#dreamwastaken series
shakirawastaken · 1 year
dsmp if... you were a romance trope
i got inspiration (sapnap, dream, george, karl, quackiy, wilbur) 
sapnap (hockey x figure skater): - im in the middle of heartbreaker rn and SHUT UP - i LOVE THIS TROPE - IM NOT EVEN A FIGURE SKATER I DO TAEKWONDO BUT I STILL FROTH OVER THIS SHIT - and then in addition to that one tommyinnit is a figure skater and everyone else is on a hockey team “ice these hurts” or smt h like that - i love this trope. - anyway i think that this trope comes hand in hand with enemies to lovers - his hockey team and ur figure skating group are at the same winter sports competiton - and you have to share a rink - booooo - so everyday you end practice with the sight of a bunch of hockey buffs roughhousing in the stands, waiting for you to finish - and everyday a certain brunette one sneers and smirks at you as you walk off the ice - “had a nice practice ice queen/king?” he asks you teasingly - “shut up, yeti” you mutter back gratingly as you bump your shoulder into his build as you pass him - and he comes up with a new one everyday - and you quip right back at him, unphased - one day, he comes into practice early just to spite you - what he wasn’t expecting is to see how good you actually were on the ice - he sat there like “ :O” and just watche dyou glide across the ice with what seemed like barely any effort - and he watched how passionate you were in your craft and the dance - and bro was whipped right then and there - so that day as you were leaving he said “you were amazing out there” and it took u jumpscared - you were like “no insult today?” - and he was like “dang, didnt know u liked them that much ;) but not today, not for something as beautiful as that” - and i think you can guess where it went from there... :)
 dream (ceo and employee romance):  - AKAIAKAKAHAKH TELL ME YOU SEE THE VISION - i mean hes a ceo alr so its like one step in the door you know - anyway hes a ceo - bro wears those fancy ass suits everyday and has like a wine cellar mini fridge shit thing in his office  - any way you pull up to his headquarters one day for like an interview and you were so fucking nervous  - you ran into him in the elevator (and no clue who he was) - and you basically vented to him for the 30 second elevator ride before scurrying off to your interview - bro didnt even get dreams name or anything - he kinda just smiled and wished you well as you ran away  - he thought you were so cute  - and you thought dude was hot as fuck  - anyway you got the JOB!! LETS GOO - the next day, your supervisor is like taking u around showing u the works - ....and you meet the ceo - its dream - and youre like :0 and he’s like  *smirk wink* ;) “hey” - and youre like “well fuck hes the ceo i cant be in love with him” - and you avoid him - but he makes it his life’s mission to get on ur radar - in the break room, in ur cubicle, in the cafeteria, in the parking lot man is ON YOU LIKE A MOTH TO A LIGHT - eventually he convinces you to go to fancy dinner - and WOW hes paying?? so that shit was FIREEEE - fancy wagyu steak and 102379182 year old wine i mean cmon - it was good ok - he asks you out after dinner and assures u ur job wont be at risk and everything - ba da bing ba da boom  - now youre dating happily and he spoils the FUCK outta you  - lmk if you want this one as a big fic with dialogue
george (neighbors): - tell me why whenever i have my delulu daydreams with george he’s always a neighbor - very much boy next door vibes - omg HES YOUR COLLEGE ROOMMATE NEXT DOOR - stoppppp - on move in day he pulls up with his family and u with urs and youre like - “hi ! nice to meet you im so exicted to move in!” and bros like “same!” - sometimes hes loud bc hes talking to his friends but you dont mind - hes a cs major and ur  whatever u want major - one day you decided to start singing  rlly loud while cleaning - ur singing taylor swift - and then george could hear you from the room next door to yours - so he writes up a little post it note that was like “loved the concert! when’s the next one?” and stuck in on your door - you found it and started mad blushign - you had a crush on him since day one awwww - anyways you two started communicating via post it notes and songs played loudly through the walls <3 - till one day you hear boyfriend by big time rush - and then you play girlfriend by avril lavigne back - and then he slips you a post it note under the door and you open the door before you could read it  - and its an unspoken like thing that you start dating - its so romantic how you can saw you guys starting dating because of taylor swift !!
quackity (academic rivals): - DO NOT GET ME STARTED ON THIS TROPE IT BRINGS ME LIFE ALRIGHT - alright - two law school students FIGHTING IT OUT ACADEMICALLY - you guys met in ur freshman year english class or some shit - clashed together in a discussion group - and its been game on since then - your texts with each other are flaunting texts - “hey alex, guess who got a 97 on the last midterm?” - “guess who got a 99 ;)” - over time, the texts started getting more and more hostile - people started to thing you two actually hated one another’s guts  - but in reality it was more for the thrill - but this continued throughout your law school careers - and you both become successful lawyers in the end!! - and when the headmaster calls you both into his office and says - “youre both valedictorian! congrats! you have to give a speech together” - well its like all the hatred faded away - you grinned and cheezed at each other before giving each other the biggest hug ever - so you both wrote a speech together - and soon the day of graduation came - and q goes at the end “i wouldn’t be here without the person who motivated me through it all, so thank you (y/n)” and youre like “hey man *sob* wtf *sob” - and you kiss him on the cheek and cheer to all the graduates  - after the ceremony he catches up to you in the parking lot, grabbing your wrist before you could go off with ur family - and blurts out word soup - and ur like what - and hes like “i really like you, and law school wouldn’t have been the same without you. can we be more than friends?” - and youre like “duhhh” and kiss him right there karl (best friends to lovers): - YOU ARE IN LOVE BY TAYLOR SWIFT  - that is the song for this SCENARIO - you two met when you were little kids in like first grade - your friends werent there on that day so you hung out with each other - hooked to the other since then and there - it was always “karl and you” and “you and karl” - you came as a packaged deal - through ups and downs you were there together - you graduated high school together and were going to the same college together now - while karl barely got into any romantic relationships, you seemed to be going through a few of them  - you were desperate for a love connection and honestly i aint blaming u - one day after a horrible date he came over to your dorm and u had an impromptu sleepover - you were in karls old shirt and some pajama pants and he was in his pajamas - and you two were just watching a movie together - before he turns to you abruptly, and you turn to look at him - and he’s like “you’re my best friend”  - and you saw a switch flip in him - since then, the dynamic between you two changed (for the better) - you became more flirty more touchy  - you started to act like you were a couple more and more - one day you saw him open his wallet to pull out his card  - and u saw that he has a picture of the two of you in his wallet - and then you knew that he was it for you - you ask him out that night - and hes so happy hes picking you up and spinning you around - <3 wilbur (musician x fan trope): - okay this is inspired by those tik toks that are like “did you see the way he looked at me” and its harry styles staring and eyeing down a fan in the audience like YES - and he’s a musician so it fits! - imagine lovejoy is like a HUGE HUGE Band so maybe this is in the future - anyways you and ur friend go to a lovejoy concert - for the sake of the story, youre not that big a fan of lovejoy just familiar with hits like sex sells and one day - the whole time ur friend is like “theyre so good hes so good its all so good” - you two end up a few rows from barricade  - and you and ur friend start screaming it up as you should - youre not oblivious to the way the lead singer keeps looking over in your direction, winking and smiling - imagine a sweaty, singing wilbur glancing over at you during sex sells and giving you a smile as he rasps out “you know sex sells i know that” - brb ascending to heaven - anyway a time comes when he stops to speak to the audience - he wastes no time - he struts over to your side of the stage and points at you  - “what’s your name?” - and you scream it at him - “what a lovely name!” - the crowd cheers - “ahre you single?” he asks with a grin on his face - the grin grows when u nod at him - “give me ur number!?” he asks and you nod at him as ur friend is dying next to you - he gestures u and ur friend to the front of the stage by the barricade  - and he passes you a marker and make syou WRITE YOUR NUMBER ON HIS GUITAR OR HIS SHIRT OR SOMETHING - oh yeahh go you go you thank yoU! let me know if you want any of these to become a bigger story/imagine and LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANT A PART 2 WITH OTHER PEOPLE :D reblogs appreciated
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livingproofoftbd · 5 months
list of awesome manhunt plays
because i always forget which plays are in which videos. figured i'd put it here if anyone else wanted it
the OG pearl clutch when sapnap dies and he gets his stuff
3v1 round one
covering the water with planks so the hunters die when they jump (MY FAVORITE) (its the first i ever watched :,D )
hunters lava trapping the end portal
3v1 rematch
he drinks the fire res as he jumps into lava and bad dies falling after him
tricks the hunters into thinking his fire res is more strength
as bad and sapnap turn back, he shoots an arrow from a mountain and hits bad from ~100 blocks away
3v1 finale
building a new nether portal to trick bad
splashing an invis pot so no one knows who anyone is
he sets up an end crystal trap in the stronghold and kills them all
bad sneaks up on him and kills him when he’s on half a heart after just killing the other two in the end
3v1 finale rematch
wearing bad’s skin
building his nether portal in a tower
dropping his sword just in time to land on a horse after being knocked from his portal with no water
3v1 grand finale
placing boats under him to cross a lava lake
dropping tnt into the end portal and putting the hunters in the void
4v1 round one
using leaves to tower up and hide in the nether cieling
snd promptly use a fishing rod to pull ant and bad up and kill them from fall damage
we all know it, we all love it. Towering up in the middle of a lake and using frostwalker boots to kill the hunters when they fall
the hunters using end crystals to heal the dragon
4v1 rematch
ant jumping down in the temple with him and setting the tnt off
he kills sapnap and ant with a tnt minecart
the hunters getting prot 4 armour
building a portal on the nether roof and trapping them there with no flint and steel, leaving them to kill themselves to escape
he digs under the end stone and hides in the middle, exploding bed after bed under the dragon as it perches
4v1 finale
ladder clutching when sapnap knocks him down off a tower on the edge of a mountain
trapping sapnap and george in cobwebs and blowing them up
hunters getting full enchanted diamond armour and building a huge castle around the nether portal that dream combats by drinking an invis pot
entity cramming george with minecarts and getting his gear
he lands an MLG on the side of an ISLAND when the dragon hits him
4v1 finale rematch
half a heart and no hunger but still chasing the hunters
the western showdown between dream and sapnap
the under-lava duel between dream and sapnap
ant killing dream with a splash potion
4v1 grand finale
scaffolding glitch
setting off fireworks and killing all the hunters in the portal room
5v1 round one
the boat clutch of all time after sapnap hits him off the tower
stealing sapnap’s enchanted diamond axe and diamond pick
stealing ant’s look and dropping tnt when the hunters dig down
the hunters revive the dragon
5v1 rematch
jumping off the mountain into a village water source
the second boat clutch of all time when he lands on a ghast
rearranging tnt to blow up under the hunters instead of under his portal
visiting the end city
5v1 finale
falling as the tree grows and breaking a leaf at the last second
covers the portal in the nether and overworld in lava
that daylight sensor pearl trick where he disappeared hundreds of blocks from the stronghold
the ender dragon glitch with the water really high above the main end island
5v1 rematch finale
enters the nether within 2 minutes
building a hole to the void to trap the hunter in
sam punching him into his own trap while invis
the hunters covering the last crystal in obsidian
bad having god-like reflexes, placing obsidian, an end crystal, and exploding it all in like one second
5v1 grand finale
stealing sapnap’s bucket as it falls
trapping the hunters in an ocean monument
bow boosting
throwing a pearl, bone-mealing saplings, and landing on the fully grown tree
building another flying machine
sapnap stopping him by breaking a slime block and sacrificing himself
basically this whole end, dude
dropping tnt and instantly killing four of the hunters, slime clutching and bouncing down to george
fishing his pearls and surviving (perfect throwback to 2v1)
hope you find this helpful if you are like me and can never remember which video the clutch you wanna watch is in
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uvpartybomb · 3 months
how can you condemn the mandela catalogue but still be into dream smp.
