#drawing ashton's head is very hard
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Decided to post some of the critical role sketches i did this year.
Fcg/ Nott, Caleb and Jester hug/ a pokemon meme from bell's hells fight with Lady Emoth from the beginning of campaign 3/ Beau/ Laudna and Imogen/ an Ashton drawing i'm never gonna finish/ a scene with Beau and Caleb from early campaign 2/ a greystorm kiss doodle i did for a friend
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maddstermind · 7 months
Words Into Potions Intro! Introducing...
~ Auberon Academy: Dark Things ~
Title: Auberon Academy (Book Three) - Dark Things Genre: Fantasy Mystery/Thriller Summary: Ashton and Sutton's quest to find the missing king is coming to a close, but not in the way they expected; Rosamund works with her loved ones to craft a way to finally get a step ahead of their enemies; Addison sets sail for Rasduk in hopes of finding a cure for petrification; and Christie returns from winter break to a terrible betrayal.
The strings of fate binding the four together are drawing closer and closer, as the mastermind is finally revealed and a specter is finally unmasked. The end is drawing near, and it's time to prepare for war.
Here is the tag I use for all Aubie-related things!
Below the cut I have a snippet for you! (From book two, as book three is not yet written!)
     Darkness.       It was oppressive and all-encompassing, making it hard to breathe or think, let alone move. Trapped with a dozen other small bodies, unprepared for the destruction that came with magic. A manifestation that came several years too early, spelling doom for them all.      Behind the fear, there was still a lingering feeling. It was almost indescribable, and had simply been labeled "dark." It was a different darkness than that which surrounded the group, but persistent nonetheless. It had been persistent for some time now, hunting somewhere in the forest at the base of the mountain.      Just as hope was fading and the darkness was on the verge of becoming permanent, there it was — light, bright and welcoming like an old friend. Then came desperate hands and arms, pulling the small, fragile bodies out of the rubble. One by one they tumbled out and went running to their parents, scared that their short lives were nearly ended in an accident.      And then there was the culprit. He was pulled from the rubble by a hand that shone with the light of the suns, yet was cold to the touch. Their body was similarly bright but cold, and a sword hung off their side, the sharp blade hidden in its sheath, away from the curious fingers of children. Despite their cold exterior, they looked at the child with the fondness of a father, of a friend. A handsome, unmarred face, friendly eyes, and dark hair with pale streaks running through it.      They looked like a hero. Something out of a fairytale. Someone who had helped already — and could maybe help more.      He grabbed the cold, shining hand and kept the hero in place. "Please," his voice came out as little more than a whisper, after all the yelling and heavy breathing he'd done in the last however long. "Please, I need your help."      They kneeled, holding his hand gently. "Let's find your parents, yes? You'll be safe with them."      He shook his head. "There's something in the forest."      "Something in the forest?"      "I can feel it. I've been feeling it. It's… I don't know what it is. It's something dark. In the forest, by the mountain."      "Something dark," they repeated, solemn. "Well, let me tell you this, child." They put their free hand on his shoulder, and gave a bright smile, full of teeth. "Not all dark things are bad."      Their words calmed him, despite everything. He was still afraid, but less than he'd been before. He still trembled, but less so.      The hero stood, dusting themself off. "How about this. I'll go check it out now. Just to make sure it's nothing dangerous. Alright?"      He nodded. "I can take you there," he offered. "I can feel it, I can follow it."      They shook their head, looking to the treeline. "No, you need to go home and rest up. You've had a tough day, but you've done a good job and have been very brave. I'll stop by once I've found out what it was. Alright?"      Looking up at them, he believed they could do anything in the world.      "Alright."
This is the prologue of book two, but it's where the phrase "dark things" starts in the series, so I thought it'd be a good excerpt!
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masterqwertster · 1 year
12. “Did something happen to you that I don’t know about?” and 20. “Would you feel more comfortable talking about it if I turned around?” for Ashton and whoever you want?
I'm feeling 20 "Would you feel more comfortable talking about it if I turned around?" with the second character being Prism. Prism is just a curious little girl, and Ashton's got some very unique scars that just speak to the prompt of explaining (possibly) without being seen. Prompt
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Prism nervously asks. "I mean, I don't even have to look. I can turn around and you can just talk about it. You don't have to show me-"
"Hey, you offered to do research into similar shit. Isn't it going to be easier to tell if what you've found matters if you've had a good look?" Ashton counters, continuing to undo the buckles of their vest.
"I- Well, probably. But I don't..."
It takes a moment for Ashton to parse out the unspoken problem, but once they do, they laugh.
Body shy isn't something Ashton's been in a long, long time. Getting raised in an orphanage in the desert where water for washing is a limited commodity does that to a person. It was either let the teasing get to him, or ignore it to spite them, and spiting his detractors was just so much more satisfying. That or punching them.
And fuck, Ashton looks good, in their own opinion. They've got the muscle from their work on display, the beer gut they're coming into isn't more than padding on their stomach yet (and it's not like they'd have the smut novel six-pack anyways. They're not Orym, working out every fucking day), and despite the pain they cause, the gold looks beautiful against their jade skin. They've got a figure worth showing off.
"Oh. I didn't realize it was quite so... extensive," Prism comments once Ashton has removed his vest.
Ashton looks down at the gold that spiderwebs from the impact points on his head, shoulder, and hip. The clear radial lines from those points. How the cracks stretch across his collarbone, his waist, almost making complete loops in a couple places.
He shrugs, watching the light glitter across the shifting gold, "I hit the ground pretty fucking hard."
"...Um, may I?" Prism gently asks, a long-fingered hand outstretched towards his arm.
"...Sure," Ashton agrees after a moment's consideration. They absolutely fucking hate being touched by strangers, but Prism's scooched her way out of that category pretty quickly. And like they said, she'll have an easier time sorting out the good stuff from her research the more she knows about what she's looking for.
Prism's touch is light, and he's not sure if that's because she's a wimpy wizard who can't put a lot of force behind anything that's not magic, or if it's because she's trying to be gentle. Still, she traces the lines branching out from his shoulder with the same dedication with which she'd copied down the Judicator's tattoos.
"I don't think I sense anything magical about the gold. At least, not anything that isn't your general elemental-ness," Prism declares, gesturing to their whole rocky self as she takes a step back to give Ashton space.
Ashton nods. That's about what he expected. Though he still holds some hope she might come up with some information about other earth genasi being patched up in a similar way or something.
"And can I-?" Prism pops up on her toes and cranes her neck a little bit.
"Yup. Just... don't poke it too hard with magic? Imogen and Grass nearly got stuck in there or some shit last time, so, y'know, be fucking careful," Ashton warns as they crouch a bit to allow the shorter elf a clear view.
He does his best to keep an eye on Prism as she investigates the glass, but it's kind of fucking hard when he can't turn his head and his left eye is pretty shitty. He thinks he sees a hand reach up, but if Prism is touching the glass, she's using a fucking light touch that doesn't even give him any pressure feedback.
"Oh wow," Prism whispers after a while, drawing back once more. "That's definitely some powerful magic. Not that I didn't know that before, having seen you use it in all those fights and all. But wow. I've never felt anything like it."
"Yeah. That kind of seems to be the running theme with anyone I ask about it," Ashton agrees, standing up and stretching a bit. "You also might try looking for 'dunamis.' Didn't get much of an explanation about it, but it sure as fuck sounded like the sort of shit I do because of this."
"Okay. Dun-a-mis," Prism sounds out, taking a note. "You wouldn't happen to know how it's spelled?"
Ashton shakes their head.
"Alright. Guess I'll just keep an eye out for different spellings. And if I find anything, I'll definitely let you know."
"Thanks. And be careful, okay? Crime is fun, but only so long as you don't get caught."
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numbfandom · 1 year
I really wanna redesign Bell’s Hells… cause I draw them differently every time and I wanna nail it down.
I’ll comment or reblog this whenever I have a new idea for their designs cause yeah.
Bertrand - I’ve literally never drawn him!!! Which is so crazy to me, cause the group is named after this old man. I don’t know if I’d change much about his design, aside from making his colors more diluted/purple toned, and changing up his boot situation. I’ll have to rewatch some clips to get a better feel for him.
Dorian - He is perfect. But I do feel like his blues clash a bit, and it’s difficult to get the gradient right on his hair, so I’d probably lean into the teal memo, and emphasize the silver feel. I always draw him with a little bit of facial hair (usually a goatee) because it’s so hard to keep him baby faced.
Laudna - I prefer her outfit in her first design, but likely with an updo, and her gloves, which I’ll have to figure out. Pâté nests in her hair. Her colors are more black and purple centric, because of Delilah, and she has gold and red jewelry. Her eyes are almost all black. Tree imagery is still there.
FCG - He has a tongue. And eyebrows. I like his new coat, but it doesn’t look like it comes off easily, so I’d have to figure out a way to make it removable while still having his shoulder pauldrons there. I might move his changbringer coin to his wheel.
Fearne - She has an elongated face, more goat-like, with patterned fur framing her face and her shoulders. She has white freckles, like a deer. Her leg fur is brown but it fades into the same light green as her hair. She is more uncanny, now that we know her background in the feywild. Maybe goat eyes.
Imogen - She has blue and orange/gold vibes, with her gray clothing blue tinted, and golden accessories. Her hair is lighter, and the same color as her scars before they fade to red. She has glasses for reading. Her hair is wavy and very messy.
Orym - Little guy! He has a tail, because I love that for him. There are little white flowers all over his armor, and leaves tucked into his clothing. Keep the fingerless gloves. He has claw marks over his right eye from Chetney. This is probably gonna stay close to canon, aside from the tail.
Ashton - Probably gonna make their colors more vibrant, expand on the weirdcore glass head, and give their dark punk aesthetic some neon blue. He needs some knuckle rings. And more piercings. Tits might be out. Golden top scars. Black fingernails. Eyebrow slits. Eyebrows are more gemstone-y.
Chetney - idk how to fix him. More wolf like, probably. All scarred up. His wolf form is tiny.
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belpiesblog · 1 year
Needle & Ink - Ashton Irwin - Fluff
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“I’m home!” I called out as I walked through the door. My boyfriend Ashton peeked his head around the corner from the kitchen. “Hey babe.” He said walking over to me. He pecked my lips and took the bags that I was carrying and taking them to the kitchen. “How was your shopping?” He asked taking out the groceries from the bags and putting them away. “It was good.” I said trying not to laugh. “What’s so funny?” He asked. “I got a surprise for you.” I said. “Oh really.” He said with a smirk. “Not that type of surprise.” I said rolling my eyes at him. I took some things out of one of the bags and held them up. “Needles and ink?” He asked. “Yeah, I thought we could give each other stick and pokes.” I said. “Now where did this idea come from?” He asked with a smile. “You like tattoos and I like art so I thought that this could be something we both might like.” I said. I looked up at him with hopeful eyes hoping he would say yes. “How can I say no to that face.” He said cupping my cheeks. “Great now take off your shirt and lay on the couch.” I said. “Bossy much.” He joked. He took off his shirt and layed down on the couch. I took out the needle and opened the lid to the ink. “What do you want?” I asked. “Surprise me.” He said. I dipped the needle into the ink and straddled his lap for better access. His hands rested on my thighs as I leaned in close to his chest. I started to pierce his skin, drawing out a flower. “Have you done this before?” He asked. “Once.” I said. “Oh that’s comforting.” He giggled. “Stop laughing, your chest is moving.” I said laughing. He just smiled and tapped his fingers on my thighs forming a rhythm. I pulled back and looked at my work smiling to myself. “Done.” I said. He took his phone and looked at the tattoo on his camera. “Oh my god, it’s so cute.” He said laughing. “I did good didn’t I.” I said. “You did, very proud of you.” He said before he placed a kiss on my lips. “Your turn.” He said. I took my shirt off revealing my bra, we switched places so I was laying down and he was straddling my legs. “Are you putting it on my stomach?” I asked. “I sure am.” He said grabbing a different needle and dipping it in the ink. “Any requests?” He asked. “Surprise me.” I said with a smirk. He leaned in close to my stomach and pierced the skin above my belly button. All I could see was his hair and a little bit of his eyes from my angle, he’s so cute when he’s focused. “Are you peeking?” He said with a chuckle. “No.” I said with a small smile. “Liar.” He said. “It’s true, I was only thinking about how cute you look when your focused.” I said. He giggled at my comment then sat up. “And you look hot like this.” He said with a smirk. I started to blush at his comment, I grabbed my phone and looked at the tattoo on my camera. He drew a smiley face, two dots for eyes and a curved line for the smile. “I love it.” I said. “Good because I worked hard.” He said putting the needle on the coffee table. “Oh you poor thing.” I teased. We took pictures of each other’s work, he got off the couch and I sat up. “We should do that again.” He said. “Yeah and maybe your members will want ones too.” I said. “Calum and Michael for sure but Luke on the other hand I’m not so sure about.” He said laughing.
