re low on coin, so I’m gonna go sell a bunch of things in town; where’s my mask and necklace?”
Farkas: “How do you think Vile feels that you’re only using his boon to haggle prices?”
Degaryan: “I think he would be proud. Plus I didn’t want to take the axe, then you’d be out of a job as my protector”
Farkas: “I love you too, dear”
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nexus-nebulae · 1 year
i wonder if there's any significance to the fact that the only daedric princes that made any sort of impact on me were Hermaeus Mora and Sheogorath
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vilicide · 1 month
"That dog in me has been euthanized."
— Clavicus Vile after the Dragonborn kills Barbas for the Rueful Axe
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motherhenna · 6 months
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Even though my gaming laptop is dead and I can't replay Oblivion rn, I've decided to design a new Hero of Kvatch anyway that fits into the same universe as my other heroes. And since my Nerevarine and Dragonborn are both women, I figured I should buck the pattern and throw a guy in there lol. His whole vibe was equally inspired by both ancient greek / roman busts and Moses from Dreamwork's Prince of Egypt.
I've always liked the trope of blind characters with the ability of precognition, which is what I decided to explore with Aurelius--likely the result of an ill-advised bargain with Clavicus Vile on his father's part. The man wanted himself and members of his family to be "noticed and recognized by those in power", though failed to foresee that this would apply to more than just kings and nobles. In fact, turns out that drawing the curious eyes of several Daedric princes isn't ideal for the wellbeing of your unborn child, and Azura's boon of prophecy doesn't exactly play nice with bouts of madness and delusion...party favors from Sheogorath and Vaermina.
Haven't fleshed him or the story out much, yet, but y'all know how I am: always happy to add another softboy to my roster lmao I promise I know how to draw / write men who aren't in some way soft but can't say I'm interested in doing that
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99corentine · 4 months
Questions copied and pasted from the message I sent.
Were there any major things that changed from the initial direction you were going to take the fic in? Were there any scenes that you wrote in the fic that just didn't end up making the final cut? Who was your favorite character to write? Those sorts of things?
Hello tomato, thanks for your lovely message, and now this ask! Let’s see…
Were there any major things that changed from the initial direction you were going to take the fic in? 
Surprisingly little. The upside of following the existing plot of a game is that the direction of the story is already mapped out for you. I will say, when I first started writing it I had very few ideas about who Chrysanthe was, he was just a thrall-turned-paladin, more of a concept than a fleshed-out character. He grew alongside writing; all the stuff about him becoming more draconic was organic development and not especially planned.
I did spend a lot more time on non-game plot than I’d anticipated. When I wrote Hermaeus Mora attacking Chrysanthe and the subsequent stay at Frostmere Crypt that took like 10 chapters where I thought it would take like 3.
Were there any scenes that you wrote in the fic that just didn't end up making the final cut? 
A fair few, yes! Off the top of my head…
Miraak and Chrysanthe were going to have a chat about who would out-live the other, because Chry is an altmer (the lifespan of mer in elder scrolls lore is very unreliable, but I figured a few hundred years at least), but Miraak is… well, Miraak. Chry is the Last Dragonborn, which implies Miraak dies before he does. Cut because it was too depressing, tbh
There was going to be a thing near the end where Miraak helped Chry with his self-esteem by showing him exactly how highly Miraak prized him via telepathy. It was maaaybe going to lead to telepathy sex. I cut it because I wasn’t really feeling what I wrote - maybe it felt too much like ‘fixing’ Chry’s confidence issues, idk
There was a sex scene at Lakeview in which they broke the bed and Chry was mortified/Miraak was delighted by it. That was cut because it was too similar to the time he accidentally set the bed on fire
There was a whole part where Mora so relentlessly attacked them that Chry/Miraak decided to seek out the dwemer sphere Septimus Signus had (currently at the bottom of the ocean floor after Mora attacked the ice cave), on the basis that Mora wanted whatever was inside so it could be used to blackmail/bargain peace with him. It was cut because it was very long-winded and I had an Alduin-killing plot to get on with already. If I ever do write a sequel, it’ll end up in there
Clavicus Vile was going to show up again given that Chry sort of kind of struck a bargain with him. Probably an offer to help with the dwemer sphere thing above. It’s Clavicus, so this was going to go about as well as you’d expect.