let me remind you.
dream: careless behavior centering the use of his parasocial army of fans to attack others
george: sexual assault
wilbur: domestic abuse
many other members of the smp may not have exhibited behavior of this caliber of awful but they have tendencies to say some very insensitive things and some I believe are siding with abusers
In the most respectful way possible..
Wow its almost like.. The Dream SMP is a server that has since ended, its almost as like.. No one is profiting off it anymore due to it ending and the ccs no longer streaming it (Especially if other people have reposted the VODs from those days and, omg.. The shitty ones cant profit off old videos of the server), its almost like the characters arent their streamers that you can basically do what you want with in terms of design, headcanons among other things, its almost like the Dream SMP is not being created by one singular person and if anything, had multiple creators who aren't anything like the people you listed that's sided with the victims of those three people you mentioned.
Mandela Catalogue is purely made by Alex with him getting most, if not all, the profit from it even if he's paid the VAs or artists, hes still the one profiting off the series, its almost like you can condemn the actions of a shitty creator by no longer interacting with their series.
On that note, we're not condemning the series, we're condemning Alex for his predatory and despicable behavior against so many people that have been hurt by him in some way, shape or form. There's probably many people who still wish to interact with tmc by only interacting with AUs, fan content or again, reposts of Alex's videos so he cannot profit from it. Even then, with the VAs quitting, TMC is likely not gonna be able to continue anyway!
You do know you can like something while also being critical of the creator and what he's done while also taking the steps to ensure he can't profit off it, right? Like that is a thing you can do.
So get off your high horse and think a little more critically about what you say, especially about a situation as fresh as this one.
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dnfcliparchive · 1 year
new video!!! dnf moments I can’t stop thinking about (pt 9)
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pairing: hero!dream x fem!vigilante!reader
SUMMARY: things clearly aren’t always what they seem to be. with friendships being tested after last week’s revelation, and the tension growing between the league and the vigilantes, a clear question seems to rise amongst the chaos: who can you really trust?
WARNINGS: cursing, not so subtle references to a john mulaney bit, suggestive themes, alcohol, drinking, implied experimentation, mentions of murder, mentions of torture so much angst ohmygod.
NOTE: this chapter was heavily inspired by that one john mulaney stand-up and come a little closer by cage the elephant. also! this is actually the chapter that inspired this whole series + has been sitting in my drafts since early july 2021 so,,,, good luck <3
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Whoever said that getting wasted at a party full of strangers is not a healthy way of escaping from your problems clearly did not know how to have a good time.
Loud music drums against your ears with a loud steady beat. Shoulders brush against yours, plastic cup held loosely between your fingers as you weave through the crowd of people.
You don’t even know whose house this is.
Distantly, you manage to spot Hannah’s silhouette, a smile spreading on your lips. Slowly but steadily, you try to make your way towards your friend, bodies bumping against yours. After a particularly strong shove, you stumble back. A hand curls around your wrist, attempting to steady you. 
You turn your head in the direction of your aggressors, lips parting to snap at him. “Hey! Watch where you’re—”
Your voice falters inside your throat, e/c eyes caught staring at his messy light brown hair, so familiar, so—
“My bad,” Blue eyes meet with your own. Not green— blue. An unfamiliar blue. The stranger straightens, looking back at you apologetically. “you okay?”
You inhale sharply. It’s not him. Your grip tightens around your plastic cup. It’s just some guy— it’s not him. But the mental image is already there. And, before you know it, you’re back at your dorm, throwing punches, kicks—
Don’t make me do this.
His words scratch against your ears like sandpaper. Your throat grows tight and your stomach drops. You don’t like this. Your empty cup crinkles in your grip. You need to get another drink.
The guy with the blue eyes raises a brow, reaching out for you again. You flinch, shaking your head. “Yeah. Fine.”
Now that you look closer, he doesn’t even have brown hair. A foul trick of the light. “So, you come here with someone?”
You barely process his questions, quickly walking past him. “I have to go.”
More people stride past you, limbs brushing against limbs. A feeling of claustrophobia rises in your throat. Where the hell is Hannah?
You rise to the tip of your toes, finally spotting her brunette head amongst the sea of partygoers. Finally, you find her, and without missing a beat, you link your arm around hers. 
“Hi there,” she beams, her makeup glowing prettily underneath the colored lights of the party. 
“Hi Hannah,” You exhale, leaning your head against her shoulder. Hannah only continues her conversation with some other guy or girl you can’t even bring yourself to care about, easily welcoming your presence.
Under any regular circumstances, being around your close friends, particularly Hannah, tends to relax you. Ease you, in a way. Perhaps a part of you was hoping it would work. And yet, despite basking in Hannah’s calming presence, your heart still beats at an erratic pace. Your throat feels like it has stones lodged inside it.
Don’t make me do this.
This isn’t working. This is not working.
Your gaze shifts to Hannah’s face, before turning away and finding Hannah’s red cup. Without a beat to question your own actions, your hand is curling around it and bringing it to your lips.
Hannah turns to you, scoffing. “Bro—”
You shake your head, before offhandedly adding, “Trust me, I need this more than you do.”
You swallow down its contents with a worrying speed, the burn of alcohol making its way down your throat. The brunette furrows her brows, pausing for a moment. “Hey, are you okay?” Hannah asks. “You don’t look…” Her voice becomes softer, careful. You don’t quite manage to figure out what she’s saying as her words become white noise. 
You’ve been drinking enough that the ground doesn’t exactly feel steady. And yet, despite having your thoughts clouded by a thick fog, you still can’t seem to leave behind last night’s events. 
What’s it gonna take? You ask yourself. What the hell do I have to do? But instead of drawing an answer, the same image that’s been engraved onto your mind flashes once again.
His hair. His eyes. His freckles. His nose. His lips. That’s the person you’ve hated for months. The one behind the mask. The one that’s made your life impossible.
Dream. But is it right to keep calling him that?
You can’t tell if it’s because of the loud music or the amount of drinks you’ve had, but over the noise both around you and inside your head, you only barely hear Hannah saying ‘something-something Clay’.
In a drunk haze, and a brilliant moment of word association, you straighten. “Y’know what? Fuck that dude.” Your hand latches onto Hannah’s shoulder as she hurries to steady you. “Yeah, fuck Clay!”
As it turns out, the reason as to why Hannah had said something-something Clay, was because Clay was, as a matter of fact, standing behind you.
You turn around, e/c eyes meeting with those— those fucking green ones. You used to find them pretty. Now they only make you angry. You raise a finger, pointedly jabbing his chest with it. “Fuck you, Clay.”
