#dream smp actor AU
brightest-star2 · 1 year
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Arttrade with @cdrream
discduo but it's an actor au :D they're discussing the script! No angst to be found here!
Designs are by @cdrream and @cowbloom
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Oh, Look! It's their first day on set together!
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Clock Out Actors AU bc i am obsessed with this thing
which is as i believe @jaygrahamns 's fault since it was her idea!! so thank you so much for sponsoring this amount of happiness over these two haha <3 i love it love it love ittt
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version without bg bc i like it too :3
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beangirl73047 · 2 years
Dsmp au idea
so it’s kind of an actor au plus a real minecraft au plus some other stuff.
So everything that was really bad in the dream smp was all acting and they had all planned it because they thought it would be fun, so like Wilbur’s death? Ghostbur was just Wilbur in a crap ton of makeup. The red festival and tubbo’s scars? All planned and Tubbo’s scars were from an accident at an earlier date, the festival was just where they took all the makeup off of tubbo that covered the scars and it helped him accept what he looked like with them. Ok, so here’s the thing, in this au, all of the dsmp people would come from bad situations that dream saved them from by offering them a spot on the server. So, all of the dsmp members think very highly of dream and think it’s the funniest thing ever that he plays the villain. Everyone on the server would throw hands for dream. Also, the minors are treated the opposite that they are in cannon, everyone adopted them, especially dream. They're like, community children, everyone shares parenting rights. Also, everyone is op as crud in this au. Like Sam is a creeper hybrid that is his cannonical height of 7′4″ and can blow up without dying or taking damage and is a genius and can use a trident best of anyone in the entire universe or something like that. Also all of the relationships are happy, karlnapity, foolsamponk, drunz or dnf (whichever you prefer), Niki and Puffy, (platonic) ranboo and tubbo, and any others that I'm forgetting. When the nuke comes down, that was really everyone just moving to a new server because they wanted to start fresh and they started up (or ended) the acting thing with that ending scene that we saw in the finale before ( the “wanna be friends?” scene) and everyone is just really happy
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issybettyx · 1 year
Tdlr; Tommy works at odeon part time so he can get money to move. Wilbur is a famous actor in a new film. Boom brothers
(My sister worked at a cinema for a bit so i’m gonna use my knowledge on what she did to write this, so if it’s different to what you know just know that it is still true to life, pls and ty)
Aka: i went to watch the mario film and this popped into my head so i’m writing it, enjoy the crimeboys content :D
Whoever told Tommy that working at a cinema would be great had clearly never worked at a cinema.
He had a feeling he was going to start having nightmares soon about shovelling popcorn mindlessly for hours. Plus, the customers weren’t the most fun people to talk to. Before this job, Tommy had worked at a supermarket for a few months, and somehow those people were more bearable. People spend so long picking, and then he makes it and then they get annoyed after eating the entire thing.
But it was his coworkers that made it so he didn’t punch someone in the face.
“Tommy, did you hear about that new movie that’s coming out?” Tubbo had asked excitedly once the foyer was empty, and Tommy could only hum as he sipped on his slushy. “It’s a new super hero film, a new franchise, and do you know who’s playing the main role?”
Tommy in fact didn’t know. Despite needing to come in for work every single day the entire next week, he hadn’t thought to check who was acting in it (he didn’t know the name either, all he knew was that a new film with superhero that make child go ‘wow!’ That’s how Ranboo had explained it anyways).
“It’s Wilbur Soot.”
Tommy spat out his drink, wiping his face as he stared wide eyed at the brunette.
“No shot.” He replied, jaw open as Tubbo frantically nodded, his smile bright.
“Yeah, they posted an interview with him and he was explaining how he wants to inspire kids like how he was inspired.” Tubbo explained, leaning on the counter with a grin. “I would do anything to be as cool as him.”
There were many famous actors, and Tommy knew all of them and their mothers off by heart. It was one of the reasons he decided to work at the cinema in the first place, hoping he would get to use his knowledge for the greater good. Wilbur Soot was one of the greatest actors of all time, and he was only twenty-six. Twenty-six and he was probably one of the most well-known people in the country. Tommy had spent hours watching interviews of him, ranging from a few minutes on the news to hours of talking about the most random things on podcasts.
That was also something that fascinated Tommy about him. Wilbur just seemed like any other guy. He was tall, brunette, wore glasses ‘just for show’, and he didn’t spend heaps of money on designer clothes. Paparazzi caught him in charity shops several times, once even in Primark looking at a white frilled shirt? Either way, he didn’t spend his money stupidly, but rather donated most of it to charity, as well as promoting music festivals that he sometimes even performed at.
It was why Wilbur Soot was one of Tommy’s favourite actors of all time.
And he was in a new movie that Tommy knew absolutely nothing about.
The doors to the cinema opened, and Tommy sighed as he turned back to his station. Time for more popcorn shovelling.
The fact that the first entire three days of Wilbur Soot’s new movie were sold out said a lot. After several hours of research, Tommy had discovered many things about this new film.
It was called ‘Siren’, and it was about a superhero with the ability to control people using only his voice. Due to his work, Tommy got two free tickets to see any film, but because this new one was so popular he had to wait until a week after to use them. Which he wasn’t completely against, work was tiring and he simply had no time to see a film amidst it all.
The very first showing was on a Monday, and it was the premier. The seats were more expensive, but people queued to buy tickets even after they’d all been sold online.
It was chaos.
“No, I ordered a medium popcorn, not a large.” The woman complained when he handed over the box.
“I can remake it for you if you’d like?” He asked, ever kind and totally not because he was obligated to be respectful.
She huffed, lifting her chin and snatching the box. “No, I’d like to pay for my medium but get the large because you messed up, for compensation.”
“Are you saying I’m wrong, Mister,” she drifted off, looking at his badge before fixing that sharp look on her face, “Tommy, are you accusing me of lying?”
“I would never, I’m just saying-“
“Get your manager for me, I would like to see him.” She ordered, and Tommy had to bite back his retort of ‘she’s a woman, actually’.
“Don’t worry, I’ll pay for the rest of it.” A voice cut in, and Tommy looked up to see-
Oh my god it was Wilbur Soot.
“Sir you have to wait in the queue.” Tommy found himself saying before he could stop, leaning his hands on the counter with a smirk when Wilbur paused, wallet in hand as he looked at Tommy.
“I’m not buying anything though?” Wilbur asked slowly, but Tommy shook his head, pointing to the back of the queue that was only growing.
“You’re paying, you’re buying, back of the queue.” Tommy told him, staying adamant as he smiled. Baffled, Wilbur slowly put his wallet away and walked to the back. “Now, Ma’am, either pay for the large or I’ll remake you a medium.”
She ended up paying for the large.
The queue was so long Tommy only reached the end of it five minutes before the movie started, handing over their coke and salted popcorn with a customer service smile he’d mastered over the past few months.
Only then did Wilbur step forward again, smiling as he rested his hands in his pockets.
“Hello sir, thanks for waiting, what would you like?” Tommy asked with a grin, and he was surprised to find Wilbur smiling back, something strange flickering in his eyes.
“Oh, nothing really,” he drifted off, looking at the screens behind Tommy with the menu on, “Wait you guys do nachos?”
“I mean, yeah, they’re a bit expensive when you can make better ones from scratch for cheaper but,” Tommy scoffed, shrugging at Wilbur, the latter looking at him weirdly. “What? Have I got something on my face?”
“No, it’s just-“ he cut himself off, looking back to the cinema screens with furrowed brows. “Nevermind.��
“You want those nachos then big man?” Tommy asked, and Wilbur sighed again, smiling nonetheless.
“Please, and a pepsi please.”
“Pepsi max I hope.” Tommy muttered back, picking up a premade tray of nachos and placing them on the counter.
“Nah, just pepsi.”
Tommy paused in his movements, staring at Wilbur with astonishment.
“And I thought I knew everything.” Tommy laughed out, making his way to the drinks machine. “Never meet your heroes I guess.”
Whilst Wilbur was paying, that weird look never left his face, picking up his order before walking towards the screen. He looked back for a moment, so Tommy gave him a two fingered salute.
Then, he disappeared into the darkness of the cinema, and Tommy was left rethinking the past half an hour of his life.