Who was your favorite character to write?
Despite the story being told from Chry’s POV, Miraak was hands down my fav - he has such a distinctive voice, both stilted (‘Is it not’ instead of ‘isn’t it’, that sort of thing) and commanding (‘you will do this for me’) that makes him really fun to write. He’s also just a great mix of arrogant, forceful and imperious, but also thoughtful, hyper-competent and just devastatingly clever. I always tried to write him like the smartest person in the room - not to say that he is the smartest, of course. I'd have written parts of the story from his POV, but what does that man even think about all day? I certainly don't know.
Hope that answers your questions!
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belladonna-lavender · 2 years
Ranking the Daedra by power in Skyrim
So during the events of The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim, we have a quest for every Daedric Prince bar one. In lore, the Daedra often ascend and descend the power rankings according to what happens within Mundus, so this is my opinion on what I think is their current power. This takes note of who and what they influence, their lore, how often they are brought up in Skyrim, but mostly relies on contextual evidence. 17) Jygglag: Not present whatsoever, not even mentioned in the base game besides one book 16) Peryite: Is referenced multiple times as the weakest daedric prince, and there is no widespread plague present or mentioned in game. 15) Sanguine: Often on the lowest rungs anyway, but in Skyrim there is never shown to be much revelry going on with the war and all. 14) Malacath: Malacath is mostly shown to be uninvolved with anything besides the four Orc Strongholds in Skyrim. Consistently thought to be one of the weaker princes. 13) Clavicus Vile: He says this "As much as I hate to say it, you're almost as powerful as I am right now." and Barbas contains half of his power which he is divorced from. 12) Sheogorath: While war often leads to madness, not enough time has passed for madness to set in for ptsd to develop. There are also shown to be very few truly mad people in the game. 11) Meridia: With the war going on, and no dedicated cult in skyrim at the moment, her sphere would be so weakened a necromancer was able to pervert one of her artifacts. 10) Mephala: Has a weakened artifact and is not shown to have an active cult, only current influence shown is through a weakened Dark Brotherhood, a child of a Jarl, and potentially the Dragonborn, but upcoming events will likely empower her. 9) Boethiah: The war is likely keeping her more powerful than her peers, but she is not shown to have much influence in current events besides her cult. 8) Azura: Widely worshipped and respected by most religions, she likely is often right in the middle on the totem pole for daedric power. Not shown to have much influence over current events in skyrim, but she holds domain over fate and Prophecy. 7) Namira: She is one of the most powerful daedra full stop, but currently does not seem to have an active influence in mortal affairs. Importantly she is considered an Ur-Daedra, meaning she was present before Aedra. Actively worshiped in the Reach, and indeed the Forsworn consider her one of their main deities. 6) Molag-Bal: While probably incredibly weak when considering just the base game; he is shown to be one of the main antagonists of Tamriel. Vampires, necromancers, and torturers are his main worshipers, of which there are plenty in the base game. As well, the Volkihar are his direct subjects and depending on the actions taken in game, may be one of the most powerful factions in the game. 5) Hircine: While shown to care little for the events of Skyrim, he is widely respected by Nords and actively worshiped in the Reach, as well as having influence over one of the guilds of Skyrim that requires multiple quests to resolve. Can actively take souls intended for Sovangarde through the disease Lycanthropy or any other were-beast affliction. 4) Vaermina: Is able to actively affect the dreams of an entire town for days and maybe even a week. With war comes strife, and strife brings Nightmares. While not typically seen as powerful, she does have the most notable influence over the base game with an entire town under her thumb. 3) Mehrunes Dagon: Though in the base game he does not seem to do much, Civil War, Change, and Strife are his bread and butter in terms of spheres of influence. In addition, since the creation club may have some canon to it; Mehrunes Dagon has a portal to his plain that cannot be closed opened in the Jerall mountains. One must assume then that he has considerable power still despite the Oblivion Crisis. 2) Nocturnal: One of the other Ur-Daedra, while she is weakened without the Skeleton Key, it is restored at the end of the Thieves Guild questline. Even then she has a temple full of loyal ghosts and once the key is restored she has an active gateway into her realm open. Was able to curse an entire guild even with her power reduced, and to a lesser extent thieves across Skyrim too noticed a string of bad luck. 1) Hermaeus Mora: Actively has an influence over the first and last Dragonborn, influence over an entire island, and his realm is shown to be vast in game. The Last Dragonborn that slayed the Godlike entity Alduin and is referenced to be about as powerful as a daedric prince is his Champion. Can literally materialize a portion of his true self in game. Another Ur-Daedra. Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions with me! I’d be interested to see what everyone thinks about these rankings. As an honorable mention I’d say the Ideal Masters are probably between Peryite and Jygglag since they do have their own realm in Oblivion.