Perhaps your words are too slurred, or maybe he simply doesn’t care. Either way, he disregards your words. He licks his lips, hands resting along your waist to steady you— and when did that happen? 
He exhales loudly. “I’m taking you home.”
You try to shove him back. A voice inside your head tells you to summon a shield and put some distance between the two of you. “No, I don’t wanna leave.” You snap at him.
“You’re drunk.”
You scoff loudly. “Yeah, so? What are you gonna do about it, big guy? Arrest me?”
Clay’s shoulders tense. Once again, instead of responding, he turns to Hannah. “Hey, Hannah, I’m driving her to her dorm, yeah?” He nudges his head towards what you guess has to be the main entrance. “Text me when you guys get home.”
Hannah breathes out, offering a smile with a thumbs up. “You’re a lifesaver.”
You want to tell her that no, he’s a liar. Worse than a liar. Instead, all you manage is, “Yeah, what a hero he is, isn’t he?”
“Okay, that’s it.” Clay runs a hand through his hair, a nervous habit. Except he doesn’t look nervous. What? Is he scared you’re gonna scream his secret identity off the rooftops? Is that it? Maybe you should. “You wanna be mad at me? Fine. But I’m not letting you take a cab when you can barely stand on your feet.”
“I can call Wilbur,” you retort.
“Yeah, you could,” he responds, this time matching your tone. 
You hold each other’s gazes for a few seconds. You used to love his green eyes. You once told them they were pretty. It was true— you did find them pretty. Now they only make you sad. 
Something inside you cracks. It doesn’t break. It doesn’t splinter. It simply cracks. It tugs heavy at your heart, and you have to look away from him. 
You stare at something, anything, nothing over his shoulder, still feeling his gaze on you. Your heart grows heavier and heavier, so much so that it feels as if it might sink, or snap, or break. “Whatever. Where’s your car?”
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 The air in Clay’s car feels heavy. The radio plays some song you vaguely know, its beat the only thing filling the awkward silence that has piled between you. You can’t remember the last time you felt like this around him.
You lean your head against your palm, eyes focused on the view from your window. You don’t know why you agreed to come with him in the first place. 
You can feel Clay inhale sharply as he finally asks, “How’d you do it?” He gives you a quick glance before turning back to the road. An exhale of disbelief escapes his lips. “You kicked my ass.”
You don’t look back at him. “It’s basic self-defense.” Your words sound cold. “You were breaking and entering”
Clay straightens in his seat. “You took self-defense?”
This time, you turn to him. “No, Clay, I learnt watching youtube tutorials.” Sarcasm drips from your lips like poison.
He shakes his head, a small breath escaping his lips. One of his hands curls around the steering wheel while the other rests loosely between the two of you. He stares ahead, and while he’s distracted, you try to memorize his side profile. The line of his jaw, the bridge of his nose. Try to imagine his face behind the mask every time you encountered him. Every time you fought against him. Every time he’s fought against you.
“You’re staring.”
You feel heat crawling onto the tip of your ears. You scoff. “Y’know, I’m just wondering how I never saw it before.” He briefly meets your gaze, him almost looking confused. “You’d think it would take more than just a mask to turn into a self-righteous asshole.”
“Why is drunk you so much meaner than the usual you?” The car stops at a red light.
“It’s not the alcohol, it’s the company.”
Clay’s hand tightens around the steering wheel. He looks frustrated. He looks exhausted. “Look Y/N, I don’t know what you want me to do, okay?” His voice wavers by the end of his sentence. “Yes, I have another life. Yes, I’m Dream. Yes, I lied to you about it.” His jaw clicks shut, as if bracing himself. His frustrated tone of voice grows softer. “But I did it for a good reason.”
“And what reason is that?” 
“To—” he swallows a frustrated sound, his voice almost rising from his usually calm tone. “To protect you.”
You laugh. For the first time in what feels like forever, you laugh. It feels twisted, and sharp, and wrong. “To protect me? No, no, this isn’t about me, Clay.” You lean closer to him, tilting your head challengingly. “Or Dream? Do you like it better when I call you that?”
“You don’t get it.” He sounds exasperated, but there’s an edge to his voice. His green search your gaze for something he doesn't seem to find. “Do you know how many times I was this close to telling you?”
You scoff. “No, Clay, I don’t.”
The light turns green, and it takes him a moment to pull away. He turns back to the road. “Hundreds, okay? Hundreds.” His knuckles tighten around the wheel. “I wanted to tell you, I did. But the— the fear that someone would find out about you and use you against me was— is terrifying.” Clay shakes his head decidedly, “I’m not sorry I didn’t tell you. I’m just sorry you had to find out this way.”
Something burns against your chest. You want to laugh. You want to scream. Instead, you say, “Who is gonna use me against you, Dream?”
“Could you get your head out of your ass for two seconds?” He snaps, jaw tense. “I know you don’t like heroes— I know. But the world out there is dangerous, Y/N. And heroes are the only thing keeping that danger at bay.”
“The only thing?” You want to knock some sense into him. You want to scream and yell and cry. “The only thing? What about those vigilantes, huh? They’re just what?”
“Fucking criminals!” Clay exclaims, and this time you flinch. He must notice it, because regret flashes on his face as soon as he does. He levels his voice. “They’re criminals, Y/N. And I know you’re close to Ranboo, and you might think they’re all like him but they’re not.” He inhales sharply, body stiff. “The others— they take some twisted version of justice into their own hands and decide to play judge, jury and executioner. What about that sounds right to you?”
Criminals. Your best friend thinks you’re a criminal. But it’s not that part that makes your blood boil. That one just hurts. 
Who does he think he is to talk about what’s right? What the hell does he know about what’s fair? Breaking news at fucking eleven: life isn’t fair. Nothing about what has happened to you is fair. Nothing about what has happened to your family is right.
The cracks grow deeper, but any trace of sadness that was being held within your chest evaporates into the air. Your body feels hot, uncomfortable, and you need distance, you need space. 
“Stop the car.”
“Stop the fucking car.”
Despite his initial shock, Clay does as he’s told, stopping his car on the side of the road by some convenience store parking lot. You push the door open as fast as you can, practically jumping off his car. The ground still feels unsteady, but your little exchange with Clay —with Dream— has been enough to sober you up. 
“What are you doing?” He calls out.
You fish your phone out of your pocket. “I’m calling Techno.”
You turn to look back at him, only to see him standing up from his seat and standing by his door. He doesn’t try to approach you. At the very least, he knows better than that. 
You raise your hands. “I know I’m drunk. You can just... stay here until he shows up if that’ll ease your conscience.”
He furrows his brows, almost flinching back. “What? No, wait—”
Your brother finally picks up his phone, and without missing a beat, you say, “Techno? I need a ride.”
His voice sounds distant. “I’m busy. Just drive yourself back.”
You run a hand through your hair, heart still beating inside your ears. “No, I— I’ve been drinking and Hannah was my ride.”
“So, I’m not with Hannah, I’m with Clay.” You explain, your voice carrying an exasperated edge.
You can practically see him shrugging, that confused look taking form on his face. “I… still don’t see an issue here.”
“I don’t want to go with him.”
“Why not?”
“I just don’t, Techno.” Your voice cracks, and you can feel tears starting to pool at the corner of your eyes. Don’t cry don’t cry don’t cry. You face your head towards the dark night sky, closing your eyes to avoid any tears from falling. Your voice grows softer, weaker. “Could you please hurry up?”
There’s silence on the other line. For a moment, you almost believe he has hung up. Then, tentatively, you can hear Techno ask, “Did he do something to you?” There’s a dangerous new side to his voice. Paused. Controlled. Cold. “Y/N, if he laid a hand on you I promise—”
You shake your head, despite knowing he can’t see you. “No— no, we just had an argument.”
You hear shuffling on the other line, followed by, “Send me your location.”
You exhale softly. Thankfully. “Okay. Thank you.” You hang up, mentally bracing yourself. Green meet e/c. “He’s on his way.”
There’s a silence now. It’s a new thing. You’ve had arguments before, but over petty things. Certainly nothing as big as this.
He stares at you. You stare at him. It’s a helpless situation. And the question hangs in the air, unspoken— what now?
As always, he starts. “I’m sorry.” He begins slowly, softly. He still stands a good few feet away from you, and despite the distance, you can see him fiddling with his rings. Yet another anxious habit of his. You hate yourself for knowing it. “I know this all must be huge for you— expecting you to understand immediately is a dick move.”
You want to laugh. You want to cry. Because it’s not that, you want to scream. The only thing stopping you from doing so is knowing that he simply won’t get it. Perhaps Clay would have understood if you explained. But Dream?
“I’m not mad that you kept all of this a secret.” It’s the truth. If anything, that’s the one part you understand. 
He furrows his brows slightly. “Then what?” Clay lets out a tired breath, his features bordering on desperate. “Because I can fix it, I will, I—”
“Are you proud?” Your question stops him dead on his tracks. Your voice, for the first time feeling crisp, cold, honest. “Of yourself? Of what you do?” 
He hesitates. Not because of his answer —that he is sure of— but rather because of the look on your face. A look that tells him he can’t give you the response you want. 
“Of course I am.” He says, with a voice so soft it breaks your heart.
“You are?” It sounds like a plea. Like you’re begging for him to reconsider, to say what you want to hear— what you need to hear. 