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ragemater · 6 months
“There is no right or wrong, only truth.” / loid
" in my experience what is considered to be the truth is extremely and totally subjective. especially when multiple perspectives get involved in things. like this at least. " lily folds a lightly feathered arm. eyes forward and completely still.
it is hard to keep her head on straight and not reveal herself as a weird little creature right here in this play date. why was parenting in this decade so completely and totally out of her depth. lily istok's eyes peer over to little ashton sitting with the little pink haired anja and drawing all sort of little being and monsters together.
" she and ashton seem to be getting along very well. it's so easy to see the world through their fresh eyes. to know that everything is different from their perspective. that their hopes and dreams and search for knowledge and truth isn't corrupted by other people's motivations for them. "
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unicyclehippo · 2 years
hey ollie!! I’ve been seeing a few… mixed reviews for this last episode, and as someone that liked it, I wanted your opinion. I’ve been hearing a lot of people call this fight ‘clumsy’ and ‘railroading’ and ‘boring’, considering the only trigger to end the fight was one specific PC doing one specific thing, and making it feel like ‘imogen is the only PC that matters, regardless of her prior reluctance in giving into her powers’ (real take I saw here on tunglr dot com). I for one was expecting a TPK followed by a group-vision, so the fact that only two are dead so far is actually doing better than anticipated. thoughts? comments? concerns?
i have happily missed all of those kinds of comments & when i stumbled on one rather harsh criticism that drifted into my world i blocked that person. i don’t rly talk about stuff like this? im more of a “lurk in the shadows & throw my writing out” person. but i have seen some ice cold takes so yeah fuck it, i’ll talk abt my impression of the episode
i really really liked it
matt has a stupidly difficult job balancing encounters for SEVEN PLAYERS. i have three players at my table & i still struggle to give them a real challenge sometimes. in my opinion, he did both the set up & the encounter brilliantly.
first of all, he set up the mythology of otohan thull in the last eight episodes or so—everything the paragons call said about her in passing, the vibes of imogen’s dreams, the fact that she was somehow in the feywild, the fact that she’s working with daleth (who WE the audience know to be Very Powerful), what ashton told the party about her being a famed warrior—& made it concrete. there is a reason she’s a famed warrior, there’s a reason she’s the head of the paragons call, there’s a reason she lunged at imogen & imogen thought she died. otohan thull is a boss level character who has the ability to kill all of them. she is Supposed to be powerful, she was set up to be powerful not just to challenge the players but also narratively. it wouldn’t make sense in the context of the world & the aggressive, martial basuras if this person wasn’t stupidly scary & stupidly proficient at murder, yknow?
secondly, the encounter. a nail biter. this one made me think of - i know people have alluded to the stress of the first vecna fight but i was thinking about raishan because that one nearly made me break my teeth clenching my jaw as hard as i did. it’s a good episode to link to (because it fucks severely & keyleth is incredible) because it’s a one-against-everyone PLUS allies & it’s one of those episodes where everyone seems to drop & get back up & by the end two revivifies were used (one failed) & they had to res ritual someone after (for those of you who don’t know, when someone has been dead for longer than a minute, they have to use the resurrection spell instead of revivify & it’s a whole extended ritual & it’s amazing RP always).
if they had fought thull tomorrow, they could have won. today was already knocked by the FCG fight, imogen used a spell to try activate the feywild shard, laudna used hunger of the shadow, fearne used heat metal & she & FCG used some healing spells too. they’d already tapped into some of their spells & abilities & then again in the chaos of the attack on the call.
if they had doubled down & fought thull & had better initiatives (though the STORY it tells of thull going first, the assassin being quicker, the person who has fought wars being scrappier & quicker on the draw) they could maybe have won. matt was saying at the end that she looked “ragged-ish” & i agree with him when he points out they spent those first vital actions running away. they didn’t know when they started that she had legendary actions/reactions. they didn’t know that she could cross this battlefield in a bonus action if she wanted to.
when you think of an encounter, it’s never just about the stats—it’s about the story. especially when it comes to matt’s world, especially when it comes to these players who balance class skills with character choices. otohan thull came out alone to fight them—she’s arrogant, but not undeservedly so, as we find out. brennan lee mulligan said the scariest encounters are the ones in which you give your bad guys a goal to complete. in this encounter, the goal was imogen—to break her, change her, recruit her? dunno—&, like everything else about otohan thull, that had been Hinted at but couldn’t be confirmed until the fight.
im gonna join this with the third point
third, concerning the idea of a dream or vision: when each encounter is a fragment of story, what does it mean that the battlefield was otherwise empty? is it just otohan’s arrogance? or does it mean something that matt didn’t describe people scurrying out of the periphery of the fight, or anyone in the building imogen tried to escape from. does the sandstorm mean anything? it didn’t have a mechanical effect in this fight when it did in the previous encounter. was that just because it died down a little or does it hint toward it being a dream/vision as people have said?
personally, i think it was real & in the immediate aftermath i did say to a friend that a dream/vision would undercut the story for me. i don’t think that anymore. dreams have been such a point of visceral terror for imogen continuously through the campaign so far that i think it would be horrifying to realise that it was a dream, to have matt play around with the limits of a dream—which is SUCH a powerful thing in the fantasy genre to use dreams as exploration or invitation or corruption, to be in dreams that are on the cusp of prophecy, dreams that are a little too real—so if that’s what they end up doing i’m totally onboard. that being said, i don’t think it is. they’ve always been direct with deaths & that sort of thing & i think that it’s a very real moment that is supposed to emphasise how they are in over their heads. orym made a very nice speech about how they’re the only ones who know the threads of what is being done & that they have to stop it—and now this. eight hours later. they’re a little group (in world, at least) of squishy scrappy adventurers & they’re getting their narrative comeuppance for hubris, & a distinct lack of caution. hardly any health potions? a healer on the fritz? very little reconnaissance? no real allies? their attention divided between personal & everything else? i think it’s real, i think it’s very deadly, & i think like molly’s death it’s going to make for a more sombre & driven party. otohan’s goal for this encounter was imogen. narratively, the goal of this encounter (i suspect we will find in the coming months) was to be a hydraulic press & squash them into one party with one goal
fourth, main character imogen. this is bullshit straight up. i could leave it there but i’ll keep going bc i love women & i’ll take any chance to defend their right to take up space & tell their stories. laura makes the most awesome characters & frankly didn’t get Huge amounts of time dedicated solely to her story line in c1 & c2. it’s cool, it’s fine, she tells amazing stories in the time she gets & is a vital part of the story they’re all writing together, but as soon as we found out that purple-eyed, anime-haired, horse girl, night-terror, lightning-handed imogen was a thing i fell to my knees & wept in gratitude with the knowledge that laura was gonna get narratively whammied & whammied Hard by matthew mercer & his plot stick this campaign, as she well deserves.
do people complain about the briarwood arc? something that revolves entirely around percy’s backstory? or is it so beloved that they made a whole animated series about it? on a smaller scale—because of nott, the mighty nein left the empire & trekked into xhorhas; because of fjord, the mighty nein went & became pirates & explored sunken ruins, or went to uthodurn & nearly fought a dragon to make him a cool sword.
characters get their time to shine. it can’t always be about everyone all the time—matt gives a player a gift & the whole table comes together to react to that gift, following the player it was intended for. that’s the fun of storytelling together, that’s the fun of building characters & handing it over to your DM, the expectation that for a session, a couple of sessions, a small arc, you are the main character. your story matters. that’s what this is for imogen/laura—it’s at once a story beat for everyone, one of those pivotal moments where they realise they’re outmatched, but it’s also a turning point for imogen where we don’t know where she goes next. im sure that it also functions as a way for matt to introduce whatever lore he has about ruidis born up his sleeve for us.
hope this answered all your questions, i enjoyed ranting about it! i have just woken up so forgive me for any glaring errors
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chaos-burst · 3 years
for @transessek 💚
Ashton sees him immediately upon entering the Spire by Fire on a rainy summer night. It’s hard to miss him, purple skin, horns, the most ostentatious coat and cheapest jewelry letting him stick out like a tropical bird among grey pigeons. He sits at his table alone, his fingers playing with a deck of tarot cards as his red eyes scan the room.
 Ashton would know a look like this anywhere—the searching gaze of someone trying to find the easiest mark. They saunter over to the table, flip around a chair and straddle it, their arms crossed on the back of the chair, their eyes on the stranger.
 Ashton throws him a wide grin.
 “Looking for some poor, innocent idiot to scam?”, he asks. The stranger cocks his head and grins back at him, showing his sharp canine teeth.
 “Would you call yourself a poor, innocent idiot?”, he shoots back casually, flipping a card before catching it between his skillful fingers and shuffling it back into the deck.
 Ashton can’t help themself—they laugh.
 “Sure. Why don’t you hit me and we’ll see how stupid I am?”
 The stranger leans forward, still shuffling his deck.
 “That’ll cost you a drink”, he says with a smirk.
 Oh, Ashton likes him.
 “A drink I can do”, they answer and wave for one of the waiters to come to their table before ordering the cheapest shots available.
 “The name’s Mollymauk, by the way. Molly to my friends.”
 “I’m Ashton. My friends can call me whatever the fuck they want”, Ashton answers and leans back in his chair, crossing his arms.
 “I guess I’ll keep that in mind.”
 Mollymauk waits until their drinks arrive. He toasts to Ashton and knocks it back, exposing his scarred throat and a whole bunch of tattooed peacock feathers.
 “Well then. Let’s see what the cards have in store for you”, Mollymauk says, licking his lips and giving his cards one last shuffle before he puts three of them on the table in front of Ashton in quick succession.
 “Hm, interesting. We have the Growth card reversed, symbolizing something rotten in your past—“
 Ashton snorts.
 “That’s pretty fucking accurate but not hard to guess”, they say and Molly huffs before turning around the card in the middle.
 “The Traveler. Looking for something, possibly unsure for what you’re even looking, but you are definitely on the search for something.”
 “Getting laid, maybe?”, Ashton comments and Molly arches his eyebrows.
 “Good to know”, he says before tapping on the last card.
 “This one represents your future”, Molly says and does an elegant little flourish with his hand before turning the card around. Ashton looks down at the table and props his chin up on the back of the chair.
 “That’s so cheery”, they say as they stare down at a card clearly depicting death.
 “Well, no need to take Death too literal”, Mollymauk says and waves his hand, “this card heralds transformation of the self and a rebirth. Something ending to make way for something new. It’s a very interesting card.”
 Ashton doesn’t believe in fortune telling—not even a little bit. But he finds himself looking down at the card, a grave with a bright dawn rising behind it. The drawing is beautiful but it gives Ashton the chills.
 “Well, unless life transforms me into someone who’s very drunk and very naked I don’t think I’m much interested”, Ashton says with a shrug and Molly laughs before deftly taking his cards back and shuffling the deck again.