It was a week later when Tommy saw Wilbur again.
He was the only one left on shift, everyone had left an hour earlier and he was left to clean up their mess.
It was when he was wiping down the counters that the actor strolled in, a yellow jumper, black jeans and a brown trench coat on. No one ever walked in so late, so Tommy found himself looking up at the sound of the door opening, smiling when he saw the brunette.
“Hey Wilbur, there’s no films on for the rest of the day.” Tommy said, scrubbing at the side where something wasn’t coming off. The man smiled back, shrugging.
“Didn’t come here to watch one.” He replied simply, walking up to the counter and leaning on it.
Tommy frowned back. “Well that’s a bit stupid isn’t it? Wandering into a cinema to not watch a movie.” He scoffed back, rolling his eyes before placing the cleaning stuff back under the counter, starting to untie his apron.
“I came here to see you, actually.” He returned almost slowly, watching Tommy’s face as if he was studying it closely. The blonde faltered, confusion overtaking him as he flicked through his mind for any reason Wilbur would show up to see him.
“Oh shit- please don’t fire me.”
“I’m sorry for being rude to you, my bad, I need this job.” Tommy tried, pinching his nose as he muttered to himself, words hardly coherent as he took a shaky breath.
“Woah, mate, I’m not here to fire you, you weren’t rude to me at all.” He immediately assured, holding his hands up in mock surrender when Tommy glanced up at him, only more confused than he was before.
“So,” he started, leaning on the counter like he had when he first met the man a week prior, except the actor seemed a lot more nervous than he did before, “You came here to see me, but not to fire me?”
“I-“ the man paused, running a hand through his hair, “I wanted to see if you wanted to hang out some time soon.”
If Tommy had a thousand years to guess why Wilbur was there that evening, he didn’t think he would’ve gotten it.
“Well, I- uh,” he stuttered out, ever eloquent, “You seemed kinda cool, and you didn’t treat me differently despite knowing me.” Tommy laughed to himself, purely because it was a lot more than ‘knowing’, more so ‘looking up to’ and ‘being inspired by’. “And you’re funny, and I don’t know-“
“Who talked you into coming here?” Tommy asked slowly, a realisation dawning on him.
One interview a few years ago, when Wilbur’s career was just starting to take off, he had explained how his confidence usually stopped him from being able to make friends. That explained the nervousness, but it didn’t explain where he’d gotten the confidence to ask in the first place.
“Techno, my-“
“Twin, I know, I’m not stupid.” Tommy finished for him, smiling as he looked at the other looked at him in bewilderment.
“How much do you know about me?” He asked, shock in his voice but very little accusation. Tommy grinned, taking a handful of popcorn before walking out from behind the counter.
“I have watched every single one of your interviews at least twice.” Tommy explained, throwing a piece of popcorn in his mouth. “You’re cool, it’s really the least I could do.”
“So,” he drifted off again, swaying on his feet with a smile, “Do you wanna hang out some time?”
Tommy rolled his eyes, threw a piece of popcorn at the man’s face and opened the door to the cinema.
“Sure, my shift ends at one tomorrow, don’t be late.”
Wilbur’s smile was so bright Tommy thought he was hallucinating.
“See you then!”
The door swung shut behind him.
“So, let me get this straight.” Niki (Tommy’s boss, the one that Karen asked for once the week prior) started, hands pressed together flat in front of her face as she leaned over her desk, Tommy sat in the chair opposite as he hid his smile behind his hand. “Wilbur Soot came to the cinema yesterday and invited you to hang out, so you want to leave work early?”
“I forgot my shift ended at four today and told him it ended at one!” Tommy defended, arms wide as Niki laughed quietly to herself. “Please, I will make up for it at some point this week I swear, Tubbo and Ranboo have it handled!”
“Last time Tubbo was left alone without you he set the popcorn machine on fire.” Niki explained, and to this day Tommy had zero idea why she didn’t sack him for it. “I can’t leave them alone together until at least a month after the incident, it’s policy.”
“But Niki, do you understand how big of a moment this is for me?” Tommy pressed, hands clasped at the back of his head. “My hero has asked to hang out, I can’t cancel on him.”
If anyone would understand, it would be Niki. Sometimes, if she had to cover a shift, Tommy would talk about his favourite things to her purely because she listened. So, she may have heard him ramble on about Wilbur Soot for hours, if he added it all up.
And it seemed he was right, because she sighed, leaning back in her chair with a thoughtful look.
“If you can find someone to cover for you, and make up for the time lost, and prove that you aren’t lying to me to get out of work early, then you can leave at one.” Niki finally told him, and Tommy had never jumped out of his seat faster, rushing around the desk and pulling her into a hug.
“You won’t regret this Niki, I’ll tell you all about it I promise!”
She giggled as he left the room, shouting back, “I expected nothing less!”
Tommy found someone to cover for him in five minutes.
Well, kind of.
“Jack, please, if you cover for my shift today I will do anything to repay you.” Tommy begged him, looking into the bathroom mirror and looking at his crazed eyes.
“What’s happening that’s so important that you’re willing to do anything?” Jack laughed back, but Tommy knew this was no laughing matter.
“Wilbur Soot is happening, Wilbur Soot, Jack, and if you don’t cover for me I will hate you for the rest of my life.” Tommy spat, and the call went silent for a moment.
“If,” Jack started, and Tommy’s hope was flickering, “If you cover my next three shifts, and buy me McDonalds after our next shift together, I’ll cover for you.”
“Deal.” Tommy said immediately, already making a mental note of everything he agreed to doing. An extra three shifts is something he could deal with, and it gave him an excuse for a McDonalds, it’s a win in his books.
“I’ll be there at one.”
“Thank you so much Jack, thank you.”
The man laughed from the other end, and Tommy heard his keys jangling, “Of course man.”
Wilbur walked through the doors a few minutes before one, and Tubbo and Ranboo’s jaws dropped.
“Tommy, Tommy,” Ranboo started.
“Yeah?” Tommy asked with a grin.
“That’s Wilbur Soot.” Ranboo pointed out, trying to stay subtle as he poured a drink. “That’s Wilbur Soot, Tommy, how are you so calm.”
The boy hummed, already untying his apron. “I knew he was coming.”
“You knew and you didn’t tell us?” Tubbo whisper-yelled, eyes fierce as he glared at him.
“Well I thought it would be a cool surprise.”
“Hey Tommy.” Wilbur called when he got close enough, smile as bright as it was when Tommy saw him the day before, and the blonde couldn’t help but return it.
“Hey Wilbur, ready to go?” He asked, folding his apron and leaving it on the counter, knowing Jack was bound to walk in at any moment.
“Yeah, are you?” Wilbur returned, looking at the two boys who stood beside Tommy who stared at him as if they’d seen a ghost. “Hi, nice to meet you. Are you Tommy’s friends?”
“Not anymore.” Tubbo mumbled, earning a nudge from Ranboo.
“I’m Ranboo,” the man introduced himself, holding out a hand that Wilbur took with a warm smile, “And this is Tubbo-“
They both turned a little more to Wilbur’s left, to see Tubbo grabbing Tommy’s hair and yelling god knows what at him.
“I’m sorry I wanted to surprise you!”
“You could’ve surprised me when he visited last week.” Tubbo pressed, tugging harder on his hair. “This is so sad, I thought better of you than this.”
Wilbur turned back to Ranboo, finding him much less shocked at the scene. “This happen often?”
The taller scoffed, rolling his eyes. “This is Tubbo on a good day.”
“You fucking prick, I swear to god you will never forget this day.”
“You know,” Wilbur started, leaning against the counter, “I think my brother would like him.”
“You have a brother?” Ranboo asked, and Wilbur paused for a moment, considering the situation for a moment before nodding.
“Yeah, his name’s Techno, he’s an author you might’ve heard of him.” Wilbur explained, seeing the flash of realisation on Ranboo’s face before the man smiled, nodding.
“Yeah, Tommy’s mentioned him before I think, not a big reader but he has all of Techno’s.” Ranboo explained, and that seemed like enough for Tommy to find the strength out of Tubbo’s hold, the blonde quickly hitting the back of Ranboo’s head.
“Shut up no I don’t.”