“Why wouldn’t I be?” You wonder if he hears it. If he hears the way your heart cracks with every word that leaves his lips. “We help make the city a better place.”
“A better place for whom?” You sound exhausted. You’ve both been doing this game of cat and mouse for so, so goddamn long. You want him to understand. You need him to understand.
Please, you silently beg him, please.
“For everyone.”
“For everyone.” You repeat, those light words of his landing on you like bricks upon bricks. “What about vigilantes?”
Something flickers in his gaze, something you barely recognize in those green eyes of his. His jaw tightens, a scoff escaping his throat. “What’s with all this talk about vigilantes?” 
You barely manage to control your facial expressions. Friends or not, he’s Dream— and Dream’s not dumb. How long can you be sure to keep your identity safe from him? How long until he comes knocking at your door with the police, with the League, with the authorities rallied behind him?
“You and your— your buddies hunt them down like animals.”
“What? No we don’t.” Clay has the gall to look offended.
“Yes, you do.” You insist, voice like gravel. “I’ve seen it. I—” I’ve lived it. “I’ve seen the news. You try to track those people down to then throw them into a jail cell.” 
He shakes his head, as if saying, you don’t get it. “That’s completely different.”
“Is it?”
The silence stretches for a beat longer than it should have. He doesn’t answer, and not knowing whether it is because he understands or because he doesn’t want to continue fighting with you makes it worse. So, instead, you take the lead this time. 
Your feet guide you to him before you can stop yourself. 
“Have you ever stopped to think about the fact that while you and your friends run around in capes and masks searching for vigilantes, there’s bad people — actual bad people — getting away?”
Clay —Dream— stares down at you, and you can see the confusion swimming in his gaze. You can see him desperately trying to understand the why. 
Then, suddenly, clarity.
“Is this about Ranboo?”
Your body feels cold. Cold, and empty, and boiling hot at the same time. You feel like sinking, you feel like breaking, you feel like you’re no longer staring back into the eyes of a friend. The question cracks against your skull— just how far would he be willing to go if he knew?
Dangerous, dangerous, dangerous.
“What did you just say?”
The sound of a car door closing makes the two of you jump. 
You hear Techno’s voice before you actually see him. He keeps his hands inside the pocket of his hoodie, pink hair pulled into a loose ponytail. He dismisses Clay almost instantly, eyes centered on you. 
“Let’s get you home.”
You inhale. Exhale. You can feel your determination faltering, your walls breaking. You just want to go home. You nod slowly, feeling as Techno’s arm wraps around your shoulders, gently guiding you to his car.
Clay takes an abrupt step forward, yet before the words can leave his throat, Techno stops him midway. His glare is enough to make the green-eyed boy freeze on his spot. “Back the fuck up.” Clay has rarely —if ever— heard Techno swear. It makes him stiffen.
And so, the boy, the hero, the enemy, is left standing helplessly as he watches you drive away.
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You cradle the mug of tea between your fingers, carefully tracing its handle with your thumb. You stare down at your undrinked tea, waiting, as if you might find the answer to your troubles ebbing in its surface.
Techno sits opposite to you, fidgeting with his own drink between his palms. It doesn’t surprise you— after all, as fearsome as your brother may be to others, he’s always been awkward for this sort of situations.
He leans against the cabinets, licking his lips. Finally, he asks, “You want to talk about it?”
Techno inhales. “Look, this is a safe space, you can—”
“Techno, I mean this in the nicest way possible, but this is painful enough for both of us. Please, don’t bother.”
You meet your brother’s eyes, and he must see something crossing your gaze —something concerning— because the next words out of his mouth are;
“Go talk to Phil.”
Your head shoots up, and heart hammers against your chest like a wild canary trying to break free.
“What?” You ask, voice weak.
He sets down his mug, folding his arms over his chest. “When was the last time you went down?”
You avoid Techno’s gaze, returning to staring down at your tea. Not yet. Not yet. Not yet. “I-I don’t think I want to.”
Techno breathes out, as if a heavy, unbearable weight hangs on his shoulders. He knows you’ve avoided the situation for far too long, and he’s allowed you to do so. Because he understood you needed time to heal, time to cope. But it has been months already and you’re still avoiding the basement like the plague.
“You need to face him eventually.” Techno murmurs, voice low enough so that it can only reach your ears. “If it’s any consolation, talking to him has helped me before. It’s not a guarantee, but it could work for you too.”
By the time Techno leaves the kitchen, your tea has gone completely cold. Your heart still beats against your ear drums. That rattled canary inside your chest beats against your ribcage, hands trembling.
You need to face him eventually.
You blink, and your hand is curled around the railing, clutching it as if your life depends on it. The complete and utter darkness of the basement stares back at you mockingly. 
When was the last time you went down?
Does this make you a bad daughter? Avoiding Phil like he’s not there, living your life as if what remains below doesn’t haunt you?
“One step at a time,” You whisper to yourself, bracing as you descend one step. You exhale shakily. Inhale. You take the next. Exhale. Inhale. Then the next. And before you know it, you find yourself flicking the light switch as you reach the end of the staircase.
The darkness dissipates, replaced by white fluorescent lighting. Everything looks exactly as the last time you came down. Not a pen out of place, not a handwritten note on a different spot. Vials and journals remain sprawled over the tables— a mess, evidently, but his mess.
You take slow steps, like a spooked toddler, scared the shadows might take form and jump you. Your hand traces his work bench, fingers reaching out for a particular blue post it note.
Note to self: put a door to stop Tommy from sneaking in.
Then, below it, written in a much more careless handwriting,
your doors can’t stop me phil >:D —big man tommy
An amused around reverberates at the back of your throat. Not quite a laugh, but enough to bring the faintest of smiles.
You leave the post-it exactly where you found it, before continuing your path. Finally, you reach the back of the room, where a box of old cassettes lies messily tucked next to a box-like TV.
Bittersweetness laces your heart. Before the incident, you all used to joke that Phil was an old man in his eighties. He never denied it, which just added to the hilarity of it all. He collected all of that junk— tried fixing it too. Wilbur always teased him for being sentimental.
He was always one for lost causes.
You kneel down next to the box. A hand reaches for one, before freezing midway. You look around, expecting, hoping to see someone else down here. When you realize it’s just you, you enter a random cassette into the reader.
The TV is old, older than this house, probably. Still, despite its age, a grainy image finally shows. Blond hair in disarray, beaming blue eyes, and that ever-so kind smile.
Your eyes feel blurry, tears pooling at the corners of your eyes. Your lip trembles. 
“Hi, Phil.” You murmur softly, so softly, you’re left to wonder if it ever left your lips.
The grainy image doesn’t respond. It never does.
“Ah, shit, wait—” Phil starts as he accidentally hits one of his tables, a few beakers and samples nearly toppling over. He doesn’t look as tired as he did in some of the other tapes. “Okay, it’s fine, I’ll fix it later.”
He turns to the camera, clasping his hands awkwardly. “Hello!” He says enthusiastically. “This is tape number…” Phil narrows his eyes, glasses nearly falling off the bridge of his nose. If you weren’t focused on Phil himself, you would have noticed the fact that they’re the same glasses Wilbur now wears. “Thirty-two— thirty-three, sorry.”
You shift on the floor, watching as Phil reaches for a folder filled with papers. He scrambles to open a particular page. “According to some of their older records, test subjects were reactive to—” Phil narrows his eyes, a mix of disgust and sourness evident in his expression “—incentive shocks.” 
You inhale sharply. Phil scoffs loudly, shaking his head angrily. “Motherfuckers.”  He mutters under his breath, momentarily forgetting the camera is there. A beat. He looks back up, offering a sheepish, slightly embarrassed smile. 
He raises his brows, dropping the folder onto another pile of papers and notebooks. “Well, today Tommy accidentally shocked Y/N and they accidentally caused a block-wide blackout.” He purses his lips, yet he doesn’t look disappointed. If anything, he looks surprised. 
He shakes his head, as if ridding himself of a thought. “As stated in previous logs, Tommy and Y/N’s abilities seem to be more akin to each other than what I originally thought.” Phil pushes his glasses over the bridge of his nose. “No one was hurt— thankfully. The power was out for only a few hours too— so everything turned out okay. It always does.”
He pauses for a moment, briefly glancing up at the camera. Your heart drops to your gut. It always does. You want nothing more than curl against Phil and make him repeat it until you believe it.
Everything turns out okay. It always does. It always does. It always does.
“As for Wilbur and Techno, they both still seem very wary of electricity in general. Cautious.” Phil straightens, lab coat wrinkly. “At first, I thought their wariness had to do with the fact that neither of their skills are energy-based. Upon further inspection, I’ve drawn a different conclusion.” 
Phil inhales deeply. Then, exhales. His body is stiff, awkward. Something new edges his voice. “It’s not that Wilbur and Techno harbor an aversion and are borderline scared to interact with electricity, but rather Tommy and Y/N aren’t.” 
Phil moves out of frame for a brief second, coming back with an object concealed by his palm. “Wil and Techno still get easily spooked when it comes to Tommy’s accidental shocks, which is why I’ve developed these.” He licks his lips anxiously. 