 “I could help with that transformation”, Molly says.
 Ashton grins.
 “Now we’re fucking talking.”
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kindahoping4forever · 3 years
Handprints // Ashton Irwin
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I’m not in the habit of taking requests/fic suggestions but when an anon sent me a Tiktok and said they needed to read about this scenario and Ashton... I couldn’t resist. 🤡 (And of course I’m me so I had to embellish it into a story and somehow it still ended up 3k smh) As always, my eternal love and thanks to @cal-puddies​ for listening to me talk even the simplest fic to death and just generally being my favorite person.
Warnings: Protected sex in an unestablished relationship, male and female oral sex, playfully rough sex featuring dirty talk and brief spanking
Word Count: 3510
Masterlist // Ko-Fi and New 2021 Taglist linked above
Let  me  know  what  you  think!
You’ve never considered yourself a morning person so it’s nothing short of a miracle that you wake up early. You roll over, stopping just short of the center of the bed, your body registering your unfamiliar surroundings before your mind does. You open your eyes to see a head full of long curls, a tattooed neck and a deliciously freckled back. Right.
You smile to yourself as your tired brain begins to replay the events of the night before. It was your last night in town and you took yourself to a fancy hotel bar to unwind. You’d worked hard all week fielding meetings with your bosses’ bosses but you’d finally landed the promotion; the better pay, the freedom to do the type of work you enjoy - these were all things you’d been aiming for and you couldn’t be happier. It’ll be worth the trouble of having to move out to LA.
Especially now, you think to yourself, looking at the sleeping figure next to you before shaking your head, trying to erase those kinds of thoughts from your mind. You’re getting ahead of yourself. You and Ashton had instantly hit it off, amused at being the only two lone patrons, attempting to people-watch without making it obvious - you trying to distract from how awkward you felt being alone and him nonchalantly jotting notes in his phone, a musician looking for inspiration.
You easily could’ve stayed talking to him all night, listening to his stories about the promo tour he and his band were on, him asking questions (and actually being interested in the answers) about your new job and impending move... but when the invitation to “continue the conversation” in his room led to more than just talking… you can’t say you weren’t hoping for that outcome.
You gently ease yourself out of bed, a few slight aches reminding you what a good time you had last night. You pull your phone out of your purse and check your messages. Damn. The meeting to officially sign off on the new position has been pushed up from an early dinner to a late brunch.
You locate your clothes as quietly as you can and slip into the bathroom; you’re staying across town and won’t have time to make it there and back before your appointment so you do as much damage control as you can, utilizing the swanky hotel’s generous supply of amenities.
You decide your top could use a steam and head back out to the suite in your bra and skirt, hoping to track down an iron but instead you freeze at the sight of Ashton awake, lounging in bed, sheets resting distractingly low around his waist. “Thought you’d skipped out on me,” he smirks, muscular arms flexing as he stretches, drawing your attention to the star on his right bicep that you fell asleep tracing.
You feel yourself fighting every muscle in your body to keep from crawling in bed with him, instead retrieving your makeup bag from your purse. “Of course not,” you chuckle, setting up by the mirror across from the bed. “I did just find out I have to be somewhere though.”
“Oh,” he says, surprised. Disappointed, even? You sneak a peek at him in the mirror, groaning under your breath as the sheets fall away to reveal a quick glimpse of his thick cock heavy between his legs before he pulls on a pair of shorts and walks over to you. “I was looking forward to buying you breakfast,” he admits, settling his face on your shoulder as he wraps his arms around your waist, grinning at you in the mirror.
You smile back, spinning around in his grasp and sighing as he pulls you in for a long, sensuous kiss that has you reconsidering how badly you want this promotion. “I wish I could stay,” you share, running your hand over his beard, wondering if it’s his usual style or just for the ease of being on tour. “But I have to sign before my flight so they can start fast-tracking my transfer to the LA office.” You turn back to the mirror, beginning to liberally pat powder from your compact on your face, trying to compensate for your lack of sleep.
“Fast-track… that sounds promising,” Ash comments, standing behind you again, this time pecking lightly over your bare shoulders. “How soon do you think I might see you out there?”
“Probably be there before you,” you explain, recalling the crazy schedule he shared with you. “They want me to start ASAP so they’re putting me up in a hotel until I can find a place.”
“Mmm,” is his muffled acknowledgment as his kisses travel to your neck. “Wonder if it’ll be as nice as this one.”
“Guess you’ll have to visit and find out,” you boldly tease, breath catching as his touch begins to wander down your body.
He presses into you, hands cupping your breasts over your bra and you watch as a slow smirk spreads across his face when he feels your nipples hard against the thin lace, eagerly anticipating his attention.
“I’ll have to… clearly I can’t leave you alone for too long,” he rasps, morning voice made even deeper by desire. You close your eyes and lean back against him, allowing yourself the momentary distraction. “How much time we got, baby? ...Time for a proper goodbye?”
“Some… some time… not a lot.” Your breath grows heavier as his mouth works over your neck and his fingers tease your hard buds through your bra.
You’re surprised to feel Ash pull back from you but honestly your brain is mush from everything that’s happened this week so you don’t even take the time to question it, instead you just move closer to the mirror to try making your hair look less morning after-y.
Seconds later you feel his lips again, this time leaving a trail of kisses down your back, kneeling to peck around your waistband while his fingers nimbly unzip you; he tugs your skirt down and you don’t even give a second thought to stepping out of the material once it’s pooled around your ankles. His thumbs hook inside your panties and they quickly join your skirt on the floor.
You bite your lip, waiting for his next move but Ashton redirects you, insisting, “Uh-uh, baby, you gotta keep getting ready. Can’t have you being late.” He sits back on his heels, gently rubbing up and down your legs, patiently waiting for you to resume your task.
You give him a curious look but do as he suggests. As soon as he can tell your attention has shifted, his hands start travelling higher and higher until his fingers brush along your folds; you hear him exhale as he realizes how wet you are just from all the touching and flirting.
“Guess I should tell you I’ve been thinking about a proper goodbye since I woke up next to you,” you admit, allowing him to widen your stance, shuddering as his thumb grazes over your clit. He hasn’t applied any pressure yet but you can’t believe how much the brief contact has you buzzing, how dazed your reflection already looks.
“Funny, we could’ve started on that sooner if I hadn’t woken up alone,” he jokes, nibbling along your leg.
You giggle, appreciating his wisecrack and the feeling of his scruff tickling your skin. “Trust me, if I had it my way, your wake-up call would’ve been very different.”
Ash laughs knowingly, “I’ll bet.” He goes quiet and you’re just about to see what he’s up to when suddenly you feel the scratch of his beard between your thighs. You groan as he licks up and down the length of your pussy, dragging his tongue through your folds, teasing you until he settles on your clit, lazily circling around it.
“Ashton…” You start, quickly deciding to give up on whatever you were trying to say once he sucks your clit between his lips, hands pawing at your ass and thighs, encouraging you to spread further for him. You curse under your breath, your interest in preparing for your meeting fading with every new jolt of electricity his tongue gives to your core.
He pulls back, nipping at your inner thigh. “Still doesn’t seem like you’re ready to walk out the door, baby, the clock is ticking,” he chides with faux concern. You feel him grin as he flicks his tongue over you. “Anything I can do to assist?”
You laugh at his audacity. “Oh I’ve definitely got a few ideas.”
He continues to work and you moan quietly, hips rolling over Ashton’s face without you even realizing. He lets you do your thing for a few moments and then he’s gone again before you feel two large fingers slipping inside you. You moan, this time much louder than you mean to. He curls his long digits just right and it causes you to lurch forward, bracing yourself on the mirror in front of you.
You open your eyes and take in the version of yourself staring back at you: pupils blown, lips swollen from sucking them between your teeth, a light sheen of sweat on your face as you get more and more worked up. The hand between your legs makes another expert move against your pussy and you watch your eyes roll back and your jaw drop.
“Jesus, that’s so good... fuck me,” you mumble, head dropping.
“Is that a comment or a request?” Ash quips, loudly sucking his fingers clean.
You turn around, an intoxicating surge of power and confidence flowing through you as you look down at him on the floor, hunger in his eyes, palming himself through his shorts as he gazes up at you.
“That felt so good, Ash,” you murmur, brushing his long curls off his face. “But if I’m gonna risk being late, I think we should make it worth my while and get me on your cock.” You stare into his eyes, matching his desirous energy, hand rubbing over his beard, gently wiping at the glisten of your arousal on his lips.
He stands up and suddenly you’re reminded of just how big and broad he is and you feel an immediate need to have him surrounding you; he pulls you into a heated kiss and neither of you can help but grind, grope and grab at each other. He discards your bra and sucks your tits into his mouth, tongue circling at your nipples over and over. When he comes up for air, your hand dips into his shorts, moaning at the feeling of his cock hard and leaking in your hold. You’re only able to get a few strokes in before he’s nudging your hand aside so he can pull his shorts down.
You subconsciously lick your lips as his cock eagerly springs from the material and Ashton has to laugh. “I can tell what you’re thinking but remember we’re trying to be quick here,” he teases, taking your wrist and spinning you back to your spread stance against the mirror.
You watch his reflection as he pumps at his cock while he grabs a metallic packet from the nightstand, hissing as his fingers drag over the head before he rolls the condom on. “I dunno, right now I’m about ready to straight up quit my job if it means I don’t have to wait until LA to have you in my throat again,” you say, heart pounding as he positions himself behind you.
Ash grins at you in the mirror, rutting against your ass before guiding his cock to your wetness, teasing a bit before pushing inside. “That was a highlight from last night, wasn’t it? Took me so well… any way I asked… so good, baby,” he huffs, hips setting a steady pace.
“Did plenty of asking myself if I’m not mistaken,” you reply, whining as he gives your hair a slight yank, pulling you back into a sloppy kiss.
“That’s true,” he laughs, groaning as you start moving back against him. His hands, big enough to each cover one of your cheeks, massage and pinch at your ass and you shudder when you see how enthralled he looks as he watches his cock move in and out of your pussy as you work against him.
He pinches your ass a little sharper than before and you let out a loud moan, earning a smirk and a low “shh” from him. “Think I need to ask for somethin’ like I did last night,'' you pant, wiggling your ass a bit. “Will you?”
“I was wondering,” Ashton admits, giving your ass a smack so loud it nearly drowns out the whimper it draws from you. “Good, baby?”
“More,” you choke out. He delivers a pair of flat-palm strikes to each of your cheeks, the both of you audibly reacting to how it makes you throb around him. “Fuck, Ash, yessss… So. Fucking. Good.” You try to keep your voice down, given the early hour but his cock is hitting every single spot you need and well so you’re not sure how successful you’re being.
Two more smacks to your ass and you’re leaning in to the mirror, turning to bury your face in your own bicep in an attempt to muffle your cries. Ash brushes his fingers over your hair before roughly tugging you back again, growling, “Nah, I wanna hear you, baby. Lemme know how much you’re gonna miss this cock filling you up.”
His hands come up to grab your tits, fitting over each one and squeezing tight, using the leverage to bounce you on his cock. A series of low whines pour from your throat and you hope he understands they mean that you can’t get enough of how he’s making you feel, how you’re so glad you went to that bar last night, how you can’t believe how well he can read your body despite only knowing you for 12 hours. You hope he knows because he’s fucking you so thoroughly these sounds are the best you can do.
Your breathing has become more pronounced and your fingers splayed on the mirror now appear to be clawing against the glass; Ashton notices and lets his fingers roll over your nipples before running one of his hands down your body to your clit. “Feelin’ good, baby?” He softly asks, slowing his thrusts to an almost agonizing rate as he rubs you. You nod, whimpering his name as he adds more pressure. “Tell me what you need, want you to feel so good when you cum for me.”
“Holy fuck,” you sob, throwing your head back. His fingers work your clit while the new pace of his hips is driving you absolutely mad, moving so slowly and deliberately, you can feel every inch of his cock deliciously dragging against your sensitive walls. “That. Keep doing that. Oh my god.”