“You do, you were going on and on-“
Another light hit. “No I don’t.” The boy glared at his taller friend for a moment, and Wilbur saw the moment realisation dawned on him, quickly nodding.
“I lied, he doesn’t.”
Tommy hummed, before walking back around the counter. Only then did another door open, and it was the one from the staff rooms. Niki was dressed in her usual work outfit, her hairstyle choice for the day being a bun, her pink hair pulling into it nicely.
Her smile grew when she saw Wilbur, and she immediately made her way to Tommy’s side.
“So you weren’t lying to get time off work.” Niki half laughed, looking at Wilbur for a moment before holding out her hand. “I’m Niki, Tommy’s boss, he got his shifts wrong and was meant to be ending at four today.”
On cue, the main doors to the cinema opened, and in walked Jack, his eyes immediately lighting up.
Only then did Tommy start to notice just how uncomfortable Wilbur was getting, nudging his side and motioning outside.
“Thanks Jack, appreciate you!” Tommy shouted to him, speed walking out of the doors. Wilbur offered a smile, swiftly pushing open the doors and letting the cool autumn air hit his face.
“Well then,” Tommy started as he skipped down the steps, smiling when Wilbur turned to face him, “Where to?”
Me when me me me when CRIMEBOYS *runs*
They mean sm to me, you don’t even understand.
Tommy: *omg my hero is here omg omg omg*
Wilbur: *yooooo this kid is really fuckin cool and hilarious i want to befriend him but im too terrified to do so*
Techno: *suck it up and get on with it I wanna meet him*
Btw after the end they go to a cafe, get some coffee, go to a shop and laugh at Techno’s books, and then they go on a drive and listen to music.
Brothers your honour o7
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antimony-medusa · 3 months
*I emerge from several weeks of talking about conceptualizing my cubitos and who else populates their world and what the precise nature of the character is* Hello. Hi. It's time for my twice-yearly thoughts on RPF.
Okay so I was one of the people who was emailing Ao3 about it when we had all of MCYT wrangled into VBRPF going please please please please can we have our own server tags pleeeeeeease I promise it's not just video blogging rpf pleeeeeeease my streamer doesn't have wings in real life pleasssssseeee— and my general stance is that writing about Dream SMP characters is writing about characters, it's not RPF.
Not quite. It's not quite RPF. There is a meaningful distinction there, but it's not a really huge one. That distinction exists and is important to me in how I conceptualize those characters and whether I'm mentally going "okay I need to study lore streams for vocal patterns" for voice research or if I'm going "okay I need to pull up technocord logs " to get techno voice right. What I consider the authoritative canon "character" is a rp guy who spawns withers, not a real streamer in california with a little white dog.
But like I do multifandom exchanges and I wander into them with my cubitos clutched tight in my palms, and I see what other fandoms look like— and importantly, I see what other rpf fandoms look like— and guys, I think that line is legitimately blurry and I think that's literally fine. If I walk into a mulltfandom space with my guys they're going to squint at me and go "rpf fandom— kinda, I think" and I can go "hahaha, not quite", but also I do not blame other people for thinking this is RPF cause like— there are a lot of similarities!
What MCYT tends to classify as "RPF" is directly stories operating in a world where the characters are streamers, they post on twitter, they have lunch with the CEO of twitch. And anyone not writing that, is obviously not writing RPF. And that is not untrue, up to a point, but there is a broad category of fics that tend WAY harder into the pure fictional that are still considered RPF fandoms, if you actually check what other RPF fandoms are doing. There are 599 works in "Demon Shane Madej", many of which are in AUs that have no connection to the real world other than the character relationships, and they're still officially considered RPF.
I have a friend who's in a c-drama rpf fandom that has a rpf ship they really like, and a really popular thing is to take the various characters these actors have played (totally fictional characters from various media) and ship them together. And that's just a crossover of two fictional mediums, but because the thread connecting them is two guys in real life, that's considered RPF.
The banddom tags are absolutely COMPLETELY full of aus that are not set in the real world at all, no connection to the music industry, and what the people in those fandoms will say is like yeah, I have no idea about the real guy, I'm working with a character/persona who's put on for the stage and interviews and personas, and that guy is not REAL, who knows what the real guy is like, but like, I like the persona, I deal with the persona, and then they put that persona in an au where he kisses other personas— and this gets considered RPF.
Wrestler RPF is directly dealing with invented characters who are beating the bloody snot out of each other (hot), they have names like "the undertaker", dealing with scripted storylines, but it still get considered RPF.
And like, I look at myself as I am entering my third year of writing Technoblade most of the time, and what I'm doing here and— there are a lot of similarities in what I'm doing to what other RPF fandoms are doing. I'm a fan of the DSMP character but I'm also a fan of the guy, so I want to play in this extended universe, so I want to include nods to his other stuff. So I will pepper in a cheeky nod to the potato war here, I'll mention hypixel there, etc, kind of make an extended Technoblade universe. And I think that's not RPF (quite) because I'm working from a fictional canon that includes references to the potato war and hypixel etc, I'm just expanding on it, but like, this is literally what my friend in c-drama rpf does as well when she's writing aus about her guy. It's kind of close to RPF. That line is not really obvious to the casual viewer.
So I do not blame anyone else if they look at what we're doing and they go ah, nods wisely, you are a rpf fandom, I've seen this before, and we go um actually, hahah, you'd think that, but no, and then they nod and clearly do not understand how it's not a RPF fandom.
But the thing is it's literally fine if people think that, I think. RPF is not the end of the world. It's just a bunch of people working with people's various performancesonas and worksonas and having fun with it. Spoilers for mythbusters in the real world, but we now know that by the end of mythbusters adam and jamie were not really friends, but most of the mythbusters rpf keeps them as friends because that was the professional persona they provided for the camera, and that was the fictional world the writers wanted to live in. I don't think it's a problem if someone wants to write straight up streamer fic, you do you, and that's unequivocally RPF, but once you start getting into AUs and extended universes and bringing emduo content into qsmp and writing fic based on GIGS streams, the line legitimately gets WAY more blurry.
I think a bunch of fic (including my fic) can start to exist in a "both things are true" state where it's drawing from direct fiction but it's also drawing from a lot of stuff that other fandoms would consider RPF sources, and like, I don't mind this. I don't think it's bad if you're doing this too. We're not getting more DSMP content, the fandom police are not gonna turn up at your house if you want to pull strongly from minecraft monday for your fic. Do schlackity on QSMP. Do a DSMP extended future where tommy gets tubbo to marry him for a bit and then tubbo immediately demands a divorce. The canon of material we have to draw on is not something where big obvious lines exist between "rpf content" and "pure fiction" if you step at ALL outside of canon-compliant. Like fuck, in my very first DSMP longfic I included all these hermit cameos and mcc references which would make it RPF in any other canon, but also I was pulling mainly from the prison arc lore and beats and relationships for the core, which is NOT rpf, and at this point it is not worth the hassle in my head to draw a strong distinction between them.
It's kinda RPF. It's not quite RPF. It's fictional. It's based in the real world. It's all personas. it's drawing on off-lore-stream dynamics. It's drawing on scripted scenes where my streamer had his camera in lore mode. It's COMPLICATED to unpick and I legitimately think that's fine. RPF is literally fine, some people are gonna think we're writing RPF, it's not the end of the world. Just have fun with it.
