#dream journal reference
lunar-witches · 1 year
Types of Dream Work
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Dream Journaling: Keeping a dream journal is the foundation of dream work in witchcraft. It involves writing down your dreams as soon as you wake up, even if you can only remember a few details. This practice helps you remember your dreams more vividly, identify patterns or recurring themes, and develop a deeper understanding of your subconscious mind.
Lucid Dreaming: Lucid dreaming is the ability to become aware that you are dreaming and to control the dream. It can be used for manifestation, healing, and exploring your inner world. To practice lucid dreaming, you can use reality checks, set intentions before you go to sleep, and practice visualization techniques.
Astral Projection: Astral projection is the practice of leaving your physical body and traveling to different realms or dimensions. It can be used for spiritual exploration, connecting with spirit guides, or receiving messages from the universe. To practice astral projection, you can use meditation, visualization, among other journeying techniques. It's important to practice caution and preparation, and work with an experienced practitioner or teacher if possible.
Dream Incubation: Dream incubation is the practice of setting an intention before you go to sleep to dream about a specific topic or question. It can be used for divination, problem-solving, or spiritual exploration. To practice dream incubation, you can use visualization, affirmations, or ritual to set your intention.
Dream Interpretation: Dream interpretation is the process of analyzing the symbols and messages in your dreams to gain insight into your subconscious mind. It can be used for spiritual growth, self-awareness, and problem-solving. To practice dream interpretation, you can use books, online resources, or work with a dream interpreter or witch.
Dream Protection: Dream protection is the practice of protecting yourself from negative energies or entities that may enter your dreams. It can be used for spiritual protection, emotional healing, or to prevent nightmares. To practice dream protection, you can use visualization, affirmations, or protection spells or talismans.
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akascow · 3 months
i love the sharkboy and lavagirl movie because these kids are so good at screaming at each other ive never heard so much gutteral passion from anyone in a movie
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neonleon22 · 9 months
That one sitcom Dream… 2!
Got around to listing as much as I could remember
Idk why I wrote it down on paper first—it is impossible to read my own handwriting
this is in reference to my previous post sort of explaining the dream
I think this was a modern au cuz none of them had like powers and stuff
Keep in mind, some of these are most likely actual things that happened in other shows and stuff
Strap in folks, this is a long one
Don’t remember what their occupations were (they were probably in their early to mid twenties)
They could have also been in college
I’m gonna take a guess
Amity - engineer for Blight Industries
Luz - college student
Legit don’t remember if she had a job
Maybe a teacher aide? Idk
Miorine - president of GUND-ARM Inc
I don’t even know what GUND-ARM Inc should be??
Cars?? (KACHOW)
Suletta - pilot
or maybe GUND-ARM can be a airport thing?
Gives me Wings vibes
Do y’all remember Wings? Really good show
Ruby - engineer/mechanic??
Weiss - CEO of somethin Schnee related
I believe it was Miorine and Luz helping Ruby move a new couch she bought for Weiss as a surprise
Suletta was trying to visit Miorine on one of her business trips but kept getting on the flights to places with similar names (ex. Portland, Oregon & Portland, Maine)
now that I think about it, the “show” took place in the US
Ruby and Weiss trust Lumity to watch Zwei while they go on a date but that obviously ends in disaster
Ghost and Zwei fight? I don’t recall
Probably not tho since Ghost seems chill
Amity and Miorine accidentally stealing their neighbor’s cheesecake
I SWEAR I remember Miorine saying something hilarious like “my mother-in-law was in town, so I wasn’t”
Suletta enlisting Ruby’s help to check out a plane but they get locked inside
Luz and Weiss somehow crash a wedding
The gang ruin a museum display
I may or may not add more
What are the odds that I have the same dream?
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crown-ov-horns · 15 days
Like I said, I haven't seen Season 2. And, this storyline is far from being uploaded (though, it's my favorite among my Good Omens WIPs).
Still, I'm frustrated, and feel like rewriting a few things (perfect time, I suppose).
I read some comment on Pinterest that Crowley and Beelzebub have sibling energy, and was hooked.