He follows your direction, touching you and methodically fucking you. He leans in to kiss along your ear and when he gently bites down, that’s it for you. You gasp his name in measured huffs as you pulse around his cock; somehow you manage to pry one of your hands off of the mirror and you grab behind you, pawing at his shoulder, his arm, anything you can reach.
Ash puts his free hand on the back of yours against the mirror, interlacing your fingers and rubbing over your skin with his thumb as you tighten around him. “Oh baby, yes, that’s a good girl… feel so good cumming around me,” he praises you, voice straining, clearly trying to keep it together himself.
“Ash,” you whine, grinding against him, riding out the last waves of your orgasm. You look at him in the mirror, with pleading eyes. “Please…”
Somehow he knows what that means and he turns your head to slowly kiss you. You moan into his mouth when you feel his hand drop away from your clit, your body starting to settle. You go slack in his arms, leaning against him, closing your eyes and sighing heavily.
“You good?” He checks, amused concern in his voice.
“Oh, so fucking good,” you breathe dreamily. Suddenly a mischievous smile paints your face and you spring up from his chest. “Your turn!”
Ashton chuckles as you drop to your knees and peel the condom off of him, pumping at his cock before eagerly sliding your mouth on him.
“I’d say again you don’t have time for this but I’ll tell you right now this isn’t going to take very long,” he laughs, massaging his fingers through your hair.
You pop off to stroke him. “See? Efficient and exciting, it’s a win/win for everyone,” you grin, a shiver running down your spine as he groans watching you take him down again.
You don’t take as much of him as you did last night, thinking you probably shouldn’t risk showing up to brunch with a hoarse voice. But you bob up and down enthusiastically enough that it’s only a few moments before his grip on your hair is tightening and he’s rushing out your name.
He giggles fondly as he looks down at you sitting on your knees, mouth happily open as you stroke him. “Baby, what are you gonna do about your meeting if this gets all over you?”
You shrug. “Guess you better have good aim then, bro.”
Ashton laughs loudly until you lean in to flick your tongue on the underside of his tip. With a quickly choked out “Shit… baby…”, his cock twitches and cum starts pouring onto your tongue. You open wide, pumping his shaft and humming with pleasure as he continues spurting into your mouth.
When he’s finished, you close your lips around him, suckling at the head a few more times and he lets out a loud growl in response. “Fuckin’ hell, baby, I’m so glad you didn’t listen to me,” he mumbles.
You giggle, buzzing with satisfaction as he helps you back onto your feet. He kisses you passionately and you lose yourself in it a bit, playing with his messy curls, not ready for this to be over. He glances at the mirror as he pulls away from you and he laughs, causing you to turn in curiosity. “Looks like you’re leaving with a couple souvenirs there,” he teases, gesturing towards your reflection where two large red handprints are decorating your backside. In a quieter tone, he offers, “I hope that doesn’t hurt.”
“Well I do,” you respond suggestively, moving closer to examine his literal handiwork. “Hopefully these will have just about faded by the next time I see you… and then we can re-up.”
He groans at your comments and you can tell he’s fighting the urge to pull you in again, knowing you’ve really got to get going. You save him the trouble and kiss him yourself, tugging his bottom lip between your teeth as you separate.
“And look,” you grin, pointing behind you. “You’ve got something to remember me by too.”
Ashton steps closer to the mirror, a naughty smile spreading as he notices your two handprints smudged on the glass. “I should cancel housekeeping for the rest of my stay so I can keep your memory here with me,” he jokes.
He pecks your lips once more and then scoops your clothes up off the floor, smoothing them out as best he can before passing them to you. “Think you’ll make it on time? I can call your boss and pretend to be your bumbling driver who’s unfamiliar with the area.”
You snort, picking up your phone to check your route. “Oh.”
“Oh, the meeting’s been switched to a Zoom. My new boss had to get on an earlier flight so we’re electronically signing when they land,” you say with surprise.
“Oh,” Ash agrees, moving back over to you with interest. “And your flight is…”
You bat your eyelashes at him. “Late.”
“New plan!” He announces, literally sweeping you off your feet and carrying you back to bed. “Nap. Shower. Room service. Obviously we’ll have to say goodbye again.”
“Obviously,” you concur. “Is the order of these events negotiable? I’m pretty hungry and that protein shot I just took down the throat isn’t going to last me very long.”
He cracks up, flopping on the sheets next to you. “Sequence of events is up for discussion, as long as we agree right now that calling the maid service isn’t on the docket. I was serious about keeping those handprints up.”
You nod with mock seriousness. “If we pencil in the shower after food and sleep, I might have the energy to work on a matching set for you on the shower door.”
Ashton strokes his beard, playfully considering your offer. “Might be able to deliver another pair for you as well. I’m thinking the backs of your thighs?”
“Fuck that new job, this is the obviously the best business deal I’ll be making today,” you giggle.
Thank you to everyone who has signed up for the taglist, both for the support and the lovely (occasionally hilarious) feedback! If you haven’t signed up yet, the form is linked above! (If your name is crossed out, please check your blog settings, I was unable to tag you)
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imvexshesvax · 2 years
Not to be like, "this has to be temporary because my favs are dead/dying and I refuse to accept it" because if it shakes out that Orym and or Fearne and or Laudna are done then that's the game and I'll be sad but them's the breaks.
However! This felt very pointed.
Yes, Otohan got a very high initiative which helped in keeping the Hells down but they felt primed to bounce around the map and do damage. Being able to switch places with your echos? Psionic Leap? On top of having legendary actions? Otohan was going to be running circles around the Hells no matter where she was in the lineup. And Otohan was set on getting Imogen to break.
Furthermore, and somewhat predictably considering the character relationships, the Hells rather quickly proved to not be willing to scatter as originally planned so really all Otohan had to do was get one person down to draw back the others. Imogen wouldn't leave Laudna, Fearne wouldn't leave Orym, Orym is the definition of last man out the door, and FCG's a healer so if someone fell and they knew they'd go back. Chetney and Ashton were the only two I could sort of see running for the hills by themselves. Then Chet refused to leave and Ashton kept coming back so they're all tied down. Like this party could've been the one to be able to scatter and meet back up but Otohan was at the top rather than the bottom of the order.
Put together, the only thing really stopping Otohan from wiping out the Hells was Imogen coming back and letting go or a series of incredible rolls.
Now maybe Matt is more ruthless than I thought but I find it hard to believe he would wipe out the rest of the party for one character's development. Especially because he had Laura roll a wisdom save when Laudna was knocked out. Not to say it wasn't in character because it definitely made sense. Relationship with Laudna or no Imogen was under a lot of stress and here was a power that could potentially save her friends and Imogen is scared of losing her friends but she's also scared of whatever this power could do and it does come down to, roll to see whether you keep your head. However, it was also taking the decision to not let go out of Laura's hands and putting it into the dice. Because if Imogen does let go then Otohan achieves their goal and is prevented from, at least immediately, continuing on their killing spree and it moves the encounter along so that the encounter can end and the remaining Hells can figure out what they're doing next. Again, it's possible that Matt was going to have Otohan just destroy the Hells bar Imogen. Maybe this type of scenario is in one of the agreements and discussions they've had about what could happen. But it seems like a lot to place on one character to me.
Now, maybe that wisdom save, and any potential future ones if Laura had rolled differently, was Matt pumping the breaks and the Hells will have to contend with the question of who to bring back. However, either way, again with how pointed this encounter felt, I find it hard to believe there isn't some way back from this.
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allsassnoclass · 3 years
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Pairing: Michael Clifford & Ashton Irwin Rating: Teen and Up Audiences (for swearing) Key Tags: Friendship, Canon Compliant, Hurt/Comfort, Airports Word Count: 1,619 Read on AO3
It takes a lot longer than it should for Ashton to realize that Michael is crying.
Based on the caption of this post.
It takes a lot longer than it should for Ashton to realize that Michael is crying.
In his defense, no one else seems to have noticed, either.  Calum and Luke have been locked in excited conversation since they got to their gate, snagging two seats next to each other to wait for their plane to board.  Every time Ashton glances at them they’re either bouncing rapid-fire sentences back and forth or giggling over something on one of their phones.  Liz is similarly glued to her device, probably checking that everything over in England is ready for them for the thousandth time.  She’s the first mom who will be staying with them, so everyone is counting on her.  Ashton knows that the parent groupchat has been a flurry of activity since they confirmed the move, and there are tons of logistics that she needs to take care of.
In his defense again, Michael is obviously trying to be subtle about it.  His quiet sniffles easily blend in with the ambient noise of the airport, and his chin is tucked down to his chest, eyes fixed on his phone even though his thumb isn’t scrolling.  He hasn’t shifted positions since they sat down, and Ashton hasn’t noticed him wipe his eyes even though there are tear tracks on his cheeks.  It takes a few moments of zoned-out staring for Ashton to even realize what he’s looking at, because Michael doesn’t cry very easily.  In fact, in the year they’ve been friends, Ashton doesn’t think he’s ever seen him cry.  It’s hard to believe that the tears occasionally rolling down his cheeks are real.
Of course, that’s no excuse.  Ashton’s mum always told him to never lower himself to other people’s standards.  Just because no one else pointed out Michael’s sadness doesn’t mean that Ashton should let him suffer without comfort.
“Hey Mike,” he says quietly, not wanting to disturb the stillness of their gate and draw attention.  “Come get a snack with me.”
Michael looks up and Ashton jerks his head toward the concourse.  Facing Ashton straight-on, it’s even more obvious that he’s crying.  His face is blotchy, eyes shining with the tears pooled in them.  He’s been uncharacteristically quiet this entire time, and it makes Ashton feel worse for not noticing earlier.
Michael doesn’t agree to leave with him, but Ashton doesn’t give him a chance to say no.  He asks Liz to watch their stuff, then stands next to Michael’s seat expectantly.  Michael sighs, then pockets his phone and follows Ashton out of their gate.
They don’t talk right away, instead letting the silence stretch between them as they pass other gates full of travelers waiting to depart or resting between layovers.  Once they leave the terminal and gates turn into shops or restaurants, Ashton takes two steps inside one to steal some napkins, passing them to Michael without looking at him.
“What’s wrong?” he asks while Michael wipes his eyes and blows his nose.
Michael shrugs.  Ashton waits him out patiently, dodging other anonymous travelers.  The airport isn’t packed, but it’s still comfortably crowded, letting them easily get lost amongst the other bodies.  It allows them to talk without needing to hide in a corner or worry about too many eyes on them.  They’ll never see any of these people again, so they’re free to say anything without consequence.
Michael sighs.
“It’s stupid,” he says, crumpling the napkin in his hand.  He throws it in the next trash can they pass.
“I won’t laugh,” Ashton promises.  “If you’re crying, it’s probably not stupid.”
Michael winces, like Ashton voicing it has suddenly made it real, like he put a neon sign over his head for everyone to see.
Ashton winces, too.  Now that he’s seen Michael crying, it feels like a private thing that he’s not allowed to witness, let alone talk about.  It feels kind of like sitting in the audience while an actor forgets all of his lines on stage.
Michael swipes a hand under his nose.
“I’ve never left Australia before, is all,” he shrugs.  “Never left New South Wales before the band.”
Ashton feels a pang in his heart.  Michael has been very vocal about his excitement over the move, but he hasn’t traveled nearly as much as the rest of them.  Luke’s family goes on annual vacations and Calum has visited relatives overseas, plus the Brazil soccer camp, but even Ashton’s few excursions feel like a lot in comparison to Michael’s travel experience.  He was quiet and wide-eyed at security, trying to take in all of the overwhelming details of the airport and carefully follow every direction with the added pressure of them going international for months rather than across the country for a day or two.
“Oh, Mike…” he says.  Michael shrugs again.
“See?  It’s stupid.”