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mcytblrsource · 4 months
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May 1-7: HideDuo Kiss Week hosted by LazycatthingCat on twitter (cross posted to tumblr via @iridescentpull)
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May 16th: Dream SMP Sixteenth Day Event: Duo Month hosted by @sixteenth-day-event
May 10: Hermitcraft Coloring Book @hermitcoloringbook
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MCYTBLR AU Fest- WRITERS: @mcytblraufest Jun 3 [Check blog for more details/Reverse Big Bang]
Survivor Smp - PRODUCTION STAFF: @mcytblrsurvivor Jun 4th [18 and up]
MCYT Playwriting Festival- ACTORS: @mcytplaywritingfest closes Jun 15
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MCYT Yaoi Exchange- MODERATORS: @mcyt-yaoi-exchange closes Jun 24
MCYT Prompt Exchange: @mcytpromptexchange closes Jun 30
Colourful Crafters Colouring Book - MODERATORS: @colourfulcrafterscolouringbook closes Jul 1st
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cdroloisms · 10 months
I feel like in general c!sbi got butchered in most common fanfiction trends because writers tended to forgo their canon relationships for much more...cookie cutter ones I guess? There's the bio family fics where Techno, Tommy, and Wilbur are all Phil's kids, the dark fics where Phil is a violently abusive parent to Wilbur and Tommy, the fics where they're portrayed as a seemingly evil group of 'good guys', etc. And there's nothing wrong with people writing these fics, I don't have issues with the individual authors, but it's tiring when these ideas become large enough that they tend to overtake works based off of their actual dynamics. Like. Phil's attempted kindness but complete lack of understanding or connection to Wilbur is interesting!! Tommy, bearing no relation to Phil, being the one to try to bridge the distance between them and being the only person to seek out his advice is interesting! Tommy and Wilbur not being biological brothers who weren't raised together adds layers to their dynamic! Techno's shifting relationship with Tommy over the course of Pogtopia to Doomsday was interesting!!
I also may be off base on this, but I feel like more often than not when an author cracks out 'The Dream Team' as the main antagonists, they're much more likely to have completely different characterization than if an author chose one of them to focus on. IDK. I think many people try to look for tropes to slot characters into, and having multiple characters with complex relationships treated in that way tends to make the results more egregious.
mmhm mmhm -- i'd say that the cc dynamics kiiiiiinda influence a lot here shrug. the idea of "sbi versus dteam" has its roots in conflicts that are decidedly not based on the dream smp roleplay, honestly, and a lot of that carried over into the fanworks that were supposedly based on the dream smp but really took a lot of creative liberties dabbling in elements of both rpf and fic about the server itself.
not that that's a bad thing, or anything! people can write what they want, etc. but it sure did lead to a lot of err misleading? i guess? "advertising" when it came to people's "dsmp AUs" -- maybe confusing is a better word. like, look ooc-ness is something that every fandom has to deal with, but in most fandoms fanon isn't so obviously based on what is still the fandom, but like. a part of the fandom that's technically kinda separated from the fiction of the fandom. most of the time with actors they don't necessarily have a whole career founded on their playing a persona with other people in a context that ISN'T acting yknow? or maybe there is it's not like id know lmao
but yeah the phenomenon of bleedover from cc personas is all too real in this fandom, for better and for worse
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sundewhasaudhd · 3 months
would you please infodump about this c!tommy because I really wanna know what you’re talking about all the time and I have absolutely no idea
Ok, so, most of the time when I talk about DSMP on my blog, it’ll be about my AU’s, or DSMP the Animated Series.
Since there’s like A LOT of ground to cover with my AU’s I’ll just link the intro post’s of each of them: main AU, Masked AU, and Revived AU. Those are all the AU’s I’ve posted about so far.
As for DSMP the Animated Series, it’s basically a concept I’ve had for a while of basically making a sort of “reboot” of Dream SMP, except this time, it’d be an indie animated musical cartoon. There’d be different actor’s for everyone than the cc’s from the source material, and there’d be some other minor differences (like them fucking singing), and otherwise I want it to stick pretty close to the source material. Except for the ending. We’re changing that fucky ass ending. I info dump about it right here.
And if you were wondering why I’ve been reblogging so much c!Tommy fanart (which looking back at the ask that’s probably what you), is because July 4th is c!Tommy’s borthday, so I’ve been reblogging fanart for his borthday.
Anyways, hope this was at least a teeny bit helpful, have a good/night, bye :D
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 1 year
Scribbles and Stardust
by EepyWillow
In a world where once you reach the age of 16, you are able to communicate with your soulmate. Whatever you write on your wrist appears on your soulmate's wrist as well. Or that was supposed to happen. But Wilbur is 19 and yet he had gotten no response. He is disappointed, thinking he had no soulmate. Until... . . . The message "Hey, bitch" appeared on his wrist one afternoon.
Platonic Soulmate Au
Tommy is only able to communicate with Wilbur once he is 16, so until then Wilbur is convinced he doesn't have a soulmate.
Wilbur doesn't know how to tell the teenager he is an actor. (The actor Tommy has been talking about non stop).
I don't even know anymore.
Words: 1661, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Dream SMP, Video Blogging RPF
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Wilbur Soot, TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF)
Relationships: Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Platonic Soulmates, Crimeboys - Freeform, Actor Wilbur Soot, TommyInnit Swears (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot-centric, the sillies, just being silly, TWB MCC Event, TWB MCC Event Hole in the Wall, TWB MCC Event Purple Pandas, Not Beta Read
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The C!Prime Primer!
Since I’ve been getting a whole lot of new followers after my Pokemon posts, I’m sure a lot of you are confused about the two little guys I’m constantly posting about. This is the post for that!
What is c!Prime?
c!Prime is short for c!Primeboys. c!Primeboys, or c!Discduo, is the name for the platonic relationship between c!TommyInnit and c!Dream from the Dream SMP.
So, are these real people?
No. c!Tommy and c!Dream are fictional characters portrayed by the YouTubers they are named after. They’re very distinct from their actors.
Didn't you know that the real people involved are problematic?
Yes, you don’t need to tell me and I do not support that. I do not watch or interact with Dream or his content at all, and while I think Tommy is alright as a whole he’s done bad shift I don’t support. I simply don’t see why that should affect my writing of fictional characters they played in a no longer active server.
So, who are c!Tommy and c!Dream?
c!Tommy is a severely mentally ill child soldier who, while loyal and good at heart, hides that behind a mask of toxic masculinity and is just kind of a dickhead teenager a lot of the time. c!Dream is a mad scientist obsessed over the idea of immortality, who hides his emotions and attachments out of fear yet desperately wants friends and family. The two of them are in a deeply unhealthy and abusive friendship, where c!Dream is physically and emotionally abusive towards c!Tommy and conditioning him into seeing him as his only friend.
Is this canon? Was the Dream SMP always like this?
Basically, yeah! While a lot of the content I have about them comes down to personal interpretation, they canonically are part of a storyline about child abuse and trauma.
Why are you so obsessed with Minecraft child abuse?
Multiple reasons. For one, I'm both autistic and ADHD, and it’s both a special interest and a hyperfixation to me. Also, I just enjoy writing horror. But most importantly, the Dream SMP and c!Primeboys storyline helped me come to terms with my own abuse, and I want to help others do that with my own work.
What if I'm uncomfortable with these themes?
Feel free to block the “Primeboys (Derogatory)” tag!
Is this meant to romanticise/glorify/normalise abuse?
Absolutely not. I intend to do the opposite- to depict abuse frankly and to show how horrific it’s effects are. Ideally, I’d like to help others realise what they went through wasn’t okay, as that’s what canon helped me do. I intentionally depict aspects of abuse often not shown- most notably, non-sexual abuse by an unrelated authority figure, the mindset of an abuser, and the mixed feelings a victim might have to their abuser, but this is not to normalise anything. It’s to shed light onto overlooked areas of abuse in the hope it’ll help people realise that this is a part of it.
What's with all the AUs?
I like AUs. Also, I am plagued with visions about them that haunt my dreams.
Why are you so defensive over two Minecraft characters?
Years of harassment. I had a harassment campaign against me accusing me of shipping these two, romanticising abuse, being a predator myself, and in general sending me victim blaming bullshit and gross sexual shit in my inbox since I was a minor myself. I also have moral scrupulousity, and part of that revolves around fiction. Sorry if I’m a bit of a bitch about that, literally just tell me because sometimes I don’t realise it.
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lunadragongem · 2 years
AU! The DSMP members live on the server and all the lore is just acting. A mix of IRL and canon in the sense they still exist in the smp world but are not streamers. Moreso, actors living on set. Viewers are still viewers, but also other players living on different minecraft worlds.
Drunz new years fluff! For the 2023 dreblr server gift exchange.
prompt given: C!Dream and (any character of your choosing) kissing on new years.
Hello! I had a lot of fun with this prompt!!
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rgbstatic · 2 years
Thoughts on osmp x dsmp crossovers? Do you have any way you think they’re “done right”?
So! I think they can work, really well and really simply and there's tons of ways they can work.