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I now want to make them sisters in this one especially. The problem? Beelzebub is supposed to be Crowley's biggest detractor. They despise each other. And, my Antichrist despises Beelzebub, because she's an enemy to her mother. And, I'm very much in the "blood means alliance regardless of feelings" camp.
I mean, the situation could be interesting to explore. They're sisters, and they loathe each other. Beelzebub resents Crowley, for treason, as well as for not appreciating the honour she's endowed with (being the one to first tempt humankind, then becoming the Queen of Hell), and slacking on her duties. They're at a conflict, then reconcile. In truth, they had always loved one another. They'd kill and die protecting one another... Yes, of course, they'll still want to cut each other's throat a lot of the time. 😈
I think, I could add moments of tenderness in the timeline set around the Antichrist's birth, too, just to show they indeed love one another. For example, Beelzebub being by Crowley's side during the key moments, like the birth. Hell... In the later timeline, I had planned a scene where Beelzebub attacks Crowley with a dagger. But, it might as well still happen, then they reconcile. Satan wouldn't even be surprised, he has the same dynamic with Michael. Meanwhile, Maxine would simply be thankful she's the only child (not completely true, but true enough), as siblings in her family are... Yeah.
Beelzebub could get knocked up by Gabriel. Crowley would get incentive to be protective of her sister, like she had been of her. I don't know about this story, but in some story, probably, that'll hapen. It's very beneficial... Politics-wise. I doubt any child would benefit from having these two
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as parents...
They (Crowley and Beelzebub) will definitely be siblings in the dream scenario I had talked about (I said I'll put it aside, but I picked at the birth scene already, because I was inspired 🤡). But, siblings with a twist... Think, Crimson Peak AU (this isn't the one, but still). I guess, in this one I can explore actual tenderness between them, far before their relationship takes a turn towards... Well, incest.
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All in all, I'll make them siblings in some of my WIPs, but about others, I'm not certain. I guess, it would thicken the fucked up layer in one of them... No, that has nothing to do with incest.
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I wanted to put my thoughts into a somewhat coherent form, but, if you stumbled upon this, do tell me... I don't know, what you think. There's so much potential to this dynamic. The sibling one, I mean.
P.S. - Beelzebub is always female in my works, but she's still addressed as "my Lord". Just a random... Headcanon?
#diary pages#i love adding gifs and pictures into these text posts it's like putting stickers into a journal#writing journal#pestilence you shouldn't be writing this... you should be writing your wips and uni papers#but i've noticed what helps me to think is writing things down#if you somehow someway found and read this hi yes there's a lot of things wrong w me#good omens#good omens fandom#good omens fanfiction#good omens crowley#lady crowley#good omens beelzebub#crowley and beelzebub are siblings#crowley is the antichrist's mother#crimson peak au#dream scenario#dream journal#maxine frost#seriously no wonder she's a perfect diplomat she's been playing diplomat in her family since she was like 10#siblings in the divine world's royal family is synonymous with insanity#i wonder if i should make gabriel satan and michael's brother#i'm serious satan and michael would simply look at beelz attacking crowley then them reconciling like “yeah looks familiar”#i'm developing a habit of putting links to my rants into my other rants so tumblr does not eat them >:(#i've experienced tumblr not finding things i need for a reference through the tags#ffs the dream scenario now that's a tender and emotional one#and the incest comes from genuine affection rather some toxic lust and codependence situation#pestilence why are you making everyone get pregnat even males#listen I've liked doing that in fanfiction ever since i was 11#it's just such a fascinating trial to put characters through and such an interesting phenomenon to explore#besides i like making ocs
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3dsangel · 1 month
i have oneirophobia but um its weird
If I have a clear thought in a dream that tells me that I am dreaming I will start screaming and try moving my physical body until I wake up.. but not all dreams scare me .. its only when i have the clear thought that I Am Dreaming. and I can also talk about dreams and see depictions of dreams without getting scared .. I'll be at most slightly uncomfortable but I love talking about it because I hope I get to understand myself more as a result <3
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okom · 2 years
idc when music from artists gets leaked bc i mean yeah they worked hard and it’s disappointing for them but it’s whatever you know bc fans are still gonna buy/stream the music when/if it gets officially released and fans consuming leaked media comes from a place of support. however! i do feel bad about tpk getting leaked just bc mcr talked about how the topic of paperkingdoms came from a really bad place and was super mentally unhealthy for them to explore and put themselves into this world that was taking a toll on each of them :/ and somebody just steals the files and releases all that really personal private negative mental exploration— that the band decided was too much for them to finish— just to exploit for profit? not great. am i gonna listen to it? uh yeah of course bc hello new mcr music duh but i also feel not great about somebody stealing mcr’s dream journal and mr. electric blasting that shit to the world without regard to how mcr would feel having any of those private thoughts exposed or brought up from the past ://// havent mcr been betrayed enough times in their career already (assuming this was passed from hand to hand from somebody inside the mcr bubble and not just from a hacker) maybe mcr don’t give a fuck though idk
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violentdevotion · 1 year
I had multiple dreams last night.