“No it’s not,” Ashton says, dragging him to a stop with a hand on his arm.  People smoothly step around them like water flowing by a rock in a stream.  “Australia is home.  It’s okay to be sad, or scared, or whatever.”
Michael looks at his feet, uncomfortably scuffing his converse against the gray airport carpet.  He shrugs again, so Ashton wraps an arm around his shoulders and continues moving.  Ashton may have used the snacks as a ploy to get Michael to talk to him without the other around, but now that they’re up and about he might as well get some.  There will be another small convenience store up ahead somewhere, and they should keep moving so Michael doesn’t feel put on the spot.
“It feels stupid because I know this is a good thing,” Michael says after a few steps.  “Like, I should be really fucking excited, like Calum and Luke are.  Any sane person would be fucking excited!  We’re going to London to write an album for our band, for fuck’s sake!  But I can’t stop being sad about leaving.  I didn't even think I liked Australia that much.”
Ashton hums.  Michael sniffles, like he’s maybe started crying again, but Ashton doesn’t want to check and embarrass him, so he tightens his hold on him instead.
“I’m sad, too,” he confesses.  “We worked so hard to get the band off the ground and I always knew we’d leave the country for it, at least to tour, but once we decided to make the album in London, the only thing I could think about was missing Harry and Lauren.”
They’re not even out of the country yet and he can already feel their absence like a gaping hole in his chest.  If he keeps dwelling on missing holidays and milestones with them, Michael won’t be the only person getting misty-eyed at the airport.
“But remembering that you guys will be there helps,” he continues.  “Like, you’re part of Australia that’s coming with me, and we’ll be back.  We’ll probably be at this airport a lot, actually, between touring and albums and stuff.”
“Maybe I’ll figure out how security works,” Michael snorts.
“Probably not,” Ashton teases.  “That shit’s hard.”
“I thought I was going to get arrested.  It’s freaky.  There’s too many rules.”
“We would’ve bailed you out,” Ashton says.
They pass another small store selling food and other flight essentials, so Ashton steers them into it, pausing in front of the snacks.
“What do you want?” he asks.  “It’s a long plane ride and I don’t know how good the food will be.”
He surveys the bags of chips and packets of candy and wonders how many of these brands are specific to Australia.  It might be their last chance to have some of these snacks for a long time, and suddenly he wants to buy five of everything.
In the end he gets a travel pack of Tim Tams for himself and Doritos for Michael.  They kill more time looking at all of the random books and magazines travelers can buy to fight off boredom on their flight, then Ashton’s phone buzzes in his pocket.
It’s Liz telling them that boarding will begin in a few minutes, calling them back to the gate.
“Hey,” Ashton says, interrupting Michael’s confused staring contest with one of the flight PSA posters hung around the airport.  “It’s time.”
Michael’s face falls, but he takes a deep breath.  Ashton puts a hand on his shoulder and squeezes.
“Hey, it’s alright, man,” he says.  “It’ll be good.”
Michael nods, the corners of his mouth still turned down in a deep frown.  Ashton tugs him forward into a hug.  It takes Michael a moment to respond, but once he does he sinks into it, arms circling Ashton’s waist and face tucked against his neck.
Even a year of friendship later, Michael is cautious about how he touches Ashton, like he can’t see the boundary line and is watching his step.  He’s excessively touchy with the other two, but Ashton isn’t nearly as comfortable with physical contact as they are.  Michael swings between accidentally being too much and barely touching Ashton at all to compensate, so Ashton lets him cling a bit now, comforting Michael in one of the ways he understands best.
“Okay,” Michael says after a few moments, pulling back.  He doesn't look quite as upset.  Ashton can’t tell that he was crying earlier anymore.
“It’ll be good,” he repeats, slinging an arm around Michael’s shoulders.  He sticks close to him for boarding and switches spots with Calum so he can stick close on the plane, even letting him squeeze his hand while they take off and the turbulence makes him jolt.
When he finally gets Michael to crack a genuine smile halfway through the flight, somewhere over Africa, he thinks Michael might believe that it’ll be good, too.
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whiskery-louis · 4 years
Game Night
** Hi everyone here is my first imagine in a while and it is pretty long and there will be a part 2!
Synopsis: Luke and you broke up 6 months ago. Ashton invites you over for game night.
Luke Hemmings x reader
Warnings: None
Please enjoy and let me know what you think!!
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*not my photo*
“Come on Y/N you have to come see us! We’re traveling across the country just to see you!” Ashton whined through the phone.
“Well I didn’t ask you too Ash. I can’t risk seeing him-”
“He’s not coming, he’s staying here with her. Hell I don’t even think he knows we left.”
You sighed, “Who exactly is ‘we’?”
“Me and Mikey,” you could hear the smile in his voice. You had always been the closest to him and Michael. Not that you and Calum weren’t close, it was just different.
“What about Cal?” you asked.
“He’s staying back so you know who doesn’t get suspicious about the three of us all leaving for a weekend.”
“I don’t know Ash,” you sighed again. “I have work and stuff. Plus I was supposed to see the twins this weekend, and I wanted to go to Target…” you trailed off as you rattled on with excuses.
“Oh please, you know you miss us just as much as we miss you. It’s been six months Y/N, just come hangout for the night. I promise it’s not gonna be anything big. Just you, me, Mike and Crystal. We’ll just do pizza and play some games. Please Y/N, we’re already at the airport and if you don’t come willingly we got your new address from Lacey.”
You mentally cursed your best friend, she knew you specifically didn’t give any of them your new address for this very reason. You were out of excuses and you could hear Ashton’s smirk through the phone. He had you cornered and he knew it.
“Fine. Text me your Airbnb info and I’ll come over tomorrow when I’m done work. But you better be getting the good pizza, and there better be drinks.”
“Yes she’s in!” you heard Mikey yell in the background. You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help the smile that spread over your face.
“Bye boys, safe flight.”
You hung up the phone and put your head in your hands. While part of you was very excited to see Ashton and Michael again there was still a part of you that was worried. There was too much history between you and him so of course they all knew about it. They tried not to take sides during the break up but everyone knew he had Calum and you had the other two. It was part of the reason that you had moved back home instead of trying to find a place to stay in L.A.. You could feel the tension that was building between the four of them and the last thing you wanted to do was ruin their friendships or their band. It was all way more important than you. 
You hadn’t really spoken to any of them much other than the casual ‘how are you’ texts here and there. But from him it had been radio silence for six months. Now here you were, five minute after speaking with Ashton and you were already more stressed than you’d be in week. What did you get yourself into?
It was nearing 6:15 and you couldn’t bring yourself to pull up to the house, you had been circling the block for almost 20 minutes and every time you were about to stop you told yourself one more lap. You weren’t sure what was wrong with you, you knew it was only Ash, Mike and Crystal and yet just the thought of being around his friends was enough to make you sick. 
“Fuck it,” you muttered, finally pulling into the drive. You grabbed your bag, and although you hated to admit it, you were excited to see your old friends.
You walked up to the door and hesitantly knocked on it. As soon as your knuckles hit the wood you could hear yelling and footsteps running up to the door.
“Y/N!!!” Ashton yelled engulfing you in a massive hug.
“Can’t breathe…”
“Oi sorry, I’ve just missed you lots.” 
“I missed you too.” you grinned at him, wondering what you had been worried about all day. It felt like no time had passed.
“Well let her in the door man,” Michael spoke up from behind.
You smiled as you entered the house and walked over to Mikey hugging him hard.
“It’s been too long,” he muttered as he let you back.
“Well yeah, that kinda happens when there’s a global pandemic and I move across the county.”
You could tell Michael was going to tell you off for moving but Crystal came in the room then and thankfully saved you from talking about him.
She wrapped her arms around you giving you a quick hug, “It’s so good to see you, I’m glad you made it!”
“Me too, though if I didn’t come willingly I knew you’d show up on my doorstep.”
“You got that right,” she laughed, “It took all my energy to keep them in the house all day.”
“Well I appreciate it, I had a lot of work to get through today figuring I’ll still be hungover on Monday from this weekend.”
It was fitting that as soon as I mentioned being hungover we walked into the kitchen to a full stocked bar.
“Man I forgot you guys really go all out for game nights,” you couldn’t help but laugh at some of the fond memories.
“Okay so what game are we playing first?” Ashton asked as he handed you a drink.
Two hours later and you really didn’t understand why you were so nervous to come. It was one of the best feelings catching up with your old friends and thankfully they didn’t bring him up once. You were in the middle of an intense game of charades, Crystal and you were kicking the boys asses.
“Alright do you guys want to give up yet? You’re never going to beat us so why not save yourselves the embarrassment.”
They both looked annoyed at how the game was progressing, “Well maybe if Mike could draw anything other than stick figures we would’ve stood a chance.” Ashton grumbled.
“And now you see why I always make sure someone else gets stuck with him,” Crystal laughed as she dodged the pen Michael threw at her.
You all laughed as you cleaned up and you went over to the stack of games, contemplating what you wanted to play next. You guys had made your way through a few different games and a few rounds of drinks and honestly you were exhausted. Since moving back home you didn’t hang out with many people other than Lacey and you forgot how much energy it took to be around people. You were tired but it was the best kind of tired. 
“Can we just watch a movie now? I’m tired of losing,” MIchael whined from the couch.
“That’s exactly what a sore loser would say,” you shot back.
Michael just smiled and shrugged his shoulders looking at you, “At least I know it, but I so call picking the movie.” He picked up the remote and started searching through Netflix looking for a good comedy that everyone would watch.
“Anyone up for another round?” Ashton asked and you nodded following him into the kitchen to help. It was silent as he rummaged through the alcohol looking for something new to drink. You hopped up on the counter waiting to see what he would make.
“So how have you really been?” he asked, breaking the silence.
You looked up at him, startly by his question and you could see him looking at you intently and knew exactly what he was talking about, or more so who he was talking about.
You chewed on your bottom lip as you contemplated what to tell him. “I’ve been fine.” you answered shortly.
He scoffed at your answer, “Come on Y/N, I know you better than that and as relaxed as you seem, there is still a part of you that is on edge. You ghosted us all when you left and it was like we lost a member of our family. So tell me the truth, how are you really?”
His answer startled you, and you blinked to keep the tears at bay. “Ash I really don’t wanna ruin the night and talk about him. Can we just table it for now and go back in there with Mike and Crystal. I really don't wanna bring the mood down.” You stared back at him and there must’ve been something in your eyes because he dropped it. He handed you a drink and the two of you went back into the other room. 
“Hey what were you two talking about?” Crystal asked as you sat next to her on the couch, a knowing look in her eye.
You elbowed her subtly, “Debating if Mikey was gonna pick a shitty movie or not,” you laughed.
“Don’t hate until you see it, it’s a good one you all like.” He pointed to the TV and you saw Shrek was on. “Also you could say thank you I ordered a pizza and it should be here in about 30 minutes.”
“Didn’t you just eat a plate of buffalo chicken dip and mac’n’cheese?”
He shrugged, “If it’s a problem Y/N then you can’t have any.” He stuck his tongue out at you.
You held your hands up in defense “No, no. Just asking, I’m for sure eating that pizza.”
“That’s what I thought,” Michael replied smugly.
You just rolled your eyes at him and sat back to begin the movie. Not even 10 minutes later and there was a knock on the door.
“Y/N since you were so judgy you can go answer the door.”
“Fine, fine. Though you suck at telling time Mikey, this was way less than 30 minutes.”
You got up from the couch and made your way to the door excited that the pizza was here much earlier than anticipated. There was another knock on the door as you were opening it. You froze when you saw who was there. 
He must not have been expecting you either because he had a dumbfounded look on his face, and his fist was frozen in mid knock.
“Y/N?” he breathed, his eyes boring into yours.