I'm gonna start on the negative thoughts tho so I can end positive.
I don't like thinking of OSMP as an alternate universe or some parallel dimension. osmp!Wilbur ≠ dsmp!Wilbur, and that goes with all characters. Not only do the characters who share the same content creator actors just Not Act Similar, but they're literally different people living different lives, and there are people who are present in one world, while not on the other.
OSMP and DSMP aren't like Empires SMP or Hermitcraft or whatever where season to season or series to series characters played by some of the same people are the same characters. To our knowledge OSMP and DSMP are entirely separate in every way.
So, naturally I hate aus where it's just "this is alternate reality tommy who is happier", it's not an alternate reality. They're not the same person.
One is a kid who has a loving dad and is learning how to fly and who does training courses with his brother and best friends and who opened up a pet sanctuary. The other is a traumatized child war veteran who's died a handful of times and can't even trust the people he's closest to. They're just not the same character.
Once again by extension I also hate crossovers or aus where OSMP is just a dream or some afterlife or better life for DSMP characters. Like- Ghostbur passing on and becoming Phantombur and OSMP is his afterlife or Tommy dreams of a world where he's happy at night and it's all gone, because it entirely discredits OSMP as its own server entirely separate from the DSMP and it's just, not fun for me.
Now, there are plenty of good ways to make a crossover though, but the base of it is you have to treat OSMP and DSMP as actual separate things, and their characters as different people. I personally love tying OSMP and DSMP together via the character of Walter Crondale. If you don't remember, Walter is a radio talkshow host in a 1940's esk style who reports on local news of the OSMP server, and of the DSMP server. He reported on turtle eggs hatching on OSMP and he reported November 16th on DSMP. So, you have an interdimensional or interserver traveling character, which means other characters could possibly do that too.
Plus on both servers, servers outside of their own exist. Hypixel for example exists for both. If you think as all servers as worlds or planets that you can travel to and from, I think it's the easiest (sometimes I picture it like the videogame hub/power strip in Wreck it Ralph if that visual is better).
I think overall a cross over is done right by treating the servers as their own stories with their own characters seperate from each other, then allowing them to interact.
For example, I like the idea of Phantombur and L'manbur having known eachother way before the early L'manberg days of the DSMP. I like to think they'd be pub buddies, and they had fun singing and adventuring, and Phantombur taught L'manbur the basics of brewing. Eventually they go their separate ways, and L'manbur uses what Phantombur taught him when he started L'manberg. Phantombur occasionally writes him letters, and maybe one day they meet again, with friends this time.
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Aqua's Fanfic Masterpost
Fanfic list and overviews are under the cut.
Dream SMP
Kill the Lights, Kill the Actor, Kill the Actress (Or Kill Us All) [AO3]
Canon-compliant one-shot
c!Quackity post-Butcher Army introspective reflection
Tumblr tag link: #kill the lights (fanfic)
The Ghosts of Yesterday [AO3]
Canon-compliant Toontown crossover (intended to be multichapter, currently a one-shot)
c!Quackity backstory fic
CW: Child maltreatment
Tumblr tag link: #the ghosts of yesterday (fanfic)
Eye of the Tiger [AO3]
Questionably canon-compliant one-shot
Crack Treated Seriously
c!Wilbur meets Tiger + how c!Quackity got animals to Las Nevadas
I don't care if you read this as /p or /r c!TNTDuo because the nuance is not important to the fic
Written for Quackity's victories in the MCYTblr Sexyman Polls
CW: c!Wilbur POV and centric
Tumblr tag link: #eye of the tiger (fanfic)
Empires SMP
Scleractinian [AO3]
Questionably canon-compliant three-shot
Ocean Empire worldbuilding centred on coral biology
Hiatus/WIP/Outlined; unreleased
Tumblr tag link: #scleractinian (fanfic)
Life series
We've All Been Damned, C'mon [AO3]
Canon-compliant one-shot
Examining traffic!Gem's emotional breakdown throughout Secret Life
Inspired by the animatic "Feed the Machine" by Everen
CW: Canonical character death by assisted suicide, grief; non-explicit blood, eye trauma, mental health issues, etc.
Tumblr tag link: #we've all been damned c'mon (fanfic)
Pirates SMP
The Morning Falls Nonetheless [AO3]
Canon-divergent one-shot
Ft. Aurelia and Hudson Denholm's A+ parenting (/neg)
Self-indulgent AU written for @/scarletfeisty due to a Project SEKAI phase
Has a writer's cut
CW: Animal cruelty and death
Tumblr tag link: #the morning falls nonetheless (fanfic)
Tell Me, Did I Do Wrong? [AO3] [Tumblr]
PiratesAITA compilation anthology (series of ficlet one-shots)
Ft. p!Ros, p!Will, p!Krow/Kuervo, and p!El and p!Martyn's rat chats
Written for @/inthelittlewood
CW: Child maltreatment, grief, guns, totalitarianism, trauma, etc.
Completed (at any rate) / Hiatus
Tumblr tag link: #tell me did i do wrong? (fanfic)
Chronica Siderum [AO3] [Tumblr]
PiratesAITA compilation anthology (three-shot)
Denholm Brothers lore: the Abridged Version
Also, there's angst. Pretty much the entire thing is angst. Not my fault canon is Like That
Final chapter has headcanons (not necessarily personal ones)
Written for @/inthelittlewood (kind of)
CW: Child maltreatment, grief, trauma, etc.
Tumblr tag link: #chronica siderum (fanfic)
Faction Isles University AU [TBA]
Untitled Pirates College/University AU concept
Purely self-indulgent
No fics but an outline exists
Tumblr tag link: #faction isles university au
Blood on the Hillside [AO3]
Canon-compliant continuation one-shot
Chat torments p!Shep post-canon as karma for committing third-degree murder in canon
Self-indulgent headcanon fic
Has a writer's cut
CW: Discussions of homelessness
Tumblr tag link: #blood on the hillside (fanfic)
Hatchling [AO3]
Canon-compliant missing scene ficlet / one-shot
p!Sausage meets Loki the crocodile
Self-indulgent headcanon fic
CW: Minor injuries
Written as Scosage propaganda for the first @/scottsmajorshipbracket
Tumblr tag link: #hatchling (fanfic)
And the Devil Won't Know (All the Love I Just Couldn't Let Go) [AO3]
Canon-compliant character study poem
Shulker Box fic written for the 1st Pirates anniversary
CW: Mentions of blood, child maltreatment, death, grief, and various mental health issues.
Tumblr tag link: #and the devil won't know (fanfic)
Life is a Railway (I Wanna Rob It All Night Long) [AO3]
Fantasy/Sci-Fi Western AU, multi-chapter
The Kites rob trains and become found family
Has a writer's cut
Written for MCYTblr AU Fest 2024 in collaboration with @/kitefactionofficial (then known as @/philzas-early-gang-society)
CW: Alcohol, fantasy drugging, violence
Tumblr tag link: #LRAU (fanfic)
Catamount Calls [AO3]
Fantasy/Sci-Fi Western AU one-shot
Nightingale-centric spin-off of Life is a Railway
LRAU!Graecie meets Oz the shadow cat
CW: Discussions of animal death
Tumblr tag link: #LRAU (fanfic)
Through Blood and Name [AO3]
Canon-compliant prequel / missing scene ficlet / one-shot
p!Owen backstory and naming headcanon fic
Self-indulgent, mostly headcanons
CW: References to canon-typical queerphobia and mentions of miscarriages/stillbirths
Tumblr tag link: #through blood and name (fanfic)
Tigers on a Gold Leash [AO3]
Questionably canon compliant drabble
Based on a Duolingo sentence I found online
Self-indulgent crackfic
Tumblr tag link: #tigers on a gold leash (fanfic)
Let It Fade Away (But I Still Hold On) [AO3]
Canon-compliant continuation / missing scene one-shot
p!Will post-mortem fic
Self-indulgent headcanon fic
CW: Death
WIP; unreleased
Tumblr tag link: #let it fade away (fanfic)
Rats SMP
The Mushroom Incident [AO3] [Tumblr]
RatsAITA one-shot
r!Will-centric, title says all
Written for @/inthelittlewood's compilation and at @/willowmvp's request
Tumblr tag link: #the mushroom incident (fanfic)
Stampy's Lovely World
Love [Tumblr]
Canon-compliant art piece and poem
c!Stampy-centric poem about the Love Garden
Written for the Stampytober 2022 event hosted by @/reindash--yuri
Tumblr tag link: #love (fanfic)
TDMurderer AU
MCSM canon-divergent AU
First created by @/sweetest-honeybee
Has artwork and comics
Tumblr tag link: #mcsm tdmurderer au
Miscellaneous works
Covers either fanfics without their own tags OR non-fics that nonetheless have a creative writing element to them
Tumblr tag link: #unclassified works
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dsmp actor au pog?