Your eyes don’t linger on the power dampening cuffs. They don’t even stray for a second. No, your whole focus remains on him. On the golden hair he passed down to Tommy. On the easy smile he gave to Wilbur. You want to hug him, and realizing it hurts like hell. 
You can’t even remember your life before being adopted by Phil. How the fuck are you supposed to continue without him?
“They’re still a prototype, but dampening cuffs should help Tommy slowly ease into his powers without sudden outbursts that he can’t control.” Phil’s steady voice continues undisturbed, “It should also give them a semblance of normalcy.”
You’re no longer listening. He continues talking, gesturing, reading off notes and discarding them. He looks happy. He looks alive.
“I’ll be recording any future progress in the following tapes,” Phil finalizes, and the tape cuts off.
Your reflection stares back at you. Your cheeks look wet. You’re crying, you realize, when did that happen?
“I’m sorry,” You whimper, voice fragmented. There’s no response. “I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry Phil.” 
Your hand trails around the box of cassettes. Some are labeled, others aren’t. There’s at least forty in the box, and you know for a fact there’s more boxes somewhere in the lab. 
“I should have come sooner,” You croak, “I shouldn’t have waited until something went wrong to come here.” Stray tears roll down your cheeks and gravel grazes against your throat. “I’m sorry.”
There’s so many things you want to say. So many things you need to say. But your body won’t let you. Your voice abandons you, and you can’t continue apologizing. 
I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.
Why is it that good people are the ones getting caught in this bullshit? He didn’t deserve this. None of you deserved this.
So why? Why is it that good people end up dead? Why is it that good people like your family end up suffering the consequences of someone else’s greed?
Your voice returns to you, but not for apologies.
“Would you recognize what I’ve become?” You lean against the TV screen, helpless. “What we’ve become?” You lick your lips, a bitter laugh rasping against your windpipe. “Would you still love us?” 
Would he? Phil was gone long before he got to see the real extent of the lengths you’ve all gone through to set things right. Would he be proud? Would he be ashamed?
“We’ve done so much fucked up shit, Phil.” You whisper, vision blurry with tears. “We’ve tortured. We’ve lied. We’ve stolen. We—” You falter, licking your lips as the lump inside your throat grows heavier. “We’ve tried to kill.” 
“And you wanna know the worst part?” You look down at your hands. You can’t look him in the eyes when you say this. He wouldn’t understand. “I don’t regret any of it.” You laugh again, that bitter, saddened, poor excuse of a laugh. “We’ll do it again soon, if everything goes accordingly.”
You rest your forehead against the TV, the image of your father frozen with a grainy quality. You can barely tell the bright blue of his eyes, not that you’d ever be able to forget it. 
“I just want this to end,” you murmur. “I want us to finish with this cycle once and for all. I want this to be over.” You look up to meet Phil’s grainy gaze. “I want things to go back to the way they were.”
And fuck, here come the tears again. 
“I didn’t ask for this,” you cry. You ugly sob, your cries scratching against your throat like sandpaper. Like stones lodged against your throat. “I didn’t ask for any of this.”
I know you didn’t, he would say, his fingers combing through your hair in a calming pattern. He would hug you as you cried your eyes out, his embrace capable of soothing the troubled storm within your chest. You’ve been so strong for your brothers. For yourself. He would continue tracing his fingers through your hair, watching as you breathed shakily.
I’m proud of you.
Your eyes flutter closed. You shake your head against the screen as you whisper to him, “I don’t think you are.”
You can feel his palm against your back, rubbing soothing patterns. It only makes it worse.
“We wanted to do good, Phil, we really, really did.” You try, you try to justify everything. Everything you’ve done, everything you’re going to do. “We tried, for a while.”
“I guess…” A blue glow curls around your hands for a moment, before flickering back to normal. It has become easy to forget where your powers came from. “I guess when powers like these are birthed from violence, it shouldn’t be a surprise we ended up where we are, huh?”
You purse your lips, watching as the blue returns to your palms. Is it easy to forget, or have you simply forced yourself into ignoring the source of your so-called gift? 
You stare back at the screen. Phil stands there, staring back at you with those bright blue eyes of his and that golden hair. 
You barely mention him anymore. Not you, not Tommy, not Wilbur, not Techno. It’s like you’re all in some twisted form of collective denial. Like he’s on some business trip, and you’re all waiting for him to come back. Like you didn’t bury him months ago. Like you weren’t even able to give him a proper funeral.
It makes things easier. Anger was easier than grief. It was less messier than tears, than misery, than hopelessness. Anger was better than guilt. 
“We’re gonna kill the people that did this to us, Phil.” You say, and this time, your voice doesn’t waver. You wipe your cheeks with your sleeve, nodding. “For what they— for what we did to you.”
You finally separate from the screen. Your finger hovers over the on-off button. 
“We’re gonna make this right.”
235 notes · View notes
elliotl · 2 years
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he fell in a hole and now he is hiding
blob!dream explores the over world
this silly doodle is in this series yes
180 notes · View notes
fryingpan1234567 · 1 year
PART 1- Hermitcraft/ DSMP/ Life Series crossover AU
as excited as I am to write this, I’m a little terrified XD. some of it isn’t very good, but I hope you at least enjoy the character dynamics! there are SO MANY CHARACTERS- there has to be a p2 TvT
for @barley-hopkins
happy reading! ~ It’s been six months since a green portal opened up in the sky of Hermitcraft and dumped the entire Dream SMP into their world.
At first, things were hectic. Thankfully, Dream didn’t have any weapons… unfortunately, neither did anyone else. The Hermits, well along in their builds and season, weren’t quite sure what to do with a bunch of warcrime-committing psychopaths.
X and Tango’s rushed solution? Babysitting.
Every Hermit was assigned an SMP member or two, and they were allowed to do whatever necessary to keep them in check. They were only allowed to get materials if their Hermit allowed them, for the sake of everyone’s safety, until they could figure out how to get everyone back where they belonged- because sadly, as soon as the last SMP member hit the ground, the portal disappeared.
Some of the SMP/ Hermit pairings looked weird, but they really all made sense. Maybe it was rushed, but X wasn’t stupid. Really there were only a couple questionable ones.
It wasn’t like they were all complete strangers. MCC was obviously a thing, Puffy and Zed are siblings, Jevin and Charlie as well, Doc and Sam are cousins.
Still. There were struggles.
“Tommy, toss me that-?”
Mumbo was clocked in the head by a flying comparator, luckily not falling off his scaffolding. He did not catch the block.
Tommy, from the ground, was laughing. Hard. He hadn’t exactly meant to hit his mentor… but he wasn’t complaining about it either.
“Thomas,” Mumbo huffed, rubbing his head. “Thank you for guessing, very good job, but hand it to me this time, please.”
Tommy, still giggling, got up from where he was sitting on a chest and went to retrieve the dropped block.
Of all the groups, Tommy and Mumbo had taken some of the longest to warm up to each other at first. Well, at least Mumbo did- Tommy still saw him as an older brother from the one time they met, but Mumbo wasn’t exactly sure what to do with a raccoon gremlin child who was also a traumatized war veteran and has died several times.
Still, Mumbo warmed up to him. He could tell that for the most part Tommy meant well, and he was even able to coach some of the swearing and arsonist tendencies out of him.
It was also a plus that, because Philza was the only one the Hermits trusted, he flew around the server to check up on people and give advice to their poor Hermits. Tommy loved Phil (Phil was his dad, after all), and Phil was able to show Mumbo what not to do to trigger Tommy’s PTSD too badly.
Mumbo was still pretty much useless with panic attacks, but he’s at least good at distracting him. Plus he was very pleased to admit Tommy’s stressful/ depressed days were much fewer and farther between than the beginning of their interactions. Mumbo hoped he was contributing to that, but it might have just been the safe and (relatively) calm vibe of Hermitcraft.
He did not, however, trust Tommy enough to let him gather much more than iron armor and the blocks he wanted for his house, which Mumbo had to approve first. Maybe he was starting to like him, but that didn’t mean he was willing to get his head lopped off on accident.
Tommy retrieved the comparator and climbed up the scaffolding beside Mumbo. “Whatcha workin on, Big Man?” he asked, blue eyes wide and curious. Despite Mumbo’s best attempts, Tommy still couldn’t do redstone for shit.
Mumbo grinned, snapping the block into place. “A prank for our friend Grian.”
“Ohh, that’s why we’re over at his place,” Tommy said, sitting down on the scaffolding. Mumbo noticed out of the corner of his eye that the kid had chosen to sit worryingly close to the edge, but he tried to dismiss it.
“Mhmmm,” he hummed absently. There was a moment of silence as Tommy watched him work, but his nerves got the better of him. “You might want to step away from that edge, yeah?” he tried. It was windy and he’d hate for something to happen- no SMP members but Phil were allowed elytras.
Tommy’s bright smile faded, and his eyes dimmed. He glanced down at the ground, far below, fingers tapping methodically right on the border.
He shrugged. “I’m fine. I like high-up places.”
Mumbo sighed, setting down his materials and joining Tommy on the floor. He looked nervous, like he was afraid Mumbo might be mad or even attack him.
Phil had told him about this. More times than anyone would like, Tommy had spoken aloud about or even attempted to end himself on the SMP. Mumbo had hoped that hadn’t carried through to Hermitcraft, but he unfortunately had been proven wrong very quickly.