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yanderelovlies · 1 year
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You have run into plenty of odd things in your travels as Dragonborn, but the twin half Deadra princes standing before you really did take the cake. After helping Clavicus Vile gain his companion, he was going to reward you when an idea seemed to overthrow his original plans.
"Tell you what being the good lord that I am. I'll give you the best traveling companions you could ask for!" Jack glared at the statue, not saying a word as Clavicus kept speaking. "They are my kin, so keep them safe or whatever. Now! Off with you I have plans!"
Feeling you might have got scammed by the deadric prince, you left the cave. However, as soon as you get the sweet smell of fresh air again, you are met with two men who seem to be sulking.
The one with blue deadric armor is the first to notice you as he stands up arms crossed. "You are the dragonborne, are you not?"
This seemed to catch the one in red attention as he looked up from his crossbow, looking you up and down. "You sure, Vergil?"
"Vergil" rolled his eyes, and he looked over to his brother. "Of course I am. They were the only ones to walk out of the gave."
The man shrugs. "Guess so," he stands with a grunt, picking up his crossbow "introduction time, I guess." He saunters over to you his crossbow on his should. "The names Dante." He tilts his head to his approaching companion, "And this my brother Vergil."
You nodded at the two of them. "I'm y/n the dragonborne." You then step to the side bit so they can get a clear look at your blue haired companion. "And this is Jack. we've been traveling for a while."
"Welp." Dante walks over to Jack, patting his shoulder. "Don't worry, you get a break now, buddy. Me and Vergil will handle it from here. "
Jack glared at the white-haired man. "There is no chance in oblivion. I'm trusting their life to two deadra."
"You have no choice, nord." This time, it was Vergil who spoke up, giving a glare to Jack.
Oh divines above, you can already tell this was going to be a pain.
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i never actually tried asking anything from clavicus vile. but i tested it out and asked for power and he was just like „seriously? dude, you‘re the dragonborn! you don‘t need that!“ and honestly, fair enough
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TLDR of my Sheogorath/Sheo!Ben from my fics if you do not want to read all my works
There is a difference between Sheo!Ben and my Sheogorath. My Sheogorath appears to be same as in all of the games although a bit different by minimal variety.
- My Sheogorath has mantled many mortals over the years and it reflects. If you have been keeping up with my art you know a few. Including Errile and my HoK, Ben.
- My Sheogorath has been keeping a theme of being androgynous even before mantling Ben. They also have numerous disguises for each occasion as seen in my fic "The Banquet" where he disguises himself as an altmer woman with alternating pronouns. (That one was fun to write btw)
Onto Sheo!Ben
- Sheo!Ben's appearance is keeping the theme of androgyny and like before their mantling with Ben. White to Silver hair, thin/lanky build with a bigger lower body (i.e. bigger hips and thighs than the rest of anything else on his body), more human-like, gold cat eyes, looking mostly human... their limbs end in black with long, claw-like hands, often seen wearing makeup and highly fashionable ofc
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- Sheo!Ben is autistic-coded, or rather- just straight up autistic. There is a reason that they have the rule of every mortal bathing every two days. They do not like loud things. She often has meltdowns and is not ashamed of them... at all. They have a soft spot for mortals of any kind and would burn down the empire for them if they really took a liking to someone.