Dream smp actor au pog?
Just a heads up: i'm not including everyone in this, it would get far cluttered and long (Also: characters appear in the order they appeared on the Dream SMP)
Individual Hcs:
He's a pretty well-known actor even before the SMP
He was praised heavily for his work in the action series "Manhunt"
The producers of the DSMP viewed him as the best choice for the then main character due to his versatile acting abilities and the fact that he does his own stunts
Throughout the filming, he had so much fun going from protagonist to antagonist and watching the fan's reactions to the descent
In meet and greets and the like, he always likes playing the bad guy and insists on having his prison arc scar prosthetics on during (absolutely loves when the younger kids roots for the villains and will take pictures with them if they ask)
On set, he's pretty serious about getting filming done, so he rarely makes jokes during filming (especially during the more serious parts of the show, when he isn't being filmed though, he openly jokes with the other cast members
He's just one of those "there's a difference between work and play" types of people
His favorite scene by far is Wilbur's revival scene, regularly its a cool idea, but he thinks that Will's acting paired with the special and after effects make the scene really come to life
Was mainly known for playing in cheesy romance movies before being a costar in "Manhunt", where he became friends with Dream, Sapnap, and Bad
Only took the role on the DSMP because they talked him into it
Quickly became a fan favorite though
While, towards the beginning of the show, he was able to appear regularly, he became more popular throughout the filming of each episode, working on side projects
The main producer of the show said that they should kill off his character or have him travel away forever so he could drop out of the show entirely to focus on the other things, but the rest of the actors/actresses vehemently opposed, so they kept him, instead, transitioning him to a tertiary character
The cast turned it into a little meme within the show, insisting that his character was 'sleeping through everything'
His favorite scene is definitely one of the ones from the beginning of the show where it felt like he was just hanging out with his friends
Also known for action movies "Manhunt" being the most popular, as well as being featured on comedy sketches
When he first became part of the DSMP crew, he was worried to come across as too eager or whatever else so he pulled this 'cool, nonchalant' thing until he became more comfortable around everyone
In fact, he's one of the people who fuck around and try to get people to fudge up their lines (hates when people do it to him though)
Pretty indifferent about attending cast interviews and will only go to them if his friends want him to (or if he's getting a bag for it)
Is the one who has continuously accidentally broken the most props (costumes and scene fixtures included)
His favorite scene was one of the first serious ones: the burning of Ponk's lemon tree, he likes it because the visuals were gorgeous to watch and it was also the catalyst for a lot of things
Originally was known in small acting circles for his more harsh, authoritarian roles (think army generals and the like)
Brought onto the DSMP cast because, while looking for someone to play the role of the prison warden, they needed someone who really had the presence of an authority figure
During a tech rehearsal, he joked that he didn't want to be an intimidating character anymore, and instead, became a kind, lovable figure that helped Tommy in building his hotel (it was only a behind the scenes special but when the fans saw, they loved it and named him Sam Nook)
Because so many people love Sam Nook so much, they added him in a few times as a small side cameo
(Side note: Since the "Manhunt" producers were looking for an additional hunter for the next film, Dream mentioned that Sam would be a perfect fit and he almost immediately got the part)
His favorite scene is the dark, torture one with Ponk only because they were cracking up during it due to the other cast members making faces, jokes, and puns, trying to pull them away from the seriousness of the scene (it took nearly 15 takes)
He was a lesser known actor before the DSMP, mostly playing secondary characters here and there
Was offered a spot on the show because he knows how to play a realistic and interesting character while not trying to be too overbearing and get more spot light (a lot of his fans wish he would have more screen time anyway though tbh)
He actually is missing an arm, so he's pretty alright with having a bad ass, metallic looking prosthetic one for the show
Genuinely enjoys fan meetups and getting pictures with the people who like both him and his character
His favorite scene is also the same one as Sam's
He thinks it's more funny though because he knows Sam personally and knows that he'd never actually harm anyone
Even though he's pretty well versed in acting, he prefers to be an, at the most, secondary character because, even though he is an actor, he doesn't like all of the spot light to be on him (which is one of the reasons he did so well in "Manhunt")
During shootings, he breaks character so easily
When he's recording a scene, he likes striking up conversation with the set workers, asking them about their days and such
While he gets a bit overwhelmed at fan meets, he still enjoys going and tries to meet as many people as he can, taking pictures with them or signing autographs if they ask
He's lowkey one of the people that fans are a bit weary about because there's no fucking way that someone can be that wholesome and kind all the time
His favorite scene is definitely the Red Banquet
While it is a villain scene, the red tint to everything, the amazing special effects, the wonderful acting, and the fun bloopers really made it the most memorable filming experience, and fun on set, he's ever had, plus it's not often that everyone is in the same place at once like that
He's a young actor who got his start off in comedy programs
He was in a few movies as background characters before he was offered a job to costar a comedy movie with A few highly famous actors (as a result, he was able to make connections)
Before long, he was invited to become a cast member on the DSMP
At first he found it incredibly easy, until the more serious scenes started appearing
He's always done lighthearted shows and movies, so it's hard to looked downtrodden and/or distressed during the L'/Manburg war and Exile Arcs
Almost always gets overexcited during cast interviews and nearly spoils something for the next few episodes (or next season even), he can't help it, he's just so excited
It's incredibly hard for him to choose a favorite scene, but it's either the mountain one where he, Tubbo, and Dream are scaling a mountain side while acting out the intense fight scene (he liked it so much because they were on an actual cliff side in harnesses to make it look more authentic), or the scenes with Pogtopia with the original cast
He was a starting out musician with limited acting knowledge before he had an audition for the DSMP
Because of that, he was a bit wobbly at first, but he got acting lessons and a lot of advice from the rest of the crew
Since he is a bit more withdrawn, he uses Tommy as a social crutch during personal interviews (Tommy doesn't mind a bit)
Whenever he's asked about his character, though, he loves to talk about how, as he becomes more corrupt, teetering on the edge of morality, the ram horns become more and more pronounced to draw parallels to Jschlatt's character (an idea he came up with, might he add)
His favorite scene, oddly enough, is the one where his and Tommy's characters are sitting at the bench, listening to music, it was just very calm moment when everything else was messy
Was originally only one of the script writers who only had a limited experience with acting, but after the original actor walked out, he took his place in the script readings and everyone unanimously decided that he would be the perfect replacement (better than the original, in fact)
Because it's his first acting gig, he hates when he messes up directions or and fudges lines, and apologizes immediately after they happen
Gets incredibly nervous during fan meetups and cast interviews (especially when it's a one on one kind of deal), but he does very well with interacting with them via social media
He does do a lot for his character though, like taking physical liberties like actually dying a streak in his hair so the makeup team doesn't have to worry about perfectly placing a clip on so it looks consistent with past episodes
His favorite scene is when it's revealed that his character put buttons all over the Pogtoia ravine not only because he could flex his acting skills, but also because he thinks that the prop team and set designers did beautifully (even if he did fall and scrape his legs on pretty much everything in and out of filming)
Even the DSMP, he played a lot of villain roles in movies (either that or he was in comedy shows)
Because he knew what he was doing, as soon as he auditioned for his character's role, the casting directors immediately knew that he was the one for it
Thankfully though, he's a lot more chill than his character counterpart
While he's willing to sit still very morning and let the makeup artists put on his prosthetics for the episode shoots, he refuses to put them on for fan meet ups or cast interviews so he wears a shitty ram horn head band instead (he kinda thinks it's funny tbh)
During interviews, because he has a busy schedule that he likes to keep, he often comes off as a bit abrasive
Even though he wasn't in it, his favorite scene is actually his character's funeral
Nearly every part of that scene was improvised (including the part where Quackity's character eats Schlatt's character's heart) and he loves where everyone went with it, playing it straight at first before derailing it completely into dark humor centric jokes
Before the DSMP, she was acted in various different genres, she also did some model work (someone had to say it and that someone is me), though she does tell people that, before all else, her acting career goes before her modeling one
It's hard for her to get gigs where her character isn't just used as a pretty prop or a damsel in distress, so when she was offered a role for a character with some substance, she jumped at the chance