“Tommy,” he said, trying to make his voice sound as calm as possible. “Come sit in front of me. Away from the edge.”
Tommy hesitated, but scooted over to sit cross-legged in front of Mumbo, mirroring him. He pulled his hands into the sleeves of his blue sweater nervously.
Mumbo smiled, recalling what Phil had told him to do at times like these. “Can you tell me about the SMP?”
Tommy’s face darkened considerably, and he twitched as if remembering being shot in the chest from the revolution. Or maybe he was recalling trying to save Tubbo from Dream. Maybe even imagining the last time he’d died, in that cell…
“Tommy,” Mumbo whispered, poking him in the knee. “I only want the good stuff. Singing with Wil and the other L’manburgians outside the van. Training with Techno and taking naps on Steve. Exploring with Tubbo. Tell me what you love about your home.”
Tommy came back to reality, remembering where he was, that he was safe. He smiled at the memories, although he wasn’t sure how Mumbo knew all that.
The two of them ended up sitting on that scaffolding for hours, exchanging stories. Their prank was ruined when Grian and Wilbur discovered the half-finished trap and its culprits, but none of them really minded.
All Mumbo cared about was making sure Tommy knew he was safe. Killing for objects and possessions was a thing he’d never have to do again; he’d make sure of it.
~ If anyone could keep Dream himself out of trouble, it was his rival admin.
Yeah, X took Dream. It wasn’t like he wanted to, it’s more like he didn’t want to hand that responsibility to anyone else.
For a while, they barely spoke to each other. Dream had to follow X around the whole time, but X was too nervous to do anything important, so… they were kind of stuck.
But X, being that ever-polite man he is, offered to help Dream build his first house. They couldn’t fly anywhere and they obviously couldn’t be separated, so that meant walking everywhere.
That also meant becoming the strangest pair of friends in… well, probably ever.
That, however, did not come easy.
“Dream!” How X managed to lose the most dangerous man on the server was beyond him, and while he trusted Dream at least a little by this point… he had to admit he was a little bit nervous.
Right as he ducked under a tree to check the forest, someone dropped right on top of him, flattening him to the ground.
Dream’s playful laugh filled the clearing.
“Dream-“ X wheezed, managing to roll over even with the other admin on his chest and pushing uselessly at his legs. “Off. You scared me!”
“I thought you were a better babysitter than this, Zuma,” Dream teased, standing and offering X a hand. He hauled him to his feet, only just managing to contain his laughter.
X dusted himself off with a huff. “I thought I didn’t need to anymore,” he grumbled. “It’s time for lunch.”
“Oooo, sweet!” Dream skipped off towards his little cave/ hut that he and X had spent days perfecting. It was half in-half out of the water, and full of green froglights. Dream was very proud of it.
Xisuma went after his friend with an affectionate sigh. Since the landing, it was a tradition between the two of them (at first forced upon Dream by X, but now it’s more enjoyable) that they’d have lunch every day together- food they prepared together, tea, and meditation. Sometimes other groups joined them.
It was to teach Dream to use his hands and mind for something that wasn’t malicious, although X didn’t tell him that.
Dream was already rummaging through his and X’s joint kitchen by the time he got there, sporting a neon green apron with flower patterns on it.
“Whaddaya think, X?” Dream said cheerfully as X removed his gloves to wash his hands. “I personally am leaning towards mac and cheese, but maybe you’re willing to put forth more effort than that.”
X shrugged. “Sure. I’ll start on the tea. Dandelion again?”
“You know it.”
The one thing Xisuma and Dream could successfully collaborate on is food. Building together was decent enough and caving is always an absolute disaster, but cooking they can both do easy- especially when they’re working together.
“So,” X hummed as they sat down at their coffee table, cross-legged on a couple of pillows on the floor. “Topic for today: what was the number one thing you hated about the SMP, so we can never do that here. Not a person. A habit you all had.”
Dream paused shoveling food into his mouth to think. If people were ruled out…
“Maybe…” He trailed off, trying to think of how to phrase it. X sipped his tea patiently- sometimes it took a moment to answer. “We fought. All the time. Which is fine, it was fun sometimes, but… it was usually over possessions. Land, and… discs.” Even after all this time, Dream still got twitchy when talking about Tommy’s discs. “I just don’t want to do that anymore, I guess. I lose people over it, and that’s more important,” he finished.
Xisuma thought on his words for a moment, methodically stirring his macaroni. “Do you think it matters less here?” he asked.
Dream nodded aggressively, nearly dropping his mug.
“Good.” X smiled genuinely, and Dream grinned back. “Don’t worry, friend. You’ll never have to fight over something as dumb as one item ever again.”
~ Maybe putting nine people, three poly relationships, in one place was a terrible idea. It was like the weirdest triple date in history… especially because they weren’t doing normal ‘date’ things.
They were pranking Docm77 and Technoblade.
”How are the creepers coming along?” Tango whispered into his communicator, where the rest of the group was on call. He and his SMPers, Sapnap and Sam, were crouched on a ridge near Doc’s base, keeping watch.
From one of the other ends, Impulse replied. “Karl’s almost blown himself up ten times, but Ponk is actually doing decent.”
“I’m doing more than decent, thank you!” Ponk suddenly interjected. Somewhere in the background, an explosion and high-pitched scream went off, followed by Impulse’s familiar laughter. “Karl!”
“Don’t kill my boyfriend,” Quackity added, joining the call.
“Nobody’s boyfriends are being killed,” Zed assured. “Q and Foolish and I just finished the gift box. Any sign of them?”
Sam checked his spyglass again. “Doc and Techno are farming tridents, it looks like. I’m a little scared.”
“I’m also scared. We’re pranking the man who has the dragon on a leash right now,” Sapnap whispered harshly.
Tango grinned. “Part of the fun. Might steal her later, too.”
“Bad plan,” Impulse and Zed deadpanned simultaneously. The three of them descended into some sort of argument about good plans, the other six forced to listen.
A gift box, with a bow and everything, filled with creepers. Not terribly original, but still hilarious, in Tango’s opinion.
It was a plus because, since team ZIT all had to take two people, they had each other to help manage them all for a few hours. And the other people dating each other got to hang out, which was more than Puffy and Niki could say for themselves recently.
When do you think they’ll be done? Sapnap and Karl’s communicators went off from a message from Big Q.
Sap covertly glanced at Tango, who was furiously whispering at his boyfriends that he makes the best plans. I’d say a while. Think we’ll get busted?
Techno would totally kill us for this, right? Karl asked. He was conveniently hiding in a tree from the six creepers aggro’ed on him, Ponk laughing at him from below and not helping in the slightest. Impulse was too busy laughing at his partners’ bickering to pay much attention.
Quackity grinned and waved at the tree he knew Sapnap was perched in from his place on top of the fake present. Zed was also whisper-shouting into his communicator, but Foolish was messaging on his as well with a dopey smile.
They argue worse than us, he messaged Sam and Ponk.
It’s cute. I think they’ll get married one day, Sam immediately replied. I’m so bored. Maybe we can convince them to do a sleepover tonight.
Will they say yes if I let Karl get decimated by these ten creepers? Ponk messaged. Sam and Foolish both giggled at that one.
Maybe it’ll be a plus.
Unbeknownst to them all, Techno and Doc were well aware of their presence and plan. Gathering tridents was simply a cover-up for their own plan- and it seemed to be working.
“Are they still up in that damn tree?” Doc mused, hacking down a drowned.
Techno stabbed another with the (technically forbidden) borrowed sword Doc let him use. “Yeah, I can hear them arguing from here. What exactly are they trying to accomplish?”
Doc pointed at the present, which was barely visible from where they were, the three standing on top of it, and three more just emerging from the forest with an army of creepers.
Techno snorted, tossing a damaged trident back into the ocean to despawn. “Idiots. That’s a bad trap.”
“Bad stealth mission,” Doc agreed.
The two of them had gotten along pretty well from the beginning, pretty much unsurprisingly. Techno had taken an interest to the way Doc viewed laws of physics more as suggestions, and Doc was thrilled to be working with an actual PVP and war god.
Doc had listened to Techno’s stories about the SMP- apparently, disappearing into the mountains with your dogs and polar bears and father is an invitation to fuck with you. Thankfully, Techno just seemed to want away from all that- not to even the score. That made him easy to trust.
Doc let Techno do whatever he wanted with the promise that if he did anything wrong, he’d be tossed into whatever prison Doc could come up with- and that wasn’t an inviting concept.
“They’re moving, they’re moving!” Techno whispered excitedly. The three that had been spying on them through the trees took off towards the present, where the other six had gathered with all the creepers evidently inside.
He and Doc snuck around to a blindside. None of them noticed.
Techno lit a piece of TNT while Doc cut a hole in the wall. They tossed it in and ran- five seconds later, nine death messages filled the chat, followed by Hermits and others asking what happened in a panic.
The culprits, well, they were congratulating themselves on a foiled plan and extra kill points. They promptly went off to find a polar bear that could be Steve 2, unconcerned with the crater and half blown-up present box on their property.
Tango, Sapnap, and Sam had ended back at their base, thankfully. Zed, Quackity, and Foolish spawned where Zed’s last challenge had been, and Impulse and Ponk and Karl had been the unluckiest- a respawn anchor on the Nether roof.