It was silent and you both just stood there and stared at each other. It had been six months since you had seen him and although there were some noticeable changes he was still the same Luke who broke your heart all those months ago. His arms were larger and his shoulders slightly broader. His hair was longer, his roots growing out which somehow suited him more. He had shaved his quarantine beard but the stubble was growing back. His eyes were the same blue that you fell in love with, but they were missing the usual mischievous glint.
“Luke why are you just-” Calum was caught off walking up behind Luke, his face lighting up when he saw you. “Y/N?! What are you doing here? It’s so good to see you!” He squeezed past Luke and pulled you into a tight embrace.
You had no words as you hugged Cal back, you were still in shock at them being here and you couldn’t take your eyes off Luke,
“What the hell is taking so long?” Ashton came around the corner and froze when he saw the new additions to the party. “Oh you guys are early…” he trailed off.
At his statement you felt the rage building in your veins, you pushed Calum off of you turning to Ashton the anger seeping out of you. “I’m sorry what? They’re what Ashton?”
He looked sheepishly at you, “Surprise?” he shrugged his shoulders, with a slight smile on his face.
You couldn’t believe this. It was all a setup. The whole night was a trick for you to see him again when Ashton knew more than anything that it was the last thing you wanted. You were at a loss for words, as much as you wanted to yell, you didn’t have the energy anymore.
“Look we can explain…”
You held your hand up cutting him off, “Don’t Ashton, just don’t. I don’t want to hear it. I’m leaving.”
You stormed into the other room, to get you things. MIchael was trying to look busy but the guilt was written all over his face. Crystal was sitting next to him with her arms crossed glaring at her fiance, she looked up when you walked in.
“I am so sorry Y/N, I had no idea or I would’ve never let them pull this stunt.”
You gave her a weak smile, “I’m just going to get my things and go.”
Michael turned and looked like he was going to say something, but one look from Crystal silenced him.
“Thanks for the fun while it lasted, but please don’t reach out again,” you heard footsteps behind you and knew the others had followed you into the room. “I thought maybe I could be friends with some of you,” you pointedly looked at Luke, “But if this is the shit you are going to pull them I am out. I’m sorry but I cannot go through this again. I just can’t.”
With that you grabbed your bag and all but ran out of the house. As you sat in your car you were thankful that you didn’t have too much to drink and were able to drive yourself home. The thirty minute drive seemed to take forever. All you wanted was your bed and to be distracted by Netflix. After what felt like an eternity you pulled into your driveway and walked into your house. You threw your bag on the table and couldn't believe the night you had. You knew Ashton and Michael had wanted you to talk to Luke when you first broke up, but that was six months ago. You never thought that they would pull this shit tonight. It was almost more painful this time as you realized you had to cut all of them out of your life and not just Luke. 
You hadn’t expected to see him tonight and it really messed you up. You had spent the last six month erasing him from your life, as much as you could. You put everything he gave you into a box that was hidden in your basement. You tried to throw it away but it felt wrong somehow. He was too big a part of your life to completely get rid of. Lacey once asked you why you didn’t get rid of it all and you knew she thought it meant you still loved him but that wasn’t it. You just couldn’t bear to part with everything that had once brought you so much happiness. You hadn’t opened the box since you moved back home, as you went downstairs to bring it to the kitchen, you knew it was going to hurt more after seeing him tonight, but you couldn’t stop yourself.
You spent over an hour looking through all the memories the two of you had made during your time together and you were a mess sitting on the floor with tears rolling down your face. Maybe it was from the exhaustion that raked your body or the alcohol that was still in your system but you left the contents of the box sprawled over the island and slipped on his old Nirvana shirt before going to your bed and finally falling asleep.
The next thing you knew you were being jolted awake by a banging on your door. You looked at the clock and groaned when you saw it was only 8:00am. Who the hell would be here so early. Hoping it was just a package you rolled back over and tried to fall back asleep, when the person knocked again.
You signed as you rolled out of bed and trudged downstairs in nothing but the old shirt you fell asleep in. Rubbing your eyes as they adjusted to the brightness, you opened the door and had to squint to see who was there.
“Y/N, you uh forgot your phone and I wanted to make sure it got back to you safely.”
You hated that your heart skipped a beat as your name rolled off his lips, your eyes focused on him and the events of last night came back to you instantly.
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
Can you do a one-shot where the reader was born in 1996 and she’s the daughter of Nikki Sixx and Brandi Brandt and is the bassist and songwriter of Wallows and is best friends with her bandmates Dylan Minnette, Braeden Lemasters, and Cole Preston and she helps 5sos write songs for the album Calm and starts dating Ashton and the fans go nuts (in the good way) with shipping?
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ashton Irwin x wallows!reader / masterlist
warnings; references to sex, swearing, threats
“Come in babe.” You opened the door, inviting your boyfriend Ashton into your flat. He had been having a hard day at the studio, and had asked if it was alright if he came over. Of course it was, but he had got a warning prior to his arrival, that they would not be alone, and that if he wanted to clear his head, it was certainly not the right place.
“Fuck you, you’re supposed to be on my side man!” At the sound of Dylan, yelling at whom you supposed to be Cole, you pinched the bridge of your nose, squeezing your eyes shut as you welcomed your partner into your home sweet home. Out of all days, they had to be playing COD in your apartment today.
“Sorry bout that.” A light grimace filled your face, but instead of giving you criticism, Ashton simply laughed, following you through the apartment, as you tried to slowly pass behind your band mates who were occupying your living room.
“Not so fast young Sixx, get your well endowed ass back here.” A sigh fell from your mouth as you rolled your eyes at Braeden, pausing your movements as he turned to lean against the back of your couch to peer over at you. “We need to have a conversation little lady.”
Groaning, you threw your head back, smiling a small apology towards Ash. “We were going to go to my room, I’d rather just you guys play my PS4 without needing to interact with me face to face.”
“Would you rather he FaceTime you whilst you’re getting down and dirty, or stand there like a kid’s doll and allow him to pull at your arm?” Dylan mumbled, as you crossed your arms, Ash greeting your band mates as you moved towards the tv, reaching for the side button and turning it off.
“Y/n what the hell?” Cole half screamed, breaking loose as he was close to finally beating Minette and killing his gamer character. His hands flailed as he expected an answer, raising in the air as he held the remote.
“I could ask you the same thing Preston, so what’s the schtick that’s making you keep me here, in my own apartment?” He gulped as you enquired at him, raising your brow, as you leaned back into your partner who stood awkwardly behind you like a supporting shadow.
“Congrats on the album Irwin, it’s great to see our own band member aiding your band. CALM is sick, and she makes me feel the same, just in a different manner.”
“Stop being a salty little bitch would you?” You asked, smacking him on the upside of the back of his head. He rutted his head back, clasping the behind of his scalp with his palm, firmly turning back to cast an icy glare towards you.
This was the normal behaviour around here, you all enjoyed getting under each other’s skin. It was a sign of true friendship, that whilst sometimes still triggering some real annoyance, that made your bond of being band mates that much deeper.
They were doing the same thing to you now, speaking prolifically showering your boyfriend in compliments, to side swab you with cockblockery. In all honesty, whenever Lydia or another girl was on the premises, you returned the favour, though that did not your pulsating frustration decrease at all.
“I’m going to assume there’s a problem here. Are you sure now is a good time for me to be here?” Ash asked reassuringly, his gentle touch applying a loving presence upon your shoulder, making you smile despite the situation that was running through the discourse of your veins
You craved him, to feel his body atop, or under, or however else against your own. It was infuriating to endure how your band mates dragged their greeting to him out, all you wanted was to discard his and your own clothing, leaving it as a jumble of forgotten material on the floor whilst the pair of you were caught up in mess upon the mattress, limbs inclined to coil around each arch, and breaths long overdue and escaping into the air.
“It’s a good time for you overall pal, considering that your sales are sky high, taller than this one that is practically trying to hump your arm. No problems with your presence, except the fact that it’s turning little Brandi’s baby’s hormones into overdrive.” Braeden spoke, earning a guttural growl out from your throat, as your nostrils flared furiously at his words.
If you didn’t get on with it, then the Red Sea of the month would cause a flood that would stain your underwear. You’d have preferred to take action before that happened. “The work isn’t just on my shoulders loser, if you want a worldwide selling album, put in some elbow grease, instead of playing stupid games.”
“I’m good, and by definition that makes you stupid, because they belong to you.” He remarked, Cole chuckling and offering him a high five.
“I could just kick you out.” You promptly supposed, as Dylan messed around with his phone, surrendering to the game, as he ran his hand to define the ruggedness of his silvery blue locks.
“Band rules say no to that.” Braeden stated. “And Ash, feel free to replace this one, we could do a switch. You’re basically ready to move in together, so we wouldn’t have to go anywhere else to have rapid fire nights.”
“Do I even want to know what that is?” Your boyfriend asked, and you, without any thought or hesitancy, shook your head. He certainly didn’t need to know about that, it was, least to say, a mess.
There would be dares, and drinks, and tattoos put in the most awkward places with that artist set that you kept very far under your bed. It was a shock that Ashton hadn’t seen the word ‘narwhale’ on the heel of your foot, or maybe he did, and decided against saying anything.
“I put up with these idiots.” Dylan sighed, though as you whipped your head around, you saw that he was not speaking directly to any of you, instead, his
“He’s on fucking insta live.” Cole realised, leaving over to get his face in the mirroring of the stream, waving a hand to the fans that spewed hearts onto the corner of the screen.
“Prick.” You called Dylan out, watching as he laughed at your lack of amusement, and poised the self proclaimed camera towards you, also catching the person beside you in the view.
“Calm.” Ashton softly spoke, sending you a small and reassuring smile, which you were defeated to not permit the same in return
“Funny pun Irwin, but shut up.” You laughed, and shook your head, him finally catching onto what he had said.
“Yes that is the incredibly talented 5SOS member Ashton Irwin. I know right, what is he doing with us?” Cole read, watching as Dylan rolled his eyes at his band member’s behaviour, wanting to get his phone back, though his attempts were lacklustre.
“Or more specifically, her?” Braeden asks, walking behind the sofa and grasping him, dragging him closer to where the phone was propped in Cole’s hand, giving the fans a clear image of his face. “Is he joining the band?” He reads from the flood of comments. “I wish, but we don’t draw that much talent.
“Speak for yourself.” You groaned, walking closer, leaning your head over Ash’s hunched shoulder, releasing an awkward smile as he raised it, gently bumping your chin with the slope of his muscle. “Rude.”
“Where are you guys? Well, we’re at y/n’s apartment. She just got back and dragged this old slugger in off the streets. How charitable.” Cole spoke, smiling up at Irwin as he lightly punched his face, already too comfortable with his hovering presence.
“Why is he there? This one makes me laugh, quick shag, ain’t that right buddy?” Braeden thoughtlessly worded, his eyes going wide in an instant as the fans quickly tended to the realisation of what he had meant. “Fuck, oops I guess.”
To say that you were furious was an understatement; you could feel an ache in your hands, wanting to tear the idiot into dismal pieces until there was nothing salvageable left to fix.
“You guess?” Dylan snickers, covering his mouth with his hand whence he saw your murderous expression conquer features. It was vastly more terrifying than any anger you had ever portrayed, and he could feel the couch moving as Braeden turned, and squirmed from the sight.
“Lemasters, imagine your head on a stick. That is going to happen, when I get my hands on you, your gonna turn cold as I strangle the living shit outta-“ Ashton grabbed you, as your arms tried to grasp and throttle your band mate, flopping in the air, intently furious at his revealing slip up.
“I think imma go.” He bolted, and as you struggled out of Ashton’s grip, you ran after him, out your front door and through the modesty of your building.
“She forgot her key.” Ashton noted, coming around and sitting with the remaining pair on the sofa. “How one of you think it’ll take for them to return?”
“As long as it takes for her to kill him.” Dylan grasps his phone back, fluttering his gaze over the comments. “They’re kinda cute together, found my new OTP. Sorry Dylan and Lydia. Oh don’t worry, that’s fine, we gotta take what we get and currently y/n’s not getting any because we have a tendency to cockblock her.”