When she's filming, she behaves very seriously and tries her absolute best to not break character
As appreciation to the staff members who work behind the scenes, she'll sometimes make baked goods and like for them (they have to deal with the actors and actresses behaving like children half the time anyway, so it's a nice gesture)
Her favorite scene is the one where it's revealed that she's worked on a gigantic underground bunker, seeing the downwards spiral of her character to the point where she tries to kill Tommy is really interesting to her
She does also really like the Syndicate arc as a whole and loves when people recognize her as Nemesis
While you wouldn't be able to tell from his character and the way he comes off as as a result, off set, he's actually incredibly chilled
He's more use to acting dark comedies and cheesy self aware dramas rather than genuine, serious stories
He was contacted to interview for the DSMP through Dream, and when he auditioned, the interviewers absolutely fell in love with his stage presence and he got the part fairly quickly
At first, he was a bit bored at the lack of action in the show, but as the season progressed and more was happening, he had more fun, especially as his character became more and more dark, transferring into an antagonist
He enjoys that he gets a chance to play the suave, manipulative villain role and also likes the rivalry that's building up between his and Wilbur's characters
His favorite scenes are the ones at Las Nevadas, particularly the one where both he and Wilbur's character are fighting over Tommy, he loves the drama of it all
c!Karl Jacobs
He's new to acting, being more interested in the behind the scenes things than being on stage
That being said, because his general extroverted nature, he does a great job at commanding the stage and expressing emotions on the screen
Because he's not too use to acting quite yet, he was incredibly nervous when he was first offered an audition for a specific part in the DSMP, but he ended up doing well and got the part
He loves just being on set and talking with everyone, it's a new experience so he thrives in every moment
His favorite scene is the silly little "Gogtopia" episode, it was a nice, lighthearted thing amidst a lot of angst (heads up: i hc gogtopia as the characters when they were kids building a fake little city, playing pretend, i like to think its where George became interested in being a ruler too)
He was originally considered for Sam's role, but they quickly decided that he could pull more of an aloof and chaotic character so they chose a different one, his current one, because it suited his acting style far better
The first time he had to get all of his prosthetic on, he was incredibly antsy, sitting in the chair for multiple hours, however since he and the makeup team have gotten more use to the process, it's not as uncomfortable and time consuming
While he appreciates how many people like his character, he very rarely attends fan meetups or interviews since they stress him out
This is a side note, but while he enjoys acting, he often takes long chunks of time from it so he can get a college degree (he recognizes that, realistically, because he's a famous actor, he won't get a regular job, but he wants the degree anyway)
His favorite scene is a tie between the "Welcome Home Theseus" scene because of the amazing props and the scene where his character kills everyone else's with the firework crossbows
He's been acting for the longest time and has an incredibly long list of accolades (especially for a wildly popular fantasy/adventure series that he stars in)
During the filmings, he's incredibly professional and very rarely cracks during scenes
When the cameras not on him though, he's actually quite silly and cheerful, happily conversing with whoever's around
He leans super hard into the dad vibes too
Will gladly help anyone with their likes, all while making cheesy dad jokes
Absolutely loves meeting fans and goes to any fan meet he's requested to go to
Originally the producers had planned scenes of Phil receiving letters from Wilbur and becoming concerned before he flew off to go check on him, but they decided to scrap that in favor of a surprise introduction for the end of the season
Because of that, that's probably his favorite scene
Their not really used to acting all that much, so when they their agent told them that people from the DSMP wanted to get in contact with them about a possible opportunity, they were pleasantly surprised
Since their actually an incredibly chilled out person, playing Ranboo was a bit of a challenge for them at first
Because their character is nervous by nature and thus hunches over a lot in the show, they has to see a chiropractor every other week since the extra stress they put on their back causes them some slight pain
They also had to do some extra training to get the nervous body language and speech patterns down right (they didn't have to, they just wanted to go the extra mile and really prove that they deserve their spot in the show)
Nobody told them that they had to prove themselves in any way, but because they gained popularity so quickly, they feel like they don't deserve it, so their mainly proving it to themself
Their favorite scenes are any of the enderwalk sequences because they think the additional after effects added make it look absolutely amazing (they also like the set design for the panic room)
Before the DSMP, he was in a lot of comedy shows and campy self aware horror movies and he was able to carve out a little niche for himself (and a bit of a cult following)
He was suppose to be an expository one off character to help introduce Las Nevadas, but he became so popular that he became reoccurring
One of the only characters who doesn't have a set script, they give him a general outline and stage direction, but tell him to improvise with the weird, archaic bullshit his character says (that's why people love him afterall)
His favorite past time on set is trying to make people break during scenes, he's gotten every single cast member at least once as well as tech and makeup crew and he's extremely proud of himself for it
His favorite scene is the one where his character first meets Quackity in Las Nevadas
He was an actor since his early teens, so he's quite the veteran on set
Because of that, he takes his job as an actor seriously, and dislikes when people joke around during their scenes
Behind the scenes though, he cracks jokes with the other actors and actresses and often goes the extra mile to make sure that the younger ones are comfortable
Loves going to fan meetups and gets incredibly excited whenever someone recognizes him from an earlier show
His favorite scene is the one where, in the strip club in Las Nevadas, one by one, Quackity takes him, Bad, and Puffy to the back to rob them
Puffy's lines, while improvised, made him crack up off set
Group Hcs:
While the title of show 'DSMP' stands for something different, it's been a running meme among the crew and fans alike that it stands for "Dream Sapnap M PGeorge"
Small injures and broken props are incredibly common on the film sets to the point where there's three trained medical professionals and a triples of each prop (people get to take the remaining ones home after shoots if they don't need to be used again)
Because Sapnap has broken so many props on accident, Dream made fliers with Sapnap's headshots on them with the words "don't let this menace touch the props" under it
Because of that, Tommy actually has a prop of each music disk and takes them with him during meet and greets, especially the ones where children will be present (Dream, in character, will try to take them before Tommy fends him off with the help of his allies)
Originally the producers were going to choose someone else to play Tubbo's character, but Tommy vetoed their decision and choose Tubbo because their chemistry was perfect (their characters were childhood friends and he clicked immediately with him, so in his eyes, he was the perfect choice)
The polyamourous relationship between Karl, Quackity, and Sapnap's characters weren't actually planned, they were originally jokingly flirting thinking that it wouldn't stay in the final cut, but after it did, they just rolled with it
That being said, they regularly flirt with each other off set and especially in public events for "fan service"
Also, as I'm sure you can guess, the whole flatty patty discourse between Schlatt and Quackity's characters were fully improvised as well
Because Phil was originally suppose to be an already established character before it was scrapped, no one but he and Wilbur knew he was going to be on set, so when he showed up to sink the sword into Wilbur's chest, everyone else's reactions were genuine (side note: the rest of the cast were told the original plan: that wilbur's character was going to blow himself up)
Speaking of Phil, because he's hard to make crack during a scene, a small group of the other actors (Tommy, Wilbur, Techno, and sometimes Tubbo) view it as their mission to make him break and they tally it on a board (Techno is winning since they've known each other the longest)
Phil, Tommy, Techno, and Wilbur actually have a decently popular podcast "Sleepy Bois Inc." where they goof off and talk about whatever that comes to their minds, they'll often invite guests on
Since Tommy is a young actor and Wilbur knows about the dark side to the industry, he keeps a close eye on him, going with him to new casting calls and auditions
One time, during Schlatt's character's villain arc, Quackity replaced his fake whiskey with real whiskey and he, even after he had to take a large swig of it, he continued on (his coughing was genuine that time, especially since he wasn't ready for it to burn his throat)
In Quackity's defense, he thought Schlatt would be surprised and spit it out on camera
The gift card thing was an actual event that happened, someone hid the card on one of the sets and the others raced to find it
There's also an ongoing reverse race among the cast over who takes the longest to get their costumes and prosthetics on, so far Ranboo is in the lead with Technoblade then Jschlatt and Puffy behind them (Schlatt wishes he wasn't so high up on the list)
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lunarsteller · 3 years
a dream smp/hermitcraft headcanon of the acting variety
and also some of my own normal ones
mumbo is the director of the show and wilbur is the writer. they met through a mutual grian and they started to hit it off (/p of course).