- Onto the queer part: Sheogorath is genderfluid, uses any pronouns, is omniromantic and aceflux as well as polyamorous. A mouthful, I know, but I like it. You cannot tell me that none of the Daedric Princes have weird, funky (affectionate) genders or/and sexualities.
- Sheogorath's relationships are... interesting. They hate Molag Bal, Mehrunes Dagon and Clavicus Vile. They are neutral towards the rest of the Daedric Princes. He had a momentary sexual relationship with Sanguine, but that soon disappeared. They do have many sexual relationships, but no romantic ones... except with Haskill. Their romantic relationship with Haskill is the most stable of them all. Haskill is the only one that can calm her down and for Sheogorath, he is the father of Sereyna.
- Onto Sereyna. She was born after Ben had already mantled Sheogorath and was slowly descending into the life of a Daedric Prince. After Sereyna had been born, Sheogorath and Ben finally unified into one being. Through this deadric influence, she is a demiprince...... And because she is the last septim, she is also the last dragonborn. Congrats, babygirl.
If you have any more questions, feel free to ask them in reblogs, replies or in my ask box. I love talking about my stuff as you probably know by now.
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
Clavicus Vile: soooo what is it you wish for the most? What’s your hearts-…
Barbas: master?…
Clavicus Vile: …I can’t grant you what you want the most… I don’t think you’d really want me to either…
Henwen: what do you mean? I want my people restore-
Clavicus Vile: you and I both know that isn’t what you really want…
Henwen: …I want my parents back… I want to meet my mother… I want to see my father again…
Clavicus Vile: again? You’ve met him?
Henwen: Hross? Yes. He raised me, he’s my dad-
Clavicus Vile: no he’s-
Barbas: *suddenly bites him*
Clavicus Vile: GAH- what did you do that for?!
Barbas: Hurry up and give him your mask already! He got you your axe! He even found Umbra again for you!
Clavicus Vile: … *suddenly realises the level of agony the truth would cause the snow elf* …Oh… right. Sorry I tend to get distracted… here…
Statue of Vile: *creaks and groans as the stone shifts and moves as if alive, slowly moving down and handing Henwen his mask*
Henwen: Thank you- I- what were you going to say about my fa-
Clavicus Vile: oh nothing important. If you ever need my help in the future, I owe you an additional favour now. I’ll be happy to lend you barbas any time… good luck…
Henwen: I- wait! Tell me what you were going to say!!!
Kaidan: *gently pats his shoulder* …
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gamergalcmc · 2 months
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more from my fnaf skyrim au "The fnaf scrolls"
Name: Chika
Race: Bosmer(wood elf) / Were-vulture (yes those exist in elder scrolls lore)
class: Ranger
Main weapon: Daedric bow, ebony dagger
"Glimmer Rock Pack" ring: moonstone with pink garnet and a white "vulture" (it's intentionally made to look like a chicken)
In this Au, I made Chika and Bonnie cousins because due to the classes I decided to make them, it made more sense that way for their lore-friendly "Backstories."
Chika and Bonnie were cousins in Valenwood. Chika was a gifted hunter and earned the favor of Hircine and became a were-vulture. Bonnie is a druid and wants to create new alteration spells that change yourself into animals and become one with nature. He appreciated Hircine and wanted to become a were-beast as he saw it as the perfect melding of Man and animal but Hircine did not deem him worthy.
Bonnie made a deal with Clavicus Vile to make him a man beast that (of coarse) went bad. so he and Chika adventured across Tamriel to find a way to remove Vile's curse. They eventually came to Cyrodiil where they met Freddy and joined him on his journey that would eventually lead them to Skyrim. They all live in "Glimmer Rock MIne" together where they then meet the Dragonborn
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a-cosmic-elf · 6 months
10th day of Evening Star.
It’s Clavicus Vile. I hope they’re not going to make me pledge my firstborn or anything…
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Nope, it’s not Dragonborn, it’s Dragonp*rn. 😍
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