“It’s our duty as the men of the band.” Cole spoke, a scream reverberating through from the hallway, audible to those online that were watching the two worlds merging.
“I think she got him.” Ash said, smirking lightly, as he heard your voice bellow out in rage against the male. Yep, your band was messy, but his wasn’t much different. He could certainly get used to it.
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masterqwertster · 1 year
Hurt/Comfort - #31 Launda and Ashton
Prompt Gonna take this one to the Ruby Hells AU and the Ruby Vanguard research lab...
31 Mental Prison
You attempt to bind a creature within an illusory cell that only it perceives. One creature you can see within range must make an Intelligence saving throw. The target succeeds automatically if it is immune to being charmed. On a successful save, the target takes 5d10 psychic damage, and the spell ends. On a failed save, the target takes 5d10 psychic damage, and you make the area immediately around the target’s space appear dangerous to it in some way [for 1 minute Concentration]. You might cause the target to perceive itself as being surrounded by fire, floating razors, or hideous maws filled with dripping teeth. Whatever form the illusion takes, the target can’t see or hear anything beyond it and is restrained for the spell’s duration. If the target is moved out of the illusion, makes a melee attack through it, or reaches any part of its body through it, the target takes 10d10 psychic damage, and the spell ends.
As Laudna approaches the pick-up room for the subject suites, she can hear heavy steps pacing, pacing, pacing.
That's good.
Ashton's high energy days are few and far between, but turn out some of the best research. Low energy makes the genasi extra surly, and they can hardly push limits when he barely has the energy to reach what's already been recorded.
Even D perks up at the thundering pace, curious to see what new discoveries in dunamantic properties await them.
Except when she enters the room, it's just in time to catch Kremar finish a somantic that has Ashton giving out a short cry of pain as he clutches his head, pacing brought to an immediate halt.
D hisses in the back of Laudna's mind, drawing the warlock to prod for her knowledge.
The oaf. Mental Prison can kill the weak in the initial casting. And if the target crosses out of the illusion of the spell, they'll be hit with a second psychic blast twice as strong as the initiating one, her necromantic patron explains.
It makes Laudna want to hiss herself. That is her friend subject, and Kremar has just threatened his life for some inane, asinine reason. Ashton is on the opposite side of the room from Kremar, and she would have heard if the genasi was mouthing off and baiting the guard.
An eldritch blast is sent Kremar's way as Laudna storms into the room, beelining for her friend subject. It startles the guard, but does not break his concentration, unfortunately.
She can hear the startled little gasp, the beginnings of her name, as she places herself squarely between Kremar and Ashton, close enough to the genasi to pass through the illusion.
"Don't move!" she hisses back towards them, believing that her instructions will be followed. After all, the trust Laudna has established between them is why there are very few with the authority to supersede her in matters of Ashton. They're too stubborn and subversive to work with without that hard-gained trust.
"As for you, Kremar," Laudna projects across the room, leaning into Lady Briarwood's air of superiority as an (ex-)archmage. "Drop the fucking spell or it will be you on the research table, under Gris'mor's 'care.'"
Kremar blanches. As he should. Even D admits that Gris'mor's 'research' methods belong in a dungeon where the point is simply to make the inmates suffer.
There's a vicious satisfaction in the immediate disappearance of the illusory spell around her and Ashton. The low, earthy rumble behind her as they can see their tormentor again. The sparking build of dunamancy bending reality ever so slightly.
"You have fucked around," Laudna icily declares, frost and shadow coalescing into a dagger too large and weighty for her upheld hand. "Now you get to find out."
The rumble turns into a pleased growl as the weight of the conjured dagger disappears from her hand and heavy gravity drags at her.
A flashing glitter of light on ice.
A delicious scream as Kremar's knees buckle, the dagger dug into his shoulder to the hilt as blood stains his shirt. A dismissive flick of Laudna's fingers makes the dagger crumble, allowing blood to gush from the wound. Kremar does his best to staunch the flow with his opposite hand, the injured arm itself dangling uselessly.
"I'll report you for this!" Kremar wails.
"Yes, well, I'll be reporting you too. And I think they're going to be more interested in my report where you risk killing" my friend "a unique, one-of-a-kind research subject for no fucking reason," Laudna tsks. "Now get out of my sight."
"You heard me. Shoo. Be gone. You're services obviously aren't required here when you fuck up your one job of seeing subjects safely into the care of their researchers," Laudna drawls.
And there's fear and fury in those eyes, but when they track to Ashton stepping up behind her, the fear wins out. Kremar stumbles back up to his feet and leaves with pained haste, dripping blood the whole way.
It's the wise decision, really. Ashton could cross the room very quickly and is quite capable in melee combat, unlike her or Kremar. If Laudna gave them the leeway, covered up some sordid little details, Kremar could have been very dead. By her hand, by Ashton's hand, by their hands. It wouldn't really matter, dead is dead.
Once the annoyance's footsteps fade from hearing, Laudna finally turns to get a good look at Ashton.
"Oh drat. You nose is bleeding," she fusses, hands curling through the motions of prestidigitation. "How are you feeling?"
"Pretty good, until that fucker decided to drive a fucking pick into my brain," Ashton complains, rubbing beneath his nose where she'd just cleaned with a sniff.
"I'm guessing the high energy that had you pacing is rather dropped now," Laudna muses, looking them over to make sure she didn't miss anything in her cleaning.
Ashton's hesitation to answer has her regarding the whole of him with greater scrutiny.
It's now that Laudna notices how he's locked his legs, only allowing for the tiniest sway of his body. How the lights in the glass are strobing in an irregular heartbeat, soft and bright, slow and quick, a pattern of muffled pain. The gritted teeth, the slightly unfocused good eye, the painstakingly carefully paced breathing.
"Do you need healing?" Laudna changes tack instead.
Sometimes it's just easier to start at the worst and then backtrack to where Ashton's current wellbeing actually is. And needing healing is an admittance that things are bad. After all, divine magics are where most healing lays and the Ruby Vanguard is decidedly against the gods, who provide a great deal of that kind of magic, and thus are rather lacking in it. Most healing in the Vanguard is by potions, of which they keep exacting track of in distribution and use, given the alchemy to make potions isn't cheap.
"...No. Just- just an easy day," Ashton quietly admits.
And oh, she should have strangled Kremar. Taking all the potential of a high energy day and turning it into a bottom of the barrel kind of day-!
"Alright. We'll take it easy," is what Laudna says, kindly, gently, tucking that anger away from her friend subject. It will have it's place, later.
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Mashlum but they’re all confiding in Luke who is so done with all of them
hell yes!!!!!
calum is the first to come to luke because he needs to just tell someone and luke is, needless to say, surprised, there's been jokes about everyone in the band being a little bit in love with each other but he never actually thought calum was in love with not one but two of his bandmates and luke can't help but wonder what this will mean for the band but then calum's doing the sad puppy thing his face does and luke realizes this isn't about him or the band and offers calum cuddles and calms his fears of breaking up the band
he finds out from michael by accident when he doesn't realize luke is still in the dressing room after cal and ash walk out shirtless heading to the bathrooms and he mutters something like why did i have to fall in love with two fucking supermodels and luke cant help his sharp intake of breath and then he has to chase after michael who runs away in panic while wearing only one shoe, the other one left forgotten in the dressing room, so he can tell him that everything is fine, he won't say anything
he's not even surprised when he finally finds out about ashton's feelings during one of the rare occasions that he's sharing the hotel room with luke, ashton whispers the words into the darkness after they've gone to bed, part of him probably wishing luke won't hear but he does and he also hears the way ashton's voice cracks and then he's dragging himself out of his bed, climbing into ashton's and hugging him as he cries for a bit and he has to bite his tongue so hard it draws blood as to not blurt anything out
after that luke is literally dying to tell the others but he promised he wouldn't say anything and he's a good friend so he doesn't want to break his promise even though he heavily considers it because it keeps getting more and more annoying
not only does he have to listen to his bandmates sighing and whining about ashton's dimples or michael's eyes or calum's cheeks he has to listen to it TWICE!!!!! and he has to listen to them go but i know that they don't feel the same way or they probably like each other but not me
and luke is DONE
he sits them all in the couch one day and tells them that he won't be listening to them pine anymore
immediately mashlum look at each other like wait you like someone? you like two someones? and luke thinks this is it, they're gonna confess and go fuck or whatever and luke will know peace but then idk maybe michael looks at cashton and says something like well you two obviously like each other but who's the third person?
and luke SCREAMS
its you, dumbass! ashton and calum are in love with each other and they're in love with you just like you're in love with them and if you idiots don't do anything about it im gonna quit this fucking band
then he storms off but manages to hear calum ask in a hopeful tiny voice so we all like each other? and ashton and michael replying with equally hopeful and tiny yeah's and then he hears something that sounds like kissing and then he's sprinting out of there because he thinks he just heard ashton moan and that's. no. he doesn't want to be there for that. nope.
when he comes back he makes sure to knock and announce his presence very loudly but when he walks in mashlum are playing fifa (well calum and michael are playing, ashton has his arms around them both and is watching them play with a dumb smile) so luke grabs the other controller flops down on the couch next to them and says im beating your asses just because of all you guys made me go through and then proceeds to lose epically
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wastelandcth · 3 years
Call if You Need Me - cth
part of nation of two
summary: We meet Petra and Calum. Two souls who keep running into each other. The beginning to a nation of two that brings Calum and Petra to realize how much they love the sun on one another.
author’s notes: Welcome back to Nation of Two! Thanks for your patience with this series! I’m very excited to be sharing this new version of it with you and I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I do!
warnings: Brief mentions of sex
masterlist || request || read it on AO3 || next part
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When Calum first met Petra, his life seemed to look brighter. Days were warmer and the birds sang a little louder whenever he walked outside. It was as if everything used to be in black and white and Petra brought the color. It was as if some higher power above Calum brought him to a random park in LA and his life was forever changed. He'd never seen her before, which wasn't hard to do since LA was filled with people and the chance of seeing her again was minute. 
Okay, maybe that was a lie. Calum had seen her before. It was like fate had been playing jokes on him. 
The first time he'd seen Petra, he didn't even know her name. She'd been ahead of him at the grocery store. She'd been unloading her groceries onto the belt, colorful fruits, and vegetables that made Calum's basket seem dull in color, the cashier and her both chatting over a drink Petra had been excited to try. Calum had been watching, and listening, to her absentmindedly. He'd stopped by to grab a few snacks and drinks before the band's slot at the studio began. 
Calum liked her smile. He liked how she was polite and didn't interrupt the cashier when she told her about the other flavors of the energy drink that Calum was making a mental note about getting next time around. He also liked, and he might've chuckled he doesn't remember now, Petra's reusable bags which were a mix of tote bags that had different patterns on them. His favorite had to be the canvas bag that had been stamped with a drawing of a corgi with an umbrella. 
Calum had never been one to approach people he didn't know in public, especially pretty women who took his breath away, so it was no surprise when he watched Petra walk out of the grocery store with her bags as he waited for the cashier to finish ringing up his groceries. He wouldn't even know what to say if he had gone after her. He'd probably just make a fool of himself and end up with flushed cheeks at the studio as he thought back on the moment. So with his snacks and non energized drinks in a plastic bag, Calum made his way out of the grocery store, his eyes searching the parking lot in hopes of seeing the woman with the bright smile and colorful groceries. 
The second time Calum saw Petra, he thought he'd imagined it. His hands were full with his laptop, journal, and the iced coffee he'd been nursing all morning in the way of him opening the door to the record shop he was meant to meet Ashton at. Looking helpless, Calum tried to figure out the best way to open the door, until his savior showed up from inside the store. 
"Oh, sorry. I didn't see you there," Petra laughed, her eyebrows raising as she noticed the confused look on Calum's face, "Hands full?"