wilbur convinced mumbo to aid him in his dream of having a tv show and they ended up doing in successfully
when working on the cast, wilbur initially asked mumbo if he wanted a part in the series. but he said no, since he though he wouldn’t be a good fit for the show
dream, george, and sapnap were fast rising stars and had gained a large fanbase through their manhunt movies
when they found out about wilbur’s tv show, they auditioned (much to their agents dismay as they thought the show would fail) and became the first 3 cast members besides wilbur
phil was well known in the community for his survival hardcore reality tv show that lasted for 5 seasons/years (the longest for any of its kind) until a baby zombie ended his run by getting the laser-tag-like health bar low enough so a spider could offically end it
when phil auditoned, he didnt think he was going to get a part since he was a reality star. but wilbur wanted to have him in the show so much, he made a character just for him
from the moment tommy and tubbo walked in (neither of which had any acting experience), wilbur knew he wanted to have them in the show
purpled was a regular extra on set mainly because of his skills from being a top bedwars player and eventually wilbur added him into the las nevadas storyline as a minor character
purpled is siblings with foolish, drista, dream, puffy, and punz (puffy, foolish, punz and purpled are adopted tho)
ranboo just came on set one day and was immedietly adopted by tubbo and then he was written into the script. ranboo was confused but he went along with it
fundy is actually wilbur’s cousin, but looks really young and looks A LOT LIKE WILBUR so he get confused as wilburs son a lot and the inside joke became apart of the DSMP canon
fundy was samuel seabury in a production of hamilton and thats how he got into acting
rendog is hbomb’s stunt double
and grian is tubbo’s he just has a wig on
and doc is sams
theyre also brothers dont @ me
no one off camera can stop laughing during the maidbomb scenes and keeps fucking up the takes
usually the younger cast members (the minors, sapnap, q) and ren
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papaerloy · 3 years
This is just a list of stuff I´ve written down for an SBI/DSMP actor AU that´s been living in my mind rent free. I´m currently working on a oneshot for this AU so stay tuned!
list is under the cut because it´s LONG and I want to be polite to your feed.
They’re all actors, or just big personalities in general-
Kristin is a little more lowkey, she’s had acting roles before, but she’s more like the backbone of the family that keeps everyone together, since life can be hectic when everyone’s eyes are on you.
Phil has his own TV show where he’s a winged adventurer who travels around a huge fantasy world, explores the massive structures and interacts with the deity’s and creatures inhabiting it! (Biggest moment in the series was totally The Battle For Endlantis)
Wilbur has been acting since he was a child, starring in a series called “Soot House” for most of his early to late teen years, before the series ended. (Disney child star Wilbur GSKFJSJHSHDEHSH)
Wilbur also absolutely still made his ARG.
Despite taking roles here and there, Wilbur quickly moved on to direct and act for his own series and movies, like a small series called “Earths Empires” that sadly didn’t last long, but he got to star his family and friends in it, so it was fun nonetheless!
Wilbur also loves music and later on goes to start Lovejoy with his friends, which he then focuses more on than acting, but still manages to juggle both careers. (I mean really? This man only doing only one thing? As if.)
Techno is a good actor, but he is even better at martial arts and has a nag for competition. Which is why he’s part of a competitive series called “Hypixel” which is a really random wacky series, that puts the actors in situations where they need to complete challenges and Techno is of course a beloved contestant because TECHNOBLADE NEVER DIES!
Technoblade is obviously not his real name, but the alias he uses in Hypixel. Yet everyone just calls him that now because he is very iconic with his long pink hair, golden crown and the pig mask he wears with his very royal looking dress style.
Since Hypixel lets the actors pick their own brand and looks, Techno honestly doesn’t change much from when he’s on screen compared to when he’s off screen.
Techno actually dislikes the attention outside of work and tends to wear different kinds of face masks with cool designs on them. (One specifically loved by the public is a light pink face mask with golden embroidered tusks on the sides, based off his Hypixel brand.)
Tommy was firmly kept out of the spotlight as much as Phil and Kirstin could manage. All of his childhood and also his early teen years, he never had any acting roles apart from like school plays and normal kid stuff...
It’s all due to Phil and Kristin realizing letting Wilbur be a child actor/star was a big mistake that they didn’t want to repeat. (The pressure was too great and it kinda fucked Wilbur over due to the harsh nature of the acting world.)
Tommy has always been interested in the acting world though, he wanted to be cool like his big brothers but had to wait... So instead he made his own little films together with his friend Toby! (Better know as Tubbo because that’s just what everyone calls him) Who just so happened to be in the same boat as him, regarding the whole “my family does acting but I’m too young and not allowed” thing.
The two of them just made silly little comedy skits, but they’d get a decent viewing on Youtube and were quite enjoyable.
( Tubbo is related to Schlatt, who is a well known actor as well. Just like Phil and Kristin, he didn’t want Tubbo to be exposed to the actor world too early. Mainly due to he himself going down a pretty harsh path, because of diving straight into it at an early age. He is better now and a really good dad! )
Tommy did eventually start appearing occasionally on Hypixel because Techno was on there.
Later on Tommy got his first role in an actual series, it was “Earths Empires” that was directed by Wilbur, mainly because Phil and Kristin thought it to be a good and safe place to start.
Tommy’s very first BIG role was when him and Tubbo were cast for a new series called “The Dreamer” (or something).
Tommy got to play a young and chaotic teen called “Tommy” (the writers liked his name, thought it fit the character well). While Toby’s character was named “Tubbo” (the writers found his nickname really endearing), who was gonna be Tommy’s best friend and partner in crime.
When being cast for “The Dreamer” Tommy once again got to meet the actor called Clay, who he had met in the past due to Clay having been starred alongside Techno a few times. This time, he was the person that was gonna play the character Dream in the series.
Clay was a man who seemed to be constantly increasing in fame due to starring in a series of films called “Manhunt”. Where he was a clever and agile man, who had to survive while being on the run from hunters who wanted to kill him. The number of hunters seemingly increasing every movie.
Funny enough the actors who played the hunters from the first “Manhunt” movies, George and Nick, also starred in the new series, but this time they would be Dream’s friends called George and Sapnap, Which was more close to their actual real life relationships as well.
The Disk Saga was a huge success and the series very quickly grew in popularity! Tommy was very happy to be one of the main characters alongside Tubbo.
Tommy’s own fame started to grow more rapidly after that, becoming a very beloved character and actor very quickly.
Of course the family was very proud of Tommy, but Phil and Kristin were still a little cautious, trying not to overbook his schedule and still let him be a kid outside of all this.
Wilbur was of course cast for the new L’manberg independence arc and OH MY GOD THE FANS WENT WILD.
Tommy and Wilbur’s brotherly bond shone through a LOT in their acting and the writers even changed the script slightly to make them more pseudo brothers, since their characters weren’t canonly blood related.
Wilbur was also a co-writer, along side playing the character that was dubbed after him “Wilbur”.
Wilbur´s character made Tommy super uncomfortable during the pogtopia arc and it made their life outside of work a little more complicated.
Techno gets cast into the series during the pogtopia arc as well and Tommy and Wilbur are both super excited to work with Techno on set.
Techno gets to keep his name as well because at this point the writers have let most of the cast keep their real names, so why not keep it going?
At the end of the L´manberg independence arc Phil joins (out of all the actors, only Wilbur knew he was joining the series.) and kills Wilbur as the second season ends with L´manburg in shambles and the fans projectile crying about it.
That is all I have for now! 
Also feel free to ask questions or like do anything you’d like with this stuff!
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