They were all furiously messaging each other, asking who had set off the TNT… and the rest of the server had some pretty good entertainment by that for the rest of the night.
~ When Etho found Ranboo, he was sitting on the ground, playing with a sand miniblock and talking to his “chat”. Etho still wasn’t really sure what that was, but Ranboo assured him it was harmless.
So was the kid, honestly. Etho had chosen him because he could tell they gave off similar vibes- quiet, funky hair, doesn’t love people all that much aside from one sunshiny short brunet.
He’d been right, of course. Ranboo was chill, although those purple particles floating around and talking to him all the time were admittedly a bit nerve-wracking.
“Hey, Boo Boy,” Etho hummed, leaning against the doorframe.
Ranboo sat right in the middle of the glass atop the moss farm, his usual cloud of particles buzzing about the room. Maybe Etho was crazy, but he thought the nearest one to him was screaming something like “LORE??” in a tiny, high-pitched voice.
Ranboo didn’t exactly… have a mouth, but his eyes scrunched as if he were smiling. “Hey, Etho!”
“Hi.” Etho couldn’t stop his own smile from spreading beneath his mask. “Bdubs and Purpled wanna go caving. How does that sound?”
“Sure!” Ranboo popped up, scattering a cloud of particles that almost sounded like they were laughing.
There weren’t many people on the- well, honestly either- server that were taller than Etho. X, Doc, and Technoblade. And Ranboo. Which was baffling although not surprising (he is half Enderman after all), if only for the fact that he’s a kid. 18. Literally what. Kids shouldn’t be allowed to be taller than immortal people.
But that’s okay. Etho builds his doorways tall anyways, but Bdubs’ section of the house was a bit more challenging.
Speak of the devil, a familiar voice came screeching down the stairwell and someone rammed into Etho’s back. He knew who it was without having to turn around, although he wasn’t sure how concerned he should be. Bdubs once hid behind Etho for four hours because his SMP member, Purpled, had parked his alien spaceship over the Monolith and Bdubs didn’t want to be abducted. He’d once hid for five after Purpled put a purple bed in an otherwise all-pink room. Etho wasn’t sure where on the threat scale they were at today.
“Help,” Bdubs begged, hugging Etho around the waist. Ah yes, Glare blooms. Apparently, Purpled needed to steal them.
Ranboo peeked over curiously, although he was mostly occupied with his chat, which had turned rainbow colors- he’d explained to Etho that those were ‘emotes’.
The alien himself nearly fell down the stairs after Bdubs in his haste, nearly running straight into Etho shears-first. Etho caught him.
“Hey, Purpled.” he raised an eyebrow as Purpled hid the shears behind his back and grinned nervously. “Tormenting a Hermit? Do we need to get X?”
Purpled’s smile dropped. “No,” he huffed. Etho held out his hand, and he dropped the shears there in defeat.
“I told you, I’m a Glare!” Bdubs said indignantly, still buried in Etho’s side. “They’re just flowers! And they hurt if you cut them off improperly, so why don’t you-“
“You’re a Glare? Like a Moonbloom?” Ranboo interjected as Purpled and Bdubs stuck their tongues out at each other. “My husband is a Moonbloom!”
“Very nice, Ranboo,” Etho sighed, tucking the shears into his inventory.
So Bdubs and Purpled hadn’t quite figured out how to get along all that great. Not every pair could be as perfect as Etho and Ranboo, but they did have their moments. Whenever Purpled got itchy about building for too long because that’s all he did working at Las Nevadas, Bdubs was always happy to take him somewhere else to destress. In return, Purpled was sometimes less stubborn about bedtimes. Sometimes.
And then there was Etho and Ranboo, who worked in a way that didn’t need revision. Ranboo was happy to lay around and watch Etho work, asking the occasional question, and Etho sometimes took him to hang out with Tubbo and Scar- he really liked Jellie. When Ranboo had panic attacks or dissociated, Etho was surprisingly good at just… sitting with him and letting the kid exist in such a concrete presence. It’s proven to work pretty well.
All in all, though, Hermits on their own are terrible for caving. SMP members made things so much more… interesting.
“We’d better get going,” Etho sighed. “Ranboo, grab the torches on your right, yeah?”
“Okay!” he chirped, opening the chest and leaning in.
Bdubs unstuck himself from Etho’s side, but didn’t let go of his hand.
“Thanks for the help, sweetheart,” he grinned, leaning in. “You’re my hero.”
Etho huffed out a laugh, securing his mask so Bdubs wouldn’t get any ideas. “There are kids in the room, sweetheart,” he teased.
“Yuck,” Purpled deadpanned to prove his point, Ranboo sidling up next to him.
Bdubs blew a raspberry at him. “I can be mushy with my boyfriend! Leave us alone!”
“They can’t do that, love,” Etho whispered. “We’re stuck together, remember?”
Bdubs pouted. “Boring. Maybe after they go to bed.”
“You literally go to bed before any of us.”
“Whose side are you on?”
~ Aside from Phil, there was one other person the Hermits nearly completely trusted: Captain Puffy.
She was allowed whatever gear she wanted, including an elytra. Between her and Phil, it was like the two parents of their server were able to help out the Hermits whenever they needed.
However, she had a murder on record. Therefore, she still needed a babysitter.
Who volunteered? Well. He’s arguably the dad of his own server, so it really made sense.
“Puffy!” Sometimes Keralis called her other names like Poof or Fluffy, affectionately of course, but today it looked like he was sticking to the real thing.
He hopped onto the mini pirate ship she’d built in the river just below his starter place, and it rocked precariously.
Puffy poked her head up from below. “Hey, Keralis! What’s up?”
Keralis clung to the mast, waiting for the ship to stop moving. “Stressy asked if you would like to see Niki and George. I need to go over there for some things anyways.”
“Sure!” Puffy never missed the opportunity to see her girlfriend. Unfortunately it didn’t happen very often- several times she’d sulked about it not being fair how her brother got both his boyfriends AND babysat people in a relationship together. Zed only laughed, which had earned him an elbow to the ribs.
So Puffy and Keralis took off towards Stress’s place. It was balanced a little precariously atop a cliffside, but it wasn’t too high up. Puffy thought it was adorable how Niki and George had built little teacup houses to match Stress’s pot.
“Stressy!” Keralis sang as soon as they touched down. Puffy let him go hang out with Stress as she went to go find her people.
George and Niki were a little deeper into the forest, patching up what looked like unfortunate creeper accidents.
Well, Niki was working. George was asleep under a mushroom, leaning against the stem with his sunglasses over his eyes.
“Morgenliebe!” Niki called as soon as she noticed Puffy. “What are you doing over here?”
“I wanted to see you,” Puffy grinned, pulling her in. Niki had to stand on her toes to peck her on the cheek.
It was mornings like these, where the people from the Dream SMP could forget about the wars and death and life system, that everyone enjoyed the most- even the Hermits, Keralis had once told her.
It had been months. It was honestly doubtful by this point that they’d get back to their own server, especially because no one was trying to get that to happen.
Death counts, killing for sport, stupid object-possessive fights- all that was in the past.
The SMPers were supposed to heal with the Hermits, make genuine friends, fix broken relationships. They’d eventually move away from the Hermits, a little south, build their own village.
But it doesn’t work like that; it never has. Good things don’t last.
Along with several Hermits, more than half the people from the SMP were once again sucked out of the life they’d become used to and dumped into a new place. This time, it wasn’t a good one.
“Welcome to 3rd life: an experimental hardcore server. You have three lives. Good luck.”
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zethsnex · 6 months
Part of you AU
Hope you guys like it, read the tags, stay safe, and happy new year!