"Huh?" Calum mumbled as he looked at her in somewhat awe, "Oh, uh, yeah. Thank you," he chuckled before stepping into the record shop, his head nodding at her. 
"Don't worry about it, have a nice day! They have really good records today," she said and waved, giving him a bright smile before she continued on with her day. 
Calum would've been lying if he said he hadn't felt his heart race and his palms sweat as he talked with her. It might've even been embarrassing if he thought too much about it, how a short and polite conversation between two strangers could rile him up this much. But with a deep breath and another sip of the now watered-down coffee, Calum walked around the store, trying to find Ashton and wondering if he'd ever see Petra again. 
"Oh, it's you again. Are you sure you're not stalking me?" Petra's voice broke Calum out of his gaze, her laugh warming his skin as he tried his best not to blush. 
Calum was used to his fans following his every move. He was used to them knowing where he was before he even knew and it had gotten to the point where he'd rarely want to leave the comfort of his home. But this was just strange. In the past two months, Calum had seen Petra a handful of times. Since their initial two meetings, Calum had spotted her at the same brunch spot that Michael had taken him to on a sunny Wednesday. He'd also seen her at the beach when he'd taken Duke after a stressful studio session. It seemed like everywhere Calum went, Petra had beat him to it. And even now, as he'd stopped at the flower shop down the street from the grocery store, Petra was strolling through the aisles of vases that Calum just so happened to walk into. 
"It would seem that way, huh?" Calum said with a nervous chuckle, "Guess we just keep on meeting,"
"Some people would call that fate, you know?" Petra teased, her eyebrow-raising as she stuck her hand out for him to shake, "I'm Petra."
"Petra. Nice to meet you again," Calum laughed and took her hand in his, giving it a soft squeeze as she shook them, "I'm Calum."
"Yeah, I know," she mumbled, her eyes widening a bit, "Shit no, that sounded creepy. I just meant that-"
"Are you sure you're not the one who's stalking me?" Calum asked, no malice in his voice, and the smile he was trying to hide gave way to his teasing.
"Haha. I'm just a fan of your work. Who wouldn't be, you guys are changing the music scene," Petra nodded and shrugged, her addicting smile once again blessing Calum's presence. 
"I appreciate that Petra, it means a lot," he nodded, "So you're buying flowers for someone special?"
Petra laughed at that, her eyes looking past him before making their way back to meet his. Calum felt the familiar warmth that spread over his body whenever he'd seen her in the past two months, the feeling that something was meant to happen. Calum couldn't deny that she was beautiful, besides her smile that always seems to be on his mind these days, Calum found himself looking over her as well. Watching the way her curls bounced on her shoulders and the way her sundress seemed to match the warm weather and warmth he felt inside. 
"Uh, no. Can't a woman buy herself flowers something?" she asked, "Are you?"
"Can't a man buy himself some flowers?" Calum returned, his chuckle soft as he shrugged, "I guess I should go pay for these then. It was nice to properly meet you, Petra," 
"Calum," she said with a nod, "Have a nice day. Maybe fate will have us meet again," she teased and with a wave, she was walking back down the aisle. 
And Calum really hoped that this time, fate would be on his side. 
"Morning," Petra's soft voice broke Calum out of his early morning thoughts, "Have you been awake long?"
Calum's head turned to the side, the breath he'd been planning to let go of getting caught in his throat as his eyes landed on Petra. Her room was the perfect representation of who she was. The plants that adorned the window left the smell of rain in her room almost constantly. The soft covers that Calum found himself under the majority of the time he'd spent with her reminded him of clouds. But his favorite part of Petra's bedroom was the giant window next to her bed which let the sunlight filter in and land on her in the mornings. She always looked ethereal in the mornings, her soft skin glowing under the sun as her curls covered her eyes. It was Calum's favorite way to wake up, with Petra by his side, her soft breaths against his shoulder. He loved waking up next to her almost as much as he loved falling asleep next to her, watching how the moonlight illuminated her as her thoughts drifted from coherent to a mumbling of words. 
"No, just a few minutes, how'd you sleep?" Calum mumbled, sleep still evident in his voice as he cleared his throat to try and chase it away. 
"Extremely comfortable," she mumbled, her lips pressing a soft kiss onto his shoulder, "Slept next to the man I love, couldn't ask for anything better than that, huh?"
Calum's sleepy smile matched hers, his body turning onto its side so he could pull her close to his chest. It had been six months since Calum had bought her those flowers she'd been holding. Six months since he'd asked the cashier to slip the little white card with his phone number into the bouquet. Six months since Calum had picked up the phone on a sunny evening and listened to Petra tease him over the cheesy message he'd left her. 
“Pretty flowers for a woman who deserves them, that’s pretty cheesy, don’t you think?” Petra had asked, her voice soft as Calum’s cheeks flushed. He’d been sitting on his couch, his hands sweaty as he tried to excuse the action but it didn’t matter, Petra had already fallen for him and his cheesiness, “You have a way with words, Calum.”
“Maybe I can make up for the cheesiness soon?” Calum asked, trying to keep his voice steady as he ran a hand through the curls that had been long for too long and ached to be cut, “Maybe I can take you out sometime soon?”
“I’d like that a lot,” Petra mumbled, hoping that Calum couldn’t hear her giddiness or the smile that was adorning her face, even over the phone, “Throwing fate into your own hands?”
“Of course, we have to do that at some point, don’t we?”
And after last night's confessions, when both were too lost in one another's bodies and lips to hold back their emotions for any longer, their night together went from a simple date to a confession of love. It was something that Calum had put off for so long in his life, something that he'd tried before and failed. Something that had broken him so badly he'd shut the world out for so long. But with Petra, loving her was nothing more than common sense. It was wanting her by his side and buying her pretty flowers whenever he passed by the flower shop. So when Petra whispered those three little words to him in between moans and kisses, Calum never hesitated to say them back because he'd known the truth for months. He loved Petra and she loved him. 
And he couldn't ask for anything more. He loved Petra on her good days and on her bad days. He loved Petra when it was raining outside and her pout hid away the beautiful smile Calum had fallen for all those months ago. He loved her in the supermarket when they were the only people walking down the fluorescent-lit aisles in the late hours of the night. He loved her when they were in the darkness of his living room, talking into the morning lights about everything and nothing. 
If you asked Petra, which her parents did a lot, she'd tell you the same things. That she loved Calum to the farthest galaxy and back. That the moon and the stars could never shine as bright as he did and that the sunlight on his golden-brown skin was something she could study daily. She loved Calum even if he preferred rainy days over the sunny ones she loved so much. Petra knew he'd been hurt before, that he'd hidden his heart behind a wall of ice and that it had taken a lot of time and working on himself to get to where they were. She knew that Calum could be like the bird his name was meant for, that he could get spooked and fly away at any moment. But Petra loved that even with all the fears and the doubts his mind gave him, he'd whispered how much he loved her the night before, his breathy moans in her ear as he confessed how he'd felt. 
It was a sunny afternoon when Petra first saw Calum. He had his hands full and was struggling to open the door of the record shop that her friend had recently started working at. Petra had promised to stop by and maybe buy a few albums to boost her friend's sales for the day. She'd just finished checking out and was on her way out when she'd spotted him. She recognized him immediately, the pink pressed vinyl in her bag had his face on it, and so she opened the door for him. She liked his eyes, how they widened when he realized he wasn't going to have to drop his coffee or laptop on the ground in order to open the door. She liked the breathy laugh he gave her before walking into the store and the way her heart raced once she had walked back to her car and had a mini freak out over meeting one of her favorite artists. Had she regretted not saying anything else besides a joke? Of course, she had, she could've asked for a picture of even for him to sign the vinyl she'd just bought, but Petra had decided that if it was meant to be, she'd see him again. 
"Oh, I don't know mom, it's weird! I've only seen him in passing! I've said maybe a handful of words to him and to make matters worse he's a famous musician who will probably never know my name," Petra huffed as she got back into her car after once again seeing Calum at the bookstore she visited every once in a while, "What if he thinks I'm just a crazy stalker fan?"
"Petra, darling, you're a beautiful young woman. He'd be a fool to those harsh things about you. Maybe you've already caught his eye and he's the one who's nervous to say anything to you." Petra's mother said over the phone, the evident noises of cooking in the background, "Next time you see him, you should talk to him. You can't get struck by lightning if you're not standing in the rain."
"Mom, that is the most terrifying metaphor you could've used. I hope you know that," Petra mumbled as she laid her head back against her headrest. 
"I love you Petra, be safe," her mom chuckled, "Go dancing out in the rain for a change!"
Petra had known her mom meant well. She'd been living in LA for almost a year and she had yet to put herself out there. Sure, she had friends and her coworkers were always inviting her out to bar nights and social events. But Petra craved the attention of someone. She'd been single for years now and moving to LA had been a step towards changing that. She was meant to find herself and what she wanted to do with her life here. She knew meeting Calum in multiple places around this giant city hadn't been coincidences, she knew that fate had a funny way of playing with her and she was just supposed to take everything thrown at her with a grain of salt. 
Petra smiled as she listened to Calum talk over the phone, he was chatting about the latest city the band was in. He'd been gone for a few weeks, living his life and playing shows every night. Sure, Petra missed him, she missed him like crazy every day whenever she woke up in an empty bed and when she ate breakfast alone. But she knew that Calum had missed being on stage and missed singing in front of a crowd. Even if that meant that Petra and Calum couldn't be together for a while, it'd be worth it. 
"P, you there?" Calum asked, chuckling quietly, Petra could hear the smile in his voice, could see him leaning against the tour bus with that soft smile she loved so much, "Or did you disappear on me?"
"Sorry, yeah I'm here." Petra laughed quietly, "What were you saying?"
"I'm coming home, babe," Calum said happily, "We've got a break and I'm gonna fly out to spend time with you."
Calum was packing up his bag on the counter of her bathroom, the glass wall of her shower made him look like a blur. The warm water from the showerhead was hitting her body, soothing the aches from the night before as she listened to Calum talk about his most recent trip. Her eyes were closed as she massaged shampoo into her hair, but she could still picture Calum, his hands above his head, or playing an invisible bass as he told Petra about the moment he and the band knew they'd cracked the code on their latest single. 
"So do I get a sneak peek of it?" Petra asked as she finished shampooing her hair, her eyes opening to meet Calum, who was standing next to the entrance of the shower. 
"You wish," he laughed and shook her head, "Gotta wait until we have the master done, lovebug."
"Ugh, I thought dating one of your favorite musicians meant you got to listen to new music first?" she mumbled in fake annoyance, her hands moving to splash Calum with water. 
"Oh you're gonna pay for that one," he laughed and before Petra knew it, Calum's arms were wrapped around hers and the water was splashing them both. 
"You're supposed to be packing, dork. Can't leave if you don't have a suitcase packed," Petra mumbled against his lips, her thumb stroking his jawline.
"Stop revealing my plans, honey," he whispered and pulled her into another kiss, "You forgot an important part of my plan though."
"Oh yeah? And what would that be, Dove?" she asked quietly, the familiar nickname bringing a redness to Calum’s cheeks, and smiled as she followed a water drop that rolled down his forehead to his jaw. It rolled down slowly, almost as if it too was taking its time enjoying the feeling of Calum’s skin against it.
"You're coming with me. Taking you home with me this time." 
taglist: @hoodhoran​​ @moonlightcriess​​ @mxgyver​​ @calpops​​ @karajaynetoday​​ @notlukehemmo​​ @calumrose​​ @devilatmydoor​​ @lowkeyflop​​  @notinthesameguey​​ @hemmo1996-5sosvevo​​ @ashtonsunflower​​ @2fangirl4u​​ @multistann​​​ @wiiildflowerrr @himbohood​​ @in-superbloom​​ @ashtonsunflower​​ @suchalonelysunflower​​ @killmywildflower​​ @sebsbrokentoe​​
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