I had a bf </3
someone in my family got bit by a zombie </3
some guy made me explain narrative structure to him </3
#ameera speaks#1 expanded) it was someone ik in real life 😔 which sucks soooo bad anyway he was at mine and we were watching a movie in my bed on my#laptop < (loser behaviour) and okay so im lying by referring to him as my bf bc we were just friends in the dream but then he started like#acting well intimate and i wasnt not into it so i was like hey whats going on here and we had a talk and then i had to sneak him out of my#house. dream 2) zombie apocalypse im in my room my nephews and nieces come in and i usher them out. the world is the samw just + zombies.#like think covid when it was dire but schools were still open? (my dream was a commentary on the countries failures to manage covid) so i#usher my neohews and nieces out and i make a comment to my sister in law like ooh im scared one of them got bit and my nephew was like some#girl bit me at school today and i told his mum and i stayed in my room and like an hour later i rang her like whats the update#and she was like oh yeah and came into my room to find my journal on zombie stuff and sge was like should i just cut off his arm and i was#idk try but if that doesnt work youre gonna have to... and she was SO CASUALLL !!!! and as she was leaving she started like picking things#up off the floor and i made a comment like your sons dying and youre sweeping and she was like way harsh tai and i woke up#that one was a commentsry on covid and also how i might be too mean to my sister in laws sometimes#3) i was in a library with friends researching smth and some asian guy sits on our table turns his back to us and talks to his friends.#then he starts playing music loudly from his phone and i move back to my table and as im walking he stops me and starts talking to some#girl on the table next to mine who he knows and is like hey i have an assignment due where i have to write a compelling narrative from my#own life ur clever can u help and she was a stem girly and went highschool with me and she pointed at me like ask her she does english#and he was like no u just tell me and she started helping him but i felt the advice she was giving was.. bad. so i interrupted like dont#you think that you should do __ instead and we had a discussion about it till i woke up. < that dream was a commentary on how useless my#degree is and how i wish it wasnt useless
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jeweledstone · 9 months
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A lotta people have compared PeppNeo to the girl from Turning Red (and by a lotta people I mean two people, including myself), but now that I think about it, it’s honestly more of a Bruce Banner/Hulk-type situation
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Your dream beaming worked. I've had two nights of Gideon dreams in a row. Thanks!
Actually thank YOU. I haven't had a single dream with him in it since I made that joke about rehoming him in your brain. I am finally free, an invasive species captured and released into his proper environment. A happy ending all around.
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souvlakiandcocaine · 11 months
I had a dream I smoked a cigarette in front of my mom and my dad lit it
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arielmagicesi · 2 years
obviously lots to love about this new episode, but my two favorite parts were Guillermo referencing Daphne and Niles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, and Marwa being adorable at the girls night!!!!!!!!!! everything else was good too
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blinxbat · 2 years
Dreampt I had to entertain a crowd of old people and I started singing the Midnight Crew song and they loved it, oblivious to the fact it was a homestuck reference
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embv · 2 years
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Day 2/366
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...Did I ever post the dream I had on this blog, where I was in a graveyard and when I left, Something Started Following Me Home, so in self-soothing and defense, I started praying... none other than that Ninth House prayer?
Or did I put that on the Nexus blog?
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losersdreamjournal · 8 months
Was woken up at 4:30 by a nightmare about having to redo the last two years of secondary school for some reason. Jfc can you imagine
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retrokid616 · 10 months
everyone after this dream scene like
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