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sindevestt · 2 years
heyy i mainly draw ocs and sometimes i post fanart hahha
to see all of my art go to #sindevestt :)
requests are opened
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also im pretty new to tumblr so lmk if i do something wrong! hope you have a lovely day :)
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shakirawastaken · 1 year
dsmp if... they were spiderman
i love spiderman just like every other bitch out there
dream: - do not be surprised if he comes out one day and claims hes a demigod and superhero and a wizard - cause if its anybody its this guy fr - if he was spiderman he wouldnt have the main and basic color scheme - hed go green like everything - green is the main color like the evermore green and black/white as the accent colors - his string also wouldnt be normal spider string i feel like itd be neon ish like miguels from the movie - he would also avoid telling you that he was spiderman till the very last moment - he would wanna keep you safe the best he can - would nEVER swing by your house - but he keeps an eye out on you when he knows ur out and about walking - but when you eventually figure it out? boy oh boy - cornering you in the street and pushing you into an alleyway - spiderman poses in front of you, hanging from his web - gives you upside down kisses???? sign me tf up - hed also get himself just the right amount involved in the crime he fought - he knows how to balance his life out, and he knows how important it is to be able to balance his life out like that - hot as spiderman  sapnap: - a reckless spiderman - leans vigilante  - out of all of them he would be the one with the suit closest to the spiderman - but im not feeling the blue - marroon and black or some other brighter color - a rash spiderman - fights crime like no business, but kinda makes a mess along the way - its okay bc the people love him - loves loves LOVES arguing with cops - tells you almost immediately after becoming spiderman bc he has to tell someone - breaks every canon event - trash talks every criminal out there - but is nice to every citizen he sees - likes webshooting your wrist to the counter or something so you cant leave or go out or smth - forces you to spend time with him :) - likes to keep out of interacting with people as spiderman  - but will use it as argument bait in day to day life - makes a hammock out of webs and lays there between two buildings - overall 7/10 spiderman
george: - is barely spiderman but when he is hes darn good at it - he leaves a lot of the petty crime to the cops - only goes out for the big stuff - dark navy blue suit with black accents - stays in the shadows/on top of buildings - doesnt interact with anyone if he can help it - the more secretive he can keep the better - he told you a fair amount of time after he went out as everyones crime fighting superhero - but he doesnt like to talk about being spiderman  - and youre fine with that, as long as he stays safe - he swings to your window every night after hes done being spiderman - hed rather be with you than someone else after the hard night hes probably had - has a habit opening your window without knowing and jumpscaring you accidentally LMFAO
karl: - oh he LOVES BEING SPIDERMAN - hes the spiderman to be on every cereal box and phone cover and talk show - loves taking pictures especially with little children in their own spiderman costumes - after he captures and ties up every criminal he leaves a little goofy aah note for the cops to laugh at - unlike sapnap he has a great rep w the cops  - he told you after he “test” ran it - actually he just showed up with the mask on and you were like “SPIDERMAN OMG LET ME CAL MY BF” - and then spidermans phone was ringing and you were like - “what” - “im spiderman!” - “WHAT” - his suits like - i feel like it changes color in the sun - its one of those suits - and hes the only one out of all to have an assistant ai thing in his suit to lead him through crime - he might be a more light hearted spiderman but he still deals with the same dangerous crime
quackity: - this guy loves to swing - he will put his headphones on and jump off the nearest building - mona lisa by dominic fike - soars to the ground and then swings up at the last moment - swings to the beat of the music to relax - he has the normal suit i think - but he has his hair comin out of the suit like pavitr  - loves to take you swinging - even if you may find it terrifying - he likes the feeling of sharing with you his favorite activity - fights crime like no ones business - he told you like a few months after being spiderman - he just jumped down from the ceiling  - “? what” - “spiderman!” - “...what” - yeah  - idk all i can think of is that quackity likes to swing around the city just for the heck of it - “WOAH ITS SPIDERMAN” “YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” 
wilbur: - has a black suit like miles - tommy is his guy in the chair LMFAO - in his ear like “SWING LEFT I MEAN RIGHT I MEAN LEFT” - mutes tommy half the time - leaves you little messages in web on the walls of the house - “love you!” but its in spider web - actively holds a conversation with the people hes fighting - “so hows your day?” *PUNCH* “hows ur kid doing?” *OBLITERATES* - uses physics and shit to his advantage cause hes not that built - another one whos hot as spiderman - never EVER brings you out as spiderman - EVER - will bring tommy tho - cause tommy annoys him into doing - “BIG UPS WILBUR!!” “SHH TOMMY” - is spidermans biggest fan even though hes spiderman - “they will never suspect spidermans biggest fan as spiderman!” - smart ngl 
guys all i can think about is spiderman its a dilemma an issue a problem  sorry for the short headcanons i had to get my thoughts out of the way!
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dreamerlynx · 2 years
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anyone ever heard of blackrock chronicles
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thatonecoryosimp · 2 years
Trapped In a New World-Part 1. Fresh Spawn
So, this is the start of my new series. It's a Dream X reader series. There is gonna be smut in later chapters (You have been warned). I'm going to try and update this every Sunday and Wednesday. If you have any suggestions for plot/character development, you are welcome to send something in. :)
Series Masterlist
Word Count: 1,129
Everything was black. My body felt heavy, like it had been filled with lead. I felt like I was floating, but sinking at the same time. Then I hit the ground with a thud. Two words registered in my mind . I’m not sure why that’s what I thought, but I’m no longer sure of a lot of things. 
My name. I knew my name. That’s a good start. I’m twenty years old. Okay. I’ve got the basics.  
I pushed a little further but I drew a blank. That was it. That was all I knew about myself. I finally decided to open my eyes once a cool breeze rushed over my face. I sat up and my eyes were immediately blinded by the bright sunlight. I squinted and shielded my gaze with my hand. 
Soon a bright blue ocean came into view and I realized I was sitting on a sandy shore. The sun was rising and casting a beautiful metallic yellow onto the beach. I stood with a start as I tried to catch my bearings. I looked around to find any sense of familiarity but couldn’t find any.  
There was a beautiful open Plain behind me, there were a few sparse trees dotted along the area and a wide variety of flowers spanning the open area. There was a long forest line off to the side that was so dense I couldn’t even see past the first row of trees. There was a hill that was blocking my view from the rest of the area so I decided to start the long trek. 
There were bees flying by me but for some reason they seemed off. They felt like they were too big but I couldn’t seem to figure out why. The walk to the hill was very relaxing. I couldn’t help but feel at peace as I trailed through the beautiful scenery. The air was fresh and very different. Like it was supposed to be different. Stuffier.  
The thought came to me that I might be having thinking subconsciously about the things that I can no longer physically remember.  
Everything was so lush and vibrant and it seemed to give me a burst of energy as I started sprinting for the hill that I was so dead set on getting to.  
I was so close, so close to it. I was running up it and suddenly I was falling down. 
The cold water was the first thing I registered at it licked at my skin. I gasped and immediately regretted it as the blue liquid filled my lungs. I started shooting for the surface. My arms carrying me with an intensity I didn’t know I had. My head breached the surface and I hastily started coughing up water and tried to breathe properly again. 
“Hey! Are you alright?” 
An unfamiliar voice called out to me, but that didn’t stop my sass as I had another coughing round as I tried to make it to the water bank. 
“Does it look like I’m alright?” 
“Yeah, I’m sorry. That was a dumb question.” 
I felt arms wrap around my arms as I got closer to land. I felt someone pull on me and bring me out of the water. I looked up, about to tell this guy off, before I stopped short. 
He was so tall. He was knee deep in the river and his pants were clearly soaked. I stared at him but all I could see was dirty blonde hair and a mask? The man was wearing a green hoodie and a very prominent white mask with a smile on it. 
He placed me on the bank with ease as he sloshed his way out of the water, managing to kick water into my face. 
“Sorry, it’s hard to get out of the mud without sending water everywhere.” 
He joined me on the sand and paused for a second, taking in my wet clothes and soaked hair. 
My mind was reeling. I wasn’t the only one here? And why the hell didn’t I think about the possibility of falling when I ran up that hill? 
“So,” his voice broke the extended silence, “I’m guessing you just got here?” 
“Yeah,” I responded in a tentative voice as I looked around, “I have a question.” 
“Hit me.” 
“Where exactly is here?” 
“Not exactly sure. My friends and I woke up here about a week ago. We don’t really remember that much before getting here.” 
“Well at least I’m not the only one.” 
“No, you’re not. I’m Dream, and my friends Sapnap and George are back at camp collecting resources.” 
“Is George the only one with a normal name?” 
“I don’t know, depends on what your name is.” 
I introduced myself and he smiled. 
“Well then no, George isn’t the only one with a ‘normal’ name.” 
“So, what were you doing out here if your friends are back at camp?” I questioned. 
“Well, I was coming down here to get some water when I saw a pretty girl drowning.” 
My face heated but I still managed to roll my eyes in mock annoyance. 
“Hey, since you just got here, would you like to come back to camp with me? It’s not really safe out here at night and we can show you the ropes of surviving in this place. 
I considered my options for a moment. I could either stay out here and learn to fend for myself and possibly die. Or go with the man that saved my life and possibly live a little longer. He’s really given me no reason to not trust him so I decided to accept his offer. 
“Alright, Dream. Take me away.” 
“My pleasure.” 
He started walking away in the direction I’m guessing he came from. I started following him and looking around at the area. The tree line was still wet to cease and it was all lush green grass for miles on end. 
“You’re not gonna kill me, are you?” 
“If I wanted to kill you, why would I have pulled you from the river?” 
“Fair point.” 
The rest of the walk was silent except for when I could hear just the slightest hum from Dream. It was a melody of some sort but I couldn’t make it out since it was so quiet and even the slightest noise covered it. 
We had made it to a door in a small, stoney cave. Dream reached out for the handle and tilted his mask towards me. I could only assume he was smiling when he said my name and then “Welcome to my home sweet home.” 
Two men were sitting on a make shift couch when we walked in. 
“George, Sapnap, looks like we’re not alone after all.” 
Honestly, I feel like this was my top-tier writing. Like, I was in my element for this. Let me know what you guys think. I'm always open to criticism and ideas!
Stay safe, and drink water.
I love you <3
Next Part >
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I need Dream's "fuck the haters watch me live my best life with my besties" vlog like no later than Sunday or I will be forced to consume new content for some spec of entertainment
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drmrckstr · 2 years
[reposted from my twitter]
you just need a better life than this
you need something i can never give
fake water all across the road
it's gone now, the night has come,
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lyrics from “heat waves” by glass animals
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krisgoatpher · 2 years
im so hype idec what he looks like its just exciting to put a face to someone who's brought us so much comfort for so long likeee
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director-neel · 2 years
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